Beat Wesleyan! Let’s Go, Team

Welcome Home! Alumni and Friends


McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Friday, October 15, 1948

NO. 5

Bonnie Alexander Begins Reign Tonight

Religions Emphasis Starts Sunday

Reverend Paul M. Robinson Speaks Nightly Next Week

During Religious Emphasis Week Dr. Paul Minnich Robinson, prominent east coast minister, will be the leading speaker. Students of McPherson College will have the opportunity to hear Mr. Robinson on October 18 and 20 in the college chapel.

Mr. Robinson was born in Denver, Colorado, the son of a prominent Church of the Brethren clergyman. After spending his early years in southern Ohio, he was graduated from Central High School In Johnstown. Penna. He then attended Juniata College. Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, graduating in 1935 with the degree. Bachelor of Arts, and graduated from Princeton, New Jersey, in 1938 with the degree Bachelor of Theology. In 1910, he was awarded the degree. Master of Sacred Theology by the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. Penna.

Religious Emphasis Week starts Sunday, October 17 and continues

through Sunday the 24th. it promises to be a very enlightening week.

The Reverend Paul Minnich Robinson will start his Religious Emphasis Week addresses by speaking at the regular Sunday morning worship service in College Church, on the theme. "We Would See Jesus." The College Church Choir will make its first appearance of the your at this service.

Schedule for the Week

Other meetings scheduled for Religious Emphasis Week which is sponsored annually by College Church and McPherson College are as follows:    

Sunday. 7:30 p. m. College Church. "Sensing the Presence of God."

Open House at the Parsonage for the College Faculty..

Monday. 9:60 a. m. College Chapel.

7:30 p. m. College Church. "The Ebb Tide."

Open House at the Parsonage for College Students.

Tuesday, 9:50 a. m. SCA.

7:30 p. m. College Church. "When Prayer is Power."

• Student Ministers in Memory Chapel.

Doris Blocker and Leona Richards Will Attend Queen In Festivities

Doris Blocker

Doris Blocker, that freshman girl who came to college this fall with Ellis Powell, will attend the Queen during the activities of this week end. Doris has always been busy in various activities; she received an honor award in high school. Doris is a brunette whose home address is Minneapolis, Minnesota.

(Continued on Page Three)

Bechtels Have New Arrival

Master Kenneth William Bechtel arrived last-Thursday morning, October 7, in McPherson. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Bechtel, professor of sociology, here on Mac Campus.

Kenny Bill, as he is to be called, tipped the scales at nine pounds, six and one-half ounces. He is the fourth child in the Bechtel family and the third son.

M Club Dinner Is Tonite

The annual "M” club dinner will be held in the College cafe-teria at 6 p. m. this evening.

The dinner, which is given each year for all "M” club members, past and present, will this year he informal, the only program being a brief talk by Coach Hard-acre.

Alumni Dinner Closes Festivities

Closing the events for the 1948 McPherson College Homecoming is the Homecoming Dinner, to be held in the College Church basement at 6:00 tomorrow night.

The main purpose of the dinner is to reunite McPherson College alumni, but all College students are also invited.

Mr. Royal Yoder will act as toastmaster. A vocal number will he given by Mr. Roland Plasterer, and Professor Crohn has charge of the instrumental entertainment.

Miss Esther Sherby Professor Dell, and Mrs. Mohler compose the committee for the Homecoming dinner.

The dinner will be served by the church ladies.    

She stepped off the curbing into a pool of water, but her feet didn't get wet. Loking down, she saw the water receding swiftly. The tongues of her shoes were lapping it up.


Bonnie Alexander, the choice of the student body of McPherson College, will be the maid of honor in the homecoming festivities this year. Queen Bonnie is a junior in McPherson College this year. She has been busy from the very beginning of her career in Mac College. When she was a freshman, Bonnie served as secretary for that group. This year, again on the class officer list, Bonnie wields the account books as junior class treasurer. She has served on the dormitory council of Arnold Hall for the last two years.    

In addition to her other accomplishments, Bonnie is a talented pianist. She has performed in several recitals and has presented one or two individual piano recitals. At the present she holds a (position on the McPherson College faculty as one of the piano instructors.

Bonnie Alexander, honored Homecoming Queen, qualifies for that position with both good looks and personality plus.

Queen’s Dinner Is Tonight At 6 P. M.

