Former Student to Portray Hamlet

Pictured above is the east of "Hamlet," which the University of Kansas players are presenting in McPherson at the McPherson High School on April 21. The scene pictured is from Act II, Scene 1.

Tom Rea. former student, is pictured in one of the scenes from the University of Kansas' production of "Hamlet.” Mr. Rea was on the Mac Campus and spoke to the Shakespeare class of Miss Della Lehman on Tuesday, April 12’, (See interview on page 3).

Vol. XXXII McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Friday, April 15, 1949    no. 26

Spectator Cancels Issue Of April 22

Because of the shortened week immediately following the Easter vacation the staff of the Spectator will be forced to suspend publication for that week. The next issue to be published will be on April 29.

Students will still receive the contracted fifteen issues for the second semester. Had the issue of April 22 been published, the student body would have received a bonus issue.

In order to put out the Spectator it is necessary to send to the offices of the Daily Republican one-fourth of the material on Monday. Vacation will not be over until the following Tuesday, and as a result the staff will not be in a position to publish a paper on the 22.

Look for the Spectator at the usual snot on April 29..

College Band To Present Concert; Seniors To Direct

A spring concert featuring the four graduating seniors of the college band will be given during the assembly period next Tuesday. The four graduating seniors'will each conduct a concert march.

Blickenstaff, Martin Head 49-50 Student Government

In an election campaign that featured blaring loud speakers, campaign posters, and an airplane bombing the campus with leaflets, Mr. Vernon D. Blickenstaff was elected to the presidency of the student government. Miss Bonnie Martin will be treasurer. The election had all of the symptoms of the real thing.

In a close election Mr. Blicken-staff won over Mr. John Firestone.

135 to 116, for the presidency of Student Council. Also, the race for treasurer was close with Miss Martin winning over Mr. Bill Sheets, 145 to 106.

Of the three hundred and twenty-nine full time students that are enrolled this semester two-hundred and fifty-one cast their ballots in the student body election of officers. This means that seventy-eight students failed to vote.

Vernon Blickenstaff, when asked to make a statement concerning his recent election to the presidency, said. "The past election showed a keen interest among the students, which I think is a good thing to have. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank those that voted for me."

John Firestone, in commenting on the election, said. "Congratulations to the new president, and best of luck for the coming year."

Half of the cultivated land in Cuba is devoted to sugar cane.

Booster Banquet To Be Nineteenth Affair; To Feature Music Department

On April 22, the 19th annual Booster Banquet will hear and see something never before done by the college. The music department has combined and will present a musicale which will feature the band, orchestra, and choral organizations of the campus. The banquet is a joint project arranged by the college and the city.

Quartet Provides Music At Evangelistic Service

The McPherson College Male Quartet, composed of Albert Rogers, Frank Lutz, Don Guthals, and Gilford Ikenberry, traveled 30 miles southeast of Emporia to sing at the Gravel Hill Church of the Brethren Monday night.

The quartet presented a program of four numbers in accordance with the two-week evangelistic services the church is holding.

‘We Need Your Blood,’

Says Red Cross Director

Because the Central Blood Bank at Wichita is almost depleted, McPherson College students are being given an opportunity to participate in a special blood donation on April 20.    

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.

Faculty Makes Ruling On Activities; Awards Or Credit To Be Given

Members of the Curriculum Committee have made recommendations to the faculty concerning awards, credits, and financial returns that can be earned in co-curricular activities. In many cases credit or awards may be given but not both.

the bulletin board Wednesday and Thursday for students to sign. Anyone who missed putting his name on the schedule and wishes to give blood may see either of the co-chairmen before Tuesday noon.

Dean Warren has announced that students will be excused from classes for the hour required for the donation and the meal afterward.

Blood given under this program may be used as whole blood or plasma, or it may be processed into blood derivates such as scrum albumin, antihemophilic globuiin, and fibrin films.

Blood and blood derivates are furnished without charge by the Red Cross Blood Program to physicians and hospitals. The only cost to the patient will be the fee charged by the hospital or physician in connection with administering the products.

Red Cross representatives state that there is no danger in giving a pint of blood. The actual process is supervised by trained doctors and nurses, and most people feel absolutely no after effects from giving the blood.

freshmen and sophomores that were out for varsity sports were excused from the regular gym classes. This will not the case next year. Freshmen and sophomores will be required to attend gym classes regardless of the varsity sports they are connected with.

The editors and business man agers of the Spectator and Quadrangle are to receive cither awards or credits but not both. The opinion was expressed that the continued sharing of profits with capable supervision would be satisfactory. M Club and WAA members will continue to receive awards from their own treasury as of the present.

All of these rulings were passed on at the April 1 meeting of the faculty and are to take effect this semester.

Dean Luther Warren reportod to the faculty April 1, on the cocurricular activities for the Curriculum Committee concerning the presentation of awards, credits, and financial returns for the various activities carried on by students on the Mac College campus.

The members of the faculty have decided that only awards or credits may be given. It was decided that not both can be earned. Activities affected by this decision will be the music ensembles and quartettes. In these two groups only credit will be given. In debate it was recommended that only credit or awards but not both be given.

