McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Friday, December 3, 1948

no. 11

Kirby Page Talks Tonight At Local Brethren Church

Kirby Page, social evangelist and author since 1921, will speak at 6:30 tonight at the dinner meeting in the social rooms of the Church of the Brethren, and again at 8:00 before a mass meeting in the Church sanctuary.

Biology Department Receives Male Skeleton From Asia

The Biology Department is now the proud owner of a brand spanking new human skeleton which arrived the middle of November.    

As yet he hasn't been named but everyone can rest assured that with so many witty biology majors around that he (referring to the skeleton) won't go unnamed too long.

The skeleton was ordered some time ago but because of the scarcity of such items, delivery was not possible until now.

In a recent letter to Dr. R. E.

Mohler, the Denoyer-Geppert Company of Chicago pointed out that human skeletons are not available from domestic sources because of the laws of our country prohibiting the sale of bodies from which, skeletons are prepared. It is also known that similar laws prevail in many foreign countries. Therefore, human skeletal materials are available only from those countries in which such laws do not exist.

It was possible in pre-war years to import from several European sources. Supplies were plentiful then and deliveries could be made promptly. European skeletons were processed entirely at the source so that mounting them was the only task of the retail agency.

However, because of the war. these European sources completely disappeared.

Skeletons Imported from Asia

The only source now available is Asia. These skeletons that come from Asia are not processed at the source and, therefore, must  be treated here in America.

During 1947 not one single skeleton was shipped because of internal strife and rioting within the country of their origin.

Does anybody have an old family skeleton hanging around? If you do dig it up. There is good money in the business.

For a generation Kirby Page has used the platform and pen to insist upon an application of Christian principles to the social, economic. and political problems of the world.

Dr. Page has made many trips to Europe and Asia to study international and economic problems. At the meetings tonight ho will speak relative to the relationships of the United States and Russia, and also what each Christian citizen can do to help win peace.


Administration Committee Says ‘O. K.’ To Automatic Music Box In Dog House

An “automatic music vending machine,” which is to be installed in the college Dog House, has been approved by the Administration Committee of the college.

This machine will be on trial and

according to Dr. W. W. Peters should work out satisfactorily if the students will cooperate with the school and student council officials.

Dr. Mary Fee, Dean of Women, Prof. S. M. Dell, and officers of the student council will make arrangements for the hours the machine is to be used and the records that will appear in the machine.

In a recent poll taken by the Spectator it was shown that students wanted such an addition and that it should be placed in the Dog House.

Chicago Live Stock Show Opens November 27

The nation's farm folk looked to Chicago at the end of last month as events got under way for the opening of the country’s major agriculture show--the International Live Stock Exposition.

One of the largest exhibitions of livestock ever assembled under one roof is being shown to the nearly half a million people who are thronging the International Amphitheatre during show week. November 27, through December


Many, Classes Larger

Entries for six of the thirty breeds of livestock are larger this year than ever before. Especially large is the Aberdeen-Angus cattle class which will have six hundred head of the breed in the open classes. Show officials state this is the largest exhibition of Angus cattle ever assembled anywhere in the world. The swine classes are also increased over former years.

Several hundred loads of fat cattle are anticipated in the fat carlot classes of the show when entries close for this division November 20. The carlot classes for loads of fat cattle, sheep and swine will swell the exhibition to 12,000 head of livestock.

Typographical error:    "The

bride was attended by tight bride-maids all dressed in vile green dresses."

WAA—We Are Active

Late Headlines

by Lorene Clark

at 4:30 p. m. when his fate was placed in the hands of the jury.

Neff, a Perth farmer, is charged with the dual slaying of his wife. Jessie, and his brother-in-law. Kenneth Wynn.

Milan, Italy Nov. 30. Milan newspapers today gave reports that Margaret Truman had been invited to sing at La Scala, a famed opera house.

Dr. Antonio Ghiringhelli, superintendent of La Scala, would neither confirm nor deny the reports.

Washington, Nov. 30. Secretary of State George C. Marshall is undergoing a physical examination in Walter Reed hospital that may decide whether or not he remains in the Truman cabinet.,

He will stay in the army hospi-tal for the next few days."

San Francisco, November 30. Mme Chiang Kai-Shek arrived in the United States today to plead for help for distressed China. Informed Chinese sources said she believed it best to carry her message directly to Washington.

Washington, Nov. 30. Herbert Hoover; former Republican President, announced today that President Truman has approved a plan to regroup approximately 60 federal agencies which now report directly to the chief executive.

The former prexy stated that each of these agencies would be put under a cabinet-rank department. or another agency called an "administration."

Wellington, Kansas, Nov. 30. The case of George Neff, feted recently in Kansas newspapers, reached another high point today

Guidance Class Shows Exhibit On Occupations

An exhibit by the night class in guidance will be shown January 14-15. This course in guidance is a course in occupations, and sample products will be exhibited.

Representatives from different occupations have led the class in discussions. Last Wednesday evening a representative of the Oil Refining Industries spoke before the class.

