Hess To Get Honorary Degree May 28
An honorary degree of doctor of Literature will be presented to Prof. M. A. Hess at commencement, exercises May 28. Prof. R. E. Mohler will read the citation.
The degree was approved by unanimous vote of the faculty and trustees for the long service and faithfulness Professor Hess has given the college, according to Dr. Bittinger.
Professor Hess, now teaching ancient languages and freshman English, has taught at Macollege for 32 years.
He took his A. B. at Ursinus in 1912 and his M. A. at Pennsylvania University in 1917.
In past years ho has been coach of debate and oratory producing nine state championships in 18 years. Only once did his team place below second in the state.
He has served Pi Kappa Delta, national honorary forensics fraternity, as governor of the province of the plains for five years. He is also chairman of the oratory committee.
He is listed in Who's Who in American Education and The Directory of American Scholars.
Industrial Arts Students Visit High Schools
Prof. S. M. Dell and his students of history of industrial arts visited high school manual training departments at Canton, Galva, Marion and Hillsboro May 9.
Students making the trip were Dale Carpenter. D. Albert Crist, Duane Jamison, Phil Kline, John Lennon, Kenneth Pritchett, Don Smith and Verne Young.
‘No Comment
ACP—From the Clarkson Integrator, Clarkson College of Technology. N. Y.—
"Do you know your future employer? Find out all about him in the library."
Ed. note: So that’s where the boss hangs out.
From the Muhlenberg Weekly. Muhlenberg College, Pa.—
"Thirty musicians on the bandstand and approximately thirty students in the audience? Surely, surely, we can do better than that."
Ed. note: Well, we could have fifty musicians on the bandstand.
Pardon, Madame!
An English professor at the University of North Carolina was rambling along about emotional meanings in certain words.
"Take the word lady." he said. It used to mean something fine, but now since some women of disrepute have termed themselves ladies, the word has come to mean someone with a false front."
CBYF Holds
On Friday, May 4, Dr. James Elrod and the Western Region CB-YF Cabinet met with Glenn Swinger, advisor, in Cabool, Mo., for a weekend retreat.
The cabinet members are: president. Berwyn Oltman: secretary-treasurer, Pat Patterson; director of social education and peace. Carole Huffman; director of social action and material goods. Jake Sheaffer; and editor, Lorene Clark.
Saturday was spent on the Piney River near Cabool making plans for the coming year. The most important item of business was the Regional Youth Conference for 1952.
On Sunday, Dr. Elrod gave the sermon at the Cabool church.
Western Regional Youth Cabinet met with all district cabinets represented at McPherson College, Sunday, May 13.
President Berwyn Oltman presided over the meeting. Fourteen people from seven districts were present. Most of the discussion centered around problems which confront district cabinets in working with local CBYFs.
Some Fade, Some Crap Out
Comment from the Daily Barometer, Oregon State College: "Some old soldiers 'only fade away’. But some attract lots of attention while doing it"
Open house was held last Thursday night for the new J. C. Dell Rural Life Laboratory, an addition to the regular industrial arts building. Present to ‘receive guests were S. M. Dell, Guy Hayes, Professor Hershberger, and shop instructor Willems. A formal opening will be held next Fall.
6:30 P. M. Junior-Senior Banquet, Hotel Warren.
SUNDAY, MAY 20 9:45 A. M. Church School
10:45 A. M. Worship Hour, “Service: Victorious Personality,” Harry K. Zeller, Minister 5:30 P. M. College-Church Spring Festival, Lakeside Park. Student Ministers in charge of program
10:20 A. M. Last Chapel Session, Granting of Honors and Awards
8:00 P. M. Reception to Seniors, President's Home SATURDAY, MAY 26
10:00 A. M. Class Day Exercises ..............Class of 1951
6:30 P. M. Alumni Reunion and Banquet, Church of the Brethren
9:45 A. M. Church School, Church of the Brethren
10:45 A. M. Baccalaureate Service, Church of the Brethren, President Desmond W. Bittinger 4:00 P. M. Musical Recital, College Chapel 4:30 P. M. Reception for Parents and Friends, Student Union Room
7:30 P. M. Evening Services, Theme: “What Kind of Person Represents the Influence of Jesus Christ?”
MONDAY, MAY 28 9:45 A. M. Academic Procession
10:00 A. M. Commencement Program, Church of the Brethren, A. Blair Helman, Minister and Teacher, Lawrence, Kansas
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, May 18, 1951
The alumni of Macollege will have a day of celebration May 26. There will be class reunions, programs and the day will close with the annual alumni spring banquet.
