McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Friday, may 21. 1937
Retreat? Webster says a retreat Is a place of seclusion; rest; quiet! and far be It from this one to con-trudict that learned man. But it seems that the juniors and seniors have evolved a new definition of the term. Their places of retreat may have been secluded, but the time they spent there was anything but • a period of rest and quiet.
The juniors retreated Tuesday . evening to Twin Mounds, where, on the hillsides, under trees, and even In the middle of the road. with rocks for pillows, they sought rest. Did they find sleep? Perhaps a few fortunate ones did. but the others spent a restless night. And at the break of dawn, some early rising girls, ready for bacon and coffee, aroused their classmates. Later that same morning everyone went to Salina and spent the rest of the day playing tennis, soft ball, boat riding and in various other activities. Late Wed nesday afternoon, the group returned—winded, sunburned, sleepy and utterly fatigued.
That very game afternoon the seniors left for their place of retreat
Seniors and Juniors Enjoy Annual Retreat
near Halstead. Need It be said that they missed their beauty sleep? About midnight they all decided they needed their daily exercise, so they went up on the hill to play. After playing. most of them rolled up in their blankets and wont off to slum-berland. But a few, not relishing the Idea of sleeping on the damp ground lolled around the campfire all night
Thursday was filled with various activities. Some’ went to Wichita, others went here and there. Perhaps it was because of their previous experience last year that the seniors returned to the campus in better condition than did the juniors.
Following the vogue of the mo ment, the S. C. M. cabinet "took out Saturday evening lor Twin Mounds, from reports It seems that they must have spent a pleasant night. They- returned Sunday morning—In time for dinner.
And so It is that every year these groups seek a secluded spot In the great out-of-doors, sleep next to Mother Nature. play for a day, and return thoroughly needful of recuperation.
Noted Speaker Here
William Allen White, noted world traveler and lecturer, will speak in the College church next Friday afternoon. Mr. White has been active In politics and has been editor of the Emporia Gazette for a great many years. The Golden Anniversary committee was very fortunate in obtaining so noted a speaker as Mr. White.
The Quads Are Out!
The Quads are out! Come and got 'em" was the cry last Monday noon. But alas! only a few lucky ones could receive their college annual. Then It was that treasurers of organizations began flitting around the campus collecting class dues and club fees, for no Quads wore Issued to members of any organisation which had not paid Its Quadrangle bill.
Since Monday small groups, scattered about on porch steps, in parlors, and In various spots, are deeply engrossed In the task of “singing Quads."
Never before In the history of McPherson College has so much Ink been used, for It Is necessary to carry a fountain pen wherever you may go. Around any corner may be some one waiting to poke an annual under your very nose, and say "Write in this, please."
More brain power has been put Into use this week than during all the rest of the school term. Such thoughtful expressions have never been witnessed as that one thinks. "What shall I write in this one?"
So proud are the students of their Quads that they carry them to the dining hall. Perhaps they do sharpen the appetite.
There Is not a more popular nor a more widely read and interesting book on the campus than the Fiftieth Anniversary Quadrangle.
Classes forgotten! Lessons not prepared! Can’t be bothered about such trifles. The Quads are out. and they must be autographed!
Dean .Mohler to .Make Trip
Plans are being completed for a sixteen hundred mile biology trek this summer. Dean Mohler and seven others are making the trip * Their Itinerary Includes these stops: Ellsworth county fossil beds and the cretaceous chalks In northwest Kansas. A study will be made of the elephant, camel and hog re-mains in western Nebraska. Home time will be spent at at the Scott's Bluff National Monument and the fossil beds at Agate. Nebraska which are the richest fossil beds west of the Mississippi. Other points are the fossil cycads. the National Monument of South Dakota and the Black Hills.
The Held work Is to be supple-mented by library and museum study. Five hours college credit will he given for the trip. Dean Mohler, his son Richard, C. H. Dresher, "Rush” Holloway. Philip Davis. Alvin Goering. Charles Wagoner, and Lloyd Moehlman will make the trip.
Fellows who honk horns In front of sorority houses, who Ignore opinions of girls qualified to give them, and who wear dirty cords or neckless sweaters without ties, are the peeves of coeds at Oregon State
Presentation To Be Principle Attraction For Friday, May 28, in Chapel
Influence of Common Man on Family Theme of “For All of Us
One of the outstanding events of the coming; commencement week will be the presentation Friday. May 28, of the Thespian Club, college dramatic organization, of the play "For All of Us.* The cast has been practicing every day and under the direction of Mias Della Lehman,, head of the dramatics department, with the aid of Misa Margaret Messamer as student director the play has been rapidly developing Into a strong presentation.
The play portrays the influence of a common laboring man with a beautiful philosophy of life on a family where trouble has come. The part of the laborer, Griswold, is carried by George Toland who coached the recent senior production "The Taming of the Shrew" and has appeared in college dramatics on several preceding occasions.
Becky Ann Stauffer, as Joey, appears in the difficult situation of a young woman with whom both a father and his son are in love.
In the character of Frederick Warren, portrayed by Harold Mohler is embodied the theme of the play—the effect of mental attitudes on physical well-being.
Other members of the cast Include Lola Gnagy as Mrs. Warren: Charles Pray. Frederick Warren. Jr., Ethel Warren, Elma Minnick; Mr. Merrick. Fred Nace. Paul Miller, Mr. Fisher.
The pay presents romance, impending tragedy, and sacrifice, with a thread of mystery. deception and villainy running through the plot. The Thespian Club feels In this production they are presenting a type of play which will appeal to students. alumni, townspeople and the general public. The present-day In-terest in practical psychology makes the play of universal interest.
Sophomores Elect Thompson
At thee sophomore class meeting Thursday the following students were elected for the Junior class officers next year: President, William Thompson; Vice president, Rosalie Fields: Secretary. Rilla Hubbard; Treasurer, Joelle Letkeman; Student Council representatives. Inez Goughnour, and Addison Saathoof.
The Junior class officers have a very responsible position, and It was with this fact In mind that these officers were elected.
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Miss Margaret Fry Gives
Recital Today In Chapel
Miss Margaret Fry gave a recital as the first part of the chapel service today. Because of a recent Illness Miss Fry was unable to present a public recital, and took this oppor-tunity to present several numbers.
Miss Fry sang tiro numbers and an enchore. Professor Nevin Fisher accompanied on the piano. The program was as follows: "Nocturne" by Curian; "Love and Music, These Have I Lived For" from the opera Tosca by Puccini; “Swiss Echo Song” by Eckert.” "My Rosary" by Professor Nevin Fisher; "The An-swer" by Terry; and "Rain" by Cur-ian as an encore.
After the recital the newly elected members of the S. C. M. cabinet wore initiated. Talks were given by Wanda Hoover and Williard Flaming, resigning co-presidents. Miss Della Lehman also gave a brief discussion.
Professor Loren B. Crawford. Instructor In Violin and Theory for the past year. Is looking forward to a larger and hotter music department next year. This year his department has become very popular and has done some excellent work.
Next year Mr. Crawford In planning to enlarge the "String Choir” and to make it as popular as the A Cappella Choir. The String Choir Is not to be a community choir but a choir composed of his pupils and other pupils of the college. The Choir is planning to organize so that It will he ready for public ap-pearance soon after the opening of school. Plans are that the choir will take an active part In the college deputation program next year.
