There isn’t any need for radios in the boys dorm about 9:30 till somewhere In the neighborhood of 10:30. If It Isn’t "An Echo Yoo-Hoo" from first to third It is a fair harmony of the popular song: "Organ Grinder Swing." It means that about 10:05 is the preferred time for the music review.

First we hear Andy coming In the door singing "Oh. Ge but She is Swell." Now don’t take it wrong he didn’t mean "Mom” (but she is) but for his one and only Floy.

Then In a high tenor voice we hear Amos, singing, to his heart’s content (we often wish his heart wasn't so big) "Gee! but this was a Divine Night."

Then comes timid Charley N. piping up with his harmonious voice with, his old favorite "I can’t Escape from Her" too bad she is going to teach next year (wonder If Char-ley Is hunting the janitor job).

Too bad Willie Bredfeldt doesn't sing but we know he Is partial to "It’s a Sin To Tell a Lie." Be careful Inez he is very tender hearted.

What! somebody shot? No. just the dust pan from third now on

Things Happen In Old Fahnestock After

Goodnights Are Said to Fair Damsels

first. This dust pan dropping Is ’Tho Old Dorm Custom," any way It breaks the monotony.

There seems to be some trouble on third. There must have been a thief they seem to be hunting or som-thing. For a half hour they hunt and still haven’t found the “Cord or Pitch" they were hunting for. Well, no wonder too many quartets in McGonigle’s room. Too many spoil the music.

• Too bad somebody fell down the stairs. No, It is just Mike and Milo wrestling again. It sounds like several of Bob Burns "Walford’s'' but it Is Just Mike and Milo trying to get the best of each other.

Of. all things, another music rehearsal In room 18. Must be a different bunch to "Zitt.” (Too noisy to study, so why try. Go on In you seem to be wanted, pile on the bed with the rest and start harmonizing.) Yes! Indeed It Is one grand music boox until "Mom” rings the bell to let us know she heard us. Oh, well, they are only young once so make the most out of It.

I ask you now as a personal friend. "Is there any need for A radio In the dorm at these Inspirational momenta?"

Dr. Edward Frantz, Elgin. Illinois, will deliver the Baccalaureate sermon, Sunday morning as the Initial feature In the graduating activities. Hs subject will be 'Lfe Values—Old and New." Dr. Frantz Is a widely known speaker and well-known to McPherson audiences.

Dr. Frantz Baccalaureate Speaker

Gloomy Sermons Ancient

Syracuse, N. Y. (ACP)—Sermons of today’s "gloomsters,” who view the world "with alarm” are much like these preached scores of centuries ago.

So said Dr. Frederick C. Perry, president of Hamilton College, on the basis of writings taken from an Assyrian tablet, dated 2800 B. C.

"The earth Is degenerating In these letter days," reads the ancient stone slab. "There are signs that the world is speedily corning to an end.' Bribery and corruption abound.

Dr. D. W. Kurts, a former president of McPherson College will be the outstanding speaker of the Golden anniversary celebration of McPherson College.. Dr. Kurtz’s commencement address will be "Ideals In Education."

“Golden” Fete to Climax Year

Anniversary Celebration of McPherson College Begins On Friday, May 28.

Dr. Kurtz to Speak

Commencement Address Will Be Given by Former President

Friday. May 28 will mark the beginning of the Golden Anniversary celebration of McPherson College. Homer Ferguson, who was very active In the recent financial campaign will speak on “The Contribution of McPherson College to the Community;” a former acting president of the College will speak on "The Contribution of McPherson College to the Church"; and Paul B. Lawson, dean of the college at K. U., "The Contribution of McPherson Col-logo to the State.” In response to these addresses will be an address by President V. F. Schwalm, "A Forward Look."

Dean R. E. MMohler will be toast-master of the noon luncheon. The afternoon program, beginning at two o’clock Is to open with greetings from the presidents of various surrounding colleges. William Allen White will deliver the Anniversary Address. In the evening "For All of Us." a short play, will be presented by the Thespian Club.

Senior Class Day Exercises begin Saturday’s activities at noon, reunions of former classes, a business session of the Alumni organization is scheduled for three o'clock, in the evening there will be a banquet for Alumni, faculty and other guests.

Sunday morning, Dr. Edward Frantz will give the Baccalaureate sermon. "Life Values—Old and New" The afternoon will Include a program of reminiscences of charge of J. J. Yoder and an Informal tea. A sacred concert and social hour will close the day.

Dr. D. W. Kurtz, a. former president of MMcPherson College, will give the Commencement address, "Ideals in Education." A noon luncheon will complete the combined anniversary and commencement program.

Pupils Present Music Recital

Solos, Songs, and Ensemble

Playing By Children Were Features of Program

Project A Playlet

••A Trip to Fairyland” a Unique Piano Operetta Given

A unique and colorful recital. In the form of a musical playlet, featuring forty pupils of the junior piano department of McPherson College, was presented in the College Chapel on the evening of May 12. The music for the piano operetta. "A Trip to Fairyland.” was selected and arranged by Miss Fern Lingen-felter especially for her students. She was being assisted In the production by Miss Viola Harris and members of the Public School Music Class at the College.

The first part of the playlet took place In a living room and the second part In a fairy musicland which is a creation of a little girl's dream. From the pages of a six-foot book the children are beckoned from fairyland by Marjorie Lou McInteer who took the part or a dainty fairy. The part of the fairy prince was taken by Richard Mohler. Other members of the cast Include tho Mother, played by Viola Harris, and two children, played by Rosemary Phllpy and Roger Lovett.

