McPherson College, McPerson, Kansas, Sept. 22, 1950

Night Courses UNESCO Starts

Membership Drive

McPherson College's UNESCO organization began its drive for new members Monday. Information concerning the club. and quali-fications for membership may be secured from Sylvus Flora or Gerald Neher..

Mr. (’49) and Mrs. (’48) Bill P. Albright at the McPherson Red Cross Center donating blood during a visit of the blood bank. The Albrights are now living in Chicago while Bill is in school at Bethany Seminary.

Players Select ‘The Fool’ As Fall Drama Production

“The Fool”, a four-act play by Channing Pollock, was selected as the fall project by the college Players Club in their meeting Tuesday.

This production involves the struggles of u young minister who decides to . . .live as Christ would live." Thus he becomes “The Fool".

Tryouts for the play will be announced on the bulletin board.

Library Receives Banana Flower, Spanish Moss

Spanish moss and a banana flower from Louisiana are on display in the McPherson College Library.

At the top of the branch from a banana tree, the flower petals have dropped and the hands of small fingers or fruits have already formed At the lower end of the flower stem, the bud is still intact.

Spanish moss which hangs In long festoons from the branches of trees, especially of the live oak in southern United States, is grey in color. From its appearance, it is sometimes called old man's beard.

Both Spanish moss and bananas are tropical or semi-tropical products.    ,

R. M. Harris. Jennings. La., sent the Spanish moss and the banana flower from his farm. Although banana trees grow in Louisiana, the season of hot weather is not long enough for the fruit to mature.

President Travels To Illinois, Iowa

Dr. Bittinger made a trip to Elgin, Illinois over the weekend to meet with representatives from over the United States for the purpose of beginning plans for the Annual Conference program, which is to be held at San Jose. California next June. Dr. Bitting-er is the 1951 conference moderator.

While on this trip, the president visited one of the District meetings in Iowa. During his visit there he was pleased to hear so many favorable comments about the college. Among other things. Dr. Bittinger talked with former students who either “wish they were back in school" or who are planning to return in the future. Some are subscribing to "The Spectator" so that they can follow the football team, and other activities.

Dr. Bittinger also talked to parents of some students here who told him that they were receiving letters from their children stating that they were having a very good time at "Mac" this year.

Words of praise for the college even extended outside the region, according to the president. Dr. Bittinger said that "If McPherson College is to live up to people's expectations this year, all must all work together, both stu-dents and faculty members. in order that we may create even greater college spirit." The president said that he is happy to represent the college and its outlying areas; and he has confidence that this will be a great year for McPherson College.

J. Lehman Represents Macollege Red Cross

In compliance with the request of the McPherson County Red Cross Chapter that a Red Cross representative be elected on our campus, the Student Council chose Joann Lehman, junior, from Nickerson, Kansas, to serve in that capacity.

Selection was made on the basis of three qualifications: interest in human welfare; initiative; and time to organize and carry our Red Cross plans of the school.

The student representative has several responsibilities to perform during the school term. He must he in charge of securing commitments to the Blood Bank program, assist in arranging for occasional entertainment programs at Fort Riley, and he must organize the Red Cross spring fund campaign on the campus.

Miss Della Lehman is the college activities chairman of the County Red Cross hoard. Miss Lehman and Joann will work together on the various phases of the college Red Cross activities.

The first blood bank of the school year was in McPherson.

September 19. Students under 21 are required to secure permits from their parents in order to donate blood and only those 18 or older are elgible to give blood to the blood bank. Transportation to and from the unit is provided upon request.

Last year the student participa-tion in the blood bank program was good, according to the Red Cross, and Miss Lehman stated that the service would be greatly appreciated again this year.

UNESCO Program Features International Students

The activities of the McPherson College Chapter of UNESCO began with a special Assembly on Monday. Sept. 18. The program uplifted foreign cultures.        

All-School Picnic Slated Sept. 29    

At Kanopolis Dam

Mark Friday, September 29, on your calendar as the afternoon and evening of the all school picnic at Kanopolis Dam. Classes will be dismissed at noon and the group will leave shortly after noon.

The social committee and the Recreation Council are,in charge of the transportation; eats, and recreation. A small foe will be charged to cover part of the expenses of transportation and food. Recreation will be nature hikes, boating, baseball, and planned games.

Law School Test To Be Given

The Law School Admission Test, required of applicants for admission to a number of leading American law schools, will be given at more than 100 centers throughout the United States on Nov. 18, 1950. and on Feb. .24, April 28, and August 11. 1951.

A candidate must make separate application for admission to each law school of his choice and should Inquire of each school whether It wishes him to take the Law School Admission Test. Since many law schools select their freshman classes in the spring preceeding their entrance, cand-dates for admission to next year's classes are advised to take either the November or the February test, if possible.

The Law School Admission Test, prepared and administered by Educational testing Service, features objective questions measuring verbal aptitudes and reasoning, ability, rather than acquired information. According to ETS. one cannot “cram” for this test. Sample questions and information regarding registration for. and administration of the test are given In a Bulletin of Information.

Bulletins and applications for the test should be obtained 4 to 6 weeks in advance of the desired testing date from Educational Testing Service, P. .0 . Box 592, Princeton. N. J. Completed applications must be received at least 10 days before the desired testing date in order to allow ETS time to complete the necessary testing arrangements for each candidate.

Alpha Psi Omega Initiates New Frat Members

Members of Alpha Psi Omega, honorary dramatics fraternity on Macampus, will meet at the home of Prof. Roy McAuley Thursday at 9 p. m.

