Dog House Has New Schedule

Dog Hous hours for second semester have changed.

Morning hours are:    Monday

and Wednesday 8:55 to 9:45; Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8:55 to 10.

Afternoon hours except Sunday. 3:30 to 4:30. Sunday, 4:30 to 6.

Night Hours: Monday. Tuesday and Thursday. 9 to 10; Wednesday, 8:30 to 10; Friday, 10 to 12; Saturday, 9 to 11; and Sunday, 8:45 to 10.

Joann Lehman, junior from Nickerson, Kas.. was named chairman of the campus UNESCO at a 9:50 a.m. meeting Tuesday.

Vice chairman for 1951 will be Gerhardt Siegmund - Schultze freshman from Hanover, Germany Harold Smith, Junior from Beaver, Iowa, received the nomination, for treasurer.

The new secretary of the group will be Berwyn Oltman, freshman from Enders, Nebr.

Prof. Raymond Flory was reelected as faculty advisor.

The group also decided in favor of holding discussions on cur-. rent international problems.

Dates for future meetings will be set later.

“M” Club Will Sponsor Penny Carnival Tomorrow

Educator Claims Decrease In Supply Of Engineers

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, January 26, 1951

Mohler Named President Of Knife And Fork Club

Dr. R. E. Mohler was recently elected president of the McPherson Knife and Fork Club for 1951.

The Knife and Fork Club is simply a dinner club which meets once a month for dinner down town.

Lecturers on different topics are brought In at each meeting. The meeting will be held Jan. 30. when Sidney R. Montague will lecture on "Arctic Adventures."

Dr. R. E. Mohler will go to Beatrice, Nebraska, as director of work at the Gage County Leadership Training Conference. Feb. 3-6. This is an Interdenominational program. The theme will be "Adventures in Christian Living."

Pianist Began Career At 31/2 By Breaking Piano Keys

By Berwyn Oltman

The "M" Club's annual Penny Carnival will begin tomorrow at 7 p. m.    

Sometime during the evening, the king and queen of the carnival will be crowned by Bill Moore who has been in charge of the penny-a-vote balloting during the past week.

Rulers of last year's carnival were Jim Scruggs and Martha Frantz.

Featured along the "'M" Club midway will be a cake walk run by Melvin Fishburn and Irvin Stern; Snafu operated by Don Stevens; a bean guess offered by Loren Blickenstaff, Earl Grindle and Charles Petefish; and Bob Augsburger’s Telegraph Office.

Max McAuley will operate a refreshment booth.

A dart game, a bean bag game. Ten Pins, a personal request stand, a ring-over-peg game, a museum, a fishpond, a booth for "Men Only" and a booth for "Women Only” will also operate.

Frank Hanagarne and Bob Augsburger will help Bill Moore in the coronation.

Joe Pate. "M” Club president, and Dale Carpenter, secretary-treasurer. will direct proceedings.

The proceeds from this event will go toward the purchase of "M” blankets. These blankets are athletic awards provided by the “M” Club for men who have participated In a sport for three years and have lettered two of the three.

Mohammed Zelli Enrolls

A new student from Iran arrived on Macampus Tuesday. His name is Mohammed Zelli, a pre-med from Teheran.

He is 21 years old. has a black mustache, and speaks some English.

He Joins four of his countrymen, Ned, Charlie, Ali and Reza.

His father’s name is Abodojjav-ad Zelli of Teheran, Khiabani.

Bethel Group Gives Chapel Program

A group of students from Bethel College presented a program In the Macollege Chapel, Wednesday, Jan. 24, "Corky" Janzen, Bethel Student Council member, presided.

The Ladies Trio sang two selections. Members of the group were Marietta Rogers, Lucille Kaufman, and Lois Eltzon.

Arthur Isaaks, Bethel Student, gave a message, "The Prayer for Inner Peace." He discussed the importance of practicing the presence of God.

The final number on the program was a piano solo by Helen Martens of Manitoba. Canada. Miss Martens played the First Movement of the Italian Concerto by

The Macollege Student Council is planning a return Chapel Program for Bethel.

Magazine Opens Fiction Contest For College Women

MADEMOISELLE, the magazine for smart young women, is Sponsoring a college fiction contest for which two cash prizes of $500 each will be awarded.

Women undergraduates only are qualified to compete. Stories which have appeared in undergraduate college publications are acceptable, but only if they have not been published elsewhere.

The length of these fiction articles may vary from 3,000 to 5,000 words.

Regular manuscript form must he followed and no manuscript will he returned that is not accompanied with a stamped, self-addressed


MADEMOISELLE editors will be the judges and their decision will be final.

Any article submitted may be purchased at the regular price.

Articles must be postmarked by midnight April 15, 1951.

Submit articles to College Fiction Contest, MADEMOISELLE, 122 East 42 Street, New York 17, New York.

Players Begin Practice On One-Acts Next Week

Members of the casts for the three one-act plays will begin practices next week.

The casts will be chosen by the end of this week. The plays, which are to be given Feb. 20, 21, and 22, are "Over the Teacup.” "Mooncalf Mugford," and "The Theater of the Soul."

Bittinger Reports Draft Decisions

Dr. D. W. Bittinger spoke to a group of Student Ministers and other interested fellows concerning the draft situation, Tuesday evening, Jan. 16. He reported decisions made by college presidents of the United States in an Atlantic City meeting.

Dr. Bittinger explained that the classification system was an outgrowth of the democratic way of life. He urged that everyone should be tolerant of those who have a. different position or classification than their own. "When we push each other around." he said, “we are destroying democracy.