The Queen's Pep Party, held in honor of the homecoming queen. Bonnie Alexander, and the McPherson College football team, will be held tonight in the base-ment of the Church of the Brethren. The dinner will begin at 6 p. m. and will be followed at nine o'clock by a pep rally.

Dates are in order, but a person may come stag if he likes.

The attire for the occasion will be semi-formal, that is. street length dresses for the women, and suits for the men.

The banquet food will be served by the cooks in the cafeteria. Waitresses serving will be the faculty wives.

Don Keim, senior, will be master of ceremonies.

Leona Richards

Leona Richards, a sophomore girl who adds lots of pep to the cheerleaders' squad this year, was chosen to be one of the attendants for Queen Bonnie's court. Leona has been quite active in some of the campus organizations, such as WAA, Rec. Council, and Barker-ettes. She is vice-president of the sophomore class this year.

Parade Will Begin Tomorrow, 10 A. M.

Ten o'clock Saturday morning will be the beginning of the Homecoming parade, one of the most spectacular events of the year.

All organizations are permitted and urged by the parade commit-tee to enter a float in this parade. There is a promise of quite a few entries this year. The Student Council has announced that prizes will be given to the most beautiful or unusual floats.

The parade will form on the street one block east of Main Street, and one block north of the railroad tracks.

Definition of Intoxication:    To

feel sophisticated and not be able to pronounce it.    

Ben, Original Mac College Bulldog, Had Ravenous Appetite For Beef

Kollege Kalendar

October 15—6:00 p. m. Queen's Dinner (College church).

October 15—6:00 p. m. "M" Club Dinner.

October 15—9:00 p. m. Bonfire and Pep.

October 16—10:00 a. m. Parade.

October 16—2:00 p. m. Corona-tion Ceremony.

October 16—2:15 p. m. Football Game (Bulldogs vs. Kansas Wesleyan.)

October 16—6:00 p. m.—Homecoming Dinner (College Church). October 22—Ottawa there.

October 17-24 Religious Emphasis Week.

Alumni may secure complimen-tary tickets for the Homecoming Game by calling for them at the College Business Office and paying the required tax on each ticket.

Several months ago the alumni office wrote to Ellis D. Vernik, of Lincoln, Nebraska, who touched basketball at McPherson College In 1915-16-17. The purpose of the letter was to secure from Coach Verink the story of his bulldog, which was the original mascot of McPherson College. The story as Coach Verink tells it to the Alumni News Letter of McPherson College is as follows:

"Insofar as the story of Ben is concerned, when my elder son was born, we got Ben on the theory that a boy ought to have a dog. This dog was an English Pitt Bull, weighing 67 pounds. He-was one of the best natured dogs we ever saw. However, he had in him a streak of something that would not allow him to be pushed around. When he came to McPherson practically all the dogs undertook to put him in his place. I don't recall that Ben ever picked a fight, but I do recall many-fights that were picked by other dogs, none of which lasted very long. Ben was entirely successful in defending his honors. There was one big greyhound dog who came to town

after Ben did. I have forgotten who owned him, but he seemed to feel that he was going to take care of the street going out to McPherson College. One night when I was riding my bicycle out to the Col

lege, with Ben out in front pulling me, this dog undertook to put Ben in his place. The affair was short and sweet, but Ben could not catch the greyhound. He apparent-ly had business in some other county. That seemed to end Ben’s difficulties insofar as proving who was going to take care of- that particular street.

I coached the McPherson College basketball team in 1915, 16,

17. Every evening about 4:30 to 5 o'clock I would ride my bicycle to the College with Ben out front. Ben had a harness on him with a chain snapped to the harness, and I held the chain in my hand. He would pull me all the way from town to the College. That was the way we exercised the bulldog. Of course, he sat on the bench at all the basketball games. Just how interested in the game he was, I don't know. He was, however, very much interested in the players. A man would come off the floor, and Ben would walk over and sniff him. What he sought to accomplish by the sniffing, I don't know: but apparently he approved each time for he didn't register disapproval.

When I left McPherson to go to China, there was the problem as to what should be done with the dog. Dr. Heaston had taken care of our family when my older son was

born and his bill had not been paid yet. I went to Dr. Heaston to settle my bill before I left the city. He asked me what I was going to do with the dog. I told him I presumed someone would have to take him, but that I had not yet made any final disposition of him. The doctor said. "You give me the dog, and I'll give you the baby, and we'll call it square." In this way Ben, the bulldog, was the price of our elder son.

