Let's All Go To The Bethel Game Tomorrow Night


McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Friday, October 29, 1948

NO. 7

Varsity Debate Pairs Are Chosen From 16 Tryouts

From a relatively large group of sixteen tryouts, the faculty judges and debate coach Esther Sherfy chose the "big eight” varsity debaters for the current year. Names on the high eight list are Albright, Albright., Martin, Clark, Doty, Geisert, McAuley and Speaker.

Late Headlines

Arnold Hall Gives Open House Tonite

With open doors and smiling faces the girls of Arnold Hall once again welcome the boys, faculty members, and friends to their rooms    

Tonight from 7:30 to 9:30 anyone may visit and inspect the rooms without the trouble of having to raid them.

Refreshments will be served in the lounge and office in addition to the shacks in the rooms.

Lois Nicholson, dormitory president. Miss Neher, and the various committees are working to make this one of the best open houses Arnold Hall has even had.

Members of the various committees are: decorations, Ruth Holsopple, chairman:    Marilue

Bowman, and Gina Munda: refreshments, Anita Norlin—chairman, Kathleen Baerg, and Jean Evans; publicity. LaVona Thralls —chairman, and Alice Long.

College Receives Gift!

McPherson College has recently received a deed to an 880 acre Geary County, Kansas, farm. This property is un annuity gift to the College by Mr. J. A. Sheets, a prosperous farmer of Hope. Kansas.


In order to clear up any mis-

understanding about the McPherson-Bethel football tomorrow, here are the facts. The game will be played at Bethel College, Newton, Kansas tomorrow night. Starting time is

8:00 p. m.

The HALLOWEEN HAY-RIDE, which was originally scheduled for tomorrow night, has been postponed because of the conflict with the Bethel game until the night of Saturday, November 6. The next edition of the paper will carry further information about the hayride.

Junior Class Again Wins Debate Championship

The interclass debate finale were held last Tuesday night with the freshman team. Lorene Clark and Donovan Speaker, debating against the junior team, Helen Stover and Le Roy Doty.

The debate was a runoff of the winners of two weeks ago when it was freshmen versus sophomores, and juniors versus seniors.

The question is, resolved: that the Federal Government should adopt a policy of equalizing educational opportunities in tax supported schools by means of annual grants. It promises to be a subject that considerable research can be done in.

The final vote of the judges was a split vote. Two voted in favor of the affirmative and out voted in favor of the negative. This shows that the debate was a close one with good points for both sides.

BSCM Meeting Is Held In Chicago This Year

The BSCM conference this year is being held in Chicago at Bethany Biblical Seminary Nov. 25-28. Every year students of the Breth-ren colleges and Brethren students of non-related colleges meet in one of the Brethren colleges for a conference of fellowship and inspiration.

This year’s conference is being based on vocations and their relation to the church. Several outstanding resources leaders are coming to conduct seminary in their particular field.

Conference Leaders Following are a few of the leaders who will attend the conference: Stover Kulp, head of the Foreign Missions Commission of the church; Desmond Bittinger, editor of the Gospel Messenger: Curl Snnicker, noted social worker from Rockford, Illinois; Dan West, peace director for the church: Dr. Curtis Bowman, head of Bethany Hospital; T. Wayne Reiman, Student Relations director, Manchester College; Raymond Flory, head of History Department, McPherson College:    and

Don Snider, youth director for the church, Elgin, Illinois.

Those who attended the confer ence last year report it as being a thrilling and vivid experience, and they hope many more will take the opportunity to go this year. A bus is being scheduled, and plans are being made for a great trip.

McPherson has gained valuable inspiration from these conferences with fellow students of their sister colleges. About 150 students are expected to attend the conference and detailed plans for accommodating them are under the direction of Carl Myers of Bethany Seminary.

BSCM Cabinet This year’s BSCM cabinet is composed of: Bob Keim, president, McPherson: Clyde Weaver, vice president, Elizabethtown; Phil Trout, secretary-treasurer, Bridgewater; Carl Myers, student editor for the church.

Dog House Begins A. M. Open Hours

The Dog House will be open in the morning for an hour on

One Art Plays Are Given

The three one act plays to he given on November 17, 18 and 19. have been chosen by Miss Sherfy and the student directors. The following are the plays chosen and the names of the student directors: "Suspended” directed by Ann Oberst, "Jacob Comes Home" directed by Melon Stover, and "Jazz and Minuet,” directed by Harry Knapp.

Tryouts for all three plays were held Thursday evening at 7:00 p. m. Those who were not able to try out last night are urged to do so tonight at 6:30 p. m.. which will ho the last opportunity

Kollege Kalendar

Friday. October 29.-—-Arnold Hall Open House from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m.

Saturday, October 30—Football — Bethel — there—8:00 p. m.

Tuesday, November 2 —

Faculty Supper — 5:30 p. m. at the Boy Scout Cabin.

Saturday. Nov. 6—Hayride. 7:30 p. m.    

Mac Students Go Republican

Recent Survey On Campus Favors Thomas E. Dewey

McPherson College students last Monday morning voted overwhelmingly for presidential candidate Thomas E. Dewey. Also on the ballot was the wet-dry question and Mac students came through with a heavy dry vote.

LeRoy Doty, Theodore Geisert, Max McAuley, and Donovan Speaker were chosen at last Tuesday night's debate tryouts, for the two varsity men's debate teams. Geisert and Speaker will compose one team with McAuley and Doty making up the other team.

