vol. XXXII McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, priday, November 5, 1948
McPherson Players Name Casts For One-Act Plays
Casts have been chosen from The McPherson College Players Club for the three one-act plays to be presented November 17, 18, and 19.
Last Sunday night, the entire male population of the college
turned out to hold off the raiders that invaded the campus as a Hallowe'en prank.
The first alarm was sounded about 10 p. m. when it appeared that the raiders were planning to take over the girls' dorm. The fast-thinking students turned them away by surrounding the dorm, making as much noise as possible.
Then the raiders took the offensive and one being fleet of foot, caught a group of students and cornered them. It looked like sure destruction for the group when one fast-thinking freshman flashed a light in the offender's face, blinding him. Although the group escaped, the invader made away with one of the students
The next Alarm was sounded at Harnly, where the raiders were planning to disrupt the chemistry lecture room.
The student strategy this time was to turn off all the outside light leaving the campus in com-plete darkness. In this way the
Students To The Rescue!
by DUNCEl Vanahoo
invaders, being unfamiliar with the grounds, were unable to ac-complish their mission. .
About twelve O'clock the raiders gave up and left the campus. It was then, and only then that the students felt that they had truly performed their duties as defenders of the campus and went to bed.
Several very good pictures were taken of the invaders and a reward is being offered by the administration for the identification of any of the raiders.
Dr. Wendell Wilkie Peeper said that the students are to be commended for their excellent Jobs of guarding the campus. He also stated that had the students not been on their toes, much damage could have been caused on the campus.
Dr. O. Al Jolson, who was an eye witness to the affair, said that he was truly proud of the students of the college for keeping their wits throughout the inci-dent. Furthermore he stated that had anyone lost his temper, he would have surely been the laugh of the campus.
Classic Or Popular, Students Say Yes
Campus Survey Demands Action On Canned Music
With only twenty-five negative votes cast against the question of canned music on campus, students showed their intense interest on the question of whether Mac College is to have a "juke box."
Students Burn Swede
The traditional ceremony of the burning of the Swedes was held last night at 9:00 p. m. in the driveway by Fahnestock.
The program was built around the idea of a funeral, and a dum-my Swede was burned in the bonfire. The cheerleaders and band led and contributed to the pep of the evening.
This ceremony is practiced every year before the game with the Lindsborg Swedes.
Women Chase After Men In Sadie Hawkins’ Event
With a promise of some luxuriant growths of beards from the male population of the campus, and a promise of a more-than-usual conspicuous chase of the men by the women, the time for Sadie Hawkins’ Day is again approaching!
Marilue Bowman and Stanley Watkins, S. C. A. social committee, have announced that Sadie Hawkins' Day opens officially Thursday, November 11, 8:00 a. m. and ends Friday, November 12, 4:00 p. m. The annual party will be held Saturday, November 13. The rules for this chase are:
1. In honor of Dog Patch, all chasers and chases are asked to contribute to the festivities by wearing clothing appropriate to the occasion—the oldest and "worstest.”
2. A good growth on the chins of the potential Lil' Abners would add Interest. A prize will bo awarded for the best whiskers.
3. All that the gals have to do to catch a man is to get both hands on him. provided he is caught within the limits of McPherson County but outside of any building.
4. The gal must take the fellow she has caught to the party, (that doesn't mean you can't round up a little help, gals!)
6. If caught, the man must go to the party with the lucky gal who caught him.
7. There will be a prize for the most eligible bachelor judged from his ability in the chase and his appearance at the party.
Some of the highlights and honors from last year’s chase were games and group singing. Hill Daggett was chosen Lil' Abner, while Max McAuley and Rowena Fisher won the prize as being the best dressed couple: dressed as Mammy and Tappy Yokum, Six fellows were never even caught last year!
Such a tragedy must not happen this year, so all the girls bet ter catch a man while they have a chance.
Jazz and Minuet ‘Jazz and Minuet, a light fantasy by Ruth Glorloff, will be directed by Harry Knapp.
The cast consists of: Mrs. Van Hayden, a handsome woman. Jeane Baldwin: Eleanor Van Hayden, her daughter, Ardys Albright; Prudence Van Hayden, her great-great-aunt, Avis Al-bright; Richard Townsend, Eleanor's lover, Harold McNamee; Robert Trowbridge, Prudence’s lover, Dean Cotton: Milford Devereaux, a lord of Colonial days, Don Reed: Nettle and Lucy, the servants, Eula Broyles; and understudy, Billy Kidwell.
Little Prison
Director of “Little Prison” a story of circumstances arising on a suspended elevator, will be Ann Oberst.
The all-woman cast includes: Vera Hoffman as Daisy, an elevator girl in the Ron Ton Department Store: Alice Long as Pearl, a ribbon clerk; Esther Mohler as Miss Ellison, general manager of the Hon Ton: Mary Metzler as Miss Handy, a newspaper feature writer: and Ruth Merkey as Mrs. Richardson, a wealthy patron.
Jacob Contes Home An anti-Nazi drama of World War II, "Jacob Comes Home", will be under the direction of Helen Stover.
Characters in the play are Liese Braun, Helen- Burgess: Magda
Braun, her mother, Kathleen Baerg; Hulda Braun, her sister, Jo-Ann Lehman; Joseph Braun, her grandfather, Lloyd Haag; Rudolph Huber, Joseph's friend, Don Ford; and understudy, Dale Oltman.
