Folk Game Party Held Tonight
Ford Edits This Issue To Gain Experience Managing editor of the Spectator. Don Ford, is responsible for the editing and makeup of this issue. The editor-in-chief, Don Shultz, is playing a minor role of writer and copy reader until next Friday when he will again take over. Each semester, the managing editor, who is in line for editor-in-chief, puts out one issue to gain the practical experience necessary to take over the Job the following semester. African Enrolled In Macollege The name of McPherson College has reached Europe and into Africa. During this year, applications have come from about a dozen African boys who live In Nigeria and ou the Gold Coast. They are seeking admission to Macollege in order to complete their training for educational work, medicine, or the ministry There boys are trained In the local mission or colonial schools. In order to complete their secondary work, they take an entrance examination for Cambridge University in England. This examination is administered on the West Coast of Africa and graded in Cambridge. If they pass the entrance requirements for Cambridge University they are graduated from secondary school and the Cambridge Entrance Examination is accepted In most quarters of the world as a fully accredited college or university entrance examination. The Administrative Committee at Macollege has examined the applications of the young men from West Africa together with their character references and all other papers which they have submitted. They have granted tuitional scholarships to several of these boys and have wished that they might he able to grant similar scholarships to more of them. Recently, Frank McGonigle of Nickerson, Kansas was approached as to whether he would be interested in underwriting the living expenses of one of these boys so that it would be possible to have him come here into the college. Brother McGonigle came up to the college at once to get further information about it. After he examined the papers which the boy submitted and learned more about the background and training of the young man and of his high purposes in wishing to come to America, he resolved to underwrite his expenses. He expressed his willingness to do this, not only for one year, but in order to make it possible for the young man to continue through college, he would extend his help for a longer period of time. Consequently, the young man has been written and will probably come to America very shortly in order that he may spend some time with Brother McGonigle before he enters into school work next fall. Tills suggestion may appeal to other people who similarly would like to underwrite an International student, making it possible for him to further his education in America and to enlarge his opportunity of service to his fellow men in the world. VOL. XXXV A Cappella Choir Says “ From U's To You” Bittinger Speaks Under the supervision of the Wichita Council of Churches, President Desmond W. Bittinger held a week-long series of services in the downtown Miller theater in Wichita immediately preceding Easter. The services begn aT ten o’clock each morning with a showing of the great motion picture "The King of Kings.” At twelve o’clock the ministers of the city conducted a worship service after which Doctor Bitting-er spoke for about thirty minutes on one of the "persons” who wax near to Jesus during the week of Passion. The services were well attended by the people of Wichita. On the first day approximately 700 per-sons were present and with each succeeding day. the number greatly increased until on the last two days 2,000 people filled the theater. On Friday at the showing of ‘The King of Kings" approximately 2,000 people were turned away from the Miller theater: they went to the Orpheum theater for an overflow meeting. After the Orpheum had become filled, it was necessary to turn approximately 500 away because no seating space was available in either the Miller or the Orpheum theaters. "This large attendance at Holy Week services is an indication of a rising interest in things religious," says Dr. Bittinger. This was the first time in the history of the annual union services of this city, that a Brethren minister has been privileged to conduct its meetings. During the week of services in Wichita, Doctor Bittinger spoke over the radio several times and Mrs. Bittinger likewise spoke over the radio. In addition he addressed a chapel in Friends University and spoke at a city-wide dinner meeting sponsored by the Council of Churches. Dr. Bittinger also filled numer-out engagements and found that •a week in Wichita can be a very busy one’. Freshmen To Hold All-School Party The Freshmen president. Wayne Blickenstaff, announced that there will be an all school party given April 7. The committee members are as follows: Decoration and Advertising Beverly Turner and others to be chosen: Refreshments — Mary Louise Hutcherson and others to be chosen: and Program — Gene Bechtel, Chairman, Sue Smith and Mary Ellen Yoder. vy they had. Quite an experience. Oh, yes, I plumb forgot to mention perhaps the most interesting thing of all. While at Colorado Springs we visited the Garden of the Gods and a pottery plant.