McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, sept. 24, 1936


Great Interest Taken In Choir

Addresses Chapel Subject of the Importance of Personality

Group Numbers 40

State Board of Vocational Education Sponsoring Series of Lectures *    In This City

Sixteen new members have been chosen for the McPherson College A

Cappella choir, Professor Nevein Fisher, director, stated this week, The choir will have around forty members this year.

New first sopranos include Floy Lackey, Gladys, Shank and Helen Dobson. Miss Dobson is also director of voice at the McPherson high school and junior high school. Vivian Keller is the new second soprano.

New altos include Eldora Van Dermark, and Frances Campbell as first altos and Avis Heckman, second alto. Max Wilbur was chosen first tenor while William Fry, Delbert Barley, Charles Pray and Harold Schubert are the new additions to the second tenors. New first basses are Glen McGonigle. Meredith Rogers, and Franklin Eldridge. New second basses include Charles Wagoner, Lyle Brower and Keith Pierce.

Professor Fisher expressed his pleasure at the work of the group in the first meeting which was hold Monday evening. "I think it will work out to be a splendid organization,"

the professor said.    

The members of the choir decided to continue their theme song "Dedication" by Robert Franz, and also to include in their repertoire two numbers from the past year.

Two new numbers were tried by the choir in their first practice, an arrangement of the negro spiritual "Wasn’t That a Mighty Day, " by the negro composer R. Nathaniel Dett and Irish Tune from 'County Derry’ arranged from the London derry Air by the eminent British composer, Percy Grainger    

The choir will practice twice a week, on Monday and Thursday nights for a while.

Poetry Club Vanishes from Sight

Lost—Pilgrims of Parnassus.

Somewhere on this fair campus of McPherson College is hidden an accomplished and beneficent organization with which everyone should become acquainted. It has in the past given persons in our midst a better and clearer understanding of the world about us. To be sure, it is the Pilgrims of Parnassus, more popularly known as the poetry club.

For our fellow students who prefer to use their leisure hours writing metrical composition, we should encourage that tranquil atmosphere which is a necessity In composing verse and rhyme.

The plot of velvety grass under the -leafy green maples and sturdy oaks Is left vacant. Surely something, someone, could promote a cause to restore this long lost body of pleasure-seeking scholars to their accustomed places.

Let it never be said on our campus that the poetry-loving students are hindered from their pleasures because of uninfluential environment.

Fifteen Members Added To Club

Future Activities to Include Stunts at School Affairs, Games and Parties

S. C. M. Introduces Commission Heads

Purposes of Each Group Set Forth in Regular Meeting

Improvements Made in Gymnasium

"You wouldn't know the old place

Harold Mohler was elected president and Avis Heckman, treasurer of the World Service organization to fill vacancies left by students selected last year who failed to return. The group met in its regular-weekly session last evening at 7: 00 in the Y. W. room.

Wanda Hoover and Paul Miller gave talks on the problems which confronted them in their churches in

which they worked this summer. Devotions were led by Lamar Bollinger.     

Freshman Choose Students

To Fill Remaining Offices

During Orientation hour on Monday of the past week the class of '40 concluded the election of officers. After some turmoil all offices were filled. On Monday one week ago, Stephen Stover was elected president. Stover has shown his capability for this office;

Other offices were filled as follows: vice president, Jack Oliver; secretary, Marjorie Kinzie; treasurer, Ruth Taylor.     

Members elected to represent the class in the student council were Franklin Eldridge and Elma Minnick.


cheer leaders, Audrey Hammond and Howard Norris, were elected.

Many great achievements are expected of this group of incoming freshmen

Much vim, vigor and vitality was shown by the old members of the Pep Club when they met for the first time Wednesday. The purpose of this meeting was to select new members who could promote pep and help put some more real life into the Bulldog Spirit.

Fifteen new members were chosen: Marjorie Flory, Aileen Wine, Rilla Hubbard, Lenore Shirk, Becky Stauffer, Alberta Keller, Glee Gough-enour, Ruth Taylor, Vera Hackman, Kathryn Enns, Gladys Shank, Charles Nettleton, Bill Fry, Lowell Brubaker and Fred Nacc. This makes the membership of the club number 32. Another meeting of the club is to be held soon to re-elcct officers and revise the constitution.

After the selection of new members, initiation plans were arranged for the new members. As part of the initiation, the incoming members gave humorous skits in this morning’s pep chapel.

The Pep Club is planning big things this year such as stunts at the games. Cheer leaders are hoping also for the cooperation of the student body in these attempted projects.     

The various commissions of the S. C. M. were introduced Wednesday morning at 9: 00 o’clock in the regular assembly of the S. C. M. by the co-chairmen of these commissions.

The four commissions are "Personal and Family Relations. " "Reinterpretation of Religion. " and “World Cooperation. " The co-chairmen of these are respectively, Emma Schmidt, George Toland; Lucile Ul-lery, La Mar Bollinger; Inez Schmidt, George Toland; etaoinshrdl Goughnour, Fred Nace; and Theresa Strom, Phillip Davis.

"The three main objectives," says Toland concerning his commission, "are culture, personal adjustments and relations, and men and women relationships; but these are subject to the alteration of those who make up the commission if they desire to change them.     

"We shall attempt to discover the principles of Jesus’ life, " says Miss Ullery, speaking of her commission, "and to apply these to the problem of our own lives. "

"To help students make worthwhile use of their leisure time is our task, ”' says Nace. "We shall be mainly interested in handicrafts, although we are planning other things like writing plays and giving puppet shows. "        

"We hope to study International cooperation through science, philosophy, and economics, which eventually, lead to world peace, ’ says Miss Strom. "Our tentative plans Include International correspondence, peace, addresses, study of coopera-

now. " The girls’ dressing room in the gymnasium has been enlarged,

cleaned up, and rearranged, and looks much different than it did last year. All the lockers have« been moved to the south side of the room. In the northwest corner, partitioned from the rest of the room by screens Miss Warner, Instructor of Physical Education, has her office. A rug on the floor, a desk, and a few chairs make the small room look quite cozy.

The Physical Education classes have been divided so that the Freshmen girls have classes on Tuesday and Thursday, and Sophomores on Monday and Wednesday. A special class is held on Friday for upperclassmen and those who have conflicts on other days.

