VOL. XXXII McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Friday, april 29,1949 NO. 27
VOL. XXXII McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Friday, april 29,1949 NO. 27
Nineteenth Annual Booster Banquet Features Music
Five hundred twenty-five people attended the 19th annual Booster Banquet of the college In Convention Hall last Friday night. The theme entitled community and college cooperation was stressed.
This year, for the first time since Booster Banquets were started, no special speaker headlined the program. Instead a complete musical program was given following the banquet in the city auditorium.
The only address given during the banquet was by Dr. W. W. Peters, president, who gave statistics concerning the present college year, including the number of students from the various states and those giving McPherson as their address, the number of denominations represented at the college, and a brier statement about the college’s affiliation with the North Central Association of Colleges.
Money Received
Dr. Peters also announced that $1,675 had been received for the banquet and college and that an additional $2000 bad been received for the college's expansion program. This additional money had been pledged at last year’s banquet.
Howard Renfro, president of the Chamber of Commerce, presided as toastmaster: and Rev. Lynn Lyon, pastor of the Christian Church, gave the invocation. The only musical feature during the banquet was a group of numbers by the college mule quartet.
The full evening program of music wus given in the city audi-torium with Winston Goering serving as master-of-ceremonies. The soloists were Holland Plasterer and Anne Krehbiel, both members of the college music faculty. Eugene Crabb was instrumental director, and Donald Frederick the choral director. Miss Anita Jo Norlin and Miss Kathleen Baerg was the comediennes of the evening.
Rec Council Group Presents Program
A college deputation representing the campus organization, Re-creational Council, Journeyed to Southeastern Kansas last weekend. The purpose of the group was to impart information in recreational attitudes and planning to those attending the Southeastern District meeting.
Several of the highlights of the weekend were: a situation drama with the theme of "Planning a Social.” a planned social including a Banquet on Saturday night, a panel discussion on “Recreation and the Church." a basket dinner Sunday, and planned recreation in the afternoon on Sunday.
Those who accompanied Professor S. M. Dell, advisor of Rec. Council-region, were Jake Shaffer, Marilue Bowman, Donald Ford, Doris Correll, Wilma Botz, Dean and Gerald Neher, Arlene and Esther Mohler, Esther Moh-ler is the District President and presided at the meetings.
Mrs. Gordon Yoder, Regional Director for Children’s Work, accompanied the group and attended the District Children's Work meeting.
The McPherson chapter of the American Red Cross designated Wednesday. April 20. as a day for McPherson College students to donate blood. Seventy-four students responded to the call; but as several could not qualify, sixty-seven pints of blood were taken.
the Red Cross provided transportation for the students to the center. After a donation, each student was given a lunch.
Juniors, Seniors Make Annual Class Retreat
Few If any of the campus students realize the amount of work that goes Into each issue of the Spectator. Few if any of the students realize that a large portion of the work done on the paper is done at the plant of the McPherson Dally Republican.
Two of the Spectator stand-bys down at the print shop are the two men pictured. Mr. Jule C. Burnison or "Willy" is the man that sets a great deal of the type that the Spec uses. Mr. Raymond Smith helps with the make up on Thursday afternoon, and he is the one who leads out the columns or
‘Behind The Scenes’ Men Are Important Part Of Spec
Debate Fraternity Elects Martin,
Doty For 49-50
New officers were elected at the meeting of Pi Kappa Delta on Monday, April 25' New officers were Ronnie Martin, President; Le Roy Doty, Vice-president: Winston Bowman, secretary-treasurer; and Avis Albright, corresponding secretary.
Retiring officers were Ted Gei-sert, former president: Bonnie Martin, former vice-president. Dean Neher, former secretary-treasurer; and Le Roy Doty, former corresponding secretary.
The group voted on the extracurricular representative to the student council and prepared for the installation of new members on May 12 at 6:30 in Room 30. Sharp Hall.
A Cappella Choir To Give Concert In Conway Springs
On May 8 the McPherson College A Cappella Choir will journey to Conway Springs to give a concert. The concert is a community affair and has been arranged by the local Brethren Church of Conway Springs and the college field office.
The program will include: "And He Never Said a Mumbalin Word.” "Dark Water," "Dedication." "Gonna Join de Heavenly Choir," "Immortal Love," "Little David Play on Yo' Harp.” "Marys Lullaby." "Now Thank We All Our God,’ and "O For A Thousand Tongues.”
Other numbers to be beard will be "O Master. Let Me Walk With Thee.” "O Sacred Truth." "Polly Wolly Doodle." "Psalm 91," "Rustling Leaves." "The Hour of Night." "The Lord Bless You and Keep You," and Frederick’s arrangement of “Wagon Wheels."
Munda To Teach Course In Italian
McPherson College will offer a new language course next year. The course will be conversational Italian and will he taught by Miss Gina Munda, Italian student. Miss Munda had had considerable language work at the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
The new course will be in the modern language department and will meet three hours a week and will bo worth two college credits.
