Nightshirts Parade Streets In 30th Pre-Game Pep Rally

Forgetting all inhibitions, Macollege students may don pajamas “legally” next Thursday evening, Oct. 5 for the staging the 30th yearly pajama parade and snake dance. The event is held before the night of the first home football game, and is run in cooperation with the city police force and the college cheerleaders.

Oct. 1, President’s Reception and open house for freshmen.

Oct. 5, Pajama parade and snake dance, 7:30 p. m.

Oct. 6, Football—Baker, here. Oct. 7. Kline Hall open house. Oct. 10. Model UN.

Classes Dismiss Today For Picnic At Kanopolis

This afternoon, Friday, September 29, the Recreational Council is sponsoring the first all school picnic of the year at Kanopolis Dam. School will be dismissed at noon, with the group meeting in front of Sharp Hall to leave at one o'clock. The activities of the afternoon will begin with the meeting of all students at the main shelter house at the Dam at 2:30.

Chairmen of the various recreation committees will explain the activities which are available. The croup will be divided according to individual choice to participate in the following activties: boating. Gilford Ikenberry in charge; hiking and treasure hunt, Marliyn Roe and Elsie Kindley; volley ball and badminton, Esther Mohler and Letha Miller: miscellaneous games of horseshoe, darts, and deck tennis, Bryce Miller and Prof. S. M. Dell: touch football, Gerald Neher: softball, Arlene Mohler and Don Ford.

After individual group activities. Ruth Peckover and Phyllis Bowman will lead group games. A picnic supper will be served at 6:15 by members of the Recreational Council.

The picnic will be followed by a campfire of a non-serious nature. Wllda Minnix is chairman. Mari-loue Bowman and Clara Domann are in charge of securing the entertainment.

Members of the Rec. Council in charge of transportation are Jerry Neher, chairman, Bryce Miller, and Wllda Minnix. Food will be supplied by Pat Patterson, chairman, Hazel Sanger, Betty Murrey, and Chuck Royer. Recreational activities were planned by Jake Shaeffer, chairman, Joan Pinth-er, and Marilee Grove.

The fee for the days activities will be 25 cents paid to the driver of the car for transportation, and 25 cents for the picnic supper.

Cheerleader elections for 1950-parade are Betty Ann Murrey, Ann Carpenter, Marlin Walter, and Bob Wilson. The game Friday, Oct. 6 is against Baker University of Baldwin, Kansas.

Students assembling for the parade will meet at the Junior High School building on East Euclid at 7:30 p. m. from the Junior High, the snake dancers will parade through business establishments up and down main street; and will pause at intersections for college yells.

As a finale to the festivities, Macollege students are invited to attend a movie at one of the theaters for the special admission price of 35 cents per person.

Twenty-nine years ago Macol-lege had her first pajama parade, which was then called the 'nightshirt parade.” From the Oct. 4 spectator of 1921, edited by Orville D. Pote, come the following sidelights on the now traditional event.

"The boys of McPherson College staged a rather unique NightShirt parade last Tuesday evening in order to arouse Interest among the business men of the city for the game with Fairmount which was waged last Saturday afternoon.

“One hundred fifty students garbed in "ghostly apparel" departed from the dorm about 8:30 and wended their way, single rile, to Main street where a snake dance was soon in its height of glory.

"Both sides of the street were lined with great numbers of curious spectators. At the corner of Kansas Avenue and Main the zigzag procession was greeted by a refrain from the college band. After numerous rousing college yells, the line of march was directed to the Tourney theater which surren-dered to the invaders after a short siege.

"The soothing quietness and peacefulness which reigned supreme then was suddenly broken by a half dozen peppy yells and cheers. After informing the theater-goers of the mission of such a motley army, the theater was quickly evacuated. The long winding train then proceeded northward to the corners of Euclid and Main where another halt was made.

"Again the great crowd of cur-ious onlookers was favored by several band selections sandwiched with plenty of college yells.

"As the group disbanded the boys were picked up by good-natured business men and taken to the Hill.”

Macollege's 1950-’51 cheerleaders: 1. to r.: Marlin Walter, Ann Carpenter, Betty Ann Murrey, Bob Wilson.

Northwest Kansas Holds Meeting At Navarre

Poetry Assn. Announces Collegiate Verse Contest The National Poetry Associa--

lion announces the seventh annual competition of College Students' Poetry. The closing date for the submission of manuscripts by all students is Nov. 5.

Any student attending cither Junior or senior college is eligible to submit his verse. There is no limitation as to form or theme. Shorter works are preferred by the Board of Judges, because of space limitations.

Each poem must by typed or printed on a separate sheet, and must bear the name and home address of the student, as well as the name of the college attended, and the college year.

There are absolutely no fees or charges for either acceptance or submission of verse. All work will be judged on merit alone.

Manuscripts should be sent to the offices of the Association; National Poetry Assn.. 3210 Selby Ave.. Los Angeles 34, California.

Band Has 35 Members

Prof. Delbert Crabb, director of Macollege instrumental music, reports that there are 35 members in the band this year. The hand is now working on marching and concert material, and is planning for an out-of-town trip in the future. It will play for all of the homo games during the football and basketball seasons.

