
Oct. 13, Football—C. of E. there.

Oct. 14, Senior all-school party.

Oct. 17. election of homecoming queen and attendants.

Oct. 20, football— KWU, here.

Oct. 21. Fahnestock Open House.

Oct. 24-26, "The Fool".

Oct. 28, Sadie Hawkins party.    .

XOL. XXXV McPherson College, McP herson, Kansas, October 13, 1950 No. 5

150 View Kline Sunday

An estimated 150 people visited Kline Hall during open house Sunday afternoon from 2:30-5.

Rooms, particularly on third floor were decorated especially for the public, usually emphasizing a theme centering about the girls’ home stales.

Refreshments were served in a progressive fashion; punch on the third floor; relish plate on second: and coffee and cake on first floor. Many individual rooms' served mints, nuts, and other candies to the visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rogers are the head residents of Kline and supervised the open house program.

There's a long, long trail a winding .... through the McCourt Hotel during the pajama parade last Thursday night.


Candidates for homecoming queen are: Miriam Keim, Doris Hosier, Hazel Sanger, Delma Cline.

Candidates for sophomore attendant are: Anita Rogers, Ruth Crumpacker, Clara Domann, Ruth Moors.

Freshman candidates for attendant are: Carole Huffman. Joan Pinther, Martha Jo Rhodes, Miriam Akers.

Election for the above will be held Monday, Oct. 6.

Juniata Enrolls 617

Juniata College, Brethren school in Huntingdon, Penn., reports an enrollment of 617 stu-dents with a 3-2 Men-Women ratio.

A breakdown of the 617 shows that 12 states and six foreign countries are represented on the campus. There are approximately three men to every two women on College Hill; and 60 JC students are married.

Siek Returns To Macollege

Miss Mildred Siek. Professor of Home Economics, has returned to her teaching post for the first time this semester, following the illness of an uncle. Mrs. R. E. Mohler, and Mrs. Jack Kough have been teaching the home ec. classes during Miss Siek's absence.


Vancil Replaces Fee On Student Council

Miss Sarah May Vancil has tak-en Dr. Mary Fee’s place on the Student Council. Miss Vancil was appointed by the Administration Committee and was approved by the Student Council.

Hot on the “Comanche” trail . . . paraders after the snake dance lined in front of the Manor waiting to see “Comanche Territory."

Bittinger, Quartets,

Professors Take Part In District Meeting

Dr. D. W. Bittinger was guest speaker of the Southwest District Conference held Oct. 6. 7, 8. at the now Wichita Brethren Church.

The conference began Friday morning with Dr. Burton Metzler as moderator.

A large group of the faculty attended. Among those who were in charge, or helped with different phases of the conference were:

Hurry K. Zeller; Raymond Flory;

Roy McAuley: James Berkebile; and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kough.

McPherson College's Ladies' and Men’s quartets presented a musical program Saturday night.

An address Sunday evening.

"Life begins with Jesus" by Harry K. Zeller, and the installation of next year's moderator. Rev. Archie Patrick of Garden City, closed the 1950 district conference.

Chapel Choir Organizes

Officers were elected by Chapel Choir members at their rehearsal Wednesday. Oct. 4. Members decided to elect a president, secretary. librarian, and general helper.

Don Wagoner was chosen as president. Miriam Keim, secretary.

Mildred Beck, librarian, and Barbara Marchand, general helper.

Press Acclaims Former Prof.

"Dr. Harvey H. Nininger is a sky miner.'' The former Macollege science professor is, according to a recent press clipping, the world’s "foremost authority on meteorites"—stone and metal fragments which fall to the earth at intervals from the outer space. Dr.

Nininger has found meteorites containing diamonds, gold, and copper.

Nininger's interest in meteorites began while he was teaching biology classes at McPherson College. It was in 1923 that he saw a meteorite land and became fascinated by the subject.

Dr. Nininger now lives 19 miles west of Winslow, Arizona, where he has established the American Metorite Museum. It contains 8 1/2 tons from 4,000 specimens of meteorite material representing 27 year’s work.

Kagawe Talks In Topeka

Toyohiko Kagawa, noted Japanese Christian who recently spoke on the Manchester college campus, will speak in Topeka on the night of November 22.

Kagawa, is the author of over 100 books. At the present time he is taking a year's tour of Europe, the United States, and Canada.

Protestant Church Steps Forward In Cooperation

According to The Visitor, publication of the Kansas Council of Churches and Christian Education. a step forward in Protestant church cooperation will take place in the United Stales this year with the launching of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA.

National Council Organized

The National Council of Churches will bring together the work of eight national interdenominational agencies which have been carrying forward the cooperative work of Protestant churches on the national level.

The eight agencies concerned are the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America. Foreign Missions Conference of North America, International Council of Religious Education, Missionary Education Movement, National Protestant Council on Higher Education, United Council of Church Women, United Stewardship Council, and the Home Missions Council of North America.

