All-School Picnic To Be Held Today

Marion Lake will be the scene of this years’ all-school picnic today, Friday afternoon and evening.

Vol. XXXVII McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Sept. 12, 1952

Plans For Girls’ Dorm Complete

Plans for the new girls dormitory are completed. The set of plans are twenty sheets in length and sets have been placed in the hands of forty contractors.

On Sept. 24. the contractors will deliver, their sealed bids to the executive committee of the Trustees. Several different contractors will be in charge of the different aspects of the building project.

Dr. D. W. Bittinger informs the student body that the new dormitory. which will accomodate 108 girls, will be completed in time for the fall term next year.

In the new dorm, there will be a special room for the nurse and an infirmary that will take care of several patients.

There will be a large lounge in which to entertain guests, and there will also be a private and smaller lounge for the girls, which will have cooking privileges.

The ironing and washing facilities will be more complete and will be provided in the new dorm. There will be a modern and convenient provision for the housemother.

These are only a few of the many provisions that the new dormitory will have. As work starts progressing. more news will be given concerning the new addition to the college.

Home Ec Girls Have New Kitchens

The Home Economics Department blossomed out in four new kitchen units during the revamping of Harnly Hall this past summer. These include one St. Charles unit, ordered from Kitchen and Furniture Lane of Wichita, and three Youngstown units, ordered from Green’s Furniture of McPherson.

A new gas stove and new electric light fixtures were also installed.

The clothing lab was brightened by a coat of canary yellow paint and a new floor of grey-brown •’linotile" was laid in the foods lab.

This is the drawing for the new girls’ dormitory. As it is now proposed the entire front is to be made of thermopane glass and of glass brick. The dormitory was made possible by a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Royer P. Dotzour of Johnson, Kans.

Improvements Are Made On Campus

Among the new things on campus is the parking lot behind Arnold Hall. Many can remember the muddy days when cars were parked at any spot without thought to order.

Arnold Hall has sprouted a new linoleum floor in the front hall and Fahnestock's parlor has the addition of a new radio.

Miss Fee's office was painted along with a few class rooms, the hall, and offices in the gym. Harnly has been completely repainted.

Harnly Hall, the library and the gym have undergone restoration and water proofing on the outside. This was done by the Western Water Proofing Company.

The circle drive was also resurfaced during vacation.

The McPherson College vocal ensemble groups were announced Sept. 10 by Prof. Donald R. Frederick. head of the music department. The groups are as follows: Male Quartette — John Nettleton, first tenor; Robert Price, second tenor; Don Thralls, first bass: Garth Ellwood, second bass.

The Ladies Quartette includes: Florene Hale, first soprano; Peggy Sargent, second soprano: La Von Widegren. first alto; Elsie Kindley. second alto.

The members of the Ladies Trio are: LaFaughn Hubbard, first soprano: Margaret Bailc, second soprano: Elsa Kurtz, alto; Shirley Coppock. accompanist.

Kerley, Tipton Work In Sharp Hall Offices

Macollege has two new personnel in the Business and Central offices.

, Miss Peggy Kerley from Wichita, Kansas, is working in both the Central Office and the president's office. She is a graduate of Indiana University.

After spending last winter in Hawaii, Miss Kerley decided to prepare for her masters degree in Christian Education at Union Theological Seminar, Columbia University, New .York City. In preparation for her Masters Degree she is taking Old Testament and German here in Macollege.

Mrs. Ernest Tipton, a resident of McPherson, is assisting in the Business Office. Mrs. Tipton completed her fourth year at McPherson College last year having previously attended several years ago.

Wilson Teaches Biology At Central College

Bob Wilson. Macollege senior, will teach biology at Central College this semester, as an assistant to Dr. R. E. Mohler.

Bob will also be teaching here at Macollege as assistant instructor in Invertebrate Zoology. Bob was biology assistant last year under Dr. Mohler.

Last year Bob was president of the junior class. He is a pre-mod student and intends to go to Kansas Unviersity at the completion of his studies here.

DeCoursey, Kendall Join Faculty

Two men join the faculty this fall, one as a chemistry professor and the other as assistant superintendent of grounds.

Seventeen New .Members Enter A Cappellu Choir

The A Cappelia Choir began its first rehearsal yesterday evening. Sept. 11 under .the direction of Donald Frederick, Head of the Music Department.

The choir personnel is as follows: first sporanos—Barbara Berry. Donna Wagoner. Florene Hale, LaFaughn Hubbard. Lorene Marshall. Kathy McLeod; second sopranos—Anita Rogers. Angie Flor-ie. Margaret Baile, LaVerne Burger. Dolores Sigle.

First alto—Peggy Sargent, Clara Bechtel. LaVon Widegren. Elsa Kurtz; second altos—Elsie Kindley. Marilee Grove, Mildred Beck. Vel-va Wagner.

First tenor—Keith Allison. Gordon Fishburn, Herb Edmonds. John Nettleton. Lawrence Brooks; second tenors—Donald Wagoner, Robert Price. Al Zunkel, Norman Long:    first basses—Curt Leicht,

Myron Krehbiel; Don Thralls. Karl Baldner; second basses — Berwyn Oltman. Don Fike. Don West, Garth Elwood, Bill Mollha-gen.

Wesley DeCoursey •

McPherson College welcomes Wesley DeCoursey. the new chemistry prof who transferred here from the Iowa State College to assume his duties in the chemistry department along with Dean J. M. Berkebile. He comes as a teacher with some experience, for he has been teaching at Iowa State College for several years. He is a graduate of McPherson College, having received his B. A. degree in 1940. He is a member of the Church of the Brethren, holding his membership at Des Moines. Iowa.

Mr. DeCoursey was born October 8. 1919 to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. DeCoursey of Nampa. Idaho. He took his early education in Idaho, one year of college work at Manchester. Indiana, and completed his college training at McPherson in 1940.

