Only Seven Days Until Christmas VACATION


mcpherson college, McPherson, Kansas, friday, December 10, 1948

NO. 12

Courtney Institute for American Democracy, Inc.

Spec Editor’s Job Is To Be Filled For Next Term

Applications for the position of campus editor on the Spectator staff will be accepted by the Board of Publications the last week before Christmas vacation. There will be a chance during part of the week following vacation for submission of applications.

Anyone who will be here for three semesters after he applies is eligible for this position. The campus editor is responsible for the beat sheet, an effort on the part of the editors to have a more universal coverage of the news.

At the present, LeRoy Doty is the campus editor. At the semester, he will become the managing editor: and Max McAuley, present managing editor, will become editor-in-chief.

All letters of application should be addressed to the Board of Publications stating the qualifications and past experience in newspaper work. Any journalistic courses that have been taken should be mentioned.

Two people may apply together as co-editors.

McPherson Gets Outdoor Theater

Construction will soon begin on McPherson's first outdoor drive-In theater. The new business will be ready for au early spring opening, it was announced recently.

The new drive-in theater will be two miles north of Kansas Avenue on the east side of highway US-81. It will be one mile north of the city limits.

Officials of the new theater have stated that it will be a 450-car theater. It will cover six acres of ground. The new entertainment will be known as the Starvu Drive-in Theater.

Said Mr. V. C. Anderson, of AIspach-Anderson Builders, "We plan to operate seven nights a week.’’

The project will include modern equipment. The screen will be 54x40 feet and the top of the screen will be CO feet above the ground. A combination projection and concession stand will be

located in the center of the parking area. The screen structure will consist of concrete and structural steel.

Construction will require 60 to 75 days for completion, depending upon weather conditions.

Choral Organizations Give Christmas Musicale

Sunday night at 8 o'clock- and again Tuesday night at 8 o’clock, the combined College musical organizations and Brethren Church choirs will present the annual Christinas Musicale. ‘

"The Dawn of Hope" is a Christmas story in music. Soloists in the three parts of the program include six McPherson College students’ Vernon Nicholson, Eula Witmore, Paul Wagoner, Kenneth Graham, Albert Rogers, and Jack Baker.

Late Headlines

Gad! Was I A Sucker!


I Lost My Lollipop

by a kid

Last Saturday night as I was wandering idly around the campus.

I noticed the astounding sounds that were coming from the gym.

At first, I did not know whether to he frightened or curious. Naturally. my curiosity won the argument. So, I began advancing toward the gym.

Gad! Upon arriving, I wished I had decided to be frightened. I

was surely dreaming or delirious or something, because a large percentage of the population of Mc-Pherson College had changed into children! After looking around I

discovered that they were all freshmen and seniors, and for awhile they even pretended they were in a class room with John

Southwest Kansas Youth Have Winter Retreat

Young people from over the Southwest District of Kansas will begin gathering on Mac Campus tomorrow for their annual winter retreat. The registration will begin at 4 p. m. on Saturday afternoon. The convocation will last until Sunday afternoon and according to district officials the program will include recreation, a banquet, and Christmas caroling.

Registration will be one dollar which will include admission to the Saturday evening banquet. Registration will probably take place in the local Brethren Church; however a definite has not yet been set.

Mr. Ken Morse, editor of "Our Young People" will be the highlighted speaker of the week-end retreat. Mr. Morse conies from the Brotherhood Offices in Elgin where he has been very active in youth work.

Officials of the retreat are urging the visiting young people to be sure to bring along warm clothing and a sheet and blankets. The lodging committee will secure places for the youth to stay but it will be necessary to bring their own linen.

Peters Presides In Meet Of Church Colleges

President Peters was the chairman fit a meeting in Omaha Wednesday of the Conference of Church-Related colleges in the West Central Aren.

Representatives of church-related colleges from seven states met in the Hotel Fontenelle to discuss the following topics:

(1) The President's Commission on Higher Education as It Applies to Church-Related Colleges;

(2) Current Issues in Higher Education: and

(3) The Menace of Materialism in High Education.

Dr. Peters left the campus Tuesday aftornoon and returned Thursday.

Washington, Dec. 7 — A top state department official expressed belief tonight that foreign nations cracked a "top secret" prewar government code with the aid of papers sneaked out of the department 10 years ago.

A quest for new suspects was launched by the House un-American activities committee after several officials testified as to the delicate nature of the "pumpkin papers."    

Topeka, Dec. 7—The Kansas congressional delegation agreed today that the Republicans in the 8lst congress will work together for less controls and more cooperation between government and business.    

Cleveland, Dec. 7— "Speed ball” Pilot Paul Mantz said tonight that he would have easily broken the coast-to-coast speed record if he had not been forced to land at Cleveland airport

Mantz said he would have reach

Foods Class Gives Tea

As a project the Introductory Foods Clans gave a ten December 1. between the hours of 3:15 and 4:45.

All-women faculty members and wives of the faculty were invited as well as the girls special guests

The Christmas theme was carried out with a blue and silver motif. Dainty sandwiches, cookies, mints, and Bohemian tea were served to the guests.

