Folk Game Party Held Tonight

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, March 30, 1951


Ford Edits This Issue To Gain Experience

Managing editor of the Spectator. Don Ford, is responsible for the editing and makeup of this issue. The editor-in-chief, Don Shultz, is playing a minor role of writer and copy reader until next Friday when he will again take over.

Each semester, the managing editor, who is in line for editor-in-chief, puts out one issue to gain the practical experience necessary to take over the Job the following semester.

African Enrolled In Macollege

The name of McPherson College has reached Europe and into Africa.

During this year, applications have come from about a dozen African boys who live In Nigeria and ou the Gold Coast.

They are seeking admission to Macollege in order to complete their training for educational work, medicine, or the ministry

There boys are trained In the local mission or colonial schools.

In order to complete their secondary work, they take an entrance examination for Cambridge University in England. This examination is administered on the West Coast of Africa and graded in Cambridge.

If they pass the entrance requirements for Cambridge University they are graduated from secondary school and the Cambridge Entrance Examination is accepted In most quarters of the world as a fully accredited college or university entrance examination.

The Administrative Committee at Macollege has examined the applications of the young men from West Africa together with their character references and all other papers which they have submitted.

They have granted tuitional scholarships to several of these boys and have wished that they might he able to grant similar scholarships to more of them.

Recently, Frank McGonigle of Nickerson, Kansas was approached as to whether he would be interested in underwriting the living expenses of one of these boys so that it would be possible to have him come here into the college.

Brother McGonigle came up to the college at once to get further information about it. After he examined the papers which the boy submitted and learned more about the background and training of the young man and of his high purposes in wishing to come to America, he resolved to underwrite his expenses.

He expressed his willingness to do this, not only for one year, but in order to make it possible for the young man to continue through college, he would extend his help for a longer period of time.

Consequently, the young man has been written and will probably come to America very shortly in order that he may spend some time with Brother McGonigle before he enters into school work next fall.

Tills suggestion may appeal to other people who similarly would like to underwrite an International student, making it possible for him to further his education in America and to enlarge his opportunity of service to his fellow men in the world.


A Cappella Choir Says “ From U's To You”

Bittinger Speaks

Under the supervision of the Wichita Council of Churches, President Desmond W. Bittinger held a week-long series of services in the downtown Miller theater in Wichita immediately preceding Easter.

The services begn aT ten o’clock each morning with a showing of the great motion picture "The King of Kings.”    

At twelve o’clock the ministers of the city conducted a worship service after which Doctor Bitting-er spoke for about thirty minutes on one of the "persons” who wax near to Jesus during the week of Passion.

The services were well attended by the people of Wichita. On the first day approximately 700 per-sons were present and with each succeeding day. the number greatly increased until on the last two days 2,000 people filled the theater.

On Friday at the showing of ‘The King of Kings" approximately 2,000 people were turned away from the Miller theater: they went to the Orpheum theater for an overflow meeting. After the Orpheum had become filled, it was necessary to turn approximately 500 away because no seating space was available in either the Miller or the Orpheum theaters.

"This large attendance at Holy Week services is an indication of a rising interest in things religious," says Dr. Bittinger.

This was the first time in the history of the annual union services of this city, that a Brethren minister has been privileged to conduct its meetings.

During the week of services in Wichita, Doctor Bittinger spoke over the radio several times and Mrs. Bittinger likewise spoke over the radio.

In addition he addressed a chapel in Friends University and spoke at a city-wide dinner meeting sponsored by the Council of Churches.

Dr. Bittinger also filled numer-out engagements and found that •a week in Wichita can be a very busy one’.

Freshmen To Hold All-School Party

The Freshmen president. Wayne Blickenstaff, announced that there will be an all school party given April 7.

The committee members are as follows: Decoration and Advertising Beverly Turner and others to be chosen: Refreshments — Mary Louise Hutcherson and others to be chosen: and Program — Gene Bechtel, Chairman, Sue Smith and Mary Ellen Yoder.

vy they had. Quite an experience.

Oh, yes, I plumb forgot to mention perhaps the most interesting thing of all. While at Colorado Springs we visited the Garden of the Gods and a pottery plant.-

After leaving Denver we crossed the Rockies at the continental divide and passed through the Loveland Pass.

Here on the pass there was perhaps 10 or 12 feet of snow. Some of us got to see out first rotary snowplow. We all piled out of the bus and took pictures and watched the people ski past us and on down the mountain. The elevation of the pass is 11,992 feet.

It took us about two hours to go 30 miles over some of the moun-tains.

When we reached Grand Junction we encountered beautiful spring weather. Then on to Salt Lake City.

We arrived there about 4:30 p. m. and were taken on a guided tour of the Morman Temple grounds and other buildings.

We were privileged to sing in the tabernacle and then were invited hack that evening to listen to a 7:30 choir rehearsal. There were about 300 voices in the choir. The acoustics here was nearly perfect.

We left the city at 1 a. m. after the bus driver had gotten his eight hours of required sleep.

At Weiser, Idaho we presented a group of six numbers at a Union Good Friday Service besides our regularly scheduled concert.

We drove through the state of Oregon in order to he able to say that we were in that state.

Some of the members keep talking about the great organ we were honored to see at the Mormon Temple. It is perhaps the largest organ in existence. It has five manuels and over 11,000 "pipes.

Several of the fellows visited a local radio-television station and were shown how to take the pictures and how to reproduce them.

