Model UN Convenes Tuesday; Delegates Are H. S. Students Tuesday, Oct. 10, at 3 p. m., the third annual Model UN will convene in the gym. The problem to be discussed is: Resolved, that the Untied Nations Security Council should act favorably on the seating of the delegate of Communist China on the Security Council in place of the present re-presenative of the Nationalist Regime. Representatives from the various countries will be high school students from schools near McPherson. VOL. XXXV McPherson College, McP herson, Kansas, October 6, 1950 No. 4 Enrollment Jumps Six Per Cent Over 1949-’50 Enrollment figures tabulated to Oct. 1 show a six per cent increase of students over last year with a total of 395 students; and according to reports by President Bittinger, Macollege is the only church related college in Kansas to show an increase this semester. Other schools,‘most of which were represented at the meeting of Kansas church related colleges, held in Wichita, Sept. 23, report decreases of 10-80 per cent. McPherson has 144 freshmen (93 men, 51 women); 86 sophomores (57 men, 29 women); 59 juniors (43 men, 16 women) ; and 54 seniors (34 men, 20 women). There is a 12 per cent increase in the freshman class; some increase in the junior and senior classes; and a decrease in the senior class enrollment. Fifty-two special students are enrolled (6 , men, 46 women.) Dr. Bittinger attributes Macol-lege’s gain to greater enthusiasm in the athletic program; increased interest in the whole college program; and effective and efficient church and camp visitation by public relations personnel. Statistics show that of the 395 students this year. 228 are from the state of Kansas, 113 from the city of McPherson. Iowa runs second on the list with 32: followed by Missouri with 17; Texas and Idaho. 12 each: Colorado and Oklahoma. nine each: and Illinois and Nebraska with seven each. Other states represented in the student body by six or less students each are: Ohio. North Dakota, Maryland. Nevada, West Virginia. Pennsylvania. New Mexico, California, Indiana, Washington. and Minnesota. Six other countries beside the United States are also represent-ed with four from Iran, four from Samoa, and one each from Germany, Japan, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. By religious affiliation there are 184 members of the Church of the Brethren; 33 Methodist; 15 Presbyterian: 10 Baptist: nine Lu-threan; eight Mennonite: eight Free Methodist: five Catholic; five Evangelical United Brethren: three Nazarene: two Congregational; and one each of the Old German Baptist; Church of God: Church of Christ; and Hindu faiths. Band Appears Tonight, Monday The Macollege band, which made its first public appearance of the season last night, has been re-hearsing for a heavy schedule which currently includes participation at the bail game tonight, and a chapel concert Monday morning. The concert will be a variety program including several numbers each of popular tunes, fox trots, waltzes, and other numbers. Band personnel, under the direction of Prof. Delbert Crabb is composed of the following: Cornets—Gene Bechtel. Wayne Zeig-ler, Curtis Leicht, Dolores Sigle, Keith Allison, and Ermalee Phillips: Baritone horn: Albert Rogers; French Horns—Mary Louise Hutcherson and Mary Ellen Yeat-er; Trombones: Bob Price, Don West, Dale Oltman, and Gene Hicks: Basses: Berwyn Oltman and Jack Write: Saxaphones: Pat Patterson, Tumu Laulusa. Clarence Brown, Dee Shank, Dean Cotton, and Lloyd Hamilton. Clarinets: Chuck Royer, Angeline Flora, Mary Castor, and Gordon Bane: Drums: Sue Smith, Vernon Dossett, and Edward Zook; Bell Lyre, Max McAuley. K. U. Stages Nightshirt Parade In Lawrence Macollege is not the only school around to stage a traditional nightshirt. or pajama parade. Tonight Kansas U. students are having their parade and rally through Lawrence, preparatory to the opening of Big Seven competition against Colorado. KU's parade will be led by a huge serachlight and the University’s marching band. Following the band will be the marchers, and the pep organizations, the Jay Janes and the KuKus. E-town College Enrolls 90 Frosh Despite War "Despite the Korean war situation, nearly 90 freshmen have enrolled at Elizabethtown College Elizabethtown. Penn, for the current year." states the Etownian. The class includes .49 men and 38 women. Most of the registrants are in the education and science fields. A number of new upperclassmen are on the campus this year. Among these are 7 juniors. 