Regional Young People Hold Conference Here March 1-4
Quad Will Be Done By March 15
Write Your Congressman
Your congressmen cast votes on matters of great importance every day, matters that bear directly or indirectly on your life.
Ordinary voters underestimate the power that a postcard protest from an angry housewife may have in congressional procedures.
So, if you don’t like something about your government, tell your congressman. You may be his only guide. Senators and representatives from Kansas are: Senator Andrew Schoeppel Senator Frank Carlson
Their address: Senate Office Building, Washington,
D. C. ......
Representative Albert M. Cole, First District. Representative Errett P. Scrivner, Second District Representative Myron George, Third District
Representative Ed H. Rees, Fourth District Representative Clifford R. Hope, Fifth District Representative Wint Smith, Sixth District Address of congressional representatives:
House Office Building, Washington, D. C.
Keim, Ford Named New Editors For Semester
Two new editors and 11 new writers joined the Spectator staff following their approval by the board of publications which met last Friday for that purpose.
Don Ford, sophomore from Eg-lon, West Va.. will be managing editor for the rest of the semester. Don has written for the Spectator in the past and has some experience from high school.
Mrs. Joan Keim, freshman from Nampa, Idaho, was accepted as Campus editor for the rest of the semester.
New writers and special writers include Gene Bechtel. Gerald Neh-er, D. A. Crist, Eldon Coffman. Wayne Zeigler, Dr. Bittinger, Jack Kough, J. M. Berkebile, Bob Wilson, Darlo Forbes, Dale Birken-holz.
Editors for the Spectator usually rise through the ranks from writer to campus editor to managing editor to editor-in-chief. But vacancies for this semester had to be filled by appointment of the hoard of publications since the natural successors to the position resigned.
The work of these new editors will be to collect, compile and correct the news brought in by the writers.
Students Give Chapel At Bethel Thurs., Feb. 15
The Ladies' quartette, Earle Lapp, and Anne Krehbiel traveled over icy roads to Newton, Kansas, last Thursday, the 15th, for a musical exchange program with Bethel College.
The quartette sang two groups of songs. The first group was composed of sacred songs: "Hast Thou Not Known," "and “Teach Me To Pray,” and a secular group: "Prayer of the Music Maker." "In My Garden and "Alice Blue Gown."
Earle Lapp sang two solos: Mal-lot's “Lord’s Prayer" and ’’Hills of Home." Miss Krehbiel played a piano number.
Trustees Meet On Campus During Week
During the past week the Board of Trustees of Macollege have been meeting on the campus to plan the program for the 1951-1952 school year.
W. H. Foder of McPherson is chairman of the board. Harold Beam also of McPherson is vice chairman. Paul Sherfy, of McPherson is secretary.
Other members of the board include D. Floyd Crist from Quinter, Kans.. who represents Northwestern Kansas, Mark Emswiler from Froid, Mont.. who represents North Dakota and Eastern Montana, Ira Milton Hoover from Plattsburg, Missouri, who represents Northern Missouri. Paul Schnaithman from Garber, Oklahoma. who represents Oklahoma. Richard V. Keim from Nampa, Idaho, who represents Idaho. Harvey Rasp from Omaha who represents Nebraska. Paul E. Sargent from McPherson, Kans. J. J. Yoder is from McPherson. Charles A. Al-bin from Ottumwa, Iowa, who represents Southern Iowa. Roy C Frantz from Conway Springs, Kansas. who represents Southwestern Kansas. R. J. Gibbs from Kansas City, Mo., who represents middle Missouri. Pfl. Fike from West Plains. Missouri, who represents Southern Missouri and Arkansas. B. F. Stauffer from Rocky Ford. Colo., who represents Colorado. E. A. Wall from McPherson. Kans. Blair Holman from Lawrence, Kans., who represents Northeastern Kansas. Homer Ferguson from McPherson who represents the city of McPherson. Roy H. Neher from Oswego, Kans.. who represents Southeastern Kansas. Martin Stine from Adel, Iowa who reprensents Northern Iowa and Southern Dakota.
W. H. Yoder Introduced the members to the student body Wednesday morning during the chapel hour. Blair Helman, one of the members of the board and a minister and post graduate student at the University of Kansas, gave the morning message.
Of the 21 members of the board six are farmers, seven are ministers, two are bankers, one is a miller, two are Insurance men. two are meat packers, and one is may-
Upton Speaks At Feb. 14 Chapel
Rev. Walter Upton was t h e speaker for the Brotherhood Chapel on Macampus on Wednesday, Feb. 14.
Rev. Upton began his address by saying. "If we had a less number of speeches and more brotherhood we would be much better off."
Upton said that there is no retreat from the stern realities of today. He cited prejudice as major problem of the day. "Our prejudices." he said, "are our
eaknesses.” He said that people need to be open-minded enough to realize that there may be some truth which they have not yet learned. "How shall we get rid of prejudices? By displacing bad ideas with good ideas."
'Rev. Upton is the former pastor of the Congregational Church in McPherson.
Wilmer Brubaker Becomes Elder Sunday,. Feb. 18
Wilmer Brubaker. ’46, was ordained an elder of the Eden Valley Church near St. John. Kas., last Sunday, Feb. 18.
Dr. Burton Metzler preached in place of pastor Brubaker in the morning services and assisted with laying on of hands in the af ternoon ceremonies.
Conferring the office of elder, the third degree of Brethren ministry. was officiating elder Harvey Lehman. '27, Nickerson, Kas.
Mrs. Brubaker, wife of the new elder, also graduated from Macollege in 1946.
After morning ceremonies, the congregation assembled for a basket luncheon.
