Alpha Psi Omega Awards, Initiation Thursday

Honor points were awarded Tuesday by the campus cast of Alpha Psi Omega to actors and helpers in the players recent production, “Mr. Lazarus,” which played to a two-night audience of nearly 400.

71 Attend “M” Club Banquet

Seventy-one guests attended the annual McPherson College “M" Club banquet which was held at the Blue Room of the Warren Hotel lust Saturday evening at 6:30. The guests included the present "M” Club members, their wives and dates, alumni "M" Club members, and their wive and dates.

The decorations carried out the theme of the "gay nineties". Ta-bles for four were placed throughout the room. A false ceiling was made of blue and white streamers. Placed on the walls were symbols of the gay nineties.

Each lady was presented with her choice of a white or red car-nation corsage as she entered the banquet room.

Chicken-ala-king headed the menu with sweet potatoes, green beans,, hot rolls, vegetable salad, coffee, and fruit salad and cookies completing the evening meal. Dinner music was played during the dining period.

Joe Pate, senior at McPherson College and retiring "M" Club president, was master of ceremonies and gave the welcome. Bob Bechtel gave the invocation.

The guests were heard by two marimba solos. “Malaguenu" and "Fiddle Faddle”, played by Rowena Neher, McPherson College senior, and accompanied by Bonnie Wolf. Mrs. Wolf is a '50 graduate of McPherson College.

Prof. Raymond Flory was the guest speaker of the evening. The subject of his address was "Stay in the Game.” In his speech he made the comparison between sports and everyday living. He compared the art of living to the success of a heavy draft horse. He emphasized the art of pulling instead of getting "pull" to the attaining of success. Additional high-lights were: help others and forget yourself; cooperation is the essence of sports and life; play the game with your teammates to the best interests of the team and let the credit fall where it may: and lean into the harness heaviest when the load is the heaviest.

Several of the alumni "M" Club members gave short summaries on different incidents and phases of their college days at "old M. C."

The evening program was concluded by the singing of "O Sacred Truth” led by Max McAuley.

Thirteen Take Geology Tour

VOL. XXXV McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, May 11, 1951

Lehman Attends Meet Of University Women

Miss Lehman was the delegate from the local chapter to the state meeting of the American Association of University Women held at Salina last Friday and Saturday.

This weekend Miss Lehman will go to Lindsborg to give a review of the new play. "Lost in the Stars.” She will appear on series of lecture courses and the like sponsored by an English club.

Neher Gives



By Mary Ellen Yoder

The following numbers were' presented at Miss Rowena Neher’s recital Monday evening: group one—William Tell by Rossini, Raymond Overture, Thomas; Entr'acte Gavotte. Thomas; Celebrated Air. Bach; group two—Valse Brilliante, Chopin; Fantasie-Im-promptu, Chopin, Andante from Concerto in e minor, Mendelssohn; Dance of the Queen Swan, Tschai-kowsky: group three—Ave Maria, Schubert, Fiddle Faddle, Anderson: Clair de Lune. De Bussey; and Malaguena, Lecuona.

Between the first two groups of Rowena's mirimba numbers Gilford Ikenberry sang the following numbers: Even Bravest Heart May Swell by Gounod and the Pil-rim's Song. Tschaikowsky. Between the last two groups he sung two more numbers: A Dream by J. C. Gartlett and Deep River arranged by H. T. Burleigh.

Mrs. Bonnie Wolf accompanied both musicians.

Rowena and Bonnie practiced under various circumstances. At one time the set for the play was being removed at the same time as they were practicing. The two overcame the ‘distracting noise, but when part of the set came between the performer and accompainist and their vision of each other was impared, they rested for a few minutes.

Eula Frantz Will Appear In Recital Tuesday Night

The McPherson College Music Department presents Mrs. Eula Frantz, soprano, in Senior Recital, at 8 p. m. on Tuesday, May 15, in the College Chapel.

Accompanying Mrs. Frantz will he Mrs. Bonnie Alexander, at the piano Mr. James Staatz, also will assist in the program.

The program is arranged as follows:

Studemt Council Plans

For “B” Cheerleaders

The Student Council, at its May 2 meeting, voted to launch a new policy next fall in the area of cheerleading. In addition to the regular cheerleaders who are elected in the spring of the year to lead cheers at the "A" team sports events of the following school year, four cheerleaders will be elected from among the freshmen. It will be their responsibility to lead cheers at the "B” games.

The freshmen cheerleaders will be nominated and elected by their own class early in the fall, perhaps at one of their orientation periods. Two boys and two girls will be chosen.

The Council feels that the new policy will give freshmen an opportunity to participate more actively in the pep functions and will provide support and recognition of our “B" teams. The set-up can serve to provide a training "course" for freshmen pep enthusiasts and encourage them to try-out for varsity cheerleading in later years; however, there would be no automatic carryover from "B" team cheerleading to the varsity squad.

Girls Visit Water Works

By Alice Flory

Do you realize how lucky you are to live in McPherson? Last Thursday the members of Doris Coppock's Health class visited the city water works. There wasn’t much to see because the water is taken directly from four wells scattered over town. Since we are that fortunate, the water does not have to be purified. McPherson has the largest per capita output of water of any city in Kansas, and the rate is lower than any other city in this state. McPherson citizens pay eight cents a ton for their water.

