McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Friday, September 10, 1948
NO. 1
Faculty Receives Students In Gym Tonight At 8:00
Tonight at 8:00 the Physical Education building will be the scene of an all-school occasion, for at that time, the McPherson College Faculty will formally receive the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, along with their wives.
All faculty members, both new and old. plan to be there in order to meet the new student body. Part of the evening will be given to introductions and getting acquainted.
After the attending group has satisfied its desire for meeting new friends, a program is to be presented by the faculty.
Professor Holland Plasterer, new voice instructor, will sing; as a second feature on the program a reading will be given by Miss Della Lehman. veteran literature professor. Professor Eugene Crabb will entertain the assemblage with an instrumental solo.
After the program is completed, refreshments are to be served to the student body by faculty members. _
Debaters To Discuss Federal Aid To Education
The important subject about which the debaters of McPherson College and quite a few other college delegates will be thinking, discussing, and arguing during the 1948-’49 school year is now ready for announcement. This all-important debate question is: RESOLVED: That the Federal Government should adopt a policy of equalizing educational opportunity in tax supported schools by means of annual grants. Debaters will need to think about new material for arguments, since last year's subject involved the World Federal government, and that of the previous year treated of the labor issue.
Pi Kappa Delta, the honorary forensic fraternity of McPherson College, will in the near future announce a series of interclass debates. And. in a manner similar to that of previous years, the in-terclass debates will be followed by tryouts for the varsity debate teams.
The Spectator will carry announcements of future debate ac-tivities.
Summer School Of 48 Is Largest In Mac’s History
The largest Summer School in the history of McPherson College was climaxed July 28, 1948, by a Commencement Program in the Student Union Room. Degrees were conferred upon the graduating members by President W. W. Peters, who also served as Commencement Speaker. Ten seniors received diplomas of graduation, six of which were B. S., and four of which were A. B.
The first session of the Summer School boasted an enrollment of 187 college students. This figure represented an increase of 20 percent over the enrollment of last year, and a gain of nearly 80 percent over the enrollment of the 1946 session. The student body was distributed as follows: Freshmen. 29: sophomores, 26: juniors
35; seniors 39; and specials 18.
A second session, lasting three weeks, began on August 2. Two courses were offered, each representing three semester hours of work. Th enrollment for the second session totalled 48. Courses taught were Elementary School Methods and Trans-Mississippi West; one student did independent study In the field of sociology.
The McPherson County Teachers' Institute met on the campus during the week of August 23-27. One course was offered, yielding one semester hour of credit. Twenty-seven students were in attendance at the Institute.
The George Washington Bridge across the Hudson at New York is 16 inches longer on a hot summer day than on a cold winter day.
Band, Orchestra Formulate Plans For Busy Year
Director Crabb Announces Early Morning Rehearsal
The instrumental organizations of McPherson College show every possibility of being Just as large or larger than they were last year. Professor Eugene N. Crabb, who continuing in the capacity of director of the band and orchestra. is very anxious that not only all the old members rejoin the ranks of the two groups, but he would like to welcome any new talent into them.
Of Importance to those persons interested in the band is the announcement that the rehearsal time for the band has been changed to a period which will be more convenient for attendance. Instead of rehearsing twice a week, as they did last year, band members will practice on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 7:15-7:55. This time should be much more desirable to the band members, because it will not conflict with either working hours or class periods. All types of band music will be played this year.
A college civic orchestra is being planned similar to that of the 47-48 school year: McPherson citizens will cooperate with college musicians to form a college-civic organization. The rehearsal time for the orchestra will be Monday night between the hours of 7 and 9. o'clock.
The hand and orchestra are excellent opportunities for the members of the student body to let off excessive energy in the form of school spirit. They also provide, the chance for musical experience which may prove invaluable in the years to come.
Persons Interested in either or both the band and the orchestra are urged to contact Professor Eugene N. Crabb.
Burk Weds Lohrentz
from President Peters
It is my happy and honored privilege at the beginning of the 61st year in the first issue of the Spectator to extend a cordial welcome to the Freshmen, new upper classmen, and returning students.
The year ahead promises to be another great year and it is hoped that all students will profit much from their educational experiences. The Trustees, Administration, and Faculty pledge their best efforts to provide an adequate learning environment in a Christian atmosphere.
It has been a pleasure to provide new equipment and. improved and redecorated rooms and buildings. All that has been done is for the highest good of the students and we know you appreciate it and will respect it.
—President W. W. Peters
from the Student Council
Once again the school term seems to be getting well under way. By this time, we hope you new students are forgetting about being homesick and are fairly well adjusted to the new conditions. We believe this is going to be a great year and you can look forward to enjoyment in addition to learning.
Again we say “Welcome,” and remind you that it is not only our duty but a pleasure to aid any student at any time.