The enrollment will be limited to twelve. The demand for such a course has come from the music department where a knowledge of Italian can he very useful. The course will be a full year course and will be taught all of the school year 49-50.
Several faculty members will assist Miss Munda in the course. Dr. W. W. Peters pointed out that it is a unique opportunity to have Miss Munda on the campus to teach her native language.
Harris To Speak Here On Work Camp Plans
This coming Sunday evening in the local church of the Brethren. Mr. John Henry Harris, director of the Carver Center, will speak on the work camps in the Carver Cen ter. The evening program will deal entirely with the coming workcamps with emphasis on the Kansas City camp.
On the following Monday Mr. Harris will speak to the students of the college at the regular chapel-assembly time.
Lewis, Early Speak To CBYF Rally
Southwest Kansas Elects Minnix, Hostettler, Baker As Next Year’s Officers
The young people of the Northwest Kansas District will hold their spring rally at the Maple Grove Church at Norton, Kansas, April 29 to May 1.
Speakers listed for the rally are Milton Early, pastor of the Kansas City, Kansas, Church of the Brethren, Ruth Early acting secretary of Brethren Service Peace for the Western Region, Charles Lewis, student of McPherson College, and J. Wilburn Lewallen, advisor to the district youth.
At ten Sunday morning Mr. Lewis will speak on the subject "Did 'You Say ‘The Race Problem’?"
Registration will he $1 and will begin on Friday April 29, at 5 p. m. The rally will feature group singing, talent programs, recreation, and a banquet on Saturday evening. The speaker at the banquet will bo Milton Early. Southwest District Elects
New officers of the Southwest District of Kansas young people were elected last weekend at the annual spring retreat.
Miss Wilda Minnix, of Scott City and a college sophomore, was elected to the presidency of the youth organization. Mr. Ted Hostettler, of Wichita, and Miss Betty Jo Baker. of Garden City, were elected as co-chairmen.
Miss Darlene Lanning of Hutchinson received the office of the secretary. Miss Alice Glover, Hutchinson, was elected as the editor of the paper.
Mr. Ralph Funk of Wichita and former student of Mac. was elected as the Music Chairman. Mr. Scott Showalter, of Scott City, received the position of recreation, chairman, and Mr. Hubert Shelly, of McPherson, was elected as the sponsor.
Thirty-eight young people attended the meeting. The theme was "Builders Today. Leaders Tomorrow." Mr. Wolfgang Felguth, student at Bethel College, North Newton, was the main speaker, Mr. Wolfgang told about his experiences in Germany during the war.
Home Ec Classes Replace Appliances
The home economics department of the college is working with Westinghouse under a five-year school plan whereby original equipment is sold at half price and replaced each year thereafter for five years. The only cost to the school for the new equipment each year is freight charges from the factory to the college. Recently a stove and refrigerator were received, this being the third year of the plan.
A Hamilton Beach mixer was also received earlier In the year.
W. Goering Heads Campus UNESCO
On April 14, the first UNESCO organiaztion on the McPherson College campus was organized. Winston Goering was elected as chairman, Miss Lockwood, vicechairman; Joyce Harden, secretary; and Beryl McCann, treasurer.
Each department of the college has one student and one faculty member represented in the organization.
The organization plans to coordinate the campus program among the various departments of the college.
Students Air Tale For Small Children
Ruth Merkey, James Sheaffer, Helen Stover, Max McAuley, Dean Cotton and Winston Goering will dramatize a fairy story this afternoon at 3 over KNEX. Dean Cotton is the director of the children’s program. '
Other parts of the program will be a group of A. A. Milne’s children’s poems, read by Bonnie Alexander. and the children’s story, "Jelly and George", read by Mary Metzler.
Camp Fellowship, located at Goddard, Kansas, is the camp site of the Junior-Senior Class Retreat. Starting late yesterday afternoon and lasting until this evening, the retreat is providing varied activities for all.
A campfire was held last night with group singing camp songs, and stories. Recreation is following the general pattern with the students participating in the activ-ity that he or she enjoys.
The camp is outfitted with croquet courts, volleyball courts, baseballs and bats, a lake, and other equipment and facilities for pasttime enjoyment.
Hetty Stern. Marie Miller, and Irven Stern make up the food committee that is in charge of preparing the meals and securing the right amounts of supplies for the group. James Garvey and Wendell Burkholder are in charge of transportation. Professors Raymond Flory and Maurice Hess are the junior and senior class sponsors respectively.
Family Night To Feature Fun, Movie
Family Night will be held this evening at 6:30 at the local Church of the Brethren.
All members of the church and their families are invited to attend the social, which will include a dinner, program, and movie.
Each family is supposed to bring its own meal to consist of huntington chicken, green peas, salad, coffee, rolls, and pie.
After the meal, the children will present a program entitled "Playtime Around the World.” Also a movie, "Is Your Family Fun?" will be shown to the group.
Plans are being made for a surprise to be an added attraction of the evening. (If it arrives).