We arrived at Nampa noon Saturday. We all went out to the Richard V. Keim's ranch and had our dinner.

While here at Nampa we were also invited to eat at the residence of Dr. Ray Blickenstaff. So, we were honored by the father of the Blickenstaff boys on the campus. Wayne and Loren: also by the father of George Keim, another student on Macampus.

We appeared at the Nampa radio station for a program.

So far the concerts have been well attended, which gives us inspiration to sing. We will tell you more when we return to Mac.

Teachers Gripe, Claim Millworkers Better Paid

Teachers at the University of Pittsburg submitted to the University senate recently a “scorching” report on salaries at that Institution. The report said that pay is far below national and local averages, and has lagged behind the raises in cost of living.

It also pointed out that teachers are in danger of losing some extra income from summer school and-evening classes because of the drop in enrollment. Teachers' base pay. the report said. Is now "lower than the average millworker's."

Rev. Flory Holds Pre-Easter Services

Pre-Easter services were held by Rev. Raymond Flory at the Antelope Valley Church, Garber. Oklahoma.

The services began on Tuesday of Passion week and concluded with a Holy Communion service on Thursday evening.

Keith Pierce, formerly of this place is the pastor of this church. Rev. Pierce is a graduate of Macol-lege of the class of 1941. While Keith was a student he was a prominent 'bass' member of a college quarette.

Special music was furnished by a choir and quartette. Don Thralls, Macollege student, and brother Rex were members of the quarette furnishing special music.

World Student Service Fund Drive To Begin

Student Council To Hold Election For New Officers

dia, China, Pakistan, Indonesia, Austria, France, Germany and elsewhere.

Again this year the S. C. A. of Macollege announces that they are proud to sponsor the campaign again this year.    

April 9 through 12 will be the week Macollege students and faculty will be given the opportunity to give to W. S. S. F.

Last year we raised nearly $250 for the fund: $100 of which was sent to W. S-. S. F. and the re mainder was kept in our own in ternational Student Fund which helps support a student on Mac-ampus.

Delma Cline, co-chairman of the S. C. A. said that. “This year we woud like to top our $250 of last year.”    

She also reports that the week of April 9-12 will be highlighted by the annual auction.

Margaret Daggett and Gilford Ikenberry are on the W. S. S. F. committee.

There will be another all school folk game party tonight, Friday at the Gymnasium.

The time has been set for 7:30 p. m. and there will be refreshments midway during the evenings activities.

The Social Committee of Mac-ollege is the sponsor, Glen Nicholson, the Chairman said that the evenings entertainment will be directed by Elsie Marie Kindley.

Elsie said that there will be new games tonight including polkas. circle games, schottisches, and set games such as the Virginia Reel. A persons want a set or two and this may be arranged she said.

Beside being the director Elsie also made the posters which are to attract your attention.

Both the Social Committee and Elsie urges all students and faculty to attend the party, for there is going to be lots of fun.

Booster Banquet Is Set For April 20

Macollege will sponsor its 21st annual Booster Banquet April 20, in the Community Building.

Guest speaker for the traditional affair will be Mexican ambassador of good will Roberto De La Rosa. Prof. Maurice A. Hess is chairman.

‘ Music planned for the program will be given by the Samoan boys and the A Cappella Choir.

It is customary that the secretary of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce is toastmaster for the banquet.

The purpose or the banquet is to raise funds for the college.

The banquet will be prepared and served by members of the faculty and student body of Macollege, Miss Mildred Siek will return from her home to direct the preparation and serving of the meal.

Schwalm Speaks To Large Audience

Dr. Vernon. F. Schwalm, former president of Macollege 1927-41 spoke to large and appreciative audiences each evening except Thursday and Saturday during the Holy Week.

The Methodist church, chosen by the city ministers because of its location and favorable accomo-dations, was well filled each evening.

On most evenings extra chairs were placed on one main floor.

The main theme of Dr. Sch-walm’s messages was in harmony with the Passion week.

Such themes as:    "Thoughts

on Security.” "The Church," “Christian Advance." "Human Suffering.” and "What Jesus Means to Me”, were included.

The great strength of his messages lay in the fact that they were so practical and down to earth.

Most persons attending felt they received help and encouragement for living through days such as these.

Others helping make these Holy Week services meaningful and profitable were the various ministers of the city who had charge and led the worship services: Professor Paul Zickefoose of Central College, who led the congregational singing: Mr. James Staatz and Mrs. Lloyd Larson, who presided at the organ; the choirs of the Methodist. Baptists and Brethren churches, the Central College choir and Miss Betty Hedlund, who furnished the special music for each of the services.

There are many students in for-, eign lands who pin their hopes on help from the W. S. S. F. to keep on with their studies —even to live. *

The fund, which is sponsored by national Protestant, Catholic and Jewish student organizations, is unique in that its primary appeal is to students and professors of preparatory schools, colleges and universities'.

Contributions provide medical aid. maintain rest centers, help refugee and displaced students, aid student sanatoria, furnish books, scientific publications, laboratory equipment, food and clothing.

In 1949-50 American students and members of the faculty contributed $528,767.97 in monetary contributions, approximately $36,929.23 in gifts-in-kind and about $265,000 worth of scholarship and maintenance.     

The fund has opened its 1950-51 annual campaign for $600,000, to be spent in Korea, Burma. In

Faculty, S. C. Plans School Formal Social

The faculty of Macollege is planning for an All School Social under the sponsorship of the college Social Commission.

