Beware the Ides of March


McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, friday, march 11, 1949

Beware the Ides of March

no. 22

College Students To Vote On Proposed Amendment

Next Tuesday, March 15, the student body of the college will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed amendment concerning faculty representation. Members of the student body are urged to cast their ballots in the council sponsored election.

Wagoner, Krehbiel Present Voice And Piano Recitals


Because of the date changes that have taken place for the recitals that are to be held, there have been several wrong dates printed. The following dates are official and correct as of March 8:

Mr. Paul Wagoner’s recital will be tonight in the college chapel at eight. Miss Eula Witmore’s recital will be March 18 in the college chapel. Miss Anne Krehbiel’s recital will be March 13 at 3:30 in the afternoon in the college chapel and Mr. Rolland Plasterer’s recital will be March 21.

Tuesday, March 15, in the date that has been set by the election  committee for the student body to vote on the proposed amendment to the constitution. Voting hours will be from 9:50-12:00 in the morning, and from 12:45-3:00 In the afternoon.

The proposed amendment is concerned with Article III, Section 2, Part (a) of the constitution. This part of the constitution reads as follows: "Membership of the Student Council. (a) The Student Council shall include: a President, elected by the Student Body from the Senior class of the following year: a Treasurer, elected by the Student Body from the Junior class of the following year; the Treasurer of the previous year: one man and one woman from each of the four classes, elected by the members of the class to be represented; one man and one woman representing the extra-curricular activities; the Dean of the College; the Dean of Women; and the Dean of Men."    

The amendment, in petition form, that was turned Into the Student Council with the necessary signatures reads: "In article III, Section 2. dealing with member-ship of the Student Council, the phrases; the Dean of Women and the Dean of Men,’ should be stricken out and replaced by the phrase, 'and two faculty members, to be elected by the Student Body in general election.' "


Election. March 15, 1949: voting 9:50-12:00 a. m. and from 12:45-3:00 p. m.; all students taking 12 hours arc eligible to vote. Voting will be held outside of the chapel in Sharp Hall.


Jeane Baldwin

Secretary of the Student Council

Supporters of the amendment maintain that such a change would be more democratic than the present setup. The faculty representation would still be retained, but two out of the three faculty members would be elected by popular vote.

The Student Council is considering proposing another amendment. if the above one is accepted, that would call for one faculty member to be elected every year for a two year period, thus eliminating the possibility of having two new faculty members the same year. In this way one faculty member with experience would be retained each year.

Norlin And Richards To Portray Blythe Spirit

Mrs. George Noyes has announced the characters for the part of the Blythe Spirit that had not previously been cast. The parts went to Anita Norlin and Leona Richards. The part of Ruth that had been given to Esther Mohler was to be recast because of schedule conflicts. The name of the new character will be announced later.

Ruppenthal Expresses Views To Mac Students

Mr. Melvin McCord and Mr. Bill Holoway on March 5, interviewed Sen. Ruppenthal of McPherson. Sen. Ruppenthal was interviewed on the proposed severance tax for the state of Kansas and the existing school laws and proposed amendments to state school laws.

Mr. McCord and Mr. Holloway are members of the School Organization and Administration Class and the interview was held in conjunction with the class discussions.

The Forecast:

March 11—Paul Wagoner Recital.

March l2-Player's Party.

March 12—Reel Fun.

March 13 Krehbiel Recital.

March 13—Peace Oratory at Church at 6:30.

March 18—Eula Witmore Recital.

Cain To Direct Music Festival

On May 6. 8:00 p. m., in the McPherson Community Auditorium, the McPherson Choral Fes-tival will present a massed chorus under the direction of Mr. Noble Cain, distinguished composer, arranger, and conductor.

Notices have been sent out to many music directors in the surrounding communities, inviting them to attend with their choirs and participate in the festival of choral music.

The Festival Committee, under the direction of Donald R. Frederick, college professor of music, has been working out the detailed arrangements for the community wide festival.

Part of the program will be "Our Father Who Art In Heaven." by Mr. Cain; "Angus Dei," by Kailnnikoff; "O Clap Your Hands." by Edwards; and "To God All Praise and Glory," by Mr. Cain. Other numbers have been planned and will be announced at a later date.

Mr. Cain won national prominence with his organization of the Senn High School Chorus of 600 voices in Chicago, and later, with his Chicago A Cappella Choir which achieved perfection in choral artistry in their many performances throughout the nation.

Mr. Cain was connected with the Notional Broadcasting Company from 1932 to 1939. During which time he was the producer and director of all choral activities in the central division with headquarters in Chicago. During the time he was connected with the network he presented over 2000 broadcasts.

In 1939 he resigned from NBC to go entirely into the field of educational music and has since travelled extensively throughout America, lecturing at music clinics. guest-conducting for festivals of schools and churches and writing extensively.

During the first world war Mr. Cain was a naval air ensign and since then has continued his enthusiasm for flying. His other hobby is chess.

Mr. Cain will be in McPherson May 5 in order to conduct practice rehearsals.

Annual Orations On Peace To Be Heard March 13

The annual peace oratorical contest will be held at the First Church of the Brethren, Sunday, March 13, at 6:30 p. m.