11 sophomores, and 13 unclassified. Students Work In College Library Providing library facilities at the McPherson College Library requires 140 hours of work each week by the librarians and assistants, Virginia Harris is head librarian, and Sarah May Vancil is assistant librarian. Eight student assistants do much of the clerical work and assist in the preparation of new books. Five of the assistants are freshmen: Yvonne Birkin, Joan Pinther, Delores Sigle, Velva Wagner, and Eunice Zeller. Two are sophomores, Betty Jo Baker and Clara Domann. The only upper classman is Loren Clark, a junior. Maurice Richards, freshman, is the library janitor. ■ During September student and faculty checked out 643 books and other library material for home use and used reserve books 536 times. These figures do not show the number of books and periodicals which were not on reserve and were used in the library- Total attendance for September was 2865. Since this figure was ascertained by counting the attendance once each period that the library was open, not everyone who used the library was included. Although the noise of construction on the addition to the library had been distracting. Miss Harris states, student use of the library this year has been good. President Goes To St. Louis For Meeting President Bittinger plans to attend a meeting of Government authorities and College Presidents. in St. Louis. Oct. 13 and 14 to discuss the relationship between the college and government, during the present unsettled condition of the world. The meeting will include presidents from midwestern states. A similar meeting is to he held in Washington D. C.. Oct. 6 and 7. This will include presidents from colleges all over the United States. Manchester College Has Drop In Enrollment Manchester’s enrollment is down to 765 for the fall term, as compared with 857 students lust year, according to the "Oak Leaves" weekly publication of the North Manchester. Indiana college. This number includes 233 freshmen, 192 sophomores, 157 juniors. 145 seniors, and 22 post-graduate or unclassified students; 429 of the total are men. and 336 are women, There are 16 part-time students enrolled. Eighteen states are represented at Manchester this year, and eight foreign countries. China has three; Puerto Rico and Germany, two each: and one each from Canada, India, Korea, South America, and Yugoslavia. Ellis Studebakers Visit On Macampus Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Studebaker were visitors on Macampus Wednesday morning, and were introduced to the student body at chapel. Mr. Studebaker is superinten-dant of the Bethany hospital in Chicago. III. Both are former teachers at McPherson College, and Mrs. Stu-debaker, former Dean of Women, was Miss Ida Shockley. Cosmos Club Has Meeting At a recent meeting of the Cosmos Club, which consists of women faculty members and friends, the following new members were initiated: Mrs. Dick Wareham, Mrs. V. N. Likhite, Mrs. Jack Kough, Miss Doris Coppock, Mrs. Leo Patton. Mrs. Robert Mays, and Mrs. Chalmer Wood-ard, Mrs. D. W. Bittinger and Mrs. James Berkebile were reinstated into the club. This club, which meets the third Tuesday of each month, is a social and cultural organization. The officers are as follows: president. Mrs. Donald Frederick: vicepresident, Edna Neher; secretary-treasurer. Mrs. E. S. Hershberger; and program chairman. Mrs. Guy Hayes. Eats, Wallpaper, Relief Center - Arnold Open House The doors of Arnold Hall were opened wide at 7:30 p.m. Saturday Sept. 30, 1950, for the annual open house of the girl's dormitory. The guests were greeted by Miss Neher, housemother, and Marilue Bowman, president of Arnold, and directed to the lounge for refreshment* and to the various rooms. If you started your inspection on the second floor you were prob-ably served one of the red, blue, or green popcorn balls in Joan Pinther and Dorthy Swingers room: or you may have noticed the bulletin board in the shape of a B. representing Barbara Beck and Bertha Landis, outlined with au-tum loaves and flowers, and the economy priced stool in Joan Royer and Donna Wagner's room that was made from a longhorn cheese box. On third are the rooms of most of the juniors and seniors with all their brilliantness displayed in the decorations of their rooms. Miriam Keim and Rowena Neher carried out the Chinese theme with their hand painted curtains and the name plate on the door-in American Chinese; Barbara Berry and Hatsuko Kanazawa bad a welcome mat expressing a genuine Japanese air. In the room of Lorene Clark and Ina Ditmars you had your choice or two flavors of homemade fudge that made your