Soil Conservation and Water Control Subjects For Consideration
Conference Composed of Workers
From States Most Intimately Involved
in Problem
Thursday, Oct. 1, Vesper Service at College Church, 6:45 p. m.
Friday. Oct. 2, Football game at Sterling, 8 p. m. All School Sing,
Student Union room, 8 p. m. Sunday. Oct 4. C. E. at College Church. 6:30 p. m.
Monday. Oct 5, Women’s Council Committees 4:30 p. m.
Wednesday. Oct 7, S. C. M., 9 a. m.; World Service In Student Union Room. 6:45 p. m.
Thursday. Oct 8, Pep Chapel, 11 a.m.
Freshman Gives Opinion
of McPherson College Life
Plans for the cooperation of the
National Youth Administration In a large-scale program of soil conservation and water control will be mapped Friday in a post-conference session of the Up-Stream Engineering Conference which will be attended by some thirty NYA project and administrative workers drawn from states most intimately involved in the scheme.
The Up-Stream Engineering Conference on September 22 and 23 and the Young Men’s Conference on Behalf of a Continent on September 24, both of which are sponsored by the Secretary of Agriculture, are bringing to Washington many of the country’s outstanding authorities on conservation and related subjects.
The NYA will be represented at most of the earlier sessions of the conference and its full group will be on hand for the meetings on Thursday and Friday.
The Friday meeting will be devoted entirely to a discussion of ways and means whereby the NYA can cooperate with the Soil Conservation Service, the Department of Agriculture, the Works Progress Administration, and other groups engaged In the campaign of soil conservation and water control.
Out-of-town NYA personnel expected to attend the conference include the following:
Virginia: Henry L. Caravat, Asst. State Director, and H. H. Hemming, Big Stone Gap; Lloyd H. Caster. Dan-ville; Bernard M. Fagelson. Winchester. and Walter C. Chapman, Roanoke .
Texas: Lyndon B. Johnson, State Director and L. B. Griffith, Supervisor Work Projects.
Arkansas: Carl G. Buchanan. Supervisor Work Projects.
Ohio: S. Burns Weston, State Director, and Ross L. Mooney, Assistant State Director.
Connecticut: Richard A. Barrett, Assistant State Director.
Now Mexico: Hubert Y. Atherton Assistant Director and Supervisor Educational Aid.
Arizona: Miss Jane Rider, State Director.
Wyoming: Ernest Marschall, State Director.
North Dakota: Robert Byrne, State Director, and Ed. X. Hallenberg. Supervisor Work Projects.
South Dakota: John M. Erwin, .State Director, and Myron McHugh, Supervisor Work Projects.
Colorado: Donald H. McNassor, Asst. State Director, and Welton Armstrong, Administrative Assistant.
Nebraska: Charles A. Warner,
Supervisor Work Projects.
Oklahoma: Hardin Ray, Supervisor Work Projects, and Vernon Howell, Recreational Director.
Representatives of the Youth
Administration in Kansas and Montana will also be present.
The students proved their capability by providing their own chapel program Friday morning. Paul Miller led the devotionals, Frances Campbell sang "Trail End.” and Vera Heckman read “Buddy and Waffles."
The instrumental quintet, com-posed of Floyd Harris, Winton Shef-fer, Delbert Crabb, Dale Coppock. and LaVerne Voshell, made its de-but by playing "In the Evening by the Moonlight."
Willard Flaming described his experiences of the summer as being very cosmopolitan, because, for the main reason, he came into contact with peoples of so many different races. Mr. Fleming, a senior in the College, spent the past summer working in the interest of peace with the Emergency Peace Campaign. He was first trained at Grinnell University along with many others, then he and three other fellows were sent to Dart and Miami counties in Ohio where they worked for the remaining part of the summer.
Most of their activities centered about the giving of speeches and in talking with individuals. Besides telling of his personal experiences, Mr. Fleming told of the work of the organization and of the urgent need for action. Says Mr. Flaming, "The us." organization is known as the Emergency Peace Campaign, because it is on emergency. We must act and we must act now."
It was also pointed out that while we are spending $3,000,000 a day
I was very favorably impressed with college life at McPherson. I’ll admit I came to school thinking that a denominational school would be very strict, and somewhat biased as to school activities, but I find that I was mistaken.
What has impressed me most is the democratic attitude of students, especially the upper classmen towards us green freshmen, and the vital interest the faculty members have for each individual student.
I would like to see the parlor in the girl’s dorm refurnished with overstuffed furniture, nice rugs, and above all else a new radio so that everyone might have an opportun-ity to listen to good radio programs.
Another thing I would suggest is more socials and get togethers in the new Student Union Room. Since we have the room why not use it.
I like the idea of having dinner In the evening very much. I think all social affairs adds to one’s education, and in this way be able to make the best of like situations.
Why not have more pep at the
football games. If I were on the field I certainly would like to know that the student body was back of me so why not all of us have a little more pep.
The most important thing of all; let's try to be one big happy family instead of several groups. It must be a terrible feeling to be left out entirely.
Here's for McPherson College
-‘-A Freshman.
"Calvin’s Conception of the “Communion Sanctorium” Subject of Paper
“Culture” Is Theme of Address by Lehman
Speaks Before Regular Weekly S. C. M. Meeting Wednesday
"Culture" was the theme of the address of Miss Delia Lehman in the regular weekly meeting of the S. C.
, M. Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock in the Y. W. room.
"We have all things of culture, such as paintings, music, books, operas and dramas within our grasp, but do we have culture?” Miss Lehman asked.
"Culture is something more than just seeing a great picture or hearing a great opera."
"Culture does not mean accepting for ourselves those things which other people consider great. We must discover for ourselves its value to us.”
"Culture is not exclusiveness. Curiosity, in its true sense, means at-tempting to acquire the greater and better things of life. Our parents and teachers have helped us in the first mile, but if we expect to go the second
Heckman, Fry and Shank Are
Contenders for Honor
Three contestants for Beauty Queen of McPherson College were chosen from a list of ten by the student chapel assembly last Tuesday. Those honored are Vera Heckman, Margaret Fry, and Gladys Shank.
