McPherson college. McPherson, Kansas. Thursday, oct. 22. 1936
College Group To Conference
Large Number of Students and
Faculty Attend Southwest District Meeting
New Officers Elected
C. K. Darin to Be Moderator For
Next Conference at McPherson;
Rev. Ray Zook, Alternate
Last week end the campus was virtually transplanted to the Pleasant View Churchc at Darlow. At that time a great number of students and faculty attended the Southwest District Conference of the Brethren Church.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of the College, and the Rev. C. E. Dav-is, field man of the College, gave a number of addresses.
Saturday evening, McPherson College sponsored an educational program. Miss Wanda Hoover spoke of "What McPherson College Has Done for Me." and Mr. Willard Flaming told of "What I Appreciate about McPherson College." Professor Nevin W. Fisher sang a solo, and the new boys' quartette made Its first public appearance. The address of the evening. "Relationship of Church and College" was given by Rev. Davis.
The Young People's Sunrise Service on Sunday morning was well at-tended and proved to be very inspirational. Professor R. B. Mohler led the meditation.
The Young People’s Meeting was, held Sunday afternoon. After the business session, which featured the election of officers, the young people of the First Wichita Church presents a play, "Ordered South.”
The conference proved to be very inspirational and was the nucleus of many new ideas.
During the business meeting of the District, the Women’s work of the District voted to raise $300 for the Anniversary campaign.
Several graduates and former students were elected to important executive positions in the conference. Next year the meeting is to be at McPherson, and C. E. Davis is to be moderator of the conference with Rev. Ray Zook ns alternate, Galen Ogden as Reading Clerk, and James Elrod as Secretary for the District.
The election of other District officers included; Royal Yoder and Harlan Brown. District Mission Board; James Elrod, a member of the Board of Christian Education: and Geo. Burgin. Dist. Ministerial Board. Other elections were. Prof. Fisher to the District Music Committee and Rev. Zook, representative of the Church of the Brethren to the Kansas Council of Churches. James Elrod was also elected as a delegate from this District to the standing committee for the general conference. Herbert Ruthrauff is the alter-, nate.
Senior Class Meets Tuesday
The Senior class met Tuesday at 12:45 for a short session. The chief discussion of the meeting was to decide whether or not the seniors would have their pictures for the Quadrangle taken in their caps and gowns. It was voted that they would not.
The matter of having a picture on the class invitations was discussed somewhat.
The committees for the Freshman-Senior Kid party are at work and a good crowd Is expected for the occasion.
Initiation Services, Breakfast.
Games. Comprise Program
The Initiation of the new Thespian members was as much fun for the spectators as it was for the initiated. Friday morning the now members were entertained by the old members to a hike and breakfast. Because of the fact that some people Just couldn't make it by six o’clock they rode out to the Boy Scout's camp in George's Ford. (Only sixteen.)
While breakfast was being pre-pared all kinds of games, stunts and tricks were played. The chefs thought the fireplace had failed them but it was only Charles Pray who blocked up the hole in the chimney.
On their knees with their heads, bowed to the floor the new members took their oath of membership. To complete this oath they each present ed a skit for the entertainment of the rest.
They were told how to dress and what to say for the rest of the day. There were very few people who didn't hear the little speech from Shakespeare about "Reputation,” my Reputatjon.” They did show some dramatic ability sometimes and their costume* added to the solemnity of the scene.
Musical Program Given
A musical program was presented In World Service meeting last evening at 6:45 in the Y. W. room.
The program consisted of a vocal solo. "The Living God.” by O'Hara. Max Wilbur; violin solo. Frances Campbell: ladles trio. "My Jesus. I Love Thee.” Helen Eaton. Eldora VanDermark and Viola Hands: piano solo. Evelyn High; vocal solo. "Clouds." by Charles'. Floy Lackey; cornet solo. Floyd Harris: and a vocal solo, Kashmiri Song." by Fin-den. Oliver Andrews.
Vespers Prove Inspirational
' A varied program was presented by Miss Della Lehman, reader; Mrs. Helen Holloway, organist; and Professor Fisher, pianist at the weekly vesper service held last Thursday evening at 6:45 in the College church.
These services are held each week at 6:45 to 7:10 and offer interesting and varied programs. A large number of College students, as well as church people, have been attending. Everyone is invited to attend. Remember the service tonight.
Pierce Sings for Chapel On Tuesday Morning
Delving deep into the life of the ancient Romans, Professor M. A. Hess brought to the students in chapel Tuesday some of the details of their existence.
The Romans ate just what they had, and what they had depended somewhat on geographical and climatic conditions. Their main foods were fruits, vegetables, meats, cereals. and dairy products. They had neither tea nor coffee. They usually partook of three meals a day and dinner in the evening is a development of a later Roman custom. Their menus were very extensive and a din-ner was a real occasion, sometimes lasting from three to four hours.
The outer garment of the Roman was a heavy undyed woolen garment known as the toga. The then wore no hats, and the hairdress of the women was very elaborate.
The houses had few windows, but had a hole in the roof through which rain and light was admitted. Houses were built of concrete primarily. At first roofs were made of straw, but later shingles and tile were used.
Furniture was scarce and, strange to say, they had no mirrors. Houses of the wealthy were well built, but others were very poor.
Keith Pierce, from the Senior high school, sang "If I Had a Thousand Lives to Live" and "When Big Pro-fundo Sang Low C."
New Books Received by Librarian For Several Departments
Among the books reived by the library last week was a gift book "Why Quit Our Own." by George N. Peek. This book was given to the library, by the author to foster a better understanding of an American program for fwipirrfl factory.
