**The Mate” Entertain A bit of entertainment as “The Mates" (Charles Uettleton, Wayne Allbright, Gordon Yoder, Harold Mohler) sang. “Anchors Aweigh" and “Inkey Dinkey Parley Vou." Stewardess Richards famished more entertainment with “Light Moments."

“Land ho! for where there's land there are sea gulls.” Their Journey was almost ended and with the passing of another year, so will some of the members leave their merry band. Senior McNamee bids them "Bon Voyage."

The voyage over, the Captain grants "Shore Leave for the Crew as they sing "Sailing. Sailing" and “Shipmates Stand Forever." Down the gangplank to embark on another voyage next September on the good ship “W. A. A."

The waitresses were all decked out like sailors. The salad must have been the “Captain’s Choice" with "White Caps."

The main course consisted of "Sea Foam,” unmistakably the potatoes; “Sailor's Delight," swiss steak “High Tide,” corn; and rolls.

Ice Bergs were served for dessert.

Students Attend Concert

Many students attended the concert of Richard Bonelli, Baritone, In Wichita Wednesday night.

Those who attended were: Francis Campbell, Helen Eaton. Inez Goughnour, Viola Harris. Wanda Hoover, Rilla Hubbard, Floy Lackey,' Emma Schmidt, Theresa Strom. Eldora Van Dermark, Charlotte Wolf. Mamie Wolf. George Toland, Franklin > Eldridge, Harold Mohler, Oliver An-, drews, and Kenneth Weaver.

Mrs. Ullery of Sterling. Cola, spent the fore pan. of the week visiting her daughter Lucille.

Faculty Members Add New Books to College Library

This week the new books which were added to the library were selected by four faculty members. Not only will the students In their classes derive much benefit from them but they are very helpful to any student on the campus.

The books chosen by Dr. Flory are. "The Oxford Song Books,” Percy C. Buck, “English Medieval Sculpture,” A. Gardner; “The Oxford Book of English Verse” A. Q. Couch; "Saturday Letters.” R. E. Manchester.

Miss Atkinson chose the following, “American Housing” Edith Allen; "Home and Family M. L. Brown; “Student Manual of Fashion Drawing” Edith Young; Costume Design and Illustrations" E. Trap-hagen; "Flower Arrangement" F. F. Rockwell and E. Grayson;

The following selections were made by Dean Mohler: “Culture Methods for Invertebrate Animals” Prepared for the American Association for the Advancement of Science by J. G. Needham; “How to Know the Insects” H. E. Jaquec “Parade of the Animal Kingdom" R. W. and Jane Hegner; "Earth History" L. C. Snider.

Miss Colline made only two selections, "First steps in Art and Handwork,” Dobbs; "A Grammar of the Arts" C. J. Holmes.

The book Saturday Letters, is a book written by dean of men of Ohio State University.

“Verse Choir” New Feature in Speech

Oral Interpretation of Poetry in Choir Form Soon

“Verse Choir” In a comparatively now feature In the field of Public Speaking. "Verse Choir" is the oral Interpretation of poetry or prose by many voices speaking as one. This Choir has the same arrangement it a singing choir, having the four parts, Soprano, Tenor, Alto and Buss. The two groups were called the light and dark voices.

Each member of the choir Is an Individual Instrument trying to do a solo. They must learn to "orchestrate" their voices to blend them together to make a symphonic whole.

The kind of poetry usually Interpreted In this type of reading Is a poem the lines of which are not too personal and whose meaning is Inhanced by the unison of many voices, a poem in which the rhythm lends itself effectively, to choral Interpretation.

Verse Choir” was Introduced Into McPherson College last year by Miss Lehman the Professor of Dramatics. The choir was hot active last year but the two Principal of Speech classes with members' of the class last year who have had some practice in "Verse Choir” reading have organized a choir and will make their first appearance in public Tuesday morning. April 27 in chapel as part of the worship service. The selection they will read Is “God of the Open Air" by Van Dyke.

Two Pamphlets To Library

There are also two new pamphlets received. "As Others Like You,” Stephenson-Millet; "A Test on Social Usage.” Stephenson-Millet. Most people want to be liked. That Is a right good part of human nature. If you keep that for your ideal, you will have to hare a true feeling for others. You will also need to know the ways of social usage, so read "As Others Like You.”

Large Banquet To End Drive

‘Victory Dinner” Will Climax Fiftieth Anniversary Finance Campaign

Set Date, April 27

Committee Has Difficulty In Finding Large Quarters

McPherson college will hold a "Victory Dinner" this spring ad the closing feature of the 50th anniversary finance drive the college is now conducting in this city and county. The "Victory Dinner will be held Tuesday ight, April 27, which will be a merging of the customary "Booster Banquet" and “Victory Dinner" In one big event.