He worked as a chemist at Rock Island, Illinois, and at Provo, Utah. He did project work at the University of Maryland, and at College Park. Maryland. Since 1946 he has been teaching and working towards his Ph. D. degree at Iowa State College.

Mr. and Mrs. DeCoursey have two children. Rita Gwen, age 3 years, and Thomas Eric, age 1 year. Both Mr. and Mrs. DeCoursey are interested in art and music and are enthusiastic church workers.

Transportation is to be provided by the Social Committee who is also in charge of publicity. The Rec. Council is in charge of the eats and recreation with an evening campfire program being arranged for by the S. C. A.

The cars are to leave here at 1:30 Friday. Each passenger is requested to pay their driver twenty-five cents to pay for the gasoline.

Sponsors hope that everyone will attend this picnic and enter into the spirit of the occasion. This should provide an excellent opportunity to learn to know the people behind the new faces here on the campus.

Cafeteria Begins Another Year Under Management Of Mrs. Ethel Slifer

A staff of four cooks and 17 students, under the direction of Mrs. Ethel Slifer. cafeteria manager, is working in the college cafeteria this year to provide food for the students.

Mrs. Lenora Shultz comes back ' to begin her fifth year as cafeteria cook. The other cooks are freshmen to the college cafeteria. They are: Mrs. Annis McCurdy. Miss Viola Fike, and Mrs. Bonnie Hamilton.

Mrs. Slifer announces the meal schedule for week days as follows:




Breakfast is currently being served at 7 o'clock until 7:15 on Sat-urday and Sunday mornings. However. these breakfasts may be discontinued since students seem to prefer sleeping late to eating. On Saturday. Sept. 6. thirty people came to the cafeteria for breakfast. On Sunday. Sept. 7, only 25 people were served.

Mrs. Slifer requests that people who are eating in the cafeteria follow the meal schedule closely. Students who arc working in the cafeteria have schedules to meet the same as do those who eat in the cafeteria.

During the first week of school dinner proved to be the most popular meal with an average of 145 people eating every noon. The longest line was on Sunday. Sept. 7, when 171 people ate their noon meal in the cafeteria. Supper comes second highest in popularity with an average 140 people being served. The average number of people eating breakfast is 86.

Enrollment Is Slightly Lower

The first enrollment figures have been announced by the central office. The freshman class again has the most members. 115 being enrolled this semester. The sophomores are next highest with 76 enrolled.

The juniors have 61 enrolled, and the seniors 54. due to the draft and matrimonial ambitions. This makes a total of 306 regularly enrolled students. There are 13 special students and 59 pre-college students. making a grand total of 378 persons enrolled, The grand total, last year at this time was 394.___

Chapel Choir Personnel is Announced By Coppock

Personnel of the Chapel Choir, directed by Miss Doris Coppock. was announced Sept. 9. The choir includes: first sopranos—Norann Royer. Robina Royer. Jo Ann Silver. Barbara Bowman. Ruth Strick-ler, Donna Ford.

Second soprano—Shirley Hamilton. Shirley Coppock. Jo Ann Royer. Jean Bullard: first alto—Ada-lu Carpenter. Esther Ikenberry, Joan McRoberts. Evelyn Williams, Dorothy Swinger.

Second Alto—Evelyn Hornbaker, Lois Kesler. Elaine Burkholder, Faye Ellen Trostle, Yolanda Cere-


First tenor — Wesley Ikenberry. Galen Slifer. Cletus Carey: second tenor—Dale DeLauter. Richard Trowbridge. Jonas Unruh.

First bass—Leon Albert. Dwight Blough. Loren Frantz. Dale Royer. Eugene Neff; second bass—Wilbur Bastin. Leland Lengel, Leon Ne-her, Paul Stem.

Students Work In Mental Hospital

Six Macollege students and grads spent the summer working as attendants at the Elgin State Mental Hospital in Elgin. Illinois. They were Maud Ditmars. Jo Ann Royer. Don Fike, Isaac Grillo, Vernon Merkcy ('51), and Lorene Clark (’52).

Each summer there is a unit under the Brethren Service Commission which comes to work at the hospital. There were forty college students in the unit this summer representing ten different colleges.

Some of the unit activities for the summer included speakers from the hospital, informal discussions, concerts in Chicago, tours of the Brethren Publishing House and the Elgin Watch Factory, and picnics at Camp Emmaus and at Lake Geneva.

The work at the hospital consisted of serving as attendants on the various wards, changing beds on the infirmaries, giving baths, and in general trying to help make the patients happier.

College Calendar

Sept. 12—All-school picnic.

Sept. 17—League of Women Voters in SUR. 8 p. m.

Sept. 19—Football-Bethel there.

Sept. 26—Football-Concordia Teachers of Seward. Nebr. there.

Vocal Ensembles Are Announced

Students Invited To Submit Poetry

All college students arc invited to submit original verse to be considered for possible publication in the Annual Anthology of College Poetry.

Rules are as follows: Mss. must be typed or written in ink on one side of a sheet. Student’s name, home address, name of College and College address must appear on each mss.

If interested, send your mss. to National Poetry Association. 3210 Selby Ave, Los Angeles 34. Calif.

Yoder Tops Last Semester Honors

Mary Ellen Yoder tops last year’s semester honor roll with 53 grade points. Mary Ellen is now attending Kansas State College at Manhattan.

Howard Mehlinger with 52 and Robert Bechtel with 51 arc second and third respectively.

Others on the honor roll and the number of grade points are:

June Crowley. 48: Margaret Klassen. 48; Rowan Keim Daggett 48; Donald Fike 47; Isaac Grillo 47; Robert Wilson 47; Maxine Hanley 46; Doris Metzler 46.

