In a few weeks, Dec. 26-30, recreational leaders from across the country will meet in McPherson for the National Recreational Workshop. The workshop is open to all people interested in recreational techniques. The fee for the conference, which includes meals and other miscellaneous items needed for the laboratory work, is $13.50.
VOL. XXXV McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, December 15, 1950 No. 13
S. M. Dell
Reverend West will be the leader of cartooning and sketching; Byron Frantz, industrial arts major. Macollege, will lead game-boards.
Other leaders of the workshop are Durward G. Dewitt, recreation director for Consumers Cooperative, Kansas City; Dwight Hanawalt, recreation director La-Verne College, LaVerne; and Helen Ramsey, Sec. or the Church of the Brethren youth department, Elgin.
Dr. D. W. Bittinger, President of Macollege; Prof. Roy McAuley speech and dramatics department, Macollege; Rev. Harry Zeller, college pastor, and Mrs. Raymond Buskirk, florist, McPherson, are leaders also.
Professor Dell states that he expects 30-40 Macollege students to enroll for the workshop, and. also, that each church included in the Western Region-will send a delegate.
Meals for the group will be served in the cafeteria. Lodging will be furnished free of charge.
Yale Professor Pushes Education Draft For Nation
New Haven, Conn. (K. P.)— A Yale University professor has called for the “drafting’ of qualified youth into the field of education and the “freezing" of tench-era in their jobs. These steps, in the opinion of Samuel M. Brownell. are essential to protect the long-range national security.
In the light of possible years of tension. Prof. Brownell asserted that he would “make it very difficult" for teachers in elementary and secondary schools as well as colleges to leave their poets to enter the armed services or war industry.
Dec. 15-16. basketball—Manchester, there.
Dec. 15. Christmas vacation begins.
Dec. 26-30 National Recreational Workshop.
Jan. 2. Christmas vacation ends.
Jan. 5, basketball — Ottawa hers.
James Elrod
MC Is Host For Economy Tourney Jan. 6
Macollege’s interstate Economy Debate Tournament, the first debate after Christ-mas vacation, will be held here Saturday, Jan. 6.
This tournament, begun in 1987 -38 by Prof. Maurice Hess, is a non-elimination, four round affair intended to give experience to debaters.
The fact that each school brings a judge and that there is no entry fee, cuts down the cost usually involved in a tournament of this else.
Fifteen schools from Kansas Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Missouri have already accepted their invitations.
From the Spectator of January. 1938. come the first reports of this tourney. The first actual tourney was held Jan. 7, 1938 when 54 teams from 15 schools took part.,
Practice tournaments had be-come crowded and Prof. Maurice Hess decided to start one of his own.
It was originally planned for benefit of Inexperienced debaters, but has gradually bent double to include everyone who is interested in debate. Last year 56 teams from 18 schools took part in this tourn-ey.
WAA Initiates New Members
On Wednesday Dec. 6, 18 girls were initiated into the McPherson College Women's Athletic Association. The new members were required to wear one-half of their hair in curls and one half straight, a print dress tucked into jeans on one side, an anklet and dress shoe on one foot, and hose and a casual on the other foot. They were not allowed to wear make-up.
Also, each girl was told to carry a raw-egg to each class and have the professor sign it.
In the evening, old and new members of the WAA gathered in the gym for the finale. The initiates were told to do various things such as: run around the gym. hop around the gym on one foot, and cat walk six feet. When each girl had passed each test to the club’s satisfaction, she was blindfolded and guided through a labryinth of dark alleys.
Finally the march ended in a large room which was pitch-black even without blindfolds. There the bewildered girls were left to find the way out. Benches, tables and other obstacles which were strewn about the room made progress to the door slow and surprising. Eventually, everyone found the way out.
Coffee and doughnuts were server and the meeting adjourned.
Players Elect Zeigler President
Players club members elected Wayne Zeigler president, Dale Olt man vice-president, and Sue Smith secretary at a meeting in the BAR Wednesday, Dec. 6.
A committee of Doris Roesch. Kathlyn Larson, and Wayne Zeigler, will meet with Prof. Roy Mc-Auley to decide one-act plays for next year.
This election followed a decision of the Players Club to form a definite organization. Up to this time, the members of this group changed with each new production; it is the aim of the group to form a definite body.
Desmond Bittinger
Harry Zeller
The first Christmas Eve, of course, was a very important event The birthday of the Child called for the biggest celebration the heavenly hosts had ever had. Even the Carols, held in reserve for ages for some really special event, would be sung.
The choir was to be one of Heaven’s very best, with some exceptionally rich angelic tenors and basses brought in from the glee club to help out. All the stars had been rubbed with a special polish, and one brand new star added Just for the occasion. '
The Carols wore quite puffed up with pride and excitement, and they all promised solemnly to be on hand in plenty of time.
On the great night, everything went off fine. The stars shone as they had never shone before, the angel choir outdid itself in pacans of joy, and the Carols were a great success. There was only one little flaw, and hardly anyone even noticed it. One of the Carolds didn't get there in time.
In fact, it didn’t get there at all.
It was quite a sweet Carol, too. the angel singers told each other, a little sadly. It had been a pity not to have sung it.