Official Launching

The National Council will be officially launched in Cleveland, Ohio, at the Constituting Convention. Nov. 28-Dec. 1.

More than 500 official delegates will attend. In addition to the official delegates. 5,000 visiting delegates are being invited to atend to witness the event.

Twenty-six cooperating communions have already officially taken action to bo represented in  the National Council and others have the proposal under consideration for approval.

Boards of additional denominations will be members of divisions of the Council but will not have membership in the Council as a whole.

help keep the Dog House a smoothly-running business, some of the staff made these suggestions:

1. Decide your purchase and figure cost before coming to the counter. 2. Bring all dishes, papers, and pop bottles (with the exception of Dr. Pepper and Coke.) to the counter when finished with them. 3. Put Dr. Pepper and Coke bottles in their respective boxes. 4. Try not to spill food or break dishes. 5. Do not go behind the counter unless you are an employee. 6. Turn off lights if you are the last person to leave.

A welcome addition to the Dog House is the new Frigidaire. There are also verified rumors that a new linoleum behind the counter, and a Juke box may be forthcoming. Since the juke box has been somewhat a problem in the past, we hope it sufficieth to quote the "boss." . . . "The very first time anything'goes wrong, out it goes.” Both Donna and the workers are making a valiant effort to keep the Dog House an orderly, enjoyable snack bar. They need the utmost cooperation of the students.

Seniors Sponsor All-School Party

- The first class sponsored all school party of the year will be held in the gym tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. The senior class is in charge of plans for the party.

Although the seniors have refused to reveal the detailed plans for the party before tomorrow evening. Dale Oltman, class president, announced in assembly Monday that it will be a progressive party.

Dale suggested that those planning to attend the party should wear clothing appropriate for walking and climbing stairs. Students and faculty members may expect to find themselves in buildings other than the gym before the evening is over.

The senior class promises unusual games and entertainment plus food. They ask each person to bring 15,cents to help cover the expenses of the party.

Marilue Bowman has been appointed chairman of the program committee. Those helping her are:

Dean Cotton. Byron Frantz, and Ellis Albright.

Lois Yoder is chairman of the committee in charge of refreshments.

Bill Daggett and Dale Snyder are to supervise the clean up after the party.

Each of the four classes will have an opportunity to sponsor an all school party sometime during this school year.

The assignments are made by the Social Committee of which Glen Nicholson is chairman. Other members of the committee are:

Miriam Keim, Ruth Moors, Jake Shaeffer, Dick Wareham, and Sarah May Vancil.

Central Region Youth Plan Peace Conference

"World Problems" and "Christian Beliefs" are to he the central points of discussion at the Central Region Church of the Brethren Youth Conference at Manchester College. North Manchester. Indiana. Oct. 14-15.

Youth and advisors from five states will convene for the day and a half session of lectures, discussions. "buzz" sessions, and recreation.

Theme of the conference is

"Grant Us Wisdom, Grant Us

Courage, for the Living of these Days.” based on the hymn "God of Grace and God of Glory."

Loaders for the conference Include Don Snider, national director of youth work; Mark Schrock, executive district secretary; and four Manchester professors.

Thomas Choir Is First In Newton’s Concert Series

Coro Hispanico De Majorca (Thomas Choir) under the direction of Juan Marla Thomas, is the first in the Memorial Hall Concert Series to be presented at Bethel College Oct. 30 at 8 p.m.

Season tickets are $2 (tax included) and single admission tickets sell for $1.20 (tax included).

Singers in the choir are drawn from the working people of Palma, capital city or Majorca, an island in the Mediterranean.

He’s In The Dog House!

By Carole Huffman

Frequently upon inquiring the whereabouts of someone, the answer is "He’s in the Dog House.” Contrary to the usual connotation of the phrase this is quite a re-, spectable place on Macampus. The Dog House Is the place at which we buy our hot dogs and dunk our doughnuts.    

The name is in keeping with our McPherson traditional emblem. the bulldog. It is a nonprofit organization sponsored and operated by the Student Council. This year it is under the supervision and management of sophomore Donna Lou Sooby. “Peanuts? Or Popcorn?"

The Dog House staff is a group of dapper folk who trip around behind the counter, serving us quickly and efficiently. Waitresses are: Anita Rogers. Kathlyn Lar-son, Claudia Stump, Barbara Berry, Rita Ellen Royer, and Elsie Kindley, Geneva Krehbiel substitutes when the occasion demands.

Waiters are Don West and Harvey Pauls.

The Six Commandments . . .

When asked how the students

BSCM Conference To Convene In Virginia Thanksgiving Weekend

About Macollege campus some discussion has been heard concerning the BSCM conference, the initials standing for Brethren Student Christian Movement. This year their annual conference will be held at the Brethren College campus in Bridgewater. Virginia.