Chosen last Tuesday afternoon;

were the women's varsity teams. These two teams are composed of Avis and Ardys Albright, and Bonnie Martin and Lorene Clark. Miss Esther Mohler will also be a debater and at this time her partner has not been announced.

Chosen as alternates to the varsity men's teams were Donald S. Keim and Dean Neher. The second teams are: Dean Cotton and Lloyd Haag, Winston Bowman and Alvin Cook, Everet Jenne and his colleague will be chosen in the near future.

The first debate tournament will be held at Newton, Kansas on November 20, with another tourney folowing on December 6 and 7.

The debate coach. Miss Esther Sherfy, and Professor Hess were pleased with the large turnout and the potentiality of the group.

SCA Members Attend Bethel Cluster Meeting

With a varied attendance which represents six local church-affiliated Kansas colleges, the cluster-conference of the SCA's of those college will begin tomorrow morning at Bethel College, Newton, Kansas. The colleges who arc expected, to be represented are Kansas Wesleyan, Bethel, Sterling, Tabor, Hesston, and McPherson.

Those persons of McPherson College who are interested are going to Bethel in cars. According to John Burkholder, co-chairman of the local SCA, anyone may attend the conference.

In scheduling the cluster-conference, the SCA cabinets had as their objectives to exchange ideas between the SCA's of the various colleges.

Professor Dell and Dr. Heisey plan to attend the conference as faculty representatives. The SCA leaders are hoping that at least 20 students attend, also.

McPherson On The Program

McPherson College students and faculty members will play a considerable part on the program of the day.

Dean Neher, as student leader, with Professor Dell as faculty assistant, will conduct one seminar on Christian faith and heritage.

A seminar on social responsibility will be led by Donna Bowman; Dr. L. V. Heisey will be adult resource leader for that group.

A panel discussion on the subject, "Is the SCA Fulfilling its Responsibilities on the Campus?" will be part of the day's events. John Burkholder will voice the view of the McPherson College SCA in that event.

Scotch preacher. "Oh Lord guide us aright, for we are verra, verra determined."

New York—October 26. A New York City CIO strike of transport workers began today, causing the biggest surface transportation tie-up in the city’s history. The strikers defied a back-to-work order, and in doing so, crippled 7 transport lines which serve 3,500,000 riders.

Topeka, Kansas, October 28 Tonight the state superintendent of schools. Dr. Brooks, committed himself to a dry position on the pending Kansas vote. Said Dr. Brooks, "I should not want the schools to become partners with the manufacturers and sellers of liquor."

Chicago, October 26. Governor Thomas E. Dewey tonight charged the Truman administration with having "reached a new low of mud slinging." He said the country "needs new and better leadership."

Freshmen Finish Orientation Classes

November 3 will be the last orientation meeting for the freshmen. It has been a series of meetings every Monday and Wednesday at the 11:20 hour.

Panel discussions have been presented to the freshmen on various subjects such as: how to use lime, how to spend money, and social activities. These have been great helps to many of the students.

Tests Are Given

A series of tests have been, given. The first of these was a college interest examination, prepared by the American Council on Education. It is a psychological exam on which a lot of work has been put forth. This examination has been given to college students for more than twenty-five years. The purpose of this test is to discover if students are able to get along with college work. It has been scored and sent to the American Council of Education for checking.

Doctor Fee gave a personality, test of maladjustment inventory. This test depended upon the person's own answer, and it tries to indicate whether the person is well adjusted in his home and emotions. Doctor Fee is having conferences with the students concerning this test now.

The Wren Study Inventory was prepared in the University of Minnesota, and it asks questions about the student's study habits. If the student made lower than fifteen on this test, he should he concerned and seek help in regulating his time for study. A large number of the freshman class was under fifteen.

The interest inventory concerns occupations and vocations. The questions on this test are what students like best to do and what they like least to do. It is to help find the fields they should be interested in entering.

These discussions and tests have been a great help to many of the freshmen and it is with regret to many that they end.

Student Ministers Tell Life and Music of Watts

The Student Ministers Organization presented the chapel program last Wednesday morning. The theme was built around the life and music of Isaac Watts, hymn writer, who died two hundred years ago this year.

Don Stern had charge of devotions. A sketch of Isaac Watts' life was given by Duane Ramsey. Clarence McConkey gave the setting of several of Watts' hymns.

A quartet composed of Bill Albright, Albert Guyer, John Sheets and Jack Baker sang two of Watts' songs. The chapel audience also Bang a few of Watts' hymns.

It was as subtle as the b in sub-

Dewey stated that one day the Truman regime tries appeasement, the next day bluster.

Cleveland, October 26. President Truman Jeered tonight at public opinion polls, particularly about those which deal with the outcome of the presidential election next-Tuesday. He said, that the “poll-happy Republicans are trying to lull voters into sleeping instead of voting next Tuesday."

He predicted, again, that the G. O. P. would not take the election; he bitterly rapped the 20th Congress.

Warm Springs, Georgia, October 26. The Little White House, where the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died, was given over to the said wartime President's follow countrymen today as a national shrine. Today, the simple little cottage was officially dedicated as a national monument.

Glee Clubs Entertain In Chapel Next Monday-

Combined glee clubs and Rev. Goldberg will present chapel programs next Monday and Wednesday

The glee clubs, composed of 36 female voices and 25 male voices, will open Monday morning's chapel service with "Love Song" written to the tune of "Londonderry Air." They will then slug the cantata, "I Hear America Singing"--words written by Walt Whitman and music written by Harvey Gual.