Elsa Kurtz 45%; Ruth Strickler 45; Lloyd Hummer 45: Joe Kennedy 45; Elsie Kindley 45; Lorene Clark 45; Robert Price 44; Gene Bechtel 44: Wayne Blickenstaff 44:

Kenneth Brown 44; Lyle Neher 44; Robert Fryman 44; Esther Mohler 44; Phillip Spohn 43: Gordon Fishburn 43: Naomi Lucorc 43: Leland Wilson 43: Glenn Bellah 42; Elmer Fike 42; Mary Louise Hutcherson 42.

Maurice Richards 42: Betty Ann Porter 42; Loren Blickenstaff 41; Ghalib Shalab 41; Curtis Leicht 40; Phyllis Bowman Beam 40, Roland Delay 40; Ina Ditmars 40 Dale Carpenter 40; Duane Jamison 40.

Honorable mention was given to the following: Glendon Button 39; Dale Brkenholtz 39; Joan Glee-son 39: Florene Hale 39; Pauline Hess 39; Joan McRoberts 39: Or-va Blickenstaff 39; Richard Fried-ley 39; Max McAuley 39.

Pat Royer 39; Mary Caster 38; Jack Harter 38: Robert Powell 38; Keith Rickner 38; La Von Widegren 38; Betty Byers 37; Alice Flo-rj 37; Clara Domann Bechtel 37; Elton Lobban 37; Robert Peel 37.

Delma Cline 37; Phil Kline 37; James Shaeffer 37; Paul Spohn 36; Betty Jean Baerg 36; Ann Carpenter 36; Eugene Elrod 36; Ronald Klemmedson 36; David Metzler 36; Paul Coffman 35; Manly Draper 35.

Lee Hogle: Eleanor Scott; Eugene Hicks; John Vance, Geraldine MeConkey and Myrtle Searcy received 35 grade points.

Zellers Are Located In New Parsonage

The Rev. and Mrs. Harry K. Zeller arc now located in the new parsonage at 1322 East Euclid.

The present parsonage is the for-mer Hardly home and was donated to the Church of the Brethren by the Harnly family after the death of their mother. Mrs. H. J. Harnly.

The Zellers held open house and dedication of the parsonage on July 15.

Class Schedules Remain The Same

The vote on change of class schedules was 162 against the change, and 102 for the change. Since many suggestions were written on the ballots, the entire matter has been placed in the hands of the Curriculum Committee for further study and later report.

To the Curriculum Committee will be added appropriate student representation chosen for this work by the Student Council.

Students who have further recommendations or suggested schedules are asked to turn them in at the Central Office.

New Names Are Chosen For Student Housing

College Courts is the name that has been selected for what was formerly called the Vets Apartments. which is located northeast of the college campus.

Hoerner Hall is the new name for the College Annex, and it is located west of the College Church.

These names were selected from a group of those suggested to the administrative committee.

Harnly Hall Is Given A New Look

Drastic changes took place over our campus during vacation. Many eyes opened wide on returning to take a second look at the lime and orange sherbet colors of newly painted Harnly Hall. Many expected to sec a new girls dorm partially constructed but this did not get under way because the allotment of steel for the structure was not granted until just recently.

The color scheme for Harnly Hall was arranged by Devoe and Reynold's Paint Co. of Wichita and the paint was bought wholesale. Gordon Yoder estimated that a total of 190 gallons of paint have been used.

The painting was done by Pete Blankley and C. E. Bersuch of McPherson. The painting has taken around two months and is still not completed. The chemistry labs are yet to be painted with a fume resistant paint.

During the painting process, radiators had to be removed from the wall and light fixtures taken down. The walls had to be plastered, filling any cracks, before the job of painting could proceed.

Carlson Plumbing Co., C. E. Lindholm and the McPherson Electrical Co. aided in this process.

Sound proof "Nu-wood" tile was put on the ceiling of every room in Harnly except the chemistry labs which had a new coat of paint on the ceilings.

This carpentry job was done by Henry Peel of McPherson and the men working for him.

New grey-brown rugs have been put in the offices of the Music Department on the fourth floor of Harnly.

No. 1

Lee Kendall, the caretaker-preacher from Fernald, Iowa, is here on Macampus to help with the upkeep of the buildings and grounds.

Rev. Kendall has served in pastorates in various places. He served the Colorado Springs Church from 1942 to 1945, and served in the Rockingham and Wakenda churches in Missouri from 1945 to 1948.

Following his work at Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago he went to Fernald, Iowa, where he has served in the church and as the caretaker of the public schools until the present time.

Reverend Kendall took his education at Friends University, Salt City Business College, and McPherson College. He took his seminary work in Chicago.

He is married and has three children; Michael is a senior, Kathryn a junior, and Lucy a sophomore in the McPherson High School.

In addition to his work at the college he will serve the Newton Church as pastor over the weekend.

Salaam - Ala -1-Kum

This was the greeting we spoke when we met our friends through out nearly a ten-year period of our lives. It is almost a universal greeting in the East, including vast parts of Africa. Roughly translated it means, “Peace be unto you,” or “Peace be unto your house.” It is a fitting greeting with much more real meat on it than our usual “Welcome.”

I use that greeting for each of you as you come to McPherson College in the fall of 1952.

To each freshman I would say, “May this be the greatest year of your life so far. May your new adventures be thrilling ; may your knowledge grow; may your friends increase; may your mind broaden and deepen; may your spiritual life blossom.

"Salaam Ala-i-kum — Peace be unto you."

To, each upper classman I would wish a similar blessing. These are times when it is not easy to achieve inner peace. Stresses and strains are everywhere. This political year will not help toward peace.

But we are here as a family. Within the family there would be a continous striving toward the things which make for fellowship, accord, happiness and inner peace.

Welcome back! We are glad you are here. God bless you all and peace be unto each one.    DWB

We Ask Your Cooperation

It is the purpose of the contest to focus the broadest possible at-

Anne Krehbiel received a letter recently addressed to "Mr. Arnold Hall."




