The Macollege Players will present “Mr. Lazarus," a four-act comedy by Harvey O’Higgins and Harriet Ford Wednesday and Thursday next week in the chapel. First curtain will rise at 8 p. m.
713 Help Boosters Gain $4,500 Funds For Macollege
Attendance at Macollege’s twenty-first annual Booster Banquet was 713 including students and faculty serving and presenting the program of the evening.
Contributions as a result of the banquet are near $4,500 and more money is coming in according to the public relations office.
Last Friday's banquet featured Senor Roberto De la Rosa, Mexican Ambassador of good will, as principal speaker. Other parts of the program included skits and music numbers by the faculty and students of the college.
MIss Mildred Siek directed preparations for the banquet.
Recital Held Saturday For Pre-college Students
Macollege music department presented the second recital by pupils of Miss Minnie Mugler Saturday afternoon, April 21, in the college chapel.
Precollege students were presented in solo and ensemble numbers.
Those participating in the programs were: Janet All, Roberta Bell, Carol Ann Dalke, Edwin Moh-ler, John Dalke, Ann White, La-Vena Murrey, Linnea Swanson, Katherine Jones, Twila Krehbiel, Neeta Jean Brighton, Mary Lou Stucky, Mary Beth Tolle, Joyce Schrag, Jolene Goering, Reta Mae Raleigh, and LaVonne Smith.
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, April 27, 1951
No. 27
The Spectator received "First Class" honor from the Associated Collegiate Press for first semester 1950-'51. Rowan Keim, sophomore English major, was editor-in-chief first semester.
College newspapers are rated by ACP as Fourth Class (no honors), Third Class (Fair), Second Class (good). First Class (excellent). All-American (superior). Frequency of publication and the school's enrollment are used to place the papers in groups of similar nature for the competition.
Only one paper in the group with the Spectator. Weekly papers published by colleges with an en-rollment loss than 500, was rated "All-American.” Twelve papers were rated "First Class."
"First Class" is the highest rating the Spectator has received at any time since records have been kept in the Spectator office.
College newspapers are criticized by the ACP on four points— news values and sources; newswriting and editing: headlines, typography and makeup: depart
ment pages and special features.
Criticisms and suggestions for improvment of the Spectator were listed in the scorebook which was received by Rowan Keim April 20.
Play Day Games Begin Friday Afternoon
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HOUSEWORK FOR?" asks Booth (Wayne Zeigler) of Patricia (Sue Smith), as Mr. Lazarus (Dale Oltman) stares wide eyed with surprise.
Following is a synopsis and run down of the cast by director Roy McAuley:
MR. LAZARUS concerns a man who has figuratively come back from the dead. Years previous to the events of the play a Mr. Molloy and his bride are involved in a railroad accident. Mrs. Molloy never secs him again and he is listed as one of those losing their lives In the wreck.
As the years go on Mrs. Molloy marries a good-for-nothing doctor whose chief aim in life is to get money, and publish his book on the science of scognosticism and the practice of instinctive thera-putics. Dr. Sylvester has almost driven the former Mrs. Molloy and her daughter to distraction when a very mysterious roomer, a Mr. Lazarus, comes to live in the boarding house. At times it appears that Mr. Lazarus is the returned Mr. Molloy and at times it appears he is not. The final decision is left with the audience.
Regardless of whether he is or isn't Mr. Lazarus succeeds in putting everything, in order. The doctor is shown up for the scoun drel he really is, the budding young artist is awarded the love of the daughter, and even Mr. Lazarus escapes without too much embarrassment.
Mr. Lazarus is played by Dale Oltman. Mr. Oltman can be re-membered for his many character parts in past productions. He is the perfect, unruffled engineer from out of the west whose only aim in life is to see justice done. This art is interpreted well by Oltman's soft and flowing Nebraska drawl.
Mrs. Sylvester, played by Dolores Sigle, is a whiny, not too sharp lady who means well but just can't quite figure out what life is all about. Miss Sigle has developed her port well and promises to" give a sterling performance.
