Forty Debate Teams Meet Here For Economy Tournament Tomorrow

Macollege will play host to 40 debate teams from 15 schools in Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri entered in McPherson’s Economy Debate Tournament.

This annual event, begun by Prof. Maurice A. Hess in 1938, attempts to give the greatest accommodation at the least expense.

No entry fee is required and no prizes are given. Each school brings one judge for each two teams entered or pays ten dollars for each judge lacking.

Macollege debate coach. Prof. Roy McAuley, will be director for the 1961 tournament and will be available in room 215. Harnly Hall.

All six Macollege debate teams are entered: Wayne Zeigler and Gene Bechtel; Joe Kennedy and Don Speaker; Joan Keim and Mickey Akers; Vi Alailima and Bob Hamsher; Dean Cotton and Berwyn Oltman; Gerald Neher and Billy Kidwell.

Any junior or senior college may enter a total of six teams, men or women; one may be mixed.

Each team will debate four rounds on the Pi Kappa Delta question. Resolved, that the noncommunist nations should form a new international organization.

Teams will debate on alternate sides of the question with constructive speeches of 10 minutes and rebuttals of five minutes.

Judges may give brief criticisms to the teams but will give unre-vealed decisions to the tournament director. The judge will act as chairman and timekeeper if necessary-

The day s program will be outlined at a meeting of all debaters, coaches and judges in the chapel at 8:45 a. m The pairings for the first round will also be announced.

At 9:15 the first round of the morning will begin. Pairings for the second round at 10:30 a. m. will be posted.

Dinner will be served at noon in the college cafeteria. About 30 teams are expected to eat here.

The third round will be at 1:30 and the final at 3 p. m.

After the final debate, another chapel meeting will reveal the outcome of the tournament according to tournament directors, visitors will be permitted to attend.

Fifty Attend Rec. Workshop Over Holidays

Fifty people shared in the Recreational Leaders' Laboratory on Macampus from Dec. 26, 1950— Jan. 1, 1951. Ten states were represented at the laboratory. Kansas had 24 persons: Iowa, five Nebraska, four; Illinois, four; Indiana, two; and Ohio. Missouri. Texas, and Louisiana each had one.

The following were leaders at the laboratory:    President Des

mond Bittinger, McPherson College; Mrs. Buskirk. McPherson. Kansas; Genevieve Crist, Quinter, Kan.; Miriam Dell, McPherson. Kan.; Sam Dell, McPherson, Kan.; Dorothy Ikenberry, Wichita, Kan.; James Elrod, McPherson, Don Frederick, McPherson.

Dwight Hanawalt, LaVerne College; Roy McAuley, McPherson, Kans. Helen Rumsey,, .Elgin, Ill-inois; Don Snider, Elgin, Ill.; .Howie Tanner, Handicrafters. Waupun, Wis.; "Cheesey” Voran, Centenary College, Shreveport. La.; Edythe Weaver, Chicago, Ill.;

and Russell West Pampa, Texas.

The forum topics discussed were "The Boy in the Man." "Relax or Else." "As the Twig is Bent," "Suitcase of Haversack," and "The Church's Opportunity in Recreation.”

The following crafts were offered: woodcarving, basketry and weaving, shell craft and paper-mache', leather craft, metal foil, textile painting, internal carving on plastics and leather, knitting and crocheting, game boards, rope spinning, bomerangs, cartooning, game boards, rope spinning, bom-erangs, cartooning, and sketching.

Leadership techniques on active games, folk recreation, music, dramatics, and socials were discussed. On Thursday afternoon the group visited in the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger. Dr. Bittinger told the group some of their experiences in Africa.

"This recreational laboratory was quite profitable to me,” was a statement made by several of those who attended the workshop.


Jan. 5. basketball—Ottawa, here.

Jan. 6. Economy Debate Tour-nament.

Jan. 9. basketball—Kansas Wesleyan, there.

Jan. 10-15, Final Exams.

Jan. 12. basketball—St. Benedict's, here.

Jan. 16-17, Second Semester enrollment.

Jan. 18. second semester begins. Jan. 19. basketball—C. of E.. there.

Library Changes Limits Service At Present Time

Library service to students is limited but the library will be open. Miss Virginia Harris, .librarian, stated when college reopened Tuesday.

Since all office equipment and the reserve section have been moved Into the lobby and west reading room during the remodeling, only the east reading room is available for student use.

Entrances to the new stacks addition have been cut, and fire doors are being installed. South windows in the original part of the building have been removed, and bricks and plaster have been added to make a fireproof partition between the two parts.

A partition has been built in the former entrance to the browsing room to make a work room for processing books and typing catalog cards.

Soundproof insulation tile ceilings have been installed in the old office and the new work room. The ceilings have been lowered also. Remodeling plans call for new ceilings in the reading rooms and lobby.

