Expect Over 600 To Attend Booster Banquet Tonight

Over 600 are expected to attend Macollege's thirty-seventh annual Booster Banquet at the Community Building tonight at 6:45. Donations to date were near $3,500 dollars, an increase of $1,300 over last year's $2,200.

VOL. XXXV McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, April 20, 1951

Metzler, Grove Win In Student Council

Classes Hear Null Speak On Inflation

WSSF Raises $184.80 At Auction

Economics and public finance students of Dr. O. A. Olson heard Mr. Harold Null of the Harold Null Investment Company of Wichita lecture on "The Monetary Policies That Lead to Inflation."

Mr. Null spoke to the two classes at 10:25 Wednesday. His trip here was sponsored by the Wichita Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Null blamed the present inflationary crisis on two laws passed in 1913: one was the federal income tax revision to the Constitution, the other was the Glass Federal Reserve Act.

The income tax revision, said Mr. Null, embodied all the tenets of socialism, all the groundworks for the welfare state concept.

Mr. Null expressed the belief that the Federal Reserve System as set up was a good thing. It provided reserve dollars and hence credit. It was independent of all other bureaus, and each division was autonomous in its area. The Federal Reserve Board consisted of seven governors whom Mr. Null called "The seven most powerful men in the United States."

Mr. Null further stated that in 1933 (the year following FDR’s first election) the Federal Re-serve was made a tool of politics to further socialism as seen in the welfare state ideals. Our price level is here today, he continued, because it was carefully planned. "That,” he said. "Was one of the most damnable dishonest things that was ever done.”

He claimed it dishonest because it decreased the value of savings, stocks, bonds, and insurance policies which the average American relies upon for his old age.

Because of this unrestricted expansion of credit. Mr. Null continued. America is now in a most dangerous- position. He called to attention the fact that little European countries are stabilizing American dollars. France, he said, is buying 42 American dollars for an ounce of gold and buying gold from America for an equivalent $35.

He put the blame on the administration for not being willing to "retreat down the road to fiscal sanity."

He concluded by saying that big shot investors and insurance companies were much more concerned about inflation and fiscal policies than the war in Korea.

A WSSF benefit auction raised S184.80 for the benefit of students in war-torn countries over the world. The auction was held last Thursday in SUR.

Jack Kough, Wayne Zeigler, and Gilford Ikenberry served as auctioneers.

Highest single item sold at the event was a freezer of ice cream which went for $13.

Other items sold were use of McAuley's home for a party. Ride to Wichita with expenses paid, a chicken dinner at the Frantz home, pies, cookies, cake, and fudge.

WAA Girls Return From National Meet

The three Macollege representatives to the National W. A. A. Convention at Ann Arbor, Michigan, returned Sunday.

Margaret Daggett, Donna Soo-by, and Betty Jo Baker rode to Michigan on a bus chartered from Topeka for the Kansas delegates. Kansas students on the bus were from Kansas University, College of Emporia, Kansas State, Emporia State, Washburn, St. Mary’s College, and McPherson.

The delegates were housed in the huge Lloyd Hall dormitory at the University of Michigan. The dormitory houses approximately 500 girls.

The girls heard noted speakers, entered into interesting discussions concerning W. A. A. problems, and experienced recreation. The Macollege delegation came to the conclusion that our club has very few or no problems compared to most schools. The girls say that perhaps the most important thing they gained was a better understanding of how to apply the things gained in W. A. A. to everyday living and to the years after college.

The Ness City high school bund under direction of Leland "Sammy” High, '49. presented a concert in chapel Monday. The 56 piece group played 10 numbers and one encore.

First on the program was "His Honor", a march by Henry Phil-more. “Two Moods Overture” by Clare E. Grundman a Hal Leonard arrangement of "Far Away Places." "Hail, Hall All Around the World" by Paul Yoder, "Queen City March" by W. H. Boorn, "Little Rhapsody in Blue" arranged from George Girshwin's "Rhapsody," Mr. High's own arrangement of "Harbor Lights," "Children’s March" by Edwin Goldman, another Hal Leonard arrangement "Chatanooga Shoe Shine Boy," and "Hall of Fame" by J. Oliva-doti followed in order.

For the "Queen City March" Delbert Crabb directed. Delbert is the brother of Eugene Crabb who directed band while Mr. High was a student here.

"At the request of Dr. D. W. Bittinger, the band repeated "Hail, Hail" as played in Africa.

The band was on a one-day tour. A concert was planned for Win-dom Monday afternoon.

Tills hand won "superior” ratings at the state band meet in Hays a short time ago.

Students Judge Contest At Central College Sunday

Three Macollege students served as Judges for scriptural decia-matory contests held at Central College Sunday evening.

Dale Oltman, Kathlyn Larson, and Don Shultz chose Donna Butler for first place for her interpretation of "David and Goliath" 1 Samuel, 17.

Contestants were judged for quality and use of voice, enunciation, poise, memory, body action, and the over-all effect.

Other selections used were "The Ressurection Story” from John, "Paul’s Defense Before Agrippa" from the Acts, "Paul Exhorts to Brotherly Kindness" from Ro-mans, “The True Vino" front John, The Hebrew Children" fron Daniel, and "The Excellence of Love" from 1 Corinthians.

California Rule*

Loyalty Oath Invalid

The California state appelate court last week ruled the University of California loyalty oath in-

valid and ordered that the 18 men who refused to sign the oath he restored to their faculty positions.

The court’s decision was unanimous. The only legal oath, ruled the court. Is the standard pledge to the state and U. S. constitutions. The 18 professors had been fired for refusing to sign an oath saying. "I am not a member of the Communist party.”