They will meet to prepare for the initiation of new members into the organization. Profs. Della Lehman and Roy McAuley will pre-aide.    

The initiates are: Don Shultz, Wayne Ziegler, Dean Cotton, and Kathlyn Larson.

Quad Pictures To Be Taken Next Week

Quad pictures arc to be taken the first of next week. Each class will have a uniform dress, as designated. SENIORS:    boys will

wear dark suits preferred, and bow ties which will be provided. Girls will be draped with attire from photographer's office, and will wear pearls, which will be provided.

JUNIORS: boys will wear suits and long ties. Girls will wear suits. SOPHOMORES: boys will wear sport coats and bow ties. Girls will wear sweaters, and pearls which will he provided. FRESHMEN: boys will wear white shirts and long ties. Girls will wear white blouses.

Check the bulletin boards in Sharp and Arnold Halls for time schedules.

Flory Attends D. P. Meeting In Wichita

Professor Flory, a member of the state displaced persons committee, was in Wichita Thursday attending a meeting of the Kansas Commission for UNESCO. The purpose of the meeting was to plan the state program for the year.

Mrs. V. N. Likhite played a solo on an Instrument of India which resembled the violin.

Gerhard Siegmund-Schultze discussed university life in Germany. He mentioned that the German students do not have their courses of study planned out for them as do American students.

A talk, "Community Life in Iran", was given by Nasser Yazdi. "Ned" spoke specifically of his own city, Tehran, the capital of Iran.

The Bemoan Quartet sang a song which they dedicated to Education.

Sylvus Flora, president of the McPherson College UNESCO, explained the activities of the organization and urged students to join.

Arnold Has Open House

The girls of Arnold Hall will hold their annual open house Saturday evening September 30. from 7:30-9:30. There are 65 girls in the dorm tills semester. Margaret Daggett, vice president of Arnold Hall, is presiding chairman for the activities of open house.

Lehman Praises People’s Concern Over UN Bloc

“I was pleased to find people so concerned about the outcome of Malik’s stalemate in the Security Council." said Prof. Della Lehman.

Miss Lehman, who visited the home of the UN last August, made this statement after reviewing her experiences with civic groups here and in Hutchinson.

She went on to laud the words of the UN in keeping peace, and aiding the starved and suffering in its five years of being.

“It is the hope of the Security Council that the next meeting of the General Assembly will revise the charter and take away the right of one nation to effect such a bloc as Malik did," she said.

A majority and a two-thirds vote have both been proposed to take the place of the necessary unanimity required for passage of important issues and now before the council. Since Russia has a claim of 44 vetos thus far in the game, it is not expected that she will concur, according to Miss Lehman.

Berkebile Talks To Students

“The Solution For Errors" is the title of the address which will he given by Prof. James M. Berkebile, Dean of the College, In Chapel. Monday, Sept. 25.

Prof. Roy McAuley will be the speaker in Chapel on Wednesday. Sept. 27.


Following is the schedule of night school courses which are being offered at Macollego this semester.

4:30-6:30 p. m. Wednesday:

The Short Story—Della Lehman

Children's Literature Sarah May Vancil 7-10 p. m. Wednesday:

Child Psychology—Ray McAuley

Principles of Education — Mary Fee

Woodworking Problems —S. M. Dell

Life and Teachings of Jesus —Burton Metzler

Marriage and the Family— Kenneth C. Bechtel

Brethren Leader From India Here Wednesday

Coming to Macampus next week is Premchand Ganesh Bhagat. Church of the Brethren leader from India, Bhagat will speak in the College Church on Sunday evening. Sept. 24. and in Chapel on Wednesday. Sept. 27.

Rev. Bhagat has been a teacher for a quarter of a century. He has taught In the boys' boarding schools at Vyar and Bulsar. He has served as principal of the Vocational Training College at An-klesaver since 1924.

Besides his services as teacher Premchand has edited an interdenominational church paper for Gujaret, has served as a leader in church and mission work, and has worked with missionaries of the Church of the Brethren and other denominations.

Premchand Bhagat has served as the first delegate from the Church of the Brethren in India to the Church of the Brethren in America.

Bhagat is in the United States under the auspices of the Foreign Missions Commission. Church of the Brethren. His schedule in the Western Region is being arranged by the College and the Regional Office.

Freshmen Elect 1950-’51 Officers

The freshman class held its first meeting Sept. 15, in the chapel, to elect officers for the ensuing year.

After the campaign, carried on the night before by various students and a pep band, the election results were: president. Wayne Blickenstaff from Nampa, Idaho: vice president, George Keim also from Nampa; secretary, Mickey Akers of Hampton, Iowa: treasurer, Eddie Ball from McPherson, Kansas: girl's representative to student council. Joan Pinther of Nampa: and boys' representative to student council, Vainnupo J. Alailima of Samoa.

Records of the officers show that each participated in extra-curricular activities in high school.

Wayne was elected vice president of the student body in his sophomore year and continued to bo on student council until he graduated. His main interest is athletics and his favorite sport is basketball. He was on the Idaho All Star basketball team. Besides being a athlete, Wayne is also a scholar. He graduated co-salu-tatorian of his class and was a member of the National Honor Society.

George served as president of the F. F. A. his senior year. His main interest is football and he was on the Idaho All Star football team.

Mickey’s main interests are dramatics. speech and football. She was football queen her senior year.

Eddie is the only representative which McPherson high school has on the executive council this year. He was vice pres, of his senior class and captain of the football team.

