Attend Vespers Memory Chapel
Attend Vespers Memory Chapel
McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Friday, February 4,1949
NO. 17
Sixty-Two Students Earn Honors For First Semester Exceptional work during the first semester of this school year has entitled 62 students to the honor roll and honorable mention list. Twenty-eight of these students made 40 grade points or over, enabling them to be placed on the honor roll. The highest number of points, 52, was made by Theodore Gei-sert and John Langley. Other students ranked close behind with lower honor points. Two students. John Messamer and Charles Hess, made 48 points. Next were Ann Oberst and Dale Eshelman with 47 each. Arlene Mohler made 46 while several made 45: Esther Mohler, Marie Miller, Bonnie Martin, John Lohrenz, Avis Albright, and Loren Bainer. Others, making over 40 were: Robert Achilles, Ardys Albright. Pat Albright, Marliue Bowman. Winston Bowman. John Firestone, Marion Frantz, Patricia Gentry. Kenneth Jarboe, Don Keim, Lester Messamer, Dean Neher, John Sheets, Stanley Watkins, and Ar-lyn Heusinkveld. Those students deserving honorable mention with 35 or more grade points are: Kathleen Baerg, Carol Bailey, Charles Baldwin, Robert Benac, John Brown, John Burkholder, Mary Jo Christy, Melvin Christy, Lorene Clark, Mary Cline, Lawrence Coffman, Alvin Cook, Dean Cotton, Vera Ebersole. Margery Fike, Joyce Frantz, Irvy Goossen, Lloyd Haag, Leland High, Robert Keim, Lee Anna Must, Florence Messick, Wilmer Moffet, Harold Moyer, Geraldine McConkey, Rowena Neher, Hubert Newcomer, Lois Nicholson, Don Peters, Glenn Pyle, Merrill Sanger, Lawrence Treder, Paul Wagoner and Lois Yoder. Community Concert Brings Helen Jepson, Soprano Miss Helen Jepson, soprano, will be heard in concert on February 9 at 8:15 in the McPherson High School auditorium. Miss Jepson is the second in a series of Community Concerts subscribed to by the citizens of McPherson County. Well-known to music lovers all over the country is vivacious Helen Jepson, lyric soprano of opera, concert and radio, who will appear February 9, 1949, at the High School auditorium. While working in a small music, store in Akron, Ohio. Helen had plenty of opportunity to listen- to the great artists such as Caruso. Melba and her particular favorite, Rosa Ponselle. It was while she was working there that Helen decided to make a career of hinging. Deputation Teams Visit High Schools Next Tuesday. Feb. 8, Ruth Holsopple’s ladies quartet will present programs at Sylvia, Lang-don, and Cunningham high schools. They will be accompanied by Couch Hardacre. Other members of the quartet are Naomi Mankey, Wilma Smith, and Marilyn J. Miller. Wednesday. Feb. 2. this quartet accompanied by Mr. Earl Frantz visited Marquette, Gypsum, Kipp, and Lost Springs high schools. Today a group is visiting the high schools of Brookville and Hoisington. Resume Of A Professor’s Day All College Professors Are Alike UCYM Secretary-Speaks At Rally During the weekend of February 19-20. the Regional Youth Retreat will be held here at McPherson College. Highlight of the conference will be Deunis Savage. United Christian Youth Movement Executive Secretary, as guest speaker. Registration wil begin Friday. Feb. 18. On Saturday. Dennis Savage, along with other conference leaders, will give several addresses: Brethren Volunteer Service will be discussed: and a youth banquet is being planned. Sunday morning, the delegates will attend church services. Following the evening worship service, the retreat will be drawn to a close. For a detailed schedule of the retreat, programs may be obtained from the regional office. Annual Birthday Offering Brings More Thun Goal More than $1500 was raised for missions at the annual Church of the Brethren birthday dinner held Jan. 30 in the church basement. The goal was $1200. The offering will he applied to various mission projects. The largest portion will go to the Bre-therhood Fund, which is the general church budget including missions. Some of the collection will be given to the Crumpackcr fund. The Crumpackers are pioneer missionaries to China. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burger will also be aided by the offering. They are missionaries to Africa. At present they are in the United States. About 340 attended the chop-suey dinner. Rev. DeWitt Miller was master of ceremonies. Mr. Guy Hayes supervised the offering. The Meloaires quartet sang four numbers. "O Master. Let Me Walk With Thee.” ”Out in the Field With God.”, “The Lord’s Prayer.” arranged by Professor Frederick, and "I Will Be Satisfied.” Mrs. Guy Hayes wus in charge of decorations, and Mrs. DeWitt Miller supervised the dining room. The Forecast: Feb. 5 —Ottawa vs. Mac Here. Four College Conference—Newton. Feb. 8—Bethel vs. Mac here. Feb. 9—Community concert. Helen Jenson, soprano. Feb. 11—College of Emporia ▼a. Mac here. Feb. 13—Lehmberg Recital. |