Vol. XXXV McPherson College, McPherson,..Kansas, February 23, 1951
Occupations Discussed In Campus Meetings Today
Academic Robes Date Back To Eleventh Century
By Berwyn Oltman
Today was Occupations Day at McPherson College. College stu- dents as well as high school seniors have been invited to attend. The Occupations Day Committee who planned the event consist of three members: Jack Kough, S.
M. Dell, and Guy Hayes, chairman.
The opening address was given by Lorin E. Sibley of the U. S. Treasury Department at Topeka. Kansas. His topic was "The Importance of Choosing the Right Occupation."
From 10 o'clock until 11 the group was divided Into the following special interest groups: rural occupations led by Loren Whipps of the Department of Education at Kansas State College at Manhattan: home economics. Ida Hildebrand, H o m e Demonstration Agent of McPherson County; private business. Willard Hull of Hull-Brunk Jewlers at ’McPherson: religious work, Harry K. Zeller. Jr.. Pastor of the Chruch of the Brethren at McPherson: engineering, Jimmie Meisner, McPherson County Engineer.
At 11:10 o'clock, the second group of special occupations was held. Nursing and technicians was led by Hazel Fee, Superintendent of the McPherson County Hospital; transportation and communication. Riley Wearty. Aeronautics Division Kansas Industrial Development Commission at Topeka: professions such us acting, research. psychology, recreational directors, salesmanship, etc.. Ramon L. Charles. Supervisor Guidance Service. State Board for Vocational Education at Topeka.
After dinner the final group of special occupations will be held beginning at 1:30 o’clock.
Social work will be discussed by William F. Harms. Director McPherson County Welfare Office: crafts and trades, Mr. W. Ek. McPherson Electric and Heating Company. McPherson; merchandising. Ed Utz, Manager J. C. Penney Co.. McPherson Store:, teaching. President D. W. Bitting-er; office and secretarial work, Myron Garrelts. Office Manager and Personal Director, Farmers Alliance Insurance Company, McPherson.
The closing session at 2:30 will commence with a lecture on the topic. "How to Find and Get the Job" by Ramon Charles of Tope-ka. This will be followed by special music of the A Capella Choir under the direction of Prof. Donald Frederick.
Conducted tours of the campus will close the remainder of the afternoon.
The youth of the Region will gather at Macollege on March 1-4 for the annual Regional Young People's Conference. They will wship together for three and a half days of thinking and working on the theme "Planning Today for Tomorrow."
Dan West and Dr. Paul H. Bowman will come here to be leaders for the conference. President Bit-tinger and Rev. Harry K. Zeller and James Elrod will assist these outside leaders.
Those attending the meetings will be lodged in the men's and women's dorms, or in private homes.
Registration fee for the conference is $1. Banquet tickets for Saturday night are also $1. These may be purchased at the time of registration.
The weekend of meetings will include discussion groups on FRIENDSHIP. COURTSHIP, and MARRIAGE. MAKING MY RELIGION FIT MY NEED FOR TODAY, and PLANNING C. B. Y. F. ACTIVITIES. Interest groups such as crafts, cell groups, folk games, and active games, will also be held. There will be plenty of singing, worship, and recreation.
Special emphasis is being placed upon the Interests of high school young people who will attend the conference.
A schedule of the events and activities for the Regional Youth Conference Is following.
Planning Today For Tomorrow.
5:30 Supper
7:00 Registration and Social Hour, Rec. Council in charge 8:30 Welcome—Dr. D. W. Bit-tinger, President of M. C.. and Bill Daggett Regional Youth President ’ Film
Closing Moments. David Metz-ler in charge Friday
7:00 Breakfast 8:30 General Session 9:50 Free time 10:25 Discussion group 11:20 Discussion group 12:10 Dinner
2:00 "Peace of Pieces"— Dan West
3:30 Interest groups 5:30 Supper
7:00 Singing, led by Lyle Albright ,
7:30 Address by Dr. Paul H. Bowman
8:30 Recreation. Rec. Council in charge
9:30 Closing moments. David Metzler in charge Saturday 7:15 Breakfast 8:30 Worship, Dan West 9:00 Business session, Bill Daggett in charge
10:00 Discussion period 11:00 Discussion period 12:00 Dinner 2:00 Discussion period 3:00 District cabinet meetings. 4:00 Internet groups 6:30 Banquet— Toastmistress. Ardys Albright
Address—Dr. Bowman Installation of new Regional officers—Prof. Raymond L. Flory Sunday
7:15 Breakfast
9:00 Summary and Closing mo-ments, Dan West
10:45 Church service
The 1951 Quadrangle will be completely finished by March 15. according to Bill Daggett, editor. The yearbook will be the same size as last year’s and instead of art work there will be large pictures. Macollege students may expect to receive their Quad by May 15.
Kathlyn Larson is assistant editor and will move up to the position of editor next year.
A Cappella To Have Concerts Away
The annual Macollege A Cappella concert last Friday night filled the chapel auditorium despite rainy weather.
The A Cappella will sing today as a special feature of Occupations Day.
The group will go on the road next Sunday with two concert programs being planned. On Sunday morning, the group will present a concert at Ottawa. Kas.. then another at Topeka In the evening.
Lone Star Church Hears Macollege Students
Claudia Jo Stump. Max McAul-ey, and Berwyn Oltman presented a special musical program at the Lone Star Church of the Brethren Sunday. February 18. Jack Kough delivered the morning message.
