‘It’s Been A Great Year’, Pranks, Activities Keep Life From Being Dull Well, we are just about at the end of another school year. Since this is the final edition of the 1948-49 Spectator, thoughts begin to go back over the entire school year. It has been a great year at McPherson College, what with all the dorm raids, firecrackers, pranks, athletic events, and the many other items of interest that keep Mac College from becoming too dull. Amazing how fast time travels, isn't it? Just think, it wasn’t too long ago when the college year opened with seven new teachers. That was the fall of the year and Esther Mohler, freshman, made 137 out of lot) on the freshman English test. Also Gina Munda was expected from Italy. The downtown community concert association announced that this year Mac would have four artists in the series. Enrollment dropped from 417 |
to 361 and the business admin istration of the college must have surely thought that the college at least was in the throes of a business recession. Shrerfy Directs Play Miss Esther Sherfy, now Mrs. Marion Porter, came back from Colorado with a "Hasty Heart" to direct (the play'that is) and a rock on the proverbial finger. The play went fine, so did the rock. The new cafeteria was photographed with all the big wheels standing in line waiting to pay their checks. It was overheard that one professor, and he's not absent minded, stated that he didn’t have to eat in the cafeteria because he had a good cook at home. Alexander Queen Bonnie Alexander began her reign as queen with a court that did her justice. Bonnie reigned over a banquet. the football game, and the homecoming parade. |
McPherson’s music professor. Don Frederick, went wild and wrote a winning verse for the state song "Home On The Range." In a poll taken by the Spectator the students showed that they approved of installing a juke box or as the administration called it, "an automatic music vending machine." About this time the so-called men on the campus began running for their lives because the Student Christian Association had proclaimed Sadie Hawkins Day on the Mac Campus. It was during this time that it was legal for the boys to shower the girls if they tried too hard to catch a man. Who's Who |
Five of the college’s students made the national Who's Who in American Colleges and Universi-ties. They represented the bruin and brawn of the Mac Campus. Those selected were Ted Geisert, Donnie Alexander, John Firestone, Duck Reinecker, and John Burkholder, Ted Geisert since then has been admitted to Harvard University of Law with a scholarship, and John Burkholder has been admitted to the University of Chicago with a scholarship. Nothing too outstanding as far as couples are concerned happened on the campus except that twenty-three became engaged throughout the year, and three new heirs were announced in the Spec. It seems that Mary Helen Cline and Lester Messamer started the ball rolling for engagements because they were the first to announce their engagement They were quickly followed by Anita Jo Norlin and Willard Hopkins. Leap year ended without a bang, and the hopes of some of |
the fellows were smashed. "Soc-Hop” was the party given by the Spectator for the entire college and was followed by the Barkerattes' party western style and another Spec party entitled "Cupids Capers.” KNEX was founded in the community and the college began to make plans for a college broadcast. College students took a sudden interest in grapefruit, oranges, and other health foods after Mrs. Elmer Ibsen told students in assembly that they were literally falling apart from lack of the right foods. “Prexy" Resigns After serving Mac seven years. President Peters announced his resignation to the student body and the clay. Shortly before this announcement some 200 seats from the chapel were "swiped" but returned later. |
Elections were getting hot, and someone slipped in his own idea of the March 16th election by heading the ears of the Spec with the lines “Beware the Ides of March.” Blood For Red Cross The American Red Cross opened a drive for blood from the college and a special day was set aside. Sixty-seven pints were given by faculty members and students. The Rooster Banquet went off with a bang, and most people said that it was the best ever given. So all in all it's been a grand year at 'ye olde college,” and most everyone is looking forward to next year with its new teachers, new students and everything else that must happen when a group like the students of McPherson College come together. |
Final Edition
Congratulations Seniors
McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas,
FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1949
NO. 30