—Russell L. Reinecker pres.
Freshman Week Activities Culminate Sunday
The members of the class of 1952 are nearing the end of what they will probably remember as the busiest week of their college career. Sunday. Sept. 12. the President's reception to the students will culminate for this year's freshmen several days of activity Into which wore crammed so many things that homesickness should have been an impossibility.
Medical Aptitude Test Given Twice This Year
The Medical College Admission Test, formerly known as the Professional Aptitude Test, required of candidates by a number of leading medical colleges throughout the country, will be given twice in the coming year, according to the Educational Testing service.
Candidates may take the MCAT on Saturday. October 30, 1948, or on Monday. February 7, 1949, at administrations to be held at more than 200 local centers in all parts of the country. Students interested should inquire of their prospective medical colleges whether they will be expected to take the test and, If so, on which date.
Application forms and a bulletin of Information, which gives details of registration and administration, as well as sample questions are available from premedical advisors or direct from the Educational Testing Service. Box 592, Princeton, New Jersey.
The Spectator staff has an opening for YOU! In our circulation department we can use several workers, and the job of collector is still vacant. AH of these positions are fine opportunities for students desiring experience along the line
of business.
The collector will be enabled to get acquainted with quite a few of he business men and women of the city of McPherson.
Wendell Burkholder. Business Manager of the Spectator will give further information concerning these openings to all persons who contact him.
Miss Bonnie Dee Burk, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Burk, rural McPherson, and former vocal instructor in McPher son College, was married to Walter W. Lohrentz, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Lohrentz, McPherson, on Sunday, Aug. 29. In the New Gottland Lutheran Church.
The double ring ceremony was read at twelve noon before an al tar decorated with candelabra and
baskets of gladioli. The bride wore the traditional white wedding gown, and an outstanding feature of her costume was her veil, which had also been worn by her mother on her wedding day.
The couple are at home in
Coldwater, Kansas, where Mr, Lohrentz is an instructor in science in the Coldwater High School.
Mrs. Lohrentz was the vocal instructor for McPherson College last year, coming here from Linds-borg, where she graduated from Bethany College.
Nettleton Replaces Yoder
Rev. Charles H. Nettleton B. S. '38 was elected by the District of Northern Iowa. Minnesota. South Dakota to be trustee to his Alma Mater to fill the unexpired term of Rev. W. H. Yoder who is moving from the pastorate of the South Waterloo Church in Iowa to McPherson. Kansas. Reverend Net-telton is pastor of the Slifer Church In Iowa. His address Is Rinard.
The automobile approached the coroner at 60 miles an hour.
Social Committee Promises Full Year
After a few meetings of study and discussion, the Social Committee of McPherson College has announced some of Its plans for the current year. The goal toward which they will strive Is to sponsor enough functions so that each student may have a social activity in which to partake each weekend.
One object of the work of the committee will he to try to acquaint the students and faculty with each other better. With that in mind these social-minded teachers have planned several student-faculty functions, e. g.. there will be some student parties in the homes of various faculty members. Other activities for this fall, yet in the intent state, include a bayride, a Hallowe’en carnival, a Thanksgiving banquet, and a Christmas party.
In fulfillment of some plans made several years ago, the Social Committee intends to improve the indoor recreational facilities In Sharp Hall. In fact, a suggestion from the committee has already been approved by the faculty providing for a ping pong room and photography dark-room in the basement of Sharp Hall.
In the same manner, the outdoor recreational facilities of the campus will he expanded to supplement the tennis courts and the fireplace. A recommendation has been made, which, if passed, will bring the installation of shuffle-board, horseshoe, quoit, and croquet courts.
The members of the Social Committee state that they are open to suggestions from students and organizations for parties and social events.
Dog House Ready For Business Now
The Dog House, a non-profit establishment administered by the Student Council, is once again ready to serve the student body of McPherson College in the many ways it did last year. Probably the most impressive room in the basement of Sharp Hall, the Snack Bar" is relatively new to the campus.
Regular business hours for the Dog House are announced as follows by Ronald Moyer, the new Manager for this year:
Weekdays—12:45—1:15 p. m.
3:30—5:30 p. m. 9:00—10:00 p. m. Friday nights—9:00—12:00 p. m. Saturdays — 9:00—10:00 a. m. V 9:00—11:00 p. m.
Sundays—4:30—6:00 p. m.
9:00—10:00 p. m.
In the event that student activities such ns football games, basketball games, or recitals, conflict with the open hours, the Dog House will be closed until after that activity is finished.
The Dog House promises to the student body a fine chance to fellowship with each other, with refreshments at a minimum cost.
Jrs. Srs. Take Exaam
The chapel was the scene of many gripes and groans this morning at 8:00 as the juniors and seniors of the school sat writing a "freshman" English test. Required of all juniors and seniors, the examination consisted of the composition of two separate papers according to the rules and dictates of their freshman English class.
