Only Five Days Until Thanksgiving VACATION


McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Friday, November 19, 1948

no. 10

Last Survey Favors Revolutionary Ideas

Campus Proms Win Favor With Majority Of Students

Casting an affirmative “Yes,” the students on Mac campus voted in favor of “carefully supervised dancing on the campus.”

Also voting yes, but by a much smaller margin, the students favored the subsidization of football.

BSCM Conference Begins In Chicago On November 25

Convening at the Bethany Biblical Seminary this year, the Brethren Student Christian Movement Conference promises to be one of the best, according to officials of the conference.

In the final sets of figures to be given from the Spectator survey the students voted in favor of "carefully supervised dancing,” by a margin of sixty-two votes. The total vote was for dancing 156, against dancing 94, and those registering no opinion only 18 votes.

For many years this question has been a sore one to solve for church related colleges, according to all data available. However, Home church related colleges do now permit this form of recreation on their campuses.

Constituents Must Decide

Although this poll shows that the students are in favor of such a move, the fact remains that it is not up to the student body to decide nor is it up to the faculty of the college to decide on this issue. In order for such a revolutionary change to be brought about, it must first be approved by the constituents of the college and then by the trustees.

At the present time there is only one Brethren College that permits socialized dancing on its campus, that one being Juniata in Pennsylvania. However, it should be pointed out that Juniata has also the lowest percentage of Brethren students in any of the Brethren colleges.

At the present time the school catalog forbids dancing on the campus as it does gambling, smoking, and drinking.

It has been felt by many students and faculty members that there is definitely a need for additional recreation on campus; however, opinion between students and faculty has been sharply divided as to whether or not social dancing can answer this need.

Subsidization Wins

Winning by a much narrower margin, the subsidization of football came through by only nine votes to the affirmative. The data for football subsidization stands at 124 affirmative, 115 negative, and 28 with no opinion.

It is a well known fact that many colleges help their football players in many different ways. At the present time it would be a violation of the Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference for Mac to help the football men meet their school expenses.

Students Produce One-Act Plays

Three students—Helen Stover. Ann Oberst, and Harry Knapp, have been entirely responsible for the direction of the three one-act plays which are being presented this week.

Responsible for stage settings were: Dean Neher, technical director; LeRoy Doty, stage manager; Dale Oltman, Harold Mc-Namee, Bill Kidwell Kathleen Baerg, Donna Johnson, Eula Broyles, Alice Long, and Esther Mohler.

Because the stage lacks flies into which to raise the scenery, all sets are arranged within sets.

The colonial customs are being rented from Kansas City.

Little Prison

In "Little Prison.” a comic situation arises because two girls are in love with the same man. When they try to get revenge for hurt pride, they imprison everyone else closely associated with them. The cast is as follows: Vera Hoffman, Alice Long, Esther Mohler, Mary Metzler, and Ruth Merkey.

Jazz and Minuet

Effective costuming, lighting, and staging are all highlights of "Jazz and Minuet.” The play makes use of a dream sequence and stages jazz versus minuet. Members of the cast are: Jeane Baldwin, Ardys Albright, Avis Albright, Harold McNamee, Dean Cotton, Don Reed, Eula Broyles, and Bill Kidwell as understudy.

Jacob Comes Home

"Jacob Comes Home,” a story of stark suspense, grows to a climax at the final curtain. Helen Burgess. Kathleen Baerg, Joan Lehman, Lloyd Haag, Don Ford, and Dale Oltman as understudy comprise the cast.

Last Chance Tonight

Anyone who has not yet seen the plays will have a last chance to do so tonight. The last performance will begin at 8 in the Little Theater.

Late Headlines

New York truck drivers are idle and others startling effects can be noted.

Paris, November 16, Russia intimated today in a note to two United Nations leaders that a meeting of the heads of the big four powers, including President Truman and Premier Stalin, might be welcome:

A quote from Andrei Vishin-sky’s note to Trygve Lie reads, "The Soviet government also shares your point of view regarding the importance of personal contact and mutual confidence among the heads of powers in the improvement of relations."

London, November 16, "He is a prince who is going to make himself heard,” said one official today as Princess Elizabeth’s infant son’s lusty walls resounded through his nursery.

Newspapers say the boy has his father's fair hair and his mother’s oval-shaped face.

Nanking, Chinn, November 16, The United States Embassy today  advised Americans to leave the war-torn country as the battle for central China thundered closer to the capital at Nanking.

The warning was delivered to some 7,000 non-military personnel.

Washington, D. C., November 16 Chinese Ambassador Wellington Koo disclosed today that he has asked the U. S. state department tor a declaration of American policy on the present Chinese crisis.

The disclosure came several hours after the President announced that he would review the entire international situation with Secretary of State Marshall.

New York, November 16. The east coast' waterfront strike spread its crippling efects still deeper today into the area’s industry and commerce.

Ports from Maine to Virginia are sealed by the walkout. 2000

Dormitory Life

by Colleen Doyle

Anyone interested in learning to understand people should spend at least one year in a college dormitory. If he lives through it, he can always depend upon having a first-rate knowledge of character, or rather, characters.

Let us consider for a moment a few of the individuals which you may encounter during a typical evening. You are sitting at your desk feverishly typing when the door opens and in rushes the dorm gossip, but she is pulled back by her claw caught on the doorknob. Pulling out her little black book to take notes on the ensuing conversation, she launches into a rambling inquiry that would make a census-taker turn green with envy. Having exhausted the events of your uncomplicated life,

The waiter looked at her with untipped eyes.

