McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, nov. 5, 1936
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
HOME OF 1936 Member 1937 THE SCHOOL
The Bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press of quality
Entered as second class matter November 20,. 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson,
Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897 _ ______
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Feature Editor
Sports Editor .......
Copy Readers Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Assistant Business Manager
Harold Larsen Norman Edwards Gladys Shank Gordon Yoder Eldora Van Dermark Vernon D. Michael Gordon Bower Russell Kingsley
Influence, time and money. But its ultimate success depends upon new members and supporters in the
If you are Interested to know more about the League and its work. If you would like to acquaint yourself with the plans it has for helping worthy young men and women build honorable careers in public service, for protecting your tax and capital Investments In years to come, why not drop a line to Robert Johnson, the League’s President, and tell him so? He’ll he genuinely glad to receive your letter at the National Civil Service Reform League. 521 Fifth Avenue. New York City.
Reprinted from Schribner's, Oct, ’36
The reason that cellists have to do all the flitting, graceful fingering with their left hand must be because the first cellist was left-handed.
Myrtle Barley John Bower Orpha Burn Frances Campbell Rosalie Fields
Willard Flaming Rowena Frantz Inez Goughnour Lee Haun LaVena High
Opal Hoffman Rilla Hubbard Herbert lkenberry Margaret Kagarice Alberta Keller
Marjorie Kinsie Paul Miller Winton Sheffer Kenneth Wearer Marion Washler
Dames! Dates! Dinners!
The boys and girls of our campus are quite prone to criticize the places that we have to date and the lack of a chance for any one to date with a slim pocket book.
I believe, that maybe we have something concrete to offer this time and you can not accuse us of being abstract for once.
We had a very nice formal din-ner the other evening and I believe that every one seemed to have a good time. However I think the evening could have been Improved If each one there would have had a date. There would be no expense
for the boys unless you might figure the amount of shoe leather that it takes to walk up the front steps of Arnold Hall and escort a young lady to dinner. In other words the cost is nihil.
I think that perhaps the folks in
charge could be persuaded to reseat folks on these evenings so things would be arranged. In this way if you did not like the person you had to sit by on this particular evening it would be your own fault. Thus the person who did not get a date would be taking his own chances and no one need have sympathy for him in case he was a victim of circumstance.
There are many different aspects that could be carried out. One evening we may demand that you date some one you have never dated before. Another evening maybe we should have the girls ask for the dates. There are many different things that could be worked out but it Is up to you to signify what you want by your actions. If we would like something like this let us show it by our actions If not we may as well stay In our old rot.
Why Reprimand Promising People?
Though the columns of the Spectator may furnish an excellent avenue of escape for those Individuals whose vitriolic spleens do not allow them peace in the common place functions of contemporary existence. I believe they are hardly the place to air Jane Kent's private emotional life or reprimand a promising young lady.
This complexity which we call college life entails a great number of social adjustments not the least of which is the sex-social adjustment. To penalize a conservative or reticent person by publishing his or her affairs is to my thinking a rank injustice however much it may amuse
those not personally Involved.
One such humiliating experience at the wrong time might do more to unsocialize an individual than four years of college life can do to socialize him.
Please do not mistake me—I am not trying to abolish the Institution of scandal columns which have made their appearance but rather exhorting those who govern their destiny to make it a place to squelch the overt behavior of some extrovert “mugwump” who exposes his neck too far or who indulges in a type of behavior which Is not becoming to a college man or woman.
—A Student.
Help Wanted To Spend $7, 000, 000, 000!
What College Has
Done For Me
When a student reaches his Senior year he naturally becomes interested in viewing the road over which he has just traveled at well as looking forward into the future. For the course which he has previously followed will determine in some measure that which he is yet to travel. Therefore I purpose to view some-what objectively the course of my path during my three years at Mc-Pherson and the Influence which this college has had on my life.