Solos, songs and ensemble playing by the children were features of the program. Some numbers Included four children at the two grand pianos and others included three children at one piano. This type of playing Is especially fine training of rhythmic development and a feeling of cooperation for melodic phrase.

This production was a project of the Public School Music Class of the College Fine Arts Department and Is the third annual event of Its kind. Capacity audiences have attended the recitals In former years. Costumes. staging, songs and dialogue for the operetta were planned by members of the class which Includes Viola Harris, Frances Campbell, Loreno Voshell, Lyllis Frantz. Ber-nadine Ohmart, Maxine Prickett, Ali. ce Almstrom. and Virginia Richards.

“Fall In Love Early”

Tampa, Fla.    (A'CP)—"Fall in

love early and often," Is the advice Prof. C. A. Morley. an unmarried professor of psychology at the University of Tampa, gave his coeducational class.

"Don’t worry about bustups,” he said. "They’re good training for later married life.

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A Cappella Choir Featured

' McPherson College a part of All Schools Day will have several exhibits in the down-town stores. The Art Department will have their display In the Brown McDonald Company window.

At the evening performance, the A Cappella choir of McPherson College will be featured on the program. A group of students of the Physical Education class will present interpretative dancing.

Labor Prospects

Best Since 1929

This Year’s Graduates Have Better Chances For Jobs

Employment prospects of this year's college graduating classes are only a little less favorable than those of the 1929 graduates, und substantially better than the June. 1936 classes experienced. This evidence of continued employment Improvement is revealed In announcement today of the results of a survey Just completed by Investors Syndicate of Minneapolis.

Engineering, business administration. teaching and general business classifications are offering employment In greatest volume, according to J. R. Ridgeway, president of investors Syndicate. In announcing the results of the study. Law. Journalism and investment hanking are near the foot of the list, he said.

These conclusions are based upon analysis of questionnaires returned by 218 leading colleges and universities which account for nearly half of the total enrollment of male and coeducational institutions.

In volume of recruiting among this year’s graduates, General Elec-tric Company. Du Pont. Proctor & Gamble, Westinghouse and various American Telephone subsidiaries are leading, Mr. Ridgeway said.

"More than half, of the June graduates will be on payrolls before the end of the summer.’ said Mr. Ridgeway. "Within a few months after graduation, seventy per cent or more of the graduates of 163 Institutions are expected to be at work.-Twenty-eight universities report that more than 90 per cent of their June graduates would be employed, while 13 say that they expect prompt employment of fully 85 per cent of the June classes."

Final Issue Next Week

Next week will be the final issue of the Spectator. Because of the examinations the following week, no time can be spent in editing the Spectator. Any news desired to be published for the final week of student activities must be in by Tuesday. of next week.

Lucile Hornbaker Takes Wedding Vows

Former Student at McPherson Married at Darlow

Miss Lucile Hornbaker, student during the two previous years at McPherson College, was married Sunday, May 9. to Mr. Vernon Kreh-biel of Pretty Prairie, Kansas. The ceremony was performed at high noon at the Darlow church, near Hutchinson, by Rev. Miller, pastor of that church. After the simple ceremony, a formal reception was given for about forty relatives and close friends of the bride and groom at the home of the bride.

Those guests attending the wedding and reception from McPherson were Mr. and Mrs. Hershey, Mrs. Heckman and Vera, Miss Viola Harris and Miss Lucile Cole.

The wedding march as well as the musical accompaniment for the vocal numbers, was played by Miss Viola Harris. Miss Lucile Cole assisted at the bridal table during the reception. Immediately after the reception Mr. and Mrs. Krehbiel departed for an extended trip through Chicago, Detroit, and Niagara-Falls.  Mrs. Krehbiel majored in music while a student at McPherson. Mr. Krehbiel Is a graduate of the University of Kansas at Lawrence and is a member of several professional and honorary fraternities.

Commencement Speaker

Faith was the theme for the C. E. program last Sunday evening. Phil Davis opened the meeting with a call to worship and devotionals. A group song "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," was led by Opal Hoffman

Dr. J. D. Bright gave a very instructive and Inspiring talk on Faith and the way In which a per-son may obtain the faith be would like to have.

A high school girls’ quartet composed of Elizabeth Mohler, Betty Sebwalm, Barbara Davis and Esther Sherfy sang "The Lord Is My Shep-hold." They wore accompanied by Ramona Fries.

The meeting was brought to a close with prayor by Dr. Bright.

Sheets Entertains

Language Classes

Instrumental Music, German and French Songs Featured

Last Thursday evening Miss Sheets entertained her language classes on Profossor Bowman’s lawn. The green grass, lights, flowers and music lent enchantment to the oc-casion.

The members came by ones, twos and three and were heartily met by Miss Sheets and Mrs. Bowman. Each one sensed a delightful evening from from the first. When all had arrived they sang songs In German and French.

The charming waitresses. Eliza-beth Mohler, Betty Schwalm. Ramona Fries and Barbara Davis were dressed In German costume. It was they who aided the guests In finding and getting all they wanted to each. The lunch consisted of punch, a variety of German “kuchen" and coffee. Everyone ate and ate and ate some more.

After the lunch Eldred Foutz an| Alvin Lindgren surprised the group with some Instrumental music. Professor Crawford played some pieces on his violin and accompanied the group singing.

‘ The outstanding feature of the evening was the presence of Mrs Bradley- She came to McPherson last July, from Hamburg. Germany. Mr. Bradley went to Germany on business trip for the Globe Refinery and returned” with the German girl as his wife.

