8chwalms Entertain Idaho Students Dr. and Mrs. Schwalm entertained the Idaho students with an oyster supper at their home last night. Those enjoying this hospitality were Floy Lackey, Evelyn High, La Vena High, Harold Schubert, Orville Beeh-ler, La Mar Bollinger, Vernon Swart-wood and Franklin Eldridge. Davis Explains Campaign PlansMethod of Obtaining Funds For Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration in Chapel Urges Cooperation Final Push to be in March and In April With Big Campaign In This County In celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the founding of McPherson College a campaign for the raising of $100,000 is underway. Dr. Schwalm, president of the college and Reverend C. E. Davis, field worker, during chapel Tuesday explained the work of the campaign and the students part in it. Dr. Schwalm in a brief address challenged the young people present to try to make the standards of M. C. higher. He used as his text, "A great door and effectual way is open unto me; and I have many adversaries." He stressed that to overcome temptations that exist in college life gives one spiritual and moral muscle. The students to a large extent make the reputation for the college. Reverend Davis emphasized, that if we are to realize a successful financial campaign we must do something significant about it. Of the campaign for $100,000 by the trustees, the alumni are sponsoring the raising of $45,000 for a new physical education plant. Some of the money will go toward current ex-penses and the balance will be used to increase the endowment. During the winter the work of raising funds will be mostly among the Brethren churches and communities. The final push will be in March and April with a big campaign in McPherson county. Dr. Schwalm and Reverend Davis are leaving tonight on the U. P. from Salina for Idaho to spend two or three weeks, stopping at Fruitland, Nampa, Payette, Weiser, Emmett and Twin Falls. On their return trip, in behalf of the financial campaign and to take part in the district conference in western Colorado, they will stop over at Frulta and Grand Junction for a few days. Both Dr. Schwalm and Reverend Davis plan to be away much of the winter, making McPherson an occasional stopping place. Arrangements have been completed for a former graduate of McPherson College, O. P. Williams, Jr., of Plattsburgh, Missouri, to assist in the financial campaign during the winter months. Reverend Davis concluded his chapel speech by saying, "We believe that with your sympathy and enthusiasm the Financial Campaign will be a success. Library Adds More Books to Shelves Carnegie Endowment Gives 6 To International Relations In the southeast corner of the north west room in the library are to be found the books dealing with International Relations. Through the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace there are soon to be placed on these shelves six new books "peculiarly adapted to clarify ideas with which the whole thinking world is now concerned and must be concerned.” Just what is liberty? Does it conflict with the demands of your neighbor for equality? "Liberty vs. Equality." by William P. Russell, definitely helps to clarify our ideas along these lines. "Propaganda and Dictatorship" a collection of papers by Harwood L. Childs, points out that propaganda is not limited to dictatorships. Public opinion, enforced or voluntary, is necessary to government. "Propaganda is directed toward the control of public opinion. Is it justified? What restraints should be placed upon lt?" Those and many other questions are answered in the brief pages of this book. Marquis W. Childs' "Sweden, the Middle Way" describes economic conditions in Sweden. "A Place In the Sun" by Grover Clark deals specifically with the problem "D Colonies Pay?" "On the Rim of the Abyss," by James T. Shotwcll as the author states is written "for those who are neither too impatient to learn from past mistakes nor too prejudiced to profit from a study of past successes." .... having in mind the peculiar problems of the United States in a world that is taking new forms, mov-ed by new and challenging forces." It also discusses outstanding prob-lems of war and peace. "A discussion of American foreign relations from the point of view of political science is "American Diplomacy" by Benjamin H. Williams. The seniors won the decision from the sophomores in the last of a series of inter-class debates last Tuesday evening. These two teams, sophomores and seniors, met as the result of defeating in previous debates the freshman and junior classes respect-ively. The question debated was: Re- solved, that congress should be em-powered to fix maximum hours and minimum wages for industry. The senior class was represented by Kenneth Weaver, and Willard Flaming, affirmative, and the Junior class was represented by Phillip Davis and William Thompson, negative. Individual tryouts for others interested In forensics will be held No Thursday. October 29 Vesper, Callege Church, 6:45 p. m. Friday. October 30 District C. E. Convention, Presbyterian Church, 7:15. Football at Lindsborg. C. E. Convention. Presbyterian Church. 8:30 a. m. C. E. Convention Banquet, College Church, 8 p. m.: Hallowe’en Party, Gymnasium. 