McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, friday, February 18, 1949
NO. 19
Regional Young People To Register This Afternoon
Today at 1:00 the young people of the Western Region will commence registering for the annual regional retreat. Speakers for this year’s retreat will be Mr. Dennis Savage and Mr. Richard Burger. A youth banquet will be held in the church parlors on Saturday evening at 6:30.
Young people from over the
Western Region started arriving from distant places this morning.
The registration for the young people will be this afternoon at 1:00. Shortly after the registration the young people will be taken on a tour of the college campus and the college church.
Tonight will find the young people gathered for group singing and for two addresses to be given by Mr. Dennis Savage and President W. W. Peters, of McPherson College.
Saturday the main address will he given at 1:30 when the young people hear Dennis Savage talk on "The Church and Dramatics."
At 2:30 the annual business meeting will be held. This usually consists of preparing the budget and electing new officers.
Many Participate In Evening Classes
About 100 students are enrolled in evening classes for the present semester. All across the United States, the trend is being noticed that older adults, are enrolling in college course's.
Dr. Warren's class on Adolescent Psychology meets every Wednesday evening at 7. At present 45 are enrolled in his class, and most of the students are taking it for three hours of college credit.
From 4:15 to 6 every Wednesday afternoon Dr. Metzler meets with his 35 students in the class Life and Letters of Paul. Dr. Metzler has a number of school teachers in this class, including teachers from Inman, Galva, Canton, and McPherson.
Another afternoon class is Children's Literature, taught by Miss Lehman. This class meets at 1
every Wednesday afternoon.
Cupids Capers Follows Valentine, Sweetheart Theme; Many Attend
Immediately following the College of Emporia game Friday, Feb. 11, the all-school party, Cupid's Capers, was held.
Everyone entered the college gym through a large red heart. At one end of the gym were a silhouette, silver cupids, and red and gold letters, "Cupid’s Capers," on a white background.
The evening began with folk games. Those participating in the cakewalk each bought a number for a dime. The four winners were Vernon Nicholson, Lawrence Eggleston, Bob Augsburger, and Miss Mary Fee.
Climaxing the evening was a floor show, "Sweethearts in Far Away Places." A chorus line composed of Florence Messick, Nel-da Baldner, Norma Couch, Barbara Carruth. Martha Frautz, and Miriam Keim sang "Beautiful Lady."
"Fur Away Places" was sung by Eula Witmore, Paul Wagoner and Mary Metzler sang "That Certain Party." A modern bullet was executed by Anita Norlin and LeRoy Doty. The last number was a duet. "Sweethearts," by Helen Stover and Albert Guyer.
Refreshments of cookies and punch were served to the guests.
Raymond Peters To Speak Monday
Dr. Raymond R. Peters, executive secretary of the Brotherhood Board of the Church of the Brethren, is to give one of the important speeches of Regional Conference.
Along with Calvert N. Ellis, Dr Peters was a Brethren delegate to the World Council of Churches conference that was held in Amsterdam.
Dennis Savage
At 6:30 the Youth Banquet will be held in the church parlors. Part of the entertainment of the evening will he a motion picture. At 8:00 an address by Mr. Richard Burger, former student, on the subject of "Mission's Challenge to Youth.” will be heard.
Mr. Burger's address will conclude the activities for the second day of the retreat.
Sunday the entire body of youth conferees will meet in the main auditorium of the local Church of the Brethren for Sunday School. Closing moments of the youth conference will be held at 3 Sunday afternoon.
‘Blythe Spirit’ Is Choice Of College Players Club For Spring Production
The McPherson College Players Club met last Monday night and decided that the play. “Blythe Spirit," would be given for the spring production. The play will be cast sometime in the near future.
Among other topics that were discussed was that of having regular monthly meetings at which time different groups would put on skits or short plays, either original or otherwise. The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 28.
March 12 was selected as the date for the party that is being planned by an appointed committee.
First College Broadcast To Be Heard Over KNEX
Speech and music students will be heard on the first McPherson College radio program which is to be aired over the wires of station KNEX, 1540 on your dial, Friday afternoon at 3:30.
Dean Cotton, sophomore, will be the student announcer and will present the program which will include music and an original skit.
Miss Bonnie Alexander. student and teacher, will be heard on the new McPherson College radio program. Miss Alexander will play Chopin's "Etude in E Major.”
The women’s quartet composed of Ruth Holsopple, Naomi Mankey.
Wilma Smith, and Marilyn Miller will sing "Without A Song," and "Make Believe.”
Scheduled for its first appearance in public will be an original skit written and directed by Mrs.
George Noyes, speech instructor.
The skit is a historical interlude on George Washington, his meeting and courtship of Martha.
Miss Miriam Keim.,freshman, and Mr. Le Roy Doty, junior, will appear in the skit.
Mr. Hubert Newcomer, freshman, will sing "Beautiful Dreamer."
This program is the first of a series of programs that will be aired by station KNEX and McPherson College as a public service program. The voice of McPherson College will be heard every other week until the school year ends.
Radio station KNEX can he heard in and around McPherson proper. Mr. Dan Bellus, station manager, and the college committee have been working together in preparation for these programs.
Wareham Will Preside Over Social Committee
Mr. "Dick” Wareham has been appointed by the Administration Committee as the second semester chairman of the Social Committee. He will replace Dr. Lowell V. Heisey, who served in that capacity first term. Dr. Heisey resigned from the committee because of his excessive teaching load.
Mr. Holland Plasterer will serve on the Social Committee second semester, filling the vacancy left by Miss Esther Sherfy, now Mrs. Marion Porter.
Other faculty members of the Social Committee include Professor S. M. Dell, Professor E. S. Hershberger, and Mrs. George Voth, Bill Sheets, Mary Metzler, and Wilma Smith are the student members of the committee.
