Query Shows It’s Cheaper At Macollege Public relations department bulletins to trustees show that Macollege provides a $1,350 scholarship to all its students. Surprised? Read on. "It is the policy of McPherson College to keep the expenses as low as possible. The tuition costs at McPherson is $8 per hour. A survey of college catalogs gives a comparison with other schools. Baker $11, Bethel $12, College of Emporia $10, Kansas Wesleyan $8, Ottawa $8, Bridgewater $10, Elizabethtown $12, Juniata $12, Manchester $10.50, LaVerne $12, Friends $14, and Bethany $7. “Room per semester at these schools costs from $40 to $80. McPherson College charges $45. All other fees and charges are in about the same relationship. "This survey of 19 colleges shows that the cost of education at McPherson College is less than all but three of the 19 checked. Of these three, two were junior colleges. "At the present time any student who attends McPherson College pays only 65 percent of the cost of staying in school. It is the desire of the administration to raise the additional funds each year so that college education can continue at a low cost to students. "The additional cost of your college education comes from various sources. The vast majority of it comes from persons or groups connected with the church of the Brethren. Additional funds come from non-Brethren Alumni, the townspeople of McPherson, and other interested persons. “Several individuals spend the majority of their time trying to assure the college that it can continue to serve its youth in such an inexpensive manner. The president, the Alumni Secretary, the director of capital gifts, and the director of public relations spend considerable time working to further this cause. "The best workers in the field of public relations, however, are the satisfied students from the McPherson "family”. A word of appreciation from a happy student is worth many words of staff personnel. The person who talks with pride about bis school is doing a good job of public relations. The $1,350 scholarship is given with a good spirit by those who feel that the future of the world is with the Christian youth of today. May it be accepted by all with a spirit of dedication to the name great work. A Cappella To Give Concert In Chapel Tonight UNESCO Holds Self-Quiz Thursday "What do you know about UNESCO?" a group of Macollege students asked themselves in a discussion meeting which was sponsored by the College UNESCO at 9:50, Thursday, Febr. 8. In the discussion, which had its beginning with a "pop quiz," the 6 organs and the 13 specialized agencies of the United Nations were listed. The group discussed the UNESCO organization. Participants revealed the following facts: Russia is not a member of the organization: UNESCO has a Secretariate, the U. S. has been one of the most active members of the organization; Kansas is the most active state in promoting UNESCO work; the Macollege group is considered by state officers to be one of tbe most active groups on a college campus in the state: UNESCO bud an 8 million dollar budget in 1950; UNESCO has an official publication: and. UNESCO has worked quite extensively in the Amazon Valley. The activities of the College UNESCO of this school year were reviewed-—the International Assembly, the Model United Nations, the Induk Pahk Luncheon, the International Banquet, and support of the Blood Drive. The UNESCO Cabinet, headed by Joann Lehman, is planning a series of discussions and meetings on international problems. These meetings will be held on alternate Thursdays at 9:50. Glee Club Brings Out Eight Boys To Sturt Eight boys attended a meeting of those interested in organizing a Boy's Glee Club held Monday at 1 p. m. Over a dozen boys responded to appeals from-Doris Coppock who will direct the group. Those attending the meeting were Myron Krehblel, Gordon Fishburn, Don Fike, Wilbur Bas-tin, Mux McAuley, Harold Smith, Curtis Leicht, and Berwyn Oltman. The group has planned meetings Wednesday at 1 p. m. and three activity periods during the week. Miss Coppock urges that all who have conflicts for the Wednesday meeting try to come during one or more of the activity periods. SCA Discusses Why Go To Church "Why Go to Church" was the topic of discussion for members of the SCA on Thursday. Febr. 8. The group was guided in discussion by Dean Berkebile. It was concluded that the church meets certain Inner needs and that It was a good way to indicate to others that one is