During the year Professor Crawford has been on a continuous lookout for prospective students for next year. Much of his time this summer will be devoted to field work for McPherson College.
When asked about the possibilities of a "Chamber Music Festival" next year Mr. Crawford stated. "There will be one next year and It promises to be even better than the one this year." It Is through such an organization as this that many talented musicians are brought to the college.
Next year Mr. Crawford Is himself planning to give a recital some time early In the fall.
Dr. Bright To Entertain
Dr. J. D. Bright will entertain the members of the International Relations Club at a picnic in Deer Park Monday May 24 at 4:30 p. m. During a short business meeting officers, will be elected for the coming year. Everyone Interested In the International Relations Club Is invited to attend this picnic.
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Fundamental Movements Class Gives Demonstration of Clouds and Showers
Bands played, school children marched and beautifully decorated flouts paraded .Main street Wednesday for McPherson's 24th annual All-Schools Day Festival which was the "biggest and best" May Day celebration McPherson has staged In many years.
The parade was outstanding in every respect—three miles of marching bands, beautiful floats, marching school children. the county graduates and many other features that pleased the gigantic crowd.
The day's performance started with the May Fete and crowning of the May Queen. Milruth Hawkin-son. After the crowning of the queen a group of sixteen girls from the Fundamental Movement Glass of McPherson College under the direction of Miss Warner, Physical Education Instructor, gave their conception in movement of "clouds" and spring showers." All the practice done by this group was done In rehearsals outside of class. The group practiced a few of the Art dance techniques and thein gave their own conception of the dance. The Art Danco does not depend upon the costume but the movement is the vital part of the dance. The costumes were light grey broadcloth to represent grey clouds' and rain-drops with full skirts and full sleeves giving a graceful effect. The costumes were designed by the group.
The girls participating In tho dance were: Lola Mae Harbaugh. Marjorie Bowes, Virginia Richard. Mary Richards, Ellon Divine, Anna Fuchs, Virginia Harris, Ruby Beckner. Betty Ruth Stutsman. Marjorie Flory. Audrey Hamman, Theresa Strom. Wanda Hoover. Inez Goughnour, Ruth Rogers, and Olga Garvey. Lillys Frantz was the accompanist.
The graduation exercises, the carnival. the band concerts and the evening concert of the A Cappella choir of McPherson College added much to the activities of the day. Everybody was in a holiday spirit and continued to remain so until well Into the night
The Art department of McPherson College had an exhibit In Lis-chesky store window. The Industrial Art department had their exhibit fn Brown McDonald store window.
Charles Nettleton and L. Ullery Assist In Recital
The McPherson College Department of Music presented Frances Campbell In a recital Monday night. May 17 In the College Chapel.
Miss Campbell was assisted by Charles Netleton. tenor. Lucile Ullery was the accompanist. Miss Campbell played with beautiful tone and brilliant technique before a small hut appreciative audience. Miss Campbell is Concert Master of the College String Choir and is an active member of the Voice Department.
The following Is the program of Miss Campbell's recital:
Sanoto In D Major .... ..... Handel
Miss Campbell
Ah! So Pure (from Martha)
' -It* , ______.: -■ Flotow
Mr. Nettleton
Concerto No. 22 In A Hinor, Viotti Allegro
Miss Campbell
I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby. Clay Mr. Nettleton
Air for the G String..... Bach
The Old Refrain......... Kreisler
Romanze - -......— Wagner
There may be no connection In Items but in the 1937 Summer Session catalogue of the University of Wisconsin under “courses for men and women," the first course listed Is "Social Dancing." and the second "First Aid to the Injured."
Official Celebration of the Golden Anniversary of College Next Week
S. Miller. Paul Lawson. W. A.
White and Kurtz To Talk
The official celebration of the Golden Anniversary of McPherson College closes half a century of achievement and opens a new era of progress.
Friday, morning. May 28 at ten o'clock, a program dealing with the contributions of the College to the Community. Church, and State will begin the actual celebration. Mr. Homer Ferguson of McPherson has been secured to speak on "The Contributions of McPherson College to the Community:” Mr. S. J. Miller, former acting president of the College will speak on "The Contributions of McPherson College to the Church;" and Dean Paul B. Law-son. on "The Contributions of McPherson College to the State." The response address. "A Forward Look" will be given by President V. F. Schwalm.
Following a noon luncheon for guests of the celebration, the main anniversary program, with William Allen White as speaker, will be held in the College Church. This program promises to be the highlight of the celebration. There will also be greetings from the presidents of var-ious surrounding colleges. At eight o'clock In the evening the Thesplsn Club will present "For All of Us," a three act play.
Activities Begin Saturday
Senior Class Day Exercises begin Saturday's activities. At noon, former classes will meet for reunion luncheons. reassembling at three o’clock for a business session of the Alumni organization. In the evening a formal dinner at the Community Building for alumni, faculty, and other guests will close the day.
Dr. Edward Frantz, a former president of the College, will deliver the Baccalaureate sermon. "Life Values Old and New," Sunday morning at ten o'clock. In the afternoon, them will be a program of reminiscences with J. J. Yoder In charge. Later in the afternoon, tea will be served in the Student Union Room. A sacred concert and social hour will close Sunday's activities.
The celebration will reach a climax Monday morning with the Commencement Day exercises which will be held in the College Church at ten lock. Dr. D. W. Kurtz, who is also a farmer president of the College, will deliver the Commencement address to the forty-one seniors who will receive diplomas during the ceremony.
Seniors Graduating
Myrtle Barley. Chester Colwell. Emerson Chisholm. Otho Clark, Ev-erett Brown, Helen Eaton, Willard Flaming. Anna Fuchs. Alvin Goering, Margaret Hahn. Floyd Harris, Viola Harris. Lee Haun. Wanda Hoover, Miriam Horner. Van Hunt, Harold Johnston, Bernice Keedy. Esther Kimmel, Homer Kimmel. Paul Lack-ie, Elmer Liss, Eldon Manning, Margaret Messamer, David Metzger, Ver-non Michael; Jessie Miller. Paul Miller, June McNamee, Bernadine Oh-mart. Phyllis Powers. Clayton Rock, Emma Schmidt. Clara Schurman, Pauline Stutzman. Toshiro Tsubo-kowa. Eldora Van Dermark, Mike Vasquez, Velma Watkins, Kenneth Weaver, Mildred Oberst:
A two-hour private recital for the music students was given by the members of the voice department, and piano department Saturday. May 16th in the college chapel.
Sunday. May 16th, a recital open to the public was given by the students of the music department.
Hopes of becoming wealthy overnight prompt people to send samples of well-water, rocks and metals to the University of Minnesota's geology department for analysis.
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Connell. HOME OF 1936 Member 1937 THE SCHOOL
the bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press of quality
Entered as second class matter November 29, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897
Address All Correspondence to THE spectator McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-Chief ------... ____ Harold Larsen
Editor ...............Rilla Hubbard
Sports Editor ___________________ .. Gordon Yoder
Copy Readers ......Ellen Divine Eldora Van Dermark
Business Manager ____ ......^ ...._Vernon D- Michael
Assistant Business Manager------ Russell Kingsley
Rilla Hubbard Russell Kingsley Winton Sheffer
Ruth Taylor Toshiro Tsubakowa Gordon Yoder
Doris Dresher Rosalie Fields Bill Flaming
velopment during their experiences
at McPherson College. Let us all be boosters and advertisers to the world so that others will receive the benefits of McPherson College and in turn add a huge stepping stone to a greater McPherson College. You seniors let your place In the busy thoroughfare of life be also an self endorsement of your alma muter.