Regional Office Prepares Program For Conference The principal speaker of the Regional Conference Feb. 20-24 will be Mr. R. R. Peters. He will report on the World Council of Churches in his address, "Amsterdam. A Symbol of Unity,” Monday, Feb. 21. Mr. Peters is executive secretary of the Brotherhood Board of the Church of the Brethren. Last year, he spent two months in Europe. Other important speakers at the conference will be Mr. C. E. Davis, secretary of the Christian Educaton Commission of the Brotherhood Board, and Mr. Charles E. Zunkel, secretary of the Ministry and Home Missions of the Brotherhood Board. Mr. Daivs and Mr. Zunkel are former pastors and are new members of the Brotherhood Board. The a cappella choir concert to be held Tuesday evening. Febru-ary 22, will be another highlight of the conference. This will bo held at the high school auditorium. Western Region Offices Receive New Paint Job On Saturday. Jan. 29. members and friends of the Regional Office were busy painting the room in which the office is located. The walls were painted a soft ivory color. Portions of the walls had never before been painted. Those engaged in painting were Mrs. R. Gordon Yoder, Miss Ruth Early, Miss Betty Wolfkill, Mr. James Elrod, and Mr. Paul Wag-oner. The office is located on the first floor of Sharp Hall on the north The regional offices have received two new desks for their office workers. The desks were bought with the money appropriated by the women of the Western Region. Moyer Repaints Interior Of Dog House Fountain Ronald Moyer, manager of the Dog House, obtained permission from the Student Council to repaint the interior of the fountain. Since the explosion of the coffee maker, some time ago, the wall has shown signs of needing paint. The colors decided upon were pink and Ivory. More improvements are expected from time to time including other phases of interior decorating. The Juke box was moved over to the corner of the room. This alleviated the crowding and contusion around the counter. C. B. Y. F. Program February 6, 1949 Hymn—"When I Survey The Wondrous Cross.” Devotions and Prayer, by Albert Guyer. Solo—"Teach Me to Forgive.” Beryl McCann. Talk—The Facing of this Hour —Albert Guyer. Hymn—"O Master Let Me Walk With Thee.” |
Students Take Ibsen's Advice And Eat Breakfast Eighty-four students turned out for breakfast last Tuesday morning after Mrs. Elmer Ibsen, nutritionist, had declared in assembly the day before that breakfast was the foundation of a good working day. Only 30 students had eaten breakfast in the college cafeteria the morning before. Gordon Stutzman, who works in the Rothrock Grocery, said that doughnut business dropped off the day after the speech, but that the orange business was thriving. One college professor admitted that he was unable to buy carrots, because Rothrock’s was sold out. Mrs. Lbsen is from Topeka. Kansas, and is working with the Kansas Tuberculosis and Health Association. She spoke here last Monday morning before the student body telling them the importance of nutrition in their everyday life. A Cappella Chorus Presents Concert The A Cappella Choir will present its annual concert Fell. 22 at 7:30 p. m. in the high school auditorium. Thirty-six members are in the choir. First on the program will be a-group of general sacred numbers, including “O Thou Most High” by Paul Christiansen; Luvaas' arrangement of "Psalm 91” by Mendeissohn, the familiar hymn, "O For a Thousand Tongues” arranged by Emil Soderstrom; and Praise the Lord Eternal” by Schuetky. A group of seasonal sacred numbers will be second on the program. For the Christmas season, the group will sing Overby's arrangement of "Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming” by Praetorious and "Mary's Lullaby” by Nolte. Other seasonal numbers will "Now Thank We All Our God” by Mueller for the Thanksgiving season, and "Come You Faithful. Raise the Strain” by Noble Cain for the Easter season. "Little David Play On Your Harp” by Harry Robert Wilson. "And He Never Said a Mumblin' Word” arranged by Krones, "Dark Water” by Will James, and "Gonna Join de Heavenly Choir" by Noble Cain are the Negro spirituals Hint will be presented. The last group of songs to be presented will be secular numbers. Some of these numbers are "Rustling Leaves" which is a Russian folk tune by Peter Tkach, "The Hour of Night” by Ivan Kortkamp. Other secular numbers are Wagon Wheels” by Peter Je Rose. "Polly Wolly Doodle” by Day Charles, and "Dedication” by Franz—Cain. "Dedication" is the identification song of the choir. Student Prayer Vigil Held In Memory Chapel Students praying for peace are meeting in Memory Chapel every Sunday morning at 8. According to those sponsoring this move the number of students attending has been very small, hut it is felt by these leaders that the attendance will increase if more students are informed about the prayer vigil. The vigil movement was started at the peace institution at Salina and carried forward by the Institute which was hold at Ton-ganoxie last summer. People all over these United States meet at 8 on Sunday morning and pray for peace. 7:00—Wife gone for weekend. Breakfast alone. Day ruined. No hot cereal. 8:00—Faculty meeting. Re cclied blue ribbon and certificate for giving lowest grades last semester. 8:55—Class. Informed students of plan for adding 1.000 pages of outside reading to previously requested 5,000. Slight disturbance in hack of room as suicide victim is carried out. 9:50—Pep assembly. Gave pep talk. Jokes did not go over as well with present students as they did in 1924. 10:25—Covered 20 more pages for private research. New Es |