Three students have entered the contest; Miss Esther Mohler. Mr. Oran Hoffman, and Mr. Donovan Speaker. Mias Mohler's speech is entitled "A Program for Peace," Mr. Hoffman’s. "Peace Begins at Home."; and "The Voice of One for Peace" is the title of Mr. Speaker’s oration.

Local prizes will bo $7.50 for first place. $5.00 for second place, and $2.50 for third place. The highest man and woman will be eligible to enter the state contest at Lindsborg, March 26.

Ann High, Cheerleader Is Small But Mighty

Tiny blue-eyed, blonde Ann High may be the smallest but certainly not the least of MacCollege's cheerleaders. Deciding that they needed some "professional" help, the cheerleaders secured Ann. They, along with her mother, taught her the yells.

Ann's father. Sammy High, will be graduated from McPherson this spring. Keeping up the family tradition. he also does his bit at the basketball games by playing in the band.    

Three-year old Ann was born at Fruitland, Idaho. She loves her job, and the cheering section loves her!

Phonation And Larynx Films Shown March 8

On March 8, three showings of the latest films on the vocal cords, phonation, and the larynx were sponsored by the McPherson College Music Department. Two of the films were from Indiana University and are not generally shown outside the university. The third film came from the Bell Laboratory.

The titles of the films were “Human Vocal Cords in Action," “Physiology Of Phonation,” and  Photographic Story of the Larynx.” The pictures were shown at 8:55, 1:20 and again at 7:00.

Spicer To Present Ballad Program

America's foremost ballad recitalist Earl Spicer is scheduled to present a program of English and American ballads in the college chapel on March 18. The New York baritone, is reputed to have the reputation of being a favorite with faculty and students everywhere, and also has the reputation of singing "He was her man but he did her wrong” better than anyone on the concert stage today.

Instead of a serious talk on ballads, Spicer will give brief comments on the various songs and ballads in a down-to-earth informal manner.

The traditional ballads are stories in songs. They date back long before the alphabet and the invention of the printing press, when they were passed from singer to singer. They are considered the foundation of music and English literature. Their humor, directness, brevity and simplicity exert a great influence on present day creative writing.

Karl Spicer

Spicer, who as a boy sang in the Church choir, later studied music in London and New York. He has sung with leading symphony orchestras and oratorical soci-eties here and in England. Mr. Spicer made his unusual collection of ballads Just as a hobby. Mr. Spicer states that he was trained to sing operatic arias, but says that he would rather sing "Frankie and Johnny."

Forty-Four Attend Rec Laboratory

Forty-four students and leaders attended the recreational workshop which was hold last week end at the Church of the Brethren.

Those who attended the workshop ate at the'church. The meals were planned and prepared by the school lunch room management class under the supervision of Miss Edna Smith.

Leadership discussion groups were a part of the weekend program. There were also folk games under the dirction of Bob Tully from Newton; crocheting, knitting, and tatting under the direction of Mrs. Miriam Dell; finger painting,

Mrs. Lowell Heisey: leather work, Mr. Sara Doll; woodcarving, Jesse Holloway; plastics, Charles Bell and song direction, Don Frederick.

The students and leaders gathered Friday for recreation under the leadership of Mary Metzler and Winston Bowman. A tea was held Saturday afternoon.

The general committee for the workshop consisted of Bob Keim, chairman; Donna Bowman, secretary-treasurer; Barbara Carruth, Jake Sheaffer, and Sam Dell.

Miss Pat Gentry prepared material for a notebook which recorded activities of the recreational workshop and was presented, to those present

Eighty-Eight In First Aid Classes

Teaching First Aid, six hours a day, to two sections of students is the Job being handled by Mr. Roy Kneip, National Red Cross First

Aid instructor. Mr. Kneip has 88 trainees in the two sections. The first section meets at 3 until 6 and the second section meets from 7 until 10.

Mr. Knelp is a native of Ft. Worth, Texas, but travels extensively over six states. Mr. Kneip covers the territory of Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kansas. He has been with the National Red Cross for nin ears and has the longest service record of any employee in the six state area.

After finishing up on the Mac Campus, Mr. Kneip will return to San Antonio, Texas, where he will assist in the Department of Physical Medicine of the Brooke Army Medical Center. Mr. Kneip is trained to instruct in First Aid, Water Safety, Accident Prevention, and Swimming for the handicapped.

Following the war there was a slump in the demand for First Aid courses. This slump, according to Mr. Kneip, was due to the fact that people had been going to classes for so long during the war that they wanted a time to rest before they took any other informational courses. Mr. Kneip also stated that at the present time the demand for courses In First Aid is again on the increase. The biggest demand being in Industry and private organizations. One of the large companies that use the First Aid as a basis for their safety program is the Bell Telephone Company, according to Mr. Kneip.

The bandages and other material being used in the classes have been furnished through the courtesy of, the McPherson County Red Cross chapter.

Players Plan Party Saturday At 7:30

The McPherson College Players are planning a party tomorrow night, Saturday, in the Student Union room at 7:30. All members are urged to attend and to bring a guest.