Joan's main interest in high school was debate. She was on the state championship team. She was also interested in the pep club, of which she was vice-pres. Her favorite sport is football.

Vainnupo is also very interested in speech. His favorite sport is football and his ambition is to become a lawyer.

SCA Sponsors Meditation In Memory Chapel

Each evening at 7 meditations have been arranged by the SCA. These 15-minute services are held in Memory Chapel in the college church.

The meditations began Monday. Sept. 18, and will be held each day except Thursdays and Sundays during the school year.

Evening Meditations are planned by and for students. Organ music, poetry, scripture, and prayer make up the quiet service.

No. 2

UNESCO is the abbreviation for United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural, Organization. This organization promotes education of ignorant people, scientific advancement of backward peoples, and cultural understanding world over.

UNESCO on Macampus began a few years ago after Prof. Raymond Flory put his students to work on the Model United Nations. From the History Department the organization branched out to include representatives from all departments of the college. The History Department maintained the leadership in the campus UNESCO for all but one year when the Language Department was elected to head the club.    

Since last January, the campus organization has been an independent club with a cabinet elected by the student members to direct it. This year's cabinet is composed of president Sylvus Flora; Treasurer. Gerald Neher; and adult advisor, Prof. Raymond Flory. A vice president and a secretary are yet to be elected.

The Model UN which is scheduled this year for Tuesday afternoon. Oct. 10. is an annual event sponsored and managed by the club. Other campus UNESCO functions are: the establishment of pen-pals anywhere in the world: the sponsoring of movies on life in other lands: a UNESCO party featuring a banquet in foreign style; and a program of general education for better understanding of different cultures.

In the preamble to the United Nations charter the following statement may be found; "Since we believe that wars are conceived of in the hearts and minds of men. it must be in the hearts and minds of men that wars cease." It is the purpose of UNESCO to further understanding. thus peace in the world.

College CBYF Begins New Year

A new year for the College CBYF (Church of the Brethren Youth Fellowship) began on Sunday evening. Sept. 17, when over 50 college youth attended the first vesper service.

Rev. Bob Mays spoke to the CBYF. He suggested that sincerity and religion become meaningful only when one thinks in terms of others.

Fellowship songs were led by Chuck Royer. Other music was provided by a quartet, consisting of Donna Wagoner, Lois Frants, Albert Rogers, and Loren Frantz.

Esther Mohler is president of the College CBYF.

Rec. Council Retreats In Park

A Recreational Council retreat was held in the Boy Scout cabin in Lake side Park Friday, Sept. 14, starting at 5 p.m.

Dr. Robert E. Mohler talked on the place of the Rec. Council on Macampus. Jake Schaffer told of some of his experiences in Europe the past year. Recreation was led by Jerry Neher, Don Ford, and Esther Mohler. Supper was eaten by the group.

Eleven new members were voted in by the Rec. Council at a meeting held on Tuesday. Sept. 12. They are: Betty Ann Murray, Ruth Peckover, Esther Mohler, Gilford Ikenberry, Bryce Miller, Clara Domann, Marilyn Roe, Elsie Marie Kindley, Charles Royer, Phyllis Bowman and Joan Pin-ther.

Previously there had been only 20 members in Rec. Council but as there was a larger number of volunteers it was decided to raise the membership number to 25.

The president of the Recreational Council is Byron Frantz, who wus elected last year. Don Ford and Jake Schaffer are active members again this year. Neither were in school the last two semesters.

'—Attain To Virtue’—

Dean Berkebile

A much adhered to custom seems to be that of pointing out the lack of wisdom in present activities and common philosophies of life, or reaffirming the great pronouncements that have come from the past, or contributing new insights, which give stability to life.         

Socrates in his day, did all of this. He was judged by an Athenian court, condemned by men who were blinded by prejudice, pride, and hatred, and poisoned. This is the common lot. He said that man knew not whether death was good or bad so he did not fear it. He reasoned that some things were good or evil and by these things ho would determine his,way of living.

A. Socrates goes on in his own defense, pronouncements such as these are made, “ ... let not your first thought be for your own body or your possessions, nor to care for anything so earnestly as for your soul, that it may attain to the highest virtue; not from possessions does virtue come, but from virtue do possessions and all other good things, both private and public to man.” May our day so see the truth.

Socrates touches upon a tender spot to any student teacher when he says. "... the greatest good to man is to discourse daily about virtue and those other matters about which you have heard me speak and examine both myself and others . . . life without examination is not worth living,

May we take an evening to sit down with Socrates and

visit with him. We shall come away refreshed. We gain

inspiration and courage from men of conviction. We find, of course, that the height of wisdom is reached to Jesus Christ. A visit with Him prepares clearly the pathway for us along which such men as Socrates traveled some what gropingly. May we, in our allotted time, profit from

the experiences of the past, make our contribution to the

structure of life, and thus share in the building of the King dom of God.    _

Here’s To A Good School Year

This looks like a good year for Macollege, if we choose to make it such To you freshmen who are here for your first year, may we suggest that you "hang onto the ladder and keep climbing: so much lies ahead for you that you will not want to quit.        

To all who are sophomores, juniors, or seniors, "you can already predict is likely to come during the school year. May experience make you wiser, better students than before.

Here are our best wishes for a very happy successful year of

social and spiritual growth.    _

The contest is open to all United States Citizens who, on September 1st. 1950, will be under 21 years of age. A free circular and further information about the contest will be sent upon receipt of a 2c stamp mailed to the sponsor of the contest. C. H. C. Anderson. 1014 S. Cumberland Ave.. Dallas 8, Texas.

