McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas. Thursday, oct. 15, 1936


Undergraduate Authors Aided

Nation-wide Campaign During

Year to Encourage Latent Talent of Playwright*

Play Lists To Groups

Amateur Dramatic Organizations To Recieve Large Number of Reviews Upon Request

Intermittent attempts to encourage latent talent among the undergraduate playwrights of America are to be  catalyzed into a nation-wide campaign during the coming year. It was announced by Francis Bosworth, director of the WPA Federal Theatre Project's Play Bureau.

Taking cognizance of the vast, un tapped talent in high schools and opportunity, the WPA Federal Theatre is assuming the lead in offering the opportunity of seeing their colleges, hemmed in by the lack ol plays In production.

Plays submitted by college playwrights, which are not produced by WPA Federal Theatre Project units throughout the country, may receive production by the Studio Theatre, a division of the WPA Theatre, where the playwright may see the flaws in his technique or play construction.

The WPA Studio Theatre,’ which will present the student's play, at no obligation to the aspiring playwright, will, in reality, serve as a laboratory for the young writer. He will be enabled to see the fine points and

World Service Sponsors a Weiner

Roast and Program Wednesday Eve

A weiner roast was sponsored by the World Service organization for its members last evening at a Boy Scout cabin about two miles southeast of the campus.

Following the playing of games and the weiner roast, a vesper was held. Lola Richwine read two nature poems, "Silence" and "God Make Me Brave for Life". Avis Heckman spoke on the subject.

"Let's Face the Sun,” and the entire group sang various songs.

Dr. Josephine Smith Is Co-Author of Text

New Books Received by Librarian For Several Departments

Doctor Josephine Smith, dean of women of McPherson College is coauthor of a text in psychology, "Studies In Infant Behavior III." This book is now in the McPherson College Library.

Other Psychology books arc: "Social Psychology" by Lapiere and Farnsworth: "The Ape and the Child” by Kellogg and Kellogg. “Contemporary Schools of Psychology” by Woodworth.

Music books are "Nine Symphonies of Beethoven in Score.” "Symphonies Complete." Brahms; “The Marriage of Fijaro," Mozart: "The Magic Flute," Mozart:    "Afternoon

of a Faun.” DeBussy; "The Swan of Trionela." "Sibelius; "Applied - Harmony Books I and II,” Wedge.

The biology department received the book "Flora of the Prairies and Plain of Central North America,”

are not easily discernible when the play is in manuscript form.

In addition to these services, George Terwilliger, who is the offi-cial go-between for the student play-wright and the Federal Theatre, an-

   nonneed this week that the WPA Theatre is placing extensive lists bearing the names of plays, publish-ed or unpublished, at the disposal of all amateur dramatic organizations and college thespian groups.

The lists include the titles, authors, reviews and complete research data of instrinsic merit, regardless of their subject matter. These lists are broken down into various classi-

fications, such as dramas, satires, comedies, historical plays, mysteries, biographies, etc.

Bureaus at Key Cities

The principal WPA Play Bureaus are in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, but budding writers are asked to submit their manuscripts to Me. Terwilliger at New York head- quarters. 303 West 42nd Street, N. Y. C., where more than 5,000 plays have been reviewed since last April.

This new policy is in line with the position taken by Hallie Flanagan, national director of the WPA Federal Theatre Project, that "it is ab-solutely essential that the Federal Theatre take a chance on the new playwrights."

At a recent conference, Mrs. Flanagan declared that "plays currently submitted by professional playwrights cling too closely to the skirts of well trodden tradition."

"They are," she continued "the dull legitimate offspring of Henry Arthus Jones and Madame Vestris. Not only the plays, but the method Indicated for their production, class them as museum pieces—not, as  theatre pieces. Obviously, it is a timid waiting of an unprecedent opportunity to regard the theatre only in terms of what we have hitherto experienced.”    

Federal Theater Rents Plays When the WPA Federal Theatre, accepts a play for production by any of its units, it does not buy the play but merely rents it for $50 weekly. Furthermore, the author retains sole possession of the play.

If the play is reproduced in other sections of the country by other WPA Theatre Project units, as were "Chalk Dust,"    "Class of ’29" and

"Triple A Plowed Under." the author receives $50 weekly for every Individual production.

Contemporary American Women Poets," was the only book received in the field of literature.

Lists of these new additions to the library will he placed on the bulletin board.

November Fourth Date of Lyceum

Master Singers Open Season With Musical Program

The opening number of the McPherson community Lyceum course, will be given November 1 at the City Auditorium with Master Singers an outstanding male octette, as the entertainers.

This unusual ensemble of soloists presents a varied program of old and modern music. Their distinctive interpretations will delight music lovers of this community and elicit enthusiastic response from all who hear them.

The second number of the course, November 5, will be a lecture by Whiting Williams, an Internationally known student of the worker and his problems. Mr. Williams has traveled widely abroad as well as in this country and he draws extensively from his personal experiences.

The third number of the course will be given November 19. Carl Von Hoffman, explorer, scientist, ethnologist..and author has spent fifteen years on the "dark continent.” Strange epics of still existing savagery- will amaze and please his listeners. Captain Von Hoffman's gift of dramatization makes his program all the more graphic and Interesting.