Ira Brammel, former instructor at McPherson College is the minister of the church. There were also a large number of McPherson students present. They were: Bill
Daggett, Rowan Keim, Fred Goen-ner, Naoma Mankey, Eldon Coffman, Kathlyn Larson, Margaret Daggett, Lucy Flory, Virginia Reynolds, Arlene Kough, Jack Kough, Claudia Stumyp, Max McAuley, and Berwyn Oltman.
Bowman Interviews Student Ministers Friday, Saturday
Dr. Rufus Bowman president of Bethany Seminary of Chicago was on the campus the weekend of Feb. 16-19. On Friday and Saturday he interviewed prespective students for the seminary.
Sunday morning Dr. Bowman preached at the college church. His theme was 'Adventurous Christianity.’ .
Following the evening church service the student ministers, wives. and interested persons met in Memory Chapel with Dr. Bowman. At this meeting he talked about Bethany and what it has to offer' prospective students. He told of the accomodations, including a new chapel that is to be completed this coming summer.
Some other things he said were that Bethany is an accredited seminary and that though the seminary is located within the limits of Chicago it in itself was an ‘island of sanity.’
Brother Bowman went further to suggest that two of the most attractive things about the seminary was her faculty and student relationships. He confessed that probably here existed the finest fellowship he has ever witnessed.
Dr. Bowman confided in the group by saying that there are not enough women representing the church in offices peculiar to that sex. He said that he felt that more young women should attend the seminary and prepare for one of the ‘offices of highest calling’.
In concluding the meeting those persons present questioned Dr. Bowman about such things as. apartments, loans for students, degrees, employment and cost of living.
Dr. Bowman visited with his sister. Mrs. Hershey of this city.
Also. Dr. Rufus Bowman was the official representative from Bethany Seminary at the inaugural services for Dr. D. W. Bitting-er Monday, February 19.
Singing Trapp Family Holds Concert In Hesston Tuesday
The world famous Trapp Family will give a concert at Hess Memorial Hall on March 20, at Hesston.
The Trapp Singers are natives of Salzburg. Austria, first coming to this country in 1938 as penni less refugees. Today they are world-traveled veterans having given concerts all over the globe.
New Program Gives Pre-Nurses Chance To Get B. S. Degree
A degree program for prospective nurses who wish to complete nurses training and college work for a B. S. in biology in five years has been reported by Dean J. M. Berkebile, chairman of the Cur-riclum Committee.
The report from that committee reads as follows:’’ Many institutions training nurses accept graduates directly from high school, but give preference to those students who have shown aptitude and ability as scholars.
The following first year program at McPherson College makes it possible for prospective nurses to so qualify. If the first year is taken as scheduled, the work taken toward the R. N. degree, and then the fifth year taken at McPherson College in line with the suggested schedule, it is possible to obtain a B. S. degree with a major In biology.
“If a person attends McPherson College for the first time, without attending any other institution of higher learning than the nurses training institution, yet has obtained a R. N. degree, it is not possible to grant more than approximately one year of credit for this work toward a B. S. degree.
"However, when the student’s program Is scheduled according to that recommended by the Curriculum Committee and indication has been made with the registrar that this program is to be followed, it is possible to so schedule all the courses that two years of credit can be granted for the R. N. degree., meet the divisional requirements for a B. S. degree, and meet other specific requirements that are binding upon an accredited institution.
"It is necessary that the sug gested schedule for the first and fifth years he followed closely in order that completion of the two degrees be attained in five years.
Further information including an outline of the courses to be followed can be obtained in the of-fice of Dean J. M. Berkebile.
Orators Prepare For State Ami Local Competition
Macollege speech department is again preparing for its annual oratorical contests. The first one to be held is the Prohibition contest which is scheduled for 7:30 Feb. 25, at the College Church of the Brethern. A preliminary contest will be held Thursday Feb. 22, in Room 30 of Sharp Hall at 4:00 p.m. Of the six contestants competing. four will be selected for the local contest. Gene Bechtel. Robert Boyer, Ann Carpenter, Joe Pate, Peggy Sargent, and Don Speaker are the Prohibitionist entrees. The whiner will represent the college at Lyons, Kans.. Wednesday. March 7. The local prize is $25. The state prizes are first place, 835, second place, $25, and third place.' $ 15.
The local Anti-tobacco contest will be held in Room 30. Sharp Hall, Monday, Feb. 26 at 4:00 p.m. The contestants are Pauline Hess, Joe Kennedy, Esther Mohler, and Doris Kesler. The winner will represent the college at Tabor College March 9. There are no local prizes but the state prizes are first, $35, second, $25 and third, $15.
The peace oratorical contest will be held Sunday. March 4 at 6:00 p.m. in the basement of the College Church. The preliminary contest will be held March 1, at 8 p.m. in room 30 of Sharp Hall. Of the ten students entered in this contest only seven will be in the local contest. Contestants are Joan Keim, John White, Elsa Kurtz, Mickey Akers, Maxine Hanely, Gerhard Sigmund-Schul-tze, Gene Bechtel, Don Thralls, Marlin Walters, and Howard Meh-linger. The best man contestant and the best woman contestant will represent Macollege at Salina. The state prizes are first, $7 second, $5 and third, $2.50.
Debaters Go To Nebraska For Tournament Today
Macollege debaters will journey to Lincoln, Nebr.. Friday morning for the annual University of Nebraska Invitational Debate Tournament.
Joan Keim, Mickey Akers, Gene Bechtel, and Wayne Zeigler will enter debate. Joe Kennedy and Dean Cotton will enter discussion. Prof. Roy McAuley will accompany the students. They expect to return late Saturday evening.