New furniture will be placed in the upstairs reading rooms when remodeling is completed. Plans are to place informal furniture in the west room which will be a periodical room.

M C Students Give Recital At Claflin

Monday evening three Macollege students. Claudia Jo Stump, Max McAuley, and Berwyn Oltman, go to Claflin, Kans. to present an evening of music for the Claflin Self Culture Club. The program will be held in the Claflin Methodist Church.

Miss Stump, mezzo soprano, will present the first part of the progrant which includes: Hedge Roses—Schubert; Florians Song — Godard; Lotus Flower — Schumann; Morning Dew — Wolf.

Mr. McAuley, baritone, is to give the second part of the program, singing:    Hark Hark The

Lark — Schubert; Twas in the Lovely Month or May—Schumann; Request — Frantz; Love Song  Brahms, and None But the Lonely Heart—Tchaikovisky.

Mr. Brewyn Oltman, who will accompany Claudia Jo and Max at the piano will present: Serenade — MacDow: and Rhapsody in G Minor Op. 79—Brahms.

Following the piano numbers Miss Stump will sing: Slumber Song—Gretchaninoff; The Rose —Clokey: Still is The Night— Bohm: and Morning—Speaks. Mr. McAuley will sing: Poor Man's Garden — Russell; Blow. Blow Thou Winter Wind — Sarjeant; Sweet Little Jesus Boy — Mac-Gimsey; Sailormen — Wolfe; and Let My Song Fill Your Heart— Charles.

The program will be concluded with a duct. A Brown Bird Singing—Wood, sung by Miss Stump and Mr. McAuley.

Country Club Hears Trio

The Ladies Trio, Anita Rogers, Donna Wagoner, Marilee Grove, and their accompanist, Marilyn Miller, sang at the McPherson Country Club for the Domestic Arts Club. Dec. 13.

They sang two groups of numbers. In the first group they sang “O Come, O Come Immanuel," “There’s a Song in the Air," "Can-tique de Noel." and "Christmas-tide," a medley of Christmas Carols.

The second group was composed of "Jingle Bells." "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." "Winter Wonderland," and "White Christmas."

Community Concerts

A season of concerts is available to those who hold membership in the Community Concert Association. Membership cards admit the owner to the concerts in McPherson. Hutchinson. Great Bend, and Lamed.

The schedule for these concerts is as follows:


The Columbus Boy Choir — February 5.

Joseph Battista, pianist.

Edna Phillips, soprano.

(Dates for the last two numbers are as yet indefinite.) Great Bend:

Bary Ensemble—Jauuary 25.

(Instrumental Ensemble).

Alec Templeton, pianist — February 9.

Eileen Farrell, soprano — February 23.


Ossy Renardy, violinist—January 8.    

Eileen Farrell—-February 21.

VOL. XXXV McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, January 5, 1951 No. 14

Dean Announces Schedule For First Semester Finals


Monkey Business


Wednesday. January 10. 1951: 8:00-10:00 All 8:00 T. W. Th. classes except Freshman En- glish. European History 10:00-12:00 All Freshman English classes.

1:20-8:20 All 8:35 M. W. F.

classes except Introduction to Literature.

and European History.

3:20-5:20 All 8:33 M. W. F. classes except Freshman English Thursday. January 11, 1951: 8:00-10:00 All 10:23 M. T. Th.

classes except Old Testament 10:00-12:00 Introduction to Literature .

1:20-3:20 All European History classes

3:20-3:20 All 11:20 M. W. classes

Friday. January 12, 1951: 8:00-10:00 All 11:20 T. Th.

F. classes except Freshman English

10:00-12:00 All 1:20 M. W. F.

classes except intro, to Lit. 1:20-3:20 All 1:20 T. Th. classes

3:20-5:20 All 3:10 and appointment classes unless announced otherwise by the instructor Monday. January 15, 1951: 8:00-10:00 Old Testament Life and Literature -10:00-12:00 All 2:15 classes M. W. F.

1:20-8:20 All 10:25 W. F. and 2:13 T. Th. classes 3:20-5:20 Open period Enrollment for the second semester will take place Tuesday and Wednesday. Jan. 16-17. Second semester classes will convene for the first time on Thursday, Jan. at S a.m.

Coppock Selects Women’s Team To Meet Bethany

Doris Coppock. director of Women's Physical Education. has selected a team which will meet the Bethany Women’s basketball team tomorrow night in a preliminary tilt at 7:30 on the Swedes' court in Lindsborg.

At 9 p. m. the Bethany Swedes will meet the Ottawa Braves in a KCAC toss-up.

Girls who will make the trip are: Miriam Akers. Betty Jo Baker, Margaret Daggett. Lucille Flory, Marilee Grove, Rowan Keim, Rowena Merkey, Arlene Mohler, Esther Mohler, Ruth Moors, Dolores Sigle, and Mildred Snowberger.