Alumni' Reunion, Organ Recital, Speeches Closes College Session For 1948-49 Final events of the school year will draw to a close with the commencement exercises May 30 at 10 a. m. in the Church of the Brethren. On Sunday, May 20, during the worship hour, the baccalaureate address will be given. Above are scenes from the recent dorm raids. No damage was done and students let off a great deal of steam. Similar action was taken by the girls previous to the raid pictured above. ‘'And The Raids Came’ . Two Voice Students Give Recital In Chapel Tonight McPherson College music department will present two students in recital tonight at the college chapel. The program will begin at 8:15. ly delighted. III The switch was thrown, to make more confusion. By one of the boys who made • the noisy Intrusion. Beds were tipped, rooms were stacked. There was nothing that this raid lacked. IV After the excitement the hoys went home. And this in the end of my little poem. Summer School To Open With Twelve Faculty Twelve regular faculty members will staff the summer school this June. Three visiting professors will also be on the campus to instruct students. Two sessions will be held, the first beginning June 1 and the second beginning July 27. Student Council Urges College To Improve Mae Campus For the last several weeks the Student Council has been Working on a plan to beautify the campus. We feel that something can be done if everyone gets behind it. Since this is a Student Council project we feel that all of the student body should know of the proposed plans. We feel that not only we but the faculty and trustees are in sympathy with this plan. Here, approximately, is the proposed plan: 1. Renovate the lawn area of campus proper. This would include filling in with top soil where needed, preparing seed bed, and seeding. 2. Prepare a preliminary plan for landscaping the campus. These plans would provide for more parking area which is very badly needed. This would also show Where future trees, shrubs, and perhaps some flower beds should be located. 3. It would be necessary to have an adequate system for watering the lawns of the campus. 4. Maintenance would have to be provided. It has been suggested that we secure a D. P. for this. We could probably get a D. P. who would be just the man for such a job. It is felt that if McPherson College had a more attractive campus we could draw more students. It would also make the students prouder of their college. THE STUDENT COUNCIL Committee: Delma Cline o Bill Sheets Irven Stern Music Department Gives Piano And Voice Recital baritone. Impromtu — Faure — Alice J. Johnson, pianist. Eye Hath Not Seen — A. R Gavl — Claudia Jo Stump, Mezzo-soprano. Thou'rt Lovely As A Flower— Schuman — Albert Rogers, tenor. Rhapsodie in C Major — Dohn-anyl — Margie Penner, pianist. Dedication—Strauss. When I have Sung My Songs— Charles Alvin Willems, baritone. Country Gardens—English Morris Dance Tune arranged for 2 pianos by Percy Grainger, Gordon Stutzman and Max Shank. Winning six out of eleven games the Bulldogs pictured from left to right are: first row. Dean Ward, Elven Ramsey, Karl Grindel, Carol Tillman, Charles Petefish, Don Stevens, John Colyn, Duane Ramsey: second row. Dick Wareham, Vernon Blickenstaff, George Holloway, Lawrence Lowrey, Dean Coughenour, Bill Moore, Willard. Tolle, Wilbur Beattie, Not pictured is Gene Arnold. I ’Twas the second night after the first raid occurred That the boys entered Arnold in one big herd. In they came, through windows and doors. Two by two. and four by fours. II Some came on second. Some came on third. From shouts of the inmates were those hoys lured. A few of the girls became quite excited, But most of the girls were extreme On Sunday, May 22, at 3 p. m., the final student recital to be presented by the Music Department will be held in the college chapel. The recital will feature both voice and piano stu-dents. The program is printed below. Presto from Sonata op 10 No. 3—Beethoven—Stanford Lehm- berg. pianist Blue Were Her Eyes — W. Watts Royce Beam, tenor. Consecration -— Y. Manney — Wilma Smith, soprano. Woodland Beloved (from Ato-lanta) — Handel — Jack Baker, |
Council Cancels Tryouts Of ’49 Mac Cheerleaders Because of the luck of interest on the part of students, the Cheerleader election has been called off until next fail according to Jeane Baldwin, secretary of the student council. Only two applications were received by the council those being from Mary Ann Bishop and Eula Broyles. The council voted to hold these two applications until next fall and then call for additional applications from the new freshmen and other classmen. The new president of the council will arrange for the election next fall. The constitution states that the election must be held on or before May 16 and that two boys and two girls should fill the position. Art Department Sponsors Exhibit Each year the art department looks forward to exhibiting some of the paintings by the art students. Tills year about thirty students will exhibit studies in charcoal, pastels, oils, and water colors next week during exams. The exhibit will be displayed in the Little Theater and will be open to any one who is interested. Another exhibit of interest to all will be a display or English water color paintings from May 24 through commencement in the S. U. R. These paintings have been secured through the Kansas Federation of Art. They have won popular acclaim wherever shown. This exhibit may be seen each afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00 and from 9:00 to 10:00 in the evening. |