Lust Monday thirteen students and Dr. Mohler headed North from McPherson for their annual geol ogy trip. The students were Howard Fulkerson, Max McAuley, Syl-vus Flora, Jim Scruggs, Beryl McCann, Arlene Mohler, Lois Yoder, Betty Ann Murrey, Albert Guyer, Irwin Porter, Gerald Neher, Don Stevens, and Duane Jamison.

The first stop was at the volcanic ash pits six miles North of McPherson. The next stop was at Coronado Hights, and then on to the Indian burial pits East of Sa-lina. Other stops were at Iron mountain North of Salina, Rock City which is Southwest of Minneapolis, and the pottery works at Ellsworth. While in Brookville they saw two rock collections of citizens there. At the edge of Brookville they hunted for a form of gypsum known as cellonite-crys-tals. They also went to a canyon, where they studied geology in the forms of plant life. The other two stops were at Mushroom Rocks near Canerio, and the Kanopolis territory, where many interesting geological specimens were found.


The Winds in the South—J. P-Scott

Ectasy—Henrl Duparc The Hills of Gruzia—-Nicolai Mid-nikoff

Roses of Ispahan—Gabriel Faure Maids of Cadiz—Leo Delibes Mrs. Frantz

Scherzo—Felix Mendelssohn Mrs. Wolf and Mr. Staatz II

Care Solve—Handel Rejoice Greatly from The Messiah—Handel

Mrs. Frantz


O. Divine Redeemer—Ch. Gounod The Twenty-third Psalm—A. II. Malotte

Love—May Van Dyke Scaramouche—Milhaud    

Mrs. Wolf and Mr. Staatz


Life—Pearl G. Curran Music I Heard With You—Richard Hageman

Clouds—Ernest Charles A Spirit Flower—Louis Campbell Tipton

When I Have Sung My Songs— Ernest Charles    

Yeah, And Keep Your Old Romans!

The Daily Northwestern commented recently. “A three-year plan has been worked out for people intent on zooming through school. In line with this policy, we suggest a few thousand years be chopped off from the Western Civilisation course.”

Miss Marline Bowman will be presented in a senior recital by the Macollege music department this evening at 8 o'clock in the college chapel.

She will be assisted by Miss Marilee Grove in two groups of duo-piano numbers.

The program will be:

Sonata op. 27 No. 1—Beethoven Andante

Allegro Molta Viviace Duo-Piano— Sheep May Safety Graze—Howe—Bach

Valse from Suite op. 15—Arensky

"Grillen”—Schuman Nocturne op. 15 No. I—Chopin Ballade op. 118 No. 3—Brahms Duo-Piano—Prelude G Minor — Hesselberg, Rachmaninoff Valse Brlllante—Mana-Gucca Improvisation op. 64 No. 4—Mac-Dowell

Polonaise op. 46 No. 12—Mac-Dowell

Girls Will Give Style Show Thursday

The home economics department of Macollege will put on a style show next Thursday at 2 p.m. in SUR. Classes in tailoring, dress design, and fundamentals of clothing will show the work they have done this semester.

Twelve girls will model their own works, dresses, suits, and formals.

Also at the show will be a display of projects made by the interior decorating class, costumes presented by the costume design class, and toys made by the child guidance class.

This show will be open to anyone.

These honor points, to apply toward membership in the honorary fraternity, were awarded as follows: Delores Sigle for the part of Mrs. Sylvester received 17 points bringing her total to 49; Donna Phelon, for her role as Edith, was awarded 13 points bringing her total to 26; Max McAuley, business manager, received 14 points and has a total of 44. Others engaged in minor production positions were awarded points as follows: Elsa Kurtz, prompter, 10 points; Bryce Miller and Byron Frantz, lighting, each seven points; Eugene Naff and Robert Bellah, set, each six points; ushers Joann Lehman, Phyllis Johnson, and Mildred Snowberger, two points each; Marlin Walters, staging, two points; Marilyn Roe, make-up, three points; Joe Kennedy, house manager, one point; Butch Coffman, production, 3 points.

A total of 50 points in both acting and producing is necessary to attain membership; also, the recent meeting approved a motion that new members be required to participate in dramatics for more than one year before becoming a member In the Alpha Psi Omega Cast.

The Alpha Psi Omega further decided to hold a formal initiation from 5:30 to 7:30 next Thursday evening. The ceremonies will be secret and will be held in the Little Theater. After the initiation the group will go to the home of Prof. Roy McAuley for dinner.

Eligibles for this ceremony are Doris Kesler, Rowena Neher, Dole Oltman, Joan Lehman and Doris Roesch.

Initiates are required to quote a 12-line selection from Shakespeare and know how to write or recite the Greek alphabet. Other ceremonies and tests will be giv en at the initiation by the cast which includes Margaret Daggett, Esther Mohler, Don Shultz, Doan Cotton, Wayne Zeigler, Kathlyn Larson, and Roy McAuley.

The Theta Epsilon local cast decided to make Alpha Psi Omega the active element in dramatics on Macampus and in this way perpet-uate a real interest In dramatics.