When nearly 20 long centuries had gone by with the Last Carol
The Carol That Never Was Sung
Alpha Psi Holds Formal Initiation .
Alpha Psi Omega initiates met at 6 o’clock at the SAR Tuesday for a closed, formal initiation.
After initiates repeated their 12-line selections from Shakes-peare and wrote the Greek letters and symbols, they were guests at the home of Prof. Roy McAuley for dinner.
Initiates include Wayne Zeigler, Margaret Daggett, Kathlyn Lar-son, Don Shultz, Esther Mohler, and Dean Cotton. Present members are Prof. Roy McAuley and Prof. Della Lehman.
Alpha Psi Omega, international honorary dramatics fraternity end one of the two fraternities on Macampus, requires that its members accumulate 50 honor points awarded for merit in Players Club productions.
Notice ...
Spec staff positions of camp-us editor and managing editor are open for second semester. Anyone who is interested in advancing to the editorship of the paper may give completed application blanks to Bonnie Martin, Delma Cline, Gerald Neher, or Joan Pinther.
Prof. S. M. Dell, advisor to the Macampus Recreation Council, and James Elrod. Executive secretary of the Western Region, are taking care of the registration for the workshop.
Crafts to be offered will include: woodcarving, which it to be taught by James Elrod, and Russel West, pastor and youth worker, Pampa, Texas. Basketry and weaving are to be taught by Genevieve Crist, former crafts teacher. Brethren Relief Center, New Windsor, Maryland.
Edythe Weaver, full time recreation director, First Church of the Brethren. Chicago, will demonstrate and explain shell craft, paper mache, and leather craft. Dorothy Ikenberry, craft teacher and rehabilitationist. . .Wichita, will teach metal foil.
Don Snider
Don Snider. National Youth Director. "Church of the Brethren Elgin, will offer rope spinning and boomerangs.
All singing will be under the direction of Alvin (“Cheesy") Voran, 1928, graduate of Macollege, who is now teaching music at Oentenery College, Shreveport, La.
Other crafts will be internal carving, plastics, and leather, under the direction of Professor Dell. Miriam Dell will instruct the knitting and crocheting group.
Students Interview Kansas Senators And Congressmen
When questioned about the draft situation. Sen. Darby said “The only way to determine it is to watch the events of the day—war in Korea is an incident of a whole picture. It is a small war compared to what might be a global war with Russia.”
Our boys have given sufficiently of time and energy. Russia has us sitting in the driver’s seat. Russia is in a position to have communistic countries start aggression against us without firing a shot anywhere in the world.” The senator said that whatever had been done in Korea was all right. He thought we should control Formosa or anything else we set out to control.
“Segregate Communists” “Communists should be segregated and watched carefully. No communistic force or nation should have any seat in any well-regulated, well-recognized body of government," he stated.
Darby also said that in working against communism on the campus we should “make a complete study of every day situations and exchange, of ideas. Do everything to deflate any conversation or ideas about Communism. Encourage every effort to get rid of it."
In diplomatic relations Sen. Darby said.” Any time they (Russia) want to talk with us. we should be willing to listen. Get them away from their thinking on communism. We don't want to do anything to help promote communism. Whenever they are willing to discuss, we should discuss with our highest offices."
At luncheon in the Capital, Nov. 27, Representative Ed Rees said. "I think that the smaller colleges have a very important place in our country. There should be more of them. Advantages of going to college sponsored by a church are many. Churches are the source from which colleges were begun in America. While studying, give consideration to affairs of our own government. Historians of the future will say that 1950 is one of the most crucial times in the history of the United States. With the opportunity that we have, we must assume responsibilities in respect to the community and government in which we ll."
Congressman Myers George, the only congressman to be sworn in the morning of Nov. 27, said, "The future of this country rests on oar shoulder and in the interest that we take in government affairs." Drafting Of Students
Drafting of Students
Sen. Schoeppel said, concerning the 4-E fellow, "nothing definite has been said. There will probably be a program for the CO.
Sen. Darby’s home town is in Kansas City. His vocation is manu-facturing and his avocations are livestock, soil erosion, pasture improvements, and cattle raising. Mr. Darby has four children and four Representative Rees said of the draft question for college students, "Students will get to finish the semester. They will get to finish college if grades are satisfactory, especially, if they are studying for medicine or some technical subject which can be used later on."
Capacity Crowd Hears Oratorio
Camil Van Hulse’s Christmas Oratorio drew a near capacity crowd to the Church of the Brethren Sunday evening when McPherson College and the McPherson Church of the Brethren, 120 voices strong, presented the Kansas premiere performance.
Prof. Donnald R. Frederick directed the groups.
The three college choirs and the church choir entered on the processional "O Come All Ye Faithful," played by the assisting organist, Mrs. Audrey San Romani.
The children’s choir, seated in the choir loft, wore white robes with black ties. Women in the choirs wore black skirts and white blouses; the men wore dark suits.