Darrel McCurdy

Robert Bacon

Betty Holderread

JoAnn Royer

Adalu Carpenter

Garth Ellwood



Staff Photographer

Sports Editor

Faculty Advisor

Faculty Advisor

Frederick Writes New Choral Arrangement

"Roll, Jordan, Roll," a negro spiritual arranged by Prof. Donald R. Frederick. Head of the McPherson College music department, is now off the press and ready for sale. The music arranged for four-part mixed voices, was published by the • Raymond A. Hoffman Co. in Chicago.

Do These Define Your Vacation?

Following are some "daffynit-ions” of vacation sent out by the Frederick Post Company of Chicago. Does one or more of them apply to your vacation?

A system whereby the tired become more tired.

A long awaited rest, except for the wallet.

Something you need by the time you finish paying for one.

The period when those rainy days .for which you save,...usually •arrive.

What you take when you can’t take what you’ve been taking all year.

A short period of recreation sandwiched between long periods of anticipation and recuperation.

A rest that is too short, and after which you are too tired to return to work and too broke not to.

a box car would have to be filled with them.

The floor lady explained the process to the girls and then each one was assigned to her position. The rest of the bunch went back further into the plant. In another colder room, the peas came down into the funnels already frozen individually, then were filled in the boxes and were put directly on the casing line after being wrapped.

The first night was the worst, and the longest. At midnight the whole cannery quit and went to lunch for an hour. They also had 10 minute breaks around 10 p. m. and 4 a. m. Usually the people would go upstairs and have a snack in the cafeteria, then back to work.

The Mac College girls would sit around ip a circle at dinner time and after eating they would raise their voices in harmony and give out to Old Mac College songs. Generally, the nights were cold. They would have to wear PJ’s, jeans, shirts, a sweater or three, and a mackinaw to keep warm.

They didn’t have much trouble sleeping in the daytime, except for noisy kids playing cowboys and Indians—but they were beside the point. The kids met a lot of new acquaintances. They got to know the mechanics pretty well, because the machines were always breaking down. They worked with all types of foreigners — Indians. French men, Hawaiians, Fillipin-

i, a Swiss boy; and Texans.

Those six weeks were a lot of fun for the whole bunch. They even got together one time and had a party at four in the morning when they were let off early. One of the bunches got to go through the Pendleton Woolen Mills and see the processes wool goes through before it’s spun and woven.

Over at the cellar gang's apartment one of the kids sat down too hard on a chair and went through the floor part way. And a mattress along with the springs went through the bed frame at the 509.5 residence. Burnt food from too thin pans and tarnished silver - wear with chipped and cracked plates were the utensils used by everyone on their tables. They used one spoon to stir corn, then washed it to stir gravy, then washed it to put in something else. There weren’t any more spoons. But all was fun.

Gradually the season grew to a close. They all thought they would like to get out of that cannery, but as departing time rolled around they became reluctant. Goodby’s were hard to say on the last day, but each finally went his way wishing just a little bit that the season was just starting.

Gina, Miss Lehman Write From Rome

It is the goal of the Spectator! staff to produce for you an interesting and timely newspaper. To do this we must work hard. But we cannot do it alone. We must have the cooperation of the entire student and faculty body.

When a reporter comes to you and asks you for information regarding a story, we request that you give it as completely and promptly as possible. Please remember, we have deadlines to meet and we do want the Spectator to be issued to. you promptly Friday noon.    

Also if you know of some incident which you wish to share with the rest of our readers, please contact someone on the staff so that it may appear in the paper.

The editorial staff will choose the news carefully, striving at all times to be honest and respectful of other people's feelings. Sensationalism is not our policy. We will not distort facts to be able to print a story. Nor do we wish to hang our dirty linen on the line for the neighbors to see.

Since the Spectator is a small newspaper of a small college, it will not deal with national events. This gives opportunity for many features and much creative writing.

We welcome suggestions as to how the newspaper may be improved and our highest hope is that you will enjoy reading every issue. —L. M.

Lorene Marshall

Sarah MaY Vanell

Lafaughn Hubbard

Rather Ikenberry

Lois Stinnette

Jean Slaubuagh

Lyla Witham.

Gordon Yoder

Their Vacation Consisted Of Pendleton, Peas

Editor’s note: There were also many other Macollege students working in Oregon pea canneries this summer. Perhaps their account, too, would run something like the experiences of these five girls.

By Adalu Carpenter

Five, rather sleepy-eyed Mac College co-ed’s finished putting the last suitcase in the '41 Pontiac and waved their good by’s as they rolled away to head toward their destination—Pendleton and Peas! The gals took turns driving—Ann and Lu Carpenter, Bev Turner and Ann Powell, while Marilyn Roe spent most of her time sleeping in the back seat.

As the sun settled wearily behind a mountain on June 3rd, their eyes began to look expectantly for Pendleton. Oregon. Then, suddenly. a turn and down a hill and there they were. Finally, after weaving their way around the traffic and one way streets and craning their necks for direction signs they ended up at a nice motel. They piled their dwindling funds together to pay for the room.

Everyone was a little out of sorts because their money was almost gone, they hadn’t seen anyone they knew, the car was practically ruined because of the. rutty roads they’d traveled, they didn’t know when they were to start work and they didn’t know where in the world they were going to stay for the rest of the season.

The next day was brighter. They met Loui Beitar at the plant and he directed them to Joan McRob-erts. Squeak and Christine Harada’s apartment. Were they ever relieved to see someone from Mac. They in turn showed them where Donna Sooby, Betty Jo Baker, Velva Wagner. Angie Flora, Marilee Grove and Barbara Berry were staying—more commonly known as the "Cellar Gang.” Happy was that day. And those crazy wonderful gals had already found the incoming bunch an apartment.

It was really cute. Down a few steps, then to the right, open the door Into a furnished living room, complete with a kitchen, bath and two bedrooms — all for three dollars a week per person. Those kids were, certainly. Indebted to the- Cellar Gang for doing that.

