Better Be Friendly! Once a Bengal Tiger sat in the jungle nonchalantly picking his teeth with a porcupine quill. A woodchopper strolled by with a bundle of sticks on his back. "Say Buddy, whatcha got in that bag?" asked the friendly tiger. "I say It's none of your bloomin business, said the woodchopper in perfect English. Having carniverously satisfied himself, the creature strolled away into the jungle. But before he left, he turned, smiled rather shyly, and remarked: "Just because a tiger picks his teeth don’t mean he ain’t hungry. Pat Them On The Back If you looked at the last issue of the Spectator, you may have noticed that no ACP or IP copy was used The issue was made up of news of local interest almost entirely, news that should be of interest to you. This is the editor's attempt to draw attention and praise to those who made this "newsy' issue possible. Before you go further, look at the names in the mast-head at the bottom of this column. Start with the manag-ing editor and read the names following of all those responsible for this change in content. Work on the Spectator with the exception of the Editor and Business Manager, is donated as an extra-curri-cular activity which takes a great amount of time. The people who write and compile the news receive no other consideration than the satisfaction of giving others pleasure plus the advantage of educational values Which work on the school paper brings. Read their names, and, the next time you see one of them, give him or her a pat on the back. —Don Shultz Truman went to see the mechanical brain operate recently. Maybe he went for a fitting. Wet weather is so welcomed by farmers in Kansas that it should not be surprising to see them turning hand-springs over their wet acreage. Knute Rockne’s son went to a house in Wichita to get some liquor. The tenant had no bottles, but he gave him a couple of shots. The one in his heart almost killed him. Old Grads Miss Family Style Replaced By New Cafeteria times it was possible to trade a few spnds for a little gravy There was no danger of cheating then either. Everything was carefully counted—two apricots in each bowl and just the right number of cookies. Any waitress caught in the cardinal sin of counting out too many was placed on probation the next three years and some consideration of chang-, ing the wording on her sheepskin was discussed. The waitress did have an in at times. Occasionally there would be a happy happy day when sec-ond helpings were available. It took a lot of billing and cooing sometimes even cash promises of dates, etc. but it was worth it to get a little extra in the second bowl of beans. The fellowship was wonderful, too. There was none of this getting up and leaving when one was through. No sir, we stayed out, the regulation time timed by the table of the hostess— who usually had some guest whose uppers slipped, thus prolonging the meal. We whiled away the time, however, in such innocent persults as throwing overripe prunes, telegraphing the milk to some inno-cent's lap via the table cloth, and other intellectual deeds. "Honey, I miss the old spltoon , since you threw it away...... "Yes dear, and you missed it before I threw it away." With this as a text, I apologize the college dining hall of better days—the good old days. What a blow it is for an old grad to return and see such life-less efficiency in the present stainless steel and chrome eating factory. What is missedwell, it's the little things. For instance— I miss the gentlemanly lining up waiting for the bell - the glor-ious signal that the gate was up, and from then on it was every man for himself. Of course, a few arms left in the door and two or three ape-men fighting over the same chair by the cute little freshman girl just added to the en-joyment. Before the meal began there was usually a short period of silence during grace, The "amen'' was usually followed by a blood curdling scream as someone got stabbed reaching for the bread, The meals were balanced too. The potatoes which started down one side of the table were balane ed by the gravy. If one had a friend on the opposite side, some |