The part of Patricia presents a newcomer In a major roll. Sue Smith portrays the lovely daugh
ter who is caught in a drab and unhappy life by the fell blows of circumstance. In love, she is afraid her young man wants to marry her for pity only.
Wayne Zeigler, as Booth, the young artist, is at his best. Rough and ready, without time to make love by the book method, he finds out that maybe the cave man stuff is best tempered with a few sweet words.
Dean Cotton sings his swan song to McPherson College Dramatics in his role as the villian of the whole affair. Dr. Sylvester. The swan song is not too sweet a one, for he blusters, yells, fights, and spreads it on generally.
Edith. Sylvester's daughter, is played by another freshman, Don-na Phelon. Edith would like to have Booth for her own, and is willing to go to almost any extent to get him. When she has a chance to put her step sister, Patricia, in a bad light she does not miss the opportunity.
Mr. Lazarus promises to be a different type of production than has been presented at McPherson College in the past two years. It should be pleasurable to all.
Zeller Speaks To Ministers
Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr., pastor of the local Church of the Breth ren discussed two actions of the General Brotherhood Board at the student minister’s meeting on Tuesday evening.
Such items as ministerial placement and the ministerial pension plan were explained by Rev. Zeller.
A question and answer period clarified the position of the Gen eral Brotherhood Board in relation to the Annual Conference of the Church.
Harold Smith bad charge of the meeting and led in the evening meditation.
“Sometimes it seems as if the only thing I really remember about him was that he had been living out of doors so much—camping—that he didn't like to sleep in a bed.'' Dale Oltman as Mr. Lazarus.
Pi Kappa Delta Will Initiate Tonight
The PI Kappa Delta initiation for new members is to be held tonight at the Bittinger home.
Dr. Bittinger, who is a PI Kappa Delta member of special distinction will have charge of the initiation and will be assisted by the retiring president, Dean Cotton, and the new president, Wayne Zeigler.
Gregory Peck Stars In Movie Coining. To Campus
The Social Committee is sponsoring another movie to be shown tonight In the chapel. The movie will be "Keys To The Kingdom", starring Gregory Peck. It will start at 7:30 p. m.
A technicolor cartoon will accompany the regular feature. An offering will be taken to pay the expense of the film.
Quartette Sings In Iowa Communities
Ladies Quartette members Claudia Jo Stump, Phyllis Bowman, Ruth Crumpacker, and Ne-omi Mankey are touring Iowa.
Since last Saturday, the girls have performed in Kingsley, Fer-nald, Marshalltown, Elkhart, Prairie City, Des Moines, Dallas Center, Panora, and Adel, Iowa.
The group, accompanied by Jack Kough, plans to return early next week.
A WAA Splash Party was given in the YMCA pool last Sat. The girls were entertained by games and a water ballet exhibition. The games consisted of water versions of dodge ball, charades, and a treasure hunt.
The girls present were Lois Yoder. Phyllis Johnson. Carole Huffman. Donna Bergin, Marilyn Roe, Mary Ellen Yoder, Dorothy Swinger, Donna Sooby, and Betty Jo Baker.
The object of the party was to develop more interest in WAA swimming this season. WAA points were also given.
Curriculum Shows Slight Changes
Curriculum changes for next school year were pointed out by the dean's office recently. Greatest change was in the field of physical education.
At present a two hour course in general physical education is offered both men and women. Next year there will be no general course for women hut a number of one hour courses instead. Hockey and tumbling, basketball and softball, tennis and volleyball, badminton and archery, and rhythmic interpretations are some of these.
In the physical education courses for men a general course will be maintained, but the old theory of coaching course will be broken down into two-hour courses, baseball, track and field events, football, and basketball.
Courses in education and psychology have boon regrouped in the catalog to make for clarity in the meaning of the listing of requirements.
Two new courses have been added to the sociology curriculum, a three-hour course in the growth of culture and a two-hour course in summer social service projects.
Berkebile Gets Approval Of Thesis Ph. D. At Ohio U.
