McPherson College McPHERSON, KANSAS, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1937


Choir Finishes Four-Day Tour

Thirty-Four Members of College A Cappella Chorus Visit Kansas and Nebraska

2 Broadcasts Made


Miss Grace Sellers and Miss Frances. Ambrose, duo-piano team from the fine arts faculty of Southwestern college, will be featured In the "Chamber Music" Festival to be held at McPherson college May 9, 10 and 11. These two young women are accomplished and talented musicians and their part In the music festival is expected to add much to the high quality of the festival. They will appear In a concert on the final night of the festival. May 11.

College Library Has Sixty New Books in Varied Fields

This week the library went on another buying spree. and received a total of 60 hooks. They also received a novel as an exchange book from Central College "The South Moon Under" Rawlings. Another gift was made by the Practice Preaching class. ‘Business administration of a Church.” R. Cashman.

The books received were divided Into several different fields. The two receiving the largest number are history and science. Other fields Included are religion and philosophy, physical education and hygiene, sociology, home economics, Latin, music, education and handcraft.

Some of the outstanding books in this collection are, "Who's Who In America," Marquis; "Men Wanted” Maule; "Striven to Conquer" Maule; Co-etiquette," Eldridge; "How to Use Education Sound Films" Bruns-letter: "Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches" M. Thomas.

Tears were Shed and sorrowful good-byes were said, as on last Friday morning, bright and sunny, a merry band of singers climbed aboard a bus and two cars, and pulled out for points east and north, Twas a sad sight to see some of that group mope around, and at the first stop for dinner, off In dark corners were those same ones writing letters and cards to their loved ones back at the college. A pitiful situation!

Of course. these soon recovered front their lonesomeness, and entered Into the fun. Besides the concerts, many fond memories will be tucked away as souvenirs of that four day A Cappella trip. We relate to you some of these "interesting bits along the way!"    

Certainly we all respect Amos because he is a preacher. He said he had some missionary work to do at Holmesville, and so that seems to explain why he stayed all night at Dell’s.

Letters at Navarre

When Bill and Amos got letters at Navarre. Charles Nettleton looked the part of the forlorn lover, and wanted to know If we would get back to McPherson by ten o'clock. "Well, can't we cut the concert short?”

To whom did June write post cards? We know that Meredith was with her. yet we saw her writing a whole stack of cards.

A solo by Mr. Ickenberry! One night Ikie saw his opportunity and

Tears Were Shed and Sorrowful Good-byes Said As A Cappella

Choir Leaves Fun Soon Conquers Lonesomeness of Travelers

We were ashamed of Shorty when she revealed her water-soaked Jacket. Did It ruin. Shorty?

Molly, alias Mr. Snoopersnop, likes double dip malts. But he got generous and gave Bill a third dip—a nose dip in the malt.    

Rilla, not old enough and too Inno-

cent, was not allowed to ride alone with Dun In a car with four chaperones. Leave It "to rer, however, she got left behind by the bus driver on purpose.

Out With the Lights

Andy and Floy, on that last night, rushed to get a back seat in the bus, so they would not appear obnoxious In the eyes of the other passengers. What happened to the light bulb, Andy?'

"I am late. What a pity," read the sign that was pinned to the back of Nevin's coat. because be was late to supper.

“Sally" Fisher, our mamma pro tempore, sat In the broadcasting room or in the bus. and patiently Crocheted.

And here at the end, we must not forget to pay tribute to our bus driver, Frank, who missed taking the right road only once, and would stop to "check the oil" when anyone thought It necessary.

Of course, other memorable Incidents. too numerable to mention, and perhaps some not known by the reporters took place. And certainly these all had a part In making the choir trip avery successful and enjoyable one.

Group Entertains Over Stations WIBW and KFBI

Thirty-four members of the A Cap-pella Choir, and Mr. and Mrs. Nevin W. Fisher, boarded a hired bus and two cars last Friday morning for a four-day tour of northeastern Kansas and southeastern Nebraska.

The Choir left McPherson at 8:30 Friday morning and made its first appearance before the students of Marion high school. They ate dinner in Emporia and gave their first concert in the Brethren Church at Ottawa Friday night: The ladies of that church served breakfast for the choir Saturday morning.

Saturday afternoon, from 3 to 3:30 o’clock, the Choir broadcast from station WIBW In Topeka. Immediately after the program they loft for Morrill where they sang Saturday night.

At Sabetha Sunday morning the Choir attended Sunday School at the Brethren church and then gave their fifth program, after which they were fed a hot chicken dinner by the church.

Sunday afternoon they drove to Holmesville, Nebraska, and that night sang at the Brethren church.

Monday morning. In the rain, they left Holmesville and went to Abilene, Kansas. There they ate dinner and broadcasted over station KFBI, 3 to 3:30 o’clock.