Four Attend Science Meet At Lawrence

Professors Mohler, Bowman, Patton, and Berkebile were in Lawrence, Kans., last Thursday, Friday and Saturday attending the eighty-third meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science.

Highlight of the three-day program. according to Dean J. M. Berkebile, was a report by Dr. David Bodian, associate professor of epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University, school of hygiene and public health, on the "The Biology of Polio Virus.”

The eighty-fourth meeting will be held on Macampus next year. Dean Berkebile was elected chairman of the chemistry group for that meeting.

Bowman Has



Stassen Queries India's Nehru

"Which side are you on?” Americans, who by nature and experience think of only two sides in any contest, ask this question of Nehru, leader of the people of India. After a recent conference with the enigmatic prime minister, Harold Stassen, in the May issue of LADIES' HOME JOURNAL, gives his impression of Nehru —Man in the Middle.

Now sixty-one years of age. Nehru was imprisoned on nine different occasions for a total of eight years and fifty-one weeks for his work in the Indian campaign for independence from Great Britain. During these years. Nehru was strongly attracted to the Soviet Union and Communism as it was practiced there. After noting the developments in the Balkans after World War II, however, and observing the violent and subversive role of the Communist Party in India and other Asiatic countries, Nehru was fully disillusioned.

"During my visit to New Delhi.” says Mr. Stassen, "I found him to be not only thoroughly alert to the evils of Russian Communist imperialism, but fully aware that a campaign of passive resistance would be ruthlessly crushed by Russian Communism. He well knew that passive resistance could be effective only against a nation such as the British, an nation with a moral code and a restraining public opinion. It is clear, therefore, that he, and India with him, intends to resist—actively and effectively— all Communist threats from within or without.”

Five of the most acute problems of Nehru's India are represented by these five words: land, water, babies, cows and capital. In the solving of these problems, much depends on the future relationship between India and America. "I strongly believe.” concluded Mr. Stassen, "that if we in America once realize that Nehru and his country are and will be neither close friends to us nor distant opponents, neither an echo of America nor a voice of Moscow, and then develop a policy toward them that accords full recognition of their third position, tremendous good will result for the people of both countries” 11 Of 12 Found Superstitious

Twelve students at Ventura Junior College, Cal., were polled recently by the Ventura Pirate Press on the general topic of superstitions. It was found that 11 of them had at least one supersitition, covering a wide range of subjects.

Here are some of the students' pet superstitions:    Knocking on

wood for good luck: breaking mirrors—"by looking in them;" the color green; walking under ladders.

Many students, it was pointed out, seem to "show a predominant fear of females." Comments were: "Stay away from women . . I'm scared of cats with long blond hair and sharp claws . . . I'm not super-stitious, except for girls . . I have: a superstition against kissing a girl before the first date."

One student remarked, justifi-ably, that he was superstitious about “going 90 miles an hour on winding roads." And the only dissenter commented scornfully. "Superstition went out with pantalettes."

Perhaps the most all-inclusive superstition was this one: "I'm superstitious of anyone who is superstitious."

Rec. Council Plan Outing, Breakfast

The members of Recreational Council are planning to hold their next meeting out-of-doors.

They will meet at the Industrial Arts building at 5:00 p. m. and hike into the country where they will cook their own suppers.

The group is to invite a friend or guest. They are to break up Into couples and prepare their own meal.

Recreational Council is a group

of students, directed by Professor Samuel Doll, who are interested in recreational activities. During the year opportunity is given each member to lead recreation, singing and to direct discussion.

The Council is like any other campus activity. They have their dues and officers. The officers this year included: Byron Frantz, president, Marilee Grove, secretary-treasurer, and Bill Daggett, member of steering committee.

At the last meeting the group decided to elect next year's officers at the meeting on May 21. They also decided to elect a Publicity Chairman at this election. The duties of the new officer will be to publicize the council's activities notify the members of the meetings and be the third member of Steering Committee

* Certificates of membership will be given at this mooting.

On Sunday. May 20, the group will have early-morning breakfast. The Seniors of the Council will plan the meal and serve it to the group.

200 Enter Play Day Activities

Approximately 200 students participated actively in the annual all-school play day sponsored by the recreational leadership class last Friday afternoon.

In the inter-class competition the freshmen came out on top with the honor of holding the trophy for one year. Should any class be able to win the trophy for three consecutive years, they will be entitled to keep the trophy permanently.

Before the skits in the evening the score stood:    sophomores.

117 1/2%: freshmen. 103 1/2%; juniors 103: and seniors 46. A first place in their skit placed the freshmen in first place with a grand total of 128 points.

The sophomores and Juniors trailed close behind for second and third places with 1171/2 and 113 respectively. A second place in the skits added 15 points to dragging senior score.

No. 29

Profs Oppose “Oath” Bill in Iowa Senate

Grinnell, la. (I. P. )-- The Grin-nell College chapter of the American Association of University Professors recently went on record as opposing the proposed legislation embodied in the Iowa Senate File 384. more commonly known as the "anti-subversive bill."

In a letter to Senator Wilbur Mollson, the Grinnell association members commented. “In such legislation as that promised by S. F. 381 it is assumed that special advance precautions must be taken to keep certain classes of citizens from violating laws which already exist. This is equivalent to assumption of guilt before trial, and hence a reversal of a fundamental constitutional principle.