According to Miss Coppock, team personnel will change somewhat with every game. The group selected for tomorrow night's game is not necessarily permanent.

A Cappella Goes To Idaho On Trip

Tentative plans are being made for the A Capella Choir's Spring Trip. The plans are that the trip will be taken March 16 through - April T. over the Easter Holiday The Choir will be accompanied by Prof. Donald Frederick and will sing in Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Nebraska.

Dictionary Enters Word ‘Teenicide’

There is a new word in our language, a word that has been appearing in newspapers and magazines, that applies to the traffic deaths piling up each year among young drivers. The word is "teenicide", coined in connection with it the disproportionate number of fatalities involving young drivers.

Because of the growing use of the word. Funk and Wagnalls will include the following definition in the next supplement of their dictionary: ‘‘Teenicide (noun) 1. Death caused by automobile driver under 20 years of age. usually the result of recklessness or immature judgment; 2. A term used to denote fact that persons under 20 years of age are involved in a disproportionately high number of fatalities in the United States."

It is recognized that the driving habits forced in the teens are carried over into later years. Therefore. the word “teeniclde" by usage includes the actions of drivers -In the 15 to 24 age group.

Young drivers have twice as many fatal accidents, in proportion to their numbers, as do other drivers. Last year’s tragic toll of young people killed and injured in traffic accidents was, respectively, 7,-lOO and 320,000 teen-agers.

Not all teen-agers and young drivers are dangerous ones of course. Natural skills, mental alertness and speed are all at their peak in the young. One might expect them to be among the best drivers, and many of them are. but as a class the record is bad.

The fact that this is so mokes even more acute the problem of the small percentage of drivers who are causing accidents in such numbers as to give this age group its high accident and fatality record.

Something can be done to reduce these unreasonable figures. Clearly, compliance with traffic regulations would save thousands of lives and lower the number of tragic accidents piled up by drivers whose gross negligence and disregard of the laws involve them in traffic accidents.

Many things are being done. A few of these preventive measures include: school driver training, safety campaigns. and special church-organized campaign to make each driver “his brother's keeper.”

Remember, death rides behind glaring headlights and holds a reckless stirring wheel. Remember, death is so permanent.

Women’s Council Donates Glassware To Social Room

Recently the Women's Council made a gift of glassware to the Social Room supplies. There are now 100 glass plates, and 100 in each set of the two sizes of glass tumblers.

The gift was one of the projects the women of the council have planned this year. Money was earned through the sale of Christmas cards.    

Marilue Bowman is president of the council, Pauline Hess, vicepresident; and Marilee Grove, trea-’ surer.

Ruth Moors is in charge of the Social Room dishes.

Metzler Talks On Discovering Will Of God

Dr. Burton Metzler addressed Macollege students in Chapel. Wednesday. Jan. 3. He discussed a common question. "How does one discover the will of God?" He cited three lights which can be used as guides.

The first light is the light of scripture. The Bible can be consulted for general guidance. It must bo used intelligently.

The second light is the ’light of reason. In reasoning one must look far ahead, and widely.

The third-light is the inner light, the guidance which can come from the Spirit of the Living God.

Polio Foundation Appeals For Funds

With the opening of the March of Dimes campaign comes the appeals for funds.

The polio situation of today needs your attention. Until 1948 there had been no severe years of epidemics, but in that year and the two following the country was struck by this crippler.

The average for the previous decade was slightly more than 11,000 a year. The years from 1948 until now have yielded an average of 32,000 cases.

The National Chapters throughout the nation retain half of their March of Dimes receipts for care of local patients or. In emergencies, to supplement the national epidemic aid fund.

The finances of many National Foundation Chapters throughout the country have been exhausted. National Foundation Headquarters started this year with $7,500,000 available for emergency aid to Chapters after expenses for research. education and operations had been deducted. With more than millions already expended. every last penny will have been spent before the year is out.

We can no longer anticipate "light" polio years. More people are being stricken, more communities are being affected, more patients must be cared for each year. Next year the needs for funds will increase, rather than diminish. Won't you help make the 1951 March of Dimes equal to the task?

KU Frosh Women Move Into Dorms In Fall Of 1951

Lawrence, Kans. —(I. P.) — Freshman women at the University of Kansas will in the fall of 1951, be housed in freshmen dormitories. According to Margaret Habein, Dean of Women, the Board of Regents of the State of Kansas has approved the plan as a policy for all state schools as soon as adequate dormitory space is available at those schools.

"These dormitories at the University of Kansas will offer a program for helping the individual freshman women to make the sometimes difficult transition from high school to college, of orienting her to the life of the entire University.

"Trained counselors will be on hand to help simplify the process of academic adjustment. To these counselors the freshman woman may take her problems and questions and from them she will receive wise guidance in the solution of these problems and in the development of her own personality.