Christmas Regalia Bedecks Dorms
Christmas is in the air! All the dorms have made plans for the coming season. The girls on the third floor of Kline drew names for a gift exchange. They had a party Wednesday evening. -
A small Christmas tree gives the parlor the effect of the season. Several of the girls have their doors decorated. Esther Merkey and Margaret Yost have a fireplace with Santa standing by ready to put the gifts in the stockings. Fahnestock Hall has several strings of Christmas tree lights out in front. Bob Wilson and Don Wagoner have a string of lights forming the letter "W" in their window.
The girls on second have a tree in the west end of the hall. Almost all of the doors on the floor have decorations on them. Mary Custer and Alice Flory have a lighted wreath in their window.
Tuesday night the girls on second floor had a combined Christmas party and birthday party for Joan Pinther. The girls had drawn names and exchanged gifts at that time.
Ina Ditmars and Lorene Clark have a Christmas tree in their window and Elsie Kindley and Rowena Merkey have a sign wishing those passing by a "Merry Christmas."
Wednesday evening the girls in Arnold went caroling and had a refreshment-less party in the dorm afterwards. The project of the dorm girls is to contribute money toward helping some of the International students on campus instead of drawing names among themselves.
Fifty Attend UNESCO Dinner
0ver 50 Macollege students attended an International Dinner in the home of Prof. Raymond Flory, Tuesday. Dec., 5. The dinner was sponsored by the College UNESCO for members, and international students.
The menu consisted of food from India, Samoa, Japan, Puerto Rico, southern United States, Iran, and Germany. Each "dish” was prepared by an International student; Mrs. V. N. Likhite prepared the food from India.
Informal visiting was the main activity of the evening,, with the exception or eating. The cooks were given opportunity to inform the guests what they were eating.
The International Dinner was one of many activities sponsored by the UNESCO for better international understanding.
Debaters Notch Eleven Victories In Bethel Meet
Twelve members of Macollege debate squad left Bethel College (Newton) with 11 victories in the non-elimination tourney Friday and Saturady.
All of the six Macollege teams advanced in the critical ratings and two teams came out with a four-out-of-five honor.
Wayne Ziegler and Gene Bechtel took four of the five rounds they debated. Joe Keenedy and Don Speaker did equally well.
No practice debates were held this week, but each individual met with Prof. Maurice Hess to discuss the logic of his case.
Others attending Bethel tourney were: Joan Pinther and Mickey Akers; Vi Alailima and Bob Hamsher; Dean Cotton and Berwyn Oilman; Gerald Neher and Billy Kidwell; and Prof. Roy McAuley.
still not sung, they brought the situation to the Throne Room. There they explained, more in sorrow than in anger, about the Caro, that was always late, and so had never helped to celebrate the Child's birthday, and they wondered what ought to be done with the Carol.
The Last Carol was ashamed and frightened, and hung its head in the throne room, and explained, with no more vagueness, why it had always been late
Each year there had been something different, it admitted sheepishly. Sometimes it had been a man in a dungeon, or people waiting to bo cast into the arena or burned at the stake; Sometimes it had been men at war, lonely and discouraged and longing for peace. Often it had been men or wo-men whose spirits had fallen low in the face of great obstacles, whose faith in love was almost extinguished and who could not join in the rejoicing over the Child’s birthday because it had seemed to them the Child had been bom in vain.
Always, explained the Carol simply. it had seemed important to stop with these for a while and somehow it had always meant being late. But next year—began the
But the Voice from the Throne interrupted.
"Next year," said the Voice," “you will do as you have Next year and," said the Voice with mingled sweetness and sorrow, "for many years to come. For you are the Carol that must be voiceless until all men sing togeth-er in a mighty chorus that covers the earth.
"Only in the hearts of men who have seen the vision," said the Voice, "can you honor the Child until all men love each other as He loved them."
"Then," said the Carol wistfully, "must I be silent forever?"
"Not so," said the Voice, and the full choir of angels had never sounded so rightly majestic. "They flee from it, in fear and greed, but through their greed shines love, with their fear there is shame, and "One day they will cast out their fear and let love lead them into the high habitation I have prepaid for them. "Then," said the Voice, "all men will join in singing the sweetest carol of all—the song of universal brotherhood.
(excerpts from "The Carol that Never Was Sung" by Alfred Hass-ler).
Burton Metzler
The Angel’s Song of Peace on Earth seems like a mockery at this Christmas time'in 1950.
And so it may have seemed also in the days of Jesus, for Jesus’ country was an invaded and occupied land. Stationed in Jerusalem was the Roman governor and barracked there were the Roman garrison, part of the army of occupation. *
And how the nationalistic Jews hated these Roman conquerers! They hated them because of oppressive taxes, because of rulers like Herod the Great who slaughtered their babies, because Roman legions burned a city like Sep-phoris and crucified hundreds of the leading citizens, and because of such indignities as forcing a Jewish civilian to carry a Roman soldier’s baggage for a mile.
Therefore rebellion was ready to erupt momentarily. Here was not peace.
But Jesus had in his mind another solution to this political problem, which would fulfill the vision of the Angels' Song. The solution centered about the word love instead of hate.
He counselled his fellow countrymen not to be over* come by the evil of their captors but to overcome that evil not by physical violence, but by love. He urged his followers to love their enemies, .to pray for them and bless them, to carry their baggage graciously not only for one mile but for two, in short, to overcome evil with good.
