Scalp Those BRAVES!
Be Sure To VOTE!
McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Friday, October 22,1948
NO. 6
Professor Donald Frederick, of the McPherson College Music Department, won fifty dollars Jast Tuesday in Wichita for one of the two best parodies written for the new Kansas state song, “Horae On The Range.”
_ Mrs. Helen McEnUre. of Wleh-* lta. was the other winner of ths KIDC parody contest and also won fifty. The two winning parodies were selected out of over 600 entries that were sent lu to the contest headquarters.
Prof. Donald Frederick
Professor Frederick's winning parody is "It's the range then for me. As it always will be, for I love every valley and plain. Though I journey away I'll return soon to stay. In the plains of my homeland again."
Professor Frederick joined the McPherson College staff September, 1946, as an instructor of voice. In 1947 he was appointed to the position of Assistant Professor of Voice.
Professor Frederick received training at Manchester College, Bethany Biblical Seminary, Ohio State University, Northwestern University, and at the Sherwood Music School.
Religious Book Week Is From October 24-31
Beginning October 24 and lasting until October 31 the Religious Rook Week will have its sixth annual observance. Religious Book Week is sponsored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews.
The college library will have a display of books and posters. Book marks will be given away during the week.
Religious Book Week is a project designed to encourage laymen to read books of spiritual value, and includes books in the fields or biography, history, fiction, and poerty. It was first organized on a national scale back in 1943 and has had yearly observances since that time.
The National Conference of Christians and Jews have sent materials to the various leading newspapers of the country and have encouraged librarians, schools, colleges, clubs, and societies to co-operate.
One-Act Plays Coming
At the last meeting of the McPherson College Players, it was decided that three one-act plays would be given November 17, 18, and 19. The student directors were decided upon. They are Harry Knapp, Helen Stover, and Ann Oberst. The plays are to be chosen by Miss Sherfy and the three directors.
Many things were discussed, but perhaps one of the most important decisions made was that of having a social for the Play-ers. The date has not been set yet, but plans are under way.
Alcoholism Is Theme In Chapel Next Monday
Alcoholism will be the subject for chapel Monday morning, October 25. Mrs. Rozella Switzer of McPherson will relate some of her experiences with alcoholics.
Mrs. Switzer is associated with the Alcoholics Anonymous Organization in Wichita.
Group singing will be directed by Professor Frederick with Mrs. San Romani accompanying him at the organ.
Teachers Attend State Convention
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday—November 4, 5 and 6—the teachers of Kansas will be attending their annual state conventions in six Kansas cities.
Miss Della Lehman, head of the McPherson College English department, will speak to the English teachers round-table at Salina, Kansas, on Friday. Her subject is "The Teaching of Dramatics in High Schools and Colleges."
The six cities in which conventions will be held are Salina, Wichita, Pittsburg. Topeka. Hays and Gulden City.
Although the public grade and high schools of Kansas are dismissed on Thursday and Friday, only a few college classes will be affected.
Dean Warren's Wednesday evening class in educational guidance and Miss Lehman's Wednesday afternoon class in contemporary literature will be dismissed. These classes are ’composed almost entirely of teachers who are not regular college students. -
Student Body Studies Nature In Black Canyon
Next Sunday afternoon October 24, at 2 o'clock the student body of McPherson College will go back to nature in an event which is called an All-School Nature Hike.
The event is being planned by the social committee and the WAA Outing Club.
At 2 o'clock the persons who are interested in going on the hike are asked to meet in front of Sharp Hall. From there the hike will proceed to Black Canyon via automobile.
At Black Canyon Dr. R. E. Mohler will lead the hike, telling the group about the different natural phenomena which are encountered.
Sack lunches are to be brought by each individual so that he may eat supper with the others at 5
p. m.
The group will return in time for C. B. Y. F. Sunday evening.
Former Student Is
American Royal Nominee
Miss Barbara Burkholder, who attended McPherson College as a freshman in 1946-’47, was selected to represent Lawrence, Kansas, as Miss Lawrence at the American Royal in Kansas City last weekend. Miss Burkholder is a Junior at the University of Kansas this year.
Late Headlines
Wichita, Kansas, October 19— Contest winners in the KIDC search for a parody on the Kansas song. "Home on the Range." were announced here tonight at a banquet. Donald Frederick of McPherson, Kansas, and Helen McEntire of Wichita won first prize of $50 each.
Six hundred verses were entered in the contest, the winning verses being sung at the banquet.
Raleigh, North Carolina, October 19. President Truman tried to sew up the split in the Democratic Party here in a speech. He told Southerners that a vote for anyone but himself for president is a vote for GOP nominee Thomas E. Dewey.
Hallowe’en Hayride Is Being Planned
Next week end on October 30, as a social event the social committee of the college is planning for the enjoyment of the student body a Hallowe'en Hayride.
Plans are still shaping for the event, but tentatively the Hayride will consist of an evening hayride to the country.
The program which will then be presented in the country will be under the supervision of the Recreational Council.
Next week's Spectator will carry further details of the Hallowe' en Hayride. .
Bittinger Discusses Race Relation With Students
A week ago last Friday evening a group of students Interested in race relation os they pertain to McPherson, met in the Student Union Room to discuss a program of education and direction on this vital issue.
Desmond Bittinger, editor of the Gospel Messenger, presented the group with a challenge in the form of good sound advice. Dr. Bittinger was an unexpected guest but according to students present he enhanced the evening's discussion.
It has been announced that there will be more meetings of this type in the very near future. Students of the college are asked to watch the social bulletin board for further announcements of these meetings.
Who’s Who Makes New Survey For Publication
Who's Who in America has been sending out inquiries to various professors in American colleges for their new publication of this year. Miss Esther Sherfy of the dramatics department has received such an inquriy from the A. N. Marquis Company, of Chicago, printers of the Who's Who in America.
A new publication by the Marquis Company this year will be the hook Who's Who in the Midwest.