Anderson Plan Sponsors Cash Award Contest

$1,000.00 in prizes will be awarded for the best essays on why the Anderson plan for the aged after sixty, to pay everyone at 60, $60 per month for life, should be made a federal law, to replace social security and state aid laws.

Graduate Record Examinations Will Be Given Four Times

Tests of the Graduate Record Examination, required of applicants for admission to a number of graduate schools, will be administered at examination centers throughout the country four times in the coming year. Educational Testing Service has announced.

This fall candidates may take the GRE on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 27 and 28: in 1951, the dates are Feb. 2 and 3, May 4 and 5, August 3 and 4. Since the ORE is not required by all graduate schools. ETS advises prospective students to inquire of their chosen school whether or not they are expected to take the test.

The ORE tests offered in these nationwide programs include a test of general scholastic ability, tests of general achievement in six broad fields of undergraduate study, and advanced level tests of achievement in various subject matter fields. Options are permitted among these tests.

Application forms and a Bulletin of Information which provides details of registration and administration, as well as sample questions, may be obtained from advisers or directly from Educational Testing Service. P. O. Box 592, Princeton, N. J.. or P. O. Box 9896. Los Feliz Station, Los Angeles 27, California.

Zeller Addresses Group In Chapel

"Heaven Can’t Walt" was the title of an address by Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr., pastor of the College Church, given to Macollege students in chapel Sept. 13.

Rev. Zeller said. "In every area of life procrastination is death. Life is a perpetual emergency. The long future has only one key, the key of today.”

Barkerettes Reorganize; Moors Is President

Macollege's pep club the Barkerettes, held its organization meeting in the SUR. Tuesday evening.

Officers for this year were introduced. Ruth Moors, McPherson is the new president. The constitution was rend and explained by secretary-treasurer, Peggy Sargent. Games were then played by the large number of girls who are interested in joining the pep club this year.

The meeting was concluded with refreshments served in the Dog House.

There Are Smiles - - -

Twelve "Barrymores” and 26 ”B arrymoresses flittered through the door to SAR Tuesday to attend the first meeting of the college Players Club this year.

When the congregation was seated. McAuley took the floor —the seats were too high for him. He then began a lengthy expostulation that began something like this. ”W-w-well. .

Prof, got that far and Barbara Marchand smiled. The meeting was adjourned-.

Faith is indispensable and the world at times does not seem, to have quite enough of it. It has and cun accomplish what seems to he the impossible. Wars have been started and men and nations lost for the lack of faith. Faith starts from the individual and builds men and nations. America was built by and on the faith of our ancestors.—G. A. Sandberg

Over-anxious Gals “Take It Easy!”

From “The American” magazine comes this bit of advice to the girls:

Girls, if you want to catch a husband, don’t appear over-anxious to spring the trap. A little more casualness on your part may get you to the parson faster.

An article in the September American Magazine, telling what a cross-section of girls in the U. S. think it takes to catch a husband, says that about half feel the unsuccessful girl tries too hard. One comely miss. Alyne Powell, a Washington, D. C. secretary, expressed her opinion bluntly:

"Girls frighten men away by showing right off they have marriage in mind.’’

Another tip from the girls to their husband-hunting sisters is don’t let your brains show by appearing to be too intelligent. Marian Squire, a slender, blue-eyed psychiatric social worker in Portland. Ore, confessed, The American Magazine states, that '’some of my dates have shied away from me because of my Master’s degree.”

There's a big leap, in a man's thinking, between date and mate, points out the article, but some girls just won’t recognize this fact.

The girls were in general agreement that the greatest asset in winning the interest of a man. especially one with matrimonial intentions, is a sunny disposition and a sense of humor. More important than being good-looking, the girls feel, is being neat and clean.

Moreover, advise the girls, always be a good companion in a genuine, rather than in a sticky-charm-school, way.

Patti Rich of Lakewood, Oregon offered this thought: "Be yourself. A phony has no chance at all."

Frederick Receives Degree In Music Ed.

Prof. Donald R. Frederick, professor of voice, attended graduate school at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, this past summer. He finished his thesis and graduate work, and received an M. A. degree in Music Education.

Previously he had attended graduate school at Ohio State University. Northwestern University, and carried courses in voice study at Sherwood Music School.

Macollege Grows Porkers Cheaper By The Dozen And A Half

If Hans Christian Anderson and Mother Goose were composing a

story by the tile "The Three Pigs— McPherson College Style," they would have to provide their big bad wolf with an atomic bomb. In our new version of the old fable, the villian would have not three pigs with which to contend, but 19 pigs, plus an old sow.

The 19 white porkers were born to a tired but patient OIC (Ohio Improved Chesterwhites) sow on the McPherson College farm which is located several blocks southwest of the campus. Delivery of the 20 squealing shoats took place from 6 o’clock until 11:30 o'clock on Thursday morning, August 17.

With care and supervision comparable to that found in a maternity ward. Mr. Orval Wagner, the new operator of the farm has been trying to keep all the pigs alive. Despite all his care, however, Mother Sow smothered one of her sons to death with affection as she lay down on top of him.

This one casualty left a brood of only 19 for the old sow to feed. According to Mr. Wagner, feeding time is the most enjoyable occasion for curiosity-hounds as well as for the pigs themselves. In the interest of better nourishment, the litter of ten females and nine males has been divided into two groups according to size.