attempt-ing to lead a Christian life. A group of songs was led by Marilue Bowman. His experience covers a wide field such as an instructor in elementary schools in West Virginia; high school in Pennsylvania; Mac-ollege; the University of Illinois Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago, and in the Elgin Community College. He has served as Pastor of the Church of the Brethren, Lima, Ohio. Served on the General Mission Board, Church of the Breth: ren: local church moderator and district moderator. At the, 1950 annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren, he was elected the national moderator for the coming year. He also served as editor of the Gospel Messenger from 19441950. For eight years Dr. Bittinger was a missionary in Africa; His home there was located at Garkida in Northern Nigeria. From this and from his many travels which include four trips to Europe he has built up a vast reservoir of knowledge. Information and illustrations which he shares with the students. Has Written Several Books Dr. Bittinger has written several-books: "In the Land of the Monkey Bread Tree” "Soudan’s Second Sunup" "Black and White in the Sudan," "SnowBall Comes to the Early Family”. "The Church of the Brethren” and "An Educational Experiment in the Sudan." Dr. Bittinger has lectured in most of the United States and in foreign lands. Who’s Who For his work in the different fields Dr. Bittinger has received several citations: Who's Who In the Clergy. Who’s Who in the Western Hemisphere. Who's Who in Chicago and Vicinity. Who's Who in American Education, and Who's Who In Amer-ica. Dr. Bittinger was born at Eglon, West Virginia, December 16, 1905: He was the son of Jonas H. and Etta M. Bittinger. He married Irene Frantz on June 15, 1927. Mrs. Bittinger is also a graduate of Elizabethtown College. They have four children: Stan ley, Patricia Richard, and Marianne. Patricia and Richard were born in Africa.- The Bittinger family enjoys many hobbies. These include Mountain climbing, wood carving, and Photography. When the Bitting-ers were in Africa. Dr. Bittinger enjoyed the hobby of hunting. Dr. Bittinger's personal interest is in young people and helping them to build happy homes. He says there is nothing he would rather see happen then for Macol-lege to be the kind of College we can all bo proud of. Procession To Begin At Gym The inauguration of Dr. Desmond W. Bittinger which begins with the academic procession from the Physical Education Building to the College Church, will be held Monday, February 19. Dr. Bittinger will deliver his Social Committee To Have Folk Games Feb. 24 ’What is It?” Yes that famous question has been heard through out the campus. “It” bares absolutely no relation to the thing, but is the offspring of the social committee. The social committee has planned a folk game party. They have appointed Elsie Kindley chairman of the party which is to be held on February 24. Plans have been made to conduct three types of folk games: circle, shottish, and polkas. There will also be a special feat-ure by a select group. Refreshments will be served. Three committees are helping Elsie with the work for the party Peggy Sargent heads the foods committee: Ruth Peckover, the decoration committee: and Carole Huffman, the publicity committee. Intra-Squad Debates Held Here Wed. Afternoon Intra-squad debate tournament will be held here today. The tournament is a round robin affair with each team debating twice. The debates, which will start at 2:15 and conclude at 4:30. in elude four teams. The three mens’ teams were Joe Kennedy and Don Speaker. Robert Hamsh-er and Vi Alailima, and Wayne Zeigler and Gene Bechtel. The lone womens' team wan Joan Keim and Mickey Akers. Today's, tournament was in practice for the tournament at the University of Nebraska, which the entire squad will attend this weekend. Gasses Out For Ceremony Monday On Monday, February 19, Dr. Desmond W. Bittinger becomes the tenth president of McPherson College. Dr. Bittinger received his B. A. at Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, in 1927: his M. A., from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1934: Ph. D., from the University of Pennsylvania, in UNO: plus further university work at the University of Illinois, and University of Chicago. Dr. D. W. Bittinger |