"No one," said the court, "could be subjected as a condition to holding office to any test of pol itical or religious beliefs other than his pledge."

Operetta Twilight Alley To Appear Next Wed.

"Twilight Alley," a two-act operetta by Mrs. Henry Backus and Paul Bliss will be presented by the seventh and eigth grade vocal classes next Wednesday.

It will be held in the high school auditorium beginning at 8 p.m. Admission is 25 cents for students and 50 cents for adults.

A. R. Ebel Will Speak In Wednesday Chapel

Prof. A. R. Ebel, the art teacher at Tabor College in Hillsboro, will speak in chapel on Wednesday. April 25.    

He will give some demonstrations about colored glasses. Professor Ebel's daughter attended Macollege and graduated from here in 1946.

Foreign Students Give Games At UNESCO Picnic

UNESCO held a picnic in Lakeside Park 5:30 last Friday. About 30 students attended.

The group played games directed by foreign students. Gerhardt Siegmund-Schultze directed German games, Hotsuko Kanazawa directed Japanese games, and Nas ser Yazdi directed Iranian games.

Papers Report Curb Of Civil Liberties

Berkebile To Address Elementary Graduation

Dean J. M. Berkeblie will speak at the fifth grade graduation ceremonies at Washington School April 27. The graduation is from elementary to junior high school Ceremonies partially in honor of the school's athletic, team will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium.

Dean Berkebile's address will be "Today's Citizen Child—Tomor row's Citizen.” Parents and teachers will be present.

Facilitations, Grads!

From the Lenoir Rhynean. Len oir Rhyne College, North Carolina ....

"It was announced yesterday that cap and gown measurements will take place in the foyer of the Administration building Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings of next week. At the time of measurement, all class dues, as well as cup and gown fees, must be paid in order to felicitate payment of the senior class expenses."    

ed note: And let us facilitate you on your graduation.

The status of civil liberties on the nation's campuses is not all it should he. according to a survey released last month by the American civil liberties union. 17 of 33 college newspapers reported Instances of civil rights curtailment.

Among the rights which were reported violated were: controver-sial speakers on campus; Alumni attempts to check teaching material. faculty loyalty, oaths; investigations; pressure on certain campus political groups.

Eight universities and colleges, including Stanford, Michigan and Columbia Reported difficulty in securing controversial speakers. Six institutions reported they had loyalty oaths—California, Michigan, Notre Dame, North Carolina, Maine, Smith College and New Hampshire.

All student editors reported complete freedom of the college press, nor was there any indica-tion that a student was ever expelled because of political opinions.

Players Spend 65 Hours Rehearsing ‘Mr. Lazarius’

THE SHOW MUST GO ON. (Please read with a slight flourish and tremelo in the voice, ) And. by gad, the show does go on! To date, members of the cast of Mr. LAZARUS have spent sixty-five hours rehearsing for their performance In the chapel the evenings of May 2 and 3.

It hasn't been easy! Sue Smith showed up for the first few practices with her arm in a sling. Now you know how difficult it is to play the feminine romantic lead with your arm in a sling. Lately Miss 'Smith has been appearing at practice with her foot in a cast. Now you know how difficult it is to play the feminine romantic lead with your foot in a cast.

Mayor Homer Ferguson will preside as toast master. The introduction of guests will follow in customary order.

The program will consist of: talk by President Desmond W. Bittinger: reading, Miss Lehman: instrumental ensemble; musical number, ladies quartet: songs of Samoa. Samoa boy's quartet; musical selection, men's quartet; and a musical number. McPherson College A Capella Choir.

Roberto de la Rosa. Mexican Ambassador of good will, will be the guest speaker.

Miss-Mildred Siek has returned to the campus to aid in the preparation of this banquet. She will be assisted by Arlene Kough, the foods classes, and students who have volunteered their services.

A Rooster Banquet Committee of faculty members and local business men have carried on an extensive campaign both in the business district and residential districts. Contributions by McPherson citizens usually made at this time. The proceeds go toward the finance of college needs.

Margaret Daggett Named Womens Council Head

Margaret Daggett, a junior from Lawrence, Kans., was named Womens Council president for school year 1951-52. Pauline Hess McPherson sophomore, was named vice-president. x

Alice Flory was elected to the position of secretary and Anita Rogers to treasurer. Publicity chairman for the coming year will he Ann Marie Reynolds and Lorene Clark.

Retiring officers are Marilue Bowman, president: Betty Hana-garne, vice-president; Pauline Hess, secretary; Marilee Grove, treasurer: and publicity chairmen Bonnie Martin and Lois Yoder.

The objective of this organization is the promotion of good will among the women of the campus by discussion of campus problems and providing opportunities for practicing correct social behavior.

Mugler Students Present Recital Wednesday Night

Students of Miss Minnie Mugler held a piano recital in the chapel at 8 p.m. last Wednesday. The program featured solos and ensembles by pre-college students.

Pupils participating were Rae Ann Mcttlen, J. Reed Pierce, Quentin Wood, Steven Wood, Lorna Lehmberg, Cynthia Lac-kie, Joyce Wall, Marilyn Bell, Dick Jones, Carol Zerger, George Lehmberg Jr., Mary Lou Stucky, Mary Beth Tolle, Dorothy Zerger, Helen Zerger, and Betty Lou Smith.

Kentucky Junks Jazz

The University or Kentucky has banned a jazz concert which was to be given by a music honorary.

"Jazz,” declared the head of the music department," has no part in the University program.

The conflict began when a Lexington, Ky., paper claimed that some student musicians were playing in various bars and lounges.

Commented Downbeat, a national Jazz music magazine. "Although it is played copiously at university dances, the university faculty does not believe it is a fit subject or serious study. It is its the university's) duty, however, to attempt to elevate the tastes of its students and the people of the commonwealth."