The day will begin with a class clay program in the college auditorium at 10 a. m. Following this, lunch will be served in the college cafeteria at noon.
At 1 p. m. registration will begin at the Alumni Officer At this time the office will be holding open house. The new Alumni Secretary is Robert Mays.
The classes that have graduated from the college in recent years will meet and have reunions at various places beginning at 4 p. m.
The class of 1901 will be observing its 50th anniversary at this meeting. They will meet in the Alumni lounge.
Meeting at the home of Professor Dell will be the 1926 Class, who will be observing their 25th anniversary.
The classes of 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922 will be meeting in the Student Union Room.
Arnold Hall will play host to the classes of 1938, 1939, 1940 and 1941.
The day will end with the, annual alumni banquet, which will be served in the social parlors of the local Church of the Brethren.
The speaker at the banquet will
Campus Will Host Alumni Banquet, Reunion May 26
Fifty-seven students are slated to graduate in commencement exercises May 28. Twenty-nine will receive the A. B., and 28 the B. S. degrees.
A. Blair Helman, College trustee and minister of the Ottawa ' Church of the Brethren, will deliver the commencement address, “The Great Adventure."
Candidates for the A. B. are: Gerald" Ellis Albright, Eldora, Iowa; Wilma Edna Boyer, Hutchinson; Harold Dean Cotton, McPherson; Norma Lee Couch, Kan-sas City, Mo.: Dean Coughenour, McPherson; John William Daggett, Jr.. Lawrence, Kans.; Sylvus D. Flora. Quinter: Lillian Ramona Good, Waynesboro, Pa.; Helen Ruth Hood, La Verne, Calif.; Lyle David Klamm, Detroit, Kans.; Robert H. Lloyd, Durham, Kans. (in absentia); Bonnie Jane Martin, McPherson; Letha Miriam Miller, Marshalltown, Iowa; Lyle Miller, Kensington, Kans.; Olive Colyn Ranck, Clearfield, Iowa; Albert P. Rogers. Wilmont, Minn.; Ruth Lucille Sandquist, McPherson; William Joseph Sheets. McPherson; Donald Edwin Shultz, McPherson; Mildred May Snowber-ger, Payette, Idaho; Donovan Earl Speaker, Burns, Kans.; Irven Fike Stern, McPherson: Patricia Bit-tinger Stern, McPherson; Robert Aaron Teegarden, Kansas City, Kans. (in absentia); Ella Viola Wedel, Galva; Harold J. Wiebe, Hillsboro; Kathy Louise Wiens, Hutchinson; Lola Ruth Voder, Pampa, Texas; and Juanita H. Zeller, McPherson.
Candidates for the B. S. degree are Donald Murk Anderson. McPherson; Carol E. Bailey. McPherson; Royce Charlton Beam. McPherson; Marilue Bowman, Quinter; Elvin Everett Brown, Leoti. Kans.; James Sanford Bruce, Gul-va; Vincent La Verne Chinberg. McPherson; John William Ferrell. McPherson; Lester H. Finger, Dallas, Texas; Melvin N. Fishburn, Lawrence, Kans.; Byron D. Frantz, McPherson; Martha G. Frantz, Conway Springs, Kans.; Carl Albert Guyer, New Enterprise. Pa.; Betty Jean Hanagarne, Shiprock, N. M.; Billy Ray Kidwell, McPherson; Lawrence K. Lowrey, McPherson (in absentia); Vernon F. Merkey, Cloud Chief, Okla.: All Mohit, Teheran, Iran; Arlene Ruth Mohler, McCune, Kans.; Rowena G. Neher, Quinter; Dale George Oltman, Enders Nebr.; Joseph Earl Pate, Independence. Kans.: Fred M. Ranck, Clearfield, Iowa; Charles Frank Royer, Ottawa; Duane Eldon Walter. McPherson; Wilda Minnix Werner, Kansas City, Kans.; John M.White, McPherson; and Nasser Yazdi Nad-Pherson, Teheran, Iran.
Juniors, Seniors Have Picnic Wednesday
The Junior-Senior All-Day picnic was held Wednesday, May 16, of this week. Students met in front of Sharp at 8:30 Wed. morning and left by car for Kanop-olis Dam where the day was spent in various forms of recreation.
Two meals, dinner and supper, were served to the picnickers.