Arnold Is Host To Slumber Party
The girls at Arnold Hall are inviting all off-campus girls to attend a slumber party next Friday night, November 12, at the girls' dorm Girls going to the slumber party will meet at the dorm after the football game at 10:30.
A scavenger hunt is being planned by Bonnie Alexander.
The following committees have been appointed: committee re
sponsible for mattresses. Miriam Keim, chairman, Mary Snyder, Hazel Sanger, and Vera Ebersole; clean-up committee, Margaret Daggett, chairman, Delma Cline, Elinor Stine, and Nelda Baldner; bedding committee, Arlene Noh-ler, chairman, Lorene Clark, and Joyce Harden.
Norma Lee Couch will have charge of refreshments.
Gina Munda Comes To United States As M. C. Student
Gina Munda, an Italian girl with a ready smile, entered here at "Mac" us a special student this fall in order to continue here in studies in languages.
Gina has studied Spanish,
French, Latin, and German for two years at the University of Pisa. She took up the study of English by herself only a few weeks before leaving Italy.
After completing two years of language study in America, Gina
will return to Italy to continue her study. She hopes to teach languages in Italy later.
She desires to learn the English language very well, in spite of her realization that it is quite difficult and it will take some time to master it.
Gina found he.- voyage to America enjoyable and very exciting. The trip took her through Switzerland, where she spent two days at Geneva. Paris appeared noisy, but interesting.
New York City's Immense size and splendor amazed her and the grandeur of the tall skyscrapers made her feel very small and insignificant. She was bewildered and somewhat ill-at-ease with the hustle and hustle of the fast moving traffic and the restlessness of the people on the street who seem-ed in a nervous hurry to get nowhere. Preferring a simple, quiet life, she is happy that McPherson College offers her that atmos-phere.
(Continued on Page Three)
Kent Opens
Columbia Concerts
With the announcement that Arthur Kent will be the first attraction of the Communly Concert Series, the steering committee in McPherson announced the three other attractions.
Mr. Kent, will be the first on the series of four scheduled, and he will appear on the evening of November 10, this coming Wednesday.
Mr. Kent is a baritone soloist and has had a wide experience in the concert field according to the press releases on him. He has done solo work with the New York Oratorio Society, Schola Cantroum. NBC and National Symphony Orchestras. He was formerly with the Metropolitan and St. Louis Municipal Operas.
One of the others scheduled to appear is Miss Helen Jepson, Soprano, Miss Jepson is slated to give a concert on February 9.
On March 26. the Duo-pianists, Alfred and Herbert Teltschik, will be heard in concert here in McPherson.
Also scheduled for this season is Mr. Anatol Kaminsky, violinist. However. Mr. Kaminsky's date has not been set as yet.
Kollege Kalendar
Friday. November 5 — Beth-any here.
Saturday, November 6 —
Hallowe’en Hayride.
Thursday, November 11 — Armistice Day.
The second sets of figures to be published on the "Spectator Poll.” taken in chapel last October 25, show that students on the campus want an automatic record player. The vote cast in favor of this addition was 228 as opposed to 25 cast against.
Dog House Is Favored Spot The most popular place mentioned for putting the "juke box" was in the campus Dog House. The vote favoring the Dog House was 171 for placing the machine in that room. Other rooms mentioned were the Student Union Room and the Cafeteria.
Several persons who filled out questionnaires brought the question as to whether the musical box referred to in the poll could be called a nickelodian. It seemed that there would be some objection if this were true.
These music boxes have been called by many different names and it depends on the vernacular that one is used to using as to what the-machine should or should not be called.
Student Council Acts On Issue Last year the student council took favorable action on installing a box of this type in our campus. But according to the council, in the hurry of school administration the recommendation was pigeonholed. Again this year the council has under consideration such a proposal, and as shown by this poll, recently taken, the student body is highly in favor of such an addition.
There are many plans which could be established for use of such an instrument. Wichita High School North, Wichita, Kansas, has used for several years a "Juke box" in their cafeteria, which used during the greater part of the day for a study hall. The students of this school use the "box” during the free hours and during the lunch hour. Some schools even have "free” days on the box and this tends to cut down the expenditures of the students.
The students say what will happen?
NO. 8
Student Body Consumes Huge Amounts Of Food
In order to give the students of McPherson College and its friends an idea of just how much food the student body consumes in one month, the Spectator and Miss Edna Smith, head dietitian, compiled facts concerning the staple foods consumed.
For the past month the students have eaten 215 dozen eggs, 5,340 half-pints of milk plus 93 gallons of milk used in cooking.
856 pounds of meat and 106 pounds of chicken and 1,700 pounds of potatoes have also been used. If figures are indicative of anything, the saying that "bread is the staff of life." would hold true here at Mac because the student body has eaten 401 loaves of bread and 182 dozen rolls.
To top this all off the consumption of ice cream hit the mark of 132 1/2 gallons.
From fifty to sixty-five students are served for breakfast and about 150 to 165 are served at the noon meal and evening meal.
These figures do not Include the pounds of canned vegetables and fresh vegetables used in the cafe-teria nor do they include the various miscellaneous articles used.
Yesterday morning the faculty approved the changing of the Christmas vacation to the following:
December 17, at 4 p. m. school will be dismissed.
January 3, 1949 at 8 a. m. school will be resumed.
C.B.Y.F. Nets $70 From Box Social
The High School C. B. Y. F. cleared a little over $70.00 last week on their box social. There were eight boxes. The highest price bid on one box was $14.75. The proceeds of the social will go for building a fireplace for the church.