Glee clubs will be directed by Professor Frederick and will be accompanied by Mrs. San Romani at the organ, Bonnie Alexander and Martha Frantz at the pianos.

Rev. Wymore M. Goldberg, pastor of the local Lutheran church will speak to chapel assembly Wednesday morning.

Special music will be provided by the chapel choir under the direction of Professor Frederick.

They will sing "Almighty God of Our Fathers.”

Letha Miller Becomes Women’s Glee Club Prexy

Monday afternoon, October 25, the Women's Glee Club elected officers for this year. They are President, Letha Miller; vice president, Claudia Jo Stump: secretary-treasurer, Hazel Sanger: head librarian, Lois Nicholson; assistant librarian, Lorene Marshall.

weekdays, it was announced recently by the manager, Ronald Moyer.

The snack room will sell to customers between the hours of 8:55 and 9:40 on the mornings of Monday through Friday. In addition to the regular schedule of open hours.

The new morning service in the Dog House will begin next Monday, November 1.

Many people think that the only way Joe Louis will ever get licked is to put him on a commemorative stamp.

Dr. Miller Speaks For Elizabethtown Religious Emphasis

Dr. and Mrs. DeWitt Millet left last Wednesday morning for the Brethren college in Elizabeth-town, Penn. Dr. Miller will spend a week devoted to "Religious Emphasis" on the campus.

Lecturing and counseling are part of his program. He will speak in the college chapel and at SCA meetings. He will also speak one Sunday evening at the Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren.

Dr. and Mrs. Miller expect to complete the 3000-mlle drive and return to McPherson a week from next Monday.

During Dr. Miner's absence Professor Raymond Flory will take the pulpit next Sunday morning.

Nature Lovers Visit Black Canyon On Hike

Black Canyon was again disturbed when approximately fifty students at McPherson College enjoyed a Nature Hike last Sunday, October 24. Professor Dell, with the assistance of Dean Warren and Dr. Heisey, explained various points of interest.

Dr. R. E. Mohler who original-ly had planned to conduct the tour, was unable to he there be-cause of illness.

The hike was sponsored by the social committee of the Student Council. Sack lunches were brought by the students, and

cokes and candy bars were provided by the social committee.

Mac Students Attend Kansas Church Meeting

Last week end McPherson College was well represented at the district meeting of the Church of the Brethren of southeast Kansas at Madison.

Miss Neher, housemother or Arnold Hall, took Esther and Arlene Mohler and Louise Reed with her. Miss Neher met her mother at the conference and spent the week end with her.    

Mr. and Mrs. Don Stern, Irven Stern, Pattie Bittinger, and Mr. Ira Brammell were also in attendance at the conference.

The recently sponsored Spectator poll gave Thomas E. Dewey, the Republican candidate for president, an overwhelming vote over his other opponents. Candidate Dewey received 173 votes which was far more than any of the other candidates.

President Truman trailed behind progressive party man Henry A. Wallace, by eleven votes. Mr. Truman received only thirty-eight votes while Mr. Wallace received forty-nine.

Other men who were in the running were Norman Thomas who received three votes. Harold Stas-sen, one vote.

The wets were handed a heavy defeat when the drys carried the election by more than 165 votes. The drys received 220 votes while the wets received only a paltry fifty-five.

On the presidential issue there were twenty-three people who had no opinion while on the wet-dry issue there were only thirteen.

Several students evidently had a sense of humor since one wrote in the name of Mickey Mouse for president. Also mentioned as presidential timber was Clarence McConkey, Mac College Senior.

This poll would tend to show that Mac College students are following along the traditional Kansas method of voting, that being Republican and for prohibition.

Harry "Knapp’s Oration Appears In “Messenger”

Harry Knapp, sophomore, who last year won the local prohibition contest, had the honor of having his oration printed in the October 23rd issue of the Gospel Messenger.    

Mr. Knapp's oration was entitled "The Destroyer of the Temple.” and although he did not make-the state contest which was held later, he received favorable comments.

The Gospel Messenger, the of-ficial organ of the Church of the Brethren, stated that Mr. Knapp had won the state contest. However, according to records in the speech department, Mr. Knapp won only the local contest.

Professor Hess reiterated that the time is drawing near for the next contest of this type and that all interested should be thinking about the questions involved.

Ho soft-soaped her until she couldn't see for the suds.

Vote Next Tuesday!

Let’s Cooperate With The Quad Staff' They Need Informal Snapshots

The Quadrangle staff deserves and is asking for the cooperation of you students in making this year's annual what you have demanded in years past.

Last year when the Quads were distributed, criticisms were flung at the editors from all directions. Everyone seemed to want more informal snapshots.

The Quadrangle staff this year, with the idea in mind to please more students, has arranged the layout so that numerous amateur snapshots might be included. This fact has been publicized several times on the bulletin board and in the Spectator.

But have the students come around with any photographs? No, there has been practically no turn-out of pictures. We of the student body will be the ones who deserve to be griped about if there are not enough snaps in the Quad to suit our tastes. It will be our fault because we have not given our share. If we want to get anything out of the publications, we must put something into them.

Remember, the Quadrangle this year will possess a considerable portion which will be devoted to student snapshots. We students must submit our pictures of the various phases of campus life, in order to supplement the professional pictures which the staff is preparing.

Let's all cooperate with the Quadrangle staff.

Make This YOUR Paper!

Many persons in the student body of McPherson College evidently are suffering under the misconception that only those persons listed in the Spectator staff (as we print it on page 2) may turn in material for the paper.

