Only Twelve Days Until Thanksgiving VACATION
McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Friday, November 12,1948
NO. 9
Students See Three Plays On November 17, 18, and 19
With the audience sitting on the lever of the elevator in the play “Little Prison,” the spectators will be conducted through the first play of the evening next week. The other two plays will be “Jazz and Minuet,” and “Jacob Comes Home.”
National Polls Go Astray; Have We?
Campus Survey Denotes Difference Of Opinion Within Our Own Church
Forsaking the teachings of the Church of the Brethren, students voted in favor of Armed Service instead of registering as Conscientious Objectors. The third set of figures in the survey of student opinion showed that the Armed Sendees received 128 votes to the eighty-five votes given-to Conscientious Objectors.
In the fourth set of figures the advocates of gossip in the campus paper outnumber its opponents.
In the third of a series of surveys taken on the campus the question was. "How would you register?" Listed were several
ways one could register as follows: C. O.. Army Service, NonCombatant. Would Not and no opinion.
The voting for the various ways is as follows: C. O. received
eighty-five, Army service or Armed service in the broader sense received 128, would not, nine, noncombatant, seventeen, and no opinion. thirty-one.
However, these numbers cannot be taken as a decisive count because of the number of women who also cast their votes in this survey. The difference of opinion within the college reflects the differences within the Church of the Brethren itself.
Students Want Gossip Column
Also listed on the same poll was the question. "Do you like to see a gossip column in your school paper?”
The advocates of the gossip col umn snowed their opponents under by a 208 to 29 vote.
The stack up of votes is as follows:
For gossip in the paper 208.
Against gossip in the paper 29.
No opinion 31..
Several remarks concerning the column were written on the bottom of the survey sheet and both comment point out the big trouble in writing such columns. One student said "a gossip column is all right; however it should cover the student body rather than a certain group of students.”
Another student remarked that ''gossip is a malicious restatement of events. I do not believe the column should be of that nature."
It has often been pointed out in various Journalism classes that a column of this type is what is termed "yellow journalism." Many school papers do not even consider having such item printed in their paper.
In order to have complete coverage of the entire campus and all the students it is necessary that there be a few Judases in
each dormitory.
Next week will be the last of the surveys. The surveys scheduled for publication are: "Would you like to see carefully supervised dancing on Mac Campus?” and "Should football be subsidized in order to brink better football talent Into our football squad?"
Men Run For Their Lives
“Chase” Ends-Today at 4:00; Party Is Tomorrow Night
Five MC Juniors, Seniors Rate Place In “Who’s Who”
Five juniors and seniors will represent McPherson College in the new publication of “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges” according to information which has been released from Dr. Peter’s office.
Those students are Miss Bonnie Alexander, Mr. Russell Reinecker, Mr. Theodore Geisert, Mr. John Burkholder, and Mr. John Firestone.
Only juniors and seniors are eligible for selection and they in turn are chosen by the faculty on four conditions —scholarship,
leadership and co-operation in academic and extra-curricular activities, general citizenship, and promise of future usefulness.
The names of possible candidates were suggested by the various department heads, and the five highest students in the balloting were selected by the faculty to be send in to the headquartors of the Who's Who publication.
Extracurricular activities helped these five students to receive the Who's Who honor.
Donnie Alexander At present Bonnie Alexander, college junior holds a position with the McPherson College faculty as a piano instructor. Just recently she reigned us Queen over the 1948 Homecoming festivities. Bonnie was secretary of her freshman class and is serving now as junior class treasurer.
John Burkholder As a freshman. John Burkholder served his class as president. He is one of the co-chairmen of the SCA this year. John was on the debate squad for two years. With a major in Biology, he holds an assistantship in that department for the second year. As a sophomore and then again as a junior John received one of the two honor scholarships offered by the college to those two classes each year. He is a member of the senior class.
Theodore Geisert Theodore Geisert, who will graduate from McPherson College this year after only three years, is debating on the varsity debate squads again for the third consecutive year. Ted is a member of the honorary forensic society, PI Kappa Delta. Last year he was a member of student council; Ted presided over the junior class meetings last year as president. He has been active in dramatics hero at the college, and is a member or Alpha Psi Omega, the honorary dramatics society. .
Russell Reinecker The president of this year’s student council is "Buck" Rein-ecker, a McPherson, College senior, Buck's interests in college other than studies have been centered chiefly in the field of sports. He was president of the M Club for a year. With several years' experience on the varsity teams of football and basketball, Buck has lettered in several sports.
John Firestone
John Firestone, junior, has written for The Spectator since he
Run fer yer lives fellers I The women are on the loose!
The McPherson College co-eds are running wild today. determined to land a man before the 4 o'clock deadline.
The official Sadie Hawkins chase began yesterday morning at 8 o'clock. Since then, all the eager females have had a chance to exercise their running limbs by chasing a date for Saturday night's Dog Patch party.
The party, sponsored by the S. C. A., will be held tomorrow night in the gymnasium at 8 o'clock. The rules require everyone, including faculty members, to be costumed in accordance with the theme.
The fellow who has "sacrificed" his daily shave for Sadie Hawkins' Week will be rewarded as a prize will be given for the best beard present at the party. Prizes will also be given to the best dressed couple, the best facsimile of Daisy Mae and the most eligible bachelor, Little Abner.