The church is sponsoring a series of programs on family life.
May 7 will be observed as Family Night at Home. On that evening, the church families will be asked to spend the evening at home enjoying games, good books, and wholesome recreation within the family group.
Dog House Job Given To Firestone
John Firestone, college Junior, was elected by the student council to manage the college Dog House for the school year 194950. Mr. Firestone's application was submitted to life council on April 14 and listed his qualifications for the position of manager. Only one other candidate submitted a letter of application.
Mr. Firestone said, "This year I have worked quite often in the Dog House and I feel that I have become sufficiently acquainted with the procedure to take over its management next term. As further experience in an eating establishment. I worked one summer in a hotel coffee shop at home."
Mr. Firestone has assisted the present manager, Mr. Ronald Moyer, on many occasions and has become acquainted with the accounts and typo of bookkeeping carried on by the Dog House.
Mr. Firestone has been quite active In the extra curricular life of the campus.
Student Trips To Be Approved By Faculty
College organization trips from the campus must be approved by the faculty. This includes not only the proposed trip but also the students involved. This policy was decided on in the April 22 meeting of the faculty.
In the future the names of students intending to make the proposed trips must be submitted to the faculty and all must bo approved. This list must be presented a week before the trip is to take place.
A student In order to participate in such a trip must be passing in at least twelve hours of college work. If a student is falling in a subject and plans to leave for an organizational trip, teachers involved must submit this student's name to the Dean of the college.
advises on the technical end of the Spec.
Both men have been with the Republican since before the dr. However these two men are not the only ones that help on the production end of the Spec. Many others In the shop make up Ms. set heads, run the press on the Spec, and bundle the papers.
These men know a great deal about the college and Us inhabitants, so its hats off to the Inkmen, of the Dally Republican for their fine cooperation in the publication of the Spectator.
Model U.N.
To Feature 25 Nations
Mock Assembly Has Keim, Clark, Daggett As Executive Heads
McPherson College students will represent the United Nations at a mock assembly which will be held here, Wednesday, May 4, 3:30 to 5:00 p. m. in the campus gymnasium.
The meeting is being sponsored co-operatively by the SCA and Professor Raymond Flory's international relations class.
The representatives will discuss the administration of non-self governing peoples such as Hawaii and Samoa.
Don Keim is to be president: Bill Daggett, secretary general, and Lorene Clark, assistant to the secretary general.
Following is a list of the United Nations members and their respective representatives:
Argentina—Gordon Stutzman.
Australia—Alvin Cook.
Bolivia—Betty Bell.
Brazil-—Marion Frantz.
Britain—Ward Mullinex.
Canada—Don Stern.
China—Mary Metzler.
Czechoslovakia—John Ward.
Ethiopia—Charles Lewis.
France—Lawrence Collins.
India—Oran Hoffman.
Mexico—Eldon Mohler.
Netherlands—Dean Ward.
Pakistan—Wendell Burkholder.
Palestine—Leroy Doty.
Paraguay—Lawrence Treder.
Peru—Julius Steele.
Poland—Ann Oberst.
Russia—Oliver Dilley.
Samoa—Vaiao Alailima.
Sweden—Wilbur Battie.
Union of South Africa—Irven Stern.
United States—Ted Geisert
Yugoslavia—Marx Jones.
The posters committee is Wilma Geis and Colleen Doyle: Paul Wagoner is in charge of advertising: John Burkholder, chairs, and Gerald Neher and Delbert Smith are in charge of sound.
Invitations to attend the mock assembly have been extended to the local and surrounding high schools.
Peoria Convention Gives Ten Debates To Mac Bulldogs
McPherson College was represented at the bi-annual National Pi Kappa Delta Convention by two debate teams Bonnie Martin, Ardys Albright, Avis Albright, Ted Geisert, and Don Speaker journeyed with Professor Hess to Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, April 10 to 14.
In debate the men's team won five out of eight rounds- from Illinois College: Carson-Newman, Tennessee; Culver Stockton, Missouri; Simpson, Iowa; and Center College, Kentucky. They lost to South Carolina University: Charleston, Illinois; and Heidelberg. Ohio.
The women also won five out of eight rounds from Idaho State; Morningside, Iowa; South Dakota; and Kent State, Ohio. The third round was a bye. They lost from South Carolina University. Central, Iowa; and Kearney, Nebraska. The teams gained six points each from these wins.
In men's oratory, Don Speaker ranked as good which gave him three points toward the sweepstakes award. Ardys Albright also ranked good in women’s ex-
tempore. Thus McPherson College finished the convention with a total of twenty points.
Represented at the convention were 129 colleges with 165 debate teams and a large number of entries in the other divisions.
Ten colleges were awarded the sweepstake trophy which is given according to the total number of points won by a college in the four areas of contest. Baker University of Baldwin, Kansas, was one of the ten sweepstakes winners.