I would like to clear you up on this point. The Spectator is a student publication. Since that is true, any student may submit items for publication. This practice is here and now encouraged by the Spec staff.

One of the goals towards which I am striving in the Spectator this semester is to print a variety of material and present a more cosmopolitan view of campus life. To accomplish this necessitates not only a wide-awake few, but in addition it requires the aid of several reporters, writing material. Persons may submit articles for publication without being required to continue writing regularly. I would like to encourage persons to write up articles spontaneously, when the “lightning strikes them," so to speak.

There are other realms in which you students may-help us. You may give us your suggestions. For editorials, for example, it is sometimes difficult to think of subjects about which to write comments. I always welcome suggestions and-constractive criticisms!- These hints help us wherein our foresight fails us.

If any of you students compose an article you desire to be published in your school newspaper, the editorial staff will be glad to consider its printing, on its submission to us.

Once again, I ask you to help us make the Spectator your paper. Give us whatever you have. The writing staff can never become too large.

Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Student Directory

McPherson College is a relatively small school, but it is not so diminutive that each student knows every other person. Moreover, students cannot remember the addresses of everyone else in the student body.-

For these reasons, the Spectator will publish, for your convenience, a McPherson College student directory. This data will be printed in several successive issues of the paper. If students and subscribers will save these issues, they will have accumulated for their own use a complete student directory.

For this week's Student Directory. The Spectator prints for you the names and addresses of the class of ’49, this years senior class.


Name    College Address    Home Address


Achilles, Robert; 1813 E. Gordon ----------McPherson. Kansas

Albright. Hilly: 1722 K. Gordon --------------McPherson. Kansas

Albright, Patricia; 1139 E. Euclid ................McPherson, Kansas


Baerg, Kathleen: Arnold Hall -----............