Industries will be broken into occupations according to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, and exhibits will be classified under the correct occupation. Exhibits will be shown representing about 25 industries. Some of these industries have 60 different occupations.

The place of exhibit has not been definitely decided as yet. Dr. Warren thinks perhaps it will be held in either Sharp Hall Room 27 or in the gym.

Museum Accepts Historical Pictures

Dr. Mohler announced recently that the college museum is now equipped to handle pictures that relate the past history of McPherson College.

Dr. Mohler is especially interested in receiving pictures of former students and faculty members. He mentioned the fact that he would be happy to receive any inquiries in regards to donations of old pictures.

130 Singers Give Christmas Musicale

Approximately 130 singers will participate in the Christmas music program at the College Church Dec. 12 and 14, 1948. This Christmas story in music will be called "A Christmas Musicale."

The program has been divided into three parts, which are Anticipation," "Realization," and "Behold Thy Salvation." Soloists in the first part are: Mrs. Lloyd Larsen, organ: Mr. Rolland Plasterer, tenor: and Mrs. Richard Burger, soprano.

Vernon Nicholson, baritone: Miss Eula Whitmore, soprano: Paul Wagoner, baritone; Mrs. DeWitt Miller, soprano; Kenneth Graham, tenor, and Albert Rogers, tenor, are the soloists in the second part.

In the finale Jack Baker, baritone, is a soloist.

Assisting Mrs. Larsen at the organ will be Mrs. San Romani and Miss Ronnie Alexander, Miss Anne Krehbiel and Miss Ronnie Alexander are the pianists for the Christmas story.

Annual UNESCO Meet To Be Held At Topeka

Dr. W. W. Peters will represent McPherson College at the second annual conference of the Kansas Commission of UNESCO, which is to be held at Topeka, Kansas.

Preliminary registration will begin at 5 p. m. on Thursday December 2. Preliminary registration will be held at the Hotel Kansan. The conference is scheduled to end at noon on Saturday, December 4.

McPherson Churches Have Leadership Training

Various denominations of McPherson are sponsoring a leadership training school for church school workers at the First Christian Church, under the guidance of Rev. Len Lyon, pastor of the First Christian Church, on November 29 and 30, December 1, 6, 7, and 8.

Courses being taught are Old and New Testament, child study, and community problems. The classes begin each evening at 7:30. Two sessions are held with a brief devotional period, led by ministers of the churches participating in the school, between each.

Many of those attending the school will receive a certificate from the International Council of Religions Education for their church school training.

On December 8, Dr. Dewitt L. Miller will give the closing address. At that time credits earned wil be announced and the progress of the school will be indicated. A social hour is also being planned for those who have participated in the school.    

Seniors, Freshmen Go To Kid Party

Girls, bring out those old short skirts, put your hair in pigtails: fellas, bring out those short pants, let your hair go uncombed and your ears unwashed, come as a barefoot boy to the Freshmen and Senior Kid Party.

The party will be held tomorrow evening at 7:30 in the gym with the senior class acting as host.

Children's games will be played, so that all participants will feel right at home. There will be refreshments, too.

Anita Jo Norlin, Mary Jane Freeburg, and Don Keim are on the committee which has planned the party.

Playground Activities Class Visits Schools

Reginning December 1, the playground activities class plans to visit three rural schools. The class will visit Santa Fe. King City, and Hilton. Each of these schools represents a different type of teaching system. The class will also visit the city grades and present a thirty minute recreational program at each school visited.

Most of the members of this class are planning to become elementary school teachers. The purpose of these visits is to acquaint the students with the recreational work they will encounter in the future.

Plans are being made for the class to visit the local juvenile library. The students will examine books to lecommend for youthful recreational reading. =

Those in the playground activities class are Eula Broyles, Joy Hornbaker, Naomi Mankey, Hazel Hornbaker, Ethel Dalke, Pat Gentry, Mary Louise Johnson, Doris Correll, Gerald Dorsch, and Dick Eggleston.

Read all the ads in this issue.

Students Will Participate In Christmas Caroling

A week from today. December 10, the Social Committee has planned a caroling party. The carolers will meet in the S. U. R. to warm up on some carols, and then divide into groups if the number of students warrants it.    

The group may go by foot or car depending upon the number that turn out. It is also possible that the group may carol downtown.

The committee hopes that the band and a cappella will cooperate and be the nucleus for these groups.    

Refreshments consisting of hot chocolate and cookies by the Home Economics Department will be served when the carolers return to the college.

BY Sponsors Chili Supper December 8

The Junior-Senior High CBYF is sponsoring a chili supper on December 8 at the Church of the Brethren. The returns of this supper will go towards the CBYF project, a fireplace behind the church.

Tickets are 75c and can be bought from Carol Hardy, Barbara Marchand, Gene Bechtel, and Don Lauver. The doors will be open from six to eight o'clock.

Entertainment will be furnished by an orchestra composed entirely of high school students, vocal solos by Barbara Marchand and Margaret Goering, and a piano solo by Betty Brammell.

Anyone may attend.