Grads To Get Standardized Exams

Graduate record exams in education and psychology, sociology, economics, history, and agriculture will be standardized tests provided by the Educational Testing Service of Princeton, N. J., according to Dean J. M. Berkebile.

These will be given to majors in the named fields on April 25, from 8 to 11 a.m. Other graduate record tests will be made by the individual teachers and will be announced later.

Dean Berkebile also announced an oral comprehensive for senior chemistry majors on May 1.

Present teachers enrolled in night courses Working toward their degrees this year will be allowed to take the education exam April 24, 7:30 p.m.

Dr. Fee Will Entertain Senior Education Majors

Dr. Mary Fee will entertain her senior education majors at her apartment on April 24, at 5:30 p.m.

Education majors include three teachers in the city schools, Miss Ella Wedel, Miss Lucille Sand-quist, and Mrs. Olive Rank. Other majors are Lois Yoder, Lyle Klamm, Mrs. Harry K. Zeller, and Robert Teagarden.

Husbands and wives are also invited according to Miss Fee.

Kay Brua Awarded ‘Highly Superior’
At Music Festival

Miss Ray Brua, a piano student enrolled in the Macollege music department, rated "Highly Superior” in the state music festival held at Hays, April 14.

Miss Brua also received a "Highly Superior" rating at the district music festival held at Bethany College, March 31.

She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brua of Lyons, Kans. and a piano student of Miss Jessie Brown.

Faculty Members Conduct Services Over Kansas

Several members of the faculty conducted services in Brethren churches over Kansas last Sunday.

Jack Rough took a McPherson College Day program to the Par sous church. Dean J. M. Berkebile led services at the Independence church. Prof. Roy McAuley spoke at the Gravel Hill church. Dick Wareham represented McPherson at the Mt. Etna church. Professor Hershberger spoke at the Scott Valley church. Guy Hay-es went to the Osage church. Dr. Bechtel to the Galesburg church. Boh Mays to the Verdigras church, and Dr. Bowman to Fredonia.

Play Day Will Be Friday, May 4

by Howard Todd

Juniors, Seniors, Sophomores, and lowly Freshmen, the honor of your class will be at stake on Allschool Play Day to be held Friday afternoon, May 4. All students will represent their respective class in the competitive afternoon and evening. The winning class of the day will receive a trophy. This trophy will be held until the following year when it will again be placed to competition. Last year’s senior class is now in possession of the trophy.

Events are for both boys and girls. Such event will include track, softball, tennis, shuffle board, volley ball, and many Other events which will be announced later. The class officers are now preparing their rosters of class entries. Every student is invited to participate in this great, sensational, clamorous day of fun Their will be food in the evening before the stunts are to be given. The Recreational Leader' ship class who is again sponsoring this program has this to say to all Mac students. "To hold the honor of your respective class you must be there to participate, if you are to win that trophy. Just remember, anyone class who wins the trophy three years in succession keeps the trophy permanently, and it will be placed in the trophy case to prove the prowess of the class."

Ness City Band Has Concert In Chapel

No. 26

David Metzler, McPherson Junior was elected president of the Student Council for 1951-52; and Marilee Grove, a sophomore from South English, Iowa, was named treasurer in an election held in chapel last Monday.

The election climaxed campaign activities of the two-way race for president and the three-way race for treasurer. Campaign speeches in chapel were given by Max Mc-Auley for David Metzler, Joe Kennedy for Gerald Neher in the presidential race; and Marlin Walters and Joan Keim spoke for Howard Mehlinger and Marilee Grove in the treasurer race. Bob Wilson also competed in the treasurer Job.

In the student Court competition, Curtis Leicht, Gene Bechtel, and Mary Ellen Yoder won in a field of six candidates. Bob Powell held a higher number of votes thun did Miss Yoder; but, because of the provision requiring at least one man and one woman candidate from each class, his lead did not prevent his loss.

Sophomores chose Frank Hana-garne, Peggy Sargent, Marilee Grove, and Bob Bechtel as their representatives in the Student Court.

Student Court representatives of, the junior class were Jake Shaeffer, Glenn Nicholson, Delma Cline, Loren Blickenstaff, and Dale Carpenter.    

The changes in the constitution proposed on the first ballot tailed to pass, not because anyone voted against them, but because not enough people voted.

Two-thirds majority of the regularly enrolled students most ap-prove an ammendment to the constitution. Less than two-thirds voted, and 11 voted against the proposed changes.

KU’s Lyn Oberg To Rule Relay

Miss Lyn Oberg of Kansas University was chosen as this year’s Kansas Relays Queen. The attending court will be Miss Narra Sherrill Smith from Washburn, Miss Velma Lee Metz from Kansas State, and Miss Maurine Ramsey of Wichita University.

Announcing the choices in a letter to Dean Mary Fee. chairman of the KU Relays committee J. Phillip Kassebaum added, "Needless to say our contest would not have been a success if it had not been for your help and your schools interest. On behalf of the Kansas Relays Queen Committee I want to thank you very much for McPherson College's entry. We will be looking forward to your participation in next year's contest and certainly hope that both you and Miss Miriam Akers are planning to attend this year's relays."

One Problem Solved

At a school in Teheran Persia, Dr, Abdul Hamid Zangench, taught a student cheating on an exam. The student promptly whipped out a pistol and shot and wounded the professor.

OOPS! we said that before, didn’t we?

Lest something else happens to the feminine romantic lead the director has assigned the mas-culiue romantic lead to see that the feminine romantic lead gets to and from practice safely.