Preparation for a more successful year should be the forward outlook for every vacationist. Let your bodies. mentally and physically be recuperated. In that they may be a storehouse of energy to more successfully fill those niches left by many self-sacrificing seniors.
—The Editor.
Let’s Loosen Up Alumni!
have until March 1. 1938 to your subscription. but we need your subscription now—by May 31. The time Is growing short. Act TO-DAY.
S. M. DELL. '26.
Alumni Assn.
How glorious It will be if. at our alumni banquet, we can announce that we have reached our goal of $40,000 for the physical education building. We can if every alumnus who hasn't given will send s gener-ous subscription this month. Other groups are making good in the Golden Anniversary Campaign. Why shouldn't we?
Alumni Assn.
My newspaper tells me of a war In a far-away land and of threats a position like 1917. Suppose my that the war may spread. Suppose, the United States Were jostled Into boys were called to give their lives in a war abroad. They and I. as others have. might know the bitter price of war—a tiny white cross.
But that won’t happen If I can help it. Down in Washington a Congressman named Ludlow propos-es to give me a chance to vote on whether my sons should fight in a foreign war. I have asked my congressman to help past that peace referendum plan.
I wish every mother In this community would, too. The sons of all the mothers in this land needs us now. .I can't think of a better way of measuring unto my responsibility of being—a mother.
War Profits Hard To Destroy
1. governmental ownership of mun-itions plant, 2. reorganization of our defenses on a purely continental basis. and 3. a constructive policy of International cooperation.
legislation on those points would reduce the chances of our Involvement in war. and so reduce the opportunity for some of our citizens to turn death Into dollars. Such a program is a whole lot saner than cooking up plans for a foreign war with'
a dictatorship thrown In to boot. Congress ought to know that we are done with wars abroad and that we don’t like dictators.
Penly Ann Host
Philadelphia, Pa. — (ACP) ~ Many seniors qualified to hold positions fail to land them because they bungle the first Interview with their might-have-been employer!
For this reason. Dr. Clarence B Clewell, director of the University of Pennsylvania’s placement service, and his assistants advise seniors what not to say:
"I am willing to accept any Job you offer me.
After It's all said and done. It seems that our golden McPherson bus grown:
Politically . . . when Lackie can expostulate on strip-shows In history - current-event time.
Socially . . . when the spotlight turns on a man like M. P. Vasquez.
Ruthlessly . . . when second and first floor Fahnestock "men collide.
Seriously . . . Just as Mary Is with Riddell.
Ingeniously . . . dating at the birth of Jezebel.
Prettily . . . when Audrey trips It on the light fantastic.
Religiously . . . when Van turns Jo pray and Amos to divine aid
Painlessly . . . under Larsen's hypnotism.
Scandalously . . . since the second
Dear Old Fahnestock
Ay sear her saggy studding down! Its purpose Is complete.
And from within we hear the sound Of swiftly moving feel.
On third floor rings the freshman's scream
And bursts the senior's roar.
The sage of MC’c noble halls Shall brave dust storms no more.
Her walls once red with fresh and baked clay
Now show the strain of years.
And falling ruins from the roof Instill momentous fears.
At her no more shall Idle tongues Cast words of abioquoy.
Nor shall the eyes of searching swains
Her Imperfections see.
'Tis bit a matter of a year Till Fahnestock shall fall.
And In her stead we hope to see A new and better hall.
But even In our later life.
When we new cares embrace.
In memories that rustic dorm Will always have Its place.
—Raymond Flory.
Dispels Mystery of
Indian Firewalkers
London, Eng.—(ACP)—There is no mystery about the Indian ascetics who walk through fire: they simply have tough feet.
So said Prof. J. C. Flugei. of the University of London. In regard to experiments recently conducted by that institution's Council for Psychological Investigation.
Glowing red embers were thrown Into a trench 25 feet long and 5 feet wide. The temperature of the smoking lane was about seven times and one-half as hot as boiling water. or 740 degrees Centigrade.
Even Ahmed Hussain. a 23-year-old Moslem fire-walker suffered burned feet. The amateurs who walked through the ashes were burned In varying degrees.
"My feet seemed to sink Into the flowing ashes.” said A. J. Bould. a university student, "and some red-hot cinders stuck painfully to the sides of my feet. It was not too bad."
"I made the experiment out of Interest in It* psychological aspect." declared D C. Russell, a psychology student. "I felt no great pain."
"I didn’t feel much heat." said R. Adcock. the son of an asbestos manufacturer. "My father is an asbestos manufacturer. Perhaps asbestos runs In our blood."
Reflections of a Senior
Subscription Rates For
One School Year
Bill Fry Inez Goughnour John Bower
After a week of diligent effort, a somewhat sorrowful student body will bid the McPherson campus farewell. Like a silent, relentless centrifugal force, McPherson College will send Its studious population outward across the United States to their welcoming homes and friends.
No longer will joyous shouts ring through the halls. Rooms. scarred and won. will be vacated by Its Inmates for three months or . . . for-ever. .Those buildings will stand always as monuments of things accomplished and experienced In the past.
Let everyone as they depart resolve to be self-luminous of the de-
We set out to contribute $40,000 to build the new physical education building- as our part of the Fiftieth Anniversary Campaign. Counting. all alumni gifts, we have contributed a total of $18,578.50. The goal we set was not too high and It can be reached. $21,421.50 more to needed and It should be available. Loss than 400 of a total of about 1860 alumni have given date. If 1200 more alumni will give even small gifts, we can easily reach our goal.
The churches have given well, the local community reached its objec tive, many of you have given generously. and the rest of you are planning to give eventually. Do It NOW. This Is the strategic time to help McPherson College. Remember you
I am the mother of two sons. One Of them Is 25, the other will be 22 on his next birthday. I’ll get flowers from them on Sunday. .Mother's Day. or candy, or maybe Just -a card— something to show that they are thinking of me on my Tears
may cloud my eyes for a moment this Sunday as I think back on the time When they crawled around my parlor on their hands and knees. But then I'll smile with the satis-faction that I. too. have given the • world the finest men I could.
I wonder sometimes what the world Will give the two men I have given It. I pray It will he happiness, security, love. good work to do, a family. I would like to see a world wherein all these are In the reach of all young men.
And then a terrible fear haunts me.
War profits are hard to get rid . of, It appears, for legislation would . require the establishment of intri-. cate lax rates and a schedule of pric-. es, a technical knowledge of every Industry In America, and a gigantic machinery to administer the tax pro-gram. So complicated is the task that a complete regimentation of the country could not actually guar-. antee a profitless war.
The F. P. A. urges Congress to come to grips with the problem from the point of view of keeping us out 'of war by considering three moves:
To know the etiquette of any sport It every bit as Important as to know the rules. Sportsmanship is an Important phase of every game, fn the book of "Manners'* there are some excellent "Do's" and "Don'ts” given.
‘‘Dont take any game too seriously. Play It to the full, but do not become so absorbed that you put it ahead of all else.
If you play a game poorly, say so quite frankly at the beginning, but dont continue to apologize throughout the game. Above all. never pose as being a better player than you are.
