27 Attend BSCM Conference; Leave Tuesday By Bus
Twenty-seven Macollege students leave by chartered bus Tuesday afternoon for Bridgewater, Virginia to attend the annual Brethren Student Christian Movement conference, better known as the BSCM conference, which is to be held on the Bridgewater College Campus Nov. 23-26
LaVerne College students from LaVerne, California will drive as far as McPherson and join the M. C. delegation here, making the remainder of the trip by bus, according to Gerald Neher, local chairman of conference arrangements.
McAuley Emcees Alumni Program
The Administration committee, in compliance with the desires of the students, has consented to an extra day of Thanksgiving vacation.
Instead of dismissing school Wednesday, Nov. 22 at 4 p. m. and convening classes Friday morning, at 8; vacation will begin Wednesday at 4 and classes will not convene until Monday, Nov. 27 at 8 a. m.
Since Friday's classes must be made up, to conform to the schedule, three periods will be run Monday, Dec. 4 from 3:055:55; and two periods Tuesday, Dec. 5 from 3:05-4:10.
A .petition was originally signed by students asking that the Administration allow classes to be held on Thursday and that Friday be designated as a vacation day. In order to permit students to go home daring the weekend.
However, since many families like to be together on Thanksgiving day, it was decided to dismiss classes both days; with Friday's classes meeting at a future date.
Left to right: attendant Mickey Akers, Queen Miriam, and attendant Ruth Moors after ascending the royal thrones to reign over the MC-Bethany Homecoming Game.
Freshman class float depicting the green frosh caps and Homecoming spirit.
‘Linds-Burger’ Wins First In Parade
First prize in the annual Homecoming parade went to the alumni for their "Linds-burger." Second place decisions were awarded to the M Club for their hone-crusher float; and third prize was given to the UNESCO organization for theirs on which several of the international students rode.
Many organizations on the cam-pus were represented by a float. Classes and some of the halls also contributed floats.
Judges for the parade were Charles Schafer, president of the McPherson High School student council: Homer Ferguson, mayor: and Ed G. Utz. manager of the J.
C. Penney Store In McPherson.
The Swedes received a variety of treatment in the parade. Occasionally they were washed up and also mowed down. Arnold Hall mimicked the stacking treatment to which she Is accustomed.
The queen with her attendants held the place of honor. The girls were dressed in spring suits and rode in a pale blue convertible.
Music was furnished by the college band; and the eighth grade band under the direction of August San Romani.
Another walking group in the parade consisted of Wayne Zeigler and Dale Oltman. Their exact purpose in the parade was unknown.
Secretary Of G. B. B. Addresses Conferees, Students In Chapel
Raymond R. Peters. Secretary of the General Brotherhood Board of the Church of the Brethren, addressed Conferees and Macollege students in Chapel, Tuesday. Nor. 14. "We cannot be genuinely happy until we discover that our self has an important place in life, a place of service." he said.
The Brethren leader said that people unconsciously like to look at themseles, but they need to take a second look, a look at the real self which is within. "We protect our ego. but sooner or later everyone faces a time in life when power and prestige which he once had begin to ebb away. Self-promotion comes to a dead-end street. We need to struggle to be intellectually honest."
R. R. Peters is a former pastor. Regional Secretary. National Youth Director, and Secretary of Christian Education.
Second prize in float competition went to the M Club for their “bone crusher" float.
Total cost per person for the trip will he approximately $55. “God-—Let's Find Him"
The conference theme is "God —Let's Find Him.” Four main problems will be discussed at the conference. They are "Will we have to answer to God for every cent we spend?”, "Is it possible for us to Imitate Jesus?". “How can prayer become a dynamic force in my life?", and "Is Christ the only way?"
The B. S. C. M. cabinet consists of president. Benjamin Ebersole; vice-president. Harold Garner; secretary-treasurer, Phyllis Sayre: editor, Paul Wagoner; and Joyce Snyder, Galen Frysinger, Gerald Neher, Israel Royer, and Stanley Sutphin.
Resource leaders for the conference will be as follows: Vernard Eller, Editor of Youth Publications. Church of the Brethren; Robert Eshelman, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Economics at Elizabethtown College; Wayne G. Glick, Head of Biblical Studies and instructor in Philosophy at Juniata College; David Hanawalt, Associate Secretary of the Eastern Region. Church of the Brethren; Olden Mitchell. Pastor. Church of the Brethren, Staunton, Virginia.
Charles Munson, Youth Director and Editor for Brethren Church; T. Wayne Rieman. Director of Religious Activities at Manchester College; Don Royer. Assistant Professor of Sociology at Manchester College; Don Snider, Youth Director, Church of the Brethren; Phil Trout, Musical Director, Central Church of the Brethren, Roanoke, Virginia; Glenn Weimer, Pastor of the First Church of the Brethren. South Bend, Indiana; and Edward K. Ziegler, College Pastor. Church of the Brethren, Bridgewater.
Council Plans Parking Area
The Student Council has almost finished the parking lot which is located Just west of the physical education building. They plan to have yellow lines painted and traffic signs put up.
The purpose of this project is to relieve the congestion of cars which is usually in front of Sharp Hall. The new parking lot will accommodate from 60 to 75 cars.