New Students!

Do not forget that your physical examination report by a physician is due! Your enrollment is not complete until it is in.

—Dean Berkebile

Adherence To Rules Speeds Arrival At Food, In Cafeteria Lines

A part of McPherson College has become the groans of those waiting in cafeteria line above the growls of demanding stomachs. Mrs. Slifer, cafeteria manager, and Barbara Berry, cashier,- have suggested some rules to practice while in the cafeteria. It is their hope that these will speed your arrival at food, especially after those 11:20 classes!

The rules are as follows: do not cut line unless you have good reason for doing it: present unfolded bills to the cashier; when possible do not break bills but have the correct change; cash checks in the business office; decide what you want to eat without stalling; ask definitely for that brand of Ice cream you want when going through the line: chewing gum should be left in the can provided for it only one person pay the

Hamilton Conies As Guest Speaker For Conference

Samuel Hamilton. New York City, has been secured as principal guest speaker for the Western Regional Conference which will be held on Macampus November 1216. Dr. Bittinger is the moderator.

The following men will have charge of at least one of the chapel hours which will be held in the College Church: Clarence B. Sink pastor of the South Waterloo. Iowa church; Henry J. Long, National Visual Education Director; and C. E. Davis, secretary of the Christian Education Commission.

Bible studies will be under the direction of Wilburn Lewallen, pastor of the Brethern Church at Quinter, Kansas, J. Perry Prather, pastor of the Waterloo, Iowa, church; and Harry K. Zeller.

Burton Metzler will conduct the Bible hours in the morning: and C. E. Davis, will conduct a group discussion on the church and the home.    *

Kurtis Naylor, pastor of the Denver church will talk on. "Europe as I see it today.” Ho has just recently returned from that locale.

Dessie Miller, national director of Children’s work will be in charge of the children’s work program. Ruth Shriver national director of women's work will talk on "Building Home Life."

* A discussion on preparation for marriage will be lead by Charles Zunkel, secretary of Ministry and Home Missions, and Harry K. Zeller pastor of the college church. Raymond Peters, General Secretary of the Brotherhood Board la planning to attend the meeting.

Murrey, Walter, Carpenter, Wilson Lead Cheers

Heading the pajama parade and snake dance Thursday evening, and leading yells for the grid and hardwood teams this year will be cheerleaders Marlin Walter. McPherson; Ann Carpenter. Las Vegas, Nevada: Betty Ann Murrey, Conway, Kansas: and Bob Wilson, Conway Springs, Kansas, All four are sophomores.

Chreeleader elections for 1950-*51 positions were held by the student body last spring after tryouts by all candidates were completed.


Over the weekend of Sept. 24 the northeast district of Kansas held its district meeting at Navarre. Kansas. Among those from McPherson attending the meeting were Dr. and Mrs. James Elrod: Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Mohler; Prof. Raymond Flory; and Bill Daggett.

Early Assists DP’s In Europe

Ruth Early, Brethren Service worker in the Regional Office 1948-‘49, will leave for Europe in October. She is being sent by the International Refuge Organization to assist in work with displaced persons.

During the past year Miss Early has been working with DP's at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. Part of her work there was to locate sponsors for DP’s and to meet incoming refugees at the pier and then send them on to their now homes.

While in Europe Miss Early is to be interviewing handicapped DP's. She expects to be in Europe three to six months and will see Dr. W. W. Peters in Austria.

Rev. Hultman Speaks On Hope, Friendships

Rev. William Hultman, pastor of the city Covenant Church, and chairman of the McPherson Ministerial Alliance, spoke tp Macollege students in chapel on Sept. 20.

"Our country is in the grip of loneliness. The hope of the world is based upon enduring, beautiful little friendships.” Hultman said.

Soloist for the service was Earl Lapp, who sang "Prayer.”

Bowman, Mohler Tell About Summer’s Work With Mental Patients

Speakers at the College CBYF on Sunday, Sept. 24. were Arlene Mohler and Marilue Bowman. They told of their experiences during their summer’s service as attendants in the Brethren Service unit in the state mental hospital at Elgin, Illinois.

Both girls felt that they had gained a greater understanding of the mentally ill, and of people in general.

Claudia Jo Stump, provided special music for the evening with a vocal solo, "Panis Angelicus.”

cashier tot a quart of milk; place the milk bottle to the left of tray so that the cashier may see the food: count money for correct change, then leave change on the tray instead of pausing to put it in purse.

If anyone has other suggestions for making the line more faster please feel free to give them to Mrs. Slifer or Barbara. Also, any Ideas about different foods to be served will be appreciated.

‘Spec’ Receives Second ACP Honor Rating

The Spectator. Macollege's weekly publication, received a second place honor rating from the Associated Collegiate Press for the second semester of 1949-'50. The "Spec" was Judged along with other papers published by schools which have less than 500 students. Only 12 in this group were rated higher than third.

The Spectator received a total of 760 points on an evaluation of news values, news writing, headlines and makeup, and special features. A total of 800 points is necessary for first class rating; and 900 for All American.

Lorene Clark, junior, was the editor-in chief last semester.