We Are Proud
Ah! Another Booster Banquet is over, and college life can again return to the normal race. The nineteenth banquet will long live in the memories of many, as being one of the most successful ever to be staged by McPherson and our college. We are proud of the fine cooperation that existed between faculty, students, and the downtowners.
Our hats go off to all of those connected with the banquet, especially those people that worked behind the scenes, erecting tables, decorating, planning the meal, and the many other un-glamorous tasks that come with such a mammouth undertaking.
To the students that volunteered their time to serve and clean up afterwards, we thank you for your cooperation.
Special mention should undoubtedly go to Messrs. Eugene Crabb, Rolland Plasterer, and Don Frederick. These three brought together a fine musical program that “wowed” the visiting college friends. The program was something new, and we sincerely hope something that will be done again in the near future.
If we are any judge, Mac certainly did a good job of selling itself at the banquet and program.
Many people we overheard saying, as they left the building, that the banquet and program was the best they had ever attended. We have set a precedent; now it is up to everyone of us to help the college follow that precedent and to establish bigger and better Booster Banquets.
Our hats go off to those responsible whether their task was small and insignificant or big and very important. It was a big success. Now let us look forward to the one next year with even bigger and better hopes for the college and the banquet.
Sterling Needs To Clean House
It has been called to our attention the un-sportsman like attitude that seems to prevail among the ranks of the Sterling College athletes. On two occasions recently members of the Bulldog squad have been deliberately spiked by a member of the Sterling team. Like McPherson, Sterling also is a Christian college; but it seems that they, Sterling, have forgotten the primary aim of sports and their college and have degenerated into a noisey, rough, and unfair group of athletes—no, not even athletes but amateur ball players.
When McPherson played Sterling in basketball, the only games to be highlighted by near fights and outbursts of tempers were those Sterling games.
For many years Sterling has had a reputation like the one they have been living, up to this past year. In past years at McPherson men like Bob Brust would not even consider scheduling games with the school because of their athletes’ attitude.
Can that attitude be a reflection of the coach, or the school?
Sterling for many years has been clamoring for admittance to the KCAC league. We call upon the officials of this league to refuse admittance until Sterling can clean house and behave like good sports.
There certainly is no excuse for the incidents that have occurred this past season. We also call upon the college officials of McPherson to call off the inter-college competition between the two schools until Sterling can right itself.
Our Campus Lawn Needs Help
Have you looked out over the campus lately? Right now the campus is covered with a covering of golden dandelions. One persons remarked that the dandelion was a pretty flower, but that there were just so darn many of them.
As we look out over our campus, we see a ragged not • too well-kept lawn, a campus that needs some extra care. There certainly is no reason why our campus cannot be like a park. It has the potential.
We realize that two men cannot hope to keep abreast the weeds and the other needs of the maintenance department. Because of this we hope that all of the college students will cooperate in helping to make our campus one that we can be proud of.
The Red Cross Thanks You ,
McPherson College students are to be congratulated for their splendid cooperation with the American Red Cross Blood Donor Unit. Many students turned out to give a pint of blood and the Red Cross has reported that 67 pints were taken during the day.
This is one of the most praise worthy projects of the Red Cross. However we students should not let the one time suffice for giving blood. The demand on the Red Cross blood banks continue, and so, must the income of the blood into the Red Cross banks continue. The blood we give may save someone’s life. Someday we as individuals may have administered to us plasma or whole blood supplied by the American Red Cross.
Give again to the American Red Cross blood bank.
and is growing in its understanding of the needs. We are in the process of growing up, and those of us ministers who have served in the period of transition know some of the sacrifices incurred. Better years are ahead, I am sure.
To student ministers it should be of interest to see what local churches want in their ministers. These ore the qualities they suggested:
1. A shepherd, counsellor, spiritual leader.
2. A good-preacher, who lives what he preaches.
3. A good administrator who administers by inspiring others and through personal counselling, rather than prodding.
4. A servant of the community, district, region, and brotherhood with such service given in proper proportion to that needed by his parish. The local parish is the first claim on one’s efforts.
5. One interested in ALL ages
youth, children, adults— with
emphasis upon youth if they are a considerable group in the parish.
6. A good mixer and friend.
7. Many churches now seek a minister under 40 years but greatest efficiency comes at 50 years and after.
8. Minister needs a good wife and family, with the emphasis on spiritually, sympathy with the pastor’s work. etc. Minister’s wife should help in church work, but not be expected to do more than other women of the congregation.
• Those seemed to be major for most lay people.
In conclusion may I suggest that student ministers or aspiring student ministers need to keep before them all the areas of duty or responsibility and strive to grow in ALL of them. One who slights that which ho dislikes or feels least capable of doing limits his usefulness to the kingdom. We can all grow In all areas. If we are committed to sincere, constant effort.
The Forecast:
April 2D—Family night at Brethren Church.
May 2-3—Geology field trip.
May 4—Model U.N.
May C—Noble Cain Festival.
May 7—Spectator Banquet.
May 8—A Cappella trip to Conway Springs.