Each class is divided into squads, and every squad has a leader. These squads will compete in the different sports. The first competitive sports to be played are soccer and tennis.

Miss Cologne Guest Speaker

Gladys Shank visited her parents

in Navarre, Kansas, over the weekend.        

tives and organization of a miniature league of nations with other schools or within our own campus. "

Each person present at this meeting was given the opportunity to choose

which commission he wished

to join. Following the adjournment of the entire group these comissions met separately to inform their members more of their definite plans.

Library Increases Department List

Large Number of Valuable Books Enlarge literary, Social, and Educational Groups

Several departments have added new literature to their shelves. A classified list will be posted on the bulletin board each week.

Books in education this week include "Historical Foundations of Modern Education. ' by Reisner; "Comparative Education. ” by Kan-del; "A Student's Textbook of the History of Education. " Duggan; "History of Modern Elementary Education. ” Parker; "Statistics in

Psychology and Education," Garrett.

The field of literature has added "Representative American Dramas, National and Local.” Montrose J.

Women's Council Decides to Continue Sponsoring Teas

At the regular meeting of the women's council last Monday evening, the group at the request of the college social committee decided to sponsor the regular teas.

This means that instead of having only women students, there will be an invitation extended to every student and faculty member of the school. A committee was appointed to work out a definite plan for this


Moses; "Representative American Plays, " Quinn.

Sociology books include "The Study of Man. " Linton; "Control In Human Societies, ' Dowd; 'Source Book for Sociology, " Young; "The Fields and Methods of Sociology, Bernard: "Farewell to Poverty. Parmellee.

Books on Philosophy are: "Philosophy by the Way of the Sciences. " Dottorer; "Essays In Philosophy. "-

Smith; "Philosophical Ideas In the United States. " Townsend.

The Physical Education department has added "Tumbling for Woman; "The Use of the Bible in Preaching. " Pulton.

Sixteen New Members Added To Music Organization This Season

Urges Right Choices

Rehearsals Will Be Held Monday

and Thursday Evenings In College Chapel

The students of the College were addressed in chapel Tuesday morning by Miss Rose Cologne, who is in the city holding classes in parent education. Miss Cologne, formerly affiliated with Kansas State Teach-ers' College at Pitsburg, works under the auspices of the State Board of Vocational Education.

The theme of the address was The Importance of Personality. " Miss Cologne discussed personality from various angles and cited sev-eral ways in which one might improve his personality. She also gave character and personality a very close relationship through the following statement: "Character is the sum total of our choices. "

The fact that personality Is not just a polish but something that comes from the inside and can be developed by contact with others, was stressed by the speaker. She suggested some traits of personality among which were courtesy, dependability, humor, neatness, cleanliness, good health, leadership, worthy use of leisure time, initiative, and an understanding of others’ qualities.

Some of Miss Cologne's most amusing statements contained subtle truths. She suggested that some people were so irritable that one needed only to pull a string and they would "hop.” Again, that some men may he described as being "every other Inch a gentleman."

Miss Cologne stated that "the world comes out to greet us in about the same way we go out to greet the world.' Some people go about living over again their own funerals. Those are of a type who need to learn to control their emotions.

The meeting was opened by Dr. Bright, who also led the devotionals. Max Wilber, a new student at M. C. this year, sang “The Hills of Home."

Margaret Hahn." and Marjorie Pad dock worn In Inman over the week end.

Seniors Elect Treasurer

Due to the resignation of Emerson Chisholm, the Senior class elected a new treasurer, Van Hunt.

Dr. Petry was elected to be the class sponsor for the school year.

Another meeting will be held in the near future.

Grim Invaders from Fahnestock Rise in Rebellion;

Two Policemen Fail to Capture Escaping Students

C. E. Has Vesper Service

A vesper service was sponsored by the Christian Endeavor for all college and high school students Sunday evening at 6:30 on the College campus.

Paul Miller gave a talk; Floyd Harris, Elred Foutz and Lawrence Blair played a cornet trio: Emma Schmidt

led the devotions; and Opal Hoffman

conducted group singing.

"Help! Police!"—the frantic cry of a

motherly soul, could have been heard on a dark, gloomy night late in

May, as McPherson College life was

rapidly drawing to a close.

Loud reports echoed from without Grimy hands grasped explosives and matches were being struck every-where. A sudden burst of light from a terrific explosion would have revealed

grim, deathlike countenances of savage, barbarous, notorious,

merciless criminals who had, under cover, advanced from their crime breeding dive, Fahnestock Hall

to attack.        

This marauding band had looked with

disdain and scorn on the building and the actions of its occupants

across the way. This disfavor grew like a raging tempest, teeth were gnashed, eyes glittered. and mouths frothed in derision.    

Like a great explosion, this rebellious group broke forth. Silently and swiftly, this unsightly band advanced up creaking steps, through a dark room, and out on a dark roof. Suddenly a piercing whistle split the air announcing to the world this great uprising and the persecution of the disfavored ones.

Wild, fierce, disfigured toads of

tremendous size were captured by

this fierce mob which was stopping at nothing in its great protesting uprising. Luckily, for the prospec-tive victims, these savage beasts of prey escaped through a weak point in their enclosure.

Chagrined by this failure, the Invaders

planned a desperate plot. Why not bomb the place. At the sug-gestion, ammunition was readily procured from secret sources. Armed to its teeth, this merciless mob crept silently forward.    

Cries of triumph were faintly heard

between|spontaneos explosions. Match flares were soon followed.

by explosions. This great on-slaught was continued for a long time,

mixed with cries of terror from the horror-stricken inmates, who begged and pleaded for mercy. But those hardened hearts were untouched by pitiful entreaties, and their work went on until accomplished Leaving behind a world of dis-tressed humanity, this small army silently disappeared into the night to appear again in a small clump of trees near its hangout, to gloat over its evil deeds. Suddenly they were startled by an exclamation, "Let’s scram; here come the cops!" .

Down the sidewalk came two daring

uniformed men. They were men who were hardened by years in seeking

desperate fugitives from Justice. These men were prepared to face this

dangerous band and would stop at nothing. But such bravery weakened

the hearts of the group. They quickly wheeled about and broke  into a mad dash for freedom.