There is another little incident that took place while we had Ben.

which at the time was rather a tragic one, but since has seemed rather amusing. We used to keep him in the basement. I bought a quarter of beef from Ray Strom, who was very well known at the College, I put this beef in the basement, hanging it where I thought it would be perfectly safe,

We went away for the afternoon and came hack to -find that Ben had In some manner got the quarter of beef down and had eaten about one-half of it. This was during the period of very high prices during the latter part of 1916 and early in 1917. It was quite a purchase for us, for we had a very modest income at that time, and moat at our house had been for the most part rabbits that I had, shot, when old Ben ate half of our beef. My wife was all for put

ting him out of business. She wanted to get rid of him. for she just couldn't see having that bulldog around the place any longer. But we kept him, and he seemed to do pretty well after that. Needless to say, he did not eat any more beef.

I was secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at the time and of necessity was at the building until 10:00 or 10:30 every night. Old Ben used- to stay in the house with Mrs. Verink.

whenever anyone came to the door, she would go to the door and open it and Ben would stick his old ugly mug out of the door first. It was a very discouraging reception for the people who came to the house. Thus it wasn't long before the hoboes, who' were very com-mon in those days, particularly during the harvest season, steered entirely clear of our place. Ben seemed to' be a "hobocide.”

These are some the things coach Verink remembers about old Ben the original McPherson College Bulldog. Coach Verink says that there are many other amusing in cidents about old Ben but that at the present he is unable to recall them.

(Reprinted from the McPherson College Alumni News Letter)

Appliances Are Shown In The Foods Laboratory

A demonstration of electric stoves and electric refrigerators will be shown next Tuesday morning at 8:20-10:00 in the foods laboratory, room 208 in Harnly Hall.

The demonstration will be given by Mrs. Jeffries from Saint Louis, who is representing the Westing-house Electric Company.    

Miss Slek welcomes anyone who is interested to attend this demonstration.

Peters Leaves Campus To Attend Relief Council

Dr. Peters will leave the campus next Tuesday, October 19, to attend a meeting of the Church World Council for Relief, which is

to be held October 21 and 22 at Asbury Park, New Jersey.

He will he representing the Brethren Service Commission, of which he is president.

Accompanying Dr. Peters will be his grandson, Allen, who will visit his grandmother Mrs. Van Popering in Newark, New Jersey.

Alumni Present Chapel

This morning at 9:50 McPherson College students were entertained by some alumni at the annual alumni chapel, with Mr. Leland Lindell as the master of ceremonies.

A quartette, composed of Harold Beam, Paul Sherfy, Gordon Yoder and Tony Voshell, sang the ‘English Hiking Song."

"Court of Domestic Relations.” an original monodrama, in costume, was given by Mr. Wilbur Yoder. The four characters in the monodrama, in the order of their appearance, were Judy Harrison, a high school girl; Mrs. William Harrison, her mother: Glori McLean, a chorus girl: and Hulda Schmidt, the Henderson's servant.

Mr. Ira Brammel gave the students a short review of athletics twenty-five years ago.

Leland High, George Voth, and Harry Crabb made up the instrumental trio on the program.

The members of the committee that planned this year's alumni chapel were Mr. John Goering. Mrs. Ernest Wall, and Mrs. Gordon Yoder.


The annual BONFIRE and PEP RALLY will be held this evening at nine o'clock in the driveway Just nor*h of Fahne-stock Hall. The BONFIRE will be part of the homecoming festivities. All students and visiting alumni and friends are urged by the cheerleaders to attend.

The time is 9:00, the place is just north of Fahenstock Hall in the driveway, and it is today. The cheerleaders are urging everyone to attend In order to help send the Mac College football team on to victory the following day.

Dr. W. W. Peters announced in chapel last Wednesday that school would be dismissed at noon today in order to prepare for the weekend festivities.


Welcome Homecomers!

This week end is entirely one of “welcomes” and reunions. To all alumni, former students and friends, the Spectator staff joins the faculty, the student council, and the entire student body of McPherson College in an expression of welcome.

To you students who are in school now, the idea of “welcoming” someone back again seems trite and old But can it be that way? If we were to exchange places with the “homecomers,” we would discover that nothing  is so heartening as to have the persons who have stepped into our place greet us with a friendly smile and hand shake.

