Sophomores Sponsor Party For All School Tomorrow
Sophmores will sponsor an all school party tonight at 8 in the
A talent show will feature amateurs in every phase of entertainment.
The theme of the party will be "Valentine".
Bob Wilson, Rowena Ikenberry, and Donna Lou Sooby will be responsible for refreshments.
Decorations will be handled by Kathlyn Larson and Angle Flora.
Betty Ann Murrey is chairman of the program committee and will be responsible for the entertainment. Marilee Grove, Dick
King. Don West. These people were chosen at a meeting of the sophomore class early in the week.
Master of ceremonies for the occasion will be Keith Rickner.
On the talent show will be Elsa Kurtz impersonating Al Jolson, Sue Smith with a reading. Bob Price in a trombone solo, a performance by Kay Ann Goforth and one of her tap dancing pupils Don West and Dale Oltman with a comedy skit, South Sea island music by the Samoan boys, and Ko Ko Brown's orchestra.
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, February 2, 1951 No. 17
One-act Plays Cast, Appear Feb. 20
No Chapel Monday
The Chapel Committee has an-nounced that there will be no Assembly on Monday, Febr. 5. A program is being arranged for the World Day of Prayer on Friday. Febr. 9. This special program will take the place of the Monday Assembly.
The SCA will be in charge of the service for the World Day of Prayer.
Dr. Long To Speak In Chapel Feb. 7
Dr. H. J. Long, president of Greenville College (III.) will be the speaker in the Macollege Chapel, Wednesday, Feb. 7. Dr. Long is spending a year visiting different colleges in the nation. The college which he heads is a sister school to Central College in McPherson.
Draft Remains Leading Issue For Educators
Leading educators and government officials are still wrestling with the problem of student deferments. To date, no single, unified plan has risen from the multitude of solutions proposed, but more and more ideas are being thrown into the pot. Some of these plans are:
The Conant Plan—President James B. Conant of Harvard University suggested that all youths be Inducted Into military service upon reaching the age of 18. Even those who are physically unfit for military service should be drafted and put to useful work. Under this plan, absolutely nobody would be deferred.
Counter Plan—The Association of Colleges and Universities of the State of New York was lukewarm to Conant's idea. It objected to having ail men between 18 and 20 in at the same time because it would do serious harm to the total education system. As a counterproposal they suggested that basic military training be required as soon as he reached military age. Moreover, tests should be instituted to determine whether or not a student is fit to go to college.
The McGrath Plan—Dr. Burl J. McGrath. United States commissioner of Education, proposed that 100,000 students a year be made eligible for deferment. If they could show ability to do better than average college work. A similar plan to postpone Induction of superior students has been drawn up by the Selective Service Scientific Advisory committee. To get deferred, students would have to attain a score of at least 120 in any army-type classification test.
Sterling Students Give Chapel Program Wed.
A group of Sterling College students presented the chapel program Wednesday.
Barney Hansen spoke on "The Christian's Powerhouse."
Marjorie Kensett of Topeka. Kans.. and Rosemary Marquis of Oregon sang a duet. "After” by Vandall.
Jack McDaniel from Michigan played a saxaphone solo. "Overshadow” by George Schuler.
Mr. Harold Wortman was accompanist for the group.
This program given by a nearby college is the second in the proposed series. Bethel youth presented a chapel program last week.
Columbus Boy choir Will Be Next Community Concert
The Columbus Boychoir, second program of the Community Concert series for 1951 will perform at the community building Wednesday night, Feb. 7.
Under the direction of Herbert Huffman, the group is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Columbus. Ohio.
Mr. Huffman, a graduate of the Westminister Choir School, organised an interdenominational day school for 100 boys called the Columbus Boychoir School. Forty
The Columbus Boychoir
Totals from the central office show 41 honor roll students and 33 honorable mentions as a result of first semester grades.
Honor points are awarded on the basis of three for A'a, two for B‘s and one for C's times the number of hours of the course.
Lorene Clark, a junior from Mayfield, Kans., is highest with G4 honor points. Only forty points are required for listing on the honor roll.
Next high on the honor roll is Eugene Hicks, sophomore, with 481/2 followed by Loren Blicken-staff with 48.
Robert Teegarden and Gene Bechtel follow with 47 each.
Other honor roll students and their scores are: Robert Bechtel. 45; Wayne Blickenstaff, 41: Mari-lue Bowman, 431/2; Glendon Button, 41: Gloria Conard, 45: Ina Ditmars, 42; Martha Frantz, 441/2; Maxine Hanley, 40; Pauline Hess, 42; Lloyd Hummer, 44; Mary Louise Hutcherson. 421/2 Doris Kesler, 411/2, Roland Kesler, 44 Lyle Klamm, 42; Elsa Kurtz, 44 1/2; Anabelle Leck, 45, Joann Lehman, 42; and Curtis Leicht, 40.