Dean Cotton, the villian, being reprimanded by Prof. McAuley, was told. “When I was your age I didn’t act that way." Dean argu-ed. "Well, they didn't have Had-achol then either."    '

Elsa Kurtz has been acting as prompter. Hearing the lines the first night she thought she had the wrong book —nothing seemed to correlate between stage and playbook.

Nasty, little Iran!

A recent item from London reports the Iranian
ambassador quite offended with American and British bick-ering over Iranian oil. Points out the fellow, Iran is neither an American or British colony but an independent state.

Can you imagine such impertinence? If Teddy Roosevelt were president we would give that country something to think about.

As a matter of fact, what are we arguing about in Iran? Did we get Iran at Yalta? Is Iran a pawn like Formosa, Red China, and Korea ?

America should declare war immediately. Every country in the world should let America settle her internal affairs. If Iran wants to be different, we should conquer Iran.

The difference between Russian and American imperial-ism is that America manages to do what Russia would like to be able to get away with.

Draft To Permit Students To Go Abroad This Summer

Draft To Permit Students To Go Abroad This Summer

During the nine-day trans-At-lantic voyages,"a shipboard orientation program will be offered to student passengers consisting of movies, language classes, lectures and discussions of European culture and problems. The program will be conducted for the most part by professors of colleges and universities.

The Selective Service regulation permitting young men to leave the United States reads us follows: 1621.16. Permit to Leave the United States —Local boards are authorized to issue a registrant a Permit of the Local Board for Registrant to Depart from the United States (SSS Form No. 300) and should issue the permit unless it is found that the registrant's absence is likely to interfere with the performance of his obligations under the Selective Service Act of 1948. Before determining whether a permit should be issued, the local board may require the registrant to complete and file his Classification Questionaire (SSS Form No. 100) and such other forms and Information as may be necessary to complete classification. The local board may thereupon classify the registrant if it appears necessary to a determination of the advisability of issuing the permit."

No Schnooks In Oklahoma

The Oklahoma state legislature last week passed an inclusive anti-Commuuist bill. It stipulates that all State employees must sign a loyalty oath or lose his job.

Persons who take the oath must swear they aren’t a member of the Communist party or "affiliated directly or indirectly" with it Anyone who states in the oath as true "any material which he knows to he false is guilty of perjury." and can be sentenced to from one to 14 years in the state penitentiary.

New York —Local draft boards are authorized to issue a permit to leave the United States to young men of draft age who wish to. go. abroad this summer, according to word received by the Council on Student Travel from the Washington headquarters of Selective Service.

This regulation makes it possible for young men, as well as young women, students and teachers to take advantage of the low student fares to Europe offered this summer by the Council on Student Travel. Round-trip fares to Le Havre are ns little as $230. the lowest rates being offered anywhere.

The students ships, American-built C-3’s accommodating 1300 students each and sailing under the auspices of the Council on Student Travel, will leave for Europe June 8, June 25 and July 6. West-bound sailing dates are August 25 and September 7.

The Council on Student Travel, a non-profit organization, coordinates the efforts of some 50 organizations interested in the field of student travel. Its purpose is to make European travel available to students, young people and teachers with limited budgets and to help the traveling student understand thoroughly and appreciate the countries he visits.

The following organizations are represented on the Executive  Committee; American Friends Service Committee. American Youth Hostels, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Experiment in International Living, Institute of International Education, Jewish Agency for Palestine, Youth Department, National Student Association, National Student YMCA, and YWCA, Parsons School of Design, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, SITA Adventure Trails, World Council of Churches, Youth Department and the World Student Service Fund.

He Who Excuses May Flunk Himself

Robert Withington, a professor at Smith volloge, is annoyed with students who insist on making excuses for the work they turn in. In an article in School and Society Withington took refuge in the French saying, ”Qul s'ex-cuse, s’accuse: Whoever excuses himself, accuses himself.

Said Withington: "’Some students, when they hand in papers, have an annoying habit of saying. 'I know this is rotten . . . which puts the instructor in an awkward position. Can he, if he disagrees with the student, give the paper a good mark without laying him-self open to charges of incompetent judgement? Must he not agree with the author of the paper and mark it down?

"On the other hand, if a student suggests that his paper is excellent, must the teacher accept the judgement and give it a good grade? Can the teacher not suggest that the paper is not as good as the author thought it?

“He can obviously find faults which the writer has overlooked: hut. In the other paper, can he find virtues that the author has not taken into account?

"There may he unconcious lap ses into vice: can these by unconscious lapses into virtue? And how virtuous are such lapses? How much credit can be given to one who builds better than he knows?"

Withington advised students not to apologize for their efforts and reminded them that the author of a magazine story does not preface it with "a statement that when it was written he had a terrible headache and the story would have been much better if he had written it when he felt well.”

You are almost three times as likely to be killed in an automobile accident between seven and eight in the evening as you are between seven and eight in the morning.

Editor Brands Loyalty Test Witch Hunt

The Northeastern News, Northeastern University, Mass., recently ran an editorial evaluating the national trend toward loyalty oaths. Here are excerpts from that editorial:

“Latest reports indicate that the witch hunt is still in vogue. Reference is made to instances throughout the country in which college teachers have been faced with the option of singing statements affirming non-communistic affiliations or the leaving of their position.

“A California college, for example, is still 20 percent understaffed because some of their teachers have refused to answer questions pertaining to political affiliations on the grounds that the action is undemocratic and insulting. They are right. It is undemocratic and insulting!

". . .Why, suddenly, have some college administrations taken up the Gestapo-like tactics mentioned? What credit could it possibly be to a big, fat college, to sit back on Its green campus and vine-covered walls, and gloat: ‘I am 100 per cent American. I can prove it. Here are all the signatures of all my teachers.’ For all worthwhile purposes such an assumption is irrational. No Communists who wants to keep his job is going to admit that he is a Communist.

