McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Monday, may 16, 1949

no. 29

College Annuals To Students May 18

Cover Still Secret; Editor Says Pictures Add Interest

Pictured above Is a scene from the 2nd annual session of the McPherson Model U. N. Executive officers of the model were Bill Daggett, Don Keim, and Lorene Clark.

Shown addressing the delegates is Ted Geisert, college senior, who represented the United States at the mock assembly.

Dean Releases Schedule For Final Exam Week

Harman, Attorney To Deliver 1950

Senior Address

Reverend Hylton Harman, attorney-at-law, of Kansas City, Kansas, will deliver the commencement address at 10 a. m.. Monday, May 30.

Minister of the Church of the Brethren in Kansas City. Reverend Harman is also a member of the General Brotherhod Board and of the Brethren Service Commission.

Dr. W. W. Peters will speak on 'The Way of Life” at the bacca laureate services Sunday, May 29, at 10:45 a. m.

Both services will be held in the First Church of the Brethren.

‘The ’49 Gold Rush’ Is Junior-Senior Banquet Theme

The annual formal banquet for the juniors and seniors was held Saturday evening at the church of the Brethren. The theme, “The 4 9 Gold Rush" was carried out in the decorations and in the program.

The menu included fruit cocktail, turkey, dressing, gravy, mushed potatoes, buttered peas, spring salad, hot rolls, cake and coffee. The meal was served by the women of the Church of the Brethren.

Committees for the banquet were: program, Helen Stover and Van Dunahoo, menu. Mary Jo Christy and Elvin Wolf, decorations, Joyce Frantz, Marie Miller, Barbara Burton and Jess Houo-way. Sara Mae Williams was in charge of the invitations.

UNESCO Brings Chapel Speaker

Mrs. Adrienne M. Boissevain, who was born and educated in the Netherlands, will be the special assembly speaker on Friday, May 20. She is being brought to the campus under the auspices of the campus UNESCO. Assembly for today. May 16, bad been cancelled.

On Wednesday, May 18, Prof. Joe Shelly will speak and special music will be presented.

Mrs. Boissevain has been travel-ing to promote "the Idea of world unity. Having founded the organization of the National Skirt, made of remnants, patches and memories of times gone by reunited to represent the unity of the society.

Before the war Mrs. Boissevain established a Beauty Institute which soon became well known among prominent women of Amsterdam.

When the war broke, she and her family joined the underground. Her husband and two oldest sons were killed by the Germans.

She herself was imprisoned and taken from one concentration camp to another. She was liberated in 1945 and returned to her younger son and two daughters.

Alumni Banquet Set For May 28

The classes of 1924 and 1899 will be featured at the annual alumni banquet Saturday, May 28. at 6:45 p. m.

The banquet will be held in the dining room of the Church of the Brethren, after a 45 minute social period of visiting.

Individual classes will gather for luncheons and visits during the afternoon preceding the reception.

The 1949 graduates will bo guests at the dinner. Approximately 300 are expected to attend the reunion.

Nominees for the association's officers for next year are: president, Donald Dresher, and Ted Washburn vice-president, 'Carl Kasey and Mrs. Esther Enberg: treasurer, Paul Sherfy and Earl Marchand; alumni representative on Athletic Committee. Leonard Wiggins and Lloyd Larsen; directors, Raymond Buskirk, Keith Hayes, Marvin Krehbiel, Lloyd Larsen, Mildred Oberst, Mary Spes-sard, Mrs. Rozella Switzer, and Mrs. Ernest Wall.

Russia Leaves Mock U. N.

lated so that the listeners could understand what was being said.

Toward the latter part of the meeting the Russian delegation and her controlled satellites walked out after being insulted by the U. S. delegation.

Approximately one - hundred spectators were present to watch the various proceedings and many expressed their opinions on the realistic element of the whole affair.    

Peters Releases Closing Calendar

The president's office has released the calendar of closing events which begin with a breakfast for the senior class at 8 on Saturday. May 21. Others closing events as listed will be held.

8:00 a. m. Breakfast for the Class of 1949 at the home of President and Mrs. W. W. Peters, Sat. May 21.

Sunday, May 22:

Church of the Brethren

9:30 a. m. Organ Melodies— Mrs. C. H. Dresher, Organist.

9:45 a. m. Church School—Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel, Superintend-«nt.

10:45 a. m. Worship Service. Two Doors," Dr. DeWitt L. Miller., Minister.

7:30 p. m. Eventide Meditation Service.

Monday. May 23:

10:00 a. m. Last Chapel Session, Granting of Honors and Awards.

Saturday, May 28:

10:00 a. m. Class Day Program —Class of 1949.

6:45 a. m. Alumni Banquet, Church of the Brethren.

Sunday, May 29:

10:45 a. m. Baccalaureate Service, Church of the Brethren Sermon, President W. W. Peters.

   3:30 p. m. Organ Recital, Col

lege Chapel.

4:30 p. m. Reception for Parents of Graduate and Visiting Friends. 8tudent Uniop Room, Monday, May 30:

9:45 a. m..Academic Procession. 10:00 a. m. Commencement, Church of the Brethren.

Address—The Reverend Hylton Harman, Attorney-at-Law, Kansas City, Kansas.

