VOL, xx

McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas. Thursday, oct. 8. 1936


Dr. V. F. Schwalm plans to upend considerable time in the field this year, visiting the constituency in our various church districts.

A Cappella Choir

Elects Officers

New Music Ordered for Group of Professor Fisher

The A Cappella choir had its first business meeting last Monday evening. Chris Johnson, former presi-dent, presided over the meeting.

The members discussed getting robes for the group to use in performances. Election of officers was held during the meeting. Following are the officers for the new year: president, Paul Miller; treasurer, Velma Watkins; publicity chair-man, Daniel Zook; librarian, Bill Fry.

Concluding the meeting, former president Johansen said, ”I am Impressed by the way the group goes after its new music. I enjoyed working with the A Cappella group. I wish you the best of luck in the future. "

In his acceptance speech, Mr. Miller wanted the newly elected officers to understand that their job was a big one and not just an honorary position. He also said that with a lot of hard work, the McPherson choir could be out of the best in the running.

Professor Kevin Fisher announced that he had ordered some new music for the choir. This Includes one number by the Russian composer, S. J. Tancyef's “Sunrise. " There is also a new arrangement of the choir's identification somg, "Dedication, " by Robert Frans and arranged for eight parts by Noble Cain, and a collection of the world-famous Chorales by the great composer, J. Bach.

The Negro spiritual “Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray, " Is so well-liked by the old choir members that additional copies were ordered for the new ones. And lastly, a modern sacred chorus, "We Pray The Gracious Lord, " has been ordered.

Floy Lackey and Professor Fisher gave a short concert before the Parent-Teacher's Association of Canton last Wednesday night Oct. 7th. Margaret Fry played the accom-paniment.

Which Will be Honored as Football Jubilee Queen Tomorrow?

   Gladys Shank    Vera Heckman    Margaret Fry

Freshman, Navarre, Kan..    Sophomore. McPherson, Kan.     Sophomore, Omaha, Neb.

Above are shown the three candidates at McPherson college who are being voted upon this week to select a beauty queen to represent the college at the Kansas Diamond Jubilee which will be held at Wichita during the Week of October 12. The contest is being sponsored by The Quadrangle, the college yearbook. The contest will close Friday and the winner will represent McPherson college in the Jubilee beauty queen contest at Wichita.

Group Attends Peace Meeting

“My Program for Peace” Subject of Addresses at Wichita Last Friday Night

At the Hotel Lassen

Houston and Patterson Are Main Speakers on Program Sponsored By Peace Action Committee

Friday evening, October 2, a number of people motored to Wichita to hear Honorable John M. Houston and Candidate J. B. Patterson talk on "My Program for Peace” at the  Hotel Lassen.

The program, which was sponsored by the 5th Congressional District Peace-Action committee, was held to enable voters to decide which candidate if elected would best further the peace opinions of our country. Both candidates were asked to express their opinions of the peace planks adopted by the National Peace Conference at which representatives of 34 peace organizations met.

These planks, are as follows: (1) national defense policy based on defense of our soil from Invasion, not of our Interests abroad, (2) easing of International tensions through reciprocal trade agreements and stabilization’of currencies, (3) stronger

   neutrality legislation Including embargoes on basic war materials, (4) international cooperation in the settlement of disputes by peaceful means in acordance with the princi-ples of the Kellogg Pact. (5) nationalization of the munitions Industry and taking the profits out of war, (6) watchful maintenance of the constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech, press and assembly.

Mr. Patterson, who spoke first, endorsed this program in a general way. He stressed the nationalization

   of the munitions industry especially;

In fact he would be willing to see the government go into the munitions business even at a heavy loss. He also stated that "defense of continental America only would do more to keep America out of war than anything else. ”

Mr. Houston read a rather lengthy, well developed paper. He also endorsed certain phases of the peace planks. He stressed the easing of economic tensions especially. He  stated that the New Deal through its reciprocal trade agreements has done much to ease economic tensions. Mr. Houston declared that "if goods can’t cross boundaries armies will. "

After both candidates had expressed their views, a short twenty minute question period took place, then each member of the audience was allowed to express his choice for candidate on a ballot that was presented to him.     

The following people from College Hill attended the meeting. Mrs. M. W. Emmert, Mrs. Fisher, Inez Goughnour, Alberta Keller, Theresa Strom, Billy Thompson, Charles Shelter, Fred Horton, George Toland and Willard Flaming.     

Schwalm and Yoder Speakers at Morrill District Meeting

Last week end found Dr. Schwalm and Dr. Yoder attending the Brethren  District Convention at Morril, Kansas.     

Dr. Schwalm delivered five ad-dresses and Dr. Yoder assisted in the business meeting as well as giv-ing a couple of addresses. M. C. students on the program were To-shiro Tsubokawa, who spoke on "History of Christianity in Japan. " and Vernon Michael. Other students making the trip were Lucile Kistner and Charlotte Nance: Kenneth Weaver accompanied then as far as To-peka.             

On his return trip Dr. Schwalm saw and spoke to the honorable governor, Alf. M. Landon, at the capital building. Dr. Schwalm referred to the presidential candidate as "a democratic sort of Republican. "     -

While Dr. Schwalm was at Mor-ril, Dean Bright and Miss Bowers were attending the Kansas Associa-tions of Deans and Registrars at Marymount College, Salina, Kansas.

C. E. Davis, Field Secretary of McPherson College, who will take an active part In the field work for the Anniversary campaign.

Contest For Beauty Queen Near Close

Plans Being Made For the Coronation Ceremony

With the contest for Beauty Queen rapidly drawing to a close, definite plans are being formulated for the entertainment of the queen and her attendants.