“It is difficult to understand why this indignity should be meted out to our public servants or why, if this bill were to be law, . good men and women would be willing to enter a profession that has been singled out for this kind of suspicion."

Citing the example of the University of California's experience with the enactment of similar legislation, the Grinnell writers pointed out, "The prestige of the University has suffered and that Institution is losing many of its most distinguished—and loyal— scholars. On the other hand, the legislation uncovered only an infinitesimal number of Instances of subversive activities. Out of a faculty of thousands, only three or four people were ultimately considered dangerous. These. of course, had signed without any qualms the required 'loyalty oath.'

"There is no reason to assume that anyone whoso purpose is to undermine or overthrow our re-publican form of government would hesitate to add perjury to the means by which he set about achieving that end.” The group added. "The bill (S. F. 384) under consideration proposes legislation in that, delicate area of thought-control which is the happy hunting ground of just those elements and governments whose influence the bill seeks to combat."    _

Alias Jack The Snipper

There's a photographer "operating" on campuses in the south who has a unique way of taking pictures, His subjects aren't too fond of his methods. If a notice posted in a women's dormitory at a southern university is any proof. The notice said:

"It has come to our attention that a psuedo-photographer is operating on different college and university campuses in the Southern area. He Is reported to follow this procedure:

"He calls the coed by phone, usually by name, stating that he is a professional photographer taking pictures for magazine covers and stating that the coed has been referred to him by one of her friends; he then makes an appointment with the coed, takes a few pictures, and then (without the knowledge or consent of the coed) cuts off large chunks of hair from the back of their head.

" This individual only operates on girls with long hair, shoulder length or longer. There is reason to believe that the individual may be going from school to school."

Thanks For Play Day

I wish to thank all those who helped to make Play Day a success. The recreational leadership class did a splendid job of publicity, general planning, refreshments, and cleanup. I wish to thank all the faculty members who participated in officiating and were on band to add support to the student’s fun. A word of thanks goes to Mrs. Slifer and her staff for their cooperation and assistance in the cafeteria. I', sure we all had a good time together.

Dick Wareham

Course In Current Events

Some college has recently proposed current event tests to be given to its students. This sounds like a good idea.

Some individual professors here on Macampus have attempted to keep their students informed on what is going on in the outside world, but this is far too limited.

Colleges and college students tend to become wrapped up in the gumbo of curricular activities quite oblivious to politics, policies and people in general.

Taking a student through four years of college without giving him some discernment in current affairs is like drawing him through a needle—he comes out much smaller than he goes in.

Recent trends in secondary education have stressed the importance of studying current affairs at the high school level, and much more will come. To grow, the idea must be carried over into colleges, to a student level more capable of thinking for itself.

This doesn't mean that college professors must state their opinions and stick by them, but they at least might offer help to the curious student in the form of classroom discussions, special study projects, lectures on current issues, and tests.

Macollege should try a curricular or extra-curricular class in current events. Such a program will make big people. It will make intelligent voters, teachers, and leaders of those who should have it above all, the college graduate.

The late Senator Arthur Vandenburg left a motto on his desk, “This, too, will pass,” a biblical quotation undoubtedly reassuring to a republican who introduced bills in a democrat senate.

Drew Pearson drew a rather stupid parallel between MacArthur and McClellan in his column last week. He seems to overlook the significant difference in the war now and the war then, foreign policy now and then, and president now and then. And we do have a president, now and then!

miliar to businessmen, which become real problems to students trying to learn the practical side of business management.

In the laboratory, unique among the nation’s business schools. Stanford students start from scratch and learn everything from read ing blueprints and using tools to marketing, financing, and personnel problems. They stop short of the final step, that of selling their products to the general public, to avoid competition with outside producers. Each class project is financed and consumed by the students themselves.

The experience teaches students some of the down-to-earth problems faced by industry in the design, production, and distribution of goods.

Stanford Has Little Factory Big Problem

Palo Alto, Calif. (I. P.)—One of the nation's smallest factories has been hit by one of the nation's biggest problems. The Industrial Laboratory of the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, a going manufacturing concern which turns out a new product each school year, has run afoul of strategic material shortages.

Currently engaged in turning out tiny electric motors, the laboratory has had to reduce its production to 250 from a planned 500. This turn of events is typical of the production "bugs," all too fa

Talk Continues On Mac-Truman Controversy

Read all the ads in the Spectator every week.

What Do You Think?

The opinions expressed in this column are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of either McPherson college or the Spectator.

The question for this week is "What are your plans for the summer and early fall?"

I plan to go to Chicago to work in Student in Industry. I plan to come back next fall. LaVern Burger.

I plan to work as little as possible and sleep as much as possible. I will take up the study of the trumpet and brush up on debate. I suppose I will be back next year. Gene Bechtel.

I am going to be married next June 24, I may teach next fall. Betty Hanagarne.

I am going to work so I can go to Mexico on a vacation. I plan to come back next year if Uncle Sam doesn’t get me first. Clive Sharp.

I am going to work some place and then come back to school in the fall. Winona Gentry.