All students who satisfactorily passed the test are obligated in no way. but the unfortunates will be asked to take a similar examination at the beginning of the second semester. Those who do not pass the second exam will be required to enroll in "O" English.
Howe Directs Youth Of Methodist Church
Get YOUR Subscription!
Anyone interested in sending the Spectator to friends or relatives should subscribe today.
The folks at home will enjoy keeping up with the campus news and such a subscription will save students the trouble of writing all the news. For $1.50 a semester the Spec will be sent each week.
For further Information see John Firestone or Wendel Burkholder.
"Freshman Week" began last Monday morning at 9:00 in the college chapel with a general assembly of all the newcomers. Addresses of welcome were given by Prsident W. W. Peters, and Russell Reinecker, the president of the Student Council.
The traditional freshman English placement tests were administered by Professor Maurice Hess. The results of these examinations determined which of the English classes the freshmen enrolled for.
Following the placement tests, the freshmen-men and women went into separate groups in order to receive helpful Information from the Dean of Men and Dean of Women, respecively. Various upperclassmen, representing organizations on the campus, spoke to the group, giving them some Idea of activities In which they might possibly engage.
According to the schedule for Monday afternoon, the freshmen moved into their rooms and un-packed, preparing for college life.
Freshman Party
Monday night the Freshmen were entertained by the Social Committee in a party which began in the chapel in the form of a snake dance which dashed in, through, and out all of the dormitories to finally end in the gym. Planned recreation was enjoyed by the group, after which the snake reassumed its shape and made its way to the chemistry department for refreshments.
The giant, puzzling task of enrollment began for the freshmen Tuesday morning. Tuesday evening the beginning class fellowship-ped together in a song-fest which was conducted In the chapel under the directon of Professor Don Frederick and others.
Providing the upperclassmen with quite a few laughs, the freshmen demonstrated their in-
dividual and combined abilities in the annual, traditional Freshmen Talent 8how. Immediately follow-
ing the show, the entire student body participated in the SCA-spon-sored Watermelon Feed.
Classes Begin
With the beginning of classes yesterday morning, the freshmen became acquainted with the more demanding part of college life. Yesterday afternoon, the women students of the college were favored by the Women's Council in a formal tea. The Men's Council spread a supper for the freshmen men In the Dog House last evening.
And now. for another activity of the busy week, the freshmen are looking forward to the formal reception tonight.
Sunday afternoon the freshmen class will he received by Dr, and Mrs. W. W. Peters in their home. This reception will be the last of the activities designed especially for the freshmen.
How Does It Look To You?
By Dorothy Little
If the freshmen's impressions of the college continue to change us rapidly as the Kansas weather their heads may be in a dizzy whirl.
Some of the impressions are soaked with tears while others are strictly on the top shelf.
Harold McNamee from Water-
loo, Iowa, discovered that the college was much smaller than he had expected; but he thinks the students are tops.
Jerry McConkey was more impressed by the long lines than the the tall buildings, Jerry is from
Topeka. Kansas. Most of us can agree with her.
Gail Snyder, the boy from Morrill, Kansas, first saw the college in February 1948. Gail was impressed by the hospitality of the students.
Miriam Keim from Idaho and Barbara Carruth of Texas mutually agree that they are glad that "Mac" isn't a girl's school. Barbie said that she never expected to be enrolled In Mac. but by fate she is now a permanent fixture. If the books are as interesting as the kids, everything will be super.
Miss Helen Howe, a full-time piano instructor at McPherson College last year, has begun new
duties in the employment of the First Methodist Church. McPherson, Kansas. Her position with the local church includes fulltime directorship of the youth, as well as the honor of being the church organist.
In 1948 Miss Howe graduated from Kansas University. Her experience includes study in organ and voice, and work in church choirs.
Mr. and Mrs. Howe, her parents, have moved to McPherson now. Miss Howe's father is a retired minister, who spent a number of years, with his wife, on the foreign mission fields.
Local Church Entertains With Picnic, Vespers
The local Church of the Brethren will entertain the entire Mc-Pherson College student-body this Sunday evening at approximately 5:00 following the president's recoption to the freshmen. The scene of the evening's activities, which Include a picnic supper, will be in Lakeside Park. Planned recreation and group singing under the direction of Professor Don Frederick and assistants will be a part of the program.
Following the other activities will come an evening worship vesper service.
On behalf of the local church. Reverend and Mrs. DeWitt Miller cordially invite all students to attend.
Man Is the only animal that can be skinned mors than once.
Your First Edition
As the initial feature of your school newspaper thin year, we present to you, the students of McPherson Col-
lege, this Freshman Edition. The Spec staff wishes to welcome each student who found it possible to attend school this fall.
