Folk Gaines and Chili Church Basement


Hi Ya Pardoner! Going to the Chili Feed

McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Friday, January 28,1949

NO. 16

New Students Swell Total Class Enrollment

Mid-semester enrollees help to raise the un-official tabulation of students now attending McPherson College. All special students have not been listed as yet according to Mrs. Martin of the central office.

The central office has announced that at the present time there is a total of 346 students enrolled at McPherson College for the second semester of the 1948-49 year.

Out of the 113 freshmen, there are six new students. The freshman girls are: Mary Frances Layman from Stet, Missouri: Doris Kesler from Quinter, Kansas: An-nona Baxter from McPherson; Lu-etta Johnston from Leonard, Missouri.

New freshmen boys are:    Joe

Firestone from Roanoke. Louisiana and Robert Hill from McPherson, Kansas.

The enrollment for the sophomore class is 80, with one new student. He is Carl Harris from McPherson.

Harley Utter from Kansas City,

Kansas; Marjory Quiring from McPherson, and Kenneth Hanser from McPherson help make the total enrollment 73 for the junior class.

There are 69 seniors enrolled, and 11 special students.

These figures are not official because students are still enrolling.    

All-College Chili Feed Is Scheduled For Saturday

Saturday evening at 6:30 the Barkerettes will be host to students in an all-college Chili feed. The feed is being held in the church parlors. Following the Chili feed the committee has planned an evening of folk games and a western style program.

Tomorrow night will find mem-

bers of the McPherson student body sporting cowboy boots, plaid shirts, jeans, and other regalia that signifies a true westerner.

Folk games and a program will highlight the evening that is being sponsored by the pep club. The program will start at approximately 9:45 and will feature Bill Moore and Marilyn Miller in the tune “Why, Oh Why. Did I Ever Leave Wyoming?” Alice Long will he featured in “I’m an Old Cow Hand.” A group of girls will sing "Ridin' Down The Trail To Santa Fe.” Then the evening program will be completed with a skit entitled “Little Nel.”

The program is in charge of Leona Richards:    tickets, Hazel

Sanger; decorations. Miriam Keim; and folk games, Eula Broyles.    

The Women of the Church of the Brethren are working with, the pep club and will prepare the Chill.

Spectator Sponsored “Soc-Hop” Wins Hearty Approval Of Students

Immediately following the basketball game January 14, an allcollege ”Soc-Hop” was held in the gym. Approximately 200 students and faculty members attended the gala affair.

The feature of the evening was a floor show with a chorus line composed of John Firestone, Joe Firestone, Bill Daggett, Kenneth Watkins, Ellis Albright, Lawrence Eggleston, Vernon Nicholson, Clayton Bell, and James Garvey.

Kansas Districts Hold Winter Youth Retreat

Two Youth Rallies are to be held this week-end. one at Parsons, Kansas, and the other one at Ottawa, Kansas.

The youth get-together at Parsons is to be a recreational rally with the Recreational Council from McPherson giving the program.

Paul Wagoner will give the Sunday sermon; and Professor Dell will go along as the advisor.

In Ottawa the program will include numbers by a quartet from the college. The members are Rob Keim, Vernon Nicholson, Kenneth Graham, and Dale Eshel-man.

Professor Flory is scheduled to he the Sunday morning speaker. The topics for discussion will be the Chicago Youth Conference that was held last Thanksgiving.

Quadrangle Man Chosen By Council

Dean Cotton has been chosen the assistant business manager of the Quadrangle by the Student Council.

Dean had experience in high school having held the position of business manager of the Hi-Y play in 1946. In 1947 he was business manager of the McPherson High School annual, The Bullpup. and also the student publication. The High Life.

The former decision of the Student Council was reversed because of the unconstitutional action of the council.

Faculty Members Give Next Chapel Program

Faculty members of McPherson College have charge of chapel services next week.

Faculty of the music department will present the program on Monday. January 31. The program is as follows:

Scherzo in C minor by Chopin— Miss Anne Krehbiel, pianist.

Will O' The Wisp by Neven— Mrs. Audrey San Romani, organist.

Beloved. It Is Morn by Aylward —Mr. Rolland Plasterer, tenor.

Charity by Hageman—Mr. Rolland Plasterer, tenor.

On the following Wednesday. Dr. Lowell Heisey will speak in chapel. Prof. D. R. Frederick will direct the chapel choir in its special number “Jesus Our Lord We Adore Thee" by Will James.

The Forecast:

Jan. 28—Bethany vs. Mac at Lindsborg.

Jan. 29—Barkerettes All-College Chill feed.

Feb. 3—Kansas Wesleyan vs. Mac at Salina.

Feb. 5—Ottawa vs. Mac here.

Feb. 9—Helen Jepson Columbia Concert Series.

UNESCO Chapter For Local County

A UNESCO chapter for McPherson    County was    organized    last

Sunday afternoon    during a    meeting    of interested    groups in    Mc

Pherson County.

Dan Bellus was elected chairman; Mrs. Bradshaw, vice-chair-man; Rev. Lindell, vice-chairman; Mrs. Betty Price, secretary, and Mr.    Jess Cooper,    treasurer.    This

represents the working organization for the county chapter.