That afternoon, they all went out to the pea cannery and found out when they were to work—on the night shift starting that evening. Excitement ran high through the workers that first evening as they mingled around waiting to go on work. Bunch by bunch was taken into the cannery. All the Mac College girls got on the lower floor, so none of them were stuck on the belts to sort peas.

As they entered the door, on the left was a filler machine. Clean, washed peas flowed down into a huge funnel, and from the funnel they were dropped into waxed boxes which were opened mechanically and then closed that way when they were filled. From there they went onto a belt and approximately every 10th box was weighted by a check-way girl, then on up the belt to the wrapping machine and onto trays which were shoved down to me who put them in 9 different huge refrigerators. The peas stayed in the refrigerators about 1.5 hours and then were unloaded by men on the other side who put them on a ball-bearing line and they rolled down to a group of women who lifted the trays onto a big table. Women packers cold-cased the peas into boxes and sent them through the glue machine to be carried on into the freezing room to wait until

Employment Is Provided For Macollege Students

An employment bureau, new this year, is being set up in the Alumni office. Cards are posted on the bulletin board stating the type of jobs, employer, and other necessary information. Students wishing these jobs should sign their name on the card and turn it In at the Alumni office on the first floor of Sharp.

Eleanor Hamm, secretary, also stated that students desiring jobs should turn their name in at the alumni office.

This is a letter that the Spectator received from Miss Della Lehman while she was in Rome, Italy. Gina Munda. a graduate of Macollege invited Miss Lehman to come to Europe.

In Rome with Gina, the highlight of my European trip! Gina is as jolly as ever, but would you believe it. pounds lighter in weight.

Last night a doctor friend of hers took us in his Frat to the Protestant Cemetery, to see. the graves of Keats and Shelley. I thought of making her recite “Ode to A Skylark" or “Ode on A Grecian Urn.” but I did not want to embarrass her before the doctor.

We are talking, laughing, and writing as we eat our lunch of mivestrone. bistecca, melanzane, tomatoes, and figs.

Gina has taken me to many interesting and unusual places in Rome, usually missed by tourists.

I warn students not to invite me to visit them if they do not expect me to come. I received Gina's invitation in January and came thousands of miles to accept it.

Gina has a nice position with the American Embassy and has not had a chance to forget the English she learned in the states, because she uses it all day long. She is a very pleasant and efficient receptionist and clerk.

I have seen Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg. France and part of Italy by bicycle (with a little motor.) I could not take my bike into Switzerland, but it did not matter because the M. R. Zieglers have a car. I did not take it into Spain, either because the main roads are good. Now that it is hot in Italy, I usually take it on the train in the afternoons.

Youth-hosteling has been a great experience. I have met interesting hostelers from dozens of countries.

Essay Contest Is Open To College Seniors

College seniors are being given a chance to compete for the $5,000 in cash prizes offered by the National Council of Jewish Women for the best essays on the subject, "The Meaning of Academic Freedom." The contest opens on Sept. 15, and closes Dec. 31. Essays of 2,500 words is the maximum, and entries should be mailed to Essay Contest, National Council of Jewish Women, One West 47th St, New York. 36, N. Y.

Gina says that almost every mail from America brings her news of her friends' weddings, while she keeps her same old name, and does not see much prospect of changing it. I know better. I have had my eyes open.

My skin is red-brown, and my hair a bleached yellow, but I hope you will recognize me in September."

Yours Sincerely, Della Lehman Gina Writes

This is a letter received from Gina Munda. and was written at the same time as was the letter from Miss Lehman.

"Here comes Miss Lehman from the States on wheels! She looks, as always, happy, rested, eager to visit the city and to eat good Italian spaghetti. Isn’t this enough to tell you what a smart, intelligent and strong person she is?

It is wonderful being with her and we have so much fun together. I thought I’d be a good Italian guide for her. but I soon found out she gets along in Rome 'as well as she does in Chicago!

If anyone wants to come to Europe ask her to come with you, this way you will not miss anything, I am sure!

I am very glad I had the chance to see the Protestant Cemetery with her. I only feel sorry I could not take her picture with Shelley and Keats!

It has been nice talking together about our College friends and she surely brought me up to date on the latest news. '

Glad to hear McPherson College is coming right along and I wish to send my best wishes to Dr. Bit-tinger. to all my teachers and to all my friends.”

Gina Munda

tention upon the need to safeguard the priceless tradition of free exchange of thought and opinion in education against any threat of repression from the outside world.

The Spectator 3

FRIDAY. SEPT. 12, 1952

Forty-Eight Report For Football

Labor day was just that for Mac’s football squad, as they opened the first day of practice with two sessions. A total of 48 men reported to “Woody" for the start of the football season.

Missing from last years team, that won seven and lost two while finishing second in the conference, are nine lettermen. Lost by graduation are two All-Conference defensive players. Loren Blickenstaff and "Chuck'’ Petefish.

Also missing from the defensive team because of graduation are Ken Pritchett and Duane Jami-sqp.

Woody is searching for replacements for five players who will be gone from his offensive platoon this year.

Absent because of graduation are; Dave Metzler at end. Don Steven at tackle, and Bob Kerr and Dale Carpenter in the back-field. One other member of the offensive unit is not back this year. Marvin Ferguson, who has been called to the army.

Woody has 21 lettermen and four others from last year's squad to form the nucleus for this year’s team.

The backfield is especially strong in. the department. Back from last year’s team, that averaged better than 400 yards per game on the ground, arc:    Eddie Ball. Bob

Bean. Wayne Blickenstaff. Don Hoch, Dwight McSpadden. Howard Mehlinger. Tommy O'Dell. John Robison, and Gene Smith.