Their last concert was given In the Navarro High school Monday night. After, the program they returned to McPherson, and, before separating. in front of Arnold Hall sang the college song, "O Sacred Truth."

The A Cappoilu Choir was cordially welcomed at every place, and attentive audiences inspired them to sing their best: The members of the various communities were very gracious in taking the members of the Choir into their homes. Their kindness was greatly appreciated.

Mrs. Fisher was asked to go with the Choir as a sponsor for the girls. She proved to be very efficient.

Since they decided not to buy uniforms until next year, the Choir rented gray robes from the Nickerson High school to rthc trip. The robes added much to the appearance of the Choir.

The twenty-six passenger bus belonged to the bus driver, Frank Halbert. a very capable and safe driver. Mr. Halbert is from Winfield, Kansas.

The other two cars that were tak-en on the trip belonged to Daniel Zook, a member of the Choir, and of McPherson College, driven by Mr. Fisher.

No accidents occurred on the trip, only one flat tire, and although, every one was tired, they all exerted themselves to be agreeable. Along with the work, many good times were had, and the members of the A Cap-pella Choir who will be back next year will look forward to another tour.

Thespian Club Play Under Way

The Thespian club play Is going Into its third week of practice. They have the lines learned for the first two acts and hope to have the third also by the end of the week.

• George Toland, according to those In charge of the play. Is displaying real character acting ability: the wisdom and philosophy with which he straightens out the tangled lives of the Warren family are certain to be enjoyed.

Margaret Messamer and Miss Lehman have worked out the details very carefully and expect to have the play In excellent shape very shortly.

The Placement Bureau announces that Donald Dresher, has accepted the instructorship of manual training and biology in thee Windom schools.

Sellers and Ambrose, Duo-Pianists, Here

Southwestern College Instructors to Present Unusual Program

Grace Sellers and Frances Ambrose. duo-pianists, will present the final number of the festival of chamber music which Is being sponsored by the McPherson College Department of Music. May 9, 10 and 11.

Appearing through the courtesy of Southwestern college, Miss Sellers and Miss Ambrose will present a program of interest, containing many of the works of Bach. Mozart. Ravel, and Arensky. Outstanding will be the concerto by Mozart, an extremely difficult work requiring perfect ensemble and flawless playing'.

Miss Grace Sellers, piano Instructor at Southwestern college, is known for her outstanding ability as a performer and teacher. She has studied with H. H. Loudenback of Winfield. John Thompson of Kansas-City and Frank Mannheimer of London. Although a brilliant concert pianist, she Is more noted for her excellence as an accompanist and ensemble player.

Miss Frances Ambrose, also an instructor In piano at Southwsetern Is equally efficient and artistic. She has studied    with Loudenback,

Thompson. Mannheimer, and spent several summers at the American conservatory    at    Fountainbleau.


Both players possess an uncanny Instinct of ensemble. They play their entire program from memory, a remarkable feat In Itself, and one which only artists can accomplish.

The concert will be given in the college chapel. Tuesday, May 11, at 8:00 p. m.

Miss Brown's Student First

Miss Florence Meyer placed first In piano In a stale music contest sponsored by the International Walther League of the Lutheran Church, held In Winfield, April 30. six contestants played.

Winning first place In the Kansas division entitled Miss Meyer to enter the tri-state between Kansas and Oklahoma, also held In Winfield, a contest in which she placed second.

Miss Meyer Is a piano student of Miss Jessie Brown.

Dr. Hershey Again Honored

Dr. J. W. Hershey was honored Inst week by his Alma Mater. Gettysburg. Pennsylvania. Dr. Hershey was chosen as an alumni member of the Phi Betta Cappa Society, which a society for outstanding scholastic work. He was one of four alumnae selected this year for -this honor.

Geology Students Tour State

Geology students of the College made a tour of the north central territory of the state last Thursday.

Study of the volcanic ash pits. Coronado Heights, and the Indian Burial Pits was made during the first part of the trip. Between Rock City and Brookville special observance was given rock outcroppings.

Near Caneiro are found the Mushroom Rocks and near Kanapolis. some excellent fossil studio. The entourage reached Kanapolis too late to go Into the salt mines. The Itinerary also Included Horsethief Canyon and Natural Corrall.

Two Instructors To Leave College

Drs. Petry and Smith Accept Prominent Positions

Two members of the McPherson college faculty this spring are touching their last year here, and next year will be promoted to higher positions in other colleges. Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president, announced today.

Dr. Josephine M. Smith, who for the past two years has been Dean of Women and professor of psychology at McPherson college has been appointed professor of psychology and girls' counsellor at Stockton Junior college, Stockton, Calif.