Mrs. Bradley told many Interesting things about her home country. Her pleasing manner and unique expressions won the whole group. She showed pictures which she look and developed herself.

With reluctance the party broke up after more punch and cake. The final remains were consumed by three or four gentlemen who were unwilling to see the delicacies "go to waste."

Botany Students Visit

Botany students made a trip to Spriggs rocks near Little River and the natural corrall last Wednesday. The trip also Included other points of Interest. The site of Sprigg’s rocks Is a tract of about eighty acres which the city of Little River has bought and. with state aid. It Is to be made into a park.

Miss Coleen;

Her Car “Wimpy”

Few students outside of those who go to her to have their oils and pastels retouched, know Miss Coteen. our art teacher.

Miss Coleen came to us from Lindsborg. Although many of her Interests are there. McPherson Is still "her" school. She also has an Interest In "Central"'because every Wednesday she Instructs the art class of Central College.

Miss Coleen keeps her classes entertained by telling wild tales of the actions of "Wimpy." Anyone not knowing who "Wimpy" Is ask Miss Coleen for particulars: but to give you a hint us to who "Wimpy" is: the other night Miss Coleen had to make a trip out in the country. She had no sooner arrived outside the city limits than "Wimpy" stalled. All her coaxing did no good. Force had to be used (No you are wrong. It Isn’t a horse). It Is none other than a 1929 Whippet.

Miss Coleen has penchant for tea roses. Every rose she receives she transplants into her rose garden. She no whaa the start of a very complete collection.

Miss Coleen plans to attend the Denver Art school after summer school is over. Her plans may be changed however and she may study at the Art Institute In Chicago.

Three Lost Books Returned

Three lost books have recently been returned to the library. The first, assigned for a report, was found In the professor’s office. The second was found in a car when a student caught a ride to town. The third was found among a father's personal books In a back room. Where are the others?

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The Spectator

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson Kansas.

Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council

HOME OF    1936 Member     1937 THE SCHOOL

THE BULLDOGS Associated Collegiate Press of quality

Entered as second class matter November 2O. 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897.

Congress Woman Urges Action.

Just between you and me this editorial column I think that the bottom has droped out of things. It seems ok though there Is no Interest In anything. Students still have lots of whim, rigor and vitality. it is true, but certainly not for any of the campus organizations. It seems as though the spring fever has taken hold of all of us at the same time—or to It perchance mere laziness?

My theory is that the poor attend-ance at the Chamber Music Festival is due more to this disease than to a lack of cultural taste. All of us are waiting for that 31st of May to come and with it freedom from aca-demic responsibilities, Maybe If the end of school were Indefinite and could he terminated by the faculty whenever they saw fit the situation would be different.

I guess fundamentally human na-ture changes very slowly, if at all. Even though college students supposedly a little bit above the average iin—Well. What Shall I say-intelligence and open-mindedness. their emotional reactions differ very little from those of their grand-fathers and grandmothers.

I have been trying. spasmodically. It Is true, to Write editorials that would provide food for thought, or at least stimulate a reaction of some kind. But have I succeeded? Not as

"Mom" Voran received a lovely box of house plants from the boys of Fahnestock on Mother’s Day. Mother Emmert received a bouquet of red roses from the girls of Arnold Hall.

Reflections of a Senior

far as I know, I write my weekly little "say-so” give it to the honorable editor and that is the last I ever hear or see Of my efforts. I might as well state my views on a nice, clean piece of paper, fold It lip Very neatly: and toss it over Niagara Falls. This might not, creative, but as far as I know it might do just at much good as having the article printed in the Spectator.

BUT—just let someone write a Juicy bit of scandal and what do we Have? The whole campus is buzzing With feverish Activity. Who Is Dick Kent? Who Is this so-and-so mentioned in the column?—etc. I guess even though we are becoming edu-cated to appreciate finer things, there Is nothing We relish more than a juicy bit of gossip.

Here is one person who believes that most college students are really far more intelligent than most profs think. If the austere professor could see some of the remarkable Ingenuity displayed by students in trying to evade academic responsibilities he might be astonished. The remarkable thing is that With a modicum of study and a great deal of ’’getting by” and "polishing the apple’ the student does pull down a right fair grade. Right clever l say. Anyhow you must give the student credited for being Intelligent enough to be able to do this.

Genevieve Bandy and Louise Keim spent the weekend in Abilene visiting relatives:

Marjorie Flory Was the-- weekend guest of Betty Ruth Stutzman at her home in Conway.


Penly Ann Host

Gallery No. II

All of thtis reminds me of a little Joke: At one time a minister was riding on a Western bound train, and was reading his Bible. He was rude-ly Interrupted by a fellow three different times, with the words, ”I don’t believe a word of that book."

Finally the minister looked up and replied, "My good man; will you please go to hell quietly?”

Students Need Freedom

Rochester. N. Y. (ACP)—'When lectures proved too dry to satisfy his thirst for knowledge. Seth Shaver, a junior at the University of Rochester, decided to do something unconventional.

Because he figured he could learn much more by doing private research and reading. Shaver asked for an unlimited "cut" permission. Two professors, taking into account his high grades, excused him from all lectures.

For more than a month, he has attended classes onl yto take regular examinations of the courses and has passed them all with plenty to spare.

Correction on Hershey’s Article Due to an error In proofreading the fraternity to which Dr. Hershey was honored was the Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity of the Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Emma Schmidt spent the weekend at her home in Moundridge. .

Bryant Fisher is confined to his home in Kline Hall with the chicken pox.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Is War Inevitable?