But Jesus’ fellow countrymen, practical minded men, rejected His solution. They would rely on hate and force. Accordingly they rose in rebellion against the Romans. Rut they that take the sword shall perish by the sword, and in the year 70 A. D., the Roman legions again marched into Jerusalem and destroyed the city,-the temple, and the nation.
When men shall be willing to follow the way of Jesus, to Jove instead of hate, to overcome evil with good, then the message of the Angels’ Song at His birth will be realized.
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council.
facts that are not frankly faced have a habit of stubbing us in the back.—Sir Harold Bowden
Letha Miller
Most people today live up to the Christian principles as long as they do not interfere with their own activity too much.
The means to secure a return to Christian living is that of Brotherly Love which if applied, would take the indifferent attitude out of our lives.
Albert Rogers I think that people in general are falling to live up to these principles. We need to think more and to help ourselves and to help others to live up to the principles of Christ.
Lois Frantz No. the majority of the people are not living their faith. Only through Christian homes can new leaders change the attitude of the whole world.
Dale Oltman No, the majority of the people are not living this way. We can meet this need if each person who professes to be a Christian drops his indifference and resolves to live a Chritsian life every day.
I do not think that the population as a whole is living according to Christian principles or we would not have wars and criminals, but I believe many are making a determined effort to do so.
Lillian Good No. if young people who are active Christians would participate in public office and hold government positions this would put Christian teaching to practical use in guiding our country.
Doris Kesler No, too many people are Christian in name only. One cannot live the Christian way without being Christian in life as well as in name. It is only by changing in heart and action as well as name that we can become true Christians.
Gloria Conard No. the controlling portion of society is not living according to Christian principles. The core of the problem is that people do not live according to the Christian law of love.
Bill Daggett
Letter To The Editor
After reading last week’s edi-torial, I had a guilty conscience. Upon going to the mirror, existing to see myself in a striped garb, and a number of four or five letters across my chest, my hair not combed, and without a pair of shoes, I found myself dissappoint-ed.
Then I went back and read the editorial again. and drew some conclusions. Some of them are as follows.
Upon thinking of the first phrase, "OH BAREFOOT MCPHERSON COLLEGE.” and how crude a reputation we here at McPherson College have, I thought immediately of the different cultures that wo have come from and what different cultures we live In.
Then my mind goes back to our good Brethren in the East, where students seem to be compelled to wear suits to college chapel. If this is wearing shoes and being refined, I am not sure that I am ready for it. Rather if we stop and think or men and women who have graduated from McPherson and given their contribution to life, we see many have made a huge success.
Many of my thoughts are coming from a recent conference which I attended where all Brethren schools were represented. Hero I saw something of which I was very proud. Any time the easterners wanted anything done, or there was work to do the barefoot westerners seemed to be the first and sometimes the only ones to answer the call.
However, it was alarming the way some of the westerners went about it.
I am in no way trying to com-pensate for the damage done, nor do I have any apologies for some of the incidents that have happen-ed in recent days in the boys’ dormitory. In fact I will be very happy when men, will no longer be boys, but rather live as they will have to live in modern society.
I do want to say that I am 100 per cent behind the Student Court and no one will be happier than I when students have grown enough to have complete student government.
Many of the fellows have realized their mistake, and have learned from it. Much of the damage has been token care of and the rest is in the process of being fixed.
In my estimation, if the people who invested money in Fahne-Stock Hall were to return today they would not see the dorm "hoary with age,” but a dormitory of beauty. They would find a dormitory where friendship is number one, a dormitory that is excelled by few.
I am sure that their faces would not turn red. but would light up with joy to see they had made an investment of lasting endurance in this generation and the next.
It is my opinion that "Altho out on broad Kansas’ plains" we students have a great job to do.
I am very happy to be a student at McPherson College, and would exchange places with no one for another campus.
If the time has come to wear shoes, lets us make sure we get them on the right feet.
The opinions expressed in this column are those of the contributors, and not necessarily those of either McPherson College or the Spectator.
The world as a whole, I think is closer to the Christian goal than It was a 100 years ago, but it is still far from living completely by Christian principles. The Christian outlook must be sharpened through example by the devout Christians of the world.
David Metzler. It is my opinion that all people, including myself, are not living according to Jesus' principles. That is, we are not yielding the possibilities of a Christian existence.
I believe that if we are to live according to Christs' principles we must use dully scripture and prayer to live as he did.
Donald Ford No. Let each individual start with himself.
Cosette Wareham No, because people do not follow the fundamental Christian idea, love for one’s fellow man. We must seek, by peaceful means, to reeducate the Godless people whose greed is the major cause of our present trouble.
Anonymous No, we realize war is futile and we want more and more to practice the commandments "Thou shalt not kill" and "Love thy neighbor as thyself.’’
Helen Hood No. We can restore Christian principles to daily life by practicing them.
Robert Boyer I believe that most people live by some Christian principles, but some attain a higher degree of realization of them than others.
"Seek and ye shall find: knock and it will be opened unto you" is the basis of restoring these principles to us.