Sixteen linemen from last year's team are available for service this year. At ends there are Bob Bechtel. Eddie Frantz, Paul Hel-debrecht. Bob Peel, and Clive Sharpe.

The tackle position is still somewhat of a question. Lowell Hoch. George Keim, and Howard Todd lettered at tackle previously, and being tried at the position is Bob Powell who last year lettered at guard.

The guards who have returned are: Roland Delay. Eugene Elrod. Joe Johns, and Tommy Taylor.

At center there are: Bill Goer- . Vernon -Petefish,-- end Jack Richardson.

Twenty-three freshmen complete the roster.

They are: Gerald Barnes. Floyd Bayer. Steven Bersuch. Dwight Bough, Jim Dougherty. Harry Ens-minger, Alvin Fushburn. Roland Freed. Don Goodfellow. Gary Jones. Harold Lingle. Leland Len-gel, Lewis McKellip. Don Moil-ler, John Schrag, Bill Smith, Donald Ullum, Jonas Unruh, Bob Vance. Kenneth Wahl. John Wil-laims. Bob Wise, and Roland Wray.

McPherson opens the season September 19 against Bethel at Newton.

Rival Coaches Plan Tough Competition

Intramrauls Start With -Volleyball

Football Schedule

September 19, Bethel, at Newton.

September 26, Concordia Teachers, at Seward, Nebraska.

October 3. Baker. Here.

October 11. College of Emporia, at Emporia.

October 18. Kansas Wesleyan. Here Homecoming.

October 25, William Jewell, at Liberty. Missouri.

October 31. Ottawa, at Ottawa. •

November 7, Bethany, Here.

November 14, Friends, Here.

Hoch Is Injured

Woody’s football plans were altered somewhat on the second day of practice when Don Hoch. hard running back, broke his collar bone in practice.

Don is a junior this year. Woody had been counting on him to see considerable service at the fullback position.

The latest word from Woody is that he will be out for at least six weeks.

Ferguson To Report For Army Induction

Marvin Ferguson, second semester junior, from Grand Junction Colorado will be inducted into the Army near the first of Oct. Marvin spent a short time on the campus visiting friends before returning home on September 8.

College Church Choir Has First Rehearsal

The College Church Choir, under the direction of Prof. Donald R. Frederick, began its first rehearsal of this school year Sept 10. The choir members are: Sopranos—Alberta Ebbert. Beverly Schecter. Juanita Bellah. Lois Knackstedt. Loreen Cline. Carole Trostle, Jean Bullard, Donna Ford. Robina Royer. LaVerne Burger, Delores Sigle; Alto—Ruth Gross-nickle. Eula Mae Murrey, Betty Holderread, Virginia Holderread, Betty Young. Lois Stinnette, Phyllis Wampler. Rowena Merkey. Ar-lili Hudson. Dorothy Lucore. Mary Elizabeth Swinger. Carole Davis.

Tenors — Don Wagoner, Cletus Cary. Dale DeLauter. Galen Sli-fer, Wesley Ikenberry; basses-Clyde C. Spitzer. Dick King. Don Thralls. Don Fike. Paul Stern, Leon Neher.

Book Store Hours

These are the tentative book store hours, as announced by J. D. Pote.

Monday 8-9:45 — 11:20-12. Tuesday 9-10:15 — 11:20-12. Wednesday 9-9:45 — 11:20-12. Thursday 9-10:15 -11:20-12. Friday 8-10:15 — 11:20-12.

Bittingers Travel Widely In Summer

Dr. Bittinger has estimated that. roughly, he traveled some 14.000 miles last summer and spoke on an average of more than once a day during the entire summer.

His trips took him to the East. South, and West. He spent some time in local churches, in young people’s camps, in district meetings, and in general student contacts:

The first part of the summer call ed the Bittinger family to the East where -the Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren was conducted at Richmond. Virginia. En route to Richmond, they visited churches in Pennsylvania. West Virginia, and Virginia. Following the Annual Conference at Richmond. they proceeded to Norfolk. Virginia, ferried across the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. and traveled up through the Eastern side of Virginia. Maryland, and then on to Delaware and New Jersey toward New York.

The Bittingers continued their journey northward until they were doing some sight-seeing and swimming off the rock-bound coasts of Maine.

Three things engaged their particular interest as they toured New England and the Western part of the United States. They were interested in historical items and, accordingly, spent much time in Washington and in other historic cities.

Secondly, they were very much interested in the literary aspects of the East and visited the home of Longfellow. Hawthorne. Emerson. the Alcotts. Thoreau. and many others. There visits in Concord and Lexington and Boston were particularly rich in this respect.

Thirdly, they were interested in mountains and scenic places and, accordingly, visited the great stone face, the White Mountains, the Green Mountains, and the sea coastal areas. They had the pleasure of swimming in the Atlantic Ocean in almost every state that touched the Eastern seaboard from Virginia northward to Maine.

Following their tour in New England they journeyed on northward through Canada to Quebec and then spent three days coming down the St. Lawrence River. They spent some time among the Thousand Islands and enjoyed the mar--velous scenery of that area. The return was through New York and Canada and included some time at Niagara Falls.

Following this Eastern trip they went Southward to the Gulf of Mexico, visited the churches in Louisiana and Texas, then joun-

The intramural season opens Monday night with a full schedule of volleyball games. Coach Dick Wareham, director of intramural athletics, called 28 teams to a meeting last Monday night to agree on rules.

The plan calls for six games on each night of league play.

The times for the games are. 7:30. 8:15, and 9:00, with two games being played at the same time. Games will be played on Monday. Wednesday, and Thursday night.     

As in previous years the teams have co-captains, one boy and one girl. A team shall consist of four boys and four girls.

The present plans call for the teams to be divided into two leagues. The makeup of each league will be decided purely by chance by Dick Wareham.

Wareham said that if time permitted at the end of the season there would be a playoff between the top team in each league.