The ten contestants selected by the nominating committee composed of faculty members. The others nominated were Glee Goughnour, Mary Trostle, Marguerite Gass, Edith Jasper, Kathryn Enns, Jessie Miller, and Ruth Taylor. These girls were picked as to beauty, figure and physique.
Tentative plans are to include the two attendants with the queen as honorary guests at the Kansas Diamond Jubilee at Wichita. The queen and her attendants also will be guests at the annual homecoming game which will be announced at a later date. The coronation of the queen will take place in the near future, publicly.
Managers have been selected for each candidate; Ronald Flory and Edward Janes are representing Vera Heckman. Paul Miller and Kenneth Weaver are managing the campaign for Margaret Fry. The management or Gladys Shank is taken over by David Metzger and Conway Yount.
This campaign is being sponsored by the Quadrangle. A point is given for each cent paid on a quadrangle. A dollar down Is the minimum term being offered. The contest will end a week from Friday.
for war, we spend only $16,000.000 in an entire year to further diplomatic
Although men are living on the dangerous edge of human progress." Mr. Flaming said, ’’great things have been and still can be done by few men well conducted.” There is a need for every individual to do his part if we are to avoid a future war, because one man can do as much for peace as one soldier can do to win races. Mr. Flaming, a senior in the
Thespian Tryouts to be Thursday
Thespian Club tryouts are to be held
Thursday afternoon between 2:30 and 5 p. m. The sponsor, Miss Lehman; and the old members urge anyone interested in dramatics to try out.
The presentation of a reading or a part In a play before the Judges Is the requirement for trying out.
mile, we must carry ourselves there.
’’The cheap person who tells everything about himself when you first meet him is the Woolworth window which displays everything, but the ideal person who proves more interesting and voluable as you learn to know him is like the Tiffany window which displays nothing in its windows.
"There is no justice to complain for lack of opportunities for culture; If you really want culture, you’ll arrange some way to get
A vocal solo by Miss Floy Lackey, devotions by Gladys Shank and group singing led by Miss Viola Harris com-pleted the program.
Also anyone interested in stage setting and stage production should see Miss Lehman for further particulars as to joining the club.
It’s Driving Me Crazy—
Hurrah for Roosevelt!
Flies! Flies! Flies! They’re driving me crazy! I fight them when I’m awake and dream of them when I'm asleep. Don’t I have any screens?
My good madam, if we had screens, steel-jawed grasshoppers would eat their way through.
Even old Giezil, the cobbler would be enraged by the two winged, merciless agitators of war. He wouldn’t just say "They’re files in my soup." but I'll be d—mned! There’s flies everywhere!!!
Yes, files everyplace. Flies on your bed, nose, desk. pie. etc. In fact if one sees a speck in his soup or on
this tie the odds one thousand to one, it's a fly. People with their
mouths open for a long time are inviting cannibalism. (That is, a buzzer eats fly.)
It had been suggested to get the A. A. A. to help but the flies thrived on that. A brilliant idea has been brought forth by a master mind after many hours of deep concentration. It’s so simple I can't see why I didn’t think of it. We’ll get the flies to join, the W. P. A., and then they’ll be too lazy to bother anyone. Hurrah for Roosevelt! The deliverer from flies!!
“If This Be I" Is Reviewed
By Miss Lehman at Endeavor
"It This Be I” by Margaret De-land was the book reviewed by Miss Delia Lehman in C. E. Sunday night at 6:30 at the College church. The book is an autobiography written by the author when she was 78 years old
and relates events of her life when she was 5 years old.
The members of the C. E. have deemed to take up a collection next Sunday evening to pay the royalty of a one act play which is to be given in the future.
Miss Floy Lackey sang a solo, Miss Evelyn High conducted devotions. Miss Margaret Fry was pian-ist and Mr. Charles Wagoner led group singing.
Miss Snell Leads World Service
"Helpful Service’ was the theme of the World Service meeting which was held last evening at 6:45 in the Y. W. room. Miss Effie Snell, a specialized nurse, gave a talk concerning her work and led a discussion of matters pertaining to health. Devotions were led by Miss Orpha Burn.
“Goodness of Life” Is Topic
of Sunday Morning Sermon
"The Goodness of Life” was the subject of the message which Dean J. D. Bright delivered to a large audience of students and church members at the College church. Sunday morning.
"Our period is one of the three or four serious crisis in the history of the world.” says Dean Bright. "We are
still In the aftermath of the most ghastly and destructive world war. The world Is shaded by shadows —sorrows, struggles, and disappointments, yet there Is something very worthwhile in life.”
"Life Is good because one may choose the right. Seek and you will find good," he continued. "Life Is worthwhile because God Is love.' ”
"Few people ago wholly evil! Essentially humanity Is good; however, we do have a necessity of discipline and fixed principles."
Regular Weekly Vesper Gives
Opportunity for Meditation
With the strains of quiet organ and piano music surrounding you, lay aside your cares of the week for a few minutes and meditate for a while.
Inspirational organ and piano music and vocal numbers were render-ed last week by Prof. Fisher, pianist; Helen Holloway, organist; and by a concealed group of singers to a large number of College students and church people at the regular weekly vesper service Thursday evening.
Everyone is urged to attend the vesper service tonight at 6:5 at the college church. An unusual and
entertaining program Is planned.
September Issue of Periodical Contains Article: Complete Extensive Research
The September Issue of Church History contains an article, "Calvin’s Conception of the Communio Sanctorum’," by Dr. Ray C. Petry of McPherson College.
This exceedingly scholarly report is the publication of a paper presented by Professor Petry at the last meeting of the American Society of Church History at Eden Seminary, Webster Groves, Missouri, in March. it is one of a series of researches on reformation leaders. The series represents the culmination of an inter est originating when Professor Petry studied at the University of Chicago, with Dr. John T. McNeill.