The Forecast: May 20—Freshman and Sophomore Picnic. May 20 — Graham and Nicholson Recital. May 21 — Senior Breakfast. May 22 - Student Recital. May 24-27—Final Examinations. May 28 — Class Day; Alumni Reception. May 29 — Baccalaureate. May 30 — Commencement. Summer school is scheduled begin June 1 and last through July 27 for the first session. Two sessions will be held, the second be ginning July 27 and running through August 17. Twelve faculty members will continue teaching this summer after the regular session of the college closes next week. Two sessions of summer school will be offered, and enough credit can be earned to enable a student to secure an elementary teaching certificate. Three visiting professors will also be on the campus to take part in the summer activities. The professors will offer between thirty and thirty-five regular college courses. The summer session will incorporate subjects in the fields of business, education and psychology. Bible, biology, chemistry, music, foreign language, art, sociology, literature, arithmetic, history, geography, and playground activities. Up to nine credits can be earned during this session. |
New “Chevy” Replaces Damaged College Car McPherson College is now the proud owner of a now 1949 black Chevrolet Style Line which will replace the older car that was wrecked In an accident near Emporia, Kansas. The Music Department of McPherson College will present Mr. Vernon Nicholson, bass-baritone, and Mr. Kenneth Graham, tenor. In a joint voice recital tonight at 8:15. Mr. Nicholson will present the first part of the program. He will sing "O Isis And Osiris,” "Within This Sacred Dwelling." "O Rest in the Lord." and “Now Heaven in Fullest Glory Shone.” The second part of the program includes throe numbers by Mr. Graham. They are "Fear Not Ye. O Israel," "O Saviour, Hear Me!" and "If With All Your Hearts." Mr. Nicholson appears again in the third part of the recital. He will sing ’The West Wind,” ’’Gypsy' John," “Deep River.” “The Mighty Deep.” and "Leotle Bateese." Mr. Graham will sing the following in the fourth part of the Joint recital: “Come Beloved,” "Elegie," "One Day As I Was Walking.” "By the Bend of the River," "Into the Night," and "Alas! That Spring Should Vanish With the Rose.” The fifth and inst part of the program is the "Final Trio” from the opera "Faust. ’ Miss Flor-ene Messick will assist Mr. Gre-ham and Mlr. Nicholson in this number. The recital is to be given in the College Chapel. Miss Lois Nicholson will accompany her brother at the piano, and Miss Helen Stover will accompany Mr. Graham. Final Broadcast By Mac College Goes To Players Alpha Psi Omega, drama fraternity, will be in charge of the last McPherson College radiobroadcast over station KNEX. The program wil be aired today at 3:30. The dramatic frat will present two plays on the broadcast. The plays are entitled "When Angry Count ’ to 100,” and "The Last Word.” Mr. Frank Lutz will be the student narrator. The cast for "The Last Word.” will be Van Dunahoo, Ann Oberst, Kathleen Baerg, Ruth Merkey, Gordon Reist, LeRoy Doty, and Ted Geisert. |
Tomorrow morning the seniors will be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Peters at the annual senior breakfast. Sunday. May 22, will find a full day planned by the Church of the Brethren with Rev. DeWitt L. Miller giving the morning sermon entitled "Two Doors.” On Monday May 23 the annual awards assembly will be held. Seniors are to sit in the front portion of the auditorium on the north side and students scheduled to receive awards are to sit on the south side front portion of the auditorium. Speaking at the college's sixty-first annual commencement will he Mr. Hylton Harmon, attorney of Kansas City, Kansas. The exercises will be May 30 at 10 a. m. Mr. Harmon is a graduate of the Wyandotte High School and Park College, Parkville, Mo., and is a Hylton Harman former pastor of the Kansan City, Kansas, Church of the Brethren. Other responsibilities of Mr. Harmon are membership in the General Brotherhood Board of the Church of the Brethren, and membership in the Brethren Service Commission. Part of Mr. Harmon's studies were taken at George Washington University, Washington, D. C. Mr. Harmon’s wife has the distinction of being the first airline hostess for TWA. Saturday, May 28, will find the class of 1949 presenting the Class Day Program. Also the Alumni Banquet will be held in the evening in the Church of the Breth-ren. Sunday. May 29 will be reserved for parents and friends of the graduates. A! 3:30 p. m. an organ recital will be presented in the college chapel by the music department. At 4:30 p. m. a reception will be held for the parents of the graduates and visiting friends in the student Union Room. Monday, May 30 will close the activities for the Class of ’49 with the address given by Hylton Harman, attorney-at-law, Kansas City, Kansas. |