Dean J. M. Berkebile was notified last week that his Ph.D. thesis has been found acceptible. Notice came in a letter from graduate advisor, Dr. M. C. Wolfram, famed carbohydrate chemist and chairman of the organic section of the department of chemistry at Ohio State University.
Dean Berkebile began his research work toward this degree in the summer of 1946. From the Fall of 1948 to Spring of 1950 he was enrolled regularly In the graduate school there. Since his return-to Macampus he has been enrolled in off-campus research,
The title of his thesis is "The Synthesis of Perseulose and Sede-heptulose."
Ho expects to receive his degree in the graduation ceremonies June 8, of this year.
Trio Tours Oklahoma, Texts, And New Mexico
Thu Ladies Trio, Marilee Grove, Donna Wagoner, and Anita Rog-ers, spent last week touring Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico, the group planned performance in Bartlesville, Cushing, Coyle, Cordell, and Oklahoma City, Ok-la.; Waka, Texas: Clovis. N. M.; Thomas, Aline and Garber, Oklahoma.
Bob Mays is traveling with the group.
Pep Club-Cheerleaders
To the Pep Club and cheer-leaders we want to extend a sincere thank-you on behalf of the student body. This year’s pep activities have been chara-cterized by good planning, side participation, and interested leadership. We realize that an active pep program means much to the spirit of a college campus and that such a program does not come without special thought and work.
We want to take this means of recognizing the achievement of our Pep Club, under the leadership of President Ruth Moors, and of our cheerleaders: Ann Carpenter, Betty Murrey, Marlin Walters, and Bob Wilson. Congratulations for a successful year.
School will dismiss next Friday Afternoon for Macolloge’s second annual Play, Day contests. Events-will begin at 1 p.m. and close af-ter the skits in the evening.
Inter-class competition this year will be held in the loo yard dash, the softball throw, tennis, high jump, broad jump, mile relay, men's softball, women's softball shuffleboard, volley ball, table tennis, badminton for women only, and horseshoes.
The afternoon will close with tug-of-war. Any eight fellows from the four classes may participate. Winners will play winners and loosers, loosers in the second round to decide places.
Supper will cost 35 cents and will consist of two hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, two dips of ice cream one cup cake and a bottle of pop. This will be at 6:15.
At 8 p. m. the skits will begin with each class giving a short drama or act. No limit is set as to subject matter, but the skits must bo confined to 16 minutes including preparation of the stage and cleaning of the stage in chapel.
Last year, the seniors' won, the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes ranking in that order. Any class winning the trophy for three successive years retains the trophy.
The recreational leadership class which sponsors Play Day has set up committees responsible for general planning, refreshments and publicity. These are: General planning, Peggy Sargent, Rowena Merkey, Betty Jo Baker, Bob Peel, and Carl Metsker: Refreshments, Dario Forbes, Lillian Good, Don Ford, and June Blough; Publicity, Howard Todd, Esle Kindley, and Maxine Hanley.
Spectators and contestants may amuse themselves between bouts
at croquet, tether bull, duck tennis, and other games.
Vinnie Lindbeck Speaks To Education Class
Miss Vinnie Lindbeck, superintendent of McPherson County schools, met with the Introduction to Education class Wednesday morning, April 24. She spoke on the consolidation of rural schools in McPherson County.
Laws affecting consolidation, methods used in consolidating the schools, arguments for and against consolidation, and the results of consolidation wore discussed. Students in the class were given an opportunity to ask questions as Miss Lindbeck talked.
Elsie Kindley Represents Macollege At Workshop
Elsie Kindley, freshman from Downs, Kansas., was delegated to represent Macollege in a recreational workshop held in Hutchinson during the past week.
The workshop, sponsored by Kansas State College, will feature all types of arts, crafts and handiwork. Frank A. Staples of the National Recreation Association of New York will direct arts and crafts.
“Listen to Bergson. This is from his great work on creative evolution” . . . Dean Cotton, Wayne Zeigler, and Dale Oltman in “Mr. Lazarus.”
