Kansas' premiere performance of the Christmas Oratorio, by Camil Van Hulse is to be presented Sunday evening, Dec. 10, at 7:30 in the McPherson Church of the Brethren. Eleven soloists and one hundred twenty voices in five choirs, under the baton of Prof. Donald R. Frederick, will present the opus for mixed chorus and organ. The work includes soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, and baritone soloists, a children's choir, and a narrator. McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, December 8, 1950 No. 12 Neher Becomes New BSCM President; 1951 Conference To Convene In McPherson Gerald Neher, Macollege junior from Oswego, Kans., was elected to the 1950-51 presidency of the BSCM cabinet at the annual Brethren Student Christian Movement conference in Bridgewater, Va., last week, and the Jayhawkers bid to hold the 1951 conference in the Sunflower state on Macampus was accepted. Thirty-seven delegates from the "barefoot" colleges west of the Mississippi swung the balloting to elect the Kansas dairyman to office. Neher will automatically become a member of the National Youth Cabinet in 1951. Other officers elected were vice president Bob Hoover LaVerne: and secretary-treasurer Terry Clingenpeel, Manchester. On Thanksgiving afternoon 157 college students registered at Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Va. for the conference. The host school placed 30 conferees on the record, and McPherson notched a close second with 29, La Verne College, La Verne, Calif. had seevn delegates; Manchester College, North Manches-ter, Ind. 24. Juniata, Huntingdon. Penn 20. There are no exact figures present on the number from E-town, Elizabethtown, Penn, or Bethany Seminary, Chicago, Ill. Several also registered from non-Brethren schools. Women were lodged in three year old Blue Ridge Hall, the ladies' dorm, and the men stayed in Yount and Waldo Halls. Throughout the conference which ran Nov. 23-26, different schools were responsible for worship and recrational programs. The Kansas delegation provided the worship service Thursday evening and the recreational program Saturday night. This year the group conducted a clothing project and collected garments from Bridgewater and nearby towns, for relief. Another project consisted of a clean-up job on a Brethren church near Bridgewater. Thursday evening the host school served refreshments to all conference visitors. Miss Weybright of Bridgewater’s music faculty presented a half honr concert of organ music Sa t-urday evening. Closing moments of the 1950 conference followed the communion service early Sunday morning. The dome of the United States Capitol poses in the background as the BSCM delegates stand on the steps of the Senate Wing of the capitol building. In the back row may be seen Rev. and Mrs. DeWitt Miller, formerly of McPherson. To the lower left are Jack Kough, Congressman Reese, Congressman George, Senator Schoeppel, and Senator Darby. Alpha Psi Omega Conducts Initiation Alphia Psi Omega, international honorary dramatic fraternity, will hold its annual initiation Tuesday. December 12, in the SAR. The initiates will meet at 6 o'clock to begin the formal ceremonies. Each new member must learn the names and symbols of the Greek Alphabet and a selection of not less than 12 lines from Shakespeare. Initiates include Don Shultz. Esther Mohler, Wayne Ziegler, Kath-lyn Larson, Dean Cotton, and Margaret Daggett. Prof. Roy McAuley and Prof. Della Lehman will conduct the procedures. Committee Plans Skate For Tonight A skating party for all Macoll-ege students will be held tonight at the McPherson Roller Rink from 7:30-9:30. According to the social commit-tee which has planned the event, all interested skaters who need transportation to the rink, are to meet in front of Sharp Hall before 7:30 The admission price is expected to be the regular rate of 25 cents per person. Kansas Senator Entertains BSCM Delegation In Washington, D. C. Christmas Progran This year the Christmas program usually given as a chapel program will be held in the college church on Friday, Dec. 15, at 8:15 a. m. This program is especially for the college students, and it is hoped that the manner in which it is to be conducted will become a traditional pattern on the McPherson campus. Dr. Bitttnger will give the message, and both the Chapel Choir and the ladies' trio will sing. Carols will be played on the organ during the 20 minutes preceding the service. Choirs participating in the performance are the McPherson College A Cappella Choir, Chapel Choir, and Church Choir; the McPherson Church of the Brethren Choir; and the McPherson Church of the Brethren Children’s Choir. Mrs. Lloyd Larsen will serve as organist for the evening, with Miss Anne Krehbiel, pianist, Mr. Raymond Flory, reader, and Mr. A. Earle Lapp, administrative assistant. Soloists for the initial presentation will be Mr. Gilford Ikenberry. baritone; Mr. Harold Beam, tenor; Mr. Max McAuley, baritone, Mr. A. Earle Lapp, tenor; Miss Anita Rogers mezzo-soprano; Mrs. Byron Frantz, soprano; Miss Claudia Jo Stump, mezzo-soprano; Mrs. Richard Wareham, soprano; Mr. Beryl McCann, baritone: Mr. Keith Allison, tenor; and Mr. Irven Stern, baritone. Seven-Part Program The program is written in seven parts; No. I Prologue: Organ and narrator, No. 11. Prophecies: Mr. Ikenberry, Mr. Beam, and Chorus, III. Hope: Mr. McAuley, Mr. Lapp, Miss Rogers, Chorus, and Narrator IV. Expectations: Mr. Lapp, Mrs. Frantz, Miss