Among other new Improvements is the north wing on Frantz Industrial Arts Building. This was started about the time that school started and is to be finished by cold weather. Prof. S. M. Dell states that he hopes It will be ready for use by the second semester. At the present time not much is being done on Frantz Hall because the workers are putting the roof on the new library addition. It is hoped that the latter will also be finished this fall.
The old part of the library is to be remodeled also but that will not be started until the new part is almost finished.
No date has been set for the completion of the work on the library, but metal stacks for the second floor of the fireproof brick and concrete addition have been ordered and will be Installed before changes are made In the present structure.
Remodeling plans call for new ceilings to replace the present metal ones, a new front entrance on the ground level, a work room and an office on the west side of the main floor, new flooring to replace the tile in the lobby, the refinishing of the present first floor stacks and magazine rooms for study rooms, and a new front stairway.
Miss Harris said that she plans to have the library open during the remodeling although service may be curtailed somewhat while changes are being made in the old part of the structure which was erected in 1906 with a grant of money from Andrew Carnegie.
Henry E. Peel. McPherson. is the contractor for the work on the library.
Prof. Roy McAuley emceed Thursday morning Nov. 9, when annual Homecoming program in the Alumni went to bat with, their annual Homecoming Program in the Macollege chapel.
Donald Dresher. president of the Alumni Association was introduced as the first speaker. During his talk he was interrupted by two "carpenters" who were looking for a "Swede” that had crashed a door.
Tony Voshell, former assistant coach of the Bulldogs, was the second speaker. Between jokes he was also interrupted, but by two “freshmen" who had captured "Swedes." The "Norsemen" were submitted to Dale Oltman. chairman of the student court for "consideration."
Three college freshmen; Dolor-, es Sigle, Bob Bechtel, and Curtis Leicht, presented the trumpet trio "The Three Jacks."
Several yells were headed by Betty Ann Murrey. Bob Wilson, and Ann Carpenter; and a skit in the form of a radio program, was presented by some of the fellows.
Frosh Debate In K-State Tournament
Macollege freshman debaters participated in the four-round beginners tourney at K-State last Saturday.
When asked how the squad came out. Prof. McAuley replied. "Well, we got home all right.” He then went on to explain that the debates were judged, but that it was not an elimination tournament.
Seven Macolloge freshmen on three teams debated the topic: Resolved that the noncommunist natons should form a new international organization.
They were: Mickey Akers. Joan Pinther, VI Alallima, Bob Ham-sher, Joe Kennedy, Gene Bechtel, and Berwyn Oltman.
The object of the tourney was to give a taste of competition to' freshman squads along with experience in debate procedure.
Macollege was one of 15 colleges and universities from Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma to enter in K-State's third annual tourney of this type.
Nor. 17 football-—Friends U.. here.
Nov. 18 Pep club party.
Nov. 22 Thanksgiving vacation commences at 4:00 p. m.
Nov. 27 Thanksgiving vacation ends at 8:00 a. m.
Nov. 28 basketball—St. Louis U.. there.
C. E. Davis Is First Conference Chapel Speaker
“Just as the Hebrews faced their days of trial and of exile, we too have our days of trial,” stated C. Ernest Davis in an address to Regional Conferees and Macollege students. Monday, Nov. 13.
Dr. Davis interpreted poetry from Isaiah. Jeremiah, and Revelations as the expression of the problems of an early age and also as an adequate expression of present-day problems.
He cited the fact that faith in the Eternal is the answer to our needs today just as it was in the past.
C. Ernest Davis is Secretary of the Commission of Christian Education, General Brotherhood Board, Church of the Brethren. He is a former LaVerne college president.
Pep Club Has All-School Chili Feed,
Folk Games
Saturday night. Nov. 18. the Pep Club will sponsor a Chill Supper party in order to raise money for their organization. The money will be used for club purposes and to help pay for the Pep Club Jackets.
The theme is western style. Dress attire will be of the most formal clothing. Hoop skirts, ten gallon hats. etc., and the best folk gaming shoes are part of the formal attire. A nominal fee will be asked of all who attend the party; 50c for single and 75c for couples"
Starting time of the Chill Supper Is 6:30 p. m.. in the gymnasi-um. Entertainment will feature cake walks and folk gaming for those who like to participate. The college cafeteria will not be open to serve the Saturday evening meal because of this party.
‘The Fool’ Draws Capacity House Monday Night
A "purified” production of Pollock's "The Fool" played to a capacity house Monday night.
Only an occasional slip revealed the "foul language" cut out be-for the play opened for the third time.
Prof. Roy McAuley introduced this production by reviewing the history of drama and its relation-ship to the church, and to an audience of regional conferencers, the curtain opened at 7:15.
Queen And Court Have Royal Reign At Formal Dinner
Queen Miriam and her two attendants gave the impression of a royal court at the Homecoming Queen's banquet. Nov. 9 at the Warren Hotel.
The queen was attired in a gold gown. Her two attendants, Ruth Moors and Mickey Akers, both wore green gowns. Lois Yoder retiring queen, was dressed in a wine-colored gown.