For Student Council president and treasurer only awards will be given. Athletes, managers, and cheer leaders beginning 1949-50 will receive awards. In the past

College Quartet Commences Tour In Michigan, Iowa

The Male Quartet has ten appearances scheduled for Iowa and Minnesota April 24 to May 1.

Albert Rogers. Gilford Iken-berry, Don Guthals, and Frank Lutz constitute the quartet.

Mr. Karl Frantz will take the boys to their destination and bring them back to McPherson. Mr. Charles Nettelton, pastor of Sli-fer, Iowa, will tour with the quartet.

Following is a list of their scheduled appearances.

Panora, Iowa—April 24.

Panther Creek. Iowu—April 24.

Slifer, Iowa—April 25.

Kingsley, Iowa—April 26.

Sheldon. Iowa—April 27.

Worthington. Minnesota—April 28.

Curlew. Iowa—April 29.

Beaver, Iowa—April 30.

Dos Moines City, Iowa—May 1.

Des Moines Valley, Iowa—May 1.

Frantz, Yoder Conduct Pre-Easter Services

Earl Mr Frantz, director of public relations, began last Sunday a week's pre-Easter service at the Leeton, Missouri Church of the Brethren.

W. H. Yoder, president of the Board of Trustees. is holding a similar service at the Dallas Center, Iowa, Church of the Brethren.

Between 75 and 100 McPherson College students are needed next Wednesday to donate blood to the Red Cross blood bank Miss Mary C. Burcham, director of the Red Cross blood program in this area. announced in chapel Wednesday. This visit of the blood donor unit to McPherson is for McPherson college students only.

Each person will give one pint of blood which will bo sent to the Central Blood Bank for use in this area.

A fleet of cars will provide transportation between the college and the Red Cross office between 10:30 and 3 on April 20.

A regular meal will be served each person who gives blood.

Student co-chairmen heading the drive for donors are Lois Yoder and Bill Albright.

Any student over 18 years of age is eligible to give blood, but those under 21 must secure the consent of their parents. The cards for parents' signature must be returned to one of the co-chair-men or the Central Office by noon Tuesday, April 19.

A time schedule was posted on

Tom Rea, senior at Kansas University, plays the lead part of Hamlet in the Shakespearean play of the same name, to be given in the auditorium of McPherson High School Thursday, April 21.

Mr. Rea attended McPherson College his freshman year, and his home is in McPherson.

The 20 members of the cast and production staff will travel by bus. Full scenic and lighting equipment for all nine scenes is carried with them.

The present production of "Hamlet” by the University, of Kansas is declared by teachers, students and the press to be one of the finest all-student "produc-tions ever seen at the University.

The Forecast:

April 16—Kansas University Relays.

April 19—Baseball and tennis with Sterling there.

April 19—Spring bund concert. April 21—Hamlet at High


April 22—Booster Banquet. April 25—Baseball and tennis with Sterling here.

April 26—Baseball with Friends University here.

April 28—Baseball with Kansas Wesleyan here.

"Education For Community and College Cooperation” is the motto for the 19th annual Booster Banquet to be held at the Community Building Friday, April 22 at 6:45 p. m.

The Booster Banquet is sponsored cooperatively by the city of McPherson and McPherson College.

Mr. R. H. Renfro, president of the Chamber of Commerce, will be banquet toastmaster. Rev. Lynn S. Lyon, president of the local Ministerial Alliance, will give the invocation. President W. W. Peters will give a very brief report on the college.

Following the dinner, a fine arts concert sponsored by the McPherson College music department will be presented. Mr. Winston Goer-ing, muster of ceremonies, will be in charge of the program, which will include the following organizations and soloists: College Orchestra, College Ladies Quartette. A Cappclla Choir; College Band: Chapel Choir; Mr. Eugene Crabb, director-soloist: Mr. Rolland Plasterer, soloist; Miss Anne Krehbiel, soloist; Mr. Donald Frederick, choral director; and Miss Ardys Albright and Miss Avis Albright, comediennes.

This will be the first program of its kind since the banquet has been sponsored.

Of the 376 regular four year students enrolled this year, 118 give their present home address as McPherson. In addition 88 unclassified and fine arts students reside in McPherson. This fact shows that the city is a big part of the college.

The ticket sales committee is composed of E. M. Frantz, Harold Beam, Ira N. H. Brammell, J. H. Fries, Russell Reinecker, R. Gordon Yoder, and W. H. Yoder.

Student help is very much needed, and for three hours of service rendered a ticket for the banquet and concert will be provided.

In 1945. the leather soles of all men's, women’s, and children's, leather shoes in the United States, fitted together, would cover only 16 square miles.

Students Enroll After. Easter

All students are being urged to take care of tentative enrollment immediately following the Easter vacation.

The Central Office plans to have all schedules printed by then, according to Miss Alice B. Martin, assistant registrar. If students would take care of the tentative enrollments immediately upon return from vacation. It would assist the central office immeasurably.