The college presidents asked Washington officials to defer college students who are in the upper half of their class. They felt that an arrangement could be worked out in which college students who classified as 1-A or 1-AO could take basic training during the summer months, being ready for active duty when they are graduated from school. If necessary.

Dr. Bittinger stated that the Mc-Pherson College faculty members are glad to answer any questions or discuss any problems which students have In connection with the draft.

Sixteen Get Supervision For Teaching

Sixteen student teachers are enrolled in Dr. Mary Fee’s supervised student teaching course.

Most of these people began their observation Monday. Jan. 22.

Students teaching on the elementary school level arc John Ferrell. Geneva Krehbiel, Anabelle Leck, Jane Aurell, and Robert Lloyd.

Teaching on the high school level are Elvin Brown, physics: Don Anderson, physics; Ken Mc-Murray, chemistry; Dean Cough-enour. American History; Norma Lee Couch. English and Spanish; Joe Pate, physical education: Ales Bruce, physical education; Albert Gayer, biology; Martha Frantz, music; Max McAuley; and Charles Royer.

Brown And Mugler Attend Music Convention

Miss Jessie Brown and Miss Minnie Mugler attended the Music Teacher’s National Association held In Washington, D. C. Dec. 2630.

They attended a number of outstanding concerts while here, one by the National Symphony Orchestra at Constitution Hall, and others.

Edward Johnson, former manager of the Metropolitan Opera of New York, was guest speaker at a banquet.

Miss Brown and Miss Mugler spent a week in New York before attending the convention.

Joann Lehman Is UNESCO Chairman

Students Help In Library

Berthn Landis and Margaret Yost are the new college library assistants for the spring semester.

Other assistants are Betty Jo Baker. Yvonne Birkin, Lorene Clark, Clara Domnn, and Velva Wagner.

These seven assistants help at the circulation desk, keep records. and assist in the preparation of new books, the typing and filing of catalog cards, and the shelving of books which have circulated.

Maurice Richards is the library student janitor.

Ex-Student Dies In Mid-Air Crash Of Fighter, Boml>er

Lt. Austin L. Larson, 24. was killed in a fighter-bomber crash over Prattville, Ala., recently.

He was the son of Oscar Larson Sr. route 1, Gulva.

Lt. Larson transferred credits to Macollege from the University of Wyoming and attended here two semesters, 1946-1947.

Shortly after leaving school, he enlisted in the Air Force.

Ho Is survived by his father, three brothers. Oscar Larson Jr.. Robert L. Larson of Great Bend, Lewis Larson of Council Grove, and three sisters. Mrs. Doris Engle of Liberal, Mrs. Ruth Taylor of Wichita, and Miss Marjorie Larson.

The body was sent to McPherson with a military escort. Funeral services arranged by Quiring Funeral Home were held in the New Gott-land Church.

Cash Prizes Offered In State And Local Oratory Contests

State and local oratory contests on the subjects of peace, prohibition and anti-tobacco will offer cash prizes as high as 35 dollars for first place winners.

Prof. Maurice A. Hess, oratory coach, announced a schedule of contests boginning with the local prohibition tournament to be in the church on Feb. 25, 7:30 p. m. sponsored by the WCTU, winners of this contest will be awarded checks for $7.50, $5, and $2.50 for first, second, and third places.

Probable participants will be Don Speaker, Sylvus Flora, and Joe Pate. Those who gave orations last year and are eligible this year are Raymond Walker, Wayne Zelgler, and Bob Boyer.

The state prohibition oratory contest, also sponsored by WCTU. will offer prizes of $35, $23, and $15 to first, second and third place winners. This will be at Lyons March 7. 7:30 p. m.

The local anti-tobacco oratory contest will be held in room 30 of Sharp Hall at 4 p. m.. Feb. 26.

The state anti-tobacco contest will be at Hillsboro, March 9, 7:30 p. m. Three winners wil receive $35, $25, and $15.

The local peace orations will be delivered at the church on March 4, 6 p. m. Prizes for this and the anti-tobacco event will be the same as the prizes for the local prohibition contest, $7.50 $5, and $2.50.

Signed up for peace orations are Joan Keim, Miriam Akers, Vernon Merkey, Jack White, and Elsa Kurtz.

Last years participants and eligible this year are Howard Todd. Doris Kesler, Cordell ing-man, Pauline Hess, and others.

The state peace contest will offer first and second prizes in both a men and women’s division. These prizes will be $7.50 and $5. This meet will be at Salina March 10,

4 p. m. in conjunction with a debate tournament there at the same time.

Any regularly enrolled student can enter In the local contests. Prohibition orations must be between 1400-1800 words in length. The maximum length of the tobacco oration is 1800 words. The maximum length Cor the peace oration is 1200 words.

Entrants in the state meets will be the winners of the local meets.

Interested persons are asked to see Prof. Maurice A. Hess in room 30, Sharp Hall.    


New Rule Allows

Choice Of Service

A recent change in draft rules will allow students now on post; ponement of induction a choice of branch of service by enlisting.

This choice must be made, however, before the end of the present school term, since most postponements end in late May or early' June.

Macollege administrators have adopted a policy for granting credit to students who volunteer before the term is ended.

Students faced with draft Induction in the spring and students subject to call by reserve units may. with the dean’s permission, take tests over as many hours as they have attended weeks in this semester. Passing grades on these tests will mean credit in the courses covered.

Records of Incomplete courses will not be kept.

Dean Berkebile made it known that, though the college is willing to help in any way it can, the college will not be taken advantage of.