Delegates to the Inauguration of President D. W. Bittinger on Feb. 19 formed a colorful procession. The freshmen on the campus found some of the different garbs amusing, puzzling, or attractive. They were surprised to see some of their own professors decorated like princes for the occasion.
Academic costumes date back to the 11th century. Of course everyone wore gowns at that time. However, early teachers felt the need for costumes to distinguish the different students on certain occasions. As people began to distinguish between the Bachelor, the Master, and the Doctor, certain styles of gowns came to be adopted for each. These gowns came to be a rich part of English university life.
In 1885 students in America began to demand academic costumes. The Inter-collegiate Code was adopted in 1895 (only 8 years after the birth of McPherson Col-) lege).
The Code provides f or three types of gowns. Those worn by the bachelors are made of black worsted material and have long, pointed sleeves.
Masters may wear either black silk or black woolen gowns. Their gowns have a long, closed sleeve with an arc of a circle appearing near the bottom, and a slit for, the arm; this sleeve was devised orig-inally to allow teachers to have
No. 20
free movement of their arms while teaching.
The doctors' gowns are black silk with a full, round, open sleeve. They are faced with velvet and have three bars of velvet on each sleeVe. The color of the velvet trim may be black or the color which is indicative of the faculty-
It has been said that the hoods were at first a part of the costume of the students in the convents: at that time they were needed for wartmh. The hood first appeared as a separate article of attire in the 14th century. Then it was called a "chaperon."
It is the hood which is the most Important and distinctive feature of the American Code. The bachelor’s hood Is 3 feet in length; it is made of black cloth. The master's hood is 3 feet In length. The doctor’s hood is four feet in length and made with a wide panel.
The trim of all the, hoods is of velvet or velveteen, two inches, three inches and five inches wide for the bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees respectively. The color of this Velvet indicates the department to which the degree pertains—Arts, white; Theology, scarlet: Laws, purple: Philosophy. blue: Science, gold-yellow; Music, pink; Engineering, orange; Economics, copper; library Science, lemon; etc.
FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 1951 The Spectator 2
The Stone Wall
Like it or not, America is being pushed or pulled into World War III. If you want to, blame it on Russia, or on poor foreign policy, or war mongering big business, or military despotism.
The Spectator finds another reason for our inability to stop the seemingly inevitable tide. That reason is Fear.
Jones built a stone fence because Smith's wife kept missing the garage and driving on Jones' flowers. It cost a lot of money to build that wall, but Jones felt safe. Mrs. Smith never missed the garage after that, so Jones investment didn't look so good after all.
America is building a stone wall up next to the Iron Curtain so she can feel safe. She feels that Russia may miss the garage and drive over her flowers. Only in America's case, the stones won’t do any good. If Russia wants to drive over America’s flowers, she has passed up lots of good opportunities before the fence went up and, for that matter, while it was being built.
Smith tells Jones that he won’t need that fence if he loves his neighbor like God wants him to. Jones tells Smith he doesn’t believe in God so would rather rely on the fence.
They finally reach a mutual-respect-for-property agreement and the fence goes down. They don t live happily ever after, but at least they don’t drive over each others flowers.
Young Brethren Pole Vaults Toward 16 Foot Record
In three different meets last year the Rev. Bob Richards, La-Verne College teacher, thought he was the second man in history to vault 15 feet, and three times the officials strung him up with the tape measure in remeasurements of 14 feet 11 1/2 inches. But on January 27 Richards soared 15 feet, 1 Inch in the Millrose Games to pass his self-set goal.
He knew he could do It. he said. The Rev. Robert had sublime faith all along that one day he would pole vault 15 feet. Now that he has Joined marvelous Cornelius Warmerdam as the only members of the 15-foot fraternity. Richards is dedicating himself to bettering Warmerdam's loftiest achievement-Corney's world indoor record of 15 feet. 81/2 inches.
With the help of the Lord and Warmerdam, the powerfully-muscled five-foot-ten-inch, 163-pound vaulting vicar hopes to hit 16 feet sometime in the next four or five years.
At Champaign (Illinois) High School. Bob vaulted 12 feet. In football he was all-state as quarterback and passer out of the T. While at Bridgewater College he took six Mason-Dixon championships in 1945. All on a rainy afternoon, he won the high and low hurdles, high and broad jumps. javelin and pole vault.
Richards is a graduate of Bethany Biblical Seminary and a friend of Dick Wareham, director of physical education at Macol-lege.
Jack Prowell's report in The All-Sports News is as follows.
"Bobby Richards, the pogo parson, credits his outstanding athletic career to a change which came over his life when he entered Champaign High School.
"At that time Bobby was known around Champaign as a 14-year-old boy who would swear, smoke and had few ambitions of a high type.
"Few dreamed that he would ever amount to anything. None thought that he would over become a toucher of philosophy or a minister, let alone one of the greatest figures In track history.
“But a church worker. Interested in his welfare approached Bobby and introduced him to Christianity.
"Shortly after entering high
school. Bob was converted. He became a member of the Church of the Brethren, and Immediately his entire attitude toward life changed.
He became a good student and was an outstanding athlete. Before graduation from high school, he began to preach in the Champaign Brethren Church. He spoke also to youth clubs In that city.
"The big thing I received from Christianity he says, 'was predisposition of the mind. The important factor is wanting to do your best whether It’s making the best grades possible or vaulting as high as possible.
"For instance, before I became a Christian, I wasn't much of an athlete. I didn't care about athletics or anything else, for that matter.
•Then I was converted. I learned a different approach. I decided that anything worth doing was worth doing well.
’I can't feel that simply becoming a Christian has made the difference for me in athletics. I don't believe that God decides I can vault 15 feet.