Also included are Bonny Martin. 45; Howard Mehlinger, 45; David Metzler, 43; Mux McAuley, 43; Beryl McCann, 42; Rowena Neh-er, 43; Berwyn Oltman. 42; Irwin Porter, 44; Robert Price, 431/4; James Shaeffer, 43; Ir-ven Stern. 40; John Stucky 40: Pattie Stern. 42; Edwin
Wagoner, 42; Cosette Wareham, 45, Nasser Yazdi 43; Lois Yoder, 41; and Mary Ellen Yoder. 42.
Honorable mentions, or people who made less than 40 but at least 35 are: Dale Birkenholz, 37; Mary Caster, 371/4 ; Dean Cotton. 363/4; Manley Draper, 35; Donald Fike, 37; Harold Fike, 35: Lester Finger, 38; Alice Flory, 35; Lois Frantz, 39; Joan Gleeson, 38; Betty Hanagarne, 39; Frank Han-agarne. 36; Lee Hogle, 35; Richard Horning, 35; Merton Ikenber-ry, 361/2; and Miriam Keim. 39.
Other honorable mentions are: Joe Kennedy, 381/2 : Robert Lloyd, 36; Martha Lucore, 35; Bryce Miller, 36; Letha Miller, 37 1/2 ; Reza Mofarah, 35; Arlene Mohler, 37; Esther Mohler, 381/2 ,Betty Ann Murrey, 39: Arthur Myers, 38; Doris Roesch, 36; Hazel Sang- er, 361/2; Dale Snyder, 37; Dono- van Speaker, 37: Philip Spohn. 35; Claudia Stump, 371/2; and Verne Young, 37.
McAuley Becomes Elder In Ceremony Sunday
Prof. Roy McAuley is to be ordained as an elder this Sunday morning at the Monitor Church or the Brethren near Conway.
Officiating at the ordination will he Earl M. Frantz and W. H. Yoder.
Becoming an elder is the third degree of the ministry.
First a man is licensed to preach, then he is ordained to preach, and then becomes an elder with each successive step allowing more freedom in ministry.
Professor McAuley was licensed In 1941 and ordained in 1943.
School Bares Need For Social Training
Corvallis, Ore. (I. P.)—To bring to light the need for social training. and the means by which students may receive this training, the Memorial Union on the campus of Oregon State College recently held an orientation program. "Mana-ners on Trial.” Sponsored by the social education committee, the program featured three discus-sion groups, in which students, with the help of discussion leaders. spoke about correct procedures in dining, dating, and grooming.
Debaters Visit Bethel For Tourney Tomorrow
A group of Macollege debaters will travel to Bethel College at Newton this Saturday for practice debates.
Teams planning to make the trip are Robert Hamsher and VI Alallima and Don Speaker and Joe Kennedy. Doan Cotton will accompany these teams.
Macollege will play host to a student conference on "Christian Techniques For Meeting World Problems” hero a week from tomorrow.
The conference will begin Saturday. Feb. 10 and close Sunday. Feb. 11.
Guest speakers will be Don Royer, sociology professor at Manchester College, and Gladys Wals-er, for 30 years in Japan now director of the student center in Tokyo.
Registration will cost $1, banquet 81 and 50 cents for lodging. Registration will be Monday, Feb. 5, with Guy T. Gebhardt, executive secretary of the Institute of International Relations, The American Friends Service Committee, 2023 University, Wichita 12, Kan.
Mallott Quits To Take Job At Cornell
Kansas University's Chancellor Deane W. Mallott will leave Kansas to become the sixth president of Cornell, Ithaca, N. Y.
The 52 year-old educator was chosen at a winter meeting of Cornell's trustees in New York City.
For 12 years Chancellor at K. U., Mallott sucecds Dr. Edmund Day who resigned in June, 1949 because of his health.
Mallott was born in Abilene, took his A. B. at K. U. in 1921, and earned un M. A. at Harvard’s business school In 1923.
Mallott is president of the National Association of State Universities and past secretary-treasurer of the Association of American Universities. He holds many other positions of educational and advisory capacities.
Mr. Malliott's resignation does not become effective until July 1.
Rumors concerning Mallotts appointment had circulated earlier. but nothing definite was known until the trustees revealed their choice.
Otto Colbert To Speak In Olson’s Room Wednesday
Mr. Otto Colbert, president of the Monarch Investment Company of Wichita, will speak in Prof. O. A. Olson's classroom at 10:25 Wednesday, Feb. 7. -
Mr. Colbert will speak on some phase of economics or business.