During the meeting, which was opened by prayer, a number of speakers gave examples or their ideas of how different organizations were contributing to the UNESCO movement or how they could.

Dr. W. W. Peters told how the wiping out of prejudices here at home would help in the general world peace movement. He also expressed the belief that Europe’s D. P's should he helped more by the United States. He stressed that responsibility rests on each individual whether peace is accomplished or not. Dr. Peters is connected with the Kansas state UNESCO.

Miss Hildibrand, chairman of the McPherson County Home Demonstration Program, shared the idea of establishing a world citizenship in a world community. Pen friendships made by corresponding with people in foreign countries was suggested too.

Rev. Lindell of Marquette, Kansas, told of the willingness of his community to back such a peace movement as UNESCO. Mr. Don Keim, a senior at McPherson College, told of the model United Nations meeting that was held on Mac campus lust spring.

Mr. John Conway, from Central College, told of its International Relations Club, and of the club’s activities to understand international relations better.

Mr. Saterfield, from Bethany College at Lindsborg, warned the group against war hysteria. He advocated the understanding of both or all sides of any problems. It was his idea also that pen friendships were a good way to promote pence.

After the election of the formerly mentioned officers, refreshments were served to all.

The meeting was sponsored by the A. A. U. W. of McPherson which is vitally interested in the work of UNESCO.

Ida M. .Young Leaves Science Faculty Group

Miss Ida M. Young, instructor in the Chemistry department, has terminated her contract with McPherson College and will return to her home In the east.

Miss Ida M. Young Miss Young became associated with the college at the beginning of the fall semester of 1948. She had previously taught at Oklahoma A & M before coming to McPherson. Miss Young also taught in the mathematics department.

Mr. Ira N. H. Brammell. Alumni Secretary, will teach trigonometry and Prof. Joseph S. Shelly will instruct in the Department of Chemistry.

Gibson Page Ad Carried By Paper May Be Fraudulent

Wendell Burkholder, Spectator business man, lately contracted to publish two advertisements for the Gibson Page Company of Rochester, New York. In good faith the Spectator published the ads but now it seems that the company is fictitious and has been using the United States mails to defraud.    

The Bridegwater College paper also carried a similar advertisement as did many other college paper. The Cavalier-Daily of the University of Virginia was perhaps the first paper to discover the fraud.

The company had been offering war surplus microphones to needy medical students at a saving of many dollars.

The advertisement, appearing in the October 26 and 28 issues of the Cavalier Daily, offered "a limited supply of surplus microphones” costing "many times the price $9 including shipping and carrying charges) for which they are now being offered.”

Student Swindled

Mrs. Nancy Lowden of 37 University Circle. University of Virginia, became the unfortunate recipient of one of these instruments several weeks ago. The microscope, supposedly still packed in its original carton, was found to be no more than a top microscope wrapped In an old copy of a Rochester newspaper and worth no more than $1 at most.

She phoned the offices of the Cavalier Daily to tell her story and said "It would be worthy my $9 to see these people put where they belong.”'

The C-D had its suspicions about the firm, however, when it failed to receive payment for the advertising. The National Advertising Service to which the C-D is a subscriber, wrote that the firm in question was not registered with any accredited advertising service and was not so much as listed in the Rochester phono directory.    

Mrs. Lowden had brought the matter to the attention of the Charlottesville Postmaster, who is investigating the matter.

Barking Bulldogs Travel To Ottawa

Tomorrow, January 29, two men's teams will Journey to Ottawa University to compete in a four round debeate tournament. Those participting will be LeRoy Doty, Max McAuley, Dean Neher, and Don Keim.

At Lindsborg on March 26, the Kansas Intercollegiate Debating League will be held. There will be both a men’s and women’s tournament to determine the state winners In each division.

Peace Oratory

Open to both debaters and nondebaters will be the Peace Oratorical and Peace Extempore Contests held at the same time as the League tournament. Each contest will be divided into men's and women's divisions. State prizes of $7.50 and $5.00 will be given to the winners in each of the four contests.

W. W. Peters Attends Brotherhood Meeting

Dr. W. W. Peters, president, left the McPherson College campus last Monday to attend sessions of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the General Brotherhood Board in Elgin, Illinois.

He returned yesterday to the campus. Before leaving he expressed his desire to extend a most cordial welcome to all of the new stu-dents-and to extend best wishes to those who did not re-enroll.

He also stated In a news release that he hopes this semester will be enjoyable and profitable to students and faculty.

Arnold Hall Convenes New Executive Body

On January 14, after casting three ballots, the Arnold Hall girls elected the following officers for House Council: president, Ruth Holsopple; vice-president, Bonnie Alexander; head proctor, Barbara Burton; and secretary-treasurer, Vera Ebersole.

Other highlights of the show

were Holland Plasterer, assistant voice instructor, depicting a “sugar mama"; a skit on “Serutan Yob” with Norma Lee Couch. Le-Roy Doty, Buster West, and Ronald Moyer; Helen Stover at the piano; and Barbara Burton portraying a “torch singer”.

In keeping with the theme, a majority of the students checked their shoes. Folk 'games were under the direction of Winston Bowman. caller.

The Dog House provided a refreshment stand with candy and pop.