7:45 p. m. Sunday, November 1 C. E. Convention, Presbyterian Church; 6:30 p. m. Men’s Debate Tryout; Chapel 6:45p . m. Wednesday. November 4 Women’s Debate Tryout 1:15 a. m. Master Singers. Community Bldg. 8 p. m.: World Service, Y. W. room. 6:45 p. m. Thursday. November 5. Pep Chapel 10 p. m. Land Is Gift to College Two lots of East Euclid Street on Highway 60 were recently donated to McPherson College by Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Hubbard and wife of Seward, Kansas. The college is truly grateful to the Hubbards for their generous gift. College C. E. will meet at Presbyterian church in connection with the Kansas' Central Dist. C. E. convention Sunday evening Nov. 1. Patterson In Friday Chapel“Constitution” Theme of Talk By Republican Candidate For Representative Music on Program Professor Crawford and Miss Ling-enfelter Accompanying Professor Fisher in Solos Mr. J. B. Patterson of Wichita, Republican candidate for representative from the Fifth District, addressed the students in chapel Friday morning. The background and framing of the Constitution was the theme of Mr. Patterson’s talk. He pointed out that we can not understand the Constitution unless we know its background as well as its principles. Preservation of commerce was cited by Mr. Patterson as the motivating power behind the union of our country. He said that in reality our Constitution was the outgrowth of a bloodless revolution, The fact that this was compari-tively a youth movement was brought out. The average age for the framers of this document was forty years, but it was probably the finest group of political and economic characters who ever assembled. There were two things which made the Constitution possible: the election of George Washington as chairman and the rule of absolute secrecy. The Constitution was not primarily an aim for democracy but the outgrowth of a desire for a representative government. The test of our Constitution will come in the twentieth century and unless the power of the Supreme Court is abridged, it will be able to stand the test. Professor Nevin Fisher sang "Ave Maria” and "Fiddle and I.” He was accompanied on the piano by Miss Fern Lingenfelter, and Professor Loren Crawford played the violin obbligato. Come to Ghost Haven And Meet Your Romeo When witches ride abroad, and shadows flit across the moon, and multifarious faces peep through shaded windows: when black cats with raised and bristling hacks scale fences, and pale apparitions stalk one’s very heels, and spine-chilling wails trail off in the misty, mystic distance, and rafters creak—then is the time for all good M. C. students to steal softly away to the "M" club masquerade party. No longer will the Alumni Gymnasium be known as such. Instead, its beams will shriek; Its windows will rattle; it will be changed into a dungeon filled with spirits. And who knows; what fate will await those who enter its haunted doors? Who the guests are, no one may know until comes the time for unmasking. (They may never know, for the ghastly, dreaded spirits may make off with a few of them!) When Napoleon, Mary Queen of Scots, and others remove their masks they will be transformed (?) into the beings of mere M. C. students. But don’t become too weak-kneed with fright, or too pale with fear to slink en masque Saturday night to Ghost Haven, which raises its aus-tere visage on the northwest corner of our campus. *• Prizes will be awarded to the best-costumed boy and girl. The students will enter the east door of the gymnasium and be led through the building, finally arriving on the gym floor. Following the decision of the judges, the 'M' Club will give a short program. The entertainment promises to be interesting and exciting. Light refreshments will be served after the program |
Concert Association Plans Program The Community Concert Association of Wichita will present Mr. Feurman at the East High School in Wichita next Monday evening, Nov. 2. McPherson people holding membership in the Hutchinson Association will also be admitted to this number. Miss M. Heckethorn Talks About Books Wayne Albright Leads Devotionals In Endeavor Sunday Evening "Literature and Books" was the theme of Miss Margaret Hecke-thorne's talk in C. E. Sunday even-nig at 6:30 in the College church. "In literature we live the life of another, and through books we have intercourse with superior minds." Miss Heckethorne said. Books are friends to whom we may go at any time and leave at any time. A wise man will classify his books, however, as not all hooks have the same value. Literature broadens our experiences and expresses our thoughts better than we could. It also looks into the future, many times predicting events which have in later years happened saying that the bible is our greatest book, and that it is used more roughly than any other book. Literature and art owe much to the Bible as well as many other phases of life. Devotions were conducted by Wayne Albright. Paul Miller led group singing, assisted by Opal Hoffman, pianist. Louisville to Hold Press Convention Main Address to Journalists Given by NBC Commentator Louisville. Ky.