Twenthy years ago. this month, America Was In the World War before the citizens of the country re-alized what was happening.

Six months previous to. the time war was declared, the people had voted for Wilson because "He kept us out of war." But then, when the submarines threatened our "war property,” we were IN—almost overnight.

The World War cost us more than sixty billion dollars. The costs are still mounting All we got out of It was death, debts and the depression.

Today, another world war threatens. If It comes, will we be drawn Into It? No, not If steps are taken now to keep out.

But peace Is not Inevitable. It calls for effort and vigilance. It calls for educating the public, and for the focusing of this educated opinion on those governmental of-

On the twentieth anniversary of America's entrance into the World War. Miss Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to Congress, who voted against the war declaration In 1917, urges Immediate Action by the American people to keep this country out of another foreign conflict.

"We learned from the last war that If the people wish to keep out Of future wars, they must make that decision known to the govvern-ernment. to their representatives In Congress. They must demand legis-lation which expresses the desire to abandon the of the War method. They must do it now."

interviewed in her office at the headquarters of the National Council for Prevention of War, Where she Is engaged as full-time director of Its legislative department, Miss Rankin deplored our huge armament ex-penditure, asserting that they are totally unrelated to our actual de

Address All Correspondence to

THE SPECTATOR McPherson. Kansas

ficials whose decisions as to national policy mean war or peace.

Here is the National Council’s program for keeping war out of America and for helping prevent war In the world:

1.    National defense policy based on defense of our soil from Invasion. not of our interests abroad.

2.    Easing of international economic. tensions and stabilization of currencies.

3.    Stronger neutrality legislation, including embargoes oh basic war materials.

4.    International cooperation In the settlement of disputes by peaceful means In accordance with the principles of the Kellogg pact.

5.    Nationalization of the munitions Industry and taxing the profits out of war.

6.    Watchful maintenance of the constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech, press and assembly.

fense needs.

"The military organizations.” she pointed out. "have grown to such an, extent that they assume the right to define their policy. They quite boldly tell Congress what they want and bring pressure upon their members to obtain their Appropriations. The control of the military establishments and the war policies out never to leave the hands of Congress.

"The American people today want to stay out of foregn Wars. By taking advantage of their desire for protection against invasion. military propaganda has convinced them that they need military preparations on an enormous scale. As result. Congress has built up an organization prepared to fight in other countries. Under a National Defense Act designed to avoid certain mistakes made In preparation for the World War. Congress continually increases our preparation for another."

On Motoring—Cont.

For the motor trip dress suitably as well as smartly. Choose the darker colors or those that will not show dust, and materials that will not easily soil or wrinkle. Tweeds, flannels, and similar wool mixtures are excellent for all but the warmest season, when uncrushable crash and linen and tub silks are good substitutes.

A man should always assist a woman to enter or leave a car. This, however Is a rule which must bo occasionally modified by common sense.

Guests wait until the host or hostess makes suggestions as to the seating arrangements. If there is no such formality, whoever In ready first or stands nearest the car gets In first and passes over to the farthest seat, without any fussing over supposedly ’•best” seats. The one nearest the door usually gets out first and the others follow In order.

The host or hostess, usually the latter, tells the guests where to sit. always giving guests the most desirable seats. If the host Is driving, the "seat of honor" Is at his side, but there may be very good reasons why the "guest of honor" should, or would prefer to, sit elsewhere— where she can talk to her friend the hostess. for instance. Except for an exceedingly good reason It Is decidedly poor manners for the hostess to sit with her husband In front leaving a guest to sit alone In the back.    

"Manners’ by Helen' Hathaway.

Peg,” the only woman cab-driver In Ann Arbor. Michigan, was approached recently by three University of Michigan sorority girls who wanted to know how good were were chances of their obtaining Jobs driving taxis during the summer.

Odorless cabbage, cerated at Cor-nell University, will go out on the market In aout two years. That much time will be required to pro-duce enough seed to make it commercially possible to grow the new typo cabbage.    

A fine of $5 will e demanded from any student of Pennsylvania State College who misses a class within 24 hours of a vacation. Entrance to classes will he barred until the money Is paid.

When Jason Bernie, son of the "Old Maestro" left Rutgers University to take a position at the Universal studios in Hollywood, he brought to an end a friendly feud with W. Winchell, a student who Is no relative of the famous columnist. The two. because of their names, had carried on a friedly bantering.

I had not Intended to return to the column this week, but since Gourdie so definitely made It necessary, here I am. The little article that Gourdie wrote last week concerning my former statement, was quite magnificent. One could almost ally that it was marvelous and extraordinary. But speaking of the halfuse of words; Gourdie advises mo to have a conference with Webster; and then shows all men of intelligence that he has not referred to this authority at all. Gourdie says that he only stated an opinion concerning the packing of the court. Webster says that dogma Is "that which Is held as an opinion.” hence. Gourdie, we must still maintain that your former statement was dogmatic.

Like Gourdie, I have also been patiently waiting and hoping that

Jane would soon get over her amor-ous research and would return to her column.

I could unfold a lot of very good scandal this week, but the mood does not permit it. All of those who should he mentioned should have a guilty feeling anyway.

From Dick The time has come when I must go;

These farewells are quite hard you know.’    

But in other lands there’s work to do

And I'll say goodby, with a smile or two.

I’m going to miss our college halls.

I’ll miss the comfort of Chapel’s walls.

I’ll miss the classes, the profs, the boys.

And "dear old Fanny." with all Its noise.