"Teacher-wise, the Nation is in relatively worse condition this year than it was in 1941" is the statement made by W. Earl Armstrong, Associate Chief for Teacher Education, Federal Security Agency, Washington, D. C. The teachers who left the teaching held at that time to go into war-related work or business have not returned to the profession. To add to this situation we find that only a small number of teachers graduated from the colleges and universities during World War II and the two years following. Not until 1948 did the number of teachers coming from institutions of higher education equal the 1941 supply, in spite of the large enrollments in the post war years it was not until 1949 and 1950 that these institutions were able to turn out more teachers than was done in 1941. Another condition effecting the present teacher supply is the greater competition between teaching and other occupations that there was before World War II. It was a means of supplying a sure income even though the salary was small previous to 1940. This is probably one of the main reasons for the relatively large number preparing for teaching service at that time However, if the present military crisis continues and teachers are needed by the military as well as the schools, the present emergency in teacher supply will grow worse. Along with the above situation we find that the birth rate increase which began during World War II has continued, creating a greater demand for teachers than we had in 1941, The number of births climbed approximately 40 percent by 1948 over 1941. It is a conservative estimate we make that the public and private elementary schools will reach a peak enrollment of 291/2 million by 19-57 compared to 20 million, 300 thousand in 1947. Assuming that 10 million additional boys and girls in elementary and secondary schools by 1957 will be taught in classes of 30 pupils each, the need for teachers in 1957 will be greater than in 1947 by 330 thousand: This is one third of the present total number of elementary and secondary school teachers in the United States. In 1941, the number of elementary school teachers prepared was 35 thousand and the number of secondary teachers, 40 thousand. By 1950, the ratio was 36 thous- and prepared for the elementary |
A recent report from Dr. W. W, Peters, director of Brethren service in Europe, now resident in Austria, concerns the Tranksgiv-ing offering sent by the Ministerial Alliance of McPherson in No-vember. The letter of Dr. Peters reads. "The Thanksgiving offering to the amount of $147.1 3 received from the Ministerial Alliance of McPherson; Kansas, has been given in the name of the Church World Service to worthy causes here in Vienna sponsored by the Baptists, Lutheran and Methodist Churches. “The money given to the Lutheran Church is being used to provide hot water in their studenten-beim where young divinity students and a number of needy and orphan children live and are educated. "You will be interested in the letter from Pastor Georg Traar the superintendent of the Evan-gelische Kirche in Austria. " Dr. W. W. Peters, who is directing the Brethren Service Commission in Vienna in such an excellent way at the present time, presented me recently the amount of 2,570 Austrian schillings which is the equivalent of $100 and which is part of your Thanksgiving offering. " 'We will be using this money to provide hot water in the Lutheran Studentenheim in Vienna. " Since I am responsible for the |
work of this home. I want to thank you from all my heart for this gift which is not only another evidence of your brotherly feeling but which actually helps us in our needs, " 'In spite of the big economic difficulties, we started the Lutheran Studentenheim two years ago and at present time there are 70 orphan and homeless school children and 28 students living in the home, and we hope to increase this number to 45 students in the not too distant future when the fourth floor of the house will be finished. “ 'By the providing of hot water, a big physical task will be taken from our teachers who had to carry the warm water into the wash rooms end the sanitary and hygienic cars for the children will be improved, " ‘Please extend our heartiest thanks to your congregations.’ ” Teacher Shortage Seems More Than Likely By 1957 By Dean J. M. Berkebile area and 85 thousand for the secondary schools. This imbalance is placing the elementary schools in a very serious position since about twice as many teachers are required in the elementary schools as are needed in the secondary. There are two groups from which teachers can be drawn under critical conditions. There are a considerable number who have been qualified to teach who have never actually taught. They are certified or have been certified at one time. However, with the increasing standards of State Boards of Education this number would be small unless emergency certificates were issued. We then have the group of persons who have taught several years and then dropped out. This group is smaller today than the similar group in 1941. At that time a large backlog of teachers was recuited since many who had no more than minimum requirements were not able to obtain jobs. They went into the potential reserve. Then those who were prepared went into service during World War II. This reserve is now lacking since almost all of the teachers graduating from our