Stump, Chorus, and Narrator. V. Fulfillment: Narrator, Children's Choir, Mrs. Wareham, and Chorus VI. Adoration: Narrator, Mr. Beam, Mrs. Wareham. Children's Choir, Mr. McCann, Mr. Allison, Mr. Stern, and Chorus VII. Joy to the World: Chorus and Children's Choir. Mr. Van Hulse, composer of the Oratorio, is a native of Belgium. He studied at the Royal Flemish Conservatory of Antwert, at which he obtained a royal medal, and diplomas in piano and composition. He came to the United States in 1923. and concertized in North and South America a pianist and organist, later settling in Tuscon, Arizona, serving there in the St. Peter and Paul church as organist and choirmaster. Mr. Van Hulse is an active concert pianist, organist, choir director, teacher, sympohony conductor, and composer. He has composed in all forms except opera. His chamber music and organ works have been performed by artists, and his works have been awarded first prizes in 10 contests for composi-tion. “Beatitudes” Wins Acclaim More than any other, his choral and organ works have made his name known from coast to coast. His cantata "The Beatitudes” won immediate acclaim after publication and placed fifth in a popularity poll for choral works conducted by The Diapason less than one year after its first publication. His newest work. "The Christmas Oratorio,” is a blending of the modern with the classic. Prof. Donald R. Frederick Daggett Attends Youth Meeting In Elgin, Ill. Bill Daggett, president of the Church of the Brethren youth organisation in the Western Region, left Wednesday to attend a meeting of the National Youth Cabinet in Elgin, Ill. Sessions of the meeting are being held in the Fellowship House in Elgin. They will end Sunday noon. Don Snider Is the National Youth Advisor. |
Holy Land Authority Speaks Mon. Dr. Theodore Jackman, educator, world traveler, radio commentator, middle east authority, and Executive director of the Palestine Research Institute, is to appear on the campus Monday. Dr. Jackman, acclaimed as one of the outstanding authorities on religious antiquities in the Holy Land, and a leading photographer of Biblical scenes, will speak at the morning chapel service, and will attend some classes. At 7:30 p.m. he will give an illustrated lecture on “The Promised Land." Lecture topics for Monday morning are "Arabs and Jews in the Holy Laud," and "Ancient and Modern Palestine." A fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of London, England, Dr. Jackman has spent six years in observation and study of the Biblical archaeology and topography of the Holy Land. He completed a course of study at the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem. His private collection of Biblical Antiquities relating to the confirmation and accuracy of Holy Writ is among the most complete in the world. Dr. Jackman has been interested in the Palestine of today as well as in Biblical Antiquity. He has spent considerable time among the Arabs and Jews, and has lived with the Jewish colonists in their settlements scattered over the otherwise desolate and waste land of Palestine. Fraternity' Awards Points For ‘The Fool’ Macampus' chapter of Alpha Psi Omega. International honorary dramatic fraternity, awarded production points for "The Fool" at a meeting Monday. Initiation into Alpha Psi Omega honors those Players Club members who participate in enough projects to accumulate 50 achievement points in both acting and producing plays. The present organization has eight members: Esther Mohler: Don Shultz: Kathlyn Larson; Wayne Zeigler; Dean Cotton; Prof. Della Lehman; Prof. Roy McAuley, honorary member; and Margaret Daggett, who became eligible after the last production. Margaret Daggett is the only new member admitted by the recent production of Pollock s "The Fool". The one-act plays to come after Christmas will bring more new members. Dale Oltman stands nearest the requirements with 47 points followed by Doris Roesch with 45 and Doris Kesler with 40. Awards are made on the basis of merit in acting and staging. Dependability inwork and ability in dramatics determine the final point award. For the past production, awards were made of 5, 10, 15, and 20 points. Those receiving 20 points were: Dolores Sigle, LeeRoy Schapansky, Marlin Walters, Wayne Hutchison, and Bryce Miller. Fifteen points were awarded: Margaret Daggett, Mildred Snow-berger, Claudio Jo Stump, Miriam Keim, Marllee Grove, Dale Oltman, D. R. Merkey, Bob Holloway, Eldon Coffman, Joe Kennedy, Eugene Neff, Rowena Neher, Marilyn Roe, and Doris Roesch. Awards of 10 points went to Martha Jo Rhodes, Phyllis Johnson, Donald Hiebert, Barbara Mar-chand, Bill Kidwell, Bob Wilson, Doris Kesler, and Hue Smith. Members of the mob were awarded five points. They are: Maxine Hanley, Bob Peel, Eddie Ball, and Robert Koehn. |
Calendar Dec. 9, All School Christinas party Dec. 10, Christmas Oratorio Dec. 12, basketball—St. Benedict. there Dec. 13. basketball — Illinois Wesleyan, there Dec. 15-16 Brethren basketball tournament at Manchester College, North Manchester, Ind. Dec. 15 Christmas Vacation be-gins Dec. 26-30 Recreational Workshop |