- After leaving Denver we crossed the Rockies at the continental divide and passed through the Loveland Pass. Here on the pass there was perhaps 10 or 12 feet of snow. Some of us got to see out first rotary snowplow. We all piled out of the bus and took pictures and watched the people ski past us and on down the mountain. The elevation of the pass is 11,992 feet. It took us about two hours to go 30 miles over some of the moun-tains. When we reached Grand Junction we encountered beautiful spring weather. Then on to Salt Lake City. We arrived there about 4:30 p. m. and were taken on a guided tour of the Morman Temple grounds and other buildings. We were privileged to sing in the tabernacle and then were invited hack that evening to listen to a 7:30 choir rehearsal. There were about 300 voices in the choir. The acoustics here was nearly perfect. We left the city at 1 a. m. after the bus driver had gotten his eight hours of required sleep. At Weiser, Idaho we presented a group of six numbers at a Union Good Friday Service besides our regularly scheduled concert. We drove through the state of Oregon in order to he able to say that we were in that state. Some of the members keep talking about the great organ we were honored to see at the Mormon Temple. It is perhaps the largest organ in existence. It has five manuels and over 11,000 "pipes. Several of the fellows visited a local radio-television station and were shown how to take the pictures and how to reproduce them. We arrived at Nampa noon Saturday. We all went out to the Richard V. Keim's ranch and had our dinner. While here at Nampa we were also invited to eat at the residence of Dr. Ray Blickenstaff. So, we were honored by the father of the Blickenstaff boys on the campus. Wayne and Loren: also by the father of George Keim, another student on Macampus. We appeared at the Nampa radio station for a program. So far the concerts have been well attended, which gives us inspiration to sing. We will tell you more when we return to Mac. Teachers Gripe, Claim Millworkers Better Paid Teachers at the University of Pittsburg submitted to the University senate recently a “scorching” report on salaries at that Institution. The report said that pay is far below national and local averages, and has lagged behind the raises in cost of living. It also pointed out that teachers are in danger of losing some extra income from summer school and-evening classes because of the drop in enrollment. Teachers' base pay. the report said. Is now "lower than the average millworker's." Rev. Flory Holds Pre-Easter Services Pre-Easter services were held by Rev. Raymond Flory at the Antelope Valley Church, Garber. Oklahoma. The services began on Tuesday of Passion week and concluded with a Holy Communion service on Thursday evening. Keith Pierce, formerly of this place is the pastor of this church. Rev. Pierce is a graduate of Macol-lege of the class of 1941. While Keith was a student he was a prominent 'bass' member of a college quarette. Special music was furnished by a choir and quartette. Don Thralls, Macollege student, and brother Rex were members of the quarette furnishing special music. World Student Service Fund Drive To Begin Student Council To Hold Election For New Officers dia, China, Pakistan, Indonesia, Austria, France, Germany and elsewhere. Again this year the S. C. A. of Macollege announces that they are proud to sponsor the campaign again this year. April 9 through 12 will be the week Macollege students and faculty will be given the opportunity to give to W. S. S. F. Last year we raised nearly $250 for the fund: $100 of which was sent to W. S-. S. F. and the re mainder was kept in our own in ternational Student Fund which helps support a student on Mac-ampus. Delma Cline, co-chairman of the S. C. A. said that. “This year we woud like to top our $250 of last year.” She also reports that the week of April 9-12 will be highlighted by the annual auction. Margaret Daggett and Gilford Ikenberry are on the