"So that the freshman woman may have a full year to make her adjustment In the dormitories and to the University, the Women's Panhellenic Association has decided to defer pledging to sororities until the fall of the sophomore year.

"Transfer students, however, will continue to go through rush week upon their arrival and if pledged move directly into the sorority house. Moreover, beginning in this year, senior girls in high schools may not be rushed by the sororities.

150 Watch Entrance Of New Year

The Brethern Church was host to about 150 watchers for the arrival of 1951. All had lints of their own creation made from paper.

Students who attended the re-creational laboratory led the group in several folk games.

A skit featuring Wanda Will, Gerald Neher, Guy Hayes, and Harry K. Zeller was presented. President Bittinger acted as the curtain.

Pictures were shown by Dr. Mohler, Mr. Galle, and Irwin Porter.

Light refreshments were served before the group went upstairs to the sanctuary to watch the new year come in.

Raymond Flory gave a short talk. The group spent the last few minutes of 1950 in prayer.

Library Displays Unhusked Coconut

A coconut still encased in the outer husk is on display in the college library. The coconut was sent by mail from Honolulu, Hawaii, by Mary Vancil and was received during the Christmas vacation.

Valinupo Alailima, Samoan stu-dent, explained that most coconuts held in grocery stores in the Uni-ted States have been husked. The unhusked nut is much larger and has a different shape from that of the coconut with which most Americans are familiar.

K.C.U. Holds

The Influence of the American West on Ideas and Institutions" will be discussed at a History Conference to be held Jan. 31-Februarv 2 at the University of Kansas City.

Facutly and graduate students of the history department have been invited to the conference along with scholars and students from a 13-slate area.

Principal speakers at the three-day symposium will be Hodding Carter, magazine writer, newspaper editor, and student of the Old Southwest: Mrs. Clyde Porter, coauthor of "Across the Wide Mis-souri" and "Ruxton of the Rockies"; Avery Craven, professor of history at the University of Chicago; E. E. Dale of the University of Oklahoma, and Henry Nash Smith of the University of Minnesota.

A re-evaluation of the work of Frederick Jackson Turner, the first scholar to interpret American history in terms of the westward movement, will be a major topic. Dr. Dale, author of "The Range Cuttle Industry." and Mrs, Craven, co-author of "Sources of Culture in the Middle West,” were students of Tumor's at Harvard.

Dr. Edgar Holt. University of Kansas City, is in charge of the conference.

Jocko has returned to McPherson College. The girls on the fourth floor greeted his arrival with a feeling of apprehension. They well remember the unhappy experience that Jocko underwent last year.

Jocko, a monkey with a beautiful dangling tall, is owned by Betty Jo Baker. Jocko acquired some bitter enemies last year. These enemies grew to dislike- Jocko so greatly that they suspended him from the top of a closet door.

Who committed this dastardly crime? Prosecuting attorneys Bet-ty Jo Baker and Donna Sooby accused Clara Domann, Angie Flory, Mildred Beck, and Rowena Iken-berry. Although these girls were

ably defended by their attorneys Marilee Grove and Rowan Keim, they were declared to be guilty by the judge,. Mildred Snowberger. To be shot at the crack of dawn was the sentence for this fatal acts On the appointed hour of the appointed day the guilty faced the firing squad. The heartless men. or rather I should say women, of the firing squad poised their guns, took aim, and fired! The ammunition -—water front a faithful water gun.

Yes, the brave little, monkey Jocko is back to begin his second life at McPherson College. It seems that monkeys have nine lives too. Better luck to you this year Jocko..

World Needs Vital Faith

Dr. W. W. Peters, who is Brethren Service director in Europe, sends a monthly report of His activities and observations. The following ire excerpts from his November, 1950 report just received:

"November 1, 1950, was a Catholic holiday in Austria and in the world history of religion will be remembered as the day that Pope Pius proclaimed the Dogma of the Assumption into Heaven of the Virgin Mary.    

“November 2, 1950 will be historical in the United States as the day when there was an attempt made to assassinate our President. This means among other things that • we continue to live in a period of political; racial, ideological, cultural, social, and, religious tensions and need to think clearly, to grow intellectually and spiritually, and to live and to act constructively for the cooperative good of all mankind.    

It may be of interest to some of you to learn that Brau-nau is the town in which Hitler was born. We drove by the house in which Hitler was born but to the credit of Austria is it not being preserved as a memorial.

“We are continuing to help some worthy young people to get immediate assistance and others to get clearance to go to the United States. We are also delivering packages to needy families here in Vienna.    

"The Korean situation is of major concern for the whole world. Let us continue to pray that a solution may be found without getting into a Third World War.