Mac Floats Win Floats entered in the college division all received prize money. Float number 802, McPherson College, ran away with the first prize money. Second prize went to Central College, number 800, and third prize went to number 801, McPherson College.

Noble Cain Fest Draws Big Crowd

Eight hundred persons as-sembled at the local city auditorium last Friday evening for the choral presentation under the direction of Noble Cain, composer and director.

The program was presented by McPherson College; the college and community choirs combined into a mass group numbering over 175.

Compositions and arrangements of Noble Cain and other music writers were featured during the evening.

Supplementing the final number, “To God All Praise and Glory," by Noble Cain, was a brass ensemble. College members participating in the brass ensemble were Rowena Neher, Lowell Brandt, Eugene Crabb, John Lohrenz, Donald Frederick, and Robert Anderson.

One hundred thirty-two dollars was received from the audience in an offering._

Two Iranians Accepted By Mac

McPherson College has accepted the application of two Iranian students from Teheran. Iran. Both students have been recommended by the Alborz Foundation for Iranian Students. The students are Mr. Mohammed Mehdi Zelli, premedics student, and Mr. Rouhol-lab Mohebban. pre-medics.

Both students are expected to be on the campus for the new school year which will begin in the falL

Barkarettes Picnic At Lakeside Park

The Barkerette picnic is scheduled for today at 5:30 p. m. The site of the picnic Is Lakeside Park.

The foods committee, which is composed of Joy Hornbaker,Lois Yoder, Barbara Carruth, Verla Hummer, and Mrs. Marilynn Voth, plan to have home made ice cream.

The Barkerette members and their guests will attend a movie after the picnic.

It is estimated that Shakespeare wrote two plays a year.

The office of Dean Warren has announced the schedule for examinations that will complete the school year 1948-49. The finals wil begin at 8 Tuesday morning and will be completed at 3:20 Friday afternoon.

The schedule is listed below.

Tentative Examination Schedule—second semester, 19 48-49.

Tuesday, May 24, 1949

8:00-10:00 All 8:00 T. W. Th. classes except Freshman English.

10:00-12:00 All Freshman English classes.

1:20-3:20 All 8:55 M. W. F. classes, except Intro, to Lit.

3:20-5:20 All 8:55 T. Th. classes except Freshman English.

Wednesday, May 25, 1949

8:00-10:00 All 10:25"M. T. Th. classes, except New Testament.

10:00-12:00 Introduction to Literature.

1:20-3:20 All 10:25 W. F. classes.

3:20-5:20 All 11:20 M. W. classes.

Thursday, May 26, 1949

8:00-10:00 All 11:20 T. Th. F. classes except Freshman English.

10:00-12:00 All 1:20 M. W. F. classes except Intro, to Literature.

1:20-3:20 All 1:20 T. Th. class-

3:20-5:20 All 3:10 and Appointment classes unless announced otherwise by the Instructor.

Friday, May 27, 1949

8:00-10:00 New Testament Life and Literature.

10:00-12:00 All 2:15 M. W. F. classes except New Testament.

1:20-3:20 All 2:15 T. Th classes.

3:20-5:20 Open period.

All evening classes will be given examinations at the last

Banquet Ends Year For W.A.A. Girls

Officers for the WAA were announced at their annual spring banquet which was held in the Blue Room of the Hotel Warren. WAA is to be sparked by president Sara Mae Williams, vice-president Arlene Mohler, treasurer Lois Yoder, secretary Lois Col-berg, and publicity chairman Joyce Harden.

The theme of the banquet was “gypsy." Miss Gina Munda told fortunes to many of the guests that were present. Also on the program was Vernon Nicholson, Florene Messick, Albert Guyer, Marilyn Miller, Gina Munda, Anita Jo Norlin, and Helen Stover.

The banquet wound up the fiscal season for the WAA girls.

Rothrock’s Store Robbed Of $400

Rothrock's Grocery, well known grocery store on college hill, was robbed of approximately $400 on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Rothrock, owners, stated that the robbery occurred while they were attending the evening services at the local Church of the Brethren.

This is the third robbery to be reported in the hill district in the last few weeks. Only recently the home of Miss Mildred Siek was broken into and a small amount of cash was taken.

Mr. Rothrock stated that “he couldn't see why they couldn't have robbed a rich man instead of us." The culprit entered the ' house part of the business establishment through a southwest window and then proceeded to go through the entire house and grocery store.

The local police were notified immediately by the Rothrocks upon their return from the church services.

Quad Staff To Picnic On Coronado Heights

The Quadrangle staff and their guests will go to Coronado Heights May 17 for a picnic.

Mrs. Joyce Frantz and Marie Miller are on the foods committee. . The picnic will start at 4 o'clock. Byron Frantz has charge of transportation.

On May 4 at 3:30 p. m., a model U. N. meeting was held in the College Gym. The model meeting was sponsored by Professor Flory's International Relations class and the College S.C.A.

The problem of non-self governing nations was the main topic of discussion. Vi Alailima and Ginda Munda spoke for their countries. Samoa and Italy respectively, in their native language. These speeches were trans

Teacher Load Studied By Four; Give Ruling

The college Curriculum Committee has made a recommendation to the administration concerning a normal teacher load. The recommendation was accepted and presented to the faculty at the lust regular meeting.