Dr. Ray C. Petry. professor of philosophy and religion, has been appointed assistant professor of church history In the school of religion at Duke university, Durham. N. C. Dr. Petry has spent five years at an Instructor at McPherson college.

Both of these teachers have done excellent work at McPherson college." Dr. Schwalm said in commenting upon the loss of the two faculty members. "Both will receive very substantial Increases in salary and splendid fields In which to work. We feel complimented to find great, rich colleges and universities selecting our teachers for their staffs."

The two positions left vacant with the resignation of Dr. Smith and Dr. Petry, will be filled soon by new appointees. President Schwalm next week will make a business trip East during which he will Interview prospective teachers.

Mrs. J. N. Fry of Omaha, Nebr.. visited her daughter., Margaret, over last weekend.

burst forth In his tenor voice during a three measure rest. A nice voice, Ikie!

Schubert's Delicacies

It was discovered that Schubert has a liking for delicacies. Down the streets of Abilene he paraded with a lovely bouquet of red and brown sticks of licorice protruding from a very small candy sack.

Galdys Shank’s record. "nineteen and never been kissed." was broken during her beauty sleep on a church bench at Holmesville. Won’t Dave be glad?

All the committees functioned well except the robe committee. We guess Helen didn't understand.

Wayne Allbright seemed to have had a good time, but what irked him most was the fact that he had to sleep in twin beds one night. Never again!

A violin solo by Frances Campbell. The audience just laughed and laughed, cause they knew Francis Campbell was sitting in the back seat and had never played a violin In his life.

While Beards Included

White beards were included In the Zitts contest. Weigand almost broke up the concert nt Morrill when he “zittsed” a white beard in the fourth row.

Pandora Eldermark. our ambassador of love, exercised all her allure to ensnare our Innocent bus driver.

Knock! knock! "Is this the ladies?" That deep, booming voice of Daniel’s became meek, but very emphatic in his reply, "No, it Isn't!"

Flory Lectures At Conference

Prominent College Instructor Gives Address To Climax Ft. Hays’ Meeting

2nd Formal Address

"American Mythology" Subject of Talk To English Association

Two members of the McPherson faculty. Professors Della Lehman and Claude Flory, were among the approximately one hundred teachers and graduate students who attended the Kansas College Teachers of English conference at Fort Hays State College last Friday and Saturday, April 30 and May 1. It was the twenty-first annual meeting of the English association.

Dr. Flory presented his lecture an American Mythology as the climax to the Friday afternoon program. The lecture, interpreting Davy Crockett and Paul Bunyan as generic Americans symbolizing the transformation of the country from a wilderness to a great nation, and stressing their difference from Old World legendary figures, was the subject of considerable discussion at the close of the session. The Hays audience was the seventh—three colleges and four clubs— before which Dr. Flory has given this talk in the last five months.

The Friday evening session Included a banquet at the Lamer Hotel

at which President Rarick of Fort Hays and Professor J. M. Hopkins of the University of Kansas spoke briefly. and a lecture on "Some Trends In Modernizing undergraduate courses in English by Dr. E. A. Cross of the Colorado State College at Greely. The Saturday morning papers and discussion centered chiefly on the teaching of creative writing.

This Is the second-consecutive year that Dr. Flory has appeared on the state program of the English Association; he was the only denominational college representative to be given a formal place this year. Last year at Lawrence. Dr. Flory road a paper—later revised for publication -on the contemporary Irish Literary Movement. The article appeared in the, February, 1937 Issue of tho Bulletin of the Kansas Association of Teachers of English.

Patronize Spectator- Advertisers


Thursday MAY 6, 1937

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council. HOME OF    1936 Member    1937 THE SCHOOL

THE BULLDOGS Associated Collegiate Press OF QUALITY

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897.

This Chamber Music Festival

Subscription Rates For One School Year


The chamber music festival next week Is providing an unusual opportunity to McPherson college students. It will not only allow students to hear music of a definitely better class, but will also give them a chance to be a part of a great movement which Is taking place In the United States generally, and In the mid-west specifically. This movement has to do with the lifting of cultural standards above the mediocrity and the establishment of agen-cies, such as this festival, for the furtherance and maintenance of such standards. One of the student leaders stated the challenge clearly In last week’s Spectator. It It hoped that your answer will be gratifying.

The first concert of the festival, the program by the Hutchinson High School String Choir, Is offered without charge. .Many prospective students are in this choir and their Interest in the college will probably be In ratio to the Interest shown in them by the number of college students present at their concert. Let us have a large student attendance!