A strong approval was voiced by the students for more aftergame parties.    

College Broadcasts Over Local Station

McPherson College will soon have its own programs broadcast from the McPherson radio station, KNEX. The college has made arrangements with Mr. Dan Bel-lus, manager of KNEX, to broadcast 15-minute programs on weekends.

Announcements pertaining to date of first program and type of program have not as yet been made. However, the committee responsible for programs anticipates having its first program early in the semester.

A variety of programs will be presented with students and faculty participating. College broadcasts will give students a chance to put their interests in radio to work.

The program committee is composed of Miss Sarah May Vancil, Miss Della Lehman, and Mr. Rol-land Plasterer.

Shorter Spelling Forms Advocated For Adoption

Advocates for a reform in spelling have been filling the mails with cards urging students and adults to adopt the easier spelling forms.

Logical spelling forms as given in accepted dictionaries are being stressed and those being pushed the hardest are thru, thruout the and altho. Other spelling forms ad-vocated are noleg for knowledge, recev for receive, and furlo for furlough.

Some short forms are being us-ed by many important publications and are recognized as correct optional spelling by many standard dictionaries, according to Luke Lindley of Stratton,Colorado.

Boys Leave Fahnestock; Prepare To Trim Cost

Mid-semester found many changes taking place in the boys dorm. Approximately five rooms were vacated by students desiring to live off campus. The rooms were immediately filled by freshmen who had been living off campus first semester.

Many of the students leaving the dorm planned to "batch” in order to beat the high cost of living.

College Dog House Receives Musical Vending Machine

After many weeks of delay the Student Council of McPherson College has procured and “automatic music vending machine.” for the college Dog House. To most of the students on campus it already has been given the name “Juke box" in preference to the long legal name given it by the Administration Committee of the college.

The machine plays twenty-four records and accepts five. ten. and twenty-five-cent coins. Such tunes as "Lavender Blue.” “Missouri Waltz.” and "There's a Barber in the Harbor of Seville" appear on the program offered by the machine.    

The box was placed in the Dog House by the Student Council which will receive half of the revenue.     

A committee consisting of “Buck” Reinecker, council president; LeRoy Doty, council treasurer; Dean of Women Mary Fee. and Dean of Men S. M. Deli select the records on the box.

New Professor Is Added To Faculty

Professor Joseph Shelly has joined the faculty of McPherson College this semester and is teaching the following courses: biology 1, Agriculture 2 and 52, Farm Mechanics 56, Arc Welding, and Acetylene Welding.

Coming from Shippensburg, Penn.. Mr. Shelly brings with him his wife. Edith, and daughter, Carole Ann.

Joseph Shelly

As president of the Council of Men's Work of the Church of the Brethren. Mr. Shelly Is well known to many people throughout the country.

Holding a B. S. degree from Juniata College. Mr. Shelly has been doing graduate work at the Pennsylvania State College. He has been teaching agriculture in the public schools in Pennsylvania prior to his coming here.

Upperclassmen Fail English Exam

Approximately thirty upper-classman failed the English pro-ficiency tests given first semester.

Unless these students rectify their grades in a second semester test they will be classified in 0 English. The course will be taught by, Professor Hess.

This test has been authorized by the faculty and is administered by the English department. The test consists of a written composition with emphasis on principles of effective grammar and writing.

The adoption of this test was a result of complaints from business men on the speech and writing habits of college graduates.

The method of testing has been reported as quite successful. Plans arc being made to give the lest again next year.

Staff Changes On College Newspaper

Staff changes in the executive staff of the Spectator took place at the end of the semester. Mr. John Firestone relinquished the position to Mr. Mux McAuley. Mr. LeRoy Doty, former campus editor, now fills the position of managing editor. Miss Betty Redinger was elected to the position of campus editor.

Mr. Vancil Dunahoo resigned his position with the school paper as did Mr. Buster West; they were formerly feature editor and sports editor respectively. Mr. John Lorenz, freshman, will now edit the sports page and the position of feature editor has been eliminated.

Circulation Manager

At the present time the school paper Is in need of a circulation manager. This position was vacated by Mr. Don Ford, to enable him to devote more time in the writing section of the paper.

One new member, Miss Mary Layman from Slet, Missouri, has been added to the staff. The editors request any new students who are interested in the paper to contact them.

Movies Applauded By Mac Students

"Let’s have more films on the campus!” That's the cry overheard made by many Mac student*. Dr. Lowell Heisey says that the social committee is willing to show more films if the students want them.

A variety of films was shown last Saturday evening in the college chapel. These films were sponsored by the McPherson College Camera Club and the social committee.

Byron Frantz and Winston Bowman. Camera Club members, ran the projectors. One college projector was-used, and another one was borrowed from the Mound-ridge Co-op in return for showing a reel concerning the Co-op.

One film of the homecoming events at McPherson College last fall, which was taken by Holland Plasterer, was shown. Another film from the Industrial Arts Department was shown. Other reels were secured from the Bureau of Visual Instruction, University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas, and Thacker Bangs. Inc.    

Church Of The Brethren

Airs Morning Service

On Sunday morning. January 23, the McPherson Church of the Brethren aired its services over the wires of radio station KNEX.