May 10—W. A. A. Banquet.
Leading anthropologists regard Eskimos as merely one kind of North American Indian, both in blood and language.
Guest Editor
This week’s guest editor of the Spectator is Mr. Charles E. Zunkel, secretary of the Ministry and Home Mission Commission of the General Brotherhood Board, of the Church of the Brethren.
Mr. Zunkel was one of the speakers at the last Regional Conference. He has been active In church work for many years and has made many friends over the entire brotherhood. Mr. Zunkel’s editorial on the role of McPherson College in the training of ministers follows.
I had a very rich experience in the recent visit to McPherson College campus during the Western Regional Conference. Being deeply interested in the ministry of our church, I shall confine these remarks to that issue.
I was surprised and pleased to discover the number of students planning for the ministry ns a life work. It Indicates a fine response to the call of the church for leadership. All of us have been painfully aware of the need for a tremendous increase of young men to prepare to take the work which has been carried by the many whoso age and health bring to retirement each year.
I asked Dr. Metzler for some figures on the number of student ministers at McPherson through the recent years. He graciously took the time to secure them. During the past twelve years, including the present one, a total of 328 have been enrolled. This number represents an average of 27 per year and a total of 145 different persons. During the past two years the enrollment has been 44 and 43 respectively. This is an admirable record, one that measures well. I am sure, with that of our other Brethren colleges.
How long we will need to keep the volume of student ministers as high or higher than it now is, is a bit difficult to say. Our recent ministerial questionnaire will re-veal the general situation, when it has been tabulated and fully studied. It is reasonably safe to predict that the needs of our churches will call for a continued large recruitment of ministers for a number of years ahead.
I think all of us are concerned with two factors beyond this: They are the adequate support of our ministers by local churches and the adequate ministry given by the men called. It has been extremely illuminating in two district-wide series of conferences with local ministerial boards to work on these two problems.
I am convinced the church is sincere, is seeking improvement.
Wichita, Kansas, location of work camp for eight persons.
Date: July 4 through August 14 (six weeks)
Location: Orlenta Community, two miles south of Wichita city limits, population about 375.
Campers: Eight mature young people are needed.
Directors of the work camp will ho Oran and Vera Hoffman. The Hoffmans are students in McPherson College and have been working in Orienta over weekends during the past year. Oran is a student minister to the Orienta Community Church.
The work camp group will live together in the community. This will provide many opportunities for personal contacts and daily helpfulness.
The work in part will consist of a Bible School, recreation lender-ship. and construction work.
Applications should he filed early with Ruth Early, Regional Office, Sharp Hall. —
During Easter vacation Dr. Kenneth Bechtel attended the South west Science and Sociological Mooting at Fort Worth. Texas. One of the main speakers of the convention was Dr. E. W. Burgess, who spoke on The Social Implications of Mental Health. His speech centered about the complex society of today and the many problems facing it. _
The Camera Club will Journey to Kanopolis Dam Sunday, May 1, for an afternoon of picture-taking to bo climaxed by a picnic supper.
The charge for the picnic food is 50 cents per person. Each member may take one guest. The group will leave from Sharp Hall at 2 p.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Flory, of Cerro Gordo, Illinois, announce the engagement of their daughter. Anna, to Charles Hess, son of Willis Hess, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond II. Davis, of Wichita, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Robert Geis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geis, of Durham, Kans. ’
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Stein of Adel, Iowa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elinor, to Gail Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd B. Snyder, Morrill, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry II. Walker announce the engagement of their daughter, Beatrice, to Mr. Robert E. Warren, son of Dr. and Mrs. Luther E. Warren of McPherson.
Mrs. Lillie Mast of McPherson, Kansas, announces the engagement of her daughter. Lee Anna, to Mr. Jack White, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. White.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of Topeka, Kansas, announce the engagement of their daughter, Wilma, to Mr. Donald Ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ford of Eglon, West Virginia.
At the executive meeting held on Tuesday evening, April 26. the executive committee approved the appointment of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert R. Newcomer as head residents of Kline Hall for the new school year 1949-1950.
Mr. Newcomer is a sophomore in the college and hails from North Manchester, Indiana.
“Dear Miss” Letters Sent To Discourage Teaching
Women in schools of education in 16 different states have received “Dear Miss”r letters. The letter, postmarked Seattle, called teacher training institutions ’‘old maid factories."
School authorities have appealed to the NBA. and they. In turn have asked the FBI to find out who sent the letters.
Kentucky was the first state to report such letters. Other states began to receive them.
AM the letters were signed "One Who Has Observed.” In part the letters read: "What are you doing with your most precious years? Just where do you think yon are heading? ... Teaching is the worst matrimonial blind alley that ever a girl can get into. Many teachers never marry ... In the years to come, yon may be spending your holidays alone, or your realtives may patronize you and allow you to look in upon them . . .
"You need not close the door on life. The moms and pops want your sacrifice . . . They wouldn't do it themselves . . . The people who operate these training institutions (old maid factories) arc greedy for your sacrifice so they can continue in their positions . . . Don't let them bait you ...”