mouth water until they offered you a piece; the nonrelation twins from the great? town of Quinter, Doris Roesh and Doris Kesler, served potato chips and pickles which paved the way In charge of setting up the UN are Sylvus Flora: D. A. Crist: D. It. Merkey; Loren Frantz; Jake Sheaffer: Max Dowdy: and Harold Smith. Mary Ellen Voder will make the signs for the tables, and Harold Smith is in charge of the public address system. Berwyn Oilman is in charge of advertising both in the newspapers and over the radio. Prof. Raymond Flory and Gerald Neher will give the instructions to the delegates.' President of the Security Council is Wayne Zeigler, sophomore from Abilene, Kas. Anyone interested in helping with the Model UN or in joining UNESCO, sec Sylvus Flora or Gerald Neher. .... Coaches Prepare Debate Schedule The tentative schedule of debate and oratory contests was prepared by coach of oratory. Maurice A. Hess and couch of debate. Roy McAuley. Debate contests, which begin in November this year and end in March of next year, will include a tournament at Newton in November. at Winfield in December. Mac-ollege‘s Economy tournament in January next year. St. John's at Winfield, the Kansas Debate League at Salina in March, and will be climaxed by the National Pi Kappa Delta Tournament at Stillwater, Okla.. March, 1951. Contests of oratorical skill will open in March. with - the. Anti-Tobacco Oratorical at Central College. The other oratorical tourneys are State Alcohol Oratorical and the State Peace Oratorical and Extempore next March. Berkebile Gives Parable In Chapel The story of what happens when a builder ignores the rules to make his building “right with the world" was told by Dean James M. Berkebile to Macollege students in Cha-pel Monday, October 2. Berkebile spoke in a parable, using different instruments of building to illustrate his address. Bill Martin, Jr., Children’s Author, Speaks In Chapel Author Bill Martin. Jr. enter-tained Macollege students with a dramatic presentation off "Smo-key Pokey" and other stories in Assembly, Wednesday, Sept. 27. Mr. Martin has had a life-long interest in childrens' threatre and literature. He and his brother, Bernard, are the authors of many children's books. The books are published by the Tell-Well Press, Kansas City, Mo., which is another Martin enterprise. A graduate of Kansas State Teacher's College at Emporia, Bill did graduate study at Cornell U. Besides his interest in children's literature. Mr. Martin is an educator in teen-age dramatics and journalism. He served as a newspaper editor in the AAF during World War II. Martin, in his speech, discussed the development children's literature through Mother Goose and Dr. Soose, to the colorful storybooks of today. Autographed copies of the Martin brothers' books were on sale in the College Book Store following the Assembly. Bhagat Shown Pictures On India To SCA Pictures of India were shown and explained by Premchand G. Bhagat, native older and teacher of that country, to SCA members, Thursday evening, Sept. 28. Bragat discussed the need of his country for leaders in agriculture, medicine, education, and evangelism. An instrumental solo of India was played by Mrs. V. N. Likhite. |
Homecoming Schedule Macollege Homecoming, Nov. 9-10, will operate on the following schedule: Thursday, Nov. 9: 9:50 a. m. Homecoming rally. 10:25 a. m. campus cleanup. 6:00 p. m. Queen’s banquet (formal.) 9:00 p. m. Swede funeral, bonfire, pep rally. Friday, Nov. 10: 10:25 a. m. Alumni chapel. 12:00 noon "M" Club luncheon. 3:30 p. m. parade. 5:30 p. m. Alumni Homecoming supper. 8:00 p. m. Coronation of queen, and game with Bethany. Barking ’Dogs Take Trips "Both experienced and inexperienced debaters are assured of at least two debate trips and may. of course, have more" was the promise made to 11 Macollege harking bulldog debaters in the SAR Tuesday night. The meeting was held for the purpose of laying out the debate program to interested parties. Topic is: RESOLVED THAT THE NON-COMMUNIST NATIONS SHOULD FORM A NEW INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, will be debated by four experienced upperclassmen and seven freshmen. two of which are women. Experienced debaters are Billy Kidwell, Jerry Neher, Wayne Ziegler, and Donovan Speaker. Freshmen men. Vi Alailima, Berwyn Oltman, Gene Bechtel, Manly Draper and Joe Kennedy with the two ladies. Mickey Akers and Joan Pinther complete the present group. Prof. Maurice Hess, us adviser to the group, asked that interested persons report to Professor McAuley, the debate coach. Coach McAuley added that any and all students are welcome to the group. The Tuesday meeting will be followed next week by announcement of the pairings for practice debates. |