Don Shultz, master of ceremon- ies. Introduced the program which consisted of the following numbers. A coronet trio composed of Dolores Sigle, Gene Bechtel and Curtis Loicht played the "The Three Jacks." Mary Louise Hutcherson accompanied by Berwyn Oltman at the piano, played a solo on the violin.
Guy Hayes, guest speaker of the evening, entertained the guests with several Jokes about the different students on campus. On the serious side of his talk he said that every girl could be a queen everyday of her life.
To conclude the program the following people gave toasts to the Queen; Jerry Neher, Elsa Kurtz, Loren Blickenstaff, and Carole Huffman.
One Hundred Attend Dinner
The annual Homecoming dinner was held in the Church of the Brethren, Nov. 10. 1950. at 5 p. m.. with over 100 Alumni and previous students at McPherson College attending.
Bob Burkholder, ’47, Principal of Windom High School,, was toastmaster. Since our Homecom-ing game was to be with Bethany College, the guest speaker of the evening was Emory Lindquist, President of Bethany.
Boh Mays, the new Alumni director also spoke. Miss Rowena Neher played special music on the Marimba, accompanied by Mis. Elvin Wolf.
Miss Mary Spessard served as program chairman. Decorations were carried out in a red and white color scheme, other decorations. used were candles, apples, and bitter-sweet.
The dinner was served by the Women of the Church of the Brethren.
Edgar C. Raine, lecturer, and authority on Alaska, who was originally scheduled to appear in the Macollege Auditorium Friday evening, Nov. 24, has been postponed until a later date.
Night Student Is Victim Of Polio
Nicholas A. Schmidt. 20, a night school student and grade school teacher at Inman is the third McPherson County infantile paralysis victim this year.
Schmidt, who lives with his parents on a farm ten miles southwest of McPherson was stricken while attending the teachers’ meetings in Wichita.
Miriam Keim Reigns As Queen For Homecoming
On Friday night. November 10th. beneath a clear sky. Miss Miriam Keim of Nampa. Idaho was crowned McPherson College Homecoming queen for 1950. Before a huge crowd of spectators, the queen and her attendants. Miss Ruth Moors, of McPherson, and Miss Miriam Akers of Hampton. Iowa, were driven to the red and white chariot-like throne. Miss Moors was escorted by George Goff and Miss Akers by Bob Kerr. The queen escorted by Joe Pate was preceded by a crown bearer. Mark McAuley, and a flower girl, Kay Jean Woodard.
Miss Lois Yoder, retiring queen, crowned Miss Keim and expressed the wish that her reign be a successful one.
Rabbi Speaks To Chapel November 22
Rabbi Morton C. Flerman. Tulsa, Okla.. will speak in, chapel Wednesday, Nov. 22. Rabbi Fier-man is being brought to the campus by the Jewish Chautauque Society.
The Jewish Chautauqua Society has notified the college that another selection of books of Judaica is being sent as a gift to the college. The 1948 gift from this society is on display in the college library.
Coach Chalmer E. Woodard spoke to approximately 60 men at the M Club Luncheon. Friday. Nov. 10.
The Luncheon was served in the Blue Room at Hotel Warren. Present M Club members were joined by alumni members for the occasion.
Students are working on their pre-enrollment for second semester. Those who have not yet completed their enrolling should see their counsellor and make arrangements for a conference time, according to the Dean and Registrar.
The dead-line for enrollments is Dec. 4. If possible this should be done before Thanksgiving vacation so the teachers will have time to schedule' their classes and order books.
A Letter From Gina
The following excerpts were taken from a letter written by Gina Munda (MC '30) to Dr.. R. E. Mohler after returning to her home in Italy.
"Thinking about ray American life, it seems to me now that my stay in America has been a dream. Two years spent in McPherson were two happy years, and now that I am at home I always talk about my experience in America My friends enjoy hearing me tell them, and often they think that some of them are very amusing.
‘Christ Is The Answer - - " Says Dr.. S. L, Hamilton At Conference
.“Christ is the answer to the problems of our world," said Dr. S. L. Hamilton, In the Regional Conference, Wednesday evening
in the college Church.
"I was happy to come back home and I was also happy
to find my folks well.
“I found Italian life still very expensive. I would like so much to work but it seems very hard to find a job. There are still too many unemployed people here and everywhere in Italy. I think that it i. wonderful that in America you can find a job very easily.
“It was not hard to adjust again to our Italian life, at least not as hard as my friends think . They also think that ' I am so changed, and they would be willing to come to America if they knew they could change as much as I did.
“I miss McPherson College so much, and wish I could be there and work with you. Life in Italy is hard and people are generally rather nervous, and they have all the reasons for being so.
“It is very cold outside and inside. We do not have any heaters and people wear as many clothes as they have in order to keep themselves warm. I was used to the warm rooms of college, and now it seems that the cold is killing me. It seems that soon we’ll have snow.
“My ocean trip back home was wonderful. The ocean was very calm, and we enjoyed our trip. In London I took some sightseeing tours with the American Express, and had "the chance to visit the most beautiful monuments of the city. I also enjoyed visiting Paris. It is really a beautiful city.
I have the most pleasant memories of McPherson College. I enjoyed my stay with the students, and members of the Church of the Brethren.
Tell all the students and teachers “Hello” for me.