Professor Olson has no regular class during this period but plans to shift some class meetings to this time.
Macollege Falls Short Of March Of Dimes Quota
Macollege donations to the March of Dimes fell over fifty dollars short of the goal set by Dr. Bittinger last month.
Only 847.89 was collected of the more than one hundred dollars set up as Macollege’s quota.
This quota was based on an av erage donation of 30 cents per stu dent.
School To Show Film Series On Education
Thirteen 16mm sound films will be shown in the interest of teacher education beginning Feb.
1 and ending May 10.
Showings will be made on
Thursdays schedule at 11:20 if possible.
First of the series is YOUTH IN READINESS, a color film, to be Feb. 1.
Feb. 8 showing will be LEARNING TO UNDERSTAND CHILDREN I. The second of the series. LEARNING TO UNDERSTAND CHILDREN II will follow on Feb. 15.
MAINTAINING CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE will be Feb. 22. Following this will be AMERICAN TEACHER on March 1.
TIPS FOR TEACHERS will come March 8. March 15. ASSIGNMENT: TOMORROW will be hero.
Two more color films EDUCATION IS GOOD BUSINESS and SCHOOLHOUSE IN THE RED will be on March 29. and April 5, respectively.
Another series on BROADER CONCEPTS OF METHODS will appear, part I April 12. and part
II April 19.
SIXTH CHAIR will show on May 3 and BY JUPITER will end the series on May 10.
these films are available through the service of the Bureau Of Visual Instruction, University Extension Division, University of Kansas.
Films will be shown in the chapel. Anyone interested is invited to attend, and future teachers are urged to do so.
Polls will be taken of the films to determine the values.
Changes in this tentative schedule will appear on the bulletin board in Sharp Hall.
A Yankee In Texas?
A. C. P. Jan. 12—The Dally Texan, student newspaper of the University of Texas, has made an-other editorial plea to end segregation on its campus. It asks the state legislature to approve plans which would make "no attempt to provide segregated graduate and professional training in separate Negro institutions beyond that in existance on October 1, 1950," and provide that no segregated training be recommended except whore it would be cheaper or where the demand by Negro students is very great.
The Texan referred to 35 Texas Negroes who. although enrolled at Texas, have to take their medical training elsewhere. Two Negroes are now attending the University of Texas medical school.
Texas should end segregation in its higher education institu tions,’’ the editorial declared. And it added, "Texas and Texans can be proud—if the legislature proves to be as far-sighted as its advisers.
During the month of January 132 now books and a 30-volume set of the Americana Encyclopedia were added to the college library, Miss Virginia Harris, librarian, reports.
Of this number 32 books were added in the history, travel, and biography section. Useful arts gained 22: social sciences, 21; literature,' 15; fine arts, 12; religion. 9; natural science, 8: philosophy, 7; philology, 1. reference, 4; and juvenile, 1.
Books donated to the library as gifts totaled 21. The remainder were purchased from the library book fund.
As new books are ready for circulation they are placed on display near the charging desk. Any new book may be checked out for the regular loan period of three weeks.
Faculty members are sent lists of recent additions as they are ready for the display. A copy of the most recent list will be posted on the bulletin board in Sharp Hall. The list contains author, title, date, and call number for the new books.
Today —Bethany Game Here— Groundhog Day.
Tomorrow —Sophomore All Shool's Party.
Monday —Begins Heart Sister Week.
Wednesday —Play practice begins. Nebraska Boy's Choir. First day of Lent, Ash Wednesday.
Thursday —Education Film in chapel.
Civil Service To Give Meteorology Exams
The U. S. Civil Service Commission has announced an examination for filling Meterological Aid positions at salaries ranging from $2,650 to $3,100 a year. The positions are located in the U. S. Weather Bureau and other Federal agencies in Washington. D. C.. and vicinity and in the Weather Bureau in Alaska. A few Weather Bureau positions in the Pacific Islands except the Hawaiian Islands) may also be filled.
Competitors for this examination must puss a written test and in addition must have had appropriate experience, depending on the grade or position.
Further information 'and application forms are availagle at most first and second-class postoffices, or may be obtained from the Civil Service regional offices or the U. S. Civil Service Commission Washington 25, D. C. Applications must be received in the Commission's Washington office not later than February 6, 1951.
Grindle, Gleeson Reign At “M” Club Carnival
Earl Grindle, junior from Beloit, and Joan Gleeson, McPherson freshman, reigned as king and queen of the 1951 "M" Club Carnival.