Everyone, captured or not captured, is urgently invited to attend the party. The committee believes that stags brighten the atmosphere.
Those on the social committee for the Dog Patch party are Dean Neher, Margaret Daggett, Miriam Keim, Don Ford, and LeRoy Doty. The decoration committee is La Vona Thralls, Jean Evans, Pat Ford, Gerald Neher, and Irwin Porter, Dorothy Breon, Pat Patterson, Louise Reed, and Wilda Minnix are in charge of refreshments. Kenneth Kinzie is publicity manager.
The "You catchum if you can" rules follow;
In honor of Dog Patch all chas-ers and chasees are asked to contribute to the festivities by wear-ing clothing appropriate to the occasion, the oldest and worstest.
A good growth on the chin of the potential little Abners would add interest.
All the girls have to do to catch a man is to get both hands on him. provided he is caught within the limits of McPherson County, but outside of any building.
The gal must take the fellow she catches to the party (that doesn't mean you can't round up a little help, gals.)
If caught, the man must go to the party with the lucky gal who caught him.
(Continued on Page Three)
McPherson College students will have an opportunity to see the three one-act plays of the McPherson Players Club next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The first play will start at 8:00 p. m.
Dean Neher has been chosen as technical director for the plays, and LeRoy Doty as stage manager.
Dale Oltman is chairman of the committee for set props. Members of his committee are Harold Mc-Namee and Bill Kidwell.
The person in charge of the hand props is Kathleen Baerg, who has Donna Johnson helping her.
The costume committee consists of Eula Broyles, as chairman Alloe Long and Esther Mohler.
Students will be admitted by their activitiy tickets.
Casts For Plays
The cast for "Jazz and Minuet," is comprised of Jeane Baldwin, Ar-dys Albright, Avis Albright, Harold McNamee, Dean Cotton, Don Reed, Eula Broyles and understudy, Billy Kidwell.
The cast for "Little Prison” is as follows: Vera Hoffman, Alice Long, Esther Mohler, Mary Metz-ler and Ruth Merkey.
The cast for "Jacob Come Home.” is made up of the following students. Helen Burgess, Kathleen Baerg, Jo Ann Lehman, Lloyd Haag, Don Ford, and understudy Dale Oltman.
Student Directors
The student directors are Miss Ann Oberst, Miss Helen Stover, and Mr. Harry Knapp.
These presentations will be conducted for the specific purpose of discovering new talent for the next major production to be given sometime during the second semester according to Miss Esther Sherfy, dramatic coach.
Kollege Kalendar
November 12, Friday at 8 p. m.—Football—Eastern New Mex-
ico. here.
November 13, Saturday at 7:30 p. m.—Sadie Hawkins Day Party
in the Gym.
November 17, 18, 19, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 8:00 p. m.—the three one-act plays in the "Little Theater."
Kent Gives First Columbia Concert
Arthur Kent, a Metropolitan Opera baritone, was featured in a concert given by the McPherson Concert Association last Wednesday night.
Kent had the leading role in the Broadway production, "The Song of Norway” when the show first opened In New York and was with the company for a year.
He appeared on the Metropolitan Audition of the Air in 1939, and since that time has appeared in several concerts and has toured Canada extensively. He also served as a major in the United States Army during World War II.
Arthur Kent
His home on Long Island is built so that it will revolve around the music room which is in the center.
The concert which was presented last Wednesday night at the senior high auditorium is the first of a series of four.
Another concert is scheduled for February 9 which will feature Miss Helen Jepson, Soprano soloist.
On March 26, the Duo-pianists, Alfred and Herbert Teltschik, will present a concert.
The last concert will feature Mr. Anatol Kaminsky, violinist. The date for this concert has not been set.
Off-Campus Girls Will Slumber At Arnold Hull
A slumber party will be held tonight at Arnold Hall for all off-campus girls. Girls attending the party will meet at Arnold after the football game at 10:30.
Mattresses are being borrowed so that everyone will have a bed.
A scavenger hunt has been planned for entertainment, and cokes and popcorn will be served as refreshments.
The girls at Arnold extend a cordial invitation and welcome to all off-campus girls.
Arnold Hall Receives New Fire Alarm System
There is a new addition to Arnold Hall. Last Friday, a new fire alarm system was installed. It is connected by electricity; and all that is require to make it blow is to hit the glass of the little red box and break it.
The City Fire Chief requested that this type of alarm be installed because, he said, if fire should break out, it would probably be at night, and the little bells would not awaken the girls.
Quartettes Have Very Busy Time
If everyone wonders what our college quartettes spend their leisure time doing, here is a summary of some of the performances they have made thus far in the school year.
The College Ladies' Quartette made its first appearance in the college chapel October 6, 1948. Its members are Naomi Mankey, Wilma Smith, Marilyn Miller, and Ruth Holsopple, who are first so-prano, second soprano, first alto, and second alto respectively.
October 9 the Ladies’ Quartette sang at the district meeting held at the Salem Church of the Brethren at Nickerson, Kansas. They provided special music for Religious Emphasis Week on the evening of October 17, at the College Church.
The most recent performance of this quartette was October 20. when they sang at the Lutheran Church in downtown McPherson. Ruth Holsopple, their student leader, says that the quartette has several future engagements but the exact dates are not yet known.
The other college women’s quartette is inactive at the present because or the resignation of its student leader, Pat Albright. Other members of the quartette are Florence Messick, Nelda Baldner, and Rowena Neher.