Many track records were broken that night. Racing blood that had been frozen cold for centuries sud-denly came to life in leaping spurts.

that would have made their ancestors

proud of such fleetness; yea.

even Coach Selves. But the efforts

of the dauntless officers were to no avail.

Though several time almost in their grasp, the fugitives, experienced

by years of flight, slipped through their very fingers.

Today Fahnstock Hall, still har-bors the men who sit and laugh at the cowardice of their pursuers.

Today there is a great reward for he who is brave; he who will go Into the jaws of death and suffer all consequences: and grant that there is one

with this great courage, it shall be his duty to seek and destroy from this earth these desperate men within our midst.

Professors Fisher and Crawford to Appear at Canton School Soon

Professors Fisher and Crawford have been kept busy during the past week and have a vigorous schedule confronting them. Both are invited to

appear before the Parent-Teachers’

Association at Canton, October 1. During the last week Professor Crawford has played on thirteen occasions. Professor

Fisher sang "Repent Ye" by John Prendle Scott at the Baptist Church Service, last Sunday and again with

Mr. Crawford in the evening at the college church.

W. A. A. Revises Constitution

The W. A. A. Cabinet members met Tuesday night to revise the


Thursday afternoon a special meeting will

be called andthe constitution in its revised form

will be submitted to all the members for their approval.     

Baseball teams will be organized and the games will start next week. Those who play soccer in physical education will recieve W. A. A. points.

Film To Be Shown Today

Today at 3:00 a sound picture will be given in the chapel. This picture is shown to promote interest in science and its development. Everyone

is cordially invited to attend.


College Students Assist Red Cross

The Gallery

Jane Kent

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.

HOME OF    1935 Member 1936 THE SCHOOL

the Bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press of quality

Entered as second class matter November 20. 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates For

One School Year $1. 00

Address All Correspondence to The Spectator McPherson, Kansas


Assistant Editor

Feature Editor

Sports Editor Copy Readers Business Manager

Harold Lareen Norman Edwards Gladys Shank

Gordon Yoder

Ellen Divine, Eldora Van Dermark Vernon D. Michael

CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Willard Flaming    Paul Miller    Frances Campbell    Opal Hoffman

Orpha Burn    Marion Washler    Margaret Kagarice    Rosalie Fields

Marjorie Kinsie    Rilla Hubbard    Winston Sheffer    Myrtle Barley

Kenneth Weaver    Lee Haun    La Vena High

A Tip To The Freshmen

Freshman class only one piece of advice, it would be in regard to get-ting off on the right foot in college scholastically speaking. After several years of middling thru, we feel that perhaps we have some ba-sis to speak.

First of all, we should suggest that the green freshman bone up on the interesting subject of "How to Study. " Strangely enough, not one Freshman In twenty really knows how to study properly. For one thing, many of them have never had to really buckle down and work in school; consequently they come to college totally unprepared in that area of endeavor. Again, the methods of scholarship in higher education are vastly different from those used in secondary education. So It behooves the new college student to find out as much as possible about the new methods to which he will have to become accustomed if he wishes to become a success in college.

For concrete suggestions we would list the articles in the Intereolleg-ian Magazine, the book “How to Study In College" by Headley, and various others which are often placed on the orientation shelf. A few hours spent with these volumes will yield benefits many times during the course of a college career.

The second suggestion we should like to make is in regard to read-

mon to have a total of 100 pages to read just in preparation for a day's assignments. Such quantities of reading are quite beyond those usually required in high school. A reading speed of at least 250 words a minute is necessary to meet these requirements. If the student has not learned to read silently without lip movements, to have a quiet and comfortable place to study, to concentrate and to comprehend thoughts rather than words or sentences, he has a definite point of contact to work

on before he has embarked on a successful first year in school.

The third suggestion wo should make is that the student undergraduate learn to budget his time. In college things move rapidly, assignments pile up if neglected, there are many outside distractions and

activities which rob one of time, and there are many temptations to dily dally rather than to buckle down to work. It is a common won- der to most Freshmen how a day can slip away so fast without any work being done.

These suggestions are brief and certainly not detailed. Nevertheless we believe that there are sufficient

excellent writings on the subject that we will have accomplished our end if we merely point the way and give a bit of advice gleaned from hard experience. —K. W.

Where Do The Tennis Courts Come In?

We seem to be having a little difficulty in getting our tennis courts into shape this fall. As one student puts it, "They are terrific. " This statement is not a mite too strong as one may readily see if he gets out onto the courts.

We have heard it suggested that the NYA workers might be put on this work. It does seem that this would solve the problem without any further delay, but the ones who have made this suggestion do not know the NYA workers are not supposed to do any kind of work that  is included in the regular program of the College, that is any work which the College normally hires someone to perform—such as teach-ing, etc.

Looking at the problem broadly. It would seem that the care of the courts might fall into the same category as campus work. There are, or course, numerous campus workers who might conceivably be put to work across the street.

In any case however, one views the situation, the courts are in bad shape and in need of improvement. It does seem a shame to have as nice a series of courts as the College has going to ruin when they could be furnishing the stage for some good creative leisure.

Something should be done immediately. Why not say in the words of the filling station master who mends flat tires, "We fix 'em? ”,

   —The Commentator.

Courses First Aid Taught

In Schools and Colleges

Thousands of young men and women

are returning to their campuses this fall with a first hand knowledge of Red Cross disaster relief work, gained during the spring floods and tornadoes when they and other volunteers worked with the Red Cross Chapters in the affected areas to mitigate suffering caused by winds and water.

On whatever disaster front one visited, whether the flooded villages in Maine and New Hampshire, the inundated cities of Johnstown and Pittsburgh or the tornado torn cities in Georgia, Mississippi and South Carolina, there one found scores of college men and women helping The Red Cross in its administration of relief.

Hundreds of students home for their spring vacations were on the ground when the disasters struck. There was work for everyone. Families had to be taken from their flooded homes, automobile transportation had to be provided for those unable to walk, missing persons had to be found, arrangements for temporary shelter had to be made, food had to be prepared and clothing given out, families bad to be registered so that their needs might he ascertained, and a myriad of other tasks performed to ease disaster.