Monday afternoon, October 12, the party will go to Wichita to ho honored guests at the Kansas Diamond Jubilee celebration. There they will attend the Jubilee and view the exhibits. In the evening, they will view the historical pageant at the stadium, then they will attend the El Rancho Grande carnival and ceremonies.

News photographers will be on hand to take their pictures. The queens in attendance will probably be presented over radio station kans.

The official title of the queen will be the Football Jubilee Beauty Queen, it Is planned tentatively to hold coronation ceremonies locally at the annual homecoming football game.

Students are urged to buy their Quads Immediately, as the contest closes Friday, October 9, at five o’clock.

Freshman Girls! Notice!

Freshmen Girls! Notice!

Personality Development! Group Discussions! How to Study! Why M. C. Has the Bulldog for It’s Mascot!

No, the above doesn't quite make sense but all freshmen girls come to the student union room next Tuesday evening at 7: 30 and yon will discover what plans have been made for the discussion groups under the auspices of the Woman’s Council.

Watch the bulletin board to see in Which group you are to be.

Margaret Messamer, Francis Campbell, and Miss Gill spent the week end visiting friends in Lawrence. Miss Warner accompanied them as far as Lawrence and went on to Kansas City.

Religious Leaders In

Leading Representatives of America Meet at Appleton

Appleton, Wis. —With religious intolerance rampant in a great strifetorn world, leading representatives of America's three great religions gathered on the campus of Lawrence College for a six-day conference early this month to discuss problems common to Protestant, Christian and Jew. This Institute of Human Relations was sponsored by the Chicago Round Table of Jews and Christians. -

Though wide disagreement was expressed between groups in regard to doctrine, there was unanimous accord when it came to fighting their common enemies: intolerance, race and class hatred, atheism, fascism and communism.

Chicago’s Rabbi Louis L. Mann summarized the whole conference thus: "We need not fear differences but indifference to religion. The struggle today is not a struggle between religions but a struggle of religions—of all religious against a common foe, the recrudescence of paganism and irreligion. Religions must unite against poverty, human exploitation, unemployment, crime, corruption and war. ”

Dr. Preston Bradley, noted pastor of Chicago’s People’s Church, warned that religion ended where dic-tatorship began. The battle, he said, was not between any particular faith and a state tyranny, but of all faiths against the common foe, dictatorship. Religionists, he contended, must face the pressing current issues of the day. "If religionists had spent as much time and energy In the Interest of the future or this world as they have in being certain of the future of some other world, religion would be a greater and more decisive factor In the world today. '

Turning to the economic side of the human relations problem. Prof. H. D. Lasswell of the University of Chicago said that the presence of a large and prosperous middle class was

necessary if democratic American institutions were to survive. Concentration of economic control in the hands of a few is not only the path to violence, but to the end of the American republic. He suggested as a possible solution to the problem of concentration of wealth, the organization of functional groups which might have a program of steeply graduated Income taxes, easier credit for the smaller business man, and the transformation of monopolistic chain groups Into democratically controlled chain groups.

Leading the discussion titled "Problems of the College Campus, ” Dr. E. W. Blakeman of the University of Michigan stated that the crying need In the field of religious education is for teaching the principles of Eastern, Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faiths to all, a "cross fertilization of all cultures that guarantees deep and abiding solidarity. "

Administration Launches Drive

Program To Raise $100, 000 For McPherson College By Time Of Commencement

Cooperation Urged

Actions Are Directed Toward Complete Standardization Of College

The trustees and Administration of McPherson College are launching a spirited program to raise $100, 000 for the school by the time of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of its founding, which will bo observed at the 1937 commencement

The General Education Board of the Church of the Brethren is squarely back of this campaign for the board believes that McPherson College has a permanent place in the educational program of the Church of the Brethren and has urged the trustees to take action to fully standardize the institution. The complete statement of the board is given elsewhere In this issue.

Following the receipt of this stimulating communication, our trustees. In their annual meeting last February, authorised a campaign for

$125, 000 and took the necessary preliminary steps to set it in motion. Then came the drought of 1936 and made a modification of the original plans seem wise. Accordingly the trustees, In a special session on Sept. 8. 1936, voted to reduce the amount to be raised this year to

$100, 000 and that amount becomes our official goal for the Fiftieth Anniversary Campaign.

Pressing Needs Necessitate Funds

This $100, 000 will go far towards meeting some of the most pressing needs of McPherson College and will give the truatees a strategic advantage as they seek to provide further for the future of the school.

McPherson College has been surveyed three times within the last five years: by Dr. Robert L. Kelly for our General Education Board; by Dean C. H. Oldfather and President O. R. Latham, representatives of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools; and by Dr. John L. Seaton, President of Albion College. These three surveys agree in pointing out the following urgent, immediate needs of the school:

1.    A new Physical Education


2.    A. new dormitory for men.

3.    A higher salary scale for faculty members with provisions for sabbatic leave, retirement, etc. This will make it possible to hire and hold the highest type of teachers.

4.    An Increased endowment.

6. Membership in the North Central Association.

Cabinet Making Class Visits Large Factory in Nebraska

Members of the Advanced Cabinet Making Class made a trip to Beatrice, Nebraska last Friday for an inspection tour of the Store-Craft Manufacturing Co.     

The class saw the rough lumber as it came to the plant and all the stages of the manufacturing process: complete assembly ready for packing and shipment.

The trip also included a tour of the drafting and glassworks division of

the plant.