I plan to work this summer and enroll at K. U. next year to study Physics Engineering. Ellmar Johnson.

I am going to work as a nurses aid in one of the hospitals at home this summer. I plan to be married in August. We will live in Bit-tinger’s basement apartment. I plan to come back next year. Hazel Sanger.

I will help make harvest this summer, and come back this fall. Don Thralls.

I plan to be married the 20th of May. We will live in Plainview, Texas. I will work this summer. I won’t be back except to visit. Max- ine Coppock.

I am going to stay home. I will: go to summer camps and then I will be hack next fall. Donna Wagoner.

I am going to work on the farm this summer. I will be back next fall. Don Pike.

I am just going to stay home this summer. However, I might go to camp. I plan to come back next fall. Jo Ann Royer.

I plan to work at home in Marshalltown, Iowa. Naturally I will be back. Joe Kennedy.

This summer I will work on the farm at home. I’ll probably be back next fall. Richard Horning, I am going to work at home and

Intermediate Degree Planned At Baylor

Waco, Tex.—(I. P.)-- Baylor University has announced a six-year program of study resulting in a certificate of advanced academic credit intermediate between that of the master of arts and doctor of philosophy degrees.

President W. R. White said that Baylor is the first university in Texas to announce such a plan. It will function initially in the Baylor School of Education, meeting a need expressed by national public education authorities for s course program beyond the master’s degree but not so advanced as the doctor's degree.

Dr. Gooch said that national education authorities have been considering requiring a six-year program as the minimum necessary preparation for several top positions, in the public schools.

come back next August. I might go to a summer Camp. Bertha Jo Landis.

I will work at the telephone office in Ottumwa, Iowa, this summer. I plan to come back next fall. Barbara Berry.

I am going home to Wichita to work this summer. I plan to come back next fall. I will study voice and English at ‘University of Wichita this summer sometime. Max McAuley.

I plan to work, but I do not .know where. Maybe I will work in Oregon, Chicago, or even here. At any rate. I will be bark to Mac next year. Bob Wilson.

Cooperation Asked In Solving Social Problem

’’Where should I throw this paper?"

"I don’t know, just throw it down."    

That's the usual answer. Soon there will be no need to hunt for some place to throw things. The class In social problems is working on the project of cleaning up the campus.

Plans are underway to secure a number of new wastebaskets to be placed at convenient locations in all of the buildings. There is a committee to try to get everyone to clean their rooms more often and keep the dorms clean.

So the next time you have something to throw away don’t just throw it down, put it in the wastebaskets and help our class clean the campus.

Mildred Snowberger

Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week.

Since the dismissal of General Douglas MacArthur by the President, college newspapers around the country have voiced their opinions on the subject and have printed other views expressed by the student. Here are a few samples of what was said.

The Daily Lariat, Baylor University, Texas, reported that "Mac-Arthur Elimination Shocks Bay lor Students.” The following are some student opinions.

"The United States will lose greatly needed prestige as a nation in the eyes of most of the Orient, because of the tremendous disparity of opinion among our highest leaders .... MacArthur should have been removed. but he should be placed in Washington where our nation can benefit by his valuable experience.”

"I think the action was regrettable because of the serious consequences among the Japanese themselves. I generally agreed with General MacArthur and his ideas, but I also understand Truman’s view that we must have discipline to have an army."

"I am very happy with the move Truman has made. He came up quite a bit in my estimation.” "MacArthur should be able to take Truman’s orders. However, get rid of Truman and everything would be OK."

"It is granted that our President is not a prudent man. However .... what appears so harsh and wrong may be partially justified. We at least should try to understand our President's action before condemning him.”

"I think all Involved are off their beam—to heck with wars!” President Truman was influenced too much by Acheson. Too much politics. Lost a valuable man who had a lot of influence in Ja-pan.    

’’Although McArthur may be correct in bis assumption for world peace, the authority to make such peace proposals should still be vested in the executive branch of the government, because the president is still the supreme commander.

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council.

Bulldog Barks

Murrey, Porter Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murrey of Conway, Kans.. announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Ann, to Irwin Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milford Porter of Quinter.

Murrey Gives Breakfast

Betty Ann Murrey entertained with an engagement breakfast at her home Monday morning. May

The breakfast table center piece was a white heart with an arrow through it surrounded by lilacs and red and yellow tulips. On the place cards were engagement rings with pictures of Betty Ann and Irwin inside.

Those present for the occasion were Orva Willems, Peggy Sargent. Ann Carpenter. Miriam Keim, Ruth Moors. Delma Cline., Lois Voder, Phyllis Bowman, and Rosemary Traxler.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen —this is your roving television reporter”

the history, description, uses, conservation, measures and organization of the National Parks and Forests, Indian Reservations, Grazing Districts, Mining Arens, Game Refuges, Watershed, and Territories.

Mohler-McCann Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mohler of McCune, Kansas, announce the engagement of their daughter. Arlene, to Beryl R. McCann, son of Rev. and Mrs. D. L. McCann of Cordell, Oklahoma. No wedding date has been set.

Marion Clawson is Director of the Bureau of Land Management in the Department of the Interior.