The evening wil be spent playing games, both the group participant type and the entertaining type. During the evening members of the club will present added entertainment.

The highlight of the evening will be a one-act play. “The Boor" presented by Helen Stover, Jeane Baldwin, and Ted Giesert. The Albright twins will sing a group of songs from the gay nineties, and Harold McNamee will give a reading.

Because of the low financial status of the Players, an assessment of 30c per person will be made. Reservations should be made with either Van Dunahoo or Kathleen Baerg by 6 this evening.

Alpha Psi Omega Holds Initiation For Members

On the night of March 2 three now members of Alpha Psi Omega were initiated into the national fraternity. The new members in-clude Ann Oberst, senior; Kathleen Berg, junior; and LeRoy Doty, junior.

Those persons presiding over the initiation were Miss Delia Lehman, Gordon Reist, Theodore Gei-sert, and Dean Neher.

A total of fifty points secured from acting in college productions and helping to produce a play is needed to be eligible for membership in Alpha Psi Omega.

New York Student Gives Sunday Recital

Miss Anne Krehbiel will appear in a faculty recital Sunday afternoon. March 13, at 3:30. The fol lowing program will be presented In the McPherson College chapel.


Prelude and Fugue, Op. 35, No. 1—Mendelssohn.


Ballade, Op. 118, No. 3—Brahms.

Intermezzo, Op. 119, Lo. 3 — Brahms.

Rhapsody. Op. 119, No. 4— Brahms.


Etude (Un Sospiro) —Liszt.

Etude Op. 72, No. 11—Mosz-kowski.

Scherzo, Op. 39—Chopin.


Jeur de'eau—Ravel.

Prelude, Op. 32. No. 5—Rachmaninoff.

Caprice-Burlesque— Gabrilow-itsch.

Full Length Movie To Be Shown In Mac Auditorium

"Reel Fun." a showing of selected movies, will be held in the college chapel, Saturday at 7:30

p. m.

“Reaching From Heaven." starring Cheryl Walker and John Qualent, will be the main feature. The film is based around one of the most dramatic and gripping stories ever told by way of movie film. The 80-minute picture presents the grace of personal evangelism in action.

Two comedy reels about eight minutes long will also be shown. They will be a Laurel and Hardy short and a Woody Woodpecker comedy.

Reel Fun is sponsored by the Camera Club and the Social Committee.

No admission fee will ho charged.

College Heads To Talk On Christian Amendment

A round table discussion on the proposed Christian amendment to the Constitution of the United States will he the subject of a round table discussion broadcast by Station K. F. B. I. from 7:30 to 8 a. m. March 13 in Wichita, Kansas.

The discussion will be by Dr. W. W. Peters. Mac president, Dr. P. E. Schellenberg, president of Tabor college, Hillsboro, Kan.. and Rev. A. J. McFarland, field secretary of the Christian Amendment Movement.

The same program will also be broadcast by Station K. C. R. C.. Enid, Okla.. at 9:30 to 10 the same morning.

Witmore Recital Is March 18

Miss Eula Witmore, a McPherson College student, will appear in recital, March 18, at 8:00 p. m. Her accompanist, will be Miss Helen Stover.

The program will include four groups of selections from operas. Following a group of sacred numbers will be classical selections, including "Do Not Go My Love.” "At Eve I Heard a Flute,” and "The Time For Making Songs Has Come."

Concluding the program will be a final group of lighter melodies: “Carema," "The Rose." "The Piper," and "Let My Song Fill Your Heart."

Between groups two and three. Gordon Stuzman and Max Shank, piano students of Miss Anne Kreh-

biel, will play a two-piano arrangement of "Dark Eyes” and "Short-nin Bread."

Martin Leaves Hospital, Can Now Have Visitors

Miss Bonnie Martin, who has been in the McPherson County Hospital because of an appendectomy. returned home on Wednesday, March 9. Miss Martin has been reported as progressing satisfactorily and can receive visitors at

her home.

Senior Voice Recital In College Chapel Tonight

Mr. Paul Wagoner, baritone soloist, will present his senior recital tonight at eight o'clock in the college chapel. Mr. Wagoner has studied voice under Prof. Nevin Fisher and Prof. Don Frederick during the past four years. He has also, participated in college quartets and a cappella choir.

The program is as follows:

God My Father (Seven Last Words)—Th. Dubois.

Bird of the Wilderness—Edward Horsman.

Meeting at Night—Don Frederick.

Evening Star (Opera Tannhau-ser)—Richard Wagner.

Land uv Degradashun—Robert


•Father, Thou Who Art in Heav’n — Russell Brown.

The Trumpet Shall Sound (The Messiah)—G. F. Handel.

Miss Bonnie Alexander will then play the following compositions.

Etude, Op. 10, No. 5—Chopin.

Etude. Op. 10, No. 3—Chopin.

Spanish Dance No. 1—Mannuel de Falla.

Mr. Wagoner will appear again to sing:

Christ Went Up Into the Hills —Richard Hageman.

Night, and the Curtain Drawn —G. Ferrata.

Bon, Jour, Ma Belle—A. H, Behrend.