A sizeable bloc in the lost minutes of the voting gave Grindle an easy margin over runner-up Frank Hanagarne.
Elsie Kindley provided competition for Miss Gleeson.
Grindle polled a vote of near ,765 and Joan, near 525.
Over 2 thousand votes were cast in the election.
Casts for the one-act plays to appear first on Feb. 20 were made at a meeting of the appointed di-rectors Monday night.
Doris Kesler who will direct "Over The Teacups", Dale Olt-man, director of "Theatre Of The Soul", and Dean Cotton as director of "Mooncalf Mugford' met with Prof. Roy McAuley to pick suitable casts from the twenty-five available members of the Players Club.
"Over The Teacups", the story of two old maids, has a cast including Joann Lehman as Mrs. Beardsley, Loren Clark as Miss Young, Dolores Sigle as Emily Tucker, and Doris Kesler as Mrs. Polhem-us.
Practice began on this production last Wednesday from 7:45 to 8:45 p. m. and will continue each day during this hour.
"Theatre Of The Soul", the story of Inner conflict of man, includes Marlin Walters as the professor, Eugene Neff as M1, Eldon Coffman as M2, Wayne Hutchison as M3. Phyllis Johnson as Ml wife, Kathlyn Larson as M2 wife, Mickey Akers as Ml girl, Maxine Hanley as M2 girl, and Bob Koehn as porter.
Practices for this play will be 7:45 to 8:45 each evening.
"Mooncalf Mugford" the story of a crazy old man, features Donna Phelon as Etta Mugford. Sue Smith as Tabby Pipp, Marilyn Roc as Mrs. Lowell, Joe Kennedy as John Mugford, and Robert Bellah as Caleb Orne.
All men enrolled in practical play production are expected to meet tomorrow morning in SAR to help build the set.
These plays will run three nights. Feb. 20, 21, and 22. Activity tickets will be exchanged at a later date to be announced.
Books may be obtained from professor McAuley.
Rowena Neher will act as business manager for these three plays.
Ladies Quartette, McAuley Present Musical Program
The McPherson College Ladies' Quartette and Max McAuley presented a musical program on Monday. Jan. 29.
The quartette sang Prayer of the Music Maker—Floring; Swing Low—Huntley: In My Garden— Firestone; and Alice Blue Gown— Tierney.
Mr. MacAuley sang Sailormen— Wolfe and Poor Man's Garden —Russell.
of these boys, age 9-14, make up the Columbus Boychoir.
Boys are accepted into the school on the basis of musical ability with no regard to financial circumstances. They receive their entire education, both academic and musical, by way of public contributions.
One feature of the Boychoir program will be “Bastien and Bastien-ne", a seldom performed opera by Mozart.
An outfielder once had to run after a long fly that promised to bounce off the fence in deep center field.
The guv had a good head start on the ball, but it took everything he had to keep his lead. This player started running and stirred up such a wind that the other players had to lean backward to keep balance.
Anyway, when this guy got near the fence, he saw he was there in plenty of time; but he couldn't stop. He skidded in the dust, but it was too late.
A sickening thud shook the stadium, and the crowd stood breathlessly waiting to see the outcome.
The team manager left the bench and ran to the spot, but there was nothing he could do.
Where this guv hit the wall was an outline of a man with all the features of an oil painting. It looked like someone had just drawn the picture of a ball player.
The umpire ran out to see, and turned and called the batter out. It was easy to see from the painting that the guv had the ball when he hit.
Everybody left the ball park but the manager. He sat and wept for two weeks until someone asked him why he cried so long. He said, “I got some ball players on my club that would have let that hall drop when they hit the fence I hate like heck to lose such a dependable man.
MORAL: They held services in the ball park; and, instead of burrying the guy, they just got a can of paint and brushed over him.
If women are as bad as some men say, it would be wise for the bachelor to go to sleep early, leave church immediately after services, and steer clear of best men and jewelry stores.
Pressure groups in Washington are like kibitzers in a card game. They direct the playing of the game and blame the player when he doesn’t draw a pat hand.
It is said that if wishes were horses beggars would ride. About March 15, we all begin to realize that if wishes were horses, beggars would need two wishes apiece and several bus tokens in case of new taxes.
New York. Jan. 29th—The typical attitude of the majority of wur-ellglble young men at the University of California is. "We are bitter and resigned, frustrated and disillusioned, but we aren’t mad at anyone specifically, and we’re not saying ‘to heck with it.’ ”
This, says the current issue of Look magazine summarizes the attitude toward the draft it found on the campuses of four representative colleges, California. North western, Princeton and North Carolina. The vast majority of students, the article reveals, would prefer to serve in the Navy or Air Force. The Infantry and Marines are regarded as "having mighty little future.”