175 Attend Outing, Picnic At Kanopolis Friday afternoon, Sept. 29, the Recreational Council sponsored the first all school picnic of the year at Kanopolis Dam. School was dismissed at noon with 175 students and faculty members attending. Activities of the afternoon began with a meeting of all students at the main shelter house at the Dam at 2:30. The groups were divided according to individual choice to participate in the following activities, hiking, a treasure hunt, volley hall, softball and touch football. After a picnic supper served by the Rec. Council, a program was held around a campfire. Group singing was followed by a humorous skit given by Dale Oltman, Byron Frantz, and Jerry Neher. Professor Roy McAuley spoke to the group on "Slaves on Horseback.” Quartets Go To Wichita For Initial Performance Tomorrow the men’s and women’s quartets of the college will travel to Wichita to appear on the McPherson College program at the Southwest Kansas district meeting. This will be the first appearance for both quartets this season. Members of the ladles' group are Naomi Mankey, Phyllis Bowman, Ruth Crumpacker, and Claudia Jo Stump. The men’s quartet is composed of Albert Rogers, Royce Beam, Don West, and Dick Wagoner. The women’s quartet will sing at the Congregational church, Sunday, Oct. 8. Social Committee Elects Officers Members of the Social Committee met during the activity period in Miss Vancil’s classroom Tuesday to elect officers, and to plan the time for regular meetings during the your. Dick Wareham discussed the duties of each officer on the committee. Newly elected officers arc: Miriam Keim, secretary: and Jake Shaeffer, treasurer: Ruth Moors is in charge of the calendar and dishes. Miss Vancil is the newly appointed faculty member on the committee. for more sweets to come. As you were preparing to ascend to the fourth floor on which the sign "cream rises to the top", greets you. you see in Esther Moh-ler and Margaret Daggett's room gadgets of ail sorts, including a man with a grass head, and a prize snake of Esther’s. Coming up the steps to fourth, you might have thought to your-half, they certainly can't think of any different and clover ideas to use in their rooms, but after you viewed each of the thirteen you must have decided that for mere freshmen and sophomores they did very well. Fourth floor, in the spirit of doing service to mankind, had the BRETHREN RELIEF CENTER. Betty Ann Murray and Phyllis Bowman secungly got tired of looking at the paint on their north wall, so they covered it with wall paper and made a neat knick knack stand in front. Donna Sooby thought the paper blinds weren’t ritzy enough for her. so she out did the rest or us with her venitian blinds and crisscross nylon curtains. Carol Huffman wanted to acquire some work during open house, therefore she had the guests sign their names on her dresser scarf which she hopes to embroider some day. |
Some remarked to Mildred Beck and Betty Baker that their patchwork curtains looked like they ran out of material several times. How wrong they were, for the girls went begging from store to store for their material, and they themselves were surprised at the results. One of the fourth floor girls, Angle Flora, was generous hearted and broke up her little family of black and white teddy Bears for the evening by giving one to Clara Comann to adorn her bed. As you passed by Marilee Grove and Rowan Helm’s room, you may have thought that you were in the wrong building for on the door was an entrance blank properly and completely filled out for admittance to a- mental institution. Those of you who attended open house will never appreciate it as much as the girls whoso work of cleaning one measly little room took nearly all day. If I had not been one of the girls. I would have thought them a little "off”, if they had told me that it took that long hut oven some that got an early start at seven in the morning were not through giving finishing touches until five or six in the evening. The halls during the cleaning process were filled with furniture, junk. mops, and dust rags, and it would have been hard to recognize the same building at four in the afternoon and at 7:30 Saturday evening. At 9:30 Arnold occupants gave a sigh or relief that it was all over, and decided that the day of hard work was worth the compliments and Jokes about their rooms since it comes only once a year, and after all it is nice to see what the room looks like while clean for a couple hours. Mildred Beck |