VOL. XXXV Genetics Class Visits State Training School Genetics class members are in Winfield, Kans.. today visiting the State Training School. Those making the trip are: Ellis Albright, John Ferrell, Miriam Keim, Beryl McCann, Wilda Min-nix, Reza Mofarah, Nasser Yazdi, Gerald Neher, Albert Rogers, James Shaeffer, Dale Snyder, and Ali Mohit. Thirty-seven travelers and two bus drivers made the best of a lashing snow blizzard last week and saw the capitol city of the US almost free of charge, thanks to Kansas' Senator Harry K. Darby who took the group under his wing and provided two meals, sightseeing tours, and a nights’ lodging. Macollege and La Verne's homeward bound BSCM conference delegation found all roads snow-choked out of Virginia except the route to Washington D. C. Sunday evening the group was entertained by the Washington City Church of the Brethren and provided with blankets for sleeping on the floor of the sanctuary. Newspapers received the word of the collegiates' arrival and sent reporters and photographers to the church. Kansas’ Senator Harry Darby (R) read the press releases and took over entertainment of his homestate group for the remainder of the day. After breakfasting with the Kansans in the church basement, the Senator invited the entire group to his office in which his aide presented a program of sightseeing for the day. Military police escorts preceded the bus to the Mellon Art Gallery in which a specially conducted tour was held: and to the Smithsonian Institute. Darby served lunch to the group at noon in the Vandenberg room of Players Prepare To Organize Club The Players Club met Wednes-day at 6:45 to discuss a definite organization and to name a committee which would select one act plays for production. For the past two years, this organization has been only a name and its members changed with every new production. It is the aim of the group to establish a lasting character in the organization for the purpose of education. fellowship, and enjoyment in play production. |
the capitol building, and a lobster dinner was served in the evening at the Madrillon Club. As a courtesy to the guests from the sunflower state, the orchestra played "I'm a Sunflower— The women were lodged overnight in the Emery Hotel and the men in the YMCA. Debaters Battle In Newton Meet Macollege debaters will partici-pate in a Bethel College tournament this afternoon and tomorrow at Newton, Kansas. The entire squad of six teams will leave from Sharp Hall today at 1 p. m. They will go in two cars. They will come home late tonight and return again early tomorrow morning. Debate coach Ray McAuley is to accompany the group. This tournament ends a week of practice for the six teams. Monday at 6:30 Speaker and Kennedy debated Neher and Kidwell. Prof. Roy McAuley heard Alallima and Hamsher Wednesday at 2:15. Prof. Maurice Hess heard Olt-man and-Cotton battle Bechtel and Zeigler Wednesday at 4:05. Two debates Thursday featured Neher and Kidwell vs. Pinther and Akers at 2:15 and Bechtel and Ziegler vs. Alallima and Hamsher at 6:30 p. m. Harry Zeller Gives Address At Foodless Banquet A Mother Hubbard Banquet was served by the college CBYF on Sunday, Dec. 3. Rev. Harry Zeller gave the banquet address. Jack Kough and Prof. Donald Frederick assisted with the program. The Brotherhood Fund project of the college CBYF was given a financial boost by the banquet. |
Discussion Groups Play Major Part In Va. Conference Discussion groups were a major part of the BSCM conference held in Bridgewater, Va.. over Thanksgiving. The topics to be discussed were introduced by various speakers. The group then divided into 12 smaller units for discussion. Wayne G. Glick from Juniata College presented subject matter on the topic: "Are we responsible to God for every cent we spend?" He felt that God was definitely concerned, but that he was not a task master. There is a danger of being so concerned about the little items that we forget the bigger things. Glick pointed out. He also illustrated true religion in terms of a transition. "Is it possible to imitate Jesus" was the topic discussed by Olden Michell from Stauntion, Va. According to Olden the spltitual nature of Christ was predominate over his physical nature and in us the reverse is true. However, we can make Christ’s spiritual nature predominate over our physical nature. If we are to do the latter it is not possible to compromise with Christ. Glenn Weimer of South' Bend, Ind.. presented material on the subject "How can prayer become a dynamic "force in my life?" Glenn believed that a definite place to pray and a specific time to do so were important preparatory steps. Prayer should be a response to God. Distractions of the world around you should not be avoided, but weaved into your prayers. "Is Christ the only way" was introduced by Ed Ziegler from Bridgewater. He felt that Christ was the way not only because Christ said he was the way, but also because those who follow the way of Christ testify that It Is the only way. |
OH BAREFOOT McPHERSON COLLEGE! It is high time that thy students recognize the crude reputation which they rate throughout the brotherhood, shake the dung from their feet, hide the hair on their chests, forget adolescence and face this nasty business of dealing with juvenile collegians who aren't dry behind the ears.
In direct disharmony with the dreams of campus lead-ers for student government and for one union under God of the college organization, several men who are yet boys in mind and spirit have indulged in and committed stupid, dangerous acts.
They have willfully destroyed property, and endangered the safety and lives of others.
Because of the boys' actions it has become necessary to make public this expose of actions performed in new Fahnestock Hall.