The Spectator 2
FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1951
“I, the undersigned, do swear that I am not a com
munist,” I do own a little stock in the local cooperatives and voted for Jones on a welfare-state plank. As a matter of fact, I’m not sure whether I’m a communist or not.
“Nor a fellow traveler,” Now I can’t say that I’ve checked all my traveling companions closely to see whether they were communists. To be honest I don’t know what to look for; and, if I don't know what to look for, I can’t answer too well.
“Nor am I involved in any conspiracy which plans the forcible overthrow of the government.” Well, I belong to the party out of power. That party and I plan to muster as much force as we can to get voted in when next election comes. I plan to use violence on the sidewalks just rushing to the polls, and I’m going to get violently angry if we don’t win.
I can’t sign that thing. It just doesn't fit me!
By Jane Peterson
The three great sensory attributes of culture are literature, art, and music: literature for the
mind. art for the eye, and music for the ear.
Many people have asked me how to develop a knowledge of art order to enable them to embrace this subject in a sensible and comprehensive manner. I have therefore endeavored to show them how anyone may become familiar and even intimate with art and fully conversant on the subject while deriving a thorough personal pleasure from the development.
I am always surprised at the number of people who visit exhibitions of paintings and scarcely Bee the pictures. The thought to bear In mind at every exhibition is: "Which do I like best?" With this one thought in mind, you must look carefully at every painting in order to qualify it for your personal selection of a favorite.
Once your favorite of any exhibition has been carefully chosen (from your individual taste and concept of beauty) you will remember that one painting and the artist who did it. If you remember one painting from every exhibition, you will quickly gain a knowledge of various artists, their techniques and their general appeal or lack of appeal to you. The pleasure in every exhibition is heightened by the selection of a favorite.
For those who wish to purchase a painting, I cannot urge too strongly to buy for personal appeal. You would not purchase a coat or other article of clothing if it did not appeal to your own taste; true, you may buy it to go with another article of clothing and therefore limit yourself in color and line, but within these limitations you will seek something
that has beauty to you. A painting is even more important on this count than an article of clothing for the painting will never wear nor lose its lustre during your lifetime or those of your descendants.
When you have selected your favorite painting, ask yourself whether you would like to live with it or whether its beauty is not so moving us another favorite from another show. In this way you will be happy and satisfied with your purchase.
Once you own a painting, you should gauge any further purchases by that one and purchase only a painting which stirs you more emotionally than any you possess. Sometimes it will he difficult to find one more appealing than your own. but to purchase one of those below the emotional level you have already attained In art would prove disappointing when you find a more appealing one.
I have seen this simple method of art development turn many cursory observors into art lovers whose interest and appreciation in every exhibition is sincere and of the deepest personal satisfaction.
It is true that nothing is gained without effort and this axiom may he carried into art. To look at an exhibition purely in passing leaves no memory and merits us nothing: to select a favorite at each exhibition means to leave the exhibition with a strong memory of at least one picture, a conception of the artist’s work, and a tremendous self-satisfaction in intellectual, artistic, and emotional gain.
The first thing to face is the sure knowledge that beauty and art are personal as the food you eat. No one hesitates to dislike spinach; this does not mean they herald their dislike to the dinner
Dear Editor—
In the Spectator Friday. April 20, 1951, was an article about my country, Iran. The title was "Nasty, Little Iran.”
The editor-in-chief wrote this article. I am quite thankful for his writing because he was exactly right, I am thankful for his writing because I can see he knows about my country, and he knows what is going on. We probably have many students like him, but probably many are not so brave.
In the same Spectator was an article with the title, "One Prob-lem Solved.” I am sorry to say that this news was completely wrong. I understand that this was a syndicate story put out by the Associated Collegiate Press.
guests, but merely center their attention on another vegetable which delights their palate. So it must he in art and in appreciation of beauty. One must realize the thoroughly personal aspect of the subject and like it or move on to another. No one can decide whether or not you like spinach unless you taste It; no one can tell you a picture is without beauty unless you see it. on the same level you can only say that a painting or picture is with or without beauty to you.