'I believe that I vaulted 15 feet because I worked hard, and I worked hard because that's what Christianity means to me: doing the best one can in every field.'
"Richards has found that his track activities have been helpful In his religious work. It has enabled him to "get closer" to young boys in particular.
" I remember once in my Sunday School clans in Champaign.' Bob recalled, ‘there was a boy who hadn't attended for several weeks. He was indifferent and showed no enthusiasm at all. ‘But when he read that I had won the Milrose games pole vault, he came to class, and he attended every Sunday after that.'"
Now assistant professor of philosophy at La Verne College in Calif., the enthusiastic, agreeable reverend and his wife. Mary Leah, are parents of Carol Anne; 21/2; years old. and Robert Eugene, Jr., who will celebrate his first birthday in March.
And Bob Richards himself has a nominee for the world's first 17-foot vaulter: Bob Jr. Bob thinks he himself, will be-the first to vault 16 feet.
Monday morning Feb. 19, many dignified people were walking on Macampus and down the corridors of the buildings.
The morning air was damp and filled with an overhanging misty fog. This did not dampen the spirits of these people as they were busy in their numerous preparations for an historical event about to lake place on the campus of McPherson College.
Here one could see a student impatiently handling his camera, ready and waiting for the procession to begin, there another student was busy carrying the needed chairs from one building to another. Men and women were making their way toward the campus Physical Education building.
These students were preparing for the inauguration of Dr. Desmond W. Bittinger as the eightn president of McPherson College Many of the strangers were delegates representing other colleges and universties.
The college church was nearly full by ten o’clock.
Mrs. Audrey San Romani played background organ music for fifteen minutes. She played the Processional March" by Gounod as the academic procession entered the church after its march from the Physical Education Building.
First came Dr. Bittinger escorted by Prof. Jack Kough. Following to the speaker's platform were Dr. V. F. Schwalm, Dean James Berkebile, Rev. W. H. Yoder, Dr. Calvert N. Ellis. Rev. King Phillips. and Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr.
The brightly colored pageantry displayed in the procession was in contrast to the somber black of the usual commencement procession on Macampus. Those in the procession were sealed in the center of the church sanctuary. The group presented colorful display of robes, degree tassels, and degree and honorary degree hoods.
In the procession were delegates representing 75 schools besides the McPherson College faculty and trustees. The five Brethren colleges were represented plus the church's Bethany Seminary. Kansas was well represented with delegates from 15 schools of higher education.
Rev. W. H. Yoder, chairman of the hoard of trustees, presided.
McPherson College A Cappella Choir under the direction of Prof. Donald R. Frederick sang a call to prayer. The invocation was given by Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Jr pastor of the First Church of the
Students Use New Addition To Library
Students using the library this week have found that everything from the upstairs reading rooms has been moved into the new stacks addition, and the contractor is working on the old part of the library.
Entrance to the library now is through the new west door lending to the first floor of the stacks addition. The circulation desk, the reserve books, a few tables and chairs, and the bound magazines have been moved to the first floor room.
Current periodicals, the International Relations collection, reference books, and most tables and chairs have been placed on the second floor of the addition.
The pale green walls and the tile floors in addition to the windows on the south make the temporary reading rooms in the new addition much lighter than the former reading rooms. Miss Virginia Harris, librarian, stated that the usual comment as students enter the li
brary now is , "Isn't this nice?”
Remodeling plans for the reading rooms In the old part call for a lowering of the ceilings by two feet when accoustical tile ceilings are installed, the laying of rubber tile flooring, and the addition of a partition in the west reading room to make an office for the librarian
During the Christmas vacation the entrance to the former browsing room was closed to make a work room, and a number of extra doors were constructed. A sink has been installed in the work room, and a linoleum topped cabinet has been built in.
Two new restrooms have been installed on first floor off the small hall which was formerly used for the processing of books. A new drinking fountain is located in this hall.
Miss Harris stated that the policy of the library is to provide library service for the students with ns few interruptions as possible during the remodeling. The moving was done by students on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Because of the inaugural on Monday, the library was not reopened until Tuesday morning.
Damp Weather Fails To Stop Gala Inaugural Procession
Dr. Desmond W. Bittinger was inaugurated as the eighth president of McPherson College Monday morning, Feb. 19, in a ceremony held in the First Church of the Brethren in McPherson.
The A Cappelln presented "The Word Believing" by Sateren.
Dr. Calvert N. Ellis, president of Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa., gave the inaugural address entitled "The College — Liberal and Christian."
Rev. W. H. Yoder presented Dr. Bittinger to Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of Manchester College, tor the installation in a brief but impressive ceremony Dr. Schwalm charged Dr. Bittinger to be the leader of, and co-worker with, the students and faculty of McPherson College and always to look to Jesus Christ for direction and strength. President Bittinger's reply was, "I will do so, the Lord being my helper."
President Bittinger's inaugural address was entitled "Is Truth Freedom? When?"
The A Capella Choir sang "Stand Up and Bless The Lord" by Forest.
Dean James Berkebile and President Bittinger conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity upon Rev. W. H. Yoder.
Rev. King Phillips, pastor of the McPherson Presbyterian Church, gave the benediction with the choir giving the amen.
The recessional. "March Aux Flambaux" by Clark, was played on the organ by Mrs. Lloyd Larsen.
Following the inauguration program. the inaugural luncheon was held in the church dining room. Dr. R. E. Mohler presided at the luncheon.
There was an introduction of the guests followed by responses from the represenatives of: students, faculty, and trustees of McPherson College, City of McPherson, Western Region, Brethren Colleges, Kansas Church Related Colleges, and the State Department of Education.