PAGE 2 And It Wasn’t Stag Week Here Administrative officials are all in a dither about the dorm raids which occurred a week ago. McPherson College isn’t the only college that is obliged to worry about such instances. The University of Kansas is in the process of recovering from similar student action, except on a much larger scale. The Daily Kansan reported that as a part of the aftermath of the “Stag Week” rebellion that 13 students were sent to the hospital for treatment. The Daily also reported that the crowd participating in the violence was between 200 and 500. The raids were a result of retaliation by women students of the university when a “Stag Week” was declared on campus. Each male student was suppose to steer clear of the weaker sex during the short week which ran from Wednesday to Friday. The women retaliated by making themselves at home in the frat houses. Then the “fun? began. Every one of the sorority houses were raided and water was splashed in most of the houses. Most of the damage done resulted from the throwing of water although a few windows were broken. When the police tried to break up the mob, they too were “soused" with water. Now where does this all lead? Mostly it brings unfavorable publicity to the campuses of the colleges involved. The administration and students have one thing to be thankful for here. We can be glad that the raids staged here were not of the K. U. type. One K. U. professor of sociology stated that the need for energy release caused most of the students to take part in the mob. That undoubtedly can hold true on the-Mac Campus. Some students have pointed out that raiding the girls dorm is a tradition but even tradition does not warrant the continuation of these raids. We want to criticize both the students and the Administration Committee for their action the past week. Sure the students put one over on the committee when the girls raided “Fanny.” Perhaps they felt as if it was fair. But was it? The old line about being mature citizens of the campus was talked up when the raids began. Students were asked questions like “How old are you?” and “Do you consider yourself a child?” Undoubtedly there were other questions asked but these we think certainly seem irrelevant to solving the problems of raiding dorms. Students laughed at the committee investigating the fracas. They knew that in the past the committee had only questioned and had very seldom acted or formulated a policy. It is for this that we criticize the committee. We contend, as do students on the campus, that anything that is important enough to be brought before the Administration Committee is important enough to be solved and a satisfactory conclusion rendered. It is up to the committee themselves to gain the desired respect of the Mac College Students. Situations similar to the raids are always regrettable, and we sincerely hope that in' the future activities can be substituted for the raids! It is up to both the student body and the faculty of the college to solve this problem. Thanks A Million, Staff The end of each semester always brings the usual “thank yous” to the staff of the paper. The end of this present school year brings to a successful close a good year for the college paper and a fine year for the college itself. This is primarily going to be an “I” editorial, which according to the accepted standards in editorial writing is not good. It’s been fun working on the paper each week although there have been weeks when I felt as if it would take a “prod” from someone to keep me going. I usually received this “prod” from the entire staff. It is really gratfying to find people who are dependable because dependability is one of the cherished traits to have when you are trying to put out a weekly like the “Spec.” I particularly want to thank Betty Redinger for standing by until the last work for each day was completed. Also I want to thank LeRoy Doty for working with me this past season. To him I now hand over the reins of the Spectator and sincerely hope that he will be able to improve where I have fallen down. I also extend heartfelt thanks to my business manager, Mr. Wendell Burkholder, for keeping the Spec supplied with cash, which incidentally made possible the large number of cuts that appeared in this year’s paper. To my sports editor I also say “thank you,” John Lohrenz has done a good job, a job that is thankless and very big for one person to handle. Now to the people who are really the backbone of the paper, my reporters. I want to say "thanks a million." It’s because of people like Lorene Clark, Lorene Marshall, Carmina San Romani; Annette Shropshire, and Don Ford that the paper continues to come out week after week. The reporters have worked unusually hard scouring the |
The Spectator We Invite You Back With the final edition of the paper we want to take this opportunity to urge all of the present students to return to the Mac Campus next fall. We realize that there will be instances where students will find it impossible to return because of financial plans or other study plans. The college is continuing to strengthen the various departments represented on the campus. The Home Economics department will be increased next year as will the Education department, and the English department. The officials of the college are making the necessary adjustments to help each student to secure the desired courses of study here on the Mac Campus. Next year our athletes will have more experience and will undoubtedly turn in better records than this past year. In this field the college has put up a program that will lure more athletes to our campus. A portion of this program was the