Do not advise others how to play unless they have asked your help. Teaching Is usually left to professionals.
■Don't ridicule anything other players may do.
Always be willing to concede a point when a question arises, and don’t make an Issue of a debatable matter. Don’t, on the other hand, permit any Intentional disregard of the rules of the game or permit an omission of Its penalties.
Be absolutely fair.
Respect the decision of the Judges and the referees without comment.
Be modest when you accept congratulations In winning a match.
Take defeat lightly and don’t make apologies or explanations for not having won a match.
He generous In your praise of another. Give full credit to an opponent. Do not detract from his victory by enlarging on the rules of chance."
I hate to take any more of your time, but I just must say goodbye to Dick Kent. The charge of half tine of words still stands, for we were not speaking of dogma--"that which is held ns an established opinion” such as a church doctrine, but of dogmatic views, which would be views expressed without supporting evidence. In any opinion is a dogma. let me list a few other well-known dogmatists who really think the proposed court '’reorganization” means packing — Arthur Capper. Senator Wagner. Charles E. Hughes. Joe Robinson, F. D. Roosevelt, and Jim Farley—not to 'mention Dick Kent. Dick’s reaction Is easily understood when I recall what he said last winter. "As long as the present setup holds. I can make seven hundred dollars a year If I don’t raise a bushel of wheat." Yea, verily, even Satan can Quote scripture for his purpose.
But you want to be careful when you use that last saying: someone may tell you, as ..Dr. Smith did Boyer, "Well. go on and quote It.”
‘Dof-goned If. I don’t wish some times we could all be dogs! Think of It. no prof could make yon hand In a bunch of drawings or write a term theme. Even better, (psychologists think dogs don’t think) one could upset you by making you think a new thought. Every dog has his day. and you could be happy, for you wouldn't realise it would soon be time for someone else to put on dog. Men would Just send the dog catcher to shoot you. Instead of making a criminal' out of you and torturing you for years with courts and Jails. How little them would be to be afraid of! No * haunted houses, no failures, no alphabetical schemes, no stock-market crashes, no hell, no halitosis or B. O.. for all these are man-made. Dog’s don't know the world Is going to the dogs. Most men live a dog's life anyhow make themselves comfortable by the fire and wait to be fed. they growl at the woman who feeds them.
—they track mud In on the floor
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New W. A. A. Officials Elected
The members of the W. A. A. met Thursday evening at their last regular meeting of this year. The new officers. Marjorie Flory. Lenore Shirk, and Audrey Hammann were Installed by President Wine, and four new members took the pledge. Rilla Hubbard was elected as Spectator reporter for next year. A few other matters of business were discussed, and then the meeting adjourned.
Awards will be given to those members who have earned enough points for letters and cups, at chapel next Tuesday.
The school year Is rapidly drawing to a close. For many the 31st of May will mean the last of formal education. Despite this, however, development should not cease. College has been a decided failure If It has not instilled a desire for further knowledge and advancement. Besides providing learning situations, college should show a student the vast fields of human endeavor that he has failed to touch. In other words. the knowledge of any college- student when compared to ruth and knowledge In Us entirety, 'a Infinitesimal. College. It seems to me. should not only Impress this upon the student but should also create a desire within him to explore and acquaint himself with the unknown. This is by far the best way to keep intellectually and open-minded.
After four years of, college It seems to me that to a certain extent the wrong emphasis has been placed upon educational process. In many classes we have been encouraged to master details, memorize dates, poems and quotations. After a year Or so much of this Information nat-arally slips a person's mind, espec-ially if the student Is Interested In some other field. The deplorable
thing Is not that one has forgotten
Gallery took the opera glasses
Faultlessly . , . when the Maude-Margaret-Loren triangle seem
to trio" so harmoniously.
Effectively ... to be the meeting place of so many sweethearts.
Fearlessly . . . after the manner of soloist "Ikie" in the choir.
Aesthetically . . . since the recent publication of those "without-mincing words editorials.
Diligently . . . Just like our N. Y. A. workers.
Daringly . . . when brave couples climb the tower for adventure.
Normally . . . since Dr. Schwalm has given his annual speech on the subject "We Hold Hands this Spring”
Successfully . . . when we remember that It will be only twenty-five years until our Alma Mater will wear her diamond halo.
Lash Has Strong Lungs
Cambridge. Mass. — (ACP) — Lungs with efficiency greater than those of any man ever tested belong to Don Lush, Indiana University's sensational two-mile runner.
• ' This claim was made by Dr. D. B. Dill of the Harvard University fatigue laboratory at the annual mealing of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.
memorized Information, but that details and memorization have been stressed to such an extent that the knowledge of source material has been neglected entirely. Thus when a student does forget he Is completely at a loss—he can neither remember what he learned nor does ho know where to find the material he forgot.
McPherson College, we are told. Is In a cultural vacuum. Be that as It may. there la another field in which our college Is lagging. For the student who participates in organized athletics, ample physical exercise Is provided, but for the scores of others, there to very little opportunity for physical exercise. especially during the winter months. Certain colleges developed an athletic program for the entire student body which stresses those sports which can be participated In after graduation. Friends University Is one oh these schools: There every student to encouraged to develop his athletic prowess In tennis, golf, swimming, etc. This program taken care of the need of physical recreation of college students and helps develop abilities that can be utilized In later years. Such a program would be a decided asset to McPherson college.
Clayton Rock graduates In June with a major In Commerce. He will receive a B. S. degree. Clayton has been very active In his four years at Mac. He has been outstanding on the football field and Is president of the Student Council.
Emma Schmidt our big little girl on the campus, graduates with many contributions to her credit. She has been a member of the International Relations and Forensic clubs, as well as a worker in the S. C. M. We will all miss her next year. She will receive a B. A. degree, having majored in English.
Clara Schurman. our only redheaded senior, graduates with a major In History. She has been a member of the International Relations and Forensic clubs. We have not seen so much of Clara as we would like to. Come and visit us next year, Clara. She will receive A B. A. degree.
Pauline Stutzman, gracefully slim senior, graduates with a major in Home Economics. She has served on the Student Council. and is a member of the Pep club. If you have never seen Pauline on the cam-pus. she was probably over In the cooking room trying out some now recipe. She will receive a B. S. degree.
Toshiro Tsubokawa, our brilliant representative from Japan, has majored in English. Toshi, an we call him here. Is a never tiring conversationalist. Everyone likes him and enjoys talking with him. He has done remarkable work In English and we will miss him next year. He will receive a B. A. degree.
Velma Watkins, has really engaged in many activities in her four yours at McPherson, but she has kept an envied scholastic record In spite of the above mentioned fact. She has been a member of the International Relations. Thespian Pep. and the Forensic Society clubs. She has majored In English and will receive a B. A. degree. We will all miss you next year, Velma.
Kenneth Weaver, our oratorical genius, has many envied accomplishments credited to his name. He has been a member of the Chemistry, Debate. Thespian and the Forensic Society clubs. He has won state-wide recognition in Debate, and has won many oratorical contests in his four years here. We know you will succeed. Kenneth, and we wish you all possible luck In the future.
—The Culture of Japan—
Toshiro Tsubokawa
Japan by the Department of Communications Is severe. The expression of one’s political opinion or the giving out any sort of advertisement through radio is strictly prohibited. Such announcements as the amount of money distributed to winners at horse races and other items deemed to be against the public Interest are also prohibited. Today we see marked improvements In the Items an in the quality. If we compare with the radio program with that of the early days. The cultural advancement of Japan Is said to owe much to the radio service.