With this edition begins our task of preparing, for your reading, thirty issues of news, features, editorials and all the other bits of copy that are assembled into The Spectator. During the first semester I would like to promise you more emphasis on news while it is news, less space to follow-up material, and a larger and more integrate staff of news and feature writers.
We are anxious to give you in The Spectator what you would like to have, within reason. For that reason at any time we are receptive to any suggestions for improvement or change.
Let’s Keep the Ball Rolling!
As most of you have probably noticed already, the old campus this week has been a buzzing beehive of ac tivity. it seems that the leaders of all the various organi-zations and campus activities are putting out the utmost in an effort to start things earlier than they have been for several years. For instance, the SCA Watermelon Feed last Wednesday night came about a week sooner than it did last year; the Freshman Talent Show comes in the same category, and even The Spectator stirred around enough to be printed a week early.
To me all of this is a good sign. The early activity on the campus is a sign to me that there is “new blood” in school. And it seems to have gotten into the faculty as well as into the students. The social committee, a group frequently mentioned in last year’s bull sessions has made plans which give me every reason to believe that it will be a functioning body this year. Another up-to-date group the Student Council, published the Growls early enough that they could be circulated among the freshmen before they, arrived in the midst of the task of enrollment, with no time to study any of the material provided therein.
I think that all these things I just mentioned indicate that at least several persons are vitally interested in seeing that the current year will yield more profitable and more significant experiences than those have in the past.
However, one little thing may prove to be the “fly in the ointment.” Just how long do you think the interest and activity will continue? The leaders have made an excellent beginning, but of course they need the aid of everyone to supplement their efforts. In order to keep the cart moving, we all will be required to give our push or support.
Improvements brought about by refinishing the interior of the chapel, the library, and the girls’ dormitory will make campus life now and in the future more attractive and more enjoyable. Most students welcome gladly the impressive cafeteria equipment which replaces that of the old dining hall. To show that we appreciate these con siderations, we all must cooperate in the upkeep of them
Remember this: If, at some time during the middle of the school year, the campus life seems dull and boring, it is probably because YOU have not reciprocated with your share.
Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50
Address All Correspondence to TICK SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
John Firestone Max McAuley
LeRoy Doty
Don Reed. Russell West Van Dunahoo
Sarah May Vancil
Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor Sports Co-Editors Feature Editor Faculty Adviser
Dorothy Little Leona Flory
Reporters and Special Writers
W. W. Peters Dale Oltman
Buck Reinecker Carmina San Romani
Wendell Burkholder Harry Knapp
Gordon Yoder
Business Manager
Faculty Adviser
The members of the graduating class of 1948, McPherson College
have now become part of the many alumni of the various colleges and universities. They have assumed new duties In the world of tomorrow. One of the largest in the history of the college, the class was composed of 36 men and 33 ladies. The majority of them, being second semester graduates, received their diplomas and degrees on May 31, 1948, in the local Church of the Brethren.
According to the latest informa lion available In the Alumni Office. the class of ‘48 will be situated os follows during the following year:
Willard Agee, Student, Bethany Biblical Seminary. Chicago, Ill.; Elaine Brammell Albright. Housewife. -secretary. McPherson, Kansas; Jack M. Applegate, Teacher. Munden, Kansas; William Arga-bright. Teacher. Silver Lake, Kansas; Alice Ruth Bailey. Teacher. Buhler. Kansas; Lillus Berg, Kansas State Employment Office. McPherson. Kansas. Dorris Murdock Blough. Teacher-housewife. Shallow Water. Kansas; Marvin Blough. Teacher. Shallow Water Kansas: Robert Booz Lawyer, McPherson, Kansas; Esther Miller Bowman, Housewife, Norcatur. Kansas; Wayne Bowman. Teacher. Norcatur, Kansas; Etta Marie Royer Buckingham. Housewife-teacher. Delta. Iowa; Charlotte Carter, Waukee, Iowa; Doris Cop-pock. Teacher. Hamilton. Kansas; Gaylord Coughenour. Post Office. McPherson. Kansas: Claude F. Dadisman. Student. Bethany Biblical Seminary. Chicago. Illinois. Ruth Marie Davis. Teacher. Marion. Kansas; Marie Delaplain. Teacher, Buhler. Kansas; Byron Dell. Student. Bethany Biblical Seminary. Chicago. Illinois; A. W. Dirks. Teacher, near Buhler. Kansas; Harold Dobrinski, Farmer. Lorraine. Kansas: Junior Eberly Cook in dining hall. McPherson College; Ethmer Erisman. Student. Bethany Biblical Seminary Chicago, Ill.: Avis Erb. Yale. Iowa; Donnis Wampler Fishburn. Housewife-teacher. McPherson. Kansas; Franklin Flory. Rt. 1. Nampa. Idaho; Viola Frick. Teacher. McPherson. Kansas; Arthur Fries Decker's Resort. Sedalia. Colorado; Ruth Beery Giles. Housewife-teacher. Belleville. Kansas: William Giles. Teacher. Belleville. Kansas; Anna Marie Glenn. Teach-er. McPherson. Kansas; .Marvin Hanson. Teacher. Argonia. Kansas; Theora Hardy Fike. Working in Chicago. Ill.; Paul Haworth.