Raymond R. Peters
Both men visited the B. S. C. units in Europe while on the continent. Dr. Peters is said to have a first-hand picture of the need in Europe.
Dr. Peters will speak on the subject "Amsterdam. A Symbol of Unity." at 7:30 on Monday evening. Feb. 21. in the Church of the Brethren.
Dean Announces Summer Faculty
The faculty for the summer school session has been announced by Dean Luther B. Warren. Dean Warren announced that the firsts session would begin on June 1, and last through July 27. Classes will start at 7:50 and end at 12:10.
The faculty will be made up of Dean Warren, director of the summer session, Dr. Oscar A. Olson, Mr. Dick Wareham, Dr. Mary Fee, Dr. Lowell Heisey, Mrs. Audrey San Romani, Miss Mary Lockwood, Mr. E. S. Hershberger. Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel, and Miss Della Lehman.
Courses can he taken that will qualify a student for the elementary teachers certificate. The cost will be approximately the same for college hours, that being $8 per hour of study.
The second session will be from July 27 and run through to August 17. The faculty so far for this session will be Dean Warren and Mr. Wareham. Courses not yet scheduled can be given if enough demand for these courses is made.
A Cappella Choir Presents Sixteenth Annual Concert
Under the direction of Prof. Donald R. Frederick, the McPherson College A Cappella Choir will be heard in concert. One of Mr. Frederick’s own arrangements, that of Wagon Wheels, will be used in the concert. The vocal soloist of the evening will be Mr. Paul Wagoner, senior.
The general public is invited to attend. The concert will be held in the McPherson High School auditorium.
The McPherson College A Cap-pella Choir will present its sixteenth annual concert next Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the high school auditorium. The choir will appear under the direction of Prof. D. R. Frederick. The program will be presented as follows: Dedication (identification song of the A Cappella Choir)—Franz
Psalm 91— Mendelssohn-Luv-aus.
Praise the Lord Eternal—Fr. Jos. Schuetky.
O Thou Most High—Paul Christiansen.
O, For a Thousand Tongues (hymn-anthem) — Glaser-Soder-stom.
Paul Wagoner, baritone, will sing two solos accompanied by Bonnie Alexander at the piano. He will sing:
The Road is Calling— Serge Walter.
Sailor Men—Jaques Wolfe. Folowlng Mr. Wagoner's numbers, the A Cappella Choir will sing several seasonal numbers:
Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming (Christmas)— Practorius-Overby.
Now Thank Wu All Our Lord (Thanksgiving) —arranged by Car! F. Mueller.
Mary's Lullaby (Christmas) — Ewald V. Nolle.
Come, Ye Faithful. Raise the Strain (Easter)—Noble Cain.
The Melloaires, McPherson College male quartet, will sing the two following songs:
'Neath Your Window— Cecil Gates.
Kentucky Babe—Gabiel.
The A Cappella Choir will then appear again to sing its last group of numbers:
Dark Water—Will James.
Little David Play on Your Harp—arranged by Harry R. Wilson.
And He Never Said a Mumbalin Word—arranged by Krones.
Gonna Join De Heavenly Choir —Noble Cain.
The Hour of Night—Ivan Kort-kamp.
Rustling Leaves (folk tune)— arranged by Peter Ikach.
Wagon Wheels— DeRoso-Fred-erick.
Polly Wolly Doodie (Novelty) -arranged by Boy Charles (Miss Helen Stover, pianist).
There will be no admission charge, but an offering will be taken which will go to choral organizations for current expenses.
Four College Choirs Present Vespers
Four choral organizations of McPherson College will present musical vespers at the Church of the Brethren at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. All music, will be presented under the direction of Prof. D. R. Frederick.
The Chapel Choir will open the musical vespers program by singing:
Beautiful Savior—arranged by Christiansen.
Jesus. Our Lord. We Adore Thee—Will James.
Immortal Love. Forever Full (Hymn-Anthem)—Wallace - Olds.
Carol of the Bells (Christmas) —Leontovick-Wilhousky.
The Women's Glee Club will present the next group of numbers as follows:
Lead Me, Lord— Strickling— Wesley.
Prayer from Haensel and Gret-el—Humperdinck.
Snow Legend—Joseph Clokey.
If With All Your Hearts—Men-delssohn-Strickling.
The Men's Glee Club will then appear and sing the following songs:
Blow. Trumpets, Blow— Will James.
Send Out Thy Light—Charles Gounod.
It's Me (Negro Spiritual—Fred Huntley.
During their second appearance on the program, the chapel choir will sing:
Jingle Bells (Novelty)—arranged by Samuelson.
Round 'de Glory Manger (Negro Jubilee) — Willis Laurence James.
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot —arranged by D. R. Frederick.
Almighty God of our Fathers— Will James.
The combined men and women's glee clubs will bring the vesper services to Its climax by singing:
Plenty Good Room (Negro Spiritual)—Wm. Henry Smith.
The Lord is my Light—Carl Mueller.
Recital Date Is March 13
Miss Anne Krehbiel's piano recital will be March 13 instead of March 20 as was announced in last week's paper.
The Forecast:
Feb. 18—Ottawa vs. Mac at Ottawa.
Feb. 18—Faculty-Trustee dinner 6:30. -
Feb. 19—Baker vs. Mac at Baldwin.
Feb. 18—Address by Dennis Savage. 9:00 to 9:40.
Feb. 19—Youth Banquet at Church of the Brethren. 6:30 to
Feb. 20—Vesper Musicale at
Feb. 22—A Cappella Choir concert, high school auditorium at
Feb. 23—Bethany vs. Mac here, Feb. 25—Sterling vs. Mac at Sterling.
Feb. 25—Paul Wagoner Recital.
Rec. Council Sponsors
Workshop March 4-6
To offer an informal streamlined course in recreational leadership with emphasis on activity and sharing of ideas combined with experience in various phases will be the purpose of the second annual recreation workshop which is to be held in McPherson from March 4 to 6. The Recreational Council will sponsor the workshop.
Resource sharers will he Hazel Heisey, Milton Dell, Berle Miller, Jesse Holloway, Miriam Dell, Dick Wareham, Don Frederick, Bob Tully, Don Snider, Jim Elrod, and DeWitt Miller.
Courses in finger painting, plastics, woodcarving. leather-craft, individual sports, music, folk games, and other phases of recreation will be studied.
The registration will cost $6 for the entire weekend. This will include meals. The group will meet in the recreation room of the local Church of the Brethren. Lodging can be provided for those who with it according to a news release.
Pictured above are the 1949 members of the McPherson A Cap-pella Choir. The choir will be heard in concert on Tuesday evening, Feb. 22, at the McPherson High school auditorium.
Members include, first row, left to right: Naomi Mankey, Martha Frantz, Albert Rogers, Royce
Beam, Frank Lutz, John Sheets, Irvin Stern, James Garvey, Marilyn Miller, Mary Metzler, Ann Oberst.
On the second row, left to right, are Nelda Baldner, Marilue Bowman, Eula Witmore, Mrs. Royce Loshbaugh, Dale Eshelman, Alvin Willems, Paul Wagoner, Vernon
Nicholson, Winston Bowman, Pat Albright, Mrs. Don Stern, and Rowena Neher.
On the third row, left to right, are Wilma Smith, Helen Stover, Jeane Baldwin, Bob Keim, Kenneth Graham, Merrill Sanger, Don Guthals, Don Speaker, Gilford Ikenberry, Barbara Burton, and Ruth Holsopple.
College Fathers In Session Today
This morning at ten o'clock the board or trustees began their annual meeting. Elder W. H. Yoder, now of McPherson, Kansas, opened with devotions the first session in the President's office.
The new members seated were Roy O. Frantz, Pueblo, Colorado (Alumni Representative), and Charles Nettleton, Rinard, Iowa, (Representing the District of Northern Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota).
The business of the meeting in-clude the following:
(1 ) Election of Standing Committees.
(2) Annual Reports of:
a. Dean-Registrar—Luther E.
b. Treasurer—J. H. Fries.
c; Business Manager—R. Gor-don Yoder.
d. Director of Public Relations and Chairman of Publicity and Promotion-Earl M. Frantz.
c. Alumni Secretary and Placement Secretary—Ira N. H. Bram-mell.
f. Professor of Philosohy and Religion—Burton Metzler.
g. President—W. W. Peters.
(3) Budget for 1949-1950.
(6) Faculty for 1949-1960.
(5.) Expansion Program.
(6) Reports, Problems, Needs, and Plans.
To our many friends and visitors who will attend the Regional Youth Conference and the Regional Conference proper we of McPherson College extend a very hearty welcome and hope that your visit to our campus will be an enjoyable one.
The facilities that are provided by McPherson College for the use of the students are being made available to you for your enjoyment. We want you all to feel that McPherson College is your college.
Take advantage of the lounge on the first floor of Sharp Hall. Feel free to drop into the lounge and relax between meetings. The college "Dog House" will provide refreshments for you at certain intervals during the day.
If you have time to read the latest magazines or the ‘dailies’’ feel free to drop in to the library and take advantage of their facilities.
McPherson College is an institution that was built to serve. Our sincere hope is that while you, our guests, are on our campus that the college will be able to serve you. After you return home the college will continue to serve you and your community if it is called upon to do so.
McPherson College is your college. Welcome to your college campus.
We have a problem! Most of you will probably laugh and say that we have many problems. At the present time though we are thinking of a problem that can be solved immediately. To solve this problem will require no costly litigations nor any large fees to be paid to a lawyer. It is a problem that trustees, faculty members. and students themselves can solve.
The problem we are referring to is the car problem on circle drive. At the present time the drive is inadequate for both parking and to accommodate the automobiles that seek to enter the college campus. The drive also needs to be completely resurfaced. This is necessary because of the heavy traffic oh circle drive.
First let us look at the parking problem. At the present as one enters the drive they find themselves literally "squeezing” their automobiles up the drive between two rows of parked automobiles. Besides two rows of automobiles fighting for room on the drive we also have several large evergreen trees that are encroaching on the drive and are blocking the view.
Now since the advent of the "horseless carriage,” it has been necessary for many colleges and other institutions to increase the amount of parking space that is available, and to make certain restrictions on the college drives.
Several methods of remedies have been suggested for this particular incident.
One would be to restrict parking on circle drive except for a reserved area just south of Sharp Hall. This area would be reserved for visitors and people who come to the college on business. Students and faculty members would then be required to park in back of the dorms and to the west of the Physical Education building. However parking space at these two places would need to be increased. This could easily be accomplished.
Another suggestion would be to widen circle drive to the extent that it could accommodate both parked and incoming automobiles.
As for the resurfacing this should be done regardless of the action taken on the parking problem. The entrance to the drive is full of chuck holes caused by the heavy traffic and the long siege of ice and snow. If the drive were widened then this would naturally be done. If a restrictive parking law is worked out then it still should be done. As one enters the college campus they often formulate their opinions. McPherson College should try to help form those opinions. We can solve this problem.
This is the problem that trustees, faculty members, and students can solve. We must solve it soon.
This week’s guest editor is Mr. James Elrod, executive secretary of the Western Region of the Church of the Brethren. Mr. Elrod has been working for the past several months, on setting up the machinery for Regional Conference. Out of his office comes the placement of the ministers of the region and guidance to the student ministers.
His editorial on the history of the Regional Conference follows.
This weekend McPherson College and the Western Region will entertain the 1949 Regional Conference. This is a privilege of no small account.
It is rather interesting to run back over the history of such gatherings. This now Regional Conference had its first inception growing out of an action of the 1890 Annual' Meeting of the Church of the Brethren. Some of this action reads as follows:
Item 14. paragraph 1. “Standing Committee shall, by approval of Annual Meeting, appoint a Committee of three elders for each of the Brethren’s schools . . . whose duty it shall be to watch over the moral and religious influence of the schools."
Paragraph 3. "At least once a year the doctrines of the church shall be especially held forth in a series of doctrinal sermons."
Growing out of this action there developed what used to be known as the Bible Normal. Following a number of years of this procedure, this Bible Normal grew into the Minister’s Conference. These continued up to the 1920’s when the conference began taking on the form of a workers conference. In 1936 by order of the Annual Meeting regions were authorized. The following February the Western Region was organized and the Workers Conference became the official conference of the Region.
During the past thirteen years the Regional Conference has grown from its rather informal inspirational meeting type of conference into its present form of business meetings, sectional conference, and inspirational meetings.
For many years now the Conference has brought to the campus some outstanding speakers other than those from the Church of the Brethren. Though we have assigned the major responsibility, apart from Dennis Savage, for speaking to Brethren men this year, we anticipate a great experience together.
Cousin Dolly can't understand a girl who is both pretty and good, it seems such a waste to have beauty and not use it!
Wanted:, Youth To Serve
Volunteer Service. What is it? it is youth giving part of their lives—a year or more—to "give the cup of cold water to thirsty men,” to live their Christian faith in serving human need. It is a unique opportunity for youth to grow together in the philosophy and the skills of peacemaking. It is a way to increase loyalty to the church, to witness by example for the way of love, and to seek more earnestly the real meaning of the way of Jesus for our entire lives.
When is it? It is Now, Forty-nine youth are already to service. They have all finished one of the courses of training at New Wind-sor—Sept. 15 through Nov. 30, or Dec. 1. through Feb. 28. They studied together in classes on human relations, on personal devo tions, on the New Testament teachings, on world conditions, on training to be world builders, and on the history and background of the Church of the Brethren. They are now situated in projects throughout the country—peace caravans: relief center at New Windsor; Falfurrias, Texas, Green County, Virginia; Pahokee, Florida, Castaneer, Puerto Rico; and others.
Due to lack of funds, the March training program has been cancelled. The next unit will begin in June, and more than a dozen youth already have enrolled.
How is it? The spirit and determination of the volunteers and others supporting the B. V. S. program are high. The funds are very low, but the program must not die! The youth of the church began plans for volunteer service, and they are coming to their own rescue with a plan to raise the $60,000 needed to maintain it. Some are giving a penny a meal for volunteer service. Some youth are selling $10, $25, $100 certificates marked Brotherhood Fund, designated for volunteer service, to adults. Can the youth prove there is enough interest and funds for B. V. S. to continue before it is too late? This is a challenge and a golden opportunity.
Whom is it for? It is for you, and you can do this;
1. Sign a card giving a year of your life.
2. Talk to others about volunteering.
3. Sell $10, $25. and $100 certificates designated to Volunteer Service.
4. Give a penny a men for Volunteer Service.
5. If you can not give a year of service, sign a card pledging your support to Volunteer Service.
What can you and other members of your group do in February? Also in the month of March and June? Youth united can make Volunteer Service a vital part of the program of the Church of the Brethren, and bring closer the long-range goal—World Brotherhood.
This article was written by Miss Ruth Early of the Regional Office.
The Times is Big Time? Spectator Boasts 100% College Graduate Readers!
Ask any resident of New York how he keeps tab on the world, and he is almost certain to answer. "Through the New York Times.” It is clear, therefore, that the Times is important to New York.
Equally important to the student of McPherson College is his own, self-created Spectator, the great arch-rival of the Times.
Occasionally, it is true, the Times "out-scoops” the Spectator; but we still refuse to concede a moral, victory to our contempor-ary. For just as the Times informs its readers of world happenings, so does the Spectator inform regarding local happenings. Besides, we are much more entranced by the week’s new engagement than by the new political goat.
While the Times slanders her journalistic opponents through
malicious editorials, the Spectator humbles hers by printing humorous excerpts from their pages. We profit in three ways—we enjoy free the humor which our rival racked their brains to originate; we fill our paper (a major item); and we receive no smarting return of hostilities.
The Times is enraged by this subtlety, and brazenly declares a war of the editorial wit.
The Times rooters callously bray that their paper is a wee-hit more extensively read. We are force to agree with this, but judiciously counter with a triumphant smirk that the Spectator’s readers are more intellectually advanced. For what other leading newspaper’s subscribers are 100 percent potential college graduates?
Times fans agin lead with their chins out by ranting that their offices gain a slight edge by being more spacious and luxurious. We sagely conquer by announcing that our creaking entrance stairs give amnio warning for evacuation procedures at the approach of a bill-collector.
If by this time, the die-hards are not sufficiently subdued to throw in the white-towel, they weakly murmur that their editor is world renowned. Here, we deftly administer the coup-degrace. We say "Goody for you. but our editor is Max McAuley.”
This having the desired succumbing effect, we hasten up the creaky stairs to lift some humor, from the Times for the next edition of the SPEC.
Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50 Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas |
M. McAuley
Le Roy Doty
Betty Redinger John Lohrenz Leona Flory Sarah May Vancil
Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor Sports Editor
Society Editor
Faculty Adviser
Don Ford
Annette Shropshire Barbara Carruth Lorene Clark
Reporters and Special Writers
Lorene Marshall Betty Redinger
Pat Albright Claudia Jo Stump
Dale Oltman Miriam Keim
Business Manager
Wendell Burkholder Harry Knapp______ Don Ford___ Lloyd Haag Cordon Yoder Assistant Circulation Manager Collector Faculty Adviser |
Circulation Man Chosen For Paper , A new circulation manager for the Spectator has been selected by Mr. Wendell Burkholder, business manager. Mr. Gerald Neher, freshman, will replace Mr. Don Ford, who resigned the position several weeks ago. Mr. Ford is now working on, the writing stuff of the school paper. Mr. Neher's duties will require him to spend several hours each week getting the Spectator ready for mailing to the many county and out of state subscribers. Ann Burger To Speak At Youth Banquet Mrs. Ann Burger, missionary to Africa, will be guest speaker at the Regional Youth Banquet, Saturday 6:30 p. m. at the Church of the Brethren. Mrs. Burger's topic will be Challenge of Missions To Youth." A small orchestra consisting of Youth from the local church will appear on the program. Following the banquet, a movie, "No Greater Power" will be shown to the group. Paul Wagoner, president of Western Region Youth, is in charge of the program. The dinner menu is scalloped ham, toasted brown potatoes, buttered peas, cabbage-apple salad, rolls, apple pie, and coffee. Mrs. Lewell Heisey, assisted by women of the church, is in charge of preparing and serving the dinner. The decoration committee for the banquet is Colleen Doyle, Pat- tie Bittinger, Arlene Mohler, and Esther Mohler. Additional Conference Leaders Cafeteria Extends Hours During Conference Plans are being made to feed as many guests as possible at the college cafeteria during the Regional Conferences. Eating periods will be extended for the conference. Breakfast will be served from 7:00-7:45. Lunch will be served from 11:451:15. and the evening meal will be served from 5:15-6:30. Reasons tor entertaining at the college cafeteria is to give the guests an opportunity to see the new cafeteria and to give parents an opportunity to cat with their children. Pictured above are four more Regional Conference leaders. These four leaders will take an active part in the week long meeting that will begin officially this coming Sunday. On the top row is Mr. C. E. Davis, who on Wednesday morning will deliver the address, "Our Alternatives." Mr. Davis will also be heard Wednesday evening on "Arise. Let Us Be Going." Mr. Charles E. Zunkel will be heard on the subject "It Matters More Than You Think.” Mr. Zunkel's address will be given on Wednesday morning at the college Seven Kansas Colleges, Universities Represented At Wichita Institute On February 12-13. a peace institute was held at Friends University in Wichita, with representatives from at least seven colleges and universties in Kansas. The conference was sponsored by the Institute of International Relations with the FOR (Fellowship of Reconciliation) and the CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) cooperating. The delegation from McPherson College consisted of Dr. Lowell Heisey, Miss Ruth Early, Miss Betty Wolfkill, Mr. Paul Wagoner, Mr. Jim Hoover, Mr. Ellis Powell, Miss Doris Blocker, Miss Claudia Jo Stump, and Mr. and Mrs. Oran Hoffman. The conference began at 10:30 a. m. Saturday with a brief outline of the conference. This was led by Winfield Fretz, professor of sociology and dean of meir at Bethel College at Newton. Other speakers in this session were Albert G. Watson, regional representative of FOR, and D. Ned Linegar, YMCA secretary, Kansas University, Lawrence. Following dinner, which was served in the Friends University cafeteria, the Min Con (Miniature Conference) groups met. Ruth Early, co-secretary of the Western Regional Conference for Brethren Service and Peace at McPherson College, was co-ordinator. Topics of discussion in the Min Cons were: revolutionary methods. with regard to pacifism: attitudes; barriers between militarists and pacifists and ways of breaking them down: developing peaceful attitudes in children; actively trying to eradicate unthoughtful stories and Jokes about minority groups; values of becomchapel time. At 11:20 the same day he will speak on the "Major Goals of Our Church." Mr. Zunkel will also be heard several times on Thursday. |
Mr. Richard Burger, former student, will take an active part in the Regional Youth retreat that begins today at 1:00. Miss Ruth Shriver will speak on the subject of women's, work. She will take an active part in the Stewardship Forum which will discuss the subject "What Doe3 Commitment of Life and Resources Mean?" The forum will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 1:20. ing or being born a convinced pacifist; ways of being most effective as pacifists. Following tea, which was served at 2:45, the conference divided into three groups. The first of these groups was "Non-Violent Approach to Social Injustice" with Leroy G. Moore, dean of the faculty at Langston University. Langston. Oklahoma. Dean Moore listed what he thought were four moral obstacles preventing peace: race prejudice, economic nationalism, sovereign nationalism, and patriotism. Prejudice and discrimination against minority groups was felt to be a major area of social injustice. Pointing out that we need to guarantee the right of every person to go where he pleases, to live where he pleases, to keep a fair job, etc. the group recognized that since prejudice grows out of motivation and education for it, there will be no elimination of race prejudice unless economic exploitation si-multaneously is purposefully eliminated. The statement. "Human rights must be placed above all others" was stressed. Some specifics suggested were: that we encourage our colleges to have inter-racial, intercultural faculties and student bodies (all races being treated alike); that we encourage our merchants to hire employees without discrimination; that in the home when children first begin to ask questions, as we answer them, we do not instill in them prejudice; that the Kansas Colleges unite in some way for dissemination of information, action sugges-tions etc. The second of the afternoon groups was "Pacifist Attitude Toward Russia” with Ab Watson as leader. He stated that the problem between Russia and the United |
States is one of deadlock; and, in the present situation, the only out-come will be a World War III which will be atomic and total However, he suggested a program of unilateral disarmament which would go like this: (1) The United States Government would call a conference of all nations to plan disarmament. The method of beginning this would be by the United States disarming Itself and inviting Russian officials to watch the destruction of these weapons. (2) With the money saved by not building armaments, the United States will send a great mission of mercy all over the world on the basis that the only way to overcome evil is to love ones eneimies. Because we belive Russia to be our number one enemy, he proposed that we feed them first. (3) The United States should give itself enthusiastically to genuine international organizations such as the United Nations UNESCO. (4) We should begin the Job by transforming the United States into a true Christian democracy. Mr. Watson, stated that the reasons for the United States to carry through this plan is that the Russians have just gone through the devastation of war and want peace as much as we; but that Stalin is a realist and when he makes the statement that "we must be strong to fight the United States,”, the Russians look to the United States with all of its armaments and bases all over the world and believe him. Therefore, if the United States would disarm. Stalin would have no basis for this statement. The third group was under the heading, "Living Our Belief in a Pacifist Way of Life" and was under the leadership of Floyd Davidson, minister of the Fairmount Congregational Church in Wichita. It was brought out in this group that we can be more effective by (1) Becoming much more disciplined, personally, in worship, simple living, use of time, etc.; (2) Participating in cells; (3) Working on concrete problems in our own communities. The pacifist way of life is the way of love. It takes more intelligence than the other way. Pacifism must have answers to specifies, be revolutionary. give people grave concern or uneasy consciences. We must become Christian evangels—integrated. committed, dynamic, revolutionary. Other highlights of the conference were the banquet, held in the basement of the University Friends Church on Sunday morning. Although the weather brought complications, the conference was felt to have been outstanding in the earnest and sincere searching on the part of the individuals. Those attending the conference expressed a desire to have another next year. News of this will bo published when it is developed. |
Chapel Every Day Next Week Except Friday Chapel services have -been scheduled next week for every day except Friday as a part of the Regional Conference program. R. R. Peters. Dennis Savage, Charles E. Zunkel, and C. E. Davis, Regional Conference speakers, will give the chapel addresses. Dennis Savage will give the chapel address Monday morning. Den nis Savage is the associate secretary of the United Christian Youth Movement. Last summer he directed the Christian Youth Conference of North America. "Say Are You Happy?" is the question asked by R. R. Peters Tuesday morning. Mr. Peters is executive secretary of the Brotherhood Hoard of the Church of the Brethren. * Charles E. Zunkel will tell students. "It Matters More Than You Think” Wednesday morning in his address. Mr. Zunkel is the secretary of the Ministry and Home Missions Commission of the Brotherhood Board. "Whetting the Edge" will be the address given by C. E. Davis Thursday morning. Mr. Davis has served as pastor, college fieldman, and college president and is now secretary of the Christian Education Commisison of the Brotherhood Board. Jr.-Sr. English Exams Have Been Graded The Junior-Senior English proficiency test have been graded and the results were released last Wednesday. Conferences with the various department teachers have been set and the announcements posted on the bulletin board in Sharp Hall. About a dozen juniors and seniors will be required to take "O" English because of a failing grade received on the test. Prof. M. A. Hess will teach the zero English class as he has done in the past for freshmen that failed to pass the English placement tests. |
We’re ProudTo PresentTo our many visitors we’re proud to present the many features, new arid old, of McPherson College. These facilities are for your benefit. We are proud to present our new cafeteria. The old dining hall system was done away with after last years school sessions closed. In its place was installed a new and gleaming cafeteria that can serve up to 200 people. The cafeteria is under the direction of a trained dietician. Miss Edna Smith, and daily serves the student body a well balanced menu. We want you to see the newly repainted girls dorm, library, and chapel. The girls dorm has recently been supplied with wall sockets and twin beds. These new additions make living in the girls dorm more pleasant. We are very proud to present our new Joe Yoder Memorial organ that is used in the college chapel. The organ was given to the college by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Yoder in memory of their son Joe. We also present for your comfort and convenience the Student Union Room which is equipped with lounge chairs, reading lamps, and magazines. Rest and relax between meetings in the S. U. R. We also have a snack room that college students call the “Dog House" in kindly memory of their mascot the Bulldog. The Dog House will be opened at various intervals during the day to serve your in-between-meal appetites. Every element in nature radiates its own special Atomic light when heated, which can be identified and analyzed by a spectroscope. |
Mrs. Elrod Breaks Arm By Fall On Ice Mrs. James Elrod, wife of the executive secretary of the Western Region, fell on the iced sidewalk in front of the McPherson High School on Sunday, February 13. Mrs. Elrod sustained a broken left arm and bruises to her back. Mrs. Elrod’s arm was broken just above the wrist. She is now in the McPherson Hospital. Mrs. Elrod had attended the high school band concert and was leaving the building after the concert when the accident occurred. Quartet Visits Goessel, Galva, Inman High Schools The McPherson College Male Quartet, composed of Albert Rogers, Frank Lutz, Don Guthals, and Gilford Ikenberry, traveled to Goessel High School and presented a secular program Wednesday, Feb. 9. They were accompanied by Mr. Ira Brammell, who gave a short talk on life at McPherson College. Tuesday, Feb. 14, this quartet presented a program at Galva High School, and on Thursday, Feb. 15, they appeared at Inman High School. Mac Forensic Chib Selects Members At a Pi Kappa Delta meeting held in Room 32 last Monday, Feb. 14, the forensic group voted in four new members. They, were Don Keim, Don Speaker, Ardys Albright, and Avis Albright. To become a member of the McPherson College chapter of PI Kappa Delta an individual must participate in at least four judged debates. The president of the organization is veteran debater Ted Geis-ert. The sponsor is Prof. M. A. Hess. Election of other members will be held after the Peoria. Illinois, national meet. Extends Welcome W. W. Peters President W. W. Peters extends a hearty welcome to all the guests on the college campus. The facilities of the college have been thrown open for the conference guests. |
The above cut is the way McPherson College will look when the proposed $500,000 expansion program is completed. The program calls for several new buildings on campus and the enlarge Woodwork And Design Class Make Field Trip On Thursday, Feb. 14. the advance class in Woodwork made a field trip to Wichita. There they visited the furniture department of the George Innes Company. The class used its labortary time to make the trip to Wichita and also traveled in private cars. More than a dozen students made the trip. The class is under the instruction of Prof. S. M. Dell, industrial arts instructor. Faculty Entertains College Fathers Following the first day of trustee meetings, the faculty of McPherson College will be host to the college fathers. The dinner will be informal, and the entire group will play games after the meal. The dinner is at 6:30 in the church parlors. The decorations of the dinner will be carried out on the mode of occupational rating numbers. This will place the individuals according to their own occupations. Mr. Raymond Flory, professor of history, will act as the toastmaster. A short program has been planned and will include Miss Ann Krehbiel and Mr. Eugene Crabb. Dr. and Mrs. Lowell Heisey and Mr. Dick Wareham will be in charge of the recreation. Miss Edna Smith, college dietician. will be in charge of preparing the meal. |
ment of several of the buildings that are now standing. Key to the aerial view follows: 1. Sharp Hall—administration building. 2. proposed kitchen and dining hall. 3. enlarged Carnegie Library, 4. Full Program For Those Who Attend Regional Meeting Regional Conference provides a varied program for its many attenders, including noted speakers, banquets, music programs, panel discussions, and a daily Bible Hour. Tonight at 9 Dennis Savage will address the Youth Regional Conference. Mr. Savage is associate secretary of the United Christian Youth Movement. Last summer he directed the Christian Youth Conference of North America. Richard Burger will speak on ’’Missions and Today’s World”. Sunday at 7 p. m. Mr. Burger and his wife. Ann, are missionaries to Africa. "Amsterdam. A Symbol of Unity.” Is the address to be given by Raymond R. Peters at 7:30 p. m. Monday. Mr. Peters is executive secretary of the Brotherhood Board of the Church of the Brethren. C. E. Davis will speak on "Whetting the Edge" Thursday morning during the chapel period. Mr. Davis is Secretary of the Christian Education Commission of the Brotherhood Board. The Youth Banquet will be held tomorrow evening from 6:30-7:30 at the Church of the Brethren. Monday evening from 5:15 to 7:00 is the time set for the Fellowship Suppers. |
Prof. Donald R. Frederick will present his musical groups in the vesper Musicale Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Tuesday evening at 7:30 proposed new men’s dormitory. 5. Fahnestock Hall, men’s dormitory. 6. Arnold Hall, women's dormitory. 7. heating plant, 8 Kline Hall, apartment dormitory, 9 Frantz Industrial Arts building. the A Cappella Choir will give its concert at the high school auditorium. Among the panel discussions planned is "Should the Brethren Retain a Consistent, Effective Peace Testimony?" Lorell Weiss is chairman of this panel, and the members are Barbara Enberg and Paul Miller. This panel is Monday at 2: 15 p. m. Dr. W. W. Peters is chairman of the Brethren Service Symposium. Symposium members are Lorell Weiss, Gina Munda, Max McAuley, and Earl Frantz. The symposium will be held Tuesday from 2:15 to 3:10. For several years, Dr. Burton Metzler has conducted his morning Bible Hour at the Regional Conference. This year, every morning during the 8:55 period. he will talk on some phase of the New Testament Church. |
Watson Of FOR To Visit Campus Mr. Albert Watson of Chicago. Ill., Mid-West Secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, will be on the campus next Tuesday for a meeting to be held in the S. U. R.. Tuesday evening, Feb. 22. at 9:30 for all interested students. The Fellowship of Reconciliation is on international organization with members in all major countries of the world. It claims to be the only world-wide organization whose entire membership is pledged to finding non-violent solutions to domestic and International problems. According to some officials they are doing a very effective piece of work in tearing down racial barriers in this country. Mr. Watson is a Canadian citizen who has been active in the labor and political movements in that country. He has come to the conclusion that the only way of achieving lasting solution to human problems is by non-violent moans and for that reason is devoting full-time to working for the FOR. Students and faculty members are cordially Invited to attend the meeting this next Tuesday evening. The meeting commences at 9:30 which will he after the A Cappella Concert. Read all the advertisements the Spectator every week. Aerial View Of Proposed Mac Campus With New Buildings And Enlargements 10. Harnly Hall, science building. .1, enlarged physical education and health building. ' At the present time approximately $200,000 has been raised. Students Make Meager College Contribution To March Of Dimes The total amount contributed to the March of Dimes by McPherson College students is $20.75. This amount is only half of the total contributed last year: however. the money given by most of the instructors is not included in this amount, because they gave to individual solicitors. |