Sylvus Flora
I do not think that people are living according to Christian principles-to their full capacity. Many people do live a Christian life constantly, but more do not.
I believe a more active part in the work of the church would solve the problem to a great extent. Merely attending church is not enough.
Jerry Hill
No. The two most important things to help people live more nearly to Christian principles are prayer and striving to live a Christian life and to help others to do so. too.
Holy Land Authority Speaks To Bible Class
World wide traveler and lectur-er. Theodore Jacgman, who has recently returned from the Holy Land, lectured to the 10:25 Bible class, Dec. 11.
No nation can endure on agriculture alone. They must have something, such as manufacturing, to keep them going. The Holy Land countries around the Dead Sea are extracting magnesium choloride from the minerals found in the Dead Sea. Because of its great strength and light weight, magnesium is in demand the world over. This is an important development in the economic life of the people who live in the Holy Land countries. Mr. Jackman explained.
The Spectator FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 1950
Dr. James Bryant Conant, President of Harvard, line proposed a sterner, more all-inclusive program for Universal Military Service than any yet brought forward, according to a communique received from LOOK magazine.
His plan, which would exempt no young men whatever (whether physically handicapped or not.) in the 18-20 year age group, has for the post few weeks been the subject of serious discussion among the small group of educators. scientists and military men to whom Dr. Conant has made it known.
It will undoubtedly receive early and intense scrutiny in the new session of Congress.
The communique says that in the Dec. 19 issue of LOOK Dr. Con-ant will describe his proposal for the first time to the general public. He is aware that the plan if accepted, will affect many undergraduates and all young men contemplating a college education.
The New York World-Telegram and Sun. Tuesday, Nov. 14, had this to say about the forthcoming article: "Dr. Conant’ statement— is expected to raise a storm of controversy in scientific, educational and government manpower circles. Copies have been circulated among some of these people already and discussion is widespread.
"It is in direct conflict with a plan sponsored by Selective Service Director Lewis B. Hershey for deferment of some college students."
Dr. Conant contends in his article that such a two year period of service as he proposes is a sacrifice demanded by the extreme peril of the times.
Charles W. Cole. President of Amherst College, will oppose Dr. Conant's views on this question in another issue of LOOK magazine.
Bulldog Barks
Volume 7 of the Americana Encyclopedia.
McPherson College Library is purchasing a new edition of the Americana Encyclopedia. Miss Virginia Harris, librarian, has asked that students check to see whether they can help locate volume 7 of the present set which has been missing a month.
The old set of the Americana is to be traded in on the 1950 edition, and the missing volume is needed at once.
While there is infection in disease and Borrow, there is nothing in the world quite so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.—Charles Dickens
American Youth Hostels Awards Travel Scholarship
New York, Dec. 3—A scholarship trip to Europe next summer, with all expenses paid, will be awarded to the person who writes the best essay entitled, “Why I Would Like To Go Hosteling in Europe,” it was announced yesterday by officials of American Youth Hostels.
The winner in nation-wide competition for this trip will join one of the supervised groups sponsored by AYH and will spend eight weeks abroad.
The wild rush of getting ready to go home for Christmas has started again. The smell of pines and the scramble of hiding packages when certain friends come in the room is evident on every floor of the dorm.
A birthday party In honor of Phyllis Johnson was held on Wednesday night in Carole Huffman and Mary Ellen Yoder's room. Lunch consisted of ice cream bars and fudgsicle.
The students on Macampus were all congratulating Joan Pinther and George Keim on their coming marriage.
Due to Prof, Dell’s taking his Industrial arts class to Kansas City for the weekend, two fourth floor girls of Arnold, were widows for one whole weekend. They have our deepest sympathy.
Doris Roesch and Dale Snyder spent Saturday in Wichita shopping.
Irwin Porter's and Rowena Neh-er’s parents visited Macampus on Sunday.
A slumber party took place in Winifred Reed and Martha Jo Rhode's room on Friday night. Guests wore Donna Wagoner and Phyllis Johnson.
A study party was held in Mary Caster and Alice Flory’s room on
Carolers Play, Sing, Eat During SCA Yule Party
"Do you have 10 beans?" "Have you lost any beans?” "Are you with him tonight?” "Can you be caught in this game by nodding your head?"
Everybody was a questioneer Saturday evening, Deceber 9, about 8 o'clock, at the gathering of the carolers.
Beryl McCann and Esther Moh-ler informed the group as they came together at the gymnasium that, if they said anything meaning yes or no. they would have to forfeit a bean to whomever heard them.
The group of carolers, led by Doris Coppock and Betty Byers proceeded to carol homes of faculty and church members.
Upon arriving at The Doghouse, for refreshments the group sang "I Love You Truly” to Joan Pinth-er and George Keim to congratulate them on their forthcoming marriage.
Everyone then devoured donuts and cocoa served by the refreshment committee.
The Christmas caroling party wus sponsored by the SCA. The social committee. Donna Sooby and Eldon Coffman, planned the party. Marilue Bowman, Maxine Hanley, and Phyllis Johnson were on the refreshment committee.