Barking Bulldogs Score More Wins At Winfield Meet

Fifty per cent of the McPherson College debaters and fifty per cent of the McPherson extempore speakers survived the preliminary rounds of the Southwestern College Annual Invitation Extempore Speaking and Debate tournament at Winfield on Monday, Dec. 6.

Three of the McPherson entries Mr. Donavon Speaker, Miss Bonnie Martin, and Miss Ardys Albright were listed in the group of six men and six women finalists to speak in Extempore at 8:45 a. m. Tuesday, Dec. 7.

McPherson 1 Men's debate team Don Keim and Donavon Speaker, and McPherson 2 women’s team, Ardys Albright and Avis Albright, were listed as two of the eleven teams to enter the elimination rounds of debate at 10:00 a. m. on Tuesday.

Donavon Speaker was awarded a medal for a three-way tie for first place as individual speakers in men's Senior debate. In women's debate tie for first place went to Avis Albright, second place to Bonnie Martin, and third place to Ardys Albright.

Of the twenty-six senior teams entered, surviving teams, in addition to the McPherson teams list-ed above were; Emporia Teachers 1 and 2: Bethany 1; Hastings 1; Ottawa 2; Phillips University 1 and 2: University of New Mexico 1 and 2. Other schools entered were Bethel, Manhattan, Oklahoma A, and M., and Pittsburg.

McPherson had no entries in the Junior Debate Division, which consisted of 16 teams from Arkansas City, Hastings, Kansas Wesley-an, Manhattan, Pittsburg, Southwestern, St. John's, and University of New Mexico. The five surviving teams in the Junior Division were: Kansas Wesleyan 1, Hastings 1 and 2. Manhattan 1, and Southwestern 1.

Other McPherson participants who returned Monday night were: Mux McAuley, LeRoy Doty, and Lorene Clark. Debate Coach Esther L. Sherfy and speakers entered in the finals returned Tuesday evening.

Second Day Eliminations

In the elimination McPherson's Bonnie Martin and Ardys Albright tied for third place in the women’s extempore division. In the first round of debate the McPherson Women's 2 team drew a bye and in the quarter finals they were pitted against Chartier and Palmer, crack Ottawa team, and met defeat at Ottawa's hands.

Don Keim and Don Speaker met Emporia and advanced to the quarter finals. In the quarter finals they were pitted against the University of New Mexico’s crack Number 2 team.

Members of the college debate teams were interviewed over the radio at the end of the second day's debates.

ed New York from Burbank, California in approximately four hours and 45 minutes, eclipsing his mark of better than six hours.

Paris, Dec. 7 — John Foster Dulles blasted Communist tactics in Korea today and called on the United Nations to recognize the anti-Communist government set up in southern Korea under UN supervision.

Washington, Dec. 7 —- A successful operation upon Secretary George C. Marshall for the removal of a diseased kidney found friends of the soldier-statesman tonight speculating upon his retirement unless he enjoys unusual speed in recovery and convalescence.

Nanking, Dec. 7 — A swift Communist maneuver has trapped the 250,000-man garrison from Suchow, probably beyond any hope of escape, government sources here admitted today.

Kollege Kalendar

December 10—All school carol-ing party.

December 11-12—S. W. Youth Retreat—Mac Campus.

December 12—Church Musicale.

December 13—Faculty Formal Dinner.

December 14—Church Musicale.

December 15—All school party.

December 16—Why The Chimes Rang 8:00.    

December 17—Christmas vacation begins 4:00 p. m.

December 19—Annual Christmas offering at Brethren Church. Offering will go to Brotherhood Fund.

December 20—Christmas party in social rooms of church 7:00.

December 26—Service of Candies and Carols at local church.

December 29—Basketball Ada, Oklahoma Here.

January 4 Basketball Friends U. Here.

January 7—Basketball C. of E. There.

January 8—Economy Debate Tournament Mac Campus.

Logopedics Is Featured In Chapel Next Week

An account of the works of the Institute of Logopedics in Wichita, and organ and chimes dedication given by Dr. Peters will be Chapel services next week.

Mr. Roy Eblen, representative of the Wichita Institute of Logopedics, will tell students about this institute which is one of largest of its kind in the United States.

A special Chapel service has been planned for Friday, December 17. This service will include a dedication service for the organ and chimes which was presented to this college by J. L. Yoder in memory of his late son. Joe. The dedication will be made by Dr. W. W. Peters.

Special music will be provided by the Chapel Choir under the direction of Prof. Don Frederick. They will sing the following Christmas selections:

"Carol of the Birds"—Noble Cain.

•Roun’ de Glory Manger"—W. James.

"Jingle Bells"— arranged by Samuelson.

"I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”—'Noble Cain.

Carol of the Bells"—Leonto-vich-Wilhousky.

"We Wish You a Merry Christmas"—arranged by Krones.

"The Searching Carol"—Ralph E. Marryott.    

Miss Bonnie Alexander, pianist, and Mrs. San Romani, organist, will play a duet, "Gesu Bambino" by Yon.

Charles Hess Receives Research Award of $25

Mr. Charles Hess is one of the two students in Kansas colleges and universities who have been granted research awards by the Kansas Academy of Science this year.    