Le Petit Ensemble, six distinctive artists of the Chicago Civic Symphony will present the fourth number of the Lyceum course on the evening of December 1. The last number will be a lecture by Fred Eastman. He will lecture on phases of American Culture Illustrating his lecture with motion pictures.

Tickets for the Lyceum will be available next week.

Regular S. C. M. Meeting Consists of Musical Numbers and Readings

Various musical numbers and readings made up the program of the S. C. M., at regular meeting Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock In the

Y. W. room.

The program consisted of a vocal solo. "I Love a Little Cottage," by Opal Hoffman; a reading, “On the Other Train.” by LaVena High! a cornet solo by Floyd Harris!! devo-tions by Erwin Bentz and group singing was conducted by Viola Harris with Lucile Ullery assisting the piano.

Beauty Contest Queen Honored

Chemistry Club Holds Election Of Offices at First Meeting

Officers for this year were elected for the first meeting of the Chemistry Club last Thursday afternoon. Dr. H. W. Hershey, head of the chemistry department is the permanent president of the organization.

David Metzger is the newly elected vice president, Lois Gnagy is secretary. Asta Ostlind is program chairman. Jessie Miller is social chairman and Norman Edwards is reporter for the club. Other members of the program committee are Eldred Footz and Or-ville Beehler. Other members of the social committee are Phyllis Powers and Edward Jones.

The club members decided the club will meet at four o'clock, on every other Thursday afternoon. The next meeting will be held on Thursday. Oct. 25.

Bright and Fisher Go to St. John's

Dean Bright and Professor Fisher went to St. John's Church of the Brethren where an all day meeting was held last Sunday. Dean Bright spoke and Professor Fisher sang in both morning and afternoon sessions.

Professor Declares
Tests For Marriage

Must Be Able to Tell Difference Between Passion and Love

Chicago Ill. -"You've got to he able to tell the difference between love and mere fleeting passion if you want to enjoy a good, old-fashioned marriage that will last 'till

death do us part." Professor Edward

L. Conlon of Loyola University maintains.

He drew a chart to illustrate to the 33 students of his "marriage and family" course—three of them already married—the result of proper choices, ending in happiness and the result of improper selections, ending In misery.

Professor Conlon declared that true love is manifested by (1) exclusiveness ( 2) constancy; (3) patience, consideration and self-sacrifice.

From another end of the campus, Dr. H. Willard Brown asserted that all such discrimination was only a step in the right direction. "What this country needs is professional parents. Only college graduates should qualify for marriage, and all colleges should have a course in the science of parenthood."

Student Union Room Dedicated Saturday

President Schwaim and Prof. S. M. Dell Talk

Saturday. October 10, at 8:00 p. m., the Student Union Room was dedicated.

A prelude of quiet music was given before the program started. The program included a trumpet solo, Rloyd Harris; Readings, "The Old Clock In the Hall" and "When De Folks Is Gone?” Elma Minnick: Vocal sools, "Requiem” by Franco Leoni. Professor Fisher: and short dedication talks given by Professor S. M. Dell and President Schwalm.

Individual cakes, coffee and mints were served.

For a number of years there has been need for a room in which students of McPherson College could hold activities. Two years ago definite plans for such a room were made. Last year actual work was started for the construction of a Student Union Room in the basement of Sharp Hall.

Since small beginnings can grow to great endings the Student Room was completed through the combined efforts of faculty members and students. The room was furnished with large armchairs, overstuffed davenports, tables, benches, radio and rending desk. The Venetian blinds, fireplace and table lamps lend finishing touches to make the room: complete.

College Orchestra Prepares

For Future Public Concert

Vera Heckman and Attendants

Margaret Fry and Gladys Shank To Wichita

Guests of Jubilee

Girls Received at Formal Dinner;

Attend "Four Centuries Marching” In Evening

In the beauty contest which closed Friday evening, October 9, Vera Heckman was pronounced the winner, with Margaret Fry and Gladys Shank as her attendants. Miss Heckman will be known as the Football Jubilee Beauty Queen.

On Monday afternoon the Queen and her attendants, accompanied by Otho Clark and Emerson Chisholm, editor and business manager, respectively, of the Quadrangle, went to Wichita, where they attended the Kansas Diamond Jubilee as honored guests. They were members of a party of fourteen, which included the Bethany College queen and her court, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Demmin, of Wichita. A suite of four rooms with full accomodations was provided for the entire group at the Lassen Hotel.

The first feature which they saw was the Jayhawker Revue, a stage show. Then they saw and heard the orchestra of Lieutenant Sovene in a dramatic presentation of the American Hit Parade. After viewing the exhibits at the Forum, they were photographed by the Midwest Engraving Company.

At the formal dinner at the hotel, the queens were presented with a corsage of orchids. After the dinner, they broadcast from the lobby of the hotel.

Monday night they attended "Four Centuries Marching," a pag-ent drama of the history of Kansas. For this performance they were given box seats.

Tuesday morning they viewed the parade and saw President and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. They also saw ex-governor "Alfalfa Bill" Murray of Oklahoma. They returned to McPherson Tuesday afternoon.

