McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Friday, October 1, 1948
“Fanny” Extends Welcome Tomorrow Night At 7:30
Tomorrow night at 7:30 the girls of the college, the faculty members, and friends will have a chance to see the dwelling places of the campus men of the college.
At that time the rooms of Fahnestock Hall, McPherson College Men's Dormitory, will be open to the public for visitation and in-
spection. This opportunity presents itself but once a year and will last for only two hours this time.
Refreshments will be served to the attending persons in the lounge and office of the dormitory. In addition, various snacks will be furnished by the occupants of each room.
Richard Wareham. head resident, and Paul Wagoner, dormitory president, are putting forth their efforts to see that the boys extend an even more cordial welcome this year than has been done in the past.
The open bouse committee, working on refreshments and decoration, is composed of Vancil Dunahoo, Stanley Watkins, and Albert Rogers.
Late Headlines
Paris. September 27. Ernest Be-vin. British leader, warned today that the United Nations might fall apart over the East-West conflict. He said that a doable veto by Russia may keep the Berlin Crisis out of the Security Council. Today the Western powers completed notes to the Security Coun-cil accusing Russia of threatening world peace with her blockade of the German capital. Berlin. The Council is expected to take up the rase requested by the notes on Thursday, if Russia does not veto.
Emporia, Kansas, September 27. In a meeting of representa-tives of the tenth annual Kansas Conference of Methodists, a record was written stating that the Methodists here are opposed to the peacetime draft. The group voted unanimously against the repeal of the prohibition law in Kansas.
Wichita, Kansas, September 29. The weather forecast for Kansas today is partly cloudy. perhaps light rain in some sections and rather cool. High temperatures
On Eyebrows
by Ardya Albright
Players Begin At 8:00 Using New Equipment
With a host of new technical equipment, the McPherson College Players will give the first performance of their fall production, “The Hasty Heart,” on Tuesday, October 5, at 8:00 p. m. Three successive, repeat performances will be given at the same hour on October 6, 7, and 8.
Next week under the auspices of the Student Council, an election will be held at McPherson College. This election will determine who will be the maiden of honor at the annual, traditional homecoming event, the Homecoming Queen.
The Queen comes from the Junior class each year, as stipulated in the student constitution. Two attendants are chosen at the ..same time from the freshman and sophomore classes. These two attendants, the newly chosen regent, and the retiring queen compose the Queen's Court.
The Student Council would like to urge the entire student body of regularly enrolled students to visit the polls at the college Tuesday, October 3, and help choose the 1918 Homecoming Queen.
Members of the junior class at McPherson are asked to notice that a special meeting is being called for Monday, October 4, immediately after the chapel hour, in the rear of the chapel room.
The purpose of the meeting is to choose four Junior girls as nominees for the honored position of Homecoming Queen of 1948 These persons must be chosen on Monday in order that their names may be part on the ballots for election on Tuesday, October 3.
Bulletin Boards Are Revised and Systematized
A new. revised, and more systematic method of controlling bulletin board congestion was announced to the student body in chapel iast Monday. Under the new ruling, notices which do not meet the set standards may be removed at any time by a member of the Bulletin Board Committee.
A member of the committe, composed of Richard Wareham, Lois Yoder, and Bill Daggett, must initial all notices that go on the board. They must conform in size to four by six inches. The board has been sectioned for the various organizations.
According to the latest reports Dr. Poters is expected to bring Gina Munda, an Italian student, to McPherson on his return trip from Chicago.
Gina is coming to McPherson all the way from Apuania, Italy, which is her present home.
During the summer Max Mc-Auley met Gina In Carrara where he wus associated with a summer camp for boy's sponsored by the Church of the Brethren.
Gina and Dr. Peters are expected to arrive here October 1, where she will make her home in Arnold Hall. Marilue Bowman will be her roommate.
Barkerettes Elect Officers
At a recent meeting of the organization of Barkerettes, the following officers were chosen for the current year.
Lois Yoder, of Pampa, Texas, was elected president. Assisting her as vice-president will -be Miriam Keim of Nampa, Idaho. Barbara Carruth, another Texan from Pampa holds the position of Secretary-Treasurer.
Carmina San Romani, McPherson, and Jerry McConkey, Topeka, are to handle publicity. The position of Sergeant at Arms was filled by Dorothy Little whose home is Kansas City, Kansas.
Regular Barkerette meetings will be held this year during the 9:50 activity period on the first Thursday of each month. Additional and special meetings will he publicized on the bulletin boards.
The newly elected officers of the Barkerettes urge everyone to back the team 100 per cent.
Alumnus Gets In LOOK
LOOK magazine, October 12, applauds Dr. Wendell Johnson, head of the speech department at the University of Iowa, for his efforts in correction of speech defects.
Dr. Johnson is a former student of McPherson College.
A man isn't necessarily a good musician when he goes out fit as a fiddle and returns tight as a drum.
should be in the 70's and the lows somewhere In the 40's.
Washington. D. C.. September 28. The United States is now asking Russia to pay off some of her long overdue lend-lease. The note to resume negotiations for pay-ment was sent about two weeks ago. hut Washington announced it today. The account Russia owed the U. S. from lend-lease during the war amounts to eleven billion dollars.
Berlin. September 28. The Americans soaked- Red smuggling oday in the Reich capital. Large-scale smuggling of such critical items as food and coal was being arrled on from the U. S. sector if Berlin to the Russian Berlin lector and the Red zone of Germany.
Cleveland, Ohio, September 28. The Cleveland Indians defeated the Chicago White. Sox tonight With a score of 11-0 the Indians gained a two-game lead in first place over the Yankees and the Red Sox. Bearden pitched the victory, yielding only four hits.