Barber of Seville— Gioachino Rossini.

Lady Moon—Clara Edwards.

Hallelujah Rhythm— Jacques Wolfe.

When I Have Sung My Songs— Earnest Charles.

Miss Bonnie Alexander, junior, will accompany Mr. Wagoner at the piano and Mrs. Lloyd Larson will assist her at the organ.

A Cappella Choir Tour Two States

On March 26. the McPherson A Cappella Choir will leave the Mac Campus for a concert tour of Kansas and Missouri. The choir will return on April 3.

The Itinerary or the trip is as follows:

The choir will leave the campus on March 25 at 2 p. m. and the first stop will be Belleville, Kansas. Then the choir will be in Sum-merfield, the 26th; Sabetha and Morrill, the 27th; Kansas City the 27th p. m.; Plattsburg, Mo., the 28th; and Lone Star, Ks., the 29th.

The choir will stop at three other Missouri towns which are Hardin on the 30th, Mountain Grove on the 31st, and Cabool on the first of April.

Then the choir will come back into Kansas for the final three concerts which are Redfield on the 2nd, McCune and Pardons on the 3rd a. m.. and Independence on the 3rd p. m. The choir will be back on campus the night of April 3rd.

WSSF Stunt Chapel Portrays Carefree Life

Part of the WSSF drive conducted on the Mac College campus last week was the annual stunt chapel, held on March 3.

A love scene was enacted by Bill Moore. Harold MacNamee, Vernon Nicholson, Gilford Iken-berry, and a score of walk-ons. The Ladies' Quartet composed of Ruth Holsopple, Wilma Smith, Na-omi Mankey, and Marilyn Miller sang "Gingerbread Man." Helen Stover was presented in a Chinese poem, and Harry Knapp and Max McAuley paraphrased the old song "School Days."

The program was emceed by Van Dunahoo.

Annual Red Cross Drive Underway On Campus

The annual Red Cross drive, is taking place in the United States during March. McPherson College has devoted the past week and the coming weekend to soliciting funds for the Red Cross.

Faculty members have been solicited individually during the past week. Students will have their chance to contribute this weekend. Also, a special free-will offering will be taken at chapel services Monday. .

Guest Editor History Of Lent Is Long, Varied

The guest editorial this week is written by a well-known figure on the McPherson College campus, Dr. Burton Metzler, profes-sor of philosophy and religion. Dr. Metzler secured his doctor of philosophy degree from the Southern Baptist theological seminary in 1928. His editorial is as follows:

On Wednesday, March 2. certain church officials burned the palms which had been used in last year's celebration of Palm Sunday. The ashes resulting from this burning were mixed with holy water and with this mixture the sign of the cross was marked upon the worshipper while the official said, “Man, remember, dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return".

That Wednesday is called Ash Wednesday and is the first day of Lent. The term Lent comes from the German Lenz and from the Anglo Saxon Lencten, both of which mean spring. Lencten is related to lengthen, the term therefore referring to the fact that at this season the days lengthen.

The history of Lent is long, going back to the first Christian century. In general it refers to the period of fasting which precedes and prepares for a worthy observance of Jesus' death on Good Friday and of his resurrection on Easter.

The length of the period has varied from forty days to forty hours. The manner of observance has also varied with time and place, the fast being sometimes more and sometimes less strict, But the underlying principle seems to be self denial for spiritual culture. And, let it be said, that is a valid principle. For worthwhile achievement involves careful choosing and careful choosing involves self denial.

Percy Grainger has of necessity said, "No'', to many appealing activities because he chose to give his time and energy to music. The master farmer knows how to say. “No, " to the impulse to go fishing when he should be plowing corn. Edison stuck to his line, denying himself a hundred and one other things, otherwise he could never have been Edison. Likewise attaining to a Christlike character involves careful selectivity, and selectivity inevitably involves-self denial. Lent means self denial for spiritual culture. We are in the period of Lent.

I am writing to give my views on the coming election. One of the things that I think we should look at is to see the weaknesses of the Student Council, and then see if the proposed amendment adequately meets these needs. One of the things mentioned in last week’s Spectator was certain members miss numerable meetings." Now of course the only way to check on that is to go to the secretaries’ records and see how many meetings have been missed. According to the Student Council secretary, both the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women, the two mouthers that are to be voted on have missed three meetings. however each time due to conflicts, they had received an excuse from the president to be absent. However the point that seems significant to me is that the Dean of the College, who is the third fuculty membef on the council, and who is NOT to he removed by the proposed amendment has attended only three Student Council meetings so far this year.

Another reason that is sometimes given for this amendment Is the fact that “new blood” is needed on the council. Now I am not denying this: however I would like to point out that each faculty member, along with each student member has only one vote: and if “new blood" Is what we are after, the student members should be the place to work as they are in a great majority. However, I do not consider “new blood” as a factor in this election ns at the present time the three main officers of the student council—the president, secretary, and treasurer—are on the council for the first time. It seems to me

that there Is Just ns great a danger

WSSF Campaign Gets $182

The WSSF campaign for overseas students is nearing its goal of $200. At the present time a total of $182 has been raised.

Read all the advertisements In the Spectator every week.