Bell. Betty (Stonebreaker): 801 S. Main-------McPherson, Kansas

Bell. Charles: 801 S. Main .--------- ...McPherson,    Kansas

Bowman. Donna; 143 N. Carrie    -.....................McPherson.    Kansas

Brown. John: 723 E. Kansas ......... Geneseo,    Kansas

Burger, Lois; Arnold Hall......................Teaxas

Burkholder. John; Fnhnestock Hall ------------Octavia, Nebraska


Carlson, Vance: 403 N. Olivette ................. McPherson. Kansas

Cook, Alvin; Fahnestock Hall-------------------- Waynesboro, Virginia

Corley, Ernest; Kline Hall --------——.......—Phillip, West Virginia


Dalke, Ethel: Arnolld Hall------------------Lehigh, Kansas

Dell, Carl; Fahnestock Hall ......—.......-........ Holton.    Kansas

Dilley, Oliver; Conway, Kansas ..............................Conway,    Kansas


Frantz, Marion; 1604 E. Gordon ......—---------Beatrice, Nebraska

Freeburg, Mary Jane; 411 N. Oak    ..................McPherson.    Kansas

Fisher, Verlyn; Veterans' Housing    .—............McPherson,    Kansas


Gels, Wilma: Arnold Hall--------------Durham, Kansas

Geisert, Theodore; Fahnestock Hall .......................Elmo, Kansas


Hauder, James: 701 E. Simpson...................Frazie, Minnesota

Hess, Charles; 401 Carrie-....................Waynesboro, Pennsylvania

Hickey, Ruth; 612 S. Maple ...................-.......McPherson, Kansas

High, Leland: 132 N. Charles ...........................—Wichita. Kansas

Hollowell, Marie; 1002 S. Maple --------- McPherson, Kansas

Holsopple, Ruth: Arnold Hall .... ...................South English, Iowa

Hutchison, Gerald; 3 23 S. Ash.........................McPherson, Kansas


Johnson, Mort; 217 E. Woodside ------------McPherson, Kansas


Keim, Don: Fahnestock Hall ..............................Nampa, Idaho

Keim, Robert: Kline Hall .............................Nampa, Idaho

Keim, Sybil (Miller); Kline Hall ---------------Wichita, Kansas


Langley, John: 529 Mr E. Kansas ...............Great Neck, New York

Loshbaugh, Bernice; Kline Hall ................McPherson, Kansas

Loshbaugh, Royce: Kline Hall ----------------Westphalia, Kansas

Mease, Wilbur; Fahnestock Hall ........................Lincoln, Nebraska

Merkey, Edith: Arnold Hall ------------------Cloud Chief, Oklahoma

Merkey, Ruth; Kline Hall--------------------------Abilene, Kansas

Messamer, John: Fahnestock Hall.........................Panora, Iowa

Metzler, Mary: 145 Olivette ________________________McPherson, Kansas

Mohler, Eldon; Fahnestock Hall ........................McCune, Kansas

Morse, Dale: Galva, Kansas ...........--------------------Galva, Kansas

Moyer, Ronald; Fahnestock Hall .....................Hutchinson, Kansas

McConkey, Clarence; Fahnestock Hall ............Quinter, Kansas

Nicholson, Lois; Arnold Hall-----------------------Filer, Idaho


Oberst, Ann; 305 Olivette .....--------------------McPherson, Kansas


Ramsey, Duane: 119 N. Charles------------------Wichita, Kansas

Reinecker, Russell: 444 N. Maxwell................McPherson, Kansas

Reist, Gordon; Fahnestock Hall —.............................Eldora, Iowa

Reusser, Daniel; Veterans' Apartments ......—McPherson, Kansas

Reusser, Eleanor: Veterans’ Apartments ..........McPherson, Kansas


Sanger, Merrill; 135 N. Carrie.......................Springfield, Missouri

Sheets, John: 1722 E. Gordon ............-..........Surrey, North Dakota

Shultz, Clifford: 810 N. Wheeler ------------------McPherson, Kansas

Smith, Delbert: 117 N. Olivette ...........................Beaver, Iowa

Stern, Don: Kline Hall ..................................Fredericksburg, Iowa

Stinnette, Marianna; Arnold Hall ................Denver, Colorado


Thralls, La Vona: Arnold Hall ------------------Billings, Oklahoma

Treder, Lawrence; 800 N. Main ......---------------McPherson, Kansas


Unruh, Don; 516 Mr N. Chestnut -------------------McPherson, Kansas


Wagoner, Paul: Fahnestock Hall -------------------------......Adel, Iowa

Ward, Dean: Fahnestock Hall —,---------------Litchfield, Nebraska

Wolfe, Orrin: Fahnestock Hall    —----------------------Waterloo, Iowa

Wright, Doris; Central College---------------McPherson, Kansas

More Faculty Vacations

It seems that if faculty members were not spending most of their time in teaching during the summer session, they were traveling around the United States.

Mrs. Voth and her husband drove 32,000 miles through 15 of the southeastern states. They saw the Chicago Cubs play baseball. visited her father in South Bend, Indiana, visited Army friends in Virginia and Tennessee, visited Abe Lincoln's home in Springfield, Illinois, and Andrew Jackson’s home in Nashville. Tennessee.     

Professor Frederick taught part time in summer school, spent several weeks in harvest in Kansas, and visited relatives in Indiana and Illinois.

Miss Siek attended Tailoring Workshop for two weeks at Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas. The remaining time she was at her home in Hope, Kansas.

Professor Flory spent two weeks in Washington, D. C.. lobbying in the 80th Congress on draft legislation. He taught during both first and second slimmer sessions. He also attended Annual Conference at Colorado Springs.

Dr. Heisey taught in summer school and later took a trip through the Ozarks, He and his wife also visited relatives in Michigan and Iowa.

Miss Lockwood went to summer school in Kansas University for eight weeks. She spent the remaining time at her home in Baldwin, Kansas.    


John Firestone

Max McAuley

LeRoy Doty

Don Reed, Russell West Van Dunahoo Sarah May Vancil

_ Editor-In-Chief

Managing Editor

Campus Editor

Sports Co-Editors

Feature Editor

Faculty Adviser

Don Ford Leona Flory Annette Shropahire


-    Circulation Manager


Business Manager

Wendell Burkholder

Harry Knapp

Don Ford

Lloyd Haag

Gordon Yoder

Faculty Adviser

DODGE Thou Hast;

To DODGE Thou Wilt Return

Doc Metzler at last has "that new car."

It seems that when the Metzlers went down to the DODGEing dealer to pick up the car a baby seat was included. Mrs. Metzler was especially alarmed. Then Dr. Metz-ler, quickly taking full charge of the situation, explained that they really had no need for a car baby seat, as David had grown some

since the car was ordered.

The flivver in question was acquired by McPherson's illustrious philosophy and religion professor last Saturday. The blue Fordor 1948 Dodge sedan outshines the black 1932 Dodge slightly.

It must be wonderful to be a teacher. First Hess’s new Chevrolet, then Crabb’s Buick, and now Metzler's new Dodge.

Former Student Promoted To Rank Of Army Major

Selected as one of the 30 offic-ers of the United State Air Force in the Tokyo area to receive a promotion to the Permanent rank of Major, is Major William R. Graham, former student of McPherson College, McPherson Kansas. Major Graham is a member of the Military Tribunal at the War Crimes Trials in Tokyo, Japan.

Commissioned in October, 1930, ns a pilot in the U. S. Air Force. Major Graham served at Wheeler Air Force Base in Hawaii before assuming the duties of Air Force Plant Representative for the Glenn L. Martin Nebraska Company at Omaha. Leaving the military service twice for work as a civilian, Major Graham both times continued in aeronautical work, once for the State of Idaho, and once for the Federal Government. He rejoined the Air Force as a Regular Air Force officer in July, 1946.

Major Graham flew to Tokyo in July of this year and awaits the arrival of his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Sargent Graham, and two children, William Robert, 11, and Susan, six. They are awaiting their port call in San Rafael, California.

A 1927 graduate of Fruitland High School, Fruitland, Idaho, Maj. Graham attended McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, where he was a member of the football and baseball squads.

McPherson College Faculty Directory

Home Address Home Tel. No.