McPherson College has helped me to find my place in a social group which most fits my needs. My inability to fit into the existing social groups during my high school days was tending to warp my personali-ity. This fact was leading me to believe that I was Intended for a world of things rather than a world of people. Thus I was planning my life accordingly. But when I reached McPherson I found there a group of students who were Interested more nearly In the same plane of living that I was interested In. Students and professors exhibited a friendly attitude. My personality started to climb out of its shell. I hope it's still climbing! My interest began to turn definitely to the world of people. I shall never forget the fine understanding friendships which have been formed during the years among students and faculty members.
The Interest of various members of the faculty has proved a source of encouragement to me. When assailed with the difficult problems of adolescent growth, problems which seemed to rock the universe, I have often found a sympathetic professorj who would help me to fight my own battles and point out guide-posts along a course with which he of more year’s experience, was familiar. His personal Interest In my development gave me faith In myself. His hopes for me were even greater than I was wishing for myself.
At McPherson College I have received a deeper insight Into the real-ity of life. It has helped me to grow religiously from adolescence to
Did you know: that we were all
sure that Roosevelt would win now since the vote has been taken; that weekend parties are In vogue according to the action of Ruth and Jonesie or Milton and Becky; that the privilege of a midnight leave may be interpreted to mean a 1: 30 hour without censorship from the investigators.
I saw the dean’s blond at the concert Sunday and feel more and more the urge to open a discussion with the dean on this interesting-looking subject.
The "M" Club brought forth the true spirit of All Hallow's E'en In
commendable fashion. It was grand ... from the roses In Ruth Rogers' hair to the Scotch kilts worn by George Toland (which costume I have discovered was nothing else than the plaid skirt of Jessie Miller). Real originality was displayed In the costume of Toshiro... and so... why did the quartet have to look so sophisticated?
The old tradition of putting a goat In the girls' dorm was repeated this year, and supplemented by the grand climax of Aileen's bouncing a garbage can off the roof of Arnold Hall.
It has been discovered that some of our punsters are taking advantage of the opportunity to display their wit with the aid of the late serving of “honey" In the dining hall.
adulthood, to find a balance after confusion. It has offered me an Intellectual basis for my religious thinking, and yet, spiritually, lt has demanded a commitment of self to the highest that I know. It has helped me to link together my concepts so that I have become much more Integrated In thought and action.
McPherson College has Instilled within me a tolerance towards ideas, yet it has furnished me with a fine sense of selectivity in choosing those concepts which are to be a part of my life. I have found a recognition of great underlying truths and an appreciation of the finer values of life. I have discovered that life Is growth, that I cannot expect to settle for once and all the problems of the universe and expect them to stay settled. It has helped to open my mind to broader vistas-to set my goals higher for the things which I want yet to become.
These things I am not denying I might have found other places. There are some phases of life which I wish might have been developed more fully here. But perhaps I did not make full use of those opportunities which were mine. The fact still remains that McPherson College has aided In developing within me these views of life, and I am deeply grateful for them. So, as I leave next spring I feel that I stand on the threshold of womanhood with a finer personality, a more pal-anced sanity of thought, a deeper In-
sight into reality, and an enriched inspiration for living for having spent four years at McPherson College.
—Wanda Hoover.
They are taking "Moon” Mullins' football candidacy lightly at Syracuse University. He tips the scales at 125 with playing equipment on and is believed to be the lightest player in collegiate circles.
A thorough course In horsemanship Is offered for beginners, Intermediates, and advanced riders at Mount Holyoke College. Riders can enjoy the sport and receive gym credit for participating.
Seven billion dollars-—our tax bill for one year! As prosperity returns, the national budget may shrink a bit, but there is no reason to believe it will ever shrivel to horse-and-buggy proportions.
Isn't it time, then, for the citizens of this country to face a national problem which is becoming increasingly vital each day?
As the government takes more and more of the income from Capi-tal and Labor, it Is becoming more and more essential that better and better young men and women are trained for public careers and service to control this enormous expenditure of the public’s money.
As late as 1928 it didn’t seem to matter much. With business boom-ing, youth of the finer metal prepared itself on the corporate pattern, and public service was left to the ambitious politician and ward heeler.
Then depression altered the pic-ture.
It wiped jobs out of the business structure by the thousands, but it re-created many of them in Federal, state, county, and municipal offices and bureaus.