W. S. S. F. committee. There will be another all school folk game party tonight, Friday at the Gymnasium. The time has been set for 7:30 p. m. and there will be refreshments midway during the evenings activities. The Social Committee of Mac-ollege is the sponsor, Glen Nicholson, the Chairman said that the evenings entertainment will be directed by Elsie Marie Kindley. Elsie said that there will be new games tonight including polkas. circle games, schottisches, and set games such as the Virginia Reel. A persons want a set or two and this may be arranged she said. Beside being the director Elsie also made the posters which are to attract your attention. Both the Social Committee and Elsie urges all students and faculty to attend the party, for there is going to be lots of fun. Booster Banquet Is Set For April 20 Macollege will sponsor its 21st annual Booster Banquet April 20, in the Community Building. Guest speaker for the traditional affair will be Mexican ambassador of good will Roberto De La Rosa. Prof. Maurice A. Hess is chairman. ‘ Music planned for the program will be given by the Samoan boys and the A Cappella Choir. It is customary that the secretary of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce is toastmaster for the banquet. The purpose or the banquet is to raise funds for the college. The banquet will be prepared and served by members of the faculty and student body of Macollege, Miss Mildred Siek will return from her home to direct the preparation and serving of the meal. Schwalm Speaks To Large Audience Dr. Vernon. F. Schwalm, former president of Macollege 1927-41 spoke to large and appreciative audiences each evening except Thursday and Saturday during the Holy Week. The Methodist church, chosen by the city ministers because of its location and favorable accomo-dations, was well filled each evening. On most evenings extra chairs were placed on one main floor. The main theme of Dr. Sch-walm’s messages was in harmony with the Passion week. Such themes as: "Thoughts on Security.” "The Church," “Christian Advance." "Human Suffering.” and "What Jesus Means to Me”, were included. The great strength of his messages lay in the fact that they were so practical and down to earth. Most persons attending felt they received help and encouragement for living through days such as these. Others helping make these Holy Week services meaningful and profitable were the various ministers of the city who had charge and led the worship services: Professor Paul Zickefoose of Central College, who led the congregational singing: Mr. James Staatz and Mrs. Lloyd Larson, who presided at the organ; the choirs of the Methodist. Baptists and Brethren churches, the Central College choir and Miss Betty Hedlund, who furnished the special music for each of the services. There are many students in for-, eign lands who pin their hopes on help from the W. S. S. F. to keep on with their studies —even to live. * The fund, which is sponsored by national Protestant, Catholic and Jewish student organizations, is unique in that its primary appeal is to students and professors of preparatory schools, colleges and universities'. Contributions provide medical aid. maintain rest centers, help refugee and displaced students, aid student sanatoria, furnish books, scientific publications, laboratory equipment, food and clothing. In 1949-50 American students and members of the faculty contributed $528,767.97 in monetary contributions, approximately $36,929.23 in gifts-in-kind and about $265,000 worth of scholarship and maintenance. The fund has opened its 1950-51 annual campaign for $600,000, to be spent in Korea, Burma. In |
Faculty, S. C. Plans School Formal Social The faculty of Macollege is planning for an All School Social under the sponsorship of the college Social Commission. Dr. Kenneth Bechtel says that the social is to be a formal affair and is to begin Tuesday evening. April 3 at 8 p.m. Miss Doris Coppock heads the Program Committee while Miss Edua Neher is chairman of the Decorations Committee. Editors Note: These lines have been penned by members of the | choir, not especially for the Spec readers, but to their wives and friends here on the campus. However. with their special permission we have taken portions of the letters and now put them on paper for you. As you know we left Macollege at noon Friday, March 16. We arrived at Garden City that evening. Here we sang to a full church and had refreshments with the young people in the basement after the program. Saturday morning we drove on to Wiley. Colorado in a snowstorm. That afternoon we sang a half hour over