The message given by Dr. DeWitt Miller and the music under the direction of Prof. Don Frederick was heard by many McPher-sonites in their respective homes.

Every Sunday morning radio station KNEX, as a public service broadcasts the services of a local church.

Welcome New Students!

• Welcome new students! Your college newspaper extends the welcome mat to you and hopes that you will find your next few months very enjoyable here on the Mac College campus.

Teachers and students alike will be glad to give you a helping hand if the need arises. You will undoubtedly find your first few weeks filled with many important things to do; but when finally you make the adjustment, look around you and determine what McPherson has to offer.

Remember if you find college life rather dull, it may be because you as an individual are not entering into the activities of the campus.

College Parties Can Be Successful

Did you attend the all college “Soc-Hop?" If you did not, then you missed one of the most successful parties ever held on the McPherson College campus.

Approximately 200 students and faculty members dropped in after the Mac-Baker game and stayed to see the floor show and play folk games. Perhaps it was the floor show that was the attraction, but for the first time in the history of Mac College the gym was crowded with people folk gaming until the last game was called.

We often hear people giving out with gripes about the lack of excitement on our campus. The "Soc-Hop” proved that activities which include the entire student body can be given successfully.

Now it is up to the other organizations on the campus to sponsor all college events. Two things must remain uppermost in the planning of these events: (1) they must be well planned, (2) and they must be well advertised.

The Spectator has pointed the way, now it is up to the other organizations on the campus to follow.

Slop The Destroyer!

Many students are now enjoying the comforts of the Student Union Room. It has become a lounge for those that have free periods during the school day; but these comforts are being seriously threatened by a group of careless and reckless students.

These inconsiderate students have been careless in the way they are taking care of the furniture, and as a result some of the lamps and chairs have been damaged and cannot be used.

We want the S. U. R. to be the meeting place of students that have free time, but it will be necessary for each student to be a committee of one to try to stop the destruction of the “Student Union Room furniture.

Parshad Essays By Christian Youth Being Graded Now

Because of his interest in Christian youth. Alfred H. Avery. Christian layman, makes possible the Parshad College Scholarships, awards through the United Christian Youth Movement.

The purpose of the Awards, in addition to providing educational training for Christian youth, is to center the thinking of young people upon the implications of the Christian Gospel and to stimulate them to greater activity in winning youth of their communities for Christ.

To the top ranking boy and girl An award valued at $400.00 per year for four years is paid to the college of the winner's choice. Also a scholarship is given each summer covering room, board, and registration fee to a summer con-ference sponsored by the U. C. Y. M. or other religious organization. There are awards for winners of the Region, State or Province, Local Community, and County. The above stated awards are for the National winners and the other awards are directly proportional.

Participants must be Christian young people between the ages of 16 and 24 who are at least seniors in high school and not more than freshmen In college. The contestant is to prepare an essay with the title “Youth in the Com-munity: Our Christ inn Responsibility." It should not bo more than 1,500 words.

The author's original thinking on the responsibility of youth for developing Christian community life is presented with evidence of Christian service in the local church and interdenominational cooperation.

Parshad papers are now in the process of being graded. Keith Howard, former student, received mention for his paper of last year.

Eric Hoffman Relates Experiences

Life With Nazis Related By Manchester Student

Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR

McPherson, Kansas

M. McAuley

Le Roy Doty Betty Redinger

John Lohrenz Leona Flory Sarah May Vancil


Don Ford

Annette Shropshire Barbara Carruth Lorene Clark

Reporters and Special Writers

Lorene Marshall    Betty Redinger

Pat Albright    Claudia Jo Slump

Dale Oltman    Miriam Keim


-    Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor

Campus Editor Sports Editor Society Editor

Faculty Adviser

The Editors of the Spectator want to remind the student body that each and every one of you have an opportunity to let your likes and dis-likes known.

For many years the Spectator has had a "Dear' Editor" column but very few people have contributed to it. Like all good healthy colleges surely the students as individuals have helplul criticisms.

The Editors will follow the policy of withholding the names of individuals if so desired. Get it off your chest—maybe others feel the same way about it. Remember, everyone appreciates helpful hints.

Eric Hoffman, a German student at Manchester College, was recently a guest speaker at the Volunteer Service Unit in New Windsor, Maryland. The following paragraphs relate his life in Germany during the reign of Adolf Hllter.

In 1933 Adolf Hitler came into power. Like many other German youth Eric Hoffman was enthu-siastic about the Nazi program which was promising to make Germany powerful again.

At the ago of thirteen he prepared for his Lutheran Confirmation. His pastor influenced hint against the Hitler Youth program, as did his parents who before had hesitated to voice anti-Nazi opinions for fear that he might unintentionally reveal their feelings.

In 1934, during the uprising against the Jews, Mr. Hoffman witnessed civilian-clothed Storm Troopers and Hitler Youth tearing up shops and wrecking a Jewish Synagogue. Because of this ho was turned against the Nazi program and joined an anti-Hitler group in 1940.

In that same year he was arrested as a result of his activities in the youth organization. He was held without trial for three weeks, and then received a light sentence. However, he could no longer attend school in Hamburg and as a result his pastor arranged for him to go to North Germany to a liberal private high school Three months later that school was closed by the Nazis because they were unable to control adequately what was taught.