These awards are granted to students whoso research projects show promise of becoming outstanding contributions to science.

Charles is a senior at McPherson College this year. He has been admitted to the University of Maryland School of Medicine for the fall term next year.

Mr. Hess’s $25-award is to be applied for special equipment for the investigation he is making of the antibiotic properties of native Kansas plants. This is his project for the course entitled Independent Study in Chemistry.

Such outstanding drugs as penicillin and streptomycin are obtained from members of the plant kingdom, and Mr. Hess is trying to find if flowering plants also contain these types of materials. Herbs and shrubs have been used for ages for medicinal purposes.

Reports of medicinal plants used in old settler's and Indian rem-edies and medicines are sought by Mr. Hess so that he may use these for testing purposes.

The other research award was granted to Herman D. Smith, a Kansas State College graduate student, for his investigations in the field of poultry husbandry.

SCA Sponsors All School Christmas Party In SUR

The SCA is sponsoring an all-school Christmas party to he held in the SUR at 7:30 p. m. Dec. 15.

It is planned to go caroling and return to the SUR for hot refreshments. Everyone is welcome.

Marie Delaplain Has Poem Printed In Poetry Volume

A poem "written by Marie Delaplain, an alumna of McPherson College, has been accepted for publication in the Annual Anthology of College Poetry.

Miss Delaplain, who is teaching in the elementary school at Buh-ler, Kansas, this year, graduated from McPherson College last spring.

"Our Kansas Buccaneer", which is the title of the poem, wan composed by Marie in a creative writing class last year under the direction of Mins Sarah May Vancil.

The Anthology mentioned above is a compilation of the finest poetry written by the college men and women of America, representing every section of the country. Selections were made from thousands of poems submitted.

The following is a copy of the poem, composed by Miss Marie Delaplain, as printed in the Annual Anthology of College Poetry.

Our Kansas Buccaneer Our Kansas wind is a dashing wind.

He's swaggering and gay.

He murmurs not in honey tones The words that lesser breezes say. He's not the timid, shrinking type Who whispers, "Let me pass:

I'll breathe a song that’s sweet and low

And only faintly stir the grass."

Nay, not our buccaneering wind Who strides across the plains! With head held high to rain and  sun

He sings his rollicking refrains.

And ever as they hear his songs. The trees bow down and wave.

In greeting to this buccaneer Who swaggers by so bold and brave.

Preparedness For War Is Wrong Says Kirby Page

"Those of us who believe in preparedness of war need to be converted", declared Kirby Page at the dinner meeting Friday evening at the Church of the Brethren.

The topic of his dinner address was "Can Military Weapons Save Us?” Dr. Page stated that no two ways are farther apart than the way of Christ and preparedness for war. He said that although we have scientific weapons, we are not safe because we have no means for defense, just weapons for slaughter.

Dr. Page spoke on "What Does

God Want Us To Do About Russia?" at the 8 o’clock meeting following the dinner. He made the startling statement that we have no defense from atomic barrier, and if it is ever used on a large scale, the human race will become extinct.

Mr. Page advocates a policy of helpfulness and understanding of Russia. The last point he brought out in his speech was that the Americans should send evangelists and relief in order to help the Russians build a higher type of life.

Students Carol On College Hill And Down Town

A caroling party sponsored by the executive committee of the hand and a cappella choir will be held Friday night beginning at 8 o'clock.

Students planning to participate will meet at the Student Union Room for a brief warm-up sing directed by Professor Plasterer.

The group will divide into four parts, two for college hill caroling, and two for town. Paul Wagoner, Marilyn Miller, Helen Stover and Eula Witmore will lead

the groups, Rev. DeWitt Miller, Eula Witmore, and Helen Stover will select the places at which to enrol.

Following the caroling, the group wiil meet at the Church of the Brethren for Christmas cookies, prepared by the home economics classes, and hot chocolate.

Peace Institute Is Held At Camp Spring Lake

A Peace Institute is to he held at Camp Spring Lake in Oklahoma from June 21 to July 3. So far only a tentative program has been set up and the definite schedule will he set by the campers themselves.

The program so far includes three seminars every morning, work on the camp site every other afternoon, special interest groups on the alternate afternoons from 3:00-4:00 p. m., recreation from 4:00-5:00 p. m., and the evenings will be free for special programs, campfires, vespers, etc.

Four work camps will follow the Peace Institute starting July 4, two of which will last four weeks and two which will last six weeks. The cost of these work camps to the individuals will be only a dollar a day.

Recreation Laboratory Is To Be Held At Seminary

This month, December 27, January 1, at Bethany Biblical Seminary there will be a National Recreation Laboratory for recreational leaders in the Church of the Brethren.

Cost for registration, lodging, and food will he $9.50. Outstanding leaders from the Church of the Brethren and half a dozen unusual leaders from other organizations will lead those attending through an unusual week.

Discussions of methods and philosophy of recreation, demonstrations in active games, crafts and building socials, learning new songs and folk games, and planning recreation for the local church will be highlighted each day.    