Another program which I recom-mend to the students of McPherson college. Is the two-piano recital by

During the period of adolescence significant changes that influence later life take place. Just as the quality of steel Is determined by the length of the tempering process, so the metal or one's' character Is determined. to a large extent, by the length of the process called adolescence. For those of us who are fortunate enough to attend college this period Is prolonged; we are thus given an opportunity for further development. It is therefore only logical that society expects a larger contribution from those who are thus favored.

The mere fact that college prolongs the period of adolescence and gives young people a chance to mature does not say that It develops to the fullest extent the Intent possibilities of youth. In fact the contrary is often true. To a certain extent college fails to give the right stimulus to produce maturity, think that this Is true because college Is a sheltered, protected place. Instead of subjecting the student to practical, social and political situations he Is Isolated In some class-room and drilled In book knowledge.

To give but one concrete example of conditions which are not similar to those found In everyday life, I would cite the dormitory regulations at McPherson. Very few girls. If any are subjected to such regulations at home. Not only are the hours less stringent but certainly a girl never gets "campused." One of the aims of modern education Is to equip young people for good citizenship. After graduation a young lady Is

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson. Kansas

Grace Sellers and Frances Ambrose. It Is through the courtesy of Southwestern college that we were able to secure them. Their program is of a high type and their playing artistic. If a large crowd Is present to hear those performers, it Is likely that wo can secure other outstanding musicians next year on the same basis. On the other hand. If the crowd Is small, It will be difficult to sponsor another concert of this type.-

And finally. I am urging support of the program by local musicians. It Is fair to say that the musicians of the community have been generous with their talent. Numerous playing engagements have been taken on without pay and It is a distinct pleasure to do this. However, when a project of this kind is undertaken. It Is only fair that we should receive support from those to whom we have given freely of our talent and skill. All of us are contributing our time; to put this festival across. Its success depends largely upon the support It receives from students and faculty. In my opinion, this festival in worth a lot to McPherson College. Your support Is needed and Is expected!

Loren Crawford.

The Back Pew

People like me very much I’m sure you’d say so too

Cause I am a friend to every one

the back church pew.

There are those who come on Sunday For they feel It must be done—-And sit Just clearly bored to death; Oh, boy. It’s really fun;

They plop themselves down right away

All fixed up for a nap.

And never hear a single word Until they feel a slap And someone says, "Hey, come on home."

We're through with church today. Come on home to dinner.”

And he replies. "Ah, say."

Then there is the sweetheart Who does the best he can To show his girl how good he is—

He sits down like a man And pays quite close attention To every thing that's said;

Oh dear, I oft times wonder If he’ll do that when they’re wed.

I next observe the preacher’s wife As she comes down the aisle—

She always has to sit up front

And bear it with a smile. -

Far I'll bet many a time she'd like

To sit back In my pew

And kind of take it easy

Like college students do.

There’s the studious little Sophie Who sits back here on me Where he can hide behind the rest

And read biology.

Sometimes I get a baby That can really make things go;

He talks and jabbers right out loud And lets the people know

Just what he has upon his mind And what he wants to do—

Yeah, It’s great, this business Or bein’ a back church pew.

—The Turtle.

'Hair-raising” was the comment of Prof. Anthony Zeleny, of the psy-sics department at the University of Minnesota, regarding the passage of a million-volt current through his body. The current, at 100,000 cycles. changes direction so fast that it can do no harm, he explains.

The main event of the past week was the getting off and the getting back at the A Cappella. From our position we could not get a very good viewpoint of the whole affair, be-cause we had left our opera glasses at home, and we were far removed from the arena. But we could get a general idea, and one would think that the trip waa for three months or a year instead of three days. The way In which some of the Romeos bid their Juliets farewell as heartbreaking to say the least. Quite noticeable was Dave Metsger; be even went so far as to follw Henry around asking for a letter.

We really wanted to extend our sympathy to Margaret Fry for not bein gable to attend the Concerts, but our violin instructor did the Job very nicely.

When Laramie goes out to preach, he goes in far a good acquaintance of the entire parish: especially one young lady. Take It easy. Laramie. After all, this is Just the spring and lots of funny things can happen.

We’ve often wondered what a lovesick person did. Now I know. Sometimes they walk eight miles to see their heart's desire. Charlotte Nance and Edith Jasper said that even those in love can get tired.

Betty Ruth Stutsman believes in mixing her love with cards. It was her Diehl against last Friday night.

Flaming: "What Is that peculiar odor In the halls?"

Weaver: "That is the dead silence we keep around here."


The sun Is sinking to the West And night is drawing nigh;

Never again this day I'll see.

For It must surely die.

I dreamed many dreams yesterday Of what I'd do today.

Of things I must accomplish.

Of words that I must say.

But now. I find I'm far from mark I have not reached my goal; Where is that man I vowed to he?— I promised my very soul!

Fight on. thou dreaming soul!