He was sent to Saxony to a Nazi controlled school. The students were urged to express their opinion, not because the democratic principles of free speech was practiced. but because the statements of the students made a good measure by which to judge public opinion.

Later Mr. Hoffman was forced into the paratroopers to keep from being drafted into the Storm Troopers. He spent time in southern France and Italy before he was sent back to Germany for additional training.

From Germany he was sent to the Russian front where in March and April of 1944 his unit retreated with only 190 of the original 10,000 men. In March, 1944, he was wounded and sent back to Germany. From the hospital he

went to Holland where in October.

1944, he was captured by the English.

In England in a P. O. W. camp he served as an interpreter. Because of his previous anti-Nazi tendencies his fellow prisoners (mostly SS men and paratroopers) would not believe him when Berlin actually began to fall. Hostilities increased because of that situation, and Mr. Hoffman was transferred to another P. O. W. camp. In his new camp he took advantage of a YMCA teaching course.

Mr. Hoffman has been here only for a few months. He had high hopes and expectations before coming to America, and he says these have been surpassed.

He is impressed by our high standard of living which according to him is three times as high as the German standard during the peak of Nazism in Germany.

He is impressed by our freedom and in contrast to his lack of it. under the Nazis, ns a P. O. W., and under the Allied Military Government.

—Volunteer Service Speaker—

Piano Students Viewed

The following students of Miss Anne Krehbiel were presented in a series of two piano recitals, January 13 and 14: Vernon Nicholson, Wilma Smith, Wilda Minnix, James Garvey, Jack Baker, Gerald Albright, Lorene Clark, Ron-ald Moyer, Ardys Albright, Avis Albright, Margery Fike, Florene Messick, William Jones, Don

Guthals, Clifford Shultz, Betty Stern, Doris Blocker, Dean Cotton, Lawrence Eggleston, Valeo Aial-lema, Rita Reffner, George Lehm-berg, Jr,. Ermalee Phillips, Hernell Rupp, Dorothy Galle, Ralph Shaw, Judith Nigh, Gordon Irwin, and Judy Stucky.

Girls in Foods Class Have Perfect Attendance

Miss Siek’s foods class, consisting of 11 girls, had a perfect attendance record for last semester. The class is composed of a one-hour lecture every week and two laboratory periods per week.

Girls in the class were Patty Burnett, Nancy Carter, Mary Helen Cline, Mildred Doll, Jean Evans, Rowena Neher, Donna Johnson, Joann Lehman, Hazel Sanger, Betty Stern, and Eula Witmore.

Jesse Ziegles Visits Mac College Campns

McPherson College students who are interested in attending Bethany Biblical Seminary will have a chance to confer personally with Dr. Jesse Ziegler, from Bethany, Dr. Ziegler will be on the campus Monday, Feb. 7.

Dr. Ziegler will speak at the chapel service Monday.

Tennessee is the country’s lending state in the number of European wild boars with the herd now numbering approximately 500. New Hampshire has a herd of about 200.

A little Hungarian coed is rereading her English dictionary after asking a football player if he were the "centerpiece" on the Bengal eleven.

Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week.

Business Manager


Wendell Burkholder

Harry Knapp

Don Ford______

Lloyd Haag

Cordon Yoder _

Circulation Manager


Faculty Adviser

Sorenson, Raleigh Redecorate Cases

Doris Coppock, Anita Norlin, and Joyce Birkin (now Mrs. Marion Frantz)—are pictured in this case.

Now one mores across to the east side of the hall views the cases that hold the honor awards of McPherson College. These cases feature game footballs that are displayed for the public. On these footballs are written the data of a Homecoming game or outstanding wins.

Again, one sees many brightly painted footballs in the trophy case that he comes to next. There are wins over Kansas Wesleyan. St. Regis (Denver). Bethel 1942. College of Emporia 1941. Southwestern, and the outstanding score with Hastings College, Nebraska —a scoreless tie.

Ties with Bethany "Swedes" 66 and Baker 3-3 feature the third case.

In the fourth case the M Club is featured.

The Kansas Conference championship of 1923 and the squad of 1934 are featured in the last case In the Trophy exhibit in the physical education building of McPherson College.

These cases were built for the purpose of showing the students of McPherson College that the past was glorious.

Dean Warren Assigns Unusual Semester Tests

Dean Warren gave a type of semester examination different from the usual test given by teachers.

In his classes he asked the students to prepare an examination. Dean Warren teaches history of education, social socialogy, methods of teaching and guidance.

The guidance students made an industrial and occupational survey of McPherson County.

A teacher who asks for this type of examination is using phy-chology, stated one tired methods student. "It's much harder to make out an exam than to review for one."

The Hitching Post

By Leona Flory

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Brown of McPherson, announce the engagement of their daughter, Phyllis, to Lyle Gene Goering, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Georing, also of McPherson. No wedding date has been announced.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Draper of Grundy Center, Iowa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Colleen, to Mr. Thad Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones of Id-ahbelle, Oklahoma. The announcement was made at an engagement party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Slifer Friday evening, Jan. 21.

Mr. Jones is attending Baptist University at Shawnee, Oklahoma.