"Co-Etiquette" Reviewed by Lehman

"Co-Etiquette" by Elizabeth Eld-ridge was reviewed by Miss Della Lehman In chapel Tuesday morning.

College is a new experience and becaust it is so strange and new, it is a problem to become correctly adjusted to it. This book, written by Miss Eldridge as a guide to girls in a co-educational college deals in part with the new environment and the problems it brings. The things which tend for it successful college career are emphasized. "Co-Etiquette is a book written by one who remembered her own college problems and recognized through them the needs of other girls.

Oliver Andrews sang "Sea Fever" by Andrews.

The College orchestra is practicing and preparing for its concert to be held at some future date. With only a comparatively few practices, the orchestra has shown improvement under the direction of Professor Crawford.

Although the instrumentation is small, the orchestra is beginning to sound like a symphony. Musicians downtown outside the college are in the orchestra and contribute a great deal in making it what it is.            

Professor Crawford has selected the music for the concert and the orchestra is working on that now.

The members of the orchestra are planning a Hallowe'en party to be given in the Student Union Room Oct. 28. Each member may bring a friend if he wishes. The orchestra will rehearse for an hour and adjourn

to the Student Union Room

Patronize Spectator Advertisers

Down wjth the Wildcats

afterward for the party.

Melodrama Presented by Pep Club In Session

Last Thursday Morning

Tramp. Tramp, Tramp, the Fahnestock Boys Are Marching,

There Stands Mother Arnold at the Door! -What Floors

Professor Crawford played "Romance" by Wienlawsky at the Federation of Women’s Clubs Convention, Oct. 12.

"Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are marching." They did march, stealthily however, last Wednesday night. From Fahnestock over to Arnold Hall. Quietly they stole up the fire escapes and charged, with loud shouts into the hall of the third floor.

Faint screams, a mad scramble as sleepy girls reached for bathrobes, and as tousled heads popped out of hall doors, the boys fairly shook the building with their yell. Disappoint-ed again girls; 'tis not a raid—only a pep rally! “On to second floor," shouted the boys, but only a few got past the restraining arms of “Mrs. Arnold." So out the fire escape door they went and up again to second. (One of the fellows op

ened that door.) More yells that made those old wall bulge. Sorry girls, we can't stay longer" and down the stairs they tumbled to first floor. Too bad you girls had your sleep interrupted. Those boys seemed to be in a hurry to get out the front door and down those steps.

But no, the excitement isn't over yet! Noisily they attacked Kline Hall and all this time the girls at Arnold were plotting against the marauders. They rushed to the porch, and as the boys passed below. SPLA8H! Tut, tut, you guys, now you won't have to take your weekly bath. "Scream girls, here they come again." The boys again clambered to second floor, but they couldn't find guilty young ladies. And this time when the boys went

back down the stairs, the girls fol-lowed. Then both boys and girls gathered on the porch stepts of Arnold and let the whole town hear "Fight, Bulldogs, Fight."    

Well, at least, you fellows weren't campused for coming up the fire escapes. Tsch! Tsch! But, you should have seraped and wiped your shoes before entering those halls, for really, you know, those floors are dangerous territory. They were refinished just this summer, and mopping takes all the wax off, which makes it necessary to wax them again, and someone has to be hired to do the work. So you must be punished for getting those floors all muddy. Next time, (ahem) don't wait for a rainy day.

Real pep was shown Thursday morning in Pep Session. With the band striking up some poppy marches the session begun. Songs and yells helped increase the Bulldog enthusiasm to beat Ottawa. The melodrama presented by the heroine, Bernice Keedy, the hero, Oliver Andrews, and the villain, Bill Fry. climaxed the enthusiastic spirit. The poor villain was almost booed off stage.     

Interesting Programs At Vesper

Various types of music were presented by Mrs. Helen Holloway, organist; Lucile Ullery. pianist: Margaret Fry, violinist; and Prof. Fisher, soloist, to a large number of college students and people on the Hill.

Plan to attend the vesper service-tonight. An interesting program has been arranged.

Gladys Shank spent Sunday visiting her parents In Navarre.


The spectator    

Official student publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas.

Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.

HOME OF    1936    Member    1937 THE SCHOOL

THE BULLDOGS Associated Collegiate Press of Quality

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas,

under the act of March 3, 1897.                  


Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR

McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Feature Editor Sports Editor Copy Readers

|Business Manager Assistant Business Manager

Assistant Business Manager

Elton Divine,

Harold Larsen

Norman Edwards Gladys Shank Gordon Yoder

Eldora Van Dermark Vernon D. Michael

Gordon Bower Russell Kingsley

Myrtle Barley

John Bower

Orpha Burn

Frances Campbell

Rosalie Fields

CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Willard Flaming    Rilla Hubbard

Inez Goughnour    Herbert Ikenberry

Lee Haun    Margaret Kagarice

LaVena High Alberta Keller

Marjorie Kinsie Paul Miller Winton Sheffer Kenneth Weaver Marion Washler

Disagree? Well, Don’t Gripe—Work!

On Sunday night, we had a very fine panel discussion in C. E. Any one who did not agree with the things that were said could have the floor and say what he desired to concerning the matter under consideration.