An excerpt from the letter addressed to Professor Sherfy says: the first edition under the Marquis imprimatur is already being compiled in preparation for typesetting, and information regarding you and your principal interests indicates you come within the specifications established for inclusion in that publication."
The Marquis Company is the publisher also of Who’s Who in the East and Who’s Who in Commerce and Industry.
Truman stated that the Republicans hope to win on "wasted Democratic votes.”
Detroit, October 19. — Carl Bolton, 39-year-old former C.I.O. United Auto Workers official, was held for trial today on charges of attempting to kill Walter P. Reu-ther last April 20.
Bolton was held in testimony of two "stooges" who testified that he offered them $15000 and a good job in the union" to kill Reuther.
Berlin Germany. October 19 — Soviet-controlled German police surrounded western Berlin today to keep the Germans from buy-ing food in the Russian occupation zone.
Box Social To Be Held
C. B. Y. F. of the local church has taken the fall and hallowe'en spirit into hand by announcing that on the evening of October 27. in the church basement, a masquerade box social will be held.
The time for the masquerade will be at seven-thirty, and although masquerade'is not required, the officers of the C. B. Y. F. are hoping that those attending will avail themselves of this opportunity to dress in the traditional masquerade.
According to officers of the organization, they request that all attending come with a large bank roll and a good appetite. Mr. Harry Knapp, of Mac College, will be the auctioneer. Proceeds of this social will be to build an outdoor oven for the use of the church.
Deforpch Elects Officers
On Thursday, October 14, the Deforpch Motor Corporation conducted its first business meeting of the year. At this recent meeting new officer? were elected for
the coming year.
Mr. Kenneth Jarboe was reelected president of the organization, and Mr. Kills Albright was elected secretary-treasuer. Other oficers are Ernie Hoffa, business manager; and Wendell Burkholder, publicity chairman.
Two new members were taken into the organization this year. They are Wendell Brukholder and Ernie Hoffa.
The Deforpch Motor Corporation has been very active in intramural sports having won several intra-mural basketball championships.
Fee Becomes President Of Dean Of Women
Dr. Mary Fee, of McPherson College, was recently elected president of the Kansas Association of Deans of Women and Advisors of Girls.
"The next meeting of the Association will be next October at McPherson College."
Dr. Fee became associated with Mac College in 1946 us the Dean of Women and Associate Professor of Education. Dr. Fee is a graduate of the University of Kansas.
A Few Floats Survived; Arnold Hall Wins First
In spite of the cold north wind that came raging over McPherson last Saturday, a few floats survived the parade.
One of the most spectacular of these floats was the float entered by Arnold Hall, which took first prize. This float was spectacular because it carried the football team and "Miss Donna Ford and "Miss Billie” Daggett.
Second prize went to the sophomore class who had Wesleyan in the dog house. The Barkerettes received the third prize for their red and white float with some of the girls and Harry Knapp in ac-tion.
Noteworthy Alumni Come To Homecoming Event
Among the alumni attending homecoming last week was the Reverend Charles H. Nettleton of the class of 1938. He is pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Sli-fer, Iowa.
Rev. Nettleton was recently elected to membership on the Board of Trustees of McPherson College to represent Northern Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota. He Is also giving part time service to McPherson College in promoting the Expansion Program.
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Frantz from Carleton, Nebraska were present for the Homecoming Festivities. Merlin is a son of Earl W. Frantz, the director of public relations at McPherson College. He graduated in 1943 and is now teaching in the Carleton High School. He and his wife spent a year in Italy.
Also from Carleton, Nebraska, were Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Rothrock. Mr. Rothrock Is the superintendent of schools there.
Mr. Royal Yoder, past president of the Alumni Association, from Conway, Kansas presided at the Homecoming Dinner Saturday night.
From Silver Lake. Kansas, curoo Mr. and Mrs. WllMum Argubrlght. Mr. Argnbright is 11 toucher und the ussistnnt coach in the Silver Luke Hl^h School. I
Mr. und Mrs. Ululr Del man came from Lawrence, lutnsus, where Mr. Helmau is studying for his Ph. I). He is also the pastor of the Ottawa Church of the Brethren.
Other well-known iioinocomcrs were Rev. L. M Baldwin from -Morrill. Kunsus; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Blough from Shallow Water, Kansas; Mr. Donald Trostle from Nicketson, Kansas; Mrs. Helen Starr from Kipp. Kansas; Mr. Ralph Himes and Klster Addle from Abilene; and Mr. and Mrs. La Verne York from Hope. Kunsus.
Miss Shirley Alexander,• u high school student from Kansas City. Kansas, was present last weekend while her sister. Queen Bonnie, reigned.
A smart man is one who hasn’t let a woman-put anything* on him since he was u baby.
Religious Emphasis Week will be terminated this Sunday when Rev. Paul M. Robinson presents, at 7:30 p. m., the last in a series of religious and Christian emphasis topics entitled, “Watchers Of the Cross.”
j Tonight at 7:30 in tho local Church of the Brethren. Rev. Robinson will speak on the subject. "I Have a Glory.” And then Saturday night, interested persons will lie given the opportunity to hear "The Biography of a Fool.” His Sunday morning address is built uround the them©. "What Must We Do?"
Students May Ride To Bethel Game
The social committee of the college would again like to rail to the attention of the student body thut they have a chance to attend the McPherson-Bethel football gunic next Saturday afternoon. October 30.
An investigation by the committee revealed that it would be possible to charter a bus or buses to the game. A vote taken in one of the recent pep assemblies indicated that there was a considerable number of persons who desired to attend this game.
The round trip fare to the Bethel game next Saturday will be $.80.' which only one-half the commercial price.
Noxt week from Monday to Wednesday u lint will he posted on the proper bulletin hoard on which students may sign their uaraes as desiring to attend the Bethel game.
Women’s Council Names It» New Members
The Women’s Council, an organization whose members aid the dean of -women, has just selected its new members for the coming year. Miss Mary Jane Freeberg, president, announced the new members as follows.