—Special—John B. Kennedy, famed NBC commentator and former associate editor of Collier's magazine, will give the main address at the nation's largest gathering of college Journalists when he speaks before the delegates to the Associated Collegiate Press convention, October 31, it was announced here today. Mr. Kennedy, an outstanding editor and writer of the day will speak to the group on "Current. Events and the College Student." In addition to the address by Mr. Kennedy, the convention program contains many of the famed newspapermen and magazine writers of the United States. Included in this list are: Herbert Agar, Pulitzer prize winner and associate editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal; George Brandenburg, Chicago correspondent of Editor & Publisher; Mark Ethridge, general manager of the Louisville Courier-Journal and Times: Thomas F. Barnhart, author of "Weekly Newspaper Management" and professor of Journalism at the University of Minnesota: Paul ,B. Nelson, editor of Scholastic Editor, and many others well known in the field of professional and collegiate journalism. Outstanding among the convention convocations will be the special pan-el discussion at which; representa-tives of the professional press, the universities; and the reading public will tell what they would do "If I Were a College Editor." Advance registrations from college and yearbook staffs front almost every state in the country indicate that this will be the largest convention of college journalists ever hel3. Harold Larsen, Russell Kingsley, and Gordon Bower are representing The Spectator at this convention. Oct. 29, 30 and 31 Vespers Prove Inspirational Inspiring music was presented at the weekly vesper service last Thurs-day evening at 6:45. The program consisted of an organ solo by Mrs. Helen Holloway, a piano solo by Viola Harris, and a vocal solo by Floy Lackey who was accompanied by Mrs. Holloway; organist and Professor Fisher, pianist. |
Petry to Chicago to Attend Biblical Literature Meeting Dr. and Mrs. Kay C. Petry and Mrs. J. Willard Hershey left last Friday afternoon for a ten days trip to Chicago and other points. They are planning to visit Dr. Petry's mother in Ohio who has been ill for several months. From there they will go to Chicago where Dr. Petry is to attend a meeting of the American Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. This is a convention of scholars from the United States and Canada who are Interested in reasearch work of the New and Old Testaments. Dr. Petry also plans to spend some of his time In Chicago libraries doing research work. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK |
Chemical Society Meets in Wichita Hershey and Assistants Attend: Research Work Discussed Dr. J. Willard Hershey, head of the Chemistry Department at the college: Mr. C. H. Dresher, Principal of Junior High School and teacher of Science and Mathematics; Kenneth Benson and Norman Edwards, assistants to Dr. Hershey; attended a meeting of the Wichita section of the American Chemical Society at Wichita, Monday evening, October 26. The speaker for the evening was Dr. Edward Weidlien, Director of the Chemistry Research of Melon Institute of Pittsburgh, Pa. Dr. Weld-lien, who is a graduate of Kansas University, is President of the National Chemical Association. The general thought of his address was a discussion on "What Is being done at present in Research Chemistry." Some interesting thoughts brought out by Dr. Weidlien were that cooking in aluminum does not produce cancer as it is sometimes thought and that chemistry creates industries to make employment rather than making a problem of unemployment. Estes Conference Discussed in SCM Speakers Talk of Various Phases of Experiences of Camp Life "Eates Conference" was the theme of the program in S. C. M. Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock in the Y. W. room. A special number of the meeting was a vocal solo. "The Lost Chord," by Opal Hoffman. To give the students who have never attended an Estes conference an idea of what it is like, several of those who attended discussed the various phases of their experiences. An account of the trip, which was made in a truck, was related by Joel-le Letkeman: Lucille Ullery spoke of the inspiration received from the leaders. As the group provided their own cooks, Fred Nace told of the experiences of those who acted as such. George Toland gave an idea of the social life of the ones who attended. Rilla Hubbard, who introduced the speakers, concluded the program by explaining the "Estes Coop." The purpose of this is to help students who wish to attend Estes next year to start saving money now. If interested, see Rilla Hubbard or Joelle Letkeman. Lyceum Tickets Now on Sale The Lyceum Committee has decided to sponsor again five numbers for one dollar per season ticket. This can be done only through cooperation and support. Tickets are available at: People’s State Bank: Bixby and Lindsay Drug Co.: principal of any city school, Potwin, Supt. High School: and Professor S. M. Dell. McPherson College. Reservations may be made at Bixby and Lindsay Drug Store. Oc-tober 31. The price of the season Beginning Chemistry Students Discuss Phases of Advancement Reports on the different phases of chemistry advancement during the past year were given by freshmen students at the meeting of the Chem-istry club last Thursday. Audrey Hammann, Leona Sellers. J. Ham-mersley, Yolanda Clark, J. W. Van Blarcum, Howard Norris, Glen Mc-Gonigle, Pauline Groce, Marian Washler, Ruth Rogers, La Vena High, Mary Richards, Virginia Richards, Quentin Blackwell, and Virginia Harris, discussed topics at the meeting. |
Seniors Defeat Sophomores to Win Inter-Class Debates Rufus Bowman and W. W. Slaybough To Be At February Conference February 21-26 is the date which has been set for the annual Regional Conference. Outstanding speakers who have been procured for the occasion are Professor W. W. Slay-baugh of Chicago and Rufus Bowman of Washington. D. C. Other speakers to appear on the program will be announced later. |
Official Student Publication of McPherson College McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Connell.