Nine of the huskier ones who can best withstand the affectionate caresses of their mother have been placed with her for nursing. The other ten are nestled on wheat straw in a separate pen in which they are "bottle-fed.” As meal time rolled around. Mr. Wagner produced a home-made feeding apparatus which he described for the little pigs, saying. "This is my artificial mama." The contraption held ten pop bottles equipped with baby nipples, lying side by side in an inclined position. The pigs grunted and squealed as they fought for their places at the lunch counter. .

Using their own formula, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner fed their new charges a formula composed of boiled cow’s milk, cod liver oil, and Karo syrup (no Hadacol.) Said Wagner.. "They have huge appetites."

Like a couple of careful parents, the Wagners faithfully carry out their schedule for eight feedings per 24 hours, getting up at 3 o’clock in the morning for the first round.

According to County Agent Elgin, the average size of a litter in Kansas is seven with an average litter survival of five and a half pigs, but the College farm boasts a brood of 20 midget porkers with a survival of 19 thus far.

What Do You Think?

Mens expressed are those of the contributers and not necessarily those of the spectator or the college.

Do you think the American people are being propagandized concerning the Korean situation?

"Yes. I think the Korean war is being fully propagandized for several reasons. First, this invasion near Seoul is going too smoothly for us. It doesn't seem that we are getting all the facts and figures about the war; and it seems that the dark details are being withheld from us. Second, our claims of enemy losses appear to be exaggerated while our losses are minimized. Third this war is very important or the United States and the United Nations would not take their stand. I believe this is a stepping stone to Moscow.” — Wayne Ziegler.

"Yes we are getting full news coverage, but it is definitely colored to get the people into a fighting mood. Another basis for this is that we are seeing more war movies and even the cartoons are given a fighting slant."—Kathlyn Larson

"No, we are being told the truth for the most part, but we never can tell whether we are being told the whole truth or not. It seems that we got the truth during the last war. I think we are getting the nows that the top brass wants us to know. I think that we are not being propagandized, but that the whole truth is being withheld from us for security reasons.”— Bill Tolle

Next week's topic will be “Do you think that students and campus organizations should participate more in assembly programs?”

Whatever task you undertake, do it with all your heart and soul. Always be courteous, never be discouraged. Beware of him who promises something for nothing. Do not blame anybody for your mistakes and failures. Do not look for approval except the consciousness of doing your best.—Bernard Baruch

A narrow mind and a wide mouth usually go together.

a small and faithless mind. — Grove Patterson

Bulldog Barks

nic a week is required of each student and shall merit one hour or regular college credit.”

"Populist Party, the party with the pep ” these words were ringing out over the campus last Thursday night as the freshmen came through with some new school spirit. A curious and amazed group of Mac students tagged along behind a noisy, enthusiastic hand, and nominees for class oflic-es, as the freshmen carried out their plans for an election campaign.

The group went first to Arnold Hall, then to Kline, and last to Sharp, playing and giving their "platform". Perhaps it would be well to remind them, however, that the pepper has not appeared in the cafeteria and that this part of their platform should be carried out. Nice spirit, though, kids!

We have heard that pranks invented in Fahnestock don't all come to a well-planned end. Loren Blickenstaff very successfully caught a couple of culprits putting clothespins in his bed the other night. Maybe Blick should be a super sluthe for the rest of the boys.

As proctor of first floor in Fahnestock. George Keim should do a good job since he is big enough to take cure of any trouble maker. But the thing that's puzzling is this: just who will take care of George when he gets noisy?

The Players Club met last Tuesday night to decide upon the play for the fall production. A large group attended and the competition will be stiff this year. Plans are getting under way for tryouts.

The cooks arc doing a good Job of cooking this year, judging by the number of people at meals. At noon boys and girls are lined up half-way to Sharp, waiting impatiently for a bite of the delicious food they know will be waiting for them in the cafeteria.


President Desmond W. Bitt-inger, and the name of Guy Hayse were accidently omitted from the editorial "Education Can Be Perilous," and "Administration Adds Twelve To Faculty,” respectively.

Guy Hayes, a resident, of McPherson, is a new instructor in the Departments of Industrial Arts and Rural Life.

There are a number of new faces around the campus this year, and if one asks an upper classman to identify a new face, he can spot a freshman from the library to the gym. Many of the wide-eyed frosh have been going round in circles trying to get to English before the door "automatically" closes, writing stories about their young lives, etc.

The first month of school is the time when room mates become friends. They learn to live together and get used to each other's habits. This affords special opportunity for heart to heart talks. Overheard in Arnold, and spoken by almost every roommate is this touching bit of "sentiment," "It was after midnight when I got to sleep last night. My room mate and I talked for over two hours before we went to sleep.” Now we know the reason for the weary, blurry-eyed girls on the campus.

Everyone thinks of home and longs to see the sweet sight, after a week or two of school. Those visiting their homes in Quinter over the weekend were Roland Kesler, Irwin Porter and Bernard Ebbert.

A "peach'n pickle" party was held in the room of Rowan Keim and Marilee Grove last Wednesday night. The honored' guests were Betty Ann Murrey and Phyllis Bowman. Can you imagine going to bed on peaches and pickles?

There have already been some parties on the campus. The girls on Arnold's fourth floor gave a birthday party Tuesday night for Maxine Hanley, while at the same time third floor had a birthday party for Lorene Clark. The rivalry between floors was gleefully for-gotten as the girls combined forces to sing together at the close of the session.

Joan Pinther, Dorothy Swinger Mary Ellen Voder and Carole Huf-man had a secret party Tuesday night between the bewitching hours of 11:30 and 12:30. The main attraction of the party was food, cheese crackers and peaches.