Miss Pearl A. Wanamaker, state superintendent of public instruction for Washington, thought that too many postage stamps and time were involved and that it sounded more like Communists to her.
Some educators have put forth the idea that it la actually a person who is interested in young women teachers, probably because she or he has become soured on life. Another idea was that it might be a group of men teachers desiring to cut down the competition in the teaching field.
Science Profs Go To Academy Meet
Two members of the McPherson College faculty will represent her at the meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science which will be held at Manhattan on April 28, 19, and 30.
Attending the meeting from McPherson will be Dr. R. E.Moh-ler and Dr. L. V. Heisey of McPherson College and Professor C. H. Dresher of the high school.
Dr. R. E. Mohler has prepared three research papers which he will present to the Academy.
In the first paper, entitled, “Bird Studies—Some New or Infrequent Visitors to Kansas." Dr. Mohler was assisted by Richard Schmidt, a taxidermist from Canton, Kansas.
Carl Dell, a McPherson College senior, did some of the research for the second item, "A Study of Longevity in McPherson County."
"The Effect of Some Common Chemicals on the Keeping Quality of Cut Flowers," is the subject of his third paper: he wan assisted by Dale Eshelman, junior at McPherson College.
Noble Cain Here To Direct Choral Festival May 6
Plans for the McPherson Choral Festival, which will be direct-er by the celebrated composer, arranger and conductor. Mr. Noble Cain, are nearing completion. The festival will be held on May 6, one week from today, at 8 p. m.. in the McPherson Community Building.
Invitations have been sent to choirs and music groups in the surrounding areas, and a complete set of rules and qualifications for entry have been included. The choir members will purchase and be responsible for their own music, and must have a good reading acquaintance with the numbers on the program.
Two Important rehearsals of the massed chorus will be held on Thursday and Friday afternoon preceding the concert, and no one will be allowed to participate who missed either rehearsal.
A great deal of the program has a religious basis, and other numbers of a lighter nature probably will also be presented by the mass choirs.
The Festival Committee, which is under the direction of Prof. Donald R. Frederick, is working at the last minute details in order to present a good mass chorus concert to the public.
There will be no charge for admission. but a silver offering will! be taken to defray expenses.
Mrs. Alice B. Martin, assistant registrar, is requesting that all students report to the Central Office and select the faculty member with whom the individual student would like to work out bis pre-enrollment.
Also Mrs. Martin stated that those who do not plan to return should indicate this at the Central Office.
Geology Students Prepare For Trip
Dr. Mohler's geology class will take its field trip Monday and Tuesday, May 2 and 3. Twenty-two members of the class plan to leave at 8 Monday morning in private cars.
The geology class took a one-day trip two years ago.
The class will spend Monday in Saline, Ottawa, and Mitchell Counties, then go west to the museum in Hays, {Kansas. That night will be spent in Quinter, Kansas; Tuesday they plan to visit the chalk bed south of Quinter and the castle rock. .
They will come home by way of Cheyenne Bottoms and Kano-polls Dam.
Those who plan to go on the field trip ore Royce Beam, Wilbur Beattie, Wendell Burkholder, Charles Connell, Marlon Frantz, Ken Hanson, Ernest Hof-fa, John Klieber, Rachel Longa-trecker.
Others ore Bernice and Royce Loshbaugh, Harvey Maust, Clarence McDonald, Wilbur Moffett. Stanley Sargent, Julius Steele, Gordon Stutsman, Charles Thar-rington, John Ward, Orrin Wolf, Mort Johnson, and Dr. Mohler.
College Paper To Stage Banquet
Members of the Spectator staff and their guests will have a semi-formal banquet at the Blue Room of the Hotel Warren Saturday night, May 7, at 7 p. m.
On the decoration committee are Lorene Clark, Miriam Keim, and John Lohrenz, with Betty Redinger as chairman.
The program committee is composed of Max McAuley, chairman. Lorene Marshall, and Annette Shropshire.
Wendell Burkholder and LeRoy Doty are co-chairmen of the invitations and finance committee. They have Leona Flory and Don Ford on their committee.
Patronize our advertisers.
Ted Geisert, college senior, has Just been informed that he is the recipient of a $100 National Prize Scholarship from the Harvard Law School.
Mr. Geisert has made plans to attend the law school next year. The Scholarship is given to per-sons on the basis of their scholastic record and their finanical needs.
Scholarships up to $750 are given annually. Mr. Geisert's letter which informed him of the award stated that his scholastic record was meritous of the award but that his financial need was not as great as some of the others In the competition.
Noyes To Teach. Literature Session Starting May 9
Mrs. George Noyes, of the speech department, will commence on May 9 a comprehensive course in Introduction to Literature. The class will only be of three weeks duration but it will meet for four hours each day, five days a week. The time for the class meetings will be staggered and the class will not meet at the same time each day.