Alexander, Miss Bonnie: Arnold Hall---------1061

Bechtel, Kenneth C.; 1514 E. Gordon---------1133X

Bowman, J. L.; 143 N. Carrie-----------------403Y

Brammell, Ira N. H.; 706 E. Marlin------------1583

Crabb, Eugene N.; 610 N. Maple---------------267Y

Dell, S. M.: 309 N. Eshelman__________416X

Elrod, James H.: 1722 E. Gordon-------------946Y

Fee, Miss Mary: 1314 E. Euclid---------1153Y

Flory, Raymond L.; 4 21 N. Carrie--------775L1

Frantz, Earl M.; 133 N. Carrie______:---------283W

Frederick, Donald R.; 120 N. Charles--------283X

Fries, J. H.; 315 N. Charles ........................972W

Hardacre, Forrest: 321 N. Olivette------972L4

Harris, Miss Virginia: Kline Hall, No. 1---------1695

Heisey, Lowell; 1503 1/2 E. Euclid-----------422W

Heisey, Mrs. Lowell; 1503 1/2 E. Euclid------422W

Hershberger, E. S.; 1011 E. Euclid ---------690X

Hess, Maurice A.: 401 N. Carrie.........1275W

Howe, Helen Irene; 321 N. Grand--------------964J

Krehbiel, Anne;- 1000 E. Euclid---------------533

Lehman, Miss Delia; 1514 E. Gordon -----------------1133X

Lockwood, Miss Mary E.; 315 N. Carrie ................392X

Martin, Mrs. Alice B.; 123 N. Carrie ----------------283J

Metzler, Burton: 145 N. Olivette ----------------681X

Miller, Rev. DeWitt L.; 1301 E. Euclid-----------1419J

Mohler, Robert E.: 1142 E. Euclid-----313

Mugler, Miss Minnie; 406 S. Maple-----------848

Neher, Miss Edna; Arnold Hall------------1061

Olson, O. A.: 1604 E. Gordon ...._________1133Y

Peters, W. W.: 1223 E. Euclid ___________________1356

Plasterer, Holland; Fahnestock Hall —--433

San Romani, Audrey: 1010 E. Euclid ---------516X

Sherfy, Miss Esther L.;    123 N. Olivette -----------676X

Siek, Miss Mildred; 132    N. Charles---------408X

Smith. Miss Edna; 222    S. Hartup ..........................363

Vancil, Miss Sarah May;    1718 East Gordon------502Y

Voth, Mrs. Marilyn Sandy; Moundridge, Kas.-----302

Wareham, Richard; Fahnestock Hall-----------433

Warren, Luther; 1422 E. Euclid-------1096

Wickersham, Miss Lulu; 310 N. Chestnut ---------647Y

Yoder, R. Gordon: 114 N. Carrie-------- 997L4

Young, Miss Ida M.; 132 N. Charles---------403X

Cline, J. K.; 407 N. Lehmer__________________None

Forney, Frank: 409 N. Eshelman---------422J

Crowley, Mrs. Catherine; 451 N. Olivette------------None

Duncan, Mrs. Anna; 812 S. Ash---------------965

Eberly, Junior; 320 N. Maxwell--------972X

Schultz, Mrs. Frances L.; 810 N. Wheeler-------915Y

Speaker, Mrs. Wilma; 318 N. Lehmer _________-----None

Office Room No.    Office Tel.

Harnly, 4th floor ------.------287

Harnly 311----------287

Harnly 215------------287

Sharp 24 ...*----------- 10

Harnly 420 & Sharp 32

Frantz Ind. Arts-------344

Sharp 18-----»970

Sharp 13 ...............:-

Harnly 302 -----:---287

Sharp 22-------------10

Harnly 406 -------------287

Sharp 25------------:—9

Phys. Ed...... 960

Library --- 970

Harnly 105 ------------:--287

Harnly 202 ---------287

Frantz Ind. Arts-----344

Sharp 30--------

Harnly 404     287

Harnly 405 —---------------287

Sharp 28..................---------

Harnly 301 ....... 287

Sharp 20-21 ...................9 or 10

Harnly 310----------287

Home or Church--------------553

Harnly 313 (Class 308)---------287

Town Studio------------------None

Arnold Hall —--------1061

Sharp 31 ------------

Sharp 26---------- 10

Harnly 403 _____________________287

Harnly 420 ------------------287

Sharp 32------------

Harnly 202 ---------287

Cafeteria ..... 344

Sharp 16 (Class 27)-------970

Phys. Ed. ..........................—...............960

Phys. Ed.______________960

Sharp 23-------------------9

Harnly 301_______________287

Sharp 25____________________9

Harnly 106, 313, & 203 -----287

Box in Central Office    

Mail box, Central Office

Arnold    (Kitchen)--344

Arnold    (Kitchen)------344

Arnold    (Kitchen)--------------34 4

Arnold (Kitchen) ----------——:------344

Arnold    (Kitchen)---------344

B. M. On C.

Big Man On Campus

Energetic, thorough, and witty is Donald S. Keim, president of the senior class.

Don was born on August 8, 1927, at Nampa, Idaho, where he still resides.

His main interest lies in intramural sports, and his hobbies are fishing and camping.

Upon graduation next June, Don plans to work for the H. H. Keim Packing Co., of Nampa.

In high school Don was on the student council, and was active in the HI-Y, Future Farmers, and the Radio Club.

In college, besides his duties as senior class president. Don is a former business manager of the Spec, and an’"M" club member. He was junior class vice-president last year.

Don’s favorite teachers are Olson, Flory, Bechtel, Metzler, and Mohler.

Don has dark brown hair, brown eyes, is 5’8" and weighs 130 lbs, and his favorite pastime is bull sessions.

The Next Generation

Master David LeRoy Smith is the name of one of the next generation for McPherson College. David was born to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Smith, last Saturday morning, October 23, at 11:42 a. m. Delbert and Barbara (nee Holderread) proudly present their 8 lb., 7 ’oz. son.

Attend Pep Assembly.

Collegian Column

The men of Midland College have started a major revolt against all "Pants-wearing, cigarettesmoking, bottle-toting females."

What with jeans and Luckies, the men claim trouble in distinguishing the sexes on campus: so to protect themselves from being mistaken from the "fairer sex" they have laid aside the razor.

Those holding out until Thanksgiving will be admitted to the order of the Ticklish Turkey; those who stay with it until Christmas will be designated Sons of Santa: and any whose courage and whiskers hold out until Easter will reach the highest order, that of the Bearded Bunnies.