"I am becoming increasingly conscious of, and convinced of, the truthfulness of the scripture which says, "The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” Accordingly, all men are brothers and are entitled to equal rights and privileges which, of course, should be acquired and used to the glory of God and the good of all mankind. This means that the Christian religion should become, increasingly meaningful and functional in all areas of human life and experience.” .    -

What About Resolutions?

Having ditched the old year, for a fling into 1951, we may snatch a quick look at the first quarter scoreboard and see statistically how many new year’s resolutions we’ve already broken,         

New Year’s resolutions are a step in the right direction. The trouble is that the second step is rarely taken. A 40 point list doesn’t do any good unless we intend to keep said resolutions.

To be effective, resolutions must be properly motivated ; i. e., they must be directed toward a definite purpose of problem solving which may benefit ourselves, others, or

Resolutions must also be respected, as a valuable means of helping us to acquire our goals, and with such an attitude in mind, we should, “stick to them’’ like fleas on a bulldog.

Unless we intend to abide by the new rules (if we make any) we’d better play the old game and save ourselves from a guilty conscience or rationalized explanation.    

Amherst Head Rejects Conant’s Plan For UMS

Here are excerpts from a reply to Dr. Conant's Article concerning UMT which was reviewed in the Dec. 15 issue of the Spectator. The reply, by Amherst College President Charles Woolsey Cole, appeared in LOOK magazine for Jan. 2.

“In the last issue of LOOK, President James Bryant Conant of Harvard University proposed a plan of Universal Military Service (UMS) under which all 18-year-oid boys without exception would be drafted for two years' service. The able-bodied and mentally competent would form part of the armed forces. For the unfit, some other form of useful service 'in other capacities' would be thought up.

“Dr. Conant's plan seems based in some degree on the belief that we are facing all-out war in 195254. If that is in prospect. UMS, is not nearly enough.

“We should mobilize at once, step, up war production eliminate luxury goods, put factories underground and disperse our city populations.

"If such a war is not in prospect. then the requirements arc different. Wo must maintain adequate military strength and be ready for total mobilization. But we must also preservo a healthy economy, our scientific and tech-nological advantages over our prospective enemies, and those elements of our civilization that make America worth fighting for.

The main issues, brought out in Cole’s LOOK article are:.

(1) Only major powers were victorious In both world wars; Britain and the U. S.. and neither ’of these had universal military service (2) Communist countries can outdo us in raw man power; our aim should be to continue to train men who can outdo Reds in skilled man power (3) Conscription of youths at 18 would give us only half the military men we need; it would also mean that specialists would serve twice.

U. S. Civil Service Announces Exams

The U. S. Civil Service Commission has announced an Occupational Analyst examination for filling positions in the Deportment of Defense, the Department of La-bor; and other Federal agencies in Washington. D. C.. and vicinity. Salaries for these positions range from $3,825 to $6,400 a year.

To qualify in the examination applicants must have had responsible experience or experience and education in one or more fields of personnel administration. In addition, they must have had experience in making analyses of jobs and job families and in formulating job specifications. Appropriate college education may be substituted for all or part of the experience. depending on the grade of the position. Applicants may also be required to take a written test.

Detailed information about the examination and application forms may be obtained from most first-and second-class post offices, from Civil-Service regional offices, or from Civil Service regional offi-or from the U. S. Civil Service Commisison, Washington 25. D. C. Application should he sent to the Commission’s Washington of-, fice and must he received not later than January 9, 1951.

(4.) The Conant plan would call

men unfit for some duties, discourage ROTC enrollments, botch recruitment, and create economic difficulties. (5) Colleges would face five lean years (6) The way to get more men for our armed forces is through the draft, deferring those who will be more useful to the nation if they continue their studies (7) The draft, with proper deferments, is in line with existing law, is more flexible, costs less, and does not sopt the flow of needed specialists.

"This proposal, without any disruptive change in our present system. would accomplish every useful purpose and every military purpose that would he attained by Dr. Conant's plan." according to President Cole.

What Do You think?

The opinions expressed in this column are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of either McPherson College or the Spectator.

The question for this week is twofold in nature. The first part is "WHAT DID YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT THE YEAR 1950”, and the second is “WHAT DID YOU DISLIKE MOST ABOUT THE PAST YEAR.?”

I think that the change in college administration with the resultant improvement in the college program is the best thing' that happened last year. The worst thing to come out of the last twelve months is the Korean fighting.

Charles Petefish To me the best thing that 1950 held for me was a visit to Cedar Rapids. Iowa over part of the Christmas vacation. The worst thing to happen as far as campus affairs go, was the one point loss to Kansas Wesleyan during the football season.

Ann Carpenter I think that coming to McPherson to school was the best thing about last year. The worst thing that happened was that a war broke out in Korea.

Bob Kerr

Last year brought many things to me. hut the most important thing about It was the trip to and the experiences that I had in Washington, D. C. The thing I • disliked the most was that the Democrats wore defeated In the Kansas general elections.