Dr. Kenneth Bechtel says that the social is to be a formal affair and is to begin Tuesday evening. April 3 at 8 p.m.

Miss Doris Coppock heads the Program Committee while Miss Edua Neher is chairman of the Decorations Committee.

Editors Note: These lines have been penned by members of the | choir, not especially for the Spec readers, but to their wives and friends here on the campus. However. with their special permission we have taken portions of the letters and now put them on paper for you.

As you know we left Macollege at noon Friday, March 16. We arrived at Garden City that evening. Here we sang to a full church and had refreshments with the young people in the basement after the program.

Saturday morning we drove on to Wiley. Colorado in a snowstorm. That afternoon we sang a half hour over the local radio station. The bus driver. "Speed" re-corded the performance on tape so that we could hear it later.

The group was divided into couples and this made It lots easier to be placed in the various homes during the night.

A group of about ten went to the home of Marilyn Miller. Here they let down their hair as one person put it and sang cowboy songs and had a regular 'hoe-down'. For instruments they used the guitar, violin and piano. Afterwards they had refreshments. As one member put it, "We got rid of a lot of our nervous tensions and Just let go and had a good time.”

We gave concerts in Wiley and Rocky Ford. Colorado. There was always lots of enthusiasm because the extra large audiences seemed to enjoy our singing.

There were a few getting slight colds, etc. and not being able to perform. One member, Claudia Jo Stump, fainted during one of the concerts and we had to carry her off the stage. She survived though.

We always had plenty to eat, especially when we ate with the people of the church. For breakfast one morning I had two sausages, two eggs, one bowl of hot raiston, coffee, toast, and for dessert we had green gage plums with cookies.

We Journeyed on to Denver. Colorado where we gave a concert and Visited the Colorado Museum of Natural History. A few also isited a large Catholic Cathedral here.

At Eagle,, Colorado we planned to eat dinner, but there were only three small cafeterias. We all plied out of the bus and went Into one of the cafes and found there was only one waitress who was also the cook and dishwasher. However, we soon overcame the situation.

"Speed". Albert Rogers. Dale Oltman and Earle Lapp went into the kitchen and helped the versatile lady. We used up all the spuds, all the beef and all the gra-

Lawson Advises Vet Enrollment

Information concerning veterans enrollment allowances was received in a letter to the college by Wm. E. Lawson. Chief of Registration and Research Section of the Veterans Administration.

The letter read; "...veterans presently enrolled at McPherson College who are making satisfactory progress at the end of the present semester may bo permitted to re-enter the same course at McPherson College during the regular enrollment in the fail of 1951, and it will not be necessary that they enroll for the summer session.

"For veterans who have been previously enrolled at McPherson College but are not currently enrolled, it will be necessary that they enroll for the summer session in order to qualify for additional training after July 25, 1951.

"For veterans currently enrolled at McPherson College who contemplate enrolling at a different institution next fall, it will be necessary that they submit an application (VA Form 7-1905e) for Veterans Administration approval while still in a training status.

"This means that their requests will have to be received in the Veterans Administration before the end of the present semester

Faculty Dames Meet

Thursday afternoon during Faster vacation, the Faculty Dames honored Mrs. Vernon F. Schwalm with at tea at the home of Mrs. D. W. Bittinger.

There were 34 women and eleven children attending with Mrs. Dale Strickler or Lindsborg and Mrs. Carl Kummer of Winnepeg as guests.

Mrs. Bittinger poured from a table decorated with jonquils and driftwood.

The refreshments carried out the Easter motif.

The hostesses were Mrs. Dell. Mrs. Bittinger, Mrs. Hershey, Mrs. Mays and Mrs. Gordon Voder.

It was early in the spring of 1936 that Mrs. V. F. Schwalm, the wife of the president of Macol-lege, sent a card to each faculty wife inviting her to spend the afternoon in their home.

The time was spent hemming diapers for the new baby of the modern language teacher.

As their needles took quick small stitches, the women visited and had a good time together.

Everyone enjoyed it so much that "Faculty Dames" has continued these eleven years.

The only change has been the addition of wives of the local trustees this year.

It has no organization and is very informal with the aim of getting better acquainted as its only reason for existing.

Mrs. S. M. Dell. Mrs. Frank For ney, Mrs. M. A. Hess. Mrs. J. L. Bowman. Mrs. Hershey, Mrs. Harnly and Mrs. J. H. Fries are the only charter members who still attend Faculty Dames Club Meetings.

Prayer Cell Splits

In a recent meeting, the Friday morning cell group decided they could meet the needs of more people by dividing into smaller groups and meeting at an earlier hour.

The group is now meeting at 6 a.m. each Friday in the SUR for a period of one hour. They say"everyone is welcome."

The group assembles for a period of devotions together before breaking up into several cell units for discussion.

They believe that, "the smaller units provide more opportunity for participation."

At this same meeting, the group also decided to participate in one off-campus project.

The project chosen was to have a group of students bring cheer once each week to the old folks in the Doerkson Old Folks Home in back of the college dormitories.

Two groups have already learned they can receive as much spiritual benefit from sharing their talents with these shut-ins as the old folks receive.

One said. "Indeed, it is a joy to see new light enter the lives of those old people who must remain within four walls day in and out.

Some of these old folks only understand German so Gerhard was quite an inspiration to them.

The Student Council announces that nominations tor the positions of President of the Student Council and Treasurer of the Student Council for the school year of 1951-52 are now acceptable.