Good-by 'to Gourdie; good-by to Jane;

Good-by to Euclid, good-by to the lane;

Good-by McPherson—I’ll miss you so—

But life moves on and I must go.

Dick Kent.

Student Escapes Lectures

Princeton, N. J.—(ACP)—Criti-cism that college students are not allowed to break their shackles long enough to exercise Initiative is being met at Princeton University by the Introduction of a "free week." during which upperclassmen can carry on study independently.

This plan designed for juniors, and seniors. will be conducted ex-perimentally for one yeah Upper classmen are being released from classrooms for the week preceding the annual spring vacation.

An outstanding feature of the Princeton curriculum has been the amount of self-education expected of Juniors and seniors. The free study week is being established to give the student even more chance to use own resourcefulness.

Climbing Upward

June McNamee. who graduated in June of this year, has majored in Commerce and will receive a B. A. degree. She is a member of the W. A. A. She sings in our A Cappella choir and is a solo singer. June is one of the Kline Hall girls and we will miss hero here next year. Come back and see us next year. June.

Bernardine Ohmart graduates In Juno with a major In Music. She has been a worker In the S. C. M. and Is a member of the W. A. It seems she places her hopes for a future Richard the Great In her new nephew. Bernadine Is liked by all and we all wish her luck In the future.

Phyllis Powers, one of our more fortunate coeds, will receive her B. S. degree In June. 1937. She Is on the Y. W. C. A. cabinet, a worker In the S. C. M. and a member of the Chemistry club. Phyllis gets along with everyone and her favorite actor seems to be "Joey.” She has jored in Chemsitry and has earned honorable grades for four years.

Junior-Senior Banquet

Seniors Guests To Juniors At Annual Celebration

The seniors of McPherson College, as guests of the Junior class were extended an evening of entertainment at the annual Junior-senior banquet.

The theme of the banquet was "May". On the center or each table was a miniature May Pole, with multi-colored streamers draped around it. Four miniature girls were dancing at the base of the May Pole. Place cards were in the form of small model hoys.

George Toland. president of the Junior class acted as toastmaster. The class sponsor. Dr. Claude Flory. gave the welcome, and David Metzger. senior president, replied with the response. A quartette of Junior boys composed of Charles Nettleton. Daniel Zook. Glen McGonigle. and Harold Mohler, sang "The Band."

Theresa Strom spoke on the subject "March Winds.’ and "April Showers” was discussed by Alberta Keller. Aileen Wine sang a solo "The Sweetest Story Ever Told.” Willard Flaming, senior man. concluded the program with a talk on "May Flowers.”

Even burglar alarms don’t do any good If brothers In the house cry wolf.” At least that Is what the members of the Chi Phi fraternity at the University of California learned.

The alarm was Installed a few days after the radio of Douglas Gardiner had been stolen from his room.

Not long ago. the warning hell rang early in the morning and pa-jama-clad men, armed with paddles, knives and baseball hats, charged down from the third floor sleeping quarters.

-The Culture of Japan


Toshiro Tsubokawa

Miss Gill spent the weekend at her home in Lawrence. Kansas.

Recent Flareups Lightens R. O. T; C.

Student Objectors Permitted To Take Substitutes

Cambridge, Mass.—(ACP)—'Recent flareups against compulsory military training In the East. West and Middle West have brought some results.

After more than 70 years of “must" military science, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will permit objectors to substitute alternative studies next September, authorities explained.

Only those students "whose ob-jections to R. O. T. C. work are based on "sincere religious or moral grounds" will be permitted to take the substitute studios, said the statement.

Alternative courses will include “such studies as international law. history of arbitration, diplomacy, or possibly an Independent course chosen with the approval of a faculty committee or specialists.”

The new plan will be retroactive in the case of Kenneth Arnold, who graduated front M. I. T. last year without receiving a degree because he had refused, on religious grounds, to complete required military courses.

Arnold will be given his degree unon the satisfactory completion of a special work program and a special examination being outlined by President Compton’s faculty committee.

In North Dakota protests came to an end when Governor William A. Langer signed a measure which forbids compulsory military training In state-supported educational Institutions.

At Ohio State University, however, no such tendency was evident. Two students were suspended recently because of their objections to taking the required R. O. T. C. work.

Without guarding words, the Ohio Council of Churches In a convention adopted a resolution to do all In their power as religious leaders “to influence our young people to attend other institutions where freedom of conscience is allowed."

Collegiate World

(By Associated (Collegiate Press)

Cheers from passers-by and honks from cans didn’t discourage the Kilgore College coed who brushed her teeth In front of a filling station recently. She continued the up and down plying until she finished her Innermost molar.

Earnest In his desire to acquire more education. Dr. J. N. Harber, whose fortune Is estimated at $3.000.000, enrolled at the University of Oklahoma. He resigned him position as mayor of Seminole. Okla.

So that German universities will have a better chance to inculcate the Natl spirit and attract students away from the fraternity or "corporation" way of living, the German government has banned wandering from one Institution to another. Stu-dents will be required to spend at least three semesters at the same university.

Modern girls wouldn’t he heartbroken If they never married because they have enough resources within themselves to make a successful, well-rounded life, says Dr. Jean Mendenhall or Boston University's college of physical education.

How to acquire poise and talk naturally while in the presence of grandmother, small children or the boy friend is now being taught at the University of New Mexico by Lena C. Clauve. dean of women.

The athletic revenue of the University of Michigan for the past years amounts to $7,032,676.43.

Rattlesnake meat, which costs $16 per pound, was eaten a short time, ago by two experimenting students at Mankato State Teachers college. Minnesota.