The "Communio Sanctorum,” or Communion of Saints," of Calvin stresses the common solidarity and interdependence of all humanity. It Is conceived as the active functional body for the regeneration of society, the nucleus which holds members of society together In one purpose. Its importance for the modern church as interpreted by Doctor Petry, lies in its stress on social cohesiveness as part of the church's task. If present day religics regarded themselves as members of a body whose duty was social ministration, they would not be torn by modern Individualism.
Professor Petry says that "The Christian church may well employ with improved methodology the social dynamism of Calvin’s 'Commun-io Sanctorum.’ It may choose to provide a unifying stimulus and a communicating fellowship for the ends of social regeneration.”
Doctor Petry’s work is based on the original writings of Calvin. In order to know Calvin’s own words Dr. Petry secured Calvin’s fifty-nine volumes, written in Latin and French, from the universities of this and nearby states.
Several New Books Received
For Use of College Students
Books received by the Library this week Include "Electric Lighting." Harrison; "Carpentry,” Townseind: "Air Conditioning,” Brett; and "Success Through Vocational Guidance." McKinney and Simons.
Gift books were received from Mrs. .Hugh Heckman, and Mrs. S. M. Jones donated "Principles of Clothing Selection." Buttrick; "Principles of Correct Dress," Winterburn and "Clothing Construction.” Brown, Gorham and Keever.
Several books have been added to the shelves of McPherson College library.
Announce Women's Council Meeting
Woman’s Council will meet In Room 6, Sharp Hall, next Monday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. The leaders of the various groups will have separate meetings.
Sophisticated Caught Playing Marbles
The elements work as badly for the pleasure seekers of McPherson College as they do for the government and although a weiner roast
had been planned for last Saturday night, the participants were thwarted in their desire for an outing by a small matter of a bit of precipitation.
But pleasure seekers do not fall down before such a small obstacle as this and so something was figured out for Idle hands to do. That is why college men and women were seen playing marbles in the student union room Saturday night. Not that these dignified personages were seen on their knees In the obvious stance of a marble shooter, but moving the marbles around in scooped-out holes In a board.
Several Instructors were willing to show one the "how, why and wherefore" of the games and also encouraged interest in the games.
Many opinions were expressed to the effect that the evening was a success and that many more of its kind should be had In the future.
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
HOME OF 1936 Member 1937 THE SCHOOL
The Bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press of Quality
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917,
at the post office at McPherson,Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897_________
Subscription Rates For One School Year
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Feature Editor Sports Editor Copy Readers
Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Assistant Business Manager
.............. Harold Larsen
, ...... Norman Edwards
.......... Gladys Shank
.................................... Gordon Yoder
Ellers Divine, Eldora Van Dermark Vernon D. Michael Gordon Bower Russell Kingsley
John Bower Orpha Burn Frances Campbell Roealir Fields Willard Flaming
Inez Goughnour Rilla Hubbard
Lee Huan Herbert Ikenberry
La Vena High Margaret Kagarice
Wanda Hoover Alberta Keller
Miss Smith was telling us the
other day that much of bird behavior is cultural, that sparrows will learn the language of canaries if reared among canaries. As a practical philosopher, it occurs to me what a profound service to humanity some Burbank among naturalists could perform by teaching sparrows to translate about one fourth of whatever it is they say in sparrow into good, orthodox canary, and to leave the rest unsaid.
Bill Flaming received a letter Monday address to the billiard room or bowling alley of McPherson College. Wouldn’t that make some of the patron saints of this school of quality turn over in their graves If they knew it? And they’d rise right up and moan If they could read last
Marjorie Kinsie Paul Miller Winton Sheffer Kenneth Weaver Marion Washler
Fellows, Let’s Step Out!
You have heard about the boys who are always saying that they are afraid of this eventful year called leap year. There Is very good evidence to believe that they really mean it.
There Is probably no subject that receives more unfavorable comment than that of dating on our campus. They say that there Is no chance given to the folks who really want to date.
Here we have a very fine chance for the boys to come through with flying colors Saturday night and very few took advantage of the situation. In other words this is the evidence that we mean when we say that the boys must afraid of leap year.
One thing that must be admitted and that Is that the girls at least took advantage of the situation
even though they did not have dates. Now the boys without dates were few and far between. Of course, there were a few brave souls but they were by far in the minority.
You are probably saying that it sounds like a little more griping on someone’s part but this time it is for your own good and to Just prove to the boys that they do not have so much to howl about on the date situation as they sometimes would have us believe.
Just remember this fellows, that the next time a break somes up to have a date, the girls are harmless and refuse to bite. Also that men have gotten by leap year before so why not take your chance along with the rest of the brave souls. Maybe you are one of those men who are Immune.
The Commentator.
Where Am I Living?
"Those who live on the mountains have a longer day than those who live In the valley. Sometimes all we need to brighten our day Is to rise a little higher. " Anonymous.
Hours creep on from day to day, bringing with them rounds of duties and difficulties, joys and happinesses.
Much of the time we college stu-dents become so involved In petty details that we forget to stop and check up on ourselves. Unless we can plan on a football game Friday night, a date Saturday evening and a full day of activity Sunday we become despondent and disconcerted with life. We want our minds to be busy with an external "busyness. " If left alone for a few moments we have an overwhelming sense of Insecurity.
We seldom stop to think, "Where am I living? " Are we afraid to ask ourselves that question? Some of us have missed our last turn in the road so completely that we find ourselves lost in the midst of a heavy woods.
We are still wandering aimlessly about hoping that we will soon chance on some marked pathway which will lead to a state of eternal peace and security. Other of us are using every means available to sense
the right trail. Perhaps here as some
key ques-
tions which will help us discover an answer to that problem. Do I make my choices in life on the basis of what the crowd will think or have I determined for myself a goal in my personal integration and development which will govern my decisions? What is my security In life? Do I get all my personal satisfaction from being the best dressed girl in school or the most handsome fellow on the campus, or from rating the largest number of dates never stopping to consider the value of a few understanding, intellectually sane friendships with members of the opposite sex?