Don’t lose your vim nor zeal— Don’t destroy those noble dreams; Build towards your great ideal!

Miss Ruth Bish, who teaches at Little River and a former student at McPherson was a weekend guest of Maureen Stutzman.

Professor Dell. Avis Smith, and Rowena Frantz spent Saturday and Sunday In Holmesville, Nebraska.

"QUEST-E-ANN boks "

"Civility Is as much an essential of . good driving as Is skill. The majority or accidents are due less to faulty driving and mechanics than to lack of consideration for other motorists and pedestrians.”

"When motoring In the country one has no right to rob an orchard. Nowhere is our carelessness more In evidence than our wanton destruction of the natural beauties along the roadside. Why strip bushes and  trees and pick wild, flowers when we actually gain little for ourselves. . They are often only thrown by the roadside before we have reached



Keep on your side of the road.

Don’t pass ahead of. a car when nearing the brow of a hill or on a curve. Id some states this Is law.

Give the car behind you the right signals in ample time far them to be seen and heeded.

Blow your hornr only to signal others, not to give vent to your Impatience.

Don’t shout comments at other motorists.

In stopping at a traffic signal, stop well back of the Intersecting road In order to leave free passage.’

—’’Manners’’ by Helen Hathaway.

Watch this column. Suitable dress and seating in motoring will be discussed.

Penly Ann Host

Reflections of a Senior

supposedly ready to stop Into the world and take on the responsibilities of an adult citizen. Still for the last four years she has had no control over her hours; she has received no practical training In taking care of her "coming in’’ hours. In this respect, It seems to me. the homo is far better equipped to help a young girl because hours are more flexible and more democratically controlled. Dormitory regulations at McPherson are not true to ordinary life; situations because In the first place they are too inflexible and secondly because they are almost entirely beyond the control of the girl. Thus we have the strange paradox of modern education trying to equip girls to become self-controlled, democratic citizens. yet at the same time allowing them very little choice, and consequently training, along one phase of their existence.

I do not mean to Imply that all regulations should be cast to the winds, but certainly a more flexible, democratic, true to life set up would be advisable.

The ladies dormitory regulations, although they are the most glaring, are by no means the only campus situations that are discrepant with the natural situations. The entire educational system Is, to some extent, too idealistic; It gives us much Informa-tion and training that is of no prac-itcal value. To the extent that a college fails to develop students for real life situations it is a failure. If this prolonged period of adolescence Is to be of greatest benefit it certainly must be filled with practical, applicable life situations.

Gallery No. II

Dick Kent

-The Culture of Japan


Toshiro Tsubokawa

Then why must the tradition and lineage of the family be preserved? What bandits can be secured from the continuity of these things? Well, the once-established., communal life, the family. is respected by Its members. simply because they recognize a great value In It. They recognize a value in communal life because they arc united by affection and love and In It can spend a common life mater-lull); and spiritually. Each member's joys and sorrows are equally shared by all the others.

Tradition Must Be Preserved

This family gives stability of livelihood both materially and spiritually. If. therefore, each member has differences with the rest and is ready to sacrifice the others for his own requirements, thus threatening the stability of life, the Idea of the respecting the tradition Is minimised end the continuity of the family becomes very difficult.

This Is the real family system of Japan. But ns West meets East, the family system of that kind Is being changed In some way or other.

Hundred Dollar Scholarship To Talented Music Students

According to a statement made by Miss Jessie Drown, head of the Fine Arts Department. McPherson College, In order to secure outstanding music talent. will offer one tuition scholar-ship of one hundred dollars In each of the departments of voice, violin and piano respectively.

An audition will be held In connection with the fiftieth anniversary program. Saturday. May 29th at two o’clock In the college chapel. This audition Is open to any high school graduate. The composition used Is optional but must not exceed ten minutes In length.

’This scholarship must be applied on music tuition. The student must show ability and promise as well as a serious Interest In the study of music. The music faculty will serve as judges, reserving the right to withhold the scholarship If no student of sufficient ability appears.


I see by the papers where the blind actually led the dumb at a Southern college. Everybody’s quiz grades came up after a blind boy, who was a good student, entered the class. The claas—perhaps not so dumb at that!—learned that three pecks on his typewriter meant "yes" and two meant "no." The prof, himself not so dumb, told him to write a period after each "no." The class dropped back to normal. Men do smart things, occasionally, like the other evening when one young genius turned the library clock up so he could take his girl friend home soon-er.

Monday’s K. C. Times had on the front page two stories of fires "start-ed by a cigarette.” One merely gave Buddy Rogers a chance to be heroic, but the other put one fellow in the hospital and two in their graves. Probably the cigarette companies will be claiming their brands are the shortest way to Heaven—or wherever you are going. Would it be too much to wonder If it steadied their nerves and aided their digestions?