Most of us who belong to the current generation use the excuse that we do not know any of the alumni. For that reason, we argue, we do not wish to be too forward But we should look at the matter in a different sense These persons who are coming back to the campus for several days were we students, figuratively, only a few years ago. They are not total strangers. They, too, are acquainted with all the little idiosyncrasies of college life—the “bull-session,” cutting chapel, and “intensified concentration” on studies.

For these reasons we ask you to throw your arms wide open in an all-inclusive welcome to the homecomers. Let’s join in a unified expression of “Hi y’all! ! !”

With Malice Toward Some

Probably most of you readers have been lectured since childhood about the harmful consequences of gossip. During the last war the F. B. I. and other executive agencies kept reminding all of us that we should not re peat hearsay items because the “enemy has big ears.' None of us can deny that a rumor, once started, can and usually does increase in detail and interest.

I would like to call to your attention the harmful effects of a rumor which was initiated last week by some source either directly or remotely connected with Mc-

Pherson College.

Last week, as you all know, the voting took place for the 1948 Homecoming Queen. The election took place Tuesday morning, but for various reasons, the results were withheld from the general public until noon on Friday.

The normal student or an interested off-campus person would wait calmly, perhaps with a few queries about the returns, until the official announcement of the winner. But was that the case last week? NO, it was not. Some malicious person engaged in a whispering campaign about the person elected to be queen long before anyone thought of announcing who she was.

This rumor that a certain one of the four candidates had been elected traveled and increased in detail as it was passed along. It was circulated in various groups downtown in McPherson. The racial prejudices of some of the people who heard the whisperings were played upon, and those persons became quite disturbed.

Like a rolling snowball, the rumor gathered new bits of material as it went along. It was even asserted that part of the football team had quit because this certain person had been elected for their queen.

Can you see what I mean? Because several persons were thoughtless, and created something to supplement their undernourished vocabularies, the prejudices of quite a few were aroused. Not only that, the person about whom the talking was done has probably had her feelings hurt.

Just remember next time before you state something of questionable authenticity, think it over and decide whether IT is slanderous or not.

Let this be your test: Would I like to have this said about ME?

Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

John Firestone

Max McAuley

LeRoy Doty

Don Reed, Russell West

Van Dunahoo

Sarah May Vancil

Reporters and Special Writers

Lorene Marshall     Carmina San Romani

Pat Albright    Betty Redinger

Dale Oltman    Claudia Jo Stump


The Spectator


Rec Council Visits Black Canyon; Holds Annual Recreational Retreat

A scene of confusion prevailed

last Saturday in front of Sharp Hall as the Recreational Council members assembled and prepared to leave for their annual off campus retreat at Black Canyon.

To the fourteen new members of the Rec Council this was the beginning of their initiation.

For three weeks the Steering Committee, assisted by Prof. Dell, who has been faculty adviser since the Rec Council began ten years ago. had been planning the retreat. The committee—Paul Wagoner, chairman; Donna Bow-man and Winston Bowman, had come to the conclusion that it was quite a job to plan a weekend retreat for thirty people.

The committees working with the Steering Committee were as follows: Worship, Bob Keim, Chairman, Alvin Cook, Marilue Bowman, Pat Gentry and Doris Correll. Campfire:    Marianna

Stinette, Chairman, Wilma Botz Jess Holloway, and Don Ford. Recreation: Leona Richards, Chairman, Letha Miller, Barbara Carruth and Jake Schaffer. Food: Mary Ellen Metzler: Chairman, Lois Burger, Ruth Merkey, and Melvin and Mary Jo Christy. Transportation and Equipment-John Burkholder-Chairman, Bill Daggett, Ivan Rogers, and Gerald Neher.

The group arrived at Black Canyon early Saturday evening, and set up camp immediately. Each member burrowed In. and soon all were ready for the planned recreation period.

While a few were busy preparing the evening meal the others chose up sides and began a mad game of volleyball. There were a few, however, who preferred to pass the football and softball back and forth.

Soon by the mad clanging of pots and pans Mary Metzler announced "chow-time.” The menu for the evening was chill.

The highlight of the evening mine as quite a surprise to the new-comers. Directly after the meal was served, everyone gathered around and the initiation began.

A few of the stand-outs were Juke 'Egg' Shaffer, Barbara 'H20' Carruth, Bill 'Silent' Gaggett and Don 'Nosey' Ford.