Only when I have discovered great overwhelming task to which I can pour out my very soul can I gain satisfaction in living. Then I have found a new source of power, I discover that my soul has broad-oftira and deopened so that all life takes on a new, glow. Hidden springs burst forth. THen it Is I know that I have made contact with that reality much greater than I: for, I have come upon the same source of power which Jesus had; that Jesus, 'who has given me the supreme example of what man might become. I have found a clue to the mountain peak —my day is longer.
Wanda Hoover,
week's Spec and learn that, among new books added to the library, the Physical Education Department has added "Tumbling for Women'; ‘The Use of the Bible In Preaching. ' " Truly some preachers do gymnastics with the Bible nowadays; how like McPherson College to be first with special training for this art! Capper’s Weekly quotes Chicago sandwich vendors that the left ham of a hog Is more tender than the right inasmuch as the right is used for scratching and has Its muscles thus toughened. Philosophically, how would a right-footed hog solve the problem of dealing effectively with left-handed itch? This calls for further investigation by Prof. Tug-well. We note further (from an Indianapolis paper): The worst story In recent Detroit history swept over the
heart of the city late today, kill-ing two persons, unroofing several buildings, uprooting trees, shatter-, Ing windows and damaging hundreds of automobiles. " Must have been some story! But Just a little story | can cause a wreck like that in the soul of someone else. |
Pause! Finally it Is mine to see the fire engines on the tear, but, shucks! I have to be too sophisticated to do such a childish thing as to run after them. Sometimes I feel educa-, tion is Just a veneer I wish I could peel off and "be myself again. " But I cant "regain my true self. ” for what I was I am not, yet I am my true self now, but I won't be the same tomorrow and yet I'll still be myself and so—where was I? Well, anyway I am what I am.
That's the worst trouble with college—In spite of yourself they make you think a new thought once In a while, and some thoughts change you.
Jane Kent should realize as she contemplates with such glee the adjectives strung after her name, that there Is difference between fame and notoriety. But the biggest Joke is on me, at that. All last year I grumbled fictitiously about NYA flunkying for Forney; this year I am doing it! Our rod-haired, football playing Apollo bids me cease riding the new deal administration while holding to an NYA Job. suggesting I “Join the parade. ” Can’t even college material rise above vote buying? If It costs me my Job, I do know a government can't go on long with half the people supporting it and the other half holding it up. Even Dr. Bright—bless his Democratic soul! —chides me for supporting the “Morgan-Mellon" party, perhaps forgiving the un-democratic
Last Sunday in church I tried to Imagine myself a little Puritan maid who was taught to sit piously through the Sabbath service In a chilly church house. But I would have enjoyed my Imagination trance even more if there had been a good old soapstone tickling my toes.
Caught on the sly at the football game: our S. C. M. co-president dignitaries enjoying the game together; "Coach” Weaver escorting Frances Campbell... and yes, to some other place than the badminton court; the lonesome trio... Fry.... Watkins... Gnagy... Just like widows: Larsen finding himself saying "bye-bye’’ to his own Vera as he dismissed the yelling fans; Eldora and Vi safely protected by Professors Crawford
and Flory. A very versatile maid, that
Miss Eldora. Watch for the
Just to prove to myself and Dr. Petry and Phillip Davis that I do know what it means.
Since it’s In vogue to think up unique projects for NYA workers, let me submit a suggestion: Line up a crew of some fifteen bloodthirsty killers armed with flyswatters outside the library and the student union room and then open the door and let them rush in upon those pesky files unawares. If this isn't done. I shall consider a flyswatter a necessary feature in my studying equipment, and oh gee! Will I ever get a kick out of using it.
new duet at the All-School Sing Friday night. '
I also used the word "versatile’’
I covet the future acquaintance of: Miss Sheets; Margaret Deland and "If This Be I" Billy Thompson; Dr. Fischer's conducting our chapel hymns; Floy Lackey; the works of Chaucer and some of these other "good old boys: ’’ the Old Testament under Dr. Petry's comments.
This Is concisely an organ or voice favoring and heartily endorsing the re-election of our great President, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
On the other hand, we do not propose to allow the opposition to distort either what we have already done or that which we advocate in the present campaign. If confusion of the issues Is to be the program of J. O. M. Hamilton and Co., we will be only too glad to untangle them, fighting
the campaign on J. D. H. and Co. 's beloved home grounds— the mud-puddle.
First it would be well to correct the impression which the opposition writer has left that the Am. Institute of Public Opinion Poll Is showing a Pro-Landon trend. This Is not based upon fact. Roosevelt Is leading this poll with 52. 6 per cent of the total votes cast.
By the by, I want to congratulate the opposing forces on the name which they have chosen for their column. Tocsin, according to the wordiest book In creation, means "an alarm bell. " It is well chosen.
Republicanism today has degenerated Into a band of alarmists Republicans aro continually crying “wolf. " They are worried about the Constitution, so they would have us believe, but in reality they are more
worried about the special privileges which they have tucked away out of sight behind that document.
They "view with alarm' the killing of little pigs, but their kind hearts are in reality bleeding sorely for the big hogs of industry whose depredations against the common man have been checked.
As Rooscvolt stated In his address at Syracuse Tuesday evening, they are, on the surface, not against the things which are being done, but only the persons who are administering social equality. Landon assures us that all the worthy relief now being administered will con-
tinue if he becomes President. Yes-no one shall ask in vain—Landon will continue relief, crop aid and insurance, school betterment—all
forms of needed aid—but, wonder of wonders, it won’t cost anyone a thin dime. Nay, he goes farther—taxes will be reduced and the budget balanced. If such a financial Houdini lived, he should surely be President.
But Mr. Landon neglected to mention why Kansas ranks forty-eighth in aid to her schools: why Kansas, as a state, has contributed. 26 of one per cent toward relief. One other little item—Mr. London may not have told you, but he is not the only budget-balancer Kansas has had In the State House—Kansas law re-
quires that the budget must be balanced—he was only carrying out his duties as governor.