Representing the senior class is Miss Mary Metzler, the junior class is Miss Jeanne Baldwin, the sophomore class Is Miss Marline Bowman. and representing the fresh-mun class are tho Misses Doris Blocker. PhyllisfBrown, and Phyllis .Scliiuulz.
The council, with the Dean ol Women, promotes geheraj welfare nnd good fellowship among the wonu-n students.
The president of the council is Miss Mary Jane Freeberg; vicepresident. Marie Miller; secretary. Bonnie Martin; Treasurer. Lois Yoder; and publicity chairmen. Helen Stover and Joy Horn-huker.
Church Instigates New On Job Training Program
On Ihe Joft Training Class is In progress this year ut the Church of ihe Biethren with approximately 21 students participating.
The class is under the supervision of regulur teachers and sup-rintendents. Students ah* given certain hooks to aid in acquainting themselves with the work.
They begin by observing and arc later assigned 1o activities, rafts, or worship. Tho students will rotate every month, so they may all have the equal amount of training and experience in those Holds.
Staff meetings are held in order that the students may note their progress, nud be given suggestions for improvement.
Kollege Kalendar
October 22 — Football — Ottawa—there.
October 22-24 — Last Day* pf Religious Emphasis Week.
October 24-31 — Religious Book Week.
October £4 — Nature Hike. October 25 — Evening Faculty Meeting — 8 p. m.
Championship Class Debates 6:45 p. 111.
Juniors vs. Freshmen.
October 26 — Varsity De-bute Tryouts.
October 29 — Arnold Hall Open House.
Rev. Paul M. Robinson
As for the previous services. Professor Donald Frederick has arranged a service of sacred music for the remaining programs of the week.
Students who wish to counsel with Rev. Robinson may do so this afternoon in the pustor's study at the church from 3:30 to 5:00 p. m.
Queen’s Dinner Attended By Over 100 Persons
Las: Friday night. October 15. over one hundred students, faculty, and interested friends gathered in the college church basement to honor the Homecoming Queen. Bonnie AJexander. at a banquet given for her and her two attendants. Leona Richards and Doris Blocker. •
The banquet was sponsored by the Student Council In cooperution with the Social Committee. Alumni and members of the Women's Council had decorated the church basement in regal splendor.
Donald 8. Keim, master.of ceremonies called upon various people to perform. Max McAuley sang. Rowena Neher played the marimba, and Miss Sherfy gave u talk about Queeu Bonnie's kingdom and subjects. .
The preparation of the' meal was under the direction of Mr*. Heisey. The waitresses, who were faculty members or faculty members’ wives, were directed by Miss Slek.
After the banquet a large number of students gathered north of Fahnestock Hall for the bonfire and pep rally which has been a tradition before every Homecoming football game for a number of years.
Olde Grey Mairsey Doats No More
Yes. perhaps the old mare lr a hit haggard aud time-worn, but wo don't care bocause we have 19 48 Fords.
McPherson College, also, hat suffered a few changes since its birth, back in tho 18 hundreds;
Hero are some rules and regulations which have been lifted verbatim from a McPherson College catalog of 1890-1891. .
Students should bring with them, besides text-books, a Bible or Testament. Brethren’s Hymu-book or Gospel Hymns, towels, a blanket or two. und shoiHd have tlielr gurments marked with -full name.
All students are required to be present at chapel exercises and all recitations; also to attend Sunday school nnd one church service each Lord’s Day. at tho college chapel or at some other place where their parents may direct.
Students ure required to go to their rooms at the ringiug of the study hell, and observe order so as not to disturb others In study.
Studonts must extinguish their lights promptly nt 10 o’clock p. m. unless excused by the person
.m charge of their hail.
No lady or gentleman will be ul-lowed to trespass on the territory jf the opposite sex., except by special permission of the President.
Students deairing to leave the grounds or to visit other f-tlident*. must obtain permission from the persou in charge of their hall.
Ladles and'gentlemen will not ride. walk, or play together except by special arrangement with the President.
Studebts will be held responsible for misconduct in their rooms and damage done tp school property. . ’
No student rooming lie tho dormitory shall be absent after ten o'clock p. m. unless by permission of the President.
Students desiring to visit or go to the clQr, must obtain permission from the President, except on Saturday afternoons between the hours of one and five o’clock, when general liberty to go to the etty und return is granted.
Visitors desiring to call upon students iu ihe huildiug must np-ply to the President. .
Football’s Dirty Linen Shows Itself
Seventy-five years ago this autumn, a group of Cornell University students asked their famous president, Andrew Dickson White, if they might be excused from classes to journey from Ithaca, New York, to Cleveland, Ohio, to play football against a team from the University of Michigan. After due deliberation, President White replied. “I will not permit thirty men to travel four hundred miles merely to agitate a bag of wind.”
Present-day football enthusiasts often quote President White’s famous remark, but they do so with the superiority of amused tolerance expecting, and usually getting, the belly-laugh they feel his decision merits. A few more thoughtful citizens, however, are sometimes assailed by the suspicion that perhaps President- White came far closer to putting a just value on college football than have his critics.
Certainly President White, were he alive today, would be appalled by the testimony of Mary Stuhldreher—wife of the University of Wisconsin’s Athletic director and head football coach—(which appeared on page 22 of the Oct. 23rd issue of'Saturday Evening Post). Mrs. Stuhldreher—who writes more penetratingly than even she may realize—has documented the current status of college football with almost alarming clarity. The picture she paints is not pretty. Gone are the heroic overtones that once marked amateur athletics. In their place, in her account, is the stark factual record of what happens to a coach and his family when the coach has the effrontery to produce a losing team.
Taken by itself, the Stuhldreher story might be passed off as an amusing account of the tribulations of a football coach. But it cannot be so interpreted. Rather, it is still another manifestation of the moral paralysis which has ' made college football at most institutions a frankly professional enterprise. How else can one explain such facts as these?