giant athletic banquet held in April with Ray Evans, All American 1947, as guest speaker. It’s true that other campuses seem to have more of a lure than does Mac, but this is always true. When we are in school elsewhere we will look back at Mac College and see the many things that we here have but that we as individuals were unaware of. Next year promises to be a bigger year than ever for the coliege. Let us urge you all to come back and be a part of that great year. campus for news, and it is to them that I owe the most. Another thankless job on the Spec and a job that turns out to be drudgery is the column writer. To Leona Flory, society editor, and Miriam Keim, it’s also thank you. Thanks also goes to Sarah May Vancil, sponsor and advisor, who helped us with our grammar, proof reading, and the latest journalism hints. Last, but by far not least, is John Firestone, first semester editor. John formulated the policy of the Spec as far as make up and the technical ends of the paper go. He helped me to further formulate my ideas about the kind of paper I wanted to publish. To John goes the credit of molding together the staff of this year’s paper. Although John and I have differed concerning the paper and politics, it is with deep gratitude to him that I extend sincere thanks. To all of you, the reading public, I also extend my thanks. Thanks for sticking by throughout the year. Yes, it has been a great year for the paper, and it should be an even greater year in 1949-50. —Max McAuley required amount of halves to be eligible for a letter. The other side of the story is this: One of our baseball players who cooperated wholeheartedly with the conch and other players, never missed a practice without a good excuse, coached first base throughout the entire season drove his car to games, hit fly balls to the outfield during practice. and more than any other player contributed to the morale and the good spirit of the team was recommended by Conch Ware-ham for a letter but he was turned down by the Athletic Com FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1949 and the college pledges every effort to make their continuance possible and profitable. The faculty and curriculum are being strengthened. The faculty and trustees are grateful to have the honor or graduating the eighty members or the senior class and extend to them best wishes and continued interest and service. In her sixty-one years of life and growth McPherson College has attempted to provide learning experience in a Christian atmosphere for thousands of young men and women and now has 2510 alumni of whom 2260 are living. No college can be better than Its faculty, its program, and its administration and the future of the Christian college depends upon keeping it increasingly Christian and academically and financially strong. Students constitute the greatest asset of a college. Never was the Christian college more needed in human society than now and in the years ahead. This does not mean Christian in the narrow sectarian sense, but in a Christian fellowship sense. I conclude with a paragraph found in the catalog on page fourteen : "As an outcome of liberal education the college aims to develop in its graduates (l)a measure of scholarly attainments, (2) some mastery of the techniques and tools of further learning, (3) the ability to think clearly, logically, and critically. (4) more profound insight (5) finer moral discernment and aesthetic sensitivity, and (6) a loyalty to truth In any realm of life. Guest Editor Final Guest Editor Is College ‘Prexy’ The last guest editor for the school year 1948-49 is President W. W. Peters. President Peters has been associated with the college for the past seven years. Early in the spring President Peters announced that he was not a candidate for reelection to the position of presidency of the college. His resignation is effective in July, 1950. President Peters came to McPherson from Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana. At the Indiana college President Peters was in the Education department. President Peters' editorial is presented below. It is an honored pleasure to be asked by the editor to be the guest editor for the last number of the Spectator for the academic year 1948-1949. McPherson College is completing another good year in her sucessful history and is looking forward to greeting the students and faculty at the opening of her sixty-second year next September 5. It Is hoped that all of the present freshmen, sophomores, and juniors have re-enrolled or will re-enroll, mittee. I have always felt that letters are given too freely at Mac College. If awards are handed out to athletes who have not met the requirements, then the award ceases to be an honor for those who have worked and met the requirements. Neither of the above mentioned persons is eligible for letters, according to the standards set up by the new Athletic Committee, yet one person received a letter and the other, more deserving, athlete did not receive on award. I feel that the Athletic Committee has been unjust and that it has failed in this particular phase of its work, the situation now is no better than it was before. Sincerely. Vernon D. Blickenstaff.