Mr. and Mrs. Harm Rogers; of Worthington, Minnesota, announce the engagement and. approaching marriage of their daughter. Ruth, to Mr. Melvin Hornbaker of rural Hutchinson, Kansas.

Miss Rogers attended McPherson College last year and at the present time is working for the Brethren Service Committee in Elgin. Illinois.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bowman of McPherson announce the engagement of their daughter. Donna Marie, to Mr. John Burkholder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Burkholder of of Octavia, Nebraska.

Miss Miriam Keim entertained her roommate. Miss Barbara Car-ruth, at a surprise birthday party Monday evening. January 17. Chocolate cake and Ice cream cones were served to the guests, which included the residents of second floor and Miss Dorothy Little and Miss Eula Broyles.

Miss Rowena Fisher was enter

From Ira

Dr. Harold D. Fasnacht, ’29, became president of LaVerne College, California, on July 1, 1948. At the request of the alumni office, Dr. Fasnacht wrote greetings to fellow-alumni of the College. The alumni office is pleased to submit this greeting to the Spectator for use in the alumni column.

"New experiences are always challenging. Coming to California after having spent all their earlier lives in Kansas and Colorado has been a new experience for the Fasnacht family.

"Nevertheless, the    transition

has been interesting and, wo hope, successful. Beaches, mountains, camping trips, church visits, and other public events have kept us occupied. The daughters, Glenda and Elaine, have fit easily

tained at a farewell party given her by the girls of the third floor of Arnold Hall Thursday evening. January 20. After Ringing "Happy Wedding Day To You" the girls gave Miss Fisher a nightgown an a farewell present.

Miss Fisher left for her home in Fruitland, Idaho. Friday January 21.

Mr. LeRoy Doty of San Diego. California visited his son, LeRoy, Jr.. Friday January 17. He was en route home from a business trip to Florida.

Miss Betty Ikenberry, who attended school at McPherson College last year, visited the campus Monday. January 24. She is in nurses training at Wesley Hospital in Wichita.

Miss Lois Frantz, a former student of McPherson College, visited the campus Saturday and Sun-day. January 15 and 16. She is teaching school at Friend, Kansas.

Miss Pauline Best who was a student at McPherson College last year, visited friends on the campus over the weekend. She is teaching school at Marion, Kansas.

Miss Angeline Flora, Miss Juanita Long, Mr. Irvin Wolf and Mr. Roland Kessler of Quinter, Kansas, visited the campus over the weekend.

All Spectator staff members are invited to the apartment of Miss Surah May Vancil on- Tuesday evening at 7:30. The entire group will make candy and pop corn and discuss the Spectator and its possibilities.

Miss Gina Munda entertained ten guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August San Romani last Saturday. Miss Munda prepared an Italian dinner and afterwards the entire group listened to famous speeches from the years 1933 to 1945.

Invited guests were Misses Marilue Bowman. Leona Richards, and Bonnie Alexander; Messrs Stanley Watkins, Winston Bow-man, Max McAuley and Elvn Wolf; and Mr. and Mrs. August San Romani.

into their new schools and we into our adult assignments. We have learned to appreciate the people; for although all Americans have many things in common, customs, ways of doing things and thinking them, too, differ—and we've discovered that even here.

"And although we live in the shadow of LaVerne College, we have discovered many M. C. alumni and renewed acquaintances with many we knew before. Since McPherson and LaVerne are related institutions, we feel a sort of double kinship to our work here. We only hope that the great cause which we represent in the development of functioning Christian character may prosper."

As a class project, Lenore Sorensen and Phyllis Raleigh in the class of Recreational Sports, redecorated the trophy cases in the college gymnasium.

The class is taught by Ass’t. Coach Dick Wareham from Pennsylvania.

The cases exhibit the awards won by McPherson College, and portraits of champions in various athletic sports. There are ten cases that are filled with honors


As one enters the physical education building from the main entrance he turns to the left or to the right to view the awards, cups, and honors.

In the No. 1 case one will see several portraits that represent past honors in the field of basketball. There is the picture of the 1929-30 ball club which must have had a wonderful record, for the underside of the picture reads: "Could they play 1-all? Look up their record. Another portrait in this case Is the 1943-44 basketball team with a record of 14 wins and 2 losses.

As one goes to the next case he immediately sees many spectacular portraits of various sports. Among the outstanding are the photos of James Naismith, a well-known lover of basketball and friend to all who played the game, the 1918-19 ball club, golf pictures and others. Awards in this case consist or the 1922 Pentangular Relay, 1921 S. B. M. B. Quadrangular Relay, K. C. A. C. Relay of 1929 and others.

Melvin Miller, all-state forward in 1928-29, and "Posey” Jamison, four-year letterman around 192930 are featured in the next case. Other portraits are of Herbert Hockstrausser, winner—220-state meet. Robert Puckett, winner— 100-state meet in 1928, Leo Crum-packer, 1927-28 all-state guard. Dick Burger, 1941-4 two-mile conference champ and also basketball clubs of 1909. 1913 and 1914.