For more than ten years every literate American has known that college football stars, despite purity codes and pious protestations to the contrary, are paid for their sendees either by the college itself or by alumni groups. Almost without exception, institutions that deny the charge are either woefully ignorant, painfully sanctimonious or non-participants in big-time football. -
For more than twenty years* at least fifty college football factories have been far more deeply involved in staging commercial entertainment than most Broadway promoters. Apparently these colleges see nothing paradoxical about asserting their simon-purity, while at the same time they frankly commercialize their “amateurs”, by selling radio and television rights, advertising, maintaining press agents and otherwise stimulating the “gate” —just like other carnival hustlers.
* For almost as long, college officials have tacitly admitted that football coaches are hired—not to “build character” but to win football games. Losing coaches, no matter how good their personal reputations or how potent their benevolent influence on their players, have beeft fired at the conclusion of “disastrous seasons,” while winning coaches—of whatever background, breeding or personal standing—have been wined, dined and sought after.
In the last few years a good many coaches have demonstrated that they understand this cynical philosophy They have learned to ignore their contracts with the institutions they serve yvhenevq^aj^ttqjr yf^w^comes along.
A contract between a coach and a university, it Seems, is binding only on the university; the coach often assumes he can break it at will.
The “loyal alumni,” of course, have long been party to the professionalization of college football. They were among the first to realize that a social stigma is cast on everyone associated with a losing eleven, and they have supported their conviction both orally and financially. Now, apparently, even the students ha^ been infected by the same virus. As Mrs. Stuhldreher so eloquently illustrates, today’s crop of undergraduates are willing “to die for dear old Rutgers” only during winning seasons. Football is no longer a game in their eyes, but a yardstick by;which their school is judged.
Perhaps these symptoms of moral delinquency are unimportant. Perhaps college officials, pointing to attendance figures, are right in believing that “the public likes football the way it is.” Perhaps it is too late to reexamine the circumstencaa-~that led to the building of million-dollar stadia, jtothe conniving for players, to the paying of bigger salaries to football coaches than to professors of physics, to fciowl games, souvenir hawkers, gambling syndicates, and to the exaggeration of the importance of football triumphs to higher education.
Maybe so. But from where we sit, it appears that college football has grown far too big for its britches. No one believes that we can turn the clock back to the .days of Andrew Dickson White, but it does seem odd that the very institutions that are supposed to instruct our young— to teach them integrity of thought—should lend their names and their resources to the kind of chicanery that seems to go with the Saturday-aftemoon agitation of a bag of wind.
—Saturday Evening Post
Student Directory
McPherson College is a relatively small school, but it is not so diminutive thst each ntudeot knows every other person. Moreover, students cannot remember the addresses of everyone else id the student body.
For these reasons, the Spectator will publish, for your convenience, a McPherson Colllsge student directory. This data will be printed in several successive issues of the paper. If students and subscribers will save these issues, they will have accumulated for their own use a complete student directory.
For this*week we will give you the names of the Junior class. JUNIORS:
Name College Address Home Address
Alexander, Ronnie: Arnold Hall----------------Kansas City, Kansas
Balner. Loren; Veterans' Apartments___.
Baldwin, Jeane; Arnold Hall ...........
Beattie, Wilbur; Route Four____—,-------...
Bllckenstaff, Vernon; Veterans’ Apartments
Bowman. Winston; Fahnestock Hall ■>.________
Bruce, James; Galva. Kansas------------
Bruce. Robert; 522 S. Elm---------------------McPherson, Kansas
Bruns, Herbert; 548 N. Eshelmnn .....................Ramona. Kansas
Burkholder, Wendell; Fahnestock Hall ................Octavia. Nebraska
Burton. Barbara; Arnold Hall____I-----3680 Douglas. Des Moines, la.
Christy, Mary Jo; 415 N. Carrie---
Christy, Melvin; 415 N. Carrie____
Cline. Mary Helen; 407 N. Lehraer_____
Collins, Lawrence; 815 N. Elm_____
Colyn. John L.; -Veterans' Apartments D
Eshelmnn. Dale* Kline Hall
Firestone. John; Fahnestock Hall .
Fisher, Rowena; Arnold Hall__
Frantz, Joyce; 1604 E. Gordon . .
----Ottawa, Kansas
—..Morrill, Kansas ..McPherson, Kansas
------Qulnter, Kansas
.......’tluJnter, Kansas
..Galva. Kansas
------------McPherson. Kansas
-----------McPherson, Kansas
-----McPherson, Kansas
........McPherson, Kansas
----------------Lenox, Iowa
-----San Diego. California
--------Covina. California
---... White City, Kansas
—....Jennings, Louisiana
..............Payette. Idaho
.....—Beatrice, Nebraska
Garvey. James; Fahnestock Hall___
Goering. Lyre; 735 E. Elizabeth--------
Goerlng, Winston: 1000 E. Euclid_________
Graham. Kenneth: Veterans' Apartments Guthals, Donald; Fahnestock Hall______
Heckethorne. Harry; 501 N. Chestnut ...
Hill, Robert: Galva*. Kansas ..............
Hoffman, Oran; 1722 E. Gordon Hoffman. Vera: 1722 E. Gordon
--------Qulnter. Kansas
------McPherson. Kansas
........McPherson, Kansas
...... ......Qulnter. Kansas
----cn:----Elmo. Kansas
.........McPherson, Kansas
— ...............Gulva, Kansas
— .......McPherson, Kansas
McPherson. Kansas
Baldwin, Kansas -----Baldwin. Kunsas
Holloway. Georgo; Veterans’ Apartments
Holloway, Jesse; Fahnestock Hall___......