There has been a great deal of Interest as to whether the college would hold its annual "Booster Banquet" this year because of the finance drive. Pros. V. F. Schwalm has announced the "Victory Dinner" will replace the customary banquet for this year only, and that the "Booster Banquet" will be held as usual next year.

The problem now facing the general committee is the matter of finding room for everybody who will want to attend the "Victory Dinner." The committee expects one of the largest crowds ever to attend a college banquet for the dinner late this mouth and the task of making room for the largo crowd la a trying problem for the committee.

The committee is at work on the "Victory Dinner" plana and will be ready soon to announce the completed plana. One matter has been settled by the committee, and that is that every substantial giver and his family will be given a place at the Connor. The probability Is that the committees will fix a low subscription amount and all subscribing over that amount will be entitled to places at the “Victory Dinner.”

In making his announcement of the dinner. President Schwalm explained that every pledge card has a coupon attached to one end and this coupon will be a receipt. All subscribers to the college funds must keep the coupon or ticket for It will he the identification card for those entitled to places at the dinner.

W.A.A. Banquet Great Success

Members, Gentlemen Guests Climax Successful Year With Annual Banquet

“Sailing” Is Theme

Sea Life On the Good Ship "W. A. A.'

Is Cleverly Portrayed

The members of the W. A. A. with their gentlemen friends climaxed a very successful year with a banquet at the Hawley Roof Garden. Friday. April 16. at 7 p. m.

"All hands on deck,” shouted Cap-tain Wine, as she led the way aboard the good ship W.A. A. While the passengers fund their places In the Salon, the decorations were surveyed with interest.

In the distance was a rock lighthouse. shining forth its warning signal of rocky shores. On each side of the deck was placed a life-saver for the use of the passengers in case of necessity.

The salon was dimly lighted with blue lamps, and at the farthest end of the room was the Captain's table, simply adorned by a bouquet of snapdragons in the center, and burning candles.

At each individual cover, both at the Captain's and quartet tables was a miniature ship, the flag of the W. A. A. flying in the wind, and the anchor lying In the deep blue water, with the name of the passenger on each anchor. These ships were full of goodies—mints, peanuts and life-savers.

Then with their Imagination; carrying them off to deep waters and splashing waves, damp fog and romance in the moonlight, Tastmaster Wine reviewed the voyage of the W. A. A ship this year, "On our trip abroad this year, fifteen' now members were added to the crew. The ports at which we anchored were soft ball, volley ball, basket ball, ping pong and tennis.

"Ship Ahoy,’ shouted Miss Warner as she welcomed all passengers on deck, and In behalf of the former members of the organization, Mildred Stutzman responded "From the Shore.”

A Capella To Buhler

The McPherson A Cappella Choir gave a concert in the High School Auditorium at Buhler, Monday night April 19, featuring a number on their Lyceum program.

The selections in addition to the ones given by the Choir were. numbers by the Varsity Male Quartet, the Women's Octet, The Varsity Women's Quartet, the Mixed Octet, the Male Chorus and a violin solo by Professor Crawford, a Coloratura Soprano solo by Floy Lackey, a Lyric Soprano solo by Margaret Fry. and a Tenor solo by Charles Nettle-ton.

The women of the choir wore formal dresses and the men dressed in dark suits.    

Center of Interest

Lies in Primaries

Ballyhoo Speakers Begin in Chapel Tomorrow at 11    .

Today the center of interest lies in the chapel as the students of McPherson College go to the polls in the primary election of student officers.

At 11 o'clock this morn the ballyhoo speakers appeared on the stage one by one. amid applause and loud shots from the audience, burst forth into boastful declarations, attempting to convince their listeners that their candidate Is the only one for the position.

The nominations for these offices ended last Tuesday noon. Sincce the last edition of this paper sev-eral more nominations have been made. The complete list is as follows:

President of Student CouncIL Erwin Bentz and Harold Mohler.

Treasurer of Student Council: William Thompson, Ira Milton Hoover. Joello Letkeman and Bob Wiegand

Editor of Spectator: Harold Larsen and Norman Edwards.

Business Manager of Spectator: Russell Kingsley.

Editor of Quadrangle: Fred Nace and Lawrence Boyer

Business Manager of Quadrangle: Gordon Yoder and Stephen Stopher  Ladies Cheer Leader: Rilla Hub-bard

Men's Cheer Leader: Addison West, Edwin Diehl, Bill Fry. The last race for election will take place next Thursday, April 29 at 11 o'clock, as again ballyhoo speakers will plead the case of their office-seekers. May the best man win!