Fee To Attend Deans Convention At Stevens Hotel

On Sunday. April 17. Dr. Mary Fee will leave for Chicago where she will attend the Council of Guidance and Personnel Association meetings. Dr. Fee will be especially interested in the meeting of the National Association of Deans of Women.

Dr. Fee is president of the Deans of Women's organization or Kansas and will serve as hostess at the April 19 evening meetings of the National Association.

The convention will be held at the Stevens Hotel from April 18 to April 21.

Next October the state of Kansas convention of Deans of Women will be held on the McPherson College campus.

The McPherson College Band, under the direction of Prof. Eugene Crabb, will be heard in a spring concert next Tuesday morning during the regular assembly period. The hand is also preparing for a spring trip, the May Day parade, and the Booster Banquet.

Leland High, Kenneth Jarboe, Carl Dell, and Ronald Moyer will be the seniors that will conduct a concert march. Mr. High, Mr. Jar-boe, and Mr. Moyer are music majors and plan to teach next year.

The program to be presented is as follows:

Come Sweet Death—J. S. Bach.

Dream Pantomine (Hansel &' Gretel)—Humperdinck.

Selections from "Oklahoma" —


The Ramparts We Watch—Beecher.

Hall of Fame—Olivadoti.


World Is Waiting For the Sunrise —Alford.

Holiday For- Strings—Rose.

Immediately following the Booster Banquet the music department of the college will present an evening of music. It will include the choral societies of the campus.

Radio Broadcast Theme To Be About Good Friday

A special program, based on the Good Friday theme, wil be presented by McPherson College over KNEX at 3:30 this afternoon.

A musical half-hour, has been planned. Appropriate Passion hymns will be sung by a mixed quartette; Eula Witmore, soprano; Paul Wagoner, baritone: Vernon Nicholson, bass; and Ruth Holsopple, alto.

Solos will include Introduction to the Seven Last Words of Christ, Dubois, Eula Witmore:    Fourth

Word from the Seven last Words of Christ, Dubois, and Christ went Up into the Hills, Hageman, Paul Wagoner; I was A Tree, O'Hara, Vernon Nicholson and When I Survey the Wonderous Cross, Mozart. Accompanist for all numbers will be Miss Anne Krehbiel.

Patronize our advertisers.

A Fair Deal

To Faculty Members Only

President Harry Truman has announced that his second term in the White House will deal mainly with getting a “fair deal” for all concerned. While Mr. Truman has been pondering on the quirks of his administration, we have been pondering on a “fair deal” for the student body of McPherson College. Just recently a certain faculty member in making an announcement about an approaching test merely said that in the very near future that there would be one given.

When questioned if he would announce the specific date that the test would be given, this faculty member merely said that we should all be prepared. We want a “fair deal” for students.

The number of wide-eyed, gaping expressions of amazement and despair which prevail after an instructor announces a quiz with a scanty three days’ notice we should think would discourage a professor from following the same pattern a second time. But evidently this response made no penetration into the professor’s lack of awareness of the students’ position.

We suggest that the faculty adopt a system of course programming so that at the beginning of each semester a student has given him a mimeographed “scoop sheet,” listing the complete schedule which the course will follow. Some schools now use this method and have proved that course outlining is very beneficial to both the students and the faculty members. First, as a timesaver, the system is hard to top. The assignment sheet is simply distributed when the course begins, and the professor need only refer his students to it for each subsequent day’s work.

Secondly, tests and small quizzes are announced on the assignment sheet, making it much easier for the students to gauge the number of hours necessary to prepare for tests. The student, with assignment sheet in hand, has something concrete on which to base his opinions besides the brief summary which the professor may choose to give at the beginning of the semester.

Finally, the system would be of great aid in bringing the student to exercise his own responsibility in the planning of his schedule. And since college should develop responsibility this programming outline would sene two purposes. The student could shop around at the term’s beginning and compare the prospectus of the courses which he is considering, paying particular attention to the work load involved in each. He could regard weeks during which several exams or papers might fall due, with an eye to eliminating activities which would jam up his time schedule.

This system’s main aim is to provide the student with something tangible, telling what he will be expected to accomplish during the semester. We hope that every faculty member will try to use some form of this system in order to equip his students better for greater academic achievement, and to enable them to plan in advance so that their free time can be profitably and enjoyably spent  Do not be like the vague professor. Outline your semester, help the students to higher academic achiev ment.

Are You Guilty?

For Students Only

McPherson College has just gone through another student officer election. The past election has brought a few things to mind that students and the student council could do to help improve the yearly elections.

One of the things that particularly stood out in this year’s election was the infantile pastime of defacing the candidates campaign posters. Posters for all candidates were penciled with crude remarks and in some cases even removed. Each and everyone of us should learn to respect the efforts of different factions. We need not approve of some of these efforts, and yet we should never degenerate to adolescent tricks such as has been evident in the past election. In future elections respect the efforts of the opposition; if you do not agree, get out and campaign for the candidate that most closely meets what you want done.