inaugural address after Dr. Calvert N. Ellis, president of Juniata College, has given the opening address, and Dr. Vernon E. Schwalm, president of the Commission of Higher Education of the Church of the Brethren, has conducted the Investiture and official installation. W. H. Yoder, president of the Board of Trustees, will preside over the program with the McPherson College A Cappella Choir providing music. An honorary degree, that of Doctor of Divinity, will be conferred upon Mr. Yoder. Classes To Be Dismissed The public is invited to attend the services, and college classes will be adjourned for the day to allow students and faculty to participate. Dinner Will Be At Church Following the inaugural ceremonies, an inaugural dinner will be held at the church. Dr. R. E. Moh-ler will be in charge of the dinner. Following the dinner, greetings will be brought from the town, the faculty, the student body, the trustees, the Regional Office, the Kansas college and other groups. Dr. Schwalm will deliver the address at the Inaugural dinner. Following the dinner there will be a reception in the Student Union room. Draft Postponed 30 Days For Grads Of Mid-term A wired directive to all State Selective Service Directors from Selective Service chief Major General Lewis B. Hershey of Jan. 29, 1951, orders postponement of induction for another 30 days of all college students being graduated at this time. Which means that mid-term graduates will have a chance to find work in essential industry and be thereby deferred. The full directive reads as follows: "Postpone Induction for 30 days of all college students who are being graduated at this time and having their statutory postponement terminated for that reason. This 30 day postponement is to enable such graduates to obtain employment in essential industry Upon showing of such employment local boards should be requested to reopen the cases of such registrants and consider classification anew.” This information was supplied by a defense information bulletin signed Earl J. McGrath. U. S. Commissioner of Education. It is expected that this order may be repeated in June when the present college term ends. Cancel Valentine Banquet For Lack Of Interest The annual Valentine Banquet given by the faculty for the student body was called off this year because of lack of interest on the part of the students. Instead of the desired 70 students only 12 showed interest by. signing a list, and the committee was therefore forced to cancel it after all plans bad been made and a program planned. Dr. Long Speaks In Chapel Feb, 7 "Go to those who are sacrificing or living an ideal if you would see someone who is getting much out of life." said Dr. H. J. Long, president of Greenville College. Dr. Long, who is on sabbatical leave, spoke to Macollege students in chapel. Wednesday, Feb. 7. Seven different concepts of life were cited by Dr. Long: a physical existence, a play enacted upon a stage, a complex chemical and biological reaction, a monotonous physical struggle, an exchange, a progression, and a scriptural concept He discussed each. The reaching of one’s goals, the honoring of one's fellows, a long life, the attainment of riches wealth, and the attainment of happiness were mentioned by him us a few of the different criteria for success. Dr. Long concluded with a brief discussion on “getting the most out of life.” Dr. Long spent 9 years as a chemistry professor at Greenville College, and he has served as the president of that school for 15 years. He is a former student and teacher of Central College in McPherson. |
Heart Sisters Meet For Party Monday Heart Sister Week, sponsored by Women's Council, ended Monday evening with 100 girls attending the party held in SUR at 8 p. m. After a week of exchanging small gifts and acts of friendliness toward their unknown Heart Sisters, the girls met to find out ho these people were. Entertainment for the evening was provided by Claudia Jo Stump. Max McAuley, and the Girls’ Trio accompanied by Berwyn Oltman. Prof. Delia Lehman gave a reading. The purpose of Heart Sister Week is to help girls make new friends and aquaintances. Players Give One-Act Feb. 21-22 The Players Club's current production. three one-act plays, will open Wednesday night at 8 p. m. in the “Little Theatre ". “Over the Teacups" by Percival Wilde will be directed by Doris Kesler and will feature Joann Lehman as Mrs. Beardsley. Lorene Clark as Miss Young, Dolores Si-gle as Emily Tucker and Doris Kesler as Mrs. Polheums. "Theatre Of The Soul" by Yev-oreinov, directed by Dale Oltman lists Marlin Walters as the Professor. Eugene Neff as Ml, Eldon