". . .The crux of the argument is that colleges are not vested with the legal authority to insure the efficiency of their purges. Hence, their actions become farcical. A professor refuses to reveal his political leanings, so he is released from his position. He is still not proven to be a Communist.

“The teaching profession has been unduly tinged by bombastic politicians and ‘crusading- newspapers. The pressure exerted on It now has come from the illogical tie of Communism and Intellec-

NCU Opens To Negro On Condition

At the University of North Carolina the Trustee Executive committee recommended last week that Negroes be admitted to the graduate and professional schools when equal facilities elsewhere in the state are not provided for their race.

The University at present is being sued by a Negro who says he was denied admission to the medical school because of his race. Also, four Negroes now have a case on an appeal to got an injunction which would force the University to admit them to its law school.

Recommendations of the Executive Committee are usually rountinely passed by the full Board of Trustees.

tuallsm, and the publicizing of the the ‘depression Communists,’ a specific variety of harmless weed that grew wild in poverty and want.

“One teacher out of ten thousand is proven to have been a red. and the story is splashed on page one. It is not news in the true sense; It is sensationalism. Sensationalism that is generalized in a whole profession, that is injurious to the reputations of thousands of innocent bystanders.

"And let us not discount the vote-hungry politician yelling the most frightening epithets about Communists lurking in the halls of our colleges, perverting the minds of naive and impressionable American cherubs.

". . .Fortunately the witch hunt has not openly soiled Northeastern University . .. but this does not mean that its repercussions haven’t been felt. How many times have you heard instructors apologize in joking fashion for having to discuss or praise a Russian idea, scientist or artist.

“Perhaps he saw headlines in his mind shouting: ‘N. U. Prof Lauds Reds!!"

What Do You Think?

The opinions expressed in this column are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of either the Spectator or McPherson College.

The question for this week is “What do you think about Tru-man’s firing of MacArthur.

It seems to me that it was the wrong move at the moment, but I believe it would be different if we understood both sides of the question.—Winona Gentry

Truman’s biggest mistake was taking MacArthur out of Japan as military Governing leader of Japan, regardless of how they clash in Korea.—Lowell Hoch

I do not doubt that the President had the power to do it, but he did it in a stupid manner.— Betty Hanagarne

I think the whole rotten mess smells, MacArthur has the respect of the Japanese people; Truman does not even have the respect of the Yanks. It just does not add up. —Howard Mehlinger

Truman is the boss, when you work for someone and do not do as they say, you get fired. Truman does have the authority. I do not believe we should have stepped in Korea before the U. N. in the first place.—Jerry Hill

Truman once said that Alger Hiss was a loyal American true to his country, and now he says that MacArthur did not carry out his orders. Judging from his opinion of Hiss, men have been wrong be-fore.—Don Hoch

I thing It is a rotten mess.

I think Acheson should be kicked. he is behind a lot of this.

I do not believe MacArthur should hare been removed from Japan. He was leading the Japanese people well and they liked him very much. You can prove this by the way they acted when he left.— Ellmar Johnson

I think that if it was the truth that MacArthur was becoming too aggressive it was a good thing be is out. But how do we know it is true.—Carole Huffman

MacArthur being a soldier is expected to do what his commanding officer tells him to do. I do think they could have ironed out their difficulties in a different manner. —Donna Sooby

I believe that Truman and MacArthur both have their good and bad points. Truman is good in politics: MacArthur in the military field.—Don Stevens

Bulldog Barks

end at Morrill visiting in the Sny-der home.

Louise Reed of Galesburg, a former student, and Bill Roche, of Parsons, were visiting with Martha Frantz and Norma Couch.

James Hoover, a former student, and Dick Crowell of Robins, Iowa, were here visiting friends over the weekend.

Faculty Corner

Doris Coppock spent the weekend at her home in Independence, Kas., visiting with her family and brother who has recently returned from Korea.

Jack Kough took part in the McPherson College Lay program at the Parsons Church of the Brethren. Others participating in these programs were: J. M. Berkebile at the Independence Church. Roy McAuley at the Gravel Hill Chur-Church, Professor Hershberger at ch, Dick Wareham at the Mt. Etna the Scott Valley Church, Guy Hayes at Osage' Church, Dr. Bechtel at the Galesburg Church, Bob Mays at the Verdigras Church and Dr. Bowman at the church in Fredonia.

Bob Mays and Dr. Bittinger spent Saturday night in Kansas City, Kas., forming a new local alumni chapter. On Sunday morning Dr. Bittinger was joined by the male quartette in Kansas City, Mo., where they sang for the morning worship and gave an afternoon program. They sang for vespers Sunday evening in Kansas City, Kas., and then journeyed back to McPherson.

Verla Hummer and Rosy Traxler served a birthday dinner Sunday In honor of Lloyd Hummer's birthday. Others present were Mrs. Coughenour and Dean.

Miss Dillenbach spent the weekend visiting in Salina.

Womens Council President

Women's Council met in the S. U. R. Monday evening, April 16, at 5 o’clock. We spent the hour making the covers for our "Freshman Daze" booklets which are given to the freshman girls each year. Every one was using his originality to try to color his book cover a new and different way. Usually we ended up by making ours just like our neighbor's.

At this meeting we also elected our new officers for next year. Outgoing officers are president. Mar-Hue Bowman; vice-president. Betty Hanagarne: secretary, Pauline Hess: treasurer. Marilee Grove; and co-publicity chairmen. Lois Yoder and Bonnie Martin. New officers are president, Margaret Daggett: vice-president. Pauline Hess: secretary. Alice Flory; treasurer, Anita Rogers; and co-publicity chairmen, Ann Reynolds and Lorene Clark.    .