The period for nominations closes on April 11 at 4:00 p.m.

Candidates for presidency must be members of the senior class of next year, and candidates for treasurer must come from next year's Junior class.

Nominations are made by petitions which bear the signatures of fifty regularly enrolled Macollege students. Their petitions must be handed to Bonnie Martin or Delma Cline by 4:00 p.m. April 11.

Following is the model form petitions: "We. the undersigned regularly enrolled students of Mc

Mrs. Bittinger Speaks To Fortnightly Club

Mrs. Desmond Bittinger spoke the Wednesday night of Holy Week to the members of the Fortnightly Club.

Mrs. Bittinger spoke about the women's clubs in Africa.

She was the guest of Mrs. King Phillips and the meeting was held in the Hotel McCourt.

Pherson College do hereby nominate (name of candidate) for the position of (president of Student Council or treasurer of Student Council) for the school year 195152. 'I hereby agree to accept this nomination.' Signed: (the signature of the candidate)" Fifty signatures must be secured to vail-" date the petition.

A general election is scheduled for Monday April 16 from 10:25 to 5:00. The election will be preceded by ballyhoo speeches during chapel period.

Voting will be by ballot at a place designated by the Student Council. The election committee of the Council, composed of Lois Yoder, Melvin Fishburn, and Mar-ilue Bowman, will tabulate and post the results.    •

Greetings From Idaho

March 22,1951     Weiser, Idaho

We are really having a wonderful trip. As you know, we began by singing in Garden City, Kansas and then on to Wiley and Rocky Ford, Colorado.        

On the way to Denver we stopped at Colorado Springs and went through the Van Briggle Pottery Works; it was very interesting.    

We also visited the Garden of the Gods.

Crossing the mountains between Denver and Grand Junction was quite a thrill.

The mountains, trees and all were covered with snow; in fact, it was snowing beautifully a great deal of the time, it was as if we were going through a great fairy land mountains in the heights of winter beauty.

On beyond Grand Junction was the desert and it was interesting and thrilling in a different way.

Yes, we are singing along the way. The people seem to be enjoying the concerts. We have gotten along fine so far. We sing here in Weiser tomorrow, and then to Nampa, Fruitland and Twin Falls, Idaho.

The trip is full of grand experiences. Wish all you folks back home could be here sharing them with us.

Thanks to Macollege which has made it possible for us to be out here in Idaho this year.

However, we’ll be looking forward to seeing dear ol’ Kansas” again.

Until then, Best Wishes!

In behalf of the A Cappella Choir, Rowena Neher.

The Church In Puerto Rico

By Yolando Cerezo

Some years ago, there was a group of missionaries who decided to go to Puerto Rico. They did not know much about the island and had perhaps different ideas about the people, but they knew much about God. With Him in mind, they arrived at a place strange to them.

The first thing they did was to start a hospital. The country where they went was 15 miles away from any public health clinic or hospital, so the people were in need of a good one.    

They have been assisting the people in the building, and besides, they go to nearby schools and locations for in-oculatons, T. B. visitations, tooth extractions ... In other words, helping as much as they can.

There are some of the group in charge of the Community Center. They have organized tournaments and recreation for all the people.

Educational movies are given frequently. People have the opportunity to use a very good library, there are clubs where children learn many useful things, especially in art. Besides, they teach physical education in the public school.

It is lucky to have a place like this in the country where they would otherwise have to travel almost an hour for it

Three years ago, they built a senior high school. That helped the students to study while they stay at home.

Before they had to go to one of the two nearest towns and travel every day or stay the whole week.

The church was established in 1948. There was some difficulty because of the language, so the Sunday morning service was taught in Spanish while the evening one was taught in English.

The hospital, the communal center and the visitation helped the missionaries to be friendly to the people on the island. In this way some started to come for Sunday School and right now it is growing more and more.

The people understand and know the Brethren, so they would like to have even more religious services. Although it is difficult to go down from the different hills, there are always some in the Prayer Meetings held in the middle of the week.

One of the things Puerto Ricans admire in the people of the Church of the Brethren is their sincerity. They do not preach or say something at church and do something very different out of church. They do what they say.

They are trying to help with love in their hearts. They knew that they would meet very different kinds of people, but they are trying to understand and help them as Christ would do.

They go to a mountain for the sunrise service where in the peace of nature they pray. They have the love feast which increases love and fellowship.

During Christmas they have different celebrations, carolings, parties, that help them to think about our Creator and love their neighbors as themselves.

It is more than building a church in a community. It is building a church in their hearts.

A Full Week Of Fun

Have you ever stayed on campus during the holidays?

• The halls are quiet, the class whistle blows on schedule, but there are no students to rush to class, the line of hungry students is not to be found in Arnold Hall, and only occasionally do you see a professor stroll across the campus.

Saturday evening several students had a canasta party in the Arnold Hall living room.

You. too. would have enjoyed the delicious fudge Mrs. Patterson brought along from North Dakota.

A waffle and sausage party was enjoyed by a few on Sunday evening. Mrs. Patterson, Pat Patterson, Helen Hood, Bertha Landis, Betty Byers. Jake Shaffer and Gerald Neher were present.

Later the same evening, the Jack Koughs invited all of us over for a canasta party.

Several other Fahnestock residents strolled in as our party was leaving. The next day it was known that the boys had a bull session later.

Tuesday night the Koughs entertained 15 people for dininer.

The menu read thus: scalloped potatoes with ham and cheese, carrots, peas, deviled eggs, waldorf salad, and peach shortcake for dessert.