Students who participated In this work know the Red Cross in action. They felt the thrill of being a part of it and realize how necessary it is that such help should always be available to soften the blows of disaster in the future.

Other Red Cross programs of particular interest to university and college students are those of instruction in First Aid and Water Life Saving and First Aid on the Highways.

Red Cross courses in first aid are taught in many schools and colleges and at local Red Cross Chapters in thousands of communities. This knowledge of "what to do before the doctor comes" enables one to be of intelligent help in event of accident or sudden illness, when prompt help may save a life. Like first aid, water life saving teaches safety, and when need arises, how to help others less skilled.

Within the past year the Red Cross has established more than $1, 000 Highway Emergency First Aid Stations along major routes of travel to give emergency help to auto accident victims, pending the arrival of a physician or moving the victim to a hospital. Existing highway facilities, such as gas stations, wayside inns, garages, etc., are used and personnel trained there in first aid and provided with the necessary equipment to perform this service.

Disaster relief, the Red Cross safety services, and all other work of the organization are supported by the membership duos of citizens who join during the annual Roll Call, held from Armistice Day to Thanksgiving.     _

The timid Sophomore in me that Isn’t Jane Kent is sure getting a thrill out of making a statement and then watching it draw fire from some of these in-a-position-to-be-heard upperclassmen. WHEE! We sure did hit upon a swell idea, Jane, when we thought of politics. Look at all the adjectives we got hitched to your name.

Heard the latest: Bill Fry and Frances Campbell are In harmony.

Last Friday night at the football game when my voice suddenly decided to be soundless. I got so excited I was simply frantic to do an Indian Dance on the bleachers. And I wished all evening that a certain hero five hundred miles away could be out there filling an end position ... and then I woke up to the tragic realization... what If he were there and I couldn't yell for him! Oh

Misery! Even Indian dances wouldn’t suffice then.    

We like: Aileen Wine's nifty tunic-style black silk; Charley Pray’s eyebrows; the winking twinkle in Mike’s eyes; the sound of Willard Flaming's soft-soled shoes as they walk across the floor of the Student Union Room.

If you attend vespers you'll find Thursday night to be the highlight of the week for you too. If you want to feel pure ecstasy look at the window in the southwest corner while twilight is fading from it and the voices or the organ and piano sooth your ear.

What a limp man who would thus doom himself with quiet submission to the state of bachelorhood: "Thanks to you, there has passed through my life the rustle of a woman’s gown. ”

Are We Going to Uphold This Tradition?

The question which was raised in pep chapel last Thursday was really not as serious or liberty denying as some of our tongue-wagging campus inhabitants would like to have people believe; and the unpleasant taste in their mouths was probably an internal ailment improperly diagnosed.

The body of the argument was that students refrain from having dates at athletic contests; but there was nothing said to prohibit dates after the game. Our outspoken authors so distorted the truth that It would shock even a veteran politician.

In the first place the vote was not railroaded through chapel, nor was it worded to be misleading. It was merely a vote of cooperation to further the interest of McPherson College.

Individualism in thought and action is a quality to be respected: but a few persons have to base their opinions on the sentiments of their clique. They lack the power to think for themselves and the intestinal fortitude to express their sentiments in public.

Their courage is determined by numbers. Their will power appears to float around like a cloud, waiting for others to come, to determine their course of action.

It was admitted that there has been dating by upperclassmen and these cases lend to more dating, when these same upper-classmen should be upholding this tradition. It is suggested that if the students who kick so loud would attend a game at other schools they would hesitate to judge so immaturely.

Other schools do practice this plan altho that is beside the point

To prove inconsistency of some students reasoning: a certain young man recently argued rather warmly that this college should maintain maid service for the dormitories because other schools had them.

Another point that becomes apparent here is that the majority is always penalized for the actions of a few ultra-social characters. To prove this point let us consider "bad debts" which are always paid for by the man who offers security or the cost of crime which is paid for by the tax payers.

Athletic contests were originally conduced for enjoyment of the players. The amusement of students came later and the students should show their appreciation by cheering.

Certainly no individual or organization can force attendance: but there is a governing force for every crowd in any form of entertainment. Besides, belt and paddle lines build muscles, also forming an inexpensive entertainment.

Finally, let us point out that although the College does lack in social facilities, observation shows no excessive dating at the Faculty reception or to church. But then per-— haps the leap year is too young. The whole thing is a case of overneglected youth crying for more social entertainment. Although a football game is not exactly a social affair. It might heat a cement bench and a poetry book.

As a word of advice to our extemporaneous trouble makers. It might he added that "The steam that blows the whistle never turns the wheel. "

L. M. H.

War Clouds Are Hanging Over Europe

Two articles, appearing almost simultaneously, remind us again of the grave situation in Europe. The one article appeared in Tuesday’s morning papers. The headlines in themselves are self explanatory— "Germany Ready to Mobilize”—Millions Between 25 and 45 Years of Age Given Detailed Instructions"-— "Kriegbeorderung' Specifies Place and Time to Report if Clash Comes. " Every German of military age now has secret instructions telling him what to do in case of the next war. At the word of one man, Dar Fuehrer, Germany will be on the march; the whim of one man can decide when and where Prussian militarism shall again raise its head.

The other article, an editorial in the

Christian Century of September 23rd, in a more critical and analyzing  vein asks the question, "Dare Labor Stay Neutral? " With bold strokes the editor shows the dilemma that labor finds itself in. Both

French and British labor parties are opposed to war; they have worked hard to instill a fear and horror of

the next war in the masses. It is only natural that the Blum government is pushing the Spanish Neutrality Pact; it realises the dreadful consequences that could result If intervention would take place, The labor

movement in Great Britain is probably even more pacifist than the French labor movement. George Lansbury, former head of the Brit-ish Labor party, resigned because he could not consent to the use of force in the form of sanctions during, the Italian-Ethiopian conflict. Thus we find, as a silver thread that runs through the philosophy of labor a general disinclination to use force and

violence on an international scale. Not only this but in a definite way labor is opposed to war because it naturally will suffer.