The morning gymnastic exercises led by the broadcasting stations throughout Japan deserve mention. These daily exercises led through microphones have become one of the health movements of the nation.
So the radio stations are located at appropriate points throughout the country, local festivals and other events of the year and local folk songs formerly to be heard by but a Initiated number of people are brought before the nation not only to the pleasure of the participations but also of the nation-wide audience. So no private broadcasting is allowed and all the radio stations are under one governing body, the service has contributed not a little toward the unification of Japanese culture, as In the standardization of the spoken language for example. Education has been remarkably promoted. lectures for men and women, young people, students and children are given consecutively. Such lec. lures include lessons In such for-eign languages as English, French, German. Spanish and Chinese, and discussions of literature. the fine arts, handicraft, etc. Among the educational Items, gymnastic exercises., music lessons and other lessons specially broadcasted for schools during school hours are great ly appreciated by the teachers and students. The progress of the arts suited to radio production Is noteworthy. For Instance, the "Radio drama" is earnestly studied. All sorts
Floy Lackey, Oliver Andrews and George Toland went to the Relays In Sterling Friday and spent the night in St. John and returned to the col logo Saturday morning.
Evelyn High and Lillys Frantz pianists, broadcast from KFH. Wichita. Friday.
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Wires Dispatched to Find Out Whether Amateur Standing Will Be Revoked
Hollywood. Calif.—Glenn Morris, graduate of Colorado State College, decathlon champion of the world, and winner of the 1936 Sullivan Trophy, highest honor awarded an athlete has been signed to a long term motion picture contract by Principal Productions, to play the role of Tarzan!
The agreement was closed following two weeks of secret screen tests at the company’s Hollywood Studios. Signing of the contract also brings to a close a search extending over a period of more than six months during which time athletes from every brunch of sports were placed under serious consideration! by the film company's officials. So It looks like the Tarzan market will be bearish for some time to come.'
Among those previously namely as possibilities include Larry Kelly. Sander Szabo, Dizzy Dean, James Braddock. Max Baer, David Levin Bob Pastor and Lou Gehrig. Gehrig. Iron Man of the New York Yankees, was signed to a contract last month for the lead In a series of outdoor pictures by Harold Bell Wright and Zane Grey.
Morris will begin work early In May in the title role of "Tarzan’s Revenge," first of the now series of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ stories to be be produced by the film company.
Wires have been dispatched to Dan Perris of the national AAU and P. J. Walsh of the Metropolitan AAU for a ruling whether or not Morris will lose his amateur standing as the result of a film contract: however Morris declares that the decision of the athletic boards will In no way affect the agreement.
Morris first attracted sports attention when he amassed a total of 20 points In a single track meet a new Individual record at Colorado State. As a football player, he was named All-Conference end In 1934 and participated In the annual East-West game In San Francisco.
Professor Declares No
Mystery About Indians
London, Eng.— (AGP)—-There is no mystery about the Indian ascetics who walk through fire; they simply have tough feet.
So said Pro. J. C. Flugel, of the University of London. In regard to experiments recently conducted by that Institution’s Council for Psychological Investigation.
Glowing red embers were thrown into a trench 25 feet long and 5 feet wide. The temperature of the smoking lane was about seven times and one-half as hot as boiling water. or 740 degrees centigrade.
Even Ahmed Hussain. a 23-year-old Moslem fire-walker suffered burned feet. The amateurs who walked through the ashes wore burned in varying degrees.
“My feet seemed to sink into the flowing ashes,” said A. J. Bould. a university student. "and some red-hot cinders stuck painfully to the sides of my feet. It was not too bad."
“I made the experiment out of Interest In Its phychological aspect," declared D. C. Russell, a psychological student. "I felt no great pain."
"I didn’t feel much heat," said R. Adcock, the son of an asbestos manufacturer. "My father is an asbestos .manufacturer. Perhaps asbestos runs in our blood."
Foods Classes Visit Dairy and Mill
.Members of the foods and dietet-ics classes and Miss Atkinson visited the Wall Rogalsky mill and the United. Dairies plant, Friday. May
At the mill the complete processor transforming wheat into flour was explained and each person was allowed to examine the milling mach-inery.
The methods of pasteurization, sterilization and bottling were demonstrated at the dairy. Mr. Sorenson, the owner, explained the use of the various disinfectants. After the demonstration Mr. Sorenson treated each visitor to. a brown giant.
Eldora Van Denmark graduates In June with a major in English, and will receive a B. A. degree. Eldora has done considerable and worthy work on the Spectator and we will miss her next year. Best wishes in your teaching, Eldora.
Aa in western countries, the development of radio In Japan has been amazing. Three private broadcasting stations were established in 1925 and these services were started under the supervision of the department of communications. In 1926 radio broadcasting regulations were put Into operation for government control of the service, and the stations were Incorporated Into the Broadcasting Corporation of Japan. The establishment of private broadcasting stations is prohibited by the regulations.
The service Is monopolized. The main office of that body Is In Tokyo and all the stations throughout Japan are managed by that one. Both legal and moral limitations of the service of that body are definitely defined: and Its financial foundation is sound. Japan Is geographically divided into seven districts. Several sub-branch stations are attached to the seven great stations. The main stations and sub stations are closely connected for facility In relaying and exchanging radio programs.
The number of listener-in In Japan. ranked fifth In the world In 1934. the order being the U. S. A.. Great Britain. Germany. Soviet Russia and Japan. The increase In the number of listeners in has been amazing, especially in view of the general business depression during the last few years. But In Japan as in other countries radio broadcasting is not appreciated so much In villages as In towns, contrary to the mission of the broadcasting service The Japanese listeners-in have to pay seventy-five sen (about .35 cents at normal exchange rales) a month. In compliance with government orders, a part of the subscription foe Is contributed to the prevention of tuberculoids and other social welfare work.
Most of the radio receivers used In Japan are of the Midget type appearance sets are much the same an the sets In the U. S. A., hut usually they are equipped with fewer tubes because long distance receiving equipment in not necessary In Japan, the area not being large, the broadcasting service being unified, and many stations being located throughout the country at appropriate points.
Programs and Hours
Broadcasting takes place between 6 a. m. and 10 p. m. Radio programs consists of news bulletins, weather forecasts, educational and cultural items, children's hour and entertainments.
The censorship of broadcasting In
of Japanese musical and theatrical performances have been broadcast and appreciated. Both the classical and modern music of the West, and both old and modern Japanese folk songs are being broadcast. The sports of the seasons are very popular and are broadcast. Nowadays baseball is the most popular sport In Japan. The spring and autumn base-ball series of the university teams,
add culture of japan—spec .......
and annual summer baseball series played by high school teams are enthusiastically listened-in to by radio subscribers. When the games are played, the streets of every town In Japan are full of baseball fans crowding in front of radio sets.
When we discuss the radio program of Japan, we cannot Ignore the exchange of broadcasting programs between Japan and foreign countries. Hitherto Japan has been out-side the range of international radio broadcasting owing to her geographical situation. But the technical progress of the radio and the change in international politics have made It possible and necessary to exchange radio programs with Western countries. Nowadays Japan has become one of the regular members of the radio exchange of the world. The Japanese people earnestly wish to promote mutual understanding among Japan and foreign countries and the peace of the world by way of radio broadcasting. The Broadcasting Corporation of Japan is doing its best for better International exchanger of radio programs.