1936 Member I937 THE SCHOOL
Entered as second class matter November 30, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897. '_
Address All Correspondence to The SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Subscription Rates
For One School
Year $1.00
Assistant Editor Feature Editor
Sports Editor _.........
Copy Readers
Business Manager ---------
Assistant Business Manager Assistant Business Manager
............... Harold Larsen
__ Norman Edwards
....._—Gladys Shank
..........................................Gordon Yoder
Ellen Divine, Eldora Van Dermark ______________Vernon D. Michael
Gordon Bower
Russell Kingsley
Myrtle Barley John Bower Orpha Burn Frances Campbell Rosalie Fields
Willard Flaming Opal Hoffman Marjorie Kinsie
Rowena Frantz Rilla Hubbard Paul Miller
Inez Goughnour Herbert Ikenberry Winton Sheffer
Lee Haun Margaret Kagarice Kenneth Weaver
LaVena High Alberta Keller Marion Washler
An Old Dutch Custom
Places Women on Equal Basis With Men
Again the almost perennial discussion about dutch dating in being aired. Perhaps a concise statement of the attitude of those in favor of occasional dutch dating would be of value in clearing the air.
In short the idea is this. The feminist movement has long clamored for equality of women—there must be no double standards. Women must have the free right to swear, tell dirty jokes, smoke, drink, etc., because fellows do these things. In matters of morals, a girl must have the right to conduct herself just as any fellow would, with no more opprobrium than would befall a fellow for similar actions. Women must be permitted to vote, hold office, appear in society and public, and take an active part in public affairs just as much as men. In fact, women must be considered as as equals—mental, moral, and physical equals—who can work as efficiently, play as actively, and be as socially acceptable as men.
The catch to the whole thing is that too frequently it is thought that women are not willing to carry this logic over into the field of menwomen relationships. In this special area it is supposed that they desire to be treated as dependents, upon whom are to be showered frequent and lavish attentions, especially of a financial nature.
In reality, a large number of very nice young ladies do not feel this way at all. And are quite as willing to be treated as equals in the field of men-women relationships as in any other consideration. Conse-quently, they feel that to date dutch in only another expression of the now
equality which women are enjoying the world over.
The principle of a dutch date is this: a young man is planning to attend a social function, go to a football game, or see a movie. Naturally he does not desire to go alone; however he is somewhat tired of the company of his own sex, and he would like to enjoy the company of some young lady for the particular occasion in question. He cannot afford to date young ladies very often because of financial embarrassment, and as a rule he has been avoiding dates because he needs must save money. NOW, if he can take a girl on the dutch basis, with no ill-feelings involved, and no embarrassment to either party concerned, he has solved both his money problem and his problem of securing pleasant company. At the same time the young lady does not have to attend the function alone or merely in the company of other girls. In short, the whole date is considered as a pleasant companionship in which both parties are considered equal in matters of determining just what sort of activities are to be engaged in, where, at what expense, etc.
Obviously the system is not applicable to many situations, and is not meant to supplant the regular system of dating. No wise young man would consider asking for a dutch date with any girl whom he did not know quite well. But among very good friends it promises to be an excellent solution to a rather pressing problem. At least it is to be hoped that any trials of the proposal will be considered seriously and not turned down flat as a crazy scheme.