The committee recommended that a normal teaching load should be regarded as from fourteen to sixteen semester credit hours. This could bo reduced one hour for each three or four-hour laboratory course; it may be increased one hour for each course with two or more sections or less than five students.

Also a normal teaching load should include not less than one hundred fifty student hours, not more than four hundred fifty student hours; that is, not less than fifty students enrolled in three-hour classes, not more than one hundred fifty students enrolled in three-hour classes.

A normal teaching load of private lessons will include forty to forty-five thirty-minute periods. Ensemble work should be regard ed as classes meeting the same number of periods.

Independent study courses, committee work, supervision of extra-

curricular activities, and administrative duties should be considered in determining a normal teaching load. No teacher should imperil his efficiency by undertaking an excessive teaching load without previous approval of the administration and trustees with a definite prior understanding of the terms under which the excess teaching load shall be carried."

The curriculum committee is composed of Dean Luther B. Warren, Prof. Raymond Flory, Dr. Lowell Heisey, and Prof. M. A. Hess.

The Forecast:

May. 16—Barkerettcs picnic. May 17—Quad staff picnic.

May 18—^Student Recital.

May 20—Graham and Nicholson Recital.

Women’s Council Elects Miller, Stover As Heads

Women’s council officers for 1949-1950 were elected May 3. The now officers are as follows:

President, Mario Miller; vicepresident. Helen Stover; secretary. Phyllis Schmutz; treasurer Phyllis Brown. The co-publicity chairmen are Jeanne Baldwin and Doris Blocker, Sara Mae Williams and Gerald Neher are student council extra-curricular representatives.

Clark And Zunkel Receive Positions

Lorene Cark and Alvin Zunkel were recommended for the positions of campus editor of the Spectator and associate editor of the Quadrangle respectively by the Board of Publications. Action by the board was approved by the student council at the May 11 meeting. Also selected for the job of assistant business manager of the Spec was Gerald Neher.

The three students will make up the executive and business staff of publications for the next school year. As yet the position of assistant business manager of the Quad has not been filled.

Qualification of respective students;

Miss Clark has had considerable training in newspaper work. While in high school she studied journalism and wrote stories for the school paper. Her experience also includes writing for the regu ar newspaper of her home town.

She was accepted into Quill and Soroll, the national honorary society for high school journalists. During the past year Miss Clark has been working on the Spectator as a reporter.

Mr. Zunkle has had experience in meeting and dealing with peo-ple which will help in the position of associate editor of the Quadrangle. He formerly helped to edit theises of students at Bethany Seminary.

Mr. Neher listed an intense interest in the business angle of the newspaper.

At last after many months of preparation the big moment has arrived for the Quadrangle staff. The editor. Miss Marie Miller, has announced that the "Quads" wilt be ready for circulation this Wednesday, May 18.

Details of the cover were not divulged, but Miss Miller intimated that they would not follow the traditional line.

The annuals will be delivered from the central hall of Sharp Hall.

Printing was done by the Daily Republican and engraving by the Mid-Continent Engraving Company of Wichita. Covers are by the American Beauty Cover Company or Dallas, and the binding was done by the Interstate Bindery of Kansas City, Missouri.

New officials for next year's Quad will be Mr. Bill Daggett, editor; Mr. Dean Cotton, business manager, and Mr. David Metzler, student photographer.    -

All regularly enrolled students who have been at the college two semesters are entitled to a Quad through the activity fee. All one-semester students may buy a Quad for $2.50 plus their activity fee.

Mac Continues In North Central; Gains Strength

McPherson College was readmitted to membership in the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools in 1940 with the understanding that the college would continue to become stronger in the areas of faculty., library, and finances.

Within the past year efforts has been expended to strengthen the college in these areas; and as a result of several examinations by the North Central Association, the last one being for the year 1947-48, McPherson College is now rated stronger in those areas than it was when it was readmitted in 1940.

The following is a statement from the meeting of the Board of Review of the Commission on Col-leges and Universities of the North Central Association held March 25, 1949, and received at the college April 8, 1949:

"In the opinion of the Board of Review, the standing of the insituation Indicates sufficient strength in the areas of faculty, library, and finance to make it unnecessary for the Board to take further action with respect to McPherson College at the present time."

Dr. Peters stated that when we note the words, "at the present time,” we must put forth every possible effort to continue to strengthen the college in the areas of faculty, library and finances.

It was also pointed out that the college should endeavor to secure as rapidly as possible the equivalent of a $1,000,000 endowment. The endowment as of June 30, 1949, was $423,533. which is $112,622.60 more than it was in 1940.

On recommendation from the hoard of trustees, plans are get- ting underway to determine whether or not to reorganize and to enlarge the library which has outgrown its capacity to serve the needs of the students and faculty.

Mac Strengthens Education Division

McPherson College is enlarging the Department of Education to make it possible to prepare a larger number of elementary teachers for which there is an increasing need and demand.

Mr. Ira N. H. Brammel is going to do graduate work this summer at Emporia State College in preparation for the additional classes to be provided in preparing elementary teachers. Mr. Brammell has had experience in teaching in the public schools and also in administrative jobs.

Prof: What are you late for today?