Fred Goenner Christmas vacation was the best part of the year for me. I think the thing I got the least pleasure from was eating raw oysters on the trip fo Bridgewater.

Naomi Mankey The union of churches in the

The Spectator FRIDAY, JAN. 5,‘ 1951

United States in the National Federation of Churches was the most significant thing to come out in the course of 1950. I think that the worst thing to happen was that the Communists attacked in Korea.

Bertha Landis The thing that impressed me most about last year was the development of closer Christian unity and co-operation through organizations and by individuals.

The thing that disrupted the world the most was the starting of war in Korea.

Sylvus Flora The chance to see my king, the King of Iran, when he was in Washington was the best thing that happened to me. The thing that I liked the least was the loss of Dr. Heisey from the faculty of the college.

Ali Mohit

I think that the basketball trip to Manchester was the best thing to come out of last year. The Korean war was naurally the worst thing to transpire.

Loren Blickenstaff The tour that the A Cappella Choir took last year was the best part of the year. The worst thing to happen was the development of the international situation.

Claudia Jo Stump The best thing that happened to me was that. Miriam Said Yes. The worst thing about 1950 is that it ended with me still driving that  1938 Cheverolet. s

Ellis Albright My greatest moment of the year 1950 was that I got engaged. It tops all the other nice things that happened during the year., The worst part of the year was worrying about 1951.


The Spectator

Official Student publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council.

Bulldog Barks

A Christmas party was held on fourth floor Tuesday night. All the girls congregated in the hall and sang Christmas carols and opened their gifts.

The senior girls caroled the girls dorm at the ungodly hour of 3 Thursday morning. They roused every sleeping girl, and to the tune of Jingle Bells, and half awake dorm went back to sweet slumber.

The girls dorm went caroling Wednesday night. The boys dorm, vets apt., Homer House and Kline Hall were serenaded. The Kline girls even joined in and sang a few carols with the Arnold Car-olers.

Miss Neher gave all “her girls” little white reindeer with notes attached, for the Christmas Spirit, to liven up their rooms.

Rec. Council had a Chrismas party at Bittinger’s home Monday night. Joan Pinther happened to be the center of attraction at the time. The refreshments consisted of popcorn and cocoa, after which’ the group sang carols.    '

Mary Ellen Yoder was so happy to have her 2,000 word theme for English handed In that she gave a party of Ritz crackers in honor of her achievement.

Miss Lehman's play production class had a unique project Thursday afternoon. The members of the class were studying stage make-up and were required to bring a guest to class to be made up. The guinnea pigs weren't, too happy with all the powder and paint, but they gallantly suffered themselves to be photographed in their new fac-es. Incidently, stage make-up is easily, removed with cold cream, which is the reason you haven’t seen Indians, Gypsys, old men. and clowns running around the campus.

Ann Carpenter. Chuck Peteflsh, Elsa Kurtz and Ken Pritchett went to Hutchinson Thursday night to a show.

A miscellaneous shower was given in honor of Joan Pinther Tuesday night. The hostesses were Peggy Sargent, Orva Willems, and Mickey Akers. The girls played games, and refreshments of hot punch, cookies and bavarian cream were

Four 'Attend texas Rally Over Christmas Vacation

Over the holidays Jack and Arlene Kough, Roy McAuley, and Doris Coppock attended the Waka, Texas young people's conference as leaders for the three-day session from Dec. 20-31.

Wilma Kuns. a Macollege graduate in 1945 was the other leader.

Vernon Merkey, college junior, is president of the district which Includes Oklahoma, Texas Panhan-dle, and New Mexico.

served. Finally Joan opened her gifts from the girls.

Ann Carpenter's parents, Rev, and Mrs. F. C. Carpenter, and (laughter, Adalon and son Kutrz visited in McPherson and Nickerson over Christmas vacation. For some- reason Chuck Petefish was VERY nervous and excited just prior to the arrival of the Carpenters.


Mr. and Mrs. Garold D. Pierce, McPherson, announce the engagement of their, daughter Joanne, to Howard Todd, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Todd, also of McPherson.

Howard la a sophomore at McPherson College.

Pinther, Keim Exchange Vows

The Church of the Brethren in Nampa, Idaho was the scene of the wedding at 4:00 p.m., Dec. 24, of Joan Pinther, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pinther, to George Keim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keim, all of Nampa.

The church was decorated in Christmas colors with red candelabra, poinsettas, and holly. Pews were marked by white Batin bows and holly. Rev. Robert Keim, brother of the groom, officiated, assisted by Rev. Oscar Slifer, pastor ,of the Nampa Church.

Organ music was given by Mrs. Sumner Eshelman. Selections in the ceremony included "At Dawn-ing" sung by Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wyatt; Dick Summers sang "Because", and Gilbert Wyatt sang the "Lords Prayer".