After un initiation the group ceremoniously and religiously found its way to the campfire site. The campers sang-familiar songs and then their minds were brought to an attitude of worship. The

theme for the retreat was "Na-ture” and the emphasis for the campfire service was centered around "trees.” The program consisted of poems, readings, meditative thoughts, and a talk. The theme song of the Rec Council was used for the close of the program.

After assembling again at the camp, they engaged in folk games led by Marianna Stinnette and Winston Bowman.

Before retiring for the night the group engaged in an informal period of jokes and songs while the crackling campfire provided the warmth.

In the early morning everyone was awakened by Ivan Rogers who had the job of chopping wood. While a few were engaged in the preparation of breakfast, others were busy making the camp look better.

Hot-cakes and coffee were soon ready in spite of all the usual dif ficulties of camp cooking.

More recreation in the form of volleyball, tricks, exercises, and football followed the breakfast hour and lasted until church time.

The group soon made its way up the hill, and after seating themselves facing the early rising sun, they commenced the service. Miss Lehman presented the sermon of prose and poetry that was appropriate for the occasion. There also were readings, and an accordian solo by Wilma Botz, and a quartette number.

While the last minute preparations for Sunday dinner were taking place, there was much splashing around the camp's water pump, as the rules of hygiene and sanitation were enforced.

The noon meal was ended with home-made ice cream for dessert. As the group was lounging around the camp after the meal, a burst of "and Bobby winds up and delivers” could be heard. Yes, a few were crowded about a radio listening to the World Series, while others were playing the allAmerican sport.

Too soon the time came to pack the-equipment back up the slope.

Weary, but with their hearts lifted up to a higher level, the retreaters finally arrived at McPherson late Sunday afternoon. All except the four members who could not be there had the memories of an enjoyable as well as a spiritually helpful time.

Miss Della Lehman, who was the special guest of the retreat added much to the life of the retreat.

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor Sports Co-Editors Feature Editor Faculty- Adviser


Don Ford Leona Flory Annette Shropshire

Wendell Burkholder

Harry Knapp ..........

Don Ford

Lloyd Hang

Gordon Yoder

Business Manager


Circulation Manager


Faculty Adviser

Queen Bonnie Alexander and Her Court

Pictured above is Homecoming Queen Bonnie Alexander and her court which will attend her during this week-end.    

The Queen will he crowned tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 p. m. by Miss Ann Oberst of McPherson. Ann was the Queen at last year's Homecoming festivities. She is a member of Bonnie’s court in view of the fact that she is the retiring queen. In the above picture, Ann is the person standing.

To the left of the queen sits her freshman attendant, Doris Blocker, who hails from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Leona Richards, sophomore attendant, is on Bonnie's left in the above picture, Leona, a cheerleader, claims Nampa, Idaho, as her home.

B. M. On C.

Big Man On Campus

Six feet, two inches, one-hundred and ninety pounds of man, we introduce our B. M. on C. Russell 'Buck" Reinecker, senior and student council president.

Although he was born at Quin-ter, Kansas, on September 1, 1921, he claims McPherson as his home, having lived here for the last ten years.

His college career began in the fall of '39 when Buck enrolled as a freshman at Mac. Then came the fall of ’41, and Buck left for Washington, D. C., to work for the F. B. I. The Army came in October, 43, and then Buck came back to Mac in the fall of '46.

In the spring of ’47 Buck was elected Quad King, which classes him in the B. M. group of that year also.

Buck’s main interest is sports. In high school he lettered in football, basketball, and track. In college he has four years of football and one of basketball. After college Buck plans to teach mathematics.

6' 2". . . 190 lbs. . . brown hair . . . blue eyes.... student council president . . . personality plus . . . B. M. on C. . Buck Reinecker

Miss Ida Young Is Added To Science Department

Miss Ida M. Young has been on the campus for several weeks now, teaching in the departments of chemistry and mathematics. The new teacher presides over the organic chemistry class, the introductory chemistry group, and two sections of college algebra.

Miss Young's home is Petersburg, Virginia. She has had college work in various schools. She received an A. B. from the University of Valparaiso, and an A. M. from the University of Chica-

Miss Ida M. Young

She has done advanced work at Columbia University, at Duke, and at George Peabody Teacher’s College.

The new chemistry-mathematics instructor comes to McPherson College from Oklahoma A. and M. where she taught last year.-

Miss Young's McPherson address is 132 North Charles Street.