Another improvement for the elections is the need of a regular ballot box which would be complete with a lock. For a number of years the council has used any type of a paste board box with a slot cut in the lid. Nothing serious has happened as yet as far as the ballots are concerned; but if a regular ballot box were obtained, it would lessen the dangers that might occur.

These two things that have been mentioned are only suggestions that would, we feel, improve the general election which is held yearly on the Mac College campus.

Easter Editorial

Whose King?

It was on Palm Sunday that Jesus permitted the people to hail Him as King. Earlier He had refused to accept such homage. A few days later, when Pilate asked Him whether He was a king, Jesus said He was. But when Pilate called Him King of the Jews, in the superscription on the Cross, the Jew’s protested. He was not their king.

Whose King, then, was He?

To Pilate He said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” On an earlier occasion He had explained that the “kingdom is within you.” His is a spiritual kingdom. He is King in the hearts of men, but not in the hearts of all. Only where men believe in Him and obey Him. Only where men hail Him in wholehearted loyalty and serve Him sincerely.

It may be in the heart of a child which sings. “Beau,-tiful Saviour, King of creation, Son of God and Son of Man,” or in the heart of one who more fully senses that “He is the King of Glory.” In every instance where a person sees in Him his one and only hope of salvation. there Christ is King and Savior.

O Christ, King ever glorious, accept the homage of our humble, trusting hearts. Stir up within us unflagging loyalty and breathe into us a spirit of service worthy of Thy followers.

‘My fiance says he is going to marry the most beautiful girl in the world.”

"That is too had. after all the time you have been going with him.”—Collegia.

if I want mine i had better end this column here and now so bye see you in the funny papers which isnt the spec.

Collegian Column

The assistant professor of speech at Kansas University recently reported that Kansans have more radios than any other household article including telephones, toothbrushes, and bathtubs.

The professor is collaborating with Dr. Forrest L. Wahn of Wichita University, who has been conducting the radio-audience survey for 12 consecutive years.

During the Easter vacation. 34 men will call at about 7,000 Kansas homes for interviews. "We obtain three times as many interview’s in a state as Gallop does in the whole nation,” Mr. Giffin pointed out.

Kansans spend more time listening to the radio than at anything else except sleeping. The average woman listens to the radio more than four hours a day. while the men average three hours a day.— Daily Kansan.

Most college papers had their April Fool's edition. The University of Massachusetts Collegian had special pictures made of then-dean of women. They inserted the head of the dean on to the torso of a pulchritudinous female in a bathing suit. Also they pictured their faculty at a bar. All of the pictures had been Inserted.

A new magazine called "College” has Just come off the press. Its publishers call it a journal of news features and opinion.

One college paper reports the formation of the Gopher Girls Club. . . their motto is "We go for hoys but they don't go for us. . ."

they say

gracious me one would think that some of the arnold hall girls had never seen a formal or a corsage before—you should have seen all of them peering over the rails oh ing and ah ing as the lucky girls left for the a cappella banquet Saturday night with their beaus it was quite an affair and everyone sure did look purty it was a lovely weekend wasnt it for ducks and all sech animals perhaps you learned how to swim there was enough water and with the rest of drips running around it amounted to quite a puddle huh you have probably heard the expression it was raining cats and dogs and poodles everywhere oh my how do i wander off on these tangents guess i had better put on my hip boots and wade out

okay here I am hack on dry land again Just slightly muddy so what shall we talk about next

cockroaches oh i have my favorite one one of the many who in habit our room besides my roommate chained to my bedpost one kinda gets attached to the little dears henry is my favorite.

the latest sport according to betty wolfkill and ivan rogers is to ride a motorcycle to western kansas great sport

ken fang memurray has been frequeting arnold hall lately with his buddy kenny pittchet they have been visiting shall we say a couple of the dorms most dashing coeds students of prof hess have been having a holiday since ye old prof has journeyed to peoria you know what thats famous for

another one of our freedoms is approaching easter vacation and

the presence, reality, and power of the Christ who broke the bonds of sin and death. Then the pettiness and the selfishness which limit the horizons of our lives so that we never enjoy the thrill and the adventure of more expansive living will disappear. Instead, we will be led to sacrifice for the sake of ideals and great causes, throwing ourselves unreservedly into activities designed to remake men and recreate human society. All of this will be done out of a genuine love for God and our fellowmen.

Easter will be significant to you only when the spirit of Christ becomes a living reality in you.

Wagoner To Sing For City Service Good Friday

Good Friday services will be conducted today beginning at noon at the Methodist Church. The services will last until three. Mr. Paul Wagoner will sing at the 2:05 section of the meetings. He will sing “Christ Went Up Into The Hills. ”

Firms in downtown McPherson are cooperating with the Ministerial Alliance and will close from noon until two. These services are an annual affair.

Guest Editor

Easter, A Time To Recreate, Remake

This week's guest editor is the Rev. DeWitt L. Miller, pastor or the local McPherson Church of the Brethren. Rev. Miller has been active in the community and has taken an active part in the affairs of the college At college parties he and his wife can always be seen enjoying the company of the Mac students. Rev. Miller's editorial about Easter follows.