institutions go immediately into the school system. Several things can be done to meet this threat, one of which is to supplement teachers' salaries at all levels by special appropri ation or other provision in order to make teaching attractive enough financially to discourage the shift to higher paid jobs that are frequently considered more critical We can encourage some of those now preparing to teach hi secon-dary schools to go into the elementary teaching field which will no doubt just put off several years the most critical day, It may be possible to incorporate the essentials of an elementary and secondary curricula into one so as to provide a teacher capable to teach at either level. We can expand the services of the colleges and universities to include the provision for in-service teacher training education such as evening schools. |
What Do You Think? Bulldog Barks The opinions expressed in this column are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of either mcPherson College or the Spectator. The question for this week is "What is your opinion of the bas-ketball season?" I think this season was pretty good. It was especially good for the students for it gave them an outside interest and created good sportsmanship. Francis Hall It is an improvement over last year's season. We had a few bad breaks that cost as some games. D. K. Rickner They did pretry good, however I expected them to do better, Don Wagoner It was one of the hi-lights of the year. Mary Ellen Yeater We had several thrilling games, It's a grant improvement over last year; Bob Koehn This season was about the best I've ever seen since I have been here. Betty Hanagarne This season was a lot better than usual, if we have the same team next year we will have one of the top teams in the league. Kenneth Slabach I think the team had lots of hard luck. Don Smith It was a big improvement over last year. It looks real promising for next year. Phyllis Bowman To the McPherson Student Body This seems like a very inadequate way to say “thank you" to each of you who mean so much to us, and to whom I'd like to say a very special thank you for the beautiful arrangement of flowers you presented on Monday at the inaugural Dinner. The flowers may fade as the days roll by, but the memory of them and their givers shall glow throughout the years. Sincerely. Irene Bittinger. Ginger and Ann Reynolds were at their homes at Des Moines, Io-wa for the weekend. Mary Caster and Esther Horn-baker spent the weekend at their home's near Hutchinson, Paul Hodson visited MacCampus over the weekend. JoAnn Royer, Bertha Landis, and Alice had a peanut butter and pork and beans party Sunday night. Mary Ellen Yeater spent the weekend in Rocky Ford, Colo. Barbara Beck visited in Kan-sas City with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Amdricks and Orlando Dunham ov-er the weekend. Leonore Foster and Joyce Smith went home for the weekend. Lorene Clark, LaVerne Burger Joan Lehman, and Vernon Merk-ey, a deputation team of B. V. S.'-ers spent the weekend in Garden City. Mr. and Mrs, John R, Kauffman of Surry, North Dakota visited with the E. Zook family here last weekend. Mr. Kauffman is finan-cial secretary of the Board of ad-ministration for the North Dakota and Eastern Montana District. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kesler, Lera, Vivian, and Carol Jean of Quinter were here attending the one-act plays and visiting relatives. Wednesday, February 28, the freshman quartette sang at a men's meeting at the Garden City Church of the Brethren. Dean Ber-kebile was the speaker for the event which was planned for the purpose of arousing interest toward bunding a new church at Garden City. The Ladies' Quartette sang for a P. T. A. meeting at Rago, Kansas last Friday, February 23. The quartette and Fred Goenner, Royce Beam, and Dick Wagoner were guests in the Arthur Goenner home at Zenda, Kans., Friday night. The Ladies' Quartette is singing at the Buckeye Church of the Brethren near Abilene Sunday, Boyer To Conduct Services Student minister Robert Boyer will conduct pre-Easter services at the Gravel Hill Church of the Brethren of the Southeastern district of Kansas. Wilda Minnix Becomes Wife Of Willard Werner Wilda Minnix, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prosper Minnix of Scott City, was married to Willard Werner in services at the Prairie View Church, Friend, Kans., Sunday, Feb. 11. The bride wore a ballerina length gown of Ice-blue taffeta and a head band adorned with ice-blue netting for the ceremony and carried pink carnations on a Bible. Mrs, Beryl Miller played wedding music and accompanied Florence Messick in three numbers; "Bless This House", "Through The Years", and "The Lord's Prayer." Candle-lighters for the ceremony were Delma Cline and Evelyn Werner. They wore light blue ballerina-length dresses with matching head bands. Lois Yoder gave a reading on love. A reception followed the ceremony. The tiered white and pink cake was decorated with hearts and a cupid. Assisting at the reception were Dorothy and Mabel Hite, Helen Hood, and Betty Jo Baker. Hazel Sanger was in charge of the guest book. The couple will live in Kansas City where the groom is a medi-cal student. Other Macollege students attending the services were Lois Frantz, Donna Sooby, and Wilma and Don Ford, |