Heart Sister Week Set For Feb. 7-14 "Heart Sisters Week” sponsored by the Women’s Council, will be held February 7-14. "Heart Sisters Week" is an annual affair at MC in connection with Valentines. The week will be climaxed by a party Monday. Feb. 14, at 7:30 p. m.. in the Student Union Room. At this party the girls will reveal the names of their secret sisters. Girls who wish to take part in the week’s activities are asked to meet after chapel Monday, Feb. 7, to draw names for secret pals. Each girl participating is to give her secret pal a small gift daily. The committees are as follows: program and gift exchange. Phyllis Schmutz and Marie Miller, refreshments. Mary Metzler, Phyllis Brown, and Marilue Bowman: publicity, Donna Bowman and Jean Baldwin, Helen Stover and Doris Blocker are in charge of decorations. Lehmberg To Present Afternoon Piano Recital Stanford Lehmberg, pianist, will present a recital Sunday afternoon, Feb. 13, at 3:30 in the college chapel, Mr. Lehmberg is a student of Miss Anne Krehbiel and organist of the local Congregational Church. The prgoram will include compositions by Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Debussy, and Preyer, as well as the first movement of the Schumann Piano Concerto in A Minor. Miss Krehbiel will play the orchestral accompaniment for the concerto on the second piano. Mr. Lehmberg is a senior in McPherson High School. YMCA Offers Facilities To Mac College Students College students have the opportunity to use the facilities of the local YMCA. Several organizations on campus have taken advantage of the facilities and have organized a volley-ball team. The swimming pool of the ”Y" is open every day except Thursday and is available to students for swimming. If demand is great enough a special night for college students could be arranged, according to Mr. Ernie Corley. The ”Y" furnishes magazines and newspapers to read and their lounge is open to all boys and men. College Broadcasts Will Begin Soon McPherson College's first radio program will he aired over the wires of KNEX on Sunday. February 13, at 3 p. m. The first program will be made up of music and speech students. Faculty members in charge of working on the program will be Mr. Rolland Plasterer, voice instructor, and Mrs. George Noyes, speech teacher. The program will be of thirty minutes duration and will be broadcast every other Sunday. Miss Della Lehman, English department head, is chairman of the committee in charge of arranging the programs. Miss Surah May Vancil, English instructor, is also a member of the committee and has been working with the group in arranging for the program. Station KNEX can be found at 1510 on the radio dial. Mr. Dun 0, station manager, has been working on the technical end of the program. quire should arrive soon. 11:20—Class. Small group of students regret they must drop course because of conflict—conflict of their views with mine. 12:10—Lunch in cafeteria Only $1.50 for well-balanced meal- infinitesimal pork ‘ chop balanced quite well on plate with baby (incubator variety) peas. 1:20—Counselled with fresh-man who still thinks Orientation wus a course in Far East Culture. 2:15—Class. Observed students must be getting too much deep at night as they are beginning to listen in class. If this continues, I will be forced to read textbook before lecturing. 3:10—Home again. |
All College Party Next Week Uses Sweetheart Theme Immediately foliowing the Col-lege of Emporia game on Feb. 11. the Spectator will again play host to the college students in an allcollege party entiled "Cupid Capers.” The party will be carried out on the Idea of sweethearts around the world; and the student body attending will be taken to New York, Paris. Moscow, and the South Pacific. The party will he held In the college gym and will feature folk games and circle games for the group activity. Several new games will be introduced but games previously learned will be the main part of the play. Committees in charge or working out the details are: Choreography, Vancil Dunahoo; Publicity. Max McAuley, Posters, Kenneth Kinzie, Lighting, Dean Neh-' er; Decorations, Barbara Burton and Leona Flory: Game Calling, Winston Bowman: Music, Helen Stover; Costumes, Miriam Keim; and faculty adviser Mr. Rolland Plasterer. All College Meet Slated For Bethel Bethel College of North Newton will be host to the faculties of Bethany College of Lindsborg, Kansas Wesleyan of Salina, and McPherson Colege in an inter-college conference on Feb. 5. These Kansas colleges have united in an organization that meets once a year to discuss problems facing their respective colleges. Bethel and McPherson college have met with each other for several years and since then Bethany and Kansas Wesleyan have entered into the organization. In the afternoon there will be meetings of the various departments of the colleges presided over by the department beads. Departments listed for this year will be languages. literature. and arts; Social Sciences; and Natural Sciences. Lunch will be served at noon In the college cafeteria. All persons connected with the four colleges are invited to attend. Barking Bulldogs Leave For Ottawa Barking Bulldogs were forced to cancel their scheduled debate trip to enemy territory last weekend because of the heavy snows over the entire state. The debaters will leave tomorrow for Ottawa where they will meet teams from schools in Kansas and Missouri. The debaters representing McPherson will be the varsity team composed of LeRoy Doty and Max McAuley and the second team composed of Dean Neher and Don Keim. The debaters are scheduled to leave at 4 a. m. on Saturday and will be accompanied by Prof. M. A. Hess and English Instructor Sarah May Vancil. Dr. Ziegler To Speak At College Church Sunday Dr. Resse H. Ziegler, professor at Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago, will- speak at both Sunday services of the Church of the Brethren. Dr. Ziegler Is professor of psychology and pastoral counseling at the Chicago Seminary. "One Faith. One Lord." will be the subject or Dr. Ziegler's Sunday morning sermon. The McPherson Church, choir will be featured at the service. Sunday evening his topic will be "The High Price of Judgment.” Dr. Ziegler will arrive In McPherson Saturday. Student ministers will be given an opportunity to confer with him. |