The developments in Spain are a challenge to this stand of labor. For after liberal and labor parties had through democratic meant formed a coalition government in Spain, reaction reared its head in the form of fascism. As the editor of the Christian Century so ably puts it,

That is to say, the Spanish revolt is due notice served on the labor movement in Europe’s surviving democratic states that if and when labor successfully uses democratic methods to preserve democracy, the forces of fascism will thereupon simply throw the sword into the scale and In that fashion destroy— or seek to destroy—democracy, parliamentarism and, the liberties of the common man. ” In summary the editor says "Here, then, stands what remains of Europe’s free labor, between the devil and the deep sea. Various wings of the labor movement

have fought each other in the past; the result has been Hitler. Those

wings now unite to use the method of democracy peacefully and effectively; the result is the Spanish fascist revolt. ”    

Here, then, is an issue that is approaching a crises, especially since

ultimate 'victory’ for the Spanish fascist forces is imminent. When one remembers with what tremendous

strides German rearmament is taking place and the mobilization law that was put into effect this week it becomes all the more apparent that fascism is no idle threat to

democracy. It is indeed as the au-thor of the above mentioned article puts it, "The choice before labor in what is left of free Europe is a terrible choice. ”    

W. F.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1936


Student's Sailor Brother

Writes of Accident at Sea

Nine months ago this week Herbert Michael, brother of Vernon Michael, "shipped out" from Seattle, Washington aboard the S. S. President Jefferson bound for the Orient. As an "O. S. ” (ordinary seaman) Herbert has made three trips to China, Japan, and the Philippines, and worked several months in Seattle or on a coastwise steamer. In answer to a frequent question it might be said that Herbert is not in the United States Navy, but is a part of the merchant marine.

Herbert’s latest voyage takes him from Seattle to the Gulf of Mexico via the Panama Canal. Following are excerpts from a letter recently received by his brother Vernon:

S. S. Luckenback

   Oaklind, Calif.

   Sat., Sept. 19, 1936

Dear Vernon:

Two weeks ago Mon., I went back to Seattle to ship out. Wed. noon I shipped on the S. S. Seattle (Tacoma & Oriental Line). Thurs. it shifted to Tacoma. The S. S. Seattle was scheduled to make a trip to Honolulu; Wake Isl.: Guam Isl., Cebu & Manilla. P. I., via San Francisco and San Pedro. The crew signed coastwise articles in Tacoma on Fri., we shifted to Seattle that night, and about 10: 00 p. m. Sat. we sailed for Frisco. Unfortunately, the next morning in heavy fog they ran the S. S. Seattle onto a rock, pu a nice dent in her bow. Eventually, after arriving in Frisco, they tied her up and paid off the crew. Not, though, until they agreed to pay our transportation back to Seattle. I decided to keep my travel money and ship out from the Union Hall In Frisco. Yesterday I got this Job on the Mathew Luckenback for (I think) Golf ports.

But to get back to the wreck. I drew the 8-12 watch out of the hat. On the S. S. Seattle there are two A. B's. (able bodied seamen) and 1 or-idnary (me) on a watch. The 2 A. B. ’s, Porks and Joe, and I had finished our breakfast Sun., morning after we sailed. Joe went to the wheel, and Porks went to the look-out, relieving the 2 men on duty of the 4-8 watch. I had the first “stand-by" and was just sitting in the messroom. It must have been just about a quarter after eight.     -

I heard the engines stop. I wasn’t expecting anything, but thought I’d have a look outside to see if there was anything to see. There certainly was!! Right ahead of us was a large rock sticking out of the water, and more rocks forming a string on either side, stretching out till they vanished in the fog. Just beyond the rocks a steep wooded hill could barely be seen.

There were two or three of the black gang standing on deck. One of them said something about a seal. A white splotch slid off a rock on the left as he said it. Just about that time, hardly more than 60 seconds  after I got on deck, the ship hit. We weren’t knocked off our feet, but we were given a good throw forward. There was a dull grinding roar, and the ship stood still. Although I hadn’t noticed it, the engines must have been going astern even before we hit.

Mostly out of curiosity, but partly because I thought I might be of some use, I hurried up to the bow. The junto was there. We looked over the side. The bow was resting as pretty as could be on the rock. The ship was already starting to slide back off. As soon as we were in deep water, a sounding was made in No. I hold. There were only a couple of inches of water, a normal am't., so at least wo weren't going to sink. In the peak of the ship are tanks, generally for fuel oil, back of the tanks is the chain locker where the anchor chains are stored. In case you don’t know it, each link of the two anchor chains weighs right around 50 lbs. It’s a sweet job, when they’re taking up the anchor, to "store" the chain pushing one way or another, so she won't foul the next time they "drop the hook. " However, that’s off the subject. Back of the chain locker is the storeroom for the deck supplies, and aft of that is No. 1 hold, then No. 2 hold. Not all ships are exactly the same, some have the crew’s quar ters forward where I said the dock storeroom would be. Anyway that is the way the S. S. Seattle is laid out. And It was just the bottom of the forepeak tanks that got smashed.

Since she wasn’t disabled they took her on to San Francisco, after first radioing in to headquarters for instructions. We arrived (In Alamo-do to be specific) Wed. the 9th. shifted to the drydock In Oakland where they made an inspection of the damage on the 10th, and the 11th we took her to Frisco proper where they started unloading her. She didn’t have much cargo which probably was a large factor in saving her from more extensive damage. None of us knew until last Mon.. 14th, whether we were going to be transferred, fired, or what. Mon. evening it was definite we w

ere to be paid off. The crew immediately asked for transportation back to Seattle,

and refused to shift the ship to Oakland where the Co. was going to tie her up. unless we were given transportation. The Co. at first said "no transportation. " since we were on coastwise articles they were not legally obligated to do so. They said they felt morally obli-gated and agreed to give us bus tickets. The men didn’t want tickets, though, they wanted cash. The Co. hawed nround, finally agreed to pay $15. 00 apiece. The crew held out for $30. 00. but finally agreed to accept $15. 00. We were paid off. I had about $35. 00 coming with overtime and all.     

Probably the Mathew will be in New Orleans about the 9th of Oct. So you might drop me a few lines there. Just, Herbert Michael, O. S. Mathew Luckenback, New Orleans, Louisiana.    

I understand the ship goes to Houston, and then to Mobile after New Orleans.     

