Professor Earl R. Bohling, head of McPherson's Commerce department, for the past eight years, will not resume his teaching duties next fall. Because of ill health he has deemed it necessary fo move to his farm In Marion County, where be may take an active part in the work.

His farm, located twelve miles south of Marion, consists of 240 acres of land. Mr. Bohling plans to rent 160 acres to a tenant who is now living on the place. The two men will handle all the farming activities.

General farming, with considerable emphasis on livestock, will be the type of agriculture on his farm. Much of the land is pasture; therefore the Increased Interest In livestock. About 80 acres will be planted In wheat. A. tractor will be the biggest source of power, and one team of horses will also be used.

Professor Bohling Turns To Agriculture

Mr. Bohling. who doesn't care particularly to talk about himself or his activities, did state that he does not intend to return to teaching. As to cooperating In the governments conservation program—yes, he will take active part In the plan.

Professor Bohling's farming activities are to him "Just a vacation.” "Rather than go to the mountains. I'm going to the farm," he explain ed, but If a good offer comes along In the business field, he is ready to take It. That's what be intends to do. at least after several years on the farm."

When asked about how much business ability the farmer should possess he quickly said, "The farmer should be just as much as a business man as the fellow on Main street." He stated that the farmer should apply his knowledge of economics on the farm.

McPherson College, McPherson, KANSAS, THURSDAY. APRIL 29 1937

Alumnus Heads Successful Drive

Drive Reaches $40,000 Quota

City Campaign Goes Over Top as Remainder Pledged Following Day

Banquet In Victory

"Victory Dinner" Climaxes Effort;

Harold Case Speaks

The campaign is over the top. The $40,000 quota has been raised. Although the "Victory Dinner' report fell a little short of this figure, the remainder was pledged the following day.

Paul Sargent's group was high division for the evening reporting $2,910. Simon Strouse presented the Division A report revealing $2641. Homer Ferguson, leader of Division C report'd $1952. These figures added to the previous total of the campaign gave a grand total of $38,865.

Additional pledges later in the evening brought the final figure Tuesday night to $39,215. Mrs. H. A. Quiring’s team was high among the women's groups announcing $891.00 In her Tuesday evening report. R. E. Mohler was high team of the "Victory Dinner” report and has been quite consistently throughout the campaign. He reported $953.50.

E. A. Wall, chairman of the campaign, presided as toastmaster. Music by the McPherson College String Choir Immediately preceded the Invocation offered by Rev. G. L. Coppedge. Special music was offered by the mixed chorus under the direction of Professor Nevin Fisher.

Pierce In Charge

Mr. Pierce was in charge of tha campaign reports. The campaign leaders expressed their appreciation to their workers, and Mr, Pierce said a few words thanking his workers and helpers for their loyal spirit and splendid cooperation. Dr. J. J. Yoder also spoke In behalf of the Central Committee. Mr. Pierce’s work In the campaign was highly commended by President V. FSchwalm in his appreciation of the sacrificial effort and splendid re-sponse of McPherson people In this campaign. An expression of appreciation was also extended the banquet committees for their efficient work.

Before Dr. Schwalm Introduced the main speaker of the evening, the male quartette sang two numbers.

Case Speaks

Speaking on "The Function of Education," Dr. Harold Case, pastor of the First Methodist Church, To-peka. said In opening his address, "I am here to share with you the great-ness of the fact of education. You are all concerned with McPherson College and what the College is to do for education"

A brief survey of world troubles, especially relevant to educational methods In Germany. Russia and It-aly was used as a basis for the discussion of the function of education in the United States. "I believe cultural contributions outlive violence," Dr. Case stated, and emphasized that the real and worthwhile things of civilization are ideas. Ideals, phili-sophy, traditions, hopes, and aspirations rather than things material.

Democracy Must Succeed

"If democracy Is to succeed It needs education. In Russia a difference of opinion is fatal. In Italy all education must, center around Fascism. In Germany education is based on one god, one goal, one convic-tion—the state." Education gives us a perspective of life; any prevalence of biased thinking or propaganda la a retreat from democracy.

Education, Dr. Case said, permits people to climb high enough to get over the storm. The educational Institutions of the country hold the key to future society. The responsibility of education Is to bring to the people valid goals great goals to approach and to participate in great enterprises.

VOL. xx

Music Festival Begins Sunday

3 Day Chamber Music Program

To Be Presented Here In Chapel and Church

Two Artists To Play

Hutchinson String Choir and Pianists To Be Features

Three days of music will be of-fered to students of McPherson Col-logo May 9, 10 and 11. in the form of a festival of chamber music sponsored by the music department of the college.

Guest artists have been engaged for several of the concerts and the remainder of the music will be fur-nished by outstanding musicians of the community. A festival of this typo is unique In that It will be entirely devoted to one type of music. Chamber music, which takes Its name from the fact that It was almost always written for performance in a drawing room, is sometimes termed by critics us the highest type of musical expression.

The first number of the program will be a concert by the Hutchinson High School String Choir under the direction of Alan Watrous, direct-or of instrumental ' music In the Hutchinson schools. This choir Is one of the outstanding organizations in the state. The concert, which will be held In the Brethren church, Sunday night. May 9, at 8 o'clock, will be free to the public.