Kough Lectures On Japan Trip

An illustrated lecture by Prof. Jack Kough was the feature of the Macollege Assembly, Jan. 22, "Jack" showed colored slides which he took on his recent trip to Japan. He explained some of the customs and sights which he observed.

Mrs. Kough assisted her husband with the program.

Palo Alto, Calif. (I. P.)—There is no surplus of young engineers, and there isn’t going to be for many years, in fact there is going to be a great shortage. This was the warning given recently by Dr. Hugh H. Skilling, bead of the Sun-ford University electrical engineering department.

Dr. Skilling said that widely heard and erroneous talk that engineering is an over-crowded field is responsible for the situation, which he described as already damaging to the nation and threatening to become a critical problem If engineering students are drafted.

"I have a bit of bad news for those who arc looking forward to employing young engineers; there aren’t going to be enough to go around.” Taking the average size of last June’s graduating class as 100 he pointed out that this year’s class will be only 70, or about 30 percent less. "The following year, 1952, will be 30—down 50 percent. In 1953, the number will be only 40, actually 60 percent-off.

"These are not guesses; these are facts. There arc the boys now in college, all over the country. Nothing whatever can increase their numbers, for engineering is a four-year course. Those boys who have not now started on an engineering program simply cannot be graduated by 1953, or by 1954 either. These classes cannot get bigger, but they can get smaller. If engineering students are taken in the draft, for instance, anything could happen.”

Faculty Eats Chili At Friday Fiesta

Last Friday night the college Faculty met in the cafeteria for a chill supper. Forty of the faculty members were present. Miss Doris Coppock with the aid of Miss Sarah May Vancil, decorated the tables for the affair.

At intervals along the tables were placed reminders of various famous men who were born in January. A small pile of stones symbolized Stonewall Jackson, and the play, Twelfth Night, represented Robert E. Lee.

All present were asked to guess the names of the men from the. symbols. The January flower, the carnation, was also used in the decoratings

Dr. R. E. Mohler showed pictures of some of his interesting travels.

Dr. Kenneth Bechtel, who is chairman of the faculty Social Committee, was in charge of the affair.

Debaters Win Half Of Missouri Bouts

Two teams of Macollege debaters won four of eight debates at William Jewell’s annual Blizzard Debate Tournament at Liberty. Missouri, on Jan. 13.

Donavan Speaker and Joe Kennedy won three out of their four debates. They won over Wash-burn and Missouri State but lost to St. Louis. They also defeated a Kansas University which was otherwise unbeaten.

Wayne Zelgler and Gene Bechtel gained one favorable decision and lost the other three. One of these defeats was given to them by a woman's team from Ada. Oklahoma which shared "undefeated” honors with Zeigler and Bechtel and another team at the McPherson Economy Tourney recently.

This tournament was not one of McPherson's regularly scheduled tournaments.

Mohler To Be Director At Nebraska Conference

"I began my piano studies at the age of 31/2," said Mr. Joseph Battista, concert pianist, speaking over a cup of tea with lemon in the Coffee Shoppe of the Hotel Warren. "At that age I took a hammer and broke all of the keys on our piano, causing my parents to realize that l had talent."

The virtuoso presented a concert In the McPherson High School Auditorium Monday evening, Jan. 15. The Piano Concert was the first in a series of three Community Concerts in this city.

Although he presented his concert in a very dignified and formal manner, the audience caught a glimpse of his true personality when he announced "Liebestrau-me" as an "unfamiliar” number for an encore at the McPherson Concert.

"Any building must have a good foundation." Mr. Battista said in reference to his early piano training. He considers his study under Mne. Olga Samaroff of the Julliard Graduate School in New York most valuable.

The piano artist feels that his trip to Brazil as musical emissary of his country is high on the list of most thrilling events in his musical

Stump, McAuley Give Joint Recital

Miss Claudia Jo Stump, mezzo soprano, and Mr. Max McAuley, baritone, accompanied by Mr. Berwyn Oltman presented a joint recital Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the college chapel.

Miss Stump sang “Hedge Roses” by Schubert, "Florian’s Song" by Godard, "Lotus Flower" by Schumann, and "Morning Dew" by Wolt to open the program.

Mr. McAuley sang "Hark, Hark, The Lark” by Schubert, ” 'Twas In The Lovely Month Of May" by Schumann, “Request" by Franz. "Love Song" by Brahms, and "None But the Lonely Heart" by Tchaikovsky.

Mr. Oltman played "Rhapsody in G Minor. Op. 79" by Brahms and "Nocturne" by Debussy.

Miss Stump sang "Slumber Song” by Gretchaninoff. 'The Rose” by Clokey.. "Still As The Night" by Bohn:, and "Morning" by Speaks as her next selections.

Mr. McAuley sang "Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind” by Sarjent, "Sweet Little Jesus Boy by Mac-Gimsey. "Sailormen” by Wolfe, and "Let My Song Fill Your Heart" by Charles:

The two sang together "A Brown Bird Singing" by Wood and "When Day is Done" by Katchen.

Canton Church Hears Macollege Students

Marilee Grove, Donna Wagoner, and Anita Rogers, Macollege Ladies Trio, Berwyn Oltman, accompanist, and Yolanda Cerezo were in Canton Sunday night, at the Christian Church.

The girls sang "Now the Day Is Over." "Prayer Perfect", "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind”, "Beside Still Waters", and "When I Survey the Wonderous Cross".

Miss Cerezo gave a talk on her native land, Puerto Rico.