The one day picnic, instead of the annual retreat,was decided upon by the two classes because of the conflict with May Day activities. The students were excused from classes if they attended the picnic.
Kline Electa Reynolds New President
Kline Hall held their election of officers Monday night. Frances Hall retiring president was in charge. The new officers are: Ann Reynolds, President. Winona Gentry, Vice President, and Margaret Yost, Secretary and Treas-
K. U. Law Dean Here Thursday
Dr. F. J. Moreau, Dean of the law school at KU was on Macam-pus Thursday morning to meet students interested in law. The meeting was set for 11:15 in room 27 of Sharp Hall.
Deadline Moved Up For Draft Exam
The deadline for receipt of Selective Service College Qualification Test applications has been extended to May 25 by Selective Service, Educational Testing Service announced today. All applications must be in the hands of Educational Testing Service by May 25, 1951. This applies to the July 12 date for those students whose religious beliefs prevent their taking the test on a Saturday, as well as to the June 16 and June 30 testings. Applications are no longer being processed for the May 26th administration and no further tickets can be issued for May 26.
Students who wish to take the test must secure, complete, and mail applications at once.
Grace Pickett To Visit Macampus Next Summer
Professor Hershberger, art teacher, announced the visit of Miss Grace Pickett, a representative of the Studio Guild of New York City, sometime next summer.
Miss Pickett is the person through whom Professor Hershberger has acquired some of the art exhibits Macampus has had.
Ag Club To Picnic Monday
The M. C. Ag Club will have a picnic, weather permitting, in Lakeside Park Monday afternoon May 21.
At this time officers for the coming year will be elected.
Awards To Be Give In Monday Chapel
Awards will be presented at the final Macollege Chapel on Monday, May 21. Dr. R. E. Mohler is in charge of the program.
Debate and dramtics awards will be presented by Prof. Roy McAuley. Miss Bonine Martin, retiring Student Council president, will present Student Council Awards. W. A. A. awards will be given by Miss Doris Coppock. Coach Chalmer E. Woodard will present athletic awards. Academic awards will also be presented at the Assembly.
The singing of the college song led by Prof. Donald R. Frederick and remarks by Dr. Mohler will bring to a close the final Chapel program of the school year.
Rec Council Hikes To Anderson Farm
The members of the Recreational Council m6t at the Industrial Arts Building 'Monday night at 5 p. m. and, hiked to the Anderson Farm.
The group included the members of the Council and their guests. They took their own food and cooked their meals over the open fire.
Mens Council Will Start ‘Buddy Plan’ Here Next Year
By Gerald Neher The Mens Council is sponsoring a project for the coming year, which is hoped to be an annual affair. It is known us the ‘'Campus Buddy" project. A project similar to this has been carried out on some of our Brethren campuses, and also other Conference camp-us. The project has two principle aims. The first is to keep a new student interested in the college, and to get him acquainted with the institution. The second aim is to take care of the human element that psychologists call homesickness. The campus buddy should be someone the new student could go to for council and guidance, and to whom the coun-celor should be an intimate friend.
Letters will be written to the students who are returning next year to tell them who their campus buddy will he. The Men's Council suggests that you then write your buddy, and make plans to meet him when he arrives at school.
This seems to be one way to keep the green freshman feeling from being so prominent around our school. The coming year will he somewhat of a test year for this project.
Martin. Yoder Attend VA Meet At Wichita
Mrs. Alice Martin, registrar, and Gordon Yoder. business man-ager, were in Wichita Wednesday. May 9, attending a meeting sponsored by the Veteran's Administration.
The purpose of the meeting was to instruct the schools in this region on the new rules and regulations concerning GI benefits.
Morning program for the day was taken up in round table discussions.
Workshops Begin May 28
Summer workshops on Macam-pus will begin May 28, and will end June 2. They will include workshops in sacred music and conducting, and arts and crafts.'
No. 30
Juniors, Seniors Banquet Tonight
On Saturday. May 19. the Junior and Senior classes will hold the traditional Junior-Senior Ban-quet in the Blue Room of the Hotel Warren. The theme chosen for the banquet is "Cinderella”
The Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be David Metzler. The response will be given by the Senior Class President, Dale Olt-man.
The speaker for the evening is to be the Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Also included on the program will be a bullet by Miss Kay Ann Goforth.