With Bob Keim as their student leader. Dale Eshelman. Kenneth Graham, and Vernon Nicholson compose the male quartette known as the "Meloaires." This quartette was together last year, consequently they have made more trips than the newly organized ones.
During last year's school year they traveled a total of 1300 miles. In the fall they went to Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania with the Brethren Student Christian Movement Club.
Their next trip was in the spring, when they spent a week traveling through Eastern Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and back into Central Kansas.
This quartette's major trip was made last summer. From the 28th of May to the last of June they traveled 6,000 miles, singing in twenty-five churches, singing on three radio broadcasts, and singing at two weddings.
This year the "Meloaires” sang at the district meeting at Nebraska. They are planning to be at the B. S. C. M. meeting in Chicago during Thanksgiving. This spring they will take another Spring Tour. They are known as the "coast-to-coast and border-to-border" quartette.
Male Quartette
Albert Rogers from Wilmont, Minnesota, is the student leader of the other male quartette. They arc newly organized this year, and have not found a suitable name yet.
The other members are Frank Lutz from Carrington, North Dakota; Don Guthals from Abilene, Kansas; and Gilford Ikenberry from Stillwater, Oklahoma.
This quartette's first appear-ance was at the district meeting
(Continued on Page Three)
Skating Replaces Hayride
Because weather conditions did not permit a hayride last Saturday, November 5, the students en-joyed a skating party instead.
Over fifty students and faculty members met in front of Sharp Hail at 7:30 p. m. From there, they were transported to the rink for an evening of entertainment.
Shelton Relates Events As Exchange Teacher
Next Monday morning in Chapel. Miss Lena Shelton, grade teacher from Hutchinson, will tell her experiences in England.
Miss Shelton taught last year In a grade school in England. She is interested in the economic, so-cial, and educational aspects of English life.
Frederick Publishes Own Arrangement of Spiritual
Professor Donald R. Frederick, voice teacher and chorus director here at the college, has had his arrangement of "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." published. It is just off the press"of Hall & McCreary Company. Chicago.
The a cappella choir sang his arrangement of this song last year on their tour through the various states along with the re-tinue of other numbers.
Women’s Council Holds
Steak Fry At Fireplace
The Women's Council held a steak fry Tuesday evening on the college campus.
The fry was held for the purpose of dedicating the new picnic equipment, which is located north of the chemistry building. The council sponsored the construction of this project.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Doll were the honored guests. Mr. Dell's industrial arts class made the table and open fireplace with funds provided by the W. C.
Plans are being made to erect outside lighting for the picnic grounds.
Missionary Group Stresses Foreign Mission Program
For throe days, beginning Sunday, November 7, three missionaries Ivan Ikenberry, Dick Burger, and D. J. Lichty were at McPherson College to emphasize the foreign mission program of the Church of the Brethren.
Students first heard Ivan Ikenberry at the CBYF meeting, Sunday, November 7. His topic was. "What Do You Want to Do?" Mr. Lichty delivered the message on the Brethren as a peacemaker at Sunday evening church services.
A story or an African boy was told by Mr. Ikenberry during Monday chapel service. Tuesday morning. Mr. Lichty told the SCA Student Volunteer group about evangelism in India, while Mr. Ikenberry addressed the World Rela-tions Commission on the political aspect of Africa.
Because the films, scheduled to be shown Monday and Tuesday at 7:30 p. m., did not arrive, the Tuesday meeting was cancelled. However, Reverend Ikenberry took charge of the program Monday evening and told the group more about misisons in Africa.
The final address was given during Chapel. Wednesday morning, by Mr. Burger, who spoke on the validity of foreign missions.
Besides speaking to various groups on the campus, the members of the deputation team held personal interviews and conferences with the students.
Reverend Miller Speaks After Two-Week Absence
"Is it Worth What it Costs?" will be the title of Rev. DeWitt Miller’s sermon this coming Sunday morning. Rev. Miller will be in the pupit of the Church of the Brethren after a two-Sunday absence, during which time he has-been back East during Religious Emphasis Week at Elizabeth Town College.
The program for Sunday is as follows:
9:30 Organ Melodies, Mrs. C. H. Dresher, organist.
9:45 The Church at Study. Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel. Superintendent.
10:45 The Church at Worship. Sermon Subject: "Is It Worth What It Costs?"
6:30 Junior and Senior High CBYF. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Goering, Sponsors.
6:45 College CBYF. Ruth Holsopple, president.
7:30 Men and Missions Sunday observance. Ira Brammel in charge.
A Lament On Sadie Hawkins’ Day
To flee, or not to flee; that is the question Whether 'tis better in the chase to suffer The glares and torments of outrageous females,
Or to give in amidst a horde of chasers.
And by submitting end all? To trip; to fall;
Just once; and by a fall to say we end The back-ache and the thousand painful shocks The chased is heir to. 'tis a situation Devoutly to be wished. To trip, to fall;
To fall; perchance by fate: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that fall of fate what hags may pounce When we have lost all hope of liberty,
Must give us chills: there’s the respect That makes Sadie Hawkins’ of so great dread!
Reciprocal Criticism
I would like to suggest to the student body and to the faculty an idea which I have been considering for several months. I would suggest reciprocal criticism between the members of the student body and the members of the faculty.