Use of the much-maligned word "ain’t” is not necessarily illiterate; historically at least, it is often merely colloquial like shan't, informs Prof. Harold H. Bender of, Princeton University's department of oriental languages and literatures.

Dr. Wyckoff to Study Why

Many People Commit Suicide

Now York. N. Y. (ACP)-Why people commit suicide will be studied In a one-year research project by the New York University college of medicine. it was announced by Dr. John Wyckoff. dean of the college.

The study of self-inflicted deaths In New York area will be supervised by Dr. Nathaniel Ross. assistant clinical professor of psychiatry in the college.

"Although approximately 30,000 persons commit suicide annually In the United States, we still know comparatively little about the problem," said Dean Wyckoff.

"Suicide, per se. is not necessarily a disease but does occur frequently In a number of mental conditions, and. therefore, might be prevented.

"The purpose o four research will be the study of suicide of adults and children from the point of view of manifestations, frequency of occurrence and the social background of Individuals affected by suicidal ten-dancies."

—At The Theater--

• Thursday - Friday

An outstanding program with two prominent major features will be at the Ritz theater. Nino Martini, world famous singing star. Is starred In "The Gay Desperado" with Ida Lupino and Leo Carrillo featured In his support. Searing insult and unspeakable humiliation are mutely suffered by Anton Wal-zrook In the hero role of ’The Sol-dier and the Lady" so that he can carry through the Czar’s plans to save the great Siberian Empire.

Sun. • Mon. - Tues.

The versatile Robert Taylor comes straight from the arms of Greta Garbo in "Camille" Into the embrace of Jean Harlow "Personal Priperty." which opens Saturday night at the Preview. In support, of Miss Harlow and Taylor there are Reginald Owen. Una O'Connor, Henrietta Crosman. E. E. Clive, Cora Witherspoon. Marla Shelton, recent Hollywood discovery. Forrester Harvey, Lionel Braham and Barnett Parker.


Laurel and Hardy. inimitable comics. are back again -in "Way Out West." The set-up Is a natural for the uproarious antics of Stan and Ollie. They blunder In delivering the deed to the gold mine to the honky tonk queen instead of the daughter of the prospector and there's a riot of fun as they romp through a series of exciting misdeeds In reclaiming the deed.

Newspapers and Periodicals

The origin of the Japanese newspaper. though not known exactly, may he traced hack to the so-called tile prints in the early part of the 17th century. The prints were email Illustrated sheets, roughly struck off. from tiles, and hawked by street criers In Tokyo. They were soon replaced by prints struck off from wooden blocks. whenever some event look place. It was not until 1864 that a periodical was published in Japan with the title "Newspaper." followed by the first daily paper. "Chronicle of Ever-New Facts." the predecessor of the present Tokyo Nichl-Nichl which was published in 1872. Thenceforth many dailies appeared In quick succession. The spread of national education and the growth In wealth, combined with several epoch-making events like the Inauguration of a representative system of government, wars with China and Russia, the participator in the Great War. and the Shanghai and Manchuquo incidents, have led in a remarkable development of the press, both In Its Influence and circulation.

1,215 Newspapers

There were 1215 newspapers in Japan proper in 1930. of which 1,031 were allowed under the Press law to discuss polities. The papers with the largest circulation today are the Osaka Mainichi (daily) and the Osaka Ashai (morning and Sunday) each claiming ever a million for their morning as well as their evening editions. Their sister-papers in Tokyo, the Tokyo Asahi and , the Tokyo Nich-Nichi (daily) each have a circulation of more than 7,000,000 morning and evening. Among other leading papers In Tokyo are the Hochi (News) claiming a circulation of a million, and the Kokumin (Nation).    ,

In 1935 there were more than 9.000 magazine and periodicals in existence, a few of them in English. They include publications on religion, politics, literature, medicine, finance, law. science, philosophy, sports and many other interests. Of these magazines and periodicals those intended for the masses and for ladles have the largest circulation, some claiming a monthly circulation of a million copies. Periodicals Intended exclusively for intellectuals

are also very popular, The. periodicals in the English language are: Other Periodicals

"the Trans-Pacific," a Weekly edition. provided a weekly summary of the most important news of the Far East.    

The Japan Times and Mail" and the "Japan Chronicle" also publish weekly editions.

•The Tourist" is devoted to the Interests of tourists.

•The Japan Magazine" is a rep-resentative monthly magazine of things Japanese.

The "Japan Monthly’ is devoted to the development of international trade.

The "Japan Monthly" Is devoted to the development of international trade.

The "Japan Mercantile and Manufacturers' Directory" contains classified lists of all the leading Japanese manufacturers and dealers all over the Empire and is of great interest and importance to foreign business men abroad.

The "Japan Year Book" In complied on the linen of similar annu-ual abroad and contains very com-plete information and statistics of all lines of Japanese activities.

The "Year Book of Japanese Art” gives an account of the year's events in the field of art. it Is well illus-trated and well edited.

Thirty Volume Set Complete

This week the library completed Its Encyclopedia requirements with the purchase of "The American" ft set of thirty volumes. This set Of Encyclopedia Is Just off the-press. In tact so new that the publication date is May 15.

To break the tensions before a recent examination, a Miami University professor Joshed the boys a little. After parsing out the questions he said:

’Gentleman, this    examination

will be conducted on the honor system. Please take places three seats apart in alternate rows."

Intramural Softball League Standings




Freshman A




Freshman B .....



Juniors ----------






Faculty .......—..