Five Will Join Alpha Psi Omega

Achievement points for Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary dramatic fraternity, were made public last week in preparation for the initiation of five new members.

The initiation will honor persons who have acquired 50 achievement points in play production. Those people will be installed some time after the production of "The Fool". They are Don Shultz, Kath-lyn Larson, Dean Cotton, Esther Mohler, and Wayne Zeigler.

Points are given for services in both acting and staging capacities, and both are required for membership in Alpha Psi Omega. They are means of rewarding merit in dramatics.    -

Nearest the required 50 points are Margaret Daggett and Byron Frantz with 35. Dale Oltman follows with 32.

With less than 30 points are Doris Kesler, Doris Roesch, Bill Daggett, Phyllis Bowman, Max McAuley, Betty Murrey, Ann Carpenter, Rowena Neher, Duane Jamison, Bob Wilson, Mildred Snowberger, Marilue Bowman, Pattie Stern, Lois Yoder, and Miriam Keim.

Model UN Is Scheduled

On Tuesday afternoon. October 10. the Model UN will be in session. This annual event, which is sponsored by the UNESCO organization on Macampus, is being planned by the officers and members. Officers of UNESCO are president, Sylvus Flora; treasurer. Gerald Neher; and adult advisor. Prof. Raymond Flory.

Drama Dept. Lists Cast For 'The Fool’

A committee of Alpha Psi Omega members met last Thursday to select the cast for "The Fool" fall drama production which is to be presented Oct. 24-25.

The lend role of Daniel Gilchrist,. a young minister who makes trouble for himself by trying to live as Christ lived, will be played by Don Shultz. senior English major from McPherson.

Other members of the cast are: Mildred Snowberger, Claudia Jo Stump. Miriam Keim, Billy Kid-well, Marilee Grove, Wayne Zeigler, Dale Oltman, Esther Mohler, Dean Cotton, and D. R. Merkey.

Also included in the cast are: Bob Holloway, Bob Wilson, Eldon Coffman, Marlin Walter, Lee Roy Schapansky, Joe Kennedy, Eugene Neff, Rowena Neher, Doris Roesch, Ann Carpenter, Doris Kesler and Sue Smith, Mickey Akers, Marilyn Roe, and Maxine Hanley.

Business manager for the production is Barbara Marchand. Margaret Daggett and Bryce Miller have charge of lights and staging.

The four-act play by Channing Pollock will be directed by Kath-lyn Larson, sophomore, who played the part of Mrs. Crochet in last spring’s production. "The Great Big Doorstep.”

League Announces Debate Topic

The National Intercollegiate Debating League announced the debate topic for this year. It is: RESOLVED THAT THE NON-COMMUNIST NATIONS SHOULD FORM A NEW INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION.

Persons Interested, in debate are urged to see Prof. Roy McAul-ey, room 32, Sharp Hall.

Debaters who participate in five debates are eligible for membership in Pi Kappa Delta, national honorary forensic fraternity.

Debate materials will be assembled on the debate shelf in the library.

Varsity debaters and orators will attend the national tournament to be held at Oklahoma A & M, Still-water, Okla. They are also assured of one other extensive trip besides the regular scheduled tournaments.    

Baghat Brings Greetings From Indian Youth

Premchand G. Bhagat. Church of the Brethren elder from India, brought greetings to Macollege students from the Brethren youth in India. Monday, Sept. 25 when he spoke in chapel.

Mr. Bhagat, in his talk, stressed the importance of Bible reading and devotional life. "To read and to learn the Bible is one thing, to believe and understand is another thing,” he said.

Rev. Bhagat also said that peace would come in the world "If wo put the Bible into our dully lives.”

Mr. Bhagat was the first official delegate from a mission area to at-tend the Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren.

Cline, Flora, Snowberger,

Minnix Head

WAA Sports

WAA members are "limbering up" stiff arms, and polishing hiking boots in preparation for the club sports which recently organized with the following girls elected to head the groups; howling. Delma Cline: softball, Mildred Snowberger: tennis, Wilda Minnix; and outing, Angie Flora. These sports, which are activities of the WAA. meet once each week at an appointed time.

In order to belong to the Women's Athletic Association, a girl must attend six of the eight mootings of one sport during each of the three seasons. Initiation of new members is held at the end of the first season.

A letter is awarded to each girl who earns a total of 1500 points for participation in various sports; and a pin is awarded to anyone ac-quiring 2400 or more points.

The formal banquet for WAA members and their guests, held late in the- spring, is the final event of the year for the club. Last spring the following officers were chosen to head this year’s organization: president, Arlene Mohler; vice president. Pat Patterson; secretary. Ruth Moors:    treasurer.

Betty Jo Baker; publicity chairman, Margaret Daggett: sponsor. Miss Doris Coppock.

The purpose of the Women's Athletic Organization is to "promote the ideals of health, to stimulate an interest in the participa-tion of athletic activities, and to create a spirit of good sportsmanship."

Choir Elects Officers

A Cappella choir officers elected for the coming year are: president. Albert Rogers; vice president, Gilford Ikenberry; secretary, Rowena Neher; and treasurer. Charles Royer.