The grade cards which all of us have received or will receive today are, in a sense, a criticism of the students by the teachers and instructors. In other words, they suggest to the indvidual the courses in which he needs to change. If we receive them in the proper manner, we will try to improve our knowledge in those courses in which the card says we are weak.
The grade cards seem to play the part of a constructive criticism between those persons, doing the teaching and those persons who do the learning. The suggestion I have in mind would provide a means by which the students can reciprocate with some form of criticism of the teachers.
Last summer in a discussion with a student who had attended the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, I learned of a plan used by the students and faculty in that institution. In each class at a certain time during the year students were asked to complete questionnaires concerning their teachers. The questionnaires were returned unsigned and the material contained was worded in such a manner that questions could be answered by merely putting a check or an “X” in the proper spot. In that way the possibility of identifying any of the students from their handwriting was eliminated.
The questions used on the sheet were helpful, open-minded, and tactful. Students were urged to complete them in a like manner; i. e., helpful, open-minded, and tactful.
To me it seems that such a plan would be of immense aid to the teacher who is always trying to become better.
None of us possess the gift of which the romanticist Burns spoke when he said,
“0 wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!”
By giving constructive suggestions to the faculty members in such an open-minded manner, we students would be helping them to see themselves from the students’ standpoint.
I think such a system would work out, because it HAS worked out before here at McPherson College. Last year one of the teachers in the Science Department asked the students in his classes to fill out similar questionnaires. I was present in one of those classes. The students all seemed to answer the questions conscientiously and open-mindedly, and I am sure he received considerable aid from them.
I suggest an extension of this plan to include all faculty members. Surely that would be more constructive than the gripes and remarks that are voiced in “bull sessions.”
Let us hear your reactions to this proposition.
Respect the Property of Others!
All of us have been told over and over again that we, as citizens of a democracy, have certain freedoms. These freedoms which our citizenship provides us have been enumerated at various times by various persons.
However, at the same time we all were reminded about the limitations of our privileges. One would think that after a group of people had been told the same thing repeatedly for 20 or 21 years, that those persons would be able to use fair judgment in the treatment of property of others.
It has been called to my attention that the dog has been removed from the miniature dog house, which is situated in the college snack bar. And at the same time, the sign was removed from the outside of the small dog house. These two articles have been missing for approximately a week now.
Other college newspapers would probably label such acts as vandalistic acts, and we will ‘say in addition that the removal of the Dog House’s properties was uncalled for, and was not appreciated.
The manager of the Dog House would be very pleased if the seemingly irresponsible person or persons who took the two articles would summon enough respect for property to return them to their proper place.
Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
John Firestone
Max McAuley
LeRoy Doty
Don Reed, Russell West
Van Dunahoo
Leona Flory
Sarah May Vancil
Don Ford
Annette Shropshire Barbara Carruth Lorene Clark
Reporters and Special Writers Lorene Marshall Pat Albright Dale Oltman
Managing: Editor
Campus Editor Sports Co-Editors
Feature Editor
Society Editor
— Faculty Adviser
Carmina San Romani Betty Redinger Claudia Jo Stump
Student Directory
McPherson College is a relatively small school, but it is not so diminutive that each student knows every other person. Moreover, students cannot remember the addresses of everyone else in' the student body.
For these reasons, the Spectator will publish, for your convenience, a McPherson College student directory. This data will be printed in several successive issues of the paper. If students and subscribers will save these issues, they will have accumulated for their own use a complete student directory.
For the student directory this week the names of about half of the freshman class are published.
Name College Address Home Address
Anderson, Anita; 811 N. Elm --------McPherson, Kansas
Anderson, Bill; 324 N. Olivette-----------------Gypsum, Kansas
Augsburger, Robert: 227 N. Charles -----------Columbus, Ohio
Bader, Hugh, Jr: 801 E. First .....................McPherson, Kansas
Bailey, Clifford; Galva, ____________________________________Galva, Kansas
Baker. John; 1614 E. Gordon ...........New Enterprise, Pennsylvania
Baldner, Nelda; Arnold Hall _________.............Dallas Center, Iowa
Balzer, Albert, Jr.; 321 N. Olivette ----------------------Inman, Kansas
Barnett, Patty; Arnold Hall------------------------------Roanoke, Louisiana
Bateman, William; 1610 E. Gordon....................McPherson, Kansas
Batson. Don; 620 S. Chestnut--------------McPherson, Kansas
Beach, Weldon; 304 N. Lehmer....................Leonard, Missouri
Bell, Clayton; Fahnestock Hall -----------------------Langdon, Kansas