During the depression years Helen got the all important recognition that all artists need. It came when she was invited to appear as soloist on the Paul White-man Hour. It was this appearance which brought her to the attention of the late Gatti-Casazza, then manager of the Metropolitan Opera. He arranged for an audition and the following season the lovely soprano made her debut at the Metropolitan opposite Law-rence Tibbett. After several years with the Met and the Chicago Grand Opera Company, Helen is now delighting even larger numbers of her fans with country-wide concerts. A charming homemaker and hostess, Helen and her family live in a modern country home at Tea-neck, New Jersey. Twice voted "one of the ten best dressed two-men in the country,” this and the many plaudits which accompany the name of Jepson still find this lovely singer the same energetic and spirited person as the young girl who sold records in Akron, Ohio. Leadership Training Class On Religious Art Offered Beginning this coming Sunday, a survey of Religious Art with emphasis on Christian Art will be given by Prof. Hershberger of the college Art Department. The course is to be taught on ten Sundays during the Sunday School period and will he accredited by the International Council of Religious Education in Chicago. Various aspects of art will be taken up. The class will be mainly a lecture and discussion course, and no text book will be required. Prof. Hershberger plans to make a survey of Egyptian and Near East Art and also Stained Glass Art. The course is open to all students and members of the local church, according to Prof. Bechtel of the Sociology Department, who is the superintendent of the Sunday School. Ziegler Will Speak At Assembly Monday Dr. Jesse Ziegler will speak to the student body at chapel assembly Monday, Feb, 7. Dr. Zeig-ler is from the Bethany Biblical Seminary. Students who are interested in attending the Seminary may discuss their plans with Dr. Ziegler while he is here. Notice Mr. John Sheets has announced that the hours for the college bookstore second se-. mester will be every day from 8:00 until 9:30 in the morning and from 2:30 until 5:00 in the afternoon. |
Let’s sell McPherson College! Have you ever thought how much Mac College would be worth in dollar value? Even more significant is the unmeasurable values. Although pur college is small it wields an unmeasurable influence in the community, the county, and the region.
If we were going to sell Mac for the dollar then our returns' would be limited to the one major transaction but if we as students and faculty are going to sell Mac for its true value then we will continue to sell it day in and day out.
Our actions will determine just how much Mac is worth. Our quartets, debate teams, choirs, and faculty are constantly going out on sales tours telling people about our school. But what are the individual students doing? Some people would say nothing and a few would even go further and say that some students are tearing down what others have built up. Is this fair?
Perhaps we do not realize it but our greatest advertisements are ourselves. We can do more than all the expensive advertisements can ever hope to do. We students do not realize the power that we have in our grasp, to either make or break Mac College.
Let’s help Mac to grow by expounding its good qualities and by helping to rectify its bad qualities. Of course we cannot help but realize that there are some situations on the campus that could be improved. This is certainly true on all campuses. One college may look better from a distance but what is on the inside is what tells the tale.
McPherson students are going to have several opportunities to try out their salesmanship. During Regional Conference our campus will be visited by many friends and that is a good place to start selling our school. At the basketball games is another place to start to work selling Mac. There will be many other opportunities. Do not let those opportunities slip by, grasp them now.
Let’s sell McPherson College and let’s make the price high!
What is wrong with the fighting spirit of Mac College students? A majority of them sit passively by and a small handful do all of the organized yelling at the games and pep assemblies.
Mac’s cheering section looks and sounds like the convention of feeble Civil War veterans. We have many self made critics on the campus who do nothing but criticize the plays and substitutions. How much better if these strong voiced characters would add their lustiness to the yells and help push the Bulldogs to victory?
Sure the teams have been having a lean year, but the support of the student body would have an amazing affect on some of the games. Several of the games that were lost by two or three points could have easily been McPherson victories if the student body had been behind the players.
Where are the ever faithful Barkerettes? Their section at the home games look mighty thin and by glancing over the audience you can spot other loyal Barkerettes sitting with boy friends and alone.