Zellers Entertain Student Ministers Macollege student ministers were entertained at a buffet dinner in the Harry K. Zeller. Jr., home on Tuesday evening, Oct. 3. The dinner took the place of a regular mooting. The evening was spent Informally. Plans for activities of the group were discussed. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger; Dr. and Mrs. Burton Metzler: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Teegarden: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Guyer: Mr. and Mrs. Irven Stern: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rogers: Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Miller: Mr. and Mrs. Don Ford; Loren Frantz; David Metzler; Sylvus Flora; Beryl Mc-Canti; Berwyn Oilman; Bill Daggett: Harold Smith; Don Speaker; and Henry Snyder. Bill Daggett is president of the student minister group. Dr. Metz-ler is faculty adviser, Irven Stern and David Metzler are members of the Steering Committee. Martin Pledges Frat At Cincinnati U. Robert Martin, a former McPherson College student now enrolled In the architectural school of the University of Cincinatti. has pledged the Asiris Temple chapter the honorary Scarab Architectural Fraternity. Robert is the son of Mrs. Alice Martin, registrar Calendar Oct. 6. Football—Baker, here. Oct. 8. Kline Hall Open House. Oct. 10. Model UN. Oct. 13. Football—C. of E.. there. Oct. 14, Senior All-school party. Oct. 20. Football—Kansas Wesleyan. here. |
As these words are being framed, several scores of McPherson College Students are seated on the bank of Kanopolis Lake with their faces turned toward a beautiful Kansas sunset. There is much gaiety in the group, songs are sung, jokes are passed around, ripples of laughter echo across the lake, and the heads of lovers tip affectionately toward each other. In the cloistered society of a student fellowship life appears to be good and pleasant and without significant cares. These students at Kanopolis Lake are about 40 miles from the 38th parallel.
On the other side of the world, in Korea, is a city named Seoul. Reports indicate that there is little gaiety in Seoul. Since June 24 the city has been twice overrun by conquering armies, and only in the past few days have people been coming out of their basements and other hideouts to begin, reconstruction of their battle blackened city.
Many from among the city’s population lost their lives during the course of the fighting, and many of the rest will not live long enough to see their city of rubble restored again in the peaceful pursuits of a few months ago.
Even the victorious soldiers of the United Nations can scarcely have much of a sense of gaiety when they remember that several thousand of their comrades will not again, return home with them. Seoul, too, is about 40 miles from the 38th parallel.
Is it really "One World” in which we live? Or have we been willing and able to divorce ourselves from the problems that face other peoples?
Perhaps we ought to remind ourselves that one part of a body cannot long remain healthy while another part is deseased. What happens in Korea, or Indonesia, or Po-dunk is our business. Are you enough on your toes to know what the basic problems and policies are all about, or are you one of a host of primitive medicine men who depend on signs and omens and propaganda?
Are you a part of the problem or a part of the answer? College is a good place to learn the difference between the two. Are you doing anything about it?
According to an article. ‘ The Trouble With Men Is . . . in the October issue of MADEMOISELLE, many women are finding marriage packed with unexpected problems.
• The article is based on questionaire answers from 1940 alumnae of Smith College and Wisconsin University; and reports on their lives since graduation, their jobs, homes, and activities.
wife, children or recreation.
The second most frequent complaint: "He loses his temper with the children.” Some wives said: "He cannot manage money." One sighed. "I Just wish he earned more."
Fat salaries, however, don't seem to produce any specially rich grade of happiness. The MADEMOISELLE study showed very little correlation between income and general joy and adjustment to life.
What it did reveal was that men whose wives complained they do not see enough of their families were, with few exceptions, the big-gest earners, men pulling down $10,000 a year or more. As a partner in marriage the junior vicepresident has his drawbacks.