Before you let the alarmists frighten you—read a page or two of good, old American history. You'll discover that the alarmists of other days called Washington a king— Lincoln a demagogue—the first Roosevelt a Constitution-breaker.
Meanwhile, there is no good reason why we should change from a course that is proving the right one—to follow another group who admit our course Is right but merely want themselves in office. Wo have a great social-minded President now In office. It is well to think twice before changing cars In the middle of the race Just to ride In one with a loud horn—especially if it hasn't been broken In! —-P, A. L.
Let’s Pull Together
I recall seeing a motto hanging In a Sunday school classroom which read like this, "We all pull together. ” This motto Impresses me as being one well worth the attention of any organisation whether it be a Sunday School class, a Church, Community football team, or spy group that expects to achieve its end through the combined efforts of its several mem-bers. No organisation can achieve success if part of Its members are unwilling to wholeheartedly cooper-ate with the others. Perhaps we do not agree with all the ideas suggested by other members but if we have the proper attitude towards the organization we will forget our prejudices and help to do the work at hand.
No man has a monopoly on learning. One man may develop a method
and technique that contradicts that of another yet it may be equally as good when put into practice. The fact that we reached the village by taking a certain path is no reason why we should be dogmatic in contending that there is no other path leading to the same destination. Per-haps the other fellow has gone the new way and knows that it Is a very good path and that it will take us to the village just as quickly as the other. Perhaps there are new sights to be seen and new things to be learned
along the new way that will broaden our experiences. Why not be willing to pull together and give it a trial? It is certain that we won't get far if we Just sit down and grumble because we don't agree with the other fellow. Let's swing into the traces and Pull Together, great things may be ahead.
new deal alphabetical systems for giving us the strongest trusts and combines In our history (to search out the forgotten man? ) while setting An all-time record in preparation for war! Behold the non-existence of that we would not see!
----G. Green.
P. 8. There has been no great crisis to throw me into a poetic mood, but don’t let that lull you into a false sense of security; I feel a poem coming on.
Margaret Hahn visited with her parents In Inman over the weekend.
Mary Trostle spent the weekend with her parents at Nickerson.
Merle Messemer was here Sunday visiting his sister Margaret and friends. He is teaching this winter at Lost Springs.
The Pep club elected the following officers to serve this year: president, Emerson Chisholm; Vice president, Lenore Shirk: secretary-treasurer. Marjorie Flory.
In order to insure good programs in pep session, a standing chairman will be elected.
A regular time each month was designated for the meetings: Also
the questions of a sponsor, a new name, and new pep sweaters are to be brought up at the next meeting.
Emerson Chisholm Heads Pep Club Charlotte Wolfe attended the fair Hutchinson Friday. |
Wichita's '36-'37 Attractions Include Variety of Notables Following are listed the programs which are scheduled to appear at the Forum in Wichita this winter. Oct. 6—George White's Scandals. Nov. 14.—Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Nov. 30—"Boy Meets Girl" Dec. 12—Monte Carlo Ballet. January 9—Admiral Richard E. Byrd. Feb. 2—"The Great Waltz.” Feb. 8.—Jane Cowl in "First Lady." Feb. 12—Sergei Rachmaninoff. March 9. "Ziegfeld Follies of 1927." S. C. M. Explained By Co-Presidents Student Christian Movement Formed by Combination of Former Y. M. and Y. W. The Student Christian Movement of McPherson College is an organ-ization that was formed by combining the Y. M. and Y. W. Because of the overlapping of interests and functions of the former Y's and a tendency to sponsor almost Identical activities, it was deemed best to merge the two organizations. It is the Ideal of the new organization to develop an Integrated program that is not limited to one sex but a program that can be participated in by all college students. Christianity and Youth are being challenged today. In many parts of the world both are feeling the heavy hand of regimentation. Both have practically the same interests at heart -a clean, moral world, an hon-est, straightforward social life, a chance to grow Into an expanding future. It is only natural that because of this oneness of purpose that Youth and Christianity should Join hands in a common endeavor. Christianity needs Youth; Youth .needs Christianity. By Joining forces the two can work more effectively in building the Kingdom of God on Earth. Each one of us can In our small way help this great movement along. Especially In college, where so many of life's forms are molded, we can be planning and building the Kingdom of God in our hearts. The S. C. M. is an organization through which this can be done. To help students mold attitudes conducive to the highest development of a well rounded personality and to help them in their search for truth the S. C. M. sponsors various activities on the campus. The following articles, dealing with the program of this organization, have been written by the cabinet members for your enlightenment. Willard Flaming. Program Committee Since the programs of the S. C. M. act as a nucleus of the whole movement, it is our objective to provide opportunities for self-expression, to correlate fields of various activities and sundry interests and to help further individuals in the attainment of their ultimate goals. The medium employed is that of meeting for a period of creating every other week, alternating with the commissions, at the designated S. C. M. hour. Since "variety Is the spice of life." we shall vary our program by having the first program each month of'a light and entertaining nature, and the second program by giving it more solidarity with an inspirational and cultural aspect. Emma Schmidt, Paul Miller. Reinterpretation Committee Life is exceedingly interesting and demanding. Each day has new experience for us. And to be able to cope with these problems we must acquire a growing conception of life. The Reinterpretation of Religion Commission has set as a goal for this year's work the finding of the relationships of the Individual to the supreme power, God. This knowledge will enable each one to meet life's problems with a mere comprehensive view. Lucille Valery Lamar Bullinger. World Cooperation Committee |
Creative Leisure Committee A workshop built for the use of the commission members is the main project of the Creative Leisure group this fall. Handicrafts, decorative design work, clay modeling and lea-thercraft will be introduced In the regular commission programs. It is Intended, however, that the workshop be used at the student's leisure, and creativity in Individual projects is the predominant purpose of the commission. Likewise, original poetry, musical comedies, plays, or any ideas which develop from the Interests of the group will be encouraged by the leaders. Inez Gourghnour Fred Nace. Relations and Social Committee The Personal Relations and Social Adjustment Commission submits the following quotation as represen-tative of its philosophy in carrying on its meetings for this year; An efficient, well-adjusted individual is one whose habits and mental attitudes toward life are so well organized and integrated that he is capable of making the essential compromises called for by the obstacles that he has to meet." It Is the hope of the commission to be able to lay a foundation upon which it may develop a poise which will manifest itself both Internally and externally In future physical control and mental discipline. Emma Schmidt George Toland. |