Later the same evening the group made two freezers of home-made ice cream. Those present at the dinner were Pat Patterson, her mother, Helen Hood, Lillian Good, Bertha Landis, Bob Augsburger, Bob Wilson, Maurice Richards, Gene Neff, Wayne Blickenstaff, Charles Petefish, Raymond Walker, Betty Byers and Jack and Arlene Kough.

On Wednesday at the early morning hour of six, nine persons were up for breakfast.

Again, the Koughs were the hosts. Everyone helped in per-paring the meal and afterwards helped wash the dishes.

Several Attend Massiah

Several of the college faculty members and others attended the performance of the “Messiah" at Bethany College during Holy Week.

The Bittingers and Patty Stern attended the Easter performance.

Their guest was Miss Ann Kreh-biel.

Also attending this performance was Dr. and Mrs. Burton Metzler and son David. Their guest was Dr. Metzler’s father.

Betty Byers and Max McAuley also went to see the Messiah.

Likhites Presented Several Progrants

Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Likhite have been honoring many organizations and groups with entertainment of various kinds in the past few weeks.

On Thursday evening, March 15 they presented a program at the Newton Methodist Church under the sponsorship of the Wesleyan Guild. The Dr. Metzlers accompanied them to this program.

Dr. Likhite spoke on the theme, “Missions In India” and Mrs. Likhite presented several numbers on her musical instrument, called the "dilruba.”

Also on Friday. March 9 they gave a program at the New Harmony School just east of McPherson. Their program here was similar.    .

Mrs. Likhite entertained the Country Home Economics Club recently with a few numbers on her instrument and also gave a talk on India.

Both Dr. and Mrs. Likhite say that they delight in doing these things for they enjoy it and then too, they like getting acquainted.

Metzler Holds Easter Services

Dr. Burton Metzler journeyed to the Ivester Church of the Bre-then at Grundy Senter, Iowa and held a week-long pre-Easter service there.

The meetings began on Palm Sunday and ended on Good Friday night with Holy Communion. There was good attendance throughout, the meetings with possible exceptions.

These are due to the severe snow blizzard that Iowa suffered on Palm Sunday especially. Because of the storm the Sunday evening services were cancelled. However, as the weather began to clear attendance rose with the coming of each evening service.

Dr. Metzler said that there was lots of snow, that in some places it was us high as the cars and that the people had difficulty in getting to their homes.

The pastor of the church is W. J. Heisey, former missionary to China and Manchester College graduate of 1917.

Special music was furnished by the church choir under the leadership of Galen Albright, the father of Ellis and Dave Albright, both graduates of Macollege.

“The church building was just recently remodeled and It Is a more beautiful building now," said Dr. Metzler.

Students on the campus whose homes are at Grundy Center are. Glendon Button, Manley Draper and Lee Hogle.

Pending Draft Legislation

The debate on the draft bill is still before congress. It is not likely that it will finally be passed for some weeks, but certain elements within it seem to be shaping themselves into the form which will likely appear in the bill.

1.    Age of induction.

It is likely that the age of induction will be placed at approximately 18 1/2 years. It is probable also that the period of service will be 24-26 months with a greater likelihood of Its being 24. Even if Induction is at 181/2 years, it is not likely that many of that age will be called at once.

The Induction schedules are being filled at the present without authorization to dip into this lower age bracket. It does not seem likely that many 18 year olds will be called even in 1952.

It seems probable that 18-year-old high school graduates who have enrolled in college will be allowed to complete at least one year of college study before being called.

2.    Deferment of college students.

It seems quite possible that the Hershey proposal of deferments will be accepted.

If this is written into the bill, then 75 percent of present juniors will be allowed to continue as seniors next year; 66 2/3 percent of sophomores will be allowed to continue as juniors next year; and 50 percent of the present college freshmen would be allowed to continue as sophomores next year.

This is conditioned upon their being in the upper half of their class, although the emphasis upon this may be less for seniors and juniors than for present freshmen who will be sophomores next year.

3.    Suggestions:    

A—It is suggested that all col-

lege students concentrate sharply upon receiving as high a grade level as possible

B—It is suggested that present college students pre-enroll for next year. As fur ns can be seen at the present time. It is not necessary that they enroll in summer school, but it is necessary that they pre-enroll for the fall semester to indicate to their draft boards their serious intent to stay in college if allowed to do so.

C—It is urgent that present college students inform their draft hoards of their desire to continue In college next year. If they wish deferment.

D — High school graduates should apply for admission at once to the college of their choice so that it becomes apparent to

their draft boards that they intend to enter college.

This may make It possible for a high percentage of them to enter college next fall.

E—It is the intent of government as conveyed to college administrations that a goodly number of young men capable of doing acceptable college work shall be allowed to continue their college careers through to-graduation.

The military authorities and the governmental authorities seem agreed that if our country is to continue its democratic principle and to combat the ideological forces of Communism, we must have many well trained young men who can fit into strategic positions of business and government in this country.

If such young men are to be available, they must be college trained; they must continue in college now to receive such training.

Bulldog Barks

Last week Joan Krueger, managing editor of the Daily Nebraskan, ran the following classified ad in that newspaper:

"Wanted: Communist literature or information leading to litera-ture or persons interested in communism. Write Box 1, Daily Nebraskan, Room 20. Student Union.”