Frosh: Class, I guess.    

“Goodbye And Good Luck”

“Hello And Welcome”

Two of McPherson college’s well-liked instructors have announced their resignation from the college faculty. Of course, the end of every college year brings the resig-nation or addition of some faculty members; but because the two that are leaving the staff this year are especially well liked we thought it would be fitting for a few words editorially.

Mrs. Marilynn Sandy Voth has earned the respect of all of her students, and her classes in women’s physical education are especially a credit to her. Mrs. Voth has been associated with the college for many years. Not all of these years were years of being an instructor, for she spent four of these years as a student at the college.

Congratulations for a job well done, Mrs. Voth, and good luck in the future.

Another one of our “profs” is also leaving us. Mr. Eugene Crabb has terminated his contract with the college in order to accept a position with the State University of Florida.

Mr. Crabb came to the college two years ago and started a band and civic-orchestra that are a tribute to him and the college.

We all knew that sometime he would be leaving McPherson for a better position. We can only wish him good luck and a very successful future with his new position down in the sunny South.

We will miss these two, but we not only want to say “goodbye and good luck” to these, but we also want to say “hello and welcome” to the new additions to the teaching staff of the college.

We welcome you to McPherson and sincerely hope that your stay at the college will be enjoyable and profitable. McPherson College has much to offer you, and we are sure that you have much to give to the students of the college.

So its “goodbye and good luck” to one group of instructors and “hello and welcome” to another group. It will be a great year at Mac come next September.

You Better Watch Out

This is just a reminder to students that the end of the school year is drawing to a close and that all absences should be accounted for and made up if possible.

In the last session held by the faculty members it was reiterated that five percent was to be deducted from the daily grade for unexcused absences. If all of the members of the faculty follow this rule to a “T” it will undoubtedly put some of us in the hole with a .000 percentage.

Now don’t everyone go getting excited because if your absences were all excused then you have nothing to worry about, that is if those excused absences were made up.    

What constitutes an excused absence? Well that’s a good question. It seems that even some of the faculty do not know what is fair and not fair along that line.

By way of the grapevine we hear that most of them agree that school sponsored functions should be excused.

-Other absences may be excused if arranged for in advance with your instructor and the dean of the college.

The people that need to worry and should worry are those who take off a day from classes because it is picnic weather out. To you who are in the habit of doing this we say “watch out.”

The official ruling concerning absences is reprinted below. “A teacher may grant permission to a student to make up absences incurred by illness approved by a physician or the school nurse, or for absences incurred by trips of teams, or deputations representing the college or for other absences deemed valid and arranged for before the absence with approval of the Dean and the teacher.”

Also “five percent is deducted from the daily grade for each unexcused absence.”

Did You See The U.N.?

May 4 saw the second session of the McPherson model U. N. held on our campus. Many students spent many hours working on speeches, program, technical detail, and general routine to see that the model U. N. ran like a well-oiled machine. Perhaps these students got a great deal of personal satisfaction out of working on the model, but the attendance that showed up on Wednesday afternoon was very disappointing.

These model U. N.’s that are held on the campus should be well attended by the entire community because they help to point out the difficulties that the mother U. N. is meeing at every session. These models also help to show individuals just how the machinery of the U. N. works.

It is too late now to do anything about the attendance at this year’s U. N. but each and every one of us should make it part of our duty to attend the one next year if one is again staged on the Mac Campus.

We are all interested in world peace. This is one small way we can further it because by attending a session we begin to realize what other people think and how they react to us Americans.


Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council.

Life Of A Mac Washer Woman

Something which is unevident to many of us at Mac, yet which is a pet peeve to the girls in the dorms, is the washing facilities. It is no fun to carry a big basket of clothes over to Franz only to find that the lines are already full.

The Washing machine must be filled by carrying buckets of water. The steam from it and the wet clothes is worse than a Turkish bath.

Finally, when one is ready to hang clothes, she must either pile them on someone else’s or take off the wet clothes hanging on the line. This arrangement results in lost wearing apparel, even sheets.

How about providing more line room indoors away from the steam of the washer? Even as simple an improvement as a hose to pipe water to the machine would help the girls.

—Lorene Clark

imum success in living. The personality will develop naturally if the individual has a positive attitude toward life, a positive and enthusiastic appreciation of the world in which he lives, a profound and sincere adoration for his Creator. and admiration for the miracle of life from the simplest plant life to the complex human being.

With humility and reverence for the privilege of living, the proper state of mind is achieved and all decisions that the individual makes relative to living will be launched from a base of the most solid foundation. Success may then be his.    *

Mac Players Elect Play And Officers

The McPherson College Players met last Monday evening. The group voted to use profits from this school year to remodel the dressing rooms. The Improvements began last year, but were never finished. Things like the painting of the walls, the buying of new window shades, and drapes are to be done.

Also, the recommendations for next fall’s play production were presented to the group by members- of the committee chosen to do research on the problem. The three plays presented were “Harriet," "Magnificent Yankee", and '"Abraham Lincoln.’ The Club voted their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices in the same order.

The new officers for next year were chosen as follows: president, LeRoy Doty; vice-president, Helen Stover; secretary, Esther Mohler. New officers will take over their respective responsibilities next fall.