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50



Managing Editor Campus Editor Sports Editor

Society Editor

Faculty Adviser

Don Ford

Annette Shropshire Lorene Clark

Business Manager


Circulation Manager


Faculty Adviser

Wendell Burkholder

Harry Knapp_____

Gerald Neher

Lloyd Haag

Gordon Yoder

Do You Attend?

Beginning tonight the college chapel will be the scene of several student and faculty recitals. How many of the student body ever make it a practice to attend these recitals? From the small group that has attended the recitals in the past we would be safe in saying that a very small percentage of the college students and faculty attend these recitals.

We are aware of the many activities that call for one’s time. But we urge you all to attend these recitals. It has been pointed out that these recitals serve two purposes. One, they help to give the student stage presence, and secondly, they entertain.

Recitals scheduled for the next two weeks are as follows: Mr. Paul Wagoner, tonight, Miss Anne Krehbiel March 13, Miss Eula Witmore March 18, and Mr. Rolland Plasterer March 21. Three of these recitals will be voice recitals while the other will be a piano recital.

Attend these recitals. Take a date to them, after all they do not charge admission, and what better way could you spend an afternoon or an evening.


Spring is busting out all over. At least it was at the time of the writing of this editorial. Spring is the time when a young man’s heart is supposed to turn to love. Spring is also the time for horseback riding, canoeing, biking, and many other individual sports.

After the long siege of icy weather that we here in McPherson have had, we all welcome the coming of spring. We are looking forward to the long evenings with their wonderful picnics and late rides. Of course we all realize that old man winter will undoubtedly return at least once but what would Kansas weather be like if it could not be tempermental.

Many of the students will undoubtedly journey down to the “draw” for those lazy afternoons or else visit the college tennis courts if they feel like an active afternoon.

Spring has sprung and with it the advent of spring fever, the urge to skip classes, and the necessity of announcing engagements. Spring may not arrive until March 21, but at least we know it is just around the corner.

We Apologize!

We apologize! For what! We apologize for the many linotype errors that the members of the Spec staff did not correct in last week’s Spec. On some occasions it is impossible to catch all of the linotype errors that are on the proof sheets, however, on most occasions it can be made fairly correct. That is if we are diligent. Last week it looks as if we fell down on the job.

Our goal is to publish a school paper that will be read, thought good by a majority of the student body, and at least appreciated by 50% of the subscribers.

Some of the problems facing the proof readers could be listed but then we only wanted to apologize for putting out a technically inferior paper last week


Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897.

M. McAuley

Le Roy Doty

Betty Redinger John Lohrenz Lenoa Flory Sarah May Vancil

Reporters and Special Writers

Lorene Marshall    Betty Redinger

Carmina San Romani    Miriam Keim


Relief And Rehabilitation

Major Networks To Carry “One Great Hour,” Mar. 26

On Saturday evening. March 26, the Church of the Brethren and more than twenty other Protestant. Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox Churches, will present a national program that has been designed to raise more than ten million dollars for World Relief and Rehabilitation in the Church of the Brethren and thousands of other churches throughout America on Sunday, March 27, the Sunday immediately following the program.

The broadcast will be carried by all the major networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Mutual and their 1092 affiliated stations plus many independent stations across the nation.

The broadcast will be heard in this section at 9 p. m. CST. The goal of the churches is to raise $10,000,000 on the one Sunday immediately following the Saturday evening broadcast.

Basic structure of this program will be dramatized true-life examples of the many, vitally important types of work now being done through churches and church organizations in Europe and Asia. The program will feature names, living drama, and music. It will give to an audience of some fifty million listeners a clear idea of just why contributions are so necessary right now for overseas work of the Church. According to Raymond R. Peters, “It will prove to America, and to all the world, just how great is the power generated when our church and all the participating Protestant Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox Churches work together for a great common cause."

Station KNEX will not carry the broadcast but Wichita, Hutchinson, and Salina radio stations will carry the “One Great Hour."

Litan’s Memory To Be Tested In Chapel

Mr. David Litan, McPherson, will entertain students of Mac-College with a demonstration of memory abilities Monday morning in Chapel.

There will be no chapel services Wednesday because of the recital to be given by ballad-soloist Earle Spicer on Friday.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.

of having all “new blood” on the Student Council as there is having all “old blood,” and as the council is lit the present time under new leadership, the need is to keep a faculty member who would know the constitution, rules, duties, etc., of the Student Council and one who does attend the meetings.

It seems to me that when the students realize these facts, and many other leading up to this amendment, that they will not be too easily led by a few disappointed student politicians and their friends, but that they will realize that if there is a need for change it might be in a different line rather than through this amendment.

Sincerely, submitted, Dean Neher, sophomore.

Collegian Column

Razors pain you: rivers are

damp; acids stain you: and drugs cause cramp. Guns aren’t lawful: nooses give: gas smells awful: you might as well live.—Ottawa Campus.

A good many doctors have made money oft the stork market,—Col-legio.

“What do you find the hardest thing to deal with?”

"An old deck of cards."—Col-legio.

The students read the paper.

The school gets the fume.