The results were more far-reaching and hysterical than even Miss Krueger, who had inserted the ad just to see what would happen. had anticipated. "This innocent ad." commented the Nebraskan, "has aroused the furor, fear and excitement of persons both on and off the campus, it has resulted in threats, accusations, puzzlements and inquiries.

’The author of the ad has been ridiculed, questioned and a few times praised—praised by a few because it actually proved that a mass hysteria has blanketed the nation."

Akron Buchtelite, University of Akron, reports a new way for modern educators to knock down formal barriers between profs and students. Fashion experts, says the paper, suggest the faculty dress more casually. For instance, a prof who has an eight o'clock class should show up once in a while attired in a smoking jacket or a bathrobe. Or an anatomy instructor could wear a tie with a digestive tract painted on it.

Patronize our advertisers.

Those students going to their homes in Kansas were:    Delma

Cline, Betty Ann Murrey and Mary Ellen Yoder to Conway; Martha J. Rhodes and Winifred Reed to Little River: Delores Sigle to Osborne: Lorene Clark to Mayfield: Donna Sooby to Garden City; Elsie Marie Kindley to Downs; Rowena Merkey to Portis; Mary Caster to Hutchinson; Margaret and Bill Daggett to Lone Star; Ina Ditmars to Washington; Doris Roesch and Doris Kesler to Quinter.

June Blough visited her brother in Kansas City.

Marilyn Roe was a guest of Betty Jo Baker’s at Friend, Kansas.

Joan Lehman. Elsa Kurtz and Mildred Beck went to Nickerson.

Joyce Smith went to Lyons. Lucy Flory to Lone Star.

Margaret Yost visited at the home of Lenora Foster at Hoising-ton.

Those joining their families in Iowa were: Jo Ann Royer (Adel), Barbara Berry (Ottumwa), Alice Flory (Clarence), Ann Marie and Ginger Reynolds (Des Moines, Letha Miller (Marshaltown), Rowan Keim, Eldon Coffman and Maxine Hanley (South English), and Geneva Krehbiel was the guest of Rita Ellen Royer’s in Dallas Center, Mickey Akers (Hampton) and Winona Gentry (Stet).

Dorothy Swinger went to her home in Essex. Missouri.

Rowana Ikenberry entertained Angie Flora and Clara Domann in her home in Springer, New Mexico.

Those going to Texas over Easter were: LaVerne Burger and Maxine Coppock (Kress) and Lois Yoder (Pampa).

Hotsuka Kanazawa was a guest of Esther Merkey in Oklahoma.

Those going to Colorado were Yvonne Birkin (Haxtum) and Martha Lucore (Arriba).

Those going west were Miriam Keim (Nampa. Idaho), Barbara Beck (San Diego, California) and Ann Carpenter (Las Vegas, Nevada.)

The E. Zook family spent Thursday night thru Sunday at Mrs. Zook's sister's home at Hutchinson, Kansas. Her sister is Mrs. Melvin Hornbaker.

Wilma Ford visited her parents in Topeka. Kansas.

Hazel Rogers and Esther Horn-baker visited her parents in Hutchinson.

Mrs. Thomas F. Ford, mother of Don Ford is visiting with Wilma and Don.

Mrs. Robert Boyer spent the Easter vacation at her home in Shelbina, Missouri.

Those boys going home for the vacation in Kansas were Tommy O'Dell (Kansas City), Bob Bean (Buhler), Norman Brammell (Ozawkie), Lowell and Don Hoch (Dwight), Clove Sharpe (Scott City), Harvey Pauls (Inman).

Bob Kerr went to Barber and D. R. Merkey went to Cloud Chief. Oklahoma.

Those going to Colorado were, Dwight McSpadden (Wiley), Carl Metsger (Denver) and Marvin Ferginson (Grand Junction).

Curtis Leicht visited in Waka, Texas.

Bernard Ebbert and Roland Kesler visited in Quinter.

Rose Mary Traxler spent her Easter vacation visiting Jimmy Garvey.

Mrs. Dora Patterson of Cando, North Dakota visited with her daughter, Pat Patterson on the campus during the Easter vacation.

Orva Willems and Loren Blick-enstaff spent Easter Sunday in Wichita.

Duane Jamison spent the Easter holidays In Quinter, Ks.

Pfc. Stanley Sargent was home from Lakeland Air Force Base for

three days over Easter.

Howard Mehlinger, Elsa Kurtz, Don Smith, Jerry Hill, Keith Rick-ner, and Barbara McConnell were in Salina Friday evening to hear Guy Lombardo.

Don Reed, a former Macollege student now attending Wichita U. visited in McPherson over the weekend.

Miss Elizabeth Moore, English instructor at Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kas.. visited Miss Sarah May Vancil Tuesday afternoon. Miss Moore and Miss Vancil were roommates at the University of Kansas last summer.


Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Willems, of McPherson. Ks., announce the engagement of their daughter. Orva Willems, to Loren Blickenstaff, son of Dr. and Mrs. Ray Blickenstaff of Nampa, Idaho.

Faculty Corner

Miss Sara Mae Vancil spent the vacation at Ottawa.

Miss Virginia Harris spent the vacation at Jennings, La.

The Prof. Dells visited in northern Kansas and Nebraska during vacation. They visited their daughter In Manhattan, Kas. and Prof. Dell's two brothers and father in Nebraska.