Camp Spring Lake To Be Site Of’49 Peace Institute

Miss Ruth Early says." If you ore a concerned person, one who believes we are in "One World"— If you are a student who wants a Free World, one who is concerned for a Christian World You won't want to miss the thinking the new ideas and stimulation of the Peace Institute at Camp Spring Lake this sumer, June 21 through July 3. Spring Luke is about 200 miles west of Oklahoma City, near Cordell.”

Outstanding leaders for the Institute include Dr. Burton Metzler; Guy T. Gebhardt of the Kansas Institute of International Relations; Lorell Weiss, Social Education Secretary of B. S. C.; Dorothy Dupler of La Verne College; Julian Griggs, Peace Education Assistant of B. S. C.; Harley Stump, Pastor of the Church of the Brethren In Oklahoma City, and possibly Bob Tully of Bethel College.

The institute will ho operated democratically by the campers and leaders. Prospective campers can help set up a daily schedule, morning discussions, afternoon work, special interest groups, recreation, special discussions, campfires, and evening meetings.

Be sure to bring along a blanket or two and a Jacket for the cool evenings. A swim suit might come in handy, also camera. Bible, notebook, musical instrument and other equipment you might use in seminars and recreation. (Drop in at the Regional Office for more information and a Pre-registration card.)

Any young person is welcome. All campers and leaders are urged to come for the full time. The cost Is only $1 per day. Plan NOW to he at Camp Spring Lake for the; twelve days, June 21 to July 3.

Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Reddinger of McPherson, announce the engagement of their daughter, Petty, to Mr. Frank Lutz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lutz of Carrington, North Dakota. No wedding date has been announced.

Seniors Receive Instructions From Alumni Office

The Alumni Office congratulates the Class of '49. You represent a vast area geographically and a great many different interests. There are a few things you should keep in mind as you prepare to leave M. C.

We should have your picture for our files and any or all newspaper articles which concern you. Please do not feel out of place when you give us information about yourself. Your work, your marriage, your children, your trips, your achievements, etc., are all important to us.

Your address should always be accurate In our files. Before you leave, you should give us your name, address, and probable em-ployment for next year.

The list of Life Memberships in the Alumnl Association is increasing rapidly. By special vote of the directors of the association, you have the privilege of becoming life members by paying a fee of ten dollars—provided payment is made within one year after graduation. After one year the fee for a Life Membership is increased to fifteen dollars.

One member of the Class of ’49 has already paid the ten-dollar fee for his Life Membership in the Alumni Association. We thank John Sheets for his promptness and invite other to follow his example. This Life Membership assures you of all publications of the Alumni Association and also all bulletins of the College.

Guest Editor

Carnegie Second On How To Live

This week's guest editor is Mr. Eugene Crabb, who recently resign his position as director of the college band and college civic orchestra to accept a full time position with the state university of Florida.

Mr. Crabb has been with the college for two years and during that time has built up both the hand and orchestra to organizations that are a credit to both him-

self and the college.

Mr. Crabb’s editorial on successful living follows.

Everyone is interested in successful living. Everyone wants to succeed in life whatever his role may be. This success is dependent upon the individual's use of his endowed resources. The development of these resources is foremost in the individual's mind, and he bends his will to that end. Through hard work and concentration, he acquires skill and ability.

But, this alone will not guarantee success in living. The greatest of all abilities essential to successful living, no matter what the profession, is the individual's ability to live amicably with bis fellow-man. The individual may have an outstanding ability in a profession. but falls as a result of the inability to understand the people with whom he comes In contact.

This factor prompted Dale Carnegie to write his book. "How to Win Friends and Influence People." There is a fine message in this book; but if one has been active in the church and understands the teachings of the New Testament, he really need not buy the Carnegie book. The great principles of human relations are there throughout the New Testament; and when they are put into practice, their truth is self-evident.

Thus, the entire personality must he developed to achieve max-

Fine Arts Group To Give Recital

McPherson College's music department will present twelve stu dents in an evening recital, Wednesday, May 18, at 7:30. The recital will be held in the college chapel.

The following piano students will appear in the piano portion of the recital: Mary Cline, Berneil Hupp, Colleen Draper, Kathleen Schultz, and Pattie Bittinger.

Voice students who will appear will be Ellis Powell, James Garvey. Harold MacNamee, Hazel Sanger, Winston Bowman, Leona Flory, and Marilue Bowman.

Krehbiel Presents Studio Recitals

Miss Anne Krehbiel will present the following students in studio recitals the afternoon of May 18 and 19:

William Jones, Doris Powell, Ronald Moyer, Betty Stern, Gordon Stutzman, Lorene Clark, Clifford Shultz, Lois Yoder, Florene Messick, Rita Reffner, George Lehmberg, Wilma Smith.

Jack Baker, Max McAuley, Dorotlhy Gaide, Judy Stucky, Ralph Shaw, Doris Correll, Orrin Wolfe, Lowell Brandt, Judith Nigh, Dean Cotton, Helen Zerger, Bernice Loshbaugh, Ronanna Kohrs, Pat Albright, Ermalle Phillips, and Lucille Christopher.

Town Kids Find Greener Campuses

Ah, sweet spring is here to stay. If you don’t believe it. . . notice the rain. Many of us have waited patiently through the long, hard winter for these gorgeous spring days. . . wish the rain would stop so we could enjoy them.