It seemed to be the opinion of the panel that any one who did not agree or was not satisfied with the things the church is doing would he justified in staying home from church and listening to some other man on the radio who probably is better fitted to speak than any one in our city.         

On the surface of the thing It would seem that this would be the logical thing to do. Just for the sake of argument let us look at the thing from a broad standpoint. I believe that we must admit that the church has played a part In all of our lives. Now If it does not serve the need that we think that it should it Is up to us to change it so that it will meet this need. I believe that any one will agree that we must partici

pate in church activities In order to change them and not sulk off by ourselves refusing to have anything to do with its service and poisoning the minds of other folks who are trying to do something about it.

If there Is something that Is going on in our school that we do not like, we use of Influence the best that we can by getting into this very thing that needs changing. For In stance If we want candle light dinners and it seems that it might not go through, the logical thing to do is get back of this thing and push. Wo must admit that this type of thing does have a place in our school life.

On the other hand we could have refused to eat in the dining hall because we were not in sympathy with the way that dinners were served, You know as well as I that this would be considered a foolish thing to do.

I am wondering If it Is not Just as bad to refuse to have anything to do with the church Just because it does not please one In every way.

Are Peace Pledges Practicable?

Despite the conflict of ideals and emotions Involved many people have taken a definite stand in regard to war. They feel that there Is a decided benefit In arriving at a decision before a war situation presents Itself. They maintain that in this way an Individual may remain calm in a time of crisis when bands are playing and soldiers marching.

The opponents of pence pledges on the other hand maintain that because you cannot tell beforehand what the situation will be like in the next crisis you should not commit yourself now. This, in part, is the stand taken by President Ernest H. Wilkins of Oberlin College in a controversy with Albert Palmer of Chicago Theological Century, June 13, 1934). The fact that these two men

of national repute take opposite sides on this issue shows that the matter is by no means a one-sided issue.

One of the most interesting and at the same time enlightening pledges is that made by Dr. Henry Pitt Crane, the noted Methodist minister. His pledge is as follows, "So help me God, I will never bless, sanction, nor participate in another war. How do I know? I don’t. I simply assert the deepest conviction of my whole being while I am still sane, emotionally stable and utterly sincere. Should another war come, I might go. I'm all too infallible, weak and capable of cowardice. That’s why I want to go on record now. So that, would I go, no one shall salute me, eulogise me, nor attempt to glorify me. Rather they must hiss, revile and condemn me for what I should be revealing myself to be; a moral coward, a propagandised puppet, a mob-minded murderer, a world trai-tor, a Christ crucifier."—W. F.

One Fact Further

Knights of the Mud Bath attempted last week to predict the outcome of the coming presidential election by states. We feel obligated to express our thanks for their generosity in admitting that Roosevelt might carry a few of the southern and western states.

We submit that the American Institute of Public Opinion, an organization of professional fact-ga-therers, are better able to predict the political trend than the opposition or ourselves. On this basis, we agree with the Institute poll of last Sunday, Oct. 3.

Safely for Roosevelt today-

(8) South Carolina, (9) Missis-sippi, (12) Georgia, (1) Alabama, (10) Louisiana, (13) Texas, (9) Arkansas, (7) Florida, (11) Tennessee, (13) North Carolina, (4) North Dakota, (4) Utah, (3) Nevada, (11) Virginia, (11) Kentucky, (5) Oregon, (22) California, (4) Idaho, (11) Oklahoma, (4) Montana, (3) Arizona, (8) Maryland, (15) Missouri, (8) Washington This totals 229 safe votes.

Borderline democratic—(3) Delaware. (6) Colorado. (19) Michigan. (12) Wisconsin. (26) Ohio. (11) Minnesota. This makes 77 borderline votes, giving the democrats total of 306 votes.

Landon has (5) Maine, (3) Vermont. (4) New Hampshire. (8) Connecticut. (9) Kansas. (4) South Dakota. (3) Wyoming. This totals 36 safely Republican votes.

Borderline Republican votes are as follows: (4) Rhode Island (36) Pennsylvania. (29) Illinois, (16) New Jersey. (7) Nebraska. (47) New York. (8) West Virginia. (11) Iowa, (14) Indiana, giving a total of 189 borderline. The Republican total is 226.

It might be well to remind the opposition that their old stand-by, the Literary Digest poll, has shown a decided swing toward the President this week. The Literary Digest never misses: so say the Republicans.

Governor Landon, the typical

"Yes-man" on his vacation has been steadily opposing the New Deal policies since he became a candidate. Why did he to readily fall in line with all of President Roosevelt's policies before he became a candidate?

The accomplishments of the present administration have been numerous—banking legislation, raising of of the greatest program of relief the country has ever had, passed security and old-age pension laws, devised and maintained a commendable neutrality policy, and provided for conservation of our resources through agricultural legislation.

But do the Republicans oppose these measures? Oh no, they are heartily in favor of them, so they say, but only wish to take the cred-

The Gallery

The outcome of the prediction made at the dinner table of the Sunday evening sandwiches-apples-and-milk meal proves for the second time this week that the administration is always one jump ahead of students. Methinks that there will be forthcoming remedies also for the jokes related in the dining hall which most of us heard in high school... . and especially after the discovery of those dainties trimmed in blue which escaped from Arnold Hall one midnight.