Second Concert

The second concert will be given Monday night. May 10, at 8 o'clock in the college chapel. This will be devoted to ensemble music of Handel and Beethoven and also several compositions of more modern schools. On this program will appear Loren Crawford, violin; Autumn Lind-bloom, violin; Frances Campbell, violin; Hulse Barber, viola; Lois Gnagy .'cello; Mortin Widiger, oboe; Jessie Brown, piano; and Fern Lingenfelter, piano.

As the third number of the festival, Prof. Nevin Fisher, pianist and Prof. Loren Crawford, violinist, will present a recital of sonatas. This program will be held in the collego chapel. Tuesday afternoon. May 11, at 4 o'clock. On this recital, three sonatas will be performed, the Haydn G major, the Beethoven A. Major, and the Schubert D Major.

Final Concert

As the featured program of the festival, the final concert will be given Tuesday night. May 11, by  Frances Ambrose, and Grace Sellers, pianists from the faculty of Southwestern college. This program ‘ will begin at 8 o'clock and will be held In the college chapel.. These artists are perhaps the outstanding performers or this type of music In this section of the country. They play -without music and their program Is varied and Interesting. They Include in the program numbers by Mozart, Saint-Saëns, Revel. Arensky and others. It is only through a very unusual arrangement that these artists were procured for this concert.

C. E. Elects Officers

At the Christian Endeavor mooting last Sunday evening, the following officers were elected for the coming year: pdesident. Ellen Divine; vice president, Dwight Horner: secretary and treasurer, Raymond Flory.

Lola Mae Harbaugh, Avis Heckman and Raymond Flory conducted a discussion on the theme "The Social Side of Life." The pamphlet "Tests In Social Usage was the source of the material used.

Introductions, replica to invitations. and traveling were among the subjects discussed.

’37 Quadrangle

Goes to Press

Distribution of College Year Books to be May 19

Students will soon get what they have been anxiously waiting for— The 1937 Quadrangle. The book went to press last week and the date of distribution has boon moved up to May 19.

It is the task of the quadrangle staff during the courso of the school year to bring to the school a pictorial review, or summary of events and high points reached during the year. The book is built with a view of keeping fresh in our minds, when wo have left these halls of learning, those associations which we held most dear while here on the campus, and this being the editor’s second year editing the annual he has done his utmost to make this book the best book to have ever been published here at the college.

This year's book will have two important distinctions,' the first be-ing that it will bo the fiftieth anniversary annual, and the second, and it being a high honor, is that the 1937 Quadrangle will be the first book west of the Mississippi to be printed In or to use a certain kind of type face, the credit going to The Republican printers of the annual, who bought this now type face especially for the printing of the Quadrangle. Stating the editor, "Profiting from last year's experience as editor. I hope we have been able produce a book that the students will be proud of. I have seen a lot of small college annuals, and I will put this year's Quadrango up against any of them. including this year's cron of annuals."

New Company To Bnd

The book is being bound this year by a different company from that of last years. Last year it was bound In St. Louis, however, this year they are being bound In Kansas City. They will be ready for distribution by May 19th, which means that those students who have not finished paying for their Quad and have not paid their class dues, have only four weeks to do so, for it is certain that no student will receive his book until he does. So start in paying now, even if it can only be a small payment. Remember, Just four weeks, and time Is flying. Don't put it off any longer.

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E. A. Wall (above) general chairman of the McPherson campaign, was instrumental in the success of the city campaign, which exceeded

McPherson Host To S. C. M. Conference

Student Christian Movement To Open Meeting Friday Banquet Saturday

Registration for the Student Christian Movement Regional Officers' Training Conference will start Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the central office of Sharp Hall. The conference promises to “be one of the outstanding features of the S. C. M. program this year. Local students are invited and urged to attend.

The first session starts Friday evening at 8 o'clock In the college chapel. At 8:40 Rev. Joseph King, pastor of the Congregational Church of Lawrence will give an address. Rev. King who has worked with the Student Christian movement and who understands college youth is well fitted for leadership In the conference.

On Saturday morning at 9:30 Dr. Ben Kimple, Professor of Psychology of Religion at Kansas Wesleyan University will speak on ‘ Our Reli-gious Responsibility." Other outstanding addresses will be made on Sunday morning by Dr. R. C. Petry on "Why a Student Christian Movement.” and by Dr. J. D. Bright at the regular church service on "Radiant Rebels."

Saturday afternoon technique groups discussing various phases of S. C. M. activity will be held. At 4:30 there will be a vesper in the college church.

One of the outstanding features of the conference is the Estes banquet to be held Saturday evening at 6:00 where you will become acquainted with plans for the 1937 Estes Park Conference. This will be followed by a Creative Leisure Party In the Church basement.

The chief purpose of the conference will be to train officers for local Student Christian Movement organization. to re-examine the mean-ing and place of the S. C. M. In the lives of students, and at the same time to provide a new understanding of the Christian way of life. Anyone Interested In gaining a new meaning of leadership, its responsibility and its technique is welcome to attend the sessions of the conference.

Choir Gives Concert at Inman

The McPherson A Cappella Choir gave a concert at the Inman High School Auditorium Friday night. April 23. Even though the crowd was small their response was enthusiastic.