The town kids seem to have been filled with a now enthusiasm during this climatic transitional period between winter and summer. Things all over are buzzing with plans for picnics and parties, and studies are taking a back seat to May Day and the other festivities held each year In McPherson.

But soon everyone will settle down for one last exam grind before we finally get our pardon for the summer. Exams give me headache; let’s change the subject.

With this beautiful spring weather lots of the tribe have hit the open road and are finding" date bait on other nearby campuses. Bethany. Bethel, and. of course, the ever popular Kansas Wesleyan to name a few. Jack White has his one and only stached away clear down in Winfield on the Southwestern Campus, while Marx Jones prefers to travel to Salina visits at Marymount Girls school.

Our candidate for the person with the best four-wheel personality on the campus is the old favorite .. . Earl Grindell. Have you noticed that gorgeous mechanical monsters he’s been sporting this week. They say the car has quite a pick up too! ! !

In case you haven't realized it, we have real talent hidden on our fair campus. Clifford Shultz is an artist in poetry reciting, and his verses may someday gain world wide renown. Sometime corner him, and force (?), him to recite his verses . . . quite clever ! ! ! (This is a paid political announcement.)

Warning. . . Yes, Friday was the day when all should have been wary of black cats, open umbrellas, and the like. Friday was the dreaded day of all supersticious people, Friday the 13th.

Are you one of those superstitious ones who live in horror of this day. If so you would have been better off to have stayed in bed. because many many tilings might have happened to you Friday which will fill your life with dread.

For instance, if a cute little black kitten crosses your path, you will be doomed, or so the story goes. Bad luck will come your way. Also, if you happen to stroll underneath a ladder, your fate will be unpleasant. (Of course, a can of paint may fall on your head, but that's only a preview of what is to come, . . . just what could be worse than a can of paint on your noggin!???)

These fearful people also were observed In the cafeteria, carefully handling their, salt shakers to he certain none of the grains fell where they weren't supposed to. for this is also a had luck sign. The salt has another purpose, however, and will bring you god luck if you toss some over your shoulder.

Another Warning ... if it rained Friday you shouldn't have opened your umbrella in the house for this is one of the worst omens of had things to come . . . and handle those mirrors with care, for should they be broken, your luck will ho bad for seven years, plus an additional sentence for breaking it on the 13th.

• If you should happen to go through the whole day without a mishap, you should have guard ed against the fatal hour of midnight, when all the had spirits were at large, waiting to snare you their trap.

Yes, Friday the 13th is the day everyone sweats it out, worrying their life away. It was Friday the 13th, and wasn't it fun??????

Seven Enroll For Short Course; All Rural Teachers

McPherson Colege initiated a short course in English Literature

which began last Monday, May 9, Seven rural teachers have enrolled in the course and several drive as far as forty miles to attend the classes which are held throughout the day. The class will last for three weeks and is worth three hours of college credit.

Most of the students agreed that it was more interesting to have three different teachers for the course. Several also pointed out that it was very good to have the course in the cool spring


Miss Betty Willems stated that. "It’s certainly a new experience to have three different teachers for one course. Personally I think its very fine. I am happy for this opportunity and am enjoying the course.”

Miss Peggy Sitts stated that.

I am glad for the opportunity to to take tills class in the spring when it is cool (?). I don't think we are going to be bored as much by having three teachers as we would if we had just one. However it may he a bit hard to prophecy just what instructor is going to do what when.”

All of the new students agreed that it was a good way to get three hours of college credit.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell McConkey of Topeka, Kansas, visited their daughter, Jerry, Sunday.

Dr. Desmond Bittinger of Elgin, Illinois, visited his daughter, Patty, on the campus May 8.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Blough, former students of McPherson College, visited the campus May 8. . They are teaching at Shallow Water, Kansas.

Colleges Report

Bethany A Cappella Contains 47 Voices

At Juniata College Mary Lou Cannon was selected by the student body to reign as Queen of the May. She is the former Homecoming Queen.—Juniatian.

Joe Beyer of Juniata College set the college's mile record at 4:38.6 minutes at a tri-meet May 4.—Juniatian.

The Bethany A Cappella choir recently went on a short tour. There are forty-seven voices in the choir. They presented seven concerts and a broadcast over WDAF at Kansas City.—Bethany Messenger.

From the hundreds of letters and other communications received by the Bethany College offices as a result of the NBC, KSAL, and WDAF broadcasts,during the Messiah Festival, 29 states and the District of Columbia are represented in the group who indicated that

they heard the Chorus during one of the broadcasts.—Bethany Messenger.

A more embarrassed man cannot he found than the one who, af-ter a vocal concert, rose to present his girl to another couple—and forgot her name.

For a few moments he blustered, vainly trying to remember her name. Finally, in desperation, he turned to his girl and asked:

“Honey, just what is your name?”

She told him, and then burst out laughing.    

He looked quite relieved.—Daily Kansan.

“What did the old flower say to the young rose?”

“Don't know?”

“It said, ’Hi bud!”—Wesleyan Advance.

Wide: “Goodness, George, this is not our baby. This is the wrong carriage.”