Dr. Schwalm's idea Saturday night

to show us how romantic the student room is when the lights are out was quite welcome but I still suffer with the thought that Professor Mohler may have swallowed that fly I forgot to take out of his cup of coffee.

Everyone was happy to see our three beauty majesties leave for the city to represent our Alma Mater except David.

Pet diversions: a walk to the draw each night after library hours; forgetting studies by dipping my arms In sudsy suds and cool rinse water on wash day; hoping each night that, the morning will be filled with dancing leaves in In-dian-summer oranges and browns; letting myself be Just me.

A younger sister Is given only the left-over love I suppose, but she has her moments for a comeback. Take for instance just as I had when I was left alone in the presence of the sister’s birthday gift for her boy friend. What a blessed, long-pray-ed-for chance. And what a success! - - - - it was perfect. (You see, the four dashes do add expression if you read them correctly.)

If one really could be campused for sitting on the fire escape waiting for a poetic inspiration, the writing of sonnets should not be suggested by professors any more.

Do not bo fooled by these smokescreens. The Old General, Hoover, Mulvane—henchman Hamilton and good Gov. Landon, are not in favor of the continuance of humane and social measures. They are only camouflaging, their eyes are on the old system of special privileges.

Governor Landon fails to measure up to the promises he has made as a candidate for the presidency. His record as governor of Kansas has been very mediocre. Yet he asks us to believe that he could work wonders as chief executive if but given the chance.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the American people do not in-tend to give him this chance upon such a vague previous record!

Dr. J. W. Hershey and Norman Edwards attended a meeting of the Wichita section of the American Chemical Society last Friday evening.

Eldora Van Dermark spent the weekend in Wichita visiting friends and attending the Jubilee.

Down with the Wildcats! Patronize Spectator Advertisers

Students’ Voice in Discipline?

In regard to the pep episode of

last Wednesday evening, I wish to neither extol nor condemn. But it occurs to me that the method by which it was supposed to be settled caused unnecessary antagonism to-ward the administration—namely that there is no student voice in the matters of school discipline.

The method is somewhat like this. An event occurs that is unconven-tional and perhaps distasteful to  some. The grievances are brought  before the Administrative Commit-tee by some faulty member or re-presentative who, perhaps, has been personally insulted. After due consideration-but, without the expression of student opinions-course of punishment is agreed upon and someone is given the embarrassing task or informing the students. The punishment is pre

sented to the students who are to accept it without a whimper.     

The result is a verbal barrage against the administration that is far from complimentary. One such an event is fertile ground that stimulates the mind to recall other events or conditions—real or imaginary— until the initial stimulus seems a great injustice, particularly when the pecuniary fine—as it invariably is—appears to exceed the damage incurred. The net result is an un-fortunate misunderstanding and friction, between the students and the administration.

I believe that student representation inmatters of school discipline, will bring about a closer understanding between the students and the administration.

-- A Student.

Women’s Council Holds Informal Discussions With Freshman Girls

Under the supervision of the Woman Council freshmen girls met Tuesday evening in the Student Union Room. The girls were divided into three small informal discussion groups.

Becky Ann Stauffer and Margaret

Messamer led a group in discussing social affairs. How to read was discussed in the group headed by Emma Schmidt, Wanda Hoover and Rosalie Fields. Helen Eaton, Gertrude Meyers and Vera Heckman, in their group, told of college traditions.

Down with the Wildcats!

Patronize Spectator Advertisers

§5,000 To Be Given By History Society

“How Can People of the World

Achieve Disarmament” Is Subject For Paper

The New History Society offers the sum-total of five thousand dollars to the entire population of the globe for the best papers of not more than two thousand words on the subject: How Can the People of the World Achieve Universal Disarmament?

The first world prize is one thousand dollars, the second world prize is six hundred dollars, and the third world prize is four hundred dollars. Beside this six continental prizes of two hundred dollars each will be awarded for the best papers from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Mexico, South and Central America and North America.

At the close of the competition, aside from the prize manuscripts which will receive world-wide notice, a comprehensive resume of the demands made by the majority, together with their practical plans, will be brought to the attention of the general public.

The competition begins November 1, 1936, and closes May 1, 1937.

Why a world competition? The silent population of the earth has for too long been acquiescent. Si-

lently it has submitted to the con- ditions imposed by political leaders. Silently it has accepted mutilation and death.

The New History Society, which already has sounded the opinion of the youth of the countries named above on subjects, respectively: "World Peace." "The United States of the World.” 'The Reconstruction of the Human Commonwealth,” "Universal Religion.’ and "The Development of Cooperative and Harmonious Relations among the Races of the Earth," proposes at this time a universal plebiscite in which all the people shall be given a fair and open chance to express themselves on the proposition of continuous mass murder. The Satan of War Is dominating the horizons and through his "religion” and his "hymns" of fear is hypnotising the conscience of nations.

One power alone can drag him from his throne.

The Power of the People of the World!

Musical Program Features Chapel

Former Student Brings Greetings from La Verne

As Dr. Cordier was unable to speak in chapel Friday morning, a musical program was given.