Membership Is Announced For Choral Organizations
The membership of all of the choral groups of McPherson has been announced and the choirs have met for several practices. Last week's paper published the constituency of the four quartettes and the A Cappella Choir.
Chapel Choir
The chapel choir is a musical group which practices once a week and performs in the college chapel services each Wednesday morning at 9:50. This year's chap-el choir is composed of 36 members distributed among the eight parts as follows:
First sopranos arc Claudia Jo Stump. Hazel Sanger. Alice Long. Lois Nicholson, and Donna Johnson. Girls singing second soprano are Rowena Fisher, Miriam Keim, Sara Mac Williams, Ardys Albright, and Mary June Freeburg.
Eight girls belong to the alto section. They are Leona Flory, Joy Hornbaker, Avis Albright, and Mary Jo Christy singing first alto, with Marianna Stinnette, Margie Penner, Norma Lee Couch, and Barbara Carruth singing second alto.
The tenor section is composed of eight voices. First tenors are Orrin Wolfe, Wilmer Moffett, Lawrence Eggleston, and Melvin Christy. Albert Guyer, Glen Nicholson, Billy Kidwell, and Gerald Strickler sing second tenor.
Among the busses one finds Jack Baker, Beryl McCann, Harold McNamee, Bob Christiansen, and Charles Lindberg singing baritone. Charles Royer, Russell West, David Metzler, Lowell Brandt, and Sylvus Flora sing second bass.
College Church Choir
The college church choir alternates with the McPherson church choir for singing at the regular church hour. Rehearsals occur once a week. The four-part group has 46 members.
Soprano include Hazel Sanger, Donna Johnson, Lois Nicholson, Claudia Jo Stump, Edith Merkey, Mildred Dell, Jean Evans, Alice Long, Mary Louise Johnson. Lor-ene Marshall, Lois Stern. LaVerne Burger, Elinor Stine, Geraldine McConkey, Patty Ford, and Pat Gentry.
Thirteen girls are listed for the alto section. They are Betty Han-agarne, Hazel Hornbaker, Eula Broyles, Phyllis Schmutz, Letha Miller, Putty Barnett, Margery
Fike, Norma Lee Couch, Ruth Merkey, Betty Redinger, Esther Mohler, Joyce Harden, and Mary Snyder.
The six tenors in the choir are Lawrence Eggleston, Albert Guyer, John Messamer, Glen Nicholson, James Hoover, and Alvin Zunkle.
Beryl McCann, Jack Baker, Harold Smith, Lowell Brandt, Sylvus Flora, Bill Daggett, Donald McDonald, Dean Sigle, Irwin Porter, Harold McNamee, and Donald Stevens sing bass in the church choir. Women’s Glee Club
The women's glee club is a group of McPherson College coeds which meets individually once a week, and then combines once a week with the men's glee club to form another choral organization.
First sopranos of the women's glee club are Mary Louise Johnson, Lucille Christopher, Edith Mer-key, Mildred Dell, Jean Evans, Alice Long, Losene Marshall, Rowe-na Fisher, Hazel Sanger, Claudia Jo Stump, and Donna Johnson.
Lois Nicholson. Lois Stern. Sara Mae Williams. LaVerne Burger, Miriam Keim, Mary Jane Freeburg, Elinor Stine, Joann Lehman, Ardys Albright, and Eula Broyles sing second soprano.
Nine voices are included in the first altos, viz.. Leona Flory, Don-na Bowman, Avis Albright, Mary H. Cline, Mary Jo Christy, Betty Hanagarne, Hazel Hornbaker, Phyllis Schmutz, and Letha Miller.
In the second alto section one finds Joy Hornbaker, Barbara Car-ruth, Margery Fike, Betty Redinger, Norma Lee Couch, Marianna Stinnette, Joyce Harden, Esther Mohler, and Ruth Merkey.
Men’s Glee Club
Like the women's group, the men's glee club meets once separately and once in combination with the women.
The first tenor voices are Mel-rid Christy. Lawrence Eggleston.
(Continued on Page Two)
During the next couple of weeks several district meetings will be held in Western Region in churches in the proximity of McPherson College.
On October 1, 2, and 3 the Northeastern District of Kansas
will meet in the Topeka Church of the Brethren with "Advance With Christ” as the theme.
Lorell Weiss, Research Director for the Brehtren Service Commission, will be the chief speaker at the conference. Miss Eva Lee Kindig, a National Children's Worker, will also be present at the meeting. Representing the Western Regional office in Brethren Service will he Miss Ruth Early, who replaces Ed Crill in that position.
The following week end, October 8, 9, and 10, the Southwestern District of Kansas will hold conference In the Salem Community Church near Nickerson, Kansas. Dr. Desmond W. Bittinger, editor of the Gospel Messenger, will be the featured speaker at the meeting. Mrs. R. Gordon Yoder and Miss Ruth Early are to represent the Regional Office at this conference.
Earl Breon Works For Christian Ed. Council
Mr. W. Earl Breon, who received his A. B. degree from McPherson College in 1925. Is now Associate Secretary, with responsibility for Public Relations and Finance, for the World Council of Christian Education in New York City, New York.
Mr. Breon has always taken an active part in public relations and finance work in the various church activities. While he was Field Man at McPherson College, he helped get the money for the Physical Education building. Fahnestock Hall, and the first $2500.00 for Frantz Hall. The $50-Club was also initiated at this time.
The World Council of Christian Education is the unifying and over-all organization for Christian education throughout the world. It is a federation of councils of religious education in fifty-five countries. It is organized into a world council with a British Administrative Commiitee and a North American Administrative Committee, a major office being located in New York City, New York.