Mac Has Largest Group At BSCM Conference

The BSCM Conference in Chicago during the Thanksgiving vacation was attended by 164 students. Once again McPherson had the largest delegation.

The theme of the conference was Christ In Every Vocation," and the seminars, took up the different vocations to see how Christ might help. There were special speakers each night. Thursday night the speaker was Milton Mayer, and Friday night the speaker was Desmond Bittinger.

Saturday night was the Love Feast under the direction of Chal-mer Faw. Sunday morning the synthesis of the seminars was presented, and Stover Kulp was the special speaker.

Officers that were elected are: Chester Keller from Bridgewater, president: Stan Sutphin from La-Verne, vice president: Ruth Lud-wick from Manchester, secretary; and Bob Keim is the retiring president.     

The conference discussed the problem the volunteer service program faces. Since the Brotherhood fund is becoming low, particularly the Volunteer Service section; the unit will not be able to go on in March without more funds. Therefore. a plan of giving was suggested for the use of students upon returning to college. A jar will be placed in the cafeteria for each student to give a penny each meal to strengthen the funds.

The conference will be held at. the First Brethren College in Ashland, Ohio, next year.

Nobody ever made a law that will prevent a man from making a fool.of himself.

Kollege Kalendar

Friday December 3, basketball, Friends U. vs. McPherson at Wichita. Kirby Page speaks in the Church Parlors at 6:00 P. M. and in the main auditorium at 8:00 P..M.

Saturday December 4. Freshman-Senior kid party at 7:30 P. M. in the gym.

Wednesday December 8, basketball. Southwestern vs. McPherson here, high school gymnasium.

Barking Bulldogs Grab Second Place In Bethel Debates

Sherry's barking bulldogs returned from the Bethel Debate Tournament in second place with 72 percent of their debates tucked under their belts as wins.

McPherson debaters scored 18 victories and met defeat on only seven tries. Of three undefeated teams in the tourney McPherson could claim two, those being Don-avon Speaker and Ted Geisert and Don Keim and Dean Neher.

Mr. Speaker and Mr. Geisert Journeyed to Newton as spectators but because the weather had prevented the attendance of some of the other teams, they were entered at the last minute. Mr. Geisert pointed out that all of their material was still in McPherson but that they would try. The team of Speaker and Geisert won four debates and drew a bye on the last round thereby giving them 100 percent in the percentile column.    

Mr. Don Keim and Mr. Dean Neher won five straight, two of which were against the arch enemy. Ottawa.

Miss Lorene Clark and Miss

Bonnie Martin won four out of five, two of which were against Ottawa. Miss Clark and Miss Martin lost only to the crack Oklahoma A & M team.

The team of Haag and Cotton claimed three victories, while Cook and W. Bowman claimed one victory.

School Standings

Oklahoma A & M with two picked teams and Tabor with one team tied for first place by winning 80 percent of debates entered. McPherson with five teams entered placed second by winning 72 percent of their debates. In the following order the remainder of the schools placed:    Emporia

Teachers 60 percent, Ottawa 57 percent, Bethel 55 percent, Bethany and Washburn 40 percent, and three lesser schools.

Professor M. A. Hess, interested on-looker, pointed out that six of McPherson’s ten debaters were first year debaters. He also pointed out that Ottawa’s brawn won only three times when they debated against McPherson’s brains in eight debates.

Barking Bulldogs Travel

Next Monday morning four teams which comprise the varsity squads will travel to Southwestern College at Winfield to try their skill against contending schools.

Those going to the tourney will be Mr. Donavon Speaker, Mr. Don Keim, Mr. LeRoy Doty, Mr. Max McAuley, Miss Bonnie Martin, Miss Lorene Clark, Miss Ardys Albright, and Miss Avis Albright.

Prof. Hess and Debate Coach Sherfy will accompany the debaters on this second trip.

Overheard at a homecoming dance: "All right! So the orchestra isn't so good. You could at least walk around with mo so I can see who’s.here!"

On the fatal night of November 30, blindfolded, prospective members of WAA were pushed, one by one, into a dark and mysterious room to endure the rigors of initiation.

Each trembling candidate first stepped into a pool of her father’s blood, then, his ashes. Thoroughly unnerved the girl was carried by her guide to a table where she tasted the meanings of WAA. W for worthiness turned into a spoonful of vinegar: A for artistry, spoiled cider: and A for abstention, horseradish. The ingredients were then combined in some, magical way and entered the mouth of each candidate in the form of a cold tablet tasting strongly of cod liver oil. Finally

Music at the meetings will be furnished by the Meloaires, one of the male quartettes of McPherson College.

Dr. Page appears under the auspices of the Kansas Institute of International Relations, of which Mr. Guy Gebhardt is the executive secretary.

The local committee sponsoring Kirby Page is composed of President W. W. Peters, President Men-dal B. Miller of Central College, Rev Vernon Benson of the Congregational Church, and Rev. DeWitt Miller of the Church of the Brethren.

Rev. Benson is in charge of the dinner meeting, and President Peters is in charge of the mass meeting.    