There is little hoopla on the campuses, and not much flag waving. While the students agree Rus-sia is to blame for the current world situation. President Truman has lost their confidence, and dissatisfaction with Washington leadership in general. As one campus
lender at Northwestern put it. "If the foreign policy were more intelligently handled or at least more clearly and cleanly handled I’d be more willing- to go. I'm not going to volunteer . . . I’ll go when I'm called, but not willingly."
In spite of this. Secretary of State Dean Acheson "is far and away the most popular" figure in the Administration, according to the students at the University of North Carolina, and, the article states, ex-President Hoover’s "Op-peration Gibraltar" stand has been widely rejected.
A general falling off in the quality of class room work is noticeable at Princeton and elsewhere. in fact, at this Ivy League school the standard greeting has become. "Where d'ya stand?’’, meaning in the draft.
There is a realistic acceptance of the future by our young men and women. Look concludes. Today’s young student is ready for ""blood and sweat—but no tears."
Yellow Spring". O. —(I.P.) Blaming excessive timidity of college administrators for ''whatever Communistic tendencies there are in American colleges today,” Dr. Douglas McGregor, president of Antioch College, recently declared that "college administration and classroom teaching are both authoritarian. .
"The student is supervised to death. He lives in a world of rigid rules and regulations and of petty dictatorship. Student government is of limited value since only unimportant responsibilities are gen uinely delegated."
The antidote, he asserted, is genuine self-government in our colleges. "Democracy is more a word than a fact in the lives of our young people because we preach its virtues while denying them t h e opportunity to learn from experience how to govern themselves.”
Dr. McGregor described the ways in which students participate in all phases of the operation of Antioch College, "We have found,”he said, "that college students are capable of mature and realistic judgement even of major questions of college policy. However, we must be prepared for the fact that learning by experience involves the freedom to make mistakes.
"It is impossible to provide opportunities to learn by experience and at the same time to prevent, occasional Irresponsible behavior by a few people. It is just these incidents which, properly used, can touch important lessons concerning the power of genuine democracy.
"The public, by hasty and uninformed criticism when such incidents do occur, encourages college administrators to be timid and over-protective with students The freedoms we value in our democracy can bo maintained only
If our citizens accept personal responsibility for their own behavior.
"At Antioch, for instance, the honor system is the method by which this important fact about personal responsibility is learned. It applies not only in the classroom, but in all phases of college living it is a 'way of life’ which is learned by experience.
"A thorough-going honor system encourages such learning by providing administrative support and guidance, rather than by restrictive rules which, merely challenge the ingenuity of would-be violators. At Antioch students are continually made aware of the alternatives they face: personal responsibility and self-discipline, or restrictive administrative con trol from above.”
Hamilton. N. Y. (I. P. 1—-.Although the prime employer for college graduates in February and June will be the armed forces, there is now a growing sentiment on the part of business against turning its back on these men when it is searching for a back log of manpower.
That is the opinion of Dr George Estabrooks, eminent psychologist and placement director at Colgate University He bases it on top-level talks with representa tives of business firms which yearly tour college campuses in search of men to enroll in their training programs.
These representatives have assured Dr. Estabrooks informally that there is a definite-disposition on the part of top management of their concerns to continue their policy of signing up trainees whether the graduates have only one month or a year before the military steps in.
Because of the manpower shortage which is bound to develop as prime college graduates are called into the service, business expects to adopt the long-range policy of starting these men on a training program, maintaining contact with them during their time in service, and resuming their training upon release.
The impending manpower shortage is pointed up by a survey of draft ellgibles in the class which Colgate expects to graduate in June. Only five men out of 290 prospective graduates fit into the age-exempt category of 26 or above. Similar conditions are known to prevail at most other colleges.
The ascending spiral of great; ness in America has risen because industry has produced wealth, which in turn has supported educational institutions, which in turn supplied leadership to industry in order that with each succeeding generation it might produce more wealth.—Wallace F. Bennett
Get away from the crowd when you can. Keep yourself to your self, if only for a few hours-daily. —Arthur Brisbane
(ACP)—A recent vital student election on the adoption of a revamped constitution at the University of'Oklahoma brought out exactly 63 votes. Students enroll-ment at this university is 8,500.
Following the election, a student declared in a letter to the Ok-lahoma Daily that, "From here on out there isn't a student here on this campus who has any gripe when it comes to the question of representation and politics within their chosen governing body.
"It is an outright insult to the spirit and intelligence of this supposedly class ’A’ university when a meager 68 kids . . . turn out to vote on an issue that not only effects the majority of students on campus, but also for a measure that was fought over for many months by these same intellects."