Inquiries and registrations may be sent to the Brethren Youth Department at Elgin, Ill.. Prof. S. M. Dell, sponsor of Rec. Council, has more information.

Part-time attendance is discouraged.

The First Church of the Brethren in Chicago has employed Miss Edythe Weaver as a full time Church Recreational leader. She works with seventeen volunteer lenders and given over-all guidance and leadership to an extensive club program for all age children. In addition she supervises the Brethren Fellowship House and helps the young people use their leisure time in creative ways.

Sheets as their teacher.

They played two-deep and flying dutchman and had many contests.

Lorene Clark and Bob Augsbur-ger seemed to hold the attention of everyone. I must admit, they did look charming. Lorene wore a white eyelet dress with a ribbon in her hair, Bob wore short pants with a white shirt and bow tie.

When everyone started eating fudge bars and ice cream bars and when I saw what used to be Eula Broyles flit past, I decided I was really losing my mind: so I went home and went to bed.

Much to my disgust I discovered later that I was not becoming insane at all. It was the freshman-senior kid party, and Lorene and Bob were chosen "best dressed."


The Spectator

Apply Your Knowledge . . .

Knowledge is an immense thing—it has infinite possibilities for application to daily life. And we here in school are building up a treasure of information. The real question facing us is what we intend to do with it. Shall we just accumulate this vast store and put it away in mothballs? Or should we find practical application for it?

The wealthy who gather their riches to no end other than to stock them away in bank vaults are defeating themselves, for money has no usefulness in a fine cellar. Likewise, our building intellectual wealth will all go for naught unless we find the means to utilize it.

We’re not learning philosophy, religion, history, etc., just to be learning. As future purveyors of the American way of life, we shall be called upon to defend right principles, to elect just leaders, to educate our children and to attack falsehood and injustice. How may we heed this call if we haven’t applied ourselves while learning or haven’t kept informed of contemporary events?

For there is not only the freedom to learn, but also the duty, and with it the responsibility for finding practical application for our complete education, not just a part of it. Our education shall not be complete unless we keep informed both in and out of school and apply the knowledge gained from both toward right and responsible living.—ACP

Are You A Builder?

The popular conception of what college will do for a person is becoming more exaggerated. The general belief is that spending four years in an institution of higher learning qualifies a person for membership in that select class—the intelligentsia.

If students would stop and analyze themselves, they would realize the fallacy therein. The process of becoming educated never ends, because the educated person knows he has much yet to learn. He keeps striving for more knowledge.

Holders of college degrees should understand that the university helps them to build a solid foundation, but they alone must construct the rest of the house. Continuous study and life’s experiences combine to build mental and moral powers. College is the stimulus which serves to awaken these latent powers.—ACP.

Shall Democracy Be Commercialized?

Charges frequently have been made that the American radio has fallen short in presenting ideas of democracy to millions of radio listeners. The critics explain that the intent is there but the methods chase listeners away.

Although radio men will agree that a 30-second singing commercial is better than a 15-minute sales talk, these same men; put on the air long, windy dramas praising tolerance and are greeted by nation-wide dial twirling. A sound remedy for this inadequacy was voiced recently in the New Republic. It was suggested that radio should "get Fred Allen to blacken the KKK with his satire, the Lone Ranger to sell tolerance around a campfire and Dick Tracy to plug for the United Nations.”

The intellectuals may not listen, but millions will. You can’t talk tolerance and liberalism to people if you preach over their heads.—ACP.    

Education Council Gives National Teacher Exams

The American Council on Education has announced the tenth annual administration of its National Teacher Examinations in McPherson on Saturday, February 19 and Saturday, February 26, 1949.

The Common Examination battery. consisting of general education and professional information tests, will be given on February 19. Special examinations covering the subject matter to be taught will be administered on February 26.

The Teacher Examinations are conducted for the American Council on Education by the Educa-tional Testing Service. They are being administered in McPherson at McPherson College by Dr. Mary Fee, Professor of Education, who will serve as local examiner.

Applicants for the Teacher Examinations should apply to Dr. Mary Fee (in person or by mail) during the month of December if possible. No applications may be received after January 20.

Candidates for teaching positions and students in the Department of Education will he examined at this center. Other candidates in this area may also take the examinations by applying to Dr. Mary Fee, McPherson College.

The Teacher Examinations are administered in a number of school systems and colleges throughout the United States on the announced dates. The results may be submitted to any cooperating school district or institution.

Musicians Visit Canton

Members of the college music department were heard last Wednesday at Canton in an all Christmas Musicale. The program was given in the public library before the Women’s Clubs of Canton.

Nine members of the department traveled to Canton to present a variety of Christmas music.

in the afternoon the students and faculty members were presented before the ladies organizations of the local church.

Mr. Rolland Plasterer and Miss Ann Krehbiel, instructors in the music department, accompanied the students and were also presented on the program.

Members of the music department on the program included Miss Marilyn Miller. Mr. Merrill Sanger, Mr. Hubert Newcomer. Miss Naomi Manky. Miss Colleen Draper, accompanist, and Miss Mary Metzler.