The bride wore a white slipper satin gown with a train and a fingertip veil held by a halo fitted cap. She carried a shower of red rose buds on a white Bible. Mrs. Winston Goering. sister of the groom, was matron of honor, bridesmaids were Miss Mary Stroud, Mrs. Delbert Wilkerson, and Miss Joan Brandt, all close friends of the bride.

Mr. Winston Goering, brother in-law of the groom, was best man. Ushers and groomsman were Wayne Eshelman, Johnny Wagner,. Fred Nichols, and, Ernest Pinther, brother of the bride.

The matron of honor wore red, and her colonial nosegay was of red. The. bridesmaids’ gowns were of white and they carried white satin heart shaped pillows with holly. Taper lighters, Richard Keim. Jr., brother of George, and Joan's brother Alfred, wore white choir robes.

A reception in the church basement immediately followed the ceremony for the 400 guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Keim are now at home at the Vets apartments here at the college.

Syracuse University

Studies Cheating

Syracuse, N. Y. —(I. P.)— A positive approach to the problem of cheating is revealed in a six-page report distributed recently to the faculty by Syracuse University’s Vice-Chancellor Finla Crawford., M<i    ......

The report points out the advantages and disadvantages of various types of examination, and emphasizes that the use of valid and re-liable tests to prevent cheating is a responsibility of the faculty.

The report states that professors and instructors should, write tests which merit the cooperation of students. Cheating would decline, it declares, if the attitudes of students toward examinations were improved.

The report which is being studied faculty members describes methods of giving examinations and correcting them. The University’s Evaluation Service Center will analyze all tests brought to it by the faulty this year and will issue a report showing the tests’ discriminating value and difficulty.

College Church Sponsors School Of Missions

A school of Missions is being held every Thursday evening during the month of January at the Church of the Brethren.

A fellowship meal precedes the meeting each evening. College students who wish to attend are asked to call Rev. Harry Zeller in advance.


Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Keim. Nampa, Idaho, announce the engagement of their daughter Miriam. to Ellis Albright, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Albright, Eldora, Iowa.

Both are students 'at McPherson College. Ellis, who is a senior will graduate at the semester. Miriam is a Junior.

Ho who sacrifices his conscience to ambition burns a picture to obtain the ashes.—Chinese Proverb

A lie leads a man from a grove into a jungle. — Marcelene Cox

The Spectator FRIDAY, JAN. 5, 1951

Linz Work Camp Sends Report To College Library

A report of the International

Work Camp held at Linz, Austria. July 10-August 20, 1950, has been received . by the College Library. The report is printed in three languages — English, German. and Italian.

Dean Neher, former Mac student, was the Work Project Director at Lintz. Miss Rosemary Block,-Brethren Service Committee worker. was Comp Director. Campers were from the United States, Austria, Germany, Sweden, Holand. Denmark, France, Italy, and England. The work project was building a wash barrack for the refugees at Camp Haid.

Dr. W. W. Peters mentioned the work camps in the Austrian Bre-theren Service Report for November. 1950:

"The more I talk with college students who have been in the United States and read the reports of the young people who were in the International Work Camps and the Peace Institute the more I am convinced that such activities and experiences are invaluable in the building up of understanding and constructive cooperation."

Bulldogs Open Conference Play With Braves Tonight

Bulldogs Steal Show,

Win Two From Manchester

Bulldog Starters Tonight

Kansas Conference

Bethany Paces



McPherson took the last two games of their 1800 mile road trip in stride as they dropped the Manchester Spartans 58-54 the first game and 59-53 the last game. McPherson played the Spartans Dec. 15-16. Fighting back from a first half deficit that found Manchester leading 39-28, the Bulldogs closed the gap late in the first game. Bob Bechtel dunked a basket with three minutes left in the final period to put the Bulldogs in the lead. 53-52. Wayne Blicken-staff knotted a free throw and shortly after, Sands hit again for the Spartans to tie the ball game all up. Two minutes left and then Loren and Waye Blickenstaff pumped twice and the Bulldogs held that margin until the final gun. The Oak Leaves said, quote; “Employing "a slow and deliberate "western" brand of basketball— the boys from Kansas were particularly adept on under-the-basket shooting while their tight defense put the clamp on Manchester's fast-break after the first half.” Dick Piper, a smooth Spartan forward. hit 14 points the first half but Coach "Woody” Woodard adjusted his defense the last half to hold him to two baskets. Piper was high scorer for Manchester and the game with 18 counters. Loren Blickenstaff led the Bulldogs with 16 followed by Wayne Blickenstaff with 15.