The members of this group were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Shultz.

career. He also has enjoyed playing with orchestras. "There is a certain excitement in playing with an orchestra.” he said, "like Ben Hur riding a chariot."

Mr. Battista finds that concert tours involve a rugged life, but he considers it a great thing to take music to all sections of the country. "One gets to know the country upside down," he remarked, He has discovered that audience response varies according to the amount of music the people have had.

In December, 1950. Battista gave the first radio performance of a new Concerto by Gian-Cario Nenotte, a composer whose musicals are now scoring successes on broadway. The Concerto was played with the Oklahoma Symphony.

Battista’s present tour Includes 40 concerts before March, He is scheduled to play with the Boston Symphony in April.

The pianist loves all of the composers; "especially the one I’m playing at the moment."

* Battista believes that popular music has improved in the last 25 years. "Everything from Boogy Woogy to the Kansas Jump —-oh. -brother!”

He stated that personality is very important to the concert pianist. "People expect more than a skittle technician!" he said. He cited Paderewski as a fine example of a musician with a great personality; “he was a diplomat." He mentioned Oscar Levant as an example of another extreme; "He was always wise-cracking.”

Sunday, Jan. 14. wan the artist’s 33rd birthday. He spent the day travelling to McPherson.

Mr. Battista is married; his wife accompanies him on the tours whenever possible. She is a former violinist with the Denver Symphony. They enjoy chamber music in their home. They play sonatas and trios—music in leisure time" "like a bus man's holiday."

Battista loves sports. His specialty Is badminton. He Is also an amateur magician.

Well, Don’t Be Hanged

Once a men was granted a pardon just when the rope that was to hang him dipped over his head.

The guy was so happy about being set free that he got drunk and shot his mother-in-law. So they hanged him anyway, only they were sorry they hadn’t done it sooner.

This is the way it is with the student. He gets a chance to improve at the semester; and, if he doesn't he gets lopped off at the end of the year. And the administration wishes it had happened sooner.

Placement Bureau Requests Teachers Enroll Soon

What Do You Think?

The Spectator FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1951

Some guy dumped hi, eighth wife the other day. This may not be a record, but it should make a pretty good average-         _

Macollege Placement Bureau made public a notice that seniors and students qualifying for the 60 hour certificate for teaching should have their credentials in soon if they wish the help of the bureau in securing jobs.

The bulletin reads. "Notification of teacher vacancies are already coming in for the school year '50’51. It will not be long until school superintendents will be coming in to see our listings. Your chances of

The inventor of the hamburger took his own life by falling four stories, from a Paris hotel. Hardly fitting, he should have been smothered with catsup.

Remember what David Harum said, “I’ll go a long way on a man’, character; and I’ll go a longer way on a man’, collateral. But if a man's got both character and collateral, I'll give him half of what he wants, 'cause that’, all anybody needs."        

"Gerald McBoing-Boing”

It is a rarity, indeed, to see a good movie anymore; and, when one does appear. It should be praised.

The following story is what I remember of a comedy, one of the best I have ever seen, named "Gerald McBoing-Boing.”

Th comedy on at the Manor theater last Sunday. Monday, and Tuesday was unique, entirely novel. and completely entertaining.

It was the story of "Gerald Mc-Boing-Boing’’, the name of a little boy who could not speak English.

One day when Gerald was small, he tried to talk and all that came out was "Boing, Boing”. Gerald’s folks were alarmed, so they called the doctor.

The doctor came, had Gerald open his mouth, and took a look inside. Gerald tryed to tell them what was the matter, but all he could say was, "Boing, boing".

“I can do nothing," said the doctor, and he immediately left the house.

Gerald grew to a fine sired young lad; and one day. he stood before his father as if to speak. He opened his mouth and a loud "B-O-O-O-M," like the sound of a great explosion came out. His father was so frightened that he leaped for the chandelier.

Mother and Father got together and decided that Gerald should be sent to school. So they bundled him up and off he went.

None of the other children wanted to play with Gerald, for instead of speaking, he would go "Boing, boing” or "Honk, honk" or "Uhooga" like an old Ford horn.

Gerald wag lonesome. He tried to tell father and a great, loud "Uhoooga" come out. His father scorned him.

Gerald went upstairs to his room and cried. Then he decided to run away. So he wrapped his

belongings in a bandana, tied a sheet to the bed post and lowered himself by it to the ground beneath his window.

When Gerald got outside, it was snowing and the wind was cold. But Gerald was sad and, worst of all lonesome.

Gerald went down to the railroad yards where a large red train was speeding by at a terrific rate.

Gerald calculated carefully so that he would time his jump right. Then, he jumped.

The train went by and the tracks were clear but Gerald Just hung in mid-air.

He looked up and saw a great, big "Southern Colonel"-looking-character who said he owned a radio station and wanted Gerald to work for him.

Gerald became famous overnight as the mysterious rider on the radio.

"Twenty-two outlaws are in that bar and somebody's got to get them.”

"But who can outdraw twenty-two men?"

Over in the corner, (Jerald drew his private microphone close, opened his mounth and “Clopity, Clop-ity, clop” the sound of the steed of Mysterious rider.

Gerald spoke again and the sound of boots against a wooden porch came out.

Then the squeek of the saloon doors.

Then the sound of shots.

The boots again.

The horse galloping off over the desert, and Gerald McBoing-bo-ing had triumphed again.

The radio audience went wild Wherever Gerald went people cheered and Gerald, sitting between his proud parents, Gerald wared and said simply, "Boing. boing.”—Don Shultz

Jewish Society Presents Books'

To MC Library

McPherson College Library has received a gift of nine books from the Jewish Chautauqua Society.