the local radio station. The bus driver. "Speed" re-corded the performance on tape so that we could hear it later. The group was divided into couples and this made It lots easier to be placed in the various homes during the night. A group of about ten went to the home of Marilyn Miller. Here they let down their hair as one person put it and sang cowboy songs and had a regular 'hoe-down'. For instruments they used the guitar, violin and piano. Afterwards they had refreshments. As one member put it, "We got rid of a lot of our nervous tensions and Just let go and had a good time.” We gave concerts in Wiley and Rocky Ford. Colorado. There was always lots of enthusiasm because the extra large audiences seemed to enjoy our singing. There were a few getting slight colds, etc. and not being able to perform. One member, Claudia Jo Stump, fainted during one of the concerts and we had to carry her off the stage. She survived though. We always had plenty to eat, especially when we ate with the people of the church. For breakfast one morning I had two sausages, two eggs, one bowl of hot raiston, coffee, toast, and for dessert we had green gage plums with cookies. We Journeyed on to Denver. Colorado where we gave a concert and Visited the Colorado Museum of Natural History. A few also isited a large Catholic Cathedral here. At Eagle,, Colorado we planned to eat dinner, but there were only three small cafeterias. We all plied out of the bus and went Into one of the cafes and found there was only one waitress who was also the cook and dishwasher. However, we soon overcame the situation. "Speed". Albert Rogers. Dale Oltman and Earle Lapp went into the kitchen and helped the versatile lady. We used up all the spuds, all the beef and all the gra- Lawson Advises Vet Enrollment Information concerning veterans enrollment allowances was received in a letter to the college by Wm. E. Lawson. Chief of Registration and Research Section of the Veterans Administration. The letter read; "...veterans presently enrolled at McPherson College who are making satisfactory progress at the end of the present semester may bo permitted to re-enter the same course at McPherson College during the regular enrollment in the fail of 1951, and it will not be necessary that they enroll for the summer session. "For veterans who have been previously enrolled at McPherson College but are not currently enrolled, it will be necessary that they enroll for the summer session in order to qualify for additional training after July 25, 1951. "For veterans currently enrolled at McPherson College who contemplate enrolling at a different institution next fall, it will be necessary that they submit an application (VA Form 7-1905e) for Veterans Administration approval while still in a training status. "This means that their requests will have to be received in the Veterans Administration before the end of the present semester |
Faculty Dames Meet Thursday afternoon during Faster vacation, the Faculty Dames honored Mrs. Vernon F. Schwalm with at tea at the home of Mrs. D. W. Bittinger. There were 34 women and eleven children attending with Mrs. Dale Strickler or Lindsborg and Mrs. Carl Kummer of Winnepeg as guests. Mrs. Bittinger poured from a table decorated with jonquils and driftwood. The refreshments carried out the Easter motif. The hostesses were Mrs. Dell. Mrs. Bittinger, Mrs. Hershey, Mrs. Mays and Mrs. Gordon Voder. It was early in the spring of 1936 that Mrs. V. F. Schwalm, the wife of the president of Macol-lege, sent a card to each faculty wife inviting her to spend the afternoon in their home. The time was spent hemming diapers for the new baby of the modern language teacher. As their needles took quick small stitches, the women visited and had a good time together. Everyone enjoyed it so much that "Faculty Dames" has continued these eleven years. The only change has been the addition of wives of the local trustees this year. It has no organization and is very informal with the aim of getting better acquainted as its only reason for existing. Mrs. S. M. Dell. Mrs. Frank For ney, Mrs. M. A. Hess. Mrs. J. L. Bowman. Mrs. Hershey, Mrs. Harnly and Mrs. J. H. Fries are the only charter members who still attend Faculty Dames Club Meetings. Prayer Cell Splits In a recent meeting, the Friday morning cell group decided they could meet the needs of more people by dividing into smaller groups and meeting at an earlier hour. The group is now meeting at 6 a.m. each Friday in the SUR for a period of one hour. They say, "everyone is welcome." The group assembles for a period of devotions together before breaking up into several cell units for discussion. They believe that, "the smaller units provide more opportunity for participation." At this same meeting, the group also decided to participate in one off-campus project. The project chosen was to have a group of students bring cheer once each week to the old folks in the Doerkson Old Folks Home in back of the college dormitories. Two groups have already learned they can receive as much spiritual benefit from sharing their talents with these shut-ins as the old folks receive. One said. "Indeed, it is a joy to see new light enter the lives of those old people who must remain within four walls day in and out. Some of these old folks only understand German so Gerhard was quite an inspiration to them. The Student Council announces that nominations tor the positions of President of the Student Council and Treasurer of the Student Council for the school year of 1951-52 are now acceptable. The period for nominations closes on April 11 at 4:00 p.m. Candidates for presidency must be members of the senior class of next year, and candidates for treasurer must come from next year's Junior class. Nominations are made by petitions which bear the signatures of fifty regularly enrolled Macollege students. Their petitions must be handed to Bonnie Martin or Delma Cline by 4:00 p.m. April 11. Following is the model form petitions: "We. the undersigned regularly enrolled students of Mc |
Mrs. Bittinger Speaks To Fortnightly Club Mrs. Desmond Bittinger spoke the Wednesday night of Holy Week to the members of the Fortnightly Club. Mrs. Bittinger spoke about the women's clubs in Africa. She was the guest of Mrs. King Phillips and the meeting was held in the Hotel McCourt. Pherson College do hereby nominate (name of candidate) for the position of (president of Student Council or treasurer of Student Council) for the school year 195152. 'I hereby agree to accept this nomination.' Signed: (the signature of the candidate)" Fifty signatures must be secured to vail-" date the petition. A general election is scheduled for Monday April 16 from 10:25 to 5:00. The election will be preceded by ballyhoo speeches during chapel period. Voting will be by ballot at a place designated by the Student Council. The election committee of the Council, composed of Lois Yoder, Melvin Fishburn, and Mar-ilue Bowman, will tabulate and post the results. • |
Other members of the first team were Lanoy Loganbill of Bethel. Don Anderson of Kansas Wesleyan. Dudley Geise of Ottawa and Dave Anderson of Bethany. "Blick" was shortest man on the conference string at six feet. He has a season scoring total of 291 to place seventh in conference scorers.
Wayne Blickenstaff, a brother, was given honorable mention. ' Coaches voting were Chalmer Woodard. Ray Hahn of Bethany. Wally Forsberg of Wesleyan, Don Meek of Ottawa, Wayne McConnell of College of Emporia. Russ Davee of Baker and Rudy Enns of Bethel.
C. U. Paper Scolds Administration For Firing Winkler
The University of California lost another professor who didn’t believe in loyalty oaths, and the Daily Californian didn’t like the idea one bit. It declared:
"Harold Winkler, former assistant professor of political science here, has been appointed to the faculty of Harvard University.
"Winkler ... is one of the academic bad boys who refused to knuckle under when the Regents demanded a test-oath of non-sub-verslveness ... As a result of Winkler's ’disobedience' the Regents fired him last July.
"... Winkler is a member of Americans for Democratic Action. an organization of anti-Com-munist liberals, He is also former research director of the Council for Democracy, an organization whose money came from the Luce and Rockefner interests . . . He received the Bronze Star for his navy service in World War II.
"This however would not satisfy the Regents; they had to have his signature under a mass of nonsensical numbo-jumbo or he was ‘unfit to guide the minds of our gullible youth,’ as the saying goes.
"So Winkler left the University of California, where he has been one of the most popular and stimulting members of his department: now Harvard has him. Harvard. in contrast to California, is still willing to Judge a man upon his own merits rather than upon his willingness to crawl upon bis knees."
“M” Club Initiates New Members
On the evening of March 15 at 7 p.m. the chartered members of the “M” Club and their victims gathered at the college gym and the initiation of the eligible let-termen got under way.
The "M" Club members took their “victims" down to the American Legion Building where their Journey was to start.