Selections outside, the. ones given by the choir were: A violin solo "Romance" by Francis Campbell. Coloratura Soprano solo "The Kiss" by Floy Lackey, "O Sacred Truth" by the Mixed Octet. "Open Our Eyes’ by the Male Chorus. and two numbers by the Varsity Male Quartette. "Deep River,*' and "The Jolly Blacksmith's Lay."

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its $40,000 goal. Mr. Wall Is an alumnus of McPherson College and is one of the leading business men of the city.

Nature Theme of Chapel

The theme of the worship chapel Tuesday was "Nature." Wanda Hoover had charge of devotions and road several poems on nature. The outstanding feature on the program was the nature poem “God of the Open Air.” by Henry Van Dyke.

The thirty members of the choir were dressed in black and white and stood In a wedge formation. This suits In voice projection, formation was used for the best re-

The program was an Interesting experiment.

Teachers Select Additional Books

Every Department Represented by Inflowing Volumes

Again this week the teachers made most of the selections of new hooks added to the library. For the Ger-man classes Miss Sheets chose sev-eral volumes of German books, one of the outstanding books Is "The Works of Heinrich.” Also two German novels by Wiechut and Mann.

The books chosen by Miss Atkinson are, "Fundamentals In Teaching Home Economics" Stafford; "Food Preservation" Chenoweth; "The Story of American Furniture" Orms-bee; "Consumer's Cooperatives" Johnson and Phillips; “Furnishing the Home Grounds” Shepardson; "Essentials In the Selection of Meat" Viola Bell and D. Helzer.

The selection made by Mr. Dell "Industrial Education” Smith; lettering of Today" Hunt and Hunt; "The Science of Correct Thinking" Bittle; "Exploring the Manual Arts" Friese.

Dean Mohler made a very Interesting selection "Ancient Life In Mexico and Central America" Edgar Hew-ett; "How Wo Came By Our Bodies" Davenport; "Economic Geology of Mineral Deposits" Lilley; "Early History" Snider: "Tomorrow's Children" Huntington.

The books which, were ordered for the physic department and chosen by Prof. Bowman are “Radio 'Round the World.” Haslett; "The Drama of Webster" Shaw; Social Insige In case Situation" Sheffield.

Dean Bright made the following selection "Horace Greeley and the Tribune" Fahraey: "The Age of Louis XIV "Packard; "The Enlightened Despots" Bruun; "The Tudors” Read; "A Diplomatic History of the United States" States and Memis "The Civilization of the old Northwest" Bond: "The History of the U. S. since the Civil War "Oberholtzer! "Life In the Middle Ages" G. G. Coulton; "Organization of Mediaeval Christianity “S. Baldwin;

Mr. Fisher made the following selection, "Art son In American" W. Upton: "Music In Worship" Swisher; "The Beginners Voice book of the Singing School." Proschowski.

Patronize Spectator Advertisers


Vernon Michael Accepts Job

Vernon Michael had accepted a position with the Chronoscope at Larned. Mr. Michael was employed by this paper, then the Larned-News for two years before he entered col-

Official Student Publication of McPherson— College McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council. HOME OF    1936 Member    1937    THE SCHOOL

the bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press of quality

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson,

Kansas, under the act at March 3, 1897.

The Spectator ence to

McPherson, Kansas


Very shortly on our campus there In to be another opportunity for McPherson students to support or refuse to support again a very worthwhile program of high-class music. Professor Loren Crawford is sponsoring a chamber music festivalsomething new on the campus—to to take place over a period of three days. May 9, 10 and 11. There is to be a concert by the Hutchinson High school String Choir, which Is rated very highly throughout the state. There Is an afternoon sonata concert by Professors Crawford and Fisher. The McPherson String Ensemble will present an evening concert. And as a grand finale. Professor Crawford Is securing the services, of a duo-piano team from Southwestern College at Winfield, which Is top-ranking thruout the southwest.

The music to bo played Is of the highest quality. Such Immortal masters as Beethoven, Handel, Schubert. Haydn and Mozart and such modern composers as Ravel are to be featured.

The cost to students is slight. Season tickets to all the concerts cost only 50c. Many people pay three and four times this much to go out of town for only one program, of no higher quality. No one can complain validly on the basis of expense.

The challenge is plain—will the student body support this series of programs, or will it stay In the rut of cultural Ignorance and disinterest? It Is to be hoped that there are enough students on the campus with esthetic sensitivity to refuse to allow the college ever again to disgrace itself by such a lack of cooperation and support of campus activities as was exhibited two weeks ago.

—K. W.

Reflections of a Senior

who expect students to agree with everything they say. Regardless of the . fact that the pupil's belief can bo substantiated, he Is still required, on the test paper at least to agree with the professor. This is not a product of a fantastic Imagination but an actuality on the campus of McPherson College. .

Pedantism of this type, It seems to me, encourages wholesale plagarism from the teacher at the expense of Individual, student thinking. Not only this, but it encourages students to answer in a certain way. not because they believe. what they say. but merely to get in good with the prof and thereby earn a good grade Those who refuse to "polish the apple’ consequently suffer a lowering In grades. Logically this type of training fosters the ,'get by" psychology which we so often find on college campuses. Students, as a result of being subjected to such conditions, come out into the world with the primary Intention of acting not In accord with their belief, but In such a way that they can "get by" society.