Without mentioning any names, here is Case Number One before the Student Court: Subject: Willful destruc
tion of property and acts detrimental to the safety of others. Situation: On about Nov. 30 these two students of McPherson College took a 22 rifle and shot it several times into college property. The shooting occurred in room on
the second floor of Fahnestock Hall.
Two bullets were shot into the baseboard on the East side of the room. Two more were shot into the mattress on
bed. They went into the north side, tore through
the bottom of the mattress, and glanced off the west wall of the room knocking out portions of the plaster.
That is one example. On another occasion two fellows shot and allowed others to shoot a 22 rifle into the baseboard of their room, leaving 16 bullet holes in a space 23 inches long.
Another infant threw his shoulder several times against a door, broke the plaster loose, and left a 30 inch space next to the door minus plaster.
Three others shot a BB gun, breaking out lights, window panes, and lamps of the first floor of Fanny.
Still another fellow broke holes through the door to the supply room on the third floor.
Incredibly enough, there are still other cases of gross vandalism. Two freshmen poured cigarette lighter fluid in the hall on second floor for several feet, then touched a flame to it and allowed it to burn.
One “honest Abe” stole $4. worth of firecrackers from another student who at the time was attending the BOSM conference.
Nine “gentlemen” took two wastebaskets belonging to the college, filled them full of water, placed lighted firecrackers in such a way as to destroy the wastebasket and and allow the water to run over the floor. This was done allow the water to run over the floor. This was done third. The wastebaskets have been replaced.
It is rather interesting to note that most of the culprits are upperclassmen. The older we grow the dumber we get, I guess!
How some folks hearts must beat with joy to have read that their contributions to new Fanny have been flaunted in their faces. How they’re probably laughing to hear that the eight year old dorm already looks hoary with age.
One wonders what feeble trouble possesses the minds of college students when they resort to childish devilment and worse to obtain attention. From all indication, they'll get it—more than that for which they bargained.
To members of the constituency who read this and are alarmed, your concern is justified. However, may you not lose faith in the remainder of the college organization and its ability to deal effectively with the campus’ problem children.
To members of the student body who read this—the time is ripe to forget selfish loyalties to those who in such a manner step aside, and apply pressure to make them toe the mark.
Hope is not lost. Because of the guiding principles and inspiration of President Bittinger, a new baby, to be called Student Government, is about to be born.
The Student Court, the first limbs of Student Government, is now in action prosecuting the cases. Thank God for a few people with foresight and determination to help our school grow up and mature.
I have not enjoyed writing this, nor seeing it in print. But when conditions become such that life, studying, and the pursuit of decency are impaired on Macampus, then it’s time to bare the facts.
Perhaps the time is not far off when “O Sacred Truth” will become more than Freshman sport, or a hollow mockery to the Baker’s dozen in Fahnestock Hall.
R. L. K.
THEODORE JACKMAN, lecturer, world traveler, radio commentator and middle east authority, will appear in the college chapel Monday morning with lecture on the Holy Land. (Story on page one).
Chapel Committee Presents Film, ‘March Of Time’
A film, "The Machine Age of Man,” was shown to Macollege students on Monday. Dec. 4. The film depicted man’s search for happiness in this modern age, a search which is often still on a primitive level.
The film was secured by the Chapel Committee.
Della Lehman Entertains SCA Chapel
Miss Della Lehman gave a dra-malic reading in the SCA Chapel. Nov. 29. The reading told the story of a real success, the success of the commonplace.
The Ladles Trio sang a musical selection.
Dr. R. E. Mohler
If there has been one fact that has kept Protestantism from doing its greatest work in America it is the fact that the members of the different denominations have continued to stress their differences.
The various denominations of Protestantism have many more things in common, than they have differences. One of the most cheering signs in the church today la the fact that we are beginning to forget some of our differences and are facing together the tasks that the church should face.
The Constituting Convention of the National Connell of Churches of Christ in the United States of America was held at Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 28-Dec. 1. At this time 29 leading denominations of prot-estantism signed a charter agreeing to cooperate in any way that they can to promote the work of the church
These uniting denominations represent 32,000,000 members, and in signing as they have, some 12 cooperating organisations already in existance, have been united: such as the International Council of Christian Education.
The Federal Council of Churches, etc. These organisations no longer exist as such, hut are a part of the larger unit.
The National Connell is no attempt to unite denomination, nor to in any way destroy their identity, or to interfere with their own peculiar doctrines or beliefs.
It is a great effort in cooperation for the promotion of all good work, and to get men to forget their "sacred differences." Certainly the Christian world welcomes the birth of the new Connell.
The Spectator FRIDAY, DEC 8, 1950
Opinions expressed in this column are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of either McPherson College or the Spectator.