It painted on a new canvas a new conception of how vital is the need for the highest type of young men and women to prepare themselves for careers of public service—to learn to guide with intelligence and honesty every expenditure of tax monies.
In the seven deflated years since 1929, fourteen million young men and women have cut their wisdom teeth. Schooled in the finest tra
Shaken and stripped of ideals, skeptical of big business and politics; waiting for something to happen— they have been called the Lost Generation.
But are they lost? Give these young men and women a torch to carry and a leader to follow, give them the hope of a new pattern of life and they will blaze the way to a better government, to a saner, more efficient administration.
Give them local clubs and meeting rooms in towns and cities throughout the country.
Give them help in carrying the story of their aims and ideals to every youth In this country.
Give them help in urging high schools, colleges and universities to build complete courses in public administration.
Give them assurance that vigilance will be kept on Capital Hill, to ex-pose raids on the Civil Service.
We believe that the League holds greater promise for the futures of young men and women than any other organisation in history. Founded In 1881, it is non-partisan, nonprofit making. Its principles are rooted In the very heart of Democracy. Its objective is to take politics out of public service and public careers in Federal, state, County and city administration.
The League and its work is gathering momentum daily. Thousands of individuals have contributed their
ditions of America, they were dumped into a world that had no place for them, into an economic structure that had failed them in falling. |
The Spectator
Presidential Poll Taken of Colleges
Associated Collegiate Press Gives Roosevelt Victory
Madison, Win. — (ACP) Going contrary to the various presidential polls conducted throughout the United States today, the Associated Collegiate Press pointed toward the victory of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Thirty-nine institutions of higher learning, colleges and universities, small and large, in all parts of the country were included in this tabulation. The results show that Franklin Delano Roosevelt carried 22 schools to Governor Alfred M. Landon's 16.
In the 36 schools that presented their ballot totals, Roosevelt amassed 12, 284 votes, while Governor Landon garnered 10, 769. The Kansas governor's total would not have gained on the president's even if the three schools that showed their results in percentages had sent vote-counts, for in all three Roosevelt had the majority.
The now third party did not threaten the two leaders at all. Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate, was runner-up to Landon with 542 votes. The others of the “big five. ’' Browder and Lemke, trailed with 349 and 268 respectively.
One of the most surprising polls was that of the University of South Carolina. Colvin, the Prohibition party's candidate, won with 333. Frank-lin Roosevelt was second with 276. and Alfred Landon was last with 11 votes. There are indications, however, that this balloting was not carried on in all seriousness by the voters. The Gamecock, student paper which conducted the poll, allowed any of its readers, university men and outsiders to vote. The Roosevelt victory was 27 to 1 over Landon. If this school's ballots can be counted In the Democrat’s column, it means that the president carried 23 of the 39 institutions.
The following voted in favor of Governor Landon: *
Princeton University
Amherst College
Ripon College
Lehigh University
Springfield College
Colby College
Bates College
Allegheny College
Stout Institute
Rhode Island State College
Gettysburg College
Rutger's University
Connecticut College
Coe College .
Those schools voted for President Roosevelt:
New York University Eveleth Junior College Creighton University Temple University University of Kentucky De Paul University St. Benedicts College Muhlenberg College
Evansville College Louisiana State University Catawba College Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Wake Forest college Hi-Point College University of New Mexico Rider College.
Ohio State University
Student’s Diary of Louisville
Last week while we attended the Press Conference seemed to be one of the best weeks we have had since the school year started. This convention was one of the largest collegiate conventions ever held, and the University of Louisville acted as a splendid host.
After we had seen a small portion of the city we were asked to go on a tour of the city. The first place was the Brown Forman Distillery. (Hope the faculty doesn't object too much. ) Here we saw the beginning of the making of beer, whiskey, gin and followed it through until we saw it stored in large chared wooden barrels. The factory was so interesting we had a hard time getting Larsen out of the plant. From the distillery wo went directly to the Brown Williamson Tobacco factory. Here we saw tobacco taken from the large bales and carried on through many different processes until it came out In a finished product, boxed and ready for shipment. We also visited their cafeteria which was for the several hundred employees.