Frantic pro's and con’s were voiced at Arnold Hall dorm meeting when the date for open house was being decided upon. Some of the girls just knew that they couldn't have their rooms cleaned before Christmas, at the very earl-iest, but we're guessing that come open house each room will shine with a glow all its own.

"Rain, rain, go away, come again another day we wanta have a picnic." That is an adopted slogan lately. But in spite of the rainy days, several couples have' had a chance to sandwich a picnic in between showers. Saturday evening Ellis Albright, Miriam Keim, Max McAuley, Betty Byers, and Elvin and Bonnie Wolf had a picnic in the park.

Sunday evening another group enjoyed a picnic in the park, (picnics are popular). In this group were Doris Kesler, Dave Metzler, Rowena Neher, Vernon Nicholson, Doris Roesch and Dale Snyder. From all reports the pic-nicers feel that the curriculm should be revised to read. "A pic-

Here is a brief out-line of what last year's alumni are doing:

Alailima, Valao J.—taking post graduate work in Washington. D. C.    

Albright, Ardys M.— teaching at Sedgwick, Kansas.

Arnold, Gene R.—teaching at Brookville, Kansas.

Bainer, Loren V.—teaching at Wilson, Kansas.

Baldwin, Charles Luther — attending Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago, Illinois.

Baldwin. Norma Jeane—teaching at Grinnell, Kansas.

Beattie, Wilbur R. — farming near McPherson.

Bergen, Charles Richard — teaching at Shallowater, Kansas.

Blickenstaff, Vernon D.—teaching at Quinter, Kansas.

Bowman. Winston D.—attending the school of dentistry at Kansas City.

Bruce Robert L.—in business in Galva, Kansas.

Bruns, Herbert R.—teaching at Winona, Kansas.

Burkholder. Wendell E.—teaching at Canton, Kansas.

Carlson, Vance — managing a professional baseball team at Sumter. South Carolina.

Christy, Mrs. Mary Jo Dell— doing missionary work in Puerto Rico.

Collins. Lawrence L. — works for Farmer's Alliance Insurance Company in McPherson.

Colyn, John J. — teaching in McPherson..... .............

Wiley, Oliver C.—teaching and preaching at Stet, Missouri.

Dorsch, Gerald Dunne—teaching at Ramona. Kansas.

Doty, Mrs. Barbara Burton— teaching in Chicago, Illinois.

Doty, Cecil LeRoy. Jr.— attend-ingBethany Biblical Seminary. Chicago. Illinois.

ing at Hesston, Kansas.

Longanecker, Rachel Evelyn— home in Abilene, Kansas.

Lloyd, Dorothy Nobel—teaching at Durham, Kansas.

Maust, Harvey Glenn—home in Ramona, Kansas.

Messamer, Lester L.—teaching at Kirwin, Kansas.

Messamer, Mrs. Mary Helen Cline—teaching at Kirwin, Kansas.

Miller, Marie E.—teaching at Perry, Kansas.

Mullinex, Warren Charles—going to school in Colorado.

Munda, Gina — attending the University of Pisa, Italy.

McDonald, Clarence E.—attending graduate school at Kansas State. Manhattan, Kansas.

Newcomer, Hubert Rex—attending Bethany Biblical Seminary Chicago, Illinois.

Nicholson, Vermin Roy—teach-ing at Geneseo, Kansas.

Odel, Robert E.—farming near McPherson.

Perkins, Inetta—home at Lincoln, Nebraska.

Pyle, Glenn Donald—construction business in McPherson.

Reinecker, Gene H.—carpentry business in McPherson.

Rogers, Ivan Lloyd—attending Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago, Illinois.

Sanger, Merrill David—farming at Quinter, Kansas.

Sargent, Stanley—U. S. Army Air Corps.

Schultz, Mrs. Inez Royer—teaching at a rural school north west of Canton, Kansas.

Sellburg, Agnes H.—teaching in McPherson.

Shank, Max M. —- teaching in Minnesota.

Shirk, Clement M. — teaching at Partridge, Kansas

Sjogren, Mrs. Elsie—teaching at Lindsborg, Kansas.

Speaker, Mrs. Avis Albright—

teaching at Burns, Kansas.

Steel, Julius E.—home in McPherson.

Stern, David E.—home in Minnesota.

Strong, James S.—living in Topeka.

Stutzman, Gordon Keith—farming at Conway, Kansas.

Sullivan, Roland C.—teaching at Culver, Kansas.

Tillman, Carroll C.—working in McPherson.

Ward, John—U. S. Army.

Webb, Galen G.—teaching at Ford, Kansas.

West, Russell G. Jr.—teaching at Pampa, Texas.

Willems, Alvin K.—doing part-time teaching at McPherson College.

Williams, Sara Mae—home in MX. Union. Pennsylvania.

Wolf, Mrs. Bonnie Alexander— secretary at McPherson High School.

Wolf, Elvin L. — working for for Farmer's Alliance Insurance Company in McPherson.

As near as possible this is a complete and accurate list. If there are any changes, please notify the Alumni Office.

Copyright 1950 by ESQUIRE. Inc.

as printed from July 1950 issue of ESQUIRE

“Come and put on the feedbag, Citation

1950 Alumni Are

Teaching, Etc.

Ebersole, Vera Z.—attending Bethany Biblical Seminary. Chicago, Illinois.

Eshelmean, Albert Dale—going to medical school at Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas.

Firestone. John E.—teaching at Roxbury, Kansas.