The Cheerleaders make the following announcements. The cheerleaders have decided after having talked with both coaches that for the remainder of the semester and for next semester that pep rallies in the auditorium will be held only for home games. It is hoped by the cheerleaders that better pep rallies will result from this type of plan.

They also hope that when it is necessary to have pep rallies on Tuesday during activity period that those clubs meeting will adjourn in order to make possible the attendance of their members. The first such assembly will be Tuesday, December 7.

Dog House Gets Freezer

A new 1949 model Kelvinator deep freeze unit was added to the Dog House on Nov. 17.

The unit is smaller in size than the old one, hut holds more ice cream. It is furnished by the Jo Mar Ice Cream Co., Salina, Kansas.

each candidate was branded with a piece of ice accompanied by the sound of sizzling grease.

After playing several games, the girls gathered in the Dog House for refreshments of potato chips, candy bars, and hot punch.

Wait, the excitement was not yet over! The girls had taken off their shoes before being initiated, but when the party was over the shoes were nowhere to be found. At last one of the sharp-eyed members found them on the ledge above the front door. After a day of wearing crazy clothes and lots of makeup, the girls all heaved—now that they had finally become WAA members.        

Handled properly it is a highly efficient machine. Handled improperly it becomes a dangerous instrument. It is particularly deadly for college students and drivers of high school age who have failed to develop judgment commensurate with their driving skill.

There are many of you that are excellent drivers. You hove driven thousands of miles without a scratched fender. But there are also among you many others who are not good drivers and who have failed to develop the kind of maturity needed in handling a car in today's traffic.

The worst part about the accidents involving the latter group is that the accidents are usually serious. The drivers and their cars, whether a smooth convertible or a jalopy, don't always get a chance to reform. Studies in seven states prior to the war showed that the fatal accident rate, in terms of miles operated, of drivers under 20 years of age was 89 per cent higher than the average; the rate for persons between 20 and 24 years of age was 24 percent higher. Although no new surveys have been made since the war, evidence points to about the same percentage for these age groups.

Actually, persons of college age should be the world's best drivers. You are young, strong and have keen, active minds. By actual tests your eye-hand coordination as a group rates first.

But, unfortunately, being young means other things too. It means that you're just naturally cock-sure, overconfident, and don't care a hang about danger. It means that you take chances and speed into tight spots from which even your better-than-average ability cannot always save you.

We are now entering the holiday season. ..It is the most dangerous time of the year to be driving an automobile. Because of this I think the current campaign of Lumbermans Mutual Casualty Company and the National Safety Council to bring that fact home to you is an excellent idea.

Most of you will be traveling home, many of you by car. Drive carefully while enroute and after you get there. Don't mix alcohol and gasoline. If you drive a jalopy. make certain that it has good brakes, lights and tires. Don't cut your vision by plastering stickers over windshield or windows and don't take a chance by loading too many people.

There are five faults that result in the largest share of traffic accidents. Watch for them. They are;

Driving too fast. "Excessive speed" or "speed too fast for conditions" leads all other causes of accidents on the traffic safety "Dishonor" roll. .

"Bluffing at intersection." Failure in the effort to bluff the other fellow out of the right

Tips For Alert Drivers

Expert drivers are "defensive” drivers. That is. they not only drive safely, they anticipate the mistakes of other drivers. Here are some tips on driving from experts who have driven millions of miles without an accident:

1.    To avoid hitting vehicles

pulling away from the curb, watch for "-tell tales.” such as:    front

wheels turned outward, exhaust coming from vehicle, driver at wheel, lights on.

2.    Keep at least one vehicle length behind the car ahead for every 10 miles of speed. Increase this distance on wet or icy pavement.

3.    Don't try to bulldoze your-way through lines of vehicular or


_____ Editor-In-Chief

Managing Editor

Campus Editor

Sports Co-Editors

Feature Editor

........ Society Editor

Faculty Adviser

Reporters and Special Writers Lorene Marshall Pat Albright Dale Oltman

Carmina San Romani Betty Redinger Claudia Jo Stump


Wendell Burkholder

Harry Knapp

Don Ford

Lloyd Haag

Gordon Yoder

Business Manager


Circulation Manager


Faculty Adviser

This American Jargon

Some of the reasons for so many of the quarrels and petty bickerings we find about us are the misunderstandings caused by our ambiguous language.

I was riding up from town on the bus the other day and two school children were discussing their fast disappearing gum drops.

“What you got left?"

“Two blacks and a white.”

I heard it vaguely and dismissed it from my mind until about five minutes later a woman across the aisle inquired of her husband, as he read the evening paper:

"Who were the defendants in the Detroit trial, Jim

‘Two blacks and a white.”

I smiled at the repeated phrase. When I got off the bus I stopped for a cup of coffee. As I approached a booth, I heard someone call up to the man behind the counter:    

“Two blacks and a white.”

Dictionaries define words, but they are inadequate in interpreting context.

“Two blacks and a white” may mean anything. Is it any wonder that arguments arise so frequently within families and close friendships? Or that misunderstood phrases form the basis of much of the political “mud slinging”? Is it any wonder that in a world of so many tongues, it seems so difficult to draw up a plan of lasting peace?