Beginning November 25 and lasting until the 28th, the conference will have as its general theme "Christ For Every Vocation.” This subject will be discussed by prominent church men and educators.

Filling out the program will be platform addresses, small fellowship discussion groups, worship, recreation, singing, a sociological tour, and free time to meet old friends and to make new ones.

Professor Raymond Flory, of Mac campus, will be one of the discussion leaders; and he will lecture on “Foreign Affairs and World Politics.' Other men well known to McPherson College campus are Desmond Bittinger, Don Snider and Dan West.

Mr. Bittinger will speak on "Interpretive Newspaper Reading and Writing." Mr. Snider will discuss "Student Volunteer Service Program.” Mr. West will lead forth with "The Laymember and His Church," and many other themes of interest will bo discussed according to the news releases.

Because unforeseen events have arisen, the BSCM Conference group will be unable to hire the chartered bus 0n which they had planned.

Tentative plans are that six curs will leave for Chicago Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning, to take the place of the bus: A faculty member will ride in each car.

Mac College Sends Bus

Students from McPherson college will go as a group in a chartered bus to Chicago and the in-suing conference. The bus will leave the campus at midnight this next Tuesday. November 23. To fill out the bus leaving from Mac College campus, a group of students from the Bister college, La-Vern, in California, will join the group here in McPherson sometime Tuesday.

Places are still available for last minute registration. If students want further information, they should contact either 'Lois Yoder, campus representative, or Bob Keim, national BSCM president.

Students May Study In Zurich, Switezrland

Did you ever consider the possibility of a year’s study abroad? Such opportunities are now increasing. Ernest Herbster, assistant to the Director of the American Council on College Study in Switzerland, reports that 53 men and women representing 35 colleges and universities are studying in Zurich under the Council's auspices. They are members of the group known as the “Junior Year In Zurich.” All of the students are majoring in the field of Liberal Arts. Science and engineering students are not eligible because of limited facilities In Zurich. They are, however, accepted in the Junior Year in Basel group, also sponsored by the Council, because the science facili-(Continued on Page Four)

Four Debate Pairs Leave For Bethel Tourney Tomorrow

Four McPherson College debate teams leave for Bethel College tomorrow to cuter a debate tourney.

The teams debating the topic "Federal Aid to Education" are: Bonnie Martin and Lorene Clark, Don Keim and Dean Neher, Winston Bowman and Alvin Cook. Lloyd Hoag and Dean Cotton.

Competition will consist of debate teams from Kansas and parts of Oklahoma and Nebraska.

Miss Sherfy will serve as a judge for the tournament.

Those going to the debate tourney will return to McPherson tomorrow evening.

Dean Announces Second Semester Night Courses

Dr. Luther Warren, Dean of McPherson College, has announced that a night course in Adolescent Psychology will be offered during second semester at the college.

It is also probable that an evening art course will be given for teachers and other adults.

If there is enough demand, other courses will be arranged.

The second semester at McPherson College begins January 24.

Anyone interested in the evening courses being offered or in additional courses may contact the Dean’s office at the college for further details.

Industrial Arts Classes Set Up Improvements

A storage room, commonly called the tool room, has been set up by Professor Dell in the effort to help the now full-grown industrial arts classes. This room is for the storage of tools, and the objective is to have an efficient checking-out system. The system is reported to be working very well.

Other additions in the industrial building are those of machinery, such as one new drill press (Atlas floor model) and a spindle-shaper.

Other constructions, for which the industrial arts department is responsible are the new fireplace and table. These may be found between the tennis courts and Harnly Hall. The use of these articles is open to all students and faculty.

Mrs. E. L. Ikenberry, ex-Dean of Women, began this project approximately four years ago. She, aided by the Women's Council, carried rocks and began its construction. From time to time and year after year the fireplace began to grow. Last year there was some work done on the project.

This year, however, a new interest was revived and the general shop and farm shop classes dug in and finished the fireplace. These ambitious persons did not stop there. They planned and built a picnic table.

Students Visit Wichita For Thanksgiving Outing

A Thanksgiving outing has been scheduled for Friday, Nov. 26. Tills outing is for those students

who will be here over the vacation.

Starting at 8 a. m.. the students will go to Wichita where the morning will be spent in tours of various institutions. Some of the places are: Cessna Alrplant, Coleman Stove Co., Cartwell Manufacturing Co., newspaper publishing plant, radio station, and any other industries in which the student might be interested.

The afternoon will be free for window or Christmas shopping. The group will come back about 6 p. m.

A special bus is being chartered and at least twenty people are needed to get the bus. The expenses will include the noon lunch and $1.75 for transportation.

A list has been placed on the poster bulletin board for those who are interested in going to sign their names.

Rabbi Meyer Talks Of ‘Jewish Family’

Rabbi Myron M. Meyer, St. Joseph, Missouri, will speak Monday morning in chapel on the topic "The Jewish Family.”

Rabbi Meyer is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and the Hebrew Union College. He has travelled extensively and has lectured on his observations before many varied groups.

The Rabbi will be available to various classes that may care for him to speak.

Ho will speak under the auspices’ of the Jewish Chautaugua Society.