Underneath the new clothes, the flowers, the glorious music, and the pageantry of Easter, there is a very important question which should receive the consideration of every thoughtful person. The important question concerning Easter Is not. "Did Jesus rise from the dead on the third day?” even though scholars tell us the historicity of the event is attested by more primary and secondary evidence than any other comparable event of recorded history.

The really important question is this: is Jesus alive in you? It was the awareness of His living presence in their lives and in their midst that transformed the disciples from a frightened, defeated, scattered group of disappointed men into flaming evangels who went out to proclaim boldly a new gospel, united to each other by unbreakable ties of loyalty to a common Lord and with sufficient dynamic to shake the old Roman empire to its very foundations.

Needing men like that in these days makes it necessary for us to submit our lives to those spiritual disciplines which will bring to each of us a greater awareness of

Cuba has approximately 7,000.000 acres devoted to raising sugar cane.

Chapel Choir Will Cover Tri-State Area On Tour

The Chapel Choir will begin its tour through Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, Saturday, April 23. They will return to McPherson May 1. The choir is composed of 36 male and female voices and is directed by Prof. D. R Frederick.

The itinerary of the trip is as follows: Pampa, Texas, April 23; Cordell, Oklahoma, April 24: Thomas, Oklahoma, April 25: Ames, Oklahoma, April 26: Oklahoma City, April 27: Cushing, Oklahoma, April 28; Billings, Oklahoma, April 29; Verdigris, Kansas, April 30; Nickerson, Kansas, May 1; and Hutchinson, Kansas, May 1.

The repertoire of the Chapel Choir includes three arrangements "The Rose of Sharon,” ”0 Sacred Truth," and "Swing Low,

Sweet Chairot”—composed    by

Professor Frederick.

This is the first time in the history of McPherson College that the Chapel Choir has made a concert tour.


‘Hamlet’ Cast Is Congenial Group Says Tom Rea

"Just one big happy family." is the way Tom Rea pictured the twenty-two members of the University of Kansas’ cast of "Hamlet." "We have to be that way. otherwise we could never work on such a difficult production."

Mr. Rea told about the company from 1£. U. over cups of hot coffee that occasionally needed "hotting Up." Mr. Ren gave a groat deal of the credit to the Craftons who head the speech and drama de- partment at the university. Mr. Rea said that the Craftons inspired people to get along with each other and one rapidly learns to work with them and to respect them. Another outstanding thing about the present cast is the way every member that plays a minor role dubs into another role or another task with the company.

For instance. Mr. Rea pointed out Mr. Tom Shay who plays the part of Laertes and who was also responsible for the unique way of building the 14 ft. flats that the company curries on a 10 ft. trailer. Mr. Shay is the techincal di-rector of the cast. In order to carry the oversize flats on the undersize trailer it was necessary to  hinge the last four feet so that the flats could he easily transported.

Mr. Rea pointed out that the scenery and effects that will be used here in MchPerson will be all new scenery especially designed and constructed for the road tour.

Mr. Rea stated that besides teaching several speech classes, attending a few graduate classes, and rehearsing plays for the University Theater that the twenty-four hours allotted to one day just would not stretch for any other activity. However, he pointed out that he was very enthusiastic about ice skating and is eagerly looking forward to the time when he will have an opportunity to learn to ski:    He also

mentioned that as far as spring and summer sports go, tennis is his main love.

To Tom Rea. a former student, and the entire cast of "Hamlet." we of the college and the city wish you all a gallant success.

Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week.

Seniors React Unfavorably To Comprehensives

Seniors of the college have just finished taking annual compre-hensives. The Spectator has interviewed a few of the seniors to find out just what their reactions to the tests were. Most of the seniors disapproved of Rome phase of the tests. Many recommended that the test be given in the Junior year In order to help them to cover the material they did not know.

One person interviewed stated. "The comprehensive test will indicate what the teachers have not gotten across to the students or the students have not grasped. The returns of this test will not be back in time to benefit the student before be graduates. This should be given perhaps earlier so the teacher can give his students what they lack."

Another senior begrudged the time spent on the tests for the amount of good that was received from the test. He said, "comprehensive examinations prepared and administred by the college are not valuable enough to Justify the amount of time and effort required to give the tests. It might be more profitable for both student and faculty members if the standardized graduate tests were required or perhaps some type of original research work in the student's major subject.”

Some seniors complained that "comprehensives could be of value if they tested the work you had had, but most of the material in the standardized test was certainly new to me.”

Reiterating the same idea, another senior stated that “with the exception of a small percent of the questions, I felt that the Graduate Record examination tested us over foreign material, and therefore was not comprehensive of emphasis in this school at least."

Names of these seniors have been withheld but are on file la the Spectator's office.

Rev. and Mrs. Harper S. Will. Chicago, announce the engagement of their daughter. Cosetto R. Will, a student at Manchester College, to Mr. J. Richard Wareham.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Christopher, of McPherson, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lucille, to Mr. Herbert Bruns, son of Mr. Herman Bruns of Ramona, Kansas.