Dean Goes To Ohio To Complete Degree
Dean J. M. Berkebile and family left McPherson Friday for Ohio University, Columbus, Ohio, where he will finish requirements for his Ph. D. in Chemistry.
The dean announced that he planned to take an oral examination Monday, May 21, and be back home as soon as possible. He also reported that he has been given permission to receive his degree in absentia.
Regular graduation exorcises at the university will take place June 8
Students Display Over 30 Items
Professor Hershberger’s art students will have a display in SUR until school is out. The work includes landscapes, still lifes, and one portrait in pastel, water color, oil and charcoal.
Twenty-nine pieces are on display now, and Professor Hershberger expects four more soon.
Those having items in the display are Eloise Burt, Grace Kemp, Joseph Bukey, Hatsuko Kanazawa, Neta Zeller, M. Lehmberg, Wayne Foster, Dick King, Esther Mohler, Geneva Krehbiel, Grace Quinn, Willard Tolle, Lorene Clark, Ken Pritchett, La Verne Burger, Della Lehman, Ina Dit-mars, Kathlyn Larson, Lowell E. Hoch, Beverly Turner, and Carl Metsker.
Seniors Have Reception In SUR Afternoon Of May 27
On the afternoon of May 27 at 4:30 o’clock a reception will be given in the Student Union Room for the relatives and friends of the graduating seniors of McPherson College. There will be a social hour and light refreshments will be served. The public is invited to attend.
Dr. Kenneth Bechtel is in charge of the reception which is one of the last activities for the graduates.
ho the president of Macollege, Dr. Desmond W. Bittinger.
Music at the banquet will be provided by the Class of 1951.
The classes of 1901 and 1926 will be presented awards in recognition for their 50 and 25 years of respective loyalty to Macollege.
' Also at the banquet will be the election results. The alumni are voting for the board of directors, president, vice president and the alumni representative on the Board of Trustees.
The alumni nominating committee chose two 1951 graduates to be eligible for the board of directors. They are Bonnie Martin and Fred Ranck.
Other nominees for the board of directors are Bob Burkholder ’47, John Colyn ‘50. Esther Brown Enberg ’33, Donald Dresher ’33. Leland Lindell ’31, Mrs. Ruth Harms Nigh ’33, Glenn Pyle '50, Mrs. Donna Joan Johnson Washburn ’41 and Bob Wright ’48.
Donald Dresher '33 and Royal Yoder ’32 were nominated for president.
Those nominated for vice president were Esther Brown Enberg ’33 and Ted Washburn '43.
For the alumni representative on the Board of Trustees the following were nominated: Mrs. Velma Keller Strickler ’35 and Ray C. Strohm ‘03.
The Spectator
FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1951
You, Too, Must Decide
By A. Blair Helman
Students of literature have learned to appreciate the genius of William Shakespeare. Among his voluminous works are to be found some of the choice literary masterpieces of the ages. The characters of his plays find their counterparts in every speech of history. Even college students today are called upon to make the same kind of decisions as these actors upon Shakespeare’s stage.
In his Merchant of Venice the suitors of the fair Portia were confronted with three caskets made respectively of gold, silver, and lead. Portia's picture was placed in the leaden casket, and the man who chose it was the winner of the quest.
Each of the three caskets had an inscription. The gold one was inscribed with the words, “Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.” “Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves,” was on the silver casket. On the leaden casket was the warning, “Who chooseth me must give and hazard all that he hath.”
These inscriptions suggest three philosophies of life. The first is much in prominence today. This philosophy holds that success in life is determined by the extent of material gain. Many young people have become so obsessed with a desire to make money that they fail to bring into question the morality of the means to that end. The legality and the morality of an action do not always coincide. It was said of British society of the past with some justification that if a man stole a loaf of bread he was thrown into jail, but if he stole a railroad he ended up in Parliament. Recent investigations indicate that the same may well be true of our society. Such a philosophy of life leads inevitably to failure.
The second inscription implies that life owes us something and that it ought to confer all sorts of favors upon us. Many of the appeals for security in our day are significantly reminiscent of the cries of “bread and circuses” of the decadent Roman Empire of antiquity. Complete security is not to be found in life; it is found only in death. This philosophy of life leaves much to be desired.
The noblest philosophy is the third one. It suggests that life is a sacrificial adventure and demands that one hazard all that he has. Life’s greatest satisfaction comes through service. This is the High Way of life; this is the way to a new world.