President Gives Missionary Talk In Wichita

Dr. Bittinger is to be one of the speakers at the Southwestern Kansas district meeting in Wichita, and will deliver a missionary address there Sunday, Oct. 8.

During the week of Oct. 1, President Bittinger will make speeches in McPherson and vicinity. He will attend dinner meetings at the local high school, and the Wesley club at the Methodist Church. He will also speak at a meeting of the Associated Women's Clubs in Stafford, Kansas, at which 40 counties are to he represented.

Freshmen Learn To Use Library

Instruction in the use of the library is being given to the Macollege freshmen as a part of their or-ientation and freshman English classes.

Virginia Harris, librarian, is providing the lessons. She lectured to the freshmen orientation class Sept. 18 on Library Rules and Regulations and The Parts of a Book.

Once each week Miss Harris is meeting with each of the four English sections to explain such library techniques as the use of the card catalog and the use of mag-azine indexes and reference books.

Research and bibliographical problems arc assigned after each lesson. The work done on those problems is counted on tire grades in freshman English.

Bittingers Invite All Freshmen To Open House

President and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger invite all freshmen to open house at the new home of the President, 1000 East Euclid Street, on Sunday, Oct. 1. from 3 to 5 p.m. The occasion will be informal.

Freshmen are invited to come in groups of their own choosing. Fifty can be entertained at one time.

Enough To Care Enough To Know

   Aubrey NJ Brown

Reprinted from October 1950 have of ESOURCE    Copyright 1950 by ESOURCE, Inc.

"I helped put five men through college today”

Larson Stars Again!

Kathlyn Larson, sophomore Macollege actress, added another success to her dramatics career when local amateurs of Ca-bool, Mo., produced the Tennessee Williams hit. "Glass Menagerie". lust July.

Miss Larson played the part of Armanda Wingfield, the major character of the play.

Kathlyn built an impressive record last year as Eleanor in "The Late George Apley": as director of "The Villain Stil Pursued Her"; and as Mrs. Crochet in "The Great Big Door-; step”. She has recently been initiated into the honorary dramatics fraternity. Alpha Pal Omega: and was chosen to dir rect the College Players in their fall production. "The Fool.”

Religion For Today Interests Writers

Albert Schweitzer, Life and Message by Magnus C. Ratter is the biography of a seventy-five-year old man who is living today and is famous as an organist, a theologian, a social thinker, and a medical missionary.

The book is full of anecdotes of Schweitzer's life and interpretations of his philosophy of life. Dr. Schweitzer has been called "one of the greatest of living Christians.”

The Mystery of the Kingdom of

God by Albert Schweitzer, first published in Germany in 1901. has received new attention as an important work in the author's list of theological works.

Dr. Schweitzer seeks to understand and explain the mystery of Jesus' messiahship and passion.

An Interpretation of Christian Ethics by Reinhold Niebuhr seeks to interpret the problem of Christian ethics in the light of historic conceptions and the modern situation.

Israel Receives Special Attention

Israel received special recognition in the magaine. United Nations World for September. Israel, one of the youngest nations in the world, was admitted to membership in the United Nations on May 11, 1949, and has rapidly taken its place in world affairs.

The role of the United Nations in bringing peace to this country has been of interest to the entire world.

The prime minister of Israel, the permanent representative from Israel to the UN. the attorney general. and other leaders in public affairs of Israel have contributed to this special issue of United Nations World.

Louis Dolivet, editor of United Nations World, is a noted lecturer and author. One of his books is a handbook on the organization of the United Nations.

United Nations World is now in its fourth year or publication. It covers actions of the UN and carries articles about the member nations and the special agencies of the UN.

Back Issues of this magazine will be helpful to students preparing to take part in the campus model UN on Oct. 10.

Sympathy is never wasted except when you give it to yourself.— John W. Raper.

Roommates Like Consideration

Richmond, Va. (Special) College students are saying that the most important characteristic of a good roommate is consideration. This is the general conclusion of the “College Board" of the Going to College Handbook, whose fifth annual edition has just been published by Outlook Publishers.

Students from all over the USA, 150 of them, were asked. "What Makes a Good Roommate?" Their replies. in order of importance were: (1) A GOOD ROOMMATE: (1) is considerate (about lights, radio, use of room, etc); (2) respects personal property and pri-vacy; (3) is loyal; (4) goes at least half-way: (5) helps keep a neat room: (6) can discuss controversial questions without getting ruffled: (7) makes reasonable adjustments; (8) keeps reasonable hours; (9) cultivates a cheerful disposition.

Dell Attends Conference On Industrial Arts

Professor 8. M. Dell will attend "The Four States Industrial Arts Conference" at Pittsburg, Kan., Oct. 6-7.

Professor Dell will be on the program Friday evening.

What Do You Think??

The question for this week: Do you think the student body should have a  greater part in the assembly programs?

Yes students should have a larger part in chapel and assem-bly because the college is for the students and the programs should meet their needs and desires.

Mildred. Snowberger Yes, students should have practically all responsibility for the programs. Another idea is to have programs put on by the high school students on a program exchange basis. Since the Monday program is not a worship, program, the students should have a larger part in its planning.