Certain interests show us to the world as a dirty, uncouth people. They like to say that we should not nationalize our oil, because they have imperialistic ideas. They do not want my country or any country like us to be improved or to cease being under control of imperialist interests.
The following are facts: Abdul Hamid Zangeneh was minister of education during our last premier. All Razmara. All Razmara was assassinated by the religious party because that party thought he was a man who did not like to na tionalize our oil and he wanted to sell our country to the British imperialists. For this same reason, this religious party shot Abdul Hamid Zangeneh (who, incidently, died from the wounds).
From these facts Macollege students and faculty can understand that we are not a people who cheat or lie. hut we want to get freedom We do not, want any other coun-try to interfere in our problems any more than the United States does.
Nasser Yazdi,
Macollege senior
Twenty-four percent or all drivers involved in fatal automobile accidents in the U. S. last year were between the ages of 18 and 24.
New Book Stacks To Be Installed In Library Addition
Renovation of the college library has made necessary more changes in the location of library materials, Miss Virginia Harris, librarian, announced today.
New gray steel stacks arrived from the factory In New York last week, and plans have been made for their installation on the second floor of the addition this weekend. Books will he moved from the stack room on the first floor to the new stack area this coming week.
Tables, chairs, magazines, newspapers. and reference material now on the second floor of the new stack area were moved temporarily to the second floor of the original structure. The magazine index was moved to the first floor of the addition near the circulation desk.
After the new furniture for the second floor reading rooms arrives, the furniture now in use will be placed in the rending rooms on the first floor.
New Reading Rooms
First floor reading rooms are now in the process of renovation. Cement has been poured in the northeast and the west rooms. New ceilings are being installed and plaster is being repaired.
Asphalt tile flooring cannot be laid on the first floor until the new cement has set six weeks. Miss Harris estimates that the cement will be ready for the tile about the time of commencement.
The second floor of the original structure has been modernized. All of the dark wood trim has been removed or has been painted the same light green color as the
walls. The rounded archways have been changed to rectangular doorways in keeping with the style of the rest of the building.
Indirect Lightening Fixtures
New lighting fixtures have been purchased and have been installed in the rending rooms, office, and workroom. The fixtures, made of concentric circles of alumnium, use incandescent bulbs painted to provide an indirect type of light.
All ceilings have been lowered by placing light finish acoustical tile below the old metal ceilings. This new ceiling material is designed to reflect light and to reduce noise. Floors are now covered with a rubber tiling which will also help to eliminate noise.
The front stairs have been rebuilt, but are not yet ready for public use. Students will continue to use the west entrance to the new addition, Miss Harris stated.
Read all the ads in the Spectator every week.
The Spectator 4
FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1951
Bulldogs Make Hits Count, Beat Friends 7-4 There
Baseball Schedule
Bulldog nine racked up another win last' Tuesday by beating Friends at Wichita. Winning pitcher Glen Gayer gave up eight bits, and losing pitcher Miller, with 'the help of Fisher, gave up only seven. Macollege made the hits count to register a 7-4 victory.
Bethany Wins 3-4 Game Here
Bethany scored a close 3-4 win over Macollege at the local ball park last week. Gayer and Tolle pitched for the Bulldogs. Gayer was credited with the loss and Bethany's Gene Flohr was credited with the win.
A total of six errors were made, fire of which were on the Macollege side. O'Dell and Hunsinger each got a two-base hit.
Netmen Bow To Friends
The Bulldogs bowed to the Friends tennis men in a home meet last Tuesday, April 24. The Friends team won two out of four singles and both doubles. Frantz and Likhite both won their singles, but lost in the doubles. Horning, number one man for the Bulldogs, lost to Van Gieson. Hummer lost to Clevenger.
The box score:
McPherson Friends
Horning 3-6 0-6 Van Gieson
Humer 4-6 Clevenger
Frants 8-6 6-2 Wood
Likhite 7-5 6-0 Huang
Horning 3-6 7-9 Van Gieson
Humer Clevenger
Frants 4-6 4-6 Wood
Likhite Huang
The next match scheduled for the Bulldogs is with Southwestern, to be played there April 28.