The other day my landlord oiled up his lawnmower and went out to cut some grass. When I went out a while later he didn't have much grass cut. for Hess and Davis were there making hay for the anniversary fund. It's swell to see the fund rising, and to think that several bricks in that new gym will be mine . . . Speaking of making hay. I see where all Chinamen have been ordered to cut off their queues, or have their heads cut off. Prices on wigs, switches, etc. are likely to hit a new low.

Wick Kent, with his customary cureless half-use of words, brands my political views dogmatic. I ad-vise a conference with Webster. To speak of court packing is to present an opinion, but to call It unfounded In fact is—well, rather dogmatic! Incidentally, here’s hoping Jane finds time enough off from the new flame to come back and take Dick’s place.

I would like: to see Floy when Andy offers her his new pet; to go with Beeler on one of his Field trips and to develop a personality more like Mohler’s.


Climbing Upward

Margaret Messamer, who gradu-ated In June, has been a great aid to the dramatic department during her four years at McPherson College. She has been In several plays and has directed some also. She Is a member of the World Service and Thespian clubs. She has majored In English and will receive a B. A. degree. Although Margaret, is usually quiet and keeps herself In the background. we will miss her greatly.

David Metzger. one of our tall business-like seniors, will graduate In June with a major In Chemistry and History. Dave, as we know him, has held a class office for every year he has been here. He is president of the “present senior class and is respected by all of us. He is a member of the Chemistry and the International Relations clubs, and is a valued worker In the S. C. M. He will receive a B. A. degree.

Vernon Michael, graduates In June, with a major in Education. Mike has worked on the Spectator for years and will have a newspaper Job at Larned when he finishes here. He Is a member of the Chemistry club, and sings In our college church choir. "Mike" has been our business manager of the Spectator and he really knows newspaper business. We are looking for you to be Editor of the New York Times In a few years Michael.

Jessie Miller, is one of our outstanding girl seniors to graduate with the 1937 class. She was our cheerleader during the 1935 and 36 semester. Almost everyone has been to Jessie's house at one time or other for one of her many delightful parties. She has been a member of the Pep and Chemistry clubs, and has served on the Student Council. She has majored In Home Economics and will receive a B. S. degree. We will miss you greatly In the future Jessie. but we wish you the best of luck.

Paul (Amos) Miller, our preaching senior will graduate In June, with high honors In his school work and also in his friendship to all. Paul has been president of the A Cappella Choir this year and has proved worthy and valuable assistant to our director. He Is utmost unbeatable In tennis and Is hard to equal on the track. At basketball he Is usually high point man for his team. He Is

member of the Debate. International Relations, World Service. Forensic and the "M" clubs. He Is a member of the S. C. M. cabinet. Amos can preach some Interesting and beneficial sermons and we predict certain success for our popular senior. He has close friends as far as Holmsville and Garden City. More power to you. Paul.

The Family System

(Continued from Last Week)

In almost all cases a family In Japan proservos its mode of life through Inheritance. This idea Is entertained by the whole nation, so that the nation has established a number of Institutions necessary to the permanence of the family system.

In the first place a wife Is at once the other half of the husband and a new member of the family of the husband. Her duty as a wife is that she treat her husband with deep affection and harmonize her feelings with his, but as a new member of the family she must be faithful to the traditional mode of the new family. She must be a devotee of the family traditions. Such a wife is liable to be treated coldly by the other member of the family, and consequently there are many cases divorced. The reason of the divorce in such a case Is that she Is not qualified to observe the traditions of the family. The fact that such a usage is recognized Is an ample proof that a wife's capacity depends upon the new family.

Wife Must Devote life

Not only must a wife devote her life to the durability of the family of her husband, but she must. If possible. give birth to an Inheritor for the permancy of the family. In such a life the mother Is highly important for not only does she give birth to the child, but she is best qualified to train the child. Then in case she lacks the ability for bringing up children, she is regarded as lacking In Important qualities as the wife of a patriarchal family, however great her attainments may be as a woman, and however deep her affection for her husband may be. In present day Japan, few wives are divorced for childlessness, but In by-gone days the wives who lack in qualities were considered the first for divorce.

The most Important child Is the boy-inheritor. He Is obligated to keep up the mode of life of ar family and to maintain the internal order of the family. He has the responsibility of representing the family at social functions. The boy-inheritor is always the eldest son. and he is entitled to special treatment. He Inherits the power of ruling the family, the right of supervision over the estate, etc., which belonged to the father, and In return for those privileges. he must keep the tradition and preserve It faithfully. He must also assure the family living. As he must be equipped with such important qualifications, he requires special training from boyhood. In a family system of this sort It Is quite natural that he should not be allowed to choose a wife as he likes, since the character of his wife will have a great Influence on the family. A wife Is selected when the chiefs of the relatives recognize that the marriage will not bring any disadvantages, and. If possible, will bring advantages to It.