With a national election but a few days away, Manchester College has become Infatuated with speeches, promises, and the usual “glub” that one associates with "big time politics." However "the President of the United States" whom they will elect will be a Manchester student.

The junior-class-sponsored, allschool election (mock, that is) has a nominee from each class.

Two of the nominees are well known around McPherson. From the sophomore class is Ted Chambers. who was on campus last year for Regional Conference, and was also in the peace caravan: the freshman nominee is Leroy Brubaker from Elgin.

The new Boys’ dormitory at La Verne College was officially opened last week. Named for the head custodian, Isaac Woody, the dorm was completed in a lit-tle less than five months.

A dorm council has already been elected, and open house was set for October 17.

This is a mile-stone in Brethren education as La Verne was the only Brethren school without a boys’ dorm.

they say

as a point of information just who owns the pin hall machine stored in the second floor of the


seems that the girls of arnold don't need the "dorm raids" to have excitement one point for each, girl on third hmmmm

prof dell celebrating the fourth of July a little late this year oh those bang bang boys of first floor fanny.

all the excitement in the spec office looking over the questionnaire given in chapel.

the halls of arnold lost-that quiet serene appearance lost week end—katy little was hack

Regional Office

by Betty Wolfkill

On the north side of the base-ment in Sharp Hall, just east of the room which many freshmen know as Miss Vancil’s office, is

located an office with which some students already are acquainted.

In the Western Region Office of the Church of the Brethren, James H. Elrod, regional executive secretary; Ruth Barley, volunteer secretary of Brethren Service and Peace:    Paul Wagoner,

part-time in-training co-secretary of Brethren Service and Peace: Betty Wolfkill, office secretary, perforin the task of coordinating the work of the various agencies of the Church of the Brethren within the Western Region.

From time to time there will be news from this office In which students will be Interested.

Christmas Greeting

This week we’d like to spotlight the especially printed Christmas greeting. It is published by the Brethren Service Commission of the General Brotherhood Board of the Church. All proceeds from the sale of this card are to go directly for relief purposes. The card is attractively printed in blue on white, and the verse is especially appropriate since it richly conveys the Christ-mas message of peace. In quantities of more than five, the card sells for only five cents per card.

Why don’t you stop in to see this card? It will be a good time to get acquainted—and we’ll be glad to take your order.

Uniforms For Officers Do Not Fit College Men

Bloomington, Ind. (ACP) — The college male has broad shoulders, a narrow waist and big feet according to the military department at Indiana University. R. O.

T. C. uniforms ordered according to army tariff sizes did not fit; the supply department was flooded with too many requests for 9 to 14 1/2 shoe sizes; 400 cadets are without pants; there were too many cadets with 29 to 31-inch waistlines and not enough 41’s; approximately 300 blouses are also on re-order.

The supply officer explained that the new uniforms were originally for officers and the boys just ’have not filed out yet.” The military custodian has one consolation—the neckties are fine.


A blue Eversharp fountain pen.

A girl’s red jacket with several articles in the pocket.

Inquire at the circulation desk in the library.

Faculty Members Discuss Character Education

"Character Education on Mac Campus" was the topic for discussion by the McPherson College faculty Monday evening, October 25.

Dr. Bechtel was the chairman of a panel which presented problems, ideals and courses of action. The other members of the panel were Miss Neher, Mr. Wareham, Dr. Metzler, Dean Warren, and Prof. Flory.

After the discussion period, the faculty adjourned to the Dog House and were joined by faculty wives for a Dutch treat.

It seems that Mac has several devout music lovers, mainly Bill Daggett, Winston Bowman, and Arlyn Heusinkveld who with dates took in the recent Lawrence Mel-choir concert in Wichita.


Bulldogs vs. Graymaroons

Tomorrow night the McPher-non College Bulldogs travel to Newton where they will play Bob Tully's Bethel Graymaroons in their fifth conference game of the year.

Last year the Bulldogs were edged at their Homecoming game 14-13 by Bethel.

This game will decide which team escapes the cellar as far as the Kansas Conference this year in concerned as each school has lost all its conference games up to tomorrow night's game.

The Bulldog's "B" team went to Bethel last Tuesday to be beaten 25-0. Two weeks before the Bethel "B” team came to McPherson and was beaten 8-0.

If comparative scores are any indication of strength, then the two teams are of about equal strength.


Kansas Conference

W L Pet.

Behtany................... 4    0    1.000

Ottawa .............. 3    0    1.000

C. of E.................. 2    1    .667

Baker____________________2    2    .500

Kansas Wesleyan .... 1    2    .333

Bethel .............. 0    3    .000

McPherson .............. 0    4    .000


Knute Rockne' always had a lot of tricks up his sleeve, to win football games, and always knew how to inspire his players to greatness.

Once Notre Dame played a tough Georgia Tech team. At the half, the Fighting Irish were behind in the score. In the locker rooms, Rockne faced his players and began to read to them telegrams from former Notre Dame players. Then he sort of choked up and said:

"Here's one from my six-year old son. It says: 'I want daddy's team to win.' "

Rock's voice broke at this point and he wiped his eyes. "Boys, that youngster of mine is lying on a hospital cot back in South Bend now, a mighty sick boy. I’ve promised to bring him the Georgia Tech football as a present. Are you men going to let the kid down?"