The many kind and motherly talks of Miss Neher and Miss Fee have given me the most benefit during my stay at this institution. —Norma Couch
I have received the most good from the McPherson athletic program.—Bill Moore
The things that have helped me the most to enjoy college life are my classes, and the extra-curricular activities offered here.—Orva Willems
I think that living in a dormitory and getting to know various types of people and their reactions is the best part of my college life. —Gloria Conard
This is a hard question to answer, but I believe that cutting classes and having dates is the apex of my college career.—Ward Ferguson
To me the best phase of going to college is my chance to engage in debate.—Geno Bechtel
I don't know what other people may think, but I receive the most good from my classes.—Bob Powell
Hell begins on the day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts which we have wasted, of all that we might have Glan-Carlo Menotti |
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council. |
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the art of March 3, 1897. |
Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50 Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas |
Bulldog Barksgirls had a fast game of football in the dorm Friday afternoon. One girl broke her finger nail and one hurt her back, but other than that, the game was comparitively peaceful. Rowena Ikenberry got caught on the fourth floor fire escape, shaking her rugs. Saturday morning. Gordon Yoder happened to be walking by, and poor Rowena, clad in red pajamas, wrapped her pink rugs about her and yelled for someone to PLEASE open the door. Freshmen girls taking part in the pep chapel skits Friday were Carole Huffman, Mary Ellen Yoder. Martha Jo Rhodes. Winifred Reed, Maxine Hanley, Marilyn Roe, Phyllis Johnson, Elsa Kurtz, Elsie Kindley, Martha Lucore, Ro-wena Merkey and June Blough. There were several carloads of loyal Mac students who went to the basketball game at Conway Springs last Friday. Gym Resembles Snowy Wonderland During Jr, Party Approximately 125 students turned out for the all-school party sponsored by the juniors in the gym on Saturday evening, Dec. 2. The theme of the party was “Winter Wonderland." Dale Carpenter served as master of ceremonies. The gym was decorated with a winter scene. Snowmen and snowbanks highlighted the gym. Refreshments were served through the window of a small house built beside the snowbank. Among the numbers on the program were a solo by Merton Iken-berry, duet by Claudia Jo Stump and Max McAuley, skit by several of the football players, piano solo ""by Berwyn Oltman, and group singing of winter and Christmas songs led by Doris Coppock. Barking Dogs Cop Seven Debates At Juco Tourney Macollege freshman-sophomore debaters won seven and lost six at the annual Hutchinson Juco tourney, Hutchinson, Kans.. last Friday and Saturday. Three teams, Mickey Akers and Joan Pinther, Gene Bechtel and Wayne Ziegler, Joe Kennedy and Berwyn Oltman, went to Hutchinson Friday and Saturday accompanied by debate coach Roy McAuley. Mickey Akers and Joan Pinther won debates from Tonkawa (Okla.) and Dodge City and lost to El Dorado and Hutchinson. Gene Bechtel and Wayne Ziegler defeated Hutchinson and St. John’s (Salina and lost to El Dorado and Emporia. One Tonkawa team and two St. John’s teams bowed out to Kennedy and Oltman who reached the quarter-finals only to lose to El Dorado. This El Dorado team went on to win the tourney. Thanks! Mrs. Slifer, manager of the cafeteria, wishes to thank the students who acted as Host and Hostesses during the regional conference. The long awaited bus from Bridgewater finally arrived last Thursday noon. The strange part is that among those who went some have little to say about the BSCM Conference. The trip to Washington D. C. is the topic for conversation. Marilue Bowman had an “ar-dent admirer" on the BSCM trip. It seems that the manager of the restaurant in which they ate Thanksgiving dinner, fell madly in love with Marline. But our true-blue girl remained unmoved, even under such caressing words as, "Are you happy, honey?** Delma Cline entertained a group of girls at her home last Sunday. The girls attended the Monitor Church dinner. They were Wilda Minnix, Lois Yoder, Esther Mahler, Margaret Daggett, Pat Patterson, Helen Hood, Hazel Sanger and the hostess, Delma. Lorene Clark and Ina Ditmars have begun to enjoy the Christmas spirit already. They have a Christmas tree in their room, decorated with colored electric lights. It lends the right atmosphere for the Christmas season. Charles Vancil visited in McPherson last weekend. Charles is the sister of Sara May Vancil. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore were visitors on campus the past week. Mrs. Moore is the former Doris Correll. Irwin Porter was the guest of Betty Murrey and her family last Saturday night and Sunday. Marilyn Hoe. Phyllis Johnson. Donna Wagoner, and Maxine Hanley attended a slumber party at the college farm, given by Velva Wagoner, last Friday night. A group of third and fourth floor girls were deciding the state of the union last Thursday night. The problem of the atomic bomb came up and Rowan Keim volunteered some startling information. When she and Bill get atomized and go to Heaven, they are going to form a volley ball team with Saint Peter. Did anyone notice the, obvious absence of the speaker's stand in Chapel last Wednesday? It very mysteriously disappeared' Some kind girls even went back and unsewed the chape! curtains so the chapel service could begin. It seems that our prankster was a very messy seamster (or seamstress). Mildred Beck went to her home In Nickerson. Kas., last weekend. Three ambitious fourth floor Pinther-Keim Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pinther. Nampa, Idaho, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Joan, to George Keim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Keim, also of Nampa. The couple plan to be married during Christmas vacation. Both Joan and George are freshmen at McPherson. George plans to con-tinue in school next semester The December issue of MADEMOISELLE reports that a knowledge of shorthand can net you an annual $364 more than typing alone. According to a Bureau or Labor Statistics survey of New York City office workers, stenos averaged $47 a week to the clerk-typists’ $40. And the N. Y. State Employment Service says it's having trouble finding stenographers to meet present demands. |