Perhaps the trouble lies in a close friend, a presi dential aspirant and a leading nation of the world not knowing if the other person or nation is speaking of candy a race of people or a cup of coffee.—"The Cue”.

The Joys Of Icy Steps

With the winter season with us again, some of the old hazardous sidewalks and steps on the campus have become even more dangerous.

During the last week, especially, my attention has been called to the front steps leading into Arnold Hall. Quite a few students have “fallen” victim to the icy surfaces.

Of course, when the snow falls from the sky there is not very much that we or anyone else can do to stop it. However, the fact has been pointed out to me that the danger of the steps in question is enhanced by the melting of the snow on the roof and on the upper porch.

It has been suggested by a large number of students that a gutter be improvised in some way to catch the melting snow so that it does not fall on the steps and cause so much trouble when it freezes.

Let’s Utilize That Grey Matter

True education means not a pumping-in of facts, but a drawing-out of inner ability. The student should be regarded as a deep and hidden well, not as an empty tank to be filled. The mind is not in need of being filled It must be stirred so as to bubble up from within.

If you are to know success in its fullest sense, explore that great universe that is bounded on the north by the hair on your head, on the south by the soles of your feet, on the east and west by the outstretched tips of your fingers. The world’s greatest universities are located under the hats of self-searching men. The most any institution of learning can do is to hold the light by which you may ignite your own candle.—“Graphic”.

Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

John Firestone

Max McAuley

LeRoy Doty

Don Reed, Russell West

Van Dunahoo

Leona Flory

Sarah May Vancil

Don Ford

Annette Shropshire Barbara Carruth Lorene Clark

To The College Age Driver

That new convertible standing in front of your fraternity or sorority house is beautifully engineered. It has everything, the right lines, radio, and enough power under the hood to take you any place you desire.

of way is next.

Drinking and driving—drinking and walking. About one out of every four adult pedestrians and one out of six drivers involved in fatal accidents had been drinking.

Had judge of distance by day and "over-driving” headlights by night. Government studies show that the average motorist must have nearly a quarter of a mile of clear road ahead of him to pass another car in the face of oncoming traffic at open road speeds. Failure to heed that simple arithmetic is the reason for many accidents. At night virtually all drivers are guilty of "driving blind” by driving at speeds too high to stop within the range of their headlights.

Don't believe in signs. Failure to observe signs, signals and markings produces the next highest quota of accidents. Remember these points the next time you get into your convertible or jalopy, or behind the wheel of your dad's car. It is particularly important at this time because driving hazards increase during the winter months, increasing the mileage death rate 25 to 50 per cent.

There are some of you, particularly freshmen, who must take extra precautions and must overcome special age characteristics which, according to James Stan-nard Baker, director of research for the Northwestern University Traffic Institute, contribute to the high accident record of youth ful drivers. Three of these characteristics are:

Too much energy. In driv-ing this appears as considerably more speed than necessary, vigorous braking, motor racing, wheel spinning and other overenergetic driving that results in more frequent skidding and in-line collisions.

Inability to resist distractions. Youth finds it difficult to stick to anything when it ceases to be exciting. This leads drivers to participate in entertainment of rider companions or wave at friends.

Tendency to show off. Expression of the "thrill" desire.

Accidents that result are almost always inexcusable.

Watch for these in your own driving and curb them whenever they show up. Drive with greater care from now on. particularly during the holiday season. Help us cut the traffic toll which last year claimed lives of 32,300 persons and brought injury to 1.150,000 others. Have all the fun you can, but drive that convertible or Jalopy with extra care. The life you save may be your own,— by Franklin M. Kreml. Director of Northwestern University Traffic Institute and Traffic Division. International Association of Chiefs of Police.

pedestrian traffic.

4. Keep windshield wiper, lights and other equipment in good order. Remember you CAN hit ’em if you can't see ’em.

5.    Watch for the "ghost" train. Hundreds of people have been killed in railroad accidents by waiting for one train to pass and then getting hit by a second one they didn't see.

6.    Regulate speed at night so you can stop within the range of your headlights.

7.    Keep your mind on your driving. Don’t be distracted by daydreaming, scenery or curvacious creatures.

8.    Sudden stops invite rear-end collisions. Save your maximum braking power for real emergencies.

Duane Jamison

- Find a pair of saddle oxfords, then look up: we want 'cha to meet. 6'3", 165 lbs Duane Jamis son.

Dunne was born on April 26, 1930, in Quinter where he has attended school. In high school he was active in football, basketball, and glee club. He was also a class officer.

In college Duane finds his activities consist of sports and the camera club.

When asked why he had come to Mac, Duane said it was mainly because of Quinter tradition. His suggestions for improvement of college life would be more college socials.

In the way of hobbies, Duane enjoys "building and fooling with gas model airplanes." He now has about 15 planes in his collection, which he "spent all summer tinkering with."

But gas models aren't his only interest. There's his side line; inventing. Invent what? Any-thing.

He tells of the time he invented a cannon, and he has a scar on his left hand to prove that it worked.