To the extent- that education requires student assent in spite of a belief to the contrary It Is a failure. In this case education becomes tool of regimentation. Obviously freedom of education In a democratic country cannot be built upon such a basis. -    

and expeditionary force similar to that of 1917." More than that It calls for "a complete dictatorship daring wartime for the purpose of Insuring the necessary production of munitions."

The F. P. A. finds that the bills In Congress contain, among other things, provisions which might be Interpreted as censorship of the press In time of war. The scheme provides for governments control of any kind of factory whatsoever, which could mean a newspaper plant.

Gallery No. II


Dick Kent

Another week of the year his passed, and there Is hardly a thing worth mentioning. From our point of vantage, we looked down, and to our amazement, wo found that the first gallery was absolutely unoccupied. Perhaps the fact that "there’s no place like home" has something to do with It. Happenings In the arena have been dull too. unless one would want to any, something about Gour-die’s dogmatic political views.

This Barley crop Is getting worse. Dr. Forney's man Friday, the lad from Iowa, who has always been Interested In corn, shifted his inter-est to Minnesota’s Monday evening.

Senators Being Bribed

And speaking of Senators, a new Inducement for college men to enter politics. Is the easy money that these statesmen are picking up by endorsing cigarettes. One thousand dollars for a short paragraph certifying the superiority, of a brand of cigarettes Is easier than money from home. Or at least many Senators think so.

On this subject, which Is now a burning (no pun Intended) Issue In Washington, these lines are offered:

The Senate Is In session.

The members filled with glee The reason why is simple:

A thousand bucks, you see.

In the ornate Senate cloak-rooms.

They fill their lungs with smoke. And exhale hundred dollar bills.

No this Is not a Joke.

"Old Strikes make my brain work,"

"I thrive on Lucky Golds;”

"This cigarette saved the country,

—The Turtle.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Let’s Go to the Festival

Many of those who attended the orchestra concert two weeks ago were somewhat surprised at the very small audience. In light of meager facilities and reduced personnel of the group, the concert was well chosen and excellently given; despite this fact, however, the Joy in giving, or in listening to, the concert was marred by the acutely apparent lack of audience. A mere handful of students and townsfolk turned out for this high-quality cultural program.

How is one to account for this lack of interest? Was It lack of quality of the program?

Hardly—Hayden. Beethoven, and Grie 3/8 are names not to be treated lightly.

Was It expense? No—the performance was free.

Was there no time for students and townspeople to go?

Not likely—there was no conflict, and most students seem to find ample time for shows any night of the week.

Then to what can this lack of support be attributed? The answer lies In a timeworn and all too valid criticism of McPherson College. A fre-quest observation of outsiders who have an objective standpoint Is that there is a palpable lack of cultural appreciation on this campus. To this, more than to any other factor, can be traced the lack of support for the orchestra concert.

The criticism is only too true And thinking student confirms the Judgment, and laboring the point Is unnecessary. However, there Is no valid reason why the criticism should be made legitimately In the future. It the student body at large would resolve to support In the future at least the regular artistic activities of the college, the cultural atmosphere of the school would be Improved no

(Beginning with this issue there will appear a weekly article under the title of "Reflections of a Senior." The author does not ask anyone to agree with his statement; he is merely trying to state candidly .things as he sees them.)

College certainly offers a young person a wide range of opportunities, Many of us no doubt, can think of high school classmates have not attended college; to a very large degree they have. not had the oppor-tunities that we have had. This does not merely Include educational opportunities but also social and re-creational; the- most enjoyable years of life are probably those spent In college. The difference, between your high school classmate who has not attended college and yourself . is largely a difference In opportunities. College is a rich and concentrated dose of possibilities, which., taken to help our native Intelligence generally serves to help bring it through adolescence to a better balanced, more mature state.

In one respect, It seems to me. good . educational opportunities are slipping by without being utilized. The particular situation which I have in mind, is primarily within the power of the teacher to collect, Strange as It may seem there are teachers, In this democratic country,

taking the profits out of war is a popular idea, but there Is more to It than just a slogan. At the close range "deprofitizing" war does not appear to lead itself easily to legislation. In fact, the Foreign Policy Association In a report just published winds up with the declaration that the only sure way of taking profits out of war Is not to go to war at all. . What is that plan? Several have been proposed under the Defense to the F. P. A. the latest Is "based on the possible need for a large army



Penly Ann Host

Dear Penly Ann:

When Is It correct to speak and when to raise your head slightly when meeting people on the street?


"We always greet courteously and cordially any person we know, whether the person happens to be our most distinguished neighbor, a servant, or the man who delivers groceries at our door.

"In passing a person we know casually, we bow. that Is. we look directly at that person, incline our head slightly and smile pleasantly. A man also lifts his hat as he bows." Dear Penly Ann Host:

When one attends a tea. Is It correct to ever take a Second cap of tea?


"When you have finished your first cup of tea. if you desire another cup, bring your cup to the table for more. It Is considered a compliment to a hostess to take a second cup of tea."

—"Manners" by Helen Hathaway.

A Short Story

(With all due apologies to Eugene Field)

A college girl and a college boy Sat side by side and oh what Joy! It was half past ten on Saturday night

And the girl turned around with fear and fright—    

The steering wheel and the back seat too

Were mighty scared for they sure knew

They’d not get home by eleven that


(I wasn’t there I only knew That the seat behind Just said ’twas so.)

The girl cried, "Dear what shall we


She was rather pale and blue;

The college boy glanced down at the lass

And said. ’I've really got to step on the gas!"