Benac, Robert; 206 N. Park Drive----------------Gary, Indiana
Birkes, Clinton; 524 E. Elizabeth --------------McPherson, Kansas
Bishop, Mary Anne; Arnold Hall -----------------------Miami, New Mexico
Blocker, Doris: 200 N. Park Drive ...............Minneapolis, Minnesota
Botz, Wilma; Kline Hall-----—-------Talmadge, Kansas
Brandt, Lowell; Fahnestock Hall ----------------Quinter, Kansas
Brown, Phyllis; 819 S. Walnut-----------------McPherson, Kansas
Broyles, Eula; Arnold Hall ---------------Wichita, Kansas
Barger, La Verne; Arnold Hall------------Perryton, Texas
Burgess, Helen; 1010 E. Euclid_____________McPherson, Kansas
Carpenter, Dale; 307 N. Oak ----------------McPherson, Kansas
Carruth, Barbara; Arnold Hall------------------------Pampa, Texas
Carter, Nancy; 508 N. Elm ...........................McPherson, Kansas
Christensen, Bob; 911 S. Ash --------------____McPherson, Kansas
Christopher, Lucille; 127 N. Charles ---------McPherson, Kansas
Clark, Lorene; Arnold Hall---------------Mayfield, Kansas
Cline, Delma; Arnold Hall .............................Conway, Kansas
Coffman, Lawrence; 321 N. Maxwell-----Albuquerque, New Mexico
Colberg, Lois: Arnold Hall _______________.....................Lyons, Kansas
Connell, Charles: 1422 Euclid ---------------------Boulder, Colorado
Crist, Albert; 304 N. Lehmer ------------------------Quinter, Kansas
Daggett, Margaret; Arnold Hall---------------Lawrence, Kansas
Delay, Roland; 601 N. Oak ------------------------McPherson, Kansas
Dell, Emerson; 133 N. Carrie ___________________Beatrice, Nebraska
Dirks, Don; 1614 E. Gordon-------------------Buhler, Kansas
Ebbert, Bernard; Fahnestock Hall .....................Quinter, Kansas
Ebersole, Vera; Arnold Hall ...........Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
Edmonds, Ralph; 706 E. Marlin .......................McLouth, Kansas
Evans, Jean; Arnold Hall ......................Overton, Nebraska
Fishburn, Melvin; 126 N. Charles...................Lawrence, Kansas
Flora, Sylvus; Fahnestock Hall_________________Quinter, Kansas
Flory, Calvin; 318 N. Lehmer-----------------------Lone Star, Kansas
Ford, Donald; 1442 E. Euclid .......................Eglon, West Virginia
Ford, Patricia; Arnold Hall ________________________Aline, Oklahoma
Foster, Wayne; 619 E. Kansas------------------McPherson, Kansas
Frantz, Byron; 133 Carrie ...........................McPherson, Kansas
Gaddy, Delvln; 214 S. Grand-------------------McPherson, Kansas
Gatz, Elmer; Route 4 ......................................McPherson, Kansas
Glnder, Mary; Arnold Hall.............................Canton, Kansas
Goenner, Frederick; 133 N. Carrie ..........................Zenda, Kansas
Goossen, Imogene; Galva, Kansas_______________________Galva, Kansas
Goossen, Irvy; Galva, Kansas___■___________________________Galva, Kansas
Grindle, Earl;-------------------------------------Beloit, Kansas
Guyer, Carl; 1614 E. Gordon —........New Enterprise, Pennsylvania
Haag, Lloyd: 1422 Euclid .........................Bremen, Indiana
Harden, Joyce; Arnold Hall -------------Natoma, Kansas
Hoffa, Ernest; Fahnestock Hall -----------Grundy Center, Iowa
Hornbaker, Hazel; Kline Hall —------Hutchinson, Kansas
Howard, Karrel; Veteran’s Housing----Ontario, Oregon
Hummer, Verlla; Arnold Hall-----------------Booker, Texas
Ikenberry, Gilford: 1503 E. Euclid ...........Stillwater, Oklahoma
Irons, M. H.: 605 N. Walnut ------------------Eureka, Kansas
Jamison, Duane: 1422 Euclid ---------------------------Quinter, Kansas
Jenne, Everett; 133 N. Carrie--------------Holmeaville, Nebraska
Johnson, Leon, Route 1 ................................McPherson, Kansas
Johnson, Mary Louise; Kline Hall ................Webb City, Missouri
Jones, William; 755 Euclid ---------------------------Payette, Idaho
Keim, Miriam: Arnold Hall —-------------------Nampa, Idaho
Kinzie, Kenneth; 1223 Euclid........................Chicago, Illinois
Lawrence, Bob: Route 1 _________________________McPherson, Kansas
Lindberg, Charles; Galva, Kansas ----------------------Galva, Kansas
Little, Dorothy: Arnold Hall ..-----------........Kansas City, Kansas
Little, Ivan: Fahnestock Hall ~—................ Kansas City, Kansas
Lohrenz, John; 321 N. Olivette____________Buhler, Kansas
Long, Alice; Arnold Hall —--------------------Quinter, Kansas
Love, Marjorie: 1208 South Ash ---------------McPherson, Kansas
Lutz, Frank; 318 N. Lehmer _________________Carrington, North Dakota
October 1, 1948
Compiled by W. J. Poundstone, Registrar, Southwestern College SCHOOL Lib. arts Fine arts others Total Dup. Net 1947 Vets**
Baker University 667 ‘ 667 667 652 201
Bethany College 223 165 16 404 404 406 100
Bethel College 412 412 412 435 20
College of Emporia 318 13 331 331 309 141
Friends University 510 176 686 166 520 569 192
Kansas Wesleyan 529 91 620 91 529 514 230
McPherson College 406 406 406 4 59 74
Ottawa University 583 583 583 583 188
Southwest. College 538 68 606 606 687 198
Sterling College 265 132 397 128 269 321 70
•No students below college level are included •♦Students under G. I. Bill of Rights
Wendell Burkholder
Harry Knapp
Don Ford
Lloyd Haag
Gordon Yoder
Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Faculty Advisor
have been cases of stutterers since biblical times or before. It is usually so distracting and disheartening to the persons affected than 25 percent have contemplate ed or actually committed suicide. There are two types—the repeater typo that repeats a word or sound several times before going on, and the blocked type when the indi-vidual cannot make a sound at crucial moments. Stuttering usually shows up in children around three years old, and the younger they are discovered the better.