shall In the future present only the predictions and Ideas of Ha author. Alex. Q. Phillpotts. In the past we have Incorporated any and all Information, ideas and tripe that others wished to see in print, and unfortunately this matter has all been credited to Alex himself. For example, the statement that Will G. West would carry the state by 100,000 majority was not Alex’s personal opinion. What he actually does think is that the Republicans will capture all important Kansas state offices (and this cuts out Houston) but he does not profess to know enough about Kansas state politics to predict the margin, incidentalty, not to change the subject, or anything, but Alex, thinks that the Giants stand a good chance to take the series. Now to get down to business. This week we have some bad news to report. Seemingly the odds on the election are becoming evener. Our erstwhile supporter. Geo. Gallup, seems to be going conservative on us. His majority no longer favors the Kansas governor. Likewise, the Fortune poll shows FDR slightly In the ascendancy in its quarterly report. However, the one source of support which is proved to be authentic, the Literary Digest poll, still shows Landon way out ahead. Now Alex, personally thinks that the methods of the Digest poll are more reliable than those of the other two polls mentioned, and he leans heavily on the fact that the predictions of the Digest poll In the past have been In every case within less than one per cent of accuracy. So, with the great-est of confidence, we predict at this time a Republican victory in the following states; Maine (5), Vermont (3). New Hampshire (4). Massachusetts (17) Rhode Island (4) Connecticut (8). New York (47). New Jersey (16). Pennsylvania (36). Delaware (3), Ohio (26). Indiana (14). Illinois (29) Kansas (9). Iowa (11). Minnesota (11). Michigan (12). Wyoming (3) South Dakota (4), West Virginia (8). Nebraska (7). Colorado (6). Wisconsin (12). Idaho (4). and Maryland (8). The figures in parenthesis are the electoral votes of each stale. Totaled, they make the sum of 307, or 41 more than the 266 needed to elect. This leaves FDR a scant 225, or 41 short of election. Then granted that Landon may not quite make the grade In a few of the above states, he still has suffi-cient of a margin to place him In the president's chair. It is Interesting to note what groups support Landon and which interests support Roosevelt. In the words of George Gallup himself. FDR appeals to the younger voters and Landon to the elder. The reason is obvious. To young, highly idealistic, visionary, impractical, an inexperienced citizens, the expressed INTENTIONS of the Roosevelt regime sound pretty good. On the other |
Senior Class Budgets Finance The seniors met In session at 12: 45 Tuesday afternoon. The out-standing business of the meeting was the budgeting of the finances. The groups looked at rings and announcements, but no definite ac-tion was taken Further class meetings will be announced as they occur. |
Mathes Is Honored at K. U. K. U.'s fellowship to McPherson College last spring went to Eldrcd Mathes. He Is taking, this fall, sixteen hours of work at the University In the Departments of Commerce and Economics. He is also doing some assisting work. hand, to the mature, experience-hardened, practical, tax-paying voter, the prospect of steeply-increased taxes for years and years In the future is sufficient to cause them to lose all faith In an administration which spends billions of dollars In an Indirect effort to buy votes. Again, Roosevelt Is supported by those classes which have nothing in the way of wealth and property, but which are lured by the glittering promises of an unscrupulous administration, which by any odds would swell the purses of the have-nots if carried out. On the other hand, the majority of Individuals In all the middle classes and upper classes which have anything at all in the way of permanent possessions hope passionately for Roosevelt's defeat. In short, it is a conflict between the haves and have-nots. Well, enough for this week. We feel that by now we can mimic Jane Kent in saying, "Whee! It sure feels good to make a crack and then watch for reaction from the in-opposition-to-be-heard Democratic headquarters downtown.” Hot dog! But since there is to be a reply for the donkeys in this week's Issue, no one will have any right to holler any more. Incidentally, we wonder how it happens that one named Kant could wander so far from the principles of good old Frank Kent. -Alexander Q- Phillpotts. Social Committee Plans for an active and unusual social year are being laid by the SCM social committee, with the help and cooperation of the school social administration. The most important event now scheduled is an allschool sing on the books for this Friday night at 8 o'clock. In the student union room, Professor Fisher is to be in charge, and several unusual stunts are on the program. Ample music sheets have been purchased by the SCM committee for everyone, and it Is hoped that there will be a hearty response to this new type of social entertainment. Also planned for all-school entertainment Is a masquerade Hallowe'en party, a carnival, a box supper in the very near future, and taffy pulls later in the winter. The object of the social committee this year is to leave no long Intervals without some type of social opportunity for the student body. Especially will there be an effort to provide something new and creative for each open Friday nite. With the aid of other organizations, such as the Creative Leisure commission, and with the new student union room it Is hoped that the 50th anniversary of McPherson College will witness a revival of social life. —Velma Watkins. -—Kenneth Weaver. The Tocsin Friends, Romans and countrymen. unfortunately the premeditated na- ture of this harmless little column has been grossly misunderstood. What started originally as a huge joke, meant to inspire undergraduate laughter because of its sheer ridiculousness, and to liven the otherwise dull columns of the Spectator—has been branded as harmful, malicious and grossly ungrateful. Ardent democrats have referred to "the dog that bites the hand that feeds it," and have made comment on the fact that a school accepting federal aid in NYA (which, by the bye, is paid for by democrats and republicans alike) should not permit such seditious literature to be circulated on the campus. Well, we're sorry. We thought that there would be sufficient sense of humor to prevent any such reaction. Since there do exist people, how-ever who don’t appreciate things as they stand, we shall change our policy a bit. In the first place, there is to be a similar column, in capable hands presenting the opposite side of the political picture, giving equally unreliable statistics, and making equally exaggerated statements. This will act as a salve on the wounded vanity of the above mentioned democrats, and make everything ok, we hope. Maybe the buys who write the other column will even get a raise in NYA pay, who knows? In the second place, this column The world cooperative commission of the local S. C. M. this year feels that there is a definite need for world peace and world cooperation and that we should become student conscious of this need. We are going to study the pres-ent International situation to localize the possibility of peace. We have made plans for our program to Include study, discussion and definite action toward our goal. It Is indeed interesting but also alarming when we probe into the present situation. And today, more than at any other time, the students of the nations should be working unanimously toward that one definite end, peace. May we feel this responsibility and be willing to cooperate for world cooperation. Theresa Strom . Phil Davis |
THURSDAY, OCT. 1, 1936
McPherson Seconds To Play Sterling
Reserves Make First Showing Conference Rules Make it Necessary to Send B Team Tomorrow Night
Tomorrow night the McPherson College second team will play Ster-ling College at Sterling. This will be the first chance for the reserves to really show what they have.