Another book of consideration, "American Vocational Association Journal and News Bulletin." was placed in the library by Professor Dell— The book includes articles in the fields of vocational training, home economics, and industrial education.
Other books are "The Layman's Legal Guide.” Marshall: "The Psychology of School Music Training." Mursell and Glenn; "Problems in Public School Music." Kwalwasser; "Treatise on Inorganic Theoretical Chemistry." Mellor; and "The Billboard Index of the New York Legitimate Stage" for the 1936-1936 season.
String Choir Is Organized
A string choir has been organized by Professor Crawford. The ensemble consists of first and second violins, violas and cellos. This group meets every Friday morning at 7:45 a. m.
First violins are Frances Campbell and Charles Wagoner: second violins are Margaret Fry and Florence Myers: violas. Floy Lackey: Cellos are Lois Gnagy and Anna Fuchs.
The ensemble met for the first time last Friday morning and played "The Lott Chord" arranged by Professor Crawford. Other music Is being arranged for this string group and it promises to be an excellent organization.
The Master Singers a Male Octette, to Be the First Attraction on Nov. 4
Whiting Williams, Author, Lectur-er and Industrial Consultant To Speak on Labor Problems
Two of the best of this season's lyceum numbers will be presented on successive evenings November 4 and 5. The first feature is the Master Singers, an outstanding male octette. An idea of their skill and ability as entertainers ran best be obtained by reading what others think about this unusual vocal en-semble. Glenn Dillard, reporting for the Chicago Herald and Examiner, expresses the feeling of Eastern listeners. "... It is without question the finest ensemble of its kind in the history of Chicago ... we fell under the spell of the song, so varied so expressive, and so often filled with the most stirring kind of drama . . . they seemingly know how to balance the serious and gay ... In all they showed export interpretative art, a lively sense of value of contrast, a nice appreciation of the artistic worth of restraint . . . Beautiful music, beautifully sung."
November 6. Whiting Williams. Industrial consultant, author, and lecturer will speak to McPherson listeners on problems of the laborer. As vice-president in charge of a Cleveland steel company's personnel. Whiting Williams, In 1919. needed first-hand information about his steel workers: so he put a few dollars in his pocket, changed his name, put on overalls, and became a Journeyman laborer in America’s mines and factories. His report of "What’s on the Worker's Mind" was so human, and timely that it had to be made by book, magazine, and speech from Maine to California.
He has traveled and worked similarly in many foreign countries. During this time he has made constant reports and interpretations to the leading national magazines and before Harvard, Dartmouth, Wharton, and other universities, besides numberless other groups of every kind throughout America.
The sale of tickets will be launched the latter part of this week.
Members of S. C. M. Discuss Many Vital Problems Yesterday
Group meetings of the various commissions of the S. C. M. were held yesterday morning at 9 o'clock.
The Cooperative Movement was discussed by the World Cooperation group and was led by Professor Bowman."He pointed out the difference between the competitive system and the consumers’ cooperative movement. One of the principal Ideas of the latter Is that It is not based on making money, but on getting everything at cost.
The Creative Leisure commission painted flower pots and some started soap carving. The designing and painting a stained glass emblem for the SCM organization is to be work-ed on at the next meeting.
The Personal and Family Relations group continued their discussion of dutch dating from the pre-vious meeting. they also discussed, the dating situation as a whole, group dating as to whether it would facilitate more dating on the campus, reasons for not more dating, and the posibility of getting away from the idea of dating and having friendships instead.
"Significance of Baptism" was discussed by Alvin Lindgren in the Reinterpretation of Religion commission. Group discussion centered about baptism as one of the Initial steps of a life committment
Marjorie Kinzie spent the weekend in Lyons visiting her parents.
Ruth Siegle spent Saturday Wichita.
Plan Employment Agency
The College is working out plans for the organization of an employment agency for college students similar in operation to the National Reemployment Agencies.
The student will register his name and qualifications, the hours he can work, and any other information that will enable the advisors to help him secure the type of work for which he is fitted. Many students are eager to take advantage of this opportunity and the College urges uptown business men to cooperate as much as possible.
Gift to Chemistry Student for Research Work
Leland Engberg, a former student of McPherson college and a major in the department of chemistry, has established a scholarship for the department of Chemistry. This scholarship amounts to $50 a year and will be paid by Mr. Engberg. The scholarship is to be a research scholarship assigned to som competent student in the Department of Chemistry on the basis of merit. A student will be nominated by the bond of the department and will be confirmed by the administration.
Mr. Engborg was a student here during the years 1931-1934. He graduated from the University of Louisiana last spring. He majored in Chemistry and is now employed by the Carey Laboratories in Hutchinson as a research chemist. He is but a young man and this dream of giving the college a scholarship was born during his college days, and now in the first year of his employment, he has decided to establish the scholarship.
The action of this fine young man should be suggestive to other alumni of the college. The College is very grateful to Mr. Engberg for this generous gift.
Unique Recreation Program Entertained Many Students
Friday night saw another in the series of carefully planned programs of the new social committee of the
In carrying out the attempt to provide only new and original types of entertainment for all-school socials, the committee planned a program in which was introduced the recreation of party games, a new style of recreation brought back from the Creative Leisure Conference at Washburn and the regional student SCM conference at Estes. Miss Warner was in charge of this part of the program.
College Group Takes Charge of Regular Church Service In Absence of Pastor
Speakers Discuss College Youth in Relation to Religious and Economic World
College students, in the absence of the pastor, presented the program for the regular church services last Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. There was no C. E.