University of Maryland Offers Education Abroad

One of the more encouraging signs that American students desire to obtain at least a part of their education abroad is the interest and participation in the

Foreign Study Programs for graduate students sponsored by the University of Maryland. Centers in Paris and Zurich were first established by the Maryland' Institution in the fall of 1947, This year the Maryland group in Paris is composed of 32 men and women. The membership of the Zurich group totals 39.

The program provides majors in Linguistics, comparative, French and German Literature, and history. Minors are offered in nearly all fields with the exception of the sciences.

Admission to the program of the Foreign Study Centers is dependent upon admission to the Graduate School of the University of Maryland. It requires that the applicant hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and has at least two years of undergraduate work in the language spoken at the respective Center.

Two kinds of awards are offered. A Master of Foreign Study is given after the completion of 24 semester hours, plus six hours for a thesis in the major field of the student, and a final examination. A Certificate is awarded for the successful completion of an approved program of thirty semester hours.

For the 1949/50 academic year the University of Maryland plans to establish a third Foreign Study Center. The city of Basel was chosen because of its excellent university, its cultural advantag es, and the fact that it has been found necessary, to find a second city offering facilities in the German language.

Further Information concerning the Graduate Program Aboard may be obtained from the Foreign Study Office, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.

The Daily Kansan tells about the latest in fishing; a mechanical fisherman that trolls the line, plays the fish after it’s hooked, pulls it in, and swings it board. A world so mechanized, say the editors, as to take the Joy out of fishing should welcome the atomic bomb.

The economics professor asked the little coed what she thought of the Taft-Hartley Bill.

Her answer—"I think it definitely should be paid.”—“The Dally Reveille".    

Mac Host to Central College

Last Thursday McPherson’s debate teams were host to two teams from Central College. The debates held were judged debates.

Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50

Address All Correspondence to

THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


John Firestone Max McAuley

LeRoy Doty

Russell West Van Dunahoo


Managing Editor

Don Ford

Annette Shropshire Barbara Carruth Lorene Clark

Wendell Burkholder

Reporters and Special Writers Lorene Marshall    Carmina San Romani

Pat Albright    Betty Redinger

Claudia Jo Stump


Faculty Adviser

We Want Ch’a To Meet

Brown hair . . . hazel eyes . . . 5' almost 2" tall ... we want ch’a to meet . . . Miriam Keim.

Kenny Newport

He likes football and dancing . . . We want ch'a to meet . . . Kenneth Newport.

Born in El Dorado, Kansas. Kenny soon moved to Chase where he attended school. In high school he was student council president and senior class president; Kenneth was active in football, basketball, and baseball.

In college Kenny was on the football team.

Kenny is studying geology in college preparing to be a petroleum engineer. However, his secret ambition is to play professional football.

Kenney explains that he chose McPherson because his parents recently moved here. In the way of improvements he thinks Mac could use more school spirit.

His pastime is going to show’s or dancing, and his pet peeve is talkative girls.

Born August 24, 1930 ... 5’ 6" . . . 162 lbs; . . . brown wavy hair . . . blue eyes . . . athletic and friendly ... we want ch’a to meet . . . Kenny Newport.

Radio Station Will Go On Air From McPherson

For the first time in the history of the city. McPherson is going to have her own radio station. The new broadcasting station will operate under the call letters of KNEX and KNEX-FM.

The station will be south of McPherson on highway US-81, Just north of the Derby terminal.

Equipment for the station has been purchased and most of it already has been shipped to McPherson. Remodeling of the broadcasting studios is underway.

Dan Bellus of Colby, Kansas, was announced last week as the manager of the McPherson radio stations. Bellus is in McPherson now, starting plans for operation of the twin stations. The two outlets, both AM and FM will be on the air as soon, as possible.

The station is to have 250 watts of power and will broadcast on 1540 kilocycles on the AM dial and 103.3 megacycles on the FM dial.

It is owned by the McPherson Broadcasting Company, Inc. The AM station is authorized for daytime service only.

At present Bellus is forming a staff for the station and planning programs and policies for the radio outlets for McPherson and the surrounding area.

Drama Class Stages “Why The Chimes Rang”

Money, beauty, power, and authority would not please the Christ Child as would gifts of love, kindness, and sharing. This is illustrated by the play “Why the Chimes Rang."

The first play given In several years at the Church of the Brethren, it will be sponsored by the Religious Drama Class Dec. 16.

The play dramatizes the familiar story of two young boys who wished to attend the Christmas festivities at the great cathedral. But because of a sick and tired old woman who stumbled to their door, one of the boys chose to stay to care for her, while the other attended the cathedral alone.

A vision of the cathedral activities comes to the boy at home. And in this vision he sees all the rich people bring forth their elaborate gifts of wealth, and he hears the voices of the people lift heavenward in song and rejoicing.

The people meet every Christmas and bring gifts hoping that the chimes will ring. But the chimes have not Tung for many years, for the chimes cannot be rung by manual power, only by the will of God.

Tonight the chimes do ring, and the people learn God’s true meaning of Christmas when the mystery of the Chimes is revealed.

"Why The Chimes Rang" is produced under the student direction of Mary Ellen Metzler and faculty direction of Miss Esther Sherfy and with the aid of the Religious Drama Class members.