Boyd Of Georgia Speaks In Chapel, April 20

Dr. Wm. Boyd, Atlanta, Ga., will speak to the student body in chapel Wednesday. April 20. Dr. Boyd will appear under the auspices of the Kansas Institute of International Relations.

Dr. Boyd Is touring churches and colleges in Kansas as an authority on colonial problems. He is interested in the revolution of colonial peoples all over the world and the effects upon the domestic and political phases of American life.

Dr. William Boyd is head of the Department of Social Science at the Fort Valley State College, Fort Valley, Georgia. In 1947 he was awarded the Carnegie Grant for study concerning the social and economic conditions of six European countries. He is considered an especially interesting and informative speaker. especially among young people.

While in McPherson, he will also speak at Central College, before the Kiwanis club, and at eight o’clock in the Church of the Brethren.

Children’s Editor To Be Present At June Workshop

In the issue of April 8, the Spectator printed a story about the coming workshop that is to he held on the Mac Campus from June 6 to June 11. The paper reported that the workshop was to be from June 8 to June 10. The official date is from June 6 to June 11.

The workshop will be headed by Miss Mary Roop, of the Eastern Oregon State College. La Grande, Oregon. Many other leaders of wide reknown will be present at one or all of the meetings.

Miss Ruth Kittle, originator of, the Kittle handwriting system, will be on the campus from June 6 to the 11. During this time Miss Kittle will teach a course in Methods of Teaching Writing. Miss Kittle’s method has only recently been re-adopted for use in Kansas for another five years. The hund-writing course is worth 1/2 hour of college credit.

Mrs. Ruth Carver Gagllardo, of Lawrence, Kansas, will be associated with the workshop from June 8 to the 10th. During that time Mrs. Gagliardo’s well-known children’s traveling book exhibit will bo displayed. The exhibit is composed of approximately 600 editions of good books for children.

Mrs. Gagliardo is also well known for the “Children’s Bookshelf." which she writes in the Kansas Teacher’s magazine.

On the evening of June 6. Mrs. Allen Phares, of the Institute of Logopedics of Wichita, will speak to the entire group.

Captain Jose Guzman Baldivie-so, Bolivian Consul for Kansas, will address the entire student body on the evening of June 9. This is an open meeting, and friends of the students attending the workshop are invited to attend.

Other members of the workshop staff will be Virginia Harris, college librarian: Dr. Mary Fee, Department of Education, McPherson College, Miss Della Lehman. Department of English, McPherson College, and Dr. Luther Warren. Director of Summer Sessions, McPherson College.

Many teachers from the city schools of McPherson and surrounding territory also take part in the workshop. Tuesday, June 7, at 6:30 an all-college picnic for the workshoppers has been planned and finals will bo given on Saturday, June 11.

Dean Luther Warren will be in Topeka on the 19th of April to attend a meeting of the Advisory Council on Education.

Boh Martin, former student nowattending the University of Cincinnati. has been on the campus the past week. Mr. Martin will return to Cincinnati on April 20.

Bill Miller. Edwin Negley, and David Mankey of Wiley, Colorado spent the weekend on the campus.

Miss Ruth Peckover of Topeka, Kansas visited the campus over the weekend. While she was here she attended the A Cappella Banquet.

The former Bonnie Dee Burk, now Mrs. Walter Lohrentz, was on the McPherson College campus last Saturday.

Dr. Mary Fee entertained at a

High, Jarboe Supervise Summer Park Concerts

Two McPherson College students. Sammy Highland Kenny Jarboe, have been employed by the city of McPherson to supervise the McPherson City Band during the summer months. *

The students will have charge of the weekly rehearsals and preparations for the weekly concerts which are held during the first eight weeks summer at the city baud shell in Lakeside Park.

High and Jarboe were selected for this position by August San Romani, local city bund director, under whom the boys have done practice teaching and substitute teaciting this year.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.

A group of town students gathered on Coronado Heights Tuesday evening for a “watch the moon eclipse" picnic. Students from M. C. attending were Annette Shropshire. Carmina San Romani, Phyllis Raleigh, Dale Carpenter, Lenore Sorenson, Ron Sullivan, and Anita Anderson.

Cheerleader Petitions Need To Be In May 10

Miss Jeane Baldwin, secretary of the student council, has announced that the petitions for cheerleaders must he in her hands by May 10. These petitions are to be handled the same as petitions for other student officers.

The election of cheerleaders and the ballyhoo speeches will be on May 12.

All members of the student body except seniors are eligible for the position of cheerleader for the year 1949-1950.


dinner party last Saturday night in her apartment. The guests included Dean and Mrs. Luther Warren and Saralou. Miss Mildred Siek, and Mr. Holland Plasterer.

There will be a Player’s Club meeting, April 25, and the main topic of dicussion will be next fall’s production. All those interested or those that have any suggestions concerning future productions are welcome. The time will be 7:00 p. m., and the place of meeting will be the Little Theater.

Plasterer Gains Entrance To Berkshire, NATS

Mr. Roland Plasterer has just recently been accepted into the Berkshire Music Festival which is to be held at Berkshire, Mass., from July 4 to August 14.