She came to McPherson College to replace Miss Isa Ruth Plank, who had been previously hired for the position and -found it impos-sible to come because of serious illness in her family.

Hasty Heart Is Judged Successful By Many .

"Exceptionally successful.” was the opinion expressed by Miss Sherfy and many others who saw a performance of the "Hasty Heart.”

The play was presented four successive nights, October 5-9, in the college Little Theater with stu dent attendance reported as especially good.

The cast was an, extraordinary one consisting entirely of males with the exception of one, Ann Oberst, whoso role was that of an English nurse.

The setting of "Hasty Heart” was in an Oriental convalescent hospital.

All costumes used were imported from Salt Lake City.

The nine members of the cast have already been published in this paper, but in addition to those actors, numerous other persons had to work in order to produce "The Hasty Heart."

As previously mentioned, Miss Esther Shorty directed the play; her assistant director was Jenne Baldwin.

Dean Neher served in the capacity of Stage Manager, and Stan Sargent was in charge of the settings. A properties committee, composed of Joan Lehman, Esther Mohler, Kathleen Baerg, and Helen Stover, helped procure some of the essential items which were used in the production. Donna Johnson and Ruth Merkey were in charge of costumes.

Vancil Dunahoo, as business manager, handled ticket sales and other necessary business involved.

John Langley handled the preparation of the posters advertising the play, and Mary Helen Cline was in charge of the programs.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.

Barkerettes Participate In Homecoming Activities

Toe Barkerettes will take an active part In tomorrow's Homecoming activities and all home game festivities.

The MC cheerleaders will ride in tomorrow's pep parade in a float prepared by a Barkerettes committee consisting of Lenore Sorensen, Barbara Carruth, La Verne Burger and Helen Burgess.

Barbara Carruth, Eula Broyles, Anita Anderson and Phyllis Brown are in charge of decorating the Football Queen's throne.

The Barkerettes are planning to make red and white pom-poms to sell at all local games.

Members of the organization will decorate the field goal posts with colored streamers signifying MC and the opponent.    

All pep club members will sit in a reserved section at home games in order to unify the cheering.

Collegian Column

Announcement comes from Manchester Colege that a juke box has been installed in the college cafeteria.

A student committee has been chosen to make suggestions as to what selections will be placed in the machine.

The money received will be divided between the company which owns the machine, the student council, and the college administration.

Jrs. and Froshies Meet For Debate Championship

Again this year, as has been the tradition for more than a dozen years, the Inter-Class Debates were held to decide the school championship.

Last Monday night the debaters

representing the Junior class won the chance to go on in the final debate of the inter-class tourney. The junior team was composed of LeRoy Doty, veteran debater, and Miss Helen Stover. The seniors, represented by Mr. Ted Geisert. veteran debater, and Mr. John Burkholder, met defeat.

The question being debated this year is: Resolved, that the Federal Government should adopt a policy of equalizing educational opportunities in tax supported schools by means of annual grants.

The following night the sophomores represented by Mr. Dean Neher and Miss Bonnie Martin met defeat at the hands of the freshman class represented by Mr. Donovan Speaker and Miss Lorene Clark.

The victors of the two classes will meet in the championship debate to be held October 25, in the student Union Room.

On October 26, the tryouts for both women's and men's varsity teams will be held at 4:00 p. m., and 6:45 p. m. respectively, in Sharp Hall.

The debate season begins in earnest with the first debate tourney which is to be held at Bethel College, in North Newton, on November 20. In December, Southwestern College of Winfield will hold its annual debate tourney and then in January McPherson College will hold its annual Economy Debate Tournament.

Other tournaments scheduled will be the league tourney in March and the National Pi Kappa Delta Tournament to be held in April down in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Late Headlines

Boston, October 11. The Cleveland Indians won the world series this afternoon with a 4-to-3 victory over the Boston Braves on the Braves' home field.

Topeka, Kansas; October 12. Senator Capper returned home yesterday to fight for the Kansas Drys. His first question when he arrived was, "How is the dry fight going?”    

Pittsburgh; October 11. In his first major speech of his campaign tour of the Mid-West and border states. Governor Thomas E. Dewey called for an end to an administration that "feeds on its own blunders and failures."

Religious Emphasis Week

(Continued from Page One)

SCA Announces Special Vespers For Next Week

As part of the religious emphasis week, the SCA has announced special vesper services to be held in memory chapel of the local church.