Several photo finishes meet one’s eyes in the next case. These feature track and field events. Those more visible are the finish of Hockstrausser in the 1928 state meet doing the 440-yd. dash, and another by Hockstrausser in the 1928 state meet doing the 100 yd. dash. Two others include the "Great Finish” by Robert Puckett and "A Season's Record” of Bulldogs ns they won Kansas Conference basketball title. Awards are grand trophy for "All-Around Athletics'’, doubles and also singles in tennis for 1920 and 1922 respectively and also an award for the runners up in golf.    

The WAA is featured in the next case, the last one on the west side of the doorway. The officers of last year Masa Nakamura, Mary Metzler, Arlene Rolfs, Bernice Lindstrom, Joan Finfrock and the club heads, Sara Mae Williams,

Read all the ads in this issue.

The annual a capella concert and musical vespers are to be presented in February announced Prof. D. R. Frederick.

The chapel choir and glee clubs will give vesper services at 4 o'clock Feb. 20. The a capella concert will be given Feb. 22, 8 p. m. at the high school.

Announcements pertaining to program will be made later.

they say

the clock ticks on and ray column still isn’t in have to make the deadline so guess id better get busy right now

we can all say with one dynamic unanimous sigh of relief—well thats over—meaning mid term exams hut now we are striving onward to higher goals.

seems like we might be able to start getting hack to regular hours again no burning of the midnite oil for awhile

if anyone happens to see a mousetrap running around please moider the cockroach who is carrying and return it immediately to ronald duck-dog house proprietor amidst the rush of cramming for semester exams the girls of first floor arnold plus a couple other guests found or at least took time to give a surprise birthday party for barb carruth-ice cream cake n all

A little commotion- was caused sunday evening when the cash register in the dog house got stuck three cheers for the new jukebox the records are really super we couldn’t have made a better selection ourselves

hmm—colleen draper is sporting a diamond now congrats lately it appears that quite a few of (he fellows must have fallen asleep in the barbers chair at least from the looks of their heads speaking of heads this had better come to one bye all

Collegian Column

The following parody on Rosemary Benet’s poem "Nancy Hanks’ was taken from The Jay-hawk:


If Frankilin D.

Came back as a ghost,

Reeking news

Of what he loved most,    

He’d ask first.

"Where’s Truman?

What’s happened to Harry? What's he done?

"Poor little Harry

Left all alone

Except for Tom

Who was breaking stones;

He became President

The year I died.    

I remember still

How bard ho tried.

"Scraping along In that big, white shack.

With a Republican Congress Right down on his back.

And election winds to blow him down

And poll results From every town.

"You wouldn’t know About Truman?

Did he work at all?

Did he have fun?

Did he learn to play?

Did he get to town?

Do you know his name?

Was he voted down?’

(No, darn it!)

—George Mize

Bulldogs Over Warriors

McPherson “B” Team Is Victorious Over Smoky Hill Air Base

As a preliminary to the Mc-Pherson-Baker game, the Bulldog "B" team played the Smoky Hill Army Air Base of ‘ Salina. The "B" dogs took an early lead against the airmen and kept moving ahead until they had piled up a decisive victory. 48 to 29.

Don Stevens and Chuck Lind-berg were high for the game with 21 and 11 points respectively. Krajefska was high for Smoky Hill. Excellent rebounding and a superior zone defense proved to be the margin of victory for the Mac "B" quintet.

Slacks but not jeans now may be worn by women students at Baker University during bad weather. The Baker Dress Committee prefers that the women wear sweaters and blouses instead of sweatshirts as accompanying apparel.

Patronize our advertisers.

McPherson Downs Warrior Machine In Non League Tilt

The winning Bulldogs scored a decisive 54-43 victory in a nonleague tilt against the Sterling Warriors here Monday, January


The winning Bulldogs started rolling right from the first tip-off as they registered a 6 to 0 lead in the early minutes of the game. With a superior defense they held and developed their lead to obtain a 23-12, 11 point, advantage at


The victorious Bulldogs continued to dominate in the last half as they increased their lead to the 54-32 final score. Their lead was never seriously threatened.

Field goals accounted for all of McPherson's lead as both teams hit 14 charity shots. A total of 56 fouls were called, 30 against the Warriors and 26 against the Bulldogs. Three Sterlingites were given the five whistles with too many fouls.

Fisher and Bruns were high for McPherson for nine points each. Goering and Peters had eight and seven points respectively. ’Capt. C. Muci, speedy forward from St. John, Kansas, was the high scorer for the game with 11 points.

The box score follows:

Pep Rally Presented

A pep assembly was held last Monday during activity period. Dr. R. E. Mohler made announcements and introduced the cheer leaders who had charge of the program.

A quartet composed of Prof. E. S. Hershberger. Prof. Raymond Flory. Mr. Ira Brammel and Dr. DeWitt Miller, and accompanied at the piano by Helen Stover sang a parody to the tune of "Down By the Old Milllstream.’’

Mrs. Kaye Yoder, secretary to the president, gave a pep talk.

Miss Helen Stover played a "violin solo" accompanied by several girls from Arnold Hall. Those participating were: Lois Stern, Nelda Baldner, Sara Mae Williams, Elinor Stine, Alice Long, Wilda Minnix, Margaret Daggett, Lois Yoder, and Delma Cline.

Joints made with animal glue

have a tensile strength of more than 5,000 pounds per square-inch—twice as strong as wood itself.