Families Adopt Heirs

Since the inheritor has such an Important position an the family life the Japanese law provides a procedure by which an Inheritor is sought elsewhere when one is not to be obtained among the family—that Is. the family Is allowed to adopt a son. The adopted son Is a new member coming from outside In order that the family name and lineage may he maintained, and he does not neces-sarily serve the purpose of continuing the descent of the blood. The feature of the patriarchlal family Is that the continuation of the blood may well be spared, but the common life once established must not be discontinued. On this Idea the family seeks an adopted son to Inherit abstract things such as lineage and tradition. even If the continuity of blood stops. Thus we can see that adoption of a son Is not due to an Instinct for preserving the species, but to a natural demand of the common-al life.

Miss Sheets To Entertain

Miss Marian Sheets will entertain her students at a German party this evening at eight o'clock. The party will be at the Professor Bowman home. There will be music, refreshments. and everything to make It a typically German party. Students of Miss Sheets’ French classes will also be guests.

A "Thank God It’s Friday Club” Intercollegiate chapter 2. has been established at Washington University to promote "end of the week relaxation with temperate beer drinking and scholarly discussion of the week’s events.”

G. Green.

At Salina Thursday afternoon, McPherson College lost a 2 to 4 decision In a dual match with the strong Kansas Wesleyan University tennis team. The matches were held in the afternoon in conjunction with tho dual track meet between the two colleges.

Shaw of Wesleyan defeated Barngrover of the McPherson team In the first match of the afternoon In the singles. Barngrover won the first set 3-6. but lost the remaining two sets 7-. 6-1.

McPherson’s first victory of the meet came when Miller won over Hazen of Salina In the second singles match of the afternoon. Miller lost the first set 3-6, was pushed to a 8-6 to win the second and then sailed through the third 6-1.

The second win for Wesleyan came when Long of Salina defeated Crouse McPherson, In easy sets of 6-2. 6-2.

Rothrock of the Bulldog team was pushed to three sets to defeat Clark of the Coyote team from Salina. The lanky Rothrock did not have much trouble with the first set, winning 6-3. but faltered In the second set and lost It 3-6. The McPherson play-er regained his confidence and played better tennis In the third set to win it and the match 6-2.

In the doubles. Shaw-Long of Salina had an easy time In defeating Barngrover-Miller of McPherson 6-3. 6-2. Clark-Hazen won 6-2. 6-1 over Rothrock-Crouse In the final match of the afternoon.

Two of his competitors will be Frane and Wilcox, both from Emporia Teachers. Mark Porter. Mc-Pherson college miler who recently broke the school record In a dual meet with Kansas Wesleyan university. will also be an entry. Efforts are also being made to obtain a strong miler from Kansas State college at Manhattan.

Arrangements are also being plan-ned to have the huge massed band concert at the college stadium in the afternoon with Archie San Romani, nephew of August San Romani, local hand director, as guest conductor. This will be a new task for Archie, however, Archie is an accomplished musician himself and will be equal to the occasion. The miler Is majoring In music at Emporia Teachers.

. Kenneth Weaver spent the weekend In Topeka. '

Porter Sets New School Record as Canines Lose

Kansas Wesleyan University Defeats

McPherson College In Dual Track

Meet 75 to 56 at Salina—Runs

Mile In 4:46.

Mark Porter, Bulldog distance runner Thursday afternoon established a new school record for McPherson college when he ran the mile In 4:36 to win first In this event in a dual meet against Kansas Weslayan University at Salina. The bulldogs lost the meet 56 to 75.

The McPherson runner turned in a brilliant performance under Ideal weather conditions. The former college record here was 4:39. He finished by a comfortable margin over sec-ond place. Clingman of Wesleyan. Seidel of McPherson came In third.

McPherson had several outstanding performers In Thursday's meet. Lee Haun cleared the high jump bar at 6 feet 8 Inches, the highest he has ever Jumped. His Jump was not high enough, however for Mitchell of Wesleyan captured first in the event with a Jump of 5 feet 9 Inches. Haun also leaped 20 feet 1 Inch In the broad Jump to set his best personal record. This Jump, like his second place In the high Jump, was not far enough for ho came out third In the broad Jump.

Haun was not the only McPherson man to show Improvement over previous meets. In the discus, Zook tossed the plate 120 feet. 5 Inches to take second place. This was his furthest throw this season, yet it was four Inches behind Warden Baer (Wesleyan) who tossed the discus 120 feet 9 Inches.