What is wrong? Is yelling below the dignity of the average college student? It would certainly seem that way at McPherson College. Some of the fellows prefer to sit out of the McPherson section. Why? It is rather interesting to note that these so called supporters are the ones who gripe the loudest and longest about the school and its teams. If yelling is a thing of the past in college ball games, then the student council should do away with the cheerleaders.
Help make the cheers of the college sound like a high spirited Bulldog and not the cheers of a dove.
Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50 Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas |
Guest Editor
This week’s guest editor is Mr. Paul Wagoner, president of the Western Region young people. Mr. Wagoner has been very active in camping and recreation. He works part time in the Regional Office and is a senior at McPherson College.
Probably many of you saw the
assistance that youth gave the minister in the church service this last Sunday. You may have inquired to find the reason, or else you may not even hove given it a thought. It is typical for youth to participate in this way to begin Youth Week. Beginning last Sunday. the last Sunday In January. and continuing until the first Sunday in February is Youth Week. Youth Week is sponsored by the United Christian Youth Movement. If you do not know what this Is. you are puzzled some more.
The United Christian Youth Movement is a cooperative effort on the North American continent of Protestant denominations and state and national interdenominational youth agencies to unite young people in a program of action to “Build Today for a Christian World." "With this theme for the year, the U. C. Y. M. further attempts to give a sense of comradeship with all other Christian youth, and to express basic unity in Christ. These are some of the purposes of the United Christian Youth Movement.
Youth Week is now well established among Christian young people. Youth Week owes its origin to the Christian Endeavor Movement. Feb. 2, the birthday of Christian Endeavor, has been observed by Protestant Churches for fifty years. After Christian Endeavor Week was established in 1911, it has been a tradition in the Protestant Churches affiliated with'this movement. In more recent years many denominations have observed Youth Sunday or Youth Week during the same period. and more recently the U. C. Y. M. undertook the promotion of Youth Week. This strengthened the impact of the Week on the life of the church. Since that time the idea has grown and caught hold of the imagination of the Christian young people of the U. S. and Canada.
Why have Youth Week? Youth Week offers Christian young people or all denominations an opportunity to unite In acknowledging one Lord and one common purpose in His name. Youth should be rededicating themselves through worship. Christian fellowship and service, throughout the week. Youth Week can be a mighty demonstration to the country that you are seeking to follow Christ and practice his teachings in the midst of choas and confusion in our day.
Although one week has been set aside in this way. Youth Week should be the beginning of many programs which are carried through to Easter and oven on through the summer.
For refusing to register under the Selective Service Act of 1948 because "the principle of love is the only way to achieve true peace." David S. Coffman, of McFarland, California, was sentenced Jan. 21, to a year and a day in prison by U. S. Judge Walter J. LaBuy.
Mr. Coffman, a member of the Church of the Brethren, was one of 15 persons experimenting on new techniques for democratic group life, while working as mental hospital attendants. This was one way of living his testimony of peace, but his convictions are further reaching. Responding to the judgment he said to an attentive court: "When we are confronted by an evil, whether in ideas or in people, we have perhaps three alternatives: we can submit to it in fear or indifference, or we can fight it with violence, or we can disintegrate it with Love."
"Jesus of Nazareth teaches us about this kind of Love when he says, "You have heard that it was said. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you. Do not resist one who is evil."
During the court procedure Mr. Coffman used as further illustrations the book "Heroes of Goodwill." by Allan A. Hunter, who is pastor of the Mt. Hollywood Congregational Church in Los Angeles, California.
The story told was of a Russian family during the revolution of 1905, who had conquered a band of rebels by their non-violence plan.
in his closing testimony. Mr. Coffman stated "Thru the grace of God I have chosen to lay my citizenship, my friends, my freedom, my life, on the Altar of Love."
The Alumni Association is an organization of all graduates of McPherson College, whose pur-pose is to promote the interests of the college and establish mu tually beneficial relations between the college and its alumni.
At present there are 2509 names in the files in the alumni office. Prospects are good that others will be added May 30.
Approximately 400 alumni have
paid life memberships in the Association.
309 alumni are listed as deceased.
The living alumni are engaged in more than 300 different occupations. Occupations listed most frequently are: homemaking.
teaching, farming, ministry, advanced study, chemistry, salesmanship, insurance executive, college professor, school administration, physician, law, surgeon, secretarial work, realtor, librarian, banking, dentistry, missionary work, nursing, and bookkeeping.
Seventeen alumni were listed on the faculty at the college this year.
In a recent meeting of the directors of the Alumni Association, some plans were made which will definitely make the Association felt. Keep alert for an announcement concerning these plans.
Dear Editor:
Thirteen years ago the students of McPherson College decided that they would like to have a place on the campus to have as a social center—a place for making new friendships, using leisure time, enjoying all-school social
functions, and receiving guests. They got busy and raised the money themselves and did most of the work in making the room what it is.