So he took a grip and kept his nerve—

Made seventy-five on the final curve And reached the dorm as the whistle blew.

(Of course I wouldn’t want to squeal ’Twas told to me by the steering


But Congress Is trying cope with the problem directly by considering the Sheppard-Hill bill, reported out of the Senate military affairs committee last week. The bill is dangerous been use, by exploiting the Idea of eliminating war profits, the legislation proposes to give legal binds to the War Departments Industrial mobilization plan.

Bob Weigand’s theme song seems to be these days:

"Oh where is my lover, can anyone tell?

I’ll Mary another I love just as well."

What a man this Harris. After driving all night, he could still be as fresh as a daisy when he stalked over to see our successfully prospective teacher the following evening.

Things that I like:

Girls are so studious they decide to stay strictly on the campus for a

week's time.

The new ingenious emergency kit that has been provided for the second floor of Fahnestock.

The wholesome, hospitable spirit displayed by those who co-operated by giving their rooms to the S. C. M. Cabinet for the visitors of the conference. Pray, Is not that good Christianity?

Work and I

Oh Work, why do I labor so To get you all completed?

So many things I do not know—

It makes me feel depleted.

Every day you Increase in size— While Spring brings forth new weather;

Say. why do I work ’mid these sighs, Say, why do I work 'mid tehse sighs, When days are like a feather.

I’d like to be by the shady brook. And listen to the fishes Go flapping by to some dark nook; And there propound my wishes.

Oh Work, you will not let me go— I'll fight you to the finish;

It must he that I’ll always know Without you I’d diminish.

Dick Kent.

When It stopped our vicious colds."

The Senators sell endorsements While debating legislation;

Their pay-off Is a thousand rocks; But does this save the nation?


Student's Ballyhoo

Climaxes Primaries

Voters Crowd Polls To Choose

Candidates For Final Vote

Students crowded and shoved their way Into the chapel last Thursday to hear the ballyhoo speeches for the candidates In the Primary election. President Rock took matters In hand as the curtain was drawn back, and the main speakers of the morning twiddled their thumbs awaiting their turn to break forth Into loud and emphatic declarations for their candidates.

Since there were candidates for only two positions up for election, there was not as much of that political campaign spirit as usually prevails at student elections. However. the ballyhoo speakers pounded on the table, shouted for "a man who.* a “man who will", and ran around the stage avoiding Johnsie's paddle.

After the speeches the voters swarmed to the polls to “vote for two for both Treasurer of Student Council and Men’s Cheer leader. Competitors for these positions as will appear on today’s ballot in the final election are: Joelle Letkeman and William Thompson, Treasurer of Student Council; Addison West and Bill Fry. Men's Cheer Leader.

Just A Tumbleweed

.Sitting here a pliable mortal being Knowing that you too once had life. This carcass, I hold.

A riding mass of cellulose;

Only the harder portions of a thing that was,

You are dead.

Never shall the wind Swing your thistles beneath the prairie sun.

And photosynthesis will ne'er change Those stiff, hard and dry stems.

Of that life that was Does nothing remain?

Blistering summer winds dried your stems.

Bitter winter winds tore you from

your rest;

And rolled you

Hither and yon. from fence to fence O’er this bubble of the Cosmos.

But In your migrations from thence to hence,

At each Jar and shock of howling, swirling winds

Little seeds dropped from your stems

Each a unit of life.

Your life Is not In those seeds;

'Tis true

Their life Is due to your life.

But as one candle Is lighted From another.

So your life gave life to matter.

Mortal man cannot know The present state

Of what you had, that you do not have.

But man does know That

You gave life by living your life.

’ —Mr. Turtle.

Floy Lackey. Francis Campbell and Profeasor Crawford broadcast with a program over station KFBI Sunday. Margaret Kagarice went with them to Salina.

Climbing Upward

Homer Kimmel, a graduate of the 1937 class, will end his school career not with simple graduation exercises, but with a wedding, Homer has boon a member of the Thespian, Forensic, Chemistry and the “M" clubs. He has no trouble with his scholastic duties, and we predict success for him and his partner. He has majored In Industrial Arts and will receive a B. A. degree.

Paul Lackie. a tall well - dressed senior will graduate this June. Paul Is a great guy to know and pal around with. He Is a member of the Thespian club. We will all remember him for his clever skits and his ready wit. From what we've seen of him lately he Is doing alright. Catch on? He has majored In History and will receive a B. A, degree.

Elmer E. Liss, otherwise known as Just "Liss" is another of the successful seniors, graduating in June. Elmer's favorite sport Is football. He Is one of our track men. and we will bear more about him before the close of the track season. He has majored In Industrial Arts and will receive a B. S. degree.

Eldon L. Manning, a senior, graduating this Spring, has taken part time school here at McPherson College. He Is secretary to the president of Central College. McPherson. We don't all know him personally. but his friends think very highly of him. He has a charming personality. but girls, there's not a chance for he has already taken the fatal step.

Hershey Entertains Chemists

Dr. and Mrs. J. Willard Hershey entertained the senior chemistry majors and the chemistry assistants at a dinner at their home last Friday evening.

After the dinner various types of games were played by the guests.