The luncheon address was given by Dr. V. F. Schwalm, former President of Macollege for 14 years.
McPherson College mon's quartet sang two numbers.
From 3-5 p. m. a reception for President and Mrs. Desmond W. Bittinger was held in the SUR of Sharp Hall. Refreshments and entertainment were provided
Bulldog Barks
Faculty Corner
Miss Sarah Mae Vancil spent the weekend visiting with her parents in Ottawa, Kansas.
Arlene and Jack Kough accompanied Max McAuley. Claudia Jo Stump, and Berwyn Oltman to the Lone Star church Sunday.
Dick Wareham was confined to his home recently recovering from a bad cold.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kough will accompany Mrs. Irven Stern, and Don and Wilma Ford to Guthrie. Oklahoma to celebrate another McPherson College Day.
Mrs. Dittinger gave a tea Tuesday afternoon for the faculty women in order that they might enjoy the flowers from the inaugural
Mr. and Mrs. Bechtel and Mr. and Mrs. Lobbin were in Newton Tuesday attending the Bethel-Mc-Pherson game.
Dr. James H. Elrod held a weekend Stewartship meeting at the Quinter Church of the Brethren on February 17 and 18.
Rev. Earl M. Frantz was in charge of the services at the Prairie View Church of the Brethren, at Friend, Kansas, Sunday on Feb. 18. Dr. W. H. Yoder will in charge Feb. 25, during the pastor’s absence.
It’s A Great Life ...
By Lowell Hoch
This week, this column shall divert for a time from the usual yak-yak that appears as a mute testimony of what goes on over at the Vets. A great many persons do not know Just who lives in the Vets.
There are 20 guys billeted over at the ''Shack”. This week I chose one of the boys of Aparatment 32 for the Vet personality of the week.
Curtis Leicht was born near Perryton, Texas, on December 22, 1932. He attended the public schools of Perryton and graduated from the Perryton High School in 1950. In a senior class of about 60 students. Curtis ranked high enough to graduate ns Salutatorian as well as taking part in several activities. He played four years' in the school band and was voted the Most Talented of the school in that department. He played football three years and lettered at halfback his senior year. He was sports reporter for the school pap er and the vice-president of the hand. He was president of the Stu-
Lucy Flory and Ginger Reyn-olds visited at the Flory home in Lone Star, Kansas over the week-end.
Mickey Akers, Peggy Sargent, Orva Willems, and Mrs. Dale Carpenter spent the weekend attending the Baker and Ottawa games and shopping in Kansas City, Mo.
Mary Ellen Yeater spent the weekend visiting at her home in Rocky Ford, Colo. Her parents are moving to California
Richard V. Keim, father of George Keim, spent the past week with George and Joan.
Donna Wagoner has been con-fined to her room with an illness.
Chuck Royer and Pat Patterson were in Ottawa Saturday evening. Joe Kennedy accompanied them as far as Ottawa anal then spent the weekend in Lawrence with Mr. and Mrs. Blair Helman.
Marilyn Miller's mother is visiting her in McPherson. She is from Wiley, Colo.
Martha Frantz's parents from Conway Springs, Kans. are visiting in McPherson this week while Mr. Frantz is alienating the trustee meetings.
Lorene Clark’s parents were visiting in McPherson and attended the one act plays.
Carole Huffman and Dorothy Swingers spent the weekend attending a youth tally in St. Joseph, Mo.
D. A. Crist will be confined for eight days with an illness.
Guests at a belated birthday party for Dean Cotton were Phyllis Johnson, Ruth Peckover, Kenneth Evans, Lowell Hoch, and Rita Ellen Royer.
Lois Yoder's father Harlan Voder and brother Gordon were visiting on Macampus over the weekend. They are front Pampa, Texas.
Mrs. Ira M. Hoover of Platts-burg, Mo. was a Tuesday afternoon visitor of Carole Huffman.
Winifred Reed and Martha Jo Rhoades spent the weekend in Little River, Kansas.
Mary Louise Hutcherson spent the night with Phyllis Johnson in Arnold Hall Friday.
The "M" Club gave a very inspiring skit in Pep Assembly Tuesday.
Guests at a rabbit feed at the home of Betty Ann Murrey Sunday night were Irwin Porter, Jer-.
ry Neher, Lois Yoder, Dick King, and Elsa Kurtz.
Doris Roesch and Dale Snyder spent the weekend visiting in Morrill, Kans., at Dale's home. . .
Phyllis Johnson, Mary Louise Hutcherson, Roland Kesler, Martha Lucore, Sylvus Flora, and Angie Flora spent the weekend visiting in Quinter, Kans.
Rowena Neher's parents were in McPherson Friday for the concert and spent Saturday shopping in Wichita.
Maxine Coppock visited in Kress, Texas over the weekend.
Mary Castor spent the weekend visiting in Hutchison
Esther Hornbaker visited in Hutchinson over the weekend.
Mary Louise Hutcherson was recently a hostess at a party for Mickey Akers, Elsa Kurtz, Martha Lueore, Marilyn Roc, Maxine Hanley, Phyllis Johnson, and Mary Ellen Yoder.
Elsie Kindley spent the weekend visiting in Downs, Ks.
Rowena Merkey was in Clayton, Kans., over the weekend.
Rowan Keim, Bill Daggett, Margaret Daggett, Kathlyn Larson, and Butch Coffman spent the weekend visiting at the Daggett
home in Lone Star, Kans.
Clara Doman and Mildred Beck spent the weekend visiting at Clara's home in Hope, Kansas.
Geneve Krehbiel spent tin-weekend at home in Moundridge.