Thanksgiving Day-Or Days?
It’s nearly a week before Thanksgiving day but since there’-be no paper next week we’ll give thanks six days early.
Contrary to the inference of the preceding statement. Thanksgiving should really be a permanent condition of the mind, not a 12-24 hour state of the dining room ta-ble along about Nov. 23.
Make no mistake about it, I’m plenty happy to see the gobbler and pumpkin pies, but when all Is said and done, the game is up. and we're ready either to graduate or die, we can't take even the bones or crust with us. Therefore. It might be well to base our heavenly commendations on things more stable.
Seriously, genuine thankfulness
is a quality sadly lacking in most of our lives. As long as the showers of blessing continue to fall on us we forget that someone else's particular niche and corner may be woefully dry. Not because of partiality on the part of God hut because of certain often unknown factors.
We don’t know how really luc-ky and fortunate we are to bo attending MC, to he working, playing, and sharing with students from all over the United States, as well as other countries.
It’s a good thing to express our appreciation to the Almighty and our friends every day by word or action, not just on the fourth Thursday In November.
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council.
Dr. Hamilton of N. Y University named six assets which have accrued to our age because of the Protestant Reformation.
1. The Reformation gave the world a new definition of vocation. In earlier days the only recognized vocation was the priest- hood and activities related to it. The Reformation redefined vocation as any work to which God called one.
2. This new age also gave rise to the middle class. The ruling class and the slave class gave place to an inclusive middle group, all of whom enjoyed the good things of life, and shared in the responsibilities of the world.
3. A third product of the reformation, according to Dr. Hamilton, is capitalism, with its aggressive development of natural resources.
4. Another product of the movement is democracy, in which all the citizens share the responsible, ities of government.
5. He suggested further, that the industrial revolution with its
rise of mass production is a product of the Reformation.
0. The sixth development of the era, named by Prof. Hamilton, is public, universal, compulsory, free education, supported by taxation.
These assets are accompanied by liabilities which we need to recognize and overcome. They are:
1. Deep cleavages through ail society which divides humanity ip-to antagonistic camps.
2. Because of these cleavages there is widespread feelings of hostility because of economic, religious, or political viewpoints.
3. Another liability is emotional aloneness, or spiritual isolation. People live close together but of-ten do not know each other. They need to be drawn into the warm fellowship of Christian home and Christian Church.
4. A fourth fault of our age is anxiety. The crying need is faith in God through Christ our Lord.
5. A fifth ailment is compensation. Having made a failure of life many people try to compensate for their feeling of inadequacy by bluff or show.
6. Escape is the final ambition of those who fail. This may find expression in strange religious experiences, or alcoholic or sexual indulgences.
The only answer to these problems is found in Christ.
What Do You Think?
Opinions expressed in this column are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of either McPherson College or the Spectator.
I think that winning the football game was the best.—Angie Flora
The royal beating that the Bulldogs gave the boys from Bethany was by far the best thing of the week—Bob Bean. Beryl McCann, David Metzler
I believe that the crowing of the Football Queen before the game was the highlight of the week’s festivities.—Deima Cline
I think that beating the Swedes was the best, naturally.—Ken Mc-Murray
The Queen's Banquet and the game ranked equally high with me. —Bob Wilson
I think that the wonderful time that the students had after the game was the beet part of the week.—Marlin Walters
The crowning of the queen was the best part of Homecoming Week, but it is hard to say because there were so many things happening.—Esther Hornbaker
I think that heating the Swedes by such a large margin really added to the Homecoming Week.— Duane Walter
I think that beating Bethany was the high spot of the week.— Miriam Akers. Delores Sigle, Betty Ann Murrey
The question that is asked each week makes all the difference in the world in the makeup of this column. The more questions we can ask, and the more varied the questions, the better it is.
If students have an idea of what would he a good question for this column, please drop it in the suggestion box at the Spec office or give it to one of the staff members.
Korean Lecturer Says Love Is World’s Solution For Problems
"We must give bread plus If we wish to stop Communism," stated Mrs. Induk Pahk, Korean lecturer. In an address to Macollege students, Thursday, Nov. 9. She cited Christianity and the force of rove as the answer to our world problems.
"The forces which have been working in our people have not always been quite right," Mrs. Pahk said about her fellow Koreans. She stated that the character of the 30 million Koreans is a combination of Chinese stubborness and Japanese nervousness, a mixture of the Confucian respect for the past and the Buddhist regard for life after death.
Mrs. Pahk pointed with pride to the accomplishments of her people—the first printing press, the earliest modern phonetic language, and others.
Mrs. Pahk discussed the background of the present Korean crisis. "Korea is the living symbol of all of Asia’s trouble. It is just coming out of the feudalists stage. The Koreans are hungry. The Communists have been preparing for this condition 25 to 35 years. All of the non-communist nations were too confident after the war; they were asleep.
"Democracy suits our temperament and helps our people come out of their depression." Mrs. Pahk said. She voiced her hope and faith that .Communism might be checked in her country.
Induk Pahk works with the United' States State Department in pending "The Voice of America” to Korea. She also works with the United Nations. The Kansas Institute of International Relations brought her to the campus. .