Coffman as M2, Wayne Hutchison as M3. Phyllis Johnson as Ml wife, Kathlyn Larson as M2 Wife, Mickey Akers as Ml Girl, Maxine Hanley as M2 Girl, and Robert Koehn as the Porter. "Mooncalf Mugford” directed by Dean Cotton is cast by Donna Phelon as Etta Mugford, Sue Smith as Tabby Pipp, Marilyn Roe as Mrs. Lowell, Joe Kennedy as John Mugford, and Robert Bel-lah as Caleb Orne. The first of the plays listed. "Over The Teacups", is the story of two prissy old maids who try to keep up a front when their shekels run low and the complications that result from such a farcical condition. “The Theatre of The Soul” is a unique story of the inner conflict of a man who is torn between the love of his wife and that of a dancing girl. "Mooncalf Mugford" is the story of goony old John Mugford who is called Mooncalf by all the neighbor kids. He keeps telling his wife that it's the rest of the world, not he that is crazy. Finally she believes him and they go off together down to the seashore to visit some spirits. Admission will be paid ity tickets for one of two nights. Non-student adults will pay 60 cents and other students and children will pay 25 cents. The three plays will run two nights. Wednesday and Thursday. Chester A. Nordling Is Admitted To Kansas Bar Chester A. Nordling, a former Macollege student was admitted to the bar Wednesday at Topeka. Admission came after successful completion of the state’s two-day exam. Out of 69 taking the tests, 67 were admitted. Mr. Nordling attended Wash-bum’s law school at Topeka after leaving Macollege. |
Macollege’s A Cappella Choir will present its eighteenth annual concert in the chapel tonight at 8 p. m. under the direction of Prof. Donald R. Frederick. "Salutation” by Samuel Richards Gaines will be the first number on the program and will be sung by the combined men and women’s choirs a cappella. Other groups of songs will be sung by the men’s and women‘s divisions separately. “Like As The Heart Desireth" by Gionanni Palestrina. "Let Thy Holy Presence" by Paul Ischesno-koff. "Benedictus” by Emile Pal-adilke, "The Word Believing’' by Leland Satern, and "Stand Up and Bless The lord" arranged by John Forest will be sung by the mixed group. The women’s part of the choir will then slug "We Praise Thee, O God” by Leland Satern, "A Wonder As I Wander" arranged by John J. Niles, and "Were You There" as arranged by Lynn Woodward. The men of the choir will sing “Brothers Sing On" by Edvard Griegg, "Cool Water” by Nolan and Wilson, and “One World" by O'Hara and Wilson. The two groups will then join to sing "And He Never Said a Mumbalin’ Word" arranged by Max T. Krone, "Swing Low. Sweet Chariot” arranged by Don Frederick, and So’s I Can Write My Name” by Noble Cain. Rowena Neher, marimbist, will then play a special number "Value Brilliante” by Chopin. She will be accompanied by Bonnie Alexander. The closing group of songs by the entire choir will be composed of "Music, When Soft Voices Die" by Charles Herts, "The Turtle Dove" arranged by R. Vaughan Williams, and "Thy Song” by Noble Cain. This closing number by Mr. Cain was dedicated to Alvin C. Voran son of Mrs. Anna Voran of McPherson, and the McPherson College A Cappella Choir. It was published in 1934. Berwyn Oltman will accompany special numbers. Activity tickets will admit college students, and the price for regular admission will bo 75c for adults and 60c for students. Members of the choir are: Sopranos — Carole Huffman. Naomi Mankey. Ruth Peckover, Hazel Sanger, Donna Wagoner, Marilue Bowman, Martha Frantz, Arlene Mohler, Anita Rogers, Claudia Stump. Altos -Phyllis-Bowman,' Lois Frantz, Marilyn Miller, Rowena Neher, Norma Lee Couch, Ruth Crumpacker, Marilee Grove, Esth- -er Mohler. Tenors —Keith Allison, Kenneth Evans, Gordon Fishburn, Albert Rogers, Albert Guyer, Bill Kidwell, Royce Beam, Earle Lapp. Basses —Dick Wagoner, Beryl McCann, Irven Stern, Dale Olt-man, Sylvus Flora, Gilford Iken-berry, Joe Kennedy, John D. Pole, Charles Royer, Don West, Berwyn Oltman. High School Gives “Men Are Like Streetcars” Tonight’s performance of "Men Are Like Streetcars" at 8 p. m. ends a two-day run of that play at the local high school auditorium. The senior class is sponsoring the three-act comedy which is the story of a younger sister's plans to get her older sister married. |
It wasn’t the color of his eyes or the quality of his hair that people remembered. After all he had quite ordinary features and would more be taken for ugly than handsome.