Bulldogs To Strive For First Victory In League Play

The Bethany Swedes will play host to a fighting McPherson Bulldog team as McPherson attempts to break into the win column of the Kansas Conference for the first in this net season. The Swedes Just recently dented the win column for the first time with their win last Friday when they defeated College of Emporia. Bethany had previously suffered defeats at the hands of the Ottawa and Baker aggregations.

During the Christmas holiday the Swedes made an extended basketball tour on which they lost four out of four; however they were facing larger schools and extremely strong competition.

In a Christinas season tournament held at Bethany, the Bulldogs were shaded by the Swedes with a 39-47 score. By comparative score of common opponents the Mac-men will be a seven-point underdog. However, tonight the coaches tell us that they expect at least a more closely fought game if not a clean cut victory.

Three Hahn-meu will need watching by the Hardacre-hustl-ers tonight. This triple threat is constituted by Anderson, Bale, and Forsberg Who have led the team so far this year. Anderson, the Swedes sharp-shooting forward, scored 17 points against the conference leading Ottawa club.    

McPherson “B” Bulldogs Drop One To Sterling

The McPherson "B" Bulldogs fell prey to the Sterling Warrior second team 48 to 35 as a preim-inary to the McPherson-Sterling game.

The "B" Warriors held a 24-17 half-time advantage and were never threatened. The box score follows:

Student Council Meets In S.U.R.

At the regular meeting of the Student Council Wednesday night the members voted to repaint the urea directly behind the serving counter of the Dog House. The Job is scheduled to be done this weekend. According to house manager Ronald Moyer, the paint Job has been needed for some time because of an explosion involving a glass coffee maker.

The council also voted to turn half of the proceeds over to the Dog House from the "automatic music vending machine." Previously it hud been announced that the money would be distributed between the council and the vending company. The action taken by the council was prompted because Mr. Moyer is necessarily forced to core for the machine and make change for it.

A committee on the constitution has been selected with an eye to working out some of the loop holes in the constitution.

Several students interested in

the meeting sat in on the discussion.

Wesleyanites Win At The Expense Of MC Bulldogs

The McPherson Bulldogs proved easy prey for the Kansas Wes-leyan Coyotes here, January 18, as the Salinans romped to a 6645 victory.

The Coyotes seemed to have the situation in hand throughout the game’s entirety as their height dominated both ends of the court. Pounds of Salina played a sensational game as he dunked 24 points in the bucket. Peters was high, for the Bulldogs with 14

Wildcats Of Baker In Hard Fought Win Over Luckless Mac Bulldogs

The Bulldogs were again humbled in their second league start of this season as Baker U. registered their third consecutive win here Friday, January 14. The fireworks started very closely as Mac held an 18-16 advantage at half-time, in the last half, how ever, the Bakerites broke the Bulldogs defense to secure a 4737 at the final whistle.

Enos and Turner scored 12 and 11 points respectively for the winners while Goering hit 11 for the losers.        

Deputation Groups Visit Many Schools In Kansas

Deputation groups have been visiting surrounding high schools the past week. The "Meloaires" have been presented on several programs. High schools visited this past week have been Little River and Holyrood.

The Alumni office has been working with the field office and plan to send deputations to several other high schools in the very near future. The schedule has approximately twenty high schools listed for visitation.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.

Locker Chatter


If returning lettermen mean anything, the Ottawa Braves are on the easy road to repeat as Conference champs again this year with eleven lettermen returning. The Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes, however, should be yelping at the Brave's heels with two all-confer-' ence players, Fiffe and Jilka, back in addition to Pounds and the Anderson brothers who have been burning the laces so far this year.

Bethel's all-conference, Varden Loganbill, who sparked the Gray-maroons to a third-place spot last year will be back again: in addition this year Bethel also has his freshman brother, Lanoy Logan-hill, who stands six-five and was selected on the all-state Class AA team of Kansas lust year from the runner-up Newton High team of last year.

So with best odds on Ottawa. Baker, Kansas Wesleyan, and Bethel we'll stick our neck out and pick Ottawa to repeat.

Even though we’ve been beaten twice now in the league, we can say that we've had a chance to see some good basketball. As true sportsmen, we admire good basketball wherever its played: therefore we're taking this opportunity to hand out some orchids for some good basketball.

You saw him play some really great ball at the Kansas Wesleyan game. He's Harold Pounds. Courtland, Kansas’ contribution to the net kingdom. In addition to playing a good ball game all around the court defensively, he hit 24 points against the Bulldogs, most of them easy layup shots. He doesn't look spectacular, but he certainly is.

In his senior year in high school, he sparked his team to a third place spot in the Class B State Tournament of Kansas in 1946.

From there on he's developed into a great player. That’s the opinion of Couch Hardacre whose team Pounds and associates defeated and that's our opinion also."

The Baker Wildcats in their new multi-colored outfits have been aptly named the "Rainbow Boys."

It all came about In the new system, brought by Coach Davee, of identifying his various teams this year. The squad is grouped into several teams of five players each. The starting five has bright red Jerseys, and so on till the freshmen team Jerseys are green and gold.

Read all the ads In the Spectator every week.


Beat ‘Em Bulldogs

Beat The Swedes