Those making the trip were: Emerson Chisholm, Alvin Goering, Lee Haun, Chet Johnston, Mark Porter, and Professor S. M. Dell.

Worship God Through Music At

Weekly Vesper Service Tonight

Find a place for a time of spiritual renewing in your week's activities. Worship God through music at the weekly vesper service at 6: 45 on Thursday night.

Inspirational music was rendered last week at this service by Mrs. Helen Holoway, organist; Prof. Fisher, pianist; and Prof. Crawford, violinist. A large number of College students and church people attended.


The Spectator

Thursday, OCT. 8. 1936

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.

1936    Member    1937 THE SCHOOL

THE Bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press of Quality

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson,

Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.    


Subscription Rates

For One School Year $1. 00

Address All Correspondence to The Spectator


Editor-in-Chief------------------------------Harold Larsen

Assistant Editor    ----------Norman Edwards

Feature Editor .............................................Gladys Shank

Sports Editor ..............—--------Gordon Yoder

Copy Readers    Ellen Divine, Eldora Van Dermark

Assistant Business Manager......—.....—............. Gordon Bower

Assistant Business Manager.......................Russell Kingsley

Myrtle Barley John Bower Orpha Burn. Frances Campbell Rosalie Fields


Willard Flaming Rilla Hubbard

Inez Goughnour    Herbert     Ikenberry

Lee Haun    Margaret Kagarice

LaVena High    Alberta    Keller

Should Small Church Colleges Stand?

Marjorie Kinsie Paul Milter

Winton Sheffer Kenneth Weaver Marion Washier

The Tocsin

The Gallery

In an editorial entitled "Small Christian Colleges Distinctive.”

B. Warren Brown wrote In "The Liberal Arts College Bulletin” of March, 1922, as follows:

"Independent colleges, generally church-related, make their highest contribution to the educational system of the country by being distinctive rather than by duplicating tax-supported insti-tutions . . .

"We conceive that small church-related colleges, independently supported have three distinctive qualities which set them apart from tax-supported institutions and afford the basis for this unique contribution which they make to American education.

“First, by reason of independent support they are able to undertake educational experiments and to pioneer problems of education to an extent not permissible in institutions under political control and responsi

ble for mass education . . .

Second, by reason of independent control and small site coupled generally with location in smaller communities, Church-related colleges have been able to select students carefully and to largely control the environment surrounding their college years. These features giving more personal education to each student, closer relations between teacher and student and a higher level of association among students, tax supported and very large Institutions have been unable to supply because of their extreme diversity of training and types of students, their immense size and their location usually in large centers of population.

"Third, the church related college is unique In its opportunity to promote spiritual values, it only stands for these values as a trustee of the spiritual element In higher education, but promotes them in daily living.”

Why Break Voluntary Rules?

Only a hang-over adolescent high-school psychology could cause any college students to delight in infraction of rules because of the public recognition which punishment for the misconduct entails. However, it is evident recently that certain college students have not progressed sufficiently along the road of development to realise this fact.

When an individual voluntarily places himself subject to restrictions and elects officers to enforce those rules, he reveals himself as the poorest of sports if he does not coopor-ate in observing the laws which he  himself has helped make. To break  rules for the purpose of achieving a social recognition which the individual cannot gain in a legitimate

way because of maladjusted person-silty is one of the best possible ways to reveal the inadequacy of the particular individual. Discerning college students easily see through such a subterfuge, and the purpose of the malefactor is defeated. Notoriety Is gained, but not true social approval.

Those students who desire to see laws and rules observed for the good of the whole will do well to ignore deliberate violators, and refrain from granting the recognition which the latter hope to gain by public punishment for illicit conduct. That in the long run is the best way to squash the well-laid plans of a hangover adolescent who has not grown up.    

Employing a bit of alliteration, the political pundit who have undertaken to uphold the waning prestige of the administration have chosen a very pretty title for their strip. The only fault we would find with either the title or the column itself is that the authors forgot to include the "one fact" mentioned and confined themselves entirely to hyperbole and wishful thinking.

Last week we stated that the method used in the current Digest poll was more reliable than that of any other straw vote. A test for this affirmation was recently held in Michigan—a wide investigation revealed that one in twenty people in that state had received a Digest ballot, but the same Impartial investigation failed to find a single person who had been sounded out for Geo. Gallup's Institute of Public Opinion. You may draw your own conclusions. Incidentally, the Digest poll gives Michigan to Landon whereas Georgie Gallup would throw it in the Democratic column.

Again, certain critics of the Digest poll do not believe it has ever had a fair test, and therefore is not reliable. However, we would not that in the pivotal states which are conceded by both sides to hold the fate of the election, the poll so far shows

a wide margin for Landon—not a close race. This is true in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Indiana, and others. Thus, if any faith is to be put into large majorities at all, it appears that the Digest could be way off and Landon could still take the election.

Well, the election is drawing nigh unto a close—only four weeks left. Pres. Roosevelt has opened his campaign with a bang—but it proved to be only a lot of hot air oratory intending to give all good Democrats an elementary lesson in zoologydealing with that class of Chordales known as herrings, of the red variety. Unfortunately the president failed to offer anything constructive in his speech except an amusing but pathetic tale about an old gentleman with a silk hat. This is in striking contrast to the constructive type of speech offered by the Republican candidate in his speeches Des Moines, Minneapolis, etc.

I learned from the peace meeting at Wichita that Congressman candidates who sit on platforms and munch ice cubes make eyes at girls and that people will clap their hands with vigor when mention is made of ousting the communists.

The evening would have been complete in thrills if we three girls had taken Mother Emmert up the fire escape.