The church basement was decor-ated in Halloween fashion by Gene Betchtel, Barbara Marchand, Betty Brammell, and Ruth Crumpacker.
After Harry Knapp had auctioned off all the boxes, a talent show was presented with Mr. Winston Goering acting as master-of-cere-monies.
Jack Baker sang "The GreenEyed Dragon" accompanied by Helen Stover at the piano.
Ann Oberst gave a reading.
Gene Bechtel played a cornet solo accompanied by JoAnn Bow-mart at the piano.
Colleen Draper played two piano solos.
A commercial was enacted by three boys of the High School C. B. Y. F.
Group singing was led by Margaret Goering.
Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.
Hallowe’en Hayride Plans Materialize
Stopping Place For Bonfire Remains Secret, Says Heisey
Where will the Hallowe’en Hay-ride stop for the program and bonfire?
"It Is a secret.” says Dr. Heisey, "and the only way to find out is to come along."
The hayride starts at 7:30 tomorrow night, when the hayracks are loaded up in front of Sharp Hall.
After riding around town, the passengers will go out into the country some place for the program, bonfire, and refreshments
The Recreational Council cooperated with the Social Committee in planning this hayride. The agricultural class is in charge of getting the hayracks and tractors.
If the weather is chilly, the Social Committee recommends that everyone take blankets.
The Committee says that those who do not wish to take dates are welcome to come stag.
Kline Hall Entertains
With Masquerade Party
Kline Hall residents entertained at a masquerade Hallowe'en party Friday evening.
Following the Arnold Hull reception, the Kline Hall students went to Bader’s barn north of McPherson, where the group spent the evening playing appropriate games.
Approximately fifty guests were present.
Fireplace Will Be Used First Time Next Tuesday
The fireplace, which was sponsored by the Women’s Council has been finished and will be lifted for the first time next Tuesday evening.
The Women's Council is planning a steak picnic to initiate the new fireplace and picnic table. Prof. Doll, who supervised the construction of the fireplace and table, and his wife will be invited guests.
The picnic table was made from iron of the old beds in the girls’ dorm.
Boh Martin, sophomore last year and son of Mrs. Martin, assistant registrar, drew plans for the fireplace. Work was begun last spring by the General Shop Class and was finished by the Farm Shop Class last Friday.
Church congregations throughout the western region furnished stones.
The Women's Council has been earning and saving money for the project for as long as four years.
The Women's Council consists of 15 members of which Mary Jane Freeburg is president: Bonnie Martin, secretary; and Lois Yoder, treasurer.
The Women's Council invites
all students to use the fireplace and picnic table whenever they wish.
Missionary Croup Visits Campus
This Sunday, November 7, the arival of Ivan Ikenberry, Dirk Burger, and D. J. Lichty-on the McPherson College campus will initiate a few days’ emphasis on the foreign mission program of the Church of the Brethren. SCA leaders have announced that the series of meetings while the three men are here will be designated by the theme of "Foregin Missions Advance."
While these three missionaries are on leave of absence from their fields of duty, they are being sent to the various colleges of the Church of the Brethren as a deputation by the foreign missions committee of the church.
Several programs have boon scheduled definitely for the speakers when they arrive. The three leaders will have charge of church services Sunday evening November 7, in the college chapel, the Monday and Wednesday meetings will feature them. On Tuesday, the men will talk to the SCA commissions.
To aid them in their programs for the college and church groups, the missionaries are bringing with them some movies, including "My Friend Han." "The Banyan Tree" and "The Peacemaker." These films will be shown at 7:30 p. m. evening meetings in the SUR on Monday and Tuesday.
Plans are being shaped so, that students may have personal interviews and conferences with the three missionaries.
Further announcements regarding this '"Foreign Missions Advance" program will be made in chapel.
Quadrangle Takes Group Pictures
In order to help complete the taking of group pictures, the Quadrangle announced last Wednesday that for next Monday. November 8, the following schedule would be followed:
Student Council. 8:00 a. m. SUR; Women’s Council. 8:10 SUR; Men's Council. 8:20 SUR; Recreational Council. 8:30 SUR; PI Mu. 8:40 SUR: SCA Cabinet. 8:50 SUR; CBYF Cabinet. 9:00 SUR.
Student Ministers, 9:10 Church: A Cappella, 9:25 Chapel; Bark-arettes, 10:25 SUR; Camera Club, 10:35 SUR; Band. 10:50 Chapel.
The Quad staff urges everyone to be present at these times.
Active Citizenship
By the time these comments are printed for your reading, the returns for the 1948 national election will, no doubt, have been completed. And you may or may not be satisfied with the results, depending of course upon the party which you profess to support.
Perhaps you notice that I said “the party you profess to support.” That is exactly what I meant to say.
In my estimation, it matters very little which party you choose. The two major parties here in the United States are not enough different in ideal to demand that a person belong to either one or the other; that is, they both have the major ideals of a democracy.
However, I am saying that the manner in which one supports that which he professes is a matter of grave importance. Too many of us go along through our college and subsequent lives in a rather carefree, listless way. When met pointedly by questions, we may state what we believe, but from the manner in which we generally act, it is impossible to tell that we have a philosophy of life, or possess views on any subject.
There are a few basic methods by which, in my estimation, a person can actively and openly support the things in which he believes.