Apples, Coconuts, Stops, Exemplify Transient Living by Mildred Beck If you thing that has trips are boring and tiresome, you have never been on a 13 day bus trip, in which you slept, ate, and what have you. People are peculiar beings. They think, say, and do some crazy things, and the bus load that went to Bridgewater was no exception. When we started out from Mac. wo were determined to have a democracy. and this we did. We voted on every little thing. Of course In some instances we voted on the same thing three or four times Just so the front of the bus could get full benefit. It seems that those in the front of the bus felt a little left out when the rear of the bus got in the habit of making a motion, discussing it, and voting on it, and then informing the front of the bus of their unanimous decision. We voted so much that the last and foremost vote was that in no case would we vote anymore. Monotony in seating arrangement was one little detail that never bothered us. In our democratic way It was voted to rotate in a counter clockwise fashion at each rest stop. This worked just fine until night when you had to take your turn on the hack seat for throe periods, or at times when you had hopes of seeing the sights and were stranded on the back seat until the sights were over. The one time that it was legal to stay in the front, unless you were expecting to regurgitate any minute, was the time that you had the opportunity to take your turn to sit on the chair, which housed our 38th passenger on a 37 passenger bus. At night the rotation system was especially obliging. If you were lucky enough to get to sleep, you never had to worry about getting a stiff neck from staying in one position a long time, no sir, you didn't get to sleep that long, because we had an abundance of rest stops. Modesty! Its a great tiling, that is. until you go on a bus trip. We were very particular about where we had rest stops. The more filling stations the better. Satisfying our needs in the ten allotted minutes was next to an impossibility despite the fact that there be one or four Stations scattered here and there. Restaurant waiters, when they saw us descending upon their place of business, seemingly shuddered and ran. from the type of service we received in some. If we didn't want to take a leisurely two hour meal, getting only half of what we ordered, some of the more family minded members had to do little helpful acts, such as getting the silver, pouring the water, and last but not least, serving the food. Thanksgiving day found us one |
long table with the traditional big family seated about a great turkey dinner (specially priced at a $1 a head.) The establishment’s waitresses were doing a slow but sure job of serving us, but we were in need of speed, so when our group took over, their regular help just stood around and watched with wonder. I don't know if the speed was what shocked them or whether it was simply as the Easterners say our crudeness and aggressiveness. Prunes—apples—coconuts! For some reason our snack diet consisted of these three nourishing foods. Coconuts are not the easiest things in the world to eat, but with the fancy, facilities of the crank handle of the bus, pocket knives, and linker null files. I would estimate that at least nine coconuts were consumed on the return trip. Apples became a joke, for since the group was famished, half the bus nearly foundered, and swore off apples for the remainder of the trip. Prunes came into be-ing, not because of a particular liking of the fruit itself, but through necessity. |
Some members of the crew did not waste their time sleeping or simply resting, but they practiced and perfected the art of placing a stick of gum in the mouth and removing the wrappers without the aid of the hand. This may sound easy, and it is if you like your chewing gum the mouth and removing the pray-ers without the aid of the hand. This may sound easy, and it is if you like your chewing gum flavored with tinfoil. As a voice of experience, I can truthfully say the little treatment given to those that were late after the allotted time made one feel pretty cheap. It was such a simple little thing, it took no brains or actions: but can you imagine yourself crawling on a bus fifteen minutes late, with 37 people giving you glassy eyed and stem stares and not saying a word until you had completed your grand entrance. If it happened once, you would break your neck hurrying, so that it wouldn't happen again. |
Bus trips are wonderful places to get acquainted, so they say: and I might say that two of our group with the help of two of the La Verne group seemingly got especially well acquainted, while the rest of the loud, shall we say, just got better acquainted. ‘ The Spectator FRIDAY, DEC 8, 1950 Here are the Bridgewater delegations from McPherson and La Verne with the bus and drivers. Those pictured are: 1. to r. back row—Jack Kough, Arlene Kough, Doris Coppock, David Brammell, Dale Ul-rich, Jerry Neber, Lois Yoder, Naomi Mankey, Fred Goenner, Phyllis Bowman, Boyce Beam, Ruth Crumpacker, Dick Wagoner, Rowan Keim, David Metzler, Doris Kesler, Mildred Beck, Arlene Mohler, Angie Flora, Rowena Neher, Pat Patterson, Kathy Stroup, Chuck Royer, Ray Drum, and Harold McCollum. Front row—Donna Sooby, Barbara Beck, Mary Ellen Yoder, Delma Cline, Marline Bowman, Betty Ann Murrey, Bill Daggett, Richard Climmy, Vera Booth, Bob Hoover, Ervin Harlacher, Mo Toga-saki, and Mrs. Ellenberger. |
Braves, ’Dogs, Coyotes Look Best In Pre-season Lineup Kansas Conference Preview
Canines Beat Phillips 45-37
Most of the Kansas Conference schools have made the shift front football to basketball by this time. The conference teams are playing a number of non-conference games this month in preparation for the conference flag chase which gets under way Jan. 5.