The McPherson Bulldogs baseball team defeated the Central Tigers in a ragged ball game 16 to 4 at the McPherson athletic park. Friday. May 13, as part of the county May Day celebration. The game was called during the seventh due to rain. The Bulldogs scored in every one of the six innings played, collecting 16 hits off Central pitchers Landers and Rose. Coughenour and Lowry combined to give the Bulldogs their easy victory.
The Tigers got three walks and their only two hits of the game in the fifth inning as they scored three runs in addition to one in the first inning for their scoring. Otherwise, the winning Bulldogs hud the game In their hand all the way as they opened up the batting with four runs on an error and four hits in the first inning.
Duane Ramsey got 3 for 5 to lead the batting parade. The line score runs as follows:
McPherson ..451 312—16 16 3
Central..........100 300— 4 2 4
C. of E. vs. Mac
The Presbies of the College of Emporia came from behind a 3 to 0 count to take a 5 to 3 decision from the McPherson Bulldogs, Wednesday, May 11, at Emporia.
The losing Bulldogs opened with two runs in the first inning and added another in the fifth Inning to enter the last half of the same inning with a three to nothing edge. But the Presbies came back in their half of the fifth and sixth innings with three and two runs respectively to take the ball-game. Three hits and a couple of stolen bases in the fifth inning and two hits and a hit batter in the sixth inning combined to give the Presbies their five runs.
Ramsey went all the way for McPherson while Swedberg of Emporia finished the game also, but in limiting the hand-cuffed Bulldogs to four hits he won the bull game. Pitcher Ramsey also took honors for the biggest hit of the game with a triple.
The line score runs as follows: McPherson 200 010 000—3 4 1
Emporia . 000 032 000—5 10 2
Gene Arnold Leads Batting Bulldogs; Dogs Average .309
Batting bulldogs finished the current season off with a flash when they defeated Central College 16-4. The percentage averages were given a final check and are now printed below. Arnold now leads the hatting parade.
Locker Chatter
Recently an editorial was published in the Spectator charging Sterling College with a general attitude of bud sportsmanship and stating that due to this they should not receive any Kansas Conference offer to join them in their round robin play. The seven-team setup of the Kansas Con ference at present could very easily use another strong member to complete a normal eight-team league; therefore a hid from a qualified school that can offer some competition to the member schools would he very seriously considered.
Duane Ramsey lead the diamond-men with 18 runs followed by Colyn and Petefish with 16 and 13 runs respectively. Duane Ram sey also led with hits for the group. He received 18 while Arnold and E. Ramsey led with 17 and 16 hits respectively.
Duane Ramsey and Charles Petefish shared the honors for batting runs in with a total of 17 each. Ward was next with 14 runs batted in.
The bulldogs total runs were 114 to the opponents 73. The team average was .309.
Pitchers for the season were Coughenour, Ramsey. D., and Tol-le, Coughenour won 3 and had no losses to his credit. D. Ramsey won 2 and lost 3 and Willard Tolle won 1 and lost 2.
The total games won were 6 and the total lost were 5.
It is not the policy of this department at this late time to start a fight or continue one already started. True. Sterling has been and probably is being charged with many examples of bad sportsmanship that they have not committed. True, they probably are trying to do something about it in that they already have suspended one of their own athletic participants voluntarily because of his continued bad sportsmanship.
But nevertheless, the athletic attitudes of Sterling have become a password not only in schools of the Kansas Conference, but in many regions which have no interest in a Sterling vs. Kansas Conference fight.
We are not charging the Sterl-ingites with anything, but this department is trying to be realistic in saying that the Warriors have sometime or other built up a reputation which leads other schools to expect rough play at the hands of the Warriors.
We heartily compliment the Sterling Activities Department for suspending the one player who exercised had sportsmanship, but also believe that it will take a few more such measures before they can again regain a clean bill of health among schools who are interested in their participation.