One of the grandest feelings of my life I experienced at the age of wooley caps and mittens when was allowed to drift off into sleep on a church bench with my head in my mom's lap as she sang "Take Time to be Holy." And even now I can recapture the peevishness I felt is my slumbers were broken into by the closing hymn and the minister's "—now and forever more . . . Amen."

What should I find in some current books I’ve been reading than two old favorite friends. "Woebegone” and "rigmarole." To meet them in such classic thoroughfares was a delight.

We need a Pled Piper! LaMar and Orville have sacrificed a nickel’s worth of peanuts to bait the trap for ten victims in their room; Margaret Fry lost several mouse-sized nibbles from a candy bar; the pages of some books in the library have been needlessly frayed; and I don't know which, of Raphael's paintings are in the Louvre simply because a mouse was performing some captivating antics at the tea Sunday when Mrs. Johnson was telling us of le jolie Paris.

If I see our two professors on the skating rink I know I shall call them Claude and Alice in true roller-skating informality.

Large Group Finds Enjoyment

In Friday's All School Sing

More than one hundred students and faculty members found an evening of great enjoyment in the Student Union room last Friday night at 8:00.

Songs of every type—popular and folk, old an new—were sang under the direction of Professor Fisher and Miss Opal Hoffman. Musical stunts were presented. Dr. Petty surprised and pleased everyone by playing on his guitar. Everyone present found that music is a source of good clean fun—and lots of it.

Those attending the pence conference at Wichita from McPherson last Friday evening were Willard Fleming, George Toland, Inez Goughner, Theresa Strom, Alberta Keller, Fred Horton, Charles Shell-er, Mrs. Olimast, Mrs. Nininger and son, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Emmert, Miss Young and four or five from Central.

Question For League Debating

This Year Announced By Hess

The question for League debating this year is: Resolved, that Congress should be empowered to fix minimum wages and maximum hours for industry.

Tryouts will be held November 3 and 4. Two rounds of inter-class de-bates are scheduled for October 13 and 20. The following week the winners of those rounds will meet to determine the school championship

Last Tuesday evening debaters met with Professor Maurice A. Hess  and "discussed plans for winning a

mention for the interest of all concerned that Landon is leading with approximately 58 per cent of the popular vote and 299 electoral votes with almost a million votes recorded in the poll. Only time will confirm our predictions.

Yours for an overwhelming Democratic defeat, your humble correspondent,

Alex. Q. Phillpotts.

Dean Smith’s Doctor's Thesis

Receives Special Recognition

Can Democracy Stem Rise of Dictatorship?

■ What part does the individual laborer play in the choice that must sooner or later be made by the labor parties of France and England? Should he cast aside the conviction of his party that war is useless and futile and fight against fascism? Can he by taking the sword defend what little democracy is left in Europe.        

Men in military circles contend that theirs Is the only realistic course to follow. In a world that depends upon force a country must be armed to protect its rights and fight for them if necessary. Disarmament is silly sentimentalism and extreme idealism: pacifism is only a fond theory of the intellectual who is floating up in the sky.

In direct contrast comes the pacifist and says that his stand is the only realistic one to take. George  Lansbury noted British labor lead-er and pacifist has put it this way? "Those who support war Claim to be realists. They speak of pacifists as cranks and sentimentalists. But, judged by the standard of success, it is those who support a society based on force and war who are the sentimentalists. We noed not ransack the pages of history to prove this. The great war—was fought to abolish militarism and autocracy and to make the world safe far democracy. We have only to look around the world to see what a foolish, sentimental dream that was. Humanity

paid a terrible price in human suffering, sorrow and death, and it never received what it paid for."

Yet even in the ranks of his own party Lansbury is finding leaders who disagree with him. Herbert Morrison, calm, steady labor leader and Sir Stafford Cripps, attorney-general in the former labor cabinet, have come out openly in favor of armed intervention in the Spanish civil war. They both agree that the time has come when labor must make a strong stand against fas-cism in Spain because the reality of the crises cannot be disguised.

Thus the laborer of England is at the fork in the road: it is now up to him to decide which beacon he will follow.

In America many people say

that incase the next war will be

a battle between facism and

democracy they will gladly lay

down their lives for democracy.

By dying for democracy in this manner they hope to

perpetuate it. Yet little do these

same individuals realise that by

the use of force they may be helping

along their very enemy for war and

democracy cannot exist together.

As soon as war is declared freedom

of speech and press vanish: all interests may be subordinated to the one of win-ing the war. In order to make this possible a virtual dictatorship is established, even in strongly democratic countries, and maintained during the period of the war. Thus if

Special recognition was given Dean Smith in the publication of the thesis written by her before receiving her Ph. D. degree.     

Dr. Smith's thesis was published in the University of Iowa Study Series, Volume three on Infant Behavior. Its title was "The Relative Brightness Values of Three Hues for Newborn Infants." The result of this study might indicate that new-born boys are totally color blind and newborn girls are partially color blind.    


Yolanda Clark spent the weekend at her home near Roxbury.

Patronize Spectator Advertisers

we should go to war to defend democracy the ideal we are trying save will vanish. When Mars comes in the door. Justice goes out the window. Can our country stand another major crises of this nature and retain to democracy after the

war is over?

Thus we are faced with the strange paradox of fighting for a thing that disappears the moment war is declared, not only that, but we are also making it harder for democracy to come back, it would be a comparatively easy task for a demagogue to remain in power, the war may so have disabled the government that eventually a strong man can gain control of the government on the pretense of establishing peace and order.

The crises that democracy is facing is by no means an easy one. Can she stem the tide of dictatorship and at the same time use the means to do this that are compatible with democracy?