Delores Sigle was an overnight guest of Ann Reynolds at Kline Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Frantz are the parents of a baby girl, Pamela Kay, born Tuesday morning, Feb. 13. She weighed 7 pounds 10 1/2 ounces.
Juniata College will cooperate with Carnegie Institute of Technology in a five-year educations! program leading to both liberal arts and engineering or science degrees known us 3-2 plan.
Under this plan, students may take three years of liberal arts with a major in science, then transfer to Carnegie for two years of engineering or science. At the end of five years, they will receive
A. B. degrees from Juniata and
B. S. degrees from Carnegie. This will make Juniata the 17th
liberal arts college to join Carnegie in the cooperative program.
dent Council his senior year. His favorite hobbies are music and model airplanes. His favorite recreation is reading fiction and short stories. His favorite sport is football and his favorite study is chemistry. His ambition is to be an aeronautical engineer.
He has his dislikes as most of us have. He does not care for Literature as a study, dislikes green beans, but likes banana pie. He doesn’t like Kansas because it is not Texas. When asked what he liked about McPherson College, he said he thought the spiritual fellowship was the foremost one thing. His greatest dislike was 8 o’clock classes. Here at school, he is in the band as well as several of the other activities of the campus.
Roland Kessler and Bernard Ebbert went home to Quinter over last weekend. Bob Bean helped his sister move Saturday and spent the night in Hutch. Norman Bram-mel went home and attended the game at Ottawa Saturday night. Don Hoch went home to see the tournaments.
Ruth Peckover, Phyllis Johnson, Rita Ellen Royer, Kenneth Evans and Lowell Hoch were guests at a birthday party for Dean Cotton Sunday night.
Bob Kerr had a visitor. Bob’s cousin, Paul Schnaitman Jr. spent the weekend with Bob Paul is a trustee of the college.
Read all the ads in the Spectator every week.
The opinions expressed in this column are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of either McPherson College or the Spectator.
The question for this week is “Do you think campus activities and organizations are well organized and advertised?”
In a way they are and in a way they are not.
Marlin Wallers.
Yes. I think campus activities and organizations are fairly well organized.
Carl Metsker.
Generally if you are interested in them.
Clive J. Sharpe.
No, they are not well organized. They could be better organized and could advertise things more and earlier to the student body.
Thomas O'Dell.
Yes, the social events are well advertised and organized. However, class news and other activities of interest to students are often neglected.
Dwight McSpadden.
Yes. I think they are definitely well organized, and advertised.
Anita Rogers.
I think that the events are well posted, but if students are not interested they won’t look at them.
Ellmar Johnson.
Organizations and activities are well organized and advertised, but the studenta often neglect to carry out their duties.
Ruth Peckover.
As a general rule they are well organized, but those who participate fall to do their assigned duties.
Rita Ellen Royer.
Campus activities are well organized hut not well advertised. There are sections on the bulletin boards. All bulletins should be put things are scattered all over the boards. All buletins should be put in their proper places.
Eddie Ball.
Although the question deviates from my normal train of thought. I find, upon meditation, that there is a tendency toward the positive.
Mayor Jamison.
Dr. James A. McCain was inaugurated on Feb. 16th as the tenth president of Kansas State College.
The ceremonies took place In K-States new field house.
Dr. McCain succeeds Milton S. Elsenhower who resigned to ac-
Miss Ida Hildibrand, McPherson County Home-demonstration agent, spoke to UNESCO members and other interested Macollege students on Thursday, Fell. 22, at 9:50. She described her recent work in Europe.
The meeting was held in Room-27. It was one of a series of bimonthly meetings being sponsored by the College UNESCO.
cept the presidency of Pennsylvania State college.
Educarors from all over Kansas attended the inaugural, Gov. Edward F. Arn also attended.
The Spectator 4
FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 1961
Meet Presbies Here Tonight
Tonight at 8:15, on the local high school hardwoods the McPherson College will be out to end their five game conference losing streak at the expense of the hapless Presbies of College of Emporia. The Presbies have failed to win a single game in the eight conference starts, and have only three wins in 13 games for the season.
Bulldogs Lose A Pair Over The Week-End
Kansas Conference
The Presbies looked, at the start of the season, like they might develope into a good team as they dropped close derisions to Southwestern. Wm. Jewell, and Missouri Valley and later beat both. Wm Jewell, and Missouri Valley and Rockhurst. But with the start of the Kansas Conference campaign the Presbies began to fade, their latest disaster being a 82-52 rout at the hands of the Bethany Swedes.
The main Presbie hopes lie in Dick Perry, and Paul Burke, let-termen from Long Beach, Calif.. Jim Williams, a letterman from Bryand, Iowa and Don Rogers a freshman from Burlingame, Kas., However, the Presbies have failed to produce a serious contender for the choice top ten scorers of the loop.
The Bulldogs can boast of two of their number being among the top point getters in the conference. The Blickenstaff brothers are currently ranked ??????? and ninth in the standings. Although the other Bulldogs seemingly do not have the nack of gleaning points in quantity, they can be counted on to consistently got from five to ten points per outing.
The Bulldogs must show vast improvement over their last several conference starts if they are to avoid handing C. of E. her first loop win of the current campaign. The Bulldogs have been on the down grade for the last six games, but the game tonight may provide them with the opportunity to find them-selves before they close out the season against Baker next Wednesday night on the local court.
Bulldogs Cold Bethel Wins
Bulldogs 48 Wildcats 49
Last Friday night, the McPherson College Bulldogs dropped a Kansas Conference game to the Baker Wildcats 49-48. The winning margin was provided by a very questionable field goal by Ken Sterns. Wildcat center. It was believed by many that the buzzer had sounded ending the game before Sterns shot, but the decision of the scorekeeper and timer was that the shot was made before the buzzer sounded.