The conference in to begin on Thanksgiving day at four in the afternoon and continue until the following Sunday afternoon. The BSCM is not only for students attending a Brethren college, but for all Brethren young people, although the conference is always held on one of the Brethren col-lego campuses.

This year it is hoped that enough students from Mac will desire to attend that a bus can be chartered, but if not, cars will transport the group to Bridgewater.

Macampus Makes Ready For Chase

The S C A has announced that Sadie Hawkin's Day will be Saturday, October 28. The festivities will begin with the "chase" starting at 8 a. m. Thursday, Oct. 26. and ending Friday evening at 5 p. m.. with the annual Sadie Hawk-in’s Day party being held in the gym Saturday evening. Oct. 28.

Sadie Hawkln’s Day was heralded into the events of Macampus on Nov. 7, 1941 with these calm headlines appearing in the Nov. 6th Spectator: "SADIE HAWKIN’S DAY TO BE TOMORROW.” It was the brain child of several persons of the campus and in particular, Dick Burger. Mac grad who is now a missionary in Africa.

The first observance had some of the following rules:

The "chase” shall begin on Friday at 1 p. m. and end on Saturday at 5 p. m.”

Little Abner shall be chosen from the elusive males who have escaped capture.

Daisy Mae will be chosen from one of the girls who have captured a male and her escort shall be turned free, to be chased by the unattached females of the party.

Daisy Mae shall receive a special prize, Little Abner as her partner.

These are just a few of the rules adopted in 1941.

The SCA informs the student body that the rules for this year will be made public at a later date.

So gals, start training for this Macampus classic, and boys, beware, for as Judge Hawkins says. "If a gal catches a man on this day, he's Hern."

Organist Frank Asper Plays In Lindsborg Sunday

Pressor Hall In Lindsborg, Kansas will be the scene of an organ concert by Dr. Frank W. Asper on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 15, at three p.m. Dr. Asper is an organist of the Salt Lake City tabernacle.

The First Baptist Church is responsible for bring Dr. Asper to Lindsborg. He is a Baptist Youth Fellowship patron. All proceeds of the concert will be applied directly to the fund for the purchase of a pipe organ for the church.

Admission for the concert is $1.00 for adults and $-50 for students. Tickets are on sale at Anderson's Drug Store in Lindsborg.

Frederick Returns Following Illness

Prof. Donald Frederick, has returned to school Monday following an illness with bronchial pneumonia. During his absence the A Cappella Choir paid Frederick a visit and sang to him. The choir has now resumed its regular rehearsal schedule.

Polka Dots, Two-Tones, Plaids, Stripes Lead P J Parade Down Main

Polka dots, plaids, two-tones, strips, and nightshirts when displayed as Macampus went on its annual pajama parade and snake dance last Thursday.

The students of Macollege, at-tired in their best PJ’s, gathered at the Jr. High and from there conducted a snake dance through the streets of the business section as well as through two drug stores. the courthouse lawn. two hotels, and a recreation parlor. They paused at the intersections to give their fight yells and sing to music of the Macampus band, which provided the marches and songs.

Later in the evening, the students attended the show. "Cora-manche Territory", at the Manor theater.

Daggett, Larson Head Quad Staff

Bill Daggett and Kathryn Larson have been approved by the Board of Publications and the Stu-dent Council for the positions of editor, and assistant editor of the Quadrangle, respectively. Both Jobs were vacated when Al Zunkel editor-elect and Ken Kinzie failed to return to school this fall.

Daggett edited the 1949-50 yearbook, and because of previous experience, was appointed to head this year's annual.

Individual and some group pictures for the Quad have already been taken. The Friesen studio, and Irwin Porter are in charge of photography.

Model UN Votes ‘Yes’ On China

The McPherson College UNESCO presented the fourth annual Model UN Assembly in the gym on Oct. 10, 1950 at 3 p. m. President of the Security Council was Wayne Zeigler, Gerald Neher was Secretary General, and Berwyn Oltman, his assistant.

The delegate body included the following people:    representative

from Argentina Marilyn Roc of McPherson College: Brazil. Arils Schrag of Moundridge High; China, Gene Bechtel of McPherson College; England, Barbara Raber, Donna Burch, and Juanita Ade of Roxbury High: France Joan Pin-ther of McPherson College; India, Vinay Likhite of McPherson College:

Iran, Ned Yazdi of McPherson College: Mexico. Carol Lindgren. Paul Roth, of McPherson High: Russia, Erna Ingram and Jim Kaiser of Canton High: Sweden, Betty Peterson of Lindsborg high; United States, Eugene Lowry and Dean Mohlstrom of McPherson High; and Max McAuley of McPherson College who represented Poland but was not a seated delegate.

Topic for discussion was: "Should Communist China be seated in the United Nations Security Council?” The Council decided to let the representative from Nationalist China remain seated in the body.