Large Attendance at Senior Festival

300 High School Graduates Guest of College

Three hundred high school seniors were guests of the College at the Senior Festival banquet last Saturday evening. Much interest was al-so manifest In the music contest and tennis tournament, other features of the festival.

The attendance at this banquet was larger than it has been for sev-eral years. An Interesting program was presented with Dean R R. Mohler presiding as toastmaster. President V. F. Schwalm and Professor Grover C. Dotzour of Wichita, were the principal speakers.

In the music competition there were thirty-nine contestants. Miss Jessie Brown, commenting on the contest, declared that it was the beat to bo held in several years:

Three members of the music faculty Judged the events: Professor Nevin W. Fisher, voice; Professor Loren Crawford, violin; and Miss Fern Lingenfelter, piano.

Winifred Church, McPherson placed first in the Juvenile piano event; lone Lindholm. Windom and David Spencer, Lost Springs tied for second.

First In adult piano was Freda Frantz, Hillsboro: and second. Maxine Schmidt. Lorraine. Marjorie Fairchild. Hutchinson won first In the adult violin division. Two tied for first place In the adult voice event: Arlene Melchert. Lorraine, and Dorothy Steinbeck. Hutchinson. Marvel Schroeder, Lorraine, placed second.

High honors in the Invitation tennis tournament wont to Hutchinson. The Hutchinson Salt Hawks won first and second in the singles and first In the doubles. McPherson High school won second In the doubles.

Placements Made For Seniors

With the coming of spring and the closing of school the Placement Bureau is a busy organization. Dean Mohler, head of the placement service. announces that Lee Haun and Miss Mildred Stutzman have accepted positions. Haun will be conch of the Little River High school, and Miss Stutzman will be the English Instructor in the Lyons High School.

There are many more for whom positions are lining up, and the bureau expects to place a great many students again this year. There are fifty-one members of the Placement Bureau and Dean Mohler reports ho has received more calls thus far than bo had last year at the close of school.

McPherson Host To Student Conference

Christian Movement Meeting Here Fur Inspirational Addresses

McPherson College has been chosen as host to the Student Christian Conference for the central and western Kansas areas. The conference will be bold April 30, May 1 and 2. Regional leadership composed of Rev. Joseph King of Lawrence, Dr. R. C. Petry, Dr. Ben Kimpel of Kansas Wesleyan, Chuck Hulac, Beulah Meyers, and Paul Booz will make the conference worthwhile and inspirational.

The chief purposes of the assembly are to train officers for local S. C. M. organizations, to re-examine the meaning and place of the S. C. M in the lives of students, and at the same time to provide a new understanding of the Christian way of life. Anyone who is Interested in gaining a new meaning of leadership. Its responsibility and its technique Is welcome.

Representatives from the following colleges are expected to attend; Kansas Wesleyan, Bethel, Southwestern, Hayes Stale Teaches, Friends University, Wichita University. Hutchinson Junior College and Dodge City Junior College.

Although registration will start Friday afternoon the conference will not start officially until Friday evening. A well balanced program of talks, groups meetings, and socials has been planned. Two high-lights of the conference will be the Estes Banquet Saturday night and ab illustrated lecture by Paul Booz on the World Youth Congress.

Brown's Pupils Rank High

Emporia Kans.—Two students of Miss Jessie Brown., piano Instructor at McPherson College, won highly superior rating, Out of 66 contestants only four received a highly superior rating. The two pupils were Clayton Krehbiel, Moundridge, and Enne Allison, McPherson.

More than 500 Kansas high school music students took part in the solo competitions at the twenty-fifth an nual music contest at the Kansas State Teachers college. Using the grading system originated at the Emporia Contest made it possible for more than one contestant to win the same rating.

’ Powers-Kimmel Marriage Date

Mrs. A. P. Powers. 612 S. Maple, entertained Friday evening In honor of her daughter Phyllis, whose approaching marriage to Mr. Homer Kimmel ''was announced through a clever jumbled-word contest. The wedding will take place June 1.

The social hour, which consisted of games and visiting, was brought to a pleasant close when the hostess served a pink and white refreshment course, the guests Included members of the Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority and a few close friends. They were the Misses Mary Jane Groves, Virginia Johnson, Bernadine Ohmart, Esther Kimmel. Leah Bean, Wanda 'Hoover, Velma Watkins. May Brooks, Hazel Crawford. Norma Hatfield, Blanche Morine, Laurel Fields, Virginia Ostlind.

Imperial Four Popular

The Imperial Four, an Independently organized group of student musicians, has been a busy organization In recent weeks. The brass quartet has gone on several high school visitation tours, and under the supervision of the College Music Faculty. has broadcast over station KFBI.