The program consisted of a violin, solo by Frances Campbell; a reading, "The Shadow of the Cross.” by Elma Minnick; and two talks, “College Youth and the Religious World", and "College Youth and the Economic World," given by Lucille Ul-lery and Billy Thompson respectively..
“Many students come to college still adolescently minded in religious matters," Miss Ullery said. "Four channels which lead to religious growth and development are the church, of which there are various parts such as the Sunday-school, Christian Endeavor and church services; our College classes, which throw new light upon the Interpretation of the Bible and presents now meanings of it to us; various religious clubs and organizations, which meet many needs of the students; and the Individual or personal religion, which Is a necessity when a student has a problem which must be solved by only he, and in which he feels the need of a spiritual guidance."
Miss Ullery concluded by saying that when a student goes out into the world, the habits he has formed in college will remain with him. It is therefore very necessary that he forms the best religious habits now.
"The student’s life in the economic world at the present time and the definite place which he is looking forward to be in within a few years in that world are two aspects which might he considered under this topic." stated Thompson. "To con-alder what place ho is to find in a few years, he asks two questions: "What am I going to do " and "What am I going to got from doing It?"
"Three things that depend upon his success in the economic world arc the student himself, of whom college molds and shapes his personality; the vocation he chooses, for he must select an occupation which is in demand; and the preparation he makes. One preparation extends after college life until he is firmly established in the economic world.
"What does the economic world think of graduates coming into Its bounds " asked Thompson. "Many college graduates detest beginning at the bottom and working up. but the economic world still expects Students to do It."
To conclude, Thompson explained that the student sees a discouraging picture of extreme poverty contracted with enormous wealth and that the economic, world challenges the student to apply his religious principles to these situations.
Freshman and Seniors Emerge Victorious in Class Debates
The second of a series of inter-class debates was held last Tuesday evening at seven o’clock the auditorium. Representing the freshman class were Addison West and Fred Horton, who debated the question in the negative and representing the sophomore class were Phillip Davis and Bill Thompson affirmative. The Judges gave the decision to the affirmative. The question: Resolved, that Congress should be empowered to fix maximum hours and minimum wages for industry.
Last week the negative won the decision. Kenneth Weaver and Willard Flaming, negative, represented the senior class, and Alberta Keller and Alvin Lindgren, affirmative, represented the junior class. Next week the winners of these two debates will determine the championship of the school.
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
HOME OF 1936 Member 1937 THE SCHOOL
the bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press oF quality
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas, under the act of March 3. 1897.
— —— ____ Harold Larsen
. ....................... Norman Edwards
............ Gladys Shank
. — , ■ Gordon Yoder
Ellen Divine. Eldora Van Dermark ................. Vernon D. Michael
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Assistant Business Manager__________ Gordon Bower
Assistant Business Manager —___ Russell Kingsley
Willard Flaming Rowena Frantz Inez Goughnour
LaVena High
This Problem of Dutch Dates
Franc Devaluation Lessens Tension
pound was worth $4.86 In 1931 this business man would have received 205.7 pounds for his $1.000. At the present time the pound is worth only $3.00, thus the same $1,000 would now exchange for 333.3 pounds. Barring a change in the price of British goods end a fluctuation in American currency, the American business man will gain 127.6 pounds because Britain has devalued its currency. In actuality the gain is seldom so great since the price level generally rises when a nation’s currency is cheapened. Still the net gain for the American business man in this case would be 127.6 pounds minus the rise in the price of the commodity purchased. It is therefore quite obvious that devaluation will foster a na-tion’s exports.
Because France has steadfastly refused to devalue her currency in spite of American and British devaluation her foreign trade has buffered tremendously. The tourist trade of Franc has dwindled to almost three-fourths of its pre-depression high. Realizing this the Senate abd Chamber of France after three days and nights of debate authorized the Blum cabinet to reduce the value of the franc 30 per cent. Along with move the French government has re-duced tariffs on manufactured articles 15 per cent on semi-finished goods 17 1/2 per cent, on raw stuffs. 20 per cent.
Certainly these steps taken by France are a decisive blow-to Nationalism. Ever since the war tariffs, embargoes and quotas have been the rage; Nationalism has been a byword. Trade has been restricted and consequently areas of tension have: become more strained. The goal of self-sufficiency of many European States has further accentuated the raze for nationalism. France’s devaluation move and tariff redaction and America’s reciprocal trade agreements are a move In the opposite direction. Certainly those who believe that war is an outgrowth of economic problems and lack of International trade and cooperation should hail this as a step in the right direction.
W. F.
Opal Hoffman Marjorie Kinzie
Rilla Hubbard Paul Millar
Herbert Ikenberry Winton Sheffer
Margaret Kagarice Kenneth Weaver
Alberta Keller Marion Washler
bad off as before, no dates on the one hand and an unsatisfactory situation on the other.
Right along with this we must admit that there is another difficulty. There are many students who do not go steady and you can not expect a boy to ask for a dutch date on the first occasion that he dates a girl.
We have looked at some of the difficulties that are involved with this practice but most of them can be met in one way or another. The S. C. M. Cabinet seems to have hit upon a fairly satisfactory way in which to get this type of thing started. They seem to think that group dating would be one way in which to start. Does any one see any serious drawback to this method?
The idea of the S. C. M. cabinet is good but there is no reason why it could not function in another way.
I believe that dutch dating could be a success if the boys would ask for the date and then the girl suggest that it be dutch. Thus the girl would not be chasing and the boys would also have a satisfactory set-up. Who knows, it might work.
Becky Ann 8lnuffer spent the weekend in Roxbury visiting friends.