Those attending the dinner Included Lois Grangy. Kenneth Bent-son. Dean Baldwin, Asta Ostlind. Wilbur Stern. David Metzger, Walter Shannon. Charles Waroner. Phyllis Powers and Norman Edwards.

Regrets were received by Jessie Miller.

An Appreciation To Debaters

Mrs. Hess and Pauline Join with me In expressing our sincere thanks for the beautiful “Chair of Debate” recently presented to us at the Forensic Conclave at Booz hall and for the accompanying card and kind word from thirty-four former and present debaters, namely: Kenneth Rock. Ora Huston, Ira Ihde, Philip Spohn, Nina Stull. Otho Whiteneck. John Lehman. Ward Williams, Lill-burn Gottman. Ruth Spilman, Paul Booz. Harriet Smith, Emma Schmidt, Lamar Bollinger. Kurtis Naylor, Paul Miller. Harold Larsen, Dr. R. C. Flory, Kenneth Weaver. William Thompson, Willard Flaming. Alvin Lindgren. Philip Davis. Fred Horton. Marvin Riddell, Addison West, Addison Saathoff. Stephen Stover, Velma Watkins. Yolanda Clark. Lucile Cole, Inez Goughnour, Ther-esa Strom, Alberta Keller.

(Signed) Maurice A. Hess,

Debate Coach.

Dr. Smith Completes Formal

Parties For College Women

Dr. Smith, dean of women, brought to a close-the social events she has held for the women students during the school year last Friday night with the third delightful invitation party

Members of the Woman's Council as the guests of Dr. Smith the latter part of January. were entertained at a waffle supper at the Hershey home.

This spring Dr. Smith, assisted by members of the Woman's Council and others, has given the Invitation parties. Each girl In school has been Included In the invitation list of one of these.    

Most enjoyable evenings were spent In playing games. At the close of the evening’s entertainment, delicious refreshments were served at a table decorated with a flower centerpiece and dimly lit by candles. A member of hte Woman's Council poured coffee at the table.

Friday evening, March 19, Dr. Smith was assisted by Avis Heckman. Evelyn Dell, and Helen Eaton with Phyllis Powers pouring. Gertrude Meyers. Doris Dresher. and Rosalie Fields with Emma Schmidt pouring. assisted with the party three weeks later. At the last party. April 23. Vera "Heckman poured. Marjorie Flory and Betty Ruth Stutzman helped with the evening's entertainment.

McPherson College Lyric

Artists Featured Wednesday

The McPherson College Lyric Artists will feature a varied program of music and readings next Wednesday evening In the college chapel at 8:15.

Nevin W. Fisher, professor of music. will he one of the outstanding features as tenor soloist, and pianist. Readings will be given by Miss Della Lehman. Instructor In the English department. Today Harris as cornet soloist will render several numbers. Soprano solos will be sung by Floy Lackie. who will also paticipate as piano accompanist.

This group has been enthusiastically received at previous appearances an evening of cultural entertainment. that will be Interesting to all, will be presented: a capacity crowd is anticipated. Admission will be 15 cents for students and 25 cents for adults.

The Thespian Club play “For All of Us.' Is going Into Its second week of rehearsals. Practices are being held daily. The capable cast under the skilled direction of Miss Della Lehman and Margaret Messamer, are working diligently to produce a masterpiece worthy of the high ap-preciation accorded productions of this club in past years.

The play Is a serious drama based on events In the household of Frederick Warren, Invalid banker. Although this play Is of a serious and mysterious nature sparkling comedy relief given the production balance.

The outstanding difference be-tween the family system in Japan and that In Europe and America Is that while the former parents and children form the nucleus of the family, in the latter the married couple Is rather the center of the family. The family In Japan Is commonly called a large family, and that In Europe and America can be said to be a small or a modem family. The former Is a family strong In the Idea of constancy, aiming at preservation of the family name, family lineage, mode of life of the family, family occupation, and properly of the family. The latter has no Inheritance of the family lineage, family occupation, and property. A new family Is created by a man and woman. and Is dissolved when they die or separate. In short, the longevity of the family Is that of the couple.'

Binding Ties Of course, even In a family with the couple as a center, children are included, but In such a family the position of the couple is more Important than the union of parents and children. The tie that binds the couple Is far -stronger than that binding the parents and children. How-ever strongly the parents and children are united by ties of kinship, the children will part from the parents and create new families when they get married The new couple do not follow the mode of the old family as members of It. Nor do they Inherit the family lineage. They live their own lives wherever they please, apart from the parents. If they Inherit anything from the parents. It is nothing more than material property with a market value. There Is not from the parents family any abstract or spiritual Inheritance.

Secondary Significance In the Japanese family the cou-ple has a secondary significance, simply members of the family. The prime Importance in this family is the fact that family name, lineage and occupation are handed on. Prosperity, and the couple's Importance is only insofar as they serve this purpose of the preservation of the family. If some one else better qualified to maintain the family lineage can be secured from outside, the couple Is not necessarily the essen-tial element of the family. Such -family Is called a large family, but It does not always mean members. However large, a family which has

not for Its object the preservation of family lineage, is not called a large family. On the other hand, a small family consisting only Of the parents and a now couple Is called a large or patriarchal family as long as It maintains Its durability.