Because of a conference ruling allowing only nine games, it is neces-sary for Coach Selves to send the B team to Sterling tomorrow night.
Little is known about the strength of either team. Kansas Wesleyan defeated Sterling 24 to 0, but two blocked punts aided in running up the score. Sterling will probably have a great weight advantage over the Bulldogs. McPherson's backfield will average about 150 pounds.
Coach Selves is not certain of his starting lineup for the game. As yet he hasn't found a competent passer for the second team. Thirteen men will remain here while the remainder of the squad travels to Sterling.
McPherson Canines Defeat Redskins
Bacone Indians Bite Dust To Score of 26-7; Only Touchdown Made in Last Minute.
The McPherson College Bulldogs, showing increased improvement and confidence, fought their way against the Bacone Indians Friday night to win 26 to 7. Although strong south wind was a handicap hard to overcome. Coach Selves' team worked its way to 26 to 0 lead, which they held until the Indians scored late in the game.
With five minutes of the game left to play. Selves sent In the second team and the first string went to the showers. The now lineup allowed the Indians to score their only touchdown a few seconds before the game ended.
The Bulldogs' scoring play began when Crabb intercepted a pass, and Haun kicked to the Indian one-yard line. Bacone kicked back to the twenty-four yard line, where Shannon, Canine freshman fullback, caught the ball and returned it fourteen yards before being downed. After the Bulldogs lost four yards on two line plunges, Zuhars passed over the goal line to McGill for the first touchdown. Haun missed the kick for extra point.
Just before the end of the first half. McPherson added another touchdown when Haun broke over the Bacone line after a series of line plays. He made good the try for extra point to bring the score to 13 to 0 in the Bulldogs’ favor.'
Early in the fourth quarter McPherson took advantage of a break when they blocked an Indian kick in midfield. A pass from Crabb to Haun gained six yards, and two line drives netted two first down. Zuhars then completed a twenty-yard forward pass to Haun, who carried the bail over for the third touchdown. Haun missed the kick for extra point.
Yards lost at scrimmage, McPherson
12, Barone, 58. Punts—MePherson seven for 244 yards, average of 34.8 yards per punt. Bacone eight for 209 yards, average of 26.1 yards per punt. Passes—McPherson attempted six, completed four for 67 yards. Ba-cone attempted six, completed three for 40 yards. Penalties—McPherson three for 15 yards, Bacone, three for 25 yards. First downs—McPherson 12, Bacone 12. Passes Intercepted— McPherson two for five yards. Bacone none. Fumbles—McPherson
one, Bacone, none.
Officials: Referee—Austin. Wich. ita; umpire—Bon Wood, Salina; headlinesman—Geo. "Cash" Carlson, Lindsborg.
Results of Last Week's Games
McPherson, 26; Bacone Indians; 7.
Baker, 6; Southwestern, 0.
Kansas Wesleyan, 29; Warrens-burg. Mo., Teachers, 7.
College of Emporia 7; Alva, Oklahoma Teachers, 6.
Haskell Indians, 3; Ottawa. 0.
Bethany, 14; Bethel, 6.
Games Friday Night
McPherson vs. Sterling at Sterling (second team).
Baker vs. Rockhurst at Kansas City.
■Bethany vs. Kansas Wesleyan at Salina.
Ottawa vs. William Jewell at Liberty, Mo.
College of Emporia vs. Southwestern at Emporia.
Only conference game.
Sport Skits
Former Coach Binford was an interested spectator at the Game Friday night. His Oklahoma City University team plays the Indians Saturday Of this week.
College of Emporia had their second tight squeeze last week. It took a blocked punt and a 27-yard run by Hartman, ace halfback, to defeat Northwestern Oklahoma Teachers by a narrow margin.
The Baker Wildcats climaxed 50-yard drive with a 23-yard pass for their only score against Southwestern. The Moundbuilders reach-ed the two-yard line once and the four-yard marker another time, but the Baker line held when faced with imminent danger.
Kansas Wesleyan continued to show great scoring power, this time rolling up twenty-nine points against Warrensburg Teachers!
Ottawa continues to be the “dark horse" of the conference. Their defeat by Haskell failed to reveal any of their potential strength.
The Swedes continued their passing attack against Bethel Thursday night. A pass put them in scoring position for the first touchdown, and a penalty in their favor aided in getting the second.
If the Bulldogs improve as much during their two-weeks rest as they did last week, they should give Ottawa a real battle.
Spanish Revolution Subject of Meeting
International Relations Club Meets at Dean Bright’s
The International Relations Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Dean Bright. The theme of the meeting was the Spanish Revolution. Addison Saathoff, president of the club opened the meeting by giving a brief resume of the events precipitating the revolt.
The chairman of the program committee, Alberta Keller, presented Willard Flaming, Clara Schurman, and Philip Davis who gave a comprehensive survey of the Spanish revolution. Mr. Flaming discussed the position and sympothies of the various European powers. Phases of the revolution concerning the two participating factions, the Loyalists and the Rebels, were discussed by Clara Schurman and Philip Davis. An open forum was held to give others a chance to express opinions, and it developed into a heated discussion as to which of Uncle Sam’s two political sons was the better.