Pastor. near Shallow Water, Kan-sas; Clinton Hill. Teacher. Claflin Kansas; Penn C. Hoefle. Teacher, Monument, Kansas; Leona Dell
Ikenberry, Housewife, Kansas University; Russell Jarboe. Student. Bethany Biblical Seminary. Chicago. Ill.; John Kidwell. Brethren Service work. Puerto Rico; Arlene Flory Kough; Housewife; University of Chicago: John Kough. Student. University of Chicago; Marvin D. Rrehbiel, farmer. McPherson. Kansas; Roberta Mohler Krehbiel. Housewife. McPherson. Kansas; Mary Catharine Little. Teacher. Sabetha. Kansas; Mabel S. McMullen. Dean of Women. Central College. McPherson; Kansas; Berle J. Miller, Teacher. Shallow Water, Kansas; Marilyn Miller. Waterloo. Iowa; Masako Nakamura. Arroyo Grande. California; Chester Nordling. McPherson Kansas; Arlene Rolfs Prentice. Housewife-teacher. Narka. Kansas; Richard Prentice. Teacher. Narka Kansas; Joan Finfrock Richardson, Teacher. Culver. Kansas; Louis Rogers. Teacher. Grin-nell, Kansas; Rebecca Spear Roth-rock. Housewife-teacher. Carleton. Nebraska: Eulalia Crist Sanger. Housewife. McPherson. Kansas; Elsie Schnorr. Teacher. Greens-burg, Kansas; Emil Shober. Roanoke. Virginia; Barbara Holder-read Smith. Housewife. McPherson. Kansas; Gwendolyn R. Smith. Teacher. McPherson. Kansas: Russell E. Stern. Iowa City. Iowa;
Phyllis Strickler, Teacher. Sa-betha. Kansas; Menno Stucky. Teacher. Mt. Hope. Kansas; Ida-belle Ward. Teacher. ElDorado. Kansas; Ruth Wedel, Moundridge. Kansas; Charles Williams. Ventura. California: Hillis P. Williams. Teacher. Burdick. Kansas; Hazel Mae Wilson. Teacher. McPherson. Kansas; Robert L. Wright. Dean of Men. Central College. McPherson.
Remember this bit of advice. Thru all the days of your life: She makes a better memory Than she would a wife.
Miss Edna Neher When asked if she had anything to say on returning, Miss Neher said it seemed good to be back, especially since Arnold has had its face lifted. Also, she says. “It will be a pleasant building to live and work in. From my past experience I won’t plan on too much 3leep.“
In Fahnestock. Dick Warehom will serve as head resident. Mr. Wareham is director of physical education and assistant to Coach Hardacre.
Sybil and Bob Keim will be in charge at Kline Hall. Both are seniors at McPherson. Last year both were active in student coun-of affairs; Bob is a Veteran member of the male quartet.
The G. 0. P. is looking for somebody to be the life of the party.
To women, beauty is what money is to men- Power. .
Neher, Wareham, Keims
Preside In Dormitories
As head resident of Arnold Hall Miss Edna Neher returns after a three year leave of absence. Miss Neher had served as head resident for five years-prior to her leaving to take rare of her father.
MISS EDNA SMITH Miss Edna Smith, Dietition and Assistant in Home Economics. received her B. S. degree from Kansas State College. She has had advanced training in dietetics at the University of California Hospital. Her wide training and experience in teaching and as a dietition should serve her well this year in her task in the campus cafeteria.
The Central Office released this week the names of those students whose scholastic work during the second semester of the 1947-48 school year gives them a place on the honor roll and the honorable mention list. Thirty students merit a place on the honor roll for last semester.
Theodore Geisert leads all other students with a total of 52 honor points. Following close at his heels are Martin Andrews and Charles Hess, with scores of 51 and 50, respectively. In fourth position stands Marianna Stinnette with 49 grade points. John Fire-stone and John Burkholder each earned 48 points and Masako Nakamura received 47; Nina Kag-arice merited 46. A total of 45
honor merits was earned by Bonnie Martin and Russell Reinecker, Marvin Hanson, Hetty Baerg, and Dean Neher-received 44; Delbert Smith, 43: Phyllis Strlckler. Clinton Hill. Mort Johnson. Arlene Kough, Lee Anna Mast, and Berle Miller, 42: Elaine Brammell, Hil-lis Williams. Leland Nordling, and Edward Stein, 41; Marie Miller. Don Keim, Marion Frantz. Alvin Cook. Dorothy Breon, and Avis Albright. 40.