Starting on a national scale, I would venture to say that probably one hundred per cent of the student body of McPherson College believe in our system of govern ment, the democracy. But can we say that we are doers and not hearers only? I will go back to the example with which I began this article. The presidential and various other elections were staged just last Tuesday. How many of you persons, who are of voting age, took enough trouble to go to the polls and cast a ballot?
Citizenship or membership in the various organiza tions on the campus can be looked at in the same manner Are you a member of certain organizations only nominally? Is your activity limited merely to having your name on the membership list. I think that if a person wishes to be considered part and parcel of a group on the campus, he should at least find time to attend the regular meetings of the group. I have belonged to and do belong to organizations now, some of whose members consider attendance an occasional event.
Tolerance of the views of others is an important attribute of a good member. One might think that being tol erant of opposing views shows a lack of patriotism for "his own views. On the contrary, I assert that a person who displays' an attitude of tolerance helps to build up the esteem of the group to which he belongs.
Let us all think about these responsibilities which we assume when we become citizens or members of an institution or organization. Can we conscientiously claim to be members if we do not in turn fulfill our duties?
Are you a good citizen?
of the Brethren. With this in mind students should consider that some of the policies established in the college are such because the churches affiliations with we are to be students of a Christian College, we should try to parallel our ideals and ethics with those of the college. Otherwise we do not deserve to be called a Christian col lege or be students of the college. Many of us tend to criticize some of the policies of the college because they may be too rigid, or outdated. There are many schools in which the school policy is much more liberal and the ideals are not as high. If we do not believe in accordance or care to carry out some of the ideals and policies of McPherson College, then we have the choice and oportunity to attend other schools. I am in favor of reform and changes if they are better than the previous policy, but I have heard very few such reforms suggested by the students of this college.
I would venture to say that the attitude and the spirit of the stu dent body would be improved if we would discontinue the destructive criticism and griping. If we would only take more time to consider our criticisms before making them. I think that many of them would not be expressed. An attempt to offer constructive suggestions. In a gracious and thoughtful manner, would bo much appreciated by all concerned. including the students.
—Paul Wagoner.
Managing Editor
Campus Editor
Sports Co-Editors
Feature Editor
Society Editor
Faculty Adviser
Reporters and Special Writers Lorene Marshall Pat Albright Dale Oltman
Don Ford
Annette Shropshire
Buisness Manager Assistant
Circulation Manager
Faculty Adviser
they say
the garlic clove of the week goes to the mac coeds who informed el-
its and van of their terrible mistake at the bethel game as if it wasn't embarrassing enough they the girls were standing there when they emerged
a different approach to stacking was tried in fanny last Sunday evening we were convinced that in-
Our Attitudes
During the past three years that I have been in school I have made some observations which are not outstanding, but ones which I
would like to express.
It is seemingly a usual characteristic of college students to be very critical. Probably each student is as guilty as the other. Often we criticise some of the policies of the college or other things in general around the campus.
I have found it a much better policy to express my opinions or to offer my suggestions in a con-structive manner to-those whom it may concern. Usually if college personnel are approached by students who come with a good attitude and do not antagonize, the suggestions, if constructive, are considered. We make accusations that we receive very little, if any. results when we contact any of the college personnel. We may accuse them of becoming defensive, and do not consider any sugges-tion.
Who of us as college students will take much criticism without a similiar response? I am certain that students would get more results in their criticisms and suggestions if they were constructive and were given consideration before expressing them.
McPherson College, is a college, owned and operated by the Church
Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
John Firestone
Max McAuley
Leroy Doty
Don Reed, Russell West
Van Dunahoo
Lenoa Flory
Sarah May Vancil
Carmina San Romani Betty Redinger Claudia Jo Stump
Wendell Burkholder
Don Ford
Lloyd Haag Gordon Yoder
Student Directory
McPherson College is a relatively small school, but it is not so
diminutive that each student knows every other person. Moreover, students cannot remember the addresses of everyone else in the student body.
For these reasons, the Spectator will publish, for your convenience, a McPherson College student directory. This data will be printed in several successive issues of the paper. If students and subscribers will save these issues, they will have accumulated for their own use a complete student directory.