The student senate at the University of Oklahoma has objected to the recently passed state loyalty oath on four counts. They are:
"This bill would make available for state'service any men. regardless of their capabilities, who in exercising their religious consciences find themselves unable to bear arms."
"We feel that the placing in the hands of the attorney general the power to determine arbitrarily who is and who is not subversive is an infringement of liberty. The
attorney general's list represents only the opinion of his office, and has not judicial standing."
"We should also point out that this oath would prevent foreign instructors from teaching at; this university, as swearing allegiance to this country is contrary to their respective national laws."
"Wo feel that a dangerous and unconstitutional precedent would he set by any measure which discriminates against the individual because of organizational affiliation. If such action is constitutional, a future legislature would be able to go so far as to bar members of the opposing party from state employment."
The opinions expressed in this column are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of either the Spectator or McPherson College. The question for this week is "WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE ANSWER TO THE KOREAN SITUATION?”
I believe the answer to the Korean situation will have to come through an agreement between both parties. Joan Keim.
A good share of the people are going to have to change their attitudes. We should get out of Korea and come home. Berwyn Oilman.
I think that unless we can lo-cate the situation in Korea and stop It there, it will spread into a third world war. Lloyd Hummer.
The Ideal situation would be for the supposed U. N. forces to make an agreement between Korea and the Rod Chinese. The first mistake was in splitting Korea. The second mistake was made when United States stepped Into Korea before the U. N. I think one answer would he to put a trade embargo on Russia. There are many United States businessmen who are shipping supplies to Red Chinese troops, and we are sending our boys over there to be killed. If my neighbor threw rocks in my window. I would not go haul gravel for him. Bob Mays.
There is not any answer to the Korean situation. George Goff.
We should stop at the 38th parallel and Russia will too. Bob Peel.
We should pull our troops out and leave them alone. Bill Moore.
I believe the answer is for the United Nations to recognise Red China as a nation, and to admit her to the United Nations, and to negotiate. We have recognized Russia and Spain, therefore, we should recognize Red China and TRY for Peace. Wayne Parris.
The Korean problem will be solved in one generation—only by that generation of man understanding vicarious suffering and with the will to take that way in solving the problem. Dean Berke-bile.
Prof. S. M. Dell entertained his majors and their wives at his home Saturday evening, May 5. They are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Frantz.
The following "fable” is taken from the Daily Bruin, UCLA:
"Once upon a time there was a little hoy named Douglas who liked to play war. Oh, he had such fun with his toy soldiers, tanks and guns. The only trouble was that he would play with them so long and so hard that he would often break them. But Doug didn’t care. There were more soldiers and other toys where those came from, a big toy shop culled the U. S.
"Now this little boy liked to make rash promises to other boys about his toys and how he could play with them across the street. His father. Harry, would often tell our hero not to make these statements because daddy would not hack them up as sunny boy thought he would. But Doug didn't care. Possibly he thought that if he made the boasts often enough he could get himself into so much trouble that Pupa would have to let him go across the street to play war.
"Therefore, he would not heed the repeated warnings of his father, Harry. But daddy knew that papas always know best and that the head of the family was the only one who could make decisions. He know it was poor for little Doug to cross the street.
Finally, after repeated' warnings. Papa Harry had to discipline Doug. First he spanked him, but that didn't work. So as Doug ate lunch one day this week. Harry took away all of his little boy’s toys.
"And the family lived peacefully ever after—we hope."
Former Teacher Visits Macampus Over Week End
Miss Lillian Warner, former physical education teacher at Mac ollege, who for the past five years has been teacher of physical-therapy at Kansas University spent last weekend visiting friends in McPherson.
Miss Warner has re-enlisted in the Army and will leave on June 5, for her assignment as a physical therapist.
Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week.
Read all the ads in the Spectator every week.
Prof. R. E. Mohler entertained his majors at his home Sunday evening. May 13.
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday During the school year by the Student Council.
Nearly forty guests were present at a miscellaneous shower held Sunday for Naomi Mankey and Freddie Goenner. The shower was given by Ruth Weniger, Freddie's Aunt. The decorations were pink and green with a centerpiece of white mums. The program consisted of a duet, "Oh Perfect Love." a poem about Freddie and Naomi, and games.
Elsie Kindley, Glen Nicholson, Carole Huffman, D. A. Crist, Mickey Akers, and Duane Jamison journeyed to Kanopolis for a picnic last Friday.