$100, 000 Is Goal of Financial Campaign

To Build and Equip New Physical Education Plant Main Project

The alumni, constituency, and friends of McPherson College naturally desire to make the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the college a celebration not only of the accomplishments, sacrifice, and service of the past but also of their own achievements. To that end, the trustees have authorized a special financial campaign with a goal of $100, 000.

The money is to be used for the following purposes:

1.    To build and equip a new physical education plant costing about $40, 000 to $45, 000. This Is to be a special project of the alumni and will replace the present Alumni Gymnasium.

2.    To carry the current expenses of the year. This will insure that our teachers are paid In full, that all repairs and upkeep of the buildings and campus are taken care of, that the expenses of the campaign are met, and that there Is no operating deficit for the year.

3.    To add to the endowment the balance, which we expect to be at least $30, 000.

Thus we will meet, at least In part, some of our most pressing needs—a new physical education plant, teachers paid in full, a more attractive campus with the buildings In better condition, and a worthwhile addition to our permanent endowment funds..

Senator Capper Gives Several Books to the College Library

Senator Arthur Capper gave the College library several books which were badly needed to bring the library series up-to-date. They are the "Year Rook of Agriculture. " 1934. 1935. 1936. This included three separate volumes. "Con-gresional Directory” 74th Congress. 2nd Session. 1936, was also sent.

A classified list of other books are: History. "The Rise of the Common Man From 1830 to 1850," Vol. 6. by Fish; Home Economics. "Chem-istry of Food and Nutrition," Sherman: Personnel Work,"Popularity.” Wieman; Psychology. “Handbook of Child Psychology," First Edition, Murchison:    Education. "Achieve

ment Examinations," Mann: "Reading Readiness." Harrison:    Litera

ture, "The Third Yearbook of Short Plays"; "The Gospel of John," MacGregor.

“Pop” Nance of Topeka To Be At C. E. Convention Here

The District C. E. Convention, which includes the Presbyterian, Christian, Congregational and Brethren church, is to be held October 30, 31 and Nov. 1 in this city with its headquarters at the Presbyterian church.

R. S. (Pop) Nance of Topeka is scheduled as one of the main speakers. Dean Mohler is to speak Saturday afternoon. A banquet is being planned for Saturday night.

Miss Dorothy Elliott of this city has been chosen chairman of this convention. Miss Theresa Strom Is representing the College C. E. and is helping to arrange the program.

It is urged that all students keep these dates open and plan to attend this convention. Watch for further announcements!

At a tea given to welcome all College women by the ladies of the Col-lege church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Mrs. F. O. Johnson of this city related some of her experiences traveling in Europe this summer.

Miss Dobson, music director of the McPherson high school sang “I Have a Rendezvous with Love", Mr. Eugene Nininger played a violin solo, and Mrs. J. Hugh Heckman gave a welcome to the College women.         

The program for the afternoon was concluded by the serving of tea by Mrs. V. F. Schwalm.

College church, 6: 45.

Friday, October 9—A. W. Cordier speaks in Chapel. 10:00. End of Beauty contest. 5 o'clock. Foot-ball game with Ottawa. 8:15. Saturday, October 10—Dedication of Student Union Room. 8:00. Sunday, October 11—C. E. at College church, 6:45.

Monday, October 12—Columbus Day Tuesday, October 13 — Women's Council meeting for freshman girls. 7:30.

Wednesday, October 14— World Service, Y. W. room, 6:45 Thursday, October 15—Pep Chapel. 11:00.

Alumni To Sponsor Gymnasium Project

Committee Has Been Appointed to Confer on Details

In 1911 the Alumni built the Alumni Gymnasium to meet the physical education needs of the college. For many years it served these needs comparatively well, but with more students interested in Physical Education and with a much greater emphasis on health, the building and facilities are no longer adequate. The wear and tear of use and the ravages of time have made the old gymnasium inadequate and entirely unsatisfactory.

During the past summer a representative of the North Central Association, after Inspecting the build-ings, said, “The Gymnasium is impossible, too small, badly planned, poorly equipped, in a bad state of repair, unsightly and unsuitably lo-cated. It is fit only for destruction and replacement by a new gymnasium or field house. " Educational in-stitutions everywhere are putting greater emphasis on Physical Education and standardizing agencies are demanding complete health programs to meet the needs of all the students.     

This Is the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the College. The Trustees are in the midst of a $100, 000 campaign to promote the Interests of the College. The Alumni will have their share in this campaign. It was thought by the Trustees and those who are planning the campaign that the alumni would appreciate the Physical Education project since they had built the old gymnasium, it is the judgement of College representatives that $40, -000 to $45, 000 will build and equip a plant adequate for our needs. The Alumni have endorsed this project recommended by the Trustees as their special project.

A committee of the Alumni has been appointed to confer with the Executive Board Committee In working out the details of the campaign.

Musical Program Presented Sunday Evening at Endeavor

A musical program was presented at the regular C. E. meeting Sunday evening at 6: 30 In the College church.

The program included a vocal solo. "Lord, for Tomorrow and its Needs", by Miss Gladys Shank: two numbers by an Instrumental octet; a violin solo by Miss Florence Meyer; vocal trio by Misses Viola Harris, Eldora Van Dermark and Helen Eaton; organ solo by Miss June McNamee; and a piano solo by Miss Evelyn High.

Miss Avis Heckman conducted

devotionals. Miss Opal Hoffman led group singing, Miss Lucile Ullery was pianist and Miss June McNamee acted as organist. An offering was taken to pay the Expense of the royalty of a one-act play which is to be given in the near future.