The festival is held yearly and is under the auspices of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Plasterer will study in the choral department.

Mr. Plasterer has been sponsored by Mr. William Ross, of the University of Indiana, and Mr. Richard De Young, of Chicago, as a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Membership in this organization is gained after successfully teaching voice for five years. According to information sent to Mr. Plasterer, only very few voice teachers can qualify for the honor.

Faculty Members Attend Kansas Council Meeting

President W. W. Peters. Dr. Luther E.‘ Warren. Mr. Ira N. H. Brammell, and Mrs. Alice Martin represented McPherson College at the meeting of the Kansas Council of Church Related Colleges at Bethany College Saturday, April 9.

President Peters was chairman of the conference at which teacher education was discussed under the direction of F. Floyd Herr. Director of Certification and College Accreditation of the Kansas State Department of Public Instruction at Topeka.

"I just saw you kiss my sister.

"Hero is a quarter, now go away and keep still."

"Here's ten cents change, one price to all I always say.”—Col-legio.


Bulldogs To Meet Bethel On Tuesday, April 19

Bolivia has no coastline.

On Tuesday, the baseball and tennis teams will journey to Newton to battle the Bethel Graymar oon aggregation. These squads were to have met earlier this year on McPherson's courts, but the festivities were postponed due to weather conditions.

The McPherson baseball club is doped to win: however some hard competition is expected at the hands of the Bethel netsters who continually maintain a major threat in this region.

Wareham-men Lose Second Game; 8-9

Trailing by two runs the Bull-doges tied the score in the ninth inning only to see the Wesleyan Coyotes score in the last half of the inning and win the game played in the Salina park Thursday, April 7, by a score of 9 to 8. Earlier, with the Mac-men supporting a 6 to 2 lead, the Coyotes had bunched 2 hits, 3 walks and three errors to take a lead of 8 to 6.

McPherson outhit Wesleyan 10 to 5. Both teams played ragged bull with Wesleyan charged with 5 errors and McPherson 7. Colyn gut 3 hits in 5 attempts to top the batters of both sides.

Ball Club Clean Quakermen; 9-2

Playing errorless ball the Mc-Pherson College Bulldogs defeated the Friends team at Wichita. Saturday, April 9, by a score of 9 to 2. This was the first win in three games for the Mac-team while it was the first game of the season for Friends.

The 6th inning was McPherson's big inning with Colyn, D. Ramsey, Petefish, Stevens, Arnold and Ward all hitting while Grind-le walked. Six runs were scored in the sixth. Coughenor pitched for McPherson giving up 8 hits but allowing only 2 runs.

Rain Halts M. C. Golfers In Friend’s Competition

A group of McPherson College golfers went to Wichita, Friday along, with the baseball team, to compete with the Friends golfers.

Friends held a considerable lead as play centered around the twelfth green when the matches had to be discontinued due to rain.

Those participating were Leland High, Kenneth Jarboe, and Valao Alaliima.

Sucre. Bolivia, was founded in 1583 by the Spaniards as an advance post of their treasure hunting expedition into-the interior.

Girls P. E. Classes Elect Captains

The girls' physical education classes have elected softball captains and named their teams.

In the 8:55 class, Sara Mae Williams was elected captain of the Buzz Bombs: and Verlla Hummer was elected captain of the opposing McPherson Dodgers.

Colleen Draper is captain of the Strike-Outs in the 10:20 class, and Betty Redinger is captain of the Splinters.

Jerry McConkey and Lois Stern head the teams in the 11:15 class. They are captains of the Batteret-tes and the Bats respectively.

The classes will play softball for the remainder of the semester.

M. C. Track Team Trails In Salina Trio Meet

The track team of McPherson College Journeyed to Salina April 12 to take part in a triangular track meet with Kansas Wesleyan, host, and Bethany.

The Wesleyan Coyotes walked off with honors as they ran 72 points across the cinders. Bethany was second with 52 points while McPherson was last with 37 points.

Wesleyan Netsters Down Bulldogs On All Tries

The McPherson College tennis team suffered an overwhelming defeat at the hands of the Kansas Wesleyan netsters on the Coyote courts Thursday, April 7. The Bulldogs lost 3 doubles and six singles matches.

The score of the singles:

West-Gaddang 2-6; 0-6.

Keim-Minior 0-6: 1-6.

Watkins-Greuner 4-6: 1-6.

Rogers-Urbanek 1-6; 0-6.

Wolf-Verne 4-6; 0 6.

Ebert-Froze 1-6: 1-6.

The doubles score:

Watkins and Wolf were defeated by Greuned and Verne 7-9; 6-8.

West and Ebert were defeated by Giddang and Froze 3-6; 1-6.

Keim and Rogers wore defeated by Minior and Urbanek 2-6; 0-6.

Autographed Metronone Given To Frederick

The A Cappella Choir formal banquet was centralized around the theme. "Wagon Wheels." in recognition of Prof. D. F. Frederick’s arrangement of the song of the same title. The banquet was held in the Blue Room of the Warren Hotel last Saturday evening. April 9.