The more recent programs of the Imperial Four have been arranged by the group. In addition to playing in several local churches, the quartet gave a quarter hour broadcast over KWBG. Hutchinson. Friday and presented a program at the Turkey Creek Parent-Teachers Association (which Is the largest P. T. A. In the state) In the evening of the same day. Several weeks ago the quartet gave the Sunday evening service at Monitor Church and last Sunday evening a program was given at the Salem Church at Nickerson.

The personnel of the group Includes: Floyd Harris, first cornet and director; Winton Sheffer, second cornet; Alvin Goering, French horn: Dale Coppock. trombone; and Viola Harris, accompanist.

Tho quartet plans to present a chapel program In the near future.

Weaver Third In State Contest

Mr. Kenneth Weaver went to Salina last Thursday to participate In a State Oratorical Contest. Mr. Weaver won third- place In a group of eleven Mr. Carl Bare of Bethel was awarded first place.

Mr. Weaver was Awarded $20 and is entitled to enter his oration. "Looking Backward, In the national contest.

Patronize Spectator Advertisers



Official Student Publication of McPherson College McPherson, Kansas Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council HOME OF    1936 Member    1917 THE SCHOOL

THE bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press of

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas. under the act of March 3, 1897.

The Significance of the Individual

Spectator Reporter Reveals Hilarious

Choir Trips to Various Communities

during the course of history.

John Gunther in his candid, ponderous volume entitled "Inside Europe" says; the following In the Introduction. This book is written from a definite point of view. It is that the accidents of personality play a great role In history. As Bertrand Russell says, the Russian revolution might not have occurred without Lenin, and modern European development would have been very different If Bismark and died as a child. The personality of Karl Marx himself has powerfully Influenced the economic Interpretation of history." After mentioning a number of the Influential men In Europe today he concludes, "These men and their lesser contemporaries are playing decisive roles in the stupendous drama of Europe between wars.

If one stops to take cognizance of the forces ruling Europe he must come to the conclusion that Mr. Gunther Is correct. In countless places and Instances the will of one individual has determined on important course of action. The lives of millions of people arp determined, not by what they think or desire hut by the. decision of one man. Yet. wo In our cynicism are prone' to think that the individual Is powerless against the forces arrayed before him. Although we cannot determine the policies of governments or sway millions of people, It Is time for youth to wake up to the realization that the Individual has a part to play, that he can. by dint of hard labor, make an Individual contribution, that he can. to the extent he uses his ability and exerts his energy, change the course of human events. Important contributions In religion, science, literature, have been made by single individuals, not by masses who humbly how to the dictates of others. It is time for youth to wake up. equip himself for the hard task of serving, and go out Into the world determined to do his part ns an Individual to make this world Into a better place. History shows that this has been and can be done.



Penly Ann Host

Dear Penly Ann Host:

Is It proper to shake hands when you meet a friend or, are being Introduced to someone?


In greeting or being Introduced to a person there is no general rule of when to offer our hand. It depends largely on the temperament of the individual. Some people are diffident and formal: they dislike to shake hands. Others are cordial and Informal: Instinctively they shake the hand of friend or stranger with little provocation.

The occasion largely decides the question? The host or hostess must rise and shake hands to acknowledge an Introduction or to greet any arriving or departing guest.

On formal occasions, when many are present guests do not as a rule shake hands with each other, and never should they go around a room shaking hands right and left.

When two people who have long heard of each other are Introduced, they usually shake hands. It Is a cordial way of announcing their pleasure at meeting.

Men shake hands more frequently than do women. They always shake hands In Introducing and greeting each other, unless they are standing so far apart that It would be awkward to do so.

When a man Is presented to a woman It is her privilege to decide whether or not she will shake hands, therefore a man should wait until she makes the Initial move. But If the man gives his hand without waiting, a woman always takes It with all speed and cordiality. To re-fuse an offered hand is an insult.

Do not lean across one person to shake hands with a third. If you are obliged to do this, beg the pardon of the one across whom you reach.

'Never shake hands when It Is awkward to do so" Is a good general rule to follow.

"Manners”—Ann Hathway.

waitresses—hi. toots.

After that most hilarious meal, we proceeded to the uppper regions to wait until church time. Finally the clock rolled around and when It pointed to 8 o’clock we marched on the tiny stage. The director climbed to his perch on a table. How’s the weather tip" there, huh?

To start out the program Daniel has to show his clumsiness and fall down when we got up to sing the first song—Bob got tickled. Then It seems we went to flat on one song that It was so low we could hardly reach those low notes.

But we all got tickled when the basses sang the low note In "The Sleigh." Bob Just couldn't hold It— he had to laugh. And so did we all. We never got back on pitch until half way through the song. Oh. gracious, how humiliating.