Jews in Germany is the theme of three of the books. Four trace the development of Jewish religion and culture. One is a religious novel about rabbis, and another presents the present day story of Zionism in Palestine.

For the Sake of Heaven by Martin Buber was translated from German by Ludwig Lewisohn. It is a religious novel concerning the hasidic rabbis and treats such problems of religious life as, May men use evil to accomplish good? The setting of the novel is in the. Napoleonic wars in southeastern Europe. Poland, and Hungary.

Martin Buber Is Professor of Social Philosophy at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

The Hebrew Scriptures in the Making by Max L. Margolis is a treatise on the Old Testament as understood and taught by the Jewish faith. The collection of the writings and the growing importance of the Scriptures, are traced, and the attitudes toward the Scriptures are discussed.

Germany’s Stepchildren by Solomon Liptzin tells the story of heroes and martyrs among the Jews in Germany in the nineteenth and twentieth century. These men tried to reconcile Germanism with their Jewish ideas or to keep the two separate, but these German Jews are among the outstanding contributors to Germany’s and the world's culture.

The book Is not another story of German persecution of Jews hut is an interpretation of the problem

graduating with a contract in hand are better now than if you wait till May 27."    

The bulletin continued that anyone wishing any kind of a job should have credentials made of college record, activities, and personal references.

Persons wishing to enroll with the placement bureau are instructed to see Cosette Wareham at the Alumni Office. Room 24. Sharp Hall.

of culture conflicts when a minority group lives with a majority and tries to adjust -its culture to that of the majority.

Students of contemporary literature will find helpful Dr. Lip-tzin's essays of literary criticism on such authors as Stefan Zweig, Franz Werfel, Heinrich Heine, Theodor Lessing, Richard Beer-Hofmann, and Martin Buber.

Harvest in the Desert by Maurice Samuel tells the story of Zionism and the Implications of that movement in Palestine.

Hellenism by Norman Bentwich treats this interaction of Judaism and Hellenistic culture in the preChristian era as one of the fundamental epics In the development of civilization.

The Messiah Idea in Jewish History by Julius H. Greenstone traces the development of the Jewish idea of the Messiah from its early origin to the present day.

Student, Scholars, and Saints by Louis Ginzberg aims to give the reader some insight into the cultural life of the Jew by introducing the scholars of Judaism and by showing how the ideal of the talmudic scholar dominates education from elementary school on.

The opinions expressed in this column are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of either McPherson College Or the Spectator.

The question for this week is "Do you think that semester examinations are worthwhile.

Note: Due to the reluctance of some students to use their names in this column, all names will be omitted.

No. I think that semester exams are a waste of time because people cram the night before the test, and forget the material the night after it.

No, I think that the way the instructor feels when he is grading the tests, and the way the student feels when he is taking the test influences the grade for the course.

Yes, I think that giving examinations forces some people to study at least one night a semester.

No, a person has to review too much useless material. Generally the Instructor omits the important work and hits the trivial points.

Yes, tests are valuable if they are good, well-centered tests that  cover material covered in class. and in this way catches the class loafers.

Yes, if the material in the test corresponds to the material covered in the semester study. In this way you can find out what you actually learned that is of some value.

Yes, Tests are helpful if * the questions are covered after the test is graded so the student can see his mistakes.    

Yes, if the instructor tests on material covered in the course and does not go off the track.

Yes. on the whole it shows what has been learned by the student during the course.

Yes, it is a good review, and it puts facts in mind that were forgotten during the daily lessons.

No, I do not think that the tests prove anything except what has been learned by rote and not what he has actually learned through thinking for himself.

Yes, it gives the student a chance to find out what he knows and has learned. Otherwise they would not get this chance.

If it raises his grade, yes: otherwise, no. Yes we learn as much from tests as from the rest of the course combined.

Metzler Spreaks To CBYF

Dr. Burrton Metzler spoke to members of the College CBYF on Sunday evening, Jan. 14. The subject of his message was "Prayer Perfect." Devotions were led by Alice Flory and Bertha Landis.

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student-Council.

Bulldog Barks

Krehbiel Goes To Tea, Stays All Night

As absent-minded as a college professor is the trite expression according to freshman English instructors, but Miss Anne Krehbiel, assistant professor of piano, is laughing about her latest demonstration of the truth of the saying.

Miss Krehbiel says she is as bad as the “man who came to dinner," for she was invited to the apartment of Miss Doris Coppock and Miss Sarah May Vancil for refreshments after the Joseph Battista concert Monday, Jan. 15, and stayed all night.

In changing purses for the evening Miss Krehbiel had left her apartment key at home. After she returned to her apartment and discovered that she did not have her key, she found to her dismay that the Bittinger family are such sound sleepers that they do not hear the doorbell.

After trying all possible means of gaining entrance to the house. Miss Krehbiel returned to Miss Coppock and Miss Vancil's apartment, aroused them, and asked for some place to spend the rest of the night.

Those visiting in Quinter between semesters were Doris Kesler, Dave Metzler, Rowena Neher, Vernon Nicholson, Hazel Sanger, Bob Augsburger, Betty Ann Murrey, Irwin Porter, Angie Flora, Rowena IKenberry, D. A. Crist. Doris Roesch and Dale Snyder, The group attend a party while in Quinter at the home of Doris Roe-sch. They played Canasta and Monopoly, listened to records, and ate ice cream and cake.

Betty Jo Baker and Clara Do-man, Mildred Beck and Angie Flora prepared and ate dinner at the home of Donna Burgin Saturday noon.