The Council began in 1889 as the World’s Sunday School Association. has sponsored twelve major World Conventions, and is now making plans for the next one to be held in 1950. It serves among the Church Councils of Christian Education in a similiar capacity to that of the United Nations in the field of government.
Ronald Moyer Becomes College Bund President
In a business meeting held last Friday morning, the McPherson College Band elected Ronald Moyer as Its president for the current year.
For the other offices. James Garvey was'elected vice-president, Dorothy Breon is the new secretary-treasurer, and Kenneth Jar-boe will be business manager.
Two other persons have offices in the band acquired through appointment by the director. Professor Eugene Crabb, Leland High has been appointed assistant director of the band and Charles Royer continues his duties as the drum major.
Four twirlers are working together on some twirling stunts. They are Barbara Carruth, Phyllis Brown, Phyllis Raleigh, and Lenore Sorenson.
Oct. 1. Friday, 8:00 p. m.— McPherson versus Baker here.
Oct. 2. Saturday. 7:30-9:00 p. m.—Fahnestock Open House.
Ever hear of the secretary who quit her job because the boss used a couple of offensive words — “You’re fired.”?
Hess And Dewey Speak In Chapel This Week
Professor Maurice A. Hess gave an account of the backgrouud and history of Cicero, Roman orator, last Monday morning at chapel services. Group singing was led by Professor Donald R. Frederick. He was accompanied at the piano by Bonnie Alexander.
The following Wednesday Rev. Raymond Dewey, pastor of the local Methodist church, was the speaker.
Special music was provided by the men's quartet. Mrs. San Romani played the pipe organ.
Chapel services are held every Monday and Wednesday morning for the faculty and student body. Dr. Burton Metzler, professor of philosophy and religion, has charge of the programs.
Next Monday. October 4. the college band will present a musical program.
Young Replace Plank In Science Department
Miss Ida M. Young is now on the campus to take the place of Miss Isa Ruth Plank as Assistant Professor of ohemistry and mathematics.
Miss Young's home Is Petersburg, Virginia. Former education for Miss Young includes an A. B. from the Unievrsity of Valparaiso, and an a. M. from the University of Chicago.
The new chemistry-mathematics teacher has done advanced work at Columbia University, at Duke, and at George Peabody Teacher’s College.
She comes to McPherson College from Oklahoma A. and M where she taught last year.
Miss Plank was unable to come to McPherson because of the serious illness of her mother.
Some of the new neckties on the haberdashery counters have a spilled-on look long before the berry season.
Today, we hear much about "low brows" and "high brows," hut little about eyebrows. The eyebrow. strangely enough. is, probably, the most neglected feature of the human face. What poet has not, at one time or another, sung the virtues of rosy cheeks or red lips? Who among us has never read of limpid eyes? The square chin and high for
ehead are possessions of literally thousands of lit-erary heroes. Even the lowly nose has been honored with an essay worthy of a place in many English texts. The eyebrow, however, re-mains, the unsung feature of the face.
What great scientist, while fulfilling the dream of his life, has not paused momentarily and relieved the strain of his mind and body by pulling one of his eyebrows? Without this tension release, many, of the century's greatest scientific minds would have collapsed. Yet. who of them has ever delved deep into the fatty tissue at the base of the frontal and discovered the scientific basis for the phenomenal growth of a shapely patch of hair above each eye of every man and woman? What author (and all of them twist their eyebrows) has ever written un autobiography entitled "My Eyebrows and I"?
However, it is not only the men of science and literature who have neglected the essential eyebrow. You smile that I should speak of the eyebrow as being essential. Nevertheless, think of the people who are dependent upon eyebrows as their means of livelihood. If One year of work for the Players and the Little Theatre has brought many changes and improvements. The stage has been extended, the curtains have been put up. the dressing rooms are constructed. In the way of electrical equipment, the Players now own six spotlights and three dimmers. Last year they used their new lighting control box for the first time. A complete stage setting of their own construction Is now in the possesison of the Little Theatre group.
For the first time in the history of McPherson College Players, the costuming will be entirely imported. The costumes for "The Hasty Heart" are being provided by a firm in Salt Lake City, Utah.
"The Hasty Heart." a Broadway success under the producing team. Richard Lindsay-Russell Crouse, is staged in a convalescent ward of an Oriental hospital. Harold McNamee will play the role of a wounded Scotch soldier in the hospital, whose last weeks of life are changed significantly by the attitude taken toward him and by his attitude to the follow patients. He has an extremely Independent spirit which almost ruins the intentions of persons who wish to make him happy. Finally, after falling in love, he learns to love his neighbors.
Ann Oberst will take the part of the English Nurse. Margaret. Other soldiers in the convalescent ward scene will be Harry Knapp as the American. "Yank”; Le-Roy Doty as the Australian, "Dig-ger”: John Langley, the English man. "Tommy"; Gordon Reist, the New Zealander, "Kiwi"; Don Reed, the Basauto, "Blossom"; and Lawrence Eggleston as the Orderly. A member of the cast who was overlooked in last week's edition is Gerald Strickler, who will take the role of the Colonel.
Student tickets to "The Hasty Heart" were available each day this week in the main hall of Sharp Hall during the activity period. Play tickets were given to the students on presentation of their activity cards.
A wedding shower symbolizes the beginning of a reign.
there were no eyebrows to pluck, the sale of tweezers would become nil. Ninety per cent of the people in the tweezer manufacturing business would be thrown out of work, Beautitians who specialize in the shaping of eyebrows and all the manufacturers of eyebrow pencils world suddenly find themselves without jobs. Inevitably our entire economic order would be plunged Into a state of grave confusion.