The cast of characters includes:

Uncle—Rolland Plasterer.

Old Woman — Marianna Stin-nette.

Nephew—Gene Bechtel.

Nephew—David Miller.

Pantomime characters are Mr. Wilbur Yoder. Mrs. John Wall, Dr. DeWItt Miller, Miss Delma Cline, and Mr. J. L. Galle.

Dean Neher is stage manager. Esther Mohler and Harry Knapp have charge of lights. Sarah Mae Williams is costume manager, and Joann Lehman and Donna Johnson have charge of properties.    

The chapel choir will provide musical scores for the play.

The College coed who was as approachable as a park bench.

A son, Gale Gibson Whiteneck

was born to Wray and Irene Gibson Whiteneck, of Hamlin, Kansas, on December 4. Students will remember that the elder Mr. Whiteneck is a McPherson College Trustee.

Delicacy—A fine lady is a squirrel-headed thing, with small airs and small notions; about as applicable to the business of life as a pair of tweezers to the clearing of a forest.    —George Eliot

Faculty Has Dinner Next Monday Evening

A formal faculty dinner will be held at the Warren Hotel at 6 o'clock next Monday evening.

The dinner will be planned around the traditional Christmas season roast turkey.

Before the dinner President W. W. Peters will give invocation, and Prof. S. M. Dell will act as toastmaster throughout the dinner.

The program committee, Miss Edna Neher and Mr. Ira Bram-mell, has planned the following program:

Christmas Reading—Miss Esther Sherfy.

Christmas Surprise—Miss Della Lehman.

Christmas Customs in America and Other Countries—Miss Harris.

Christmas Story—Mrs. DeWItt Miller.

The True Meaning of Christmas —Mr. James Elrod.

This dinner is being hold for all faculty members and their families.

A miscellaneous shower was held in honor of Miss Esther Sherfy last Wednesday evening at the

home of Mrs. W. W. Peters. Mrs. Burton Metzler and Mrs. R. E. Mohler were co-hostesses with Mrs. Peters.

After the gifts were opened, refreshments were served from a table which had a Christmas center piece made with candes and holly.

Approximatey 50 invited guests attended.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jones of Emmett, Idaho, visited their nephew, Mr. Leroy Doty Thursday evening.

Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Yoder of McPherson were the guests of Miss Edna Neher Sunday noon in the cafeteria.

Miss Marie Delaplain, who graduated from McPherson College last year, visited the campus over the weekend. She is living at Buhler where she is teaching school.

Dr. and Mrs. Warren entertained the eight boys rooming in their home—a college rooming house— at a dinner Monday evening. Their guests were; Duane Jamison, Charles Connell, Dean Sigle, Don McDaneld, Glenn Nicholson, Don Stevens, Lloyd Haag, and Donald Ford. This affair was followed by a business meeting.

Collegian Column

The college players of Manchester College presented "Arsenic and Old Lace" last weekend. Wonder how they disposed of the bodies.

The Dramatic department has a new singe set for the play including new canvas covering, regular doors and windows, and a stairway leading upstairs.

In the Oak Leaves we saw a picture of the new boys dorm at Manchester College. Looks ver-ry nice.

The fifth edition of Bibler cartoon books is now ready. Mail orders will be accepted by Don Tennant, Alpha Delta Sigma, University Daily Kansan, Lawrence, Kansas. The price is 35c plus ten cents for postage.

Also HOT off the press at KU is the Sour Owl, which is the campus humor magazine. In a recent Daily Kansan the SO editor said he had received lots of jokes and cartoons, but only a few have been fit to print. Remembering some of the past editions of said magazine we wonder. Only checks and money orders are accepted for subscriptions.

Miriam Keim

Vivacious, clever, and cute, we want ch'a to meet, Miriam Keim.

Born on May 25, which is her mother's birthday. Miriam has lived in Nampa, Idaho, where she attended school.

In high school Miriam was active in the Spiz, which is the pep club, GAA. Home Economics club and Spanish Club. She was Football Queen Attendant.

In college she is active in Pep club, WAA, SCA, and the Chapel choir.

When asked why she came to McPherson. Miriam said it was to meet people, partially because her father, uncles, and gobs of other relatives have gone here, but the main reason is to get an education.

Her main interest is eating, and her favorite pastimes consist of dancing, being in large groups, and swimming.

Her ambition is to get married, but she would also like to have some nurse's training.

Miriam enjoys spending her summers in southern California visiting friends and places, and her pet peeve is people who agree with people and things just to be agreeable.

they say

anytime you know of some parents who want some brave reliable college girls to baby sit Just ask for bobble burton and barb car-ruth—they would never think of sending a three year old child to answer the door while they stand shaking in their boots

we wouldn’t want to infer that any certain person namely hazel sanger would be mean enough to switch all of the first floor girls dresser drawers but we all agree that they couldn't have switched themselves once wouldnt have been bad but she was really ambitious to do the dastardly deed twice in the same evening

who tied all the unmentionables in knots and strung them all through the ball on first floor arnold that is the question who done it weve analyzed the case and know that it happened after midnight tuesday.

some of the boys in fahnestock seem to think that light bulbs are supposed to be used for playing ball then they are left in the dark —boys dont you know that such articles break easily

these last few days the boys dorm hasnt been exactly what one would call peaceful they have been stacking each others rooms this sudden outburt of dev-ilishment must be due to our approaching freedom—Christmas vacation

the arnold hall parlor has been full of students singing songs of the season and listening to records the past week

together again (?) harry and le-tha tune in next week for the next installment harrys other life— chuck royer and pat patterson certainly study a lot—at least they spend a good deal of time over in the s u r

doesn't don schultz like girls or does he really enjoy his new seat in the front of olsons economic class

It’s Confusing!