Geneva Krehbiel went to Hutchinson Saturday to shop.

A picnic was held at the park Thursday evening. Those present were Mildred Beck. Betty Joe Baker, Barbara Berry, Donna Sooby, Angie Flora and Jo Ann Royer. January isn't usual picnic weather but it did seem very much like spring last week.

Mildred Beck visited her home in Nickerson, Kansas, between semesters.

Wayne Zeigler underwent a major operation Thursday morning. His appendix had been bothering him for some time, so Wayne decided to get rid of it.

A birthday party was held on third floor Wednesday night for Rowena Neher.

Marilyn Roe has organized fourth floor into a club which has the motto, “Better Pep Club Skits".

A party was held on fourth floor in honor of Faye Walters, Thursday night. Faye was visiting Row-ena Merkey and Elsie Kindley.

Royce Beam and Phyllis Bowman visited Bonnie and Elvin Wolfe Saturday night. The couples had supper together and then enjoyed an evening of visiting.

Jerry Neher, Lois Yoder, Irwin Porter, and Betty Ann Murrey had a picnic Friday night. Picnics seem to be getting popular early this year.

Winston Bowman visited Mac-ampus this weekend. Winston is now a student at Kansas City University.

Lois Colberg visited with friends here also. Lois in now going to Emporia to school.

Mrs. Roy Frantz. Marty’s mother. visited Marty Wednesday night and Thursday.

A group went to Wichita Saturday night to see the stage play "Brigadoon". They were Kathlyn Larson, Butch Coffman, Betty Byers, Max McAuley, Berwyn Oltman, Gordon Fishburn, Margaret Daggett, Claudia Stump, and Della Lehman.

Ellis Albright and Miriam Keim visited Bonnie and Elvin Wolfe Friday night. Ellis moved out of the hoys dorm Wednesday and started to work at W-R Mill as a bookkeeper, Friday. The boys dorm gave Ellis a Royal Moving Party the night before he moved and Ellis still is unable to find some articles of clothing which his first floor “friends” disposed of.

Peggy Sargent and Beverly Turner stayed in the girls dorm Thurs day night, in Ann Carpenter’s room.

Martha Frantz visited Galen Webb at Coldwater Friday night.

The game at Emporia was well attended Saturday night even

Mankey, Goenner Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mankey of Hardin. Mo., announce the engagement of their daughter Naomi, to Fred Goenner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goenner of Zen-da, Kans.

Both Naomi and Fred are Juniors.

though the cheer leaders did have a difficult time trying to find a ride to the game. Those gals keep up "ye ole pep" when all else is hopeless.

It’s A Great Life ...

By Lowell Hoch

The Snow is all gone. Moans, groans, and howls of glee. The Vet boys just could not resist the tem-ptation or those nice little white balls that are so easy to make. Glenn Nicklison found out that much to him woe as he ventured towards Apt. 24 about 11 o'clock one night.

The Lorraine Kid went home last weekend. A quiet week!

Several changes have been made in our little group. Merlin Miller moved to the Fanny, Ace Bane to the Horner house, and Paul Hod-son has moved into Vet. 23.

We hope that MV. and Mrs. Geo. Keim enjoyed the quiet and tranquillity associated with the Vets. Bob Bean came over the other night and wanted someone to come visit, him Couldn't study—too quiet.

Evans applied for his first class steeplejack license over the semester tests period. Kenny scaled the 280 foot KNEX radio tower and replaced two light bulbs. He wasn't worried in the least. He had on his new “light fall” suit. Oh! You think it was easy. Well, six of us watched him and it took him an hour. The crazy things some people will do to attract attention! He tried to tell us it was for that "green” stuff.

The Vet Housing hoys met Tuesday night to plan for the pep assembly which they will put on next Tuesday before the Bethel Game. Many important stories were related throughout the session. Ample protectors were worn by several. The committee in charge of the program will purchase tickets to points east before 9:50, Tuesday. Lyle Klamm, our head resident, is sporting a different auto.

Notice to all cars entering the Vet 20's-30's area: A small charge charge of 25 cents an hour is charged for space after 10 o'clock. Please pay Dwight McSpadden. . . Bernard Ebhert, left for K C and his physical wednesday morning.

Tuesday night, Sharp, Evans, Pauls, and Hoch had home-made banana ice-cream over in 34. All the others received invitations!!! HA!

Vet 34 papered their walls again. Bob Kerr took up singing last week. Some new song about "Put Your Shoes On.”

The Triple P's. the official intra-mural representive for Vets are still unbeaten.

Pendergast and the Chump, I mean champ, are still competing for the free for all championship.

Art, Crafts Are Featured In New Books

Leathercraft Techniques and De-signs by John W. Dean contains an analysis of the technique of creating designs and producing them in leather. It is not intended to cover the fundamentals of the craft but to give techniques of a master craftsman.

Suggestions are given for simplifying pattern layout, making cutting dies, and achieving short cuts in the actual tooling, carving. and stamping operation.

Thirty-two lacing stitches are described and illustrated.

A Treasury of Early American Homes by Richard Pratt has 250 full-color photographs of exteriors and interiors of America's historic homes.

Richard Pratt, architectural editor of the Ladies’ Home Journal, not only gives the reader glimpses of how the early Americans lived, but provides a fascinating picture of early architecture and interior decorating at its best.

The colors and artistic photograph make this book one of the rare beautiful books being published today.

The pictures of houses from the early salt boxes and Cape Cod cottages in Massachusetts to the mansions of Natchez are accompanied by an interesting explanatory text.