KKK’s Burn Cross At Texas School
Students at the University of Texas had plenty to talk about last week when a cross was burned in front of the Texas law building and ”KKK'” painted around the walls.
People were quick to connect this incident with the admission of Herman Sweatt and other Negro students into the University law school. The Daily Texas’s strong ediorial criticism of the incident resulted in a letter to the editor threatening another cross burning—this time in front of the journalism building.
In commenting on the incident, the Champus Chat, school newspaper at North Texas State College, said, “Austin is supposed to be one of the state’s liberal centers. And the University is allegedly a great force in the progressive movement. If this is an example of a more liberal community’s reaction to the breaking down of segregation, it is not difficult to calculate what would happen in smaller colleges.’’
There is no power on earth more formidable than the truth. —M. Runbeck
Thursday. He was rather stubborn though, and presisted in only sitting in the girls’ lounge in his football suit. Perhaps you’ve guess-ed.. .yes,, he was The Swede. But like all good Swedes, he met a sad ending. He was hurt so badly by the prospect of McPherson winning her Homecoming game, that we had to cremate him Thursday night. Oh, well. .. ! ! !
A birthday party was held in the home of Geneva Krehbiel in honor of Geneva and Donna Sooby. Donna took her Whoopee and transported the guests out to Geneva’s home. They took the wrong road, however, and wandered around for half an hour before finally finding their destination. Those present were Anita Rogers, Rita Ellen Royer, Jo Ann Royer, Donna Wagoner, Barbara Berry. Mildred Beck, the parents of Geneva, and the guests of honor,'Geneva and Donna Lou.
Refreshments consisted of homemade ice cream, birthday cake and pie. The girls sang songs and Mildred played the piano. The best entertainment was merely sitting and giggling.
The Dog House gave a party Monday night in honor of Donna Sooby. Those there were members the Dog House Staff. They were Don West. Rita Royer, Geneva Krehbiel, Anita Rogers, Barbara Berry, Elsie Kindley, Gordon Fish-burn, Kathiyn Larson, Bob Wilson, Claudia Stump and Donna Sooby. The cake was made in the shape of a dog house with a white picket fence of tiny candles around it.
Visitors on Campus the past week are too numerous to mention, but we are happy to have as our guests those who were able to come to McPherson College to visit over homecoming and Regional Conference.
We Shall Be Flying Wherever We Go
Thunderbird Field (Special) — In the future, they say. you’ll be flying to work, flying to shop, flying to social engagements.
The future has arrived for a student at Thunderbird American Institute For Foregin Trade at Phoenix. Arizona.
He’s flying to school.
Hugh L. Murrell. 29. hops every morning from Paradise Airport, where he works, to Thunderbird Field, Just outside of Phoenix.
Murrell files at dawn for the W. M. Groseclose Crop Dusting Service. The firm lets him use its plane to make classes on time.
In mid-afternoon he returns ,to Paradise to drop insecticides.
No Spec Next Week
THERE WILL BE NO SPECTATOR NEXT WEEK BECAUSE OF THANKSGIVING VACATION. The following week managing editor, Howard Todd will edit the paper while the editor-in-chief is in Bridgewater. Va. attending the BSCM conference.
Mrs. James M. Berkebile, wife of Dean Berkebile, was admitted to McPherson County Hospital Monday afternoon with chronic appendicitis. She is now improving.
Three undefeated debate teams, an energetic Macollege senior, an intelligent college professor, a perfect Nash, and a gas-filled college car left the campus at 5:47 a. m., Saturday. Nov. 11. The group returned after 9 p. m. that evening from Kansas State College in Manhattan; however, the adjectives and one of the notorious freshmen were lost somewhere along the way.
The day was spent debating teams from Kansas. Oklahoma, and Nebraska. The Macollege beginning debaters won only two of
Players Clean Stage; Get Victuals Free In Bargain
Free victuals for cleaning up the chapel after the Monday night production of "The Fool" was the proposition given. ..to members of the Players club.
The club met in the cafeteria at 5:15 p.m. and were treated to dinner by the dramatics department. They promised to clean the stage after the final curtain of the four-act Pollock production.
Debaters’ Barks Prove Worse Than Bites; But They Have Fun Growling
By Berwyn Oltman
Women Debate Value In Taking Homemaking
New Brunswick, N. J—(I. P.) —The hotly-debated question of whether "Homemaking” courses should be taken in college received a split decision recently at New Jersey College for Women. The question. "Do you feel you should have taken courses in homemaking while you were in college?" was put to 230 graduates from the classes of 1925 and 1945.
Although more than nalf of the '25ers answered the question in the affirmative. 53 percent of the replies from the 1945 class were negative. This would seem to indicate that the more recent graduates have not yet felt the need or else have discovered other means of satisfying it.
Supporters of "homemaklng” education for women came out strongly in favor of their cause. "Marriage is the most natural career for a girl yet we give little time to its study." said one. "College, of course, broadens our horizons. and as such, gives us a better chance to make a success of marriage—but let's give future generations some of the short cuts."
Another felt that "colleges in general are falling to prepare one for an all-around good married life by not offering more of such courses."
On the other hand, alumnae opposed to "homemaking" courses had this to say: "A liberal arts
course should not be crowded with homemaking courses. A bride will learn to cook when she has to, but if she doesn't take political science and French or music in col-lege, she may never learn it."