Well, "cheerie." I’ll be expecting a letter from you In New Orleans.

   Your bud,


The Tocsin

Official Literary Organ of the Landon-for-President Club

Mrs. J. A. Campbell, - Parsons. Kansas, was here over the weekend visiting her daughter, Frances.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hayes were the guests of Miss Floy Lackey Sunday


Miss Eldora VanDermark and Viola Harris visited friends in Wichita, Kansas over the week end.

Doris and Charles Pray spent the weekend in Hope with their parents.

Archie Van Nortwick who is teaching in Geneseo, and Phillis Barngrover,

who is teaching at Turon, Kan sas, were here over the week end. Their schools had dismissed for the fair. They are graduates of the class of 1936.    

Jessie Miller spent the week end with her parents in Canton, Kansas.

Doris Doane spent the week end at her home in Cantos, Kansas.

Marvin Michael of Wichita, a former M. C. Student, visited his brother

Vernon last week end.

September 22 Is Date of Emancipation

Proclamation .

Last Tuesday, September 22, was the seventy third anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. President Lincoln, issued a warning to the people of the rebel states saying that the first day of January he intended

to free all the slaves within their boundaries. It meant that the negro was free to live as he pleased and that he should have the same privileges that were the white man's.    

The Emancipation Proclamation is not yet complete. All through the years since it was issued, the negro has been struggling to free himself educationally, socially and economically. Today the negro shows a big improvement because of these efforts: but he still has much to accomplish, and it is our duty to help him in further advancement.

From the office of the president, secretary and office boys, et al.

There seems to be some belief running rife on the part of the Anti-Landonites, that altho the Democrats will carry the national election, there may be some alight difficulty in the state. Right here and now we should like to make this assertion. First of all, there certainly WILL be trouble in the state from the standpoint of the Democrats. We are willing to stake our reputation as political pundits and prognosticators on the prediction that Will G. West will be the typical home town boy making good to the extent of 100,000 majority. Likewise

Capper will go in fully as strong. As a matter of fact, the Democrats will not elect to a single major state office in Kansas, with the possible exception of Houston.

Now In the national election we cannot help disagree violently, and, we feel, justly, with Lackey, Yount, Kent, et al. on the outcome of the national conflict. There seems to be little doubt in the minds of thinking people even at this early date as to the chances of Mr. Landon as compared to those of Mr. Roosevelt. We would like to go back into history and point to the Fortune poll, the Literary Digest poll on New Deal policies, the polls of the Institute of Public Opinion, run by one George Gallup, and to various minor polls among small town newspapers, etc. Almost without exception, they showed the New Deal and President Roosevelt to be In disfavor with a majority of the American populace.

The trend of such polls since last spring has been definitely anti-administration. Each new one shows more converts to the side of those who believe in honest and efficient government. The culmination of the trend at present is by all odds favorable for Landon. This is shown only too well by the current Literary Digest poll on the election itself, Landon is leading by a large majority, and altho the poll is by no means complete. It would seem that there could hardly be a reversal of the trend in light of all the other expressions of trend from time to time.

So we feel that we are justified in saying that the majority of thinking people will vote for Landon and place him in the White House. Another factor in his favor which the Democrats have never been willing to admit, is that Lemke, the "dark horse" third candidate, will take far more votes from Roosevelt than he will from Landon. This prognostication which we made privately several months ago is also being borne out by the Digest poll.

One particular item of interest should be mentioned this week for our fans. Certain Democratic "authorities" are making the rash assertion that Landon can not carry Kansas. Again we stake our reputation

on a wager that Landon will not only carry HIS home state, but that in addition he will steal away New York’s electoral votes from her favorite

son, the president. If any Democrats wish to call us on this point, they know where we can be found.

We are sorry that Jane Kent has not as yet had an opportunity to reply to last week’s TOCSIN. We should

like very much to see what sort of a defense she has for herself. Under the circumstances we can

only wait and answer next week to her counter-charges. Another feature of next week’s issue will be partial prediction of Landon's success by States Already we have

mentioned Kansas and New York, At this time we will add Pennsylvan-i, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, New Jersey, and all the New England States. In-cidentally this includes Maine, which we predict will go for Landon by a big majority. If you put any stock in the old saw, "As goes Maine, so goes the nation . .. . " then you obviously grant our premises of a Landon victory. Incidentally, many of our critics, especially Yount, were unwilling to grant the New England states last spring; Massachusetts offered special field for argument. To Yount and others we reaffirm that Massachusetts and all the rest of the New England electoral votes will go for the Kansas governor.

One more jem before we close. Lloyds, the great Insurance firm of London, is currently betting 5 to 3 on Roosevelt and even money on

Landon. In other words, they believe that Roosevelt has 2 chances out of 5 to win. 3 out of 5 to lose. Take It or leave it—-all we can do is offer it to you. So long till next week.

• Alexander Q. Philpotts. Esq.



In making this little debut we feel something like the flowering bride gliding down the stairs on the arm of her father. In gathering those little snacks of so called scandal from the near and far of Mac we almost hate to say hello as bad as Little Ernest did "good-by." In fact we were led to believe that Thanksgiving was just around the corner.

Tut tut. Again I am reminded that Mother Emmert said her window was already open to those poor little boys who were trying to send ice cream up to a second floor window. We will always wonder why Mother Emmert has such good ears, for again it was she who hollered. "Hey, what are you doing there.” at three pairs of running feet down the second floor fireescape of dear old Arnold.

Poor Mary. "I am still haunted with two men." Stick around girls, maybe she will give you the other


And what about those misled Freshie girls who got points for lingering over their pop (This agency didn’t discover if it was grape or not) at that little place out where Dickey sticks Its tail down. Boys you really should keep football rules, you know.

It seems that the old Republican-Democratic fight is still on, only it seems to be becoming, to date or not to date. Incidentally we wonder who Naylor has designs on as he was heard to say, he would take a date to the football games. Well it seems to us that the next Spec will probably carry a return editorial for the football captain.

Shame on those girls who bothered the rival college to ask for a certain

Leda Wine and couldn't find Euclid street without asking wayfarers on the street.