Careers in the Arts by Elizabeth McCausland is a comprehensive survey of the whole art field, fine and applied alike.

It is a guide to help the begin-ining artist learn where in the wide and varied field of art he can best apply his talents and satisfy his own needs and desires.

In the appendix of this volume are lists of the art schools and colleges by states and cities and a list of schools offering architectural courses.

Garden Flowers In Color by Daniel J. Foley shows 350 gar-den flowers in accurately colored photographs. It is a guide book for the beginner and a reference book  for the advanced gardener.

This book identifies each plant by both common and botanical names. It includes annuals, perennials, many outstanding flowering trees and shrubs, vines, bulbs, and roses.

A special section tells about soils, fertilizers, and various cultural practices with sketches of many garden operations.

• Scenery Design for the Amateur Stage by Willard J. Friereich and John H. Fraser was written to help non-professional theatrical producers in creating good sets for their plays.

The book grew out of a syllabus used when there was a need for a good text for a course in scenery design.

Principles of good design are shown in their relation to the stage set. The discussion is supplemented with photographs of actual stage sets.

Arts-Crafls, Music Are Workshops For May 28

Macollege summer session bulletins, available in the central office, list workshops beginning May 28 and classes beginning June 8 and ending July 27.

Two workshops in music and arts and crafts will begin May 28 and end June 2.

A music workshop on sacred music and conducting and a general workshop in arts and crafts will be held.

Regular summer school classes will convene June 5 and end July

Prof. Raymond Flory will again hold his field session in Mexican History. For three weeks, members of this class will tour the Mexico City area and reside in Mexico, and read and discuss Mex-ican history.

If you really want to appreciate it, just go abroad and find out about the rest of the world. Then you’ll come buck home and sing "God Bless America," and put real fervor in every word.—Paul G. Hoffman

The Spectator FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1951

Dream Girl of MAC

(To Tune Of Harbor Lights)

Dream girl of MAC You'll always linger in my memory.    

Though you were hut a dream.

You made my dreams come true.

I know you’ll always be Sweetheart of Mac for all eternity. Dream girl of MAC.

My love is Just for you.

I long to take you deaf And hold you in my arms,

To feel again the thrill Of all your loving charms.

Please take this ring of gold.

Just wear it on your finger and you’ll hold

The symbol of my love.

Dream girl of MAC.

—donated by Dolores Sigle

Bulldogs March On, Meet Swedes Next

In the next eight days the McPherson College Bulldogs must face the Bethany College Swedes twice and the Bethel College Gray-maroons once.

If the Bulldogs can get through this critical part of the schedule, they will be well up in the standings and there to stay. But should they lose one or more of the up-coming games they will have lost any hope that they may now have of sharing in the conference crown.

Dogs Humble Down Ravens

The McPherson College Bulldogs made it their second win of the season over the St.. Benedict’s Ravens here in a thrilling game that saw the Bulldogs come from from behind to win 48-47. It was by one point that the Bulldogs beat the Ravens at Atchison last December 12. The score was 55-54 in that game.

Early in the game, the score see-sawed back and forth with first one team and then the other taking the lead. The Ravens finally pulled ahead and held a 7 point advantage at half-time. Early in the third period, the Ravens stretched their lead to 9 points, but then the Bulldogs started clicking.

By the end of the third quarter, the St. Benedict’s team was only four points ahead, holding a 4036 lead. The Bulldogs fought to within one point. 41-42 but the Ravens fought back and widened the gap to 47-43.

Tonight the Bulldogs will go on their giant killing ways again as they meet the Bethany College Swedes at Lindsborg at 8:00 p. m. The Swedes (3-1), currently tied for the loop lead with Ottawa will constitute a real threat to the Bulldogs upward ways.

The Swedes, on the basis of comparative scores, rate a slight favorite over the young Bulldogs. Bethany, in their game with Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes, snapped the 17 game winning streak of the former champions to the tune of 6653 and the Bulldogs promptly followed their lead to dump the Coyotes 57-47. Monday night. Bethany holds a 17 point win over College of Emporia while the best the Bulldogs could do against the Presbies was 54-49.

Ottawa holds wins over both McPherson and Bethany, beating the Bulldogs in the final seconds 70-66 and grabbing the lead in the final quarter to beat the Swedes 59-52.

Coach Ray Hahn, of the Swedes, has three men who are capable of breaking up an otherwise even game with their scoring sprees. Bill Carlson started off the season at a torrid pace of 22 points per game, but has cooled off of late. Dave Anderson is currently leading the Swedes. He has 81 points in the Swedes four conference outings. Dick Hahn, son of Coach Ray Hahn, gave notice that he has to be watched as he split the nets for 27 counters in the Bethel contest.

Reed and Sanderson, the other Swede starters, can score on occasion but are not consistent. Reed garnered 17 points in the C. of E. game.

After meeting the Swedes tonight the Bulldogs must face the Bethel College Gray-maroons Tuesday night on the local high school hardwoods.

Bethel. 1-2 in the conference, has a win over Baker and has lost to Bethany and Wesleyan.

‘ Coach Rudy Enns can boast of the only returnee from the allconference first team of a year ago in big Lanoy Loganbill Coach Enns could put on all veteran team on the floor, but has elected to start a newcomer Don Harder at one of the forward spots. The other Gray-maronn starters are Fred Schroeder, Dick Siemens, and Duane Kaufman.

K.W.U. Falters Braves, Swedes Take Over

Monday night the McPherson College Bulldogs dumped the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes from first place in the Kansas Conference with a stunning 57-47 victory.