In order to merit a place on the honor roll, a student must earn a total of 40 grade points or more. The honorable mention list includes those students whose total of grade points is between 35 and 40. Each hour of A grades brings 2 grade points; each semester hour of B grades counts 2 and C grades yield 1 point per
The following 42 students comprise the honorable mention list; Dorris Murdock. Stanley Watkins, Robert Anderson. Marline Bowman. Mary Cline. Alice Colyn, Claude Dadisman. Marie Delaplaln. Marie Hollowell. and Mary Metzler each received 39 points. Ardys Albright. Loren Balner. Winston Bowman. Dale Eshelman, Royce Loshbaugh, and John Messamer netted 38 merit points. Lois Yoder and Cora Emmert. 37 1/2; Lois Nicholson. Chester Nordling. Ann Oberst. Larry Pickens, Clar ence Seever. Colleen Doyle. Leona Flory, and Arlene Rolfs, 37: Ruth Rogers. 36 1/2; Lester Pauls, Don
Peters. Paul Wagoner, Bonnie Alexander, Kenneth Brown, Ruth Davis. Paul Hayworth. Russell Jarboe. Jack Kough, Ivan Lobban. and Dale Morse. 36; John Langley, 35 1/2; Merrill Sanger. Clifford Shultz, and Winston Goering, 35
Nothing annoys a woman like having her friends drop in unexpectedly to find the house looking as it usually does.
miss isa ruth plank
Miss Isa Ruth Plank has accepted the position of Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Mathematics. Miss Plank received her A. B. at Southwestern College and completed her M. S. at Kansas State College.
Graduate study beyond her M. S. was taken at Northwestern University, University of California,
University of Chicago, and Kansas State College.
She has completed a number of years of successful teaching experience in Montreal College, Bethany College, and Washburn Municipal University.
Questions about the opening hours of the library and the use of books are frequently presented at the desk. The following information may answer some of your question.
Library Hours:
8:00 a. m.—12:10 Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday.
1:20 p. m.—5:00 Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday.
7:30 p. m.—9:30 Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday.
8:00 a. m.—12:00 Saturday. Reserve Books
Reserve hooks are shelved in the librarian’s office and may be called for at the desk. Reserve books are not to be taken from the libarary during the day without special permission. They may be checked out at 9:00 p. m. to be returned by 9:00 a. m. the follows ing day. The fine on reserve books is five cents for every hour overdue.
Books from the stacks, the Browsing collection, the Brethren collection and the International Relations collection may be check' ed from the library for a period of two weeks. The fine on two-week books overdue is two cents
a day.
Reference books and bound magazines which are shelved in the main reading rooms may not be taken from the library.
All reserve books, books from the stacks, and from the various collections must be checked out at the main desk before being used. This is necessary in keeping the li-brary records complete, and to as-sist in locating books which are
called for at the desk.
With students cooperation the library will give the best possible service.
Our barber looked at a young man’s sleek hair and asked 'if he wanted it cut, or just the oil changed.
A movie star, recently retired, explaining that she wasn't her old sylph any more.
MISS MARY E. LOCKWOOD Miss Mary E. Lockwood. Asso-« ciate Professor of Modern Languages and Head of the Department, has had one year and three summers of graduate study beyond her M. S. She received her A. B. at Baker University and her M. S. at Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechahnical College. Miss Lockwood hus had 21 years of successful college teaching experience at Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College. College of Em poria-and Buena Vista College She continued graduate work this summer at the University of Kansas.
ROLLAND F. PLASTERER Professor Holland F. Plasterer arrived on campus this week to fill the vacancy in the music faculty left by the resignation of Mrs. Bonnie Burk Lohrentz.
Professor Pasterer's home is Huntington. Indiana, but he will reside in Fahnestock Hall while at McPherson.
He received his BSME degree at Manchester College in 1938 and
his MM degree at Indiana University in 1947. He has also had work at both the Chicago Musical College and the American Conservatory of Music, and has had both high school and college training experience.
Mr. Plasterer will serve McPherson College as assistant professor of voice.
Each year as students return to their various colleges, they find that during the summer many of their classmates have become entangled In the holy bonds of matrimony—or. to put it more simply, hitched. This is as true at Mc-Pherson College as anywhere else, and we find that couples who were formerly Mr. and Miss, are now Mr. and Mrs.
David Stern and Alice Ruth Bailey were married early in the summer. They are living at Buh-» ler, Kansas, where Alice Ruth will teach school. Dave is continuing his studies here at Mac.
Two other senior girls who took the fatal step this summer are Donnis Wampler, now Mrs. Melvin Fishburn, and Elaine Brammel. who Is Mrs. Bill Albright. Melvin and Bill are both attending school here.