Hob Wilson Let us not Judge on past experience alone. A better plan would be to wait and see what happens this year.

• Bob Augsburger The programs should be geared to student' needs and they should have a part in the planning.

A Junior

Yes. students should help plan the program to a large extent. This could be achieved by having more students on the chapel committee.

Marilue Bowman The students should have a larger share of participation in the programs. The UNESCO program is a step in the right direction.

Hazel Sanger

Next week’s topic: Should Russia and her satellites be allowed to remain in; the United Nations? •

Bible Class Hears Bhagat

The Bible class which met on Tuesday. Sept. 26. heard a lecture given by Rev. Prembchand Bhagat, of India. Reverend Bhagat is both a minister and a teacher in his country.

Reverend Bhagat talked mostly on the caste system of India and how her peoples' marriages are conducted.

SCA Has First Meeting

The Student Christian Association of McPherson College met Thursday evening. Sept. 21. for the first of the weekly meetings which will be held throughout the school  year.

Music and a mediation patterned after the daily devotions in Memory Chapel began the program. Ruth Peckover led group singing. Phyllis Bowman and Royce Beam sang a duet. “My Task.”

Ina Ditmars, Margaret Yost, Bob Augsburger, and Esther Mohler presented a skit which explained the organization and the plans of the SCA.

Bulldog Barks

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! See the Half'Woman. Have a look at the  largest snake in the world —only , 25 cents!” Yes, last week was State Fair Week. Enthusiastic Macollege students spent a few hours or an entire day in Hutchinson enjoying the fair. Even Guy Hayes’ agriculture classes took in the fair, and with Guy's’ faithful guidance only one or two boys got lost in the crowd.

who went to the fair Monday night were Roy Mc Auley.

Rowena Neher, Phyllis Johnson, Maxine Hanley, and Geneva Kreh-biel Tuesday night more of the students were able to go, Fred Goenner, Naomi Mankey, Bill Dag-get, Rowan Keim, Dale Snyder, Doris Roesch, D.A. Crist, Carole Huffman, Jerry Neher and Lois  Yoder enjoyed the fair.

Wednesday night found a few more fair goers making the Journey. Those were Winston Beam, Barbara Marchand, Bill Kidwell, Naomi Mankey, Royce Beam, Phyllis Bowman, Irwin Porter and Betty Ann Murrey.

For a turn from the sublime to the ridiculous (or vice versa), it will warm the hearts of the football boys to know that the fourth floor Arnold girls have been doing calisthenics each night before retiring for the night. The girls have half an hour of the strenuous exercises every night. The purpose, as you may have guessed, is the reducing of hips.

There have been several visitors on campus during the past week. Vernon Nicholson,, who is now teaching in Gieneso, Kansas, was here last week-end. Willard Werner was also a visitor on campus last week. Willie is a student in Kansas City University. Mr. and Mrs. John Mohler visited their daughters, Ester and Arlene Mohler, last weekend.

Marie Miller, a teacher at Perry, Kansas, was here visiting friends and former classmates. Mr. and Mrs. G. W.-Albright, the parents of Ellis Albright, spent last Wed nesday and Thursday as visitors on the campus. They are front Eldora, Iowa.

Miss Edna Neher spent last Tuesday at Hutchinson, taking in fair and visiting her sister and brother who met her at the fairgrounds.

Fahnestock Hall, if it were given the power of speech, would he able to tell a multitude of tales. Perhaps it would be able to write a book if it were given the power to do so For example, last Wednesday night the boys on first floor who have already become acquainted with life through several previous years at college, begun instructing a green freshman in the art of "how to get along In the boys dorm.’* Wouldn't it be interesting if Fahnestock Hall could divulge some of its secrets to the rest of os?

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, seven sleepy but determined girls traveled to Beverly, Kansas in Donna Sooby’s car.

They were Anita Rogers, Rita Ellen Royer, Donna Sooby, Donna Wagoner, Joan Royer, Bertha Landis and Barbara Heck. Of the seven, three were going on to Iowa to visit. They were Anita

Rogers, Rita Klien :Royer and Donna Sooby. The other four re-truned to Mac in Sooby's slow but faithful "Hoopie."

Arnold Hall Has Annual Open House

Pat Patterson, Chuck Royer, Yvonne Birken and Barbara, Beck enjoyed shopping in Salina all day Saturday: "That, kids, is where my money goes." to quote an old song.

Miss Neher had a big birthday party in her room last week for all the girls whose birthdays came in the summer months. Those who Were honored guests were Maxine Hanley, Margaret Daggett, Hat-suko Kauazawa, Marilyn Roe, Elsie Kindley, Bertha Landis. June Blough, Rowena Merkey, and Esther Mohler.

The first football game was well represented at Newton last Friday night. Let’s all keep up the good spirit, kids, and help the boys on to another victory!

Prof. S. M. Dell, with his family, also attended the state fair at Hutchinson Tuesday, Sept. 19.

The concrete has been poured for the foundation of the new addition to the Frantz Industrial Arts Building. That should cement the situation* pretty well.