President Schwalm opened the meeting and conducted the devotion-als. Professor Nevin Fisher played three piano numbers: Minuet in E Flat, Beethovan: May-Night.

Palmgren; Mellodie, Destes

Miss Floy Lackey sang "Kiss Me Again” by "Victor Herbert, Professor Fisher and: Crawford played the Sontat In F Major for piano and violin.

The Reverend Maurice Frantz, a former student at the College, and at present a trustee of La Verne College In California, recalled the days when he was a student hero and brought to the students and faculty of M. C. greetings from the students and faculty of La Verne.

"Stewardship” Subject of C. E. Panel Group

"Stewardship" was the subject discussed by a panel group composed of Velma Watkins, Eldora VanDer-mark, Philip Davis and Kenneth Weaver at the regular C. E. meeting Sunday evening at 6:30 in the college Church

Stewardship Is a way of life. It means not only the giving of money to churches, charity organizations and the like, but also the giving of a person’s talents and time to help others and to promote some great cause.

Miss Dorothy Elliott of this city gave a short talk explaining the district C. E. convention which is to be held In McPherson the last of this month.

Devotions were conducted by Ellen Divine: singing was led by Floyd Harris assisted by Frances Campbell.


It seems sort of funny, this discordant process of tuning a violin before playing it, but I guess the technical preparation always goes with the finished production. Anyhow, life is sort of like that, only about all most of us do is tune up. That piece written by Charles G. Dawes should prove to even P. A. L. that one Republican did something useful. The Friday chapel program was the height of culture and courtesy, with two professors bowing to each other—I wish I could bow without feeling as strained as the camel just before the last straw was laid on. And, to quote Dr. Petry, "I’m glad we have a whistle, for when conditions are favorable it blows." Also, I gathered from conversation while awaiting the psysi-cal exam that Wayne Oxley thinks "physicist” is another name for a dispenser of soda water. I like Miss Lehman's chapel programs; that book must have been written with some of our professors In mind.

I like to go to football games, for everybody else’s hair blows wild there too. Friday night someone had just taken his coat out of the moth balls, for you could smell him almost as plainly as you can those people who "promote that feeling of well-being and aid digestion”—you know, “they don't get on your nerves.” The Bulldogs turned up with a powerful offense, but didn’t that light on the third floor Harnly Hall, look lonesome? A man once sent the following order "Please send me the complete works of Shakespeare,. Goethe, Browning, Tennyson and Calvin, also something to read;" "As You Like It:" I didn’t like it, but it is all different now. After the game I started "The Taming of the Shrew" and could not put it away until I found her safely tamed and quite docile. Sometimes I think what a thrill it would be to change stormy, headstrong Kathar-ina into plain, lovable Kate: but as experience shows me the multitude of unselfish things a normal woman will do of her own free will. I think how much better it is to receive than to take: I feel, not dominating, but humble, for it is I who need taming.

Word comes of the appearance on our campus of a new organization. the Six-bit Club. Its members apparently were chosen at random by the executive committee, reputation being sufficient qualification for enrollment. Dues, as may be surmised, are seventy-five cents per accepted member, which seems rather high yet probably they get their money’s worth. Of special interest is the silent president of the organisation, whose name did not appear among the charter members of this esoteric sect until placed there at his special request. Original mem-bers were inducted into the fellowship with due solemnity at a dinner Thursday evening with Prof. R E. Mohler, guest of honor, announc-ing the Judges’ decision made or fragmentary reports of the tryouts the night before . . . I'm glad I got married, for it sure saved me six bits! If the present continues into the future, it may prove some justi-fication of the idea that two can lice as cheaply as one. This demon-strates again how philosophy fosters the ability to concentrate on noth-ing!

—O. Green.


Thursday. Oct. 15

Vespers at College Church, 6:45 p. m.

Friday. Oct. 16 Student Chapel 10 a. m.

Football with Baker at Baldwin. Campus Frolic In Student Union Room 8 p. m.

Sunday. Oct. 17

C. E. at College Church 6:30 p.


Monday. Oct. 18

Women's Council at 4:30 p. m. Tuesday. Oct. 19.

Meeting of Freshman girls with Women’s Council 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Oct. 20

World Service In Y. W. room. 6:45 Thursday, Oct. 21

Pep Chapel 10 to 11 p. m.

New hope for cancer sufferers comes from recent experiments with that which seems to be the nearest approach to a death ray ever produces by science.

The ray is so deadly that a finger placed in its path for only an instant would be lost. White rats exposed to the lethal beam have very quickly perished, their white blood corpuscles destroyed and body tissue in general broken down.

The ray itself is not a new discovery. Until recently, no way was known to render these rays powerful enough for any practical purpose, and they seemed destined to remain laboratory curiosities. Now, Professor Ernest O. Lawrence, of the University of California has devised a machine which turns the rays into one of the most powerful tools of science. The machine is known as the "cyclotron.” In brief the cyclotron consists of a monstrous eighty-five-ton electro magnet resembling two giant millstones poised one above the other. Between these two massive coils rests a circular vacuum chamber of metal resembling a gigantic pill box. The rays flow from this chamber like flaming gas from an open jet.