Aphasic Case
The aphasic case occurs when the connection between thought and actual speech is broken. Usually children affected in this way are behavior problems, very shy or bashful. These children have to think out every phrase of sentence before talking.
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy is a type of speech defect that is caused at birth usually, or by an accident after birth, or by severe sickness that damages the coordination part of the brain.
Speech difficulties caused by deafness are corrected in children through all available senses.
The institute has been recognized for the wonderful work it is doing and the hope of larger facilities is about to be realized in the form of new buildings and better equipment.
Dr. Palmer, president of the American Speech Association and founder of the institute, is making a great effort to raise the teacher standards. The main drawback to the expansion of this work over the nation is the lack of adequate finances.
Mr. LeRoy Garst of Cordell, Ok-lahoma, and Miss Emogene Wood-hatch, formerly of Rosepine, Louisiana, were married on Sunday, October 24, at Rosepine. They are now living on a farm near Cordell, Oklahoma.
Both Emogene and LeRoy were students here last year.
* 18 Graduates Visit McPherson
Four 1948 graduates of our college visited here last week. They were Wayne and Esther Row-man, and Marvin and Dorris Blough.
Wayne and Esther were mar-ried this August and are now teaching school in Norcatur, Kansas. Marvin and Dorris were married in July and are both teaching in the high school at Shallow Water, Kansas.
Nelda Baldner and Lois Yoder were visited by their fathers over the weekend. Nelda's father, Mr. Laurence Baldner, is from Dallas Center, Iowa; and Mr. H. A. Yoder is from Pampa, Texas.
Miss Neher entertained a friend, Miss Alma Morrison, here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Morrison is a teacher at Beloit, Kansas.
Miss Jean Evans had as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Le-
Social Work Class Visits Institute of Logopedics
Last week Dr Bechtel's Social Work class went to Wichita to visit the Institute of Logopedics situated near Wichita University.
The institute was started a number of years ago, by a certain Dr. Palmer, for speech defective children, and in the ensuing years it has become world famous for its marvelous results.
Dr. Palmer started the insti-ture in Wichita, because he saw that very little work of this type was being done in the Mid-west. Most speech corrective work was done in the larger metropolitan areas and then not with a large percentage of success.
Group Tours Building The group was shown through the building which was equipped quite adequately even though they were cramped for space due to the large number of cases.
The lecturer explained several of the different types of speech defects, and in most cases she had one of the children that had that defect come in and talk to the group for a minute or so.
Articulation Cases The articulation cases were explained as those individuals who had certain sounds missing in their speech and. therefore, could not talk correctly.
Cleft Pallet Case Another type is the cleft pallet case. There is an opening or cleft that allows sounds to escape through the sinuses and nose. An operation is necessary before corrective teaching can begin.
Stuttering Among the most interesting types is that of the stutterer. There
land Lindell and daughter, Jane. Mrs. Esther Enberg and Bobbie, and her grandmother, Mrs. R. W. Brown, They are all of McPherson.
Miss Ethel Dalke, Miss Jerry McConkey, and Miss Joyce Harden attended the Ice Capades at Wichita over the weekend.
Four girls from Kline Hall — —attended the Ice Capades last Marjorie Fike, and Phyllis Smutz Betty Hanagarne. Mildred Dell, Saturday night in Wichita.
Wilma Kuns was seen on the campus last Tuesday. She was contemplating the possibility of returning to Mac second semester. She will be remembered along with Mike Ruthrauff as the "iben” language majors.
Kathleen Baerg, Bonnie Alexander, Harry Heckethorn, and El-vin Wolfe attended the Paul Whiteman concert last Wednesday night in Hutchinson.
Marilyn Miller, Letha Miller, and Ruth Merkey went with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reusser to Lawrence last Friday afternoon to attend the Shakepearen play "Hamlet." This play was produced by the Kansas University Players. Tom Rea, a former McPherson College student, had a principal part in the play. at the Salem Church in Nickerson, Kansas. One Sunday night they went to Fredonia, Kansas and sang for the church homecoming.
They have sung for various activities around the campus, including a night meeting of S. C. A., and the last night of Religious Emphasis Week. One Wednesday night they entertained the Methodist men at a meeting.
(Continued from Page One)
first entered McPherson College. At present he is the Editor-in Chief. John is president of this year’s junior class. He has been a member of the band and orchestra for several years.
Copies of the Who’s Who publication as well as emblem keys are available to the persons chosen. However, the students chosen for the honor are not obligated to purchase them.
Big Man On Campus
Always a smile, always a witty remark, nineteen-year-old Sophomore class president, Stanley R. Watkins.
Born and reared in State College, New Mexico, Stan thinks Mac is pretty good compared to state schools.
In high school Stan was active in sports, journalism, Honor Society; he was president of the Junior class.
At Mac besides being sophomore class president, Stan is on the S. C. A. Cabinet and Men’s Council, and is an active hand member.
Working as a them lab assistant this year. Stan plans to make chemistry his major, but his main interest is sports.