The ladies trio sang at PTA in Mitchell Friday evening. Pvt, John Ward has returned to Camp Gordon Georgia after a ten day leave. Mildred Beck spent the weekend at her home at Nickerson, Dr. and Mrs. W, H. Grindle of Beloit, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Grindle of Topeka, Donna Faye Cassef, Dora Jean Nichol, and Elmer Thrush of Hill City were in Mc-Pherson Friday attending the ,Mc-Pherson—C of E. basketball game. Martha Frantz and Norma Couch visited in the Couch home in Kansas City over the weekend. Gene and Darlene Weaver who were students at McPherson College last year have returned to McPherson where they are planing to work Claudia Jo Stump, Phyllis Bow-man, Royce Beam, Ruth Crum-packer, Dick Wagoner, Naomi Mankey, and Fred Goemner went to Zenda Friday. The ladies' quar-tet sang. Tommy Odell and Paul Heide-brecht spent Saturday evening in Canton. Earl Grindle spent the weekend visiting in Beloit. Orva Willems and Peggy Sargent were in Halstead Saturday afternoon visiting Beverly Turner. A baby girl, weighing 7 lbs. 11 ozs., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack White on Feb. 21. She has been named Lily Catherine, Mr. White is a Macollege senior, majoring in business administration, and Mrs. White, formerly Lee An-nn Mast, attended Macollege in 1947-48. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wilson are the parents of a baby born Feb. 21. He weighed 7 lb. l 1/4 oz, and is named Gary Elton. Mr. Wilson is a student at Macollege. Faculty Corner Dr. Mohler spent Tuesday afternoon as a conference leader for a county Hi-Y conference at Nickerson High School. Mrs. San Romani has returned to school after a two weeks absence because of the flu. Coach Woodard spent Tuesday evening in Salina attending the Kansas Wesleyan-Baker basketball game. Prof. Berkebile and the Fresh-men's men’s quartette journeyed to Garden City Wed. to take part in a Men's Meeting program at the Church of the Brethren. Jack Kough was guest speaker at a P. T. A. meeting at the Sun-nyside School south of Canton Tuesday evening Prof. Hess and family were in Wichita and Westphalia, Kans, over the weekend visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. Hess’ brother from Indiana and a nephew from Calif, were in Westpha-al where the Hess’s attended church Sunday. Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week. |
Doghouse Born In Fall Of 1945there comes a time in the life of many an institution when its history is subjected to review. Be-cause there are only a few persons on Macampus now who were witnesses of the birth of the Dog House, the time seems right to bring its past into focus. In the fall of 1945 under the leadership of president Blair Helman, who is now a trustee of Mac-ollege, the Student Council formu-lated the initial plans for a snack room. The large room under the chapel which at that time was equipped with ping pong tables and which had previously been the hand room, seemed a logical place to transform into a snack bar; The Administration gave its support to the idea, and the student Council submitted detailed plans to the Trustee Board as its meeting in February, 1946; the Trustees granted their approval. The first manager of the Dog House was Irene Schramel, a senior home economics major. In the 1947-48 school year, Robert Martin served in the capacity of manager; the next year, Ronald Moyer; in 1949-1950, John Firestone; and this year Donna Sooby, sophomore from Garden City, Ks., is carrying the managerial duties. Managers are selected' in the spring of the year from application's submitted to Student Council by interested students. Rules for the operation of the Dog House were drawn up by the Student Councils who did the original planning and have been revised by later councils to meet new conditions. The room is directly supervised by a Dog House Operational Committee of the Student Council. Members of the committee this year are Gerald Neher, chairman; Dean Berkebile; Donna Sooby; and Anita Rogers. Van Voast Tells Of Red Occupation Of ShanghaiMiss Helen Von Voast, representing the Student Volunteer Movement, gave a first-hand account of communist occupation of Shanghai to SGA Thursday, Feb. 22. Resident in Chins for eight years, Miss Van Voast taught at St. John's University in Shanghai. The last 15 months of her teaching was under communist control. She reported that most American missionaries Were forced to leave China because of the great anti-American feeling, but assured the group that the Christian ef-fort in China would not die out just because the Americans have gone. |