First Student Recital Is This Afternoon At 4

The first student recital of the year will be given this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the chapel. Vocal and piano students of Professor Frederick, Mr. Plasterer, and Miss Krehbiel will participate in the program.

The afternoon recitals which will be given from time to time are informal, and attendance by the student body and faculty is desired.    

The following students will participate today: Margie Penner, pianist; Stanford Lehmberg, pianist; Bonnie Alexander, pianist; Merrill Sanger, tenor; Hubert Newcomer, baritone; Marilyn Miller, alto; Alvin Willems, baritone; Leona Flory, alto; Beryl McCann, baritone: Eula Witmore, soprano; Winston Bowman, bass; Royce Beam, tenor; Albert Rogers, tenor.

Vancil Represents MC At English Convention

Miss Sarah May Vancil is planning to represent McPherson College at the 28th annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English during Thanksgiving vacation.

The meeting will be held at the Stevens Hotel in Chicago, Ill. The sessions begin Thursday, November 25, and end with the annual luncheon Saturday, November 27. At this luncheon several noted authors will speak.

One session is devoted entirely to Required Freshman English, and Miss Vancil has stated that she hopes to get some new ideas for her own freshman English class.

Among the noted people who will attend the meeting are Karl Shapiro, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for poetry, and Alan Lomax, who is noted for his collections of folk ballads and folk songs.

Miss Mary Vancil, a former McPherson College student, will Join her sister in Chicago, and they will attend the meeting together.

Kollege Kalendar

Friday. November 19, 8 p. m. —Last night of the Three One-Act Plays.

Saturday. November 20 7 p. m.—Skating Party, meet in front of Sharp Hall. Debate Tournament at Newton.

Wednesday, November 24 noon — Thanksgiving Vacation starts.

Monday, November 29, 8 a. m —Thanksgiving Vacation ends.

Read all the ads in this issue.

Students Will Eat Turkey For Dinner

A special turkey dinner is being planned for the students who will be here over the Thanksgiving vacation.

If the cafeteria is open over the holidays, the "dinner will be' at noon on Thursday. If the cafeteria is closed, the dinner will be Sunday at noon.

The dinner will be family style with a brief program following. The special committee working on this Is: Alvin Cook, chairman; "Papa" Wareham and "Mama” Neher.

Faculty members are invited if they have reservations.

Skating Party Is Planned For Saturday Night

Because of the many requests, another skating party is planned for Saturday. November 20. All students wishing to go should meet in front of Sharp Hall at 8 p. m. Transportation will be provided.

The party is being planned by the Social Committee under the leadership of Dr. Heisey. There was a good turnout at the last skating party with fifty students attending.

Peters, Warren Return From Education Meeting

President W. W. Peters and Dean Luther E. Warren of McPherson College returned Tuesday night from a two-day Regional Conference at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on higher education sponsored by the Department of Higher Education of the National Education Association of the United States,

Four hundred fifty representatives from the colleges and universities of seven states were in attendance, and they were divided into 21 study groups. President Peters was chairman of group ten and Dean Warren was consultant for group thirteen.

The topic for study by group ten was Curriculum Organization in the Lower Division, and the topic for group thirteen was Curriculum Organization for Adult Education.

Band, Orchestra Plan Joint Recital For January 16

The McPherson College Civic Orchestra will combine with the Bulldog Band to give a concert January 16, 1949. This orchestra is composed of both townspeople and students'.

Professor Crabb points out that the main purpose of such an orchestra are to give the college students a chance to play in an orchestra, and to let them hear some symphonic literature.

The orchestra is made up of ten violins, four cellos, two string basses, three trumpets, two trombones, two French horns, two clarinets, one flute, one oboe, two alto saxophones, one tenor saxophone, and percussion.

Two of the numbers the orchestra has been working on for the concert are: Selections from "Up in Central Park" by Sigmund Romberg and "Shadow Dance?” by Meyerbeer.

This is the only symphony orchestra at the present time in the McPherson community.

Faculty Members Attend Brotherhood Board Meet

Dr. Burton Metzler, Dr. W. W. Peters, and Dr. R. E. Mohler attended the Brotherhood Board meeting last week in Elgin.

Two things discussed were the Brotherhood fund and the commission on ministry and home missions.

The Brotherhood Board reported that the Brotherhood fund is so far below its goal that it may be necessary to reduce the church program. The Brotherhood Board will try to adjust the program of the church to keep within the fund in order to keep the church on a sound economic basis.

The Board also reported that the gifts to the Brotherhood fund must be increased.

One of the projects to which the Commission on Ministry and Home Missions gave attention was to build a larger church at San Fernando Valley, California.

A new church was erected there two years ago. but it is already too small. A small city of new homes is being established by a large industrial plant, and this one small church is the only one serving this growing community.

Another feature of the meeting was the consecration of four new missionaries. They are Mr. and Mrs. H. Spencer Minick to India. Mr. and Mrs. Wine to Africa.

Mr. and Mrs. Wine will teach in the Hillcrest School of children of missionaries and business men from Europe and America.

Charles Hess To Attend Maryland Medical School

Charles Hess,, who is a senior at McPherson this year, will go to the University of Maryland Medical School at Baltimore next fall.

Charles will be there four years to complete his medical training.

Miller Points Out ‘Hidden Springs’

“The Hidden Springs of Thanksgiving" is the name of the sermon that Rev. DeWitt Miller will preach at the Union Thanksgiving Service.