After college, Stan would like to do graduate work with a Masters in science as his goal.
For his spare time, Stan prefers sports, or recreation of any kind.
His favorite subject is chemistry and his favorite teacher is Flory.
His ambition is to teach or do research work.
Dark brown hair . . . Hazel eyes . . . “fun loving" . . . sophomore class president . . . Stan Watkins.
I think that I shall never see another beard as long as thee the beard that grows from day to day
with neer a razor to mar its way and grow it will till happy sadie hawkins day
Rumors are flitting here and there that don reed and dot little are going steady
lou reed became so attached to the swede dummy that she almost shed tears at his cremation friday night
the students were very disappointed last week when dr jolson didnt sing “mammy” for them in pep assembly
all of the foreign language classes have been going around singing strange songs frankly they are all greek to me
since election all of the democrat enthusiasts can certainly be spotted Just watch their beaming faces especially the texas democrats
now that tests are over for awhile the alarm clocks are once more being placed upon the shelf to rest for a time some students brains remain beside them
six third floor fanny fellows made a trip to bethany monday we understand quite a bit of paint was smeared on their car a swede did the smearing green and orange jims favorite combination
A laugh a minute when your with him, we want cha’ to meet eighteen-year old John Lohrenz.
Officially named Joelle Edgar, this freshman from Buhler, Kansas, explains he has always been known John.
In high school John was vicepresident of the student body, president of the junior class, sports editor of his high school paper, editor of the yearbook, and an active member in Hl-Y.
His main activity at Mac is playing in the band, which is one of his favorite pastimes. He has been playing for about seven years, and his baritone solo in the band chapel points out his ability.
His favorite subject is chemistry, and along with this his favorite teacher is Heisey.
He used to collect literature on cars and trucks, but finds the college student has little time for any hobby.
After college John plans to go to graduate school, his goal being a Chemical Engineer.
When asked his likes and dislikes about Mac. John said; "I like all my courses except English. I tolerate English.”- He also said that he goes home each weekend to date, so maybe he thinks the selection of girls might be more varied.
His secret ambition is to go into politics, and his pet peeve is Bill Moore, no connection!
5’ 11 1/8" . . . 155 lbs. . . mu
sician . . . jokester . . . John Lohrenz.
Louise Reed
We want'cha' to meet tall, slender, and witty, Louise Reed, more commonly known as Lou or Mabel.
Lou hails from Galesburg, Kansas, where she graduated from high school last year; she was sen-
ior class president.
At Mac Lou finds her favorite class algebra, explaining that she has always liked math. Her algebra class is so pleasing, since she is the only girl in the class.
Her reasons for choosing Mac are that her sister came here and got married, so her folks thought they would try it again.
Her pet peeves are Deans, and she accredits her muscles to the set of barbells she and Marty keep in their room.
She was born on September 24,
1929, and thinks this is one of the main reasons her ambition is to revolutionize fan dancing by using electric fans.
Brown hair . . . hazel eyes . . . fun- ’ ny . . . mischievous . . . Lou Reed.
The dog buttoned down his tail and made a bee-line for shelter . .
Tonight at eight o’clock, the McPherson College Bulldogs will entertain the Eastern New Mexico College Greyhounds at the College Stadium.
The Greyhounds come from Portalis, New Mexico, a town of about 11,000. Their student body numbers about 750.
The Greyhounds have won 5 games and lost two so far this year and finished fourth in their conference last year.
Last year they beat Sterling College 34-14, a team the Bulldogs beat 14-6.
The approximate weight average for their line is 180 lbs; and the backfield weighs in the neighborhood of 165 lbs. per man.
This will be the final game of the season for the Bulldogs as they finished their conference schedule last week with a defeat at the hand of Bethany 31-0.
The Canines will be seeking their first victory tonight as they have been beaten seven straight times.
Probable starters for the Bulldogs: Guards—Tillman, Hecke-
thorn; Tackles—Webb, Flory; Ends--Wolf, Hoffa; Center—Anderson or Stevens; Backs—Fisher, Batson, Arnold, Colyn.
Kansas Conference
K.C.A.C. Results
Baker—18; Wesleyan—6
Baker University Wildcats scored two fourth-quarter touchdowns to defeat the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes at Baldwin before a large homecoming crowd.
Eugene Chubb caught a 30-yard touchdown pass to put Baker ahead in the fourth quarter, and Roy Braley sprinted the final 20 yards to the final score. Smith intercepted four Wesleyan passes.
Ottawa—28; W. Jewell—6
Ottawa wrecked the William Jewell homecoming celebrations last Friday night by taking a 286 victory.
Carl Haney pounced on an Ottawa punt early in the first quarter that rolled free behind the William Jewell goal line for the first score. Others making touchdowns were Vaughn, Kimbrough and Walsh.
Jewell's only score came on a line plunge by Klose.
Emporia—14; Bethel—6
The College of Emporia also spoiled a Homecoming when they squeezed by Bethel. 14-6.
The Presbyterians recovered a fumble and Intercepted a pass to pave the way for the two touchdowns. Louis Lerda and Sid Rose scored the two touchdowns.
Correll Albright's 22-yard pass to Vergil Kaufman in the third quarter brought the lone Bethel score.
Late Headlines
Washington, D. C., November 9. It was announced today that the celling of the Senate chamber, which has been propped with steel girders since 1940, will be repaired today.