The concensus of opinion was that most of the women were "unprepared for marriage.” The same idea was expressed in other ways: "We both thought running a household, raising children, and controlling a budget were much easier than they actually are.” "My family protected me too much. . .” “Having children too soon tied us down more than we expected . . . though we never seriously, regretted it.” “Emotionally I was a child and it caused the debacle of my first marriage."
One recurring complaint about husbands was that they are often uncommunicative or tired or boring: “Forgets to tell me the news," "keeps things to himself," "when tired he's speechless and generally I feel like talking," "his thinking is narrow, his interests few, he can discuss little but his own work." Three men fall asleep sitting up in their chairs after dinner. Another "doesn't clean up after making popcorn."
The greatest single complaint about men was "too conscientious about his work” at the expense of
On the new book shelves in the McPherson College Library at the present time are the following hooks about ontemporary world affairs and history. These books may be cheeked out for the normal period of time.
A Hook in Leviathan by Nash and Lynde is a critical interpretation of the Hoover Commission Report. In this book the authors point out the defects in the present set-up of the Executive Branch as revealed by the report. It tells what needs to be done to overhaul those defects.
Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy by Edward O. Guerrant is the story of the Latin American relations of the United States, 1933-1945.
The Republic of Israel, Its History and Its Promise by Joseph Dunner explains ‘Israel's constitution, its political parties, and the agricultural, industrial, and educational reforms which have al-ready been put into practice.
Peculiarities of the Presidents by Don Smith is the fourth edition of a book which points out little known or unusual facts about the Presidents of the United States.
John Adams and the American Revolution by Catherine Drinker Bowen is the story of young John Adams, of the dramatic events during the American Revolution, and of the statesmen who worked with him for Independence. America Begins edited by Richard M. Dorson brings together in one volume the writings of the first comers to America. Their graphic and dramatic narratives make exciting reading.
Ideas expressed are those of the contributers and not necessarily those of the Spectator of the college.
Since the world series is taking front page space, the question this week is: WHO DO YOU THINK WILL TAKE THE WORLD SER-IES?
I think the Yankees will win the series in five games because they have superior hitting and fielding.
Lawrence, Lowry The Philadelphia Phillies will take the fall classic because they are due to get the breaks now. They have been taking a beating due to bad breaks this last week of the regular season. I think they can outhit the Yanks and take the Series in six games.
James Scruggs The Yankees will cinch the series this year because of their team spirit and general determination.
Clive Sharpe I think that the Yanks will win because they have more experience.
Melvin Fishburn I believe that the New York boys will take home the bacon because they have more power in the batting order. The fact that the Yanks got some rest after winning the pennant will help their chances.—Gordon Paine The Yankees will take the series because of their greater experience in the fall classic.
Gordon Fishburn
Tonight at 8 p. m. on the McPherson College Athletic Field, the McPherson College Bulldogs will face their biggest test of the year in the Kansas Conference defending champion Baker Wildcats. The game will mark the debut of the team and coach Chalmer Woodard before McPherson fans, who have already given the Bulldogs their best potential attendance sendoff since 1946. The game is even larger from the point-of-view of the team’s future. At stake are first place in the Kansas Conference, amends for the disastrous defeat last year, and perhaps the key to the season's remainder. After all teams but Ottawa have played one game in the conference, Baker