21 Visit Hutch’s Negro, Mexican, Jewish Centers
The UNESCO organization of Macollege spent Sunday, April 22, 1951 in Hutchinson, touring different parts of the town.
Twenty-one students, Professor Flory, sponsor of the organization, and Miss Wilma Boyer, resident of Hutchinson, who acted as hostess, composed the group.
The group met in front of Sharp Hall Sunday morning, and drove to Hutchinson in cars.
They first attended church services at a Negro First Baptist Church. Following these services, the group went to Miss Boyer's home and remained there for forty-five minutes until time to go to a Negro Drive-In cafe, where they ate their dinner. The meal was of hamburgers, french fries, salad, and ice-cream. After the meal. Mrs. Bernard, wife of the owner of the cafe, sang two songs at the request of the group, "Well Done” and "A Closer Walk With Thee".
Miss Boyer then directed the group with a drive through the city park and residential section.
At 4 o’clock the group visited the Jewish Community Center. Dave Pittell, secretary of the Center, talked to the group and answered questions about the Jewish religion: he also showed the group around the interior of the building, which was very modern in every respect. The Center was dedicated September 1, 1950.
The lust phase of the day was spent visiting the Mexican section of Hutchinson. The group was taken into a Mexican home, in which Mr. Alfaro talked to the group about Mexico and the Mexican's life and ways of living. He also
April 28 Sat. Southwestern 2:15 p. m. Away
May 1 Tues. Bethel College 3 p. m. Away
May 3 Thurs. Friends University 3 p. m. Away
May 8 Tues. Tabor College 3 p. m. Home
May 11 Fri. Central College Home
May 17 Thurs. College of Emporia Home
told of his and his family's entrance Into the United States. Two members of Mr. Alfaro's family entertained the group by singing and playing the piano.
The UNESCO group left Hutchinson at 7:15 p. m. to return to Macollege after a day in Hutchinson.
Library Purchases Recent Books On Farm Problems
Western Stock Ranching by Mont H. Saunderson analyzes the ranching business in terras of markets, prices and incomes, manager ment standards and guides for production, rangeland management, financial planning and reports and procedures in the use of government land.
Tire author has been western range economist with the U. S. Forest Service since 1938.
Beef Cattle: Their Feeding and Management in the Corn Belt States contains a brief history of the beef cattle industry, the relation of the industry to other aspects of farming, and the problems in the selection and management of beef cattle herds.
Law on the Farm by H. W. Hannah explains in simple English laws on property, contracts, etc. as specifically applied to farming.
Laws are given relating to 275 topics such as liens for threshing, fences, drainage, sales of fertilizer, and trespass of animals.
Farm Records and Accounts by John Norman Efferson is an outline of the major systems of farm records and accounts needed by farmers. Dr. Efferson points out practical problems involved in keeping the records and summarizing the results.
Special sections on income tax returns, credit requirements, and inventory valuations make the book a complete reference in simplified form on farm financial problems.
Power Tools and How To Use Them by W. Clyde Lammey is a guide to the selection and operation of home-workshop machines.
Accomplished craftsmen and be-ginners will find help in the practical approach to shop planning and to the use of tools built for the home bobby shop.
W. Clyde Lammey is assistant editor of shop notes and crafts for Popular Mechanics Magazine.
Male drivers in 1950 wore involved in more than 90 percent of all U. S. automobile accidents.
Speeding on U. S. streets and highways last year injured 475,500 men, women, and children.
In 1950, 9,400 pedestrians were killed in the United States.
Last year, 299,500 pedestrians were injured in the United States.
Three out of four traffic accidents happen inclear weather on dry roads.
About 75 percent of last year's automobile accidents involved
passenger cars.
More than 80 percent of all accidents last year on our streets and highways involved vehicles going strlght.
An -overwhelming majority of motor vehicles involved in accidents last year were reported in apparently good condition.
Fifty-seven percent of last year's fatal accidents occured during hours of darkness.
Ninety-eight percent of drivers involved in fatal automobile accidents in the U. S. last year had at least one year's driving experience.