While in all things that we see or do, we are to desire perfection, and strive for it. we are neverthe-, less not to set the meaner thing, in its narrow accomplishment, above the nobler thing, in its mighty progress: not to esteem smooth minuteness above shattered majesty; not to prefer mean victory to honourable defeat; not to lower the level of our aim, that we may the more surely enjoy the Ruskin
Wednesday night. Those that were there and got their English done were Donna Wagoner. Betty Byers, Joan Pinther, Bertha Landis, Yvonne Birkin and Barbara Beck.
Many Mac students attended the all school skating party on Friday night. Some complaints were heard the next day of stiffness. We wonder why?????
Second floor girls had a party for Alice Flory on Sunday night in honor of her 18th birthday.
Zeller Says That Inequity Of War Is To Be Feared More Than Communism
"As I see it, it la not the evils of communism but the Inequity of war Itself that we have to come to grips with in the modern world,” Rev. Harry Zeller said to the SCA Thursday evening. Dec. 7, in the SUR.
Reverend Zeller continued by saying that the ultimate struggle is not capitalism or democracy against socialism or communism, but it is against the evils of war itself.
Quoting Mr. Cabot Lodge. U. S. senator. Mass., Reverend Zeller stated "believe me, colleagues, the Russians are not smart enough to have produced the confusion that is in the world today."
"All the nations of the world have contributed to this confusion by being so worried, troubled, and scared by communism that they will not come to grips with the real trouble—war. Reverend Zeller continued.
"The councils of war in our government will not get rid of wars until Christians the world over buck society, pay the extreme price, and refuse to shoot,” Zeller explained.
"We will never lick communism by war". Reverend Zeller disclosed.” War only makes the seedbeds for communism; war is one of the causes of unemployment distress, personal anguish and hunger. It is upon these conditions that communism thrives."
Rec. Council Has Christmas Party At Dr. Bittinger’s
The Recreational Council held its annual Christmas party in the recreation room of Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger's home Monday evening.
Ruth Peckover and Jack Sheaf fer, who were in charge of the entertainment for the evening, started the party off with a sock relay between the boys and the girls.
Bill Daggett and David Metzler entertained the group with a debate on "there ain't no Santa Claus."
Elsie Kindley led the group in many of the old and new Christmas songs and carols.
Professor Dell, sponsor of the Rec. Council, gave a talk on what the average person thinks about on -Christmas.
The social closed with refreshments of popcorn and hot chocolate served to the group by the refreshment committee which consisted of Wilda Minnix and Harold Smith.
Jackman Talks ‘On Near East
Dr. Theodore Jackman, authority on the Near East, spoke to Macollege students, Monday, Dec. 11. He described the situation of the Arabs and the Jews in and near Palestine.
Dr. Jackman said that United States leaders are partly to blame for the troubled condition in the area of Palestine. "A Fifth Freedom has come out from Washington in recent years—freedom from thinking."
He went on to say. "If there are people who are turning to Communism. do not blame them, but blame us . .. We have our responsibilities as thinking Americans to admonish our leaders in Washington how to carry out our International affairs.”
Jackman feels that the Jewish people are earnestly striving to develop a democratic government. "They are resolved to have democracy, social justice, and progress.”
Concerning the internationalization of Jerusalem. Jackman said, "It will not work. Neither the Jews nor the Arabs want it.”
The traveler stated that the Arabs do not like the Jewish democratic way; they feel that democracy is dangerous to their way of life.
Dr. Jackman discussed the history of the United Nations in Palestine. tracing the background of present conditions.
Jackman is a minister, commentator. and lecturer. His visit to Palestine was only one of many extensive tours.
Hosteling derives its name from the low-cost overnight accommodations, “hostels," available to those with hostel passes traveling by bicycle or hiking. Hostelers carry their clothing in saddlebags on their bicycles or in packs on their backs and frequently prepare their own food. Their expenses seldom exceed $1.50 a day.
He will have his choice of trips to the British Isles, Central Europe or France, and the Rhineland.
The British Isles trip includes visits to London, Cambridge, the highlands of Scotland, Loch Lomond, Wales, Belfast, and Dublin. The itinerary of the France and England trip includes 10 days in Brittany, a week in Paris and brief stays in London, Stratford-on-Avon, and Oxford.
Countries covered in the Central Europe trip are Germany, Aus-tria, France, and Switzerland.
Regardless of which group the winner selects he will sail about June 15, and will return about Sept. 1. Going as a member of an AYH group means that he will cover some distances by train and ship, but that the greater part of his trip will consist of hosteling.
Competition for the trip is open to US citizens who will have reach-ed the age of 17 by Puly 1, 1951.
Entrants may use any number of words they choose in their essays up to 1,000. Entries must be post-marked no later than April 13, 1931. The winner wil be notified by mail within, two weeks and his name will be announced in the Summer, 1951 issue of Hosteling magazine.
Full information and application forms for the scholarship may be obtained from National Headquarters. American Youth Hostels. C East 39th Street. New York 16, N. Y.