One of the most Interesting events of the meet was the last event on the schedule—the mile relay. The Kansas Wesleyan team won the relay In 3:34.6, which was not a very fast time. The significant feature of the race was the fact that McPherson finished only one yard behind the Coyote finish man.

The Bulldogs won five firsts, seven seconds and ten thirds In the meet Thursday.

Following Is the summary of the meet:

Milo run—First, Porter, McPherson ;second, Clingman, Wesleyan; third. Seidel McPherson. Time 4:36.

Shot put—First, Watson, Wes-leyan; second, Baer, Wesleyan; third, Zook. McPherson. Distance 42 feet. 7 3-4 inches.

440-yard dash — First, Harman, Wesleyan; second. York. McPherson; third, Carter, McPherson. Time .53,

100-yard dash—First, Warren, Wesleyan: second._Toland. McPherson; third, Launchhaugh. Wesleyan. Time 10.1.

Discus—First. Baer. Wesleyan; second. Zonk, McPherson; third Haun. McPherson. Distance, 120 feet, 9 inches.

Polo vault—First. Haun, McPher-son; second. Morris. Wesleyan; third, Mitchell, Wesleyan. Height, 11 feet 6 Inches.

High hurdles—First,    Letkeman

McPherson; second Haun, McPherson; third. Morris. Wesleyan. Time 16.3.

Half mile run—First, Porter, Mc-

Bulldog Swingers Lose

Archie San Romani To Have Competition

Two Other Emporia Teachers Milers One From McPherson College and Possibly One From Kansas State Here All-Schools Day.

Archie San Romani, the great mil-er of Emporia State Teachers college, will have keen competition when he appears In an exhibition race at the McPherson college stadium on the afternoon of All-Schools Day. Arrangements have been made to have three or four strong milers compete against him In his race here.

Archie San Romani

Imperial Four On Western Tour

Accompanied by loud sputtering and poppings from one of Ford’s earlier creations, the Imperial Quartet roared away from the College’s ancient halls early Friday morning on a four day tour of easter Colorado end the dusty plains of western Kansas.

Fords are noble mechanisms. I shall never again sneer at their many supposed shortcomings. The way ours plowed through those dense attacks of dust and emerged triumphantly from the fray was truly marvellous. Chugging to be sure, but the sound was music In our ears so glad were we that it still ran. We passed everything on the road (that Is to say. wagons and filling stations.) Such splendid performance elevated our confidence In our humble conveyance to incredible heights. I must admit that It was somewhat shaken when we discovered that two of the circular pneumatic contrivances, commonly used for containing air, were lacking their usual content.

During the trip we acquired a collection of 51 road maps. Including 15 of Kansas. 9 of Colorado. 3 of Utah and a multitude of others—Minnesota, Wyoming. Idaho. Montana, Missouri and Arizona. The quartet plans to donate several of those to the library and start a travel bureau with the rest of them.

Two programs were given at Jet-more—one at a Parent-Teachers association and the other at the high school sponsored by the junior class. Saturday evening the quartet presented a program at the Wiley church. The group played the offertory in the Rocky Ford church Sunday morning and gave a full program at the evening service. The Im-the evening at the Presbyterian perial Four was presented later in church playing special music for the revival being conducted by Captain Gypsy Pat Smith, the famous evan-

Seek ‘Western Title’

Bethany college, Kansas Wesleyan university and McPherson College will seek the "western, title" of the Kansas conference tennis tournament on a sub-tournament to be held either May 12 or 13 at Lindsborg.

Prof. J. H. Fries of McPherson college, Dean Deere of Bethany and Dean King of Kansas Wesleyan have been making the arrangements for the Lindsborg tournament. A definite date has not yet been decided upon by the three college men.

Irwn Bentz Elected To

Govern Student Council

The annual student elections are over, and all of the positions with the exception of Editor of the Spectator, are headed by new officers.

For President of the Student Council, Erwin Bentz was elected, and we feel certain that he will be worthy of the high ranked office.

Billy Thompson will be our sec-retary for the next year. Stephen Stover, a freshman, will work as the business malinger of the Quadrangle. Russell Kingsley will manage the business affairs of the Spectator. We are promised another good Quadrangle next year by the election of Fred Nace to editorship of the Quadrangle. Harold Larsen was ro-elected to edit the Spectator.

To lead In tho cheers and pep next year will be three cheerleaders. Rilla Hubbard, the girl cheerleader, will be aided by Addison West and Bill M. Fry. elected as boy cheerleaders. The college will have three cheerleaders instead of two. as the students voted In favor of two boys and one girl. Great progress is anticipated by the student body and faculty with the election of the above officers.

Miss Lehman and Dr. Flory spent Friday and Saturday in Hays, Kansas.