I thought if was a swell season, The boys really tried hard, Phyllis Johnson Very exciting, very good team all together. Bob Beam We enjoyed the season, but we should have won a few more games. Don Hoch It was good, even though we did not win ail the games. It was an improvement over last year. The boys did swell considering this was their firm year working together. Sue Smith The season was better than I thought it would be, It was the best we have had in years. Gene Bechtel Rend all the ads in the Spectator every week, Ag Students Attend Farm Meetings About ten boys who are taking courses in the rural life department attended the Annual Farmer's Institute McPherson last Friday. They heard three speakers, E. A. Clevenger, who is the crop specialist from K-State. Lot Taylor, who is the feeding specialist, and front Ray Hoos, who is the market or economic forecasting specialist. The institute started in the morning, and was an all day affair, with lunch in the Blue Room of the Hotel Warren. Prof. Guy Hayes also took his animal nutrition, animal husbandry, and judging classes out to the farm of Paul Nelson, where they judged some of his registered Aligus herd. They also surveyed his managerial practices, and his farm setup. Yesterday Prof, Guy Hayes took his Animal Nutrition class to the registered O. I. C. swine sale that was held in Hutchinson. The college had two gilts and a young boar consigned to this sale. |
Bulldogs Finish Strong Down Baker And C. of E.KKK, Crow’s Nest, Arnold Win Intramurals Tuesday In three girls intramural games played Tuesday evening. K. K. K.’s, the Crows Nest, and Third Floor Arnold were winners, The K. K. K. s defeated the High School 32-23. Sigel led the winning team with 16 points. Third floor Arnold won over the Sloppy Jo's 23-5. and Carpenter led the scoring with 10 points. The Crows’ Nest downed the Faculty in the final game. Grove and Baker led with 10 points each. Canines Stage Comeback, Top C. of E. 63-44 Thu McPherson College Bull-dogs broke their five game confer-ence losing streak last Friday night by tromping the College of Emporia Presbies 63-44, on the local high school hardwoods. The Bulldogs took over the lead after C. of E. had held a 1 to noth-ing edge, and were never seriously threatened throughout the game However, the Presbies outscored the Bulldogs in the second stanza 12 points to 10, but the 21 to 13 point lead the Bulldogs held at the first quarter was too much for the Presbies to overcome. The Bulldogs displayed their old form in the third quarter as they outscored Emporia 18 to S, to run their lead to 49-33 at the end of three frames. Coach Woodard used his reserves quite freely during the final frame and the Bulldogs continued to outscore their opponents. Nine Bulldogs shared in the scoring with Captain Loren Blick-enstaff leading with 16 Carpenter followed with 10, Bechtel got 9 and Hanagarne 8. McRae led the C. of E. scoring with 13 points, followed by Allen with 8. The Bulldogs counted on 30 percent of their field tries, to better their efforts of the last few games. C. of E. hit 13 percent or their field goal attempts. The Box Score; Girls Beat Tabor 27-26 Two close games were played Saturday afternoon. Tabor lost one of their return games to the Mac girls, and won another. In a game played at 2:30. Tabor defeated the McPherson girls 31-30, The Mac team led most of the way but the Tabor team overtook them in the last minutes of the game. Luewen of Tabor was high point with 18 points. The tables were turned in the second game, and the Tabor team led most of the way, but the Varsity girls took the lead near the end to win 27-26. Marilee Grove of McPherson and Ratzlaff of Tabor tied for scoring honors, with 19 points each This brings the Varsity girls record to a total of three wins and three losses. The box score for McPherson: |