Hoover. James; Fahnestock Hull .................................£..Robins, Iowa
Huffman. Vern; 1139 E. Euclid---------Wenatchee. Washington
Jarhoe. Kenneth; Veterans’ Apartments ....................Lenox, Iowa
Johnson. Donnu; Arnold Hall ........................Kansas City, Missouri
Sargent. Stanley; 135 N. Maxwell -----------------McPherson. Kansas
Shank, Mux: Fahuestock Hall -______________Abilene, Kansas
Shirk. Clement; 1715 E. Simpson ...... —McPherson, Kansas
Steele. Julius. Jr.; 1401 E. Euclid ------------McPherson. Kansas
Stern. Betty; Kline Hall .....__..................................Albin. Iowa
Stern. David: Buhler. Kansas ---------------------Buhler. Kansas
Stern. Irven; Fahnestock Hall ..............Fredericksburg. Iowa
Stover. Helen; Arnold Hall -----------------------------McLouth, Kansas
Strong, Jumes; Veterans’ Apartments___:.............—.. Topeka, Kansas
Stull. Jumes; Veterans’ Apartments................— Beaver. Kansas
Tillman. Carroll; 1002 N. Ash ----j--------McPherson, Kansas
. W
Ward. John: Fahnestock Hall ----------------------Litchfield. Nebraska
Webb, Galen; 1315 E. Euclid —....................McPherson. Kansas
West. Russell; Fahnestock Hall __________________________Pampa. Texas
Willems. Alvin; Rt. 1. Conway ........................— Conway. Kansas
Williams. Sara Mae; Arnold Hall----------Mount Union. Pennsylvania
Kline. Phil; 1317 S. Walnut___
....McPherson. Kansas
Longanecker, Rachel; Arnold Hall \.....................Abilene, Kansas
Maust. Harvey; 723 E. Kansas .
Miller, Marie; 401 N. Carrie
Moffet, Wilmer; Veterans’ Apartments_______
Mulllnex. Warren; Veterans' Apartments ____
McCord. Melvin: Veterans’ Apartments ........
McDonald. Clarence; 106 S. Glldersleeve ......„
..........Ramona. Kansas
......—.......Lima. Ohio
---------Topeka',' Kansas
......—Bushton. Kansas
.......... Panora. Iowa
.....McPhersop. Kansas
Nicholson, Vernon; Fahnestock Hall __________________Filer, Idaho
Xorlin. Anita; Arnold Hall ---------------------Blackwell. Oklahoma
Odle, Robert: 416 Carrie _____
Pyle. Glenn; 122 S. Chestnut
Relnecker, Gene; 44 4 N. Maxwell Rogers, Ivan; Fahnestock Hall _____
Better Light for Better Sight
McPherson electric co.
211 N. Main E. W. Ek
-...McPherson. Kansas ........Kingman, Kansas
—va#-M<lC&trson. Kansas -.1.....Wllmont. Minnesota
222 N. Main
Phone 834
"The Oldest Auto Dealer in McPherson County”
CHRYSLER — Sales and Service — PLYMOUTH
208-10-12 S. Main
Phone 567
Hutcherson's Wheel Aligning Service
Phone 870 310 North Main
Wheel Aligning & Brake Repair /
M. C. Mathis, Cashier C. H. Hiebert, President
Member Federal Deposit Iniurancf Corporatlee
McPherson Lumber Co.
Geo. H. Goodholm, Manager
416 N. Cherry
Phone 880
Professional Directory
®1w spectator
0 Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson,
Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council.
1048 1940 Member Associated Gotefiiaie Press |
National Advertising Service, Inc. C*//eg# rmkUtkm Jt«fmr*Mlp« ARO Haoiion Ave. N*W Yonn, N. Y. c*»ra** • Hnu • Ur aaeaiaa • aaa raaeciaw |
HOMK OF THE BULLDOGS THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY Entered as second etui matter November 20. 1017, at th« postofflo* *t McPherson. Kansas under Use art of March 1, 1*07. | |
Subscription Rate* far On# School Ymr 6140 |
Addrms All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Emui |
John Flrratone Mu MeAuley _ L*Roy Doty .
— Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor
Open 5 a. m. Till 12:30 a. m.
joe ami Jeanne Spence
1,-1 .
Dr. H, E. Unscheid
■ Dentist
Suite of Rob me 209 Located ever Graves Drug Store Maltby Bldg. Phone 1501
Dr. L. C. Reiff
Off. Phono 162 Rot. Phono 143S Grand Building
W. A. Reusch o. D.
Office Closed Thurt. Afternoon Suite 205 Maltby Bldg. -Pit. 110
Dr. A. V. ROBB
Office Closed Than. Afternoon Grand Bldg. Phone IN
Sarah May VanclJ _
Don Ford I.eon» Flory Annrtte Shropshire
Wendell Burkholder .
Reporter* and Special Writer*
Loraae Marahall Carmina San Romani
Pat Albright Bettjr Redlnrer
Dal* Oltxaaa Claudia Jo Stump
- Faculty Adviser
Photo Finishing
Quality Work
In 9 Out 5
Cameras A Film
ABEL’S tos N. Main
Dr. Cafon Dean
DENTIST 207V* N. Mob)
Over Kings Drug Store OFFICE PHONE 350
Dr. Edward L. Hodg.
»Ofl Sooth Mata Phoao a77
Dr. A. W. Grave*
Located Ora Btiby-Ltadoay V. Mala Phono 7S»
ao# Sooth Mata Phono 277
'Students Give Opinions of MC
The Hitching Post
The time has come for this sheet to carry a few Ideas of fellow Mac students on Just what should be done to Improve life at McPherson College. Your rambling reporter has chosen this as the topic for the question of the week, and has interviewed a few of the students to see Just what can be done to make McPherson College a more desirable place to pursue their higher learning.
Of course. In any poll of this sort you are likely to run across a few ideaa which are highly questionable aa to the actual good they would do for MC. Several of these suggestions were received this time. too. It seems as if everybody wants escalators in Harnly. more blackouts, pudded fire escapes, knobs on the outside of the fire escape doors. We even found one lonely soul who wants supervised necking In the S. U. R. These ideas might be passed on to our Student Council, hut I doubt whether they will take prompt action on any 1 of them.