Even If we were able to avoid or survive such economic turmoil. the world would he a most unsatisfactory place in which to live, if there were no eyebrows. Some great thinker would have to devise some means, other than the eyebrow, by which a "high sign" could be given. However, no great thinker could possibly think great thoughts if he had no eyebrows which ho could draw together. The young men would be forced to put into words the feelings they now convey by use of the eyebrow. This would, undoubtedly, result in many broken noses and black eyes. With no eyebrows to pluck, women would be able to to spend more time away from home. This would, eventually, culminate in an Increased divorce rate. But even the pleasure of going to court would he lessened considerably if the Judge had no bushy eyebrows at which to tug.
This may sound too utterly absurd; but, before you raise your brows too high, pause to consider the complexity of a society that Is highly dependent upon the unsung
The Optimist
With an optimistic view toward achieving harmony between the two major political parties of the U. S., the Democratic and the Re-publican, we, the optimists present you the following information The following significant and decisive issues have been agreed upon by both parties. We. the op-timists, think these quotes are very cncouruging.
"Our streams should abound with fish.”
"Everybody that rides in a car or bus uses gasoline and oil.”
The miners of our country are vital to our welfare.”
"You and I have a great respon-sibllity to our children and toward the generations to come."
"You know that your future is still ahead of you.”
"Ours is a magnificent land. Every part of it.”
"I firmly believe that depressions need not be inevitable.”
"The Communists have a long range scheme.”
We are troubled by high prices and we must end the maladjustments which caused them.” "We need more homes for our people.”
"We've got to keep this a free and growing country.”
Keep in mind that the preceding vital issues have been sanctioned by both the Democrats and the Republicans ns major problems for the current political campaign.
A grudge is too heavy a load for any mar. to carry.
Managing Editor
Campus Editor
Sports Co-Editors
Feature Editor
Faculty Adviser
Dorothy Little Leona Flory Annette Shropshire Lorene Marshall
Dale Oltman Carmina San Romani
Betty Redinger Claudia Jo Slump
Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Faculty Adviser
Wendell Burkholder Harry Knapp
Don Ford ______.......
Lloyd Haas
Gordon Yoder
Collegian Column
From the Baker News-Bulletin we see that several improvements have been made on the gridiron. No, not the team, but literally the gridiron. New lights-or rather lights (they had none before) have been installed to light the field and parking lots.
Also a score board and a clock (eight feet In diameter!) have been installed.
The project is costing the college approximately $5,000.
So what! Blue paint's expensive
In the "Daily Kansan” we see a fair size article informing us that scientists believe uranium was used by the Romans.
Now comes the timely question of whether you'd rather read of uranium and Romans or Spike Jones.
I favor the "Spike-tator" over the "Kansan.”
And at Midland College—you don't know where Mid-land Is? Well, neither do I: but it's somewhere In Nebraska. Well any way, in a recent storm, lighting struck the Gym and knocked the chimney down.
I wonder what our heating plant would look like minus a few hundred bricks. Messy, No?
How Risque!
Last evening, say about 7:45
(that's a quarter to eight,) a few million ( O. K.. so there was only three of as) people from McPherson College literally Invaded the town.
It couldn't have happened in Boston, for, much to the chagrin of a few modest souls, the entire student body was dressed, or rather undressed, in pajamas.
Well, anyway, we had the pajama parade; and was it ever fan!
First, we started down Euclid Avenue taking up as much space as possible. Then we did one of those things that look like something we should have had for breakfast (donut!). Next we proceeded through several of the business houses of McPherson. After making a general nuisance of our-selves, we (all of us) attended the show.
When we entered, rather invaded, the show, everyone (already in the show, that is) was sure the Russians had landed. After a rowdy intermission, the crowd settled down to enjoy the show. P. S. We hear there were several penalties for too much time in the huddle.
(Continued from Page One)
Obsecionn On Canterbury Tales
Whan that Lit, with his sores come.
I find myself exceedinglye dumbe; But bifet that on the due date I mete.
Nyne and twenty who knew it little betuh.
But then the teacher cannot ask of mee
To sleep like smale fowl with open
—Don Shultz
"Gee. I’m thirsty."
"I'll get you some water." "I said thirsty not dirty."
Choral Organizations
Merrill Sanger, Bill Albright, and Orrin Wolfe.
The six boys in the second tenor section are Billy Kidwell, Gerald Strickler, Ellis Powell, James Hoover, John Messamer, and Glen Nicholson.
Baritones are Bob Christiansen. Charles Lindberg, Harold McNam-ee, John Firestone, Bernard Eb-bert, Harold Smith, Jack Baker, and Beryl McCann.
In the second bass section, one finds nine persons. They are Norman Zweifel, Sylvas Flora, Charles Royer, Bill Daggett, David Metzler, Stanley Watkins, Donald McDonald, Dean Sigie, and Irwin Porter.
At a summer camp which I attended several months ago, I participated in a forum discussion of peace and world problems. Many points of deep contemplation were brought out.
I learned there that Dan West says the odds for chances for peace are only ten to one. Think of it! Only one chance out of ten that we shall have peace with our present nation-neighbors.
If we, the Christian youth of America, a group whose everlasting goal is international peace, do nothing to lower those odds, then will we not be partly to blame for the expected “third world war"?
Most newspapers play up and emphasize the futility of peace. They blast stories across the front page about, for example, a flare-up in Palestine between Jews and Arabs, or between Moscow and Washington in Berlin But do they ever give much space to an agreement, a peaceful treaty, or something in that category? I think that since the vast group of journals over the world seem not to care to propagate peace, that it is our duty to perform that task. We can promote peace with the proper propaganda just as the militarists do by way of the new-sheets.