The printer gets the money.

and the staff gets the blame.— Belleville.

Emotional maturity determines the degree of success in courtship and marriage, according to a professor at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.

Cheer up!

You have two chances.

One of getting the germ.

And one of not.

And If you get the germ.

You have two chances.

One of getting the disease,

And one of not.

And if you get the disease.

You have two chances,

One of dying.

And one of not.

And if you die—Well.

You still have two chances! — Belleville Booster.

by saying that the girls put too much emphasis on the amount of money possessed by their date.

The girls jump back into the verbal battle by condemning vulgar language, sloppy dressers, unshaven faces, cigars, beards, suspenders, and mustaches. They also wish the men would better their manners at the table and otherwise.

One man begged that women at least “try to act natural without affecting the mannerisms of a sickening teen-ager attempting to play house.” While the co-eds want men who have ambition— who can talk about something besides the race track and cars.

Men dislike women who think they must keep their man waiting. And girls quite decidedly dislike a man with a superiority complex—one' who tells them what to wear, criticizes every little thing about them, and insists on choosing the ownings entertainment.


Children's Program Is Next For Mac Broadcast

News for the Society Column should be handed to Miss Leona Flory, Arnold Hall, before Tuesday morning at 9:30. Miss Flory Will appreciate the cooperation of those who have had guests or nave entertained during the past week.

mmmmm did that cherry pie fresh from betty sterns oven ever smell good doggone too had im

not a millionaire they passed up my meager price like a dirty shirt all I got was a smell

bonnie alexander was pretty worried but elvin kept egging her on and they finally were the highest bidders for one of those late treasured leaves from dean fee after all site said they could have as late as they considered their need too bad they couldnt have gotten the ear to go with it

i hope donovan speaker uses his 20 minute tardy from professor hess class to the best advantage those things are not passed out too freely you know

lou reed can hardly wait to do gordon reists wash the only thing she doesnt know is that he is being big hearted about it and letting his buddies add theirs to the mammoth bundle too

the cheapest thing a person could buy thursday night were dates so consequently some of us added our hit after all it is for a good cause    

'who finally bid the highest on the passion pit alias the hack seat of ernie hoffas sleek black studie convert there was quite a deal of competition there

what beautiful days we had over the weekend place was rather dull tho because so many hids took a weekend jaunt home lucky dogs

speaking of dogs mine are barking

mrs noyes has really fallen for higher education at least on the way to the library the other day

Mrs. T. J. Reed, of Galesburg, Kansas, visited her daughter, Louise. Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. Rebecca Crumpacker and Mrs. Ida Brunk, both or McPherson, were dinner guests of Miss Neher Sunday noon.

Mr. Don Reed and several of his friends were visitors over the past weekend. Mr. Reed is now attending Wichita University.

Misses Leona Sorenson, Doris Nelson, Anita Anderson. Phyllis



By Carmina

Here we are again this week with more senseless chatter. The town kids are really enjoying this lovely spring weather, and they’ve been making the most of it in every way they could. A few early birds even went on a picnic Sunday. That's kind of rushing the season, don't you think?

In case you have been wondering about that poem that appeared in the Spec a few weeks ago “What could be Naturaler" it was written by one of our flock, the talented Mr. Don Shultz. Don is not only a poet, but an aspiring journalist, and just to prove it may we point out his occupation, other than school work, of course. He has charge of the distribution and sales for the Wichita Eagle in McPherson. A thriving young capitalist, that's Don Shultz.

Annette Shropshire is getting quite a bit of attention from the M. C. basketball manager. Dean Schmidt. They were among those attending the Vaughn Monroe concert, and from what I hear they also have dates for the future. That's what we like to see, friendship between the campus and the town kids.

From all reports this First Aid course must be really tough. I overheard some fellows talking the other day, and one remarked

"All you have to do is drop your pencil and you’ve missed out on six weeks’ work.”

In case you saw a flash of blue zooming around the campus Sunday afternoon it was just the town girls showing off. A college friend of theirs was home with her blue Buick convertible, and they spent the afternoon acting like a bunch of "Mrs. Asters." Isn't it wonderful what a change of car can do for one's morale?

Elmer Gatz's folks made a drastic error when they left for a week in Texas and left their house in the, country to Elmer for safe keeping. From all reports the fellows have been throwing parries, similar to the girls’ slumber parties, and study sessions turn into all night pillow fights. Here’s hoping the flying feathers don’t damage that precious wheat.

If you notice Kenny Newport acting kind of snooty lately, it might be because his folks have

Brown, Annette Shropshire, Phyllis Raleigh, and Carmina San Romani were guests Tuesday night at a party at the home of Miss Adalee Riley, honoring Miss Elaine Kennedy, who is home on spring vacation from Ward Belmont School for girls in Nashville,


Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Baldwin, Allen and Billy of Houston, Texas, are guests nt the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Peters. Mrs. Baldwin is the former Una Catherine Peters one of those luscious new Chevys. Of course Kenny is still putting around in his blue puddle jumper, but those new oars are always nice for dates, etc.