About twenty members and prospective members were present, in-cluding the professors of English, debate, and history. The president, Mr. Saathoff, announced that the club would meet once each month throughout the school year. Tuesday's meeting was the first of the series. Following the program tea was served by Mrs. Bright.
Marjorie Paddock left McPherson Friday afternoon to spend the weekend at Inman with her parents.
Doris and Charles Pray spent the weekend In Hope visiting their parents.
Margaret Kagarice visited with her parents over the weekend near Hutchinson.
Marjoram Kinzie visited her parents and friends In Lyons over the weekend.
Becky Ann Stauffer, and Milton Morrison spent the weekend at Rox-bury visiting Milton's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hubbard were here Friday visiting their daughter Rilla. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard and Rilla went to Hutchinson Friday afternoon.
Ruth Siegle spent the week end at Beatrice, Nebraska, visiting her parents.
Green Bibs Worn Willingly By Dutiful Freshman Girls
Elmer Slaats Visits Friends
On McPherson Campus Thursday
Elmer Staats, of the class of '35, was in town last Thursday, and
Merwin Hapgood, regular fullback Is still on the injured list. He con-tinues to favor a hip bruise received In the Emporia Teachers game.
W.A. A. Revise Constitution Establish New Point System
over for the fourth touchdown and Haun converted the extra point.
With the Bulldogs leading 26 to 0. Coach Selves went in the reserves to finish the game. Then the Indians opened an aerial attack that netted them thirty-four yards on two passes. Several line drives brought them to the one-yard line. Hays, Bacone fullback, plunged over for their only touchdown. Rockman kicked the extra point.
The starting lineup:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Summary: Yards gained at scrimmage: McPherson, 107; Bacone, 114. |
At a special meeting of the W. A. A. last Thursday, the constitution was revised by the cabinet, was pre-sented to the members, and was ap-proved and accepted.
Several changes were made in the constitution. Heretofore, it was necessary to earn 125 points to be admitted into the organization. The new constitution states that 50 points must be earned to gain membership.
A few additions were made In the point system. Ping pong was added to the list of sports, and the same number of points will be given for it as tennis. Points will also be given for the posture test and self-testing activities.
The revised constitution also provides for different awards. A small letter will be given to each girl at the time of initiation as an award of membership. A cup will be awarded to the girl who earns 1000 points.
The first game to be played this year is baseball. The girls were divided into two teams and played their first game Tuesday. They will play regularly on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 5 p. m. At the end of three or four weeks, a tournament game will be played to determine the winning team.
stopped to visit friends on the campus. He was on his way to the University of Minnesota where he has an assistantship for this year in the Political Science Department.
When Mr. Staats graduated from M. C. he received a fellowship to K. U. With one year's work at the University he was able to obtain his Master's Degree with high honors. He made Phi Beta Kappa, honor society.
During the last summer he work-ed as research assistant for the Legislative Committee of the Little Leg-islature at Topeka.
Has anyone noticed the green apparel that the freshman girls have been wearing? For those who have not seen these bibs, as they are called we take this opportunity to say that they are delicate green In color and made from that material with a most pleasing odor—oilcloth!
The girls have been very faithful in wearing their caps and bibs just as the boys have been loyal in wearing their caps. All freshmen should be complimented on their sportsmanship.
The W. A. A. sponsors the Initiation for freshman girls. If you should happen to go down the halls at Arnold, no doubt you would see
several pairs of shoes outside the doors, it Is the duty of the freshman girls to see that these shoes are cleaned and shined. Business has been good the last few days.
In place of the usual green caps, this year the freshie girls are wearing green bibs around their necks —and they do clash so nicely with some dresses. The bibs must be worn at meals, in classes, everywhere on the campus except on formal occasions and on Saturday and Sunday. And, if you see some little freshman girls looking either lise a ghose or as If she were ready for an Indian war dance, then you can take it for granted that she "forgot" to wear her little green bib.
Dr. Petrv Speaks -On Dread Disease
Languors, Dejections, Apathy Discussed in Chapel
The disease worse than death was discussed by Dr. Petry in chapel Tuesday morning. He declared that the American college student knows it as boredam and that the symptoms are languor, dejection, melancholy, or apathy. This disease Is known by all nations, and all ages. When one is afflicted, life becomes
chore defying completion; he is suffocated in a living tomb of futility.
To escape this dread disease, men have gone into infantile diversions; we are like dogs chasing their tails who are ashamed to stop because they can't remember why they started. We are cowards, afraid to suffer alone, with other people, or for other people.
This disease is but an artificial condition, and Dr. Petry pointed out several ways by which the disease might be overcome. Among the most important suggestions were the following: change environment if necessary, seek self renunciation by helping others, control your emotions, face issues squarely, keep physically well, keep your mind well ventilated, take a friendly interest In others, have an imagination and use it, find a center of reference outside yourself and love yourself last.
Nomination of the beauty queens was also an event of the morning.
Rowena Frantz Chosen President
of Freshman Sunday School Class
The nominating committee, with Elmer Dadisman as chairman, brought before the freshman Sunday School class the nominees for class officers.
After taking a vote the officers were elected as follows: president, Rowena Frantz; secretary-treasurer, John Shacffer; social committee, Floy Lackey and Eugene Eisenbise; program committee. Virginia Richards and Dwight Horner; attendance committee, Gladys Shank and Raymond Flory.
This class expects to have the best attendance of any college class in the Sunday school.
Our fine son from Canton, Edward
Samuel Jones, Jr.. has a serious cold this week. That little Taylor gal seems to be the cause. Friendly suggestion offered grape pop only to be turned down.
Other headaches' on the campus seem to be confined to freshmen girls. Some seem to have very rosy complexions and others however seem to appear rather washed out. Take your bibs to dinner girls, more logic you know. *
Katharyn Enns attended the fair at Hutchinson Wednesday. She spent the night at Inman with relatives and returned Thursday morning in time for classes.
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