McPherson's Samoan student, Mr. Valao Alailima, who is known to all students as Vi, will sail from San Pedro, California, on May 27 for Pago Pago, his home.
Mr. Alailima will sail on the S. S. Sanoma, a small Matson line passenger vessel. The trip will take from ten to fifteen days by ship.
A short visit with his parents and the inauguration of T. F. Darden, navy captain, were the reasons given for the visit.
Mr. Darden will be installed as governor of the islands and also commander of the navy yards.
Mr. Alailima hopes to be back in the United States by August 1.
Twenty-Two Men Receive Awards
Twenty-two men that were out for spring sports have been recommended by the newly former Athletic Committee for awards. These awards are contingent upon successful completion of twelve hours of college work.
The men that will receive baseball letters will be Carol Tillman, Duane Ramsey, Earl Grindle, Charles Petefish, Gene Arnold, Dean Ward, John Colyn, Elven Ramsey, Dean Coughenour, Willard Tolle, Don Stevens, and Wilbur Beattie, manager.
Men to receive track letters will bo Dale Carpenter, Lyle Miller. Bob Augsburger, Alvin Zunkel, David Metzler, Dale Oltman, and Dean Schmidt.
Tennis letters are to go to Stanley Watkins and Elyin Wolf. The only golf letter to be issued will go to Leland High.
Group Attempts To Bring D. P.’s; Will Cost $1500
Students of McPherson College who attended the Salina or Tonga-noxie, Kansas. Peace Institutes in 1947 and 1948 have undertaken the project of securing community sponsorship to bring two student D. P.'s (Displaced Persons) to Macampus next year. The project has been endorsed by the Administration Committee of the college.
Securing assurances for Displaced Person student to come to American college campuses is a special project being sponsored currently by the World Student Service Fund, in which the college SCA actively participates.
A float designed to create interest in Displaced Persons, constructed for the group by a committee headed by LaVerne Burger, was entered in the All-Schools Day parade in the college division. The float depicted a Displaced Person suitcase laden and ready to come to a land of opportunity, bound hand and foot with chains. An American student was striving, however, to remove those chains. The float was not elaborate, but Impressed the judges sufficiently that It was awarded the first prize in Us division.
According to Betty Wolfkill, the
fifty dollars prize money is a substantial start in the fifteen hundred dollars the project will require. The committee hopes that at the beginning of the fall term enough McPherson College students will want to pledge monthly amounts of twenty-five to fifty cents to raise approximately $500 of this amount during the school term.
Alumni Represent Many Occupations; Over 295 Listed
Over 295 different occupations are represented among the alumni of McPherson College. Many of the occupations vary from doctors of medicine to college president.
The information concerning the number of occupation represented was released by the Alumni office of the college.
The alumni is represented by four as editors of newspapers, four college presidents, research chemists, coaches, radio engineers, veteran's administrators, and ranchers.
Many other occupations in the field of farming, church-social work, and retail trade are also listed.
Ottawa Takes Conference Meet
The Ottawa University Braves won the conference track title last Friday. They scored a total of 63 points. Baker placed second with 4 4. followed by Kansas Wesleyan with 20, Bethany 18, Bethel 11, College of Emporia 8 and McPherson 1.
Three new records were set, two by Ottawa. Hank Doering won the 100-yard dash in 9.8 seconds, and Vaughan Kimbrough the 220-yard hurdles in 24.2 seconds.
A third mark was set by Ken Sears, of Baker, who cleared the high Jump at 6 feet 2 7/8 inches.
Representing McPherson College at the meet were Dale Carpenter, Bob Augsburger, Alvin Zunkel, Dean Schmidt, and David Metzler, Coach “Frosty’’ Hard-acre accompanied the boys.
Dale Carpenter pulled a muscle in the broad jump and was unable to compete.
Zunkel and Augsburger ran the 2-mile but failed to earn points. Metzler ran the 1-mile and placed fourth earning him one point. Schmidt ran the 4 40 but failed to place.
Yes. this is a nice little apartment. but I don't see any bath.” “Oh. pardon me, I thought you were one of those college boys who wanted a place just for the winter.”—Collegio.