The Gallery
Jane Kent
For masculine party-gamers who bow to us fair ladies and bob up with silly grins of embarrassment on your faces, we suggest a study of the knightly technique of Dr. Boitnot. As for me, in this matter of dropping a pretty feminine curtsy. I shall have to wear tennis shoes to stabilize my ankle when the one foot slips out cautiously behind the other heel, or hold my arms outstretched and shoulder-high to maintain my balance.
Just discovered: that a tall blond has loomed up for our dean of women; that tombstones can become alive If they are read right; that the male quartette is sounding plenty good; that we need a new gymnasium if for no other reason than to match the merits of Miss Warner and our rip-roaring football team.
Thursday. Oct. 22
Chemistry Club—Chemistry lecture room.
Harnley Hall, 4 p. m.
Vespers College Church 6:45. Friday, Oct. 23
Football game with Bethel, 8 p.
Saturday. Oct. 24
Senior-freshman Kid party. Stu-dent Union room. 8 p. m.
Sunday. Oct. 25 _
C. E. at College Church. 6:30. Monday, Oct. 26
Women’s Council. Student Union Room. 4 p. m.
Wednesday. Oct. 28
World Service. Y. W. Room. 6:45 Thursday. Oct. 29
Pep Chapel. Chapel, 11 a. m.
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Feature Editor Sports Editor Copy Readers .. ......
Business Manager
Myrtle Barley John Bower Orpha Burn Frances Campbell
Rosalia Fields
For the past few weeks there has been quite a heated discussion concerning dutch dates. Of course, there are those who are for and those who are against this practice. It seems that it is not just the boys or just the girls upon one side or the other. They seem to be quite evenly divided.
There have been many suggestions as to how we should overcome this difficulty that we have in coming to an agreement between both sexes so this can go into practice. Some of the girls and boys too advocate that the girls should do the asking in case there Is to be this type of date.
One can easily see the drawbacks for both the girls and boys. In the first place the boys would accuse the girls of chasing them if the girls had to do the asking. On the other hand there would be no dates because the girls would find it difficult to ask for the dates. Thus they would find themselves In the same situation that the bashful boys do and there would be no dates forthcoming. Then we would be just as
One of the most heartening factors on the international horizon is the recent devaluation of the franc. After holding tenaciously to its high gold standard for five years after Great Britain devalued the pound and three years after the United States devalued the dollar. France has finally swung into line and made monetary agreements with both of the above named countries. Almost to a man commentators praise this move.
Frank Kent of the Baltimore Sun says, "It (currency stabilization) is a step of great importance over which there should be rejoicing among those who believe that international cooperation and currency stabilization are vital to world recovery."
Walter Lippman, commentator for the New York Herald Tribune Syndicate of 139 newspapers: takes the following stand, If the stabilization measures which have now at last been taken had been taken then, the world would have been spared a vast amount of human suffering, the most dangerous phase of the economic de-pression, and almost certainly the worst of the social and international disorders which have been so ser-iously aggravated since 1931."
Dorothy Thompson, also of the New York Herald Tribune Syndi-cate, states that. "It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the stabilization agreement whether in the field of intentional or domestic economics or politics, it is like the cutting of an abscess which has been poisoning the whole world."
For some reason the steps involv-
ed in a devaluation move and its implications are a deep mystery to the average citizen. The process, however is not as complicated as it appears. For the sake of clarification let us take the example of the pound devaluation in England. Before England devalued the pound in 1931 it was worth $4.86 in American money. Within a few months the pound was worth only $3.00. Let us suppose that an American busines man has $1.000 to buy British goods. Before he can complete the transaction he will have to exchange his American money for British money. Since the
Directors in Several States Submit New Projects
A Nation-wide program, of soil conservation and water control which is to be integrated with similar programs conducted by the Soil Conservation Service, the Department of Agriculture, state highway departments, and other allied groups was launched yesterday by the National Youth Administration.
Youth directors In the several states are now being authorized to submit projects for the erection of small dams, terracing operations, the planting of cover vegetation, as-sembling of rainfall and run-off data, and other work Involved in the broad plan of soil conservation.
Unemployed young men between 18 and 25 will be employed on such work, while unemployed women in the same age group will engage in the preparation of exhibits and other educational material designed to promote the general cause of conservation in the schools, community centers, and elsewhere.
Conservation will be a dominant part of our work program during the next six months or more." Richard R. Brown. Deputy Executive Director of NYA, said yesterday in commenting on this new development.
"Not only is such work extremely necessary to the economic welfare of the Nation, but its training and educational value for young workers adapts It particularly well to the NYA."
General features of the program were approved by officials here following their attendance upon the Up-Stream Engineering Conference which extended through most of last week. Youth Directors and their aides from a number of interested states were brought into Washington to attend sessions of this group in order that they might heroine familiar with the technical aspects of the problem. In a spearate meeting on Friday details for (he specific cooperation of NYA were worked out with the assistance of leaders of tho Up-Stream Engineering Conference.
The program will not call for any additional outlays of money. Mr. Brown pointed out. but will form an Important phase of the regular work program for which allocations totaling approximately $10,000,000 already have been made.
Projects of this nature will be conducted under the sponsorship either of other agencies already engaged in conservation work or those, such as state highway, park, and forest departments, which have a special Interest in the program. Technical and engineering supervision will be furnished by the sponsors, while the NYA will provide the labor.
Mr. Brown said that no estimate was possible at this time either of the number of youths or the amount of money which the NYA would Invest In the program.
"Each Slate Director will work out a program to fit the needs of his state." he declared. "In some of the Middle Western states, the percentage of both youths and funds may run close to forty per cent of quota allowances, while come In the Bast may find that relatively little conservation work needs to be done.