The rustic decorations included saddles, wagon wheels, miniature stage coaches, and covered wagons. The Blue Room was lighted by candles. The menus were printed on paper wagon wheels and tiny cowboy hats served as nutcups.

Mrs. Don Frederick offered an account of how her husband arranged "Wagon Wheels.” Miss Helen Stover played a piano solo, "Cool Waters," and Miss Della Lehman gave a reading. "The Exchange." ’

Following dinner. Kenneth Graham, toastmaster and president of the A Cappella Choir, on behalf of the choir presented Professor Frederick with a metronome which had been personally autographed by Will James, author of "Dark Waters."

The evening came to a climax with the A Cappella Choir singing "Dedication."

Trackmen Place Second In Meet

The McPherson college track men Journeyed to Sterling to partake in a triangular meet with Sterling and Central Colleges. Friday. April 8, and came in second with a total of 59 points. Sterling led easily with 75 points and Central College tallied only 25 points.

In the summary of individual scoring on the regular basis Carpenter proved to he the McPherson track star with three first places In the 100-yard dash, the 220-yard dash, and the broad Jump and fifteen points. He was topped only by Tedfor and Clayton of Sterling with 17 3/4 and 15 3/4 points respectively.

Bulldogs Take No. 2

In a game played at Sterling, the McPherson Bulldogs trounced the Sterling Warriors to the tune of 12-6. This was the second win. of the season for the dogs.........

Five Debaters Bark In Peoria At National Meet

The Pi Kappa Delta National Convention was held at Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois, April 10-14. McPherson College was represented by Ardys Albright, Avis Albright, Bonnie Martin, Theodore Geisert, and Donovan Speaker. The debaters were accompanied by Prof. Maurice Hess.

The girls debated in the womens section as a spilt team, that is. Miss Martin debated alternately with the Albright twins. Don Speaker and Ted Geisert composed the men’s team from McPherson College.

Ardys Albright and Ted Geisert entered the extempore contest, while Avis Albright and Don Speaker entered the oratory contest.

There were eight rounds of debating and four rounds of oratory and extempore during the convention.

Work Camps

Avery Site To Be Guided By Agees


Date: July 4 through August 14 (six weeks).

Location of Work Camp:    The

small Avery community in Southern Iowa. Directors of the Work Camp will be Willard and Geneva Agee. The Agees graduated from McPherson College in 1948 and are now in Bethany Biblical Seminary. They directed the Avery Work Camp last summer. All concerned are happy that they can again give guidance to the camp.

The purpose of the work camp in Avery is to help create more wholesome community recreation and Christian education with an attempt to develop local leader-, ship. The work will include continuing the playground which the work campers built last year, setting up equipment for recreation, week-day religious training and

crafts classes for children, special community programs, campfires, and coopertion with the local church activities.

All interested parties should apply for this temporary work in the Regional Office, first floor of Sharp Hall, McPherson College.

Home Economics Adds To Staff

McPherson’s home economics department will become a two-teacher department beginning September 1949. This action was tak-en by the Board of Trustees at their annual February meeting.

Students now majoring in the department will be able to specialize in Dietetics. Foods and Nutrition. and according to Miss Mildred Siek, " The students will become better trained teachers of Home Economics, and more efficient homemakers as a result of these changes."

New courses have been added to the department, which will include Fundamentals of Clothing, Child Guidance, Experimental Cookery, Nutrition and Dietetics, Institutional Management, and Quantity Cookery.

The present course in advanced clothing will be revised to consist of laboratory work completely with incidental lecture work. Several other courses in the present curriculum will be revised from the standpoint of name, number of hours credit, and change in content of material offered.

Miss Siek says, "Since this information is not in the newly printed catalogs for the year 1949-50. it is hoped that students as well as faculty will inquire about these changes and will tell prospective students of the additional opportunities in the department of Home Economics.”

Bulldog Bowlers Take Two From NCRA Men

Mac College bowlers came out of the losers’ hole last week by taking two lines from the NCRA men. This week’s team was composed of Lester Messamer, Bernard Ebbert, Don Speaker, Bill Anderson, and Duane Hall. The col-lege team took two out of three lines to walk away with the honors of the evening.

Totals for the three lines were Messamer 448, Ebbert 420, Speaker 387, Anderson 439, and Hull 514. The total including the handicap was 2478 as against the NCRA total of 2467.

The Mac College team bowls every Wednesday evening at the Mac Alleys.

Locker Chatter

The McPherson College baseball squad seems more or less to at last have hit its stride in defeating the strong Friends University diamond squad. Good pitching combined with errorless ball gave the Bulldogs the win, their first of the year, from probably the strongest team they have met so far this year.

Future track strength is indicated by the results of the Sterling triangular meet with Sterling. Central, and McPherson participating. Of course, the competition at Sterling undoubtedly was less than any other meet during the season; however a number of freshmen performers gave promise of developing into good trackmen in the next three years.

Voice on phono: Lou Reed is sick today and can’t come to class. She requested me to notify you.

Prof. Bechtel: All right. Who is this speaking?

Voice: This is my room-mate.