These vespers will take the place of the regularly scheduled meditation periods, but will be held at 7:15 instead of 7:00.

The theme for the week will be "Credo", with emphasis on the meditations. "I Believe in God, the Church, Prayer, and the Holy Spirit."

Speakers for the week will be Dr. Metzler, Dr. Heisey, Prof. Flory, Mr. Dick Warehem, and Dr. DeWitt Miller.

The fifteen-minute services are so arranged as to be dismissed Just before the regular evening services begin.

Wednesday, 9:50 a. m. College Chapel.

7:30 p. m. College Church. "The Authority of Jesus."

Thursday, 6:30 p. m. SCA.

7:30 p. m. College Church, "What To Do When Trouble Comes.”

Friday. 7:30 p. m. College

Church, "I Have A Glory."

Saturday, 7:30 p. m. College Church. "The Biography of A Fool."

Sunday. 10:45 a. m. College Church, "What Must We Do??"

7:30 p. m. College Church, "Watchers At The Cross."

Music Included on Program

For all of these services Professor Frederick has arranged a very attractive service of sacred music which will be given by soloists and ensembles from both the church and the college.

Counselling A New Feature

An added feature of Religious Emphasis Week for this year will be a counselling period. Reverend Robinson will be in Dr. Miller's study at the church each afternoon from 3:30-5:00, for counselling Those desiring to make an appointment will see Miss Dorothy Breon, the church secretary.

Prayer: Forgive us our Christmases as we forgiven those who Christmas against us.

Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week.

Reminiscences from freshman English: A passive verb is one in which the subject is the sufferer, such as, "He was married to her."


Dogs Take On Heavy Coyotes Tomorrow at 2:00

The McPherson College Bull-dogs will play their annual homecoming game tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 p. m. with the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes at the college stadium.    

Although the Coyotes have one of the heaviest teams in the conference this year, they haven't been able to get rolling as yet. Out of four games the Coyotes have won only one. That one victory was Smoky Hill Army Air  Base. 35-0. They lost the first conference game to Bethany Swedes 19-0; and they held the defending champions, Ottawa Braves, to a single touchdown last week.

The Bulldogs, suffering from three straight defeats, are seeking their first victory of the season in this homecoming event.

Intra-squad scrimmage has been the essence of practice this week as Coach Hardacre is getting the men ready for tomorrow’s tilt.

Seeing action for the Bulldogs In tomorrow’s clash will probably be Stevens. Tillman, and Pritchett at guards: Wolf, Wilson, and Birkes at ends; Webb, West and Flory at tackles; Reed and Anderson, centers; and Unruh, Delay, Carpenter, Arnold, Fisher, and Batson in the backfield.

Conference Schedules


October 15 —Bethany-Bethel at Lindsborg.


October 16— •McPherson-Wes-leyan at McPherson.

•Baker-College of Emporia at Baldwin.

Ottawa-Evansville College at Evansville, Indians.

•Conference games.

Read all the ads in the Spectator every week.

Statistics Show Dogs Lagging Behind Presbies

The Bulldogs yelped as the Presbies ran foot-races on their gridiron and showed off to the homecoming fans last Saturday afternoon.

It was C. of E. all the way with Durand out in front in total scores.

McPherson threatened only once.

Touchdowns were scored by:

Don Ek—6 points.

Tremaine to Bodnarchuk—6.


Durand to Pemberton—6.


Durand to Ek—6.

Tremaine to Bodnarchuk—6.

Durand 1.

Tremaine to Sharp—6.

Total—4 4.

Back in “29” it seems that College of Emporia had an un-defeatable team; not only did they remain unconquered, but no team ever succeeded in crossing their goal line.

McPherson this year is seeming to do the opposite by beating no teams and crossing no opponent's goal lines.

The season, however, is only half over and McPherson still has plenty of possibility.

As ‘’Buck" Reinecker said 'If the student body would get behind the team, even though we are losing, we may surprise somebody yet.”

Game statistics:

C. of E. MC.

First downs ..................16    

Yards gained rushing 328    12

Yards lost rushing ...... 27    45

Passes attempted ........22    29

Passes completed ..... 9    7

Yards from passing ..209    43

Passes intercepted by 3    2

Yards gained runback ..24    16

Times Punted ......... 2    10

Average punt ............ 31    32

Fumbles ...................... 5    5

Opponents fumbles

recovered ................    3    3

Times penalized ..........12    4

Yards penalized .......... 90    20


Ed McKeever, the famous foot-, ball coach, tells this one on himself. It’s about a pep talk that never won a game.