’’My most embarrassing moment." says Lucille as she got up from the organ. What a wavy tune that was. and no doubt, this program,, full of mishaps, will be longer remembered than most trips. We always enjoy ourselves at Monitor.

Galley No. II

Dick Kent

Patronize Spectator Advertizers

and careful thought to the functions and value of advertising in the social and economic life of the nation. There is no entry fee, and nothing to buy.

Subscription Rates For One School For $1.00

The years alter the war were filled with intense Idealism. Not only American youth but also the youth of foreign countries were caught In the fervor of a burning Idealism that had as its goal the remaking of civilization. The German youth movement especially manifested this spirit; Phillip Gibbs points this out vividly In his novel "The Cross of Peace." The Pairs Pact and the League of Nation were to be the tools whereby this Id world was to be guided into channels of peace and cooperation. The war, which unleashed a stupendous amount of human energy, seemingly taught us that man Is. after all,, to a large extent the determiner of his own destiny. If. instead of using all this energy to destroy one another we used it to enforce the activities of the agencies working for good will and understanding, could we not accomplish wonders?

This was our philosophy after the war. At the present time It Is rapidly disappearing:    American

youth Is turning skeptical and syn-ical. Our Ideals, either because they were air castles, or because we did not put forth the effort to reach them, have not been realized. Civilization is, in fact, as close to the bring of another war as It has been for a long time, despite our efforts to the contrary. Many people, Including scores of young men and women, are throwing up their hands In disgust and exclaiming "What's the use?" Might I not as well got ready for the inevitable, enjoy life while I can, and when tho crises comes humbly bow to the pressure of those around me? If I stand up by myself the tide will speep me with It. so I might as well go with It. That, to a very great extent. Is our attitude at the present time.

It Is n strange/ paradox that while we as youth are believing more and more that as Individuals our efforts and contributions are all, individual rulers are exerting more Influence than they have previously

Do wo have fun on A Cappella Choir trips? And howl No doubt you have all heard some of the experiences of last year’s trips —for Instance the rifle scene at Quinter, and the baby and bottle episode at the Alexander In Hoisington. Fond memories? Uh-huh!

Our trip to Monitor Sunday evening was the first out of town this year. And what didn't happen wouldn't be much to write home About. From beginning to end the evening was chock full of laughter, embarrassing moments and no tears.

Before we left the campus it seems that one of our fair co-eds got fairly well squelched.' Can you Imagine her letting another chisel in on her boy friend and leaving her standing In bewilderment? It did happen, really.    

And hoy, wo had the most delicious eats—sandwiches (that’s not sarcasm), coffee and cake. Daniel got piggish and tried to hog all the sandwiches, but young Fisher was still hungry and politely asked him if he could "have one of his sandwiches." Daniel reluctantly let him have Just one. Oh look, what cute

Trip To New York As Prize

Chicago, Ill.—(ACP).—An all-ex-pense trip to New York City, plus a total of $1.000 In cash prizes, is be-ing offered students In a prize competition for essays on "How Advertising Benefits the Consumer."

The contest is open to all under-graduate students in colleges and universities. It Is being sponsored by Advertising Age, The National Newspaper of Advertising. Chicago, for the purpose of Inducing college men and women to give more Intelligent

Address All Correspondence to

THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Miss Margaret Fry has had an unfortunate turn or luck, causing her. to withdraw from school activities for the rest of the year. A complicated case of . rheumatism In her hip is the cause of her illness.

Patronise Spectator Advertizers

From the second gallery the view Is magnificent. Below us. we can see not only the developments in the arena., but also In the first gallery. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Jane, out of five blossoming spring days, three nights were spent in the company of a young man.—And to think that up until recently, he has maintained a strict, ascetic neutrality.

Do you know that: When our Shakespearean Pedant grows amorous, he chooses as his student none other than our ladies physical education director? Well. pal. all I say Is. "celsa senis. despair not." Just discovered: Prexys of athletic organizations can cooperate magnificently and mix their business with pleasure: that Minnesota’s Harley Is now busy polishing Minnesota's Ruby: "Absence makes the heart grow

Margaret Messemer and Antone

Meyers spent the weekend In Law-rence.

Francis Campbell spent last weekend at the home .or Galen Ogden In Conway.

Jessie Miller and Mrs. Miller spent April 17 and 18 In Emporia. Kansas. visiting Lena Ruth Miller.

fonder.” consequently deputation trips bring forth special delivery letters.

"Well. well, what’s a date anyway —but Just a step In the march of


"Love me little—so runs the song— Love me little and love m long. Which I now subscribe to In all my prayers

As a highly desirable state of af-affairs."