Jack and Arlene Kough had company several times last week. Monday evening they entertained Leslie Rogers and his family at supper. Tuesday all the girls from Arnold and Kline who did not go home and Pat Patterson’s mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kough and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Lobbin spent Easter in Oklahoma where they attended the Easter pageant at Lawton and then traveled to Washita Church where Jack spoke on Sunday morning.

Bechtel Attends Profession Meet

Professor of sociology, Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel, attended a meeting at Austin, Texas over the Easter weekend.

It was an annual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Society. Dr. Haward Odum, of the University of North Carolina was the guest speaker.

Approximately 200 social scientists of the Southwestern region and interested students attended the meetings held in a local hotel.

B. of C. E. Honors S. S. Teachers, Officers

The Board of Christian Education of the local Brethren Church honored the Sunday-school teachers and officers of that church with a dinner.

Professor Kenneth Bechtel, Superintendent of the Sunday-school and Chairman of the Board of Christian Education, said, "The dinner which was scheduled for Thursday was for the purpose of getting the teachers and officers together and showing them that we do appreciate the work that they do and their efforts.’’

Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week.

What Do

You Think?

The following are personal opinions expressed by the students when asked. "What do you think of boys at McPherson College."

I think the boys at Mac are a swell bunch of guys and on the whole friendly, but I think that the guys that don't have steady girl friends could ask the girls for more dates.

"I like ’em!’’

They do not join in the campus activities such as clubs, school parties, etc. They are missing a lot of fun.

Stupendous, raving, exhilarating collossal, and the hestest this side of the Pecos.

I can't see why the fellows who aren’t going steady don’t "play the field" more, Boys! Wake up, you’re missing many good times with the super girls around here that are really loads of fun if you'd just ask them out.

There are lots of clever, witty hoys around. It would he lots better though if they would keep their Jokes out of the gutter.

I think there is a hunch of good guys, but then too there are a hunch of them who are fuddy-duddies who spent all their time over at the dorm sitting on their tails when a lot of girls would like to go out.

The guys at Mac are mostly too short. (Did you'ever think that it might be the girls are just too tall.)

I think our boys are all real swell if they’s just let everyone know it. They seem to be real friendly and quite a smiling bunch.

I think too that there would he more fun ahead if they would only ask and go—Get on the hall!

I think the boys at Mac are a pretty nice group of fellows, of course, they are not all perfect but we don't expect that.

They are just a good bunch of guys.

If we had girls that were our equal this would be a wonderful insitiution. (But who wants to live in an institution.)

They are a pretty nice bunch. They are exceptionally well-mannered. They might go out more often.

"Plenty nice."

The boys at Mac are really swell. They are friendly, ambitious,’ and willing to cooperate most things that they like to do. One comlaint among most girls is that a boy doesn’t play the field more.

Boys seem to think that because a girl goes with a boy a couple times that she and he are going steady. It is not really true.

Also there are many wonderful guys who do not date at all. Come on! Let’s get up that courage and ask a girl whether it be a small or a big date and have a good time.

Answers to the ad were varied. One professor wanted to he helpful, but feared he would get in dutch with the administration. declared he was willing to approach the head of his department, the dean of his college, the chancellor and even the state legislature to make certain he would not be labelled "Red.”

A student appeared in person to ask. "What's going on? You cut that out or I’ll take this up with the legislature." And a woman observed that young people at the University were not aware of the evils of communism.

Concluded the Nebraskan: " . . . Although the ad itself has been killed, perhaps it will give birth in the reader's mind of a new ad reading: Wanted: A sane and sensible nation regarding communism. Although we must be cautious. there is no need for hysterical fear."

Frantz Preaches At Independence

The Western Region Director, Rev. Earl Frantz, held pre-Easter services at the Independence. Kas., Church.

X. L. Coppock, father of Professor Doris Coppock is the pastor of this church.

Rev. Frantz also spoke over the local radio station and at the local theater.

Quilting Held Honoring Mrs. Schwalm

The home of Miss Della Hoer-ner was the scene of a busy day of quilting, eating and visiting on Wednesday of last week.

Miss Hoerner was hostess at a get-together of the college hill quitters honoring Mrs. Vernon F. Schwalm, who in earlier years had been teacher of the Ladies Bible Class.

The group met early in the forenoon and visited and worked till late afternoon. The ladles had a covered dish-dinner that was enjoyed by all. There were 15 pers-ent.

The quill which they finished that day was given to relief. Miss Hoerner said that one of the main emphasis' was on ’visiting’.

Rev. Yoder Gives Pre-Easter Sermon

Reverend W. H. Yoder, trustee of the college and minister in the Church of the Brethren held per-Easter services at Quinter, Kansas Church.

The pastor of the Quinter Church is Rev. Wilburn Lewallen who is a Macollege graduate of 1941.

Merril Sanger and Kenneth Graham. both graduates of Macollege of the class of ’49 helped in the success of the Passion week service by presenting special solo numbers.

Want Ad Precipitates Hysteria Over Communism

Blickenstaff Makes All Conference Five

Loren Blickenstaff, junior from Nampa, Idaho, was named on the 1951 All-Kansas Conference basketball team in a vote of conference coaches.

Loren Blickenstaff

Other members of the first team were Lanoy Loganbill of Bethel. Don Anderson of Kansas Wesleyan. Dudley Geise of Ottawa and Dave Anderson of Bethany. "Blick" was shortest man on the conference string at six feet. He has a season scoring total of 291 to place seventh in conference scorers.