Girl Challenges Student.
It seems that Flora Peterson, a coed at Wheaton College. Illinois, saw Frederick’s picture in a paper and hurled a challenge at T. C. U. Doc Jekyll:
"I saw your picture In the Chicago Tribune today." she wrote, “and I challenge your title." She enclosed her picture and finished off Fredir-ick with "I may not be beautiful, but I ado the honor roll! Did you?"
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Miss Floy Lackey To Present Recital
Professor Nevin W. Fisher Will Accompany on Piano
Miss Floy Lackey Freshman from western Idaho and student In the college and fine arts departments will present a voice recital In the college chapel On Friday night, May 21, at 8:00 o’clock. Miss Lackey’s voice belongs to that rare classification. the coloratura soprano. Several of her recital songs; the operatic aria "Caro Nome" from Verdi's Rigoletto contains florid passages which carry the voice to high d natural.
In this recital by her Instructor, Pro-Miss Lackey will be accompanied fessor Nevin Fisher. One of the program numbers Is composed with violin obbligato, which will be played by Professor Crawford. Miss lackey’s assistant artist —will be Evelyn High. Pianist.
The recital program will be as follows.
An Open Secret-----R. Huntington
' Woodman
Irmelin Rose--- Erich J. Wolff
Rummer —__:_ Cecile Chaminade
Romance ...__________ C. Debussy
Als die Alte Mutter___ A. 'Dvorak
Senta’s Ballad ....__Wagner-Liszt
From ‘The Flying Dutchman" for piano
Caro Nome, from “Rigoletto”.
G. Verdi
O. Cease thy Singing. Maiden
Fair ___S. Rachmaninoff
Violin obbligato by Frits Kreisler Prof. Loren B. Crawford. Violinist
-Maids of Cadiz____Leo Delibes
Beautiful Dreamer .... Stephen Foster
Lo! Here the Gentle Larke___
------— Henry R. Bishop
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Sophs Beat Seniors
The sophomores, starting with a rush Tuesday night, were off to a 3 run lead in the first Inning and increased the margin to win 10 to 8 over the seniors. The sophs scored 5 runs in the last Inning to cinch the ball game.
The box score:
Sophomores Yoder, ss ................. |
AB. .............4 |
H. 3 2 0 |
R. 2 1 0 2 |
Letkeman gf --------- Kingsley, 2b ........... |
__________8 ............2 | ||
............4 | |||
Rogers. 3 b ............... |
............3 |
0 |
0 |
Albright, p ...... |
............2 |
2 |
2 |
Evans, lf .............. |
..........3 |
2 |
0 |
Wiegand, lb ........... |
0 |
0 | |
............2 |
0 |
i | |
Pouts, rf ................. |
............2 |
0 |
i |
............2 |
0 |
2 | |
27 |
11 |
10 | |
Seniors |
AB. |
H. |
R. |
Goering 3b .............. |
1 |
0 | |
P. Miller. p.......... |
............3 |
1 |
1 |
............3 |
0 |
0 | |
Haun. sl ................... |
..........1 |
0 |
0 |
H. Johnston, 1b ..... |
............2 |
1 |
i |
......... 2 |
1 |
1 | |
Brown. lf ......... |
..........* |
1 |
0 |
Harris, of ............... |
...........2 |
0 |
0 |
Clark, rf ................. |
............2 |
0 |
0 |
Tsubokawa, 2b ....... |
............2 |
0 |
0 |
22 |
5 |
3 |
Juniors (8) |
AB. |
H. |
R. |
.....3 |
0 |
1 | |
.. . 3 |
1 |
1 | |
Mohler, sf ..................... |
2 |
0 | |
0 |
0 | ||
.....2 |
2 |
1 | |
.....2 |
0 |
0 | |
1 | |||
Zook, c ........................... |
0 |
0 | |
R. Flory, p ................... |
1 |
1 1 | |
.....2 |
2 | ||
22 |
8 |
8 | |
Freshmen B (3) |
AB. |
H. |
R. |
'.._2 |
0 |
0 | |
Diehl, 3b ...................... |
.....2 |
1 |
0 |
.....3 |
0 |
0 | |
. 0 |
0 | ||
.....2 |
l |
0 | |
Voshell, p ... . |
2 |
1 |
1 |
...'..2 |
0 |
0 | |
Wolf, rf ............... | |||
Eisenbise, c...................... |
.....1 |
0 |
1 |
D. Schmidt. 2b________ |
_...2 |
0 |
0 |
20 |
5 |
3 |
Golden Anniversary Banquet For Alumni and Friends To Be Held May 29
The Golden Anniversary banquet is to be held Saturday, May 29. In the college church. The dinner is for all alumni and friends of to college. A large group Is expected to attend.
The theme for this year's banquet Is "The Golden Task and the Gold-en Future." The program will be centered around that Idea. Mrs. Alma Anderson Moore Newton, class of ’20, has been selected as toastmaster for the banquet.
Toasts will be given by members of the classes of '87. ’97. ’07. ’17. ’27 and '37. Dr. Schwalm will give a short Golden Anniversary address. The college orchestra will play, and the male quartet will play, and the male quartet will slug a group of songs. Alvin C '’Cheesy’' Voran, former voice Instructor at the college, has been asked to render several vocal numbers. Mr. Poster Cline, an alumnus from Denver, has been asked to be the principal speaker at the banquet. Mr. Cline. Who graduated with the class of 1918, has been a prominent attorney In Denver, and Is now director of the Federal Securities Exchange Commission for soven Midwestern states. Some of the former classes are planning reunions during Saturday. The class of '27. this year's honored class, will have a closed luncheon for their ‘own group Saturday noon In the Persian room of the Hotel McCourt. The classes of ’17 and '22 are also planning reunions, but the arrangements are not yet complete.
A bagpipe unit, the only one In the United States, has been organized by Col. George F. N. Daily, head of the military department at at the University of Iowa.
When the state fire marshall condemned two buildings at Oklahoma A. and M. College, history and English classes were held in tents.
After six years of non-competition In Intercollegiate golf, Marquette has placed golf on the varsity sports program again.
Collecting neckties of famous people Is the hobby of Wilfred P. Harman. University of Chicago student. His museum has cravats that once belonged to Tom Mix; Lum and Abner, radio comedians. and Kagawa, Japanese orator.
The bequest of $5.000.000 by H. Fred Behrens of Wheeling. W. Va., to Washington and Jefferson College Is the largest ever made available to the Institution.
That "I highly approve of makeup If the woman has the Judgment to emphasize her own coloring,” is the statement made recently by Prof. Beth Palmer, of West Virginia University's home economics department.
Hitch-hiker W. W. Westbrook, a student at Louisiana State University, got quicker service than he expected. Four airplane salesmen picked him up. took him to the air-port and whisked him to New Orleans In 20 minutes.
Because the chimes In Orton tower have been silent since the beginning of the quarter, Ohio State University students have petitioned President George W. Rightmire asking that they be resumed.
The McPherson College netsters Journeyed to Lindsborg. Friday, to participate In "western division" of the Kansas Conference tennis meet. Although none of the Bulldogs went to the finals, they made a good showing In the tournament.