"Spring! Ah. Spring, you Old sweet thing, you!

With a hey-nonny no,

Letchaself go!

Oh. glorious, bee-yootiful Spring! Say, ain’t there no end to this thing?"

Dick Kent.

Miss Gill spent the weekend at her home in Lawrence.

“McPherson college stands at the threshold to the door of opportunity for the future,'* Dr. Schwalm said. “We must step Into this door, now, because, first, the need has been urgent. We need two new buildings and we need endowment and equipment. Second, we need to go forward now bcause educational agencies are demanding It Third, the returning of prosperity and fourth, it Is the psychological opportunity to move forward at this time.

“In the next two years we hope to raise from $300.000 to $500.000," Dr. Schwalm said in his closing re-marks.

W. J. Krehbiel Speaks

W. J. Krehbiel. local publisher, was one of the guest speakers. He said he was well pleased with the "large bunch of young men and women" who had showed their willingness to assist the college in the campaign.

‘.‘McPherson stood highest among the 19 towns considered as likely sites for the establishment of a Brethren college." Mr. Krehbiel said. “McPherson has been fortunate the college came here. Our college has no debt and the management of McPherson college has been superb, both from the standpoint or administration and education. Its graduates are accepted everywhere.

Fifty years ago Dr. Sharpe staked out the first building and for the next 30 years the college held its own. The Institution floundered In debt and had its many difficulties In Its early days. Twenty years ago the college was nearly filled with the high school students. for the institution had an academy. At that time there were only 16 senior students In the school. In the last 20 years the college has made remarkable progress. McPherson College Is an Institution that should he supported.

“Fifty years ago there was very little In McPherson. Sixty-five years ago there were only Indians and open prairie here. McPherson was 15 years old when the college was established. In 50 years the school has amassed nearly a million dollars In property.

Boosters of College

“You are boosters of the college and willing to cooperate. McPherson college has gotten to the point where its finances have been solidified. All it needs Is Income. You can’t stop now. You must vision what McPherson college can be with our support. Let us look ahead 50 years and see what the college may be like then. I look for It to have an enrollment of 2,000 students, a college with 30 buildings and an endowment of two million dollars." Mr. Krehbiel said in closing.

Harold Larsen spent the week end at his home In Abilene.

Patronize Spectator Advertizers

“Kick-Off Dinner Launches Campaign

74 Workers Enthusiastically Begin Financial Drive

McPherson college last Friday evening launched Its 50th anniversary finance campaign to raise funds that the college might expand and develop. Funds will be used to erect now buildings, further enhance the Quality of the faculty and increase the endowment of the college that the financial status of the Institution might be placed on a sounder basis.

Friday 74 workers, making up the organization to handle the part of the campaign In McPherson and McPherson county, are starting to work in an effort to reach the goal of $40.-000 and surpass It If possible by the time the campaign here ends April 26.

, The workers are seeking the cooperation of every man and woman In the city end county. McPherson college is deserving of their support for McPherson needs McPherson college and McPherson college needs McPherson.

The relation of McPherson college and the community was the general subject at the workers conference and dinner in the parlors of the First Church of the Brethren. Nearly 70 workers and leaders gathered to learn about the opening of the drive.

E. A. Wall Toastmaster

General Chairman E. A. Wall pro-sided as toastmaster and he Introduced the leaders at the speakers table. Including Mrs. W. C. Heaston, associate chairman: Dr. J. W. Fields, committee member; Will Chisholm. Roxbury; E. J. Mary of the Globe refinery; and F. A. Vaniman. The various division leaders and team captains wore Introduced as were the members of the various teams.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of McPherson college discussed the early history and background of the college. In 1887. he explained, the Brethren church conference at Ot-tawa appointed a committee to locate a city for the establishment of a Brethren college. Nineteen towns were suggested and studied, including Quinter. Great Bend. McPherson, Winfield. Parsons, Abilene.. Herington, Fredonia and others. On August 8. 1887. at a church board meeting at Junction City. McPherson was selected as the city for the new college.

Six Principal Reasons

Six reasons were given by the, early church board for the selection of McPherson. These reasons were, a good water supply, community of Brethren people lived nearby, a writ-ton promise from the people of the city to help establish the college; its central location In Kansas, good railroad connections and because McPherson was a temperant com-munity.

"The ultimate test of a college, Dr. Schwalm said, “is what It does to the students who go there. I believe McPherson stands that test,

“All colleges and universities are non-profit organizations, forced to depend upon taxes or philanthropy for existence. McPherson college not being a state Institution. is forced to depend upon the public for Its expansion and forward move ment. No static Institution can live today. An Institution that gives at sign of Improvements or expansion will not live.