and McPherson are on top with one victory apiece. The Bulldogs edged Bethel 20-19 two weeks ago. and Baker muzzled pass-conscious College of Emporia 13-0 last week. There are no illusions about the top spot on the conference. No one with a possible gleam of reality can expect Woody and his aids to make a contender in one year after three and one half years of gridiron poverty. Even though a great improvement has already been realized, the squad must still see if they can duplicate the form they displayed in the first half. against Bethel and occasionally on offense versus William Jewell against a team of Baker's allaround class. Last year the Wildcats inflicted a 64-0 defeat upon the Bulldogs, the greatest defeat ever dealt to McPherson College. Baker was charged with 135 yards in penalties. and the Bulldogs lost their leading ground gainer. Glenn Pyle, for the season and lineman Don Stevens for three games via injuries. The Wildcats went on to win their first Kansas Conference football championship since 1942, with the tarzan-like Sailor Boy Hodges running wild. Coach Karl Spear this season has 20 lettermen returning from the ’49 group including bouncing Boyce Smith, the kinky-haired onetime Kansas City, Mo., high school ace. Smith has not only continued his all-conference play of 1949 but has taken up much of the slack left by the graduation of Sherm Kol-acny, Roy Braley, and Rod Enos. With Smith in the backfleld are two juniors, Harry Barrett and Bus Hill, and sophomore Jerry Steele. Hill, a hard charging 180 pounder from Wellsvllle, Kas,. is the inside threat if the defense sets for Smith's outside wanderings. Spear has five veteran ends topped by Gene Chubb and Warren Vance. Bud Sloop 230 pound Topeka junior who kicks the extra points, tops the tackles. Allconference John Zorn is the team's top blocker at center, but has only freshmen replacements. Spear has been lamenting his reserve guard play with lettermen Dick Haas shifted to wingback to remedy a weakness there, but let-termen Larry Noll and Walt Martin are back. The Wildcats’ non-conference ambitions have been rather force-ably thwarted by Kansas State 55-0 and Washburn 20-7, but they rebounded strongly in defeating C of E 13-0 last week. Barring mid-week practice injuries coach Woodard expects to field a team at full strength for the game tonight. Wayne Blicken-staff, who sat out all but four plays at William Jewell with a wrenched knee, still is favoring the joint but is expected to start tonight. George Keim, who was ill, and Don Stevens and Jerry Irons, who were slightly injured at William Jewell, are now fit for play. The weakness of the entire defense last week indicates a rough night if the Bulldog defenders have not improved. |
Kansas Conference Ottawa Into Contention On Valley Game
Games This Week Baker at MC. Bethany at C of E. Bethel at Ottawa. St. Benedicts at KWU (Tomorrow) Games Last Week Ottawa 0 Missouri Valley 20. MC 19 Wm. Jewell 59. Baker 13 C of E 0. Bethany 14 KWU 14. Bethel 14 Sterling 0. The Kansas Conference gets into full swing this week with three league games tonight and Kansas Wesleyan entertaining St. Benedicts at Salina'6 Martin Stadium tomorrow. Ottawa will become the last conference team to open loop activity as they play host to Bethel tonight after two surprising showings in non-conference play. The Braves lost 20-0 last week, but to Vol-ney Ashford’s powerful Missouri Valley outfit. The Vikings had previously beaten the College of Emporia 45-0. so Ottawa may not be a year away as Braves’ coach Dick Peters anticipated. Defending champion Baker finally traveled back to their own class and displayed championship defensive form in stopping C of E 13-0. Bouncing Boyce Smith led the Wildcats ns usual, tossing one scoring pitch to Gene Chubb. Harry Barrett scored the other TD for Baker on a 20 yard jaunt. Baker completely stifled the slick passing game of Presby Don Durand. In other games last week McPherson was trounced 59-19 by William Jewell. Bethany and Kansas Wesleyan tied 14-14, and Bethel bounced Sterling 14-0. The Swede-Coyote affair was raggedly played. Bill Carlson sparked the hard-fighting Scandinavians although it was two Howard Price passes to Dave Anderson that accounted for the scoring. Price injured his back in the game. The permanent loss of the veteran quarterback from Lawrence would be a tough blow to coach Ray Hahn. Harold Frazzell, former puppet of C of E coach Wayne McConnell at Downs, scored both Coyote touchdowns. Bethel bounced back from their opening 20-19 defeat to McPherson by nicking Sterling 14-0. The game was marred by the antics of a Bethel official who threw a bull at a game official when auger-ed by a decision against the Gray Maroons. |