The Indiana Daily Student thinks it must seem odd to a freshman when he learns that a class of students learning to be a class of students is an orientation class; that finding out what is going on now is not finding out what is going on now, but a study of contemporary events: that people don’t live in cities hut in urban communities; that when members of a choir wear pink nightgowns, it isn’t an ordinary choir, but an a cappella choir; that a small class isn't a small class but a seminar, and that a dean doesn't bawl him out but gives him counseling service.    —ACP

‘Spec’ Advisor Attends English Teachers’ Meet

Miss Sarah May Vancil represented McPherson College at the 38th annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English which was held at the Stevens Hotel in Chicago, Nov. 25-27.

Three thousand English teachers were registered from all over the United States, Canada, Hawaii, and China.

Miss Vancil said she most enjoyed Mr. Karl Shapiro who spoke on the poetic process. Also, she enjoyed Mr. Allen Lomax, who sang ballads of the United States. Mr. Lomax is a ballad collector and is considered on authority on ballads. His latest book, Folk Song-U. S. A., may be found in the college library.

Miss Vancil also attended the play, "Medea.” It is an adaptation of an ancient Greek play by Mr. Robinson Jeffers, a present day poet, and has had 214 performances on Broadway.

The English teachers' meeting will be held in Buffalo, New York, next year.

Regional Office Announces 1949 Conference Theme

"Advance With Christ in a Fuller Commitment of Life and Resources to His Kingdom" is the Regional Conference theme this year. This is also the Brotherhood theme.

February 1S-20 are the dates for the youth conference and board meetings. The principal speaker for the youth conference will be Dennis Savage of the United Christian Youth Movement.

The regular conference wlll be held from Feb. 20-24. Two of the speakers for the regular conference sessions will be Raymond Petera, secretary of the General Brotherhood Board, and C. Ernest Davis, secretary of the Christian Education Commission.

Raymond L. Flory, chairman of the Conference Housing Committee, has announced that this year each guest is requested to make room reservations. These reservations are to be in by Jan. 1 If possible, and by Feb. 1 at the latest.

Each guest should write to: Conference Housing Committee Secretary, Regional Office, McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, to reserve his room or to obtain further information on the subject.

Read all the ads ip the Spectator every week.


Dogs Drop Season Opener; Canine B’s Wallop Quakers

Last Friday night the Friends University Quakers won a "fouled-up" game from the McPherson College Canines 37-32. It was a non-conference game and the second game for the Quakers.

A total of 42 fouls was called in the game, 24 on Friends and 18 on McPherson. The Quakers lost two players on fouls and the Dogs none Every player wan charged with one or more fouls.

McPherson had difficulty in hitting the basket and Friends were off to an early lead on the shooting of their center pivot man Hudgins who dropped in 5 fielders in the first half. The Quakers led 19 to 15 at the half.

In the last half the teams played on more even terms; Friends scored 18 while the Bulldogs tallied 17 points. Exactly half of McPherson's scores came on free throws.

High scorer for the game was Hudgins of the Quakers who scored 13 points while Don Peters scored nine for the Dogs.

"B" Game

In the "B" game the Bulldogs trounced the Friends "B's" 45-24. Thirty-three personal fouls were called. High scorer of the game was Dale Carpenter, McPherson center, who caged 18 points. Jol-len led Friends with eight points.

Grantland Rice— All American Team

Grantland Rice, dean of American sports writers, has been the acknowledged official selector of the All-American teams since the death of Walter Camp, the originator of the All-America idea.

Involved in the selection of AllAmerican players was the free substitution rule or sometimes called the two-platoon system.

Criticism of this system has been:

(1)    Coaches with limited material cannot use it.

(2)    It confuses them.

(3)    It irritates sports announcers.

On the other hand here are some of the advantages.

(1) Gives each player twice as much coaching.

(2) Players can specialize more in their respective talents which gives a more spectacular performance.

(3) It gives more players a chance to play.

All Americas must be all around aces. They must be able to do everything. In fact one of the truly great all-around players of football history graces this 1948 All-America. He Is Ewell Doak Walker, the Southern Methodist backfield ace. He is the finest player the Southwest has ever produced. He does it all— run, pass. kick, receive, block, tackle and call plays. He has played all four backfield positions. He is cool and a complete stranger to pressure.

In the other backfield position we have Emil Sitko of Notre Dame, who just barely edged out Charlie Justice of North Carolina.

Rauch, Georgia’s super T quarterback was the best here.

Jackie Jenson was the ranging Californians' fullback.