Friday morning we attended group meetings led by many outstanding speakers. At noon we had luncheon and Boy oh boy did we eat! It was the first good meal since we left the dining hall. Gosh it seemed we had more silverware at one plate than we have on a table here. At the luncheon
Unpvck Your Underwear Here Comes Winter!
we heard Mr. Dickenson, editor of the Louisville Journal. Sheldon Felts, the President of Louisville University. He said "College papers should be more exact in their statements and for the college students who can not read editorials they should learn how. " He also said college presidents should stay out of public politics, for the good of the college and the college paper.
After the luncheon we again attended meetings. One was lead by George Brandenburg Chicago Editor and Publisher. His address was "What's new In Newspaper Business Management. "
At 6: 30 we attended the banquet which everyone had looked forward to. It was served in three courses. The speech which followed the banquet was one of the outstanding given the convention. The speech was given by "Dusty" Miller. Publisher of the Wilmington, O. News-Journal.
Saturday we attended more group meetings then at 11: 00 the final ad-dress was given on "Current Affairs and the College Student. " After the final address Larsen headed for home. He wouldn't stay for the big Churchill Downs, this was one of the highlights of the trip. Here we saw some very Interesting races even more so than the political race turned out to be.
Well, after all is said and done we
Boo. It's cold! Cold! Yes cold! And It gets one down. Here a body comes to Kansas thinking he's going to avoid those underwear days, but no, they follow him wherever he goes. Do you know what underwear days are? 'Course you do. First there come the short underwear days, like we're having now, later the knee- length underwear days like we're going to have before long and then there are those long underwear days that we're liable to have. It's the short underwear days that you mind the most. You've been used to balmy autumn days when along comes a cold snap like we're having now you know-sort of unexpected like and you begin to tog out in your winter duds. After all you're rather eager to get into those snug winter duds; they make you feel all homey and comfy and cosy, inside and out.
Funny how an unexpected cold spell affects a body though—you see students In a hurry that you've never seen In one before; you see a few fellows with hats that you scarcely recognize; you see everybody shiver ing and you even see Forney darting hither and thither looking after this and that.
This week is test week. I've been noticing that the tests have somewhat the same effect as the weather —this shivering and scurrying around. There are a few who need to scurry and get warmed up some place or they're liable to come out pretty well chilled chilled with a D or an F! But these are great days after all—there's nothing like a cold night, a clear moon and a brisk walk. Make use of your opportunities, my friends, make use of your opportunities!
Incredibly delicate surgical oper-;
ations have been performed by Drs. Boris Ephrussi and G. W. Beadle in the transplantation of eyes, egg glands, wings, and legs of tiny gnats. The work was done at the William G. Kerchoff Laboratories of the Biological Sciences at the Cali-fornia Institute of Technology. The insects operated on are the favorite animals of genetics, known to scientists as Drosphilia. The operation is performed while the insect is in the early larvae stage of development. Although the largest of these larvae are less than a sixth of an inch in length, operations of this sort have proved successful.
Both scientists, with the aid of "double-barreled" microscopes, work on the same specimen at the same time. With tiny glass needles they pluck out the rudimentary "buds" that later develop into organs in the specimen to which they are transplanted.
These transplanted organs do not have proper nerve connections and for this reason never become functional. Nevertheless these experiments are of vast importance to the biologist. For many years these tiny
animals have been used by science to demonstrate the principles of genetics. This tissue planting work provides valuable information con-cerning these principles.
Other experiments of this nature have been conducted by Dr. J. V.
Schwind of Loyola University, Chicago Dr. Schwind has successfully transplanted the leg of one white rat to another. Unlike those per- formed on the gnat, in this experi- ment the transplanted organ became functional. The necessary nerve connections were made and after healing the leg could be moved and the toes flexed. Legs and similar appendages have been transplanted in lower animal forms but never be fore was the work done so accurately that the nerves and muscles became functional.