The Notre Dame players took a terrific pounding that day to pull the game out of the fire and win it for Rockne's little sick boy. And as they walked off the field, tired and weary, who should  meet them but a perfectly healthy six-year-old youngster waving a Notre Dame banner and yelling:

"My pop’s team won! Hooray! My pop’s team won."

It was Knute Rockne's supposed-to-be little sick boy.

McPherson Bulldogs Lose To Ottawa Braves 47-0

Another trip away from home brought another loss for McPherson. This time the Bulldogs suffered defeat at the hands of Ottawa University on Ottawa's playing field.

McPherson showed plenty of spirit but was far outclassed by a much superior Ottawa football club.

Three times McPherson was in Ottawa's danger zone but through lack of experience. Mac lost the ball, Don Batson, who looked good for the first time this year, threw several beautiful touchdown passes, which were dropped by green freshman players.

As a whole the McPherson football team looked better than usual. "Sen Dog" Tillman who made honorable mention last year and who has been out with a bad leg, started at guard

Don Stevens who started the season as a guard and who also has been laid up with a leg injury played quite a bit at both guard and tackle in this game.

Kenny Newport showed up well at safety position as his tackling ability saved many a touchdown run. Bob Anderson, who replaced Don Reed at center due to sickness, showed strong defensive ability. West, a regular starter, played his usual game. Arnold also played.

The team left for Ottawa on a Santa Fe bus about 1:00 p. m. The trip took little more than three hours. The team ate at the American Hotel, the same hotel at which they slept after the game.

When asked what he did at Ottawa one of the players said. We arrived in Ottawa and saw truly neat school. We were shown around part of the campus, and saw their new gym along with other buildings. I was really fascinated by their campus, but feel the atmosphere around McPherson College has ’em beat.”

The team played ball at eight and was thoroughly trounced 470. After the game they ate a wonderful steak dinner at the hotel.

Seven in the morning came very early for most of the fellows, but that was the time at which they had to get up. A short breakfast followed by a long trip on the bus back to McPherson completed the trip.

Championship Game

Coach Ray Hahn's Bethany College Swedes will have an opportunity tonight at Lindsborg to smash the recent monopoly of Ottawa's Braves on Kansas Conference Ath-letic titles.

Ottawa, who defeated McPherson last week 47-0, has three conference victory’s, while the Swedes edged past C. of E. last week 1413.

Should Bethany defeat Ottawa, the Swedes will be able to hoist the pennant the following week by beating the cellar-dwelling McPherson College Bulldogs.

The other Conference games this week are; College of Emporia and Kansas Wesleyan, at Salina; and McPherson and Bethel at Newton Saturday night: and Baker and William Jewel at Liberty. Mo.

Baker walloped Bethel 43-0 last Saturday in a conference game.

Duane and Elven Ramsey are good entertainers. Recently they fried bacon and eggs for Don Keim, John Firestone, Ted Gei-sert, and Max McAuley. All involved agreed that Duane and Elven can and do spread a good table. -

Bowl- Games Preview

The Michigan Wolverines, elevated to No. 1 spot last week in the Associated poll. Justified their position by overwhelming Minnesota last Saturday 27-14. They are virtually "in" as big nine champions.

Since Michigan cannot return to the Rose Bowl. Northwestern appears to be the most likely candidate on the basis of Its 19-16 victory over Minnesota. California appears to get the nod as for as the other team in the Rose Bowl is concerned in that they smashed Washington 21-0, although Oregon still figures a likely candidate.

Down in Dixie, unbeaten and untied North Carolina and Georgia Tech are bidding for positions in the Sugar. Cotton, or Orange Bowl and run into stiff opposition. N. C. plays stubborn Tennessee while Tech plays an undefeated Duke team.

The Southwest feature Is Southern Methodist against Texas at Austin. The victor here would well land in the Cotton Bowl.

The nine teams left in the major ranks without defeat or tie are Michigan, Notre Dame, North Car-olina, Georgia Tech, Clemson, Army, Pennsylvania, California, and Nevada.

Of these Michigan, Army, and Notre Dame are not Bowl contenders and Pennsylvania is not too receptive to Bowl bids.

An Experience In A Wheel Chair

by Bill Moore

Just before the game we all gathered around our coach, Mr. Fisher. There was silence, except for a few hundred specators clapping. Gee, we were excited; so was the coach. He said. "Fellows I want you to get out there and fight," so we did. Our strategy was to keep the ball moving which they did very well, that is the other team.

A handsome fellow by the name of Dave Messier started at forward along with cute Harold Smith. At guards we had a brute by the name of Lindberg, also a guy named Powell. On the bench we had McCollum and Speaker. And of course yours truly was in at center.

“Are you ready?" The whistle blew and up went the ball, and I tipped to Lindberg for the first two points.

After that it settled down to a battle of who was going to shoot on the other team.

At the half, the score was 10 to 4, in favor of the Kansas City Bulldozers.

At the end of the game the score was 25 to 6. but we felt satisfied that the score wasn't more lopsided. The Bulldozers told us it was perhaps the best competition they had run up against.

Lindberg was high scorer for the Bulldogs with four points, and I scored two. Only two fouls were called on us, both on Powell.

The Bulldozers were very serious about their game, and there is really more to wheel chair basketball than can be noticed from the grandstand. It is a game of much skill, if it is played well.

All the credit for the Bulldogs' fine play goes to Coach Fisher.

“48” Football Schedule
Oct. 30—Bethel College at Newton (night).
Nov. 5-—Bethany at McPherson (night).
Nov. 12—Eastern New Mexico College at McPherson (night).
Nov. 19—Open