Jim Mullen and his Mrs. have more than they bargained for in Their G. L apartment over in the Veteran’s unit. They started off with a little dog, and had lots of fun with it as a pet. But one day they discovered that their dog had become a mother to a litter of little ones, and now their apartment Is over run with dogs.

And then we have Phyllis Raleigh running around yelling “Just 20 more days, just 19 more days, etc., etc." She isn't entirely half witted, it's just that that beau in navy blues is due home about then. Ah . . . sweet mystery of life.

In closing we’d like to tell you about Pennelope, she was only the dentist’s daughter, but she ran around with the worst set in town.

Rendezvous For ' Mac College Crowd In Ote’s Place

A two minute ride and a six minute walk from the Campus, the student's "home away from home"? that's the College Inn.

This popular establishment is managed by Earl and Veda Otis, who take an interest in the college crowd and their problems. They have been in charge there since September of 1945, and they have seen many groups of students come and go.

The popularity of the "Inn" cannot be over rated. Each morning, during the free periods, the restaurant is crowded to overflowing with the "coffee (and Dr. Pepper) crowds.", and the employees really get a workout.

Of course, like any other student gathering place, the chief topic of conversation runs between studies and sports. The kids get a big kick out of getting together and griping about that recent test, comparing answers, and arguing. Hardly a morning goes by that the "Inn" isn’t the center of- some strong controversy about a timely subject with opinions floating in front each booth.

In 1946 and 1947 the College Inn sponsored a basketball team

For the next McPherson College broadcast the committee has selected a children’s theme. A fairy story will be dramatized by a group of students. Ronnie Alexander will read a group of children's poems.

Mary Metzler will tell a children's story, and Paul Wagoner will sing a children's song.

Mr. Harold McNamee will be the student announcer for this next program. Nancy Noyes, daughter of Mrs. George Noyes, speech instructor, will also appear on the program.

The program on the United Nations will be broadcast on April 1. On Good Friday, April 15, a Good Friday musicale will be presented.

that played in the industrial league. ‘ The team, composed mainly of non-varsity college boys, made quite a name for them-selves and won 23 out of their 24 games.

"Ote" as Mr. Otis is called by the kids, is always the life of the party. He is a walking encyclopedia of college happenings, and is ready and eager to lend an ear to the trials and tribulations of all the gang. He’s the good nat-tured center of much razzing from the fellows, and he cun handle his share of the kidding with no trouble at all.

One example of this good natured razzing came to a climax thin Christmas season when Ote received a package from one of our Idaho delegation. For some time there had been much discussion as to the size of those Idaho potatoes we all hear so much about, and Ote stuck up for the Kansas variety. At Christmas he received a gift of several mammoth spe-cimens of the Idaho potatoes, and a note challenging him to beat them with any-Kansas potato. For once, Ote was forced to back down.

The staff of the College Inn. who serve the students and endeavor to unscramble the mixed up orders in the morning rush. Include Bill Mease, himself a student of M. C., Mrs. Ruth Coleman, Mrs. Carl Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Otis. They serve the students everything from breakfast to after-study snacks, and everyone agrees that the food is tops.

The College Inn is one of the little things that makes M. C. life unforgetable, and when the day comes for us to grab that sheepskin and depart, the "Inn" will hold many fond and dear memories to bring as a chuckle now and then in later life. To "Ote" and "Veda" for their fellowship and fun. we offer a silent salute.

they say

the wssf auction turned out to quite all reet and fun for all those participating or otherwise if you ever need an auctioneer just call on ellis albright or dick eggelston they know what it is all about

she fell flat on her face

first aid class taught by mr knelp pronounced k-nip long I started out by memorizing everyones name in the class

petefish tells us that since moving into the dorm he has never been to bed before 12 and sometimes 2 thats college life for you speaking of petefish one of the ladies in the first aid class mon-day evening called him meatfish different anyway

they say betty redinger really has fun reading the Jokes which come out of the collegio what say betty

no clever sayings no sly remarks so bye all.

Are Your Fingernails Clean, Girls? Do You Boast Too Much, Men?

Fingernails seem to ho an important judgment for or against men and co-eds. “Dirty fingernails or broken-down fingernails are strictly repulsive.” according to co-eds from Miami University. And the fellows from Ohio Wesleyan fire right back by condemning painted fingernails in a rundown condition. They even hinted that girls paint their nails to cover up the dirt.

The girls complained that col-lege men boast too much. They yah-a-ta-yah-a-ta about the money they spend, about how fast their cars will run, and generally, about every phase of their lives.

The men contradicted the girls


Intramural Play Ends With Tie For First Place

Bowery Boys And Deforpch Battle For High Honors


"B” Bulldogs Travel To Ft. Riley And Salina;
Trip Climaxes Season

The McPherson "B" Bulldogs journeyed to Ft. Riley last week end to try their luck against the army basketball team, but lost 52 to 42

Ft. Riley held a 27 to 23 advantage at half-time, and held it tenaciously in the second half to walk off with the ball game.

Weathon, Lawrence, and Stephens had 20, 16, and 11 points respectively for the winning army team while Moore had 11 points for the losing Bulldogs.