It is expected that the entire chamber will be remodeled the following year.
Shanghai, November 10. A strike by 12,000 Chinese rail workers was called off after a few hours today, ending a serious threat to Shanghai's critical food situation. The workers returned to their jobs after the government railway administration agreed to meet demands for more rice per worker.
Naylors Are Featured In Gospel Messenger
In the November 6. issue of the Gospel Messenger is a presentation of Kent and Elva Jean Naylor who graduated from McPherson College.
In August, 1947, Kent and Elva Jean arrived in Carrara, Italy, to begin work on the children’s project. Their duties are to provide crafts and direct team games and recreation for the children who come to the club from six to twelve. They also work in the supplementary feeding and clothing program for the children.
Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.
There is a legend that says that it was a rusty old cannon of Revolutionary War vintage that was really the start of intercollegiate football in America. It goes like this:
Near the campus of Rutgers University stood a historic and rusty old cannon which had once been fought for by Lord Howe and General George Washington during the American Revolution. The students of Rutgers considered the ancient weapon as a prized campus possession, and it became a sort of rendezvous for romantic undergraduates and their girls.
Near Rutgers was that other famous old institution, Princeton University. And the Princeton lads used to get quite Jealous of the two universities over the cannon. Victory meant not only temporary possession of the cannon, but also the exclusive right for the victors to use the cannon as a rendezvous for their dates.
One fine day, Princeton ended the traditional battle for the cannon by the simple expedient of swiping it and dumping it into a bed of solid concrete prepared in advance on the Nassau campus. Unable to continue the rivalry, but still thirsting for battle, the two factions decided to substitute a game of football for that annual battle. And on November 13, 1869, at New Brunswick, the first intercollegiate football game in America was played. With twenty-five men on a side and playing under ancient and now-forgotten rules, Rutgers emerged the winner. In a return game, a week later, Princeton was victorious.
In the seventy-nine years that followed, football has grown to be the great American college game. And it bids fair to supplant baseball in the affeotions of the fans. The madness that descends on American campuses in September and does not lift until December frost and snow owes everything to that bitterly-fought contest between Rutgers and Princeton in the dim distant past. The next time you go to see a football game, remember that it was a rusty old cannon of Revolutionary War vintage that really started college football in America!
A lot of auto wrecks result from the driver hugging the wrong curve. . .
21 Clean Records Stand In College Pigskin Ranks
It was getting almost as hard to find perfect record football teams as Mexican war veterans today as the list of hardy survivors was reduced to 21 after a very rough week end.
Gone were the North Carolina Tarheols and the Georgia Tech Yellow-Jackets who used to brighter up the Dixie section every Monday morning. Gone also was Pennsylvania, overpowered by the Mountaineers from Penn State.
And where was that Nevada Wolfpack that was supposed to be sweetening up Its victory string for a January 1 appearance in the Sugar Bowl? Beaten by the little old Santa Clara Broncos, that’s where they were.
Those were the big shot teams that tumbled from the perfect record ranks, leaving only Michigan and Notre Dame from the Midwest, California from the Pacific Coast, Army from the East, and Clemson from the South, not necessarily in that order.
—KU Kansan
Swedes Take Bulldogs
The conference schedule for ’48 wound itself up last Friday night as the Bulldogs were defeated 31-0 by the Bethany Swedes in ankle deep mud.
Verlyn Fisher, Don Batson, and Gene Arnold were the offensive main springs for the Bulldogs as they made 82 yards from scrimmage on running plays.
The Swedes scored twice in the first period, and in the second quarter the Swedes were outplayed. The score at the half was 120.
The Bulldogs attempted to pass eleven times with no completions while the Swedes completed two out of nine for forty-two yards. The first pass resulted in a touchdown.
Bill Carlson, brother of Mc-Pherson High School football coach “Butch” Carlson, was the main spring in the Bethany team and scored two touchdowns.
Bethany Game Statistics
First downs ..................4 14
Passes attempted ........11- 9
Times punting ............ 7 3
Frederick Directs Chorus Of McPherson Men
Donald Frederick of McPherson College has been named director of the McPherson Male Chorus, it was announced last Saturday by Dwight Pierce, president of the chorus. Rehearsals of the chorus have started and are being held at the Elks Club.
Pierce said that anyone wanting to engage the chorus should get in touch with him in person or by mail and should give at least two week's notice.
Hornets Top CIC
The honors will be split this coming week end between conference and intersectional games in the Kansas Central Intercollegiate conference.
Emporia State, the current undefeated, untied league leader, will entertain cellar-dwelling St. Benedict's, while the Pittsburg Teachers play Arkansas State Teachers on the Kansas grid Thursday.
Washburn draws Southwestern to the Kansas capital Friday, while Fort Hays State journeys to Las Cruces, New Mexico, for a contest with New Mexico, A. and M.
Emporia State retained the lead in the Central conference last weekend, and with only two CIC games left to play, appeared a virtual 1948 winner.
CIC Conference Standings
Emporia State ............3 0 0
Fort Hays ............... 3 1 1
Washburn ..................2 1 1
Southwestern ..............2 2 0
Pittsburg ....................1 3 0
St. Benedicts ..............0 4 0
—K. U. Kansan
A scientist says space is important. It surely is. It would be mighty inconvenient not to have anywhere to put anything.
Read all the ads in this issue.