Millions Observe Natl. Bible Week

A national program Teaching millions of people throughout the country—from top to bottom from messenger boy on up to the President of the United States, has been prepared for the 10th annual observance of National Bible Week, to be held during the third week of October, beginning Monday the 16th and continuing through the 22nd.

National Bible Week Is sponsored by the Laymen’s National Committee of which Rear Admiral Reginald R. Belknap. USN, (retired) is Honorary Chairman. Dr. Alfred P. Haake, economist, business consultant, and civic administrator is chairman.

Serving on the Committee are laymen of all faiths, patriotic civic-minded citizens, business executives, labor leaders, ready to fight all those intent on undermining our country-

Puerto Rican Likes Bing’s Songs, 'Stardust,' Macollege

Yolanda Cerezo, a sophomore from Puerto Rico, has come to add to the International atmosphere at McPherson College. Yolando plans to graduate from McPherson and then return to her native country to become a social worker.

Yolanda Is the oldest in a family of four children. Her special Interests are sports and music. All American sports but football are played in her native country.    

She has taken piano lessons and professes a special interest in American music. She has learned our music by reading the words in magazines and by hearing it over the radio. At first her family did not share the same interest - in our music, but gradually, as Yolanda sang and played it in her attempt to learn they also grew to like it.

Her favorite American song is "Stardust", and she confesses that she is especially fond of Bing Crosby's singing.

The movies in Puerto Rico are mostly American. Like anyone else she enjoys going to a good movie. There are also some Spanish movies in Puerto Rico as well as from Argentina, England, and Mexico.

Yolanda likes the United States very much and feels that the people are very friendly. She says "It doesn't seem as though I am even in a strange place.”

More Wet Fish . . . ?

Several of the college fellows left at 11:30 the other morning for Kansas City. They are back now after taking physicals for military service. Others went before and more will likely be leaving soon for the same purpose. As the governmental hand reaches into Macollege and yanks away part of the student body one cannot help but wonder how deep the cut will be. How much longer will there be a substantial dichotomy of sex on Macampus?

When the Korean situation first broke, panic hit us in the face like a wet fish and was every bit as uncomfortable. Then after the usual period of fear and tension had passed, life resumed at least a semblance of the coziness of pre-Korean days.    

Now that MacArthur is preparing his boys for what wo are led to believe will be the final push (for the time being, anyway), string-pullers in Washington carefully piece out propaganda to direct our emotions, and to fit the results of the Korean campaign.

After all the red birds are ousted from the Island we may have a session of back slapping before history repeats itself and there are more wet fish, or we may not.                

Unless some people quit gazing into the crystal ball and start circulating the peace pipe among the elephants and donkeys in the capitol city, Macampus next year may look like Smith or Vassar.

Band Gives Performance In Assembly

The 30-piece Macollege Band, under the direction of Prof. Delbert Crabb, presented a program of modern fox-trots end seasonal marches for the student assembly, Monday, Oct. 9. This was the second appearance of the full band which is one of the largest bands in the Kansas Conference.

The program included Sousa's "Semper Fidelia”, “Tzena, Tzena, Tzena”. "American Patrol". “Dearie", "Indiana State Band," and "Goodnight, Irene.”

Max McAuley was master-of-ceremonies at the concert.

The College Brass Quartet was introduced at the concert. Members of the quartet are Gene Bechtel. McPherson; Curtis Leicht, Perryton, Texas; Bob Price, Belle-fontaine, Ohio; and Don West, Pampa, Texas. The accompanist is Berwyn Oltman, Enders, Nebraska. This group played "Margie."

Six See ‘Lost In Stars’ Saturday In Kansas City

Last Saturday a group of students and Miss Della Lehman attended the stage play. "Lost in the Stars,” which had a three day run at the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City on its coast to coast tour.

Wayne Zeigler was the chauffeur of the car and the following students attended: Norma Couch, Kathlyn Larson, Eldon Coffman, and Frank Hanagarne. Besides seeing the play. Norma, whose home is in Kansas City showed them the sights of her home town.

"Lost in the Stars” is a musical tragedy centered around racial prejudice.

Intercollegiate Assn.

Offers Bigger Prizes In Anti-Liquor Contest

Bigger prizes, totaling $1,700. are to be given in 1951 contest sponsored by the Intercollegiate Association for the Study of the Alcohol Problem, according to Edwin H. Maynard, contest secretary.

This year's topic is "Drinking: Individual or Social Responsibility?'’ The prizes will be paid for editorials of 500-300 words written by undergraduate students in the United States and Canada.'

Dorothy N. Lloyd. McPherson College graduate with the class of '50 was the second place winner in the 1949-'50 contest.

Detailed Information about the 1951 contest may he obtained from Edwin H. Maynard. Contest Secrotary. Intercollegiate Association, 12 North Third Street. Columbus 15, Ohio.