In order to make our student room a nice social room the students of 1935-36 had to tear out partitions, level up the floor and lay hardwood flooring, and cover the walls with knotty pine. They spent much time In constructing the beautiful fireplace. After the room was all fixed up. It was necessary to spend a large amount of money to buy adequate furniture. Easy chairs, divans, tables, and chairs, a radio, a clock, a desk, a cupboard, pictures, and other furniture were placed in the room to add to its comfort and beauty.
Students, we have inherited a room that would cost us thousands of dollars to build today! It's wonderful to have such a pleasant social room here on our campus. Certainly we will want to leave it in excellent condition for the students in the years to come.
Last week our Spec, editor wrote about destroyers in the S. U. R. As your S. U. R. chairman, I would like to see all of the students on the campus co-operate in taking care of the furniture in this room. Recently one of the legs on one of the solid maple tables was broken, the arm on one of the easy chairs was broken last week, and two of the new floor lamps have been broken. Other damages appear from week to week. I realize that it is only a few students who are directly responsible for this damage, hut it can be shopped if the rest of the students will not tolerate such rowdiness.
During the day many students go to the S. U. R. to study and visit. Let’s keep it a place that we are proud of and a place that we want to keep using for such things.
Sincerely submitted.
Irvin Stern. SUR chairman
M. McAuley Le Roy Doty
Betty Redinger
John Lohrenz
Leona Flory Sarah May Vancil
Don Ford
Annette Shropshire Barbara Carruth Lorene Clark
Editor-in-Chicf Managing Editor Campus Editor
Sports Editor
Society Editor Faculty Adviser
Reporters and Special Writers
Lorene Marshall Betty Redinger
Pat Albright Claudia Jo Stump
Dale Oltman Miriam Keim
.Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Wendell Burkholder Harry Knapp Don Ford__ Lloyd Haag Gordon Yoder___ Collector Faculty Advisor |
C. E. DAVIS is Secretary of the Christian Education Commission of the Brotherhood Board. He served the church as pastor, college field man, and college president before accepting his present responsibility.
CHARLES. E. ZUNKEL, Secretary of the Ministry and Home Missions Commission of the Brotherhood Board, spent fifteen years in pastoral work and served on the Brotherhood Board before being asked to assume his present duties.
DENNIS SAVAGE, Associate Secretary of the United Christian Youth Movement has won the hearts of young people. Last summer he directed the Christian Youth Conference of North America. He will be the main speaker for the Regional Youth retreat which is to be held on Mac Cam-pus February 19 and 20.
RAYMOND R. PETERS is ex-ecutive secretary of the Brother-hood Board of the Church of the Brethren. He was a pastor, region-al secretary, national youth sec-retary, and secretary of the Board of Christian Education before coming to his present responsibility.
RUTH SHRIVER, National Sec-retary of Women’s Work, is quali-fied for her present responsibility by her service to the church as Director of Children's Work and as a member of the International Council of Religious Education.
W. W. PETERS, President of McPherson College, has for many years been a college and univer-sity teacher. He was head of Department of Education at Manchester College when called to his present work.
Mr. Winston Beam entertained
eleven guests at a dinner party at his home Friday evening. Jan. 28. The guests were Mary Metzler, Paul Wagoner, Anne Oberst, Don Keim, Barbara Burton, LeRoy Doty, Miriam Keim, Ted Geisert, Helen Stover, Bonnie Alexander, and Elvin Wolf.
Miss Sarah May Vancil, Miss Virginia Harris, and Miss Ruth Early were dinner guests of Miss Edna Neher Sunday, January 31.
Mr. Larry Whitmer and Miss
Janice Whitmer, who were students at McPherson College last year, visited the campus January 31 and February 1. They are attending Oklahoma A. and M.
Mr. Winston Beam, a former student of McPherson College, visited friends on the campus this week. He is attending Kansas State College, where he is majoring in speech.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Wolf of Quin-ter, Kansas, visited the campus January 18 and 19.
Ye ole Ed. asked me to got all the dorm kids up to date on the latest happenings around McPherson, and let you all in on the latest dirt on the town kids. It may be hard to confine it to this space, but here goes.
I guess we'd better start off by introducing some new members of our flock who have enrolled here for second semester. A new freshman is Robert Hill: he graduated from McPherson High in ’48. He is interested in athletics and medicine, and his hearty laugh will soon become familiar round the halls of MC.
Another introduction we’d like to make bout here is an upperclassmen. Marjorie Quiring. Marge comes to MC after attending Ward Belmont School for Girls in Nashville, Tenn, for two years, and K. U. in Lawrence. Lots of fun with a big smile for everyone, that's Marge Quiring.
Now to the dirt, which seems to be a little scarce at present. One new addition to the “couple column" is Doris Ann Nelson and Rob Benac, who find great enjoyment spending these wintry afternoons rabbit hunting on the breezy Kansas plains.
Anita Anderson seems to be still chief occupant of Sully's blue car from Illinois, except when they are walking because of axle trouble.