More people will be participating in the intramural program at McPherson College than ever before. Prospects call for about 225 participants compared to the previous high of 210. which was the number that participated last year.

Anybody that is not on a team at the present time and desires to be on one should contact Dick Wareham. He will do his best to see that all interested people are playing.

Over at C. of E. Coach Wayne McConnell is working hard to shape up a team that will be a serious contender to repeat as conference champions.

Missing from last year’s undefeated team are Willie Chai, little all-America guard; John Majhr-zak. all-conference end; and Kenny Long, a stalwart in the backfield.

Heading the list of eleven letter-men that returned to C. of E: this year is Lem Harkey, the back from Lawton. Oklahoma, who gave Mac so much trouble last year.

Not too much is known of Ottawar's prospects at this time; however, Ottawa is a perennial Kansas Conference powerhouse and it is likely that Coach Dick Peters will again come up with a strong team. His offensive unit will be fairly well intact from last year.

His greatest difficulty will be in filling vacancies left by graduation from his defensive unit.

The other third of the eastern section. Baker, promises to have one of the more experienced teams in the conference this year with twenty lettermen returning to the fold. This year's version of the Wildcats will be lighter than last year.

This handicap could be offset by the hope of Coach Karl Spear that he will have a speedier squad.

Up at Salina the talk is of a new coach and a new formation. Former Coach Wally Fosberg retired from coaching at the end of the season last year and is being replaced by Gene Bissel.

Bissel's present plans are to inaugurate a split T formation patterned after the attack made famous by Don Faurot of Missouri.

He has sixteen lettermen in his 32 man'squad. Also among the 32 are two men who have just completed service for Uncle Sam.

One is a Navy veteran who played for Wichita East while in high school. The other is an Army veteran who had his college career interrupted by Uncle Sam.

Coach Ray Hahn is starting his twelfth season at Bethany College this fall. Only fourteen lettermen will be returning from last year’s team.

Gone because of graduation are Carlson and Lander, both of whom made All Conference last year. Coach Hahn is counting heavily on this years crop of freshmen.

Several of the freshmen prospects this year are from last years undefeated football team at Marquette.

Bethel College also begins the season with a new coach. Dan Unruh this year adds football to his coaching schedule at Bethel.

He has fourteen letter winners among his 32 squad members who have so far reported for football.

Several of the squad members are freshmen from Newton’s surrounding territory.

Bethel opens their season with a home game against McPherson College.

eyed westward to the high peaks of the Colorados. They had the pleasure of climbing several new mountain peaks this summer.

. When the season was over and they returned to their home tor school to get under way, they felt that they were ready now for a rest, for the summer was a busy one.

Achilles Directs Speech Institute

Robert F. Achilles, former McPherson College student, will report soon to Baltimore, Md. to conduct the speech and hearing clinical work with celebral palsied children at the Children's Rehabilitation Institute.

He is a graduate of the Univer- sity of Wichita with a degree in logopedics.

The Institute of Logopedics in Wichita has maintained a cooperative arrangement with the clinic in Baltimore for many years.

Achilles first became interested in logopedics when he heard a report on the subject in an education class at McPherson College. The report was given by a classmate interested in special education, who had asked for and received special information from the Institute.

A native of Inman. Kan. Achillas was graduated from McPherson College following naval service during World War II.

Later he majored in logopedics at the University of Wichita.

Achilles has done fine work at the Institute of Logopedics." said Dr. Martin F. Palmer. Institute director.

He has been a full-time speech and hearing instructor at the Institute. and he is a former scoutmaster for the Institute's Boy Scout troop.    .

' There is a strong human element in the work of bringing speech to the speech-handicapped," Achilles said in referring to his new appointment

"Considering that one in every 20 Americans is speech-handicapped. the field provides opportunity in every area of the United States." Achilles is married and has one son. aged nine months.

Campus Activities Begin Full Year

Campus activities are again getting into full swing here at Macol-legc.

Leading the Student Body this year is Bob Bechtel, a Macollege senior and resident of McPherson. He is also one of the Merry Macs, following in the footsteps of his predecessor. Dave Metzler.

Wayne Blickenstaff. a Macollege junior who has been active in student affairs, is Treasurer of Student Council and manages the funds and expenses of the Student Body. He is assisted by Marilee Grove, Previous Treasurer.

There are two students, a boy and a girl, to represent each class and extra cirricular activities. Faculty representatives are the Dean of the College-Dean of Women, Dean of Men and Dean of Students.

The Student Court is a law enforcement body consisting of upperclassmen and working in cooperation with the Student Council.

Don Fike and La Von Wldegren are Co - chairmen of SCA, the religious fellowship on Macampus. The traditional Sadie Hawkin’s Day is sponsored by this organization.

The athletic organizations of Macollege. the M-Club. which sponsors the annual watermelon feed and talent show, the Pep Club, which supports the Pajama Parade and keeps up the spirit of sports activities, and the WAA. which sells concessions during games, aid in the activity program of Macollege.

Positions Are Open On Publications

History Class Visits Mexico During Summer

The Mexican History Class took a three week field trip to Mexico this August. The students went in two cars, driven by Professor and Mrs. Raymond L. Flory and Professor and Mrs. S. M. Dell. The seven Mexican History students who went were: Gordon Fishburn, John Stucky. Margaret Daggett. LaFaughn Hubbard, Lois Yoder, Gerald Neher, and Flossie Karb-er.    #

The class visited many spots of interest. Some of the sights they saw were a bull fight and the Floating Gardens of Kochimilco. They attended a Spanish Concert and stayed at an old Convent call-edr "Pasada San Angelo, San Angel".

Mrs. S. M. Dell said the contrast between the United States and Mexico is very distinct. The country is very scenic and mountainous. In contrast to the modern cities. the class visited some of the primitive villages and markets.

The observation was made by Mrs. Dell, that the people are not in such a hurry as some of our Americans. She said it sometimes took as long as two hours to be served in a restaurant.