In his experiment Dr. Schwind took the right leg from one white rat and attached it to the back of another. The leg was left partly at-tached to its first owner until the necessary nerve and blood vessel connections were satisfactorily made. Then the final separation was made. Three months after the transplanta-tion, the leg is still normal.
had a swell trip and will try and put some of our learning while there In
—-R. Kingsley.
'Slippery slim slimy sapplings" and "rubber buggy bumpers" are some of the tounge-tanglers that were given to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute students who were try-ing to win a position on the announcing staff of a local radio station.
Women Writers Rising To Outstanding
Positions in Modern Newspaper World
"Thoroughly disproving the old adage employed in the newspaper profession is the long and Imposing list of famed women journalists Including such stellar writing figures ns Dorothy Dix, Elsie Robinson, Fay King, Eleanor Barnes, and Nell Brinkley. '
"Dorothy Dix (Mrs. Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer In private life) now 66, is the most important newspaper confident In the world. Serving as the helpful counselor to approximately 13, 000, 000 readers. Miss Dix's column appears In over two hundred newspapers the world over.
"Elsie Robinson, top Hearstian 'sob sister', Is a valuable syndicate addition to the Hearst chain of newspapers. Her 'womanly point of view' on current affairs is worthwhile and offers sentimental slants to the pure
ly Impersonal news reporting.
“One of the foremost dramatic critics, among both men and women, is Eleanor Barnes, Los Angeles Daily News' motion picture editor. The columns on films In Manchester Bod-
Library Adds To Shelves
The library staff took an unusual adventure last week when several small leaflets of music were ordered. These leaflets are for chorus and mixed voices and may be treated as any other library literature.
Other books received were: "Teaching School Music”, Norton; "The Problems of Modern Music," Weissmann; "From Bach to Stravinsky", as compiled by Erven; "Music Under Eight", de Rusette; "Elementary Economics" Vol. I, Fairchild, Furness, and Buck; "Marphol- ogy of Gymnosperms", Coulter and Chamberlain; "The Pharmacist's
Botany", Rigg; "Plant Ecology", Weaver and Clements; and "Common Woodworking Tools", Wyatt.
Changin' Weathah
Col' days am a comin’
An' it's likely soon to snow.
So bettah git yo' bundles out Ef down the street yo' go 'Caze win' am blowin' awful strong; it bite* yo’ ea's an nose;
Sometimes it crawls right in yo' shoes An’ nips at all yo' toes.
Dear Ones:
Well. I got home again. Sometimes I feel like absence makes the heart grow fonder, and the farther we are apart the better we get along together: but I expect if it keeps getting colder tonight as seems to be doing I’ll wish I were back In Mac: in the morning. I feel sorry for some of you fellows warming radiators In Funnystck though: I can at least heave in another chunk of firewood.
Let's see, there was something good I was going to say about Jane Kent... Oh yes! I too was thrilled by the interpretation of Herr Dietz-how he made me want to stroll in the park at Wittenburg and meet William Shakespeare!
It is swell to get my feet under mother’s table again. This is no reflection on Henrietta's performance as a cook, but on mine as a provider I don't know how it happens, but dad gets more done while I am away than both of do when I am here, which reminds me of the section boss who said to his only companion on a band-car. "Now I don't mean to cast no reflections on nobody, but some ------------! -----! on this car ain't a-
pumpin. " Aw shucks, I'm too tired to write any more, only I hope to have some more Espedeza when I come back to M. C.
G. Green
With It or Without It We All Suffer
Yes, life is funny yeah, but love is funnier. Life is one thing after another and love, by jing, is two things after each other! You can't live without a “sweetie” and it'S painful existence living with one.
If you have one you moan, croon, dream and carry on; if you haven’t one you waste your time wishing you had one. If you have one your money goes--and how! If you haven't one there's a tendency to become a selfish old body who's generosity is dried up and fit for nothing but the Incinerator.
If you have one you see the whole universe through rose colored spec-tacles but if you haven't there's a continual eclipse of the sun. If you have one you're in the heights of sentimentalism and if you haven't you’re in the depths of despair!