Kline Hall girls held their annual breakfast in the park Thursday at the unearthly hour of 5:00. Eggs, bacon, toast, coffee, and doughnuts were served. Ann Reynolds and Mickey Akers volunteered to get wood and start a fire at 4:30, and the group unanimously voted Lucy Flory into the office of official pan scratchcr. Naomi Man-key and Betty Hanagarne, future brides, were presented with luncheon sets.
Leonora Foster received a visit from her folks, Mr. and Mrs. George Foster over the weekend.
Esther Merkey went to her home in Cloud Chief, Oklahoma over the weekend.
Margaret Yost and Winona Gentry visited with Winona's Aunt at Lebo,Kansas last weekend.
Joyce Smith's sister-in-law, Mrs. Marjorie Smith, and her Nieces Elina, Ruthie, and Janet visited Kline Hall Monday.
Francos Hall and Bryce Miller were in Wichita last Sunday.
Esther Hornbaker was in Hutchinson last weekend visiting her parents.
Joyce Smith went home to Lyons Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Fisher and daughter visited in Mac over the weekend.
Dorothy Broyles, June Anderson, and Mary Flory visited Lucille Flory all weekend. They are sophomores at Lawrence, Kansas High School.
Gall Snyder visited friends at Mac over the weekend.
Ann Reynolds and Mickey Akers were the dinner guests of Lucy Flory and Ginger Reynolds Thursday evening. The occasion was the celebration of Ann and Mickey's birthdays.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wilson will come from their home in Okla., to attend the alumni reunion and banquet Saturday, May 26. Mrs. Wilson is the former Susan Iken-berry.
Norman, Okla. (I. P.)—Following a national trend, the University of Oklahoma will discontinue the annual interscholastic contests in classroom subjects formerly held each spring. . President George L. Cross announced here recently.
The decision to drop the subject-matter contests came as the result of a recommendation from the University Committee on School Relations, which based its recommendation on recent findings of the North Central Association contest committee. In addition. groups of Oklahoma public school superintendents were consulted before reaching the final decision.
"Contests as such are not entirely valueless." President Cross emphasized, “but. in too many instances we have emphasized the winning by a few rather than the returns to the many. Furthermore, unless wisely directed, the means tend to become the ends in many contests.
"Schools, as always should continue to recognize those who excel in classroom subjects, but we should also give recognition to those who show excellence in allround development. The University always will sponsor a number of competitive activities. At the same time, we will continue to reevaluate them and thus develop a strong, balanced program in all areas.”
LIFE Announces Photo Contest
Texas U Will Offer TeeVee Degree
Austin. Tex. (I. P.)—The University of Texas College of Fine Arts will offer a new radio-tele-vision broadcasting degree next full. The University is the first school in Texas to offer a degree in the fast-growing video field.
The number of U. S. universities with television programming courses has jumped from 33 last year to 60 now. Only 18 schools have television workshops.
The University's TV workshop, under the direction of E. R. Norris, is a joint project of the Department of Drama and Radio House. An arrangement with a San Antonio television station enables students to use that station's facilities much as they would a regular laboratory on the campus.
The new degree plan is more specialized than the degree in radio now offered. During the entire junior and senior years, it will require participation in production of television shows, for which eight semester hours credit will be given. Enough elective time will remain so that students may choose some specialized area — such ns direction, advertising, or production.
Laboratory work will include regularly-scheduled broadcasts over commercial stations and making 16 mm, films for TV use. Students will plan and present the entire shows, and many of the scripts used will come from the television writing course.
New York. May 17 —A contest for young photographers with cash awards of $15,000 was announced today , by Edward K. Thompson, managing editor of LIFE magazine. with -a deadline for entries of September 15, 1951. Full details of the contest will be found in the May 21 issue of LIFE.
"LIFE is undertaking this photographic contest—the first it has ever held—to bring the work of young photographers to the attention of the public." Thompson said. "We believe that a lot of new talent has been developing since the war and we want to find out about it”
The contest is open to all residents of the U. S.. its territories or possessions, and members of the U. S. armed forces on active duty anywhere.
Contestants must not be more than 30 years old, their 31st birthday not falling before January 1.
There will be two prize divisions in LIFE'S Contest for Young Photographers— one for individual picture stories, the latter for a series of photographs telling a story or depending upon group presentation for effect.
Chicago, Ill. (I. P.)—The currently popular idea that better education results when the teacher allows the students to take over the class, was challenged by Professor Robert Hoppock of New York University, in a report to the annual convention of the National Vocational Guidance Association, held recently in this city.