And then, our most honorable and distinguished professor of literature was explaining how a certain young man fell in a cave in a most interesting novel, and the next sentence by said doctor was, "Well, I won’t go into that now."

Furthermore, we heard that rugs were now in style for those gentlemen who come and go through the_ hall of Fannystock or was the idea to clean up the room.

So we hid Bon Ami till more Scampus Scandals are gathered—

Church Gives Reception

Many college students attended

welcome reception given for them by the members of the college church in the church parlors following the services Sunday evening.

,Varied entertainment was supplied under the direction of Rush Holloway. Refreshments were served to conclude the affair.

Dr. Schwalm Speaks About New Freedom

"What will you do with the new freedom which college offers you?" was the theme of the address given by Dr. Schwalm in chap-el Friday morning. "Will it be a stumbling block or a stepping stone?"    

Dr. Schwalm pointed out that Freedom is not the right to do what we please, but it is the right to do now and to do without restraint what we know to be right. "There is nothing nobler under heaven than a young man or a young woman taking intelligent charge of his or her own life," he said.

"While we are free to make our own choices," he said, "We are responsible for them and cannot escape the consequences. There are laws of choice, and he who breaks these laws must pay the price. But the fact that you live in a universe of law does not limit your freedom—it enhances it."

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Dell had as guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dell, parents of Mr. Dell. Ted Dell, Pauline Dell from Beatrice, Nebraska and S. M. Dell of Baltimore, Maryland.

Astronomy declares September 23 as the first day of the autumnal equinox when the sun is directly over the equator. Then for three months or until the vertical rays of the sun are farthest from the south-ern hemisphere, autumn, the summer’s last smile, is here.

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The Spectator

THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1936


Bulldogs To Meet Indians Tomorrow

Canines Drop Final Score to Hornets 20-7 After Tough Battle; 7-6 Lead at Half.

Tomorrow night the McPherson College Bulldogs will play their second game of the season against the Bacone Indian College of Bacone, Oklahoma. With the Emporia game behind them, Coach Selves' players should be able to show the Indians a real battle.

Last year McPherson defeated a. much heavier Bacone team in their only loss of the season. This year, they will again have a great weight

advantage over the Bulldogs. Their starting lineup will average 183 pounds.

Only three lettermen will start for

the Indians. The Oklahomans have

practically a new team this year, but

they have been showing up well in

practice this fall. Coach E. G. McLemore

will bring a squad of 24 to show the

Bulldogs a real game.

Two McPherson regulars, Dwight Barngrover and Merwin Hapgood, probably will not start due to injuries received In the Emporia game.

The probable starting lineup: 'McPherson    Pos. Bacone

Horst______LE.----J. White

Hall______L.T. ----- Frost

Seidel___L.G. ----- Lowry (C)

Rock .......... C...... H. West

Vasquez    - R. G.    R. West

Colwell —........ R T.    . T.    Claymore

D. Barngrover R.E.    —Summers

Crabb ______ Q.B........ Worsham

Shannon ----F.B.    Douglas

Haun .......... R.H......G. White

Zuhars___L.H.    Rockman

grover suffered a recurrence of an old back injury, and Merwin Hapgood is having trouble with an injured hip. It is doubtful whether either player will any action in this game. Barngrover will be replaced by Colwell or Boyer, and Shannon will take Hapgood's position in the backfield. The rest of the squad is in good condition.    *

Sport Skits

The Hornets seemed to miss several of last year's stars in the game Friday night. Jim Fraley, captain of the 1935 team, and Cecil Dryer are both playing with the New York, Giants pro team. Fraley, a fullback, was a star ground gainer, and Dryer, guard, was the backbone of their line.

Gene Kemper of the "Topeka Capital" says that the difference be-tween the 1935 and the 1936 scores with the Hornets "came from both ways; McPherson is stronger, Emporia weaker than a year ago.”

There were probably more scouts at the game Friday than one would suppose. St. Benedicts, Wichita and Fort Hays all had scouts here to see what Emporia will have to offer this year.

Look out for a passing attack from the Swedes this year! They gained 260 yards on passes against Kearney, Nebraska, Teachers, but lost 19 to 7. Ireland threw most of the passes for Bethany.

These Kearney Teachers, a late season opponent of the "Bulldogs, have a 200 pound line that aided greatly in stopping the Swedes.

Bulldogs Go Down Before Emporians

Bacone Outweighs McPherson By Several Pounds—Oppon-ents Have Three Lettermen.

The McPherson College Bulldogs displayed unusual and unexpected strength against the Emporia State Teachers College in the first foot-ball game of the season, before a crowd of 2,000 fans, last Friday night.

Selves' speedy troop, having scor-ed on a trick pass, led at the first half 7 to 6. The Hornets’ extra weight advantage and capable reserve strength proved too much for the Canines. The Emporians dominated the last half to score two touchdowns to win 20 to 7.

McPherson's backfield looked exceptionally well, but the line experienced considerable trouble In combatting the much heavier Hornet forward wall. The Teachers out weighed the Bulldogs 16 pounds to the man. Despite this weight advantage the visitors found it hard to penetrate the Bulldog line when their backs were to the enemy’s goal.

Haun and Zuhars did most of the ball carrying while Crabb did a good job of calling signals, Hapgood was always in the fray and his blocking paved the way for many gains. Zuhars, being up to form, broke through for several long gains. Once In the opening half he twisted his way through a broken field for 21 yards before being downed. He slipped off 13 yards another time for a first down. In the last half he thrilled the crowd with a brilliant 24-yard dash around right end, having excellent blocking all the way.

The Bulldogs, as a result of the splendid showing they made in this game, promise to be a real Kansas Conference threat. This game is a warning to conference opponents to be on the lookout this season when they meet the Bulldogs, because they are going to find plenty of trouble.

Emporia scored first in the opening half. After losing the ball on the 12 yard line, they started another drive which eventually led to a touchdown. Petty passed from the 20 yard line to Mawdsley, who covered the remaining distance for the first counter. McPherson blocked the attempted kick for the extra

son 26, Emporia 21. Punts—McPherson 10 for 293 yards, average of 29.3 yards per punt; Emporia five for 190 yards, average of 38 yards

per punt. Passes—McPherson attempted five, completed two for 23 yards; Emporia attempted 11, completed four for 66 yards. Penalties— McPherson five for 35 yards; Emporia nine for 65 yards. First downs —McPherson six. Emporia 17. Passes Intercepted: McPherson none; Emporia two for 16 yards. Fumbles— McPherson three. Emporia four.