Also he once built a midget auto racer, but it wasn't too successful.

Interesting experiences? Just a few. Like the time he threw water in the hot tar and it exploded. Duane said he had tar in his eyebrows for a week.

Dark brown hair . . . brown

Saturday night November 21 Miss Lois Burger and Miss Wilma

Geis visited Miss Pauline Best and Miss Ruth Davis at Marion, Kansas. Miss Best and Miss Davis were students at McPherson College last year, and are now teaching in the school at Marion. They accompanied Miss Burger and Miss Geis back to McPherson and spent Sunday on the campus.

Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Dale and daughter, Connie Jean, visited the campus Saturday, November 21. Mr. and Mrs. Dale have both attended McPherson College, and are now living in Manhattan, Kansas, where Mr. Dale is doing graduate work in physics at Kansas State.

Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Long of Quinter, Kansas, visited their daughter. Miss Alice Long on Wednesday November 18.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Giles visited the campus Saturday, November 21. They are both graduates of McPherson College and are teaching school at Belleville, Kansas.

Mrs. Stanley Keim visited her son and daughter, Mr. Don Keim and Miss Miriam Keim on Sunday and Monday, November 22 and 23. She was enroute to her home in Nampa, Idaho, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she attended a national women's church meeting.

B. M. On C.

Big Man On Campus

He’s the keeper of the keys at Kline, president of the Brethren Student Christian Movement, B. M. on C. Bob Keim.

Bob hails from Nampa where he attended the local schools. In high school be was president of the FFA and was in the a cappella choir.

In college he has been president of the college B. Y., in quartet four years, in a cappella four years, on the Rec Council four years, and on the SCA cabinet two years.

His hobby is stamp collecting, but his main interest is music, He also has a collection of quartet and solo music.

President of the Brethren Student Christian Movement 5’ 11" . . . 180 lbs. . . brown hair . . . . blue eyes . . . B. M. on C. . . Bob Keim.

The Hitching Post

Mrs. Aaron Longanecker of Roanoke, Louisiana, announces the engagement of her niece, Miss Patty Barnett to Mr. Emmert Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin G. Brown of Larned, Kansas. They plan to be married this spring after school is out.

Rev. and Mrs. Henry Mankey of Stet, Missouri, announce the engagement of their daughter. Naomi, to Mr. Edwin Negley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Negley of Larned, Kansas. They plan to be married next fall.

Dr. and Mrs. Burton Metzler of McPherson, Kansas, announced the engagement of their daughter. Mary, to Mr. Paul Wagoner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wagoner of Adel, Iowa, at a spaghetti supper Tuesday evening. November 23.

Guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Krehbiel, Miss Anne Oberst, Mr. Don Keim, Miss Donna Bowman, Mr. John Burkholder and Rev. and Mrs. DeWitt Miller.

President and Mrs. Peters entertained the following faculty members and students In their home during Thanksgiving vaca

they say

sadie hawkins day wasnt half as had as the W A A initiates looked all day tuesday.

quite a few of the students know what burning the midnite oil means—get your english theme in on time (question)

the students left on campus during the thanksgiving vacation days were few and far inbetween —they said everything was rather dead around the ole joint a certain someone seems to have picked up a brand new shiny black buick the other day wont mention any names but his initials are orin wolfe how about a ride some time huh

the enow storm in texas delayed the return of several of the students to school

everyone says that they spent a good share of vacation time just eating (or should we say stuffing) and sleeping some of us got less of the latter item

some of the students attended the texas panhandle Oklahoma and new mexico district church meeting last friday saturday and sunday in clovis new mexico dick burger was the guest speaker

a few of the girls didnt get enough to eat over the holidays i guess so brought back steaks chicken and other yummy luxuries they fixed them in deluxe style and invited their boy friends over to help eat them

well guess ill be like a tree and leave

tion; Dr. and Mrs. Warren and Sara, Miss Lockwood, Miss Young, Mr. Plasterer, Mr. Ware-ham, Mr. and Mrs. Cline, Leona Flory, Wendell Burkholder, Charles Lewis, Kenneth Kinzie, Stan-ley Watkins, and Alvin Zunkel.

Read all the advertisements In the Spectator every week.

Collegian Column

Keene Shogren, Lindsborg veteran who is a student at Kansas State college, has been elected justice of the peace in Manhattan township. Now he is trying to make up his mind whether to take the job.

It came as a complete surprise to Shogren, who is a senior engineering student at the college.

Although Shogren was not aware of the plan veterans and their wives living in No. 2 campus courts started the move as a joke. There was no regular candidate on the ticket.

Trouble was, too many persons were in on the gag. They wrote in his name just for fun.

Shogren knew nothing of the plan until he received on official notice from the Riley county clerk advising him he had been duly elected as JP. His supporters had no idea enough votes were being cast to elect him.

The newly elected justice has been on a college sponsored engineering inspection trip. Mrs. Shogren said she did not know whether her husband would post bond to qualify for the office.

Meanwhile, his neighbors are said to be considering erecting a sign advertising the marrying engineer's place and directing all. prospects to his house for marriage ceremonies.