Hubby: “Shut up. This a better carriage.”—Oak Leaves.

Friday The 13th Is Rated 'To Bring Bad Luck For All


Cain Helps Stars; Lamour, Ameche Receive Boosts

Directing large choral groups is only a part of the everyday routine for Noble Cain, who was on the Mac Campus last week. Although Mr. Cain has directed much larger groups of mixed voices, he pointed out that seldom has he hud a more cooperative group of students.

Directing a college group or non-professional group of singers is more enjoyable, said Mr. Cain, because these people sing for the fun of singing whereas the professional sings to earn a living. Although non-professional groups are harded to get into performance shape because of the lack of technical training that they usually do not have, they are also usually more willing to follow the directions of the director, Mr. Cain said.

The life of a music conductor and choral arranger-composer is always a busy one especially so when they travel over the country conducting lecture recitals similar to the one conducted hero a week ago.

Doing most of his traveling by train. Mr. Cain pointed out that he had the opportunity to meet many people and to formulate certain ideas about the human race. However, because he had several concerts scheduled close together he has been driving his own auto-mobile lately.

Mr. Cain was connected with NBC for seven years. During that time he helped to discover such screen notables as Don Ameche, Ty Power and Dorothy Lamour.

Don Ameche was a studio announcer and. because of the in-sistant urging of Mr. Cain, tried for a screen test. Dorothy Lamour was also urged by Mr. Cain to try for a screen career. At the time Mr. Cain was urging Miss Lamour to try for a test, she was a receptionist at the NBC building.

Other radio notables that are good friends of Mr. Cain are Fibber McGee and Molly, who were doing sustaining time when he first became acquainted with them: Lum and Abner, a team for whom NBC could not find a sponsor and who are now ranked among the NBC greats: and Amos and Andy.

None of the Cain children, who incidentally are all girls, have followed in their father’s footsteps although all of them have had musical training. All of the girls are married and live in and around Los Angeles where Mr. Cain and his wife make their home now.

The next choral group that Mr. Cain will direct in this general area will be at Friends University of Wichita, Kansas. This summer he will spend some time at the University of Kansas music camp and then will journey to other festivals across the country.

Winston Beam, former student, visited the campus over the weekend. Mr. Beam is now a student of Kansas State where he is studying speech and radio work.

Mr. Ed Crill, former BSC secretary and Peace man for the Western Region was on the McPherson Campus last week. Mr. Crill is now director of the BVS units at New Windsor, Maryland.

May Day Features Parade

Two floats from the college were entered in the city parade. One float depicted the many nations of the world winding a maypole. The other float depicted a displaced person being helped by American friends.

Also participating in the parade was the college band which marched and showed several counter marches. The band played Military Escort and E Pluribus Unum.

In the afternoon the McPherson diamond-men defeated the Central College Tigers to the tune of 14 to 4.

Pictured is Mrs. Ruth Garver Gagliardo who will be on the McPherson campus for the Reading Workshop which will convene June 6. Mrs. Gagliardo is a well-known children’s autor and will bring with her a 600 book exhibit of children’s literature.

Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week.


Petefish Emerges Champ Of Ping Pong Tournament

In a ping pong tournament-comprising all the boys of Fahnestock hall, Chuck Petefish emerged undefeated through six rounds of play and took the champion-ship.

In the thrilling four out of sev en finals played to a capacity crowd in the dormitory, Petefish started out handily by taking the first three games. However, the runner-up. John Ward, staged a brilliant comeback as his defensive tactics started to cash in on points to take the next three games. In the rubber and deciding game of the scries Petefish took a thriller 21 to 19 and the championship.

The final match was featured by beautiful defensive playing on the part of Ward and some nice offensive slamming on the part of champion Petefish.

Wareham, Petetish, J. Ward, and Kinzie were the semi-finalists who advanced over the quarter-finalists McConkey, Wagoner, Brown and Garvey, respectively.

Partners and pairings for a doubles' tournament have been drawn and play in this tournament is beginning to progress.

Bulldog Thinlies Have Close Escape

Bulldog thinlies had a narrow escape when their college car was struck on the right rear wheel in the city of Emporia last Friday. May 6. The bulldog team was in route to the Emporia track meet when the accident occurred.

None of the five in the car was seriously hurt although some received bruises. The college car is a 47 Chevrolet and as yet the insurance company has not returned an estimate of the damages to the car.

The car was completely overturned. Occupants of the car included Coach "Frosty” Hardacre, Lyle Miller, Dale Carpenter, Charles Connell, and Bill Daggett.

Locker Chatter

The Ottawa Braves are easy favorites from all indications to take the Kansas Conference track meet at their home grounds, Friday, May 20, at Cook Field in Ottawa, on the strength of their past record.

The Braves already have in their permanent possession conference track challenge trophy since they have taken the conference championship for three consecutive years.

The Braves have two staring men on the thinclad outfit in Doering on the dashes and Bennett on the weights. Both have been showing brilliantly this season.

If the Braves do take the track

C. of E. Defeats Mac Trackmen At Emporia Meet

College of Emporia defeated McPherson College 101 1/2 to 29 1/2 in a dualtruck meet May 6.