Frederic March Gets Award

Frederic March, currently co-starred on Broadway with Florence Edlridge (Mrs. March), Jane Wyatt, Ethel Griffies and Kent Smith in Lillian Hellman's latest dramatic hit. "The Autumn Garden," has been selected as the recipient of the first annual award for outstanding achievement in the American theatre by the National Collegiate Players, honorary dramatic fraternity. Presentation of the award was made backstage of the Coronet Theatre on Friday evening. April 13, by a committee headed by Professor

Paul Hodson is spending sever-al days in McPherson.

Winona Gentry was in Stet, Missouri last weekend attending the wedding of her cousin.

Joyce Smith returned Sunday afternoon from Lyons after being confined to her home for over a week. Joyce was a victim of the flu bug.

Betty Hanagarne was in Wichita last weekend.

Naomi Mankey and Freddie Goenner were in Wichita Sunday afternoon visiting Friends.

Ann Reynolds, Doris Roesch, Dale and Gail Snyder visited in Morrill, Kansas last weekend at the home of the boys’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Snyder.

Margaret Yost was the dinner guest of Bill Russell Sunday evening at the home of his mother.

Guests at a party at the home of Donna Phelon Friday night were Marvin Ferguson, Bob Bean, Phyllis Hanson, Bill Moore, Joan Gleeson, Clifford Kerschner and T-Ann Wallerstedt.

Mary Louise Hutcherson was in Salina Sunday, attending the District Youth Rally of the. Methodist Church. She was elected the Conference Representative.

Beverly Turner and Gene Smith were in Hutchinson Sunday evening.

Ward Ferguson spent Tuesday evening in Wichita.

Marlin Walters will spend Saturday at the K. U. Relays in Law-rence, Kas.

Marilyn Miller spent Saturday in Wichita celebrating her birthday.

Harvey Pauls was in Hutchinson over the weekend.

A birthday party was held Monday evening in honor of Marilyn Miller's birthday. Guests present were:    Martha Frantz, Norma

Couch, Ruth Peckover, and Lois Frantz.

Donna Sooby, Betty Jo Baker, and Margaret Daggett returned Sunday p. m. from Ann Arbor Michigan, where they had spent the week at a W. A. A. Convention.

Ann Carpenter’s father from Las Vegas, Nevada, was a visitor on the campus Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday evening he took Ann to Nickerson where she gave her oration. Mildred Beck and Joan Leh-man went along to spend the night in their respective homes,

Geneva Krehbiel went to a 4-H party near her home Tuesday evening.

Helen Hood, Rowan Keim, Bill Daggett, Doris Kesler, and David Metzler went to Lindsborg Tuesday night to see the play. ’’The Tempest,” Miss Neher, Esther Mohler, Margaret Daggett, Mari-lue Bowman, Letha Miller, Glenn Bellah, Joan Lehman, Vernon Mer-key, Arlene Mohler, and Beryl McCann were among those who attended Wednesday evening.

Professor McAuley wasn't very popular the other day. He had run over a skunk with his car, and for some reason, no one wanted to ride with him.    

Doris Roeseh spent the week-.

Michigan Students Think Profs Better Than Texts

Liberal Arts students at the University of Michigan think their teachers are doing a good job —better than the textbook writers are doing —according to a recent poll. ,

Students ranked as highest the teacher’s approachability and gen eral willingness to assist. The value of the texts got the lowest rating.

"It appears," said Doan Hayward Keniston, . . .that in the opinion of the students our teaching is bettor than our courses."

Kefauyer, Take Note!

Gambling in the card room nt Hofstra college, N. Y.. may lead to a shutdown of the room, the student council their decided recently.

A Council member said he had seen a card game on campus last week where three dollars were exchanged. Players spoke of cutting classes to continue playing and the game broke up only when the owner of the cards finally took them away.

Commented the Hofstra Chron icle, "We want to serve notice on all amateur gamblers on campus. It Is now open season on you: with the possible penalty of expulsion from school for engaging in this universal weakness.

"To the habitual gambler we can only offer our sympathy. The situation is indeed tragic when an otherwise responsible person can't toll the difference between ah activities award medal and a poker chip.”

Prof, Please Be Dignified

A columnist for the Duke Chronicle, taking her cue from the Gulls' Hornbook of the 17th century, recently told professors just how they ought to behave. Here are some of her suggestions: “Dignified superiority and aloofness are required by all professors seeking to attain student approval and success in teaching . . . .the professor will never admit that he is wrong, will never bother to learn his students' names and will deny all protests defending the students' academic interest in college."

“Striving to attain the academic isolation typical of a perfect ped-agoge, the ambitious professor will retire to the library whenever he is asked to participate in student-sponsored programs ... He will consider student activities only as childish exploits of excess energy."

Louis Mallory of Brooklyn College.

Mr. March, then an undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin, was a charter member of Pi Epsilon Delta when it was founded in 1919 on the Wisconsin campus to encourage all phases of dramatic endeavor. In 1922, this organization merged with the Associated University Players, which had similar aims, and the name “National Collegiate Players" was selected’’.

Among the members of the National Collegiate Players are Thornton Wilder. Margo Jones. Joe E. Brown, Margaret Webster, Gary Cooper, Francis Lederer, Charles Rann Kennedy, Edith Wynn Mathison and other notables of the professional theatre. 

From the Idaho Bengal, Pocatello, Idaho—

“Shakespeare wil make a trium phant entrance into ISC dramatics Tuesday . . . when the combined efforts of Alpha Psi Omega and the ISC Players’ Club will bring the ‘Comedy of Errors' to Frasier stage.”