The line is big and hefty. It averages 214 lbs. At the end positions are Michigan’s 197 lb. Dick Riffenbirgs and North Carolina's 212 lb. Art Weiner. At guards are Army’s 190 lb. Joe Henry and Georgia Tech’s 219 lb. Bill Healy. At tackles are Minnesota’s 248 lb. Leo Nomellins and Notre Dame’s 20 year old. 223 pound Leon Hart. And at the center is Pennsylvania’s pivot man Chuck Bednorik who could play outstandingly at any of the eleven positions.

American Express Forms Education Travel Division

The establishment of a new "Educational Travel Division" by the American Express Company, to aid faculty members and students who contemplate traveling abroad to study in universities in foreign countries, has been announced by 'Ralph T. Reed, company president. The new division of the company, under the guidance of Dr. B. W. Van Riper, scholar and world-traveler, was established to aid thousands traveling abroad each year for foreign study.

The new division gives advice on scholastic requirements and fees, academic calendar and dormitory space, and answers a host of other questions on student ac-tivities in universities in 36 countries throughout the world. The new division further aids the traveling student by giving helpful advice on when and how best to go, what to wear and what to take along for life in another country.

In addition, students who travel abroad during their vacations can receive from the new "Educational Travel Division” valuable aid on where their most educational trip lies, whether In London, the Shakespeare Country and Glasgow, Paris and Versailles and the provinces of France, or the many other spots of historic significance in western Europe, including the occupational zones of Britain, France and the U. S. A. in Germany, even India, Australia, Latin America and Africa.

The vast fund of scholastic and travel information prepared by the "Educational Travel Division" of American Erpress was gathered in cooperation with the Institute-of International Education, the Veterans Administration, consulates, information bureaus of foreign governments, and evecutive officers of more than 200 foreign universities.

In connection with specialized travel service, American Express has prepared a brochure. "To Study Abroad", which is available at any office of the company.

It used to be Father who gave the bride away. Now it’s Walter Winchell . .


Monday night the Intramural Basketball began its opening night of the 48-49 season.

The first scheduled game at 6:30 was forfeited because of draft boards, debate trips, and ole' man Rhodes. I. P. T. forfeited to Deforpch because of the deficiency of players.

In the second game the Bowery Boys beat the Student Ministers "A” team 32-17. High point man was Dorsch for the Bowery Boys with 12 points.

In the third game are Liars' Lodge beat Student Ministers "B" team 32-28. High point man was Don Guthals with 13 points for the "Liars.”

Games will be played on each Monday and Wednesday evenings.

Three games will be played each night.

Legionnaires Cheat Santa Of Customary Duties

An Indianapolis American Legion post has hit on a novel idea of raising funds for its welfare activities on behalf of needy children by offering Santa Clauses for public hire.

Under this plan parents can arrange to have a full-blown live Santa Claus call at their home on Christmas afternoon or evening to deliver the family gifts to the youngsters. The fee will be $5.00. If Old Nick is desired for a full hour, the fee will be $10.00.

Meanwhile, the post has opened a training school for Santas. It will hire any number of elderly men that may be needed and put them through a basic course of instruction. The post will furnish the traditional red uniforms and beards.

Officials of the post said their plan was flexible enough to take care. If necessary, up to 10.000 calls on Yale Day.—American Legion News Service.

Gina Munda Gives Talks At Three Meetings

December 1 was quite a busy day for Miss Gina Munda, Italian student on Mac College campus. Miss Munda spoke at three meetings during the day and attended an informal tea in the afternoon.

Miss Munda traveled to Hutchinson in the forenoon in order to speak to the Southwest District women's rally. The women had chosen for their project the Carar-ra Unit of BSC, and they were finishing their campaign on the gathering of clothes and soap.

At three o'clock in the afternoon Miss Munda spoke to the Future Homemakers of America at the junior high, in McPherson. In the evening she spoke to the Men's Club of the Methodist Church. The speaking engagements were broken in the afternoon by a tea given in the Home Economics department.    

At the end of the day Miss Munda asked some of the members of the party if December 1 were some kind of a holiday. She was reassured that it was not.

Boston’s Dark Is Rookie Of Season

Alvin Dark, the Boston Braves' talented young shortstop, was named Rookie of the Year for 1948 by the Baseball Writers' Association.

The 25 year-old freshmen who hit .824 for the pennant-winning Braves won by a comfortable margin.

Gene Beardon, southpaw pitcher of the Cleveland Indian World Series Champions, was second.

Third honors went to Richie Ashburn, the Philadelphia Phil's low-headed speedster who hit second in the National League.

College of Emporia—61 Sterling—49    

Colege of Emporia won its opening basketball game last Friday night, 61 to 49, over Sterling College.

Cleo Muci of Sterling topped the scorers with 16 points while Bob Swedburg scored 12 for C. of E.

Read all the advertisements in the Specator every week.

We know It unwise To criticize Our fellow-man.

Before becoming Overbold,

Remember, Sir,

We all came From the same Mold.


In spite of mothers.

Some are mouldier Than others.

"Michigan State News"

Read all the advertisements the Spectator every week.