Dean Mohler Attends Meetings In Interest of Brethren Church

Dean R. E. MoblcJ attended three meetings last week in the Interests of the Brethren Church. At Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he attended a meeting of Men's Workers. He went from there to Chicago, where he attended a meeting of the General Conference Program Committee. At the meeting of the National Board of Christian Education, held at Elgin, Illinois, he was elected presi-dent of that board.

Charlotte Nance spent the week at her home In Reserve.

Florence Meyer spent the week- end at her home at Lost Springs.


Thursday. October 8—Vesper


Apparently whoever picked the original ten beauty queens just have had most of his friendships in the freshman class; at least, he could see nothing representative in the senior class. Still, I don't think I could pick three myself better than the three we have. It is a funny process though, this making some girl the most beautiful by buying votes for her. I guess money always did buy beauty; one of Bon Johnson's characters speaks of the women of the play, “One of their faces has not had a priming color laid on yet. ” Goody for Miss Leh-man! She has the nerve to suggest a successor to the pajama parade more worthy of cultured people. And Dr. Boitnott suggests we read more material outside of class work to increase the selfsame culture. I

believe he is right, but how can a fellow do it when taking nine hours under Petry? I never realised before why life Interests me so:     I

haven't time to be bored. All I have to do tonight, besides writing this drivel, is to read a play, write two papers, complete a unit in Philosophy, and prepare a short talk for C. M. comission meeting tomorrow.

And there are hosts of other interesting things:    Avis Heckman

braving the rain wrapped in cellophane. (How is that for style, Jane? ) Yes, and the blackboard Miss Cologne wanted finally arrived on the stage, It must have been as hard to find as Forney when you want to do some NYA work. Dr. Schwalm urged us to make the most of these

fine days, and at once I sec students making the most painstaking efforts to utilize these celestial nights Moonlight used to make me melancholy (cold and dry, as Dr. Flory interprets Johnson), now it silvers the clouds in my soul, for now there is not only a man in the moon but a woman in the world, and that makes a world of difference!

The Spec keeps urging the poor, homesick student to send it home to dad and mother, so perhaps I should add my plea to the campaign. I am sending the paper to Henrietta's mother: she has a cupboard with shelves no other paper will fit like the Spec does.     

Give us a few more pep sessions like the last, and we'll have Prof. Fisher out coaching the football team.

Who has the nerve to stand out from the crowd and be his own master regardless of what the rest do? Yet is not progress made that way? Rev. Davis made good case for the non-conformer. Sunday night (with Amos refusing to conform to to the traditional prejudice against sleeping in church. ) We had a church-dinner sized crowd at CE, but with the benediction they melted away like prayer meeting had been announced. Maybe the rest don’t

feel the need of preaching as I do. One young fellow, who aspires to be a preacher, told me he was going to see Les Miserables. He should get him a Sunday night movie house Instead of a church; then he wouldn't have to view with a heavy heart his church emptying itself of its youth, but could minister to their souls with the gospel of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.     

—G. Green.

Wide Varieties of Activities Included in N. Y. A. Projects

It is needless to extol the merits of the NYA to those who receive aid in this way. It will be of interest, however, to other students to know how much NYA is helping individuals and, ultimately, the College.

NYA projects include a wide va-riety of activities: work in the li-braries of both College and city; re-creational work at :the YMCA; sec-retarial and office work; research work in various departments of the College including thee departments of Chemistry, Education, and English; work with the County Red Cross organisation; some work in dietetics: and many campus improvements,    

Sixty nine students worked a total of 2770 hours on NYA projects during the month of September.

Mrs. H. L. Divine and Walford Barnes of Garden City, Kansas were the guests of Ellen Divine during the week end.    

Maurine Stutzman spent the week end in Wichita visiting friends.

The first educational meeting ever held at our Annual Conference was in 1883 at Bismarck Grove near Lawrence, Kansas. It was arranged

for by S. Z. Sharp, a member of the faculty of Mount Morris College. later a founder and the first president  of McPherson College.

Soon after this, Brother Sharp, learning that the Rock Island Railway proposed to make Herington the center of their system in Kansas, bought some land near the town and told Mr. Herington, the promoter of the city, about his plan of establishing a college at that place. Mr. Her-ington offered a beautiful site and $30, 000 in cash towards the project and proceeded to give some publicity to the matter. This publicity aroused other leaders and towns and soon people were promoting the Interests of Morrill, Belleville, Quinter, Fredonia, and Hutchinson.

Plainly it would not do to establish so many Brethren colleges. At the suggestion of M. M. Eshelman and the agreement of those interested, a meeting was arranged for at the 1887 Annual Conference which was to meet at Ottawa, Kansas. If this time the various committees having proposals to make were to submit their propositions. This educational meeting was held on Monday, May 30, 1887. Professor Sharp was elected chairman of the meeting. After an address by James Quinter

and reports from the various Brethren schools, the business of locating the college in Kansas was taken up.

A committee of Enoch Eby, M. M. Eshelman, J. S. Mohler, Moses T. Baer, and George C. Lehmer, with S. Z. Sharp as an advisory member, was appointed to investigate all the propositions offered and to locate the college.    

Other towns entered the race. The committee spent over a month in Its work, visiting Quinter, Great Bend, McPherson, Newton, Wellington, Winfield, Parsons, Ottawa, Morrill, Belleville, Abilene, Navarre, Herington, and Fredonia, each of which had an offer to make. The final meeting of the committee was held at Junction City on August 8, 1887 and "The Gospel Messenger” of August 23, 1887 carried the announcement that McPherson had been selected as the site of the new college and gave the reasons upon which the committee had based their unanimous agreement.