The rays from the cyclotron are many times more powerful than X-rays. No shield is yet known that will stop them completely. Tanks of water seem to be the most effective barrier. Tests performed on mice indicate that the rays are three times as destructive to healthy tissue and

The Science Corner

four times as destructive to unhealthy as X-rays. So deadly are certain by-products of the luminous rays of the cyclotron that the Uni-versity of California scientists have warned workers in other laboratories where cyclotrons are being constructed.

It is hoped by experimenters that it will be possible to understand and

control the rays to such an extent that they may be used in the treatment of cancer. X-rays hare been employed in cancer treatment but the best that has been done is to cure or benefit about one patient out of six or seven.

Other things such as changing platinum to gold, and producing artificial radium have been done by cyclotron. Many prospects are foreshadowed by the cyclotron and its deadly ray. Some of them are only means of the powerful rays of the hopes as yet but scientists are working to turn them into realities.

Yolanda Clark spent the weekend with her parents.

Frances Campbell spent the weekend at Parsons with her parents.

Vivian Roller spent the weekend with her parents in Geneseo.

Maurine Stutzman had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leland Lindell and Miss Ruth Bish.


The Spectator


Bulldogs to Buck Wildcats Tomorrow

Wow! My Poor Shins Are Black and Blue-Come On, Girls, Let’s Play Ball, Not Fight

M.C Wins First

Conference Tilt

Bulldogs Take Game By Score of 26-7—Muddy Field Causes Difficulties.

The McPherson College Bulldogs, Friday night, gained their first grip on the Kansas Conference standings by defeating Ottawa University 26 to 7. The game was played on a wet field, and both teams experienced difficulty in keeping possession of the ball. After getting off to a slow start, the Bulldogs came to life and had things practically their own way for the remainder of the game.

The crowd got plenty of thrills from the sensational broken field runs of Zuhars and Haun, McPherson backs. The passing attacks of the two teams also added interest. The Bulldogs have shown rapid improvement In this department since the season opened.

The Canines played slow-cautious football during the first quarter. They seemed to be testing the strength of the Braves and preparing for harder work later on. Ottawa was in McPherson territory much of the first quarter, but the Bulldogs kept them away from the goal line.

Midway In the second quarter the Canines recovered an Ottawa fumble on the 26 yard line. On the next play Zuhars dashed off four yards and then Crabb passed to McGill, who gained eight more yards. This gain was nullified, as Zuhars, back to pass again, was tackled for an eight-yard loss when no one was open to receive the toss. Another pass. Crabb to Haun, gained 16 yards, putting the ball down on the three yard line. Zuhars played through the line to score, and Haun kicked the goal.

Haun Bashes For Touchdown Just before the half ended Haun took the hall on an off tackle play, dodged several Braves, side-stepped and twisted ahead and finally rushed past the last Ottawa player to dash 66 yards for the second touchdown. His try for extra point failed to clear the bar.

After the intermission the Bulldogs continued to drive and pound at the Ottawa line, reeling off gains of five, ten and fifteen yards. Haun ran nine yards to the one-yard line and Crabb carried it over for the touchdown. Haun missed the attempted kick lor extra point.

Later In the third quarter, the fleet-footed Haun intercepted an Ottawa pass and raced 35 yards to cross the goal line. He kicked the goal and the score was 26 to 0.

scrimmage: McPherson 212. Ottawa 114, Yards lost at scrimmage: McPherson 26, Ottawa 23. Punts: McPherson 5 for 127 yards, average of 25.6 yards; Ottawa 7 punts for 137 yards, average of 13 yards. Passes McPherson attempted 13, completed 7 for 66 yards: Ottawa, attempted 16. completed 6 for 62 yards. Downs: McPherson 16. Ottawa 0. Passes Intercepted: McPherson 1. Ottawa 2. Fumbles: McPherson 4. Ottawa 2. Penalties: McPherson 4 for 42 yards. Ottawa 4 for 10 yards.

Score by periods:

McPherson 0.    13    13    0

Ottawa .......0    0    0    7

Officials: Referee, Ben Wood: Umpire. Stuart Dunbar; hcadllnes-man. John Galloway.

Games Friday Night McPherson vs. Baker at Baldwin. Ottawa vs. Kansas Wesleyan at Salina.

College of Emporia vs. Pittsburg


Results of Last Week’s Games McPherson. 26: Ottawa. 7.

Baker 13; College of Emporia. 7. Bethany. 6; Haskell. 6 (nonconference).

Both Baker and McPherson Hold One Conference Victory Stiff Fight For the Top

Tomorrow night the McPherson College Bulldogs will play their second conference game against the Baker University Wildcats. Both teams have already won one conference game, and they’ll be out there fighting to stay at the top.    

Last year the Bulldogs held the strong Baker team to a scoreless tie. The Wildcats have lost only one game this season. A strong Rock-hurst eleven defeated them only 147. The Baker line is noted for its ability to hold when making a goal line stand. They held Southwestern on the four-yard line twice.

Coach Selves’ players are now in good condition, and are anxiously awaiting their clash with the Bulldogs. It’s bound to be a good game. The probable starting lineup:

Black and blue are the shins of most of the girls who take Physical Education, as the result of playing soccer.

This Is a comparatively new game for most of the girls, and it’s no easy task to learn the rules and regulations. This week instructions are being given as to the various kinds of kicks. And certainly there are more different kicks in soccer than in football.