Here is a list of this year’s sophomore class members: SOPHOMORES:
Name College Address Home Address
Alallima, Vaiao; Fahnestock Hall__________Pago Pago, Samoa
Albright, Ardys: 1139 E. Euclid----------------McPherson, Kansas
Albright, Avis; 1139 E. Euclid ------McPherson, Kansas
Albright, Gerald; Fahnestock Hall..........------------- Eldora, Iowa
Anderson, Robert; 833 N. Wheeler__________McPherson, Kansas
Arnold, Gene; 206 N. Park Drive----------Gary, Indiana
Bailey, Carol; 123 N. Olivette...............................Sabetha, Kansas
Baldwin, Charles; Trailer House________Lincoln, Nebraska
Beam, Royce; 746 E. Euclid .......................McPherson, Kansas
Bengtson, Paul; 740 E. Marlin.....................McPherson, Kansas
Bittinger, Pattie; Arnold Hall_____774 Mill St.. Elgin, Illinois
Bowman, Marilue; Arnold Hall----------------------Quinter, Kansas
Breon, Dorothy; Arnold Hall -------------------Fruitland, Idaho
Brown, Emmert; Fahnestock Hall _________________Larned, Kansas
Correll, Doris; Kline Hall----------------------Detroit, Kansas
Cotton, Dean; 709 8. Walnut _________________McPherson, Kansas
Couch, Norma Lee; Arnold Hall...............Kansas City, Missouri
Coughenour, Dean; 604 S. Ash ------------McPherson, Kansas
Daggett, Bill; Fahnestock Hall_______Lawrence, Kansas
Dell, Mildred: Kline Hall.....----------------Beatrice, Nebraska
Dorsch, Gerald; 1614 E. Gordon--------Ramona, Kansas
Doyle, Colleen, Arnold Hall ----------------------Lima, Ohio
Draper, Colleen, Arnold Hall ................Grundy Center, Iowa
Ediger, Eldo: 1303 N. Elm-------------McPherson, Kansas
Eggleston. Lawrence; Fahnestock Hall_______Whitten, Iowa
Fike, Margery; Kline Hall-------------Waterloo, Iowa
Flory, Leona; Arnold Hall _________________________________Nampa, Idaho
Frantz, Martha; Arnold Hall............Conway Springs, Kansas
Gatz, Frederick,: 604 E. Marlin -------------------McPherson, Kansas
Gentry, Patricia; Kline Hall _______________Stet, Missouri
Hanagarne, Betty; Kline Hall..................Shiprock, New Mexico
Hartman, Maurice; Veterans’ Apartments ...........McPherson, Kansas
Heusinkveld, Arlyn: 500 N. Maxwell_________Preston, Minnesota
Hicks, William; 648 N. Eshelman _______________________Ramona, Kansas
Hocott, Joyce: 622 N. Elm ......—..............McPherson, Kansas
Hornbaker, Joy: Arnold Hall ____________________________Stafford, Kansas
Jones, Marx; 500 N. Maxwell ........................Salina, Kansas
Kidwell, Billy: 502 N. Eby---------------------------McPherson, Kansas
Kleiber, John: 755 E. Euclid —--------------.............Ramona, Kansas
Knapp, Harry; 1130 E. Euclid ---------------------Minot, North Dakota
Lehman, Joann; Arnold Hall--------------------Nickerson, Kansas
Lewis. Charles; Fahnestock ......................Shreveport. Louisiana
Lowery, Lawrence: 224 1/2 S. Main---------------McPherson, Kansas
Martin, Bonnie: 123 N. Carrie................McPherson, Kansas
Mast, Lee Anna; 720 E. Euclid ...........................McPherson, Kansas
McAuley, Max; Fahnestock Hall-------R. R. 2. Hutchinson, Kansas
Messamer, Lester: 133 N. Carrie -------------------Dallas Center, Iowa
Miller, Art; 400 N. Baer-------------------McPherson, Kansas
Miller, Letha; Kline Hall ——------------Marshalltown, Iowa
Miller, Lyle; Fahnestock Hall--------------Burr Oak, Kansas
Minnix, Wilda; Arnold Hall ..........................Scott City, Kansas
Mohler, Arlene; Arnold Hall_____________McCune, Kansas
Mullen, James: 1223 E. Euclid_________McPherson, Kansas
McCann: Beryl; Fahnestock Hall _______________Ripley, Oklahoma
Neher, Dean: Fahnestock Hall--------Oswego, Kansas
Neher, Rowena; Arnold Hall —;---------------------Quinter, Kansas
Oltman, Dale; 133 N. Carrie--------------------Enders, Nebraska
Peters, Donald; 1223 E. Euclid----------McPherson, Kansas
Powell, Ellis; 321 N. Maxwell ___________________Moulton, Iowa
Richards. Leona; Arnold Hall______________Nampa, Idaho
Rogers, Albort; Fahnestock Hall ------.......Wilmont, Minnesota
San Romani, Carmina; 110 N. Hartup ............McPherson, Kansas
Seever, Clarence; 1213 N. Ash--------------------McPherson, Kansas
Sheaffer, James; Fahnestock Hall..............................Adel, Iowa
Sheets, Billy; 72& E. Marlin-----------------McPherson, Kansas
Showalter, John: Fahnestock Hall------Hutchinson, Kansas
Shultz, Don; 810 N. Wheeler-------------McPherson, Kansas
Smith, Wilma; Arnold Hall -----------------Topeka, Kansas
Snyder, Dale; Fahnestock Hall--------------Morrill, Kansas
Stutzman, Gordon; Fahnestock Hall--------Conway, Kansas
Sullivan, Ronald; 206 N. Park Drive...........Grayville, Illinois
Tharrington, Charles; Fahnestock Hall ----- Dale, Oregon
Van Doren, Donald; Veterans’ Apartments----Tescott, Kansas
Walter, Duane; 426 S. Fisher Ave. -----------..McPherson, Kansas
Watkins, Stanley: Fahnestock Hall----State College, New Mexico
Wiebe, Harold; 500, N. Maxwell ----------------Hillsboro, Kansas
Yoder, Lois; Arnold Hall---------------Pampa, Texas
Do You Want A Thanksgiving Outing?
The Social Committee has been investigating the possibilities of some type of an outing for the students staying on the campus during Thanksgiving vacation. The most likely suggestion is an all-day outing to a neighboring city with visits to the items of interest, such as tours of mines, oil wells, factories, museums, stores, newspaper printing plants, and visits to shows and plays if available. The Social committee would like to find out how much interest there would be in such an activity and suggest that students express their interest and suggestions to members of the Social Commitee.