While we are speaking of town kids., we might mention that some high school girls in Mac have captured the hearts of some of our more eligible bachelors. Gene Arnold, Ken Pritchett, and Elmer Gatz to mention a few.
Elmer seems sort of shy about asking for dates, however.
Lenore and Raleigh have been trying for weeks to recuperate after redecorating the trophy cases in the gym. By the way, when you notice that far away look in Phyllis Raleigh's eyes you'll know she's thinking of her beau in navy blues. Lenore doesn't have the far away look very often, unless Dale is more than a couple blocks away.
Kenny Newport still has the girls baffled. He has an impenetrable will, and seems destined to remain a woman hater for life.
We'd better wind this up about here, hut if you want to know any more dirt about the town kids, just turn your ears toward that certain booth at Ote’s every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:50. You may leave deaf, but at least you'll be up to date.
Student Ministers Team Upset Central Seconds
The Student Ministers "A" team, who participate in intramurals only at the college, gained a 39-37 upset victory over the Central College second stringers last Friday. Jan. 28, at the community building.
Coming out from under a big half-time deficit, the Ministers went on to gain a two-point final advantage in a thrilling ending.
A story about the invitational debate tournament held at Mac-College appeared in a recent Bethany Messenger. In the story the Bethany Debate Squad "expressed praise for the grand hospitality of the host college.”
At Kansas State College the K-State Players are busy preparing for the presentation of “Cyrano de Bergerac," which will he given Feb. 8-13.
Kansas Wesleyan will celebrate its birthday Feb. 15 by having no classes after 9:50. The Academic convocation will begin at 10:30 a. m. In the evening the Founder's Day Banquet wil begin at 7.
The first rehearsal by the chorus of the Bethany Oratorio Society in preparation for the present rendition of Handel's "Messiah" and Bach's "St. Matthew's Passion” during Holy Week of 194 9 has been called for Sunday, Feb. 6.
they say
we hear that wilma botz had a very enjoyable weekend but she doesnt want anything published
about it
whats this the following sign was sprawled across the front blackboard in the biology room in harnly—curly watkins and chuck petefish are on the lookout for girls so girls beware
harry knapp is up and around again looks a little pale but the sparks are still in his eyes
the chill supper saturday nite turned out to be quite a success at least there were about 150 students and profs all decked out in western regalia
did you ever see a horse before that looked like an anteater it was a pretty tricky one tho
the students in prof metzlers 10:25 new testament class wore quite disappointed when ho didn't finish his solo the other day we want to inform surah mao williams that ones dirty dishes are not to he taken front the cafeteria to ones room elvin wolfe seems to be another one of these cleptoman-
if you ever need any balloons
blown up Just sec lou reed shes full of hot air
ron moyer and van you know who ate sunday dinner at the apartment of knapp and mcauley they were slightly surprised when they tasted the food prepared it was almost palatable
well kids hope you ate plenty of bullets so you were able to start the second semester off with a
bang or maybe raw carrots will do the trick
Beat Ottawa
Go, Go M. C.
Ottawa Braves Vs. Bulldogs Feb. 5 The Ottawa Braves will jour-ney to McPherson tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 5, and attempt to win the fifth consecutive league win and remain the only undefeated team in the Kansas Conference. Having just recently inched by the Baker Wildcats, 53 to 52. nothing seems to be in the way for the defending Braves to repeat as champs According to dope there is no possibility for the Bulldogs to nip the Braves but the Hardacre-hustlers will be out to pull the biggest upset of the season. Big gun for the tribe is A. B. Turner, who last year with 328 points led the conference in individual scoring. This year Bill Tie-green has been playing some sensational ball for the Braves, in addition to Musgrave, Moore, and Martin. The Braves also possess one of the best set-shot artists in the Kansas Conference in Rush, a superior forward. In addition, they have a good supply of reserve strength which has had a chance to prove itself, since the team started the year with a large number of the varsi-ty on the injured list. Ottawa, with a 65-point per game average, heads the league in offensive averages while McPherson has only a 42 point per game average. Thus, the McPherson Bulldogs will challenge the leading Braves in an attempt to get their first league victory in a major upset. Bulldog Rally Fails To Halt Lindsborg A late Bulldog rally came too late as the McPherson varsity five dropped their fourth consecutive game in Kansas Conference play to the Bethany Swedes, 42-38, at Lindsborg, Friday, Jan. 28. Running up a tremendous lead in the early minutes of the game proved the margin of victory for the victorious Swedes. The Bethany Hahnmen devoloped a 20-4 advantage in the first 15 minutes of the game. Bethany also led 22 to 14 at the half. In the second half, when it was too late, the McPherson machine began to click; but it was interrupted by the final whistle which gave Bethany the game. 42 to 38. Odle wus high with 11 points for the Bulldogs. Dale Anderson of Bethany and Goering of McPherson had 10 and 9 points respectively. Young birds which emerge blind, naked and helpless are the product of relatively small eggs, while young hatched from relatively large eggs are down-clad and active from birth. |