Stanley Bittinger, older brother of Pattie, was one of the Manchester students chosen for Who’s Who.

Concordia Teachers College in River Forest, III., produced the "Hasty Heart" on November 19, and 20. Readers will remember that "Hasty Heart” was the first production of the McPherson College players this year.

"How come you're late this morning." asked the Prof.

"I overslept.” came the reply.

"What, do you sleep at home as well?" retorted the savant.—"‘The St. Ilona Venture".

eyes . . . he's fun to talk to . . . we want 'cha to meet . . . Duane Jamison.

Betty Redinger

Tall, shapely, good looking, we want ’cha to meet, Betty Redinger.

Born on December 9, 1930, in Olathe, Kansas, Betty spent about 18 years of her life there, before moving to McPherson to go to college.

In high school, Betty was interested mainly in music, but in college her field is broadening: and although music still holds a first class place, she is in WAA, SCA, and band, and is on the Spec staff.

Her favorite class is Journalism, and her favorite form of recreation is skating.

After college Betty is to sit on the boss's lap as a private secretary.

Nick-named "Reddy Bedinger" . . . 5’8" . . . light brown hair . . . blue eyes . . . we want 'cha to meet . . . Betty Redinger.

Drama Class Presents ‘Why the Chimes Rang'’

A Christmas play entitled "Why the Chimes Rang" will be presented at the church December 16. This play is sponsored by the Religious Drama Class at the church.

The cast of characters is:

Uncle—Rolland Plasterer

Old Woman Marianna Stin-nette.

Nephew—Gene Bechtel.

Nephew—David Miller.

Pantomine characters will be Mr. Wilbur Yoder, Mrs. John Wall, Dr. DeWitt Miller, Delma Cline, and Mr. J. L. Galle.

Student director for the play is Mary Ellen Metzler, Miss Eshter Sherfy will also supervise the play. Stage manager is Dean Neh-er. Other members of the Religious Drama Class will aid in production of the play.

Advice to girls who want to keep their youth: don’t introduce him to anyone.

We Want Ch’a To Meet

Beat Friends!


Beat Southwestern!

Varsity To Meet Friends In Opening Cage Game

Tonight at 7 o’clock the Mc-Pherson Bulldog cage team will be in Wichita to open the 1948-1949 basketball season with Friends University.

The "B” game will begin at 7 o'clock and the feature attraction will begin at 8 o'clock.

Probable starters for the Bulldogs will be Fisher and Hutchinson as forwards, Bruns at center, Peters, Odle, or Goering as guards.

The rest of the team making the trip will be Glen Pyle, Dale Blick-enstaff, Ron Sullivan, Roland Delay, Dale Carpenter, John Coffman, Dan Stevens, and possibly a few others.

Next Wednesday night the Bulldogs meet the Southwestern College Moundbuilders at home.

First Home Game

Next Wednesday night on the high school basketball court the Bulldogs will play the Southwestern Moundbuilders of Winfield, Kansas to open the home game schedule.

Last year the Moundbuilders were top-heavy favorites over the Bulldogs but only barely managed to squeeze past the Canines on two occasions by scores of 58-54 and 44-43.

One of the smoothest ball players to be seen on the McPherson court last year was the Southwestern center Danny Kahler—the son of the Moundbuilder coach.

Game time will be at 6:45 o'clock.

Interclass Tournament

Seniors Take Juniors; Freshmen Beat Sophs

Monday, November 22, the interclass basketball tournament closed with the seniors whipping the juniors 38-25 for the championship.

Playing for the seniors were Vance Carlson, Don Smith, "Dolly" Unrnh, “Buck" Reinecker, Bob Achilles, Don Keim, and John Brown.

The juniors were Elvin Wolf, Kenny Jarboe, Buster West, Don Guthals, John Ward, "Chigger” Maust.

In the consolation game the freshmen defeated the sophomores 42-23.

Bowl Predictions

The Bowl situation is a horse-of-a different color this year in comparison with last year. The final games and the performances of the teams were the deciding factors which lead to the Bowl bids.

In the papa of all bowl games, the Rose Bowl, we have the unbeaten California Bears pitted

against the runner-up of the Big Nine-the Northwestern Wildcats. A first rate coast team against a second rate Big Nine Team.

Down in the Cotton Bowl, the Southern Methodist Mustangs, the Southwest Conference Champion, will take on Oregon. It will be Norm Van Brocklin vs. All American Doak Walker.

In the Sugar Bowl at New Orleans the North Carolina Tarheels will tangle with the powerful Oklahoma Sooners, the champions of the Big Seven Conference, This will be Charlie "Choo, Choo" Justice against Jack Mitchell and Darrell Royal of Oklahoma.

Georgia who last week beat powerful Georgia Tech will be host team to the Texas Longhorns in the New Year's Day Classic in the Orange Bowl.

We have here three fellows who have stuck their necks out to predict winners and margins in the four major bowl games.

P. D. Ward—Rose Bowl, Northwestern over California, 13 point margin. Sugar Bowl, Oklahoma over North Carolina, 20 point margin. Orange Bowl, Georgia over Texas, 6 point margin. Cotton Bowl, Oregon over S. M. U..    1

point margin.