'Civilization ceases when we no longer respect and no longer put into their correct places the fundamental values, such as work, family and country; such as the individual, honor and religion.— R. P. Lebret Of all the forces that make for a better world, none is so indispensable, none so powerful, as hope. Without hope men are only half alive. With hope they dream and think and work. — Charles Sawyer
The Spectator 3
FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 1950
Oslo U. Again Has Summer Session For Americans
The annual Summer School for American Students at the Universally of Oslo, in Norway has been announced by University authorities. The 1951 session will be the fifth consecutive one, and will be held in Oslo, from June 23 - August 4.
Once again all arrangements will be handled by an American committee, and applications for entrance can be secured from the Oslo Summer School Admissions Office at St. Olaf College in North-field, Minnesota.
Some 250 American students will be admitted. All applicants must have completed at least two college years by June of 1951. Applications must be received at the Admissions Office not later than April 1. Notification of action on the application will be mailed shortly after that date.
The University of Oslo will provide lecturers and guarantee the educational standards of the courses, which will be conducted in English. The main emphasis this summer will be on courses pertaining to Norwegian culture. There will also be courses offered on the social, economic, and political situation in the Scandinavian countries.
Bulldogs Win One Lose One On Trip
(Mo.) 57-53.
Baker is another double loser so tar this season. The Wildcats have lost to Peru (Neb.) 79-56, and Washburn 69-56.
Ottawa has a 1-1 record so far this year, having lost to Missouri Valley 59-48 and defeated Central (Mo.) 71-70. Bethany is currently leading the conference in all games played with a 4-0 record. The Swedes have wins over Tabor. Doane (Neb.). Concordia (Neb.), and Rockhurst. The conference standings as of Tuesday, no conference games having been played. were;
indications is doing an excellent Job. Carlson’s total of 80 leads the conference by a wide margin. Next high is Dudley Giese, sophomore ace from Ottawa, with 55 points. Wayne Bllckenstaff is sixth in the standings with 39 points, however Wayne’s average is better than several above him because he has only played two games at the time this goes to print.
The Top Ten
I hear they had a big fight at the party last night. Were you mixed up in it?"
"No, I just sat tight all evening."
The McPherson College Bulldogs edged out the St. Benedicts College Ravens at Atchison Tuesday night by a score of 55-54. in a game that saw the Bulldogs take the lead early in the game and never give It up. The Bulldogs proved to all concerned that they were not to be counted out of the conference flag race this year.
Early In the game. McPherson took the lead and at the end of the first period, they held the long end of a 18-12 score. By half time they had stretched their lead to 35-24. When the whistle blew ending the third period, the Bulldogs were resting easily on a 48-35 lead, but the Ravens closed the gap in he final quarter and as the game ended, the Bulldogs held only a slim one point lead. Loren Blickenstaff led the scoring for McPherson with 16 points and he was followed very close by Bob Bechtel with 14. Wayne Blicken-staff with 10 and Gene Smith with 9. Peters led the Raven scoring with 19 counters.
With some of the conference teams meeting common foes, we are able to get a line on how the different teams may compare in the coming conference flag chase.
Bethel made everyone stop and take a second look when they romped to a 68-33 win over Tabor last week. The win over Tabor was not such an outstanding feat, but the fact that Tabor had held Bethany to a two point margin 44-42 makes Bethel look very good. It might seem that the Graymaroons are about ready to throw off the sack cloth and come out of the lower regions of the conference.
Another lowly team of past campaigns may be rising from the dust. College of Emporia has a 1-2 record thus far in the still young round ball season. The Presbies have taken it on the chin from Southwestern 52-48, been humbled by Wm. Jewel 73-71. and beaten Rockhurst 63-51. The two defeats the Presbies have suffered have been close affairs and they should have lost no prestige because of them.
Kansas Wesleyan, defending champs, are still looking for their first win. The Coyotes have lost to Washburn 68-67, and to Central
The McPherson College Bulldogs dropped the second game of their road trip Wednesday night at Bloomington. Ill. Illinois Wesleyan handed the Bulldogs their second defeat of the season as they staged a second half scoring spree while holding the Bulldogs to a lone field goal.
The final score was 64-37. The Bulldogs led 30-25 as they entered the second half, but the Illinois team poured in 39 points to McPhersons 7 the last frame. Wayne Blickenstaff's field goal was the only one of the last half for McPherson.
Lane and Sturgeon hit 14 each for Illinois. Loren Blickenstaff notched 12 and Wayne Blickenstaff and Gene Smith counted 9 each for McPherson.
One big reason that the Bethany Swedes are still unbeaten, is Bill Carlson. The all-conference footballer has tossed in 80 points in the Swedes first four games for a torrid 20 point average. Bill, though only 5’ 11", plays the post for Coach Ray Hahn, and from all
The lntra-mural basketball league will start Its first games on Wednesday. January 3. Four games will be played each night on Monday. Wednesday, and Thursday Nights.
Fourteen teams are entered in the program this year. The teams and their team rosters are as follows:
TRIPLE P'8 — E. D. Ikenber-ry, Norman Brammell, Merlin Miller, Roland Kessler, Bernard Eb-bert, Kenneth Evans, and Lowell Hoch.
INDIANS — Bob Halloway. Capt: Elmer Fike, Don Fike, Wilbur Bastin, Vernon Merkey, and D. R. Merkey.