From all indications the tightness of the conference will carry over from football Into basketball, with some of the stronger teams of a year ago losing heavily through graduation while the weaker teams are in the building process.
The end of the current season will probably find a vast change in the standings from a year ago when the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes took the flag. The Coyotes were followed by Ottawa in second. Bethany in third, Baker fourth, Bethel fifth, McPherson sixth, and C. of E. in the cellar position. KANSAS WESLEYAN
The Coyotes, under Coach Wally Forsberg, will be hard pressed in their bid to repeat as conference champs this year.
The Coyotes were probably the hardest hit by graduation, losing such staiwards as Harold Pounds, Charlie Fiffe, and Gene Anderson. Anderson was not lost through graduation but his eligibility ran out. All three of these men were all-conference selections a year ago.
Coach Forsberg will have six lettermen around which to build his team this year. The most outstanding returnee is 6’ 5" all-conference senior teamer Don Anderson. The Keeling brothers, Gailen and Roland are back along with Dean Engel, who saw considerable action last year as a freshman. The other returning lettermen are Bill Sullivan and Dick King. Dean Groves and John Stephens, members of last years state championship Salina Maroons are two outstanding freshman prospects for the Coyotes. Coach Forsberg is also expecting great things from Dale Horton, transfer pivot man from Garden City Junior College. The Coyotes can quite possibly repeat as chumps, but they will have a lot more opposition in their quest than, they had a year ago.
The Ottawa Braves, although they hare lost the services of allconference Bill Tiegreen, were hurt very little by graduation. Coach Don Meek has a wealth of holdover material with which to build a flag contender. Coach Meek has a total of 12 returning letter-men and squadmen from which to select a starting five. Dudley Geise, all-conference honorable mention last year. Don Simmons, and Dish Meiers, all starters freshmen last year will give Coach Meek a strong nucleus around which to build a conference contender. The Braves are likely to give the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes their toughest opposition In their bid for top honors. Coach Meek, who did so well with his group of freshmen last year, will no doubt have the Braves In definite contention all the way.
Coach Hay Hahn, who has a reputation for doing the impossible, could come up with a conference contender this year.
The Swedes have lost only the services of Larry Bale, all-conference choice of two seasons ago. and honorable mention last season. Bale is now assistant to Coach Hahn. The other four Swede starters are back for duty ’this year. These include; Dave Anderson, all-conference second team choice last season. Dick Hahn, honorable mention last year. Bill Carlson, honorable mention, and Glenn Sanderson. Leon Heed, who though not a starter last year saw con-
siderable action, will team with the above four to make up the starters for the Swedes.
Other Swede lettermen are Larry Danielson and Arnold Thor-en, Norman Kliewer and Bob Pet-erson, squadmen last season, are also due to see considerable action.
The Swedes will be in the thick of the fight this year and might conceivably better their third place finish of a year ago. although this is not likely.
The Wildcats of Baker do not seem destined to better their fourth place finish of a year ago.
Only Kenny Sterns, all-conference honorable mention a year ago. Is buck from among the starters of last season. However Coach Russ Davee has a group of eight lettermen around which to build his team. Sterns, the lone starter back, is a 6' 6” center and was one of the leading scorers in the conference last season.
The other Wildcat lettermen are Robert Merrill, Warren Nev-ins, Roland Larson, Clarence Shafer, Jerry Steel and John Lewis.
The Wildcats, who did not live up to expectations last year, are not likely to set the conference on fire this year and will be hard pressed to end the season with a .500 mark.
The Bethel Graymaroons can boast of the only returning allconference first string choice of a year ago. Lanoy Loganbill, who led his team in scoring and was one of the top men in conference scoring is that returnee.
Couch Rody Enns will have four of last year’s starters back this year. Besides Loganbill there are Duane Kaufman, Marlowe Kreh-biel, and Fred Schroeder. Charles Ewert who saw a lot of action for the Graymaroons last year is also back. Fred Schroeder is an all-K. C. second teamer of last year.
The Bethelites who have a reputation for dwelling in the lower regious of the Kansas Conference seem destined to remain there. MCPHERSON
The Bulldogs, under Coach Woody Woodard, will be the giant killer and general upsetter of apple carts in the conference this year. They are definitely destined to do better than their sixth place finish of a year ago.
The Bulldogs, can boast of six returning lettermen: Loren Blick-enstaff, all conference 2nd team choice last year, Bob Bechtel, Earl Grindle, Dale Carpenter, Frank Hanagarne, and Paul Heidebrecht. The Bulldogs also have two vastly improved squadmen of last year. in Bill Moore and Duane Jamison.
Coach Woodard can boast of as good a freshman crop as any in the conference in Wayne Blicken-staff, all state from Idaho. Gene Smith, standout basketballer from McPherson High. Harvey Pauls from Inman, and Tommy O’Dell from Argentine High in Kansas City.