So it goes--but it can't be helped. And after all, whether you have one or not, and even if you don't suffer agonies of every sort it is wise to keep them hidden enough so that others don’t have to suffer doubly for all of us are suffering one way or the other.
dy's famed tabloid are reliable, frank and honest. Besides editing movie copy, Miss Barnes is music and theatre critic for the News.
“Fay King and Nell Brinkley, well known artists, and columnists, have illustrated columns appearing almost, daily in a large chain or papers.
"Margaret Fuller, member of Horace Greeley's Tribune staff from 1844-1846 was the first Important woman writer to take part in daily newspaper work. She also, at one time, co-edited a magazine, The Dial.
Bonfils and Tammen, first publishers of the Denver Post, acclaimed Polly Pry, news reporter on the initial Post staff, the most distinguished and valuable journalist on their paper. Miss Pry, even at that early
date, was given Important assignments on some of the most sensational happenings of the age, and was undoubtedly one of the pioneer trail blazers for the women-ln-journalism frontier. "
De days am gittin' sho'tah
An' de sun go down too soon:
Sometimes de windows oh de sky
Won't even let de Moon
Shine In at night: sometimes de sta's
Can't make de lights come through.
An’ 'nen, po' little sta's
Day can't play peek-a-boo!
Still I likes wintah, so enuf--An' what I mosts admiah
Is dose nice long wint'ry evenin’s A-sittin' by de fiah!
The Spectator
McPherson Needs a Win to Gain Sole Possession of Second Place in Kansas Conference.
Tomorrow night Coach Selves' Bulldogs meet the College of Emporia Presbyterians on the Emporia field. McPherson needs a win to gain sole possession of second place in the conference.
College of Emporia always has a strong team. They won second place in the conference last year, and defeated the Bulldogs 7 to 0. Although the Presbies have lost three conference games they will be plenty tough to handle. Nearly all of their games have been lost by narrow margins. The Bulldogs, after their defeat last week, are ready for the fighting C. of E. team. This game will decide whether we have a chance for the conference championship.
The probable starting lineup:
Last Week's Results
Bethany, G; McPherson, 2.
Ottawa, 13; Baker, 0.
Kansas Wesleyan, 13: College of Emporia. 0.
Games Friday
McPherson vs. College of Emporia at Emporia.
William Jewell vs. Baker at Baldwin (non-conference).
Ottawa vs. Bethel at Newton (non-conference).
Kansas Wesleyan vs. Simmons at Abilene, Texas (non-conference).
McPherson |
Pos. C. |
of Emporia |
Horst - - - - - |
3. E - - |
- - - - Leo |
Hall...... |
LT - - - |
- - Hartup |
Seidel - - - - - |
LG - - - |
- - Newland |
Rock ------ |
c - - - |
- - Martin |
Vasquez - - - - |
RG - - - |
Heider |
Barngrover - - - |
RT - - |
- - Johnson |
McGill..... |
RE - - |
- - Bledsoe |
Crabb ----- |
QB - - - |
---Surface |
Hapgood - - - - |
FB - - - |
- - Wasson |
Haun ------ |
LH - - - |
Harzman |
Zuhars ----- |
RH - - • |
-----Bell |
McPherson Bulldogs Defeated By Swedes
Canines Lose First Conference Tilt to Bethany in Bitterly Fought Battle.
The Bethany Swedes eked out a 6 to 2 victory over the Bulldogs Friday night in the annual grudge battle between the two schools. Neither team scored until the final quarter, with McPherson’s two points coming on a safety behind Bethany's goal line. This was Bethany’s first victory over McPherson since 1932 The game was evenly played for nearly three quarters. Late in the third quarter the Swedes began a drive which later led to a touchdown. With the wind to their backs they drove to the six yard line, as the quarter ended. Warren, the Swede quarter-back, plunged over, from the one yard line on the third
Jack Torrance Soon Open Boxing Career
Olympic Star Under Club Contract Prepares for First Big Fight
Baton Ronge, La., (ACP)— “Baby" Jack Torrance, famous Louisiana State University athlete and Olympic star, returned to his old campus recently but not as an amateur. Torrance, under contract to Promoter Mike Jacobs of the 20th Century Athletic club In New York city, is here to whip himself into shape for the first fight of his professional boxing career, which will be fought within the next seven weeks.