"The reaction of the Youth Direc-
It’s only natural, of course, but the sunflowers seem to be drooping more every day.
Floy and Oliver seem to enjoy the new moon, which, by the way. Is seeming to shine for some of the rest of us too.
Hare yon heard yet why Chisholm’s carload of McPherson-Baker-game fans decided to make that last minute trip back up town even after they had arrived out at the stadium?
Tsk, tsk, you musicians that drive to Salina for culture and then are seen In a restaurant after the performance ordering beer. From what Miss Sheets tells about Germany the spirit of Strauss and Wagner would be more characteristically maintained by something more Inspiring than Budweiser.
tors in all of the states has been most enthusiastic, however, and I contemplate pretty general adoption of conservation projects throughout the country."
One state, he pointed out—Texas —already has devised its conservation program and will have approximately 1,000 youths at work within two weeks.
The program there is under the sponsorship of Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College and has received the active support of Governor James V. Allred.
Among the types of projects which have been suggested as suitable for operation under the NYA are surveys for soil conservation terraces, diversion channels, gully retards, check dams, preparation and operation of silt measurement gauges, planting of vegetative covering on eroded areas, collection of run-off and precipitation data. etc.
In addition to such actual constructive work, young people will engage in an active campaign of educating their communities to the needs and benefits of proper conservation practices. This will be accomplished through the preparation of exhibits of many kinds and the organization of forums and discussion groups.
Jessie Miller and Eddie Jones visited their parents in Canton over the weekend.
Ruth Rogers spent Saturday and Sunday with Era June Zimmerman of McPherson.
Patronize Spectator Advertisers
Students Become Kids
Can you. students of our fair college. Imagine Dave Metzger in rompers? Or Mike playing contentedly (and quietly!) with his Teddy Bear? If you can't then Just snatch a look at our dignified seniors and our would-be-dignified freshmen when they revert to their not-so-long-past childhood days, and go to the Freshman-Senior Kid Party on Saturday night. Dignity and Sophistication will be wrapped in cellophane, laid away, and labeled "Do not open until after Kid Party." (They do say that the seniors give this party to be "nice to the freshies, but we think the real reason Is so they'll have an excuse to be "a child again, just for tonight."
There'll be a real Kiddie Heaven —complete with balloons, games, all-day suckers, and what-have-you. So come one, come all. ye freshmen and seniors and forget your college status long enough to turn Time backward in his flight. A good time is assured you.
Mr. and Mrs. Keller visted Satur-day and Monday evening with Alberta Keller.
To categorize the different types of coeds on the average college campus is anything but the "trite and true" fashion is a difficult task When the Job is done as well as a writer in the Springfield College Student did it, it deserves to be quoted:
"First there is the 'athletic type,' well developed in a muscular manner: shoots a good game of golf: knows the difference between a fullback and a centerfielder; knows that 'Muscle Shoals" is a sound and not a grappler. She is the girl who will beat you at tennis; so be careful whom you ask to play a couple of sets; she may be the next Helen Wills Moody.
“If you are fond of dancing, no doubt you will run across the little lump of sugar type. This type looks like something out of Heaven, but. In truth Just dropped out of Chicopee. She's all right for dancing, but when she opens her mouth a wad of
Attilio Baggorie Presented
By Civic Music Association
The Civic Music Association presented Attilio Baggiore, tenor, and Robert MacDonald, pianist-accom-, panist, in conceit Monday night at Salina. Mr. Baggiore was exceptionally well received. It was necessary for him to sing five encores at the conclusion of his program.
McPherson College was well rep-resented at the concert. Those at- tending were: Dr. and Mrs. Boitnott, Mrs Nevin Fisher. Miss Jessie Brown. George Toland. Rilla Hub- bard. Kenneth Weaver, Frances Campbell. Theresa Strom. Margaret Messamer. Gordon Yoder. Edward Jones. Gladys Shank. Oliver An-drews. Delbert Harley. Lawrence Boyer. Emma Schmidt. John Schmidt. Daris Pray. Charley Pray. Harold Schubert. Evelyn Herr. Helen Eaton Eaton. Lucille Ullery and Wanda Hoover.
Mary Trostle spent the weekend In Nickerson visiting her parents.
Delbert Crabb spent the weekend In Lawrence.
Charles Miller spent the weekend at his home at Darlow.
Dr. William Eddy Pioneers In Educational Requirement
Geneva. N. Y.. (ACP)—Dr. William Alfred Eddy, president of Hobart and William Smith Colleges, rocked the world of education when he announced a four-year course in responsible citizenship as a requirement for a bachelors degree in his Institutions.
Before an Inauguration day audience of 2.000 persons. Including representatives of more than 150 colleges and universities and the Judiciary of New York State, President Eddy said:
"We believe that the worth of the state in the long run is the worth of the individuals composing it: that irresponsible citizens cannot hope to set up a responsible government; that dishonest Individuals cannot expect honest public finance: that jingoistic and bellicose people cannot operate a pacific League of Nations: and that aloof, fastidious scholars will not turn into alumni impassioned for social Justice.”
"The theory that a liberal education will make a citizen responsible automatically is attractive but untrue. The truth is that a student is infected by the enthusiams of his campus, whatever they may be. Football. science, literature, or art claim his interest his life long; but where Main street and the town hall are treated as beneath the scholar's contempt, the alumnus Is, not unnaturally. equally prone to carry that contempt to the grove."