This weeks quotation comes from James A. Parley, who expresses praiseworthy tolerance of the cur-ent senate debate on the Supreme Court packing proposal for. says he. "After they have all finished talking we will cell the roll. We have plenty of votes to put this over.’ And after the Inst election, who Is there who will dispute Jim’s word? How magnanimous! Let the Senate go on and deliberate—when    the

time comes the machine will, crack the whip, and “put this over.” We don’t dare abandon the thing now. for to recognize the existing court as forward looking would prove the gallant leader wrong, as he was when he over-estimated the tax-collections by 600 million for the year.

But let’s get on something pleasant. This Is such a swell day It would be a good time fr a Spring poem, if there were not so much Spring plowing needing to be done.

I don’t know what we are going to do about It, all the smutty talk Mohler has been giving us in Botany class (basidomycates) > You would think the anti-tomcat society was rather effective, from the lack of excitement around the campus those days. (All I know is what I read in the paper. I hear it Is getting so dull the college officials have been furnishing a little during conduct themselves.

Miriam Horner, who graduates With the 1937 class, is a great worker for the S. C. M. She is very uiet but Is always busy. We liked her in the Senior play. She has majored in Home Economics and will receive a B. S. degree.

Ambitions Cause Physical
Illness Declares Dr. Amy

Berkeley, Calif.—(ACP)—Ambition causes much of the physician Illness In this country, declared Dr. Amy Stannard. University of California psychiatrist In agreement wth a statement recently issued by Dr. Porter Vinson of the Medical college of Virginia.

The desire to better one’s lot, the Virginia doctor had originally stated, causes a worker to strive in an atmosphere of speed and harassment until he is nervously exhausted and ruined for happiness he might find in his own sphere.

"This does not prove, however, that ambition Is unhealthy in Itself,” Dr. Stannard asserted. “I am certain that Dr. Vinson does not Imply that one should not have any ambition. What he does mean is that an Individual's ambition should be aimed at a reasonably attainable goal rather than at a goal adopted from someone else's Ideas of what he should be.”

Van Hunt, graduates In June, with a major In Mathematics. Van is very quiet, but observing, He is a member-of the Forensic. Chemistry and World Service clubs. If you want to find Van. look for Doris.

Climbing Upward

Bernice Keedy, graduates In June with a major in Home Economics. Bernice is a great pal to have. She is to be commended for her dramatic ability. She has a lovely soprano voice and has sung In the college A Cappella and the church choirs. Good luck Bernice and we'll be seein’ yah.

Esther Kimmel, another of our noiseless seniors, graduates in June, holding a diploma designating her as a B. S. graduate. She Is a member of the Chemistry. W. A. A. and Thespian clubs. She sings In our church choir, and is liked by everyone on the campus. Success to you. Esther.

Harold Johnston is one of McPherson College's outstanding ath- letes. Harold Is an All Conference basketball guard and hits pulled Mac out of many a tight basketball game. He Is flashy on the tennis courts as well and Is a member of the tennis team. We will all remember the "Swede.” He has majored In Industrial Arts and has produced some fine projects that he may well be proud."

A Cappella Choir To Tour

Intramural Begins Tonight

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Tracksters Defeat Bethany in Meet

McPherson Accumulated 91 1/2 Points to Swedes’ 39 1/2; Let keman High Point Man

The McPherson Bulldogs won their first dual track and field meet from the Swedes yesterday afternoon. McPherson accumulated 91 1/2 points and Bethany gathered in 39 1/2.

The Canines made nearly a clean sweep of the events, winning first and ten seconds out of 15 events. Coach Bud Selves was well pleased with the performances of his tracksters in the meet yesterday.

Letkeman, Bulldog Sophomore, was high point man with 18 points to his credit. He placed first in the high and low hurdles second, In the 100-yard dash and ran on the winning mile relay team.

One of the most interesting races of the meet was the mile run. Nelson of Bethany won in 4:37 and Porter of McPherson was clocked Just one second slower. In the two-mile Albin and Bower of McPherson finished In a dead heat. The Bulldogs took all three places in the discus with Zook, Haun and Schroe-der finishing In that order.

The summary of the meet:

Mile run—First, Nelson, Bethany:

. second. Porter, McPherson; third, Seidel, McPherson. Time, 4:37.

440-yard dash—First Robertson, McPherson; second, York, McPherson; third, Claypool, Bethany; Time 54.7 seconds.

100-yard dash—First Toland, McPherson; second, Letkeman, McPherson; third, Cooper. Bethany. Time 10.6 seconds.

120-yard high hurdles—First. Letkeman, McPherson; second, Cooper, Bethany, Third, Haun, McPherson. Time, 16.6 seconds.