Seniors Beat Profs

Last Wednesday night the Seniors trounced the faculty in a softball game 7 to 6. Both teams collected seven hits, but the Seniors bunched their hits effectively to score three runs In the first inning and four in the third.

Box score:

Seniors (7)







Johnston, lb ....











Weaver, cf —..........-........3 0 1



Brown, rf ........



sofeball ........ ...

....___.... —

Rock 2b ............



Hunt If ............



Liss ss................




Faculty (5)




Bell p 3b .........




J. Bowman, c ........—.........2 0 0

Schultis lb ......




Kurtis 2b ------




C. Flory 3b, rf






Dell, cf ................................1 1 0

Boitnott. cf ......








Holloway ss ......



Bell. Two-base hits:    Holloway

Stolen bases: Miller. Haun. Clark. Bell. Blair. Bases on balls none. Miller 6.

Score by Innings:

Seniors ..............................304 00—7

Faculty: ............................010 13—5

McPherson college won a sweeping 6 to 1 dual tennis match from Sterling college Friday afternoon with the Bulldogs dropping only one doubles match.

Barngrover of McPherson defeated Jones. Sterling, 6-3, 7-5, in the opening singles match, and Miller, McPherson, eliminated Kirkton, Sterling, 6-2, 6-4. Naylor, McPherson won over Gordon, Sterling, 6-2. 6-1-and Crouse. McPherson, won 6-1, 6-1 over Millman, Sterling.

McPherson college dropped its first doubles match when Jones-Kirkton, Sterling, defeated Barn-grover-Miller, McPherson, In a very close match 9-7. 8-6. Naylor-Crouse. McPherson, defeated Edwards-Catt 6-4, 6-2, to end the dual match.

McPherson College

Defeats Sterling

McPherson College Defeats Sterling

66 to 63 In Dual Meet Thursday

Afternoon at Sterling—Voshell's

Point Wins Meet.

A one-point margin gave McPherson College a track and field victory over Sterling College .Monday afternoon on nthe local field, avenging a previous defeat at the hands of the Sterling team.

Monday's 66 to 65 victory over the Sterling team was a rare coincident In sports annals in Kansas. As far as Is known this Is the first time a college or university team in Kansas has won a track meet by the narrow margin of only one point. There was a possible 131 points in the meet.

Despite a slight illness, Mark Por-ter, McPherson's outstanding miler won first place In the mile run. His time was slow at 4.50. Porter also won the 880-yard run in 2:7. but did not enter the two mile run as scheduled because of his Illness. The Sterling man who ran second to him In the mile won first in the two mile.

Lee Haun, McPherson's all-around track and field star, lost a clear first place in the polo vault “by a nose." The rule governing the rating of first and second place In the pole vault and high Jump has been changed. The new rule says that the first man to clear the bar at a certain height after all others had failed at the same level. Is declared first.

Monday Haun and several others cleared the bar In the pole vault at 11 foot 3 Inches. The bar was then raised six Inches to 11 feet 9 Inches. Haun was the only entry who showed any chance of clearing the bar at that height. In his Jump he got over the bar but on he came down his nose struck the bar and parred It off. He had forgotten to pull his head back when he start down after clearing the bar. After this the bar was returned to the 11 foot 3 level and Haun was the first man to clear it again at that height.

Joelle Letkeman won five points for McPherson by virtue of his first place victory In the low hurdles. He was crowded closely by his fellow team-mate. Carter, in the fast time of 20 seconds. Another close race was in the mile relay. The Sterling quartet won the relay In 3:38.1/2 while McPherson ran it in 3:39.7.

Graham of Sterling won first In the two-mile race by a margin of Inches. Graham was clocked at 11:02.8. Toland of McPherson lost by two inches to Dennett of Sterling In the 220-yard dash.

The summary:

100-yard-dash—First Toland, McPherson: second, Welch, Sterling; third, Bennett. Sterling. Time. 10.3.

Mile run—First, Porter. McPherson; second. Graham. Sterling: third Seidel. McPherson. Time 4:50.

High;- hurdles—First, Dill, Sterling; second, Letkeman. McPherson; third, Haun, McPherson. Time 16.4.

440-yard dash—First. York, McPherson: second. Gordon. Sterling: third. Robertson, McPherson. Time 54.6.

Shot put—First. McAdams, Storing: second, Zook, McPherson: third. Rowlins. Sterling. Distance, 39 feet. 6 inches.

Discus—First. Keltner, Sterling: second, Zook, McPherson, third, McAdams, Sterling. Distance, 120 feet,

10    Inches.

Pole vault—First, Haun, McPherson; second, Johnson, Sterling third. Woodruff. Sterling. Height,

11    feet. 3 inches.

880-yard run—First, Porter, McPherson; second. Rowlins. Sterling: third, Dunn. Storting. Time 2:7.

220-yard dash—First, Bennett,

. Sterling: second, Toland McPherson. third, Dill, Storting. Time 23.5.

Javelin throw—-First, Edgar. Sterling: second, Voshell, McPherson; third, Dill,, Sterling. Distance 150 feet.    

High Jump—First. Davis. McPherson; second. Haun, McPherson; third. Bolton, Sterling. Height, 5 feet, 6 inches.

Two mile run—First. Graham, Sterling; second. Albright. McPherson; third, Adams, Sterling. Time


McPherson Teams

Lose To Bethany

McPherson College Loses Dual Match 2 to 4 at Lindsborg Yesterday Afternoon—One Singles and One Doubles Team Wins.

Bethany college tennis players, defeated McPherson College, ancient collegiate enemies of the Swedes Thursday afternoon In a dual tennis meet on the local college courts. Bethany won four of the six match-with McPherson, winning one singles and one doubles match.