Herbie Brodie, Torrance's manager and a former welter-weight fighter with 16 years of ring experience, finds it difficult to keep Jack under training.
"It's awfully hard to keep Jack at work. You know, it's tough managing a fighter like Torrance. I can't lick him and I can't outrun him. All I can do is out-talk him. and that gets awfully hard to do at times.
While punching a heavy bag at L. S. U. gymnasium Torrance said: "Boyll this pro' fame is a long way from peaches and cream. How I envy those guys who play football and those other easy games. "
From looking at him and comparing him with his former self, one would hardly believe that he has lost 35 pounds, yet he claims that he feels like a dwarf.
"I've lost 35 pounds already. In another two weeks I'll be able to fight in the flyweight division. '
Oh Dear! Will They Never Grow Up?
It’s Great Fun, This W. A. A. Initiation
Oh, my gracious! Those girls must have been still asleep when they dressed last Wednesday morning. They even forgot to take off their swimming caps after they took their morning shower. They put their blouses on wrong side out, and even more shocking than that—they didn't even wear a skirt, mind you! And those big, black bloomers—
whee-. back to the days of
grandmother. Certainly those sheer, cotton hose came out of the rag bag. and no doubt those tennis shoes belonged to little brothers who have overgrown feet. Besides all this each one carried a doll around all day and each had enough of that "school girl complexion” on for three people. And they did the most foolish things whenever a member of the W. A. A. asked them a question. There is no question but what they thought they were taking their morning reducing exercises.
Have you guessed what it was all about? Yes sir, it was W. A. A. Initiation for eleven girls who had earned enough points.
At lunch these girls all sat at one table, and believe you me, they were the center of attraction. They were called on for a stunt, and although I wouldn't say this for sure (your guess Is as good as mine), I think they represented the Bulldogs in their game with the Swedes Friday night. At least someone was throwing a football around.
The initiation party at 7: 30 that night was started by taking away their dolls. The poor girls almost cried until they were assured they would get them back. Then blindfolded, they were led upstairs, and down, over the campus, through a window into the gym. There the poor boys that were following along, got left out in the cold. But these boys were disappointed most when, after they had situated themselves on the outside so they could see those on the inside go through the wet towel line, the girls merely walked back upstairs. Foiled again, fellows! Remember next time you plot something, girls do have ears with which to eavesdrop,
Taking the girls back to the ping pong room, it was most amusing to see them ducking to pass under "low bridges” in the middle of the road, and stepping high when there was nothing there. Clumsy? You said It. Why, those girls, when taken through the ping pong room blindfolded, stumbled over tin cans, chairs, benches, and such. Then to soothe them after all that rough stuff, they were given candy bars, and sent home fully initiated.
These same girls who were initiated, Ruth Taylor, Julia Frick, Ruth Rogers, Edith Hughey, Marjorie Paddock, Avis Heckman, Marion Washier, Mary Trostle, Doris Doane, Charlotte Nance, and Margaret Louise Kagarice, will take the W. A. A. oath at the next meeting.
Sport Skits
Ottawa really upset the dope by defeating Baker 13 to 0. They pulled an unexpected passing attack that baffled the Wildcats. Ottawa fans were really happy after the game, for they tore down the goal posts, and broke them into bits of kindling. *
Several of the Bulldogs are favoring injuries received In the Bethany game, but are expected to play this week. Haun has a bruised knee that is causing trouble, and McGill is both-ered with an Injured shoulder.
Kansas Wesleyan defeated College of Emporia 13 to 0. Runs of 23 and 18 yards each by Warner turned the trick.
A victory for the Bulldogs tomorrow would give us undisputed possession of second place. We will be in third place if we lose.
The only conference game this week is McPherson vs. C. of E. All other teams will encounter non-conference opponents.
A McPherson relay team defeated Archie San Romani. Emporia’s World renowned miler, Thursday night In a 3/4-mile exhibition race at the college field. Two college men and a high school runner formed the relay team. Don McCoy represented the high school, and Phil Davis and Mark Porter were from the college. The time was 3: 08. San Romani ran a good race, but it was too much to beat three men after giving them a 10-yard lead.