Wichita Manufacturer Addresses Student Body

"People don't know the truth

about factories." said Mr. J. Allen Travillo to Macollege students in assembly, Wednesday, Oct. 4;

Mr. Travillo went on to say that working conditions in factorial are now outstanding. "Management has done a fine job in representing the interests of the owner, the customer, and the laborer." he said.

Quoting a naturalized citizen, he stated.” America means opportunity, . . . freedom, . . . and responsibility."

Mr. Travillo represented the Notional Association of Manufacturers and the Wichita Chamber of Commerce.

Harpers Presents Centennial Issue

Celebrating 100 years of publication Harper’s Magazine has presented a special centennial issue this month.

The past century, 1850-1950. with its implications for the future is the theme of the issue. A subordinate theme is the development of the magazine itself.

One article. “America on the Move." presents the history of the United States as shown by typical pictures which have appeared in Harper's Magazine during its 100 years of publication.

Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt presents the progress of women during the past 100 years in an article. “Women Have Come a Long Way." In "The Century” Bernard DeVoto reviews the crises and fears of a nation in a perpetual state of growth.

Katherine Anne Porter and William Faulkner, contemporary American writers of fiction, have contributed the short stories for the issue.

Even the ads in this 300-page issue reflect the centennial theme.

Retarded. Reading, Broken Homes Cause Failures Among Students

Easton, Pa.,—(IP) — Retarded reading and broken homes are among the main causes for students’ failures in college, Prof. Frank R. Hunt, dean of students at Lafayette College, says after a three-year study of reasons for failures.

Dean Hunt asserts that too many students arrive at college with inadequate preparation, a limited vocabulary and general inability to comprehend issues from the printed page. The remedy, he suggests, is smaller classes more teachers, a more careful selection of those planning to prepare for college and more personal , attention to those students.

As for home enviroment, Prof. Hunt says that the great increase in the divorce rate since World War I has resulted in many broken homes. The common results of the student's emotional reaction from broken homes is inability to concentrate on the work at hand, the dean holds.

His study, has shown that such a student has lost his sense of security, is frequently torn between loyalty to one or both parents, is ill at ease in accepting invitations from friends to visit their homes because he cannot reciprocate. and often feels responsible for the financial support of his mother.

Other reasons listed for failures include financial factors, inability to work independent of supervision. and lack of experience in using the freedom which is found in college life.

"What is home without a mother?” said the personable young man.

"Well." replied the sweet young thing. "I am tonight.”

Copyright 1950 by ESQUIRE, Inc

The Spectator    3

FRIDAY, OCT. 13, 1950

Singer Aids Students Of Folklore

A familiar radio voice is helping students to collect and preserve our native culture. Prizes of $125, $75 and $50 are the three sums singer Jo Stafford is offering for college student collections of Ameri-can folklore in the year 1930.

Hector Lee, folklore professor at Chico State College, Chico, California, is chairman of the national committee that has been appointed by the American Folklore Society to conduct the contest.

in publishable form the student collections of folklore what

Bulldog Barks

Reprinted from the November 1950 issue of ESQUIRE

"Suppressed Book-of-the-Month"

Mister: If I can't get home this evening I’ll send you a note.

Missus: Never mind. I already found it in your pocket before supper.

A one-wheeled car trailer, a tractor scoop for earth moving, and several tractor jacks are among the projects of the students in Farm Mechanics.

Thursday night found Mac stu-dents down town in the strangest garb .... their pajamas! Bright reds, blues, in fact every color of the rainbow, made the pajama parade colorful, as the students paraded down through the main streets of town and through business establishments (and the pool hall). The cheer leaders led’ the crowd in some fast yells as they stopped to catch their breaths after the pulls and yanks of "crack the whip.”

Betty Ann Murrey has taken up petty theivery in the last week or so. Her roommate discovered the seat of a car in their closet which Betty Ann had hidden there, much like a pack rat collects and hides his loot. The strange, thing about the affair is that Betty Ann insists oh trying to blame others for her crime. The scat was found in the closet after the pajama parade . . . It belonged to Irwin Porter.

Parties are still the latest and most popular entertainment on Macampus, according to the number which have been given lately. Barbara Marchand gave a party in her home after the football game Friday night. Those present were Joan Pinther, George Keim, Mickey Akers, Wayne Blick-enstaff, Lucy Flory, Duane Jamison, Sue Smith, John Robison, Elsa Kurtz, Marlin Walter, Art Myers and the hostess, Barbara Mar-chand.

Peg Sargent also gave a party at her home, following the Bull-dog-Wildcat duel. Guests were Rowan Keim, Betty Ann Murrey, Phyllis Bowman, Beverly Turner, Ann Carpenter, Joan Pinther, Or-va Willems, Marilee, Grove, and the hostess, Peggy Sargent.