There will be a meeting of the men's intramural committee — Joe Pate. Howard Mehlinger, Glenn Nicholson. Mel Fishburn, and Dean Coughenour —next Thursday at 9:50 a. m. to discuss plans for the coming intramural basketball program. |
before Kerr took a pitch from the 25 yard line for six points. • The Bulldogs played their best ball in the third quarter, roaring back from an early Bob Gadt to Cook scoring aerial that raised the score to 46-6. After Butler's kick slithered out of bounds on the 20 yard stripe. Tommy O'Dell slipped a short pass to Kerr who outfooted the entire Cardinal team to score. The play went 80 yards. Kerr also added the third touchdown shortly after Butler had fumbled the kickoff and McPherson recovered. Runs by Hoch and Ball put the ball on the 27, from which Kerr ambled through the line for the Bulldogs last score. There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given him to till.—Ralph Waldo Emerson MC-Wm. Jewell Statistics MC 0 6 13 0—19 William Jew. 19 20 7 13—59 Touchdowns—MC 3 (Kerr 3) WJ 9 (Nield 3, Cook 3. McCoy 2. Crane). PAT—MC (O'Dell 1) WJ 5 (Adams 3, Francis, Butler). First Downs—MC 9 WJ 13. Rushing attempts and yardage—MC 31-106 (O’Dell 6-18, Robison 6-13, Kerr 10-33, Metzler 1-neg 2, Ball 4-20, Hoch 8-1, Bean 1-1) WJ— 41-380 (Cook 4-39, Butler 8-27, Nield 3-97, Gadt 3-25, Francis 6-30, Owens 4-37, McCoy 3-44, Kelley 2-neg 1, Spencer 1-15, Lambert 1-6, Crane 3-43, Heather-ly 2-0, Tierney 1-12). Passing—MC attempted 15 completed 9. 268 yards (Hoch 13-7-160. O'Dell 2-2-108) WJ 10-5-122 (Butler 4-3-78. Crane 2-0-0, Coowk 2-1-13, Gadt 1-131, Young 1-0-0). Passes intercepted—MC 1 (Smith) WJ 2-40 yards (Van-derlaag 1-16, McCoy 1-24) Punting—MC 6, 29.0 avg. (Robison 1-36, Petefish 3-31.7, Smith 1-35, McSpadden 1-8). WJ 4, 25.8 avg. (Butler 3-223, Cook 1-36). Kickoffs returned—MC 10169 yards (Blickenstaff 1-20, O'Dell 3-51, Metzler 1-12, Hoch 1- 20. Petefish 2-23. Ball 2-43) WJ 3-57 (Owens 1-13, Gadt 136. Sindt 1-8). Punt Returns— MC 1-11 yards (Mehlinger) WJ 2-78 yards (Cook 1-70, Tierney 1-8) Penalties—MC 2-10 yards WJ 10-60 yards. Fumbles—MC 8, WJ 2. Opp. fumbles recovered—MC 2 WJ 4. Pass Receptions—MC 9-268 yards (Petefish 3-56. Metzler 250, Kerr 3-125, McSpadden 1-37) WJ 5-122 yards (Francis 2- 50, Crane 1-28, White 1-13 Cook 1-31). Passing Hot, Defense Cold: William Jewell Wins 59-19 Displaying a strong running, hard blocking outfit, the William Jewell College Cardinals severely punished the McPherson College Bulldogs 59-19 at Liberty, Mo., last Friday. A strong favorite but hardly a 40-point pre-game choice, the Cardinals took command in the first minute of play as Halfback Tom Cook returned a punt 70 yards for a touchdown. Although regular quarterback Wayne Blickenstaff was injured on that punt return, passing was the one Bulldog bright spot. Don Hoch replaced Blickenstaff at quarter and with the help of Tommy O'Dell racked up nine completions in 15 attempts for 268 yards. Bobby Nield, a 138 pound will o' the wisp halfback from Dan-ville, Ill., shared honors with Cook, and spinning tailback Tommy Butler for the winning Cardinals. Nield scored touchdowns the first three times he handled the ball, racing 27 and 66 yards in the first quarter and taking a 26 yard pitch from Butler on the first play of the second quarter. Jerry McCoy added two more touchdowns before the Bulldogs scored. Hoch launched an aerial attack after Charlie Petefish returned after McCoy's second touchdown. Ground plays by Bob Kerr and Eddie Ball put the ball on the Jewell 48. Hoch first hit Petefish to the right for 10 yards and Dave Metzler for 13 yards on the left |