The two last year's inhabitants
of Room 2 in Arnold Hall both captured, or were captured, during the summer. Irene Richards is married to Kenneth Jarboe, and Nevie Nemeyer is the wife of Carol Bally. Both couples are living in apartments here in McPherson.
Other couples haven't yet reached the altar but are making preparations. Barbara Burton and Patty Bittinger have received third-finger-left-hand decorations from Leroy Doty and Irven Stern, respectively.
It seems that even the teachers
aren't oblivious of Cupid's wiles. A lucky McPherson man captured our charming blonde voice teach-er. Bonnie Dee Burke, and Miss
Esther Sherfy has stars in her eyes and a diamond on her finger.
Thus we are reminded each fall that, as time marches on, so does the march down the aisle. Who knows. YOU may be next!
With the opening days of enrollment, heads and eyes were, no doubt, turned a bit as you freshies looked over the date situation among the new crop of prospects you were meeting in ole' M. C. If you live in a dorm, or even in an off-campus room, you no doubt can get acquainted in the cafeteria. but what about these town kids. when can you get to know them? We hereby dedicate this column to all those who would like to know a few of the new freshmen from town just a wee bit better.
First, let's start with the fairer sex and introduce Lucille Christopher. She's a tall blonde, and can be ohhhh so quiet. You're safe if you strike up a conversation about the farm with her, for her home is in the New Gottland farming community northeast of town.
Next you’ve probably noticed that big brawny fellow with the funny name. If you walked up and called him Clinton Eugene Birkes he’d probably faint, cause everybody calls him "Zuppl" for some reason long burled in the past. Just a tip to the girls, he goes steady, and with a redhead, so take it easy. (This is a paid
political advertisement.)
The tall redhead having so much trouble with her enrollment was Anita Anderson. Maybe you noticed- her last year with Don Sullivan, and who knows maybe you’ll notice her with him again this year. That romance looks promising.
And you’ve surely noticed the short fellow with the dreamy eyes. He’s Kenny Newport, who didn't graduate from McPherson High, but moved here during the summer. He's out for football,
and plans to major in engineering so there are two subjects to work on for a start.
The little short blonde who looks like a fugitive from Bethaay College, the Swedish school up north, is Doris Nelson. She’s interested in athletics and won't be hard to spot on the softball field.
Like bread and butter and sugar and cream, you can't mention Dale Carpenter without Lenore Sorenson. They’ve gone steady for years, and they are always together. He’s dark and tall and plays football, and she’s blonde and cute and plays the flute. (Sounds like a poem )
A sure fire cinch to be a hit on the gridiron and basketball court is Roland Delay, one of the local sports stars who chose M. C. He's shy around girls but more power to you if you can break the ice.
Maybe you are one of the lucky people who haven’t nearly been hit by the station wagon- zooming around the campus, but if- you are you're surely noticed Adalee Riley, the girl at the wheel. This little brunette barely reaches the fire foot mark, but her giggle can be heard for miles around. Just wait till she explodes in chapel.
Last but not least you will want to meet Bob Chrlstenson: He's the boy with the connections; and if you’re a gal that likes flowers, he’s your man. He is an employee of Humfeld’s Greenhouse, and likes to sing, so you should have no trouble at' all with conversation.,,
Well, this seems to- touch on just a few of the "Town kids" you are going to sit In classes with for the next 36 weeks, but the space is limited and Firestone is yelling for copy so if you want to meet the rest just accidentally trip them or something. I'm sure you'll find them more than anxious to get acquainted.
Sixty Men Report
Football season has rolled around again, and the Bulldogs have come out of their kennel for the 1948 season which opens at Sterling College on September 24
There are 11 lettermen back this year including the veterans Verlyn Fisher and "Dolly" Unruh with a host of freshmen starting practices. Sixty players have reported and are In uniform.
The first week of training consisted of limbering up and getting rid of summer kinks and getting into condition for the coming season. In addition to these workouts on the field, a program has been set up for the players to follow which consists of the proper kind of food, normal hours and complete out-lawing of all harmful habits.
The players who have reported are: Calvin Flory, Dean Cotton, Elvin Wolf, Roland Delay, Boh Augsburger, Don Weyand, Don Batson, Bob Odle, Ceorge Wilson, N. H. Irons, Clinton Birkes, Art Miller, Bob Anderson, Dale Carpenter, John Colyn, and Jim Stull.
Kenny Graham. Kenneth Watkins, Melvin Fishburn, Dean Schmidt, Bill Saul, Don Reed, George Holloway, Melvn McCord, Loren Balner, Kenneth Newport, C. C. Tellman, Jack White, Gerald Hutchinson, Don Unruh, Gene Reinecker, Vernon Blickenstaff, and Duane Jamison.