This service is sponsored each year by the Ministerial Alliance, and will be held this year at 6:30. Thanksgiving morning in the First Christian Church.

Rev. Lynn Lyon, pastor of the First Christian Church will be in charge of the service, and, music will bo furnished by the choir of the church.

Silence is golden." But sometimes it is yellow.    

she immediately lapses into an account of why Betty quit Bob so she could go steady with Bill to make Jim jealous.

You end this intriguing narrative by subtly hinting it is late: the subtle hint consisting of turning out the lights, jumping into bed, and snoring audibly. Her departure is abrupt, and you leap to resume your typing—but too late The food hound is sniffling at your door. She feebly enters, standing wanly by the door—a perfect model for a Food-for-Europe poster. Word by word she inches closer to the box of crackers on your dresser, accidentally knocks them over, and coyly refuses your offer to have one as she stuffs all available pockets.

(Continued on Page Four)

Student Directory

McPherson College is a relatively small school, but, it is not so diminutive that each student knows every other person. Moreover, students cannot remember the addresses of everyone else in the student body.

For these reasons, the Spectator will publish, for your convenience, a McPherson College student directory. This data will be printed in several successive issues of the paper. If students and subscribers will save these issues, they will have accumulated for their own use a complete student directory.

This week’s list of the last half of the freshman class completes the Student Directory of regularly enrolled students at McPherson College.


Name    College Address    Home Address


Mankey, Naomi; Kline Hall-----------------------Stet, Missouri

Marshall, Lorene; Arnold Hall ----------------------Adel, Iowa

Mathes, Jack; Route 4 ...............------------------McPherson, Kansas

Messick, Florene; 1130 E. Euclid ----------------McPherson, Kansas

Metzler, David: 145 N. Olivette --------------McPherson, Kansas

Miller, Marilyn: Arnold Hall ------------------------Wiley, Colorado

Mingenback, Paul; 1205 N. Walnut____________McPherson, Kansas

Mohler, Esther; Arnold Hall ....................-----McCune, Kansas

Moore, Maurice; Fahnestock Hall------------------Waterloo, Iowa

Moore, Willard; 321 N. Olivette-----------Chicago, Illinois

Moyer, Harold; Kline Hall .................Waynesboro, Virginia

McCollum, Charles; 115 W. Woodside -----------McPherson, Kansas

McConkey, Geraldine; Arnold Hall -----------------------Topeka, Kansas

McDaneld, Donald: 1422 E. Euclid ...................Portis,    Kansas

McMurray, Kenneth: 206 N. Park Drive --------- Gary.    Indiana

McNamee, Harold; 1503 E. Euclid --------........Waterloo, Iowa


Neher, Gerald; Fahnestock Hall ---------------—Oswego, Kansas

Nelson, Doris; 905 N. Ash —---------------McPherson, Kansas

Nelson, Walter Jr.; Galva, Kansas ..........................Galva,    Kansas

Newcomer, Hubert; Kline Hall ------ Sidney,    Indiana

Newport, Kenneth; 800 S. Elm --------------------McPherson, Kansas

Nicholson, Glenn; 1422 E. Euclid..................Hardin, Missouri

Pattengill, Wallace; 317 E. Seitz ---------------McPherson, Kansas

Patterson, Patricia; Arnold Hall ---------------Cando, North Dakota

Penner, Margie: 127 N. Charles ----------------Moundridge, Kansas

Petefish, Charles; 321 N. Olivette ------------------Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Porter, Irwin; 304 N. Lehmer ......... ..........Quinter, Kansas