On the whole the Bulldogs displayed a little stronger strength than they did In the first meeting with the Swedes this season In a dual match at McPherson. In that meet Bethany won 6 to 1.

In first match Thursday. Mon-son, Bethany, defeated Barngrover 7-5. Monson displayed a great deal of strength. Lysell. Bethany, a good left bunded racket swinger, had little or no trouble in defeating Miller of McPherson. 6-1, 6-3. 6-4.

a close match. Naylor was the only McPherson player to win a singles match. Altenberg, Bethany, won over Crouse of McPherson 6-0, 6-4.

a the. doubles, Monson-Lysell of Bethany had a difficult time in defeating Barngrover-Miller. 5-7. 6-27-5. Barngrover-Miller hold an advantage late In the last set but faltered to let the Swedes win the match. Crouse-Naylor. McPherson, defeated Lindwald-Altenberg 6-3. 10-8.

Pep Club Elects Officers

The Pep Club met Thursday morning and elected officers for next year. Daniel Zook will take over the duties as president, and Edward Jones will assist him as vice president. LaVena High was elected to the position of secretary and treasurer.

This organization is becoming active in its functions as a pep club. This year the club members bought new sweaters, sponsored pep chapels every Thursday during football and basketball seasons, and did numerous other things to keep up the old school spirit.

It is the desire of this organization to be as active as other organizations on this campus, and with the new officers as leaders, the Pep Club will be ready to go to work when school opens next fall.

Summary: Schmidt, D. Miller, Sanger. Eldridge. Oxley, Albright. Rogers, Evans. Wiegand. Two-base hits: Liehl, Ogden, Schmidt. D. Miller. Home runs: Oxley. Stolen bases: Oxley, Bases on balls:    Albright,

7; Voshell 4. Wild pitches: Albright 1; Voshell. 4.

Score by Innings:

Freshman B.......300-

Sophomores ....................310 000-

Viola Harris. Lucille Colo, Dr. and Mrs. Hershey. Mrs. Heckman and Vera and Mrs. Brunk attended the wedding of Lucille Hornbaker In Darlow Sunday.

Bulldogs to Compete In Sterling Relays

All Denominational Schools of State Expected to Take Part In Relays at Sterling College Next Friday Night,

McPherson college will be one of the denominational colleges and universities of Kansas that will com-ete in the Sterling College Relays Friday afternoon and night at Sterling.

Sterling college took over the annual track and frield meet for denominational schools that was Inaugurated two years ago at McPherson college. McPherson college decided this year not to take on the relays, mainly because the McPherson yack was not "weather proof" and the two years the meet was hold rain delayed it considerably and made the track and field slow.

The preliminary heats in the Sterling Relays will be run off Friday afternoon on Sterling's cinder track.

All the relay events and the final heats In the other races and field events will be staged Friday night under the flood lights of Sterling college.

Coach “Bud" Selves said this morning he would take a full track and field team to Sterling for the meet. The team will leave around noon Friday.

If standed on a desert island, coeds at Howard College would pick a handy man to stay with them. They decided that a romantic fellow would not he as practical as a man who could rustle up grub and cook it.

A twisted story about his pants earned a Southern Methodist University freshman a pardon for cutting his mathematics quiz section.

When he came to class the next day. the professor questioned him to find out why he had skipped.

"I have gym Just before math," explained the alibi-er. “Tuesday I was In such a hurry to get dressed in time for class that I poked my foot through the teat of my pants."

Dr. T. Terry Declares

Eyes Never ‘‘Wear Out”

Cambridge. Mass. (ACP)—Eyes do not wear out: so why try to save your vision by cheating yourself of reading, sowing or the movies?

It Is only disease, explains Dr. Theodore L. Terry, instructor in opthalmology at the Harvard medical school, that destroys vision.

Diseased conditions, ho declared, can often be discovered In examinations before the patient notices any symptoms.' Important 'signals of danger are rainbow-like halos around, artificial lights and blurred vision early In the morning which clears as the day advances.

Read where and how you like, said Dr. Terry, but get enough light, use glasses if glasses are necessary and have an eye examination every two or three years.

Broad Jump—First, Dill, Sterling; second, Haun, McPherson; third. Vo-shell, McPherson. Distance 20 feet 7 1/2 Inches.

Mile relay—Won by Sterling. Time 3:38.6.

Freshmen Down Sophs

The Feshman B Team, displaying plenty of batting power In the final Innings, rallied In the extra Inning to defeat the Sophomore 7 to 4 in an intramural softball game Monday night. The Frosh brought in three runs In the fourth Inning to tie the score, and after a scoreless fifth Inning, drove In three more runs In the extra Inning. The Sophs wont down In order in their half of the Inning.

The box score:

Sophomores (4)




Yoder as.........................



Oxley c.........................




Letkeman lf..................


Rogers, 3b .....................




Albright p .....................







Sophomores (4)







Wiegand. 1b .................




Foutz sr .........................










Freshmen B (7)




Sanger 1b .....................




Voshell p .......................



Bowman, sf ................



Diehl 3b .........................






Eldridge, lf ...................



Schmidt rf .....................




Miller 2b .............




Stern. cf ........................



Shannon c ..................




Eisenbise c ..................







Patronize Spectator Advertisers

M. C. Tennis Team Win

McPherson College    Only One

Doublets Match From Sterling College Friday.

Margaret Louise Kagarice was the weekend guest of Evelyn Herr at her home in Navarre.