Declaring himself In favor of active promotion of athletics and every other form of activity on both campuses. Dr. Eddy said:
"I have been puzzled at the notion sometimes expressed that enthusiasm for football Is hostile to the intellectual life, as though the lethargy of the classroom would disappear if lethargy could somehow be enforced in the gymnasium. I fall to see how exhuberance in athletics, dramatics, or social life inhibits intellectual activity.”
Notions 'Bout Professors
Now when we came to college Nigh four years ago.
We had notions 'bout professors That you would never know Could ever have existed.
So I'll tell you here and now;
I'm sure you’ve never heard of them.
Or even thought. I'll vow.
We thought that these professors Were of high and heavenly birth.
Hut soon we found they walked on feet
And lived right here on earth!
We thought they stood in corners Like statues In a hall.
And that they never cracked a smile Or acted human at all;
And if they ever did sit down Twould be in high backed chairs— But say. I've seen several of 'em Leaning on the stairs.
We were scared they'd point their fingers
At the slightest things we’d do.
But when we found they didn't We could hardly b'lieve 'twas true. We thought they lived on crackers— On sardines and tea.
And couldn't stabd the rougher things;
Yes. we were green, you see.
We thought they scarce could talk aloud
Or laugh or tell a joke.
But now we know they all do both -As well as any folk.
By the way. Just look around Any you will plainly see That they look very much like us. Have foot and leg and knee.
Ear. eye. nose and mouth.
Hair and arm and such;
Some are Scotch or French or Swede And some are just plain Dutch! At any rate we're still alive—
And now folks please don't sink When I tell you that I’ve heard That some professors think!
—The Turtle
Milton Morrison and Emerson Chisholm visited with their parents In Roxbury over the weekend.
Doris Doane spent the weekend in Canton with her parents.
Edith Hughey spent the weekend with Julia Frick at Durham.
Conway Yount was in Halstead visiting his parents over the week-end.
Is there no road now to leisurely lane.
Where It peacefully winds through the wood?
Nor an unhurried hour to consider a flower.
Or ponder the natures of good?
No. it’s up on the instant and off like a flash—
Lost not a minute from cereal to hash:
Ten minutes for this, an hour for that—
Colligates bareheaded? No time for a hat!
A scramble of classes and lectures and notes,
’Till you're stuffed like the box where Tom Pendergast votes—
An Intermixed Jumble of scattered detail
In a forest of books—no time left to scale
To the end of your reach in some giant of thought
And glimpse a great vista of ends to be sought.
Look into a book? The first shall be last.
A myriad ideas to roll in a lump. 'Till even the Sabbath is spent on the Jump.
One dare not slow down lest some time should be wasted— Experience Is swallowed without being tasted.
Oh! for a leisurely hour, to stroll-Where peace sharpens thought like a knife.
Or go to the heart of the books that I start
And get a sane vision of life.
I know this verse is plenty bad But this was all the time I had!
—G. Green.
gum as big as her fist is likely to fall out.
"The ‘Impression Girl' wants to discuss the new rocket flight; talks about the moon In the sky but thinks It's Just for eclipses; she's read Mil-ton, Shakespeare, and all of the great Masters. Her father and President Roosevelt were responsible for the upward trend. If there is such a thing as recovery. At the end of the first half hour you'd like to impress her that you are fed up with her idle prattle and wished you had stayed at home to study.
"Next comes the favorite 'clinging vine.' She's worse than poison ivy. mumps, and whooping cough nt the same time. Just a bundle of nerves, awfully excited, scared of mice; looks at you like a half-starved, lovesick calf. She thinks the greater powers have sent a Springfield man to her—so beware of her clutches.
"Then there is the 'gimme gimme'
You Can't Do It
There was a young man from our school
Who decided to follow this rule: Eight hours of sleep Breathing freely and deep—
For you is a mighty fine tool.
Our hero retired at ten Half prepared for the morrow—but | then.
Eight hours are mine And I'm sure I'll feel fine That stunt he did never again.
For In class he knew nothing at all What he had learned he couldn't recall—
The professor got sore And showed him the door;
Did that student ever feel small!
Now those here who want a grade A Have -found that there's only one " way;
You study and toil
And you burn midnight oil.
But yon don't sleep eight hours a day!
—The Turtle
type. She spends most of hat time eating nut carmel and reading ‘Modern Romance.' Everything that her fair eye catches she wants. Nothing interests her except a worldly possession of trinkets given to her by masculine admirers with hearts as •weak as water.' With that little
itsy, bitsy, baby lingo, she is apt to acquire quite a collection.
"Of course, you probably will meet someone, somewhere, sometime, who will be the ideal girl. The girl who could he brought home to mother, observed by dad, and okayed by Junior. If you haven't much money she would just as soon walk as ride the trolley. She knows you should study five nights a week and spend the other two with her (until eleven). She is interested in your work; has a sense of humor, a keen personality: not bad on the blinkers. Put them all together and you have one swell girl.”
Geneiveve Sandy spent the weekend In Nickerson visiting with her aunt and uncle.
Evelyn Herr spent the. weekend with Margaret Kagarice at Darlow. They attended the meetings on Saturday and Sunday.
Devotionals and Musical
Numbers Given In Chapel
Miss Emma Schmidt opened chapel Friday morning by leading the devotionals. Miss Gladys Shank sang "Do You Know My Garden,” by Haydon Ward.
A cornet solo was played by Floyd Harris. Mrs. W. R. Frazer and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm sang "The Nightengale and the Rose." They wore accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Paul Sargent.
Dr. Schwalm Introduced Dr. and Mrs. J. Farhney Slifer. who have recently returned to McPherson to make their home. Both Dr. and Mrs. Slifer are former students at the College. Dr. Schwalm mentioned the fact that Dr. Sllfer was responsible for giving the name "Quadrangle" to our yearbook.