Enrollment Show
Prosperity's Return
Survey of Eighty Schools Reveals Six Per Cent Increase
New York, N. Y.—( ACP)—Par-baps it is too early to say that prosperity is back again, but judging from the large gains in enrollment in most of the universities and colleges throughout the country it is well on the comeback road.
A recent survey of 80 schools in the east, west and south showed an increase of 18.072—6 per cent. Not one of the 26 institutions in central and western United States chosen at random lost in attendance. On the contrary, these colleges and universities, collectively, showed an increase of 8.2 per cent. Three-quarters of these schools have chalked up the largest registrations in their history.
The 14 southern schools in the tabulation, too, showed a sharp upward rise—also 8.2 per cent. Only two or the colleges in the group, University of West Virginia and Ran-dolph-Macon, reported slight taper-ings In attendance.
Eastern colleges and universities, presumably because of limited enrollmonts in many, did not exhibit such a marked upward trend. The 3.4 per cent rise, however is not without significance. Of the 41 eastern schools, only six slumped from last year's level.
Registrars and administrators from coast to coast attribute the new "highs" to improved economic conditions. The registrar at Antioch College, for instance, says: "We have fewer students on the ragged edge financially this year than we have had for some time."
"For the first time in recent years a considerable number of girls have withdrawn their applications because they have decided to attend private colleges." states Mrs. Mary B. J-Lehn, registrar of Hunter College.
None of the registrars believes that the N. Y. A. student-aid has in itself influenced the enrollments. Only six of the 80 consider it even a major factor, responsible for as much as half of the increase. Consensus is best displayed in this statement by Alan Bright of Carnegie Institute of Technology:......
"The increase this year, in my opinion, was brought by improved financial conditions at home and was not materially affected by NYA as the NYA assistance was available last year. "I think, however, that the NYA has been very helpful and has solved the economic problems of many of our students."
The Gallery
That sore of heaven-on-earth feeling seems to have come to Molly and Frances and Margaret and Kenneth this weekend. We were especially glad that Kenneth was once more in reliable care after his diversion at Salina which he so vehemently told us about.
on canvas; gazing at the moonrise over Teddy's Teeth; giggling in church; dreaming to the strains of Ave Marie: sitting down to a fried-chicken dinner; . . . but I am never
so completely swept off my feet
inexcitement as when I let myself get the debater’s fever again.
My praises for the week include the blessing of discovering that Dr. Schwalm too often continues to add remarks, one after another, which smatter of the childish apology "no-I-mean-this."
The coming of Herr Dietz to our campus brings not only the grandeur of Germany’s Goethe and Schiller but also the actuality of a true actor’s profile In the reading of the German lines Introducing Faust.
I've thrilled to: wielding a brush
A waiter’s view of the faces in candlelight at the late dining hall dinner revealed LeMar with eyes fast closed as the cornet trio played "Somewhere a Voice is Calling.” No doubt the soft alto voice of Avis was murmuring behind those eyelids.
Among the ponderous questions which trouble a coed, this mischev-ious question continues to demand my imagination . . . "How many many girls have been given a reluctant farewell by being kissed on the first steps of the dorm stairway.
Teachers Placement Bureau Has Most Members Employed
The Teachers' Placement Bureau of McPherson College has at the present time a total of fifty-two members.
Of these fifty-two former students at M. C. there are only seven who do not have teaching positions. Three are taking advanced work in some college: two are at home, and two more are employed in some other type of work.
The standing of the M. C. Place-ment Bureau naturally to some extent depends upon what reputation teachers from the college build up for it through their work. That one of last year's graduates is doing well may be judged from the following statement taken from what one superintendent writes concerning a McPherson 1936 senior:
Miss- is doing fine. She Is
a lucky find. Now if we can just keep her, all will be well.”
But the outstanding fact is that forty-five of the fifty-two members are teaching school. Prof Mohler reports that scarcely a week has gone by since school has started, but what he has received a letter from some school seeking a teach-
Crawford to Give Violin Recital
McPherson College Department of Music will present Professor Crawford, Violinist, in a Faculty Recital Sunday, November 1, 1936, at 3:00 p. m., in the college Chapel. He will be assisted by Miss Lingenfelter, pianist, and Mr. Fisher, pianist.