Last Friday night four girls enjoyed a slumber party; they reported that they ate, talked and even slept a few hours. They were Donna Wagon, June Blough, Dorothy Swinger and Elsie Kind-ley.
Lois Yoder, Jerry Neher, Doris Roesch and Dale Snyder had a picnic in the draw Sunday evening. The only trouble was that a football joined the party and one of the members strained herself playing football.
A unique ceremony was solemnly instigated on third floor Arnold between 10 o’clock and 10:3.0 Monday night. The serious procedure of installing the proctors for the second nine weeks took place.
The affair was quite seriously carried out to each minute detail . . .the new proctors repeated "I do" to a few major vows such as, "Do you promise to refrain from taking shelter in the nearest closet at the approach of the characteristic slither of familiar shoes belonging to House Mother?" and another. "Do you promise to prosecute only in time of dire need?” After saying the affirmative, the new proctors were then dubbed "little stinkers" wtih cheap perfume.
The retiring proctors next offered a speech after which the rest of the group stood and repeated said vow-, “We solemnly promise to promote frivolous verbosity and further pandemonium to afford the dubbed stinkers an opportunity to fill in blanks in the proctors statistical reports.
Campus cleanup went over-well even though the participants did come down with colds and pneumonia. However, the campus looked considerably better by the time the hard working students had exhausted their energies in the task of raking leaves, picking up trash and helping to make bonfires out of the raked leaves. One thing has been suggested to make the day more effective next year. The freshmen would like for the overseers of the groups to do a little work, too. On Macampus the bosses can’t loaf!
Upperclassmen have been seeing green the past week. . .at least everywhere they look, little green caps can be seen bobbing about. Freshman initiation got under way last week. Upperclassmen have been overheard saying. "I wish we’d had to wear green caps when we were freshmen.” So perhaps the upperclassmen do see green... meaning green with envy.
There was a very famous visitor on campus last Wednesday and
Students Hold Final Services For Swede ‘Ole’
Funeral rites and a cremation service were held for “The Swede” near ‘the Macollege Gymnasium. Nov. 9.
"The Swede" had rested "in state" in the parlor of Arnold Hall before the funeral service. Many of his best enemies came to pay him disrepect.
Chief mourners at the funeral were the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Services were conducted by Mr. Bob Wilson Miss Ann Carpenter, and Miss Betty Ann Murrey.
Khaki Prospects Are Entertained In Kansas City
In answer to the call for men. 10 Macollege students reported for per-induction physicals at Kansas City, Mb.
So far, Robert Augsburger, Dean Coughenour, Dean Cotton, Lawrence Lowery, Joe Pate, Dale Carpenter, Vincent Chinberg, Max McAuley, Don Schultz, and Kenneth Evans have been entertained by the KCMO induction hosts.
There was to be a physical examination. It wasn’t much of that.
A blind doctor checked eyes, a deaf sargent checked ears, and an envious cripple checked feet.
Two other sargents passed out mental tests. They were two question affairs asking: Do you think you will like the army? and. Don't you hate being a nasty civilian? Those who answered yes to these questions were briefed, allowed to correct their papers, and assured that they would be given every consideration when time came for induction. They need it, they're sick.
It was nice in K. C. The food was grand. The first night, everyone got steak. Steak, that’s mildewed beef passed under an infrared lamp. That isn’t to say it was rare, even if it did look like a blood transfusion.
Eighty percent of the steak-eating world call for steaks well done, 10 percent like them rare, another 10 percent like them medium. In traditional domecratic army fashion the steaks were rare, bloody is the word.
You got all you wanted to eat, and all you ate got you.
All meals were served in the lush, plush Townhouse Restaurant—In the cellar.
Rooms were provided in the finest hotels. One was so ritzy that the bed bugs were required to wear pajamas.
Cinderella's pumpkin was a far cry from the army transportation. Our coach waited ten minutes for the footmen to show. These buses weren't really old. Under the shiny paint, dim. dark letters formed "Remember the Maine, etc.”
They didn’t have steering wheels--the driver opened a window (this was hard to understand) and yelled "gee” or "haw” when he wanted to turn. But the drivers seemed happy. One of them had a brain concussion when he tried' to frown.
All the boys had a good time, at least the ones who were classi-fied 4 (not-acceptable-at-pres-
Civil- Service Offers Exams For Engineers, Cartographic Aids
Examinations are being given for the positions in Cartographic Aid and Engineering. Cartographic, and Statistical Draftsman by the United States Civil Service Commission. A few Cartographic Survey Aid Jobs in mobile field units will also be filled. The salaries range from $2,45o to $3,825 a year.
To qualify, applicants must show front one to five years, de-pending on the grade of position, of appropriate experience. Appropriate education may be substitut-ed for all of the required experience for the lower-grade positions and for part of the experience required for the higher-level positions.
Applicants for drafting positions must also furnish a sample of their work. No written tests are required.
Full information and application forms may be secured at most first-and second-class post offices, from civil-service regional offices, or from the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington 25, D. C. applications will be accepted in the Commission’s office in Washington until further notice.