Altenborg, Bethany, defeated Naylor, McPherson, 8-6; 6-1. Ong. Kansas Wesleyan, trounced Miller. McPherson, 8-2; 6-0. Barngrover,
McPherson, defeated Altenborg 6-4; 8-4, and lost In the semi-finals to Shaw. Kansas Wesleyan, 10-8; .6-0. In the doubles Naylor-Crouse lost to Lindwall-Altenborg, Bethany, 6-4; 6-1. Monson-Lysell, Bethany, defeated Barngrover-Miller 7-5; 6-4.
The final list In both singles and doubles are representing the western division of the conference at Ottawa today. The singles players are Shaw, Wesleyan and Monson. Bethany. Monson-Lysell and Lind-wall-Altenborg, all of Bethany, are the two doubles teams.
Trend Revealed by Preliminary Choices of Major Fields at Harvard University
Cambridge, Mass —(ACP)—The surge toward social sciences by Harvard University’s freshmen in “prelim" choices of major fields may upset the Intellectual balance of the college, it was disclosed by Pres. James B. Conant.
About 36 per cent of the sophomores-to-be have shown preference for economics, government and his-tory. To trend toward the social sciences Is revealed by the decline of other subjects.
Last year English attracted 109 freshmen In this vote: this year only 8 1/2. Romance languages dropped from 63 to 37 and classics from 20 to 16.
The definite about-face In student Interest from English to the social sciences Is highly significant, stated Dr. Connnt. Ten years ago, the English dominated the other fields.
This trend. "If It continues In the same direction at the same rate for another decade might well prove disastrous," explained the Harvard president In his annual report.
From the point of view of maintaining a proper Intellectual climate In Harvard College, the distribution of the student body among the various subjects Is of greater significance.
'I am convinced that many of the most important effects of an education arc brought about Indirectly.
But clearly If certain Important subjects have almost no representation, then the Indirect Influence of these branches of knowledge becomes negligible.
If all students who come Into contact with each other socially In a certain group are interested In the same general field of study, the conditions for a liberal education are not favorable.
Dr. Conant expressed the hope, however, that "we have reached the end of the movement away from the arts and letters and toward the social sciences. and that such important traditional studies as philosophy and classics may soon show an Increased enrollment.”
It takes collegians 12 minutes, daylight shaving time, to scrape the bristles off their faces with a sharp razor, writes a reporter at the University of Oklahoma. Each man takes about. 350 strokes per shave.
Summary — Errors: Letkeman, Foutz, Rogers, Evans, Tsubakowa, Rock, two base hits: H. Johnston, Miller. Yoder. Three base hits: Evans, Oxley, Letkeman. Stolen bas-es; Rock. Bases on balls: Miller, 6 Albright 1, Strikeouts: Miller, 5: Albright 8. Wild pitches: Miller. 2: Albright none. Passed balls; Vasques 3. Oxley. none.
Score by Innings:
Sophomores ........311 16—10
Seniors .........................-.011 10— 3
The girls at Berea College, in’ Kentucky, are either poor or they don’t hold hands or kiss in the dorm "parlor.” They are allowed to entertain three times a week from the hours of six to seven. If caught hand-holding they are fined $10, and if caught osculating, they are fined $25.
The juniors rallied after a slow start to defeat the freshman B team Monday night. 8 to 3. The upperclassmen scored all their runs In the third and fourth and stopped a belated last Inning freshman rally at three runs. Both pitchers hit home runs to start their team's scoring.
The box score:
Summary — Errors: Eisenbise,
Schroeder. Diehl, Ogden, D, Schmidt. Brubaker. 2. Two-base hits- Mohler. 'Wolf. Three-base hits: Bentz. Home runs: Flory, Voshell. Bases on balls: Flory, 3; Voshell, 1. Strikeouts: Flory. 7; Voshell, none. Wild pitches: Flory. 1: Voshell. 4. Passed balls: Zook, none; Eisenbise. 1. Score byinnings:
Freshman B _____________000 03—3
Juniors .....................0004 44x—8
The self-named "ugliest college man in Texas," Joe Frederick, of Texas Christian University, stirred up the competitive spirit.
Archie San Romani, world-famed miler. was the outstanding feature of the May Fete. He appeared In an exhibition run against two other Emporia runners, Mark Porter from McPherson, and a Bethel man. His time was 4:31.
Bulldogs to Conference Meet At Ottawa Friday
Coach "Bud" Selves and Golf Team Left This Morning for Kansas Con-ference Golf Tournament. Today— Others Tomorrow.
Robert Fox. a former student of McPherson College from Larned, Kansas, was a visitor on our campus last weekend. -
Mind Over Matter Discussed
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Parsons attended the recital of their daughter Francis Campbell.
The mixed quartet will broadcast from KFBI Abilene Sunday afternoon at 2:45.
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Nine Bulldog tracksters are in Ottawa today competing In the Kan-sas Conference track meet. Prelim-inaries began at 10 oclock this morning and the finals will be run off this afternoon. C. of E. is doped to take "the meet with little trouble. Baker. Kansas Wesleyan and Ottawa will fight It out for the next three positions, while McPherson and Bethany battle for fifth place.
The men who made the trip and the events in which they are entered are as follows: Mark Porter, mile and two mile runs; Wayne Albright. two mile run; George Toland. 160 and 320 yard dashes; Lee Haun, pole vault; Dan Zook, discus and shot put; Joelle Letkeman, low and high hurdles; Billy Carter, low hurdles; Hoy Robertson, Laverne York. Carter and Letkeman will run In the mile relay.
Walter Shannon left yesterday to compete In the conference golf tournament!
Archie San Romani, one of the greatest milers of the present day, ran away from his four opponents In a special exhibition mile run Wed-nesday afternoon at the McPherson college stadium to win the race despite a handicap created by heat, wind and dust. San Romani thrilled thousands who filled the stadium and lined the track to see the great miler In action.
San Romani run the mile In 4:31.6. slow time compared with his usual speed of somewhere near the 4:10 time. After the race the champion miler explained that the wind and dust cut down his speed greatly and handicapped him a great deal.
At the start of the special exhibition race, Lisey of Bethel college Newton, led the field. Ban Romani gained second place at the start with Porter of McPherson college falling Into third place. The first quarter was run in the rather slow time of .67. Other runners In the race were Wilcox and Skinner, both of Emporia Teachers college.
During the second lap It was Lisey San Romani and Porter. The time for the first and second laps was 2.22.
Things did not pick up until soon after the third lap started. San Romani, who had been keeping within two yards of Lisey pulled out to the side and ‘turned on the power" passed the Bethel runner and before the third lap was half finished had pulled Into a 15 to 20 yard lead. As the lap continued his lead continued to widen. Lisey dropped back Into second and Skinner came up Into third place with Porter fourth.
The fourth and final lap was not a rack as far as San Romani was concerned. He did not push himself to the limit for he realized the dangers of dust and of course the wind. The race was between Lisey. Skinner and Porter for second and third places. San Romani had cinched first and In a strong "power drive" finish broke the tape at 4:-31.6.
Prior to the special exhibition mile run several other events were hold. One of thorn was a concert by all the visiting and local bands massed together In one large hand. August San Romani of McPherson directed this concert. Geo H. Hughes, Florence, pioneer band leader of Kansas was the guest conductor of the band. Director Hughes was San Romani's first band director when he was a boy In school. Milford Crabb, formerly of McPherson and now director of the Kingman, Kan., high school band, directed the McPherson band In a special number. Mr. Crabb had San Romani as his first band Instructor when he attended the McPherson schools When a boy.