The program will include selections from Handel and Beethoven and also "Idyl” by Miss Lingenfelter.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ullery from Sterling, Colorado were visiting their daughter Lucile over the weekend and the first of the week.
Doris and Charles Pray spent the weekend at their home in Hope.
International Crises Continue to Threaten
One who is interested in interna-tional affairs must be prepared to shift his attention quickly from one part of the globe to another, because crises have been following one another in rapid succession, first one country and then another becoming the center of disturbance. Newspaper readers have seen the Rhine-land, Italy, Ethiopia and Spain much in the headlines during recent months. Not so long ago everyone was talking of Manchuria, Japan and China. One or these days the Far East will quite likely be spread across the front pages of all the papers again, for developments are under way there which may greatly at-fect many nations.
While Europe is embroiled in its own difficulties, Japan is again asserting its aggressive intentions. Using the killing of a Japanese sailor in Shanghai as a pretext, the Japan-
defended his inactivity on the grounds that China wasn't equipped nor stable enough to wage war against Japan. Since that time Chiang has bent every effort to give his country a modern war-machine. Large sums of money have been spent for munitions and fighting equipment including several hundred airplanes. The armament program is not a movement in itself; it reflects the awakening consciousness of the people in national pride. Up until a few years ago the average Chinese knew little about China as a nation. In recent years, however, Westerners have begun taking their ideas of nationalism and patriotism to the Chinese. Through schools and newspapers this new meaning of nationalism has been held before the Chinese people. Even though China is traditionally a passive nation many of its citizens are now demanding
(By Associated Collegiate Press) Lightning struck twice on the Michigan State Normal College campus this summer. The first time it broke a flag pole; the second time it smashed in the chapel belfrey.
Michigan State College imported two rams, a Shropshire and a Hampshire, from England this summer. The Hampshire us the most valuable since it was 3rd price yearling ram at the Royal English show.
The books in the University of Minesota's main library are valued at $2,150,601.
ese have stationed soldiers in Shang-hai. Not only is Japan demanding protection of its citizens in China but also a cessation of the boycott on Japanese goods. The Japanese also desire that China recognize the pup-por state of Manchukuo over which Henry Pu Yi rules, for with Chinese recognition the European and American resistance to recognition might be broken.
A new factor that is making the Eastern situation more hazardous is the awakening of Chinese nationalism. In 1931 when Japan was pene-trating Manchuria, Chiang Kai-shek, head of the Chinese government at Nanking, offered no resistance. He
that China take a more militaristic attitude toward Japan. Japan knows this. She is aware of the growing unity in China. Will this fact make
her act now before China is strong? Then too there is always the possibility of foreign intervention. The Russians, who do not want Japan to become too strong in the Far East, might come to the aid of the Chinese. The British, with their heavy financial interest in China, could conceivably be drawn in.
Thus it is quite obvious that the future of the Far East is very uncertain. Upon the decision of Japan rests the fate of European as well as Asiatic nations.
The Spectator
yard" line, and on the next play went through the line for the touchdown. For the third time Friday night, Haun’s educated toe placed the ball squarely between the uprights. Later in the game the Bulldogs lost another scoring chance when they fumbled on the twenty-yard line after Zuhars had started the drive with a thirty-eight yard run. This was McPherson's last serious attempt to score. Sportsto 7. Several Wesleyan reserves started the game but it took the regulars to make the touchdown. Do you know that it is possible that four teams will be tied for the conference leadership after Friday? If—Bethany beats McPherson, Baker defeats Ottawa, and C. of E. wins over Kansas Wesleyan---that very thing will happen. These results are not altogether improbable, either. The Bulldogs play the Swedes to-morrow, and it's Bethany's Homecoming. Bethel had a large cheering section here last week to help their team. Let’s follow the team to Linds-borg!!