The Bulldogs jumped off to a lead in the opening minutes of play and were never headed. The Bulldogs kept building and by half time held a 12 point lead 33-21.

The Coyotes and Bulldogs fought on even terms through the third quarter, each team scoring 16 points In that period However the Bulldogs held a 17 point lead at one time in the third quarter, before the Coyotes closed the gap to the eight point margin at the start of the final stanza.

Loren Blickenstaff led the scoring for the Bulldogs. His 18 points made him high for the game. Han-agarne and Smith followed in the Bulldog scoring with 9 points each, and Bechtel had &.

Dale Horton was high scorer for the Coyotes with 17. Anderson followed with 12.

The Bulldogs hit a good 31.1 percent of their shots, but the Coyotes found the basket very elusive as they could only cash In on 21.5 percent of their shots. Many of Wesleyans shots were of the desperation variety as they tried in vain to catch the high flying Bulldogs. who maintained a ten point lead throughout most of the game.

Canines Rally, C. of E. 54-49

The McPherson College Bulldogs won their first league basketball game of the season from the College of Emporia Presbys Saturday night, Jan. 20, at the Municipal Auditorium of Empir-ia.

The Bulldogs were far from impressive for they were forced to come from behind in the last six minutes to win.

The Bulldogs led until the last minutes of the first frame when C of E pulled up and led 18-17 at the buzzer. The Presbys held the Dogs down and what shots they took just couldn't find the range.

C of E scored 15 points to McPherson's 6 and held a ten point lead at half-time. 33-23.

The Bulldogs pulled back up in the game and closed the gap to a single point, 38-37 but C of E forged ahead again to hold a 44-38 third period advantage. They maintained that advantage until there was but six minutes left in the game when Bob Bechtel Bank a bucket to tie it up at 45-all. Hana-garne hit again to put the Bulldogs in the lead and the Bulldogs were never headed as they went on to win 54-49.

Williams led the Presby attack with 16 followed by Burke with 15. Loren Blickenstaff hit 15 and Bob Bechtel got 11 for McPherson. The box score:

Kansas Conference

K.W.U. Slips, Canines Climb

The past week has seen great changes in the Kansas Conference standings.

Kansas Wesleyan, who only a week ago were securely in first place and seemed to be on the way to another championship, have now slipped down to third in the standings. The Bethany Swedes proved to be the downfall of the Coyotes as they put the clamps on the defending champs 66-53 last  Thursday night on the Coyotes home court.

Monday night the Bulldogs took the cue from the Swedes and handed the Coyotes their second setback in conference play 57-47. to knock them out of the championship picture for the present at least.

Bethany, third a week ago, and moved into a tie for first place Ottawa second last week, have with 3-1 records.

The McPherson Bulldogs who were lodged in seventh last week, have found new life and moved into fourth spot with wins over C. of E. 54-49 and Wesleyan.

Bethel and Baker are tied for fifth spot with 1-2 records. Bethel holds a win over Baker and. has lost to Bethany and Wesleyan. Baker has beaten C. of E. and lost to Bethel and Ottawa.

College of Emporia has a firm grip on the seventh spot with four losses and no wins.

Four teams still have a chance to share in the crown. Bethany and Ottawa, of course have the best chances, but Wesleyan and McPherson still have a fighting chance to finish on top.

Bethany will lay her claim to the top spot on the line as she plays host to the McPherson Bulldogs tonight. This game will determine which of these two teams has the stuff to finish on top. The Swedes with a win in this one would he considered the favorite to cop the crown. Although they would not be the favorite with a win over the Swedes, the Bulldogs would have an even chance at finishing on top.

Next week will find a conference team in action on every night. Monday night Wesleyan will travel to Ft. Hays for a non-loop tilt, Bethel comes to McPherson on Tuesday night,. Wednesday night Bethany will entertain Baker, Thursday night C. of E. goes to Ottawa, and Friday night will find McPherson meeting Bethany in a return match at McPherson. Baker plays host to Wesleyan on Friday night of next week also.

The Spectator FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1951

Three Unbeaten In Intra-Murals

Wednesday night. Jan. 17 saw several exciting games in Intramural activity as the JoFo's bottled the Imps of Satan and beat them 49-46 to drop the Imps out of the Unbeaten column. The Internationals won their first of the season over the Indians, 23-22. and the Pendergast Boys dumped the mighty Faculty team, 40-38. The Gals Guys had little troub-le in beating the Leftovers, 45-20.

Thursday night, the JoFo’s nicked the High Flyers. 39-35. the Preying 8 edged the Cornhusk-ers, 41-35 and the Gals Guys beat the Pendergast Boys, 31- 23. The Skinks forfeited to the Indians in the final game. Three teams remain unbeaten as yet in the league. The JoFo’s. The Gals Guys and the Triple P’s Don Smith of the Imps of Satan leads the scoring with 81 points in 4 games. Don Stevens of the JoFo’s has 65 and Dick Wareham of the Faculty has 55. The league standings are as follows:

Ottawa will journey to Bethel Saturday night to meet the Gray-maroons, with the Braves likely to come out on top in that one.

Then, with about two minutes to go in the game, the Bulldogs tied it up when Wayne Blicken-staff hit from the field to make it 47-all. Loren Blickenstaff was fouled by Peters, the Raven center and made the free throw.

The Bulldogs held the slim margin after O'Dell's charity shot was no good. They took the ball out of bounds on two other violations and retained the possession of the roundball until the final buzzer.

Schmiedeler, Raven guard, led the scoring with 15. Loren Blick-enstaff led the victors with a close 14. The box score: