After The Game Attend Cupids Capers
McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Friday, February 11,1949
All College Cupids Capers Tonight
NO. 18
The' Forecast:
Feb. 11—College of Emporia vs. Mac here. Cupid Capers after game.
Feb 14—Heart Sister Party.
Feb. 15—Bethel vs. Mac at Newton.
Feb. 18—Ottawa vs. Mac at Ottawa.
Feb. 19—Baker vs. Mac at Baldwin.
Feb. 20-24—Regional Conference.
Deflation Affects Cafeteria Ceiling All That Goes Up Must Come Down
Last Friday, as if to give students something to talk about over the weekend, a section of plaster fell from the ceiling during sup-per-time in the cafeteria.
Clouds of plaster dust quickly spread over the room and diners had to cover their food to keep the foreign particles out.
Now in my estimation several explanations could be given and undoubtedly have been expressed at some-time or other.
In and around Wall Street they sometimes say. when talking of inflation and high prices, that sooner or later the bottom will fall out of everything. Now whether by the stretch of the imagination the ceiling of the cafeteria, but also the bottom of the first floor of the girl's dorm can be thought of as the same “bottom" that is mentioned in the above sentence must be left up to each individual. However, it is rather apparent that inflation and falling ceilings, pardon
All College Cupids Capers Tonight After Ball Game
Another after the game party will be held in the ' college gym tonight. The theme is "Sweethearts in Far Away Places." Folk games, cake walks, and a musical revue will be featured during the evening. The party is being jointly sponsored by the Spectator and the Social Committee.
Next Inter College Rally To Be Held At Mac;
Many Faculty Attend
Twenty-one, faculty members
and their wives attended the annual faculty retreat, Saturday, Feb. 5, at Bethel College.
Each year one of the four participating colleges — Bethany, Bethel, Kansas Wesleyan, and McPherson—acts as host. Next year the retreat will be held at McPherson.
Mr. Morris Mitchell, a high school teacher in Alabama, spoke in the morning on functional neighborhood or community education. Mr. Mitchell has contributed two chapters on this subject to the book, School and Community, which is in the McPherson College Library.
After lunch, the group divided into various divisions for discussion.
Following a tea at four o'clock, the meeting adjourned. Those attending from McPherson were:-Mrs. Martin, Mr. Frederick, Mr. and Mrs. Frantz, Dr. Olson, Dr. Bechtel, Dr. and Mrs. Lowell Heisey, Miss Lehman, Miss Lockwood, Mr. and Mrs. Dell, Mr. and Mrs. Shelly, Miss Harris, Miss Fee, Miss Seik, Miss Mugler, Mr. and Mrs. Hershberger, and Dean Warren.
Youth Retreat Presents Rev. Savage As Speaker
The Western Region Youth Retreat to be held here in McPher-son January 19 and 20 will have as one of its major speakers Rev. Dennis Savage.
Mr. Savage was born in New Market, Iowa, and lived there until he was 15 years of age. Moving to Couer d'Alene, Idaho, he was graduated from the high school there in 1936. He continued his education at North Idaho Junior College and University of Idaho, from which he received his bachelor of arts degree in 1942. His theological training was taken at the Disciples Divinity House of the University of Chicago, from which he received the bachelor of divinity degree in June, 1947.
From the time that he was seven. Mr. Savage has been interested in dramatics. In high school he won first place in the humorous division of the state dramatic contest. He majored in dramatics in college. He wrote, directed and produced a pageant, "Ye Are the Salt of the Earth,” for the International Convention of the Disciples of Christ at Buffalo, New York, July 1947. He has given mono-dramas throughout the West and Midwest.
Mr. Savage Joined the staff of the United Christian Youth Movement. which is administered by the International Council of Religious Education, October 1, 1947, to direct the Christian Youth Conference of North America, which brought together 5,000 Protestant youth of the United States and Canada last August in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Alumni Secretary Plans New 1949 Directory
After an absence of almost nine years, an Alumni Directory is nearing completion. The directory is being printed by the Alumni office.
The Alumni secretary, Mr. Ira N. H. Brammel, states that the directory will be ready to go to press before very long and that interested parties should contact him if their address has changed within the last few months.
The' directory has not been published Tor a number of years. With the number of Alumni Association members growing, this year's directory promises to be the largest yet printed by the college.
Prize Money For College Orations
Prohibition, Anti-Tobacco, and Peace will come under the surveillance of college orators in the next few months. The oratory contest on Prohibition will be held in the Church of the Brethren, 'on Sunday, Feb. 27, at 7:30 p. m.
The number of entries will determine the amount of prize money that will be available. If three enter, only $15 will be distributed. If five enter, $25 will be made available.
At the present time college entries include ,Lloyd Haag, Lester Messamer, Kenneth McMurray, and Gerald Neher.
The Anti-Tobacco contest will be heard the following day in Room 32 in Sharp Hall. The orators will get underway at 4 in the afternoon. Those giving orations will be Miss Nancy Carter, Mr. Charles Hess, Mr. Harold Moyer, and Mr. Don Speaker.
For this contest there will be no local prize money: however if a contestant is selected to go to the state, there the contestant will have a try at prize money. The state contest will be held at Central College on March 11.
On March 13, the contest on Peace will hear Miss' Esther Moh-ler, Mr. Oran Huffman, Mr. Harold Smith, Mr. Don Speaker, and others.
Local prizes for this contest will be $7.50, $5.00, and $2.50 for first, second, and third places respectively.
The top boy and top girl in the contest will journey to the state meet in Lindsborg March 26 to try for state honors and prize money ranging from $7.50 to $5.00.
Interested persons should contact Prof. M. A. Hess.
Expansion Program Attains High Mark
Progress of the Expansion Program being carried on by McPher-son College was recently published by the Public Relations Office under the direction of Earl M. Frantz.
The amount thus far received has reached the $200,000 mark, and as yet an aggressive program has not been waged this year.
The constituents of the college have contributed some $133,553.88 while other sources report a total of a little over $45,000.00.
Earl M. Frantz, director of public relations, states that the college extends its sincere appreciation fur the fine support which is being given the college by so many of her friends.
Mac Group Views Festival Of Art
McPherson College will be represented at the annual Festival of Art which is being held at the Kansas State College in Manhattan this weekend. Faculty members planning to Journey to Manhattan are Miss Della Lehman, English department head: Prof. E. S. Hershberger; and Mr. Rol-land Plasterer, voice instructor.
Also attending the festival will be Miss Eloise Burt, art student; and Mr. Hurry Knapp, college sophomore.
The group plans to hear Thomas Hart Benton, the famous Missouri artist, give a lecture on art. They also plan to attend the Manhattan Players' production of "Cyrano de Bergerac."
The festival is an annual affair and includes music, art and drama. One of the highlights of this year's festival will be the exhibit of 18th Century French Art,
New Drapes For Office
The Western Region offices on the first floor of Sharp Hall now have that spring look. The offices windows have recently been framed with light green drapes. The drapes have a light red do-sign worked into the material.
Players Club Will Meet For Spring Production
The McPherson College Players Club will meet next Monday night at 7 to discuss the forthcoming spring production and to clear up items of old business.
Intercollegiate Institute At University Church
An Intercollegiate Institute designed for students to discuss and work on problems regarding peace and the non-violent way of life will be held at the Friends University Church in Wichita. Feb. 12 and 13.
This Institute, which is especially for interested students in all colleges and universities in Kansas, begins at 10 a. m. Saturday and closes at 3 p. m. Sunday.
Among the leaders for this Institute are: N. B. Tolson of Langston University, Langston, Oklahoma: Floyd Davidson, minister of the Fairmount Congregational Church; N. B. Linegnr, YMCA secretary at Kansas University; and Dr. Burton Metzler and Dr. Lowell Heisey from McPherson Col-ege.
Included in the program are a few speeches, much time for discussion. and time for recreation.
There will be no cost for lodging since Institute attenders will be guests of Wichita youth. The registration fee is $1.00. The Saturday evening meal will cost $1.00 and the Sunday noon dinner will cost 90 cents.
Anyone ’wishing to enroll may write to: Mr. Guy T. Gebhardt, Institute of International Relations. Friends University, Wichita 12, Kansas.
African Missionary Is Rally Speaker
Another of the Regional Conference speakers will be Mr. Rich-ard Burger, missionary to Africa. Mr. Burger and his wife will speak on "Mission's Challenge to Youth" at the Regional Youth Retreat and on "Missions and Today's World" at the Sunday evening meeting, Feb. 20.
Richard Burger
Both Mr. and Mrs. Burger are former students here at McPherson. Mrs. Burger was the former Miss Ann Witmore. The Burgers plan' to return to the African Mission field sometime during this year.
Party Monday Evening Ends Heart Sister Week
Heart-Sister Week will come to Its climax next Monday evening at a party given in honor of their secret sisters.
The party will bo held in the SUR Monday night 7:30-8:30.
Each student and faculty wo-man who attends the party will bring a last gift to her heart sister and will reveal her identity.
Ault And Dresher Speak To School Organization Glass
In the course, School Organization and Administration, the students have been hearing the pros and cons of the Severance Tax Issue.
Mr. A. W. Ault, Independent oil producer, visited the class on Fri-day, Feb. 4. Mr. Ault explained why the oil producers did not want the severance tax to become a part of the Kansas State laws.
Today. Mr. Clifford Dresher, local Chemistry teacher, will speak to the class representing the teachers association that gathered material about the severance tax and put the material into pamphlet form.
The taxing situation of the state is closely connected with the organization and administration of Kansas schools. At least this is the sentiment expressed by the class body.
Debaters Hold Own In O. U. Tournament
Last Saturday, February 5, the previously postponed debate tour-, nament was held at Ottawa University. McPherson took two teams consisting of Max McAuley, LeRoy Doty, Dean Neher, and Don Keim.
McPherson tied with three other colleges for fourth place. The only undefeated teams were the Warrensburg 2 team which won four out of four in the junior division, and the Kansas University 1 team which won three out of three in the senior division. Kansas University had a bye in one of the four rounds accounting for the three wins and no losses.
Both teams from McPherson won 50 percent of their debates. Miss Sarah May Vancil and professor Hess accompanied the de-bators on their trip. Both instructors were of the opinion that the competition was good in spite of the fact that Ju6t a few of the institutions expected wore represented.
Redials Planned For February And March
Voice and piano recitals will be presented in February and March by students and faculty members.
The two students to appear will be Mr. Paul Wagoner, baritone, and Miss Eula Witmore, soprano. Miss Ann Krehbiel, piano instructor, and Mr. Holland Plasterer, voice instructor, will also give their respective recitals.
Mr. Paul Wagoner will present his recital on Feb. 25, and will be accompanied by Miss Bonnie Alexander. Mr. Wagoner is a senior and this will represent his four years of voice study while at McPherson College.
Miss Ann Krehbiel will present a piano recital on the 20th of March. Miss Krehbiel has recently returned from studying piano in New York.
Mr. Rolland Plasterer will present his voice recital on March 21. He plans to do both English and foreign language music.
Miss Witmore will give her re-cital on the 11th of March.
Both Miss Witmore and Mr. Wagoner are students of Prof. Don Fredricks.
me. I mean falling bottoms are not limited to Wall Street, but have even invaded Mac campus and the dining hall. It might be apropos to say that all that goes up must come down (sooner'or later)
Assuming that the not so philosophically minded students will accept the above explanation and the connotations thereof one can always turn to the more scientific answer. This could be that during the cold damp weather that has been rather noticeable around here the plaster became loosened to the extent that it fell to the floor.
Whether the student accepts the first or second explanation. I suppose, will not alter the world's course, but it is instances like this that give a nut like me material to write about.
However, the fact still remains that the bottom, pardon me I mean the ceiling fell in the cafeteria during meal-time and no where else!
“M” Club Initiates Wear Long Undies
Last Thursday, Feb. 10, found the male sex of the athletic department traversing the campus in long underwear. This was all a part of the "M" Club Initiation that was held later the same day.
The initiates were instructed to wear long underwear from 7:50 a m. until 3 p. m. New members met in front of Sharp Hall at 7:50 and distributed gum and candy to the older "M” Club members.
The "M" Club annually holds two initiations. The first is usually in the early fall and the second in the early spring. However, because of conflicts the present group was not initiated until yesterday.
Initiates included Gene Arnold, Herbert Bruns, Don Peters, James Garvey, Gene Reinecker, Harry Heckethorne, Bill Mease, Stanley Watkins, Buster West, Elvin Wolf, John Colyn, Wilbur Beattie, Bob Hill, Earl Grindel, Ronald Sullivan, LeRoy Doty, Jim Bruce, Ernie Hoffa, Glen Pyle, Dale Carpen-ter, Jim Stull, Galen Webb, Don Stevens, and Kenneth Prichett.
The major initiation was held in the Physical Education building at 7 p. m.
College Extends Sincere Sympathy
Students and faculty pause to remember those who have recently suffered the loss of dear ones. The paper extends Us sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. Gene H. Reinecker on the death of their daughter. Cynthia Lynn, who would have been 11 months old on the 12th of this mouth. Cynthia Lynn passed away on the second day of February. Services for the infant were conducted in the Church of the Brethren.
Sympathies are extended to the relatives of Mr. Ira Witmore. Mr. Witmore passed away on the first of February. Mr. Witmore’s services were conducted in the Church of the Brethren last Friday, February 4. Relatives include the Merle Witmore family,
Mrs. Clifford Dresher, Mrs. H. J. Harnly, Mrs. Ann Burger, and Miss Eula Witmore.
Sympathies are extended to the relatives of Mrs. E. E. Johns who passed away on February 3. Mrs. Johns had been ill for over a year. She is survived by Mrs. Henry Peel, Mrs. H. F. Wampler of McPherson and by two sons, 12 grandchildren, and 6 great grandchildren. The funeral was Monday morning in the local Church of the Brethren.
Peters Travels To Ohio For Annual Mission Rally
On Friday morning February 4. Dr. W. W. Peters left McPherson for Dayton, Ohio. He spoke last Sunday morning and again in the afternoon at the Bear Creek' Church and again Sunday night at the Painter Creek Church with Rev. Benton Rhoades in the Annual Mission Rally of the District of Southern Ohio.
Dr. Peters lived in a community near Dayton from 1897 to 1919 and at the present time has a brother and a sister living near his former Ohio home. Dr. Peters had hoped to have the opportunity to visit his brother and sister while In that particular region.
Faculty Members Give Next Chapel Program
The musical program previously planned for Jan. 31 will be presented by faculty members Monday, Feb. 14, in the Chapel. The program Is as follows.
Scherzo in C minor by Chopin —Miss Anne Krehbiel, pianist.
Will O' The Wisp by Neven— Mrs. Audrey San Romani, organist.
Beloved. It Is Morn by Aylward Mr. Holland Plasterer, tenor.
"Cupid Capers", all-college par-ty, will be held in the college gym tonight following the McPherson-Emporia game. Sponsored by the Spectator and Social Committee, the party will consist of folk games and a floor show.
The feature of the evening will be a floor show based upon the theme “Sweethearts in Far Away Places.” Introducing the program will be a girl's chorus line presenting modern ballet. Eula Witmore, singing “Far Away Places.” will introduce the theme. Paul Wagoner and Mary Metzler will represent the United States by song while LeRoy Doty and Anita Jo Norlin will perform a ballet. A Russian skit will be presented by Harold McNamee and Ardys Albright. Representing the South Sea Islands will be Value Alailima in a Samoan dance Following a duet by Helen Stover and Albert Guyer will be the Grand Finale.
Refreshments will he served to all attending the party.
Committees in charge of the party are: floorshow, Vancil Dun-ahoo; publicity. Max McAuley: posters, Ken Kinzie: lighting.
Dean Neher; refreshments. Bar-bara Burton; decorations, Leona Flory; game calling, Winston Bowman: music. Helen Stover; and costumes, Miriam Keim. Faculty adviser is Mr. Holland Plasterer.
National Teachers Exam Given By Dr. Mary Fee
National Teacher's Examina-tions will be given Feb. 19 and Feb. 26 in Sharp Hall room 11.
Nine McPherson College students have made applications to take these examinations. Beginning at nine o'clock on both days, the tests will probably require a considerable portion of the day.
The common examination will be given Feb. 19. and the optional examination will be given the following Saturday. Feb. 26.
The National Teacher's Examination given in this area will be under the direction of Dr. Mary Fee.
Choirs Join For Musical Vespers
Vesper services presented at the Church of the Brethren 4 p. m. Feb. 20, by the McPherson College choral clubs will be one of the highlights of the Regional Conference.
The Women's Glee Club, Men’s Glee Club, Chapel Choir, and Combined Men and Women's Glee Club will participate. The Chapel Choir will appear for two groups of numbers, and the combined glee clubs will bring the program to its climax.
One of the numbers, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." sung by the Chapel Choir is an arrangement by the director. Prof. D. R. Frederick. His arrangement appeared adver-tised as "highly recommended" by the Hall-McCreary Co. in the Music Educators Journal.
New Service Bureau Opened By Mac College
A new Community Service Bureau has been organized on the McPherson College campus and offers many different types of services.
The college offers its services in the fields of Commencement Addresses, Sermon, Music, Debates, Adult Education, Laboratory Testing Service, and Literary Interpretations and Lecture Recitals.
The bureau is run on a non-profit basis although travel expenses are expected to be cared for by the organization requesting special service.
Material advertising this new service has gone out to pastors, schools, school superintendents, clubs, and various other organisations. The material has been sent out by the public relations office.
Do you use your college newspaper? If it were possible to accurately measure the power of the college newspaper, we here on McPherson’s campus would be amazed at the’ power of the local campus paper.
The editors of the paper try to fill the columns of the paper with items that a majority of the students and faculty will be interested in reading. Although the Spectator very seldom rates a “scoop,” the columns are most generally filled with campus news.
When the editors find it necessary to fill the paper with canned copy, it is because they are unaware of the various activities that are planned for the students.
At the present time the staff of the school paper is composed of eleven active members. It is often impossible for these few people to cover the happenings of over 300 students.
It would be a big help to the staff if the members of the various school organizations and faculty members would take it upon themselves to turn in to the Spectator box, located in the Business Office, any news that can be used in the Spectator.
This news might consist of club activities, department activities, proposed field trips, guest speakers, and various other items.
Many clubs and activities on campus often wonder why some of their projects are not better attended. It would undoubtedly help both the organizations and the paper if these clubs would turn in the news of the planned activity to the college paper.
In turning in news to the paper it would be wise to observe the following: tell Who, Why, Where. What, and How.
Next weekend will find many strangers on the McPherson College campus, and by Saturday, February 19, the first group of Regional Youth Retreat young people will begin arriving from many distant places.
McPherson College has been known for a long time as the “school of quality," and has also been known as a very friendly school. People who come to the college do not remain strangers very long. That is the way it has been in the past and we hope that is the way it will be in the future.
If the tradition of friendliness is to continue then all of the faculty members and the student body must help. Undoubtedly there will be many on the campus who do not know the names of the various buildings. If by chance you see someone wandering around and they have a dazed look on their face, give them a helping hand and further the friendly attitude of McPherson College.
If our Welcome Mat is to be out and is to be used successfully then it is up to each individual on the campus.
In the contingent of young people that will visit our campus there will be many potential students. Students that Mac College will want to interview. We students and faculty can help by steering these potential students into the Presidents office or into the office of Earl Frantz.
Shake out the Welcome Mat and let’s give the incoming visitors a typical McPherson College Welcome.
Guest Editor
This week's guest editor is Dr. Jesse Ziegler, professor at the Bethany Biblical Seminary. Dr. Ziegler visited the McPherson campus the first part of the week and interviewed many potential Bethany students and potential ministers. Dr. Ziegler spoke at the Monday Chapel on the rewards of the ministry. His editorial follows:
America has produced scientists, inventors, armed forces that far exceed that of any nation that has ever stood before in history. Now we find ourselves in the position of possessing those material goods and processes which could well destroy not only us but our civilization.
At this crucial hour In our history there is a desperate need for a focusing of all of the skill and the genius of our culture upon the process of changing the mind and heart of the world. That mind and heart must be changed from following the Thanatos or death urge to following the Eros or life drive. In religious terms this means turning from evil and de-struction to life and to God.
Youths Must Enlist
The cracking of the Atom war a tremendous challenge and a wonderful achievement. The breaking of mankind’s headlong drive toward destroying itself is a greater challenge.
It is In this all out effort that the most brilliant and dedicated youth of our generation are called to enlist. Editors, labor leaders, farm leaders, scout executives, school teachers, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, rabbis, priests, ministers—these are the people in whose hands the destiny of the people rests. These people must be the finest, best trained, most scientific people of our generation.
Some of these people must come from every college campus. A good group should come from the Christian college. Which person in your class or on your floor will be one of these people who can carry the responsibility for changing mankind's heart and mind from Its drive to destruction to a drive to life? God Needs You!
More Work For Eyes And Fingers
Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Lehmberg Piano Recital Changed To Feb. 27
The piano recital by Stanford Lehmberg has been postponed until Sunday, Feb. 27, at 3:30 p. m. It was to have been given this Sunday. Mr. Lehmberg is a student of Miss Anne Krehbiel and organist of the Congregational Church.
Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.
At the Physical Education periods Monday. Jan. 24. the fellows were addressed by the coach in charge. It was the period that they were supposed to have what they termed Phys. Ed., but today was different as they were soon to find out. It would be the same thereafter. In brief, they were informed of the first nine weeks' assignment which is us follows
A 3.000-word double-spaced theme is to be handed in to the coach March 16. The purpose is to help the students of Physical Education learn the reasons why they are to exercise. That is, the students are to understand fully the effect that exercise has on the heart, vascular system, circulatory system, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory system, nervous system, digestive tract and system, the elimination of bodily waste, and losing weight. In conclusion the student is to write an ‘'original'' summary and also a "short” excerpt of his opinions on the topic of, "Is Exercise Valuable and Why?"
The following are quotes from various persons interested:
"I don’t doubt that there is some good in this type of program, but it seems to me that this is going contrary to the Idea of Physical Education in our school. The way I understand it. Physical Education is required to give the body some exercise, otherwise why Is It not required of those who are out for sports? In my opinion something is being incorporated in Physical Education that belongs in a separate course." Dean Neh-er.
"I think the objective is rather absurd. If we enrolled to take physical education, I think we should receive physical education in its usual sense (as it has always meant), and not a 3000-word theme which will he copied out of a physiology book anyway.” John Lohrenz.
"It is an achievement in the field of Physical Education. There was a time, and I believe that it is still so today, when physical education was a farce. A student would go to class two times a week and run his legs off, and then be stiff and sore the rest of the week. This, to me, was more harm-’ ful than helpful to the health of
the student. This program, as it is
act up now, will present to the student the education of exercise; and if this program operates on the assumption that this is the need, I believe it will be to the benefit of the student if conscientiously carried out." Professor Flory.
"It seems to me that Physical Education should pertain to the training of muscles. The only muscles that this 3000-word theme will use are those of our already overworked eyes and fingers." Glen Nicholson.
"As I look over the curriculum of McPherson College I see the courses of School Health Education, Personal and Community Hygiene and First Aid offered. This, to me, defeats the purpose of the program of Physical Education as it is planned, in that education of the body is taught in other courses. If education of exercise” is needed as much as exercise itself, would it not be logical to have a requirement of one year physical and one year of education in one of the courses Bet aside for this purpose?
I do believe that this type of education is needed by every student; however I do not believe it should be executed in this way. I do agree with Professor Flory though, that if the need for education of exercise is assumed it would benefit the student, but I question the validity of it in this instance.” Donald Ford.
sas from prohibition was not enough. The "wets" have to boast of it.
The new tags bear the inscription "The Wheat State." The eager students covering the "h" and "a” of the middle word with aluminum paint, have made their tags read "The Wet State."
In The Mission is found this poem: There are three kinds of Seniors. Those who date and stay out late: Those who loaf and congregate, and Those who—graduate.
Approximately 600 people saw the junior class of Bethel College present the play "I Remember Mama." Friday, Jan. 28.
I love this paper.
I think it’s swell;
On Every Friday
I rush pell mell
To get my copy And read each line.
The stories and columns I think are fine.
I laugh nt the jokes.
And read all the ads.
I note all the nows.
And take up the fads.
When I praise the paper I worn those who laugh:
I’m really most loyal.
I'm on the staff!
-—The Bethany Messenger.
Collegian Column
A change in the 1949 automobile license plates on the cars of several KU students gives the feeling that the conversion of Kan
M. McAuley
Le Roy Doty
Betty Redinger
John Lohrenz
Leona Flory Sarah May Vancil
Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor Sports Editor
___Society Editor
__Faculty Adviser
Don Ford
Annette Shropshire Barbara Carruth Lorene Clark
Reporters and Special Writers Lorene Marshall Pat Albright Dale Oltman
Betty Redinger Claudia Jo Stump Miriam Keim
Business Manager
Wendell Burkholder
Harry Knapp
Don Ford
Lloyd Haag
Gordon Yoder
Circulation Manager
Faculty Adviser
Two B's or not two B's that is the question. Everybody 'round town this week is busy discussing bis grade cards, but then, isn’t that the chief source of conversation with everybody these days. There is one advantage the town kids have, and that's the opportunity to present the cards to their ever payin' parents, and cushion the shock.
One of the more eligible of our town bachelors. Don Smith, has been squiring the dorm's frosh belle, Miriam Keim. ’Twas quite a shock, for everyone had the opinion that Don was a woman hater..
Phyllis Brown seems to be having trouble. Most girls have trouble with not enough of the opposite sex, but Phyllis is considering running the following ad in the Spec. For Sale: Harry Hecke-
thorne, Dean Coughenour, Low-ence McDonald, Lawrence Low-rey and Robert Odle. If Interested consult Phyllis Brown. They seem to be giving her too much competition for Lyle's attentions.
Speaking of Lawrence Lowrey, he pulled one of his famous Lowrey tricks the other day. While shopping downtown, he tired of carrying his books, so laid them gently on a car fender to rest while he did his shopping. He returned in a few minutes to find the car gone, and his books with it. But since he is lucky they were safely traced and returned. He was considering filing for bankruptcy, after figuring up his loss.
Lucille Christopher and her parents entertained with a birth-day party Sunday, at Lucille's home in rural McPherson. It was in honor of Herb Bruns, one of the more unattached members of the Bulldog squad, on his 24th birthday.
It seems we have a traitor in our midst. Annette Shropshire is seen frequently with a Wesleyan-ite, and a fooltball player, too. Maybe she can talk him into coming to Mac to school next year. After all, Don Ford chose M. C. for a similar reason, we hear.
News this week is a little scarce, but with Valentine's day approach ing, and all those lovely gifts the girls are sure to receive, we'll, have lots of interesting items next week. We'll be seein' you all
News From Ira
Last week we asked our readers to he alert for a release through this column relative to some decisions of the alumni directors at their meeting Jan. 26.
Today we present one of those decisions which represents a real advance in alumni work at McPherson College. It was a unanimous decision to include in the Alumni Association all students who have attended McPherson College one or more years.
The meaning of the word alumnus is "one fostered or nurtured by an institution." It is an almost universal practice among American institutions to include in their alumni groups those who have attended the institution for a given period, as well as those who have graduated.
This action of the alumni directors will probably double our membership in the Alumni Association without lessening the honors bestowed upon those who receive their degrees, as graduates will be properly identified in the alumni files and also in publications of the Association.
The problem of locating this large group of former students will be gigantic. We urge all readers of the Spectator to supply the alumni office with names and addresses of former students who have had at least one year of work in McPherson College. This information will help establish a mailing file for these new members of the Alumni Association.
Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.
Church Women Serve Annual Father And Son Banquet On Feb. 3
As a climax to Boy Scout Week, the annual father and son dinner was held Tuesday, Feb. 8,, at the Community Building.
The women of the Church of the Brethren served the dinner to more than 400 Scouts and their fathers.
Mendal B. Miller, president of Central College won the speaker and Eagle Scout, Bill Russell, toastmaster.
Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, P. V. Odle, Bill Russell, Ray Watkins, and Scout David Elrod took part in a Boy Scout Week broadcast over KNEX.
Bethel Seconds Win Over Bulldog “B’s”
The McPherson "B" Bulldogs could not equal the work of their older brothers as they were beaten 42 to 23 by the Bethel second team as a preliminary to the varsity.
Half-time score was 23 to 9. The box score follows;
By Leona Flory
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stinnette of Denver, Colorado, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marianna, to Mr. Jack Baker. Ron of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Baker of New Enterprise, Pennsylvania. The couple plan to be married sometime in August.
At a dinner party given by Albert and Ivan Rogers in their apartment were the following guests: Hazel Hornbaker, Betty Wolfkill, Arlyn Heusinkveld, Lois Burger, Lyle Miller, and Harold Smith.
Saturday evening, Feb. 5, Mr. Leroy Doty was honored at a surprise birthday party in Room 1 of Arnold Hall. The guests ate by candlelight and afterwards at-
By Carmina
tended a movie. Those present were Miss Barbara Burton, the hostess, Miss Barbara Carruth, Buster West, Miss Lou Reed, Van-cil Dunahoo, Miss Martha Frantz, Galen Webb, Miss Norma Lee Couch, Ronald Moyer, and Leroy Doty.
Miss Rosemary Traxler, of Decatur, Illinois, is visiting Jeanne Baldwin this week. She arrived Friday and will remain until the end of the week.
Miss Hose Anna: Moorehouse of Topeka, Kansas, visited Miss Phyl-lis Smuts and Miss Wilma Botts over the weekend.
Miss Donna Bowman entertained thirteen guests at a party at her home Friday evening. February 4. The group played games, after which they were served punch, sandwiches and cookies.
Guests Included Marilou How-man, Stanley Watkins, Gina Mun-da, Max McAuley, Colleen Doyle, Winston Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keim, Jeane Baldwin, Don Guthals, Rosemary Traxler, Earn-ie Hoffa, and John Burkholder.
Mr. Harlan Yoder of Pampa, Texas, visited his daughter, Lois over the weekend.
Miss Edna Neher visited Miss Alma Morrison at Beloit. Kansas. Saturday and Sunday.
ben, and we'll also see you at the game tonight when we're genna BEAT C of E.
they say
a certain person, namely ted geisert was going to quit school because they wouldn't let him enroll for 12 hours of debate second semester—it was only another of his wild nightmarish dreams.
many of the women students and teachers have been receiving pleasant little surprises day by day from their unknown heart sisters—everything from chewing gum to colored rubber bands speaking of hearts, ronald moyer has made a jr high school girls heart beat a little faster since he has been practice teaching—how about that
as i sit here on my bed all ready to hop in i suddenly realize that this column must be written and gotten in to our dear editor by early morning so even tho the bags under my eyes look like they are all packed and ready to take a trip and my english lesson remains unread i must scribble on
heard a good joke the other day when i was looking for news i
said well i'll be-- (better
not say that word only people who work for embankment institutions which have levees to hold back the water are permitted to say that)
lawsy me all these people getting diamonds around here mar-rianna and jack now congrats who will be next it seems to be the rage
shore is powerful hot in here and i cant think of a thing to say cept that miss wickersham seems to think that girls should tend to their knitting but not in class who was that cute dish galen webb brought to Spanish class monday oh just found out she was his little, niece he was the only available baby sitter at the strategic time it seems
guess Ive maybe rambled off these little nothings about long enough and better come to the realization of the fact that I
should come to the conclusion that not much of importance has been said anyway so I will be like a nylon and run on
The first program for the voice of McPherson College has been planned and, will be presented in the very near future. Because of technical difficulties the definite date cannot as yet he announced.
Miss Bonnie Alexander will play several numbers one of which will be Chopin's Etude in E Major. Mr. Charles Lewis will read portions of the famous Browning poem "Sonnets From the Portuguese.”
Scheduled for its first appearance in public will be an original skit written and directed by Mrs. George Noyes, speech instructor. The skit is a fantasy and is about two figurines that are discussing Valentines Day.
Several of her speech class students will appear in this original skit. Tryouts have been held and at the present time the selections are being made.
Mr. Holland Plasterer, voice instructor, will sing "In Luxembourg Gardens. The women’s quartet composed of Misses Ruth Holsop-ple. Naomi Mankey, Marilyn Miller, and Will Smith will also be heard on the program. The quartet will sing "Without A Song," and "Make’Believe."
This program is the_ first of a series of programs that will be
aired by station KNEX and McPherson College as a public service program. The voice of McPherson College will be heard every other week when the program is finally started.
Radio station KNEX can be heard in and around McPherson and can be found at 1540 on your radio dial. Mr. Dan Bellus, station manager, and the college committee have been working together in preparation for these programs.
Three College Presidents Air Views Over KWHK
Three college presidents will be heard over radio station KWHK in Hutchinson, this coming Sunday, Feb. 13, Dr. W. W. Peters, Mac College president: Dr. W. M. Miller. Central College president; and Dr. P. E. Schellenberger, president of Tabor College will hold a round table discussion on the proposed Christian Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
The program will be recorded by the radio station for future use and for the use of other stations desiring a program on the discussion issue. The program will be aired from 3 to 3:30 p. m.
A. J. McFarland, regional worker for the amendment, will also be heard over the radio station on the same program.
This will be the second program of this nature on which Dr. Pet-ers will have appeared.
Beat C. of E.
Yea Team Fite
Presbies Now In Cellar Position
The McPherson Bulldogs will tangle with the College of Emporia Presbies tonight at the high school gymnasium in the cellar classic of the Kansas Conference. Both teams have only one previ-ous conference win. Emporia holds a 51-19 decision from a previous McPherson-Emporia game while Bethel fell prey to the victorious Bulldogs last Tuesday. By virtue of seven losses the Presbies find themselves in the cellar at present and will be anxious to get out with a win over McPherson, but the Bulldogs will be hot after revenge from their previous defeat.
The men to watch on the Preside aggregation are Smith and Johnson who have been the mainstay so far this year. However, the Bulldogs who at last found their range in their upset win over
Bethel will be out to keep winning and make their sixth place position in conference standings more secure.
KCAC Champions Trounce Bulldogs
Undefeated in conference play, Ottawa Braves remained securely in their position as they trounced the last place Bulldogs at the high school gymnasium at McPherson. Saturday, Feb. 5, 59 to 40.
Nevertheless, the Braves had to wait until the second half to make their victory certain, as they only had an 8-point, 26-18, advantage at half-time. From then on it was easy as the tribe coasted to a 59 to 40 victory.
Individual scoring was pretty well distributed. Fisher and Peters of McPherson and Tiegreen of Ottawa tied for scoring laurels with 11 points each. Turner of the Braves had nine.
The box score follows:
The “B” Bulldogs could only equal the varsity as they were easily humbled by the Kansas Wesleyan team as a preliminary to the varsity match as the "B's” were beaten 60 to 27.
The junior Coyotes had only a 20-17 advantage at half-time, but in the last half they outscored the Bulldogs 40-10 to gain the final 60 to 27 victory count.
Don Stevens of Mac was high with 12 points. Ralph Larson was high for the winners with 10 points.
Mac Beats Bethel Season’s First Win
The McPherson Bulldogs broke into the Conference win column for the first time this season as they upset the Bethel Graymaroons in a tight defensive battle by the low score of 29 to 25 here. Tuesday. Feb. 8.
Offensively the game was slow throughout its entirety, but the Bulldog victory came as a part of a good defense in their best game so far this season. The Graymaroons dominated the first half, but only very slightly and left the court at half-time with only a 1514 edge.
The victorious Bulldogs had more than enough power to over-come this disadvantage in the second half. The last half opened slowly as there was no scorings for the first four minutes, but then the Bulldogs went on to gain an eight-point advantage. With eight minutes to go the Bulldogs held on this slim lead to take the game, 29-25.
The Graymaroons big center, six-three Lanoy Loganbill, served as a good example to his teammates, however to no avail. Loganblll was high for the night with thirteen points, more than half of the Graymaroons total scoring. Lyle Goering was high from the Bulldogs with eight points.
The box score follows:
Baermen Mangle Winless Bulldogs
The McPherson Bulldogs made a fruitless Journey to Salma to play the second-place Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes, Thursday, Feb. 3, as they were soundly beaten 67 to 40.
After breaking up the Bulldogs' beginning tactics of stalling the ball by rushing them in the front court, the Wesleyan Baermen advanced with ease to a 20-point, 35-15, advantage at the half-time whistle.
Using reserves most of the way in the last half the Coyotes made the victory complete by outclassing the Bulldogs to the final score 67
to 40.
The Coyotes big six-foot two. two-hundred-pound, post man, Charlie Fiffe, virtually had his way all evening. He had eight field goals and five charity shots to walk off with scoring honors with 21 points. Big six-six, Gene Anderson and Harold Pounds each had 10 points behind their name in the scorebook:
Verlyn Fisher was high for the Bulldogs with seven points.
Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week.
Bowery Boys Are Intramural Kings
In the opener of the basketball games Wednesday, Feb. 2. De-forpch scored an easy 60-12 victory over the winless Smokers. Tilman was high with 15 points.
In the feature game the undefeated Bowery Boys counted out a tight 46-4 4 victory over the previously undefeated Dunkard Tech aggregation. Score at halftime was 20-17 in favor of the winners.
In the final game the previously unbeaten Preying Eight group was upset by the Liars’ Lodge team. 38-39. Guthals, scored 22 points for the winners.
In Monday night’s games the opener saw the Liars' Lodge win again, this time over the Ministers A 25 to 21.
In the second game T. K. B. defeated the Ministers B 25 to 20 and the finale saw Dunkard Tech making a comeback in defeating I. P. T. 46 to 38.
Locker Chatter
Since the majority of us are spectators of basketball, not players. It might be well to stop and consider what sportsmanship means to us, especially as related to the current game of basketball.
Let’s think of sportsmanship as going a little further than just refraining from booing and other such practices which are definitely out. Let’s think of sportsmanship In our general view of a game.
Frankly, thus far this year’s basketball season with the McPherson Bulldogs, at least according the win and loss records, has been grossly unsuccessful; however a season like this does test the true cross-section of the sportsmanship of us students as spectators.
Even though we have lost most of our games, we have had an opportunity to see a lot of good basketball. Kansas Wesleyan and Ottawa have exceptionally good aggregations this year as they fight it out for the league championship.
Thus what I like to call real sportsmanship is the ability to recognize good basketball whether it is played by our own Bulldogs
or by any of their opponents.
Every game is not always an upset. The majority of times a team will win because of its superior ability in that game. To recognize that superiority, to compliment it, and to wish it luck against all other opponents, I believe, is real sportsmanship in its fullest sense.
The next Kansas Wesleyan-Ot-tawa game shapes up to be the championship game for the Kansas Conference for the season of 1948-if there are no upsets along the way,
Kansas Wesleyan, defeated only by Ottawa in a thriller that was close all the way. has to win this to gain as much as an even share of the championship.
I’m picking Kansas Wesleyan in the next game, and barring upsets, I’m now picking Kansas Wesleyan and Ottawa as co-champs.
Games this weekend:
Friday—College of Emporia at McPherson.
Saturday—Baker at Bethany.