It is this locating, and founding of the college that we celebrate next Commencement Day. It is in honor of these historic and significant events that the trustees are launching the Fiftieth Anniversary Campaign for $100,000.

The school was opened for students on Sept. 5, 1888 in Fahnestock Hall, the only building on the campus at that time.

Dr. Boitnott Reports on Tests

Given Sophomores Last Year

A report of the academic tests taken last spring by the sophomores.

was given in chapel Tuesday morning by Dr. J. W. Boitnott, He reported that this test represented a good cross section of college performance, but he pointed out that the students lacked more in what is commonly known as culture mater-ials rather than common knowledge.

Professor Nevin Fisher told of the plans of the Community Concert Association for the coming year. Evelyn High played a piano solo, Polonaise Americiane by Carpenter.

Founding of McPherson College to Be

Celebrated Next Commencement Day

Sterling Defeats Bulldog Reserves


Bulldogs To Face Conference Tilt

Selves’ Warriors To Meet the Ottawa Braves in First Conference Game of Year.

Tomorrow night the McPherson College Bulldogs will play their first conference football game of the season against the Ottawa Braves. The first team has had two weeks rest since its last game. During this period the second team has gained new experience, and should be able to add a lot of strength for this game. Last year McPherson defeated Ottawa 13 to 0 with Haskel, as substitute making both touchdowns. This year Ottawa seems to be a conference "dark horse,” with little known about their strength. Haskell beat them only 3 to 0, and the Baptists defeated William Jewell, rated high this year as before, 14 to 6. Ottawa has a big team with lots of drive.

McPherson’s starting lineup is very doubtful because of injuries in the McPherson's starting lineup is very Vasquez will be taken out of the line and placed at the fullback position. In that case LaVerne York, a freshman who has looked good in past games, will replace Vasquez.


Baker vs. College of Emporia Emporia.


Ottawa vs. McPherson at McPherson.

Bethany vs. Haskell at Lawrence (non-conference).

Second Team Drops Game 147—Squads Are Both Almost Completely Made Up of Freshmen.

The Science Corner

Results of Last Week's Games Sterling 14; McPherson


Ottawa, 14; William Jewell, 6. Rochjurst, 14: Baker College of Emporia, 7; Southwestern, 0.

•Kansas Wesleyan. 7; Bethany 2. •Only conference game.

The McPherson College reserves were defeated 14-7 by Sterling College Friday night In a football game played at Sterling. Even in defeat the Bulldog squad, composed largely of Freshmen, was able to gain valuable experience. The Sterling team displayed everything from line plunges to passes in their marches across the Bulldog goal line.

McPherson led at the half 7 to 0 by virtue of a blocked punt In the end zone. Vaughn,

In certain seasons of the year the most conspicuous object In all nature is the leaf. In springtime, young and tender, it is hailed as the prophet of a new season; In the fall as it ripens it inserts a thousand hues into a glorious landscape.

It Is well to catch the poets vision of leaves but why not go a little further and learn something of the Intricate functions the leaf performs during its life time.

If one should go through a modern factory he would be inclined to ask such questions as these: "What is this machine? What does it do? What part does it play in the en-

Sport Skits

Kansas Wesleyan and Bethnny opened the Kansas Conference foot-ball season Friday night with the Coyotes' winning 7 to 2. Wesleyan climaxed a 64-yard drive with their only touchdown. After the Swedes were halted on that four-yard line, they got a safety when a Wesleyan player, in the end zone, to punt, was forced to fall on a bad pass from center.

Baker was completely outplayed by Rockhurst. The Wildcats made only 3 first downs to 17 for Rock-hurst. Baker's only score came near the end of the game.

Ottawa showed increased power by defeating William Jewell. One of their touchdowns was the result of a fumble caught In mid-air. The player raced 45 yards to a touch-down.

The Swedes completed 14 passes out of 26 attempts against Kansas Wesleyan. They were good for 99 yards. Although the tosses failed to click In the clutches, they all have a wonderful passing combination.

The game with Bethany was toughest tilt Kansas Wesleyan has changed in this year. Their other games were won with comfortable margins to spare.

Southwestern's 7 to 0 defeat at the hands of College of Emporia indicated that the Presbies and Baker have almost equal strength. The Methodists defeated Southwestern 6 to 0 last week, it should be a swell game when Baker and C. of E. meet tonight at Emporia.     

Herb Worl, C. of E. coach, "decid-ed that he needed a fullback to put power In the backfield, so he called upon Bob Wasson, a 190-pound

Financial Plans Made In S. C. M. Wednesday

Separate Commission Groups Meet Following Business Session

Members of the S. C. M. met for a short business meeting Wednesday morning at 9 o.’clock In the Y. W. room, and group meetings of the various commissions followed the general one.

Plans for raising money for this organization were explained by Harold Mohler, treasurer, and the Estes Co-op was explained by Wanda Hoover.

In the various commission meetings plans were discussed by their members for the coming year's work.

Personal Relations commission dramatized social usages and discussed the problems of feeling at ease in social groups and dutchdating.

Background of the time of Christ and his early boyhood were described by John Bower in the Reinter-pretation of Religion commission and was followed by a general discussion by the entire group.

Members of the Creative Leisure and group projects, made plans for refurnishing the old ping pong room for their regular room for meeting, and gave Individual projects of cray-onex tapestries, soap carving and game craft to those interested in these. They are to decorate the flower pots for the Student Union room at their next meeting.