A slumber (less) party or two were enjoyed in the dorm last Tuesday night. The girls slept in the parlor on nice soft blankets "placed on the hard floor! Those who enjoyed said pleasures were Peggy Sargent. Orva Willems, Beverly Turner, Mickey Akers, and Lucy Flory.

Fourth floor Arnold had a “sing” last Monday night. They went around to the different rooms on third floor singing such songs as "I'm a Little T. N. T”. Third floor hot to be outdone, in return sang “She Waded in the Water” for the benefit of the fourth floor girls. Then the girls joined in a song or two to keep the two floors on equal terms.

Monday afternoon Donna Sooby was haring trouble with the “Hoopee". It just would not start. One kind boy got it started for her, and a group of girls piled in, bound for town. Along about Main Street, the “Hoopee" refused to go further. The girls used their muscles and brawn but the car would-n’t go. Finally a pick-up truck took pity on the young ladies, and the “Hoopee” once more rolled along. The faithful car ran chokingly till it got to the drive in back of Arnold then it died. Maybe Donna what have to hire a pick-up to push her from now on.

Mary Ellen Yoder was the guest of Mary Louise Hutcherson, off campus, last Sunday night, and Joan Pinther, Carole Huffman and Dorothy Swinger had a slumber party in Mary Ellen's room. The girls overslept, and consequently one of the girls missed her 8 o’clock English class.

Those'who went to Wichita over the weekend for District Conference were Phyllis Bowman, Royce Beam, Doris Kesler, Dave Metz-

ler, Betty Ann Murrey, Irwin Porter. Claudi Stump, Naomi Man-key, Ruth Crumpacker, Albert Rogers, Don West. Dick Wagoner.

The boys in Fahnestock could have made good use of clothespins last Tuesday night after an “unknown"? group of girls put sulphur candles in the windows of some of the rooms in the boys’ dorm. The odor was potent, for it could be detected all over the campus. Some of the boys have been wondering how innocent little girls could think up such a mean trick.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Neher visited their daughter. Rowena last weekend. Rowena had been ill all week.

Phyllis Johnson visited her home in Missouri last week; Mildred Beck visited her home in Nickerson, Kansas; Maxine Coppock went to Kress, Texas to visit her home; and Winifred Reed and Martha Jo Rhodes visited their homes in Little River over the weekend.

“Kansas City, here we come." That’s what a group of Mar students sang on their way to the big city last week. The purpose of the trip was to see the stage play Lost in the Stars. Wayne Zeigler -took his car and those who accompanied him were Miss Lehman, Kathlyn Larson, Butch Coffman, Frank Hanagarne, and Norma Couch, Norma visited her home in K. C. while the group was there.

The football game was well attended by both young and old of McPherson, last Friday night despite the rain. The WAA girls sold food to soothe the aching throats of the enthusiastic spectators.

A young lady who had parked her car in forbidden territory returned some two hours later to spy from afar a large and patient policeman curled up in its front seat awaiting his prey.

Making a quick decision, she stepped into a taxi, rode home and telephoned the police Department that her car had been stolen.

An hour later the car was returned by the same traffic police-man, quite proud of his alertness. —Typing Tips

“Whatchagotna package?" “Sabook”’

“Whatanaimuvitt?” "Sadiackchunery fullonaimes. Gonna ggetapleesdog angotta gette naimferim."    —Ex.

Every human life involves an unfathomable mystery, for man is the riddle of the universe, and the riddle of man is his endowment with personal capacities. The stars are not so strange as the mind that studies them, analyzes their light, and measures their distance.—Harry E. Fosdick

people do, say, sing, and pass on to following generations—should be in Dr. Lee's hands before Jan. 15, 1951. These and dissertations meeting the requirements are eligible for consideration.

Miss Stafford, the popular singer who in 1943 was a $100 a week songstress for Tommy Dorsey's hand and by 1945, in the words of TIME magazine, “the most-list-cened-to female vocalist.” has been thinking of ways of encouraging those students who are collecting and analyzing American legends, superstitions, and folk songs. She is offering these awards for the third consecutive year.

Judges of the contest request that the collections be gathered from primary sources and be submitted as original research. Man-uscripts are to be accompanied by letters setting forth when, where and how the material was collected, together with a listing of the scholary assistance—sug-

gestions, bibliographical information, etc.—supplied by others.

They are to be typewritten on good quality paper and doublespaced. Winning entries will become the property of the American Folklore Society; other manuscripts will be returned only if postage is included.

A gangster rushed into a saloon shooting right and left, yelling,” All you dirty - skunks get outa here!"

The customers fled on the hall of bullets —all except an Englishman who stood at the bar calmly finishing his drink.

“Well?" snapped the gangster. “Well,” replied the Englishman, “there certainly were a lot of them, weren't there?’’