Jack Dalby, popular drum major of tho University of Kansas band, gave a demonstration of magic. He was scheduled to appear in a baton twirling demonstration but the strong wind prevented the demonstration. Mr. Dalbey was papular with the huge crowd who heard him speak and explain his various tricks of magic through a public speaking system.
The following Interesting results were revealed by a recent survey of extra-curricular activities conducted by Dean Mother. In a class or about thirty Juniors and seniors It was found that 85 different organizations were represented. On theav-erage the members of this group attended 1 meeting In the last 24 hours. In a similar survey of a freshman-sophomore class 77 or-ganizations were represented. The average attendance of the members was 1 1/2 meetings In the last 24 hours. The largest number of meet ings attended during the week was 18.
The track team of the College of Emporia accumulated a total of 80 points Friday to win the annual Sterling College Relays.
Kansas Wesleyan University finished second with 42 points. Bethel College third with 34 points. Sterling College fourth with 30 points. McPherson College fifth with 17 points and Bethany College sixth with 13 points.
Rock, star of C. of E track and field man, was the high point man of the meet with 13 1/2 points to his credit.
McPherson took second place In 440 yard football lettermen's relay with York, Robertson. Carter and Toland running. The mile relay team, composed of Letkeman, Carter, Robertson and York, placed third. York. Robertson. Toland and Porter, running In the sprint medley relay, took third place.
George Toland placed third In the 100-yard dash and Dan Zook took fourth In the discus.
Following Is the summary of the results, giving only the first place winners and the records:
100 yard dash—-Warner. Wesleyan. Time 10.1 (new record).
120 yard high hurdles—E. Voth, Bethel Time 15.6 (new record).
yard relay—College of Emporia. Rock, Robinson, Clift. Mc-Nichol). Time 1:34.
Discuss throw—Lindbloom. C. of E. distance 124 feet 5 Inches.
Shot put—Watson. Wesleyan, distance 41 feet 3 3-4 Inches.
Distance Medley -C. of E. (Bennett. Campbell, Foxworth, Carey).
4 40 yard football relay—Wesleyan (Launchbaugh. Morris. Watson. Warner). Time 45.3.
Pole Vault—Trotter. Sterling
height 11 feet, 7 1/2 Inches.
Javelin throw—Newland. C. of E., distance 166''feoi 1 1/2 Inches.
High Jump—Mitchell, Wesleyan, Height 5 feet. 9 inches.
Sprint Medley—Bethel (Ham
mer. Claypool, Cooper, Nelson.) Time 3:42.2.
Two mile relay—C. of E. (George Foxworth, Osborne, Carey.) Time 8:43.6.
Hop. Step. Jump—Rock, C. of E. Distance 44 feet 8 inches.
Broad Jump—Rock, C. of E- distance 21 feet 11 Inches.
Mile Relay Bethel (Schrag, Jack-son, Leisy. Stevenson). Time 3:57.
London. Eng.— (ACP) — Mind over matter is the theme of a lecture Inverse form written by Prof. E. P. Cathcart of the physiology department at the University of Glas-cow:
"Eat all kind nature doth bestow: It will amalgamate below.
If the mind says so. It shall bo so. But, If once you doubt.
The gastric juice will find it out."
Bethel College Wins One Singles and One Doubles Match From Mc-Pherson College at Newton Monday Afternoon.
McPherson College neuters defeated Bethel College 4 to 2 Monday afternoon In a dual tennis match on the Bethel courts.
Bethel's team won only one sin-gles and one doubles match while McPherson made a sweep of all other matches. McPherson's only loss in the singles came when Crouse lost to Mayer 6*2. 6-2 In straight sets. McPherson’s only doubles loos was when Naylor-Crouse dropped their match to Unruh-Mayer of Bethel 6-3. 4-6. 6-1.
McPherson's opening singles match was a victory for the Bulldogs. Barngrover defeated Voth of Bethel 6-2, 1-6, 6-4 In a rather close match. Barngrover weakened in the second set and dropped it 1-6 but came back stronger In the last set to win.
Miller of McPherson eliminated Manges of Bethel In another close snatch. Miller won the first set 6-3. lost the second 4-6, and won the last one easily, 6-2.
The third McPherson player to win his singles match was Naylor, who had an easy time defeating Unruh of Bethel. The score was 6-3,
6- 3.
McPherson's victory In the doubles came when Barngrover and Miller defeated Mayer and Voth of Bethel In three sets. The McPherson combination took the first set 6-4. lost the second 5-7, and was stretched to
7- 5 to win the last and deciding set.
Monday’s dual match with Bethel
ended the tennis season for the McPherson College Bulldogs. Under the direction of Coach Claude Flory McPherson has won three dual meets and lost a similar number during the season. This includes 20 Individual victories and 17 Individual losses.
Last night the Soppbomores put across 5 runs in the first two Innings and held the lead to defeat the Juniors seven to five. The Juniors scored three rum In the last Inning but could not tie the score.
The box score:
Sophomores |
AB. |
H. |
R. | |
Yoder, ss |
.....1 |
0 |
2 | |
Miller, p |
.....2 |
1 |
2 | |
Kingsley. 2b........ |
____3 |
0 |
0 | |
Ozley, c |
... .3 |
0 |
0 | |
Evans, lf |
. ...3 |
1 |
0 | |
Foutz, cf |
......1 |
0 |
0 | |
Larsen, cf |
.....1 |
0 |
1 | |
Wiegand, lb ..... |
......1 |
0 |
0 | |
Rogers, 3b |
......1 | |||
Beehler, sf |
......1 |
0 |
1 | |
Hoover, sf |
..... 1 |
0 |
0 | |
18 |
3 |
7 | ||
Juniors |
AB. |
H. |
. | |
Andrews, c ....... |
. .. 3 |
2 |
2 | |
Mohler. 2b .... |
.. .. 3 |
1 |
1 | |
Wagoner, If ....... |
......3 |
0 |
0 | |
Nettleton, ss |
......3 |
0 |
0 | |
Barngrover, 1b-p |
......3 |
1 | ||
Brubaker, 3b |
.......2 |
0 |
0 | |
Bentz, rf ........... |
2 |
0 |
0 | |
Naylor, ct ...... |
......2 |
0 |
.0 | |
R. Flory, p-1b |
.......2 |
1 |
1 | |
23 |
6 |
5 |
Summary: Errors: Kingsley. Oxley. Rogers 2. Hoover. Andrews. 2, Wagoner. Brubaker 2. Nettleton. Three-base hits: Mohler, Barngrover, Miller, Stolen bases: Mohler. Kingsley. Beehler, Rogers 2, Lar sen 2. Wiegand. Bases on balls: Flory 9; Barngrover 3: Miller none. Strikeouts: Flory 2: Barngrover 1; Miller 4. Passed balls: Andrews 3; Oxley 3.
Score byinnings:
Sophomores ________________141 10—7
Juniors ...................—.....110 03—6
Jessie Miller. Aileen Wine. Rilla Hubbard. Alberta Keller, and Harold ’Johnston went to the Relays In Sterling. Friday.
The Male Quartet broadcast over station KWBG Hutchinson Friday.