—Social Committee
terior decorating isnt the profession for any of the inmates
hating to see a good campaign slogan lost, the latest on the campus is kemtone for decency
with sadie hawkins day just around the corner the fellows or midland have nothing on us some fellows have already the slight resemblance to a beard
and speaking of beards maybe by this time next year we can start a beard growing strike against jeans wearing bottle toting females kansas wet esthers taking the place of the inn whats this state coming to
You may be able to read some people like a book, but you can’t shut them up as easily.
The boys were having an uncorking good time.
This next bit of wit comes direct from the Saint Mary's College Collegian.
If you’re late to some affair, remember . . .
Don't sigh and tap your foot and frown
Five seconds more and she’ll be down.
There's a long list of things to do Twixt bubble bath and meeting you;
We men Just can’t appreciate A girl's workout before a date.
Bring on mascara and powderbase, And rouge to brighten her pale tired face.
Scissors and tweezers and brush and pin.
Curler and comb for our heroine. Fetch and polish for toe and finger;
Spray her with scent so he’ll sniff and linger
Ease her gently into her gown Button her up and smooth her down
Fill her grip with a kit of repairs Then send her hurrying down the stairs
We men don’t realize it takes a lot
To turn a girl into something she’s not!!
Faculty Members Attend Brotherhood Board Meet
McPherson College has three representatives on the membership of the General Brotherhood Board of the Church of the Brethren. President W. W. Peters is chairman of the Brethren Service Commission; Dr.R. E. Mohler is on the Finance Commission; and Dr. Burton Metzler is on the Ministry and Home Missions Commission. By virtue of being chairman of a commission, President Peters is also a member of the Executive Committee of the General Brotherhood Board and a member of the Board of Directors of the Publishing House.
President Peters. Doctor Metz-ler, and Doctor Mohler will be at Elgin, Illinois, next week in attendance at meetings of the Gen-eral Brotherhood Board and the respective commissions.
Perhaps you never thought of going to church as a beauty treatment. but it is a wonderful way to got your faith lifted.
When a woman is wearing shorts her charms are enlarged without being enhanced.
We Want Ch’a To Meet
Contrary, to popular opinion, one doesn't have to have his finger in every activity on the campus to be a "good guy." Using this assumption, the Spectator will print a series of interviews of people whom you probably do not know now, but will get to know in the near future.
The first person we want ch’a to meet, is Petie Petefish from Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Petie, born on September 24, 1930, is a freshman at McPherson this year, living at "Hard-acre Heaven." When asked why he came to McPherson, he said it was mainly because his sister had graduated from Mac.
In high school Petie was active on the athletic field and on the assembly committee. He started to pursue his athletic ambitions at Mac. but a broken wrist interfered.
When asked to tell a little about himself. Petie said he had flunked the Emporia test, that his main interest is sports, that he has no interest in women, and that his pastime is loafing.
Petie’s ambition is to he a pro baseball player, but he says he will probably settle for coaching.
Concerning his opinions of Mac. Petie says his favorite profs are Flory and Hess, and he feels we have a lack of social activities that will be enjoyed by the majority.
5'-10" . . . brown hair, blue eyes . . . athletic . . . fun to be with . . .we want ch’a to meet, Petie Petefish.
Collegian Column
From the 'Oak Leaves" we read of the description of their new dorm which will be ready for occupancy by December 1.
Each of the forty-seven rooms have built-in study desk, book cases, closets, and dressers. The rooms will have bunk beds.
Also from the "Oak Leaves" is a little ditty which we would like to print even though nine week exams are history. If the shoe fits wear it!
There are to me two kinds of guys and only two that I despise.
The first, I’d really like to slam The guy who copies my exam.
The other is the dirty skunk Who covers his and lets me flunk.
There is one column In the Oak Leaves that we are especially fond of. Its called. "Under the Joaks" by Graydon Snyder. One of his "joaks" was very clever so, we reprint it for your benefit.
The scene was at least two years ago and the conversationalists were Carrol Reece, then head of the Republican National Committee, and Farley, holder of the same position in the Democrat party.
Reece said. "Who are you going to run in "48, Jim?"
"Don't know." returned Farley.
"What about Truman?"
"He's too weak.”
"What about Wallace?”
"He'd split the party."
"What about "Pepper?”
"He wouldn't get “the Northern vote."
"Well, who on earth are you going to run then?” demanded Reece.
"Oh, we'll dig up some one."
"No! Not him again."
Saturday, October 29, promptly at seven-thirty p. m.. the girls of Arnold Hall began receiving guests in their rooms. Before nine-thirty p. m. over 125 people had visited and signed the guest registers.
Many clever ideas were presented in indentifying the names of the girls occupying the various rooms. Pattie Bittinger and Esther Mohler had a mint pattie and Lady Esther face powder to identify them.
Some of he girls' desk blotters served as guest registers. LaVerne Burger and Claudia Stump decorated their blotters with pictures of a ham"burger" and a tree “stump." Colored pencils were provided for signatures.
Exceptional food to be mention-ed was the Blarney Stones in La-Yona Thralls' room.
To climax the evening, the girls served gingerbread and punch in the lounge and office. Although some of the girls are still finding rice In their cosmetics and beds, they state that they were exceptionally happy to receive their guests again in that traditional "Arnold Hall fashion."
(Continued from Page One)
In regards to food, our Italian friend finds our American dishes very different. She especially likes pop corn and pie which they do not have in Italy. She hastens to say, though, that she doubts that she will ever learn to eat corn, The speed with which American women prepare meals amazes her, since in Italy there are no canned foods, and takes longer for the housewife to prepare it. Because all food is fresh, it tastes much better.