In some of the classes the girls are learning to play tennis, and some play tenniquoits.

Our baseball games are "almost’’ as exciting as those between the Yankees and Giants. We even have a home run hitter In the person of Julia Frick.

“Birdie” Keller, as pitcher for team I. fans ’em. while "Hub”, pit

cher for team II.. goes wild and walks em. The pitcher’s balls were too fast for poor Trostle. She got her finger hurt and had to retire to third base.

If anyone has a rule book, lt would please the manager to use it so that arguments between Jessie and "Mamma” Flory about the rules of the game could be quickly settled.

Even when LaVena High plays catcher she has to hare some “pig-tail"—that’s how good she is. But our most flashy catcher is the tall Audrey Hamman. Ruth Rogers and Shorty Wine, captains of the teams, are really getting gray hairs—such a worry and responsibility. you know. But, no kidding, these girls have a lot of fun and it takes such enthusiastic players as these to make up the W. A. A.





























• Holman







Patronize Spectator Advertisers Marjorie Kinzie spent the weekend at her homo In Canton.

Julia Frick went to her home In Durham for the weekend.

Emerson Chisholm spent the weekend In Dodge City.

Margaret Hahn and Marjorie Pod-dock spent the weekend in Inman visiting parents and friends.

Esther Kimmel spent Sunday with Phyllis Powers.

Down with'the Wildcats!

Sport Skit*

For a while last week it seemed possibly that Mike Vasquez would be moved to the fullback position to fill a vacancy caused by injuries. Gene Kemper heard of this and said several praiseworthy things of Mike. ‘'Vasquez, a Mexican guard who captains the Bulldogs, is as good pound for pound, as we have in this state. I'm one who believes Mike will deliver in any assignment.”

Baker upset the dope by defeating College of Emporia 13 to 7 on the Presbies' own field. The Wildcats scored both touchdowns in the first period indicating a strong offensive early In the game.

Ottawa Scores Touchdown    

Ottawa’s only touchdown came in the final quarter after a series of breaks had placed them In scoring position. The Braves advanced to the four-yard line with the aid of several penalties and a blocked punt. After two passes had been broken. Cupa completed one to. Harding who scored. Van Arb kicked the goal for the extra point.    

The Bulldog line held wonderfully Friday night and the entire game seemed to have more drive and de-termination than in previous games. The passing, especially, showed improvement. Haun, Zuhars and Crabb did the tossing, with McGill, Haun and Horst receiving. Several times they leaped in the air to snag seemingly impossible tosses.    

Merwin Hapgood, fullback, had engaged in only light workouts for three weeks, but he was in there backing up the line all the time. He was injured In the first game of the season.

Starting lineup:    

Kansas Conference Standings


McPherson ..............1







Kansas Wesleyan —1




Baker ---------------1




Ottawa ............1...0








College of Emporia 0




Students to Appear on Programs

The Cosmos Club of Lindsborg has invited the Cosmos Club of McPherson to Lindsborg on October 20.

Floy Lackey will sing "Oh, Cease Thy Singing, Malden Fair,” by S. Rachmaninoff:    Frances Campbell

will play the violin obligato by Fritz Kreisler, and Margaret Fry will play the piano accompaniment.

Milton Morrison went to Roxbury for the weekend

The Swedes finally put over a touchdown against Haskell after the Indians had scored early in the fourth quarter. Ireland of Bethany heaved a long pass from his own 40-yard line to Lemon, who carried the ball across. The Swedes had the ball on the two yard line when the game ended. They completed 8 out of 11 passes for a gain of 107 yards. Haskell, was outplayed In every de-partment but punting.

The Bulldogs' entire squad Is ready for tomorrow’s game. All in-jured players are now in good condition. Hapgood and Shannon, who suffered greatest Injuries, have completely recovered and are ready for action.        

At least two coaches were here Friday scouting the Bulldogs. Coach Liston of Baker and Unruh of Beth-el were looking over the Canines Liston said. “We’ll try to beat the Bulldogs at their own game.’’ Baker too has a speedy backfleld with several track men on the squad.

All-School Hallowe’en

Party Planned by "M” Club





































Substitutes: Ottawa: Morgan. D. Hoff. Gardner. Pitts. C. Smith, Clark. Orr. Swetman. Van Arb, Adams and Cuba. McPherson:' C. Colwell. Robertson,. Keck. York, Vaughan, Weig-and and Mathiot.     

Summary; Yards gained from

An all-school Hallowe’en party sponsored by the "M club" will be held Saturday night, October 31 at

the Alumni Gymnasium. All students are urged to come masked or in some costume. Prizes will be awarded to the best-costumed boy and girl.     

The students will enter the east door of the gymnasium and be led through the building, finally arriving on the gym floor. Following the decision of the Judges, the “M” club will give a short program. Light refreshments will be served following the program.     

Confetti and all sorts of horns will be, sold to those wishing them. Make arrangements now to come and have a good time.

Patronise Spectator Advertisers

Kansas has an outstanding collection of ends this year. Outstanding ones In the Kansas Conference are Lee of College of Emporia, and Lemon, of Bethany. .