Arnold Hall Macollege's dormitory for women students, will have its annual open house tomorrow night from 7:30-9:30.

Margaret Daggett, vice president of ‘Arnold Hull council. is in charge of the open house program. Miriam Keim, Pat Patterson, Claudia Stump and Esther Mohler are chairmen of the decorations, food, music, and publicity committees. respectively.

Groups of four girls each have been appointed to serve the tables, and wash dishes.

The dorm, "home" to 65 girls this year, is a four story brick structure erected in 1916. It contains cafeteria facilities for all students, reception rooms, the housemothers rooms, and 33 rooms for students.

Marilue Bowman, Quinter, Kas.. is president of Arnold Hall this semester. Margaret Daggett. Lawrence, Kas., is vice president; and Clara Domann, Hope, Kas.. is secretary-treasurer,. Miss Edna Neher is housemother.

All Macollege students who are regularly enrolled (12 hrs. or more) are entitled to one Spectator every week. Please do not take more than that. We hope that friends and family at home like to read our pa|»er, but the proper way to assure their receiving it is through a subscription. When several people carry away three or four papers at a time, someone will get no paper, at all. For the sake of fair play and friendship, let’s limit ourselves to one Spectator per week.

some guyes is brite, like bran nu paint: some folkes is smart and others aint.

I aint.    

gosh darn this school ’s too much for me. some guyes will flunk: who's 't goin to be? i be.

most studes, i guess ’less e’m a Jew, want by that quiz i spose they do. i do.

the first four months i did my bit, but now i see the end of it.

I’m it.

   Spectator, 1918

Two little girls were discussing their families. "Why does your grandmother read the Bible so much?" asked one.

"I think," Said the other little girl. "That she is cramming for her finals."

: Professors ’Make 'History Easier

Norman, Oklahoma - (Intercollegiate-'Press) American history can be made easier and more interesting for you, according to Dr. Carl C Rister, research professor of history at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Rister’s answer is a chronological presentation of events: as they occur.

Dr. Rister is collaborating with Dr. John Barnhart of Indiana Uni-versity and Prof. Ralph Bieber of Washington University, St. Louis. Missouri, in writing a two-volume work for college-level students. Publication is planned for 1952, with each historian assigned a division of each book.

As far as Dr. Rister knows, it will be the first text book to describe American history in such orderly sequence.

"Instead of the old way of presenting one movement separate from the others, where a student got only a segment of picture, we hope to carry all these, narrative threads together Just as history unfolds," he explains.

Aware that the new concept is a radical departure, Dr. Ulster says, "It may be difficult to tell such a story, since history becomes more complex as we get away from early beginnings. But I believe it can be done. In fact, 'Im surprised it hasn’t been done before."

By getting away from what he calls "the compartment idea of presenting history." the three-man writing team will attempt to do an interwoven narrative. It should be more dramatic, too. Take the colonization story of America, for example. In the first volume, nations will be Introduced as they enter the developing story, like new actors to a scene. It all adds up to more interesting reading for the

Homecoming Committee Plans Traditional Event

Plans are now underway for Mc-Pherson College’s Homecoming celebration Nov. 9-10.

Members of the Homecoming Committee met Thursday morning to discuss plans for the traditional "Swede funeral" and bonfire: the formal queen's, banquet; pep chapels; a campus clean-up campaign; the alumni dinner: parade and floats; the M Club dinner: and other events associated with the return to the campus of Macollege graduates.

Publicity plans were discussed. More Informaton will be released soon.

College Courses On Marriage And Family Lower Divorce Rates

Chapel Hill, N. C. (Intercollegiate Press)—There are fewer divorces among couples who took courses in marriage and family problems while in college than among graduates who did not take such courses, surveys made so far reveal, according to Dr. Reuben Hill, who teaches such courses at the University of North Carolina.

Dr. Hill, who is professor of sociology and research professor in the university’s Institute for. Research in Social Science, cited recently the results of a survey made by Stephens College in Missouri and the marital experiences of his own studnts.

student. And maybe, Dr. Risfer hopes, more of them will read -American history.

Someone said of nations—but it might well have been said of individuals, too—that they require of their neighbors "something sufficiently akin to be understood. something sufficiently different to provoke attention, and something sufficiently great to command admiration."-"Phoe-he Low

There are now between 600 and 700 colleges and universities giving courses in marriage and family problems, Dr. Hill said.

Before coming here last fall. Dr. Hill taught marriage and the family and allied courses in the University of Wisconsin and South Dakota, Iowa State College, and Teachers College, and Columbia University. He directs the University’s graduate training program for students of the family pioneered hero by the late Dr. E. R. Groves, who inaugrated such courses at Boston University in 1924 and here in 1928.

......"The first instructors in such

courses labored under many difficulties. for the subject was surrounded by a hush-hush atmosphere." he said. "Discussion of family problems in college was regarded as a sort of sacred cow. It

was not long, however, before such courses gained popularity. During one three-year period more than 100 colleges and universities established courses in marriage and the family."