Vance Carlson—Rose Bowl Northwestern over California, 7 point margin. Sugar Bowl, Oklahoma over North Carolina, 6 point margin. Orange Bowl, Georgia over Texas. 20 point margin. Cotton Bowl, S. M. U. over Oregon, 7 point margin.

Dale Blickenstaff—Rose Bowl, Northwestern over California, 14 point margin. Sugar Bowl, Oklahoma over North Carolina. 20 point margin. Orange Bowl, Georgia over Texas, 14 point margin. Cotton Bowl, S. M. U. over Oregon. 13 point margin.

Gallup Picks Army Army 21, Navy 21

Late in the final quarter of the magnificent Army-Navy spectacle last Saturday the midshipmen cheering section ravenously blar:. ed forth this quite indecorous chant: “Sit down: Sit down: You-re rockin’ the boat: Army mule,-we’ve got your goat!" Navy had the Army goat hog-tied and in its personal possession all afternoon.

The unbeaten powerful West Point Cadets were 20 point favorites over the victory starved Annapolis Middies; but someone had been stoking up the Navy’s boilers and the Middles produced a full team ahead and scored a momentous upset—a tie strictly speaking is no upset, but it was in this case. Army lost, Navy won.

President Truman along with 102,500 other spectators saw the Annapolis Midshipmen play the unbeaten Cadets off their feet last Saturday with 21-21 tie.

Before the game got under way a banner was raised in the Navy cheering section bearing this inscription “Gallup picks Army." The President, standing in his seat and looking up at the banner behind him, smiled broadly. As Com-mander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces he is supposed to remain neutral in service games, but it required a great effort on his part not to rejoice again in the “confusion of the prophets."

Having finished her exam, a soph coed turned her paper over, started to doodle.

The teacher looked over, com mented: "If you’re drawing a picture of me. . . you get an automatic F."

Coed looked up. apologized: "Oh no, it’s just a picture of a fellow.”

“Oh," laughed the prof wearily. “I thought it was me."

Coed did a double take: "Gosh

does it look that bad!”—“Syracuse Daily Orange".

Night Courses Are Given During Second Semester

A first aid course will be one of the night classes offered sometime next spring as a two-hour


This course will be taught by a Red Cross teacher who teaches that course in different parts of the country. Dean Warren expects teachers and adults from the county will attend the class.

Children’s literature and adolescent psychology will also be offered next semester. It has not been decided who will teach the children's literature class. Dr. Luther Warren will teach the adolescent psychology course at 7 p. m. on Wednesday. Children’s literature will be offered at 4 p. m. on Wednesday.

An art class taught by Professor Hershberger will be offered at night if there is enough interest.

K. C. A. C. All-Conference Football Team

Ottawa and Bethany, first and second winners in the Kansas Conference football race placed seven of the eleven men on the All-Con-ference first team by ballot of the coaches.

Ends: Talley—Ottawa; Bale—


Guards: Thompson—Baker; Ha-mada C. of F.

Tackles: Engstrom—Bethany; Stoll—Ottawa.

Center: Fetter—Baker.

Backs: Smith—Baker; Lind-tors—Bethany: Musgrave— Ottawa : Titenburg—Bethany.

Verlyn Fisher of McPherson received honorable mention.

Patronize our advertisers.

Intramural Basketball Loaded For Bear

Monday evening at 8:30 in the gym, an organizational meeting of all intra-mural basketball team captains was held. Coach "Dick" Wareham directed the group and briefed the captains on the intramural set up.

The teams are made up of eight players and all men students not playing varsity basketball are eligible to participate. The games will be scheduled for Monday and Wednesday nights with three playoffs each evening beginning at 6:30. 7:30; and 8:30.

Eight teams and their captains were represented and are as follows: I. P. T.. Elvin Wolf; Liar’s Lodge, Ivan Little; Dunkard Tech, Chuck McCollum; Student Ministers, Duane Ramsey; Smokers, Gale Snyder; Bowery Boys, John Kleiber; Deforpch, Kenny Jarboe; Student Minister’s "B”, Ivan Rogers; and the last team the "Freshmen Fireballs’’ consist of the fellows dropped from the varsity and whose captain is Ken Kenzle.



This year along with intramural basketball on Monday and Wednesday nights, volleyball will be played on Tuesday nights from 7:30 until 9:30.

There will be four games each night. Four men and four girls constitute a team. Eight teams have turned their names in thus far and anyone else organizing a team should submit their names to Dick Wareham.

The first games will start Tuesday night in the gymnasium.

Hutch Juco’s To Texas Rose Bowl

Hutchinson Junior College Blue Dragons will meet Kilgore Junior College in the Texas Rose Bowl at Tyler, Texas, December 11.

Hutchinson lost a chance to go to the Little Rose Bowl in Pasa-dena, California when a 25 game winning streak was halted by a 6-6 tie with Coffeyville Junior College in the Wheat Bowl at Wichita last Saturday.


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