Two members of the small McPherson squad were unable to compete because of injuries they suffered in an automobile accident on an Emporia street when the car in which they were riding was hit by another car at an intersection and turned over several times.

The two injured athletes were Lyle Miller, distance man. and Charles Connell, dash man. Miller suffered several cracked ribs, and Connell bruises and shock. The car was driven by "Frosty" Hardacre, the McPherson track coach. The car, owned by McPherson College, was badly damaged.

Dale Carpenter, who was passenger in the wrecked car, was able to compete. He took first in the broad jump, second in the 100 and 220 dashes, and third in the pole vault netting him 12 points. Augsburger was second high point man for McPherson with 9 points. He took second in the one-half mile, mile and two mile. Zunkle won the two mile and earned five points. Oltman took third in the high and low hurdles both and tied for third in the highjump earning 2 1/2 points. Miller took third in the two mile and earned one point.

Don Ek, of C. of E. was high point man of the meet with 13 points to his credit.

Arrangements for the conference track meet have been completed and the list of McPherson participants has been listed as Dale Carpenter, David Metzler, Robert Augsburger, A1 Zunkel, and Dean Schmidt.

title again this year as they are doped to do, they will better their own record of seven major consecutive conference crowns set in 1938-40 to nine consecutive crowns.

Dedicated To Bulldog Diamond-men

Whom are you calling out?"

Spring Banquets Add To Bustle

Spring Is really here for sure, and everyone seems to be just about twice as busy as before. If that is possible.

Anyway, most people find harder to concentrate on studies with these lovely days and evenings we have been having.

The theme "Lilacs in the Rain" turned out to be a very appropriate title for the Spectator banquet Saturday night. However, there was a bit more rain than lilacs. Some of the twosomes seen said banquet were Joyce Harden and John Lohrenz, Claudia Jo Stump and Jake Sheaffer, Van Dunahoo and some cute little blonde gal from the local high school. Guess who Miss Vancel's

date was?—boy, were we ever surprised! Some dish, wanna know huh? Well, none other than handsome Mrs. Noyes. Quite a striking couple!

Have you noticed all the gals with tresses of black? Don't be alarmed. It is only carbon black and will wash right out (after about half a dozen soapings and hard rubbing). Those certain gypsies looked like the real genuine thing. That was Tuesday night at the gypsy camp. Oh, I mean the annual W. A. A. banquet at the warren Hotel. Everyone was seated around the fire all evening while Marianna Stinette forecast the things to come by consult ing her crystal ball.

Faculty Advisors On Pre-Enrollment Arbitrarily Chosen

Students who did not choose their faculty enrollment advisors have been assigned to the following instructors by the Central Office.

Sarah May Vancil: Giles Acker, Hugh Bader, Gilford lkenberry, Lorene Marshall, Carmina San Romani, and Annette Shropshire.

Those assigned to M. A. Hess are Anita Anderson, Elmer Gatz, Marx Jones, Miriam Keim, Dorothy Little, Paul Mingenback, Ken McMurray, Margie Penner, Kenneth Pritchett, Jimmie Schnorr, Dean Sigle, Donavon Speaker, and George Wilson.

Bonnie Alexander, Harold Knapp, Gina Munda, Don Shultz, Helen Stover, Harold Wiebe, Ar-dys Albright, and Avis Albright will confer with Della Lehman.

S. M. Dell: Bill Anderson. Clifford Bailey, Dale Carpenter, John Colyn, Robert L. Hill, Jack Matties, Gene Reinecker, and Alvin Willems.

Lowel Heisey: Robert Anderson, Wilbur Beattie, Lyle Goering, Kenneth Hanson, Billy Kidwell, Clarence McDonald, Robert Odle, Marjorie Quiring.

Dick Wareham: Gene Arnold, Earl Grindle, William Junes, Donald McDaneld, Charles Royer, Dwight Spence, and Ronald Sullivan.

Joe Shelly: Royce Beam, Stanley Sargent, and Charles Thar-


Joe Bowman:    Robert Benac,

Paul Bengston, and Winston Bowman.

Kenneth Bechtel:

Brandt, Barbara Burton,

Stern, and Russell West.

Dean Luther Warren:

Webb, and Sara Mae Williams.

Ira Brammell: Emmert Brown, Wayne Foster, Louise Reed, and Jack White.

Mildred Siek: Phyllis Brown, Donna Johnson, Anita Norlin, and Hazel Sanger.

O. A. Olson:    Robert Bruce,

Frederick Gatz, Warren Mullinex, Donald Peters, Julius Steele, and James Stull.

E. S. Hershberger:    Barbara


Marilynn Voth: Lucille Chris-topber, Mary Louise Johnson, Alice Long, Naomi Mankey, Letha Miller, Doris Nelson, Phyllis Raleigh, and Lenore Sorensen.

R. E. Mohler: Charles Connell and John Kleiber.

Mary Lockwood: Norma Couch and Leona Flory.

Alice Martin: Msrtha Frantz and Don Guthals.

Burton Metzler: Albert Guyer, Maurice Hartman, and David Metzler.

Mary Fee: Joyce Hocott and Joy Hornbaker.

Raymond Flory: Dean Coughe-nour.

"Are there many cavities in my teeth, doctor?”

“There are so many that every time you talk. I hear an echo."— Collegio.