Ed. Note: This Shakespeare guy is nothing but a grandstander.

I believe that Truman did what he did because MarArthur did not follow the prescribed foreign pol-icy. The reason he did not was because MacArthur wanted to create his own foreign policy. I believe it is a case of a conflict between two ambitious men.—Bob Mays

I think that MacArthur was old enough to be out, but that does not excuse Truman for firing him.— Doris Roesch

The whole Korean situation is a mess and no doubt Truman sees it as such. The firing of MacArthur appears to be Truman’s method of saving his face. He was wholly within his rights to fire him.—Prof. Mohler

I believe Truman is absolutely wrong, MacArthur is right in his opinions.—Jim Scruggs

I think it may turn out that it will enhance Truman's political position.—Prof. Flory

1 feel that Mr. Truman probably did what he thought was best In an attempt to keep the conflict localized.—Max McAuley What ever Truman does, I will not allow him to create a hatred within me for anyone, even Truman.—Dean Berkebile

Ananias Of The Week

A professor of economics at Xavier university, Ohio, thinks students shouldn't go into the army "with a chip on your should er, for you get out of your army life just what you put into it." He added that army life can be "a real educational experience."

Contrary to the popular myth, he said, a soldier can get along very well without the cussing. gambling and "running around" so often found in the array."

Last year, 35,500 Americans were killed in traffic accidents.

In 1950, 1,799,800 Americans were injured in traffic accidents.

There were 235,800 more persons injured in U. S. motor vehicle accidents last year than in 1949.

Speeding on U. S. streets and highways last year killed 13.300 men, women, and children.

Leadership Class Puts On Hobby Show

On Tuesday night of this week the Recreational Leadership Class sponsored a “Hobby Nite" which began at 7:00 and lasted til 9:30 p.m.

The class, under the leadership of Dick Wareham, has been hav-ing various projects during each class period.

A committee is chosen from the class and they work on the project. The committee for the Hobby Nite was Bob Boyer, Chairman, Glenn Gayer, Maxine Hanley and Fred Cheatwood.

Although the public was not invited to attend many visitors were present to look at the many and varied hobbies that were exhibited there in the college gym.

Trackmen Sweep Wichita Break Six Records There

The Bulldogs won the Wichita University Invitational track meet by a large margin last Monday, April 16. The bulldogs scored a total of 99 11/12 points. The Wichita freshmen were second with 67 3/12, Bethany 28 7/12, Bethel 28, and Friends 19 3/12. Six new records were set at the meet, all by Macollege. Dale Carpenter set the new record for the 100 yard dash, the 220 yard low hurdles, and the broad jump. Bob Kerr set the new 220 yard dash record, and Frank Hanagarne tied for first in the pole vault to set a new record. The Bulldog 440 yard relay team, Carpenter, Metzler, Kerr, and Miller, established the new time for \ that event.

The results:

Tennismen Beat Bethel And C of E, Lose To Bethany

The Macollege tennismen suf-fered a hitter defeat at the hands of the Bethany Swedes Wednesday. The Bulldogs failed to win a single match.

Horning lost to Carlson 2-6. 6-8. Hummer lost to Lander 6-8. 3-6. Frantz, number three man. lost to Anderson 2-6, 2-6. Likhite lost to Larson 1-6 2-6. In the doubles, Horning and Hummer lost to Carlson and Lander 4-6. 6-4, 3-6, Anderson and Larson defeated Frantz and Likhite 4-6, 2-6.

In their match with Bethel last Tuesday Macollege tennismen won all four singles and both doubles. In the doubles Horning and Hummer took Becker and Lakoski, 6-2. 6-4. likhite and Frantz played Froese and Schmidt. 7-5. 6-4.

In the singles. Horning beat Becker 6-2, 6-2; Hummer won over Lakoski 6-1 6-1. Likhite defeated Froese 11-9, 6-2, while Frantz beat Schmidt 6-0, 6-3.

The Bulldog tennismen took all but one of the matches in the meet with College of Emporia, April 13. Horning won over Dawson 6-1. 6-3. Hummer lost to Boersma 8-6, 6-3. Likhite defeated Akehne 6-1, 6-4. and Frantz outplayed Wim-mer 6-1 6-2. The Bulldogs won both doubles. Horning and Hummer beat Dawson and Boersma 6-2, and 6-4. Likhite and Fruntz played Sullivan and Fuchs, winning over them 6-1. 6-3.

100-YARD DASH —1. Carpenter, McPherson; 2. Miller, McPherson; 3. Hightower, Wichita; 4. Bixler, Wichita; 5. Macy, Bethany. Time: 10.5. ( New Record Old Record: 10.4 by Ted Theodo-soff, Wichita, 1950).

220-YARD DASH—1. Kerr, McPherson: 2. Miller, McPherson; 3. Bixler, Wichita; 4. Hahn, Bethany; 5. Burright, Wichita. Time  22.5. (New Record: Old Record: 22.9 by F. Ylander. Bethany, 1949).

440-YARD DASH— 1 Kerr, McPherson: 2. Basom, Wichita; 3. Flickinger, Bethel: 4. Wilson, McPherson; 5. Miller, Wichita Time: 53.0.

880-YARD. RUN—1. Metzler, McPherson:    2. Kingery, Bethel;

3. King. McPherson; 4. Curry, Wichita; 6. Johnson, McPherson. Time: 2:04.0.

MILE RUN—1. Bechtel, McPherson; 2. Augsburger, McPherson; 3. Unruh, Bethel; 4. Smith, Bethany; 5. Johnson, McPherson. Time: 4:47.5.