Bulldogs To Meet Giants Baker, Ottawa To Meet CaninesCoach Hardacre’s Bulldogs will invade giant's land as they tour east this weekend to meet two of the conference's strongest net aggregations. They will clash with the Ottawa Braves Friday night and stay in Eastern Kansas, to meet Baker at Baldwin City Saturday night. The Ottawa Braves, who currently have a good hold on the KCAC Championship ‘again, hold a previous 59 to 40 decision over the Bulldogs. The Braves seem to present a well-rounded team in Kush, Turner, Tiegreen, and Musgrave who will need plenty of watching by the Bulldog Red and Whites. Each of the above four have been high point man for the Braves on one occasion or another. The Baker Wildcats also possess a previous decision over the Bulldogs; however they had to pull through a close first half to take the game 47 to 37. However, from all accounts they seem to have improved since then as was evidenced by the fact that the champion Ottawa Braves narrowly squaked the rampaging Wildcats 53 to 52. Baker presents a team of no singular stars, but shows extremely well-balanced reserve strength which makes the Wildcat rough to beat in the close going. Emporians Defeat Bulldogs 37-31The McPherson Bulldogs suffered a close defeat at the hands of the College of Emporia Presbies 37 to 31 here. Friday, Feb. 11. The Bulldogs outscored the Presbies 15 to 11 in the second half; however the 26-16 advantage the Emporians had amassed at halftime proved margin enough to win the game. Big Jack Smith of Emporia was burning the laces with five field goals and seven from the charity line for 17 points. Lyle Goering was high for the Bulldogs with nine points. Student Mail Piles Up In The Business Office For several weeks now students mail has been piling up in the business office and is left on the shelf on the west side of the room. At the present time there is quite a stack of mail. Students should call for this mail anytime during the office hours. Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week. |
Bowery Boys Chalk Up Sixth Intramural Win The undefeated Bowery Boys remained securely in their first place spot as they trounced the T. K. B. team 39 to 17 in the first of Monday night's program. Half time score was 19-11, Bowery Boys. . In the second game on tap the Student Ministers "B” upset a favored Preying Eight team as Wareham paced the ministers with 31 points in a 42 to 31 victory. The last game saw the winless Smokers fall prey to the Ministers "A” 26 to 33. Half time score was 17-all. Stevens Is High Man For Mac “B” Team While the varsity was winning, the "B” Bulldogs lost a thriller to the Graymaroons seconds, 46 to 44. The Bulldogs led almost all the way but the Graymaroons closed in near the end to win the game: halftime score was 30 to 16 in favor of the Bulldogs. Stevens was high for the evening with 20 points while H. Unruh led the winners with 19 points through the laces. New “M” Club Members Suffer Many Agonies Last Friday night the **M" Club held its biannual Initiation of now-members In the gymnasium. Following the tradition of the organization the initiates performed various and sundry feats that included counting the number of boards in the floor of the gym. be-ing encouraged to do so by old members and their paddles, sitting in an upholstered chair that had been wired with an old battery coil, having cold water shot all over themselves, being painted with stain, and many other things. The now full-fledged members have expressed their relief that it is all over and are seemingly looking forward to the new-com ers who will be initiated next fall. |
Bulldogs Upset Graymaroons, 37-35The McPherson Bulldogs repeated an upset performance over the Bethel Graymaroons in a thrilling 37-35 game at Newton’s Lindley Hall, Tuesday Feb. 15. Bethel proceeded to gain the advantages in the early moments of the game as they held a six-point. 23-17, advantage at halftime; however a brilliant comeback by the Bulldogs gave them the came 37-35 as they used stalling tactics during the last four minutes of the game. Captilizing on free throws. Peters was high for the evening with 19 points. Newton’s big Lanoy Lo-ganbill, center, could score only 12 points before he went out of the game on fouls to be the Graymaroons high point man. Emporian Seconds Also Win Over McPherson The College of Emporia second team also emerged victorious as they defeated the Bulldogs B’s 53 to 17 as a preliminary to the Bulldog-Presbie feature. Keeping a slim 25-20 halftime advantage, the Emporians left the floor victoriously. James of Emporia had 14 points while Stevens was high for the home team with 11. The box score follows: |
W A AThe McPherson College WAA basketball program opened with a 37 to 23 loss to the local Y-Girls at the YMCA Friday afternoon, Feb. 12, The box score follows; Universities Offer Fellowship To Students twenty three colleges and universities have sent notices of scholarships and fellowships, that are being offered to students all over the United States. Information can be obtained in Dean Warren’s office for those who are interested. Some of the better known schools include Kansas State College, The University of Kansas Graduate School, Harvard Law School, University of California, Claremont Graduate School of California. and Ohio University. Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week. |
Locker ChatterWe often hear of the many times when the dopesters were badly beaten, but the fact remains that the majority of times the dope is still pretty accurate. So with that in mind let’s look into some of the statistics of the league this year and see whether we can find out why the teams occupying top positions deserve or do not deserve to be there. The following statistics were compiled on the basis of Kansas Conference standings as of February 5. Kansas Wesleyan has the most efficient offense according to points per game with a 64, point average while the leading Otta-wans follow close behind with 62. Our own Bulldogs have the dubious honor of the slowest offense with a 39-point per game average. Ottawa and Kansas Wesleyan both have 48-point defensive averages while Baker and McPherson both have 49-point averages however Bethel defensive aggregation takes the counter honors with a low 42-point average. This definitely points to the fact that the problem with the McPherson team is only offensively since the defense averages up fine. Kansas Wesleyan takes honor again with the high average margin of 20 points per game over Ottawa 18 point average which is another reason why I’m still picking Kansas Wesleyan over the Ot-tawans in their next battle which will undoubtedly be for the big spot, McPherson averages losing by 10 points, the average score of all the Conference games of the Bulldogs so far this year being 39 to 49 in favor of the opponents. Incidentally, the average margin of all games played in the Kansas Conference so far this season is five points and the average score is 53 to 4 8. Games with conference schools this weekend: Friday—College of Emporia at Kansas Wesleyan. Sterling at Bethany. McPherson at Ottawa. Saturday—Tabor at Bethel, McPherson at Baker. When the end of the season nears and the seniors begin to think of playing their last game for their old school, our thoughts more or less as a reflex turn to all-star squads. So far. I’m sure of only two nominations for that honor, and it so happens that neither of these boys are seniors. They are Lanoy Loganbill, a freshman on the Bethel team at center, and Harold Pounds, a junior from Kansas Wesleyan. Other good performances so far In my opinion were Charlies Fiffe, Kansas Wesleyan; Gene Anderson, Kansas Wesleyan: Jack Smith, Emporia; and Musgrave, Ottawa. |