Post, Warren: GOO N. Maple ............................McPherson, Kansas

Pritchett, Kenneth: 206 N. Park Drive —..........Grayville, Illinois


Ramsey, Elven; 119 N. Charles ...—115 N. Maidson, Wichita

Raleigh, Phyllis: 718 N. Chestnut -----------McPherson, Kansas

Redinger, Betty: 744 E. Euclid .........................McPherson, Kansas

Reed, Donald: 1130 E. Euclid ...............16 Norfolk Drive, Wichita

Reed, Louise: Arnold Hall ----------------------Galesburg, Kansas

Riley, Adalee; 1114 N. Walnut _____------------McPherson, Kansas

Rowlette, Robert: 521 N. Olivette -----------------..Maitland, Missouri

Royer, Charles; Fahnestock Hall ...................Ottawa, Kansas


Sanger, Hazel; Arnold Hall.........................Springfield, Missouri

Saul, Bill; 321 N. Maxwell___________________Hoisington, Kansas

Schmidt, Dean; 319 Lehmer...........................Freeport, Kansas

Schmutz, Phyllis; Kline Hall -----------------------Abilene, Kansas

Schnorr, Jimmy; 1014 S. Ash ----------------McPherson, Kansas

Shank, Dee; Fahnestock Hall -...........................Abilene, Kansas

Shropshire, Annette: 112 W. Third................McPherson, Kansas

Sigle, Dean: 1422 E. Euclid ---------------------Osborne, Kansas

Smith, Harold; 117 N. Olivette -----------------------Beaver, Iowa

Snyder, Gall: 321 N. Maxwell-----------------------Morrill, Kansas

Snyder, Mary; Arnold Hall —.....-................................Adel, Iowa

Sorenson, Lenore; 512 N. Oak.........................McPherson, Kansas

Speaker, Don; 318 N. Lehmer -------------------McPherson,    Kansas

Spence, Dwight; R. R. 3-----------------------McPherson,    Kansas

Stern, Lois: Arnold Hall ........................Fredericksburg, Iowa

Stevens, Donald; 1422 E. Euclid ........................Rock Falls, Illinois

Stine, Elinor: Arnold Hall ----------------------------------Adel, Iowa

Strickler, Gerald: 1614 E. Gordon......................Ramona, Kansas

Stump, Claudia: Arnold Hall------------------Mt. Grove, Missouri

Switzer, Calvin; 304 N. Lehmer .........................Kearney, Nebraska


Tolle, Willard; 324 N. Olivette_________________Roxbury, Kansas


Watkins, Kenneth; 321 N. Olivette.........—Cunningham.    Kansas

Weyand, Don; 1614 E. Gordon_______________ Lehigh,    Kansas

White, John: 205 S. Ash ----------------------McPherson, Kansas

Wilson, George; 737 E. Euclid---------McPherson, Kansas

Winslow, Carroll: 312 Gildersleeve-----------McPherson, Kansas

Witmore, Eula; R. 1, McPherson-----------------McPherson, Kansas


Zimmerman, Robert: Veterans’ Apartments----McPherson, Kansas

Zumbrun, Max: 502 W. Woodside —-------------McPherson, Kansas

Zunkel, Alvin: 321 N. Olivette-------------Chicago, Illinois

Zweifel, Norman; 415 N. Carrie ------------..Waldo, Kansas


"O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good.”

As the time for being thankful draws near once again, some of us are beginning to wonder if the students on McPherson College campus will have anything to be thankful for. If the only basis on which we were to judge one's thankfulness were the words that he spoke publicly, we would doubt very seriously if most of the college students were thankful for anything.

College students have the reputation of being the most critical group of persons in the world. On that basis we could consider McPherson College one of the most typical. It certainly seems to "fill the bill.” Even though the griping during this school year has not seemed as bad as it has in former years, far too much of it is still being done.

If we stop and think seriously for a moment, we see many things for which we should be thankful.

The interiors of several of the buildings have been improved. The girls have finally received their long-awaited beds.

The cafeteria for which so many students asked last year has been installed and is in smooth running order.

We have heated buildings whereas many people in the world are cold today.

We have the opportunity to study whereas many of the world's inhabitants lie in the darkness of ignorance.

For all of these things and many more we can offer thanks on this, another Thanksgiving day. However, if we are really thankful, we will not forgot our blessings until each Thanksgiving comes around. There are hosts of things for which we can be thankful every day of the year.

Let us try to remember how fortunate we are!


From The Spectator To You

Once again Jezebel, the campus whistle, has sounded often enough that she has decided to take a vacation. That means that we students also have a little rest coming to us.

The hour of 12:10 next Wednesday noon marks the beginning of the first vacation of this school year. For some of us the Thanksgiving vacation means a short trip home and the American tradition of the Thanksgiving turkey feast. Again this year some of the students will be attending the BSCM Conference. For some of the student body Thanksgiving means remaining at school to “catch up” on a term paper or on some long-forgotten assignment.

For the members of your Spectator staff. Thanksgiving means a week without the hustle and bustle of writing and printing the news for you.

At any rate, whatever Thanksgiving holds in store for you, we members of the Spectator staff wish for all of you a happy and profitable Thanksgiving Vacation. .

Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Reporters and Special Writers Lorene Marshall    Carmina San Romani

Pat Albright    Betty Redinger

Dale Oltman    Claudia Jo Stump


Business Manager


Year Of Hardship Leads To First Thanksgiving

The New England Pilgrims held a harvest feast in 1621, but contrary to the usual story, there is no record to show that this was an ocasion set aside to give thanks. That did not come until more than a year later—and therein lies an interesting story.

That year was one of great

hardship for the Pilgrims. Their larders were empty, and a terrible drouth ruined their crops. A day was set aside for prayer. Their supplications were followed by a long, refreshing rain, and, at the same time, a ship loaded with friends and supplies arrived. It was then that the colonists held their public Thanksgiving.

The Pilgrims were very devout folks. but it took trouble and hardship to bring them to the frame of mind which established Thanksgiving Day as an institution.

And we modern American Americans are a good deal like our Pilgrim ancestors—we usually aren't very grateful for our blessings until a long run of bud luck makes us realize how fortunate we usually are!

—Sunshine Magazine.

Dr. K. C. Bechtel Attends Social Workers’ Meeting

Dr. Bechtel is attending a social workers’ conference at Kansas University today. He is the only faculty member representing McPherson College.

The purpose of the convention is to discuss problems of social leaders. Representatives from all over Kansas are attending this convention.

The diverse opinions about grading lie in the teachers' rather than the students' minds. The students will take all “A’s” given.

There have recently been arguments about the discussions over whether or not the grade standards of McPherson College are too high. As a result, many of the teachers have lowered their standards while some have chosen to remain at their own standards.

We. the students, cannot disrespect any teacher who stands fast by his or her opinion; but, on the other hand, we cannot admire those whose opinions are swayed to a half-degree. If there is to be a lower grade scale adopted, it must be blanket—not spotted. It is ridiculous that an ‘“A" student should receive this grade from several professors and a grade of “C” from another for the same type of work. How will it look on the records?