Officials: Referee--Dwight Ream, Topeka; umpire—Gene Kemper, Topeka; head linesman—Geo. "Cash" Carlson, Lindsborg.

Results Of Last Week's Games

Emporia Teachers, 20; McPherson, 7.

Kearney. Neb., Teachers, 19; Bethany, 7.    

College of Emporia, 7; Bethel


Kansas Wesleyan, 24; Sterling, 0.    

Games Friday Night

(All non-conference games)

Bacone Indians vs. McPherson.

Bethany vs. Bethel at Newton.

Ottawa vs. Haskell at Lawrence.

Baker vs. Southwestern at Winfield.

Warrensburg vs. Kansas Wesleyan at Salina.

College of Emporia vs. Alva, Okla., Teachers, At Alva.

Lealand Enborg secured a position as head chemist in the Carey Salt Plant In Hutchinson. Lealand will be remembered as a former student of McPherson College and assistant to Doctor Hershey in the Chemistry Department.

Experiences of Young Kentucky Mountaineer

When I was a young lad. my partner and I lived in a cabin many miles from the closest trading post. It had been a hard winter and as spring opened we were out of provisions, so with one bullet for my muzzle loader, I set forth to get some game. I cut the bullet in half and loaded my gun. All day until late in the afternoon I trudged my way without sight of any game, but as I started back, tired and discouraged, I saw a deer which I shot with one-half of the bullet. With the deer on my back, I started for home. As it had rained a while before the creeks were swollen with muddy water. I waded boldly out into the water and as I came out I discovered that I had fifty pounds of fish in buckskin trousers. These pants shrunk as they dried, causing a button to fly of killing a rabbit.

By this time, the game I had was getting heavy, so I sat down under a tree to rest. Glancing up into the tree above me I saw to my delight nineteen turkeys in a row on a limb. I aimed my gun and fired the second half of my lone bullet, but to my surprise the turkeys remained exactly as they were on the limb. Upon investigation I discovered the bullet had split the limb catching all the turkeys toes and holding them In place.

As I stood there worrying how to get all my game back to the cabin an idea came to me. I chopped off the limb and frightened the turkeys, who dutifully flew me home.


Dear Dad, Mother, Brother and Sis, A mighty fine college Is this;

The professors are swell And I've already fell

For a girl that's so sweet I could kiss!

Mon. Sept. 9.

Wed. Sept. 9 Dear Mother, Dad. Sister and Bob, They have me down for a tough job I cut weeds after three Until supper's rcady-y.

Say, the girl I spoke of is a snob!

Fri. Sept. 11. Dear Sister, Bob, Mother and Dad. This day is the worst I have had— The assignments are long—

No time for ping-pong;

Things really are getting quite bad;

Mon. Sept. 14. Dear Sister, Dad, Bobby and Mother, —she's a lot nicer girl than the other;

We went to the show    

And what do you know,    '

Next week we will go to another!

Thurs. Sept. 17.

Dear Folks, College really is great And there's only one thing that I hate—

When wo go to foot ball The freshies and all Were told they could not have a date!

—The Turtle.

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Seventy years ago this month 26 young women and 29 young men trooped into a small two-story building to attend the first classes of the University of Kansas. The faculty consisted of Chancellor R. W. Oliver and Professors Rice, Robinson and Snow.—University Daily Kansan, Kansas University.

For two long weeks, Sept. 21 to October 5. all freshman members of Friends University will be faced with a period of mental torture which ambitious sophs predict will out class any and all previous func-tions of this nature.—University Life, Friends University at Wichita.

Now M. C. Freshmen—Don't feel so bad about your lot, for here ago a few of the rules at Wichita.

Freshmen may have no dates ex-cept during initiation and the AllSchool Hike.

All freshmen boys shall attempt to grow a mustache.

No freshman girl shall wear make-up.

All freshmen must be able to recite the initiation rules at any time or place.

—University Life.

McPherson is considering scheduling the Hornets in a 20 minute game next season. The Bulldogs led 6 to 0 at the half last year and lost 21 to 6. This year the Teachers won 20 to 7 after trailing 6 to 7 at the half.

Kansas Wesleyan doped to win the Kansas Conference, must have had considerably trouble with Sterling. They needed two blocked punts to aid In scoring 24-points.

Although Coach Liston of Baker has a squad of' 44 out for football, he refuses to become enthusiastic over the 1936 prospects. He has ten lettermen back; but eight of last year's starting lineup are missing.

College of Emporia surprised the dopesters by needing an 83 yard run to defeat Bethel. The Presbies were supposed to win more easily than that.

Two Bnlldog regulars will be missing when the game starts Friday night- Both were injured in the game last week. Dwight Barn-


The Canines’ lone, touchdown came as result of Dave McGill's recovery of an Emporia fumble on the Hornets’ 39 yard line. Haun was given the ball on the next play and twisted and wriggled his way for 15 yards. On the following play Zuhars passed 15 yards to Haun on a trick play that completely baffled the Hornets. Haun crossed the line unmolested by any Emporia player. The try for the extra point was good.

with Haun's educated toe placing it between the uprights.

Emporia's second counter, came after blocking a McPherson punt on the 25 yard line. King lateraled to Petty for a gain of seven yards. Starkey made a first down, and Mc-Pherson was penalized half the distance to the goal, one yard, and Starkey plunged over the line to score with Albright converting the extra point.    

The starting lineup:

McPherson Pos. Emporia

Horst    .LT ---lnnes

Hall ....... LE —----Harper

Seidel    LG    Rhoades

Rock    C--Gooch

Vasquez    RG -- Strube

Dw. Barngrover RT_---■---— Smith

D.. Barngrover    RE ------ Kline

Crabb ____    GB- Mawdsley

Hapgood    FB--------Meats

Haun    RH----Ring

Zuhars ... . LH ...------- Petty

Summary : Yards gained at scrim-mage—McPherson 117, Emporia 263. Yards lost at scrimmage—McPher-