"Economic Internationalism" was the topic of discussion of the World Cooperation group and was led by Dean Bright.

dropped on the ball for McPherson's only score. Keck's kick for extra point was good.

Sterling scored soon after the second half began. Keltner, halfback, caught a 10-yard pass from Edgar and raced to a touchdown. Francis made good the kick for extra point Dill, halfback, plunged through the Bulldog line for five straight first downs from Sterling's 30-yard line for their second touchdown. Chor-usor kicked the extra point.

Although most of Sterling's starting lineup was reported to be freshmen, the Bulldog reserves were unable to make any concerted drives for touchdowns.

tire process? These questions might be asked concerning the leaf, for the leaf is a factory. It is the food factory and moisture regulator of the plant.

The leaf is covered with a thin membrane known as the epidermis. The purpose of this membrane is protective. In connection with the epidermis are several special adaptions, one of which is of particular interest. This is composed of a series of minute openings leading to tiny cavities within the leaf. Those

openings are known as stomata.

Each stomata is guarded by two specialized cells which tend to swell during damp weather and make the opening larger. In seasons of drouth the process is reversed thereby regulating the amount of moisture escaping from the plant according to existing conditions. The stomata also admits carbon dioxide for use in the manufacture of plant food.

Each leaf contains a green chemical known as chlorophyll. It is this substance that gives a healthy leaf Its green color. Through the combine action of this chemical and sunlight water is united with carbon dioxide tod form food for the plant. This Is the primary function of the leaf. Without green leaves or similar tissue a plant cannot exist independently.

There are many subjects in the field of science, upon which every person should be intelligently informed. It is the purpose of this column to deal each week, more or less technically, with some of the more common topics of everyday interest.

You've heard it a hundred times versity of California, conceding that

Collegiate World

Would you believe it? Here we had thought that the literary lights had blown out of sports. Bill Shakespeare graduated from Notre Dame, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow left Northwestern. But no. Now "The Last of the Mohicans,” James Fenimore Cooper, has popped up at Marquette U.

not only broke through Southwest-ern’s line for a substantial gain and then tossed a lateral for the only touchdown, but he was a ram-ming threat all night offensively and gave promise of being a bul-wack on defense.    

Both Bulldog halfbacks are injured and it is doubtful either one will be able to play to-morrow night. Hapgood is still troubled with a hip injury, and Shan-non, who replaced “Happy", two  weeks ago, received a badly bruised knee in the Sterling game last week.

Rev. E. C. Witham In Chapel Friday

Man As a Questing Individual

Must Live a Life of Faith

Reverend E. C. Witham, pastor of the Baptist Church, addressed the students in chapel Friday morning on “Man, a Questing Individual."

Reverend Witham stated that man is a questing individual. “A desire for something, a fountain of youth, a holy grail, or a golden fleece has always beckoned him on.”' Because of his searching nature, man has developed certain techniques for various things, and to be a scientific Christian, we must investigate the matter of technique in that field, he said. Witham emphasized the fact that it is essential for every person to work out his own technique, and pointed out several things which might be of use. Among. the most

Some of the students at the Uni-versity of Kentucky go to great lengths for an education. Imagine covering 11,800 miles just to go to School. From China? India? No. they only live about 30 odd miles from the campus, but they commute daily. One of the fellows figures that he burns approximately 765 gallons of gas during the school year, which amounts to . . . let’s see . . . maybe you'd better figure it out for yourself.    

The poor coeds at German univer-sity, and colleges acquire their edu- cation by degrees and at the end of their courses most of them can't get their diplomas anyway.

Only a limited number of women— enough to fill vacancies in special professions, are given the chance to write exams for their degrees. So Gretchen can’t finish her schooling and expect to search for a position.

If she isn’t offered a job and with it the opportunity to pass the final test, she has to be content with saying: '“Heck, I didn't want the darn old thing anyway." Ja, so geht's.

if not more, but here it is again in its new fall-model guise: "Boy Bites Beast!”

It all happened near the state training school of Red Wing, Minnesota—this dramatization of the Methuselaic "man-bite-dog" gag.

Ray Billy gave rookie Journalism Instructors the latest version when he tried to capture a liberty-loving weasel. As all good weasels will do in similar circumstances, this one wrapped its mouth around Billy's right hand. When the "fur-fang" showed mule tendencies, refusing to be pried loose, Billy bit him with his strong teeth until the animal pawed out.

Journalism doffs its hat to you, sir!

Maiden-Munchausens are in a class by themselves. And here we had thought all along that men were the greatest fabricators of fables and fancies. However—and this Is tho rub—the committee of judges at a liar's contest staged at the Uni

women are superior in this sinful art, refused to let the questionable fairer sex have the opportunity of competing against the men. Now they have their own place in the "lie-ing-sun."

Conway Yount spent the week end In Halstead visiting his parents.

Doris Doane spent the week end In Canton visiting her parents.

Patronize Spectator Advertisers

Edith Hughey spent from Wednesday until Sunday visiting parents and friends in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Her brother, Hobart and his wife came for her and brought her back.        

Important were: live a life of faith and do not fear work, but do not worry: discover some place in your experience where you can go as a refuge.                 

We are obligated to try to devel-op technique because, we were given the opportunity by Christ,” said the speaker, but he lamented the fact that in developing their, technique, too many people mistake the abund-ance of an abundant life for comfort and thus miss the abundance.

Reverend Witham explained that in our endeavor to perfect our tech-nique we should not live to make a living, but should live to make life.

Mr. and Mrs. Shank and Mr. and Mrs. Herr were here Sunday visit-lug Gladys Shank,and Evelyn Herr.