We cannot, each of us. carry a biography of our teacher and his or her grading methods. We cannot be expected to accept without a struggle the great difference in our course grades.

We want to believe our teachers to he honest men and women with us, at least. We want to learn and to be graded fairly in relation to other students in colleges and universities. We do not want, however, to work equally hard in all courses and fail 50% beacuse of diverse grading sys-tems.

Therefore, teachers, get together and pass us, or get together and fail us.. At any rate, get together.

Then there was the little boy in down town Mac last Saturday. "Look Mamma, the circus is in town.” “Hush, sonny, it’s only one of the college boys.”


Managing Editor

Campus Editor

Sports Co-Editors

Feature Editor

Society Editor

_ Faculty Adviser

John Firestone

Max McAuley

LeRoy Doty

Don Reed, Russell West

Van Dunahoo

Leona Flory

Sarah May Vancil

Don Ford

Annette Shropshire Barbara Carruth Lorene Clark

Wendell Burkholder

Harry Knapp

Don Ford

Lloyd Hang ............

Gordon Yoder

Circulation Manager


Faculty Adviser

his mary has asked him down for dinner

the other night a student walked in arnold and asked, “where’s mary?" pert’s quick reply was, ‘I don't know; she went to the library.

we leave yon this week with a little poem

it’s tough to find for love or money a Joke that's clean

and also funny

B. M. On C.

Big Man On Campus

Friendly, cute, president of Women’s Council, we present Mary Jane Freeburg. Mary Jane lives in McPherson where she graduated from high school. Her high school activities included Girl-Re-serves, and being a class officer.

In college besides being on Women's Council. Mary Jane is senior class secretary. She has also been president of the Pep Club, and president of the Town Girls.

Being a home ec major, Mary Jane’s hobby is sewing: and after college she Is planning to teach high school home economics.

Another of her interests is singing. She explains that she's not very good, but she has always wanted to sing a solo. At the present time she is using her musical energy in the Methodist Church choir.

When asked about any fantastic ambitions. Mary Jane said she had thought about designing bags, but that she has always wanted to teach.

The most unusual and disap pointing thing that Mary Jane can remember is the time she paid nine dollars for a date with a certain Bulldog at the W. S. S. F, auction and then didn’t get the date.

5' 8” . . . dark brown hair . .. hazel eyes . . . Women’s Council president . . . Mary Jane Free-burg.

SCA Presents Chapel With Thanksgiving Theme

The SCA presented a Thanksgiving program last Wednesday morning in chapel.

The program was given as follows:

"Come. Ye Thankful People. Come" hymn by the audience under the direction of Professor Don Frederick.

Scripture—Irven Stern

Prayer—Dr. Kenneth Bechtel.

Psalm 103—Ann Oberst.

"Now, Thank We All Our God" —The A Cappella Choir under the deriction of Professor Don Frederick.

The organ prelude and postlude were played by Mrs. San Romani.

Miss Stafford, who won the 1947-48 Hooper poll us "top feminine vocalist." is the sponsor of the American Folk Lore-Society’s annual $250 award for the best original folk lore research submitted by a college student.

The contest closes each December 15. Entries should be sent to Dr. Ermine Voegelin, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

Arnold Hall Entertains With Slumber Party

The Arnold Hall dorm girls entertained with a slumber party for the own girls Friday evening.

After attending the football game, the girls went to the dormitory parlor and spent the evening playing games and Ringing. The rest of the night was spent in a general "gah" fest and voice bottle parade.

Plans were made to have a scavenger hunt, but since it was cold, the girls decided to remain in the dormitory.

Mrs. Leonard Birkin visited her daughter. Mrs. Marion Frantz, this weekend. Mrs. Birkin is from Haxtun, Colorado.

Miss Idabelle Ward, who is a

sister of Dean and John Ward, visited friends on the campus last weekend. She graduated from McPherson College last year and is now teaching school at El Dorado.

Miss Helen Stover, Miss Lorene Marshall, Mr. David Metzler, and Miss Letha Miller attended the Fred Waring concert at the Forum in Wichita Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Leroy Doty also attended the Fred Waring concert.

The girls of Kline Hall

entertained Miss Pat Gentry, Miss Ruth Merkey, and Miss Louise Johnson, who all had birthdays this month, at a party Sunday af-ternoon at 5:30. Miss Wilma Botz played several selections on her

Jo Stafford Sponsors Folk Lore Research

Jo Stafford, star of the Chesterfield Supper Club and a campus recording favorite, started her own program Nov. 11 over the American Broadcasting Company network. The show is broadcast each Thursday evening under sponsorship of the Revere Camera Corporation.

accordian. Then the girls joined in group singing. Ice cream and cokes were served as refreshments.

It was practically a St. Mary's reunion day last Monday night when Mr. Al Hackbarth of California. arrived on campus to visit his friend, Mr. Vancil Dunahoo.

An unusually large number of students were visited by their parents, and other relatives over the


Mrs. Robert Keim of Kline Hall entertained her mother, Mrs. A. M. Miller, and her brother, Bryce Miller. They are both from Wichita.

Mrs. Rowan Butterbaugh of Ogden, Utah, visited her niece, Miss Louise Johnson. Mrs. Butterbaugh was enroute to Joplin, Missouri, where she will visit other relatives.

Miss Wilda Minnix entertained her mother, Mrs. Prosper Minnix, her sister. Lilia and a friend, Mr. Ray Schimier. All of them are from Scott City, Kansas.