McPherson Meets Bethel Tomorrow
Graymaroons, Hope to Repeat Last Lear’s 7-0 Victory; Bulldogs Are Prepared
Tomorrow night the Bulldogs will entertain the Graymaroons front Bethel in a non-conference game. Bethel has a fighting team again this year and will give McPherson plenty of trouble. "
Bethel won 7 to 0 last year in a game played on a sea of mud. It waa the Graymaroons first victory over the Bulldogs in the history of the two schools. They'll be out there tomorrow night fighting to prolong their victory string over the bulldogs. College of Emporia had difficulty defeating Bethel, and could score only ono touchdown. Bethel outplayed them all the way.
The Canines, fresh from the Baker victory, are looking forward to this game with the desire to get revenge for last year's defeat.
The probable starting lineup:
McPherson |
Pos |
Bethel |
Horst - - - - |
- LE - |
- - - - Haws |
Hall- - - - - |
- - L T |
- - - - Regear |
Seidel - - - |
- IG |
- - - - Garing |
Rock - - - - |
C-.- | |
Vasquez - - - |
- - R G, |
Wening |
Barngrover - |
- - RT - |
.....Hall |
McGill - - - |
RE |
- - - - Buller |
Zuhars - - - |
-•LB |
- - - - Unruh |
Hapgood > |
- FB |
- - - ^ Tubbs |
Haun - - - ' |
- RH | |
Crabb - - - |
- QH |
----- Regs |
Students Twenty-Third Psalm
The College Professor is my Shephard,
And I am in dire want.
He preventeth me from lying down In the bed that I renteth;
He leadeth me to make A fool of myself before my classmates.
Yea. though I burneth my light Until my landlady howleth,
I fear much evil.
For my prof is against me.
His theories and rantings
Frighteneth my wits from me He assigneth me extra Work as a punishment In the presence-of mine enemies.
He anointenth my quiz paper with red Ink
And my zeroes filleth a whole column.
.Surely theories, exams and themes will follow me All the days of my college careen And I will dwell In the bug-house forever.
The conduct course now being offered at the University of West Virginia is not intended to teach self-control. It has been designed to show students the "laws" of studying, making a budget, and spending leisure time.
Charles S. Hendershot, a law student at Ohio State University, ex-pects to live in a sixteen-foot trailer with his wife and dog for the next three years.
Indiana University students drink the cleanest milk in that state, says Doctor Clarence E. May, of the chemistry department, who tests milk from each of the 31 Blooming- ton dairies every month.
President Roosevelt has proclaimed the week beginning November 9 as American Education Week.
San Jose State College is now sending out life-time athletic passes to graduates who. while students, proved their high quality In the field of sports.
Henry Ford the second, grandson of the automobile manufacturer, is now a freshman at Yale.
The registrar at the University of
Oklahoma proved statistically that students with the thinnest wallets get the most "A's" when two state legislators complained that the $3 "flunking fee’’ is a hardship on poor students.
Activities of Associated Students of the University of California last year showed a net profit of $159,-872,02.
Fifty University of Toledo women have signed up to play hockey. The season will end on November 24, when the two best Intramural teams will meet In the "Army-Navy" game.
Forty-one states and 17 countries are represented among the students of Louisiana State University.
The “First Catholic college In the United States was opened In 1677 at Newton. Maryland.
Canines Make Touchdown During First Two Minutes of Game; Hold Lead to Win 6-0
Coach "Bud" Selves McPherson Bulldogs eked out a 6-0 victory Friday, afternoon over the Baker Wildcats to remain at the top of the Kansas Conference standings. It was the first football victory for McPherson on the Baker field in twenty years.
After the Bulldogs took advantage of a scoring opportunity early in the first quarter, neither team seriously threatened the goal line. The Bakerites fought bravely after McPherson scored, making numerous determined drives, but were usually held on the twenty-yard line. Twice they reached the five-yard line, but lost the ball on downs.
The game had barely begun when the Canines received their golden opportunity. Baker kicked off and recovered the ball when a McPherson player couldn’t hold It. They punted after gaining nothing on line plunges. Haun countered with a beautiful kick to the opponent’s fifteen-yard line. On the next play, a Baker player fumbled, and Rock, McPherson center, recovered. Then Zuhars tossed a twelve-yard pass to Haun. who dodged an opponent and trotted across the goal line. His kick from place incut was wide, but the Bulldogs led 6 to 0 before two minutes had passed.
The Canines had another scoring chance a few minutes later when Zuhars caught a Buker punt, followed perfect Interference, and was In the clear when Smith. Baker's quar-termiler. overtook him on the twenty-yard line with a desperate leap. Zuhars’s run through the Orangemen was good for fifty yards.
The excellent work of Haun and Zuhars figured prominently In the battle while the fine blocking and severe tackling of the secondary was no less spectacular. Yards from scrimmage and posses, and down figured about even, but the edge was In favor of the Bulldogs.
The starting lineup:
McPherson Pos. Baker
Horst......LE • • • • Hodson
Hall.......LT ------ Neal
Seidel - - - * - IG - - - Dissingor Rock - -- -- - C---- - Davison Vasquez - -- -- RG — ... Graves Barngrover - - - RT - - -.- - Heine
McGill ..... RE----Steidler
Zuhars.....L H - - - - Delafield
Haun - - - - - R H - - - - Smith
Hapgood - - - FB - - - - Holman Officials: Referee—E. C. Quigley. K. U.; umpire. Claude Cochran. Ottawa: bead linesman. Parke Carroll. Kansas City, Mo.