Substitutions: McPherson -Keck for Crabb, Colwell for Boyer. Carter for Keck. York for Vasquez. Weigand for Rock, Crabb for Carter. Shannon for Hapgood, Mathiot for Zuhars. Boyer for Barngrover, York for Vasquez. Carter for Haun. Bethel— Rae for Regier. Braher for Buhler. Hall for Hayden, W. Unruh for Schrag. Schrag for Tubbs. Jackson for W. Unruh, Koffmnn for Buhler. Hoff for L. Buller, Jackson for B. Buller. H. Regier for Graber. Unruh for Schrag. Galle for Jackson. Summary: Yards gained at scrimmage—McPherson 331, Bethel 138. Yards lost at scrimmage-- McPherson 51, Bethel 13. Punts—-McPherson nine for 304 yards, average of 33. 7 yards; Bethel seven for 210 yards, average of 31. 2 yards. Passes McPherson attempted 5, completed 3 for 25 yards; Bethel attempted 21, completed 10 for 167 yards. Penal-ties—McPherson four for 30 yards; Bethel two for 10 yards. First downs —McPherson 13, Bethel 16. Passes Intercepted—-McPherson four, Bethel none. Fumbles — McPherson, six, Bethel, three. Officials: Referee. Ben Woods, Kansas Wesleyan: umpire, Stuart Dunbar, Salina: head linesman. Geo. "Cash” Carlson. Wouldn't we enjoy seeing Prof. Hess in the role which he plays in the summer time—that of an eastern Kansas farmer? For a brief respite from teaching duties, this past week-end the professor made a visit to his farm. Tubbs, Bethel’s great fullback, was severely injured in the game Friday night. He suffered a slight concussion of the brain when his head struck the heel of Mike Vasquez's shoe. Mike had intercepted a Bethel pass and was tearing out for the goal line when Tubbs overtook him. Tubbs was rushed to the hospital and the attending physician said he would recover. The Ottawa Braves led Southwestern 3 tpo 0 until the last five seconds of play. With time for only one play, the Moundbuilders completed a pass for their only score to win 6 to 3. Don Barngrover, Bulldog tackle, suffered a rib injury in the Bethel game that may keep him out of this week's game, it is believed that several ribs have been cracked. The Swedes readly trounced C. of E. Friday 19 to 6. Once again the Presbies could score only one touchdown: Lemon, Bethany's star end intercepted a pass and ran 60 yards for the Swedes' third touchdown. The Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes defeated Wayne, Nebraska Teachers 27 M. C. Meets Strong Swede Team Friday Bethany Proves To Be A Power in Kansas Conference This Season—Have Good Record. Tomorrow night the Bulldogs travel to Lindsborg to tangle with the Bethany terrible Swedes in an important conference clash. A victory for McPherson would establish a firm hold on the conference leader-ship, while a Swede victory would place the two teams in a tie. The Swedes have another strong team this year. Nearly all of last year's squad is back, and they are really playing football! In their first conference game they threw a big scare into Kansas Wesleyan by holding them to a 7-2 score. Bethany certainly proved to be the giant killer Friday when they walloped College of Emporia 19 to 6. The Swedes have been flaunting a well-organized passing attack this year, but in the C. of E. game they played straight football for two of their touchdowns. The Bulldogs defeated Bethany last year, but, with a young, fast-developing team the Swedes will be plenty hard to stop. The Bulldogs, after their hard struggle, should be in shape to make a good showing against their ancient rivals. This game is certainly no set-up. Much depends on the outcome of the conflict. The probable, starting lineup: McPherson Bethany Horst - - - - Le ----- Lemon Hall ------ LT----C. Lillian Seidel......LG......Paxton Rock ------ C- - - - R. Lillian Vasques - - - - RG ----- Mettner Barngrover - - RT.....Henmon McGill - - - - RE......Killfoil Crabb ----- QB ----- Ireland Hapgood - - FB----Altenborg Haun ----- RH.....- Uhler Zuhars.....LH.....Warren
Games This Week McPherson vs. Bethany at Linds-borg. Ottawa vs. Baker at Baldwin. Kansas Wesleyan vs. College of Emporia at Emporia. Results of Last Week's Games McPherson 21; Bethel, 12 (non-conference). Kansas Wesleyan 27: Wayne, Nebr., Teachers, 7 (non-conference) Southwestern. 6: Ottawa. 3 (nonconference). Bethany. 19; College of Emporia, 6. ' Sport Skits |