Garvey, James Dale—farming near Quinter, Kansas.

Goering, Lyle Gene—farming and taking post graduate work at Bethel College, Newton, Kansas.

Graham, J. Kenneth—teaching at Winona, Kansas.

Guthals, Donald G.—teaching at Alta Vista, Kansas.

Guthals, Mrs. Helen Stover— teaching at Alta Vista, Kansas.

Heckethorn, Harry H. Jr. — teaching at Chase, Kansas.

Heusinkveld, Arlyn K.—teaching in Ulysses, Kansas.

Hicks, William George—teaching at Windom, Kansas.

Hoffman, Oran A.—attending Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago, Illinois.

Hoffman. Mrs. Vera — attending Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago, Illinois.

Holloway, George N. — going to graduate school at Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Holloway, Jesse C. — going tograduate school at Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Johnson, Donna Lorraine—living with an aunt at Plattsburg, Missouri.

Kleiber, John Edward—teaching at Gypsum, Kansas.

Lewis, Charles loveless—going to graduate law school at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California.

Longnecker, Harvey S.—teach-

M C, Bethel Open Play In Loop At Newton Tonite

In one of the most significant games for the Bulldogs since 1946, the 1960 edition of the McPherson College football squad will open Kansas Conference play tonight at 8 p. m„ in Newton’s Municipal Stadium against J. Millard Fretz’ Bethel Gray-Maroons.

Besides ushering in conference play for 1950, the game will stand as the initial test for Coach Chalmer E. Woodard and the almost completely new squad that is wearing the red and white tonight.

Fretz squad will not only be the first proving ground for the Bulldogs this year: they are the first foe in the path of the miserable 19-game Kansas Conference consecutive losing streak which has been spawned over the last four years.

Although this year s team is nearly entirely blameless. It is their Job to halt the run that has not produced a league victory since. Nov. 4, 1946, when these same Gray-Maroons succumbed 76 to a freak pass, an extra point, and a chilling rain.

Barring injuries the final two days of practice, Woodard can expect to field a team which, while still green and rough-hewn, should be at full strength.

No injuries serious enough to keep a player from action have been reported, although Larry Krehbiel, a promising freshman back from Moundridge, dropped from the squad.

The loss of Krehbiel and the similar earlier loss of guard Rex Johnson will cut down Woodard’s reserve strength, but most positions are still open to two or three men.

The Monday under-the-lights scrimmage for the Bulldogs indicated that there probably will be considerable substituting tonight.

Woodard plans to make several changes in the regular lineup on switches from offense to defense.


Roland Delay

. . . Offensive Improvement

Several players made showings in the scrimmage Monday that overshadowed their previous efforts. Roland Delay. E. D. Iken-berry, and Bob Bean looked well in the running department. Delay, with a reputation as a strong defensive linebacker but slow in the running game, reeled off several big gains. Both Ikenberry and Bean are hotfooters with Ikenberry taking a bad center pass Monday night and hooting it over 40 yards.

Woodard's starting lineup tonight undoubtedly depends upon the pre-game coin tossing. If the Bulldogs receive, the starting crew will probably find Metzler and

Bechtel at ends, Pate and Keim at tackles, Goff    and    Pritchett    at

guards, Stevens at center, and Blickenstaff, Smith, Kerr, and Robinson in the backfield.

Defensively. Charlie Petefish, Bob Powell, and Bob Peel are the    offensive    ends    equals.    Big

Jim    Scruggs    is a    possible    re

placement for Keim, and Howard Mehlinger, Frank Hanagarne, and Delay go into the‘secondary on defense. Harvey Pauls may also alternate with Prithett.

Only co-captain Joe Pate and guard George Goff will probably see heavy duty on both offense and defense. In the line, Wayne Blickenstaff is a lop drawer safety man. and there is no complaints with freshman Gene Smith's defensive halfbacking.

Blickenstaff is still having

Coach Woodard

. . . Tough Foe For Debut

trouble with pitchouts, but his passing has been high class. With Petefish, Bechtel, Metzler, and Powell as grade A ends on the payoff side of the pass and halfback Bob Kerr even more dangerous, the Bulldogs may be doing more passing than Woodard’s team have previously done.

Bethel has 18 returning letter-men from their 1949 squad that upset Bethany at the end of last season. The two Loganbill brothers are out of the way now. In '49 with Varden on the pitching end and Lanoy on the receiving side, the sauerkraut boys outpass-ed the Bulldogs 26-12.

Always a strong defensive outfit. Bethel's line will be anchored by scowling, black-browed Marlowe Krehbiel. 195-pound three letterman center from Pretty Prairie, Kas.

Fretz is building his backfield around another Pretty Prairie veteran, Chester Flickinger and fullback Merle Seibert.

All Conference Teams Into Play After Poor Start

Baker. Bethany, and the College of Emporia jumped into the 1950 gridiron pool a week early, and each found the water icy as all suffered lop-sided defeats.

In defense of the three teams it may be said that all were jumping into big bodies of water—or men. Losing to Kansas State. Kearney Teachers, and Missouri Valley is hardly a disgrace for a Kansas Conference team.

Karl Spear's defending champions were—as expected—completely outplayed by Ralph Graham's Kansas State Wildcats 55-0. Baker had a net rushing total on the negative side, but all observers agreed that Spear again has a club that, in its own league, will be more than a match for anyone.    

Bethany's performance In losing 25-7 to Kearney State was a pleasant surprise—for a Swede. After Ray Han's repeated wallings and a glimpse of Bethany's graduation-depleted roster it was felt that the Swedes would drop down after four years in the upper strata.