The angry student appealed to the Oklahoma student body to, "Sacrifice your comic books, sad- dle shoes and high school childish ness, which have no place in a university of this stature."
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council.
Joann Lehman visited in Abilene over the weekend with her uncle Harry Lehman.
Mary Ellen Yeater saw Spike Jones at Hutchison Saturday night.
Lucy Flory, Mickey Akers, Ann and Ginger Reynolds had refreshment and a slumber (?) party Saturday night.
Winston Bowman visited on the campus over the weekend.
Norma Leo Couch spent the weekend in Kansas City, Mo., at her home.
Barbara Marchand and Bob Price were in Hutchinson Saturday attending the Spike Jones show.
Vernon Nicholson was on campus over the weekend visiting Rowena Neher.
Barbara Beck is recovering from a recent appendectomy.
Prof. Roy McCauley s dog. Skip-py, will soon be the mother of puppies.
Donna Wagoner spent the weekend with Winifred Reed at the Reed home in Little River.
Clara' Domman visited at her ;home in Hope, Kas., over the weekend.
Velva Wagner stayed all night at Arnold Thursday as the guest of Marilyn Roe.
Miss Miyeko Harada, K. U. student visiting Mary Ellen Yeater was honored at a bread and Jam party at Kline Hall Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grindle, Beloit, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cas-sel, Donna Faye and Dora Jean Nichol, Hill City, attended the Mc-Pherson-Bethel basketball game at Lindsborg, Friday. Donna Faye and Dora Jean were also in Mc-Pherson Saturday attending the M-Club Carnival.
Stanley Watkins was in McPherson over the weekend visiting Mar-Hue Bowman.
Hazel Sanger, Delma Cline, Rowena Neher, and Helen Hood were in Hutchinson Saturday on a shopping trip.
Rowan Keim, Bill Daggett, Fred Goenner, Naomi Mankey, and Dick Wagoner were guest at Ruth Crumpacker’s home Saturday evening.
Ronald Kesler, Don Hoch, and Dwight McSpadden took a trip to Oklahoma over the weekend.
Esther Hornbaker spent the weekend visiting at her home in Hutchinson.
Joyce Smith spent the weekend at her home In Lyons.
Among the many people attend ing the game at Lindsborg Friday were Don Smith, Rowena Merkey, Keith Rickner, Elsa Kurtz, How ard Mehlinger, Mickey Akers, Lucy Flory, Ann and Ginger Reynolds.
The traditional secret ceremony was held in honor of Naomi Man-key's engagement.
Others attending the ' Bethany-McPherson game were Bob Bean, Marilyn Roe, Norman Brammell, Dorothy Swinger, Mary Louise Hutcherson, Joan Gleeson, Sue Smith, Lenore Carpenter, Beverly Tumor, Orva Willems, and Peggy Sargent.
It’s A Great life ...
By Lowell Hoch
Woe is me! It is time to leave good old Kansas and look for warmer climates. The Vets Apartments are sure cool these days. The wind doesn't bother us. It just goes right on through and doesn't stop. One of the boys washed his curtains last week and put them up. He came back and found them sticking in a horizontal position.
It is reported that Mel Fishburn was sick late this week. Also, one of the hoys is suffering from asthma after last Friday night. Can’t get his breath. It was probably caused by the condition of the atmosphere.
Flash—Bob Bean will take two . . . .We hear that Apt 21 was the proving ground for a. . . .Did it run? You bet it did. The other night a spectator was over at the game in Intra-murals; and after it, was heard asking who that bald headed coach was. Now we all know that Tommy O’Dell has gray hairs but he has not pulled out all of his top growth yet. Say, have you heard that record "Kansas City” yet? It is pretty cute.
We heard that the "trumpet” player is on the loose again. Look out guys, he is quite a ladles man. Has anyone seen Vi? Thursday morning ho was observed sticking a toe out the door and hurriedly with-drawing it. We agree. it was s-s-s-oooo cold.
Arnold Beats Dumbelles in Intramural Tilt
Harvard Would Improve Faculty-Student Relations
Two girls intramural games were played Tuesday. January 23. At 6:30 the Dumbelles met Third Floor Arnold in a game which ended 12-9 in favor of Arnold.
Arleen Mohler and Lois Yoder shared scoring honors with eight points each. Beverly Turner made the lone basket for the Dumbelles.
The Faculty Females won 20-16 over the Sloppy Jo’s in the second game. Doris Coppook was high point with 12 points, while Marilyn Miller led the Sloppy Jo’s with 10.