Now to the more constructive phase of our little poll. We found the new freshman from Kansas City. Dorothy Little, relaxing In the S. U. R. one afternoon and asked her for suggestions. Her qnswer was rather a unique one. Dorothy seems to think that college life would he improved if they would exchange boys and girls dorms for awhile, and let the girls enjoy Fahnestock.
Next we saw Marx Jonrs. He would like to see the student council sponsor school dances. He hastened to add that he didn't mean folk games hut regular ballroom dancing. This idea seemed to make a hit. for severel students nearby put their ok on it. too. and
seemed enthusiastic aboht the
whole thing.
Another .freshttan. Miriam KHtn, would like very much to see the student council take actios os the lawn situation at MC. She thinks the lawns look like pastures, Maybe this Js a sound suggestion. and .MC students could help this by picking np all junk, to keep the lawn looking better.
Word got around thajt. this poll was being conducted, and Wilbur Heuttle came up and wanted to put his two cents' worth in. too. He says his car Is about to full apart, and he'd appreciate It If the driveways could be repaired a hit. He also reminded ns that when winter comes the driveways always seem to deteriorate all the more, and he hutes to think just what they will be like next spring.
Rovrens Xeher didn't even have to stop to think when we asked her opinion. She emphatically sta^ ted that college life for her would bo Improved . 100 percent ir they would have skating In the gymnasium.
Bill Saul and Gene Relnecker both wanted to see more coopeya-tlon botween the college and tpe athletic department and also between the town and the athletic department.
Maybe this will give you a general Idea of what MC students want in their college life, and who knows what effect this may have on bringing about some improvements. Anyway, we're enrolled for the next eight months here, and for better or worse we stay, and the biggest Improvement we can make, individually. Is a cherry smile for our fellow students whenever we see them. ThlSj will improve MC 100 percent.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Norlin of Blackwell. Oklahoma, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter. Anita, to Mr. Willard Hopkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hopkins of McPherson, Kansas.
B. M. On C.
Big Man On Campus
Dynamic, dashing, and awfully pretty—we Introduce our student council treasurer. C. LeRoy Doty, Junior at McPherson College.
Born in Wichita on February 4. 1929. LeRoy soon moved to California. where he attended school, graduating from John Marshall High School last summer. A
Pherson called before LeUoy's1 w‘ high school days were completely over: and lacking but a few units for graduation. LeRoy came to college. It was Just this summer that he finally got around to graduation from high uchool. •
While In high school. LeRoy was active on the student council and in debate and was a member of the honor society.
In college he Is student council treasurer, president of the College Players, and campus editor of the Spectator.-He was a#member of the varsity debate squad last year.
After college, will come more college, as LeRoy wants to train for either religious education or politics.
He tells us that his major Is history and sociology, his favorite subject being history.
♦His favorito profs are Metzler , and Fiory. and his pastime is outdoor sports.
His main interest is "Bobble' who is scheduled to become the "Mrs." next spring.
• 5’ 10" ... 155 lbs. „ . brown hair . . . brown eyes . . . student council treasurer . . . nico to know . . . LeRoy Doty.
. . Look At The Birdie. . .
Are you interested In photography?
A camera club Is to be formed on campus. Professor Holland F. Plasterer has announced. The members of this club will consist of those students who have had durk room experience or who are Interested In it.
Dark room facilities will be arranged for and announced later.
M meeting for the club will be announced In assembly Monday. October 25.
Any person who Is Interested in photography may sign hi* name on the slip on the miscellaneous bulletin board at once.
Michigan Takes Over
Michlgun'B unbeaten, untied Wolverines took over first place rank in college football in the Weekly Associated Press Poll of the nation's sports writers.
North Carolina dropped to third place behind Notre Dame after a not too impressive conquest of North Carolina State 140.
Michigan added to its reputation after smothering Northwestern 28-0 which was supposed to have been a real test of power.
California drew support from the west coast by taking over fourth place with a 4 2-0 victory over Oregon State. •
Army, one of the unbeaten four of the east, held on to fifth place.
Georgia Tech gained more support by being polled sixth. •
Pennsylvania noHed Ptenn State out of seventh whllo Missouri ranked ninth with Northwestern completing the top ten despite Ita loss to Michigan.
Read all the ads In the Spectator every week.
Work Begins On Chicago Lire Stock Exposition
Work has begun on the 49th edition of the International Live Stock Exposition, the nutlon’s leading agricultural etent, and early report* indicate that the 1948 show should attract larger Classes than In arty previous International in the nearly 50 years of Its history.
The Exposition, which t raj informs Chicago into a great focal point of the continent's live stock Industry, druwlng nearly half a million people from the 4 8 states, ajl Canadian provinces and foreign countriM. is scheduled for November 27 through December 4 In the huge International Amphitheatre" of the- Chicago Stock Yards. *
Expert Larger Showings
Livestock shows throughout the continent were generally larger this year. \V E. Ogilvle. manager of the show, announces, and this is a good barometer of what may be anticipated at the Chicago exposl*-tlon. The management predicts entries this year will exceed the 12.500 head of animals exhibited last year.
Prize* Increased
Premiums for the show have been increased this year, as breed associations have volunteered more money for International classes, and the prize total of the show will excoed the usuul $100,000 for the competitions of four breeds of beef cattle. U breeds of sheep, nine of swine and five of draft horses. *
Homecoming Is Over (Sigh)
A week ago today. McPherson College stodents yvere not so calm, and collected as they are today, for ut that time the student body was htsy prepnVlng for homecoming. ‘
The homecoming- began Friday morning with chapel, presented for the students by the alumni of the college.
Next on the agenda was the Queen's Pep banquet. M. C.ed by Don Helm. The program Included the campus entertainers Max McAuley, Rowen'n Neher, and Miss Sherfy. ,
Saturday’s events started with the parade in the morning, which was rather disrupted by a windy day. Next came the football game which was cold and windy. Bo-fore the kickoff. Queen ‘Bonnie wan crowned and installed with her court.