She likes the college very much and is very impressed with the fields surrounding the campus. She likes the big trees and finds a certain degree of solitude in them.
Gina notes that the life of American youth, or for that matter all American people, is carefree; and people do not seem to worry as they do In her country, where the effects of a long war have left every one in need of many things.
Admitting that she does get a bit homesick for her family and people, she belleves she would be completely happy if only she could talk to her mother.
It gives her a lift to hear Max McAuley say, "Bon Giorno, Come Stai."
In her heart, she carries the well wishes of her parents and friends, and these give her courage to carry on even though there are trying moments.
She feels greatly indebted to the members of the Brethren Service Commission who helped her to come to McPherson College and who were a big help and inspiration to her: Mr. and Mrs. Kent Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lu-core, and John Eberly.
Thanks for Introducing yourself Gina Munda. And may we sincerely say. "It’s indeed a pleasure to know you.”
This week, the editors of the Spectator received an editorialized item intended for publication in this week's paper. It was a good article and it would have given us pleasure to print it; however, the article was unsigned and we felt that it should not he printed unless the person or persons would let us know who they are.
It is possible for students to write editorialized articles for the "Spec” and to have their names withheld from publication. We invite new articles for the paper; however, we reserve the right to know by whom these articles are written. This will be the policy of the Spectator.
Big Man On Campus
Southern and shy, our Junior class president, John Firestone.
Coming to Mac from Jennings, Louisiana, John has maintained an interest very closely related to science. His favorite teachers are Heisey and Berkeblle. His favorite subject is chemistry, his hobby is doodling" in the Chem lab, and his ambition is to receive a higher degree in Chemistry.
In High School John was active, in journalism, dramatics, and public speaking.
In College John was nick named "Hot Rock". Besides Junior Class president he is vice-president of Pi-Mu, in the band, and editor of the spectator.
His pastime is drawing and sketching, but he finds the spec taking most of his spare time these days.
After College John plans to teach school, preferably high school chemistry.
5' 10" . . . 155 lbs... born June, 3, 1929 . . . Junior class president.
.. John Firestone.
McPherson College faculty members will appear as lecturers at teachers meetings and at alumni reunions.
Miss Della Lehman, English department head, is absent from Mac College campus this morning in order to speak to the English Di-ision of the Kansas State Teachers Association in Salina.
Miss Lehman will talk to the visiting teachers on the subject of "Teaching Dramatics in High School and College.”
Also going to Salina for the Kansas meeting will be Dean Luther Warren who will speak to the teachers at the gathering.
On Saturday, November 13, Miss Lehman will be in Chicago to speak to the Chicagoland branch of the McPherson College Alumni Association.
Another meeting of the alumni will be held in Salina during the KSTA meeting and a reunion dinner will be held. Professor Raymond Flory will speak to the gathered alumni.
Worry wouldn’t be so bad if it were not applied either too early or too late.
Miss Della Lehman, head of the English Department, entertained seven guests last Sunday at dinner. Miss Gina Munda did the honors of preparing the meal which followed the Italian idea of eating.
Miss Munda started preparing the meal at nine o'clock Sunday morning, and by one-thirty the meal was ready to be served to Mr. John Burkholder, Miss Donna Bowman, Mr. Stanley Watkins, Miss Marilue Bowman, Mr. August San Romani, Miss Delia Lehman, and Mr. Max McAuley.
The meal consisted of Italian spaghetti, followed by fried steak, omelette, salad and Italian fried potatoes. The entire meal was prepared with olive oil which gave an unusual flavor to the food, according to the guests.
Don’t worry about not getting butter in the college cafeteria. You can make it from grass- if you have a cow and a churn.
Miss Edith Merkey entertained her roommate, Miss Pat Putter-son with a birthday party on Wednesday evening. Nov. 1 at 9:00. Guests included the residents of the third floor of Arnold Hall. Miss Alice Long entertained the group by playing familiar songs on her guitar. Miss Merkey served a banana cake which she had baked, and then the party dispersed after the ringing of the quiet bell.
Mr. Thad Jones, a former student of McPherson College, visited this campus last Saturday and Sunday. He is now attending Oklahoma Baptist University at Shawnee, Oklahoma, where he is majoring in Philosophy. Thad was a sophomore here last year.
Miss Lera Kesler, who was also a student here last year, visited Miss Alice Long last week. This year she is teaching school near Quinter, Kansas.
Former Students Assist In Production Of Hamlet
Tom Rea, former student. is
now being seen in the Kansas University Players production of "Hamlet." Miss Della Lehman with Mr. Rea’s parents Journeyed to K. U. to watch the production Tuesday night.
Mr. Bob Simonton, also of K. U. and a former student at Mac, rated the entire bottom of the front page of the K. U. paper in a by-lined article on the production of Hamlet."
Tonight at eight o’clock at the college stadium the McPherson College Bulldogs take on the Bethany Swedes of Lindsborg.
The Swedes have won four conference victories this season, over Bethel, College of Emporia, Kansas Wesleyan, and Baker; they were defeated in a heavy rainstorm last Friday night by Ottawa’s defending champion Braves 6-0.
The Bulldogs do not have such as impressive record in that they have lost six games in that many starts.
last year the Bulldogs went to Lindsborg to be defeated 33-6.
There has always been a sharp rivalry between the schools in every sport. This year the Canines are the decided underdog, but anything can happen and sometimes does as can be seen from the 1948 presidential race.