The Bulldogs had several opportunities to stall the ball in the final minute with a five point lead but skill on the part of one Jerry Steele. 5' 8” guard, gave the Wildcats the ball on three occasions, which was enough to give the Wildcats the necessary six points to win.
The Blickenstaff Brothers led the Bulldog scoring with 10 points apiece. Ken Sterns was high for the game with 13 counters The Box Score:
With wins in these last two games, the Bulldogs could finish in a tie for fourth with Bethel and Baker, but should they drop either one of them they are destined to wind up in sixth spot. The season record shows a like number of wins and losses for the Bulldogs, nine each.
Regardless of the outcome of these next two games, the. for the most part inexperienced, Bulldogs will have a years competition under their belts when a new cam-, paign rolls around, and should make it plenty warm in spots for somebody.
Tuesday night the Bulldogs dropped their fourth loop game in a row to Bethel 65-49. to sink them deeper into sixth place in the conference standings.
The winners Jumped off to an early lead and were never threatened by the saging Bulldogs. Bethel held a 12 to 15 point lead through the entire contest, and on one occasion built their advantage to 19 points.
The Bulldog defense fulled to click as the Graymaroons screened their way to open layups almost at will.
The play of both teams was very ragged at times as a total of 52 personal fouls were called. 27 on the Bulldogs and 25 on the Gray-maroons.
Schroeder led the scorers with 21 counters, followed by Kaufman with 13 and Harder with 11. Loren Blickenstaff led the Bulldogs with 13, followed by Grindle with 9 and Wayne Blickenstaff and Hanagar-ne with 8 points each.
The Box Score:
Bulldogs 30
Braves 43
The McPherson College Bulldogs were colder than the proverbial mackeral last Saturday night, as they dropped their third conference game in a row to the Ottawa Braves 43-30.
Ottawa built up a 15-5 lend in the first quarter, as the Bulldogs connected on only one of 30 at-tempts from the field. The first two pointer came with only ton seconds left in the first period. The, Braves kept building and the half ended with them out in front 24-16. They maintained their eight point margin through the third quarter and built it to the final 13 in the final period, as the basket kept moving out from under the Bulldog shots.
The zone defense which the Bulldogs employed through most of the game was effective as it held the Braves to a very respectable 43 points, but Bulldog efforts on the offensive side of the leger were in vane as they could accumulate a mere 30 points.
Loren Blickenstaff led the Bulldogs efforts with 12 counters, although he was forced from the game on fouls with four minutes remaining. Ottawa’s Dudly Geise was top man for the game with 20 points.
Braces, KWU Tied For Lead
Girls Beat Salina 28-23
The Girls Varsity Team once again displayed their skill at the basket by downing the Graves Girls from Salina 28-23. The Mar girls held the lead all the way, and the score at the half was 13-7.
High scorer for the game was Jeannette Malone, of Graves with 14 points. Marilee Grove led the Mac girls with 13.
The box score:
Keneson ................ 2 1 2
Girls Play Tabor Twice Saturday
Saturday afternoon the Girls Varsity Team will play two games with the Tabor Girls Team. The first game will start at 2:30 and the second at 3:30.
This will be the second time the two teams match their skill. In a previous gome played at Tabor the Mac girls were defeated, and consequently they will be seeking revenge Saturday.
Those ploying in the first game will be: Mickey Akers, Luce Flory, Donna Booby, Delores Sigle, Helen Hood, Bertha Landis, Betty Hanagarne, Francis Hall, and Millie Snowberger.
Those playing in the second game will be: Marilee Grove, Betty Jo Baker, Phyllis Bowman, Ro-wena Merkey, Rowan Keim, Margaret Daggett, and Ruth Moors.
Player Team Games Pts. Anderson. K. W. U. 17 34$
Anderson, Bethany 18 308
The Kansas Conference is all tied up tighter than an apprentice seamans first knot. Kansas Wesleyan took care of that when they beat the Ottawa Braves 56-50 last Wednesday night, to give each of these teams an 8-2 conference mark.
Friday night K W U defended Us position easily when the Coyotes beat C. of K. and Ottawa kept its title hopes intact when the Braves beat McPherson Saturday night.
Bethany’s Swedes assured themselves of third place Monday night when they handed the Presbies their eighth loop loss.
The McPherson Bulldogs dropped from fourth to sixth in the standings on three losses in the past week to Baker, Ottawa and Bethel, Baker and Bethel are currently tied for fourth and C. of E holds down the cellar spot without a win.
Bethany would have to defeat the Coyotes Friday night or Bethel would have to down the Braves Saturday night to give a clear cut title to either the Coyotes or Braves.
All conference activity comes to a close next Wednesday night, and all will be over but the shouting. The winner of the Kansas Conference flag will meet the Cen tral Conference title holder for the right to go to the N. A. I. B. Tourney in Kansas City early next mouth.
There have been no changes in the standings of the top scorers of the conference during the past week. Don Anderson of K. W. U. continues to lead the pack with a total of 340 points.
Results Last Week:
Baker 68 C. of E. 41.
K. W. U. 56 Ottawa 50. Ottawa 43 McPherson 30 K. W. U. 78 C. of E. 49 Baker 49 McPherson 48 Bethany 60. Bethel 56. Results This Week:
Bethany 82 C. of E. 52 Bethel 65 McPherson 49 Games This Week:
K. W. U. at Bethany Bethel at Baker C. of E. at McPherson Saturday—
Bethel at Ottawa