The course is worth three credits and is designed primarily for those rural teachers whose schools are now out.
Miss Sarah May Vancil and Miss Della Lehman will teach some of the classes; however the course will be under the direction of Mrs. Noyes.
This course is another community and college cooperation plan worked out by the administrative officials.
The course will end May 27. The semester exam will be scheduled with the other exams in soph-omore literature.
Thomas Hayden, former coach of McPherson College, who now teaches at Canton, brought his psychology class to visit the campus April 21.
The seven girls and their instructor toured the museum and the art department during their visit.
Mr. Wilbun Lewallen, his wife, and two children were campus guests on April 11. They visited in the chapel and had dinner in the college cafeteria. Mr. and Mrs. Lewallen are graduates of the college. Mr. Lewallen is pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Norton, Kansas
Emerson and Mildred Dell’s father and grandfather were overnight campus guests last Monday.
Miss Mary E. Lockwood’s absence from the campus the first four days of this week was due to the death of her aunt who lived in Miss Lockwood's home in Baldwin City, Kansas.
A letter of sympathy and flowers were sent to Miss Lockwood.
Miss Ruth Early returned from
an extensive tour of the proposed workcamps last Monday. This weekend Miss Early will be in Norton helping out with the Northwest Kansas District Youth Retreat.
Dr. Oscar A. Olson attended the Midwest Economics Association meeting from Thursday to Saturday last week. The meeting was held at St. Louis. People from Ohio, Kentucky, and Montana attended the meeting. Sessions were held on Income Taxation. Money and Banking, and the Economics of Agriculture.
The McPherson College Players Club met last Monday evening and discussed the possibilities of the Fall production. A committee was appointed to look into further aspects of possible plays and to report their findings back to the group at the next meeting.
Batting Bulldogs Quiet Quakers
The McPherson Bulldogs repeated their victory over the Friends University aggregation in a 15 to 8 game, here, at the city baseball diamond, Tuesday, April 26.
Tolle and D. Ramsey combined pitching talents to take the game. McPherson fielding, was superior to the Friends fielding throughout the game. Four McPherson men— Arnold. Ward. Petefish, and E. Ramsey—connected for two-base hits. Two McPherson double plays also helped to kill Quakers on the base-paths,
E Ramsey and Arnold took batting honors of the day with 3 for 5, each including one double.
Elven Ramsey Hits .461 For Dogs
The McPherson College Dia mond-men are a hitting bunch of ball men if the statistics compiled by Coach Dick Wareham are indicative of anything. Elven Ramsey is leading the hitting parade as of the Friends U.-Mac game which was played in McPherson last Tuesday. Elven Ramsey is averaging .461.
Others rate as listed
The team average is .318. Home runs this season have been knocked by Ward and Colyn. Dean Coughenour has been the winning pitcher of two games and has lost none. Duane Ramsey has been the winning pitcher of two games and has lost one game. Willard Tolle has lost one and won one game.
The Bethel Graymaroons will Journey to McPherson Tuesday, May 2, and try to avenge an earlier baseball defeat.
The last time these two clubs met at Newton, the Bulldogs sent Bethel's ace pitcher. Lefty Koehn, to the showers. Tolle went the route at Bethel, allowing only seven hits. Who will pitch at this repeat contest is unknown at present.
Bulldogs Defeat Warriors 21-10
Playing on a dusty field, the McPherson College Bulldogs came from behind to go on to defeat the Sterling Warrior baseball team by a score of 21 to 10. Monday afternoon. The win was the fourth in six starts for Wareham’s team.
In the sixth and seventh innings the Bulldogs got their batting eyes and scored 5 and 8 runs. Topping the McPherson batters were E. Ramsey with 5 in 6 chances and D. Ward with 4 out of 5, including a home run that bounced off the light pole in deep center field.
Duane Ramsey was the winning pitcher having replaced Coughenour, who relieved B. Moore, the starling hurler.
McPherson got 23 hits to the visitors 11. Sterling committed 5 errors to the hosts 3. The strong wind and the dust bothered both teams. There was only a handful of students in attendance as spectators.
The Running Score:
Sterling —421-000-300—10-11-5 McPher. —500-125-80x—21-23-3
Professor Raymond Flory and Mr. LeRoy Doty attended the North American Conference of International Relations Club, which was held in Denver, Colorado, April 21-24,
Talks by the Ambassador to the United States from Canada, the Foreign Minister to the United
Athletic Committee Changes Awards For Competition
The Athletic committee of McPherson College has listed a new group of requirements for awards in athletic competition. They require that in order to receive a letter in football the player must compete in one-half of the quarters in regularly scheduled games. In order to letter in basketball, the player must play one-half of the halves in the regularly scheduled games during the season, and to letter in baseball they must compete in one-half of the regularly scheduled innings.
Track letters will be presented to all boys who have an average of two points per every scheduled track meet, and tennis and golf letters will be given for a reasonable amount of squad and inter-collegiate competition, proficiency and. or, winning in the sport.