Saturday night, December 16, the Bulldogs again took the floor against the Spartans. This time. it was the Bulldogs who started strong as they gained an early 8-0 lead. The SpArtans soon knotted the game all up at 14-all and moved to a 26-22 lead but the Bulldogs came back to tie the game up 28-all at the half time. The second half found the Bulldogs holding a narrow lead at times and Manchester tied things up 49-all with but six minutes left in the encounter. McPherson staved off the Spartans from there on to lead at the gun. 59-53. Loren Blicken-staff. Bulldog junior, led the scoring with 19 and Wayne followed close with 15. Carl Sands hit 14 for the Spartans. Loren Blickenstaff was high scorer for the two series with 35 counters.

The Spectator FRIDAY, JAN. 5, 1951

“B”s Remain Unbeaten; Win Front Bethany “B”s

The Bulldog ”B” team trounced the Bethany "B”’ team 47-37 at Bethany Thursday afternoon. December 14. The ”B"s held a 10-5 lead at the first quarter. 21-17 at the half. 34-29 at the third frame, and a final 47-37. Metzger dunked 11 and Peel hit 10 for the “B"s. Hayen and Ayers led the Bethany scoring with 8 each. The "B” team has showed some very fine floor play and already several of the boys are very good prospects for the Varsity.

The old saying that a team is just as good as its reserves has helped make us conscious that the "B” team is a very important part of McPherson College Basketball. The team is unbeaten in four games so far this season.

The McPherson College Bulldogs will open a brand new Kansas Conference basketball season as they meet the Ottawa University Braves on the high school maples tonight at 8:15. The Bulldogs, who are currently sporting a 4-2 record in non-conference play, will be meeting the team which placed second in the conference a season ago.

Coach Don Meek has a total of twelve men back from the runner-up team of last year. Among these returnees are Dudley Giese, the team’s leading scorer, who is averaging 17 plus points per game and Neal Wyrick who has an average of 12 points per outing.

However the Braves have lost the services of all-conference Bill Gregreen who led the conference scoring a year ago.

The Braves in their early season play have established themselves as one of the favorites in the Kansas Conference. The most recent achievement of the Braves was captivating first place in the holiday tournament at Emporia State by beating Drury College and Emporia State. In other games Ottawa has split with Missouri Valley, won over Wm. Jewell and Central (Mo.) and dropped a pair to War-rensburg (Mo.)

The Bulldogs and Braves have not met any common foes, so no direct line can be drawn on their comparative strength. However both clubs have established themselves as definite title contenders. The team which goes off the floor with a win tonight will be recognized as the co-favorites with Kansas Wesleyan to annex the conference crown. The Bulldogs in early season play have beaten such formidable foes us Phililps. St. Benedicts. and Manchester, while drop-ping decisions to St. Louis U.. and Illinois Wesleyan. The Bulldogs have been hard at work after an abbreviated vacation, drilling--for  the Ottawa encounter tonight. Coach "Woody" has been working on a new type offense to spring on the Braves, with hopes that it will heller utilize the Bulldog talents.

The Canines can boast of two of the top scorers in pre-conference play in the Blickenstaff brothers. Loren and Wayne. Wayne, with a total of 90 points in the six Bulldog outings is averaging 15 points

per outing, while Loren is close behind with a total of 85 for an average of 14 plus points per game. Bob Bechtel. Gene Smith and Earl Grindle have combined to glean a good share of the remaining points The thing that should make the warrent Bulldog squad great is the keen competition for all of the starting berths. With the Bulldogs playing the type of ball they are capable of playing, they should sent the Braves on their way with a 0-1 record.

In the 41 meetings thus far between these two schools the Canines have won 21 while dropping 30, for an average of .412 in the series.

The worst defeat the Bulldogs have ever handed the Braves came in 1945 when the Canines came out on top to the tune of 62-22, while the worst Bulldog defeat at the hand of the Braves was in 1949 when they lost 31-65.

The last Bulldog triumph came in 1947 when they won 48-43. in a game just prior to the Christmas holidays. -

The Bethany College Swedes continue to set the pace In Kansas Conference basketball circles with their 5-1 record. The Swedes had a perfect record going into the Nebraska Wesleyan Tourney Just prior to Christmas. Bethany won its first round game in the four team invitational, but lost out to the host school in the finals 41-59 for their lone setback of the campaign.

The Bulldogs of McPherson College are currently resting In second place in the standings. The Canines have won four while dropping two. However. Bethel is tied with McPherson with a record of two wins and a lone defeat.

Only one team, the hapless Presides of College of Emporia, has a won and loss record below the .500 mark. The Presides have lost five while winning three.

Three Kansas Conference teams were involved in invitational tourneys over the holidays, and all did quite well for themselves. Ottawa made the best showing, as they won the Emporia State Tourney, with wins over Drury and Emporia State. Bethany took second In the Nebraska Wesleyan Invitational, and Kansas Wesleyan placed third in the Indiana State meet at Terre Haute, winning over North Central (Ill.) then losing to Indiana Stale and winning over Wheaton for third place honors.