Miss Wilma Smith was visited by her sister, Mrs. Beryl Miller, and her nephew, Steven, from Shallow Water, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pauls of Inman, Kansas, visited their cousin. Miss Kathleen Baerg Sunday afternoon.

Miss Margaret Daggett was visited by a friend. Miss Jean Turner, or Ottawa, Kansas.

Miss Lorene Clark also entertained a friend, Miss Wanda Miller. of Wellington, Kansas. Miss Miller is a student at Southwestern in Winfield, Kansas.

they say

we hear that a certain inconvenient time Saturday nite some mean boys kidnapped max mcauley he was being treated to a steak dinner by a red-headed lady friend all of the coeds in arnold hall are frantic since one of the girls on fourth floor broke out with chicken pox they are afraid they might not get to go home for thanksgiving vacation next week.

lavona thralls has made a ravishing change in her coiffure mighty black of you whitey

preacher miller exhibited his talent for one of the more lively arts saturduy nite at the sea party is he ever good at folk games we were terribly disappointed when the mrs didnt come as daisy mae

ruth merkey made quite a haul at the party she crept up on him in case of a lapse of memory see bill moore he will fix you up in short order and speaking of bill that was a pretty dirty trick they played on him at the game last week hip hip what comes next hill the motto since the sadie hawkins day races seems to be it is better to have run and lost than never to have run at all

about- one week ago today we were sure that the slogan of dot-tie little and miriam keim was a lap a day and they wont get away we wondered why they had been running around the track so earnestly just before s h day ‘some of us must admit that jim garvey should be on the track team he never did get caught what is the handle given to that getup miss vernon nicholson wore to the party it really became him blonde mop and all

determined gels got her man with a little help

plasterer and doyle truly made a charming couple

professor and mrs hess did their bit by attending the sadie hawkins party pretty good facsimile anyway miss neher and miss fee and before we leave van duna-hoo has been floating on air since

Phyllis Schmutz

She’s the girl who takes your money in the cafeteria ... we want ch a’ to meet . . . Phyllis Schmutz.

A freshman from Abilene,.Kansas, Phyllis graduated from Abilene High in '46, but before college she worked in the County Treasurer's Office, and as a waitress in a hotel coffee shop.

Phyllis enjoys playing the piano for her own amusement but says she studies most of the time now that she’s at McPherson.

She said she bad no particular reason for coming to Mac. except that it was a church school, but now that she's here she likes It very much.     

Her favorite teacher Dr. Metzler, and her outside activities include singing in the women’s glee club, and the college church choir. She is also active in S. C. A.

After college she plans to do secretarial work, but her ambition is to be a court reporter.

20 years old . . . 5' 2" . . . brown hair . . . blue eyes ... we want cha' to meet . . . Phyllis Schmutz.

And. of course, you know what a peeping Tom is: That's a wolf window shopping.

Curley Watkins

Coming to Mac from Cunningham, Kansas, is eighteen-year-old Curley Watkins.

He was named Kenneth Norman Watkins on October 14, 1930. Curley attended the local schools, and was graduated from high school as student body president. He was also the captain of the basketball team, Hl-Y president, and a member of the boys' glee club.

Curley's activities in college so far are studying and getting acquainted. As for his future, Curley is undecided: but he is sure it will be something related to science.    

His hobbles are shooting pool and hunting.

When asked what he thought of Mac, he said that he' thought it was a good school, but it could have more activities for the student body as a whole.

5' 11” . . . 170 lbs. . . . blue eyes . . . brown curly hair . . . freshman . . . we want cha' to meet . . . Curley Watkins.

Women’s styles may change, but their designs remain the same . . .

We Want Ch’a To Meet


Bulldog Basketball Begins

Varsity basketball practice went into full-swing this week with the ending of football season. Forty-five men have reported for early practices, and Coach Hardacre extends an invitation to all prospective basketball players to come out and try for a position on the team.

The squad has been divided into two groups, the first group which practices from 3:00 till 4:30 includes:

Bob Odle, Dean Ward, Chuck Tharrington, Gerald Dorsch, G. Holloway, Art Miller, Bob Zimmerman, Gerald Strickler, Lawrence Lowry, Wally Pattengill, Herb Bruns, Gene Arnold, Hon Sullivan, Ken Pritchett, Bill Hicks, Don Peters, Don Weyand, Lawrence Coffman.

The second group which practices from 5:30 till 6:00 includes:

Dale Snyder, Dale Blickenstaff, Charles Lindberg, Ken Kinzie, Lyle Goering, Bill Moore, Chuck Petefish, Dean Schmidt, Jake Sheaffer, Alvin Zunkel, Bob Row-lette, Don Stevens, Gerald Neher, Gerald Hutchinson.

Irwin Porter, Duane Jamison, Hubert Newcomer, Bob Augsburg-er, Wendell Burkholder, Willard Tolle, Dale Oltman, Verlyn Fisher, Dave Metzler, John Kleiber, Stan Sargent, Dale Carpenter.

K.C.A.C. Results

Bethany-35; Stockton-O

Emory Lindfors, playing his final home game of his college career for the Swedes, paced Bethany with two touchdowns and kicked 3 extra points.

Dale Ludwig, a tackle who had never scored a touchdown throughout his football days in high school and college scored six for the Swedes.