Canines Tame Wildcats 62-46 The McPherson College Bull-dogs ended the 1950-51 basketball season on a torrid note Wednesday night as they displayed a fast moving offense and a very effective zone defense to tame the Baker Wildcats 65-46, Coach "Woody” Woodard's Bulldogs found the basket, and cashed in on a better percentage of their shots, and clamped a very effective zone defense on the Wildcats to turn in their 11th win; of the season. The Bulldogs have lost 9 games The win over linker gives the Bulldogs a fourth place tie with Baker in the Kansas Conference. The season last completed is the best the Bulldogs have enjoyed since 1947 when they finished the season in third in the conference. The Baker contest was the finale fur only one Bulldog. Earl Grindle, Earl turned in a fine performance to end his collegiate career as he garnered nine points and turned in his usual good floor game. Wayne Blickenstaff led the scoring for both teams with 17 points, followed by Loren with 10, Grin-dle and Bechtel with 9, and Han-agarne with 8. Bob Merrill was high for the visitors with 13 counters, followed by Ken Sterns with 15. |
Baker Game Finale For Earl Grindle.The Baker game Wednesday night rang down the curtain on the collegiate basketball career of Earl ”Jody” Grindle. This year marks the third year Earl has been on the Bulldog squad. As a sophomore Earl made the varsity squad but saw only limited action. Last year Earl again made the varsity and about midway in the season he broke into the starting line-up. and has been on the floor at the opening whistle each game since. Earl Grindle Earl is not a high scorer, but adds much to other departments of play. Earl is seldom seen to make a bad pass, waste a dribble. or lose the ball on a violation. He adds much to the Bulldog defense, and could be pointed out as one or the better defense Bulldog play- With the close of the roundball season, Earl will be working for his fourth monogram in baseball. He will receive his second letter in basketball for his efforts this year. |
Kansas ConferenceOttawa Wins Loop Bunting With the help of the Bethany Swedes, Ottawa has emerged the winner of the 1950-51 Kansas Conference race. A week ago Ottawa find Kansas Wesleyan were tied for the loop lead, but that was before the Wesleyan Coyotes had played their return game with Bethany. The Swedes poured it on the Coyotes to the time of 67-46 in Lindsborg last Friday night, to knock any Coyote hopes for the title into a cocked hat. At the same time Ottawa ended its season with a win over Bethel 83-50 to win the title. McPherson ended its season with a flourish by boating C. of E. 63-44 and Baker 62-46, to move into a fourth place tie with Baker. College of Emporia turned in a surprising upset victory Wednesday night over Bethel, to top off a very hectic and surprise filled conference season. The win over Bethel was the first and only loop victory for the Presbies this sea-son. All of the conference teams but Ottawa will be packing away their round ball togs until another season. Ottawa, however has a date to meet the winner of the C. I. C,. either Emporia State or Washburn, to determine the representative from this district in the N. A. I. B. Tourney in Kansas city, Ottawa holds a win over Emporia Slate from earlier this year and on the basis of thin might be expected to win the N, A, I. B. berth. Kansas Wesleyan of the Kansas Conference represented this district in the N, A. I. B, last year. Don Anderson of Kansas Wesleyan continues to lead the individual scorers at seasons’ end with a total of 376 points. The Blicken-staff brothers of McPherson are ranked seventh and ninth in the final tabulation. THE TOP TEN Player Team Points Geise, Ottawa .... ................. 3 40 Anderson, Bethany ............... 323 Sterns. Baker .................... 321 Wyrick. Ottawa ............ 306 Loganbill. Bethel ............ 284 L, Blickenstaff, M. C, ......... 286 |
Gals Guys Top Team, Smith Leads Scorers In Intramurals With only eight games left in the Intramural League. Gals Guys seem destined to take the loop hunting. However, should Gals Guys drop their came with the Faculty, Imps of Satan would share the title. The Imps have completed their schedule, but Gala Guys have two games remaining. The top eight teams, after the regular season battles are over, will compete in a single elimina--Does not include game with C. of E.
Scores Last Week Ottawa 80 C. of E. 69 Baker 63 Bethel 59 Bethany 67 K, W, U. 46 Bethany 82 C. of E. 52 McPherson 63 C. of E. 4 4 Bethel 65 McPherson 49 Ottawa 83 Bethel 50 Scores This Week K. W. U. 67 Baker 53 .McPherson 62 Baker 46 ‘C, of E. 70 Bethel 67 |
tion tournament which will get under way next Wednesday afternoon at 3:30. The pairings have not been announced as yet, as the seventh and eighth teams are still in doubt. Should different teams win the regular season and the tournament. the champion will be decided in a play-off. Don Smith continues to make the individual scoring race a one man show. Smith now has a total of 185 points, a lead of 30 points over Jerry Neher, his nearest rival. Neher with 155 and Dean Coughenour with 151, go with Smith to make up the top three. A total of twenty men have topped the 75 point mark and eight of these have topped the century mark. |