Recommendations of the coach, participation throughout the season. and passing grades in 12 hours work In the semester they participated in the sport are also taken into consideration before a letter is awarded. All letters must be approved by the athletic committee. *
A sweater will be presented with the first letter, earned by a student. and a letter will be given for the first awards in all other sports. Subsequent awards will be given in the form of recognition.
A graduating senior who has earned four letters in one sport, or three letters in one sport and one in another, or a total of six letters, or a total of five letters in their junior and senior years will receive a senior jacket and a letter as a form of special recognition.
States from Italy, and renowned educators highlighted the conference. Round table discussions and demonstrations helped to bring out the many perplexing problems of world affairs.
Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.
The McPherson netsters tackled the Bethany tennis team Saturday, April 23, but lost 4 to 1 in match es.
Ebbert was the only winning Bulldog in an 8-6, 6-4 match over D. Anderson.
Carlson defeated Watkins. 7-5 6-0. (Bethany) -
Forsberg defeated Wolf, 6-3. 6-4. (Bethany)
E. Anderson defeated Keim. 6-0. 6-1. (Bethany)
Ebbert defeated D. Anderson. 8-6, 6-4, (McPherson)
Carlson, Forsberg defeated Wat-kins, Wolf, 7-9, 6-4, 7-5. (Bethany)
The Sterling Warrior tenuis team avenged an earlier defeat at the hands of McPherson, and defeated them 5 to 2, here. Monday, April 25.
Viles defeated Watkins, 6-3, 7-5, Miller defeated Wolf, 2-6, 6-2 6-4.
Pierce defeated Ebbert, 6-2, 6-3 Nelson defeated Nelson, 6-4, 6-1. Rogers defeated McFarland. 4-6. 6-4. 6-2. (McPherson)
Watkins, Wolf defeated Viles, Miller, 10-8, 6-3. (McPherson) Pierce, Nelson defeated Ebbert, Keim, 6-4, 6-3.
Swede Cindermen Take First In Tri-College Meet
Bethany College earned 84 1/2 points and won the Triangular Meet which was held on the track of Bethany College. April 20. Bethel College took second with 53 points and McPherson College trailed behind with 21 1/2 points. The track was slightly wet and undoubtedly slowed the timing.
Yalander of Bethany was high point man, taking firsts in the 100 and 220 yd. dashes and also the broad jump which totaled him 15 points. Metzler of McPherson was second highest with a total of 8 points. Metzler placed second in the 880 and first in the mile with times 2.8-5 and 4.59-3 respectively.
Others of McPherson who won points were: Augsburger who won 2 1/2 points in a tie of the mile; Schmidt with a total of 2 points won in the 440 dash and the javelin throw; Daggett who placed fourth earning 1 point in the discus throw; Oltman who took second in the high hurdles and earned 3 points; Miller who won the 2-mile run in 11.34-7 and earned 5 points.
behind with 6 points.
Those that earned points from McPherson were: Oltman who placed 4th in the 120 yd. high hurdles and earned 1 point; Augsburger who took 3rd in the mile run and earned 2 points and Miller earning 3 points when placing 2nd in the two-mile run.
Other tracksters who participated from McPherson College were. Dean Schmidt. Donald Ford. Bill Daggett. Alvin Zunkel, and Chuck Connell.
Light is an energy radiation caused by a disturbance of the electrons revolving about the nucleus of an atom.
The McPherson College baseball nine smashed out a win over the Bethel Graymaroons at Bethel, Tuesday, April 19, with an 11 to 5 score.
Tolle turned in a beautiful performance as he went the route to take the game. Colyn and Schroe-der of McPherson and Bethel respectively, hit round-trippers.
Locker. Chatter
The McPherson baseball team’s second win over the Friends University team shows some good strength in this year's team. A sufficient number of good pitchers with good hitting and fielding according to college standards seems to keep a pretty good balance. As Duane Ramsey put it. the team this year is the best within the last few years.
Ramsey, captain of the team playing first base and doing a lot of relief pitching, comes up from the Wichita North High School team where he played second base. In summers he played in Junior Legion teams, patrolling first base there.
He is a personal friend and has played quite a bit of ball with Lester Layton, currently playing with the New York Giants.
In summers at present he has been playing with the Goddard. Kansas, baseball team, near Wichita.
He first started to pitch when he came to college and pitched some--sensational games and held some nice records. In addition, his hitting record is one of the best. For the last two years, the average lies around .340, which is really clubbing that ball.
This year his experience is being called upon in relief duties in pulling the game out of the fire.
McPherson Trails In Track Events At Wichita Meet
The McPherson track team Journeyed to Wichita April 26 for par. ticipation in its first pentangular meet of the season. Others in the same meet were Wichita University, the host school; Friends University: Bethany College; and Bethel College.
Wichita U. won the meet with 72 1/10 points and Bethany took second with 43 1/5 points while Bethel followed with 35 1/10
points. Friends University earned 6 3/4 points with McPherson trailing