While in his own classes Professor Hoppock found that students preferred demonstrations by the faculty, rather than having their classmates run the class, he recommended to the association that educators find out for themselves which method operates better. He pointed out that his research was both easy and economical. requiring only a little advance planning, and the keeping of a few simple records.
Professor Hoppock, who is chairman of the department of guidance and personnel administration of the University's School of Education. made his studies during the summer of 1949 and in early 1950 with graduate students. He said his students overwhelmingly approved the instructor's handling of the class.
The N. Y. U. educator conducted four sections of a graduate course in "Group Guidance" during this period. Ho alternated between demonstrating techniques himself and having his students do practice demonstration. At the end of each class session. Profes-sor Hoppock had the students record whether or not they had learned anything new and useful from the day's session.
By most criteria and in all four sections, the graduate students preferred the demonstrations by the faculty.” he said. "The students who performed the demonstrations may have learned more on the one day they performed, but for the class as a whole the instructor demonstrations appear to have provided a better learning situation." _
Baccalaureate services will be given at the Church of the Brethren Sunday. May 27. beginning at 10:45 a. m. Graduates will wear caps and gowns and sit in the center of the church.
Dr. Desmond W. Bittinger will deliver the message. "A Faith For Youth."
Rehearsals for the service will be held Saturday, May 26, following class day activities.
The junior class will be responsible for decorating and ushering for the exercises.
Chapel Attendance Proves A Problem
Richmond, Ind. (I. P.)—In a recent meeting devoted entirely to the problem of chapel attendance, the Earlham College Senate adopted the three following steps to meet the current situation on this campus:
1. Senate will continue to pass out cards in chapel and assembly In order to get an accurate list of students who are habitually absent; 2. Senate represenatives will be posted at strategic points to speak to students who are not in chapel; 3. The executive committee of the Senate will appoint a special committee, drawn from the ranks of Senate and the general student body, to study the problem. adopt corrective measures, and supervise the fullfillment of these measures.
The third motion grew out of a proposal by Earlham's President, Thomas E. Jones. He briefly recounted the system in use here before the honor system was adopted under which seats were assign-ed and attendance checked. A student who missed a specified number of times was deprived of class credit.
"The Earlham Idea is developed by going to chapel," Dr. Jones declared. He said that chapel attendance Is not permanently on the Honor System. It is actually on a six month trial basis which has been renewed by the faculty each time it expired. One hundred percent attendance is the goal President Jones described us the ultimate objective. He expressed favor toward the Senate's taking action and suggested a committee to apply social pressure on habitual absentees.
The Kansas Conference tennis tournament finals were held' on Macampus Friday. Earlier scheduled for Emporia, it was moved to McPherson because of rain in Emporia which put courts there out of condition.
Tennis Coach R. Gordon Yoder was notified of the change by telephone Thursday.
Participating In the meet will be Bethel, Ottawa, Baker, and McPherson. Other conference schools were eliminated in playoffs at Baker.
South Dakota Has Regent Troubles
Students at South Dakota State college last week staged a general class walkout and several mass demonstrations.
The action came In protest of the Board of Regents’ decision to rehire W. W. Worzella as head of the agronomy school. President Fred Leinbach, who had previously fired Worzella for “lack of cooperation", immediately resigned.
Cries of indignation echoed throughout the campus. Students set aside a "Dr. Leinbach Day", and posters calling for his continued administration spotted the campus.
In a speech to the student body, Leinbach declared. "Let's not stoop. Let's uphold the dignity and honor of this student body, let's not degrade it. This institution has to go on: you're going to help it go on." He concluded with, "I cannot help but say I love you". At this point he received a standing ovation from the crowd.
Declared the South Dakota Collegian: ". . . The Regents admit that every charge made by Leinbach is unequivocally true. They admit that Worzella has been guilty and is still guilty of the charges made against him. And still the
Madison. Wisconsin — College students from all over the United States will gather at the University of Minnesota this summer to determine the role of the student In the world community.
The National Student Congress is sponsored by the United States National Student Association (NSA), which represents over 800,000 college and university students. About 1,000 official student representatives of American Colleges and Universities are expected to attend the 10 day conference August 20-29.
The main subjects under consideration will be student government. higher education in the national emergency, and international affairs.
Such problems as honor systems. college athletics and student health, the college press, orientation programs, and relief will also be discussed.