Field Crops and Land Use by Joseph F. Cox and Lyman Jackson has as its purpose to present the progress made in efficient farming, agricultural adjustment, and conservation. The importance of crop production to the nut ion’s prosperity is emphasized.

Part I of the book is on general aspects of crop production. Part 11 discusses the problems in the growing of specific field crops.

Flowers and Table Settings by Julia S. Berrall is a new book

Engagement Announced

Rev. and Mrs. S. E. Caster of Hutchinson, Kansas announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Sgt. Lowell E. Akers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Akers of Liberty, Illinois. Sgt. Akers is stationed at Hickam Field, near Honolulu, Hawaii.

College Proposes Current Events Examinations

Elmira. N. Y. (I. P.)— Proposed by the Junior and Senior classes at Elmira College, the two current events programs are now under consideration by the Committee on Curriculum and Instruction. The two propositions follow: A.

1.    That the entire student body take monthly Current Events tests, that the tests be (a) compulsory; (b) voluntary.

2.    That the tests he objective; and moreover, that they should be indicative of the student’s general knowledge of current affairs.

3.    That immediately following the tests, members of the faculty: of the Social Science Department help us evaluate what we have read and been tested on and lead the students in an open forum or discussion.

(a) That before the testing program begins, the students be instructed in how to go about reading newspapers or news-magazines, what sources can be relied on for objective information, and how to assimilate the information obtained.

4.    That the students paper he: (a) Marked and posted In a conspicuous place in the college; (b) Marked and returned to the student personally.

5. A time and place suggested for the tests and discussions is; Thursday morning during the 11 and 12 hour in the Chapel.


A weekly discussion group, with a member, of the faculty present to aid us in our pursuit of an overall interpretation of current events, is to be held. If the group proves to be too large it could be split into several sections which could meet at different hours, thereby avoiding class conflicts. At the beginning of the week there would be placed in each mail box the titles of several topics, which would be under discussions at these weekly meetings.

These topics can be made by the faculty members who would he guided by student preference. The purpose of the meetings would be to seek an overall interpretation of the things which lie behind the facts.

Joyce Booby Loper, sister of Donna Sooby, is here visiting on


George Merkey, brother of Esther and Vernon, is visiting on campus for a few days.

Lois Yoder, Miriam Keim, Ann Carpenter, Delma Cline, Phyllis Bowman and Doris Roesch attended an announcement breakfast for Betty Ann Murrey Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Winston Goering from Manhattan visited Sunday with George and Joan Keim. Mrs. Goering is the former Margaret Keim, a sister of George’s.

Mrs. S. E. Caster and Wanda are spending from Wednesday through Friday visiting with Mary Caster and friends.

Miss Vancil visited friends in Hutchinson Saturday and Sunday.

Second floor Arnold girls were guests at an announcement party given by Mrs. Caster Wednesday evening for her daughter, Mary.

Miss Harris, Mrs. Slifer, and Miss Neher were shopping in Hutchinson Saturday.

Miss Ellen Harder from Whitewater, Kansas, and now a student at Bethel College, was an overnight guest of Lillian Good Sunday night.

Donna Burgin and Mary Caster went to their respective homes in Hutchinson over the weekend.

Norma Couch spent the weekend at the home of Eula Broyles in Wichita.

Miriam Keim and Ellis Albright were among those attending the game at Lindsborg Saturday.

Margaret Daggett, Lois Yoder, Esther Mohler, Helen Hood, and Marilue Bowman had a picnic Saturday nt the Maxwell Game Preserve.

Auita Rogers and Claudia Jo Stump visited Claudia’s brother in Oklahoma City over the weekend.

Martha Frantz spent the weekend in Wichita and Conway Springs.

Marilee Grove, Rowena Neher, Donna Wagoner, Anita Rogers, and Berwyn Oltman went with Boh Mays to Geneseo and Marquette to sing and play in the high schools.

Doris Kesler, Clara Domann, Betty Ann Murrey, and Irwin Porter attended the dual track meet in Newton Thursday.    

Hatsuko Kanazawa spoke at the Lion’s Club at Moundridge Thursday and at the Monitor church near Conway Sunday night.

Delma Cline, Merlin Miller, Hazel Sanger, and Boh Augsburger attended church at Monitor Sunday evening.

Kline hall held a birthday party for Lenora Foster last week. The occasion was complete with cake, candy, and ice cream.

Marion Gentry and Pat Marshall visited friends on Macampus over the weekend.

Vernon and Esther Merkey went to Cloud Chief Oklahoma over the weekend. Their brother George Merkey returned with them to visit Mac.

Joyce Smith was at her home in Lyons over the weekend.

Lenora Foster visited in Hois-ington, Kansas last weekend.

Pat Patterson. Carol Huffman. Lorene Clark, and James Elrod attended a Regionl Cabinet meeting at Cabool, Missouri over the weekend.    

All the freshman girls in the dorm were invited to a pancake feed at Velva Wagner’s Wednesday evening.

Ardys Albright Engaged

Miss Mae Albright of 1422 E. Euclid, McPherson, announces the engagement of her niece, Ardys Albright to Mr. Stanley Sutphin, son of Rev. and Mrs. Elmon Stuphin of Waterford, Calif.

Miss Albright has been teaching in the Sedgwick, Kans., public schools for the past year.