TWO-MILE    RUN—1. Bechtel.

McPherson; 2. Unruh. Bethel; 3.

Augsburger,    McPherson:    4.

Woolf, Wichita: 5. Corbett. Wichita. Time: 10.46.7.


1. Carpenter, McPherson; 2. (tie) Hahn. Bethany, and Hollingsworth, Wichita; F. Huebener, Friends; 5. Button, McPherson. Time: 16.3.


1. Carpenter. McPherson: 2. Kreh-biel, Bethel; 3. Huebener, Friends; 4. Pipkin. Friends:    5.

Corbett. Wichita. Time:    24.9.

(New Record; Old Record; 25.4 by Dale Carpenter, McPherson. 1950).

HIGH JUMP—1. (Tie) Roberts and Hollingsworth. Wichita; 3. (tie) Funk. Friends, and Powell. McPherson; 5. (tie) Mueller, Bethany; Gray, McPherson; Metzler, McPherson; Height: 5 ft. 11 inches.

BROAD JUMP—1. Carpenter, McPherson; 2. Flickinger. Bethel: 3. Hightower. Wichita; 4. (tie) Hahn, Bethany; Howell, Wichita. Distance: 20 ft. 11 in. (New Record: Old Record 20 ft. 3 3/4 In. by F. Ylander, Bethany, 1950.

POLK VAULT—1. (Tie) Hana-garne, McPherson, and Flickinger, Bethel: 3. (Tie) Hahn, Bethany. and Hollingsworth, Wichita; 5. (Tie) Ellis, Bethel; Casley, Friends; Dossett, McPherson. Height: 11 ft. 11 in. (New Record; Old Record: 11 ft. 8 in. by M. Reed. Bethany. 1950).

SHOT PUT—l. Robison, McPherson: 2. Summers, Wichita:

3. Warner, Wichita; 4. Pate, McPherson:    5. Hoch, McPherson.

Distance: 39 ft. 7 in.

DISCUS—1. Summers, Wichita; 2. Webb. Bethany: 3. Glazier, Wichita; 4. Powell, McPherson;

5. Robison, McPherson. Distance: 115 ft. 2 in.

JAVELIN — 1. Muselman, Friends;    2. Sims, Bethany:    3.

Study Of Man Is Presented In New Books

Balkan Village by Irwin T. Sanders depicts the ways of life of a tranquil rural folk on a Bulgarian mountanside—their history, economic system, courtship and marriage customs, patriarchal family life.

His concluding chapters give a personalized insight Into the great economic and social forces now at work in the Balkans us Communism tries to enter this land.

The Family: Its Function and Destiny edited by Ruth Nada An- shen is the fifth volume in the Science of Culture series which is designed to draw together knowledge of our civilization.

This volume presents the problem of the family as a group of authorities have written about it.

Grass Roots History by Theodore C. Blegen treats the folk history of the Upper Midwest by us-ing diaries and letters, songs and ballads, everyday speech, and newspaper advertisements to reveal the spirit of the day.

The author is Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Minnesota.

The People Shall Judge is a compilation of more than 250 readings which illustrate the great controversies in America's past. The selections range from John Locke to Genera! George Marshall.

More than five years of preparation and testing were spent In assembling these readings for courses in American history, political science, and general social science courses.

The Economics of Freedom by Howard S. Ellis with the assistance of a technical staff considers the situation in Western Europe and the future of the Marshall Plan.

The Social Crisis of Our Time by Wilhelm Ropke criticises capitalism as a degenerate form of society and shows socialism and collectivism to be instruments of de-struction rather than remedies.

Wilhelm Hopke is professor of economics at the Graduate institute of International Studies In Geneva. Switzerland.

The Pure Theory of Capital by Frederich Hayek was first pub-lished in England. The theory developed in this study is concerned with one of the most practical and pressing questions economists have to face—the causes of industrial fluctuations.

Dogs Outbat Bethel 20-1

The Bulldogs took their second baseball game last Friday, April 13, by a score of 20-1 over Bethel at Newton.

Gayer started on the mound for the Bulldogs. Tolle came in for the sixth inning, and Blickenstaff came in at the seventh to finish the game. The winning pitcher was Gayer, who struck out three men. Blickenstaff struck out five men.

Petefish and O'Dell each made three base hits. Blickenstaff and Grindle hit two-baggers; Gayer hit two.

The Bulldogs lost their first baseball game Tuesday, April 17, to the College of Emporia Hornets. They played at Emporia, the first night game of the year.

The Hornet's hutting power, coupled with five errors by the Bulldogs, proved to be too much.

The only runs for the Bulldogs were scored by Wayne Blicken-staff, on hits by Earl Grindle, who made two hits. The only homer of the game was hit in the seventh inning by Doganierl, of Emporia. The Hornets made only one error.

Wayne Blickenstaff started on the mound for the Bulldogs, was replaced by Bill Moore in the seventh inning. Fred Kipp was the winning pitcher for the Hornets.

Emporia Mauls Bulldogs In 16-2 Orgy There

Logenbill, Bethel; 4. Powell. McPherson: 5. Robison, McPherson. Distance; 149 ft. 7 in.

440-YARD RELAY — 1. McPherson (Carpenter, Metzler, Kerr, Miller); 2. Wichita; 3. Bethany; 4. Friends. Time: 45.2. (Establishes Record; New Event).

MILE RELAY —1. McPherson (Wilson, Heidebrech, Kerr, Metz-ler; 2. Bethel. 3. Wichita. Time: 3:38.0.

POINT RANKING OF TEAMS: McPherson. 99 11/12; Wichita, 67 3/12; Bethany. 28 7/12; Bethel 28; Friends 19 3/12.