During the half, the band and Barkerettes surprised and pleased everyone with their formations and marching ability. •**
Saturday night was the alumni dinner. The dinner was M. C.ed by Royal Yoder of Conway. Kansas, und Included Gene Crnbb. Holland Plasterer, and a group of short entertaining speeches by arlous alumni and faculty.
After a weekend of activities and work the would-be decorators decided that one thing which McPherson had at* homecoming and which very few other schools have was wind.
they say
witty hut yet wua tod geiserts remark at the queens pop banquet when he commented that he wouidnt feel so guilty about eating the second roll had not miss harris stamped them overdue also at said affair don keim was quite the Joke for the old students when dean Homing got up. in the person of don to make a few announcements
Miss sherfy has been seen around on the arm of that certain one when asked for a comment she Informed us that he Is a man of few words however he seems to know the right few
dewey drafted—by methodists for district superintendent that left over poster paint surely looks fine in fanny dont you guys know that gordon is partial to kenitone
Ideal spot for a good time: juet the right degrees of longitude and lassitude.
American Shoe « Shop
108 W. Euclid
For Your School Parties Three party rooms available.
No chsrge for room when BMl „ la aerred.
Meet the Gang Here!
The Place To Get—
• Fountain Service
• Gifts
• Hallmark Cards
“Rexall Drugs”
Warren Barber & Beauty Shop
Complete Barber and
Beauty Service
"Tha Place For College Students"
Phone 490 \ Warren Hotel
Engborgs Drug Store
Always Be Clean
See Delbert Smith for Free Pickup and Delivery
Jim Hoover drove a car of McPherson students. Beryl McCann, Elinor 8ttne. Nelda Baldner. Mary Sfnyder. and Lorene Marshall, to central and eastern Iowa a few weeks ago. '
• Juicy Hamburgers
• Frosted Malts
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Ken's Drive In
For Expert, Competent, And Honest Insurance and Rea! Estate Service.
Dnguid Agency
“A Better Service Agency”
MATSON Radio & Sound Service
Radios Repaired
212 K. Euclid Phone 1240
RCA Victor Columbia Capitol Decca MGM
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3Q8 N Main
Phone 279
Single Records or Albums
Bring Your Car In For A Checkup
(ehnson Matter Service
D. L. Johnson, Lessee Phono 173
Tiro & Battery Pickup, Service Corner Kansas At Maple
BRUSHED Rayon • Pajamas Gowns - Warm &
"Just one Meek west of the tym*
Try Our Quality Cleaning and Pressing Service.
Gib Sc Lucille. Bader
111 I. Kansas (Across frwti the Postolftte) Phone 320
Try Our KK Special
—Hamburger in a Basket 40c
Alto Bteakt • Chile Sandwiches
Krystal Kitchen
Laughs & Fun
Meet the gang
106Vi N. Main
Onr Bixby - Lindsay Your College Photographer
Established 1898
Member FDIC
Today at noon the McPhersoa©1
College Bulldog* leave for "Indian territory” when they go to Ottawa to meet the Kansas Conference Defending Champion Braves at 8 o'clock tonight.
Last week the Braves were htiuteu by Evansville College of Illinois. 18-6. While they have had trouble with non-confereucc foes. Ottawa has two conference victories. The first was a runaway over Bethel 4 2-13 while they had trouble with Kansas Wesley .an in beating them G-0.
The Canines have yet to win a game this seuson us tlioy have lost three straight conference games and one non-conference game.
The Bulldogs will stay over-i reti
night in Ottawu to return Saturday morning.
Injuries have still been prevailing on the squud this week. Several players are nursing bad legs. Guards C. C. Tillman and Don Stevens will see limited action tonight; there are several players with mangled fingers and noses.
Seeing considerable action for the Bulldogs tonight will be Wilson. Wolf, and Stull at ends; Webb. West and , Flory at tackles: Pritchett. H*eckethorn and Tillman at guards; Reed and Anderson at center; and filllug the backfield are Delay. Carpenter, Arnold. Fisher. Batson, and John Colyn. who has been shifted from guard.
Coyotes Wipe Up Grid With MC Bulldogs
Last Saturday afternoon the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes wiped up the gridiron with the McPherson College Bulldogs to the tune of 46-2. This was the third conference loss for tho Canines and the first conference win for the Coyotes.
W. Smith scored two of his. team’s seven touchdowns, both in the first half. Manely also scored twice for the visitors. Jllka, Keeling. and Howe were other scorors while Kellogg kicked 3 extra points after touchdowns.
McPherson’s safety came early In the fourth period. The Dogs had punted deep Into the Wesleyan territory, and Wesleyan took over on their own 16-yard line where they were penalized for illegal use of the hands. This penalty put the ball on their own 1-yard line. Here they punted from behind their goal line Into the strong wind, and the bpll came back over the goal lino and out of the end zone where Klvln Wolf fell on it for the two points. .
Yards from rushing........ 28 242
Passes attempted ........ 25 5
Yards from passing .... 68 44
Kansas Conference
w |
L |
P |
OP |
Pet. |
Bethany .... 3 |
0 |
66 |
0 |
1.000 |
Ottawa .... 2 |
0 |
53 |
12 |
1.000 |
C. of E.....2 |
0 |
50 |
3 |
1.000 |
Baker ........ 1 |
2 |
29 |
IS |
.333 |
K. Wesley. 1 |
2 |
45 |
27 |
.333 |
Bet hoi .... 0 |
2 |
12 |
72 |
.000 |
McPherson 0 |
3 |
2 |
115 |
.000 |
The intra-murul tennis tournament has drawn to a close with Cieorge Holloway defoating Delbert Smith in the finals 6-3; 6 4.