Bulldogs At Liberty, Mo., Tonight To Meet Wm. Jewell

Tonight at Liberty, Mo., Chalmer Woodard’s McPherson College Bulldogs take, the field against the William Jewell College Cardinals for both teams’ second game of the season. The Cardinals were dropped 19-14 by St. Benedicts at C. Y. C. Stadium, Kansas City, Mo., last Thursday, and the Bulldogs won their first conference game since 1946 by edging Bethel 20-19.


Like the Bulldogs. William Jewell is In the midst of a building campaign after a poor 1949 sea-son. New coach Norris A. Patterson has built a team for speed which by necessity is lacking in weight.

This week Woodard has been trying to knock the rough edges from his squad by adding to the offense, strengthening linebacking, and improving the kicking game.

The regular offensive backfield functioned well enough that there was little need for substituting during most of the game at Newton. The running game with Johnny Robison, Gene Smith, and Bob Kerr had good results. Kerr picked  up 47 yards, Robison 40.

With the 118 yards passing that Blickenstaff added, the offense was not so bad. They simply did not have the ball enough to generate an offensive the second half.

Partly to remedy this Woodard has atempted to strengthen the kicking game on the theory that more frequent punting in the second half of the Bethel game might have averted the near-disaster.

The four man line Bethel employed for much of the game stymied the Bulldogs, and Woodard has had to explain the blocking on other than standard defenses again.

Linebackers have also had thorough workouts this week. The linebacking, particularly on pass defense, was below that expected, although Roland Delay stopped plenty of traffic on the ground.

Although Bethel completed only eight of 23 passes, two of the completions were for touchdowns. Wayne Blickenstaff held up his end of the defense as safety man, but the entire secondary needs to improve their air protections.

There were plenty of bright spots at Newton too. When a team snaps a 19-game conference losing streak there are hound to be bright spots. Besides the running and passing game, Gene Smith’s punting stood out. His first kick went 53 yards. The blocked punt in the last quarter was. of course, not altogether Smitty's fault.

Defensive cud play heeds sharpening, but the  work of Joe Pate and Jim Scruggs as defending tackles was top grade. Big Pate is starting two jumps ahead of his work last year.

George Goff displayed plenty  of reasons why he was an allstate Juco guard at Iola Junior College last year. However, Goff tired badly late in the game. Marvin Ferguson has been showing improved guard play, and some place may have to be found for him in the lineup.

The game tonight starts a new series for the Bulldogs. William Jewell and McPherson have never met before on the gridiron.

Kansas Conference

Braves Only Winner In Out Of Loop Games

Games This Week

C of K nt Baker

Bethel at Sterling

KWU at Bethany (last night)

Missouri Valley at Ottawa (last night).

Dick Peters’ Ottawa Bravos salvaged Kansas Conference honor last week as conference teams lost four games and McPherson College opened loop play with a 20-19 win over Bethel.

The Braves surprised with a 120 win over Central (Mo.). Jim Weidensaul broke up a scoreless duel in the last quarter with a scoring pitch to Everette Viets. Ross Correll added an insurance touchdown shortly before the gun.

Baker disappointed with a 20-7 defeat at the hands of Washburn at Topeka. Boyce Smith scored the Wildcat's only touchdown on a 53 yard ramble.

Bethany added another surprising performance to their season's opener although a 67 yard lateral play in the last quarter brought defeat 7-0 at Alva. Okla., against Northwest Oklahoma.

Don Durand's three touchdown passes against Warrensburg Teachers were not enough as the Mules trounced C of E 26-21.

Kansas Wesleyan displayed plenty of speed with little deception as Wally Forsherg's Coyotes were downed 27-13 by Southwestern. Hank Doering and Joe Walsh, who played for Forsherg at Ottawa in 1947 and 1948, stood out in defeat. Walsh powered the defense. and Doering returned a kickoff 93 yards for the Coyotes first touchdown.

B-Team Defeats Bethel B’s 25-0

Perhaps taking a cue from the season's opener against Bethel, the Bulldog reserves showed great first    punch to defeat

the Bethel reserves 25-0 hero Monday. All the scoring was in the first half.

Bob Bean, low slung freshman halfback from Lorraine. Ks., was the big ground gainer for the Bulldog B's. His return of an intercepted forward pass brought the game's first touchdown.

Howard Mehlinger and Clive Sharpe were an effective passing combination.


We don’t know Just what it proves—If anything—but Norris A. Patterson is the new head coach at William Jewell College, and behind it—we think—may be a story.

The Cardinals did not have a successful season in 1949. Coach J. E. (Pat) Bradshaw believed he had the answer. “I have investigated most of the colleges which wo ploy this season, and there are five of them that won’t be on our schedule next year if they don’t learn a little ethics and clean up professionalism in their athletics.” he said last year.

Bradshaw did not name any schools, but included on the William Jewell schedule in 1949 were three Kansas Conference schools —Ottawa, Baker, and College of Emporia.

We are not trying to tell you who was dropped from the sched-ule. As a matter of fact, no team was dropped. Bradshaw was dropped as head coach and director of athletics instead. If you can't beat ’em. join ’em.