Bulldogs Defeat Bethel Gridsters McPherson Team Downs GrayMaroons by Score 21-12 In Hard-Fought Battle The McPherson College Bulldogs, not playing up to their usual standard, found the Bethel Graymaroons a tough foe to conquer, but defeated them 21 to 12 Friday night in a non-conference encounted. Bethel scored first in the initial period, but before the half ended the Bulldogs had gained the load with two touchdowns and two extra points. The Graymaroons scored again late in the first half, so McPherson held only a two point lead at halftime. Bethel kicked off to McPherson and the Bulldogs started a march down the field, showing great power and completely routing the Gray-maroons as the visitors feebly attempted to block the attacks. This drive was quickly halted after the Bulldogs had made three first downs. The Bulldogs lost nine yards on a fumble, and were set back more yards on the next play. McPherson then lost the ball on downs. Bethel quickly gained a first down with Tubbs carrying the ball. Un-ruh passed to Tubbs for a twenty-three yard gain, putting the ball on the three-yard line. Tubbs then plunged over for the touchdown, and Unruh failed to kick goal. This six-point lead started things going for McPherson. The Canines took the ball from the kick-off and began a continuous determined march for a touchdown. Haun made seventeen yards through a broken field to put the ball on the five-for no gain. Then Crabb passed gained a yard, and Zuhars was held for no gain. Then Crabbe passed over the goal line to McGill for a touchdown. Haun made good the try for extra point from placement. Later in the first half, Mathiot, substitute freshman fullback, gain-37 yards to put the ball in Bethel territory. Crabb went 14 yards for an- other first down on the twenty-yard line. The Bulldogs gained eight yards on a pass. Crabb to McGill. Bethel was penalized five yards giving McPherson another first down. Crabb again passed to McGill, who ran five yards for a touch- down. Haun added the extra point. Bethel's second touchdown came late in the opening half. Unruh tossed a pass to Hoff, classy Gray-maroon end, who ran twenty-five yards to the twenty-yard line. Bethel then gained ten more yards for another first down. Tubbs pushed ahead four yards and Jackson shortened the distance by one yard. With the half on the five yards line. Unruh took the pigskin and plunged through for the touchdown. The visitors attempted an end run for the extra point, but it failed. As the minutes of the first half dwindled away, Bethel opened up an aerial attack in an effort to score again before the period ended. Sev eral long gains wore made one for thirty-two yards and another for Twenty-five yards. It took Seidel, McPherson’s left guard, to break up this attack by intercepting a pass on the Bethel thirteen-yard line. Although the Bulldogs oustscored the Graymaroons 7 to 0 during the last half, they found the going plenty tough. Bethel made seven first downs to McPherson's three during this period. McPherson scored early after Haun dashed fifty-five yards, being topped on the fifteen-yard line. Crabb carried the ball to the three- |
Beware ofSpooks and Haunts!!“And the goblins will get you if you don't watch out. " Perhaps not goblins, but one never knows when an officer of the law is going to reach out and snatch you off your feet just as you are in the act of putting the front gate on top of the front porch. No sir! It isn't safe, for some crabbed old soul might take a notion to make you a target for a olad of buckshot. If you would like to see someone's hair stand straight up and face turn white, wrap up in a sheet, jump out from behind something, say "boo" and just watch that person throw up his hands and go tearing down the street with a trail of dust behind him. More fun! the front porch steps, and throwing firecrackers in fire escape doors. 'Tis the night when all spooky things prevail, black cats howl at your back door, grinning faces of Jack-o'-lanterns appear in windows and witches go riding around in the sky on broomsticks. 'Tis the night for costumed characters to put on different faces, go to a party and "guess who. ” It’s a good time to hunt haunted houses. Clanking chains, rattling bones, flapping shutters, and other weird noises cause goose flesh, and fleeting shadows, skeleton and cross bones, with other gruesome sights make one shudder with horror. But to top it all off, who could think of anything better than a steaming cup of hot chocolate and a big piece of good old "punkin’ pie, made from the insides of the Jack-O-lantern, piled high with delicious whipped cream? Yum! Yum! |
New Insignia of W. A. A. to be Red M on White Background The regular meeting of the W. A. A. was held last Thursday at 5 o'clock. At this meeting the W. A. A. insignias were decided upon. These emblems, a red ”M" on a white background, will signify membership in this organisation. Not only the new members will get the insignias, for the old members unanimously voted to get them too. There will be two initiations of new members into the club this year. The first initiation will take place on Thursday of this week. Baseball is over, and the next sport, volley ball with Lenore Shirk as manager, will be started this week. This is one of the favorite sports of the girls and there should be some very good games. Margaret Hahn and Marjorie Paddock visited their parents at Inman over the weekend. Marjorie Kinzie spent the weekend near Topeka visiting friends. _ |