The Bulldogs will be a definite contender for the conference crown.
COLLEGE OF EMPORIA — The Presbies of College of Emporia will be playing under a new head man this year. Coach Wayne McConnell who moved to C. of E. from Manhattan High will have seven re-turning lettermen to work with. The Presides seem to be a year or so away yet. and will probably remain in the conference basement this year.
The McPherson College Bulldogs defeated Phillips University of Enid, Oklahoma 45-37 last Friday night. The win gave the Bulldogs an even break in their first two games of the season. The game was the feature attraction of a twin bill in the new Conway Springs gym.
In the first game of the evening Conway Springs High beat Argonia 37-35.
The Bulldogs jumped off to a 2-0 lead soon after the opening whistle and never relinquished their lead. The score was tied a number of times during the game and the spread between the Bulldogs and Phillips was never more than a few points until the final serge by the Bulldogs which gave them the final eight point advant-
Wayne Blickenstaff again led for the game with 17 counters. Loren Blickenstaff was next with eight. Hronopulos was high for Phillips with nine followed by Runyon and Welch with eight.
Coach Woodard used 11 players in the Phillips game and six of them contributed to the scoring.
Sport Stuff—
After summing up the prospects of each of the Kansas Conference teams, we are prone to make a guess on the outcome of the com-ing Kansas Conference race.
It is purely a guess and many will disagree, but here we go. We are picking Ottawa, Kansas Wes-leyan and McPherson to fight it out for the first three positions. It is very unlikely that any of these teams will finish the season without at least one conference loss.
From this corner Bethany looks like a good bet for fourth place. The remaining teams. Bethel, Baker. and C. of E. will fight it out for the fifth, sixth, and seventh places.
Girls’ Intramural Basketball Begins Early Next Month
Miss Doris Coppock, director of girls’ sports on Macampus, has announced that girls’ intramural basketball will begin immediately after Christmas vacation.
Any girl is eligible to participate in this winter sport.
Miss Coppock urged the girls to organize their teams before Christmas and submit the names to her so that basketball can get underway as soon as the students return from Christmas vacation.
A girls’ team from the high school will also be in the tournament.
If we were forces to make definite choices we would stack them up this way:
Kansas Wesleyan
C. of E.
The Bulldogs are sporting new basketball game suits this year.
Their suits, along with the new warm-ups which were purchased in the latter part of lost season, make the Bulldogs one of the best dressed basketball teams in this part of the country. Those who saw the Canines at Conway Springs last Friday night will agree that they are a mighty snappy looking outfit in their new attire.
This reporter has seen the new white suits, which look even better than the red outfits.
This new look is a welcome change over the poorly clad Bulldogs of a year ago. who felt Inferior every time they walked on the floor. The Bulldogs will have to feel second best, in dress, to no one this year. The psychology of the thing should be great.
McPherson College will he well represented in the McPherson Industrial Basketball League this year. There are already two teams made up of Macollege students in the league and there is a possibility that there will be another.
The College Inn is sponsoring a team again this year. The College Inn entry won the league title last year, and are rated an even chance to repeat this year. The College Inn team Is made up of men like Dick Wareham, Don Stevens, Charlie Petefish, Roland Delay and Don Smith.
The other team now in the league is Greens Appliances. This team is made up mostly of dorm men like Jerry Neher, Bob Wilson, the Nicholson brothers, etc.
The other possible league entry is a team made up of the remainder of those who tried out for varsity hall, after the varsity squad of fifteen is picked.
Canines Leave On Eastern Swing Tuesday
The McPherson College Bulldogs will leave next Tuesday morning on a five game road trip. Tuesday night the Bulldogs will meet St. Benedicts of Atchison, Kan. in the first game of their eastern swing. St. Benedicts, a member of the Central Conference, is believed to have a strong team this year. The Ravens beat Wm. Jewell by about a ten point margin. while Wm. Jewell moved past C. of E. 73-71, which may give some indication of the strength of Tuesday night's opponent.
After their encounter with St. Benedicts Tuesday, the Bulldogs will move on to Bloomington, Ill., where they will meet Illinois Wes-leyan. Nothing is known of the strength of the Illinois team, other than the fact that they have a rep-utation for strong basketball teams in years past.
Friday the Bulldogs will move into North Manchester. Ind.. where they will meet the Manchester Spartans in games Friday and Saturday nights. The plans called for a round robin tourney with four Brethren colleges participating, but because of a lack of interest on the part of two of the schools, this was called off. Instead Manchester and McPherson will meet in two games on Friday and Saturday nights. Coach Paul McPherson has six returning let-termen around which to build his squad this year. The Spartan squad will average over the six foot mark, so there seems to be no lack of height. Manchester has had some very good teams in the past.
however little is known about their present strength. Manchester has an enrollment of about 750 students.
Prof. S. M. Dell, sponsor of the Recreational Council, has requested that everyone planning to register for the Recreational Laboratory to be held on campus Dec. 26-30 should do so by Dec. 10.