Pep Club And Band Presents Half-time Drill
During the half-time at the Homecoming Game Friday evening, November 10. the Pop Club in cooperation with the band presented a drill. Clad in traditional red and white, those taking part filed onto the field and first formed a wagon wheel. The ensemble then formed a straight line before the newly-crowned queen and her attendants. While the bund played "Deep In My Heart", the group formed a heart . . . the stadium lights were turned out. and sparklers were lit at intervals around the heart. While standing thus, the performers sang the school song.
Manchester College Begins Construction Of Winger Memorial Arts Building
Construction plans for the proposed Winger Memorial Arts building at Manchester College have been negotiated, and actual excavation began November 13. This building, a memorial to the late Otho Winger, who was for 30 years president of Manchester College, will be a three-story brick and stone edifice which will house the music, home economics, and art departments.
their debates.
The day had its experiences and highlights, however—the awakening of Akers and Pinther via a college professor, a cafeteria cook, the housemother, and a few others: Vi's surprise when he pulled out a scarf and gloves instead of a handkerchief during a speech; Bechtel and Kennedy's cheap meals; the case of the sleeping foot: McAuley's leisurely afternoon: and the lower light that didn’t burn.
It’s all part of a liberal education. they say.
There was no scoring in the third period but the Swedes made a threat as Kliewer, Macy and Ge-rard gained on running plays, fin-ally 'reaching the McPherson 19. There Bethany fumbled and Robison again recovered. McPherson ran several plays and kicked with Gene Smith’s toe sending the ball 66 yards before Bethany tried to put it into play. Hahn fumbled on the kick. Ayers recovered on the run and he in turn fumbled and Big George Keim lit on the ball to take possession for McPherson on the Bethany 40.
Four plays later, the Bulldogs bogged down on the 20 and lost the bail on downs. That ended most of the exciting play for the third quarter and left McPherson with a 19 to 7 advantage.
With but a minute or so gone in the final period. Carlson faded to pass for the Swedes and was smothered on the 5 where he fumbled and Bob Peel. Bulldog end. recovered. Eddie Ball powered to the 1 yard stripe and Dwight Mc Spadden went over to widen the Bulldog margin, to 25 to 7. Fish-burn's kick was blocked.
Frank “Chief" Hanagarne literally took “things" into his own hands late in the period as he intercepted Carlton's pass on the McPherson 44. From there Ball and Smith ran the ball to the Swede's 17. McPherson was penalized bark to the 22 and then Gene Smith, in one of the seasons most
McPherson's Homecoming fans were served a football game “deluxe" Friday evening at the Macampus stadium. A near overflow crowd of old grads and followers of the Bulldogs, as well as many Bethany fans, saw the Bulldogs stage somewhat of an upset, at least as far as score was concerned, as they trounced the “Swedes" 31 to 7.
This ended s 15 year "drouth" for the Bulldogs in this series for it was in 1935 that they beat Bethany last. That was by a 27 to 7 score.
The Swedes struck early in the first period when they made three first downs In a row on the ground to advance to the 20. Bob Gerard ran the pigskin to the three and Norman Kliewer plunged over to put the Swedes ahead. Bill Carlson’s kick was good, and Bethany led 7 to 0.
The Bulldogs came right back, however, and on the kickoff, returned the ball to their own 29. From there John Robison, Gene Smith and Bob Kerr advanced it to the Bethany 11. Two yards were lost on the next play, but the Bulldogs. not to be denied, came back ns Bob Kerr went over from the 13. Dwight McSpadden's kick was wide. Bethany received, lost the ball on downs. McPherson fumbled. and Bethany again was held and forced to kick as time ran out in the quarter with Bethany leading 7 to 6.
The second quarter found the Bulldogs moving again as Gene Smith raced from the McPherson 37 to the Bethany 45 and Bob Kerr bucking to the 30. Clipping nulified the next gain and Wayne Blickenstaff's pass to Kerr put the ball on the 3.
The next play. Wayne Blicken-staff found an error had left no one for him to hand off the hall to, and he quickly legged it over from the 3 to score his first TD at the season. Bob Kerr carried for the extra point and the Bulldogs led 18 to 7.
A few plays later, Bethany was forced to kick after returning the kickoff to their own 33. There Johnny Robison blocked the punt and fell on the ball on the Bethany 18. Again the Bulldogs gained and were penalized. Blicken-staff hurled a long pass to Charlie Petefish in the end zone and McPherson led 19 to 7.
Eddie Ball hit a solid wall of Bethany linemen and failed to secure the after point. Late in the half. Bethany was held on downs and had to punt. Slabach blocked the punt and McPherson recovered as the half ended. McPherson leading 19 to 7.
The Bulldogs of McPherson College are about to finish the best season for a Bulldog team since 1946. The Canines had a 4-3-2 season record in 1946 under Coach T. C. Hayden, and finished the season in fourth place in the conference.
The Bulldogs have not been an overwhelming success as far as wins are concerned but. they have not suffered any of the humiliating defeats that had characterized the Bulldogs for the past three seasons. The only time the Bulldogs were soundly beaten this year, it was by a team that made a habit of doing just that to ail of its opponents.