Gerald Albright, "Bud Fisher, J. Brown, Charles Tharrington, Ernest Hoffa, Charles Connell, Clifford Bailey, Donald Stevens, Gene Arnold, Ken Pritchett, James Mullen, Irwin Porter, Ron Sullivan, Charles Petefish, Don Dirks, Glenn Pyle, Alvin Zunkel, and Buster West.
“49” Football Schedule
Sept. 25—Sterling College at Sterling (night)
Oct. 1—Baker University at McPherson (night).
Oct. 9—College of Emporia at Emporia (night).
*Oct. 16—Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson (day).
Oct 22—Ottawa University at Ottawa (night).
Oct..30—Bethel College at Newton (day).
Nov. 5—Bethany at McPherson (night).
Nov. 12—Eastern New Mexico College at McPherson (night).
Nov. 19—Open
* Homecoming
Moller Organ Used For First Time
Yesterday morning at the initial chapel assembly for the cur* rent school year, the student body was greeted by a beautiful prelude on the Moller ogran. That was the first public performance of the new gift.
In honor of their late son, Joe, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Yoder presented to McPherson College the Moller pipe organ, which was installed during the summer in the college chapel room.
Mr. Yoder for many years taught at McPherson College, and served as Business Manager of the institution. Approximately a year ago he was replaced by Dr. Burton Metzler as the Elder of the McPherson Church of the Brethren.
At some time in the future, the Moller organ will be dedicated. Further editions of this paper will carry announcements of that occasion.
Miss Esther Sherfy
Miss Esther Sherfy returns to the campus this year with a "hasty heart" and a "rock" from Mr. Marion N. Porter, of Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Director of dramatics at McPherson College, Miss Sherfy spent the summer in Colorado Springs In the employ of The Alamo Hotel.
Her fiance. Mr. Porter, is associated with the Alamo Hotel and Sightseeing Service in the resort town, Colorado Springs.
PAWNBROKER'S sign; See me at your earliest inconvenience.
BEAUTY SHOP: If your hair isn't becoming to you, you should be coming to us.
Laundry: We Soak the Clothes. Not the Customer.
CHINESE doctor's ad: Insertion of false teeth and eyes, latest Methodists.
"No, drowning worms."
In European history recently we learned that the Japanese national hobby prior to World War II was collecting China.
A regular broom of a wind swept vigorously up the valley.
Knute Rockne, one of the immortal football coaches of all time, was not only a great general on the field but he also know how to handle his players.
Notre Dame was in one of its most successful seasons with a backfield combination feared throughout the country. The Four Horsemen, as they were called, were good but Rockne got the idea that their heads were getting too big for their helmets. In the middle of one of the games, Rock-ne decided to deflate the ego of his vaunted four, by yanking the whole line of regulars, known as the Seven Mules. Immediately the Notre Dame attack failed and the Four Horsemen began to signal frantically for help from the bench. Rockne sent In instructions with a substitute who had a habit of stuttering. Immediately the Four Horsemen surrounded the sub and asked: "What did the Rock say for us to do?”
"R-Rock s-s-said." stuttered the youngster. "Why d-d-don't you b-b-boys show them your p-p-press clippings? It m-m-might s-s-scare them."
This Sunday morning at 9:45 the McPherson College Students from all four classes will be assembled together in the sanctuary of the local Church of the Brethren. The combined groups will be orientated into and will have explained the various possibilities for service or activity that will be available in the church this year. The following Sunday the classes will begin the customary group Sunday school meetings, being divided according to college rank.
Arriving at McPherson this fall Forrest "Frosty" Hardacre will become head coach of the athletic department.
Coach Hardacre has spent the past two years at Junction City coaching high school athletics. Before that., he served in the United Staten Navy as Chief Specialist A. He has spent five years coaching In Kansas, his first year at Ness City, and the next four at Smith Center, which, incidentally is his home. At Smith Center he had two undefeated football teams. He has served high schools in the capacity of head coach of football and track.
A graduate of the University of Kansas "Frosty" Hardacre has majored in Physical Education and was chosen varsity man In football there, for two years. He was also dash man in track at KU.
A newspaper is a portable screen behind which man hides from the woman who is standing up in a streetcar.
Director of Physical Education and assistant coach will be the task assigned to Richard Ware-ham. recently acquired faculty member in the Physical Education Department.
A graduate of Juniata, Dick Wareham is unmarried and 24 years of age. While at Juniata, in 1945, he was in charge of the basketball team for one year, due to the loss of their coach to the service. Also, Coach Wareham was in charge of the basketball team at Bethany Biblical Seminary.
In addition to duties in the Physical Education Department Dick Wareham is head resident of Fahnestock Hall.
Nature has written a letter of credit upon some men’s faces which is honored almost where-ever it is presented.
One catty coed said to another. "Her face looks like her body has lived nine lives already."