The initiates were dressed as women and were required to push baby buggies, strollers, tricycles, kiddie cars, etc.
They were told they were to push their implements down to the Mac Theater.
They were supposed to leave the Legion one at a time at two minute intervals.
On their way they were supposed to stop at Raleigh's Drug Store and buy some bubble gum with a penny which had been provided for them.
On their Journey they could not smile, talk, or change facial expression in any way.
After all this was completed the "M” Club members picked their "victims” up at the Mac Theater.
The plans which had been made for the initiation were then further carried out. This part cannot be given out for reasons which are very obvious.
About 9 p.m. the troop of young men returned to the gymnasium. The remainder of the planned initiation was curried out there.
When the end came the initiates were then full fleged members of the "M” Club.
The group then proceeded to the College Inn where eats were provided by the club for the entire group.
Zeller Gives Book Review At Cosmos Club Meeting
Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Jr., gave a book review of "Here I Stand” by Bainton, a biography of Martin Luther, at the March meeting of the Cosmos Club at the home of Mrs. It. E. Mohler Tuesday.
Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. R. E. Mohler, Mrs. James Galle, Mrs. Eva Berkebile, and Mrs. J. J. Yoder. Refreshments of punch and cookies were served.
Baseball coach Dick Wareham announced a schedule of 13 games for his squad this year. The sched- ule includes six home games and seven away. Cut this schedule out and keep it handy. |
Library Gets New Fiction
New as well ns older works in the field of literature are among recent additions to the college library.
The Rise of the American Novel by Alexander Cowie presents materials for a critical history of the American novel from its beginning to the middle of the nineteenth century. The evolution of the American novel is indicated through treatments of the novelists—major, secondary, and insignificant.
The Story, a Critical Anthology by Mark Schorer is a critical study of the form of the short story and is based on stories by outstanding writers.
Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy was written when the Russian writer was 71 years old. This was his first full-length novel for over twenty years after "Anna Karenina."
The Master of Ballantac by Robert Louis Stevenson is the only completed novel of Stevenson's that is not a romantic tale of adventure. It is a grim story of brotherly hatred.
Meredith by Siegfried Sassoon is a story of the life and works of the English novelist, George Meredith.
Robert Burns by David Daiches is intended primarily as a critical examination of Burns’ poetic achievement rather than as a biographical work.
The Main Who Killed the Deer by Frank Walters is a simple story of the Pueblo Indians. It's theme is the conflicts which arise when
a boy who has gone to a white school returns and is at odds with his tribal rituals.
legends of Hawaii by Padraic Colum contains stories revealing the Polynesian life and thought. Some are folk tales, but others are comparable to the European court romances.
Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton is a novel of life in South Africa. The personal sufferings of a humble Zulu minister epitomize the suffering of his race.
Saturday Review of Literature stated. "Rarely have professional storytellers in recent years achieved the affecting truthfulness the shining warmth, and analytic; sanity of tills book.”
Paper Offers Tips To College Success
ACP—The Northeastern News, at Northwestern University. Boston. recently offered a few’ tips to students who want to be a success at college. Tips included:
"Look alert; take notes. If you look at your watch, don’t stare at it unbelievingly and shake it."
"Bring the professor newspaper clippings. Demonstrate diary interest and give him timely items to mention in class; bring in any clippings at random."
"Laugh at his jokes. You can tell... If he looks up from his notes and smiles expectantly, he has made a funny."
"Ask for outside reading. You don't have to read it. Just ask for it."
Bob Mays Travels
During the Easter vacation Bob Mays traveled from Macollege through Kansas and Southern Missouri.
Mr. Mays met many persons on his tour and he did make friends at all the places, however many were friends before. Bob visited with alumni, parents and students.
He spoke at several places and on Palm Sunday he spoke in the Cabool Church, where Glen Swinger is the pastor, Rev. Swinger is also a Macollege graduate of the year 1945.