Wayne Blickenstaff wrote his name in the record book in his first game of collegiate football. Blick’s scoring pitches to Bob Kerr and Gene Smith tied a record at McPherson for most touchdown passes thrown in one game. Other record holders are Carl (Tok) Carter, 1921; Melvin Miller, 1929; Harold Zuhars, 1936; Jake Cramer, 1946: Delbert Crabb, 1936; and Russell Carpenter, 1933. Carter’s record must take precedence as he twice achieved the feat in 1921.

Two touchdowns via passes in one game by one thrower is not a terrifically outstanding record. The pro record is seven by Hid Luckman of the Chicago Bears in 1948, and the collegiate record is six by Jackie Fellows of San Jose State in 1942.

However, getting into the record books in one game is some-thing unusual. McPherson College has never really had an outstanding passer although some of their linemen, runners, and kickers have been tops. The McPherson team record for most touchdown passes in a season is seven in 1936.

Trailing 20-0 at the outset of the final quarter. Millard Fretz’s Krauts hit back thru the air to net three touchdowns in the final fifteen minutes. Tony Krehbiel's two missed conversions spelled defeat for Bethel.

The Bulldogs displayed opening game class the first half. They held off an early Bethel threat that had reached the 12 yard line after Wayne Blickenstaff’s first pass had been intercepted.

A Bethel fumble on a double lateral set up the first Bulldog mark-er. Dave Metzler recovered on the 48, and with Johnny Robison and Bob Kerr pounding the line and Bob Bechtel taking a wobbly 13 yard pitch from Blickenstaff, the Bulldogs moved to the four. Robison made the final scoring thrust and Gene Smith scored the extra point on the ground.

Wayne Blickenstaff's grade-A passing brought the other two TD’s. Three minutes before the half he hit Smith with a 45 yard pitch, and he layed another into Bob Kerr’s arms shortly after intermission. The final TD went 60 yards. Robison drove over with the winning PAT.

Bethel started their first drive before the third quarter ended from their own 33 after Chet Flic-klnger returned a Smith punt 20 yards.

MC-Bethel Statistics

MC ................ 7 6 7 0—20

Bethel ........ 0 0 0 19—19

Touchdowns—MC 3 (Robison, Kerr, Smith ) Bethel 3 (D. Goering. D. Kaufman, Siebert) PAT—MC 2 (Robison, Smith) Bethel (T. Krehbiel.)

First downs—MC E Bethel

11. '

Rushing attempts and yardage- MC 35-122 yards (Kerr 12-47, Robison 9-46, Smith 3-18, Blickenstaff 4-10, Ball 3-0, O'Dell 1-4, Hoch 1-neg 3) Bethel 33-147 yards (S. Schroeder 24-70. Siebert 7-29, C. Flickin-ger 10-37, M. Flickinger 6-11)

Passing—MC completed three of seven for 118 yards (All by Blickenstaff) Bethel attempted 23,- completed 8, 74 yards (C. Flickinger 14-5-39, J. Schroe-der 9-3-35)

Passes Intercepted—MC 0 Bethel 2 (Siebert, M. Flickinger)

Punting—MC . 30.3 average, one blocked ((All by Smith) Bethel 4, 28.0 average (All by D. Kaufman)

Punt Returns— MC 2, 11 yards (Blickenstaff) Bethel 2, 35 yards (C. 'Flickinger)

Kickoff Returns—MC 4-54 yards (Smith 1-6. Kerr 1-11, Robison 1-19, Blickenstaff 118)

Bethel 3-39 yards (Rosens-steil 1-21, Schroeder 1-3, Flick-inger 1-15)

Penalties —MC 5-55 yards Bethel 8-60 yds.

Fumbles—MC 3 Bethel 3.

Pass Receptions—MC 3-118 yards (Bechtel 1-13, Kerr 1-60, Smith 1-45) Bethel 8-74 yds. (D. Kaufman 2-32. M. Flicking-er 1-5. J. Schroeder 1-6.    D.

Goering 3-41, Darrel Kaufman 1-neg 6).





. . . Scoring Principals in Opener

Time Halts Late Bethel Spree; ’Dogs Win 20-19

The McPherson College Bulldogs weathered a last ditch passing spree by the Bethel Gray Maroons and won by the grace of an extra point 20-19 in the season’s opener at Newton last Friday.

The victory strangled a 19-game Kansas Conference losing streak by the Bulldogs and put a mark in the win column for coach Chalmer E. Woodard’s collegiate debut.

Jim Schroeder took over the tossing duties from Flickinger after the attack reached the 19, and

his pass to Dale Goering brought Bethel's first score.

Another Schroeder toss. this time to Duane Kaufman for 16 yards, brought Bethel's second marker shortly after Mel Flicking-er had intercepted Blickemstaff's intended shot to Kerr.

Fired by their sudden success. Bethel roared buck to block a Smith punt on the 15 yard line. Ike Harshberger recovered it on the 10. This time the Bulldogs held for four downs but immediately fumbled the ball with Gene Kaufman recovering it on the 15.

Bethel stayed on the ground for the final six points with Merle Seibert banging across from the four. Krehbiel's low kick doomed the Gray Maroons an there was just time for Robison's 18 yard runback and a quarterback sneak.