STUDENT MINISTERS—Harold Smith. Captain; Bill Daggett, Don Speaker, Dave Metzler, Albert Rogers, Loren Frantz, Syl-vus Flora, and Beryl McCann.
PREYING EIGHT—Ken Pritchett, Captain; Ken McMurray, Bobby Roberts, Jack Lennon, Don Anderson, Chuck Petefish, Carl Harris, and Dick Mason.
THE LEFTOVERS—Irwin Porter. David Brammell, Ray Walker, Dick King, Don Wagoner, Ed Wagoner, Fred Goenner, and Bob Augsburger.
HIGH FLYERS—Pote. Forbes. Glenn Gayer, Thornton, M. Fish-burn. Ned Zook, J. Stucky, and Fulkerson.
INTERNATIONAL— Kuki Vi. Tumu, Lickhite, Hodson, Ali Moht, Gordon Bane, and Gerhard Sieg-mund-Schultxe.
Tuesday—KWU at Southwestern. McPherson at St. Benedicts.
Wednesday—McPherson at Illinois Wesleyan.
Thursday—C. of E. at Missouri Valley.
Friday—McPherson at Manchester (Ind.), C. of E. at Wm. Jewell, Warrensburg at Ottawa.
Saturday—Bethel at Parsons J. C., Ottawa at Wm. Jewell.
THE GAL'S GUYS—Bob Wil-Bon and Gerald Neher, Captains: Ivan Nicholson, Glen Nicholson, Jake Scheaffer, Merton Ikenberry,
D. A. Crist, and Robert Watkins.
THE JO-FO’S—Howard Mehl-
inger, Captain; Don Slovens, Roland Delay, George Goff,,George Keim, and Joe Pate.
PENDERGAST BOYS — Bill Frantz, Captain; Don West. Dick Horning, Lloyd Hummer, Marion Gentry, Wayne Oak, and Lawrence Lowrey.
SKINKS — Ed Bunker, Jerry Irons, Dossett, Pattison, and John Robison.
THE CORNHUSKERS — Dale Oltman, Captain; Max Dowdy, Deo Shank, Byron Frantz, Gilford Ikenberry, Clair Baldner, Glendon Button, and Harvey Miller.
IMPS OF SATAN—Bill Tolle, Captain: Marlin Walters. Don
Smith, Benny Wegley, Bill Roderick,LeeRoy Schapansky, Dale Snyder, and Keith Rickner.
THE FACULTY—Dick Ware-ham, Captain; “Woody" Woodard, Guy Hayes, Jack Kough, Bob Mays, Harry Zeller, Leo Patton, Gordon Yoder. Raymond Flory.
E. S. Hershberber, Dean Coughen-our, Don Frederick, and Roy Mc-Auley.
On Wednesday night, January 3, the play begins with the Corn-huskers vs the Triple P's followed by the Faculty vs Student Ministers. The Gal's Guys vs the Skinks, and the High Flyers vs the Preying 8. The following night, the Imps of Satan play the Pen-dergast Boys, The Indians play the Leftovers. International vs the Jo-Fo's and the High Flyers vs the Tripple P’s.
"She certainly has developed a big head.”
"She needs it, to support her two faces.” _
Mother: Where do bad little girls go?
Daughter: Most everywhere.
You probably heard about the cross-eyed professor who had no control of his pupils.
"Daddy, don’t witches make their brew any more?"
"Sure, only nowadays we call it coffee."
The McPherson College Bulldogs will wind up their four game road trip with games with Manchester College tonight and Saturday night.
Plans' originally called for a Brethren College tourney to be held at Manchester, with McPherson, Manchester. Bridgewater and Elizabethtown competing. For reasons not yet explained the two eastern colleges. Bridgewater and Elizabethtown, withdrew from the tourney.
* Rather than cancel the road trip they had planned, the Bulldogs are going to meet Manchester in a couple of games anyway in place of the tournament.
The McPherson Bulldogs will be meeting a strong team as they go against the Manchester Spartans. The Spartans have beaten a Western Michigan team which put the clamps on Iowa U.. rated in the first ten of the nation at the start of the season. The Spartans have been beaten by Indiana State, but this is no disgrace as the Indiana State consistently has a strong basketball team.
Coach Woodard took ten men on the trip to Manchester. They are; Loren Blickenstaff, Wayne Blick-enstaff, Dale Carpenter, Bob Bechtel, Earl Grindle, Frank Han-ngarne, Duane Jamison, Bill Moore, Tommy O’Dell and Gene Smith.
The Spectator 4
FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 1950
The McPherson College "B” team defeated the Tabor College ' ”B" team 70 to 57 Monday night at Hillsboro. Harvey Pauls led the victors in scoring with 30 points and Bob Peel and Carl Metzler hit 14 and 12 respectively. Klas-sen hit 19 and Thomas added 12 to lead the Tabor team. Bob Kerr and Clive Sharp as well as several other ‘‘B’’ players played outstanding floor games and looked very good on the rebounds.
He: Ah-h-h!
She: What is it. Roscoe?
He: There is a certain reason why I love you!
She: My goodness!
He: Don’t be absurd!