According to Mrs. Dell everyone thoroughly enjoyed the trip.

The positions of Campus Editor and Assistant Business Manager on the Spectator and Associate Editor of the Quadrangle are open and applications are being accepted by the Board of Publications. The Campus Editor supervises the gathering of the news and makes assignments. After a year the editor becomes Editor-in-chief and draws a small salary.

The Assistant Business Manager helps the Business Manager solicit ads for the Spec, keeps books and supervises circulation. After a year the Assistant Business Manager becomes the Business Manager, who also draws a salary.

The Associate Editor of the Quadrangle assists the Editor in planning and preparing the material for publication. He also works up to the position of Editor and is paid the second year.

The Board of Publications recommends certain applicants to the Student Council who in turn gives the final word.

Mexican Field Trip Class Secs Slides Sunday Night

Prof, and Mrs. S. M. Dell will be host and hostesses to the group who went to Mexico this summer Sunday evening. Sept. 14.

The group will meet at the Dell home immediately after church services so that they may look at the slides which were taken during their trip.

Those who went to Mexico are: Prof, and Mrs. S. M. Dell, John Stucky. Jerry Neher. Lois Yoder, Flossie Karber, La Faughn Hubbard. Margaret Daggett. Gordon Fishburn, and director, Prof. Raymond Flory-

Bittingers Entertain At Brief Retreat

All officers and advisers of college organizations met for a brief retreat at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger Wednesday evening, September 10.

Students Take MR, MRS Degrees

Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Crist

Miss Carole Jeannine Huffman (ex '54), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Huffman of St. Joseph, Mo. and D. A. Crist (‘52), son of the Rev. and Mrs. D. Floyd Crist of Quint-er, Kans. exchanged vows the evening of August 17 at the Church of the Brethren in St. Joseph.

Mr. and Mrs. Crist are now farming near Quinter.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heisey

Elinor Jean Stine (‘52), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stine of Adel, Iowa, and Harold Victor Heisey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan P. Heisey of Myerstown, Pa., were united in Marriage on Saturday, June 14 in the Panther Creek Church of the Brethren near Adel.

The Heiseys are now living in Des Moines, Iowa, where Hal is employed by a bank and Elinor is teaching at the Park Avenue elementary school.

Mr. and Mrs. Royce Beam

Three Bowmans Marry

Mr. and Mrs. D. Louis Bowman of Quinter, Kans. almost doubled their family this summer when three of their four children entered matrimony.    .

Pictured above with her husband is their youngest daughter, Phyllis, who became Mrs. Royce Beam on August 8. Royce was graduated from McPherson College in 1951 and is now farming near McPherson. Phyllis is presently enrolled as a senior at Macollege.

Another daughter of the- Bowmans, Marilue, ('51), became the bride of Stanley Watkins, Las Cruces, N, Mex. on Friday, June 6.

Both Phyllis and Mariluc were married in the Quinter Church of the Brethren. Stanley is a former student of McPherson College and was graduated from New Mexico A. & M. College in 1931.

Mr. and Mrs, Watkins are now located in Rockville. Ind. where Stanley is employed by DuPont and Marllue is teaching second grade.

Marilue’s brother’s wedding followed one week and one day after her own. Winston Bowman (’50) married Janice High of Kansas City. Mo., on Saturday, June 14, in-Kansas City at the Second Presbyterian Church. -    

Janice is a graduate of Park College in -Kansas City and is now teaching in junior high . school. Winston is attending Dental College at the University of Kansas City.

The D. Louis Bowmans have one other son, Larry, who is seven years old.    

Lucore, Flora Exchange Vows

Bethel Church of the Brethren north of Arriba. Colo was the scene of the wedding of Miss Martha Lucore (ex ’54) of Arriba and Sylvus Flora, (51) Quinter. Kans. when they exchanged vows Sunday. June 1.

The couple resided this summer at Washington. Kans.. where Sylvus held a summer pastorate position. They arc presently living in Chicago while Sylvus continues his work at the Bethany Biblical Seminary.

Daughter Is Born To Gilford Ikenberrys

Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Ikenberry (’52) of McLouth. Kansas are the parents of a daughter, Susan Jean-inc.. born August 13.

Nelda and Gilford were both members of the A Cappella, Choir last year.''

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bechtel

Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Coffman

Kathlyn Larson; daughter of Carl Larson, Cabool, Mo., and Eldon Coffman, South English, Iowa, were united in marriage at the Cabool Church of the Brethren on August 10.

. Both Kathlyn and Eldon are seniors at Macollege.

Miss Clara Domann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Domann of Hope, Kans., became the bride of Robert Bechtel. son of Dr. and Mrs Kenneth C. Bechtel of McPherson on Sunday, August 10 at the St. Paul Lutheran Church at Ramona, Kans.

Both Bob and Clara are enrolled as seniors at Macollege

Ikenberrys Are Parents Of Son

Prof, and Mrs. S. M. Dell are the grandparents of a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ikenberry, Manhattan. Kans.

The baby has been named Robert Lee. He was born Saturday, June 28.

He is the first grandchild of Professor and Mrs. Dell.

Mrs. Ikenberry is the former Leona Dell, daughter of Professor and Mrs. Dell.

Mr. Ikenberry is working on his doctors degree in chemistry at Kansas State College.

Florv-Batson Say Vows On July 5

Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Flory of Lawrence, announce the marriage of their daughter. Lucille, of McPherson to James B. Batson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Batson of McPherson.

The wedding was Saturday. July 5. at 7 p. m. at the home of Rev. J. M. Berkebile.

Mrs. Batson attended Bethany and McPherson Colleges. Mr. Batson attended McPherson College and is now employed by Concrete Products Company.

Swingers Become Parents

A daughter was born to former Macollege students. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swinger of Essex. Missouri, on June 20. 1952. She was named Rebecca Lynn.