This peace propaganda, this peace education, is a sort of panacea which every nation, every citizen of each nation, needs in order to remedy national and internation al ills.
Advertisers use the device of repetition to cause gul lible people to buy their sponsored product. By pound ing their product into our brains, by flaunting it before our eyes at every opportune moment, or by telling us about it every fifteen minutes over the various radio networks, these mercenary business men impress upon our minds an image which influences our spending.
Why cannot we use the same device? Can’t it be that we pacifists have not done enough advertising?
We must live as pacifists throughout the whole cycle of wars and the intervals between them. We tend to let our enthusiasm for peace lapse into a lethargy after the war is over. Perhaps some day we will learn that these intervals between wars are the periods which precipitate the armed conflicts.
Immediately after a war is not the only time that Christians with a non-combatant heritage need to make themselves heard. The “advertising” for peace should be released on our neighbors at a more or less constant rate.
Probably the best way to advertise peace is for the individual person to live it. It always has been true that “actions speak more loudly than words.” Remember this THE WAY WE LIVE IS OUR ADVERTISEMENT FOR PEACE.
A new way of fighting war is slowly emerging. The widow of an American Admiral, a Quaker woman, has refused to pay that portion of the Federal tax which would go for war purposes. She paid her income tax with the deduction of 34.6 percent, which is that percentage of the national budget going to military expenditures. She sent the Treasury Department receipts for the amount she had withheld which she turned over to charitable and peace promoting institutions.
—Between the Lines. June 14. 1948.
Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
John Firestone Max McAuley
LeRoy Doty
Don Reed, Russell West
Van Dunahoo
Sarah May Vancil
Reporters and Special Writers
W. W. Peters
Bob Zimmerman Pat Albright
they say
well here we are again to let you In on the latest scoop on ye ole mspherson campus if you cant understand this column see my typing teacher ive only had two lessons so far and I think I do well to type this well well
at last nicholson and neher have gotten together again some people just cant make up their minds harry knapp has been seen around quite a bit with helen burgess from peoria illinois could be that is why harry is planning a trip over thanksgiving to visit vans relatives near there
from the little theatre we hear that esther 1 not only has a hasty heart but a hasty temper kemtone is still in discussion at fanny they cant decide between baby blue and shocking pink.
lover boy reed date trouble we often have to wonder who has our best interest at heart in fanny stan sargent pitching tents that is miss harris trying to remember where (he 760s are too tell an upper class student the motto of our cafeteria cashier seems to be service without a smile spring has sprung fall has fell winter aint here but its colder than see ya next week and remember kids mums the word keep it under your arms.
A lot of men always recognize their duty in sufficient time to side-step it.
Fashion For The Fairer Sex
by Carmina San Romani
The Old Look
Esquire magazine is this year emphasizing the "bold" look, but after a slight glance around campus we feel our accent Is on the "old” rather than the "hold" look.
Esquire recommends candy stripes with plain ties. Joe College (McPherson that Is!) recommends "T" shirts. Saves a fortune in laundry bills!!
Esquire states that every "Collegiate" MUST have at least three suits. Joe (McPherson again) finds sport coats very comfortable.
As for shoes. Esquire says "saddle oxford" are the things. But Joe says, "Have you ever tried to polish those things. Give me Army surplus!"
Well, wo may not be dressed according to the elite, but I ask anyone to find a more comfortably dressed campus.
Eating—Installment Plan
On Saturday evening shortly before 7:30, the residents of Kline Hall nervously stood in front of their closet doors in an attempt to keep out nosey marauders as the first guests started to come to Open House. The visitors were directed first to third floor —living quarters of the girls who have not yet qualified for an apartment on first or second floors.
After carefully examining each room for beauty and cleanliness, and after signing their names in numerous guest books, the guests were invited to indulge in the first course of tomato juice.
They ambled down to second floor and visited the apartments of the married couples living there. Boh and Sybil Keim, head-residents, served the second course of sandwiches, and Miss Harris served the salad course while prominently displaying a shelf of cook books.
Coffee and cake were served for dessert on first floor, and to top it off, the Loshbaughs administered after-dinner mints.
As the guests left, they remarked to one another about the beauty of the rooms and the novelty of the manner of serving the refreshments.
A judge who was asked to ban a book ruled that it was not obscene. The author is expected to appeal.
Players Build Milestone
Next week the College Players will present their fall production.
"The Hasty Heart.” This play, to be presented in the Little Theatre in Sharp Hall, represents a milestone at McPherson College.
We look at the cafeteria improvements with marvel and praise for they came about all at once, but the changes made In the Little Theatre are so great that It hardly seems believable to the student of a few years ago when he remembers this "room” as a drab, dry place.
Let's look back, not too many years, at dramatics at McPherson. The players lacked a full-time director, lacked equipment, and lacked spirit.
Now the department has its own theatre, an army of spotlights, dimmers, sets, enthusiastic students, and a dramtics teacher.
Yes, a milestone has been reached in dramatics at McPherson College.
Outside of business hours." says Doodles. "I am now probably the most serious minded guy in the world, unless you are going to drag in Einstein or Petrillo or
characters like that."
Being tagged as a full-time screwball, he explains, has been costing him money.
"Whenever my agent suggested me for a good movie role." he re-calls, "some director would say, Doodles Weaver? Why, he’s crazy. He'd burn down the sets, or some-thing.’ "
"All this,” says Doodles mourn-
The other evening (last Sunday to be exact) your inquiring reporter Was seated in the dog house when an interesting group of freshmen entered. And being the extravert I am.’ I proceeded to get acquainted with them.