Varsity basketball practice started Tuesday with ten men, most of them freshmen, reporting. Until the football season is over, practice will be in charge of Harold Johnston, varsity letterman. All those interested in playing basketball should report us soon as possible.
Kansas Wesleyan, leader in our own Kansas Conference, Is one of the few undefeated and untied teams In the nation. It is reported that Kansas Wesleyan looks like a second edition of Minnesota when the team trots out on the field.
play of the last period. Ireland passed to Gianngelo in the try for extra point but it failed.
The Bulldogs, desperate after the Swedes had scored, started a determined march that nearly brought them a touchdown and possible victory, but the stubborn Bethany line held.
After the touchdown the McPherson team received the kickoff on the 30 yard line. From this they went for a series of first downs with Crabbe, Zuhars and Haun doing most of the ball-lugging.
The Canines went to the one-yard line, and in three tries moved the ball to the six inch line, where they lost the ball on downs.
With the ball deep in McPherson territory, the Swedes took no chances of giving the Bulldogs a touchdown On the first play, a Bethany player fell on the ball for a safety and two points for McPherson. The Swedes kicked off from the 20-yard line, and neither team threatened during the rest of the game.
The strong south wind was a great disadvantage to both teams. The teams had difficulty In getting good punts and passes.
Bethany appeared to get the breaks in the first half with the Bulldogs being penalized freely. In the last half McPherson got the advantage of most of the penalties. The Bulldogs played good football, but the cards were stacked against them, and they lost their big grudge battle of the year.
The starting lineup:
McPherson Pos. Bethany
Horst, ......LE.....Killfoil
Hall......LT----C. Lillian
Hock......c. ---- R. Lillian
Vasquez - - - - -RG - ----Mettner
Crabb......QB -, ----Warren
Hapgood - - - - F B - - - - - Uhler
Haun.....LH ----- Ireland
Zuhars.....RH - - - - Altenborg
Summary: Yards gained at scrim-mage— McPherson 133, Bethany 32. Yards lost at scrimmage—McPherson 22. Bethany 11. First down—McPherson 9, Bethany 8. Punts--~Mc-Phersin 12 for 345 yards, average of 29. 5 yards. Bethany 11 for 334
'Civic Musical Association Presents Emanuel Feuermann
The Civic Music Association presented Emanuel Feuermann, violin-cellist, in concert on Nov. 2, 1936, with Wolfgang Rebner at the piano. His program was:
Sonata In A Major, No. 3.. Beethoven Allegro ma non tanto Scherzo; Allegro molto Adagio cantabile Allegro Vivace
Italian Suite ................ Stravinsky
Introduzione Serenata Aria
Tarantella Minuetto e Finale Sonata in A, Minor, Opus 36.. Grieg Allegro Adagio Finale
Prayer... ..........—......... Bach
Spanish Dance............ Granados
Spinnlied ...........-................. Popper
Those attending the concert from McPherson were: Professor and Mrs. Nevin Fisher, Lois Gnagy, Floy Lackey, Theresa Strom, Margaret
Messamer, Frances Campbell, Kenneth Weaver, George Toland, Rilla Hubbard, Alberta Keller, Charles Wagoner, Gladys Shank, Delbert Barley, Emma Schmidt, Inez Gough-nour, Lucile Ullery, John Schmidt, Wanda Hoover, and Esther Kimmel, Harold Schubert and Franklin Eld-ridge.
Apple pie is the most popular food at New York university, according to Miss Notes, dietician of the commons lunch room. |
yards, average of 29. 45. Passes—McPherson attempted 6, completed 4 for 28 yards: Bethany attempted 11, completed 5 for 60 yards. Passes Intercepted—McPherson 2 for 3 yards; Bethany 2 for no gain. Penalties— McPherson 0 for 70 yards: Bethany 8 for 80 yards. Fumbles—McPherson 1, Bethany 2.
Officials: Referee, Jack McLean,
Conference Standings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||