Other touchdowns were scored by Jack Tietenburg and Bob Girard.

The victory was considered an upset.

Dormitory Life

(Continued from Page One)

Having accomplished her mission, she trips happily out. You heave a sigh, but wait. You have forgotten the habitual borrower. She enters before you are able to padlock the closet door, and you have horrible visions of your new size 5 1/2 shoes on her size 9 feet. Fortunately, it is only your fur coat she wants to wear ice skating the next day. Wearily you push her out with half your wardrobe, only to turn and find the frustrated neurotic clinging to the drape at your window. Her inane chatter Is broken every three words by hysterical laughter, but catching the slight lowering of your left eyebrow she rushes from the room weeping copiously.

If you learn through your college experiences to handle these people, you will probably be glad, for in the future years you may meet similar characters — but let’s hope not!

Greyhounds Are Too Fast

Last Friday night, before a small, shivering crowd of spectators the Eastern New Mexico College Greyhounds trampled the College Bulldogs 47-0 in a nonconference game.

McPherson displayed a stronger offense than in any other game of the season gaining 115 yards front rushing and 164 yards from passing on nine completed passes along with 12 first downs.

Highlighting the game for the Bulldogs, defensively and offensively, was Verlyn Fisher, who did most of the passing, running and tackling.

Don Batson also played and picked up four first downs on passing and running plays.

On the receiving end of the passes were Ron Sullivan and El-vln Wolf.

The nearest the Canines were able to get to New Mexico's goal line was in the fourth quarter when West stole the bull on a punt return and run it down to the visitors 19 yard line. Statistics

Mac N.M.

First downs .............. 12    16

Yds. rushing ....... 115    501

Yards passing ............164    0

Pusses attempted ..........28    5

Yards penalized .... .. . 8    40

Ottawa Must Win

Will Ottawa win its second successive undisputed Kansas Conference football title this week or share it with the Bethany Swedes? This question will be

answered this week by Ottawa. Friday night, when the Braves tangle with the tough Baker University Wildcats.

Bethany has completed its season with five wins and one loss— that to Ottawa. Ottawa has five wins.

Three other Kansas Conference teams will complete their schedules this week. College of Emporia will play at Sterling Friday while Bethel meets Kansas Wesleyan at Salina on Saturday.

1st student: Let's cut chapel and go to the inn for coffee.

2nd student: Can't do it, old man, I need the sleep.

Patronize our advertisers.

Michigan Is High

In the weekly Associated Press poll of football writers and broadcasters, the Wolverines from Michigan moved ahead of runner-up Notre Dame by more than 200 points..

Last week’s game scores of the two teams would indicate this as the Wolverines trampled Indiana 54-0; while Notre Dame eked out an unimpressive victory over Northwestern 12-7.

Army took over third place as it edged past Pennsylvania 26-19; while California moved Into fourth.

North Carolina, climbed up a notch into fifth place with its smashing victory over Maryland: The point standings run as follows:

1.    Michigan 1,952.

2.    Notre Dame, 1,721.

3.    Army 1,426.

4.    California 1.288.

5.    North Carolina 1,034.

6.    Penn State 883.

7.    Northwestern 652.

8.    Oklahoma 417.

9.    Clemson 466.

10.    Southern Methodist 440.

Ottawa 26; C. of E. 13

Ottawa’s victory over the College of Emporia Presbys at least clinched a share of the Kansas Conference football championship for the Braves.

Henry Doering scored two touchdowns and Stan Hughes and Bob Musgrave one each for Ottawa. C. of E.’s touchdowns were made by Bill Lemberton and Everett Sharp.

Interclass Basketball Games Start This Week

Last Wednesday night. November 17, the interclass basketball tournament got underway with the seniors playing the sophomores at 7 o’clock and Juniors playing the freshmen at 8 o’clock.

Next Monday night the consolation game between the losers of the senior-sophomore and junior-freshman will be played at 7 o’-clock and the championship game will be played at 8.

In the first game last Wednesday night, the seniors defeated the sophomores 40-20.    .

At 8 o’clock the juniors tromped the freshmen 44-20.

Students Study Abroad

(Continued from Page One)

ties at the University of Basel are somewhat better than in Zurich.

Courses offered this year include German Grammar and Composition, German Language and Literature. Government, History, Economics, Art and Music, as well as advanced courses in other modern languages. Tuition for the year is $550. Veterans may make use of their G. I. benefits.

If you are a sophomore and will complete two years of college by next spring or summer, if by that time you will have completed two years of college German or have had the equivalent in that language, and further, if you are in the upper half of your class, you may be eligible to become a member of the 1949-50 Junior Year in Zurich.

The American Council on College Study in Switzerland has prepared a 16-page Announcement containing full details of the year abroad. It can be obtained by writing to the Council’s American office; 1123 North Eutaw Street, Baltimore 1, Maryland.

KCAC Eligibility Rules

Each week the Spectator will print one of the Kansas College Athletic Conference rules concerning eligibility.

This week rule "d” is printed in full.

(d) Any member of a college athletic team who plays on any athletic team except his own college team in any sport, during the regular season devoted to that sport, renders himself ineligible

for further participation in sports of that season in the K. C. A. C. In case of a post season game, he shall be disqualified for that sport during the succeeding season'. In special cases, such as playing in practice with or against his own high school team, permission must be obtained in advance from the Faculty Representative and filed with the Secretary of the conference.