Now take Kenny Kinzie. No. he didn't write It. He's from Chicago, but he's a good kid in spite of it. Kenny, fall, dark, and friendly, says his main interest is women. His campus residence is Dr. Peter’s home, third window from the left.
Then a voice said. "What y’all doin' " and sho nuff, there stood Barbara Carruth, that "interesting" creature from down Pampa, Texas way.’ Barb, who lives in Arnold, says her hobby is yelling and from her spirit at the Sterling game, we know she goes in for it
A Snoop In The Dog House
indeed, the "Pled Piper of Catalina." who invaded the ballroom
the island-resort one night tootling on a clarinet, and invited the dancers to follow him, single-file. He finally marched off the end of he pier, tootling until he hit the water, and most of his loyal followers marched right off after him. clothes and all. It got to be a nightly feautre.
"Now that I lead the quiet life, know where I stay when we're on tour?" says the ex-playboy. "At YMCA's. Nobody bothers me there. In the afternoon I sit in the sun until my brains start to fry, and then I write."
Doodles writes all his own material, including the "Professor Feltelbaum" routines for the radio show. He’s even written a biography of his boss, Spike Jones. It’s called "The Golden Spike” and is tagged for publication soon.
An omnivorous reader. Doodles Is addicted to science-fiction and
The new look first made its appearance on the fashion pages of this nation's magazines about one year ago, and It has slowly spread across the nation. With the opening ct school, McCollege boys have noticed that it has hit this campus with a swish, and they are destined to spend the next few months content with the 11-Inch from the floor hemline.
The fashion plates of McPherson College are seen dully strolling around the campus in skirts that dangle down around the ankles. We still see many of the last year's faddish ballerina skirt, with yards of material floating around the hemline. but the straight skirt is also coming into prominency this year. Those skirts are supposed to give the girls that "hour glass look" and ere exactly the opposite of the ballerina, with the full hemline. The straight skirt hemlines are hardly generous enough for normal leg movement. What these pals won't go through for the dictates of ole' Dame Fashion!
The blouses this year are much the same as last, with plenty of ruffles, bows, and the Gibson girl effect. The sweaters, too. are still an important part of the MC coed's wardrobe, and it seems that the
short-sleeved variety are becoming more and more popular. Some variations are seen with the girls' initials woven into the sweaters.
For leisure the girls stick to their old faithful blue jeans, and almost any thing from one of Dad's old shirts to one of the McPherson College T shirts is acceptable with them. The more faded the jeans become, the better the gals like them.
Last we touch upon the foot fashion of the campus. Saddles are again popular, us always, and various other types of footwear are seen tromping up and down the campus. One of the most discussed (and laughed at) varieties is the green, red. or yellow suede crepe-soled loafer which is the favorite of several of the girls on the campus. They are not. as yet. wholly accepted by the follows, but in time they will become used to them.
All in all MC coeds are looking pretty good this year, and the fashions seem to flatter them. Now that the gals have furiously worked to let down hems and make the most out of their "old look", clothes, they can only sit back and sigh. "What will they think of next**’ -
We return to the paper this week with the names of a few persons who thought we had forgotten them In the first verse of this endless song. It was not the Intention of the writer of this column to omit anyone. The list printed before was in no way considered to he complete.
Just a couple of weeks ago an announcement of an engagement was released for the press, which lets us breathe a sigh of relief We had been waiting for it for some time. Miss Mary Helen Cline and Mr. Lester Messamer were the lucky announcers.
A twosome who became one last summer Is that of Mary Jo (Dell) Christy and Melvin (same name.) Congratulations, on making a two-year acquaintance permanent.
Gerald Hutchison. Mac sports letterman, was married approxi-mately a month ago, at least that is when the cigars were passed round. Introduce the Mrs. to us some time. "Hutch," We don’t even know her name.
Crazy Like A Fox
Doodles Weaver is afraid people will think he is crazy.
You would be, too, if you'd done all the things he'd done.
Anyway, from now on he says he's going to confine his zany antics strictly to working hours, on the "Spotlight Revue” radio show, heard each Friday, evening on CBS, and on his vaudeville tours with Spike Jones.
fully, "just because I used to like to indulge in a practical joke now
and then."
Doodles advises that from now on when he is introduced to some-body he is just going to shake hands and say "how do you do”, like anybody else;- He used to acknowledge introductions by taking a ’drag" on his harmonica, flapping his arms like a seal, and vocalizing his A-flat (all his notes
are flat.)
Furthermore, from now on he is going to drive his car forwards, not backwards, and he is going to cross busy streets with the signal. (He used to cross against the signal. pretending to he a decrepit old man. After tieing up traffic for a block while he painfully dragged himself across the intersection, he would leap into the air,
click his heels twice like a ballet
dancer, and run gleefully down the sidewalk.)
"While I am trying to make like a man of distinction,” Bays Doodles, "one of the toughest things to buck is that every screwball in the country seems to recognize me as a brother. The other night I am sitting in a restaurant having a dish of tea when a tall, cadaverous guy leans over my shoulder and whispers, ‘you know what?’"
"‘No,’ I say. ‘what?’ "
" ’I got tattoos on the bottoms of my feet!* the guy whispers."
" 'Naah' I say."
" 'Yeah.' he says."
" ' Le's see.' I tell him—so the guy takes off his shoes and socks and sure enough. Know what he's got on his feet? Trees! Just trees. Why do these things always happen to me?"
Doodles Weaver is a rich man’s son, but he always preferred the Rollerdrome to the Brown Derby. Once he mystified his family by refusing to go along on a vacation trip to Europe. The day after they left he converted the family estate into a night club, with a neon sign in front and midget cars racing around the outer perimeter. Advis-ed of this outrage by a cable from angry neighbors, the elder Weaver
cabled back, "Are you making any money?"