Other topics on the agenda include the student's role in the improvement of class room and extra-classroom education, student economic problems, relations of NSA with national and international organizations, projects to increase student exchange, re
MANAGES PRO TEAM—Vance Carlson, former Macollege ath-lete, this season is playing-manager of the Greensville. S C... Spinners, a professional class "C" hall team. Carlson recently pitched a 3-0 victory over Greenwood. S. C„ in a league game.
Student Congress To Meet In Summer At Minnesota U.
Schools Not Asked For Speed-Up, Says Michigan Educator
Ann Arbor. Mich. (I. P.) —The U. S. Department of Defense has not requested educational Institutions to accelerate their academic programs. Robert L. Williams, assistant to the provost of the University of Michigan, declared here. Williams is serving as the co-ordinator to keep the University in touch with developments at Wash-
Regents rehired the man.
" . . . The Regents have lost only one man; there’s only one position to be filled. And that office is merely the presidency of South Dakota State college.
"Maybe the Board thinks it will be easy to fill. Maybe they think a man as qualified as Leinbach will be easy to find. Maybe they can—maybe not, too. For the State college presidency is a weak position now.
" . . . The Regents have been true only to untruth and injus-tice. They have been faithful only in indecision. Without truth is left only falseness: without faith is left weakness. Without either, nothing is left.”
ington relating to the national
He quoted an assistant secretary of the Army an saying. "The Department of the Army has no occasion to request the colleges and universities to accelerate their academic programs at this time."
Williams said similar views had been indicated to the University by representatives of the Navy, Marines and Air Force. He pointed out that the armed forces are serious in this point of view since neither the military academy at West Point nor the naval academy at Annapolis had been asked to speed up their educational programs.
Williams also pointed out that extensive special training programs such as colleges and universities taught for the armed forces during the last war are not contemplated at this time by the armed forces.
port of the travel department, and an evaluation of NSA activities.
Above is the Macollege debate squad which won honors for the school in eight tournaments this year. They are from left to right. TOP ROW. Coach Roy McAuley, Gene Bechtel, Don Speaker. Vi Alailima, Wayne Zeizler, Robert Hamsher, Gerald Neher, Dean Cotton, and Berwyn Oltman; BOTTOM ROW, Joe Kennedy, Miriam Akers, Joan Keim, and Bill Kidwell. _
"So run that ye may obtain." was the caption given this picture of Sadie Hawkins Day race for men. The girls ran, caught, and entertained what they caught.
Indian students Frank and Betty Hanagarne from Shiprock, N. M., entertain Hatsuko Kanazawa from Nagasaki, Japan.
Miriam Keim, Nampa, Idaho. Junior, was Homecoming Queen for 1950.
BSCM DELEGATES STRANDED IN WASHINGTON LAST DECEMBER—The dome of the United States Capitol poses in the background as the BSCM delegates stand on the steps of the Senate Wing of the capitol building. In the back row may be seen Rev. and Mrs. DeWitt Miller, formerly of McPherson. To the lower left are Jack Kough, Congressman Rees, Congressman George, Senator Schoeppel, and Senator Darby.
Dr. Desmond W. Bittinger was inaugurated as the tenth president of Macollege this year.
Coach Woodard briefs the Bulldog basketball squad which won a tie for third place in Kansas Conference competition.
Loren Blickenstaff was named captain of the Bulldog basketball squad for 1930-31.
Joe Pate captained the football team for 1930-31.
Foreign students on Macampus this year were Moussa Razinia, Nasser Yazdi Nadushani, and Reza Mofarah of Iran._
This “bone crusher" float in the Homecoming Parade won only second place, but the real bonecrushers beat the Swedes 31-7.
Bill Daggett, Joe Pate, and Loren Blickenstaff, set ’em up for Sylvus Flora and Miriam Keim at a party last Fall.
Marlin Walters, Ann Carpenter. Betty Murrey, and Bob Wilson, led Macollege fans through the football and basketball seasons.
This is a picture of the faculty reception early last Fall.
Above are two scenes from the Homecoming activities last Fall. Students, clad in pajamas, pass through the lobby of the McCourt Hotel in the process of a snake dance. The group attended a movie after the parade.
The Bulldog football squad fought to many victories and too many close defeats.
Here’s a wish for the future—may whatever path of endeavor you choose ... be it the business world, further schooling, homemaking or the armed forces . . . hold rich fulfillment of your hopes and also the wealth of knowledge and wisdom that comes only from experiences greeted with an open mind.
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