48-49 Basketball Team

Ties predominated the final standings of the intramural basketball league with the Bowery Boys and Deforpch sharing the championship honors and the Liars' Lodge and the Preying Eight dividing the third and fourth place divirions. A three-way tie remains between T. K. B., Ministers A, and I. P. T. for sixth-place "honors."

After leading 20 to 6 at half-time the Liars' Lodge went on to take the contest with the Dunk-ard Tech aggregation 39 to 29. In games Wednesday. March 2. Watkins had 10 field goals and 20 points for the winners while Coughenour and Hill led the losers in the game with 12 and 10 points respectively.

P. T. won a battle with the Ministers B team 26 to 24. Ware-ham scored 19 points for the losers, but West and Wolf hit eight and six points to be next high and scoring for the winners.

Deforpch defeated the Preying Eight quite easily more than doubling the score on them. 37 to 18. Jarboe had 16 points.

In the last three games of the season played, Monday. March 7, at the college gymnasium, the Deforpch team clinched a share in the championship when they defeated the T. K. B. team 31 to 25. The T. K. B. team threatened in the beginning and held a 16-15 lead at half-time. However, the Deforpch team came back to take the game quite handily in the sec-ond half. Smith scored 12 points for the winners while Jarboe and Tillman each had seven. Zumbrum was high for the losers with ten.

In the second game the Bowery Boys decided to make a fair split of the title as they barely inched by the Liars' Lodge team, 31 to 30. The Liars' Lodge had managed a 15-14 lead at half-time, but lost it to the sharp shooting Bowery Boys in the second half. Esh-elman led all scorers with 14 points for the Bowery Boys while Watkins sank nine for the Liars' Lodge.

In the last and final game of the season, the Preying Eight scored a decisive victory over the Ministers A by the score of 37 to 15.-The Preying Eight held only a small 13-11 half-time advantage but they really went to work in the last half to gain the final 3718 advantage. Reinecker scored 16 points to he high man, 12 of them in the last half.    

Salina vs. Bulldogs "B"

The "B" Bulldogs lost a return game to the Smoky Hill Army Air Base team of Salina in the other game of their weekend tour. 64 to 62.

The game was close all the way as the air base lads held a short 39-38 advantage at half-time, holding it to win the game.

Doubek of Smoky Hill and Neher of McPherson shared scoring honors with 20 points each. Grundy and Rabideaux of Smoky Hill and Jamison of McPherson had 18, 16, and 16 points respectively.

The box score is as follows.

Girls Name Teams
Nit Wits, Flat Tires

The girls’ gym clases have begun playing tenniquotes. Also the girls are taking body building and reducing exercises. After tenniquoits, the classes will begin volleyball.

New captains have been elected lor these sports. In the 8:55 class Verla Hummer's team is the Hummers. Lois Yoder’s team is the Penquins. Phyllis Brown’s Tenni-coquettes and Florence Messick's Flat Tires are in the 10:25 class.

The captain of the Octettes in the 11:20 class is Pat Patterson and Lois Colberg's team, the Nit Wits, in the 8:00 class.

Locker Chatter

Well-distributed scoring features this basketball season's scoring record of the McPherson Bulldogs varsity squad. Five men—-Peters, Fisher, Goering, Bruns, and Odel—all have accounted for more than 100 points.

Peters with 162 points and a 7.4 game average lends the scor-ing parade followed closely by Fisher, 155 points. Goering, 153, Bruns 125, and Odle, 101.

Throughout the season the referee’s whistle sounded exactly

Pictured above Is the 1948-1949 McPherson College Basketball Team. The team this year won seven games, three of which were league games. Pictured on the

front row, left to right, are Bob Odle, Vernon Blickenstaff, Coach Frosty Hardacre, Herb Bruns, and Glenn Pyle. On the second

row, left to right, are Dean Schmidt, manager, Verlyn Fisher, Don Peters, Earl Grindle, John Colyn, and Ronald Sullivan.

450 times charging, a Bulldog player with a foul, making the Bulldog fouls per game average. 21.4, which is considered to be quite low considering the fast brand of basketball that is played. Of the high five in scoring Peters also grabbed "citizenship" honors with an average of a little less than two fouls per game.

Interscholastic baseball is getting into full swing as the Bulldogs will field a team again tills year. Only four lettermen have reported back so far, however, They are Duane Ramsey, a pitcher with two years letterman experience; Dale Blickenstaff, a third baseman or infield player also with two years experience: Dean Ward, a left fielder with two letters; and John Colyn, an outfielder with one year experience.

Boys coming out for baseball expecting to letter for the first time this year are Ernest Hoffa, outfielder; Bob Rowlette, utility; Bill Tolle, pitcher: Charles Lind-berg, pitcher; Ivan Little, infield; Wilbur Beattie, utility; Melvin Fishburn, pitcher, second base, or infield: and Chuck Tharring-ton, Infield or outfield.-

Atoms in an ordinary kitchen stove emit enough invisible infrared rays to permit the taking of photographs of nearby objects in total darkness with a photographic film sensitive to the rays.

Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week.

"Half the legislature are crooks!" ran a glaring headline.

A retraction in full was demanded of the editor.

Next afternoon the headline read:

"Half the legislature are not crooks!"