Summary: Yards gained at scrimmage—McPherson 138. Baker 115 Passes—McPherson attempted 6. completed- 1 for no gain; Baker' attempted 10. completed 2 for 28 yards. Passes Intercepted: McPherson 2. Baker 0. First downs: McPherson 7, Baker 7. Average punts —McPherson 36 yards. Bakekr 25 yards. Opponents' fumbles recovered—McPherson 2. Baker 0. Yards lost by penalties—McPherson 55. Baker 50.
One Bulldog ( goalward drive against Baker was halted by the final gun. McPherson had advanced to the ten-yard line after McGill's interception of a Baker pass. It was first down sod goal to go for the Canines, and the Orangemen were tiring fast.
Kansas Wesleyan continued to exhibit great scoring ability with a 38 to 0 victory over Ottawa. They returned the opening kick-off 96 yards for the first touchdown. Two tumbles and an Intercepted pass result ed In three more scores
.Holman, Baker fullback, was a —. constant threat to the Bulldogs. He returned several punts for good gains, and made numerous line thrusts. Once under way, he was hard to atop. He aided greatly in
backing up the Wildcat line, too.
College of Emporia resumed her winning tendencies Friday with another close score. The Presbies have won four games this year—three with one touchdown margin, and the other with a inference of one point. They have scored 33 points to their opponents’ 19.
A tribute to enthusiastic fans from the football squad—
•’The football team as a whole appreciates the splendid delegation that followed us to Baldwin for the Baker game. We want to thank the group for all the cheering, which helped the team’s spirit a great deal, and contributed toward our victory."
Mike Vasquez. Co-captain.
Mike is undoubtedly right about the cheering. Someone commented that the cheering section there made more noise than the entire student body does at home. The group felt like yelling after contributing a tidy sum jo see the game. Maybe Baker's paying for Ha new stadium in that way! !
Ruben Harzman, nimble C. of E. quarterback, has scored all their touchdowns—one in each of five games. He looks like one of the best football players in Kansas, and seems destined to gain the pro-ranks after graduation.
McPherson players would rather play football at night than In the afternoon! No alibis, but-—they say they didn't feel as fresh and ready to play Friday as they did for former games. No one was injured but it was necesary to relieve several, players for a few minutes.
'Emporia.’’ says Ruben Harzman. is their best since the days of Harold Grant." How about Lester .Selves, wasn't be pretty fair In his day?
Pete Lightner in "The Wichita Eagle."
That's a pretty good tribute to our coach. Isn't It?
Wouldn't It be swell to have Mc-Pherson and Kansas Wesleyan undefeated until-Thanksgiving Day and meet here to decide the cham-pionship?
Persons - personals
Gladys Shank spent the weekend in Navarre with her parents.
Doris and Charley Pray spent the weekend In Hope with their parents.
Margaret Hahn and Marjorie Pad-dock visited their parents in Inman over the weekend.
Games This Week Friday
College of Emporia vs. Bethany at Lindsborg.
Southwestern vs. Ottawa at Ottawa (non-conference).
Bethel vs. McPherson at McPherson (non-conference).
Kearney, Neb.. Teachers, vs. Kansas Wesleyan at Salina (non-conference. )
Results of last week’s games—10 McPherson, 6; Baker 0.
Kansas Wesleyan, 38: Ottawa. 0. College of Emporia, 6; Pittsburg 0 (non-conference.)
Kansas Conference Standings
W. |
L |
T. |
Pct. | |
McPherson ........ |
—2 |
0 |
0 |
1.000 |
Kansas Wesleyan |
__2 |
0 |
0 |
1.000 |
Bethany .....— |
....0 |
1 |
0 |
.000 |
College of Emporia 0 |
1 |
0 |
.000 | |
Ottawa - |
0 |
2 |
0 |
.000 |
Tournament Winners Wallop Four Homers in Secession
The W. A. A: baseball tournament games were played this week to determine the winning team. Ruth Rogers and her team won the game Monday evening. The highest point of interest in this game came when tour home runs were made In succession.
The same team also won the game Tuesday evening, so winning the tournament. Although it was not necessary to play It, the third game was played Wednesday evening to give some of the girls a chance to play two tournament games, which was a requirement for earning W. A. A. points.
The girls on the winning teams re-ceive extra points for being on that team. The new girls who have earned their points in baseball will be initiated next week.
Dr. Frank Hibben, assistant professor in archaeology at the University of New Mexico, has a collection of thousands of arrowheads from Europe. Asia, Australia, North America and Booth America.
There are slightly more than 650 junior colleges in the United States.
Freshmen of the 1940 class at the University of New Mexico can now wear corduroy pants. They were given this privilege recently because of the economy of the practice.
About 1,000 members of the American Psychological Association will he guests of the University of Minnesota in September, 1937.
Students at the University of Illinois who wish to drive on the campus must pass a chauffeur's examination.
Dr. H. Carter Davidson, president of Knox college. Is one of the youngest college presidents in the United States; he is only 31 years old.
Three shifts of men are working night and day to complete the University of Minnesota’s new hydraulics laboratory.
Albright college students discovered that It takes about 11.7 seconds tor shot-gun "bangs" to travel two miles and one-half.
Louisiana State University boasts of ten sents of twins this year in Its female enrollment; the sets of male twins are far outnumbered.
Hunter College of New York is the largest school for women in the world. Its total number of students is 18,669.
Among the 600,000 titles owned by the University of Wisconsin historical library, three were printed before 1500 and 33 printed between 1500 and 1597.
Reed College students and faculty members are Inaugurating a beauty of an idea: they plan to set aside one whole day of the school year to make the campus more attractive.