He never stood as straight as the melodramatists do when they get shot on stage, but he was tall and not without dignity.
Nobody seemed, to mind his cheap, homespun suits or his friends who spat tobacco on the floor. Somehow people felt safe when he was around.. He was like an extra quilt or a second cup of coffee.
People looked at him and thought hard. He was a kind of walking New Year’s resolution.
The man himself was great. Success came to him.
Lincolns are all about us. little guys that are great without being successful. You can’t say its American or English or anything else to be one of them. They don’t come in colors or sizes except for their hearts being generously large.
We have our models, and magnanimity can be con-tageous.
ground or geographic locale. Students from the eastern states Quickly fitted into this and everywhere there was a relaxed, friendly feeling.
I appreciated also the informality of the classroom. If students wished to ask questions, they did not hesitate to ask them. If the question seemed too simple and other students laughed at Its simplicity, the questioner only wait ed until he had an opportunity to laugh at some other student's question. The faculty seemed eager to he on informal, friendly terms with their students. They met them not only in the classrooms, but they were pleased to have them in their homes or to go with them on journeys to give dep utation programs or to attend plays cr to engage in athletic activities. It was a little surprising at first to see the jeans and the great variety of color which students sported, but very shortly this seemed insignificant and the smile, upon the face, the twinkle in the eye. and the individual personality were all that counted.
Once in awhile the students got into pranks. Some of them were a hit juvenile. Hut in the main the pranks were not vindictive nor aimed at any particular group. It was possible to laugh together about them and then forget them. Occasionally one or two students would become confused and lead into some prank which was destructive and harmful. Quickly student pressures would bring them into line, since damage to college buildings or to the person ality of any college student or faculty member was damage to all of us. It is pleasant to live in an environment like that at McPherson College.
What do I like about McPherson College?
Above everything else I like Its students.
From time to time I would like to write a short column on what I like about McPherson College. I would be happy to flee students and faculty, and people from over the area where the Spectator is read write op the same topic.
When we talk together about the things that we like it is at least as helpful as when we talk about the things that we do not like. Whereas I do not like everything about McPherson College there are many things about it which I do like. In this first column I shall write about one thing only.
1. I like her students,
When I first, came to McPherson College ten years ago. I was attracted by the ease and informality of the students. I thought likely it was because they came from the wide open spaces of the great west. It has been the history of this open country that men do not need to be introduced to each other to know each other. Every man is willing to be every other, man’s friend until he is convinced that there are reasons why he should not be.
This spirit of informal friendliness among the student body was immediately attractive to me. I had just come from the large campus of the University of Pennsylvania which is hemmed in on every side by city buildings. I likewise had spent some time on the University of Illinois campus. There under the tall oak trees, friendliness was a little easier, but at McPherson it seemed easiest of all. Here I found students from 20 or 30 scattered states. Sometimes they round delight in kidding each other about the stales from which they came, but over-all was a genuine appreciation of the individual which overshadowed his back-
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Connell.
The opinions expressed in this column are those of the contributors, and not necessarily those of either McPherson College or the Spectator.
The question for this week is "Do you think that people are as polite now as they used to be?"