Family preservation The Japanese family, whether large or small, makes It a cardinal point to preserve the family. Many families among the Intelllgentia apparently are modern families: but still they are seeking Inheritors for that purpose when we analyze the psychology. When they have no Inheritors among their kin they adopt from outside the family. This fact shows that the family treasures more highly succession of the lineage than anything else. Otherwise It Is not necessary to adopt Inherit-tors outside and consequently the adoption would have no meaning. They would not need to worry over Inheritors If the object of In-Inheritance were simply material with market value. The inheritance In not alone material, but family name, the lineage, etc., that must he long preserved. Seeing that even Intelligentia desires Inheritance of this kind. It Is quite natural for the more conservative class to cherish the Idea of family preservation even more strongly.

Hershey Lectures on Radium

Dr. J. W. Hershey, head of the Chemistry departments gave a lecture on radium at the regular meeting of the Chemistry Club last Thursday evening.

A demonstration of cothocle tubes, radium substances, electron tubes, and X-Ray tubes was given during the lecture by Norman Edwards and Kenneth Bentson. Examples of radium and radium substances were shown after the lecture.

It's only five more weeks till our Professor Hess becomes an "Agri-cola," technically his interests will not be concerned with tilling the soil but rather with raising cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry.

Ms. Hess takes care of his 240 acres, located eleven miles east of Burlington. Kansas during the summer months and the ranch is taken care of by his brother-in-law while the Professor Is teaching at McPherson. Professor Hess plans to move himself and family to his new home when he retires In a few years.

Mr. Hess spends a little time each summer on repairing and Improving him farm.

In the summer of '34 he constructed a 30x40 straw loft chicken house. His hen house has a concrete floor and will eventually have electric lights. A sheep barn 32x38 was erected also out of wood from a wrecked railroad station at Kincaid.

Last year he put In a 32x36 cattle barn on the east side of the sheep

Reporter Reveals Fact* of Hess Farm

barn. He has installed a new pump that has a fifty barrel storage tank. He has water piped to the basement, kitchen and bam. Pipes are ready for irrigation. There are three natural springs that have kept running through the dryest summers. The house pump Is capable or pumping one-hundred barrels a day.

Professor Hess will be introduce Ing something new In farm equip-ment with his electrified fence. The fence will be of two wires. one one foot from the ground the other four feet from the ground. The wire will be charged from a six volt battery to keep the stock from straying. Professor Hess and family spend their summer in a box car remodeled and furnished In country house style.

The farm la. situated at the top of a hill and country for five miles around can be viewed, A small apple and peach orchard Is at the back of the ranch. Our Professor's ambition Is to be a successful stock farm er and we are sure be will in a few years have a prize farm.

-The Culture of Japan-


Toshiro Tsubokawa

Thespian Play Progressing

Sophomores— Yoder, ss ......


Oxley, c

.......................2 0 0

.....................2 1 1

.....................3 2 2

Letkemen, sc

......................3 3 1

Foutz, 3b ....

.......................2 0 0

Totals ........

.....................26 10 7



Abuhl, 3b......

.......................3 0 0

.....................3 2 2

McGill. lf .....

Shannon, 2b ..

......................3 1 1

D. Miller, rf

.....................3 1 3

Albin, cf.........

......................3 1 0

...................3 2 2

Robertson, lb

^---------2 1 0

Bulldog Trackmen To Meet Coyotes

Strength of Both Teams To Be Compared in Dual Meet at Salina, Today

The Bulldog grip and Coyoto cun-ningness will clash this afternoon at Salina when McPherson College meets Kansas Wesleyan University in a dual track and tennis meet.

The strength of Coach A. B. Mackie's Coyotes and Coach "Bud" Selves' fighting Bulldogs will be brought together for the first time this season In what promises to be the toughest meet the Bulldogs have had this spring.

There is no means of comparing the strength of these two college track and tennis teams and only the timers will be able to determine who will win. This meet should bo the most interesting for the Bulldogs this season.

Coach Selves is very much encouraged over what he expects his team to do against the Coyotes. Such men as Porter, Letkeman, Robertson, Toland. Haun and of course several others will be depended upon to win points for McPherson. Letkeman has been showing up well in both hurdle events and Is on one of the relay teams. Haun Is an all-around track star, including the high jump, discus, javelin, pole vault and the hurdles. Porter is the distance runner who Is rapidly improving. Robertson Is a middle distance runner as well as a relay man. Toland handles the dashes. Including the century . dash, the 220 and the shorter relay events.

Coach Claude Flory's Bulldog ten-nis team Is in condition to meet the Coyote racket swingers In a dual meet Thursday afternoon during the track meet. As a result of McPherson's smashing victory over the Ster, ling college tennis team last night. Conch Flory Is looking forward to a strong showing against Wesleyan players.

The dual meet with Kansas Wesleyan will be the only track and tennis activity for the Bulldogs this week.

The Placement Bureau has been very busy In past weeks, and the efforts have been fruitful. In addition to the placements announced previously,' four more’ are reported this week.

Miss Viola Harris has accepted the instructorship of music and art in the Walton schools. Miss Eldora Van Dermark will be a music instructor in Wichita Vernon Michael has accepted a position ns advertising manage the Larned Chrono-scope. His work will also include Linotype operating Willard Flaming will teach history and debate In the Canton schools.

Many more negotiations are underway and It Is expected that a large number of students will be placed before the end of school. Further announcements will be made In the near future.