Other men participating in the tournament were Dou Keim. Winston Bowman. Bernard Ebbert, Dalo Oltroun. Lester Mes9amer, James Garvey. Dalo Snyder. Val-ao Alailima, Ivan Little. Max Shank, and Wendell Brukbolder.
It appears us though a 3-way race for the Kunsas Conference football crown is shaping up between Ottawa. Bethany and College of Emporia, although two of the undefeated teams meet this weekend. -*■ r
College of Emporia and Bethany at Emporia tonight to
determine who will stay undefeated.
Ottawa is entertaining winless McPherson at Ottawa tonight also in an already predicted outcome.
Baker and Bethel will play at Newton Saturday afternoon while Kansas Wesleyan will remain Idle.
C. of E. skimmed past Baker 6-3 while Bethany whipped Bethel 26-0 for Its third straight victory.
Ottawa was beaten by a non-eonference foe 1S-C, Evansville. 111.
Sometimes time writes a curious finish to a sports story. This tale of two pals, but a hundful of years ago, took the sports trail in search of fame and glory In such a story. Frank Sinkwlch and George Poschner were pals, kids in high school at Youngstown. Ohio, they played together on the football team. Frank Slnkwich whs the more spectacular of the two. He was a dazzling, flashy halfback star who could run. kick, weave his elusive way through the tiniest opening for sensational touchdowns. And he could throw a forward pass like a baseball player. Whenever Frankie fired u paBs It was always a sure bet that his pal and team-made. George Poschner, would pop up to catch It. for George was n good, reliable end.
Frankie created such a wide reputation In high school ns a star football player that talent scouts from nil over tho country came to try to convince the youngster to enroll at their respective universities. Finally Frankie was prevailed upon by the representatives of the University of Goorgiu to give his all on the gridiron for the Bulldogs. But Frank Sinkwlch refused to go south unless bis pal. George Poschner. also was given a scholarship. And. although the Georgia scout didn’t consider Poschner much of a prospect, ho finally yielded to Slnkwlch's request rather than lose a potential star.
Frank Slnkwich and George Poschner became roommates and teammates ul Georgia. Inseper-ablc pals, they began their march up foot bull's glory road. But it was Frankie who bogged the headlines. He became one of America's greatest and most publicized football stars.
George Poschner was not envious of his buddy's reputation. In game after game, Slnkwich would throw those long passes in the clutch und his* pal, Poschner, would catch ’em. The two Ohio Yankees turned the Cotton Belt grid circuit upside dowir. Always, though It was George I’oBchner who tackled ull over the field und
caught the passes his buddy threw. It was Frank Slnkwich who grabbed all the headlines. Tho headlines never mentioned it, but It wns Poschner who helped make Slnkwich the great star he became. •
So it was all through the football days of the two buddies. But -time has a habit of passing in a hurry nnd swallowing up the sports heroes of yesterday. There was u long silence. And then, one day. the newspapers carried two separate Items about the two buddies. One read:
Quarterback Frunk Slnkwich, ex-Georgia All-American and high priced professional star, has been awarded the "Carr Trophy,” given annually to the most valuable professional player In the Xatiounl Football League.
The other item read: George
Poschner, former star end of Georgia, has been Invalided home from tho Western front in Germany—with both legs amputated because of wounds.
Frank Slnkwich and George Poschner. two pals und football buddies of yesterday and today. Fate surely plays struuge tricks on the humun race!
McPherson “BV’-O Wesleyan “BV‘-0
McPherson College ”B” team held tho Kansas Wesleyan "B” teajn to a tie last Monday afternoon bore at the Bulldog stadium.
Previously the "B” team went to Wesleyan the week before to be soundly beaten 33-0.
Tho Dogs played heads up ball with $chmidt showing up well defensively as he intercepted several Wesleyan passes.
Office Phone 14; Ren. 26
If you see girls coming off the football field, panting and laughing. dressed in jeans, sweat shirts, and knee pads, you will know a strenuous but enjoyubie game of hockey has been in progress.
You will probably also hoc thos’e girls who were not so fortunate in securing leg pods to protect their ankles and shins from hockey sticks and that hard bail, rubbing their shins gingerly in tuuo to woeful moans.
The girls in physical education have named their teams and elected their captains.
First hour "Tho Demons” — captain. Miriam Keim. "Shin Barkers” — captain, Bonnie Martin.
Second hour; "Hockettes” — captain. Nancy Carter. "Bull-ettes” — captain. Rowena Nehor.
Third hour: "Hot Shots"—cap-tuin, Doris Blocker. "Hotter
Shots"—captain. Jean Evans.
The above teams will play during the Becond six-weeks period, rain or shine. It is a new game for most of tho girls, and they are all getting a big bang out of it (in the shins, that is).
Nineteen members turned out for the Outing Club hike on October 12.
This week tho Nature Iliko, led by Pr. Mohler, will be the main activity of the Outing Club. The entire school Is invited by the Outing Club to take part in the Nature Hike.
The top ten high school powers of last week gave convincing demonstration of football power, eight of the ten winning. The only major upset was Junction City beating Manhattan 32-12. Lawrence edged Manhattan in the season opener 20-13.
Here is the list for the week.
1. Lawrence.
2. Wichita East.
3. Wichita North.
4. Shawneo Mission.
5. Wellington.
6. Great Bend.
7. Salina. .
S. Junction City.
9. Fredonla.
10. St. Joseph, Cadets. Huys.
McPherson County News
1-ublUhtd By -
Central Printing Company
"When You Think of Printing, Think of Ceutral Printing" 210 N. Main Phone 208
Phone 187
310 N. Maple
It wasn’t only the last horse the race—it was the last race tho horse.
Select Dairy
217.80. Main
Meet your schoolmates at our fountain. Enjoy a soda, sundae, malt or a dish of your favorite ice cream.
Complete Fountain Service
219 N. Main
Phone 191
New Fall
Popular Colors and Fabrics Junior & Regular Sizes
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Earl and Veda Otis
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