Presbies Durand To Test Bullbogs Pass Defense Tonite

Tonight at 8 p. m., on Emporia’s Schaffner Field the McPherson College Bulldogs will meet the College of Emporia Presbies. It will be the third conference game of the season for both teams.

The Bulldogs pass defense which has allowed six touchdowns in three via air lanes will run against the finest passer they have seen this season in slim Don Durand, the gifted southpaw tosser from Topeka. Durand, a senior, was all-Kansas Conference in 1949.

Bricks are now being laid for the new addition to the Frantz Industrial Arts Building. The concrete was poured for the founda-tion three weeks ago.

The Presbies are coached by Wayne McConnell, former headman at Effingham, Downs, and Manhattan high schools. McConnell’s team at Manhattan last year ranked in the top 10 in the season.

C of E was ranked as a leading contender for the Kansas Conference crown this year with 23 let-termen returning from a squad that nearly wrecked the KCAC the last month of the '49 season. However, the Presbies have already lost their first four games. Two of the losses were in the conference —13-2 to top-seeded Baker, and the stunning 12-7 upset by Bethany last week. In previous non-conference play they were defeated by two crack Missouri squads —Missouri Valley 480. and Warrensburg Teachers 2621.

The C of E base their offense around the accurate left-wing of Durand. Durand is not only a great passer —four touchdown passes already this season —but he has three of the top receivers in the conference in ends Bob Swedberg and Steve Bodnarchuk and back Jim Naughton.

Naughton, a 170 pound junior from Long Beach, Calif., was the top scorer for the Presbies in ’49. He’s the top runner on the squad, fast and deceptive.

Working with Durand and Naughton in the backfield are Bob Sandusky and Ray Morey with lettermen Wes Thew, Gene Sobke, Roger Munson, and Earl Painter backing them up. Thew packs the Presby extra points.

The line is anchored around John Majkrazak, a tough 190 pound guard from Manville, N. J. All starting linemen are letter-men Swedberg and Bodnarchuk at end, Hawaiian Willie Chal and soph Jack Cracraft at tackles, Majkrazk and senior Bob Fiatte at guards, and John Moreland at center.

The Bulldogs played their heat hall in four seasons against Baker. Despite the loss, the bulldogs need now take no back seat to anyone in the conference if they make normal improvement for the remainder of the season.

George Goff, at Iola Junior College last year, displayed the form that won him all-state Juco honors in '49. Johnny Robison, a former teammate of Goff at Lawrence Liberty Memorial High School, was equally great on the offense. Robbie was the leading groundgainer with 90 yards in 13 carries.

The rain kept the Bulldog passing game from functioning as it did in the previous two games. Wayne Blickenstaff, who threw touchdown strikes in the season’s opener, was idle the complete Baker game. The knee that Blick injured at Wm. Jewell is expected to be improved enough that the Nampa, Ida., freshman will at least ’see offensive duty.

Tackle Joe Pate has missed at least two practice sessions this week taking his selective service physical at Kansas City. Joe has been bothered by a sprained ankle.

Swedes Settle One Score; Bethel Next?

Kansas Conference

This Week's Games MC at C of E Bethel at Bethany .

Ottawa at KWU (Sat.)

Last Week’s Scores MC 6 Baker 13 Bethany 12 C of E 7 Ottawa 27 Bethel 0 KWU 14 St. Benedicts 19

One year ago at this time Linds-borg was toasting their own Bethany Swedes as the best team to hit the Kansas Conference in a decade. They had just smothered Baker 21-0 and were apparently going to romp home with the Kansas Conference crown.

When they later beat C of E 13-0, the Swedes kept their unscored upon record in the conference clean but in the process lost all-conferance players Bill Eng-strom and Jack Teitenburg for the season and had enough of their other players injured to wreck the season. Ottawa swamped them 470 and Bethel upset them 13-6.

This season Ray Hahn has sung the miseries. His line averaged a scant 170 pounds, and there were only a handful of lettermen. As usual the Swedes have arrived with something unexpected regardless of the predictions.

After losing 25-7 to a strong Kearney. Neb.. Teachers squad and 7-0 on a fluke to northwest Oklahoma in non-league play, the Swedes tied KWU 14-14. Last week they served official notice that they are going to settle a few old scores by surprising C of E 12-7.

The memory of the 113 yards C of E    penalized last year

in crippling the Swedes right out of the flag practically eliminated the Presbies from contention this year. All-conference halfback Billy Carlson, one of the few who survived last year’s game without injury, passed for both touchdowns. Don Durand’s fourth quarter flip to Bob Swedberg brought the only Presby score.

Tonight the Swedes go after the second block In their revenge campaign as they take on Bethel at Lindsborg. The third corner of the campaign will be the homecoming affair at Lindsborg against Ottawa Oct. 28.

Ottawa’s 27-0 win over Bethel

As downhill my first time I slid.