880-yard run—First Nelson. Bethany; second, Porter, McPherson; third, Seidel, McPherson. Time 2:11.

220-yard dash—First: Toland. McPherson; second Robertson, Mc-Pherson; Third, Cooper, Bethany. Time. 23 seconds.

Two mile run—Bower and Albin, McPherson, tie for first: third. Claypool, Bethany. Time 11:20.

220-yard lw hurdles—First Letke-man, McPherson; second. Carter. McPherson, Third, Cooper, Bethany. Time 25.4 seconds.

Mile relay—First, McPherson (Letkeman, Allbright. Seidel and Porter) Time 3:46.

Polo vault—First, Haun, McPher-son; second Denton, Bethany; third, Ireland, Bethany. Height, 10 feet, three Inches.

High Jump—First. Davis, McPherson; second, Carroll, Bethany. Kill-foil, Bethany and Haun, McPherson, tied for third. Height, five feet, 5 1/2 Inches.

; Javelin—First. Ireland. Bethany; second. Liss. McPherson; third, Dick, Bethany. Distance, 144 foot, eight Inches.

Shot Put—First. Warren, Bethany; second. Zook, McPherson; third Schroedor, McPherson. Distance 38 feet 4 Inches.

Discus—First, Zook, McPherson: second. Haun, McPherson; third Schroeder, McPherson. Distance 119 feet, 2 1/2 Inches.

Broad Jump—First Haun. McPher-son; second -Dick, Bethany; third. Lisa, McPherson. Distance. 19 feet, four Inches.

The well known a cappella choir of McPherson college Is planning on a several days concert tour next week end. Prof. Nevin W. Fisher announced today. The Itinerary for the tour has not yet been completed but will be ready for announcement In a few days. It Is known however the tour “win include towns and cities in northern Kansas and southern Nebraska.

Tennis Aces Defeat Sterling Easily in Matches Here 8 to 1

The McPherson Tennis team easily trounced Sterling yesterday afternoon taking six out of seven matches. The Bulldogs lost the last match for McPherson, had an easy time team In three sets.

Miller, playing the No. 2 position for McPherson, has an easy time with Gault of Sterling, winning 6-0; 6-0. Crouse had the most trouble winning his match, managing to eke out a victory 6-1; 7-9; 6-4. Miller and Naylor had hard luck in losing their double match after easily win-ning the first set

The summary of the match: Barngrover, McPherson, defeated Jones. Sterling 6-3; 6-4. Rothrock McPherson defeated Kirkton, Sterling, 7-6; 6-3. Miller, McPherson, defeated Gault, Sterling, 6-0;    6-0.

Crouse, McPherson, defeated Edwards. Sterling, 6-1; 7-9; 6-4. Naylor, McPherson, defeated Catt. Sterling 6-2; 6-0. Barngrover-Rothrock, McPherson, defeated Kirkton-Gault, Sterling 6-2: 6-2. Jones-Catt, Sterling, defeated Miller—Naylor, McPherson, 3-6; 10-8; 9-7.

Intramural softball begins tonight with the Juniors meeting the Seniors on the college athletic field at 6:30 o’clock. Other games will be scheduled soon. Come and boost yur team!

Bethany Tennis Team Defeats Bulldogs In Local Dual Meet

The tennis team of the Bethany College Swedes of Lindsborg defeated the varsity team of McPherson college In a dual match on the local courts Friday afternoon. None of the players were up to their best because of the early season, and the strong wind and dust helped to cut down the efficiency of the players.

Bethany won three of the four singles matches and both doubles matches. Naylor, McPherson, was the only Bulldog player to win. Ho defeated Lindwall of Bethany 6-3; 6-4 In an easy match.

Monson, Bethany, defeated Barngrover, McPherson’s top-ranking player, 6-7; 6-4; 6-2. and Lysell, Bethany, eliminated Rothrock. McPherson. 7-6; 6-0. Edborg, Bethany, won 9-7; 6-5 from Crouse of McPherson.

The Swedes made a clean sweep of the doubles. Monson-Lysell de-

feated Barngrover-Rothrock, 7-5; 6-2. Hedeen-Glad, Bethany, won from Crouse-Naylor, 4-6; 7-6; 7-6.

Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Du Bois, Jack Du Bois, Lucille Du Bois. and Mrs. Ikenberry of Rocky Ford, Colo., were visitors on our. campus over the weekend. Jack Du Bois came to attend the Senior Festival Music Contest.

Lucille Ullery. Floy Lackey, El-dora Van Denmark, and Paul Miller went on a Deputation trip last week. The towns they visited were Parsons. Independence and Fredon-ization that has been set up.