“B” Bulldogs Suffer Loss To Bethany, 43-30 The McPherson Bulldogs “B" team suffered defeat along with the varsity when they journeyed to Bethany. The score was 43 to 30. With a well-distributed attack the substitute Swedes exercised complete mastery obtaining an easy 22-12 advantage at half-time. The box score of the game follows: Stevens ................ 6 1 3 Tolle ...................... 0 0 0 Metzler .................... 1 1 0 Neher .................... 0 0 0 Moore .................... 0 2 4 Jamison ................ 0 0 0 Kinzie .................... 0 0 2 Zunkel .................... 0 0 2 Price........................ 3 1 3 Forsee .................... 1 0 1 Gerad ................... 3 1 0 Olson ...................... 0 0 0 Ludwig ................... 4 2 2 Wise ...................... 2 0 2 Gym Girls Elect Captains For Intra-Class Basketball The girls physical education classes have elected captains and have begun intra-class basketball tournaments. In the 8:55 class. Betty Hanag-arne's team call themselves the Dribblers. Wilda Minnix team is the “Cagers.” Pattie Bittinger's. Killers” and Delma Cline's “Spi-kerettes" are in the 10:25 class. In the 11:20 class Marilyn Miller and Elinor Stine are captains. They termed themselves the “Point Setters" and “Sporty-Nin-ers” respectively. |
W A A Two girls. Lois Colberg and Pat Patterson, have become active members of the WAA Bowling Club. Six girls have only two more lines to bowl before they will be raised to the active status. They are Joyce Harden, Jo Christy, Wilma Geis, Lois Burger, Betty Redinger, and Alice Long. All the bowling Is done at the McPherson Bowling Alleys. Eight Volleyball Teams Compete In Intramurals After two rounds of play, two teams remain undefeated in in tramural volleyball May. They are the teams of Capts. Ken Kin-zie and Dick Wareham. Games are played In the gym-nasium on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7:30 and 8:30. Standings thus far are as follows; Captains W l Wareham ..........................2 0 Kinzie ................................2 0 Frantz ......................... l l Wolf ................................1 1 Porter ............................1 1 Nicholson ................... l l Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week. |
Three Intramural Teams Remain Undefeated; Final Games To Follow Soon Three undefeated teams top the ten-team intramural league however the big games are coming up soon, and some of them must fall. In the games on tap Wednesday, Jan. 26, the opener saw the undefeated Deforpchs fall to the still undefeated Bowery Boys, 31 to 19. The second half defense of the Bowrey Boys allowed Deforpch to only tally two points in the last half. In the second game the Preying Eight aggregation won a thriller from I. P. T., 43 to 4 2. Pritchett was high for the winners with 17 points. The final game saw Dunk-ard Tech roll to an easy 48-33 over T. K. B. The Monday night program of Jan. 31 saw the two ministers' teams tangle in the opener. The "A” ministers won. 28 to 18. Wareham scored 17 points for the losers. Liars Lodge bowled over the last place Smokers in the second game 37 to 24..Stan Watkins hit 17 points for the lodge. A thrilling finale saw I. P. T. edge by T. K. B. 23 to 22. J. Burkholder was high wth 9 points for the victors. |
Locker Chatter Too many rumors about Ottawa, College of Emporia, and Baker withdrawing from the Kansas Conference in favor of a new Mis-souri-Kansas League including William Jewell, Central, and the Missouri Valley seem to have died down a bit lately. All three of these schools were invited to a conference concerning this matter in Kansas City. C. of E. and Baker sent representatives, but Ottawa declined. At present, that is as far as any kind of official action has progressed on this matter; however Kansas Wesleyan has also had rumors going on about withdrawing, but only unofficially. - The base of all these school's willingness to withdraw Is financial. Having been at the head of the league for so long, the way they see it. they could keep their turnstiles clicking at a better rate with rougher competition. On the face, that reasoning may be flawless, but then again these dissenting schools might be biting off a little more than they can hold. The truth is that winning teams keep attendances up and losing games send them sliding downward. Unless these “prodigal" schools can keep their same records of victory against new and increased competition, which is quite impossible, we can safely predict that their attendance records will fall with the win and loss records. |
Notice was released last Tuesday that Virgil Baer, coach of the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes since 1946, had handed in his resignation. He had been a star athlete with Kansas Wesleyan when he graduated In 1936. His records of his teams in the Kansas Conference have consistently been excellent. As yet the college has announced no plans for replacement The defending championship Ottawa Braves coached by Wally Forsberg seem to have made inroads to repeat this season with Kansas Wesleyan as a dark horse outfit. Only a mad trick of fate could put Baker on the top. The rest of the teams seem definitely out of the running. Games This weekend: Friday-—Ottawa at Bethel. Saturday—Ottawa at McPherson. Bethel at Sterling. Although there are many languages spoken throughout the world, there is considerable similarity between the fundamental speech sounds. K.C.A.G. Leaders Play Here |