W. A. A. Elects Officers

The members of the W. A. A. met Thursday afternoon and elected the following girls as officers for the next school year:

President—Marjorie Flory.

Vico President—Lenore Shirk Secretary—Audrey Hammann Treasurer—Opal Hoffman Sports Managers:

Soft Ball—Margaret Louise Kagarice.

Volley Ball—Julia Frick Basket Ball—LaVena High Ping Pong—Rilla Hubbard Tennis—Marion Washler

The final ping pong game was played by Aileen Wine and Rilla Hubbard. The winner, Aileen, gets sixty extra points, and Rilla gets forty for second place.

The tennis tournament, both singles and doubles will begin next week.

Sophomores Bow to

Freshmen in Sixth

Last night the freshmen, displaying plenty of heavy hitting. pounded out a 9 to 7 victory over the sophomores in an extra inning softball game at the college athletic field.

The yearlings, off to a good start, were ahead 4 to 2 at the end of the third Inning. The sophs put across five runs to three for the freshies in the next two innings, and tied up the game at 7 all. The sophomores failed to score in their half of the sixth. Dohn Miller, first up for the frosh, singled and, went to third while the next two batters wore tossed out at first. Then Bill Fry drove out a smashing home-run to center to bring In the winning run.

Fry, pitching for the frosh. struck out six batters, passed five and allowed 10 hits. Albright for the Sophs fanned three, men, walked none and allowed 11 hits.

The box score:

Juniors Defeat Seniors 12-9

The juniors won the first intramural soft-ball game Monday evening, pounding out a 12 to 9 victory over the seniors. The game, which was played in two Installments was begun Thursday evening and the final two Innings were played Monday.

Rock, senior, and Wagoner and Nettleton for the juniors were the leading hitters. Rock and Wagoner each batted out a home run and a double In two official times at bat. Nettleton batted once and collected a triple. There was plenty of hitting In the game, along with many errors on the parts of both teams. Out of 15 hits In the ball game. 11 of them went for extra bases.

Flory, pitching for the junior class was credited with 11 strikeouts. issued four passes and threw five wild pitches. Miller of the seniors had nine strikeouts, four bases on balls and four wild pitches. The juniors collected eight hits and the seniors seven.

The box score;

In a greeting sent through the Institute of International Education to American college students who may be planning a year or more of study In one of the great European Universities, Dr. John Murray, Principal of the University College of the South West of England, Exeter, says In part:

"Presidents and professors and students themselves as well have taken up the now crusade of good-will and understanding, believing that the generous youth that flock to the Universities are good nationals and good internationals. To have a deep conviction of patriotism reaches halfway at least towards regard for the patriotism of other races. The cosmopolitan, who Is neither national nor international. Is a comparative rare type In Universities or in any gatherings of the young. Pride In one’s own race calls across the frontiers to the pride of others in theirs and mutual respect provokes Interest and prepares the way for warmer feelings.

"There is great hope for the world

Debaters Honor Professor Hess

At the Booz homo Friday night, April 23. the members of the debate squad and a few alumnae gathered together in honor of their coach, Professor Maurice A. Hess. The evening's entertainment was carried out In the form of a tournament and was a great success.

Games were played throughout the evening. William Thompson was master of ceremonies. The evening's entertainment was brought to a close by a debate on the eubject: "Resolved that men have done more to advance civilization than women.’ The affirmative was upheld by Marjorie Booz and Inez Goughner.

In the potential of Internationalism in the educated youth of the nations. But the potential can only actualize If the young of different races meet under favouring conditions. Nowhere can they meet more auspiciously than in the Universities. A proviso, however, is needed: this will be true, provided that the Universities have an eye for the opportunity. and the skill and the will to use it. University Internationalism calls for planning and policy. The present age Is a time of experiment In this matter. In a few decades the questions of method will Wonders of Chemistry" will be shown. All who are Interested are cordially invited to attend, be settled. In a few more the sponsors of the methods will have won financial support for their ideas. Then will come the world's true Golden Age, or the first far glimpses of It, the Age when generous youth, forging their own links of respect and liking across the frontiers, will undo the partisan mischiefs and the bitter estrangements of old times."

Philip Davis and Addison West took the negative.

ninfc. William Thompson was master

Prof. Hess was rewarded for his long, faithful service as a debate coach, by the Alumna debaters and members of this year’s Duo Bitta Spicha conclave by the presentation of an upholstered easy chair.

Faculty guests of the evening were Doctor Flory, Mr. and Mrs. Bright, who accompanied the de-balers on several trips.

29 11 9

Errors: Foutz 2. Rogers. Kings ley. York. Crouse Abuhl. Two-base hits: Robertson:    Home runs:

Kingsley. Carter, McGill, Shannon, Fry. Stolen bases: Rogers. Oxley, Letkeman. Carter. Miller. Bases on balls: Fry 6; Albright none. Strike-outs: Fry 6: Albright 3.









Flory, P.................




Barngrover. cf-1b













Bentz, rf ..




Wagoner, as .....




Brower, lf-cf .........






Nettleton. lf .....










Miller, p ...............




Goering, 3b ..........



Brown, cf ...............







H. Johnston, lb .....



Vasquez, c .............




Rock, 2b ..............




Chisholm, lf.........




Clark, rf .............








Kimmel. sf --------






Placement Bureau Active

English Professor Urges World Education