Cambridge, Mass. (I.‘P.)—Rela-tions between students and faculty in Harvard College would be focused in the seven Harvard Houses under a new advising system proposed recently by a special faculty committee. The committee, headed by Wilbur J. Bender. Dean of Harvard College, proposed that the Harvard Houses, which have been the centers of undergraduate life for two decades, should become major units in the educational program of the college.
The committee proposed establishing a college officer in each House to serve the counseling and disciplinary function now performed by the Dean of Harvard College and his assistants, it also recommended creation of a series of small, five-student seminars, organised by faculty members within each House, which would assure students and faculty of continuing intimate and regular association. The seminar leader would also serve as faculty adviser for his group.
These seminars, requiring a limited amount of outside work, would be in addition to the student's regular four-course schedule of classes. They would restore to the majority of students the opportunity for tutorial study under faculty direction, which in recent years has been limited mainly to candidates for honors.
The report called for a return to the kind of teacher-student relationship that existed before the crowding of colleges by the postwar influx of veterans, and proposed ways for making this relationship more effective here. By making full use of the seven undergraduate Houses—each with its own body of around 400 students and its own staff of faculty associates—the committee argued that Harvard can provide "an education which combines the best qualities of the small college and the largo university.”
While agreeing that "the new counselling profession has much to contribute to American educaton,” the committee declared its preference for "advising of students by
regular faculty members as the backbone of the Harvard advising program.”
Although recommending major changes in the system of student-teacher relations for upperclassmen, the committee suggested that the present system of advising for Freshmen—by the faculty-manned Board of Freshmen Advisers under the direction of the Dean of Freshmen— continue essentially unchanged, but with a smaller group of advisers, each giving more time to the work.
The committee also recommended that the college’s present specialized counselling services can be continued but that their role should be assisting in "an advisory system in which the teaching fac ulty is of central importance.” These special services at Harvard include the Department of Hygiene, Office of Tests, Bureau of Study Counsel, and Office of Stu dent Placement. The committee recommended expansion of the Office of Tests.
Bowling Green. 0 (I. P.)—Job hunting students from Bowling Green State University have been given a break. President Frank J. Prout announced here recently that, effective next year. Christmas and summer vacations will start earlier. In 1951-62 Christmas recess will begin Dec. 19 and Commencement will be May 30. Comparable dates this year, are Dec. 21 and June 8. Easter recess will continue to be from Thursday noon to Tuesday morning.
The University Executive Committee has decided that freshmen will report next Sept. 13 and classes will begin five days later. Most
new students will arrive on Thursday instead of the customary Sunday. The mid-year Commencement has been eliminated, effective in 1951-52. _
Read all the ads in the Spectator every week.
Character is that which reveals purpose, exposing the class of things a man chooses or avoids. Aristotle
Dogs Move Up With Loop Win Over Bethany
The McPherson College Bulldogs connected on seven of their first eight shots to build up a twelve point lead which the Bethany College Swedes could never quite overcome, last Friday night at Lindsborg. The 53-51 win over the Swedes was the third conference win in as many games for the Bulldogs, and moved them into a tie for third place with the Swedes.
The Bulldogs led all the way except for a 2-all tie early in the game, but had to resort to ball control the last few minutes of the game to protect their slim lead.
With but three minutes of the game gone the Bulldogs were enjoying a 14-2 lead. The Swedes started whittling away at the lead and had cut it to 18-11 by the end of the first quarter. By the half the Bulldog lead had dwindled to two points 29-27.
The third quarter found the Bulldogs scoring 14 points to 9 for the Swedes, and lead 43-36 at the end of the quarter. The score worked around to 53-46 and the Bulldogs attempted to stall out the remaining minutes.
The Swedes stole the ball several times and narrowed the gap to the final 53-51.
In the final minute of play, both Carlson and Hahn were ejected from the game as they committed their fifth personal. Sanderson was forced from the game earlier.
Loren Blickenstaff led the scoring for both teams, with 16 points, although he fouled out with five minutes left. Dave Anderson was high for Bethany with 15 points, followed by Carlson with 13.
Frank "Chief" Hanagarne turned in his beat performance of the season, against the Swedes. Beside doing an excellent job of rebounding and good job defensively "Chief” scored 10 points for the Bulldog cause.
Although the Bulldogs started out on a torrid note, they cooled off some as they hit only 27 percent of their shots as compared to Bethanys 30 percent.
Bulldogs Lose Thriller To Bethel 65-66 Tuesday
The McPherson College Bull dogs ralllied the last half of the ballganme but could not erase the 41-37 half time lead the Bethel Graymaroons held as Loganbill hit 22 points to lead the Newton club to a 66-65 win In Kansas Conference play here Tuesday, January 30.