During his college days he was known as the "mad Monk of Stanford." What happened to Stanford front 1933-37 shouldn’t happen in a reform school. His ex-ploits there have become a kind of fantastic legend, in which it no longer is possible to distinguish fact from fancy.
For example. Doodles denounces os a vicious canard the colorful story of how he hid under the canvas covering of a newly-completed statue all night so that, when the cord was drawn at a campus ceremony. he appeared In the arms of the statue, in his underwear, smoking a cigar.
However, he freely admits the one about how he had another student's car dismantled, and re-assembled in his room. (It almost filled the room and the poor guy slep in the back seat for a week.)
Doodles also admits that he was.
in a big way.
Then who popped up but Fredrick, not prof, but Goenner. Fred's from Zenda, Kansas: he says he has a charming personality not in spite of it, but because of it. Fred, shy and awfully nice, lives at Earl Frants’s and claims for his main interests wild oats and praying.
Then sweet and friendly from Adel, Iowa, is Eleanor Stein. Eleanor likes drawing and Arnold Hall, where she lives.
Oh. and let's not forget Gilford Ikenberry, Gilford is one in a million. (Thank heavens). He hails from Stillwater, Oooookla-homa where the wind comes sweeping o'er the plain. Pardon me, but I was in Wichita and I get carried away easily, which is
a good idea, my being carried away I mean.
the study of etymology. He is also a serious student of all comedians, past and present. One of the greatest pantomine artists since Chaplin, he can get a terrific laugh just by absent-mindedly picking up the cord on the microphone and inquiring. "Oh—a wire for me?"
He gets two fat paychecks every week—one from the airshow, the other from his personal appearances with Spike. He has them spread over 12 months, so he can enjoy the off-seasons without having the feeling that he ought to be working.
Crazy? If Doodles is crazy, a lot of comics around the country would like to know how he got that way. But still he's worried. -
"Tell 'em about my Phi Beta Kappa key from Stanford,” he says, "and use my full name. It might add some dignity.”
Okay, he asked for it. His full name: Winstead Sheffield Glen-denning Dixon Weaver!
The Spectator
Bulldogs Meet Wildcats
Tonight at 8:00 p. m.. the Mc-Pherson College Bulldogs will tangle with the Baker University Wildcats on the College stadium field for the opening home game of the season.
Last year at Baker the Bulldogs were edged by a score of 7-6 but were outweighed almost twenty pounds per man.
Baker dropped its season opener to Southwestern College at Winfield by a score of 27-6 while the Canines were 12-6 losers to Sterling College.
The Dogs came out of the Sterling game with minor injuries, but not enough to keep anyone from seeing action against Baker. There have been a few pulled muscles, bruises, minor ailments, but the over-all picture is good.
Coach Spear of the Wildcats will have seventeen lettermen on his squad with a good deal of experience. Spear, with a squad of 84, will bring about 30 men to McPherson. Both teams will be looking for their first victory of the season.
A definite starting lineup has not been announced but here is a probable line-up:
Wolf, le; Reinecker, it; Stevens, lg; Reed c: Tillman, rg; Flory rt; Blickenstaff, re; Fisher, q; Arnold, ih: Sullivan rh, Delay, fb.
“One Dollar to the best percentage each week." Last week's Score-A-Log games will be played tomorrow and the results will be posted next week. The games listed below will be played October 9 and the results will be posted in the Spectator the week after.
Turn in your "pickins" to the Sports Staff before October 4.
California— Wisconsin
Colorado- —Nebraska.
Cornell— Harvard.
Drake—Wichita U.
—Indiana — Texas Chrisitan University.
Iowa State—Kansas U.
Missouri—Southern Methodist U.
Notre Dame—Michigan State.
Sou. California—Rice.
No matter what effect the pure egoist has upon others, he always fascinates himself.
Ottawa vs. Missouri Valley. FRIDAY—
Bethany vs. Kansas Wesleyan.
McPherson vs. Baker University.
College of Emporia vs. William Jewell.
Bulldogs Lose First To Sterling Team, 12-0
Last Saturday afternoon the Bulldogs were defeated in their opening game at Sterling by a store of 12-0.
Fumbling and blocked punts told the story for the Canines as Sterling cashed in for the twelve points. During the first quarter, two blocked punts resulted in six of the points, while a fumble in the second quarter set up the second and final score.
The Dogs showed up better defensively than they did offensively. Blocking and tackling showed up poorly. Probably the outstanding star, defensively for the Bull-
dogs was Vernon Blickenstaff, who caught several passes. Delay, Unruh, and Arnold also showed up well for the Dogs.
There Is very much interest being shown in the softball club this year. On September 22. thirteen girls came out to join in the fun. The girls who participated were Arlene Mohler, Esther Mohler, Mary Jo Christy, Pat Gentry, Patty Barnett, Lois Col-berg, Marianna Stinette, Donna Johnson, Joyce Harden, Betty Redinger, Betty Hanagarne, Louise Johnson, and Haxel Hornbak-er.
Marianna and Arlene chose teams while Pot Gentry played the part of "umpire."
A game will be played each Wednesday, from 3:30 to 4:30.
The W. A. A. extends the invitation to all girls to come out and be placed on a team.
By the time we are ready to admit we have reached middle age. we are somewhat older than that.
Kansas Wesleyan took Smoky Hill Army Air Base 35-0.
Ottawa University trounced Bethel 47-12 at Ottawa.
College of Emporia held Pittsburg Teachers to a 7-7 tie.