No, People are in too big of a hurry to be polite, and they have other interests in mind. They do know better, but they do not show It.—Dale Oltman
Yes, 'I think that people are as polite, but there is a change in emphasis. The manners and rules of etiquette are more informal than they used to he.—Gene Bechtel
Yes, Those who are polite are really sincere about It. Politeness used to be on the surface only. However, those who are impolite are equally sincere.—Max McAul-
People arc not as formal as they used to be, but I do not know what to say about politeness itself. The stage when men used to offer a woman his seat on a bus disappeared with the war.—Donna Sooby'
Yes, I think that people respect personalities more now than they did in previous year.—Irven Stern
No, Men are not as polite as they formerly were, because women are more independent and therefore do not appreciate courtesies extended to them as much as formerly.—Bill Sheets
Yes, I think that people are more natural now, but that does not mean that they are not as polite as they were in the past. There is not such a formal polit-ness, but it is more sincere.— Eugene Neff
Yes, in certain localities they are polite considering the current age we live in. Some politeness has been lost due to modernization.— Bob Beau
Yes and no. A lot of people are more polite, but many are too busy or in too much of a rush to be polite. -Wilbur Bastin
Yes, I cannot give any concrete reasons or examples of the changes, but the general mood of people Indicates their measure of politeness.—Bill Daggett .
When it is necessary to be formally polite, then people can be courteous to each other according to all the rules. Exact adherence to rules and practice is not so exacting in small groups, but still people are polite to each other. even though it is in a different way.—Orva Willems
Some People are. and others are not.—Mickey Akers
New psychology and guidance books which have been received by the college library are reviewed in this column this week.
Hypnotism Comes of Age by Bernard Wolfe and Raymond Ros nethal tells the amazing use of hypnotism in treating mental and neurotic casualties in the Second World War.
The authors Indicate the possible future of hypnotism in anesthetics and psychosomatic medicine. The study is written in non technical language.
The Evolution of Modern Psychology by Richard Muller-Freienfels is the most complete discussion of modern psychiatry and psychology that has been written.
It discusses every school of modern psychology, evaluates every system critically, discovers their underlying agreement, when there is any, and points out their obvious and subtle lapses.
The Psychology of Jung by Jolan Jacobi brings together in a short but comprehensive book the scattered works of Dr. Jung, who has been regarded as the leading psychologist of the present time. Dr. Jacobi has condensed into this one book the elements of Jung’s psychological theories.
The Mentally III in America by Albert Deutsch, written in a lion-technical style and from a broad social viewpoint, relates the historical evolution of attitudes and concepts In the treatment and control of the feebleminded. The mental hygiene movement and psychiatry In World War II are discussed to bring the work up to date.
The treatment of the mentally ill is shown from their persecution as agents of the devil to their treatment in modern mental instiu-tions.
How To Help Your Child in School by Mary and Lawrence K. Frank takes parents into the schoolroom from the nursery school to junior high and shows
how, and what a child is taught. It advises parents how to bridge the gap between the child's home and school life.
Child Care and Training by Marion L. Faegre and John E. Anderson is the revised seventh edition of a practical guide for intelligent child "guidance. It analyzes physical, mental, and social growth from infancy through high school.
The Personality of the Pre-school Child by Werner Wolff is a comprehensive study designed to give an understanding of the world of the young child.
It deals with, such questions ns education, guidance, and personality diagnosis.
The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care by Benjamin Spock combines physical and medical information with psychological interpretation. The author explains why babies behave as they do. what attitudes arc best for their parents to take, and what they can do about it all.
The Wise Choice of Toys by Ethel Kawin tells what toys are best suited to various age groups and what purposes are served by each toy. It is a study not only of toy selection hut also of the whole process of the child's mental, emo
tional, and physical growth and health.
‘’Child Development by Arnold Gesell and others combines into a single volume two previous publications. "Infant and Child in the Culture of Today" and "The Child from Five to Ten.”
Behavior characteristics are charted, for 17 age levels, beginning with the four-week old infant. Emphasis is placed on the patterning of behavior in its motor, adaptive, language, and personal-social manifestations.
Speech Handicapped School Children by Wendell Johnson and others tells teachers, parents, administrators, physicians, psychologists, and social workers what to do for the child with defective speech.
This book, written by a group of speech experts, is directed to the layman rather than to speech pathologists.
The authors state the broad educational principles that govern attitudes toward exceptional children. Then they describe the major speech defects in detail.
If we command our wealth we shall be rich and free; If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.—Edmund Burke