Here is a probable starting lineup for tonight’s game:
Guards—Heckethorn, Tillman, Center — Anderson: Tackles — Webb, West: Ends — Birkes,
Wolfe; Backs — Colyn, Fisher, Batson. Carpenter.
Because of an arm injury to Don Reed in the Bethal game. Don Stevens has been switched to substitute for Anderson at center.
Bethany’s Swedes, who were knocked out of the league lead last Friday night, are scheduled to keep in the running for the Kansas Conference football title in a game with McPherson College Bulldogs at McPherson Friday night.
Ottawa has a non-conference game with William Jewell at Liberty, Missouri, this Friday.
Kansas Wesleyan and Baker clash in Baldwin Saturday and at the same time College of Emporia travels to Newton to play the Graymaroons who won their first game with McPherson last Saturday, 43-6.
Football has its laughs as well as its bruises, its chuckles as well as its sprains. There’s the story of Bob Harrington, who played at tackle for Detroit University. Bob came up to the final game of his senior year at Detroit after having played four seasons in high school, one as a freshman, and three on the varsity eleven without ever having been injured. Not once through eight years of football had ho suffered even a scratch.
On this, his last day of football, Harrington was playing-against a rough and bruising Vil-lanova team. In the last quarter, head coach Gus Dorals of Detroit after having watched Bob playing his heart out, decided to take him out of the game for a few minutes to give him a well-deserved rest. Bob, unmarked as usual, came off the field and flopped on the bench near the coach. On the very next play, there was a wild mix-up at the side-line on a punt return.
One of Harrington’s teammates
was flung into the Detroit bench right where Bob sat. When the tangle was unscrambled. Harrington was stretched out on the bottom, cold and still. He had been kicked in the face, two teeth were knocked out, and gashes torn in his lip and chin. Revived by cold water, Harrington looked up into the anxious eyes of his coach.
"Please, coach.” he said through torn lips, "please put me back in the game where it’s safe!"
Ottawa 6; Bethany 0
It appears as though the Ottawa University Braves are well on their way to another Kansas Con ference football title since they defeated the Bethany Swedes 6-0 last Friday night at Lindsborg.
Despite the heavy rain which fell during the game a large number of spectators saw the game.
Ottawa's lone score came on an end-around play with Walt Moore going over for the tally. Wesleyan 2; C. of E. 0
Left tackle Glen Booth blocked a punt in the fourth quarter to give the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes an upset victory 2-0 over the College of Emporia at Salina last Friday night.
1500 people sat in the heavy rain to witness the Coyote victory.
Wesleyan controlled the game as they made 14 first downs to C. of E.’s 5.
Baker 36; William Jewell 0
At Liberty, Missouri, last Friday night, in a non-conference game the Baker University Wildcats ran over the William Jewell football team 36-0 with halfback Sherman Kolancy scoring 3 touchdowns. kicking three extra points and one field goal.
Read all the ads in the Spectator every week.
Frank Leahy, coach of Notre Dame, now finds himself in the position of the little boy who has just won a pie-eating contest and is rewarded another pie.
Sports writers of the nation have named Notre Dame number one team this week. Leahy, early in October, said he believed it would be bad if the Irish went through another undefeated season. The Irish had already gained a reputation as a football factory.
Notre Dame is having schedule difficulties in that other collegiate "powers" plead full schedules. in other words they don't want to play a highly professionalized team. It might be better for the Irish to lose a game now and then Just to be sociable.
Northwestern appears to be the only remaining team left on the Notre Dame schedule that will provide much of a workout and it’s a sure thing, the Irish won’t lose on purpose.
Since Leahy went to Notre Dame in 1941. the Irish have won 47 games, lost 3, tied 4. Quite a record for a football factory?
Coach Lefty James of Cornell University used 296 line-up changes last Saturday in defeating Columbia. He credits un-limited substitution ns a big factor in the success of his Cornell team.
I shook the thermometer of my wealth and found it nearly at zero.
The Bethel College Gray-maroons scored their first Kansas Conference game of the season last Saturday night by defeating the McPherson College Bulldogs' 43-6.
McPherson scored its first touchdown of the season in the second period. Glen Pyle returned a Bethel kick-off to the 45-yard line on the next play, and Batson passed to Fisher for 59 yards to put the ball on the Bethel eleven-yard line. Batson then took the ball over on the third try and the extra point pass play failed.
McPherson also threatened in the third when Fisher caught a pass and ran a total of 55 yards to the Bethel 20-yard line only to lose the ball on downs.
Bethel scored in every period with an intercepted pass accounting for the first score and an end-run ending things up..
Nine WAA Tennis girls came out to fight the wind last Friday.
Those members who are considered "active" are Betty Redinger, Mary Helen Cline, Patricia Patterson. Lois Colberg, Jerry Mc-Conkey, and Arlene Mohler.
The following girls need one more meeting to bo considered "active," Jo Christy, Jeane Baldwin, Esther Mohler, Lorene Clark, and Joyce Harden.
It is said that square meals make some people round.
Then there was the clever cat that ate cheese and breathed down the rathole with baited breath.
One Sunday morning, when Rockne was still a student at Notre Dame, he was playing baseball while Mass was being celebrated in the Chapel nearby. During the sermon, the priest became very eloquent. "How are you going to enter the kingdom of heaven?" he asked his listeners.
And Just then, Rockne’s youthful voice burked through the open window. "Slide, d—n you, slide."
The girls hygiene class has made two visits to the hospital on community hygiene project.