Baker lost to Southwestern 27-6
One season a locker-room debate developed among the University of Michigan squad. The argument had to do with which position was most important.
Each player apparently suffered the firm conviction that his position was the most essential. Each pl8yer. that is. but Bob In-gals. a center who was very quiet and had been listening for days to the hot debate.
At scrimmage one day, the quarter-back called for one of the super-deluxe, razzle-dazzle plays which promised a touchdown. The team lined up. the shift took place—but no ball came from the center! Ingals wheeled around, sat down on the ball, glared smugly at the ten confused players and drawled:
"I just wanted to see how far this play would go if I didn’t throw the ball."
Captain John Goldsberry of Indiana University tells this story on Howard Brown, a guard.
Brown failed to get on his feet after a play in an Indiana-Nebras-ka game and Goldsberry rushed over to him.
"Howard, are you okay?” John shouted.
Finally Brown opened his eyes and said "Yeah. I'm okay. John, but how is the crowd taking it?"
Adds Goldsberry': "There really wasn't anything wrong with him. All he did was get up, put his headgear on backward and ask, 'Which way did they go?' "
It's not his ability to kick, but his ability to pull that makes the mule such a valuable animal.
Dorothy Shay's billing, the "Park Avenue Hlllbillle.” is a Cinderella story in itself—and Dottle has a real life story to match.
Not so many years ago, she was singing for 25 dollars a week in a night club in.her home town of Jacksonville, Florida; now she's co-starred with Spike Jones every Friday night on the coast-to-coast CBS show. "Spotlight Revue."
The first time she tried Hollywood, she sang at a bowling alley, mostly for tips; on her most recent visit, she packed the swank Cocoa-nut Grove every night for four weeks, smashing the all-time record there and averaging $4,000 a week as her share, under a percentage arangement.
In 1944, a well-known network executive said, "Dorothy Shay— never heard of her,” when she tried to get a Job; in 1947, an Associated Press Editor’s poll named her "Woman of the Year" in radio, and enthusiastic members of he national fan club. "Shay's Shadows." staged a small riot wherever she appeared.
Actually, the "Park Avenue Hillbillie" is neither a hillbilly nor from Park Avenue, but the tag fits anyway. It fits her style, if not her life.
Dorothy Shay (originally. Dorothy Sims) is Just a small town girl who hit the big-time singing mountain songs to the city folks. Only they're not Just ordinary mountain songs.
"This gal." said Spike Jones the first time he heard her, "Is a cross between Noel Coward and Burl Ives. Besides that.” he added, "she can sing."
Besides that, she is lovely to look at.
As for her remarkable vocal technique. Dorothy explains: "Mother teaches me the correct way. and I mess it up a little to make it popular." Her mother. Frances Sims—an ex-operatic contralto — travels everywhere with her. serving as vocal coach, social secretary, and companion.
Like the love-lorn fountain girls of whom she sings, she is unmarried, being apparently more interested in her career than la her numerous admirers.
The question most frequently asked of Dorothy is, "Where do you get these wonderful songs?" it is asked admiringly by her fans and enviously by her fellow per-formers in the radio and night club business, who know there Is nothing so rare in Tin Pan Alley as a really good novelty number.
The answer—a good part of it, anyway—is that she writes them herself.
Ten of the best numbers in her repertoire are Dorothy Shay orig-inals—ranging from the hilarious “Efficiency," a rollicking lampoon of the machine-age as seen through the eyes of a mountain gal who comes to the city to work in a factory, to the hauntingly beautiful "He's The One," a simple, sentimental ballad which strikes home with double impact by reason of its contrast with her usual comedy style.
"I can't resist doing a straight one now and then," she explains, "like the clown who wants to play Hamlet."
The difference is, she does it and the crowd loves it.
She has sung "Feudin' A-Fight-in' and A-Fussin' ” 1800 times and got so weary of answering requests for it that she composed an extra erse to help break the monotony. But no matter how many times she sings it, it always has the same boisterous enthusiasm because Dorothy can’t help giving her best anytime more than two people are listening.
"It’s the ham in me," she says. "I can always turn it on."
Like most success stories, Dorothy Shay’s began by accident.
There wasn't any accident about her getting into show business. She began day dreaming about the stage and Hollywood, even before she earned the title "most witty member of her class" as a high school student in Jacksonville.
There wasn't any accident, either, in the chain of circumstances which finally landed her a New York hotel super club engagement as a straight ballad singer.
But right there, old Lady Luck —or Fate—stepped in. She isn't sure yet what unpredictable impulse prompted to answer a call for an encore by doing "Uncle Fud."
"It Just popped into my mind.'.. is the best explanation she can give.
She had learned "Uncle Fud" from a piano player in Santa Monica. California, and it never had been sung In New York before. It had never been sung anywhere as she sang It. Bathed in the light of an amber spot, the slender, beautifully groomed and exquisitely gowned Dorothy—looking like an ad out of Harper's Bazaar—Bud-denly struck the awkward pose of a mountain girl, heels akimboo, and began to sing:
"Oh, Iwas born in Tennessee, An' I was married when I was three. . .”
The sophisticated New York audience loved it. They demanded encore after encore, beating time on their tables while Dorothy sang.
Right then and there Dorothy Shay recognized her particular niche—and a star was born.
“48” Football Schedule
Oct. 1—Baker University at McPherson (night).
Oct. 9—College of Emporia at Emporia (day).
*Oct. 16—Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson (day).
Oct 22—Ottawa University at Ottawa (night).
Oct. 30—Bethel College at Newton (day).
Nov. 5—Bethany at McPherson (night).
Nov. 12—Eastern New Mexico College at McPherson (night).
Nov. 19—Open * Homecoming