I said to myself, “Here goes, kid!

To watch skiing thrills me: With envy it fills me;

So I’ll try If it kills me.”

It did.


The McPherson College Bulldogs found the football and Baker’s Boyce Smith equally slippery as the Baker Wildcats edged Chal-mer Woodard’s squad 13-6 in the first home game here last Friday.

Rain which fell intermittently for the final three quarters kept the Bulldogs from sustaining a complete offensive. Seven fumbles, of which Baker recovered five kept the Bulldogs from advancing farther than the Bakers 30 after the rain started in the second quarter.

The rain did not stop the Wildcats bounder, Boyce Smith. Smith gained 167 yards in 27 attempts, scored the winning touchdown, and passed to Gene Chubb for the other six points.

Before the rain started the Bulldogs had scored first and were started on a second march. The touchdown drive started late in the opening stanza after Baker had punted out on their own 38. A four yard loss on a reverse and a penalty set MC back to the 47. Nine yards by Kerr and 13 by Robison gave the Bulldogs a first down on the 25. Two rushes by Gene Smith, one by Don Hoch, and a penalty put the ball on the six. Robinson busted the line three times, finally slipping across from the two. Hoch’s pass for the extra point was incomplete.

The Bulldogs started a second drive after taking possession after the kickoff. The attack bogged on the 30. and Baker took over simultaneously as the rain started. For the only time in the game the Bulldogs let down. After a short delay in the rain during a penalty controversy. Baker roared back.

Boyce Smith sandwiched runs of 11, 12, and 29 yards around Harry Barrett’s five yard advance. With the ball on the 14. Smith caught the MC secondary flatfooted and tied the game up with a scoring pitch to Gene Chubb.

The Bulldog line that had been so vulnerable a week before, played great defensive ball the sec-ond half but finally yielded after twice holding the Wildcats on the scoring doorstep. The goal line stand for four downs after Baker was only three yards from a touchdown was one of the top defensive jobs seen here in years.

With four minutes remaining Johnny Robison fumbled on the 42, and John Zorn recovered. Again Smith was the thorn in the side. After reaching the 18. Baker ran a lop-sided spread play to the right four consecutice times. The first time Smith gained 13 yards, the second Bus Hill was stopped at the line of scrimmage, the third brought incomplete pass. On the fourth try Smith went over. Chris Schwanz kicked the extra point, but it was superfluous.

Howard Mehlinger tried two desperation passes but the Baker line rushed him too hard and both tosses were incomplete.

FRIDAY, OCT. 13, 1950 The Spectator    4

MC-Baker Statistics

MC    0    G    0    0— 6

Baker    0    6    0    7—13

Touchdowns—MC (Robison) Baker (Chubb, Smith). PAT— Baker (Schwanz).

First Downs—MC 17 Baker 15.

Rushing attempts and Yardage—MC 55-237 (Smith 19-73, Kerr 16-61, Robison 13-90, Hoch 5-neg 2, O'Dell 1-3, Mc-Spadden    1-12)    Baker    44-229

(Smith 27-167,    Hill    9-15, Bar

rett 3-23, Sheridan 5-24).

Passing—MC att 9, completed 2, 25 yards (Hoch 7-2-25, Mehlinger 2-0-0) Baker 14-348 (Smith).

Passes Intercepted—MC 0 Baker 1.

Punting—MC 4, 29.5 avg. (G. Smith) Baker 5, 26.0 avg. (Smith 3, 21.6, Schwanz 2,


Kickoff Returns— MC 4-77 yds. (Smith 2-29, Kerr 1-22O’Dell 1-26) Baker 1-17 (Sheridan). ..

Punt Returns—MC 1-15 yds. (Ball) Baker 2-35 yds. (Smith) Penalties—MC 5-35 yds. Baker 7-45 yds.

Fumbles—MC 7 Baker 4. Opponents Fumbles Recovered—MC 2 Baker 5.

Pass Receptions—MC 2-25 yds. (Petefish) Baker 3-48 (Chubb 1-14, Lewis 1-28, Armstrong 1-6).

Rain, Boyce Smith, Fumbles Stop Bulldogs 13-6

last week was impressive. The Braves play Kansas Wesleyan for the Coyotes homecoming game tomorrow night. Wesleyan dropped a non-conference affair to St. Benedicts last week 19-14, KWU played the Ravens on even terms for one half couldn't continue the pace. Don Howe, the Coyotes ace passer, did not play at all during the game, and the KWU passing game showed it. Bill Martin. Wally Forsberg’s sophomore ace who is the Coyotes number one kicker last year, got into action for the first time this season after being hobbled with a leg injury.

This certain mid-western school teacher enjoyed a reputation for short reports to parents. On one occasion he wrote of one of his pupils. ’‘Trying," which delighted the boy’s parents until the next report came in. This one read "Very trying."