Years ago when he was trying to make his mark as the new football coach at Notre Dame his Fighting Irish came East to meet a powerful, unbeaten Army eleven. The odds were against Notre Dame, and so before the game Mc-Keever gave his Notre Dame men a pop talk that was as sad a tear-jerker as ever heard in a dressing room.         

“This is the first time my father will miss seeing one of my teams play," McKeever told his players. “He is sick in bed, and couldn’t come. But he’ll be listening to the broadcast. I’m not asking much from you men, just win the game for him. The life of that sick man depends on this game. Go out and win this game for my pop.”    

In the last quarter when Notre Dame was trailing by more than forty points, the dejected McKeev-er sent in a substitute who in the huddle told the players, who were a lot of confused, bewildered guys, ‘we can be positive of one thing now McKeever’s old man sure is dead.

This happened during a very bruising game between the well-matched elevens of Michigan and Northwestern. A number of stars had been injured and substitutes had been dashing in and limping off all afternoon. Suddenly one of the quarterbacks made a sad dis-covery. He promptly called a huddle.

‘'Listen fellows," he whispered, “we’ve got twelve players on the field." It would mean a penalty if the officials found out. We would get a penalty the team could not afford.

"Never mind, fellows" said the quarterback. "Oh the next play I’ll call for a wide end sweep. As we pass the bench one of you get off the field."

The play was called. The battered players crashed around end. When action was over, the quarterback checked the team and made another startling discovery

he was now missing four players.

MC Bulldogs Drop Their Third Successive Game

McPherson College Bulldogs were defeated for the third time in a row as C. of E. ran wild at her homecoming game last Saturday.

McPherson seemed lost when the Hawaiian boys of C. of E. let go their war chant and started driving for the goal line.

McPherson failed in its usual passing attack and presented little or no running ability whatsoever. The team was also weak on blocking and tackling.

College of Emporia, who fielded an unusually large crowd of Hawaiian boys this year, looked very good. Though the team did not average very much in weight, the players made up for it in spirit and tricky plays.

The total score of the ball game was 44-0 and It was C of E all the way.

McPherson left the campus about 8:30 a. m. Saturday morning, traveling east in a Santa Fe bus. They were cheered off by a representation of the band and student body.

The team arrived at Emporia, eager and ready for the oncoming game. They unloaded their equipment at the dressing room and paraded around the C. of E. campus, which was decorated in red and white for their homecoming that night.

Noon found the McPherson team dining, and after the meal came a walk about Emporia. The players were dressed and ready for the game by 1:30.

McPhersons representatives at the game were very few.

The beaten McPherson football team ate dinner and forged its weary way home arriving back at the campus about 7:30.

B’s Suffer First Defeat

Beaten for the first time this season, the McPherson "B” squad lost to an over-powering Kansas Wesleyan "B” squad on the Wesleyan gridiron last Monday afternoon by a score of 32-0.

Still smiling after the game, Assistant Coach Wareham said. "We lost, but we certainly had fun.”

Winning prospects before the game were not very high because Wesleyan had defeated Bethany’s ”B” squad a week before.

The Bulldogs ”B” team showed plenty of drive and spirit but lacked the power of the Wesleyan squad.    

A touchdown was scored for Wesleyan by Brestaun in the first quarter. Caims scored next while Dean kicked the conversion. Brown was third on the list and Dean was last. Brestaun countered for the last extra point and the last point of the ball game to make the final-count 32-0.

The McPherson starting lineup was: Hoffa,le; Webb. lt; Thar-rington, lg: Odle, c; Heckethorn.

rg; Weyand, rt; Watkins, re; Hutchison, qb; Delay, fb; Fish-burn, lb; Holloway, rf.


Fifteen girls tried their luck and skill bowling last Thursday at the Bowling Alley. They were Colleen Draper, Jeane Baldwin, Jo Christy, Lois Colberg, Pat Patterson, Arlene Mohler, Betty Redinger, Joy Hornbaker, Leona Flory, Miriam Keim, Veria Hummer, Pat Gentry, Dorothy Breon, Rowena Neher and Marilyn Miller.

Any W. A. A. girl may attend the Bowling Club every Thursday from 4:00 to 6:00 p. m.

Gossip columnists' are the spies of life.