Mr. Stuphin is a minister in the church ofthe Brethren and a senior nt LaVerne College, La-Verne, Calif.

Education Called Thin And Superficial

Burlington. Vt. —(I. P. )—A basic criticism which is often directed against the various programs of general education offered by institutions of higher education in this country is that they are thin and superficial, declares Dr. William S. Carlson, president of the University of Vermont.

In a letter to the faculty. President Carlson states. ’ The Justice of this criticism as It applies to many ill-conceived programs of genera! education cannot he gainsaid. ’Anyone who seriously pro-pones to survey the map of knowledge in a half a dozen courses merely betrays his own educational naivete. He will succeed either in totally confusing the student or in replacing an honest sense of ignorance with the delusion of knowledge.

’’And yet though this danger of lapsing into superficiality is everpresent. one must admit, I think, that it is not necessarily intrinsic to every program of general education as such. I, at least, am convinced that it is possible to steer a middle course between an intense but narrow over-specialization on the one hand and the shallow, impressionistic, survey course on the other hand.

"I do not claim that the pedagogical task is an easy one or that it can be carried through without the devoted efforts of teachers who are dedicated to the idea. On the contrary, such a program calls for  the highest order of inspired teaching. And let us not forget that it is not merely general education which must carefully select its materials but that all formal education is inevitably selective.

“There is no time to teach everything about anything. There is i an endless series of things to know, and a general education program is neither a merely random sample drawn from the infinity of knowables nor is it an attempt to survey them all in ten easy lessons.

“In the last analysis, if we are to be honest with ourselves, we should have to admit that the university cannot really educate anyone: it can merely provide and arrange fuel and must patiently hope that the spark which lies within the breast of every student will ignite the fuel and grow into  a flame."

Library Adds More New Books

Recent additions to the college library include new books as well as some new printings of older books.

Studs Lonigan by James T. Farrell is a new printing in one volume of the full-length novels — “Young Lonigan." “The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan," and "Judgment Day."    

How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn is the 36th printing of the novel about the coal miners of South Wales. The hook has been popular since its publication in 1940.

The Rest Short Stories of Bret Harte edited by Robert N. Linscott is a collection of 35 of the best stories of Bret Harte.

Dragon’s Teeth by Upton Sin clair is the Pulitzer Prize novel which portrays events of our modern world in story form. It embra ces the period from the Wall Street crash of 1929 to the Nazi Blood Purge of 1934. The center of the action is Germany.'

A History of Mexico by Henry Bamford Parkes is a new revised and enlarged edition with illustrations. This book covers Mexican history from the prehistoric Indian days to the election of 1946.

Conservation of Natural Resoures edited by Guy-Harold Smith is a new book on a serious problem which has received much attention in the post-war era in the United States.

Uncle Sam’s Acres by Marion Clawson tells the story of the United States’ Public Lands. It gives

for the artistic homemaker.

These Well-Adjusted Children by Grace Langdon and Irving W. Stout tells what the parents of a group of well-adjusted children said in reply to the question, “What in the home life accounts for your child’s good adjustment?”

The Stork Didn’t Bring Too by Lois Pemberton Is the facts of life written for teenagers. Besides rovering the sexual question, the author includes much psychology of the adolescent.. The style is breezy since the author attempts to use teenage slang.

The Art of A Cappella Singing by John Smallman and E. H. Wilcox gives advice for organizing and conducting vocal groups and Instruction for the singers. A group of 16 representative vocal works is given.

Choir and Chorus Conducting by F. W. Wodell is a discussion of the organization, management, training, and conducting of vocal ensembles.

Preparation and Presentation of the Operetta by Frank A. Beach is designed to give practical help to the inexperienced supervisor and amateur director who may wish to produce an operetta.

The Spectator

FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1951

Dogs Down Bethel Second Time 10-3

The Bulldogs defeated Bethel College baseball team for the second time this season when they won 10 to 3 in a Kansas Conference game here.

Glenn Gayer was the winning pitcher, making this his fourth victory out of five starts this season. Gayer gave up 7 hits, walked only 1, and struck out 3. The losing pitcher-was Koehn, who gave up 11 hits, walked 4, and struck out 9. The Bulldogs had no errors charged to them. Bethel had three errors.

The only home run of the game was made by Unruh of Bethel. Grindle scored two doubles In the game, and Loren Blickenstaff, Smith, and O’Dell each made one double.

Teachers Learn From Managers

Evansville, Ind.—(I. P.) A' brand new experiment in education. In which top industrial management officials are teachers and college professors are students, is being conducted in this city. It started at 8 o’clock one Saturday morning last December, when ten members of the business and economics faculty of Evansville arrived at the offices of the Hoosier Cardinal Corporation.

Carefully planned in advance, the session lasted until 12:30 p. m.. with professors comparing what they teach with practice at Hoosier Cardinal. The idea for "meeting with management" originated about a year ago with Prof. Paul R. Busey, head of the business and economics department at Evansville College. Simply, the idea is this:    The college can do a

better job of teaching If its faculty is armed with the facts about local business. And the best place to get the facts about any business is from the management of that business.