However, all-conference Willie Carlson was back in top form. In defense of his individual scoring championship that he held last year, Carlson became the first conference player to score this wear, with a second period touchdown and extra point after his own interception had set things up. Carlson completed 10 of 18

passes against the tough Nebraska Teachers.

Wayne McConnell's debut at the College of Emporia brought a 4 80 licking, but it is felt that the Presbie game was much like the Kansas State-Baker fracas. Missouri Valley is just too far out of the Kansas Conference class.

The big game tonight, of course, the week with Chalmer Woodard is the only conference game of making his long-awaited debut as headman at McPherson College. Woodard's Bulldogs go to Newton to meet Bethel.

Baker is again taking on an out-of-class team. Washburn of the Central Conference. However, the KCAC defending champions will be in this game. Dick God-love, prewar Ottawa coach, is boss at Washburn now.

Dick Peters’ Ottawa Braves will unveil their 1950 squad at home tonight against the ever-tough Central (Mo.) crew. ..If Jim Weid-ensaul can handle the aerial chores with sufficient skill, the Braves may cause trouble.

There are two games on tap for tomorrow night, Bethany at Northwest Oklahoma and Wally Forsberg's Kansas Wesleyan Coy-otes entertaining the Southwestern "Moundbuilders at Salina.

Joe Pate

. . . Co-Captain

Joe Pate, Bob Kerr Are ’50 Football Captains

Joe Pate and Bob Kerr were elected co-captains of the 1950 McPherson College Bulldogs in an election by squad members Monday. It was the second consecutive year and the third time in the 28 year history of the Bulldogs that co-captains had been selected. The graduated Carroll Tillman and Vernon Blickenstaff captained the squad lust your, and Lee M. Haun and Mike Vasquez shared the duties in 1936.

Kerr's selection as a junior in his first year at McPherson College was a tremendous tribute from his mates to a tireless worker. He is the first non-senior back to be honored with the captaincy since Ray Nonken in 1928.

Kerr transferred to McPherson this year after attending Oklahoma A & M. He did not play football at Stillwater. His home is in Garber, Okla.

The big 223-pound Pate is in his second year as a bulwark for the Bulldogs at tackle. Joe trans-fered to McPherson last year after his all-state Juco selection at Independence Junior College in 1948.

Pate was a second team all-Kansas Conference selection in 1919. Both Joe and Kerr are planning teaching careers.

We are just in the kindergarten of uncovering things and there is no down-curve in science.—Charles F. Kettering

Although there has been very little said on the subject, there is a feeling in some quarters that the foot may become a little bigger part in football this year. There is a feeling that the defense may be catching up with the offense, and that punting may have to take up the slack.

The elimination of the fair catch by punt handlers may also make punting an offensive weapon in itself. Previously, when a punt-handler could see that the defense was going to drop him just as soon as he caught a punt, he could raise his arm in the fair catch salute and the ball became automatically dead without a tackier laying a hand on him.

Now, a team with some fast men downfield and a good high kicker may be punting with the hope that hard tackling may cause a fumble. After all. catching a punt with the prospect of getting dumped the second a safety man relaxes to handle it is not aimed to make that catch any surer.

Just who will do most of the punting for the Bulldogs this year in still not too certain, but the load will probably fall on Charlie Petefish and Gene Smith.

Last season Petefish did most of the punting as the team’s season average kick dropped to 28.05 yards, an all-time low at McPherson College. Petefish had a great number of punts blocked however In fact while the Bulldog's all-time winning gait is below .400, in many years the games wore close and hard-fought because McPherson has had punters that were tops in the Kansas Conference.

to the defense of Hal Barton. Hel-nie Hahn, or Leo Crumpacker, we do not believe there will too much opposition to Jack Vetter. MC '42, going to the head of the punting class.

Vetter, a huge blonde Adonis, came out of Pasco High School in Kansas City, Mo., to McPherson in 1938 hailed as something of a wonder. The big guy did not set any world’s afire his freshman year, and was out of play enough in 1939 with injuries to keep from lettering.

In the dozen years we've been watching Bulldog teams, we cannot recall any other player who carried so great a load as Jack Vetter did In 1940 and *41. Playing on teams whose lines leaked ns the proverbial sieve, Vetter compiled the highest punting average in history at McPherson College in 1940, ,37.11. The next year he averaged 33.36 although having five kicks blocked.

Of the five outstanding game punting averages made for the Bulldogs, Vetter has three of them — and all were on consecutive weeks.

Vetter booted 11 times for 44 yards a kick against Bethel in the 1940 homecoming game, and came back with the same average on seven punts versus Bethany a week later. The following week Vetter had a 42 yard average on 10 boots at Emporia.

By no means does Vetter stand alone. Add the names of Hal Barton, who averaged 48 yards on eight kicks in the 1922 Ft. Hays game: Helnle Hahn, a mild German from Inman who handled the punting load for three years in the mid-20's: Leo Crumpacker, probably the best of a great clan that performed for the Bulldogs; Leonard Wiggins and Lee Hann, who handled the chores for Mel Bin-ford's four fine years from ’33-’36; Don Barngrover, the tackle who saved the woefully weak 37 crew from utter destruction: and Tony Voshell, the '42. ’46. and ’49 assistant coach who still holds the Kansas Conference record for longest single punt. That one traveled 83 yards—and we can’t kick about that.

Jack Vetter

. . . 37.11 Yards Although old timers may rush