In the conference the Canines were outscored by only six points in all games, or an average of one point per opponent. This fact can be attributed to Coach Woodard's fast moving split-T offense, which has been a thorn in the side of every opponent this year.
This your has given the Bulldogs a firm foundation from which to spring In the years to come.
Barring depletion by the military draft the Buldogs will be lacking only one starter from this year. With only three seniors on the squad, the Bulldogs will probably be hurt less by graduation than any other Kansas Conference team. Anticipating a good crop of freshmen next fall the Bulldogs should be three or four deep with competent material at every position.
With the football season drawing to a close, attention will be shifting to basketball. Several men have been doubling up this week in football and basketball, as Coach Woody issued a call for basketball practice. Time is growing short as the Canines open the round ball sport in just 11 days on the 28th in St. Louis against the Billikens of St. Louis U.
colorful runs, weaved and wound his way through the Bethany line and secondary to score.
McSpadden's try for the extra point was wide.
With seconds to play Hanagarne took another Swede pass into his arms for his second interception and raced to the Bethany 39 where he slipped and fell. McPherson fumbled and lost the ball on the 15 yard murker and that ended most of play as the game ended shortly after that.
Three Bulldog gridders will be writing the last chapter to their football playing days tonight in the friends game.
Co-captain Joe Pate will con-stitute the big-
• gest loss to the Bulldogs
come next year.
Big, friendly Joe has been a regular tackle
the last two years since his transfer from
Independence Junior College, where he won all-state honors. Joe was voted to the Kansas Conference second team last year while playing with the last place Bulldogs. Bulldog opponents will probably see fit to put big Joe on the all-conference team this year.
Joe Is one of the few members of the Bulldog team to play both offense and defense. He usually plays close to the full 60 minutes, which Is a rarity in this day of two platoon football.
Another senior Bulldog is Elvin Brown. Elvin is probably the most improved man on the squad this year. He has come from a sub center who saw little action last year to one of the better defensive linemen on the squad. Elvin can throw a mean block on offense also, as the ribs of some of the other boys will testify-
The third senior gridder is Mel Fishburn.
Fishburn lettered last year as a defensive half back, but has seen little action this year. All three of these men plan to stay close to the game of football however. Each of them is planning to coach, after graduation in the spring.
Kansas Conference
Last Weeks Scores:
Wesleyan 53 Bethel 0.
McPherson 31 Bethany 7.
Ottawa 45 C. of E. 7.
This Weeks Schedule:
Friends at McPherson.
Baker at Ottawa.
Kansas Wesleyan at Ft. Hays.
The thing everyone has been expecting has happened. The Kansas Conference title rests on the outcome of the Baker-Ottawa game at Ottawa tonight. These two teams go Into tonight's contest with identical 5-0 records. Ottawa is favored by many to unseat the current champion Baker. This game will finish the Kansas Conference schedule.
Kansas Wesleyan took over undisputed third place as a result of their 53-0 drubbing of lowly Bethel. and Bethany's loss to McPherson 31-7. Bethany's loss drops them to fourth in the standings.
College of Emporia and McPherson wind up in a tie for fifth place with 2-4 records. Lowly Bethel has a 0-6 record to cinch the cellar position.
The Baker-Ottawa go is the only conference game tonight. McPherson will entertain the Friends University Quakers in the Bulldog finale for this year. Wesleyan will travel to Hays to meet Ft. Hays Teachers.
After this week only one game involving a Kansas Conference member will remain. Kansas Wesleyan will meet Nebraska Wesleyan in Salina on Thanksgiving Day.
Friends University renewed intercollegiate football in 1949 and their loss to N. W. Oklahoma is the only loss they have suffered since that time. The Bulldog-Qua-ker meeting tonight will be the first meeting of these two schools in football since 1935. In the 1935 meeting the Bulldogs racked the Quakers 26-3.
McPherson and Friends have had only one common foe this year. Both clubs beat Bethel by a single point, the Bulldogs winning 20-19 and Friends winning 14-13.
Coach "Woody" Woodard has seen the Quakers in action and he reports that they compare favorably with Bethany and Kansas Wesleyan but that they probably do not have as much depth as Kansas Wesleyan.
In the eight games between McPherson and Friends, the Bulldogs have won four. Friends three, while the 1925 game ended in a draw 12-12.
The Quakers can boast of a real triple threat in quarterback Bob Hudgins. Hudgins can throw the ball a country mile If someone can get down under it. Ho can also tuck the- pigskin away and run with It. He scored three touchdowns against Dodge City Juco last week as proof of this fact.
Hudgins also does the Quaker punting. Beryl Cline, a Quaker half back, is a fast, shifty runner who will bear watching also.
Coach Woodard has been working on a defense to stop the potent Quaker offense, both in the air and on the ground. The Bulldog offense has also been in for some polishing. Besides learning some new plays, the Bulldogs have been brushing up on the old ones. The Bulldogs can boast of one of the more potent offenses in the Kansas Conference.
The Spectator 4
FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1950
Friends Tough Foe For Bulldogs Finale
The McPherson College Bulldogs will close the current football season against the Friends University Quakers at the College Stadium tonight. The Bulldogs will have their hands full with the Quakers, who have not lost a game since their opening tilt with Northwest Oklahoma State.