It was a well played game that saw Wayne Blickenstaff lead the Dog with 20 points. Loren Blickenstaff 17, and Bob Bechtel hit 12. The hopes for a Bulldog victory went down the drain when Bechtel's desperation shot, with seconds to go, fell short. The box score:
Kansas Conference
Ottawa Holds Lead, KWU Bethany Close
Girls Have 7 Teams In Intramurals
The Womens Intramural bas-ketball league is composed of seven teams this year. They include the KKK's (Kapable- Kline Kals). The Dumbelles, which is composed of town girls, and the Faculty Females, composed of faculty members or wives of faculty members.
Other teams included are the Crow's Nest which is fourth floor Arnold. Third Floor Arnold. A High School team, and the Sloppy Jo's, composed of other college X ...girls..
The league standings as of Jan-uary 29 are:
Varsity Girls Lose To Tabor Saturday
Couch Doris Coppock's girls lost a close 21-23 bout to Tabor’s girls Saturday, Jan. 27.
Marilee Grove sparked the home team scoring with 10 points followed by Betty Jo Baker with eight points.
Varsity girls who made the trip are Rowan Keim, Rowena Merkey, Ruth Moors, Margaret Daggett, Esther Mohler, Arlene Mohler, Mildred Snowberger, Phylis Bowman.
With almost every day seeing some change in the standings in the Kansas Conference, the standings may he different when you read this, but as of Wednesday they stacked up like this. Ottawa was resting in first with Kansas Wesleyan in second. Bethany in third. McPherson in fourth, Beth-, el in fifth, Baker in sixth and C. of E. in seventh.
The McPherson Bulldogs fumbled a chance to move into a tie for second place when they lost to Bethel Tuesday night. This loss dropped them into fourth place. Bethel has the same percentage as McPherson, but have not played as many games, thus leaving them a notch behind the Bulldogs.
Baker met Bethany in Linds-borg Wednesday night, and Ottawa entertained C. of K. Thursday night, but this had to go to the printer before these results were
in. -
Tonight McPherson is host to Bethany in a return game. Last week the Bulldogs outlasted the Swedes 53-51, and with two Swedes reportedly going to be gone for their draft physicals this week, the Bulldogs should win this one also.
in another game tonight. Kansas Wesleyan will journey to Baldwin to meet the Baker Wildcats. Saturday night Bethel will meet Friends of Wichita in a return game. In their first meeting the G r a y m a r o o n s had little trouble in downing the Quakers.
Next Tuesday Bethel will entertain C. of E. at Newton. Wednesday Baker is at Ottawa. Ft. Hays is at K. W. U.. McPherson will go to Friends on Thursday. Bethany will make its eastern swing next week end when she takes on Baker at Baldwin next Friday night and Ottawa at Ottawa Sat urday night. K. W. U. will go to Bethel next Saturday also.
Should the Bulldogs win this second meeting, it will be the first time since 1935 that Bulldog teams have made a clean sweep of it against the Swedes. On only three occasions have Bulldog teams accomplished this feat. This was in the years of 1923, ’34 and ’35.
The Swedes have swept the meetings with the Bulldogs on five occasions, in 1926, ’30, ’32, ’40, and ’41.
The longest win steak amassed against the Swedes by Bulldog teams'was 12 wins, running from the second game of 1933 through 1938. Taking the cue from the Bulldogs, the Swedes followed
this Bulldog win streak with one of their own, as they won 10 from the Bulldogs before losing to them.
It has been reported that the Swedes will be minus the services of regular Dick Hahn and sub Lawrence Danielson tonight, an these two men will be gone for their draft physicals. Who Coach Ray Hahn will name to start In son Dick Hahn’s place is not known, but it will very likely be Norman Kliewer, sophmore speedster from Hillsboro. Other Swede starters will be Dave Anderson and Leon Reed at the forward positions. Bill Carlson at center, and Kliewer and Glenn Sanderson at the guards.
Couch C h a 1 m e r "Woody” Woodard is expected to go along with his regular starters, which are: Loren Blickenstaff and Earl Grindle, forwards, Bob Bechtel, center, and Wayne Blickenstaff
and Gene Smith at the guard spots. Coach Woodard con also expect relief performances from Frank "Chief Hanagarne, Duane Jamision, Dale Carpenter and others.
With a win tonight the Bulldogs can move hack into third place, but should they lose they will drop to fifth place.
The Swedes have not played since they last met the Bulldogs, while the Canines have dropped a game to the Bethel Graymaroons.
With the advantage of being on their home floor and the Swedes minus the services of two of their men the Bulldogs should resume their quest of the higher places of the Kansas Conference with a win tonight.