Wayne Blickenstaff, a brother, was given honorable mention. ' Coaches voting were Chalmer Woodard. Ray Hahn of Bethany. Wally Forsberg of Wesleyan, Don Meek of Ottawa, Wayne McConnell of College of Emporia. Russ Davee of Baker and Rudy Enns of Bethel.

C. U. Paper Scolds Administration For Firing Winkler

The University of California lost another professor who didn’t believe in loyalty oaths, and the Daily Californian didn’t like the idea one bit. It declared:

"Harold Winkler, former assistant professor of political science here, has been appointed to the faculty of Harvard University.

"Winkler ... is one of the academic bad boys who refused to knuckle under when the Regents demanded a test-oath of non-sub-verslveness ... As a result of Winkler's ’disobedience' the Regents fired him last July.

"... Winkler is a member of Americans for Democratic Action. an organization of anti-Com-munist liberals, He is also former research director of the Council for Democracy, an organization whose money came from the Luce and Rockefner interests . . . He received the Bronze Star for his navy service in World War II.

"This however would not satisfy the Regents; they had to have his signature under a mass of nonsensical numbo-jumbo or he was ‘unfit to guide the minds of our gullible youth,’ as the saying goes.

"So Winkler left the University of California, where he has been one of the most popular and stimulting members of his department: now Harvard has him. Harvard. in contrast to California, is still willing to Judge a man upon his own merits rather than upon his willingness to crawl upon bis knees."

“M” Club Initiates New Members

On the evening of March 15 at 7 p.m. the chartered members of the “M” Club and their victims gathered at the college gym and the initiation of the eligible let-termen got under way.

The "M" Club members took their “victims" down to the American Legion Building where their Journey was to start.

The initiates were dressed as women and were required to push baby buggies, strollers, tricycles, kiddie cars, etc.

They were told they were to push their implements down to the Mac Theater.

They were supposed to leave the Legion one at a time at two minute intervals.

On their way they were supposed to stop at Raleigh's Drug Store and buy some bubble gum with a penny which had been provided for them.

On their Journey they could not smile, talk, or change facial expression in any way.

After all this was completed the "M” Club members picked their "victims” up at the Mac Theater.    

The plans which had been made for the initiation were then further carried out. This part cannot be given out for reasons which are very obvious.

About 9 p.m. the troop of young men returned to the gymnasium. The remainder of the planned initiation was curried out there.

When the end came the initiates were then full fleged members of the "M” Club.

The group then proceeded to the College Inn where eats were provided by the club for the entire group.

Zeller Gives Book Review At Cosmos Club Meeting

Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Jr., gave a book review of "Here I Stand” by Bainton, a biography of Martin Luther, at the March meeting of the Cosmos Club at the home of Mrs. It. E. Mohler Tuesday.

Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. R. E. Mohler, Mrs. James Galle, Mrs. Eva Berkebile, and Mrs. J. J. Yoder. Refreshments of punch and cookies were served.

Baseball Schedule

Baseball coach Dick Wareham announced a schedule of 13 games for his squad this year. The sched-

ule includes six home games and seven away. Cut this schedule out and keep it handy.

Library Gets New Fiction

New as well ns older works in the field of literature are among recent additions to the college library.

The Rise of the American Novel by Alexander Cowie presents materials for a critical history of the American novel from its beginning to the middle of the nineteenth century. The evolution of the American novel is indicated through treatments of the novelists—major, secondary, and insignificant.

The Story, a Critical Anthology by Mark Schorer is a critical study of the form of the short story and is based on stories by outstanding writers.

Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy was written when the Russian writer was 71 years old. This was his first full-length novel for over twenty years after "Anna Karenina."

The Master of Ballantac by Robert Louis Stevenson is the only completed novel of Stevenson's that is not a romantic tale of adventure. It is a grim story of brotherly hatred.

Meredith by Siegfried Sassoon is a story of the life and works of the English novelist, George Meredith.

Robert Burns by David Daiches is intended primarily as a critical examination of Burns’ poetic achievement rather than as a biographical work.

The Main Who Killed the Deer by Frank Walters is a simple story of the Pueblo Indians. It's theme is the conflicts which arise when

a boy who has gone to a white school returns and is at odds with his tribal rituals.

legends of Hawaii by Padraic Colum contains stories revealing the Polynesian life and thought. Some are folk tales, but others are comparable to the European court romances.

Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton is a novel of life in South Africa. The personal sufferings of a humble Zulu minister epitomize the suffering of his race.

Saturday Review of Literature stated. "Rarely have professional storytellers in recent years achieved the affecting truthfulness the shining warmth, and analytic; sanity of tills book.”

Paper Offers Tips To College Success

ACP—The Northeastern News, at Northwestern University. Boston. recently offered a few’ tips to students who want to be a success at college. Tips included:

"Look alert; take notes. If you look at your watch, don’t stare at it unbelievingly and shake it."

"Bring the professor newspaper clippings. Demonstrate diary interest and give him timely items to mention in class; bring in any clippings at random."

"Laugh at his jokes. You can tell... If he looks up from his notes and smiles expectantly, he has made a funny."

"Ask for outside reading. You don't have to read it. Just ask for it."

Bob Mays Travels

During the Easter vacation Bob Mays traveled from Macollege through Kansas and Southern Missouri.

Mr. Mays met many persons on his tour and he did make friends at all the places, however many were friends before. Bob visited with alumni, parents and students.

He spoke at several places and on Palm Sunday he spoke in the Cabool Church, where Glen Swinger is the pastor, Rev. Swinger is also a Macollege graduate of the year 1945.