In their first meeting with executives of the Hoosier Cardinal company. purposes of the company, its history, organisation and general problems were outlined to the vis-

iting members of the faculty. Then followed a give-and-take question and answer period, with the professors’ questions being answered by the chief engineer, the sales vice-president, the personnel manager. and other executives.

This general session lasted about two hours. The group then divided itself according to the mutual Interest of management and faculty, with, for example, the professor particularly interested in personnel administration meeting with the company's personnel supervisor. One group traced the exact procedure followed by Hoosier Cardinal from the time an order is received until the product is shipped and the bill is mailed.

The success of the conference-tour was in large measure due to the preparation made in advance by Hoosier Cardinal. "The illustration set up in accounting, for example, was worth five chapters in a textbook." according to Prof. Busey. Days before the visit, Hoosier Cardinal first submitted questionnaires in an attempt to anticipate the questions professors would ask, and then formulated answers.

One thing that greatly impressed the professors was the fact that when they did begin asking questions, industrial executives ‘"didn’t hold back on a thing." They talked straight from the shoulder on any subject the professors wanted-discussed. According to one faculty member. "They seemed to be highly interested in how they might assist in improving the preparation of college students for business life, and we were equally interested in knowing some of the deficiencies in college students upon their entry into the business world."

Justice To Interview Scholarship Contenders


Netmen Beat Tabor 5 Of 6

The Macollege netmen downed the Tabor College team here, winning 5 out of the 6 games. The only loss for the Bulldogs was by Horning, who lost two sets to Rei-mer.

The results follow:

Horning lost to Reimer, 6-3.


Hummer defeated Karber, 6-1. 6-4.

’Frantz defeated Hershey, 6-3. 6-0.

West defeated Wall, 6-0. 6-2.

Horning-Hummer defeated Rei-iner-Kurher. 4-6. 6-3. 6-4.

Frantz-West defeated Hershey-Wall, 6-0. 6-2.

New York, N. Y.—Chief Justice W. W. Harvey of the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas has Indicated that he will interview candidates for the $2100 per year Root-Tilden Scholarship, offered by the New York University School of Law, in the Supreme Court hearing room. State Capitol Building. Topeka, at 10:30 a. m. on June 16, Dean Russell D. Niles has announced.

Dean Niles also announced that the time for filing applications for the scholarships has been extended to the end of May.

Chief Justice Harvey will have as his associates Elmer K. Euwer of Goodland, president of the Kansas State Bar Association, and Oscar S. Stauffer of Stauffer Publications, Topeka.

The scholarships, named for two graduates of the School, Eli-hu Root and Samuel J. Tilden, will be offered each year to enable twenty young men, who show promise of becoming "outstanding lawyers In the grand American tradition." to attend the Law School.

Candidates chosen from Kansas will then be interviewed by a committee for the Tenth Federal Circuit, consisting of Chief Judge Orie L. Phillips and John Evans. Federal Reserve Bank chairman, both of Denver, Colo., and William H. Gill, president of Colorado College. Colorado Springs. Colo.

Under the plan devised by the Dean Emeritus of the School of Law, Honorable Arthur T. Vanderbilt. now Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, the candidates for the new scholarships will be nominated by a committee in each state, with final selections to be made by a regional committee in each of the ten Federal Judicial Circuits, Dean Niles explained.

“Candidates will compete for the scholarships." Dean Niles explained. “on a rating of one-third for potential capacity for unselfish leadership, one-third for extracurricular activities, and one third

for scholarship. While the candidates must have good academic records, they must, in addition, exhibit qualities of character and personality which will enable them to become honorable and effective members of the profession In the broadest sense of the term.” • Since twenty scholarships will be awarded each year and the law school curriculum covers a three-year period, It is expected that by 1953-1954 the sixty scholars then enrolled will mark the greatest concentration of non-governmental subsidized students in any school of law or government in the country.

When the successful candidates enroll In the School of Law, they will be among the first students to use the beautiful new Law Center building now nearing completion on historic Washington Square Dean Niles pointed out.

"The Root-Tilden Scholars,” he said, "will be given personal contacts with outstanding leaders in the fields of industry, finance, law, and public service so that they will be reminded of the fact that they are being prepared not only for personal success but also for unselfish leadership in the area of the United States from which they come.

"Since the object of the scholarships is to train lawyers who are qualified for public leadership, it will bo necessary to review the educational background of each scholar and to have each one make up any deficiencies in his general

education by taking reading courses, especially in history, the humanities and the social sciences, under the guidance of tutors chosen from leaders among the University faculties."

The Root-Tilden Scholarship program la one of many projects that will make the New York University Law Center, when it opens next fail, a focal point for the study and solution of vexing problems of law and its administration. Through publications, semi-nars. Institutes and conferences on various phases of the law, an effort will be made to integrate the law Into the changing social pattern.

The Root-Tilden Scholars will have opportunities of working on a comprehensive publication program, including the New York University Law Review and the Tax Law Review, the most widely read law school publication in the country: they will be in contact with the Inter-American Law Institute where scholars from the western hemisphere make comparative studies of two great systems of juris prudence: The English Common Law and the Roman Civil Law; and they will take part In the program of the Citizenship Clearing House which purports to "encourage young men of character and ability and a sense of public responsibility to take an active interest in politics."